River of Styx [Part 01] [33x20] “You wake up in this grey world. Nothing here seems to move according to time aside from the green river flow. In front you is a ferryman cloaked in black drapes. Her left hand slowly reaches towards you and then she opens her palm. You look around confused and notice countless skulls of people who have died. You are shocked beyond belief, and then, you notice your own hand. Your own, damned, hand. It is ethereal, see-through, ghost-like, not alive. You can make a fist just like you always have and you are still wearing your armor and weapon, but… alive? Not at all. You feel some sort of frost extruding from your eye sockets and your breath is ice-cold. You are convinced: “I am dead.” You’ve heard tales before of this river, this magical river that leads to either death or resurrection. A convergence of rivers all across the planes, ruled by its deity of coin, Styx. One gold coin to cross the river… but you who is dead, how do you get the coin? You look at the ferryman, who in all this time had not moved, her hand still reaching out to you with her palm open, waiting for her coin. You reach in your pockets and somehow find a gold coin. Exactly one, as if meant to be. You give it to the ferryman, who moves into her tiny boat and waits for you. You join her and sit down, not knowing what to expect next.” Grid size: 33x20 Formats: JPG, PDF (9900x6000 pixels, 300DPI) Variations: Original, Midnight, Shadowfell, Royal Sun, Amethyst Sky, Purple Haze, Mist Grey, BloodRift