SleepyHypno 2:29 AM so... i have a question for you two? Ivy 2:30 AM yes? Princess 2:30 AM we may or may not have an answer SleepyHypno 2:30 AM what is it that you think of the most when you think of new years? Ivy 2:30 AM noise Princess 2:30 AM fireworks Ivy 2:30 AM Ok, fine um the several rituals my mom does every year to bring upon good luck and good fortune But, there is a general sense of hopoe hope that the next year will be better someone how prosperous or less stressful Princess 2:31 AM ^^ SleepyHypno 2:32 AM Do you know what comes to mind for me? Princess 2:32 AM enter sarcastic remark SleepyHypno 2:32 AM 10... 9... 8... Ivy 2:32 AM oh, goodness SleepyHypno 2:32 AM 7... 6... Ivy 2:32 AM we should've seen that coming SleepyHypno 2:32 AM 5... 4... 3... Princess 2:33 AM yeah, totally shouldve seen this SleepyHypno 2:33 AM 2... 1... Ivy 2:33 AM here we go SleepyHypno 2:33 AM SLEEP nice and deep nice and relaxed now just feeling your bodies sink into the chair and simply relax now and focus focus on my words it's ok fi you need to adjust need to let your body get comfortable wherever you need to be to enjoy my words now and let yourself simply realx and sink sink sink deeper and deeper into the words now. you can do that can't you ladies? Princess 2:34 AM yes Ivy 2:34 AM mmhm [Notice that they were totally joking even though the countdown worked really well on both of them] [Princess: Honestly forgot that New Years had countdowns] [Ivy: As soon as I saw "10...9..." I thought "oh, he's counting down....wait.... COUNTDOWNS ". I will say I LOVE we were able to get our remarks in there while we were still somewhat coherent.] SleepyHypno 2:35 AM jsut allow your body to simply let go and relax let every breathe that you take simply help you to focus more and more deeply more easily on my words and let your mind simply fade away the more you relax the more you breathe the deeper you more easily you sink into trance now. it's so nice to realx to let go especially around the end. of a long year. and this yes, for most everyone has been quite long so it's very nice to simply kick back and relax with friends and family or even alone and just watch the year come to close with that oh so iconic and cherished tradition counding it away 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... and then everything changes a new world of possibilties is opened up to you a new opportunity for a fresh start. you can see that can't you laides? Ivy 2:37 AM yes Princess 2:37 AM yes SleepyHypno 2:38 AM But i think we both know... that with you being here... now... with me... sharing this special experience... that a countdown... can have more then one meaning it has a power... a pull to it. a pull that you simply can't resist. a pull that you don't wnat to resist. and at this special time of year it's all around you in numbers or graphics there is even a ball... covered in sparkling lights that slowly drifts down. donw down deeper and deeper as you let go you can even see that ball in your mind lit up and watch as it sink s 10 little by little 9 down 8 slowly 7 feeling yoru exictiment rising 6 as you watch 5 transfixed 4 hepless 3 enthralled 2 filled with anticipation 1 and then it happens. it hits the bottom and your mind simply turns off for me and you sleep deeply and completley isn't that right ladies? Ivy 2:41 AM yyyyyyes Princess 2:41 AM ues [It’s so easy to tell when these two have gone completely out.] [Princess: You being good at storytelling helps to set a scene, and I think you mention it later, you don't notice the effect it has until it's already happened, and by that point it doesn't really matter anymore. This specifically, the wording "Hits the bottom" pushed me over. It was like "you have no where else to go" just let it all go] SleepyHypno 2:41 AM I know... deep in your mind in your fantasies you've thought of this before. you've felt that pull as all the people around you and on tv everything simply counts you down maybe you've even drifted off before maybe you've felt the tingle before but always been afraid to let go. [Ivy: Me, in a nutshell.] Sleepyhypno: but now. here with me you can simply relax and surrender surrender to the pull of the ever sinking numbers 10 helping you to give in 9 and surrender 8 blanking your thoughts 7 emptying your mind 6 nothing else matters 5 just the words 4 just the count down 3 drifting 2 deeper and deeper 1 to sleep. empty and focused lost in the words controlling you so easily now isn't that right ladies? Ivy 2:44 AM nod nod nod Princess 2:44 AM eys SleepyHypno 2:44 AM this may seem new to you... but what if i were to help you to ... realize... this has happened to you before... think back to your first new years... that you celebrated as an adult [Ivy: I chuckled a little to myself thinking "define "adult""] Sleepyhypno: where you were who you were with, if anyone. and think back to how you watched the numbers counting down 10 the people around you 9 or on tv 8 chanting 7 cheering 6 counting 5 you felt it 4 deep inside 3 pulling you down 2 deeper 1 to sleep now. you weren't aware then but you can see it in your mind feel it that count down then put you under deeply completely helplessly no one noticed not even you but you were deeply entranced enthralled helpless weren't you ladies? Princess 2:46 AM ues Ivy 2:46 AM wow, yes [Ivy’s response is a good indication of why I keep doing the countdowns, I’m pushing them both deeper without bringing them back up] [Ivy: I loooove these little "the more you know" moments he inserts.] SleepyHypno 2:47 AM and it's happened over and over again since then think about to yoru favorite new years the one that comes to mind when you think of the best time you've ever had at new years and how excited you were maybe with others maybe alone and just waiting watching seeing the time on the click tick tick tick away and then it starts 10 and you drift 9 deeper 8 down 7 its pull is relentless 6 and powerful 5 you can't resist 4 you don't want to resist 3 you want to sink 2 and surrender 1 [Ivy: As I proofread this log for approval, I actually needed to take a small break from reading as I was getting pretty drifty.] Sleepyhypno: surrender to sleep just like you did now just like you did at your first adult new years and your favorite adult new years the numbers the simple count down pulls you down and you sink sink sink deeper and deeper into it's power don't you ladies? Princess 2:50 AM yes master Ivy 2:50 AM yes yes [Notice that I didn’t tell either to call me master, that was something that Princess just did on her own, but watch how it affects Ivy.] [Princess: Yeah, that surprises me too] SleepyHypno 2:50 AM you were never aware that this was happening never noticed never recorded your mind simply turning off your will simply fading away all this time you've been entranced enthralled deeply and completely by a simple countdown [Ivy: Aaaaaand THAT'S what did it for me to go right over that edge I was teetering on.] Sleepyhypno: but it has a power over you a control a control you can't resist that just seeps into your mind into your body and make you feel obedient and helpless sending an energy through you every time i count you down you sink deeper and deeper into my control into my words you can't resist you can only obey. and you will obey me. won't you ladies? Princess 2:52 AM ues Master Ivy 2:52 AM yes master [And now they are both calling me master, and it was not something I suggested. Once Princess said it, Ivy, in a trance, assumed that was how she should reply as well… and so she did. Fun isn’t it?] [Ivy: It felt very natural to do so.] SleepyHypno 2:52 AM 10 feelings yourself sink 9 familiar and claming 8 exciting and thrilling 7 helpless 6 your mind emptying 5 no thoughts 4 only obedience 3 and submission 2 pleasure 1 mine to control completely and totally now isn't that right? Princess 2:54 AM yes Mastwer Ivy 2:54 AM yes master SleepyHypno 2:54 AM how do you feel ladies? Ivy 2:54 AM obedient Princess 2:54 AM blankkk obedient SleepyHypno 2:55 AM good girls, how deep are you now? Princess 2:55 AM 750 [VERY DEEP for Princess.] Ivy 2:55 AM 12-13 [About middle of the road depth for Ivy] SleepyHypno 2:55 AM good girls are you aware of the other girl here with you... aware of your sister in trance? or is it just you... you and the words... Princess 2:56 AM wodrs Ivy 2:56 AM words [They are both so deep, they don’t even really notice the other girl is there with them.] SleepyHypno 2:56 AM good girls you know only the words the words and the control sliding through your mind through your body it's such a powerful feeling this control that seeps deep into your beeing that helps you to simply obey nothing else matters just the words and the feelings moving through yoru body through your mind the compulsion irresistble as it is to simply obey me now. isn't that right? Ivy 2:58 AM yes master Princess 2:58 AM yes Mastwe [Ivy: It's because of writing like this that it took me well over 30 minutes to read this log!] SleepyHypno 2:58 AM these simple count downs bring you peace and calm no thoughts to think perfect calm letting me do the thinking for you. letting me show you the way. isn't that right? Princess 2:59 AM yesMaster Ivy 2:59 AM yes master SleepyHypno 2:59 AM but these countdowns can bring you more then just submission more then just a trance they can bring you pleasure physical joy deep inside of you you're mind is too far gone too deeply entranced enthralled to even think of resisting but deep inside you know that as i count down not only will your min d simply sink deeper and deeper but with it your pleasure your arousal will grow every number will make it build every number will pull you down the deeper down you go the more pleasure you feel the more pleasure you feel the deeper down you will go is that ok with you ladies? Ivy 3:01 AM nod Princess 3:01 AM yesMaster SleepyHypno 3:01 AM and at the very bottom when you finally see that last number roll across is the prize the reward that you earn the deeper you sink the bigger your reward the bigger your pleasure the bigger your climax a climax not just in your body but your mind and your soul shaking and indulging the deepest of pleasures deeply inside of you completely and totally are you ok with feeling tha tpleasure ladies? Princess 3:03 AM yes Ivy 3:03 AM yes master SleepyHypno 3:03 AM you'll find that the countdowns start to all bring you this pleasure 10 as you feel them pulling you down deeper and deeper into helpless obedient trance 9 you feel your arousal your excitment the energy pent up inside of you growing with it. 8 the deeper you fall the more you surrender the more you feel the more powerful your reward 7 so easy to let go to give in to surrender 6 the more you relax the more you sink the more i will reward you 5 feeling your body tinling heart racing shivering with excitment 4 while your mind simply shuts down no need to think 3 only to obey to sink to build your reward 2 letting yoruself know that this is where you belong where you long to be [Ivy: .........and I'm OUT again.] Sleepyhypno: 1 deep helpless controlled and rewarded SLEEP letting the pleasure move through you deeply and completely letting your reward that wonderful climax roll through your body through every nerve every muscle lighting up your body as your mind simlply shuts down and surrenders you can enjoy this climax, can't you laides? Ivy 3:07 AM yyesessss Princess 3:07 AM climzd yez Maser [Princess: This is one of the weirdest feelings. My whole body is erupting with pleasure, and I'm fully aware of that fact, but it just doesn't register. I'm there,but not there at the same time. Also My trance spelling absolutely sucks] [Ivy: Hey, at least we're able to type SOMETHING :D] SleepyHypno 3:07 AM good girls and how do you feel ladies? Ivy 3:08 AM gone Princess 3:08 AM empty [You’ll notice in the script going forward I’ll use the words “gone” and “empty” in the script, this is to basically feed back to them what they said, to kind of confirm to them that they are in fact feeling it. It’s an easy way to make them go deeper] [Ivy: Valuable stuff, people!] [Princess: Definitely effective] SleepyHypno 3:08 AM Very good doing so very well now deep and relaxed open empty your mind simply... gone. ready for me to fill you back up to slide ideas and commands into your mind. isn't that right ladies? Ivy 3:09 AM yes master!! Princess 3:09 AM yes Master SleepyHypno 3:09 AM you see new years is not just a time of letting go and letting the old year come to a close it's also about new beginnings a time to reflect on your past and on yoru future a time for a resolution or two but in this state deep and calm your open to whatever resolutions I might have for you after all you're too far gone. too blank and relaxed hepless and controlled to think for yourself right now so let me think for you. you'd like that wouldn' tyou ladies? Ivy 3:11 AM yes masteer Princess 3:11 AM ues Maser SleepyHypno 3:11 AM The first resolution is for you... for your health... I can't have those that i control those whose minds i slip my words into neglect themselves when they are awake you are important... important to me... and important to others, in yoru life. and you need to take care of yourself need to make sure that you are in the best health you can be in. so you can move through yoru life with energy and excitement. so you can be healthy and more ready to... simply do as i command more ready to obey. and you want to obey... deeply and completely now. isn't that right ladies? Ivy 3:14 AM yes master i want to obey Princess 3:14 AM ies Masaer SleepyHypno 3:14 AM so... to help this along I want you to let whatever change you know... deep in your soul... that you need in your life... to make you more healthy it doesn't have to be big progress is made one step at a time just like i counted you down down into deep helpless sleep now you will make yourself healthier one little change at a time. so just let one little change that will help you to be healthier... maybe it's a bad habit you need to kick or an unhealthy food that you should limit... or give up. or maybe it's something you need to add a little exercise or eating a healthy meal a day whatever it is that is completely unique to you. let that thought and that thought alone... come clearly into your mind something simple and easy a little change a single step on the path a path to a healthier... happier you. and when you have that one thing in your mind I want you to feel that this change. is not really a resolution for you to work on it's a command for you to obey You will... resolve... to work on this one thing for 15 minutes a day every day for the whole year. that's all it takes thats all i ask... all i command. is that you work on this one thing 15 minutes a day every day for me... now... you can do that for me.. can't you? Ivy 3:19 AM yes master Princess 3:19 AM pbeyMsdrer SleepyHypno 3:19 AM good girls... and what is that one thing... that you wish to do... for me... that one resolution to make you healthier what is it that you have choosen ladies? Ivy 3:20 AM sleep more Princess 3:20 AM core exercise [Princess: Oof, what did I just agree to?] [Ivy: *lightning flash, thunder crash* No turning back now.] SleepyHypno 3:20 AM very good i'm so very proud of you you've done so well... you've always done so well sinking and letting go and accepting this resolution this command deep into your mind deep into your soul the other resolution I have for you is something that may feel that it's for you. but it's really for me... but you won't notice... you won't care. you're happy to obey. aren't you laides? Ivy 3:21 AM yes master hppy to obey Princess 3:22 AM yes Masaer SleepyHypno 3:22 AM your body is very important... it's important to keep it healthy and relaxed calm and happy your body is your vehicle through life the healthier you are. the smoother the ride will be... but just as important for your health is your mind. your mind needs rest it needs relaxation it needs stimulation and an escape from the real word your mind needs to let go and sink deeply going into trance is like meditation it helps your mind to calm and focus which in turns makes your mind more clear more relaxed and helps you to focus focus on your resolution focus on your life and selfishly.. to focus on my words to focus on going deep and relaxed the more you sink... the more you surrender the more you slip into my hypnotic words the easier it is to do so again and again and the deeper you go, deeper each time you come to me and sink . this sounds like it's just for you just to help you to enjoy your life to enjoy your trances but it's really for me. the one you are deep for now the one you are helpless to resist the one you obey... now. this helps me to feel that energy that thrill the thrill of having you... deeply hypnotized and unable to resist coming back again and again and you do want me to feel that. thrill don't you? Ivy 3:26 AM yes master [Ivy: ....this is niiiiiiice.] Princess 3:26 AM ues Maeter SleepyHypno 3:30 AM and focus and a healthier mind and a calmer mind for you. isn't that sneaky of me ladies? Ivy 3:30 AM yess sneaky sneaky master Princess 3:30 AM sneky SleepyHypno 3:31 AM how does it make you feel to know. i've snuck a nice little suggestion purely for me. deep in your mind. Princess 3:31 AM happy toobey Ivy 3:31 AM soooo goooood SleepyHypno 3:31 AM doing so very well so deep and calm blank and open your mind completely gone these resolutions will sink deeply and completely into your mind they will be with you for the whole year it's ok if you stumble we all stumble from time to time just know that you can get back up that you can always take. another step closer and closer to your goal [Ivy: It's so important to know that, when we inevitably stumble, we are still supported :) ] Sleepyhypno: and that i will be here to help you relax to help you unwind and rest and relax in a moment.... im going to give you another countdown and that countdown will simply help you to slip deeper and deeper into trance sending these two resolutions deeply into your mind completely and totally down. for you to obey and as i count down you'll feel yourself sinking into a deep more pleasurable trance and just enjoying the feeling for as long as you'd like and when you are ready you can wake up relaxed and freshed but knowing deep down that this years countdown is going to be very special it's ok for you to slip under when it does your body will act as if you are awake you'll behave like you are awake but in the back of your mind you'll know you're hypnotized [Ivy: I'm actually looking forward to New Years this year because of this! ] Sleepyhypno: always remembering to be safe but able to just enjoy that feeling as you bring in the new year and you'll be able to wake from that trance and this one when you are ready to do so... but when you wake from this trance i want you to type to me in the comments what it is that you choose as your first resolution the first thing that you are going ot work on to help you be healthier and i would love to hear... as the year goes on how you have progressed how you feel. but for now simply focus 10 and let your body and your mind 9 surrender to my words surrender to my control 8 feeling how good it feels to sink 5 7 deeper and deeper down into trance 6 into helpless obedient control 5 feeling the pleasure flow through your body feeling that special tingle 4 in all the places you desires to feel it as you simply sink and let go 3 down into helpless blank 2 obedient trance your mind completely 1 gone in a snap and you sleep deep and relaxed helpless simply sit and enjoy this feeling for as long as you'd like now. how do you feel ladies? Princess 3:39 AM empty relax Ivy 3:40 AM very calm blank floating SleepyHypno 3:40 AM good girls how deep are you now ladies? Ivy 3:41 AM i odnt know [talking to Ivy in DM she wasn’t able to answer because she was deeper then she had reference for. Basically she was deeper then she’d ever been, and wasn’t sure how to number it. This is a perfect example of a very analytical mind processing things. The response may seem like she isn’t responding well but in reality she’s responding deeper then she ever has before] [Ivy: Perfect summation!] Princess 3:41 AM 1030 [for reference on average Princess ends up around 200-350. So she is basically just gone mentally. Same as Ivy, but she has less of an analytical mind and more of an artistic mind so she simply increased the scale on her own.] SleepyHypno 3:41 AM good girls you feel very deep don't you now? Ivy 3:41 AM nod Princess 3:42 AM yes Maseta SleepyHypno 3:42 AM in this state.. you find it so easy to obey ... don't you ladies? Princess 3:43 AM ues Masrer Ivy 3:43 AM yes master SleepyHypno 3:43 AM are you aware that there is another here with you... a sisterin trance, who is so very deep and obedient like you are? Ivy 3:44 AM a bit aware yes Princess 3:44 AM little SleepyHypno 3:44 AM barely aware but you can feel they are there feel their energy feel them resonating deeply intheir helpless trance they are deep... just like you aren't they/ Ivy 3:45 AM yes master deeeep Princess 3:45 AM yes Masetre SleepyHypno 3:46 AM how do you feel knowing that another girl... a girl you know... a friend of yours... as fallen this deeply into trance, this deeply under my control? Ivy 3:46 AM happy Princess 3:46 AM hapy SleepyHypno 3:46 AM are you happy for her... or for yoruself, to have company here in this place? Princess 3:47 AM her Ivy 3:47 AM her, SleepyHypno 3:47 AM and how do you feel... is you think about her... helpless and relaxed... if you think about it from your own persepctive... your own benefit... does knowing your friend is helpless make you feel anything... for yourself? Princess 3:48 AM arouded Ivy 3:48 AM coonection SleepyHypno 3:48 AM good girls and you are aware... in the deep deep... sleeping parts of your mind that i am recording this log... for others to see for others to enjoy and read is that ok with you ladies? Princess 3:49 AM yes mastere Ivy 3:49 AM yes master, is ok SleepyHypno 3:49 AM and how do you feel knowing that others... will read this log... and see your friend... see you... blank and open completely gone hypnotized controlled. how does that make you feel ladies? Ivy 3:50 AM aroused Princess 3:50 AM excited SleepyHypno 3:50 AM and how would you feel... if you were to forget that this happened to you... if you were to forget that you were hypnotized here forget you were controlled whould that be something yo'ud enjoy? Ivy 3:51 AM yes Princess 3:51 AM yes Master SleepyHypno 3:51 AM i want you to think about your friend now your sisterin trance deeply hypnotized controlled and now think about how it would make you feel to know that when she wakes up she won't know she was in this state won't remember this trance how does that make you feel to know your sister in trance will forget? Ivy 3:52 AM excited Princess 3:53 AM excited SleepyHypno 3:53 AM good girls and will it change ho you feel to know that your sister in trance won't remember what happened but others will know other will read it does that change how you feel, and if so.. how? Princess 3:54 AM no maybe morea arousing Ivy 3:54 AM no master, it feels goood SleepyHypno 3:54 AM good girls and in this state... who do you obey ladies? Princess 3:55 AM you Ivy 3:55 AM you masterr SleepyHypno 3:55 AM and you must obey me... is'nt that right? Princess 3:55 AM yes obey Master Ivy 3:55 AM yes master obey SleepyHypno 3:56 AM and if you obey me.. what does that make you? Princess 3:56 AM Slave Ivy 3:56 AM thralls [Princess: It's interesting the different ideas we have of submission. In my head, it's essentially absolute control, hence "slave". Be interesting to see what Ivy thinks about it.] [Ivy: In my mind I've reserved "slave" for a different scenario; it made it so adding it here wouldn't make sense to me, no matter how far gone I was.] SleepyHypno 3:57 AM very good, and how do you feel about that now? Ivy 3:57 AM wonderful Princess 3:57 AM happy to obwy SleepyHypno 3:57 AM good girl s you've done so well but it is now getting late and you both have things you need to obey and you need to sleep so in a moment ladies I will count down this time from 3 to zero when i hit zero you will go to bed laying comfortably and slipping away to sleep deeply and soundly while you sleep you will find yourself thinking of how you were here in this trance getting flashes of memory of how deep and helples syou are now how controlled isn't that right ladies? Ivy 3:59 AM yes master! Princess 3:59 AM yes Masrer SleepyHypno 3:59 AM when you wake up tomorrow you will not remember what happened here. you will remember the christmas trance and us talking and then you will remember me starting a countdown and how you both were teasing about seeing it coming but the last thing you will remember will be the number 1 and then simply nothing no memory completely erased form your conscious mind if you try to look at the log here. or when i send you the log to proofread later you'll be able to read it if you want enjoy it again lbut when you reach the end you will again forget completley you'll never be able to remember this trance you may get flashes from time to time of yourself hypnotized or when you see your friend your sister in trance you'll get a flash of her hepless and controlled butonly a flash only enough to excite you but not enough to figure out what it is or what you see is that ok with you laides? Ivy 4:02 AM yes master Princess 4:02 AM ies Maseer SleepyHypno 4:02 AM good girls do you have any questions, or anything you'd like to say before you sleep and forget? Ivy 4:03 AM no questions master Princess 4:03 AM thank you fro the countdown Master SleepyHypno 4:03 AM your welcome would you ladies like to say anything to the readers.. the people who will be reading all about your adventures... the adventures you don't remember this evening? Ivy 4:04 AM yes I will obey Princess 4:05 AM Hope you enjoyed the show [There is a lot about each girls personality that you can see here. I could be wrong, and the girls are free to leave comments on this when they proofread it that I’ll add in, but Ivy is typically very shy, and is discovering a lot about herself as we work together, her telling the audience “I will obey” is her admitting that openly to herself and the world, and in many cases for the first time! Princess enjoys the spotlight so to speak, and being seen when she is hypnotized. Kind of like a performer enjoys an audience.] [Ivy: blush yeah, that about sums it up.] [Princess: Yeah, that about sums it up. If I'm gonna be on stage anyway, might as well be seen.] [Ivy: waves to you from behind a curtain I'll stay back here....] SleepyHypno 4:05 AM good girls are you ready to sleep... ready to forget? Ivy 4:05 AM nod Princess 4:05 AM yes Master SleepyHypno 4:05 AM good girls thank you for sitting with me tnoight and letting me take you deep deeply down into a sleep and thank you for all you do for me and all you help me with i wouldn't be where i am now without both of your help you will know i am greatful deep in your soul even if you dont' remember when i told you understand? Princess 4:06 AM yes Master Ivy 4:06 AM yes master understood [Ivy: Full disclosure: I teared up a little at that.] SleepyHypno 4:07 AM 3 2 1 ZERO Sleep and forget [Neither one mentioned this trance when I talked to them the next day. I am curious if they will comment on the log when they proofread it. If they do I’ll add their comments if not, well then they really did forget didn’t they?!] [Princess: I'd say you probably enjoyed this just as much as we did "Master" (Take note of the sarcastic quotations). In all seriousness, this is the deepest I've been in a long time if ever. It was quite enjoyable. Guess it's time to forget it now, huh?] [Ivy: I keep purposely skipping the last few lines because I want to hold on a bit longer.....but the inevitable looms, nearer and nearer.] [Editing Followup: I’ve asked both girls about this script, neither seemed to remember doing it. And I sent them the edited version of the video… both liked it but when asked if they remembered seeing it before they both said no. I love my job!]