Mewtwo vs Lucario. Even though these Pokemon were two completely separate generations apart from each other, even though one was a legendary and one wasn't, even though the type advantage would seem to be overwhelmingly in one Pokemon's favor at first glance...a rivalry that burned so brightly and powerfully through the years. From Smash to Pokken and beyond, these two ‘mons would always find themselves duking it out in one way or another. Aura vs psychic powers alone was enough to get one's head fluttering with the possibilities of a fight between the two of them... And Callum was just about sick of it. It was so overdone, so overwrought to the point where he wanted to crush someone's brain whenever they even thought about pitting the two Pokemon against each other! Of course, he could just beat up Lucario after Lucario until it wasn't fun for people anymore, but Callum was, of course, smart. Plus, if he lost that matchup, he would never, ever hear the end of it. So he had taken to exploiting a weakness that Mewtwos didn't have: the fact that Lucarios had to evolve. Riolus were no slouches on their own, but they were much more manageable and, more importantly, much smaller than Lucarios...and that meant they were easier to take down, and more fun to play around with once he had caught one~ And that is where Nub found itself today. The poor little explorer Riolu really didn't have a chance, honestly. One second, it was walking along a trail to nowhere in particular, just sort of enjoying a fresh, new day. Another second later, and it had been blasted in the side by a sphere of dark psychic aura: a powerful Shadow Ball attack from a nearby Mewtwo that had been waiting for the perfect target. The next second, it was on the ground, being pressed and pushed into the earth beneath it by a large, purplish-red paw that was big enough to cover almost half of its body! “Well, well, well. Look what I caught wandering around outside, completely aware of the danger lurking just a few feet away...” The Mewtwo, Callum, taunted as he stood atop of Nub, flexing his foot on top of the Riolu to emphasize the word danger in his sentence. Nub, for its part, pushed and squirmed and tried its best to wiggle out from underneath the pressure that had been put on top of it, but the little Riolu had been caught by surprise, and really did not have the time to formulate any kind of plan for how to escape. Even trying to bite one of Callum’s fat toes only elicited a bit of a chuckle from the Mewtwo, who spent another moment just enjoying the feeling of how the Riolu squirmed underneath his paw. Squishing and squeezing the doomed fight-dog under all of his weight, tenderizing the adventurer for what was to come...working whatever little fight was in there out of the Pokemon in just a minute or so! Eventually, Callum found himself a touch bored, though, and Nub still had some energy left as well. “Feisty, aren't you? At the very least, I know a place where you can put all of that energy to better use...” Nub was a bit confused as it felt the pressure on top of it being slowly lifted, Callum bringing that foot atop the Pokemon upwards, before the Riolu’s entire body was locked in place by a deep red aura. One that quickly started to pick the Fighting-type right up off of the ground and bring it up to eye level, allowing Nub to stare right into those imposing, pinkish eyes...since, you know, it couldn't really do anything else! “I bet all that wiggling would feel pretty good in my tail stomach~” Callum said, releasing his psychic grip on Nub’s face just enough to see the look of horror that flashed across it before he opened wide and stuffed the upper half of the Riolu’s body right into his pulsating, red, hungry maw! Nub really was pretty much just snack-sized to Callum, so it was rather trivial to just cram almost half of the fight-dog right into his mouth, the Riolu’s snout bumping against the back of the psychic cat’s throat in the blink of an eye! Nub was now encircled on all sides by slimy, hot maw flesh that pressed and pushed on its body, smearing gooey Mewtwo drool into the Pokemon’s fur for a while it was still unable to do anything with that powerful psychic lock. It didn't gain the Steel type until evolving, after all, so Psychic was still very much an effective type to use on the Pokemon~ Callum kept the Riolu trapped in his mouth for a few more moments, enjoying the flavor and texture of the yappy little thing before simultaneously releasing his psychic hold on the Pokemon and clamping down his jaws on Nub’s waist to lock it in place before - *ggLrrRrk~* - the Fighting-type once again found movement impossible, though this time from a much more organic binding...the walls of throat flesh all around it that pulsated with hunger, dragged the Riolu down without Callum even needing to do anything. The Mewtwo just watched as Nub’s spindly little legs gradually disappeared into his maw, slurping and slathering them with his tongue before tipping his head back and sending them down along with the rest of the Pokemon. Resting a hand on his throat as he swallowed again, relishing in the newfound fight the Riolu found now that it could physically move, even if it was still mostly restrained by the Psychic-type’s powerful esophagus...mmh. Felt lovely alllll the way down~ Nub really didn't appreciate the squeezing waves of peristalsis that continued to stifle its attempts to fight back as they pushed the Riolu deep into Callum’s body, past the Mewtwo's thumping heart and down towards the entrance to his stomach while the Psychic-type casually floated away from the engagement like nothing had happened. There was simply a Riolu there, and in the blink of an eye, it was gone, with nothing left behind. If one wasn't paying attention, they wouldn't even be able to see where it went! Just a very satisfied-looking Mewtwo up in the air, with perhaps a kick or two that one could notice in his gut if they were able to look close enough... “Mmm. Nice and tender. Much better *before* you do all that fighting...” Callum commented on his meal as he felt Nub sink into his stomach proper, the Riolu splashing down into a tight, though much more maneuverable chamber filled to the brim with sizzling, slimy acids that immediately soaked into the fight-dog’s fur...though even this was just a brief respite. Callum did say he was going to stuff the Riolu into his tail stomach, after all. And even though that would require a bit more effort from the Mewtwo, he was more than willing to put that in to feel those wiggly kicks Nub was putting out a fair bit deeper into his guts...! So, after the Riolu spent a couple of minutes being squeezed and worked over by Callum’s stomach walls, vainly trying to push and fight back against the constant onslaught, Nub found itself once again enveloped by that powerful, dominating psychic energy. This time, it was pushing the Pokemon deeper; through parts of the stomach that were once impossible for Nub to push through, until the Riolu’s snout pressed up against a tight sphincter. A sphincter that would eventually yawn open to accept the meaty offering... “Mmmhhh, yeeEEeess...absolutely divine~” Callum groaned as the base of his tail started to become enveloped in that red energy, the bulge in his stomach gradually shifting down between his legs as Nub was pumped through another tight, fleshy tunnel, once again restricted both physically and mentally! The Mewtwo had plenty of nerve endings and the like down between his legs, of course, so it felt amazing to shove Nub right into his crotch, the little, squirmy Riolu making quite the nice crotch bulge for Callum to squeeze and rub at with his tail for a good minute or so as his guts attempted to move Nub along. “Haah, my little taint bulge~” the Mewtwo continued to tease as he squeezed his thighs inward once more, beaming those words right into Nub's brain to make sure that the Riolu could hear every word over the squelching and thumping of his innards! Feeling the panicked, perhaps even flustered squirms inside of him increase in response, before dying back down as the fleshy walls seized inward like a flytrap to push the Fighting-type deeper... That fat lump of fight-dog continued its way around the back of Callum’s crotch, pressing up against all sorts of lovely places like his prostate in the process before Nub was squeezed through into the tail stomach proper - though the only thing that really signified its existence to the Riolu was the fact that it had stopped moving. There was nowhere further to go in the Mewtwo, perhaps besides becoming part of him...but that was a good while away! Before the Riolu even had a moment to settle in and try its best to analyze the situation it had been put in, the entire world around it shook as Callum casually swung his tail between his legs and up to face him, squeezing the thick, red appendage like a body pillow as he made his descent into the cave he would be spending the night in. “You had better save some of that fight for it later, because you have a long, long digestion ahead of you~” the Mewtwo teased as he curled up for the evening, bringing his fattened tail up behind him like a big, squishy mattress for him to use! This cave was nice and secluded, but it lacked in comfort...until now, at the very least. Nub was more than a bit wiggly underneath Callum, but if it ever got too rowdy, the Mewtwo could always just lock the pup in place so that he could get some quality rest~ The light of morning eventually shone its way into Callum's cave, the Mewtwo’s eyes slowly opening up and the Pokemon smacking his lips as he came back to consciousness and the thought of a new day began to enter his brain. But it wasn't the day after he had swallowed down Nub; in fact, it was a couple of days after their initial encounter, though at first glance you wouldn't exactly be able to tell from how active and squirmy the bulge in the Mewtwo's tail still was! Despite the fact that Callum could have easily melted down the Riolu into Mewtwo chub in just a few hours, the little Fighting-type’s squirms were so nice and enjoyable, especially down between his legs and in his he decided it would be fun to keep Nub around for a few days! A very long, slow, labored digestion of the Riolu; perhaps it hadn't even started yet! Nub certainly wasn't one to know. The Riolu had been surrounded by slimy gut walls for what felt like weeks at this point, pushed from tail stomach to crotch belly to regular Mewtwo stomach and back to the point where it felt like they were really just one giant, connected chamber. And, honestly, it wasn't too far from the truth. Constant slimy, tingly fluids so very slowly eating into the Riolu’s fur, squeezing flesh walls assaulting the Pokemon from every direction, forcing it to curl up into a tiny ball that was easier to push and shove around with those innard contractions. Easier to toy around with, as a good meal should be. “Mmmh...good morning in there~” Callum said to the bulge in his crotch as he squeezed it between his legs, delighting in the feeling of Nub being snapped awake and almost instantly starting to squirm and whimper just as it had been doing last night, and the day before that, and the day before that....the Riolu was an absolutely lovely belly pet to have, for sure! “Hmmm.. I wonder if today is the day I'll start digesting you. It is getting a bit troublesome to carry around all this extra weight...” he continued to tease, unable to hold back a little chuckle as he felt Nub starting to panic in response to his words! Cute little paw prints pressing out from the inside of his crotch belly, the stimulation rubbing him riiiight in his bits, jostling his balls around and getting his cock to peek out of his foreskin a little bit...mmh, it was so easy to get Nub to do exactly what he wanted, he didn't even need to invade the Riolu’s mind to get there, either! It was all so easy, but it didn't make it any less fun, either. “Oooh! Be careful where you squirm...mmf...might get me going~” Callum continued to layer the teasing on, pushing down on his crotch belly to get his innards to push Nub along deeper into his tail. A motion the Riolu had more than gotten used to by now, but the jarring nature of it always caught it a little bit off guard. The Mewtwo’s shaft continued to flare up as the base of his tail thickened and fattened up, Nub providing just the right amount of squish to his tail to turn it into a lovely humping pillow for the horny ‘two! Nub whimpered as it felt all of Callum's weight coming down onto it, the Mewtwo resting his ass on that Rio-lump and grinding back and forth while his shaft pulsed and throbbed into the base of that engorged tail. “Mmmh...fuck...and here I was, thinking about gurgling you. Why would I ever get rid of such a good...nnnf...belly toy~” the Mewtwo ragged on as he kept up the grinding, only increasing the pace over time - which, of course, only made the environment around Nub even tighter, hotter, the pressure bearing down on the Riolu even more intense...and that question in the back of its mind still lingering. If the next gurgle or squelch that it heard was just air or liquid moving around inside of Callum, or if it would actually signify the onset of that inevitable digestion. A lot of those sounds were certainly being dredged up by the frantic movement Callum was making, the constant back-and-forth jostling only making Nub dizzy deep inside of the Mewtwo's fat tail. At least it seemed like he was getting close rather quickly... As suddenly as it started, all that commotion came to an abrupt finish as Callum groaned, collapsing back onto his tail-bulge as thick, opaque ropes of pent-up Mewtwo cum straight up into the air, some coming out with so much force that they splattered against the roof of the cave that Callum had called his home for the past few days! A strange sort of squeak-bark being forced out of Nub as the Riolu felt all that weight suddenly coming down onto it, so humiliated in the moment by the fact that Callum was using its squirms as nothing more than fuel for his pleasure...but there really was nothing that the Riolu could honestly do about it. Its strength had been sapped so thoroughly over the past few days, that it really was just a slimy, squishy lump to be passed and pushed around by the Mewtwo and his innards as Callum saw fit until that inevitable digestion came. It had been slowly, agonizingly creeping up on the Riolu for the past day or so, but it seemed that right at the moment of Callum's orgasm, the digestive fluids around Nub started to pick up in their intensity. Still slowly, of course; but steadily, that tingling continued to creep across their fur, an unpleasant singing starting to occur in the spots that had been exposed the longest to the Mewtwo’s acids. At least some parts of the Riolu’s body were starting to become numb as well...though if it was coming from the digestion or from the awkward positions that Nub was constantly being forced into, the Riolu didn't know. All that it knew was that it certainly made struggling and pushing against those hungry, encroaching belly walls even more difficult than it already was! Add on the extra weight of the rest of Callum's body, and it was a recipe for fight-dog churning, to be sure. Honestly, without Nub inside of him, Callum didn't weigh all that much, though. Perhaps he was using some of his psychic energy to put that much extra weight down on the Riolu, to help mulch and compress it inside of his gut that much more~ “Mmh. What's the matter - every last drop of that fight milked out of you now?” Callum taunted his captive audience as he continued to come down from the roller coaster of his afterglow, feeling how the Riolu had become almost a still lump deep in his gut. And he was right; Nub really had almost been drained of all its strength by now, the constant squeezing and clenching assault from all sides by those stomach walls making it so that it was an endeavor for the fighting type to even whimper in response to these idle teases! “You know, I expect a belly toy to squirm and kick and *writhe* inside of me. If you can't do that anymore, well, I guess it's time for you to MELT, then~” Callum taunted as he squished back against his tailgut, flopping onto it like a waterbed and squishing the Riolu beneath his weight doubly in the process! Nub winced a bit as its world was rocked by the impact, the walls around the Pokemon squeezing and clenching in one direction - back towards Callum's stomach proper. It seemed like the Mewtwo’s rear end had hit towards the top of his tail bulge, and it had excited his innards to start pushing Nub back towards Callum’s gut. A chamber with much more potent and plentiful digestive fluids eager to once again make contact with the Riolu!