2019. A fresh new year, full of fresh new possibilities. Everything from the past year is gone, and the world is left with a blank slate with which to tell a new story. This is our story. For many of the students on campus, New Year's was little more than an excuse to get ridiculously, hedonistically drunk, taking the phrase “go out with a bang” to a whole new level. For roommates Decker and Lee, that was exactly what the holiday was about, and that's why they found themselves milling through a crowd of students in some frathouse, at 1am January 1st. The only thing that was unique about this celebration compared to all the others going on all over the world...was the size difference. Lee sat on his much larger rabbit roommate's shoulders as Decker rummaged his way through the crowd of much larger people around him. There was no way a tiny human like himself could be safe in a macro frat (accidents were all too common), but it was a great coincidence that his roommate happened to be a macro! Decker was confident, strong, and big - everything Lee needed for protection, even though there was (mostly) peace and harmony between the macros and micros in this society. “Gimme a sip of that!” Lee shouted up to Decker, who had a small bottle of vodka in his hand. “My guy, one drop of this stuff is gonna straight up kill you. Where's your flask?” the rabbit responded, a bit annoyed that Lee was shouting considering he could hear his tiny, nasally voice perfectly fine over the crowd of people surrounding the two. “I forgot it at the apartment, dude. C'mon, just a little drop. Or at least go to the fridge and see if they have any bottles in my size…” Lee continued, slumping down onto the rabbit’s shoulder in a mock grumpiness, battering his fists down in a playful manner. “Ugh, fine…” Decker’s voice boomed in his ears as he quickly turned around, making his way to the kitchen, stumbling just a tiny bit from the liquor the rabbit already had today...it made Lee a bit nauseous. “Watch where yer goin’, Decker!” he yelled from the rabbit’s shoulder as the pair finally made their way into the kitchen. Decker scowled. Maybe it was the fact he was ever-so-slightly tipsy, but he was starting to get a bit annoyed with his roommate bossing him around like this. At any moment he could just drop the human on a counter and forget him like he never existed, but that was mean, and he liked Lee...at least, he liked him most of the time. He didn’t say anything, just walking to the fridge, opening the door, and looking inside to see if they had any micro-sized bottles. It was honestly difficult for him to see without any sort of magnifying glass, but eventually, Lee pointed out something. “Look! There! One bottle left. Let me get down there…” the human said as he started scrambling down the rabbit’s shoulder, Decker sighing before pinching Lee between his fingers and setting him down in one of his fluffy hands. “Lee, the last time you treated me like a jungle gym you ended up in the hospital.” he scolded as he put his hand in the fridge, letting Lee hop down and grab the last bottle of booze that he saw. “Mannnn, I know what I’m doin…” the human said as he hopped back onto Decker’s hand, the rabbit calmly lifting him up as Lee cracked the bottle open and took a swig. “Aaaahhh, the best kind of burn…” the human commented as the two of them walked back into the party, Decker handing out high-fives as he made his way to the beer pong table. He was one of the best people on campus at beer pong, and Lee loved watching him from such a close angle...even though the rabbit sometimes forgot that there was a little human riding on his shoulder! “Decker, my dude…” some jock zebra yelled into Lee’s ear as he came up to the rabbit from behind, slapping him on the back. The two had a conversation that Lee could barely hear among all the other rowdy party animals shouting, before Decker turned away and went back to the table. Lee took a sip from the bottle of vodka he’d gotten from the fridge. “These guys suck, you’ve got this free.” he yelled up to Decker as he grabbed a ping-pong ball, using his masterful bounce shot to force the zebra across from him to down one of the cups of beer. Decker was alone versus a whole team - making it a lot easier to get drunk, and sure enough, even though Decker was easily winning, the rabbit still ended up having to drink quite a few cups. Lee could tell that the rabbit was becoming a bit more...sloshy, and a lot messier in his play, starting to lose his edge - which only led to him having to drink more. “Decker, I think you should get some teammates…” the human advised, trying to keep his balance on the rabbit’s tipsy shoulder. “N-nah, I got this. Just one...one more shot…” Decker mumbled, refocusing for a moment before he took his next shot. Which was a complete miss. “AAaggghh, damn balls…” Decker groaned out as he reached out for one of the cups of booze, missing one, then another. “God...god damnit…” he muttered as he continued trying to grab one of the full cups of booze on his side of the table, Lee feeling a bit woozy as he struggled to stay attached to the rabbit’s unsteady shoulder! Decker almost knocked one over before the zebra that had come up to him earlier came back, looking slightly concerned with the rabbit. “...You should probably go upstairs and relax.” the zebra calmly said, wrapping a hoofed arm around the rabbit’s other shoulder and gently guiding him upstairs. Decker was mostly just babbling about beer pong, not making any sudden movements or trying to get the zebra off of him...which was good. The rabbit wasn’t an angry drunk, but he could get fighty at times… The jock zebra led Decker and Lee upstairs, making sure to keep the rabbit stable as he stumbled up the steps. He opened a door to reveal a rather well-furnished bedroom, with a huge, cushy king bed in the middle. “You can crash here ‘till you feel better, Decker. Keep an eye on him, will ya, little guy?” the zebra said, his huge, vibrant blue eyes staring right at Lee. “Uh...the best I can at this size, sure.” he responded as Decker stumbled over to the bed, turning around and flopping right onto the soft pillows and blankets. “Holy shit, this is...soooo soft…” Decker mumbled as the zebra closed the door behind him, flicking off the light to give Decker a bit of time to recover. “Urgh...I may have *urp* had...a bit too much to drink.” Decker groaned as Lee slowly crawled off the rabbit’s shoulder, jumping down onto the soft mattress below. “You think, bright guy?” he shouted up at Decker, whose moans and groans were practically deafening at Lee’s size. “Put...put a sock in it.” the rabbit only replied, rolling over on the bed, almost landing right on top of Lee! “Hey, watch where you’re going!” the small human shouted up at Decker, mere inches from being crushed! Decker simply opened his eyes, looking down at the tiny human, before speaking again. “You know...you look pretty cute down there, Lee…” the rabbit said, before drunkenly reaching for his roommate! Lee tried to run from the looming rabbit paw, but to no avail; he felt the strong, yet soft embrace of Decker wrap around him in seconds. He yelled to the rabbit to let him go, but as Decker slowly got up off the bed, his cries were easily muffled by the rabbit’s grip. Lee couldn’t see what was going on outside, but he could hear the flick of the lightswitch in the room, as well as some vague shuffling noises coming from below him, before Decker stumbled his way back over to the bed. Lee’s sense of direction was starting to get fuddled, but he could still feel the rabbit laying down in bed, before he lifted his paw up and started to open his grip up… In a few moments, Lee found himself dangling above Decker, the rabbit sporting a drunken grin as Lee wriggled between his fingers. But the most surprising change was the fact that the rabbit was now naked! At least, he was pantsless, and sporting a quickly-stiffening erection… “Ugh! What the hell are you doing, Decker!?” Lee shouted at Decker, the rabbit not having said anything for the past ~20 seconds Lee had spent dangling above his head. “I...I’m not gonna lie, Decker, I’ve...I’ve thought about the fact that you’re small...and wanted to..um...do things with you…~” the rabbit sputtered, slowly bringing Lee closer to his face as he did so. Lee was only able to watch as Decker’s mouth slowly opened wide, strands of drool snapping as the ruby red flesh pulsated beneath the human! “Agh! What the hell!? Don’t eat me, Decker!” Lee shouted as the rabbit slowly lowered the human into his mouth, Lee wriggling and trying to break free of the rabbit’s fingers - to no avail, of course. “Huhlahcks…” Decker mumbled with his mouth open as his tongue rolled out like a red carpet, Lee groaning in disgust as he felt his feet squish against the wet muscle, the rest of him coming with soon. Before the human could find his footing and crawl out of Decker’s mouth, the rabbit’s lips and teeth locked shut behind him, trapping inside his roommate’s humid maw! “UGH!” the human groaned as he found his body immediately coated with sticky rabbit drool, the stuff getting stuck to every part of his body in a matter of seconds! The tongue underneath him quickly rose up, pushing the human flat as he was smooshed up against the roof of Decker’s mouth. It felt to Lee like Decker was sucking on him like a piece of hard candy! And Decker was certainly enjoying his roommate’s taste, a deep, bassy “mmmmm…” rumbling from the back of the rabbit’s throat as he continued to play with and taste his little human. Lee thought the rabbit would swallow by now, but strangely, he was still being toyed with in the rabbit’s mouth. It was tough to tell exactly where he was going, with the stink of alcohol clouding his head and nothing but darkness around him, but it felt like right now Lee was getting mashed against the rabbit’s cheek, his clothes absolutely soaked in rabbit spit at this point, to the point where the human could barely even notice it at this point… Then Decker’s mouth opened again. His tongue scooped Lee out of his cheek, bringing him back to the light at the front of his mouth. Lee was a bit disoriented at this point, both from being soaking-wet in rabbit drool, and from the relative sensory deprivation. So he didn’t even know what Decker was doing until he felt the rabbit pinch his feet once more, Decker slowly dragging him out of his maw. The cold air against his wet skin and clothes made Lee shiver, and soon he felt himself dangling upside-down from Decker’s fingertips, his entire field of view taken up by rabbit snout. “Mmhh, why didn’t you tell me you tasted so good…” Decker teased, Lee dripping wet drool onto his bare chest as he dangled from the rabbit’s hand. “I DON’T!” Lee shouted, moving back and forth as he tried to dislodge himself from Decker’s grip. “Now let me go, you drunk dor-” Unfortunately for the human, he was too busy being outraged to notice that Decker had his mouth open again, Lee’s face splatting once more against the rabbit’s rough tongue. This time, Decker’s lips closed around his chest, leaving the human’s legs and feet sticking out from the rabbit’s mouth, Decker keeping a grip on Lee’s pants so he could pull the human in and out of his lips. Which he did with impunity, sucking on the human’s upper half like a candy cane, slurping up and down Lee’s body, absolutely coating the human in sticky rabbit drool. Lee was unable to do little more than sputter and try to get clean breaths in as he was constantly plunged into and pulled out of Decker’s lips. Even in all of this, though, Lee felt...coddled? Decker wasn’t being rough, despite his intoxication, and it certainly didn’t hurt. Everything was so soft and wet, and any discomfort the human was feeling wasn’t really being done intentionally. It put the human in a weird position, mentally…did he like what was going on? He felt something weird in his pants, that was for sure... Luckily, he didn’t have the time to think it through, as he felt Decker pulling on his legs once more, the orange rabbit this time pulling him all the way out, letting Lee once more feel the chilly embrace of the fresh air on his drool-soaked body. Decker ended up dangling Lee by one foot in front of him, smiling as he looked at his sputtering, dripping roommate. “You’re...you’re like an everlasting gobble...gobstopper, dude!” the rabbit slurred eventually, Lee crossing his arms with impunity as he still tried to find his bearings after being wrenched from the now-familiar environment of Decker’s maw. “Are you FINISHED?” the human eventually said, at least outwardly displaying a measure of annoyance, even if he wasn’t so sure that he was annoyed by it on the inside. Decker seemed to be lost in thought for a moment, thinking about what to do next. “Hmmmm…..nah.” he eventually said, before opening his mouth once more! But instead of popping Lee back inside, the human was forced to feel Decker drag his tongue up and down his body, now treating Lee more like a popsicle than a piece of candy! The human was almost used to it at this point, honestly, and as he felt Decker’s rough tongue slurp up and down his back, Lee thought for a moment. Decker obviously wasn’t going to eat him...at least, he probably would have done it by now, so what exactly WAS the rabbit planning? Was this going anywhere? Or was the rabbit just being a drunk moron and slobbering all over him for the sake of it being gross? He was about to get his answer. After Decker finished his tongue bath, the rabbit finally gave Lee a little time to breathe. “...So what was the point of all that, exactly?” the human said in-between spitting out mouthfuls of rabbit drool (well...spitting it out he best he could, anyway). “Well, first it was *uoorrrp* just to lube ya up, but then I really liked your taste…” the rabbit replied, Lee's eyes opening wide as he heard the word “lube”. “...lube me up? for WHAT?” he said with a bit of indignation. He was shivering cold, and even though he liked Decker, this is not what he expected when he got together with his roommate! “You'll see.” was all Decker said before he casually got up in bed, moving Lee around as he sat up before positioning the human in quite a...special place. Lee looked down the best he could...to see Decker's erect cock, one paw firmly wrapped around it...and he was being lowered into it! “What the fuck are you doing!?!” Lee shouted as the pink flesh of the rabbit's dick rushed up at him, the human finding his face mashed up against Decker's cockslit almost immediately. Instead of breathing in the rank smell of Decker's mouth, Lee found his lungs full of the rabbit's musk, the salty taste of pre getting in his mouth as he tried to tell Decker to let him out. He heard Decker let out a soft moan as the rabbit continued smooshing the human up against his cock, the flesh of Decker's rod slowly stretching and allowing the rabbit to force Lee inside… It took a few tries, but Decker moaned as Lee's head eventually slid inside his cock with a wet, satisfying *shlorp*! With all the lubrication from his pre, the rabbit found it pretty easy to slip Lee inside, his cockslit stretching around the human's shoulders with ease. The double shot of lube was certainly helping things along, that was for sure! For a moment, Decker thought about using Lee like a sounding rod, but that would take a bit too much effort. He had been edging himself with the mouthplay for far too long - he needed his little roommate inside his balls, ASAP! The cock clenched and pulled Lee deeper hungrily, partially a conscious movement from Decker, and partially an unconscious need from the deeper part of his body. He NEEDED Lee squirming around in his sac, he needed that release, and he was going to get it, and there were going to be no ifs, ands, or buts about it! Lee’s shoulders were sinking in with ease, and although the tiny human was kicking his feet the best he could, he couldn’t dislodge himself from the rabbit’s hungry, musky length. Decker’s other hand moved from his shaft to his balls, jostling and playing with them as Lee continued sinking into his cock, the human getting a breath of heady rabbit musk every few seconds or so, slowly making him more and more complacent as he sank deeper into Decker’s length. “Hhhfff, sooo goood…” Decker groaned as he felt his dick throb powerfully, sucking Lee a few inches deeper into the wet, lubricated shaft. The human was basically a pair of legs sticking out of Decker’s cock awkwardly at this point, Lee having basically given up at this point with his mouthfuls of salty rabbit pre and lungfuls of powerful, intoxicating musk...even though the rabbit was obviously drunk, Lee didn’t think anything was going to happen to him; it was all just a very weird way of showing affection...right? It was certainly an immense amount of trust to put in the rabbit, but it was pretty much all Lee could do at this point as he felt the cockflesh rippling around him once more, slurping him another inch or so deeper. He could hear gentle burbling coming from beneath him (at least, that’s what he THOUGHT he heard over all the other lewd and wet noises), and wondered what would be greeting him in the rabbit’s sac. How pent-up had Decker been recently? The human was certainly about to find out. Lee suddenly felt something nudging up against his feet, which were pretty much the only things left sticking outside of the rabbit’s dick currently. Gradually, he felt that something pressing down on his foot, at first meeting a bit of resistance, but then pushing more, the human sliiiiding deeper into the hot, tight environment of Decker’s urethra, bassy moans rumbling all around Lee as Decker finished shoving him inside his nethers, his cock-slit slowly and proudly closing around the tips of Lee’s feet, the rabbit able to see the small bulge his roommate made in his cock as he continued his journey deeper. He moved his free hand to his cock, stroking down firmly, but gently, in rhythmic motions to coax his length to swallow Lee deeper...which it gladly did, the bulge the human made starting to sink deeper into Decker’s loins. “Hhhfff...you feel...so good in there~” the rabbit sighed out, leaning forward a little bit as he felt Lee continue to sink into his balls. The small, furry orbs eventually bulged out a little bit with the human’s presence, Lee getting squeezed out into his new home like a tube of toothpaste. At least this confirmed his suspicions; as he found he would have to share the rabbit’s balls with a sloshing load of bunny jizz! The musk was only stronger in here, filling Lee’s mind with all sorts of lewd thoughts as he tried to get comfortable inside. It wasn’t hard, considering it was like he was bathing in an especially-gooey hot tub… “God. What a mess…” was all the human could sputter out as he basted in Decker’s thick cum. He couldn’t even pretend to be mad at the drunk bunny anymore, considering how nice (and hot) this felt. The sac walls around him were stretchy, conforming to his body like a memory foam mattress...or a hammock. Or something like that. Point is, it was incredibly comfortable, far more comfy than he would have ever thought… Or at least, it would be if Decker wasn’t jerking off so hard! The balls around Lee were constantly jostling back and forth, sloshing heavily as the rabbit got off. A drunk fap was definitely in order, now that Lee was nice and curled up in the rabbit’s sac...Decker never had anyone in there, it was such a weird and enjoyable sensation that his cock was rock-hard as soon as Lee wriggled his way down in there. He had already been playing with himself as early as when he first put Lee in his mouth, so it wasn’t that hard for the rabbit to feel something starting to surge out of his loins. The quickening tempo of Decker’s masturbation was starting to make Lee a little queasy inside the hot, wet chamber, constant quick movement all around the human starting to induce a bit of dizziness...and started to coat him in even more of Decker’s musky spunk! It only started to get more and more hot and musky in the rabbit’s balls as he came closer and closer to orgasm, to the point the heat was almost unbearable for Lee. He hoped Decker would splooge him out soon, before things got too rough down here… It only took a few more moments for Lee to feel the sac clench tightly around him, forcing him back up the way he came as Decker came to a loud and messy orgasm. The rabbit moaned without inhibition as shots of musky rabbit jizz splattered out onto his furry chest, a few clean shots making their way out before Decker heard the tiny scream of Lee getting shot right out of his cock, and, a few moments later, the soft *thud* of his human roommate landing on his chest. Decker was too into his orgasm to do anything about Lee immediately, so he just let his body finish, spasming a few times as the last of his load shot out onto his belly, eventually being reduced to a small dribble of cum and pre making its way down his still-throbbing shaft. Lee was thankful for the soft landing, at least. The human was covered from head to toe in rabbit jizz, and it looked like his clothes had melted off in Decker’s balls as well, leaving the human naked and shivering as he stumbled to his feet. “Well, that was...something.” the human said, trying to wipe some of the gooey musky cream off of him as Decker came down from his afterglow, looking down to his human with a smile. “Hhhhfff...that was awesome...did you enjoy it as much as I did?” he asked, pausing for a moment before reaching down to pick up Lee once more, this time allowing the human to crawl into his hand before lifting him up to his face. “I did.” Lee said as he got to his feet slowly, reaching forward to hug the rabbit’s nose in appreciation. “...Although I could probably use a bit of a shower.” Decker smiled, before licking his lips once more. “I could help with that…~”