"God damn it! Choked it again…" Grendel cursed and mumbled to themself as the arcade machine in front of them flashed its bright yellow "game over" screen once more. It was a screen that the rat had seen several times over the past few hours, burned into their retinas, and yet it only made the rat more and more frustrated every time they saw it. It meant that all that progress was for nothing, that they would have to throw another quarter into this machine that had already stolen a pockets’ full of them, that they would be in for - at least - another 10 minutes of intense focus and concentration. Under normal circumstances, Grendel probably would have just popped at this point, even in a public arcade like this. But they weren't alone on this day. Sleeping soundly on top of the rat’s head, in a stark contrast to the frustration boiling and bubbling right underneath him, was Grendel's mouse friend, HT. Compared to Grendel's massive bulk, HT was much more of a typical size for a mouse, and he had been doing his fair share of gaming today until he decided that it was a good time to take a nap. Plenty of people filtered in and out of the arcade behind Grendel, but none of them bothered the rat or stood in line behind the game they were playing. Until the arrival of two...special characters. A panther and a bear, immediately laughing and joking and just generally being obnoxious from the moment they walked through the door. They passed by Grendel on their way into the arcade, and while neither of them really took notice of Grendel, the panther did see something he was interested in. Without breaking his stride, the panther reached over and plucked the sleeping mouse right off of Grendel's head, opening his mouth and casually tossing the mouse inside as he was rudely awoken from his nap! The panther’s jaws clamped shut around HT as the mouse was jolted awake, yelling and cursing out the panther as he started to squirm and wiggle around inside. He managed to get to his feet for a few moments under the cat’s tongue, before all that progress was stunted as the cat slurped up his snack's tail and casually swallowed the wriggling mouse right down! "Yeah, I can't believe she said that to you, dude. I'd dump her ass right the-" "What the fuck are you doing?!" A voice from behind the panther cut him off in the middle of his sentence. Grendel might have been very absorbed in their game, but they still had more than enough awareness to feel the panther's paws brushing up against their hair as it snatched the mouse up! The big rat whirled around to face the two predators in an instant, very much demanding to know who the fuck they thought they were. And, despite how much weight Grendel had to throw around, the panther and bear were not perturbed in any way. "Oh, that? Didn't look like you were going to eat him, so I took it upon myself to put that mouse in his place…" the panther replied, patting at his abdomen to accentuate where HT had presumably ended up. The bear snickered at his friend’s teasing, and seeing both of them acting so casually about having eaten their friend like that threw Grendel into even more of a rage. The rat quickly rushed forward, gritting their teeth as they prepared to swing first and ask questions later... But, just before a brawl was sure to break out in the arcade, the panther's hands suddenly went to grip his own throat as if he was coughing up a hairball, stunning both Grendel and the bear enough to delay that brawl for a few moments. Grendel was confused for a few moments, but as they watched a bulge start to travel up the panther's throat while he continued to choke and gasp, a slight smile started to spread across their face. It looked like HT might not need their help after all… A few seconds later, Grendel's suspicions were confirmed. The panther's jaws opened back up against his will, revealing that HT was prying them open without even breaking a sweat! Other than his orange hoodie being stained and dripping with drool and stomach juices, he looked more than fine, and started to waltz his way down the panther's tongue as the feline stood stunned in a mixture of pain, confusion, and fear. He was casually standing on the tip of that fleshy appendage a few seconds later, like it was a diving board to the colorful floor below him! "You really shouldn't have interrupted my nap…" the mouse said, before jumping right off the panther's tongue down to the arcade floor! What surely looked like a daunting fall to a normal sized person was actually rather painless for the mouse, though now being surrounded by three pairs of stomping paws wasn't exactly the best idea… The panther rubbed his sore throat and growled as he looked down at the mouse who had just effortlessly climbed his way back up his throat, wondering if he was on some sort of candid camera show or something! He wasn't sure what to expect next, but an earth-shattering ankle punch that made him cry out in pain and fall to the ground almost immediately definitely was far back on that list! HT delivered the blow so casually, knocking down the creature easily eight times his height in just one punch, a sight which caused the panther's friend to start slowly backing away in fear. "Look, you freak, we don't want any trouble, it was just an honest mistake! You don't need to - " And that was the last thing the bear said before HT delivered another punch, knocking the bear to the ground like he was felling a mighty redwood. In a matter of moments, HT had miraculously gone from being stuck inside of a panther's stomach to having his would-be predators crumbled in a groaning, aching pile in front of him and his friend! The mouse casually wiped his hands off as he walked away from what he had done, standing before Grendel as the much larger rat looked down at him with a smile. "Ugh...I need a shower." he groaned as he continued to wipe off droplets of stomach juices and the like from his body, before turning back around to the panther and bear - still incapacitated. "But, how do you feel about lunch first?" Lunch was something Grendel was very interested in, considering that they had spent the past 3 hours continuously staring at a screen! The rat quickly waddled over to the crumpled pile of predators, casually picking up the panther by the scruff on the back of his neck and yanking him up to eye-level. The panther was still conscious, but he could do little more than whimper as Grendel opened their mouth wide in front of him, the rat’s buck teeth glinting in the artificial light of the arcade as Grendel started to feed. The rat's tongue rolled out of their mouth like a red carpet before they shoved the panther's face inside, the cat immediately starting to squirm and wriggle around as they were smothered on all sides by humid, wet mouth flesh...but all their struggles did was make the rat's already-fat belly jostle and jiggle around. In fact, with how big Grendel's gut was, the panther might not even show up on the outside of it once he was all packed away…! And that would be quite the stark contrast to how HT would end up once he was finished. Yes, the tiny mouse intended on devouring the bear he had just incapacitated as well, no matter how preposterous or impossible it seemed! He casually grabbed the bear by his snout and started to drag him towards a corner of the arcade, once again demonstrating his impressive super strength while Grendel started to swallow the panther down, tipping their head back before taking a loud, satisfying *glRnk* that sucked the cat inside up to their shoulders! Grendel continued feasting while HT started to have his own meal, the mouse lining himself up with the bear's snout before starting to open his mouth. And it opened...and it opened...and it opened, incredibly wide, impossibly wide, far larger than the rest of the mouse's entire body! The bear, still semi-conscious at this point, widened his eyes as he saw this display of cartoon physics in front of him, the mouse's tongue undulating and his cheeks stretching out as he started to walk forward...and, goodness, it was an insane sight to see! HT's mouth wrapped around the bear's snout like shrink wrap, the mouse continuing to just walk forward and slide his entire body over the bear's snout and face like a sock gliding up a foot. The mouse's gut groaned and rumbled impatiently as he got a taste of this delicious predator, the fact that he was swallowing a creature at least 10 times his size just icing on the cake to the mouse. It was what they deserved for picking a fight with Grendel and him, after all! The two rodents continued to eagerly gulp away their meals, Grendel having slurped the panther up to his legs in the time it took HT to start working his way down the bear's snout and head. The panther's upper body had already partially slid out into the rat's fat stomach, being immediately assaulted by a cocktail of foul, strong odors and the tingling scent of stomach acid. Grendel might have been starving, but the rat did have a few snacks earlier, and what was left of them was here to greet the panther when he arrived inside…! Hopefully he wouldn't mind sharing this cramped space with a bunch of digested, slimy glop, because that's what he was going to have to do. The rat sighed as they took another sloppy, wet swallow, feeling quite a bit of weight settling in their pudgy stomach. All that was left of the would-be predator in the outside world was a pair of jet-black paws, framed by hungry black lips and buck teeth. Grendel brought a hand up to their open mouth, casually pushing inwards on the panther's dangerous claws to finish him off. The rat took their time with this, wanting to accentuate to their meal just how helpless they really were… Though, the rat's concentration was somewhat broken when they saw how HT had been doing out of the corner of their eye. The mouse's entire body was stretched out to an utterly comical degree, every facet and outline of the bear's upper body showing through the mouse’s own…HT looked like a tiny snake who had taken on a VERY challenging meal! And yet,the mouse continued to just slide his way over his meal’s body, the mouse's stretchy innards taking every wiggle and kick that the bear could make in stride...at this point, HT had wrapped himself around the bear's waist, just taking his time and working over the bear's legs inch by inch. The mouse's focus did get interrupted a little bit by the wet, sloshing sound of Grendel finishing off their own meal, though, the rat letting out a long, pleasured sigh and stroking over their bloated stomach as the panther kicked and wiggled around inside. Though, at his absolute best, all the panther could do was make little pregnant kicks on the outside of the rat's stomach, most of his movements easily concealed by the thick layers of fat that Grendel had on their belly...a mighty predator, thinking that they could have an easy snack on their way into the arcade, reduced to a wriggling bulge in a much larger rat! How ironic. Their meal finished, Grendel waddled over to HT, the mouse still working his way down the bear's legs. "Need some he-*UUUuuuaaaarrrppphhh*lp there?" the rat asked, spittle flying out of their mouth from the earth-shattering belch that interrupted their sentence...a belch that made the panther inside of Grendel kick around quite a bit, before the stomach walls clenched inward and silenced them once more. HT was physically incapable of saying anything to his friend at this point, so the mouse just tried his best to shake his head as he tried his best to finish up the huge undertaking that was his meal. His body stretched over the bear's like a skin-tight suit, especially as his mouth crept over the bear's legs and even his feet. The mouse was unable to control how much he was drooling, a pool forming on the arcade carpet, but that might actually help him out with finishing up the bear! There was just a tiny bit left for the mouse to swallow up, and then it would all be over… *sh-GLRNK!* Up until now, HT had just been creeping his way over his meal’s body, but once his lips wrapped themselves around the bear's feet and he was actually able to close his mouth again, the mouse clenched all of his throat muscles as tight as he possibly could. He had a few misfires, but he was eventually able to pack the bear away with a single, reality-defying gulp, one that nearly eliminated all the protrusions in HT's body and compressed them into a single gut bulge, about the size of a tennis ball, in the middle of the mouse's body! Considering HT was only around 3 inches tall, that belly bulge was still nearly the size of the entire rest of his body, but it was a far cry from the insanity that was happening earlier...it was a hell of a way for HT to show off his hammer space powers, for sure! As the mouse let his enormous meal settle, he rolled back onto his rear end, his arms wrapped around the sides of his swollen gut before a powerful *BWWwwwuuuuUUUrrrppphh* blew open his lips! Grendel couldn't help but laugh as they witnessed the massive transformation HT had gone through in only a few seconds, the mouse looking fatter then Grendel themself. "Oh yeah, I forget that you can do that sometimes..." the rat dryly remarked, reaching down to pick HT up and quickly realizing that he was much, much heavier, though not nearly as heavy as the combined weight of him and his meal would be normally. It felt like Grendel was picking up a bag of rocks or something, honestly; still quite a bit heavier than normal, but not too unwieldy for Grendel to carry around. At least, HT wasn't unwieldy until the bear inside started to squirm around! Though his meal was packed away inside the mouse's hammerspace belly, the bear was still squirming around like he was trapped in a normal stomach, and every now and again his squirms would actually show something on the outside of HT's belly. A snout pressing out, or a hand palpating against the walls…the only thing was, they were still the normal size for the bear, so that resulted in some truly hilarious sights for Grendel! Each protrusion the bear made was easily the size of the rest of HT's body, and the mouse was basically unable to move unless Grendel carried him around with how much weight was being distributed and redistributed inside of him constantly! Although HT had done this plenty of times, it still made the mouse feel a bit queasy to have someone wriggling around inside of him like that… "Hah...I don't know about you, but I'm still hungry. Want to get pizza?" Apparently, that craziness wasn't enough to stop HT from agreeing to Grendel's suggestion for a little post-lunch snack across the street! Grendel spent a few minutes doing one last run at the game they were playing with the quarter that was already in the machine, HT once again curling up in a ball on top of Grendel's head...but falling off more than once from the squirming bear causing him to lose his balance! Eventually, though, Grendel had more than enough of the arcade for one day, and the two full, yet still-hungry friends headed across the street to a local pizza place. Grendel was more than fat enough for the fact they had eaten someone to fly under the radar, but HT got plenty of weird looks as the two friends sat down in a booth in the corner of the restaurant. The mouse was still being cartoonishly bounced around by the kicks and squirms happening inside of him, while Grendel's feline meal had gone mostly quiet...or perhaps their wiggles were just more than insulated from the outside world by thick layers of rat fat! Either way, the waiter was most certainly staring at HT and not Grendel as they took the rodents’ orders, leaving the two friends to chit-chat for about 20 minutes (and attempt to stifle plenty of restaurant shaking belches!) until their food finally arrived. The panther was pretty much rat fat at this point, but the bear was still struggling around inside this hyperspace stomach! On the inside, it actually felt relatively...well, normal isn't the right word, but akin to how it would feel inside of a regular sized stomach; but the knowledge of what exactly had swallowed him up left the bear in an absolute confused panic. Especially as those slimy walls continued to encroach on his curled-up body, his skin starting to tingle and even go a bit numb as digestion started to set in. Oh god, was he really about to get gurgled up inside of this freakish dimensional anomaly that was HT's stomach? All he could hear around him were the sounds of his own digestion, completely shut off from the outside world, not able to hear or sense the slightest thing of what was happening beyond the walls of the mouse's stomach... *splt* The bear's panic was interrupted a few moments later as something splattered down onto his body, the thick goop quickly mixing with the rest of the slimy fluids that the bear was stewing in. The squirming ursine hardly noticed it at first, but then he took a deep breath in...pizza. Saucy, cheesy, gooey...no way. There was just no way that this mouse was eating a whole pizza on top of him! And yet, it was happening to him right now. Before now he could at least take solace in the fact that he was most certainly filling up the mouse to the point of immobility...but now? He wasn't enough for this freakish rodent? URGH! It almost renewed a struggle inside of him, but even that fire could not be matched by his physical ability. No, HT’s second lunch would just continue to pile down on the bear as he gradually continued to churn up inside of the mouse... HT and Grendel plowed through their pizza, the two rodents feeling much more satiated after devouring two large deep dishes together. They left with extremely full bellies and smiles on their faces, more than happy with how their day had progressed...even if it started out in a VERY strange fashion!