"Hurry up and get in, the movie’s starting soon…" Neil said that to his friend as the deer lay back on his bed, a thick, green towel beneath him as his legs jutted up and out into the air. That friend? A raven named Icky who was lying down opposite Neil, talons pressed together as if they were bound tight by some kind of rope. And they just so happened to be positioned right in front of Neil's exposed ass...yes, there was some sauciness happening this evening! "I - I just - I don't know where to even start…" the raven replied. His talons were dripping with cold lube, and his eyes were glued to the chubby deer rump that was right there in front of him. Neil had been teasing Icky about this meetup for quite a while now, and now that it was right here...geez, it was hard to take the plunge! His talons had been scraping and scrabbling up against Neil's cheeks for a few moments now, but the deer's ass was so thick ,that he was having a bit of trouble actually getting between them and inside… "Just stick 'em in there, buttbird, and I'll do the rest~" Neil sidled his body down the bed a tiny bit, reaching around and prying open one of his asscheeks to make it easier for Icky to slip inside. After a few more moments of aimless flailing around, those talons found a purchase; they were scraping right up against his sensitive pucker now, the sensation causing Neil to shiver a little bit as he guided Icky towards the hole. "R-right there! Just push a little further, and…" *sqrsh* As soon as Icky slid one of his talons into Neil's pucker, the bird squawked as he felt the deer clench tight around it, the powerful contraction yanking the raven an inch or so closer in a fraction of a second! "O-oh gosh, it's so warm…" Icky commented as he watched Neil's hungry rear almost immediately swallow his foot up, Neil continuing to guide them through it all even as he let out sighs of pleasure inbetween his words. "Oh, it's going to be a *lot* warmer soon...now, just stick your other talon in…" It was easier said than done, but as soon as the bird pried opened Neil’s asshole even a little bit with his other talon, it slipped inside with a wet, tight *shLRRP*! "Aahn...there you go, buttbird. Now just sit tight, and enjoy~" Neil said as he returned to his original position, legs still spread in the air as his hungry rump got to work. Icky was just entranced by what he was witnessing, the raven letting out a surprised squawk every time Neil clenched his innards and pulled the bird a few inches deeper! "Hhrrf...it's already so tight, though…" Neil couldn't help but laugh as he heard the flustered bird’s protests, clearly half-hearted even to Neil's ears! "Oh, trust me. Folks a lot bigger than yourself have disappeared up my rear. Spent hours sloshing and wriggling deep in my guts, stretched me out in impossible and wonderful ways...you'll fit.~” the deer teased his buttmeal before clenching again, Icky crying out as his legs were bound together and the deer’s ass started to creep over his calves! "Hrrf~ yeah, all that lube is certainly helping things, too. So glad I was able to convince you to just drizzle yourself in the stuff!" Icky was flummoxed, but it was true. Neil had pretty much teased the bird into becoming a squirming, living dildo, and that included a copious amount of external lubricant to work in tandem with the deer’s naturally-slick insides, and it was certainly helping...even if the raven refused to use the strawberry-scented (and flavored) one he offered up! - Icky was about to offer some kind of response to the assault of teases he was experiencing, but another clench from Neil pulled him a few inches further and caused the bird to lose his entire train of thought! "Nnrf...so warm…" was all that Icky was able to say now, as Neil's tailhole swallowed him up all the way to his knees in such a casual manner! He was mostly just entranced with how Neil's innards felt; how the walls rippled over his legs, the flesh almost chewing on his body as it worked to pull him deeper, even without Neil explicitly clenching. So slick, even when taking the lubrication into account… And it was also somewhat difficult to not notice Neil's growing arousal. He was naked, after all, and the small bulge that the bird was starting to make in his lower belly was in a prime location to grind and hump up against! ‘Gosh, he's really enjoying it that much…’ Icky thought as he watched the shaft continue to grow and throb, unable to look away even as the spectacle of his movements showing up beneath Neil's pelt started to come into play! It was good that the deer was on his back and staring up at the ceiling, otherwise he would probably be teasing Icky to death for ogling his dick so obviously. The raven was so entranced, in fact, that he hadn't even noticed that Neil's rump had swallowed him all the way up to his waist, the deer's thick thighs starting to encroach on his field of view! Seeing them on the edges of his vision really put everything into perspective for Icky; he was right between Neil's legs, most of his body was deep in his colon, and soon, all of him would be in there...goodness. Neil's stomach was starting to become rather large at this point, owing to just how much of Icky was smushed and crammed into the many twists and turns of his bowels inside! It sloshed and *ggWWwwrrrgggl*d every time one of the two friends moved, creating a cacophony of wet, squishy noises that perfectly accompanied what Icky was actually feeling inside of there! It was tough for him to actually see Neil's gut at this point, what with the balls and sheath that were in the way, but he could still feel the shadow it cast over him. Feel it growing with every clench that pulled the bird deeper, surrounded him with more of the deer's thick thighs and nibbly, ticklish bowel innards. "C-can you at least give me a plot synopsis of the movie when it's over?" Icky asked Neil as the deer's butt started to work up over his chest, the raven quickly realizing a flaw in this little arrangement that he had been teased into. It was far too late to renegotiate the terms, though! "Oh, I don't think that will be a problem. Unless I get bored, of course.~" was Neil's response, barely getting that sentence out before another clench caused him to roar in pleasure. It was almost like he didn't see it coming, like his body was just taking over now that Icky was so deep inside of him! And that was exactly what was happening, in a way. Neil had done this plenty of times, but there was always this checkpoint inside of him that marked the point of no return, so to speak; once they made their way past that, there wasn't any way they were coming out until they were well into Neil's stomach...and Icky had passed that point about a minute or two ago! Neil's hungry bowels had their vice grip on the raven, and soon, he would just be a wiggling belly for Neil to dote on while he enjoyed a fine film… Unless he had something different in mind, of course. That might have been the point of no return, but Neil could still put a stop to things until he was ready to suck the rest of his buttmeal inside. His pucker was stretching at its widest to accompany Icky's shoulders; they always were the most difficult part of shoving someone...well, pretty much anywhere! Neil was more than equipped to handle them, though, even as Icky kept wiggling around from all the pressure being put on his body as that elastic sphincter slowly worked its way up over his arms and towards the bird's neck. "Nnrf...how can this thing stretch so much…" Icky managed to gasp out, the bird having trouble actually speaking from how tight Neil's innards were...absolutely no space was being wasted as that pucker stretched over his arms, that was for sure! Neil gasped as he felt his tailhole finally take that final step, his pucker very suddenly clenching tight to a much normal size around Icky's neck...though those shoulders were still deep inside of Neil. His bowels were a little more equipped to handle that kind of a stretch, though, and in fact, it felt great to have them pressing up against his prostate! Icky wiggled and grunted as Neil's hole squeezed tight like a collar around his neck, the bird waiting for it to work its way up his throat and gradually finish sealing him away inside of Neil's musky tunnels… But that didn't happen. At least, not yet. The whole thing came to a sort of halt after that point, Icky's head just sort of...awkwardly resting between Neil's thighs. "Urgh, movie's starting…" Neil said under his breath as he suddenly started to roll over onto his side, his gut sloshing like a tank of water as Icky started to panic squirm deep inside of him! "H-HEY NEIL! Forgetting someone??" the raven squawked as Neil stumbled to his feet, Icky's head dangling from between his legs as his entire body was inverted! The raven felt his body starting to slide ever-so-slightly out of Neil's bowels, but then that pucker clenched tight again and locked the bird in place. The deer couldn't help but chortle at his friend absolutely losing his mind down there, especially because he had the perfect line in mind to let Icky know what was going on. "I *told* you, watching the movie wouldn't be a problem for you…" "WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?" Icky cried out as he was left hanging upside down between Neil's legs, the cervine awkwardly waddling his way out of his bedroom and towards the couch; the TV had already been tuned to the proper channel, thankfully! The deer's gravid stomach hung low, swaying back and forth and almost obscuring Icky's view with...his own body...as he slowly and awkwardly ambled over to his couch, turning around and aligning his butt right in the perfect spot where Icky's head would be able to poke out and watch before lowering his haunches and taking a seat. Clothes had long since been unnecessary for the two friends, Neil's package flopping out right onto Icky's chin as the bird tried to make sense of the very flip flopped footage he was now being treated to...it was already difficult enough with the position he was in, but with Neil's fat balls right on the edge of his face, constantly giving off that powerful muskiness they were known for...it was pretty much impossible! "See? You've got a front row seat!" Neil said as he reclined back, relaxing and rubbing at his gut full of bird as the opening credits rolled. "Y-yeah, you could say that. If your balls weren't in the way. And if I wasn't UPSIDE DO-" Icky started to squawk in retaliation, before Neil cut him off with another clench around his throat, reminding him of exactly where he was right now. "Ssshhh...remember, my ass owns you now, buttplug. Better behave, unless you want to disappear…~" Icky would have folded his arms across his chest in a show of mock indignation if they weren't currently deep inside of Neil's ass. Neil could see how red the bird's face was out of the corner of his eye, clenching tight around the raven's neck every now and again to remind him of his place. Other than the fact he had most of his friend crammed up his rear end, it was actually a pretty normal evening from here on out. Just two friends chit-chatting about and enjoying a movie together, though Icky's experience of the film was more than a bit marred by the fact everything was upside-down! Still, he could hear everything pretty well, and that made it possible to follow the beats of the story enough, even if he was starting to get a little dizzy from trying to invert the footage in his mind… That was, until the film started to reach its climax. Neil was getting pretty into it at this point, and his attention was gradually slipping away from Icky and towards the TV screen more and more as time went on. The climax was so intense, in fact, that it became a bit of a literal butt-clencher! The deer's body tightened up with every twist and turn that the story took, each one gradually swallowing up more and more of Icky's neck. The bird was as invested as Neil was in the movie as well, which is probably why Neil's tight hole was able to work its way all the way up to his chin before he noticed it! "Uh, Neil…" Icky started to ask as he felt that warm embrace continuing to work its way up over his head, trying his best to get the deer's attention; but Neil just let out a loud "ssshhh…", squeezing his gut like a stress ball as he intensely leaned in towards the TV set! "Fuck, no way! Get outta there!" Neil shouted at the TV, completely unaware of the fact that he was finishing off his friend in the process! Icky's head was forced upward as the deer's tailhole crept up along the underside of his head, Icky not even able to watch the climax of the film with Neil from the awkward position his head was being put in… *SSSHllrp!~* One last clench, at the absolute height of drama in the middle of the movie, and that was it. Icky was entirely sucked inside of Neil's butt, the last of the bird now completely immersed in slimy, tight tunnels. Neil's body was hungry after delaying its meal for so long, too, so as soon as the deer let his guard down, those bowels started to put in overtime working the bird towards the churning cauldron that was Neil's stomach. "Damn, I can't believe they got me like that…" Neil said as he leaned back against the couch, watching the closing credits start to scroll up the screen as flashes of the film he just watched showed up on the sides. He looked down between his legs, expecting to see a flustered bird head still sticking out between them, but instead, he just saw an empty couch! It took him a few moments to put two and two together, but with the bird's absence and the fact that his stomach was even bigger and wigglier than it was before...there really was only one conclusion to come to. "Hah, guess that one was a real butt-clencher…" the deer joked as he rubbed at his fat belly, feeling Icky sliding through deeper and deeper parts of his guts by the minute...mmmh! How good it felt to have someone that deep inside of him… Even though he was very deep inside of Neil's guts, Icky could still squirm around and roll his eyes at the stupid joke the deer made. He thought about giving Neil’s guts a playful punch, but it wouldn't do anything except give Neil a little bit of pleasure...and he was already using Icky for quite a bit of that. There wasn't much air inside of Neil's bowels, obviously, and what was in here was thick with the deer's powerful musk; the scent was incredibly intoxicating and overwhelming, making an already-intense experience even more so as the intestinal walls surrounding the bird continue to clench and draw him deeper inside of Neil's body. He had better get used to that constant, squeezing, rippling motion around him, because it was going to take a long time to reach the deer's stomach! And Neil? Well, he wasn't really going to be moving from this couch for the next day...or two...or five. Depended on what he wanted to do with the bird currently sluicing his way through his digestive tract. In the moment, he only knew one thing, and it was that he felt so amazingly, completely full. "Welp, guess we all lose buttplugs sometimes. Have a good time in there, Icky~" the deer teased as he reclined back a little bit, resting both of his hands on his engorged stomach like it was a pillow in his lap. It twitched and moved every now and again, the bulges under his gray pelt gradually shifting in size and placement as Icky made his way through slimy twist after squishy turn. The bird was feeling pretty wiped after all that himself...nothing else to do here but catch some z's, he supposed!