“Did you finish dusting the sitting room?” Vanessa asked “Yes, Mistress,” Ethan replied meekly. The frilly maid outfit clung to his slender, curvy body like a second skin. “Good girl,” Vanessa smiled. “Perhaps I needn’t even ask, but how about the laundry?” “It’s in the dryer.” “Perfect. Now, why don’t you go and prepare lunch for us? Something light and fresh. I’m in the mood for a salad.” He nodded, keeping his eyes downcast as he’d been taught. “Right away, Mistress.” Ethan hurried to the kitchen, tears welling up in his eyes. As he started chopping vegetables, he couldn’t help but think back to how it all began. Vanessa had come into their lives as a friend of his wife, Anna. At first, she was charming and attentive, always there to lend a helping hand or offer a kind word. But it wasn’t long before Ethan noticed the lingering touches and stolen glances between them. He was no prude, but the two women could’ve at least invited him to join in the fun. One night, Ethan confronted them both after finding them together in bed. But instead of an apology or explanation, he was met with cold indifference. “You’ve always been so controlling,” Maria had said. “So obsessed with your power and wealth. It’s time for you to…take a break from all that. You need to learn what it’s like to be on the other side.” And so began his transformation. Maria had stood by as Vanessa took control of every aspect of his life—his diet, his wardrobe, even his body. By the time he realized what was truly happening, it was too late. The hormones had taken their toll, reshaping him into someone unrecognizable. Someone female. Now, he was nothing more than a maid in his own home – a servant to the woman who had seduced his wife and orchestrated his downfall. As Ethan placed the finished salad on a tray and carried it back to the dining room he heard their laughter echoing through the halls. “Ah, there she is,” Vanessa said as Ethan entered the room. “Our lovely little maid. You know, Maria, she is a much better servant than she ever was a husband, wouldn’t you agree?” Maria looked up from her seat at the table and smiled coldly at Ethan. “There’s really no comparison. One was good at making messes, the other excels at cleaning them up.” Vanessa nodded. “Shall I give her the good news, dear?” Maria smiled. “Why not? I’m feeling generous today.” Vanessa turned to Ethan, her eyes gleaming. “We have decided you’re ready. After all your hard work and changes, we’re going to make your wish come true – the one you voiced before this all began.” Ethan’s heart skipped a beat. Confusion and hope warred within him. “My wish?” “That’s right,” Maria said. “You will be joining us in the bedroom—” “Oh, thank you!” “—as a servant. Vanessa has amazing dexterity, but even she could use an extra pair of hands… And perhaps another mouth.” Ethan should’ve felt shame, disgust, or outrage. Once, he would have. Now he was genuinely thrilled at the prospect of being closer to them. “I would be honored.” “Then it’s settled. After lunch, you will attend to us,” she declared. “Now run along and get ready. I believe the lingerie you bought me for our anniversary will fit you perfectly now.” “Yes, Mistress. Right away.”