[With the last hit from Vivify, the screen fades into white (maybe black?) and the music stops. We see combat end, Christine stand before Vivify for three seconds, before she slumps to the ground and transforms back into a human. Vivify approaches her slowly. The screen fades to black. When the screen fades back in, we see Christine in a strange, alternate dimension made of fleshy walls and tendrils that squirm about everywhere around her. Strange orbs are embedded in the walls, and so is Christine. It seems she's held in place by shackles made of tentacles and flesh. It's pretty gross.] Christine: Urgh... M... my head... Where... Where am I?!... 55?! She looked about frantically as she called for her friend, but her voice caught in her throat as her eyes began to focus. Her thoughts collided in her mind, fighting against the visions that surrounded her, refusing to believe her eyes were seeing correctly. Writhing tendrils grew from walls of flesh and whipped about frantically as orb-like pustules shivered and pulsed with a familiar hue. Her stomach churned and her body wretched, but she could not move. Looking at her own body between dry gasps, she saw several of the tendrils were wrapped about her arms and legs, pinning her against the moist warmth of the fleshy walls. The sights that fell upon her eyes were unlike anything she had see on Regulus or Earth, nor heard about on Pandemonium. Wherever she was, she was no longer in the LRT facility, and she suspected she was no longer even in the same solar system. [Vivify steps into the scene, and there's a small chuckle played. Christine is shown struggling.] Christine: V-Vivify, I swear to God, let me go!... [Vivify seems to teleport right in front of Christine] Christine: Eek!!... With a drawn smile, the abomination returned its gaze to Christine. It was grinning at her. Christine heard someone whisper, someone from far away in a familiar voice, but one she could not place. There were no gods here. If she had refused to learn before, she would now... Christine’s eyes widened and her mouth fell agape as one of the tendrils attached to Vivify reached out and dangled slowly in front of her face. Her body convulsed again as her head twisted away from the tendril, and a forgotten instinct pushed a silent prayer to her mind that those [2x SOFTBLOCK] things [2x SOFTBLOCK] would not touch her. Vivify frowned, and the distant whisper returned to Christine’s mind. She was fighting. She should not be fighting. She should not refuse the lesson that was to come. With a sudden lunge, the tentacle wrapped itself around her waist. The grip on her arms and legs slackened as the tendrils from the wall dutifully released their grip, and Christine gasped as she was jerked forward, nearer to the abomination that now tormented her. A second tentacle reached out to her, snaking around her waist once before sliding up across her stomach and under her shirt. It wrapped itself around a single breast and squeezed at it gently as the tip continued upward before dipping behind her neck, only to reappear on her other shoulder where it brushed lightly against her cheek. She tore her eyes from the tentacle, desperately turning her head and chest away from its massaging caress, and her gaze again fell upon Vivify before her. There in the abomination’s face was writ the hatred of uncountable lifetimes, and she understood at once what fate was to befall her. Christine: V-vivify, please, don't!!... This - what you're doing is wrong, you must be able to see that!!... The smile that had been drawn across Vivify’s face fell briefly before twisting back into itself at odd angles. The whisper returned, but slurred and with a hint of disinterest towards Christine. She was exaggerating. Over-reacting. She should not do so towards her captor. With a jerk that threw her head back against the exploring tentacle, Christine’s body was pulled next to Vivify. She opened her mouth to scream, but was immediately silenced as the tentacle pushed her head forward, forcing her face towards her captor and her lips against her captor’s all-too-eager lips. Christine, being kissed violently: Mmmhmhmmph!! At once a cloud seemed to pass over her mind even as it clouded her eyes, and her body fell limp. Only the tentacles that held her waist and head kept her from crumpling to the floor. The kiss drew her away from her thoughts and held her mind captive. What was once a moment of romance, a gesture of love, twisted against itself and became the antithesis of all that it had once stood for. Christine could feel the insidious malice slipping its way into her mind, evading all her defenses and embedding itself deep within her brain. Her mind numbed and her thoughts grew dull, leaving her consciousness soft and malleable. She was nothing more than a bit of potter’s clay that Vivify’s skilled fingers twisted into a crude mockery of all that she had once been. Slowly Vivify began to pull away, her broken mouth twisting into a smirk as one of the tentacles wiped a thin strand of saliva from her lips. Christine, thinking: What's... Going on... I can't... Move... Can't... think... Master... Christine’s eyes drifted upward to the face of her captor, where her empty gaze was met by the unfathomable depths within Vivify’s impossible eyes. A third tentacle began to wrap itself about her body as the second continued to massage her breast and caress her face. Her body held no strength to resist, and within the back of her thoughts, where the last hint of herself lingered, she knew her body would not have complied even if had been fully rested. Instead, her body pressed itself invitingly against the abomination’s probing grasp. She moaned softly as the slimy tentacles rolled along her body and across her sides in an unending caress. Wherever they touched they left a thin film that grew hot on her skin and seemed to increase her body’s sensitivity. Each inch that the tentacles crept along seemed to go painfully slow. Christine: Nngh... Nn... nooo... Deep within her mind the last lingering point of sanity screamed at her, telling her to resist, to struggle, to fight. The thought seared her mind as it clashed against the seductive calls that had infected her, and she cried out in mental anguish. The groping undulations of the tentacles ceased as her silent cry became a vocal cry. They pulled her away from Vivify and Christine stared up into the depths of her face, and Vivify smiled her broken smile. She held up a single finger and placed it against her captive’s lips. A quiet thought pierced Christine’s mind, seeking out this lingering ember of herself. As much a command as it was a welcoming embrace, it penetrated deep within her thoughts to the very core of her psyche to where her vestigial consciousness yet lingered. This thought chided her as though she were a wayward child. This was what her master would want. Fighting would displease her master. Her master required obedience. She would be obedient. Again the ember flared to life and screamed at her, struggling against the probing thought that was as alien as it was familiar. It burned into her mind as it sought to rekindle what remained of her fighting spirit. It burned until her very thoughts began to hurt as the two thoughts collided. Christine: M... M-mas... ter... Her mind pleaded for mercy, begging to escape the burning thought even as it sought to rekindle itself. An empty cry fell from her lips as her captor pulled her close again. The finger was removed, and once more her lips were pressed against the lips of her captor. The kiss was cool against the burning ember within her mind. It soothed her, welcomed her, and as a laggard smile crept across Christine’s face, the flame that was the last anchor that held her mind was smothered. Soon her smile mirrored itself on her master’s face, and as Christine looked up into the unknowable gaze, she pressed herself into the tentacled hold of her master. Her lips sought the lips of her master, yearning to allow herself the pleasure of being lost within their embrace. Christine, blushing: Mmh... mmhh-mmmh... Ah!!... Her body convulsed and her eyes grew wide. Another of the tendrils had begun to probe her, wrapping gently about the stiffening nipples her clothes had sought to hide away. The slime-enhanced sensitivity sent a surge of pleasure throughout her body with each flick, each followed by a new convulsion. Thoughts of a malicious glee entered her mind as Vivify seemed to delight in her spasms. Christine: Mmhh- mmhhhmmhhhmaster!... Christine keened into the warm air that enveloped her, wanting to beg Vivify to stop, to end her teasing touch, to plead for mercy... But no sooner would the tendrils leave her nipples than her body would plead for their return. Christine: M-master... N-no, master, p... pleeaase... D-don't... Her face burned with a brilliant red blush as realization dawned on her of what she was about to ask. Vivify, still lodged within her mind, smiled all the more deeply. She pulled her slave closer, the depths of her impossible eyes gazing into Christine’s inquisitively. With a small tilt of her head, barely perceptible to her captive, she laid one hand on Christine’s chest. The tentacles tightened, and the tendrils resumed their probing. Christine squirmed under the teasing touch and bit into her lower lip. Christine: P-please... Don't stop!... [Play Vivify's ominous chuckle again] Before her addled mind could comprehend, the tentacles and tendrils enveloped her body. They lashed out, grasping at her while rubbing every inch of her body, from teasing on her toes to combing through her hair and scalp. They slid beneath her clothes, tearing the constricting shirt from her body. They brushed over her breasts and flicked at her nipples, twisted around her legs and massaged her thighs as they slid playfully across the fabric that yet covered her dampening pussy. She squirmed in the all-encompassing embrace of her new-found lover and moaned, pleading with her entire body for the pleasures that her strange, alien lover provided. Her body grew hotter, but whether it was from the slimy film left behind by the tentacles or by her own lustful desires she could no longer tell. She pulled at the tentacles that bound her legs, not with hopes of escape but with a need to be fully dominated by her master’s touch to be complete. The tentacles that bound her legs would not yield to her urging, and a pleading moan fell from her lips as the lustful passion began to well up within the deepest folds of her being. Vivify only looked on with a smile that was unseen by her captive’s empty gaze. She tried a second time to pull her legs apart, to open herself to her master that she might be completed, and this time, Vivify was all too happy to oblige her the desire. Her tentacles pulled her captive’s legs apart, and in a single swift surge the soft material of her pants was torn from her legs. A tentacle held her captive aloft by her raised arms as another probed the outer lips of her pleading pussy. Pulling the thin fabric of her underwear aside, a single tendril began pressing inside her. A tingling sensation spread though the depths of her womanhood from the tentacle, and Christine’s body tensed. Her moans caught in her throat and her eyes shot wide. The tentacle was thick and slick, and with every inch inside of her it wiggled, writhed, and throbbed with a greedy hunger. Christine stared down with equal greed as a cold, wet fluid began to fill her. The tentacle buried itself deeper within her, pulling the fluid deeper into her body until the chill of the fluid began to emanate outward and clash with the warmth of the slime that covered her. Christine trembled. Her body tingled with ecstasy as the tentacle and fluid continued to flow into her body, filling her. She squirmed in glee, and with each twist and turn her body wretched from her bounds, Vivify moaned. With each moan, a surge of the cold fluid followed. But even as Christine’s head lolled back, a small ember took light in the back of her mind. Perhaps it was renewed by the heat of the slime, or perhaps the cold of the fluids that now filled her had demanded a new warmth, or perhaps her captor’s attention had been pulled away with her orgasm. However it had occurred, the burning thought that would not let Christine be free returned. Christine, thinking: No-no-no, that is not right!!... She gasped as realization began to sweep over her, her mind, her breath hitched and she tried to squeeze her legs shut. Vivify frowned and the orgasmic pleasure that had covered her face washed away to be replaced by a terribly frustration. She licked her lips and growled quietly. The whispering dug itself into Christine’s mind. Christine was strong. An understanding. A kiss was not enough. The abomination was stronger. Other solutions would be had. The wall behind her started to move, and Christine tried to twist herself about to see what was happening. However much she tried, she found herself unable to pull against the tentacles that held her aloft. They held her still, unmoving beyond her token squirming and fully exposed to her captor. The tentacle that had been within began to writhe again, and Christine cried out. Soon it was joined by a new tentacle that slid about the soft cheeks of her ass. At once she knew its intention, and though she again tried to pull her spread legs closed, the tentacles held strong. Christine: M-mas... Vivify, n-noaAAH! The tentacle began to prod at her anus, pressing softly with its tip as the shaft of the tentacle continued to glide across her ass in a caress. Christine clenched her body shut as tightly as her battle- and sex-worn muscles would allow, but Vivify only laughed and wagged a single finger in front of her face. Christine gritted her teeth as she forced herself to concentrate, stoking the burning ember in her mind to hold on to her sanity as the tentacle continued to press against her tightened anus even as the machinations of the tentacle deep within her pussy threatened to send her into an orgasm. But with a single thrust, the tentacle slipped into her anus, and her resolve slipped away. Her body went rigid. Her back arched. Her eyes grew wide and rolled back. From deep within her chest, buried beneath her heaving breasts, a long and blissful moan welled up within her and began to slip out of her throat and filled the air beyond her lips. Her mind could scarcely comprehend the pleasure that was flooding her body as the squirming tentacles pressed themselves deeper into her body. The pressed against her skin from within, driving the slime-enhanced sensitivity wild and letting her feel every ridge, bump, and nub on the tentacles as they forced their way deeper within her. The second tentacle then began to flood the depths of her ass with the strange, cold fluid, and a shiver of ecstasy danced its way along her spine and into every part of her body. Smiling once more, Vivify reached out to her and cupped her cheek in one hand. Immediately the whispering voice in Christine’s mind grew soft. She was ready to learn. The tentacles began pumping harder, and Christine’s seized body went limp. Her brain clouded over as more of the fluid filled her, and she could do nothing more than moan and squirm in bliss. Soon she could no longer even moan as a new tentacle began to trace its way along her mouth, and Christine reached out to it with her lips, grasping at it, probing it with her tongue even as it began to probe her mouth. The new tentacle spared no time in excreting the cold fluid, and it washed over Christine’s tongue and began to slide its way down her throat. It was sweet, but not exceptionally so, and both chilled and warmed her dwindling memories. Christine coughed, once, and gagged as the tentacle began to slide its way down into her throat, but its passage was eased by the slime and slick fluid. Her tongue returned the caress of the tentacles as it slid deeper within her, and she found herself sucking at it, begging it silently to delve deeper until all three might meet somewhere within. Suddenly they retracted, leaving Christine gagging and gaping as the liquid dripped from every orifice. She looked around, confused and disappointed as her body took sorrowful notice of how empty she felt without them. She needed more... A wistful frown crossed her face as she looked at her master, but it was short-lived as her gaze fell upon why Vivify had pulled out. From between her legs slid a long, hard, chitinous appendage. It was shiny, slick, and tube-like, and immediately Christine knew what it would be used for. Christine: Yes... Oh, yes, master, please!... She spread her legs as much as her body would allow, her eyes never leaving her master’s newest offering. Vivify's cold eyes narrowed in glee as she watched her captive’s awe as the alien protrusion grew longer and closer, until a small trickle of the slick, cold fluid leaked from its tip. Vivify would not leave Christine waiting. She took hold of Christine roughly with her hands, grabbing at her hips and pulling her onto the alien appendage. Christine felt like she was being impaled. Her body tensed as every muscle seemed to clench, and her mouth flew wide as if to scream, but before even a single sound could form within her a tentacle buried itself within her throat to fill the void. Tears stung her eyes and she squirmed in the vice-like grip of the tentacles. She struggled against them, but with each push and pull, the tentacle dove deeper within her mouth and down her throat, all the while the alien [SOFTBLOCK] thing [SOFTBLOCK] thrust into her over and over and over again. The force of the thrusting rocked her entire body, and a searing light invaded her vision with each thrust. She could feel her body filling with the strange fluid the tentacle in her mouth released. Her stomach began to distend and her body shivered with the whimpering moans the tentacle kept buried within her. Even as her mind began to give way to the pleasures the thrusting provided her, a tentacle reached up and plunged itself within her anus once more. Her body convulsed with the whispers of another orgasm as brief hints of panic began to invade her addled mind. The panic began to grow as her vision took in a large, faintly-glowing sphere making its way through Vivify’s appendage, and she began to struggle against the tentacles that held her. With each push and pull against her bonds, Vivify seemed to thrust harder and faster until the sphere reached the lips of her pussy. It pressed against them, rolling through them and pressing, briefly, against her clitoris as it passed through and into her womb. As it did, the whispers of the orgasm broke forth into a towering crescendo, and her entire body answered its call. The orgasm surged through her, racing from the tips of her toes to the top of her scalp, stretching into her fingers and emanating from every point of her body with an electric joy. A strangled scream worked its way from behind the tentacle in her mouth, but as the orgasm passed, her mind went quiet. Her body felt like it was made of air and she was drifting, floating through an endless universe of exploding stars and all-consuming black holes. She watched eons pass, suns burn out and die, civilizations rise, grow fat, then fall under their own weight. Her stomach was warm and full, and a light glowed within it. The life and power within this light sent shockwaves of knowledge through her and throughout the universe. She watched herself disintegrate, be re-born, then shatter into an uncountable number of atoms, only to put herself back together in a thousand shapes that were as possible as they were impossible. She saw the illogical geometry of the sacred cities, and the guard dogs walk between the lines to protect their masters. She saw them squirm, grow, reach out and multiply, and she reached out to be with them. Her eyes glazed over and her mind overflowed, leaving her head and mingling with the universe itself. The light in her stomach expanded as it pulsated, growing bigger by the second. By the century. By the millennia. Christine could no longer tell. Time had no meaning. There was no sequence to it. What was. What is. What will be. All merged and separated until all possibilities were spread out before her, all awaiting someone to walk them. Somehow, this calmed her. Calmer than she'd ever been. She saw the universe expand, contract, explode, implode, be born, and die before her very eyes, and she understood. She looked up into Vivify's impossible eyes, and saw they made sense. [Fade out to black, and cute to back at the final battle scene. Christine's party members are picking themselves up off the floor, when a rift in time-space suddenly appears before them. They scramble, gasping, cling to each other and stare as a black shape appears in that painful, colourless light. It looks like Vivify's silhouette... But a shockwave of light pulses from this wound in reality, and Christine's distinct haircut wells out behind her. The light fades, and Eldritch Christine floats in the air, not saying a word.] 55, horrified: Christine... No!... [Bad end]