- This document is here to explain to you th changes I made to the prequels in my own fan edit, Rise of the Empire, I also aim to leave some comments explaining why I made some of these changes as well as my interpretations of the events occuring within the final product. - The Pantom Menace I cut all but 8 or so minutes of this movie, I believe that it serves as an action packed opening to the story of the prequels without boring the audiance with an over 2 hour movie, which I believe failed in its purpose of starting this trilogy on the right foot. I managed to cut out all of the scenes surrounding the Dual of the Fates, removing Anakin, Padme, and Jar Jar's plotlines, as now in my version Qui-Gon and Darth Maul are purposely left as vauge characters, whose clash leaves Anakin's fture in the hands of the inexperienced Obi-Wan, thus leaving Anakin to a flawed training and his future down a dark path. At about 00:04:30, the background music is silent due to a change during Anakin's scenes, so I overlayed the Dual of the Fates to continue after Qui-Gon's death, and allowing it to naturally fade out as the fight continues, building up suspence or Obi-Wan to fall into the hole. More scenes after the duel were removed as they were closely tied to Padem's plot, a plot which I had removed, also a small shot of Jar Jar who in this cut has been delogated to simply acting as the senetor who takes over for Padme as the assassination plot grows too thick and as someone Palpatine manupilates to help him gain emergency power. At around 8 minutes I allowed Mace Windu's audio to play over a shot of Palpatine, foreshadowing that he si the secret Sith, the phantom menace, and that he will be a major character in the events to come, I also did this to make his lines serve more of a purpose as he simply repeats what Yoda had just said mere moments ago. - Attack of the Clones I cut the initial assassination attempt on Padme due to it serving as an explosively opening to th movie, now that we have Dual of the Fates, this is unneeded as Padme sums up the purpose of that scenes as someone is aiming assassinate her while she is on Coruscant. I cut a small portion of Obi-Wan and Anakin's elevator scene as it makes Anakin seem more like a complainer, which is something which should happen more as the movie continues the more he is neglected or denied what he wants, instead of simply riding the elevator with his friend to see the girl he is romantically interested in, it also makes is complaints later in the movie hold more weight as he seems more passionate about them instead of complaining about small things. I decided to cut a small scene of Anakin complaining to Jar Jar for a similar issue as before, I originally intended to fade and allow the scene to cut more naturally, but due to working with what I was given, it did in the end leave a pretty hefty cut from early morning to the dead of night. During the speeder chase scene, I removed the section of Anakin and Obi-Wan flying through a factory/power plant/whatever it was meant to be, this was to make the scene shorter as it untimately left no impact and would help to cut down on the run time, some other sections of the chase where also cut for this reason, such as Anakin climbing around the assassin's speeder. After the chase, some dialog and shots had been cut also to save on the run time and build up to failed attack the assassin tried to do on Obi-Wan at the bar. I cut a line Obi-Wan had after finding the toxic dart in the assassin's neck as the assassin's death already really showed off that it was infact a toxic dart, and the line itself I feel was poorly delivered. I used a deleted scene of Obi Wan visiting two droids, initally they tell Obi-Wan that they could do nothing about tracing the dart, but I cut their disappointing result and used a long shot of Obi-Wan sitting in the chair to suggest that it would instead take some time for them to track the dart, doing this removed the need for Obi-Wan to visit Jetser Dexter, the Jedi archives, and Yoda to find the missing planet. As it sits now, the planet was never missing, the question fo who deleted the information is no longer up for speculation, there is less fluff in the movie with Obi-Wan going to four different places to look for answers, and the run time has been significantly cut down. I cut the scene of Padme packing, as I believe it made Anakin seem more ridiculous, and cause his love plot to seem more unlikely. I cut to Anakin directly arriving to the safehouse in the lakelands as the audio of the ship arriving did not mix at all with the important scene of them arriving to the safehouse, and the entire section of going to the captial I believe to be useless, and serves to damage Anakin's character, making him very controling and very opposed to taking advice from the one person who would be best at picking out a safehouse. I cut the famous Sand line, as I believe the following line about softness already encapsulates what he means to say without distracting the audiance. I allowed Obi-Wan's scenes to play sequencially as I removed Anakin and Padme's dates, as I do not think Anakin playing with space pigs and advocating for facism is going to help him with his love life. I removed the line Obi-Wan says about the missing planet, as now in this cut it was never missing, more so overlooked, I also removed a line a little later about Jango Fett's pay, instead of him beign paid well and receiving Boba, he now merely instead received Boba making him seem more like a family guy and make more sense as to why he is potentially exposing himself through this assassination plot. I cut a few lines Yoda and Mace have about diminishing force, as it isn't very prevelent in the movie, expect in the ways that allow to move the plot forwards, plus I believe by removing this talk of their conntection to the force they seem a little more human and not a temple filled with space wizard monks. Instead of going to Watto, Anakin and Padme go straight to the Skywalker ranch looking for Anakin's mother, this is because Watto is no longer needed in this edit, and the overlooked plotpoint of slavery has been removed, as it did not add much to Anakin or his mother's character, suggesting that Anakin had a similar upbringing to hsi son Luke and his mother married whiel Anakin was training with Obi-Wan. I cut the a small back and forth with C3-P0 as he mentions being built by Anakin, this being a plot point of mockery and no longer valid in this edit as the Phantom Mencace had been cut down so heavily, so now he simply introduced Anakin to his step family. I removed the audio from Anakin's departure to find his mother, making Padme seem more like she understands Anakin more, instead of her needing to ask him to stay and he goes anyways, she instead looks at him and hugs him as a sign knowing she can't stop him and that he should instead do what he has to do and some back safe, building upon their relationship more in my opinion. I cut the entire fight with Jango in the astroid belt, this was to cut down on the overly long fight, as it served nothing to the plot and simply as footage for admittedly impressive sound design, so now instead Jango goes straight to the planet while Obi-Wan follows undetected. Removed a small scene of Obi-Wan sending out a message adn R2 receiving it, as it does not add much to the movie, and removing it cuts down on the scene time significantly, also scenes later also get across the same information. I cut down heavily with Anakin finding his mother, suggesting that she is in worse condition, and the quality of the performance varied greatly, so now she just says a few things to her song before dying, sending Anakin into a rage against the previously described 'monsters'. I removed the audio from Anakin's return to the Skywalker Ranch as it suggests that Anakin is mad at the family for leaving his mother for dead, I then also removed the scene of Anakin confessing to murder to Padme, allowing this act to go unpunished and change Anakin's outlook on the world. I also removed all dialog from the funeral as it does not matter about how the minor characters feel, but instead how Anakin is processing the loss of his mother wordlessly. I also removed a line read form Padme which I believe to be unnessesary and genuinely a terrible take, so instead R2 arrives and announces his message from Ob-Wan. I removed the scene of Obi-Wan sneaking about the CIS base, as I do not beleive it does much more besides establishing who exactly is the leader of the army, but this is infered through later scenes, so instead Obi-Wan does this off screen and reports his findings to everyone via the message which si cut off with him being discovered and captured. I removed a small line from Mace telling Anakin to remain where he is, so that the line about protecting Padme anywhere she goes makes more sense. After arriving on Geonosis, I removed the scenes of R2 and C3-P0 from the movie as they were tonnally inconsistant and served as 'droid nonsense', instead of R2 saving Padme from the molten pots, I left it implied that the Geonosians and droids saved her so that they could caputure her and later execute her. I cut down on a lot of Anakin and Padme's love back and forth, admittidly leaving in an editing mistake with the kiss, as I believe the lines are poorly written and a simple kiss before their expected deaths would serve as showing how in love they are even if they do not outwardly show it. Much was cut from the arena scene, I rearranged Mace and Dooku's back and forth into an action line which I belive made more sense, talking about beign outnumbered and then all the jedi arrive to stop Anakin, Padme, and Obi-Wan's execution. I removed some scenes of Jedi fighting/dying, as audio was a major issue, and leaving less made for somewhat of a perfered experience. The shots of Jango were rearragned and edited, so that he seemed more like a casualty doing his job but ultimately picking a fight with the wrong Jedi, and also his fight with the bull alien was overall pointless, so instead he landed and began shooting at Mace Windu. The scene of Dooku and the CIS leaders in the war room were edited to remove the large 'red'print of the death star so that the small plans come off more as a shocking reference instead of being spoiled mere moments before. Many shots of Padme and the Jedi were removed, so that it is suggsted that she got onto another gunship, it also removes the forced drama of Anakin blowing his cover potentially letting Dooku go to help her, which Obi-Wan should of known from that point he had feelings for her and would abandon hsi duties, now Obi-Wan is rightly clueless and we can leave more shots of droids/ships being destroyed to the clones, making them seem more compitant and less in need of Jedi help. Sadly not much could be done to prevent the Yoda and Dooku fight, so I cut down what little I could just to get it over with ASAP, also we do not see Dooku from this point in the movie so that Palpatine's plan is left more vague. For pacing and audio reasons, I removed Padme and Anakin's wedding, but it was reintergrated later via Anakin's nightmares - Revenge of the Sith I removed the scene of the buzz droids, as it is overly long and does not add anything to the movie, however, I allowed their missiles to chase Obi-Wan and Anakin to make their flight to General Grevious' ship seem more of a struggle. After the cargo bay, I removed the scenes of R2 messing about, much for the same reasons as I did in the droid factory, it added nothing and ruined the tention, now we do not see him until he and the Jedi are captured and are taken to the bridge. I removed the elevator fight as it added little to the movie, instead i repurposed it to show Obi-Wan and Anakin travelling to Palpatine. I removed the line about Sith being Obi-Wan and Anakin's speciality as this is a lie, this sith in particular almost killed Obi-Wan and chopped off Anakin's hand. I removed the shot of Dooku jumping off the railings, but repurpused its audio for Obi-Wan and Anakin taking off their cloaks, as Dooku referes to Lightsabers as 'Swords' which I do not believe had ever been refered to as before or since, making it feel rather strange. I shortened the of Anakin defeating and subsequently excecuting Dooku, this is because I feel as though this is something Anakin would do without the need of prodding from Palpatine, in this edit Dooku had chopped Anakin's hand off about fifteen minutes ago, plus I believe this makes Palpatine suspicious needlessly which should tip the Jedi off that there is more to Palpatine than meets the eye. I also removed the scene of Palpatine begging Anakin to leave Obi-Wan for dead, as I think this also would make Palpatine extremely suspicious needlessly and makes Anakin look stupid not being able to see the obvious attempt to kill people off. I cut R2 rulling into the ray shield section, now removing the joke of R2 making a loud noise, to Anakin calling for patience to be unfounded. As the ship is fallign into orbit, I removed a joke of R2 yelling "Yahooo" as Anakin and Obi-Wan have their own seperate jokes about the situation. I shortened the crash landing slightly so that the action is more punchy and quick. I removed the scene of Obi-Wan praising Anakin from their last mission as it mentions Bizzdroid, a section which was removed, so now Anakin graciously accepts Obi-Wans offer as poster boy, something he seemed to what to do as it would let him hang around senetors more. I removed a scene of Mace Windu talking with Palpatine as it is useless and it calls into question what he was doing while the clamax of a three year galaxy spanning war was happening right above his head. Removed a scene of Grevious arriving to Utapou as it is ultimately useless, plus it keeps the focus on Anakin's troubles. Removed a scene of Anakin taliing with Yoda as without it we can now assume that the Jedi are overlooking Anakin's troubles, something which would be their undoing and push Anakin closer to the dark side. I removed a number of scenes following the council scene as I believe they repeat sentiments and ideas other more important scenes get across, and leave very little to subtly. Cut down on Yoda's scenes in Kashyyyk as it is overall an unimportant series of events, this allows the story to focus more on Anakin and Obi-Wan. Cut a scene with Commander Cody as I feel it was unneeded and was surprisingly long to establish very little. Made a small edit to the scene of Obi-Wan in the rafters, now it removes a cut away to Grevious talking about Mustafar, now it is overlayed with the scene of Obi-Wan riding the big lizard, saving a few seconds and not casing any issues. Made an edit to the scene with the guard droids, now instead of Obi-Wan quickly crushing them, Grevious instead immediately challenges Obi-Wan to a fight, knowing that he has plenty of droids to kill him should Kenobi start to get the upperhand. As Obi-Wan fights Grevious, I removed all lightsaber reaction shots, as I found them distracting and unneeded, now the fight feels quicker and Grevious more dangerous. Cut a scene of Mace telling Anakin to tell Palpatine about Obi-Wan's attack, now he goes right to Palpatine to tell him. Cut down on Palpatine's speech to Anakin, now instead of Anakin purely helping him to help Padme, it is left more ambiguous and suggest that Anakin was more power hungry all along, while also implying that he would use that power to help Padme and the boby. Cut down some scenes of Palpatine and Mace fighting, this is because it is unneeded and the makes Palpatine seem more realistic, even if just a little more, before he becomes full cartoon villain. Cut some parts of Anakin begging Mace to spare Palpatine, making it so it seems Mace is not as easily swayed and that killing Palpatine quickly is the best course of action, potentially implying that Mace and the Jedi did secretly want to take over after outing Palpatine. Cut down on Anakin becoming Vader, this was due to poor line delivery on both characters, I also made Palpatine speak more plainly about killing the Jedi and the remaining CIS, as I do not believe it would be in character for Palpatine to outright name Obi-Wan and Nute Gunray, also in a later scene I removed him refering to Commander Cody by name as I do not think he would know every single commander within the clone army by their first name. I removed the buring of the Jedi temple, this was something I did not want to do, but there were too many complications with audio to removed the explicite child murder, something I believe should have been implied and done off screen after he cuts down Jedi of various ages alongside his clone troop. Removed a scene with Yoda and Chewbakka, this beign pointless and raise undue questions, while also pandering to the origianl trilogy. Faded from Obi-Wan surfacing from the water to him arriving at Grevious' ship as it was undeeded for him to be sneaking around the cloen occupied Utapou city. Removed an awkward line read from Obi-Wan about his clone troop. Cut down on the R2 and C3-P0's invasion of Anakin and Padme's emotionally charged reunion, keeping the focus on the scared couple. Cut a scene with the CIS, streamlining from Yoda and Obi-Wan wanting to return to Coruscant to them flying to Coruscant. Cut the scene of Obi-Wan and Yoda fighting clones, it is ultimately unneeded and keeps the focus to Palpatine announcing hsi plans of the empire and Anakin slaughtering the remaining CIS leaders, also cut a shot of Padme blantantly telling the audience about the ignorance of the senate and the damage done to democracy. Made an edit to the scene of Yoda and Obi-Wan in the Jedi temple archives, as it suggests that despite Yoda coming to the temple to look for information he does not want to look for information from the security systems Cut the scene of Padme about to take off, now she and Obi-Wan travel off screen to Mustafar, making it more of a surprise when Anakin is confronted. Cut down on dialog from Anakin and Padme, suggesting that Anakin is driven mad from power. Also made Anakin strangling Padme quicker as it makes Obi-Wan look uncaring, takign Padme with him to conftront Anakin but not doing anything to stop Anakin from strangling her, now it seems as if it was quick and Obi-Wan reacted quicker. Removed the fight between Yoda and Palpatine, it was unneeded and over the top. Edited the Obi-Wan and Anakin fight into a single unbroken encounter, not needing to cut to Yoda, I also removed some of the silly and longer sections, such as the two fighting on top of a table, the two flailing their sabers about without striking at eachother, the admittedly impressive double force push, the two balancing on pipes, the two having to deal with lava rain and a strut falling, the two swinging from wires and slashing at eachother, and finally narrowly escaping a lava waterfall, or lavafall. Now, instead I have Obi-Wan jumping from the doorway of the secure war room to jumping onto a small floating pad and Anakin giving chase by landing on a droid. The fight mostly remains unbroken, except a small section where they talk about who is evil, instead after a few more swings the pad comes to 'The High Ground' and the rest of the movie plays mostly untouched. Rearranged the scenes so that the movie ends with the Anakin's surgery, ending the movie with Vader's breathing and the The Imperial March . - I hope this change log was insightful and brings you much more information about the edit, be it subtly or why obvious changes were made.