It was the first day of the new year and John was forced to confront a cruel reality—he was no longer a man. He sat on the stairs of Sarah’s high-rise loft, feeling a range of conflicting emotions. He was angry at Sarah for putting him through this undeserved ordeal and angry at himself for not being able to stop her. Maybe he didn’t deserve a cock if she could take it away from him so easily. John remembered their first meeting—that fateful night when they ran into each other at a small jazz club in the city. John had been out with some of his friends from work and Sarah was there by herself. She immediately captivated him with her beauty—sparkling green eyes and a figure that seemed almost impossible. They talked all night, laughing and sharing stories about their lives. John was enchanted. “I know this is a crazy thing to say,” Sarah had said at the end of the evening, “But you’re, like, my ex-girlfriend’s twin. If she’d been a guy, I mean.” That should have been a red flag, but John was smitten. And Sarah wasn’t just gorgeous, she was also rich—old New York money. Their courtship was a whirlwind affair, full of lavish dinners, exotic trips, and expensive gifts. But then the tables turned. Sarah began to demand more and more from John—she expected him to dress differently, talk differently, act differently. She even convinced him to start taking estrogen, claiming it would keep his heart healthy and prevent wrinkles. But at the dosage she provided, the hormones did much more. His muscles softened, his skin became smoother, and his body hair slowly disappeared. After a year, people at work were whispering about him, speculating that he was transitioning. John decided to confront Sarah, and that’s when she blindsided him with the truth. “Remember I said you looked like my ex? I want you to become her. I...I loved her. I didn’t think I was capable of loving anyone! But then, she was gone. And I want you to become as like her as possible.” John tried to resist, but Sarah’s force of will was too strong. Soon, she’d turned him into her own living doll—and it was only a matter of time before she made the ultimate demand. And, of course, he eventually gave in. Sarah took him to one of the best surgeons in the city. John was terrified, but Sarah was so confident that this was what he wanted deep down—or, at least, what she wanted for him. Now, on the first day of 2023, the doctors had given the all-clear for a “test run” of his new equipment. John felt a mix of anticipation and dread. He no longer felt like a man or a woman—he was something else entirely, a creature of Sarah’s design. He heard a key turning in the lock and Sarah walked into the room. She froze, staring at him. John was stunned by how beautiful she was, clad in a tight cocktail dress that showed off her curves. Her eyes sparkled and her hair cascaded down her shoulders. “Wow.” She looked John up and down. “You look great.” “Thanks,” John didn’t know what else to say. “So do you.” “Sorry, the charity dinner ran late. Are you, um, ready for our first time?” “I...I guess so,” John replied. Sarah grinned. “Don’t worry, I promise that after tonight all those regrets you think you’re feeling will float away like the summer clouds.” She held out her hand. “Come on. Let’s go upstairs.” John took her hand and followed her, his heart racing with a mix of fear and excitement. He knew that whatever was about to happen would change him forever. As they reached the bedroom, Sarah turned to him with a strangely shy smile and said, “I know you’re not Delilah, but is it okay if I use that name for you? Just for tonight?” John nodded, not trusting himself to speak. Delilah, of course, was Sarah’s ex-girlfriend—her first (and maybe only) love. “Thank you, Dee. I’ve...I’ve missed you.”