On the second basement floor is the Yu-topia Fitness and Training Gym. With every step I took on the gym floor, the smell and mist became thicker and stinkier. I wondered how big this place was. There was no end in sight. It's no longer a mist sauna, it's a real thick fog. Before I knew it, I had to put my hand on the mirrored wall to see even a little further. I put my hand on the polished mirror, listened to the low voices of the men, and step by step, I made my way through the fog that seemed to cover my nose and vision. As I made my way, I gradually realized that this savory smell was familiar to me. I had tasted it several times since I came to this hotel. In the hotel corridor, by the pool, and in Mr.Ohyama's room. --In the center of the thick fog, the person there was unmistakably Mr. Ohyama himself. "Mr.Ohyama......?" Mr. Ohyama's huge silhouette was posed muscularly, like a statue carved out of a rock. Mr. Oyama did not seem to be in training. His upper body was bare and he had a thick towel wrapped around his waist. Her sweaty body glistened in front of the mirror. I wondered if she was cooling down. "...... Oh, you're here to work out too?" Mr. Ohyama noticed my voice and turned around with a gentle smile on his face. "I'm sure your muscles are happy to see you here. Mr.Ohyama-san then emphasized his well-trained biceps. The so-called "power mass" swelled up. I glanced back at the mirror that was shining right beside me and found myself nodding in satisfaction at the result. mr.Ohyama's speech is normal itself. Perhaps the reason he hasn't noticed the abnormality of this place is because he can't see his surroundings in this thick fog. Even now, Mr.Ohyama is looking at me, but his gaze is not fixed. "Oh yeah, if it's okay with you, can I give you some advice like a personal trainer? Teaching is learning. I've always wanted to try it, but never had the chance. "Oh... that's very kind of you to offer, but ...... you know, this place is a little ...... "No need to be shy. I've already finished one set. See how pumped up I am?" Mr.Ohyama said and lifted one leg. The towel flipped up a little, revealing his well-trained soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. Even on the other side of the fog, the muscularity of his muscles and his masculine smile shone prominently. "Yes, you're getting tougher than I saw you yesterday,....... "It's a great facility, and I'm really excited about it. I've got to get plenty of protein today. Mr.Ohyama-san laughed with a mixture of embarrassment and joy, and slapped his own skin. Mr.Ohyama's pace was perfect. It was hard to cut to the chase. However, partly because I was being swallowed up by Mr. Oyama's atmosphere, I couldn't organize what I wanted to say in my mind when I tried to say it again. This facility and the people who use it are going crazy one after another. It's all very occult. And there is no evidence to support it. But there is evidence. The men in this hotel. "Before training, I was wondering if I could talk to Mr. Ohyama about a problem I've been having with ....... "M? Oh, so that's why you were looking for me. I've only known you a short while. I've only known you a short time, but I'll do whatever I can to help you, and you can count on me. My fears were unfounded. There are some people in this world who take pleasure in being relied upon. Mr. Ohyama is a typical example of this type of person. "It's as if I'm training myself to be able to play an active role at any time for people in trouble. Well, what kind of trouble is it? I hope it's a problem that I can compete with ...... so that my uncle can be useful. While saying humble things, Mr.Ohyama's arm was pulsating thumpingly. I'm not sure what to make of this. Each time, the redness of Mr. Ohyama's face became stronger. She seemed to be feverish with excitement. It was starting to get weird. "It is a great honor for you to be the first to come to me for help. ...... I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. "I'm not sure what to say, but I think I have a pretty good, strong body. Mmm, oh ......!" The voice gradually rumbled and a strange shaking began. I thought it would be fine to make her happy, but it's getting stranger and stranger. He was shaking pleasantly, as if he was being stroked in a relaxed manner. "Mmm ...... hoo ...... ugh, ohhh ......." Oh, that's funny. The muscles of the lower part of my body, which should be covered by the towel, began to slowly rise. They were muscular. It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your money. No, it wasn't. That's not muscle. It was the bulge of a sponge. Male excitement. A man's instinct that he can't control. That's an erection. From the gap in Mr.Ohyama's towel, a thick, gnarly meat stick was leaning against his sickle. It was as if a huge snake was poking its face out of a rock. It's a great way to make sure you don't get caught in the middle of the action. "Huh ......! --Ah ......" Mr.Ohyama seemed to have noticed the change in his body, and with a slightly embarrassed look on his face, he began to shake his hips. He shook his lower body as if to confirm the reality. The movement was still too raw for my cock. The huge cock, with its overly large glans making a solid curve, bobbed up and down. Mr. Ohyama stared into the mirror, his eyebrows twitching with an expression of embarrassment, awkwardness, and a hint of pride. "Well, well, what's the trouble? Don't be shy. Come on, there's nothing to be shy about! After all, this is a great mist, you see, and no matter how embarrassing your appearance is - it's almost invisible ......, so you can rely on your uncle a lot, no one can see you. No one can see you, you know. ......! Mr.Ohyama then glanced alternately at the mirror and at me, and sighed sweetly, "M...... phew. Apparently, Mr. Ohyama thinks that he has not been noticed. He thinks that his embarrassing erection, and his excitement at seeing it in the mirror, are hidden in the fog. Or maybe it's the thrill of not being able to tell the difference between the two. "Today, my muscles and ...... manhood are in great shape, you know. I'm sure you'll be able to solve any problems like a hero. ...... Oh, yes, yes, yes, very refreshingly, uncle will solve your problems. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this. I'm not sure what to make of this. "It's a good thing that I'm not the only one with a bad taste in my mouth. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to be doing in the future. I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this. I'm not sure what to make of it, but it's a good idea. "It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. "What? In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. In the event that you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact me at ....... The two mirrored Mr.Ohyama show off their slobbery smiles at the same time. And the two meat sticks also show off their pecker covered in pre-cum. They don't know. They can't have known. Within the safety net of his delusion, Mr. Ohyama is enjoying the act of exposure. There's no one to ask for advice, but there's no one to turn to anymore. "Ohyama, please calm down. The gym here is strange, I'm sure Ohyama has been affected by something, and that's why he's doing this. ...... "This is such a ......! You can find a lot of people who are interested in this kind of thing, but you can also find a lot of people who are not interested in this kind of thing. ......! "Mr.Oyama! "It's okay, it's okay, you can count on me for anything, you see, I'm twice the size here, so I can solve your problems twice as fast. This muscular muscle is doubled, this magnificent mass of a man is doubled ......, ah, yes, doubled, here and here ...... too ...... ♥" With a pouting face, Mr.Ohyama's disgusting smile became even more twisted. And then it turned into an unbelievable scene. The excitement in his brain slowly reached a climax, and semen gushed from his erection even though he hadn't touched it. "I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it. I'm not surprised. The fact that he was relied upon made Mr.Ohyama excited. The fact that he had been asked made Oyama-san excited, and the joy filled his brain completely. It made her look even more beautiful. And he became even more intoxicated with himself. That's exactly how I felt, to the point of ejaculation. "Ohyama ........." He looked happy, but his appearance was more affected than anyone else's. Now Mr.Ohyama is a complete pervert. He's a perverted, exposed father, a mass of masculinity, male sexuality run amok. Is there something wrong with this gym? Is there something wrong with this hot spring? I don't know what I can do to help him. "For now, ...... we have to get out of here. First, let's get out of here together, Ohyama! "Mmm? I took a step closer to Mr.Ohyama-san's position. "Oh, wait, wait, wait, if you get too close, ......! Oh, oh, the mist, the mist is shaking, oh, oh, oh, I can see ......! One step. It was only one step closer. But that one step became a fatal blow to Mr.Ohyama's reason. I'm sure this distance will be fine. The rule he had set for himself was broken. For the first time in his life, Mr.Ohyama finally let others know that he was showing his erection in the mirror. More importantly, he was ejaculating at that very moment. "Oh, my ...... oh, Ohyama Hidekatsu's secret will be exposed--oh, oh, oh!" Instead of wilting there, Mr.Ohyama's meat stick pulsed hard and strong. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Mr.Ohyama writhed and screamed loudly. The stick of flesh sticking out of the towel shot straight up and spurted semen more violently into the mirror that showed him. The shock and the pulse of the rod were so great that the towel around her waist fell to the floor with a thud. "I was completely naked! I'm naked! I can't hide anything! I'm naked. The fact that she was naked made Mr.Ohyama's brain squeeze even harder. It's a great way to make sure you don't miss any of the excitement, pressure points, and embarrassment that can be converted into semen and spewed out. Mr.Oyama, with a dumb look on his face, sketched himself into the mirror, as if he wanted to smear his body with a lot of semen. "Oooh, my ejaculation, my ejaculation is being seen, my double ejaculation in the mirror, my ejaculation is being seen ......! Mr.Ohyama continued to expose his embarrassing figure without hiding it, and continued to ejaculate in the nude. ---Maybe it was a good thing that Mr.Ohyama had finished her training. Despite the intense ejaculation and tremendous lasciviousness, Mr.Ohyama did not become more perverted like the others, and that is why he spoke to me with normal communication skills, as if the ejaculation had calmed him down. He wiped off his own semen and suggested, red-faced, that we move to a different location. "'Everyone goes crazy. This hotel, the hot springs, the swimming pools, ...... anyway, ever since we entered the building, we've been doing ...... sexual and heroic acts one after another, without any hesitation... ...everyone ......." When I told him what I had seen so far, he seemed to have his own memories and thoughts about it. "I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will help you out. I thought it was the usual... Anyway, yeah, I thought you were delusional or something too. Mr.Ohyama was slurring his words, but I decided to step in and ask him about it. I told him again and again that it was nothing to be ashamed of, since he was the one who had been involved in this situation, and I pestered him to find out why he had acted the way he had, and if he could think of any reason why. "You're as righteous as I am, ....... I've decided that I'm ready to help you with whatever you need. ...... Mm. In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at our own web site. He said that since arriving at the hotel, he had performed many indecent acts without being seen. All of them, Ohyama said, he thought were his dreams. Why? Because they were all exciting situations that Ohyama had fantasized about for years. To show off your manly side in a public place. To overemphasize the male part and end up in embarrassment. To be watched closely as he acted like a hero. All of these were fantasies that Mr. Ohyama had had for years, but he had been holding back because it would have been a social problem and a crime to do so. However, while he was here, he had seen many men do the same thing, and when he showed it to the young man, he was excited rather than rejected, so he could do as many pleasant things as he wanted. Yes, the past few days had been as happy as a dream. --He was confused as he stared at Mr.Ohyama, who had become completely erect as he talked. ......... many years. Even before we got to this hotel, ......? Wouldn't that be strange? It's a good idea to have a good idea of what's going on in your life. I wondered if my common sense had been altered that deeply. No, if that's the case, then that hero suit that Mr.Ohyama brought in would look strange. --What the hell is going on here?