Happy Suburbs Ep 1. Narrator: Centuries ago! 3 Gods came together. Lord Glazed, lord chocolate, lord powdered created these powerful artifacts known as the “Greed Donuts” 9 of them in total. The Greed Donuts have the power to control any mortals mind, the power of healing, BLAH BLAH basically God like powers n shit! These treasures were used for the Gods to keep the mortals asses in check ya dig?? One day the evil “Tiny Dick Senpai” used the artifacts to control everyone’s minds and destroyed countless cities! Until the mighty toonzie the God and creator of toonzville beat tiny dick senpais evil ass with a tooth brush and a bottle of olive oil. Knowing that these greed donuts will continue to be misused, toonzies created 9 Vaults in the past, present, and future. And hidden each greed donut inside the vaults. Staying locked away from any greedy hands. UNTIL ONE DAY SOME DUMBASS WANTS TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD! *Shows ToonZville in the future, Everything is destroyed. Happy gang members are all dead except Pandora* *Shows pandora running to her house screaming* pandora: DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!! *Pandora makes it to her house running to her room* pandora: *breathing heavily* I knew the future would turn to shit but WHY THE FUCK AM I THE ONLY ONE LEFT?! *Pandora makes it to her room looking under her bed for her time machine* pandora: SHIT SHIT SHIT!!! WHERE IS IT?? *explosion for downstairs* *random voice* IM HERE BITCH!!! WHEN I SEE YOU IMMA DIP YO FINGERS N RANCH FOR FUCKIN WIT ME! then kill you afterwards. *Pandora pulls out a dick shaped time machine under her bed* *knocking on the door* random voice: LET ME IN BITCH!!! pandora: KNOCK FIRST BITCH!! random voice: Ok! *pauses* *knocks on the door* Pandora? are you in there? *knocks on the door* Can i come in please? hello? *pandora presses a button on the time machine* pandora: TAKE ME TO THE GOD DAMN PRESENT!!! *the door breaks down and a random gun shot shoots pandora in the stummy* pandora: FUCK SHIT GOD DAMMIT FUCK!! YOU COULD OF JUST SHOT ME IN THE FUCKING LEG BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! *random claps like villian type shit* stranger: ha ha ha pandora you really thought you could escape.. TDS: TINY DICK SENPAI?!? *Dun Dun dun!* *shows him holding up a 2 greed donuts the ones that give you god like powers* TDS: Now gimme da donut bitch! pandora: Suck my clit backwards bitch!! TDS: WHOA THERE! Hold the beef! Cuz i aint wit the violence. pandora: NIGGA YOU DEADASS DESTROYED THE WHOLE CITY! TDS: They should of dodged! NOW GIVE ME THE GREED DONUT!! pandora: Give me three reasons and a synonym and antonym and name three vowels on why i should give you the greed donut! *Tiny dick senpai pauses* TDS: Ok. 1st reason! I really realllyyy want it. 2nd reason! I want to dominate the world! uhhhh what number am i on? pandora: START OVER I DIDNT HEAR YOU! TDS: Damn ok. FIRST REASON! *pandora uses the time machine and teleports to the present* *CUTS TO THE PRESENT DAY A BORING ASS NEIGHBORHOOD* *Shows clair yelling at the roof* clair: SPRINKLES! SPRINKLES!!!!! GET YO ASS DOWN!! *Dahmir pops up* Dahmir: Clair? What are you doing? clair: My dumbass horse is doing pushups on the roof again dahmir: You got a horse? clair: SPRINKLES! SPRINKLES! *Shows the horse on the roof doing pushups* sprinkles: SHUT UP MOMMA! I GOT DIS! 1! 2! 3! WOO! FEEL THE BURN MOMMA! dahmir: How'd he even get up there??? clair: Nigga he climbed duh! *Cuts to dre, pandora, rocky, & myron, Alexidria celebrating jaydens birthday* dre: Happy birthday my son!! witcho big ass headdd pandora: Cmon jayden! Blow out your candles my big headed bitch ass cunt ass mistake ass baby! *jayden stares at the candles and doesnt do anything* rocky: is he autistic? *pandora from the future lands on the table breaks the table n stuff* future pandora: *Coughs* *coughs* I.. i-i... I need you guys help! dre: So you finna come up in my crib break my 100 dollar table and ruin my lil bastards son birthday party? fuck you. *future pandora gets up and everyone is shocked* rocky: YOOO you look just like my mom! future pandora: I am your mom dumbass! Just 30 years in the future pandora: So wait.. If your me whats my favorite thing in the world? future pandora: your purple dildo. pandora: yup thats me. future: Listen! *coughs* i dont have much time! But listen! *coughs* Yes im pandora but from the future. In my timeline you guys are all dead except me. A mad power hungry bastard known as "Tiny Dick Senpai" was revived and now seeks world domination! He shot me in my stummy before i can escape. Alexis: Wait why his name tiny dick senpai? Dre: ohhh shittttt i heard of that nigga in my social studies class! myron: Nigga what school did you go to? future pandora: SHUT UP AND LISTEN!! Tiny dick senpai was a ancient God who killed all the gods with their own creation. The Greed Donuts! Theres 9 of them in total and they grant super natural power to its wielder. Our Towns Great Ancestor TOONZIES managed to defeat him with a tooth brush and a bottle of olive oil! dre: Ight bitch you made that shit up. pandora: WHat are greed donuts? future pandora: There are these power ancient artifacts created by the Gods centuries ago. Our towns Ancestor TOONZIES hidden all 9 of them in different timezones. The Past, Present, and The Future. They give you these weird but somewhat necessary God like powers. *everyone was staring out the window* future pandora: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YALL DOING??! dre: Oh shit sorry we werent paying attention we watching this horse do pushups on somebodies roof. *shows sprinkles doing push ups* future pandora: GUYS IM LITERALLY ABOUT TO DIE!! PLEASE LISTEN!!! ok! In the future Tiny Dick Senpai managed to find 2 or the greed donuts! i found the final one so he wont be able to use the greed donuts full power! In order to use the full power of the greed donuts you must have all three on you. I managed to distract Tiny dick senpai in my time. *cuts to the future* TDS: Synonym one! Umm.. umm.. AYO WAIT A MINUTE!! *cuts back to present* future pandora: Im so damn surprised that shit worked. Dre: Ight so you telling us our ancestor killed a evil ass dictator with a stupid ass name centuries ago. Then the nigga sealed away all 9 artifacts in vaults in different timezones. Then the nigga wit the name Was revived, went to the future killed everyone including us except for you, Hes hunting down all 9 of the greed donuts, theres 3 in the past, present, and future. Tiny dick senpai has 2 and you have 1 and youre here to warn us bout him. Nigga whats our part in this shit? future pandora: You need to find the rest of the greed donuts! and use them against Tiny dick senpai to kill him! then destroy the artifacts after! rocky: Can we just call him tiny for short? Alexis: So wheres the first vault? future pandora: Its in this journal i manage to steal from tiny dick senpai when i first encountered him.. But its written in a differnt language i had to google translate the fuck outta dat shit.. future pandora: And Also he'll be here soon~ Alexis: Waitttttt You've been talking for like a hour, Didnt you say he shot you~ *future pandora instantly falls down and dies* *everyone stares* rocky: You had to open your whore mouth did ya?. The End.