Something odd has happened to Brady. All these years, he thought he was okay just being a guy, but Jade's shown him there's an option he hadn't considered. Growing up is partly about doing what's best for yourself despite society's expectations, and after saving a small fortune, Brady's ready to take a drastic transformative step to be in a body that fits him better. Brady's Conundrum (Part 1/4) By Zmeydros (Edited by Tiliquain and Journeymaniac) A horizontal death beam of sun was reflecting off of the third-story windows on High Street right into my eyes. My sunglasses weren't doing shit about the glare because I forgot to buy polarized ones to replace my previous pair. Closing my eyes when I didn't need to see the eclectic storefronts and food trucks of Oldtown helped me avoid going blind. I didn't need to see where I was going and people were avoiding me because I wasn't exactly walking straight. A bottle of bubblegum schnapps hid in its paper bag while I swallowed mouthfuls like the college-aged idiot I was. My death grip on the neck of the bottle crumpled the bag between my fingers as I fought to keep the foul liquid down. There probably wasn't an alcoholic beverage I liked less. I figured I didn't have the impulse control to stop myself from buying booze to medicate my depression so I'd used what willpower I had to buy something I couldn't bring myself to drink. That plan was going over like, well, bubblegum schnapps. Schnapps was typically used to flavor other drinks and I couldn't think of any flavor that I'd want to put with bubblegum. Who thought this was a good idea? The only situation I wanted to taste bubblegum in was when I was chewing on bubblegum and even then almost any other flavor was better! But I deserved this gag-inducing burning liquid. I deserved the headache I was getting from drinking so much so fast. I was such a trash person. Right now, I hated Jade for being a fucking herm naga! She had breasts, big beautiful scaly breasts that people wanted to squeeze, tease, and nuzzle. I was just a human with a horsecock: a party trick. Even though I'd saved up to have more done, I was a coward. But the magical pink liquid in this bottle could change that! Well, kinda. Another swig made everything better in the worst way. Sometimes people called alcohol liquid courage, but that name was inaccurate. Drunkenness was when emotions became actions without all the annoying steps between. It muddled all the normal thoughts about what one's family and friends would think. To someone sufficiently drunk, stupid impulsiveness was indistinguishable from courage. I couldn't fool my sober self, but my drunk self? He was gullible as fuck. When my not-so-aimless wandering brought me to the front of "Yttrium Augmentation Parlor," my face felt heavy and my vision blurred. It was a building covered in pinkish-gray-painted wooden siding with white accents. LED lighting lit up the doorway like it was the portal to another world. What I wanted was just through that door...I balled up my fist, I wasn't going to cry! No, I was going to do something about it! I was gonna go in there and do what I was too chickenshit to do when sober. I dumped the rest of the awful schnapps in the gutter and then chucked the bottle into the public recycling bin just outside the door. Good riddance! I stopped just short of the door. What would Jade think? She had no idea I felt wrong in my body or that I was about to get augmented. I swallowed hard. No, I had to worry about that later, after I did this. Who knew if I'd ever get up the courage to tell her? If I didn't get changed right now, I might never get up the courage to do it again or even talk about it. We'd work it out, that's how it had to be. I pulled open one of the the heavy glass-and-steel doors and walked inside. One thing about drinking regularly is that you get pretty good at acting sober. It took some concentration, but I managed to stroll up to the reception desk without swaying. There was a guy with long floppy black-and-white-spotted dog ears behind the desk who said, "Welcome to Yttrium Augmentation Parlor. How may we be of service?" "I'd like to get a few augments. Nothing big," I said as I stared at the polished plate of hammered bronze behind the reception area. It did look really good on the rose-tinted white wall, but I was staring at it more to avoid the guy's eyes in case I was bloodshot. He handed me a pad and I put in the augments I wanted and gave him my credit card. After all that was said and done, I was sitting in the waiting room scrolling through twitter while trying to hide all the porn in my stream from the patients near me. There were like five people ahead of me--I was lucky that I'd still gotten in without an appointment. Drunk and horny was totally a thing for me and I was struggling to keep my broad cock head in my sheath. Struggling to avoid making a scene was better than dwelling on what I was about to do and chickening out. Fuck! Jade's new photo set with Vixi was hot! Coiled in each other's long naga bodies, fucking like the queens of sex they were had they figured out some fantastic mutual penetration positions. Damn! I needed to try getting between them sometime. My thick prick sliding down my pant leg, pressed up against my thigh, felt so good! Someone sat next to me and I put my phone right atop the bulge in my cargo pants in an attempt to hide it. The art in this room was all copper etchings of different seed pods. Just before I'd scanned across all the ones I could see from my seat, a nurse walked in and called, "Brady?" The room lurched when I stood up and I had to grab the armrest of my seat to steady myself. This nurse had a long blue dragon tail and fan-like dragon ears. When I got up to her, she turned letting her tail drift elegantly behind her and walked me through the swinging double doors saying, "Just three more doors and it's on the left side." "Okay," I said. She stopped outside the room and motioned for me to go in, "After you!" Her face was very angular, so her dragon accents fit perfectly. She was so clinical that I didn't know whether she was sexy. I loved her tail, but she was acting pretty aloof. I probably wasn't her type. She flicked a switch outside the room and I saw a blue light turn on above the door as I walked in. The moment she was inside, she closed the door and said, "Have a seat." Being seated in the augmentation room got my heart to pick up its pace. "Tell me, mister O'Malley, are you drunk?" she asked as she stood by the door. "N-no," I said starting to sweat. She put on a too-perfect smile. "It's okay, you don't seem to be over the legal limit and we aren't the police, but we do turn away clientele who are obviously under the influence when they make the decision to seek out our services." "What? You're going to turn me away?" I balked. "It's nothing personal, I assure you. We're just trying to prevent chargebacks and refunds." The tears, I managed to hold them back, the break in my voice and slight sob was a different story. "No, listen...please, it took all I had to get up the courage to go through with this. I chose small changes so I could try them out." "Small changes, you say?" She waved her badge over a little grey box next to the keyboard and moved the monitor arm closer to her. A minute later, she said, "I'm sorry, mister O'Malley. Breasts are a larger change than you suspect. These B-cups would be easy to hide, but you'd have to start wearing bras, you wouldn't be able to go shirtless in public anymore, and you seem to want them to lactate when you get really aroused? That was a very expensive extra. We get chargebacks on that sort of thing all the time. We'll keep you on file with the changes you want. If you come back sober, we'll move you to the head of the line, it's the least we can do." "Fucking hell!" I put my hands over my mouth and looked at her shocked face wondering what to do next. "How about I just let you stay in here a bit so you can calm down?" She started walking toward the door. A sudden burst of anger got me to make a fist, but then I was fighting tears again. "I'm sorry I swore. Please let me try to explain." She hesitated and then grabbed the computer chair from a desk that looked at the augmentation loom and brought it up in front of me. "I won't say I have a lot of time, but I'm willing to listen to what you have to say." "I'm probably going to be a bit lewd and a bit crass, is that okay?" "Trust me, I'm a healthcare professional, you can't shock me." "Good." I cleared my throat and tried to untangle my drunken thoughts. "I'm from a small southern town and all my life, my family has praised me for my outstanding performance of 'all American male' and, in high school, I punched people who challenged that act. My girlfriend is a herm naga." "What?" She blinked. "Like a snake human hybrid with a snake tail instead of legs. And--" "She's very well equipped downstairs, I'm following now. Read about her in the news." She nodded in my direction. "Do go on." Everything I thought of to say next was pretty pornographic, but I continued anyway. "I didn't start to figure out who I was until I found myself sucking both of Jade's dicks three nights a week." I blushed bright red. Her eyes went wide. "Sorry, so sorry, TMI?" "Wow, both?" She shook her head and then put her professional smile back on. "Where are you going with this?" I paused for a moment trying to reformulate what I was gonna say next, but I figured it wasn't worse than what I'd just said. "Now it's true that I could be straight and cis even if I suck cock because some women have cocks, after all. But after spending so much time with Jade, I don't feel like 'straight' and 'male' fit me anymore. I feel like I'm, I don't know, more like her?" While she took a long pause, my heart raced. She just had this blank look. Had I said something inappropriate? Would she see that I was a loser whose only chance at doing this was if he was drunk? Shit! What was I doing? I was such a fool to think that she'd understand, that anyone would. I started getting out of my seat. "Sorry for wasting your time." "Bethany," she said before I was fully out of my seat. Her face was still hard to read, but she had a slight frown. I sat because I wasn't sure what else to do. "I'm assuming that's a person?" "Yes, my cousin. He, at the time, she, now, didn't realize she was trans until she was in her mid twenties. We get lots of trans people here, but none of them reminded me of Bethany as much as you do." "Oh, am I a lot like her in some way?" She said, "Very similar personalities and coping mechanisms." "Did the realization freak her out? Because I've been freaking out for a couple months," I said. She nodded. "Yeah, she once told me she felt like the world was spinning too fast and if she didn't drink, she'd get flung off of it." "Whoa, it's like she stole the words right out of my mouth." "Getting small breasts, a bit of face feminization along with your horse tail and ears makes sense. Maybe you gotta try it out before you'll know for sure." She was actually smiling now. I felt like I'd accomplished something. "So you're going to let me get the procedure done?" I asked. "Well, that depends. Does Jade know you're getting this done? Number two reason for having a procedure undone is the significant other not liking the changes." "What's the number one reason?" "Impulse buy. Think about the regret people feel after getting a tattoo on impulse and then multiply that by a million. I doubt you're gonna regret it, but I would feel better if I knew that you'd at least discussed this with Jade. I'm going out on a limb here for you and I want to know how sturdy that limb is." She crossed her arms. It was like someone had shoved a garden hoe into my abdomen. This nurse, it said "Trudy" on her name tag, Trudy trusted me. Was I really going to lie to her face? The longer I paused, the more she'd think I was lying. I didn't have time for moral reasoning. "It'll be a bit of a surprise since sh knew I was interested, but not when I'd get it done. She's very supportive of it." She went back to working on the computer. "Okay, then. I see here that you already have a very large equine sexual augmentation." "That's a mouthful, can we just call it a horsecock?" I asked. "Absolutely," she said without missing a beat. "You also report that you experienced arousal during your previous augmentation process. Do you expect you'll be getting an erection during the procedure?" I blushed bright red and started getting hard again simply thinking about what was about to happen. Somehow the fact she knew I had a big ol horse cock made me horny. "Y-yes." "Thanks for being honest with me. It's a perfectly natural reaction to augmentation and there's no reason to be embarrassed. That said, I want you to try and keep your arousal at bay. I'd prefer not to have extra clean up after the procedure. I'm gonna get a gown that has an opening in the front." She got up. "I should be fine, but maybe you should bring a bucket just in case?" She sighed. "I'm assuming you're also unusually...productive?" I nodded sheepishly. My dick spilled out of its sheath as I squirmed on the seat. Her eyes traced the outline of my shaft in my pants. "I'll be back with a bucket and a gown. Please calm your horse bits if you can." "I'll try." I promised as I watched her gorgeous scaly blue tail leave the room. In the five-ish minutes she was gone, I bargained, pleaded, and even tried some relaxation techniques to get my stiffy to go away. None of it worked because my mind was stuck on the fact that I was about to get breasts. Being this horny and nervous was making me throb and feel tight all over. Trudy knocked on the door and then opened it a second later. Her eyes easily found a foot of horse meat going down my pant leg. "Here's your gown." She handed me a gown decorated with black and white illustrations of bicycles. "And here's a bag to put your clothes in. You can just leave your shoes under your chair." Taking the orange plastic bag from her hand, I said, "Thanks." "Just knock on the door when you're finished changing." After she closed the door behind her, I peeled off my pants and boxers only to be confronted with my raging erection. It was now at its full size, nearly a foot and a half long and hanging heavily between my legs. I reached under it and pulled it up so I could lick off the bit of pre that was collecting at the tip. Was it bad that I couldn't get enough of my own horse cum? I nuzzled the head and then licked across it a few times. It was a ridiculous size, I couldn't even get my hand fully around its girth, but I'd grown to love it. After letting my prick down gently, I pulled my red-and-orange striped polo shirt over my head and put my clothes into the bag. Then I put on the gown and unbuttoned the front a bit so my dick could poke through. The back was mostly open so my tail could get added without issue. Before I went to knock on the door and let Trudy know she could come in, I lifted my dick back up to my lips with the intension of making sure it was free of pre. Instead, I started making out with it, licking at the cum hole, nibbling at my flare, and reaching under my gown to grope my fist-sized balls with my other hand. The moment I was moaning around my shaft with the whole head of my cock stuffed in my mouth, I stopped. She'd mentioned that she didn't have a lot of time. If I made her wait till I got off, she might have to leave before I got breasts. Holding my erection in my left hand, I knocked on the door with my right. My blush got painful as I backed away from the door and she entered the room. The moment she saw my penis, she hurried to close the door behind her. "Wow, that's really something." "Sorry, I couldn't get it to calm down," I said. Setting a blue bucket with a handle down on the desk, she said, "Mind if I ask a personal question?" "Shoot." "Have you ever fit that into anyone? And if so, did they survive the encounter?" She was fiddling with the computer now. "Only person I've tried to fit it in so far is Jade and it's tight, but it works out just fine." "You're very fortunate to have her as your girlfriend." "Yes, I really am." I smiled. She chuckled and shook her head. "Okay, I'm very silly for not realizing this. We're giving you breasts too, so we can't have anything covering your chest. And you're way too well endowed to wear something to obscure your privates, so I'm afraid you're going to have to be nude for this procedure." "No problem." I pulled open the snaps on the front of the gown and hung it on the coat rack. I'd felt odd with my dick sticking out while the rest of me was covered, anyway. Her eyes glazed over when they saw my dark leathery balls. For a second, I thought she'd crashed, but then she shook her head and put on broken half smile. "Seems you're big in many ways." "You sure they're not too much?" I asked feeling a wave of confidence. Maybe she wasn't turned on, but she was at least fascinated. My nerves had been so frayed that I had a blush going down my neck and my stiffy had shrunk a bit. This was the first time this evening that I felt like something other than just another patient. "Sometimes I think these," I hefted my balls, cringing a bit at how cold my hands were, "are more ridiculous than my cock." I let them go. "They're certainly larger than I was expecting. Not that that's a bad thing." She cleared her throat and then picked up the orange bag with my clothes. "I'm gonna drop these off so we can modify them to fit your new figure. Speaking of your new figure, would you like more feminine hips to go with the rest? Add-ons get a discount so the total would only go up fifteen percent." Would Jade even like the changes I was making? We'd never talked about it. Of course I could assume she would since she liked herms, but did she like those features on a human body? On a body that was previously masculine? A body she loved? I made a fist as I cleared the doubt from my mind. The longer I waited, the more thinking I let myself do, the less I'd change my body. And I didn't drink all that booze for nothing, it was supposed to be dissolving all my second thoughts. "Yeah actually, would those hips come with a nice ass? Because I'd really like to have an ass for a change, not the flat steel plate I got back there right now." She nodded, "Yep, you'll be helping to guide the process, so you can have the ass of your dreams. One moment and I'll add that to your bill." Peeking out into the hallway, she checked to make sure no one would get an eyeful when she pulled the door open. A couple seconds later, she slipped out. I grabbed my cock and brought it up to my lips and licked another bead of pre off of it before letting it back down. The temptation to suck on it was near-crippling and I was glad she entered the room less than a minute later. After thirty seconds typing on the computer and clicking around with the mouses, she grabbed a pad out of a dock on the computer and handed it to me. "Just sign here and we'll be ready to go!" The price was still within my budget and I signed without hesitation. Taking the tablet and putting it back in its dock, she said, "Okay, so I'm about ready to start. Could you please stand in the center of the room and lift your wrists up into the restraints? Oh, and face toward the loom, please." The augmentation loom was like a five-foot tall vertical cylindrical bristle brush where the bristles were little metal three-pronged forks. It was held a couple feet from the wall by steel struts. It was way bigger than the one that had given me a horsecock. The restraints weren't more than a foot above my head. The winch above them and chain suggested they could be positioned at whatever height was needed. She got behind me to try and secure my wrists. "Bah! They make it really hard to do this from the back." She got in front of me. "Sorry in advance if I bump into your penis. This room still has the old manual wrist restraints." Her scrubs-clad butt rubbed against my medial ring as she secured the belt around my right wrist. I bit my lip to avoid moaning. When she walked around to my other side, her thigh grazed the end of my dick leaving a streak of pre across the light blue fabric. I breathed out to avoid making noise. If she'd been a bit less professional and stared at my cock more, she would probably have stepped around it better. When she worked on getting my left wrist secured, she rubbed against my medial ring again. I leaned into her just a tiny bit since the warmth of her skin through her scrubs was much more pleasant than the chilly exam room air. After she finished up with the restraints, she took a step back and said, "Feeling comfortable?" "It's a little cold in here." My balls had shriveled a bit and my nipples were hard enough to cut glass. "The magic energy coming off the loom will warm you, and the room, up." She got behind me and put a smooth rectangular plastic thing with a button in my right hand. "Okay, give me a tap." I tapped the button and there was a chirp from the area near the loom. "Good, that's how you pause the loom if you need to. She trotted over to the desk and sat in the nice mesh computer chair. "Now give me a long press." There were two chirps. It was kinda like the first place I had work done. "So, that's the emergency stop?" "You got it!" I heard something slide on a track behind me. "Okay, the imager is in place. Think about the breasts you want." I thought about breasts just big enough to fondle, ones that would feel good but wouldn't stand out if I didn't want them to. There was a happy electronic trill behind me. "Perfect!" She walked over to the desk. She put her card over the reader and started working on the computer. Vertically mounted OLED displays on either side of the loom turned on. The left one had a view of my front, the right one showed my back. "We do things a bit differently than other parlors. I'm gonna keep track of what you're imagining versus the reference photos you picked out for how your body should look when the procedure is done. I'll stop each augmentation when I think they match. Then you can review your changes and we can implement any revisions you'd like." "Cool! I was worried my mind would wander," I said. "We're set up for larger augmentations than most places, so we need to be a bit more careful." She held her finger over the "Enter" key. "Ready?" "Hit it!" I said. Her finger whacked the key in a nice dramatic fashion and a deep buzzing sound was accompanied by the loom spinning faster and faster until there was a breeze coming from it. Bright yellow magic threads wound themselves around the loom as the area around it took on a glow. "Let's start easy, envision your new horse ears." Red roan horses were easily my favorite. That grayish red color on their bodies and darker reddish brown on their ears and tails always looked so beautiful to me. An uncountable cacophony of magic threads went to my ears. I felt them vibrate as the air around me warmed. It felt like I was getting a luxurious massage that started under my skin and moved up. With a happy sigh, I watched them lengthen as they got pulled like taffy. The fur growing on them deepened the pleasant sensation. "Okay! Your ears are all done, let's do your face next." She fiddled with the keyboard. "Faces can be hard; just stop picturing it in your mind's eye from time to time so that you can assess your progress." My trimmed movie-star stubble was a staple of my adult life and parting with it caused a brief battle with nostalgia. After I won the battle, I couldn't help but smile as it disappeared to reveal smooth feminine skin. Softening my square masculine chin and jaw, I rounded my cheeks. This process was less pleasant than the ears because changing my jaw messed a bit with my teeth and that was like going to the dentist only to have them start sculpting the inside of your mouth by prodding at it. Next came my nose which I narrowed a bit. The area around my eyes came next. I tried a couple things and then settled on making everything a little less square shaped. Making my eyebrows thinner worked pretty well. I didn't go super far on anything, though, because I wanted my friends and relatives to still be able to recognize me. My face ended up androgynous. Makeup, if I could figure out how to use it, would likely be able to make me look more masculine or feminine. "Mind if I make a couple adjustments?" she asked as I was finishing. "Go ahead, I don't think everything fits together as well as I'd like it to," I said. That she loved this part of her job was made clear by her humming as she used a graphics pad and pencil to the left of the keyboard. First, she went after my neck and de-emphasized my Adam's apple and made my lips fuller. Then, she worked on my eyebrows, the area under them, and my cheeks got tweaked just a bit and suddenly all the features of my face were in harmony. She said, "How's that?" "Fantastic!" I grinned wide. "Good. Time to switch to your tail." As I pictured a reddish-brown-furred horse tail, the magic threads looped around me to my backside and my tailbone got numb before heating up. It felt like it was wagging? Muscles moving, skin stretching, and then that deep massage. Along with the horse hairs growing out of my tail was a surge of pleasure that reached right around to my dick. I was rock hard again and I could tell that Trudy was trying not to look. It was good my hands were restrained because otherwise I would have been touching myself. My tail only got more beautiful with each passing second. As the flowing hair reached past my knees, the magic slowed to a stop and I was left there panting, desperate. "How about we do the hips and buttocks next and the breasts for the grand finale?" She asked. "Ngh!" was all that came out the first time I tried to speak, then I managed, "Yeah, sure!" The magic was back and the wonderful sensation was too. The perfect ass was in my mind, round and toned and oh-so-squeezable. The hips I first thought of seemed a bit too wide, so I tried to scale it down. Thousands of magic threads groped my ass in ways nothing else could replicate. I shuddered and moaned and dripped pre onto the floor. Her eyes watched that pre fall before she got them back to my buttocks. The magic threads worked my legs and thighs to get them to match with what I was doing to my ass and that nearly made me jizz across the room. My upper body had always been pretty good, even though I was lanky, but my legs and ass had always been underwhelming. They didn't lack anything at all now. They were fantastic! My ass was round, my hips were approaching a proportionally-matched female's width, and my thighs made me want to fuck myself. Their thickness matched my ass and the rest of me so well now. "I forgot about all this male body hair, can we get rid of most of it?" I asked. "That's easy, you don't even have to imagine anything. I got a preset right here for hair removal. Anywhere you want to keep it?" "A landing pad above my cock, I guess?" She nodded. "Do you want longer hair?" "Nah, I'll let it grow out naturally." "Alright, hair removal starts now." She hit enter and every square inch of my body felt like champagne. I thrust in the air gasping and groaning. So much magic, so much energy hitting me all over, like taking a dip in the Pacific in the summer when the waves were just shy of dangerous. "I'm glad you get pleasure from this, people who experience discomfort often need pain meds and that leaves them a bit less lucid." She made a steeple with her hands. The progress bar was already at seventy percent and by the time it finished, I wanted to beg for more. Fuck I needed to cum! I opened my mouth to beg her to stroke me, but couldn't get myself to utter the words. "Yes?" she asked. Pushing the urge to ask her to help me get off down into my toes, I said, "Is it breast time?" "Go for it," she nodded. The breasts themselves weren't going to be all that big, but the nipples and areolae were. All my life, I'd had these tiny nipples that were too sensitive and complained about even the slightest amount of chafing. No more! Spreading out those nerve endings would probably make things feel much better and if it didn't I was going to ask Trudy to help make them sensitive in the way I wanted. The flesh under them swelled as they throbbed larger and larger. Just seeing it happen made my eyes wet. These belonged on me! That deep groping sensation from all the magic got me to buck my hips. My moans were straight out of a porno and I was incapable of quieting them. Trudy got a shade pinker as I added to the pre puddle under my the head of my dick. Having my breasts massaged by magic like this was a fantastic introduction to the erotic sensations that could come from them. In my horny excitement as the loom continued to work me over, I thought of Jade. I needed her to like what I was having done to me. I needed her to touch me...I needed her and I was a fool to not include her in this. If she were here now, she'd probably lose control and fuck me right in front of Trudy! Someone needed to fuck me right now! I looked at Trudy's crotch, imagined she had a bulge there, and nearly lost it. I forced myself to look back at the screen showing my breasts. Seeing my tits on my heaving chest only made things worse. My cock flared as it prepared to blast horse cum all over the room and I was moaning too much to ask for the bucket. A half-second before I nutted, she shut off the machine. Taking deep shaky breaths, I brought myself down from the edge. My nipples were the size of the end of my middle finger, and my areolae were the size of half dollars putting my breasts were each well into B-cup range. Any bigger and they would have been hard to conceal. After giving me a minute to catch my breath, she asked, "So, how does everything look? Would you like any changes?" "Fuck I'm hot!" I said as my eyes danced over all my curves. "I'm sure many will find you attractive. I think you picked the right things to change. You're androgynous, but leaning feminine which makes your first augment stand out all the more." "You can just call it my cock, you know," I protested. "I'm aware." She was blushing more now. "Then, we're done with your augmentations for tonight. You have a month to come back and ask for alterations free of charge." I blushed bright red, prick still rock hard and dangling in front of me. "C-can you help me check something?" "Sure." I stammered a couple times and then got stuck. "I've been doing this for over a decade, mister O'Malley. You're not going to shock me." She gave me a pleasant smile, still blushing. "My nipples used to hurt whenever anyone touched them and I'm hoping that's not the case anymore." She put on a pair of blue gloves and walked over. "I'll apply some pressure so we can see if they have the desired sensitivity." "I mean, I could do it myself if you let one of my hands down." She tilted her head. "Do you want me to do that or do you want me to touch them so you can feel what it's like when it's not your own hand? I believe the second case provides a more definitive experience." I gulped. "I-I'd like you to touch them? Is that okay? It's not quite the same when--" "Don't worry about it. We do lots of sexual augmentations and I understand perfectly," she said stepping up to my right side. I could count my own heartbeats as her fingers moved up to my right nipple. Then she grabbed it and started to squeeze. I moaned and arched my back crying, "H-harder!" The pleasure was like a depth charge to my balls and the base of my prick. She actually did it! She actually--my cock lurched as an orgasm made my toes and ears flush with warmth followed by my cheeks. "Oh shit!" I exclaimed as my cock flared. "Bring it to my mouth!" To her credit, she didn't try and run for the bucket which would have been way too late. Instead, she put a hand under my dick and lifted it up against my chest. I kissed around my cum hole just in time and caught the first salvo, which was an entire mouthful. She looked into my eyes as I drank down my own cum, her blush was much brighter now and her jaw was slackened in awe. The second one was a bit too much and a fine spray of my jizz peppered her scrubs. Her other hand reached down and cupped my balls as I went off a third, fourth, and fifth time. That made my hips move and thrust against the hand that was pushing my shaft against my chest. When it was finally over, she just stood there looking at the flared head of my prick, hands remaining where she'd put them. Once afterglow hit and I was spent, I pulled my mouth up and said, "I'm so, so, sorry." Some cum dripped off my chin onto my shaft. "I should be the one apologizing. I should have realized we needed the bucket earlier and I shouldn't have touched your privates. That was inexcusable." "It's fine. You seem interested in my balls. Why not just take a nice long look at them and get it out of your system?" This caused her to crash. Her eyes stared at the wall behind me for a few seconds. "Are you sure? I don't want to objectify you." "Objectify away. I know you're trying to be all professional and such, but I'd be in the same boat if I were you. I've got an embarrassingly large package." "Nothing to be embarrassed about mister O'Malley. It's quite impressive." She got on her knees and looked at my balls for a moment before grabbing them with both hands. She examined them much like a doctor would, but was a bit more sensual than clinical. I bit my lip to hold back noises that might make her self conscious enough to stop. Thirty seconds later, she stood up and said, "Shall we carefully see if your other nipple has the proper amount of sensation?" "Yes, let's," I said with a grin. She grabbed it and squeezed. "How does it feel?" "Perfect. You can go a bit harder." When she did so, I let out a long moan. She let go and stepped away. "So, I take it you're happy with everything?" My eyes got wet as I looked over my body and I sniffled. She put her hand on my shoulder while I bit back tears. If I'd had the courage and finances to go farther, I would have, but this was far far more than I hoped for. "You okay?" she asked. "Better than. I never thought I was all that attractive, I always felt like my body was just something that carried my brain around. But now." I sniffled. "Now I think I'm beautiful." "You most definitely are." The most honest smile she'd given me yet brightened her face. "I'm gonna open the restraints and then get you a warm cloth to clean up with. Sound good?" "Golden," I said.