To Neil, the best part of any convention was always the food. There were so many places that you just couldn't try out without going someplace very far away, and it was always very fun to get a taste of the local cuisine! And filling as well, with how the deer like to spend these conventions! This yeah, he was rooming with Khopesh, a tall, lanky golden jackal, the two of them waddling their way back to their hotel room after stuffing themselves silly at a local restaurant! "Ooogh...I just, I could not eat another bite, I'm telling you..." the jackal said as he made his way into their hotel room, flopping backwards onto the hotel bed and letting his food-stuffed gut just kind of...splay out. On a frame as thin as his, it was easy to tell just how much he had overindulged tonight, his midsection swollen to a considerable, round paunch...! For his roommate Neil, though, it was a much different story. Not only because of the fact that he was much fatter and rounder, so you can barely even tell that he had eaten anything down there, but because he was still hungry...and, thankfully, the second course just happened to be sprawled right out on the mattress next to him~ "Huuuhhh. Yeah, I feel that. Though, I kind of had my eyes on that tiramisu when we were walking out of there..." Neil replied as he stood in front of Khopesh, watching as the canid rubbed and poked at his fat, churning stomach as it struggled to process the contents that it had just been absolutely stuffed with! "Oh, God. Not me. I don't even want to think about eating for, like, the next month..." Khopesh replied, a labored belch coming out of his mouth a few seconds later to help relieve some of the pressure he was feeling deep in his belly! "Oh, really?~" Neil replied, the deer sauntering up to his roommate as he started to loom over the jackal just the tiniest bit, preparing to smother him under that deer gut he had just spent the last half hour filling. "Personally, I'm honestly feeling like I could go for seconds...or, at this point, I guess you could call it thirds~" he continued as he leaned over further, the contents of his stomach sloshing thickly as he did so; at least, until their two full, round bellies met, bumping up against each other as Neil secured his body on either side of Khopesh with his palms planted down on the mattress. "Oof-not so rough~" the jackal replied as Neil started to cast a shadow over him; Khopesh still felt like his friend was being a bit playful about it, even as the fat deer continued to loom over him, their two snouts nearly touching as a smirk started to cross Neil’s face! "Oh, I can get a -lot- rougher~" Neil meant to continue his sentence, but that leaning-forward motion must have stirred up his guts. He felt something rising up his throat, something that absolutely needed to get out, right now! So he opened his mouth wide, just an inch or two away from Khopesh's face, and treated the jackal to a loud, fragrant *BHEEeeUUuurrpppghhhh*, complete with a shower of spittle as the canid got a healthy noseful of the deer's stomach contents...Khopesh's own face soured as he felt that blast of stale air wash over him, perhaps in an attempt to disguise how he felt about the situation; but he couldn't hide his most base feelings from Neil. The deer was close enough that he could feel the shiver that he sent through Khopesh’s body when he unleashed that belch...and he was more than ready to seize on those true feelings, even as the jackal continued to squirm and writhe underneath him! Even though Khopesh was a fair bit taller than Neil, who was already pretty big himself, there was just so much weight being pushed down onto him that it was pretty impossible to maneuver out from underneath Neil. "Eugh-GROSS, dude..." the jackal replied, pulling one of his hands out from underneath Neil’s fat gut and using it to wipe away some of the slobber that had been delivered to his face. "Did you really have to go and do that?" Khopesh continued, quickly finding that the stuff was so thick that he really had no hope of wiping it off without some kind of soap...then looking up to his friend, seeing the smirk that was on Neil's face, and perhaps more obvious, the tip of a pink tongue sticking out of the side of his mouth! " seem like you're enjoying it~" the deer responded, rocking his fat gut side to side as he grinded it against something hard that he felt growing right underneath the jackal's own gut...a reaction that Khopesh didn't even realize he was having until he felt that softness pressing on his growing, twitching shaft! And that...well, that certainly made him blush and stammer a little bit, especially as Neil just continued to press and rest more of his weight down onto the jackal’s body, and more importantly, his cock. "Well, uhh, That's just from stuffing myself earlie-" Neil wasn't having any of those cute little excuses, though. In the middle of Khopesh's sentence, he decided to cut the jackal off by opening his mouth up and unrolling his tongue to take a long, slobbery slurp all the way up the jackal's muzzle and face! The deer very loudly smacked his lips after pulling his tongue back into his mouth, delighting in the stunlock he had just placed upon the jackal as sticky, slimy deer drool dribbled down his face and snout, his soon-to-be snack struggling to process what had just happened or deliver any kind of appropriate response! "Mmm, yeah, sure. Definitely not throbbing against me right now thinking about being my dessert, not at all~" Neil continued to taunt as he inched closer, opening his maw up once more right in front of Khopesh; though, this time, it was just to give the jackal a long, deep, intimate view of the throat that he would soon be sliding down into. Oh, goodness. The quivering, deep red flesh, the saliva glistening in the bright light of the hotel room, the harsh, acidic odor wafting up from that black hole in the very back, the hole that Neil’s thick, plush tongue was ushering the jackal right was all so very overwhelming an environment, to be sure! Khopesh was still a bit too stunned from the lick and all the teasing to really say or do anything but wiggle and maybe whimper a bit, but that was okay. Neil was feeling hungry enough to get this show on the road already... The jackal did have enough sense to let out a startled, pleading "NO!" as he saw the deer’s jaws lunge forward, Neil wrapping his arms around his friend's back and shoving forward to push Khopesh right into his mouth at the same time, but that one word wasn't going to stop the deer from doing anything. Neil just kept on trucking without any little flinch or interruption whatsoever, his muzzle fitting quite snuggly over the jackal’s own, his blue eyes meeting Khopesh’s orange ones for a brief moment before his maw slid comfortably over them...with the jackal pinned under the thick, sloshing weight of Neil's stomach, there really was nothing that Khopesh could do to stop Neil from chowing down on him! The deer's tongue was exploring every last crevice of his face as well, slathering his eyes, nose, and lips with sticky deer drool...blegh, there were probably all sorts of crumbs in here from the buffet he just had as well, though that was something that he really didn't want to think about from the moment it entered his brain. Even that tiny lapse in thought ended up with his snout teetering right at the back of Neil's gullet, the ungulate's thick, probing tongue now getting so very familiar with his neck and upper chest...fuck, he was that deep already? His whole head was crammed right into Neil's cheeks, the deer suckling on and savoring every last inch of the jackal that he could before his throat started to get a little bit testy about the fact that he wasn't swallowing the jackal down yet...and so he could blast a belch right into Khopesh's face, locking his lips tight so that the jackal had to simmer in his gut stink while continuing to be slobbered and nibbled on by the ravenous and teasy pred~ Eventually though, the deer felt the need to swallow continuing to build in his throat, the flesh quivering as it felt the huge meal that was ahead of it. Neil tipped his head back and clenched his throat muscles tight, pulling the jackal’s head into his gullet and filling his stretchy cheeks up with his friend’s lanky, fluffy shoulders. Khopesh's face being smushed inward like he was getting a visit from his grandmother as he was shoved into the tight, slimy tube with very little fanfare, Neil's throat already taking another swallow before he even got the time to acclimate to the new environment he had just been thrust into! It wasn't even Neil trying to be teasy in wolfing him down as fast as possible; it was just the gravity and momentum of the whole situation. Once his throat got a good hold on the jackal, things were just going to keep going one way: down, down into that hungry, churning deer gut! The same gut that had been filled to the brim earlier at that buffet, yet now it seemed so eager to accept the jackal inside. Neil's hands sliding their way down his meal’s lithe body as he continued to feed, gripping Khopesh's hips tight and giving them a firm shove as he reeled back and took another swallow. Cramming those hips into his cheeks, and the jackal chest-deep into hungry deer gullet, soon to be arriving in deer stomach... Even in the chaos of his own consumption, Khopesh could still hear the gurgling and broiling of the chamber beneath him as the semi-digested mush slopped around inside with every movement Neil made. At least it would be a soft landing, though the idea of being crammed in there with all that buffet food...well, it wasn't exactly appetizing to him, to say the least, but it wasn't really his decision to make anymore, was it now? It wasn't even really Neil's decision anymore, it was his body's decision and gravity’s to make, and they were pretty agreeable in their assertion that Khopesh needed to go down. And so, down he went, Neil gnawing and nibbling on his rump cheeks for a few seconds before slurping up that tail and taking another gulp, leaving only his spindly legs in the outside world...that swallow ending up being the one that would plunge the jackal into his new home, Neil having to reach down and cradle his fat stomach as a new, heftier, squirmier weight suddenly dropped right into it, heavy enough to make a loud splash as it connected with the thick food sludge that was still inside. Mmhhhhh...just that noise itself made the deer a bit horny, honestly~ but for Khopesh, "horny" was the farthest thing from his mood right now. The jackal had just been dunked headfirst into a caustic pit full of soupy digesta and enzymes, a sickeningly-sweet scented chamber that was honestly still pretty full before he got here...and now he was just bathing in the stuff, trapped by skin tight stomach walls that nonetheless still squeezed and pushed inward on the non-existent space that the jackal had inside. And there was still more of him left for Neil to consume, even! This wasn't the tightest the chamber was going to get by a long shot. Khopesh needed to learn how to become more flexible, and quickly...before the stomach did the work for him. In a more permanent fashion. And yet, he was still throbbing and twitching down there, somehow. Neil's inquisitive tongue roamed over Khopesh's paw pads for a few seconds as they slipped between his lips, the deer taking one final swallow to completely condemn his friend to his roiling, churning gut. Feeling those lithe calves and thighs just sliding right down his gullet without any issue whatsoever, being unceremoniously dumped into his stomach by a powerful push from his sphincter to tighten up the environment inside of his belly even more for the jackal that was cramped up within! “Bweh...yeah, that's a good dessert~” the deer groaned as he gave his gut a few powerful thumps, immediately turning around and flopping backwards onto the bed before just splaying out and letting his gut go wherever it wanted. All that energy used to scarf Khopesh down after indulging in such a huge buffet earlier? It left the deer absolutely tanked, of course! And these beds were so comfy already, Neil barely needed an excuse to just jump right into them in the first place. Though the canine inside of him still trying to get himself situated certainly didn't appreciate all the extra movement as Neil twirled around and then fell backwards, sloshing around all that thick gunk inside of his gut and dunking Khopesh into it in the process...! It turned out that movement worked out something else from inside the deer as well. As soon as Neil got himself all situated, he felt something rumbling up out of his stomach and up his throat, something that he had no hope of suppressing in the moment. A loud, thick, bass-boosted *BHUUUuuuAAaaaAAAUUuuurrrrppphhhh* blasted Neil’s lips open a second or two later, drops of warm spittle flying out of his mouth and ending up...just everywhere in the hotel room, and on his gut as well! “Mmhhhhh...oh yeah, I feel a lot better nowwww...” Neil groaned out as he continued to rub and grope over the bulges Khopesh made inside of him, sprawling and spreading his body out to take up every square inch of available space in the bed while doing quite the opposite to the jackal inside of his stomach. Though part of that was just unconscious at this point. Those stomach walls clenching and squeezing in, getting ready to digest the biiiig lump of food they had just been introduced to... Khopesh whimpered as he felt those slimy gut walls pressing against his still-twitching shaft. He shouldn't be liking this, he couldn't be liking this, and yet, it was so warm and slimy and it felt so GOOD against his shaft...fuck, if only he could figure out how to pull his pants off inside of here so he could at least get off more efficiently while he was being digested! He couldn't believe he was doing it, and yet, here he was, humping his clothed bulge against those fleshy walls, making Neil chuckle as he felt that rhythmic movement sloshing his gut around from inside. “Enjoying yourself in there, I see~” the deer’s teasing words echoed around Khopesh as he continued to go at it, the jackal gritting his teeth and putting even more effort into it as he felt those digestive enzymes starting to really get to work. He was starting to feel tired, and his legs and fingers were already tingling and going numb...and was that a little bit of sizzling he heard? It was hard to tell with how much thick, semi-digested sludge was packed inside of this chamber with him. But it was quickly starting to not matter. The only thing in the world that was mattering to the jackal now was achieving this orgasm. This last orgasm, before he was going to be digested into deer fat...! The vigorous gut-humping only worked out more powerful belches for Neil which actually helped Khopesh's quest two-fold. First, it tightened those stomach walls around him and his cock even more. Secondly, they provided a sound that made his cock throb and tense up every time he heard it! “Mmm, go ahead, add a little bit more protein to this buffet~” Neil coaxed his meal as he lazily jerked off himself; it was hard not to when you had a preyslut fucking your gut like it was the last thing they were ever going to get to do! He was far too full and lethargic to do much more than that, but enjoying the frantic humps of his prey as the jackal tried to spend himself inside? Absolutely! Sounded like a lovely time to him, honestly...especially as he felt those words really get to Khopesh inside of his gut. The jackal whimpering as his strength continued to fade, the clock quickly running out on his ability to orgasm before the stomach walls closed in to claim him for good. Mmmh, god, he was so close though, and it felt so good...!!! Neil snickered as he heard the moan from the jackal inside his belly as his cock started to spurt and shoot out thick ropes of pent-up cum, Khopesh absolutely collapsing into the stomach slosh he was bathing in as soon as he felt his body reach that powerful, explosive climax. “Theeeeere ya go~” the deer teased as he stroked and rubbed over his gut a bit, already feeling things starting to soften up just the tiniest bit inside now that his stomach could really clench in and seize upon the jackal...Khopesh panting, his heart pounding, his whole body tingling as he came down from the orgasm. And, of course, from the fact that he was being digested! His brain still couldn't really comprehend the gravity of what was happening to him, though. He was gonna be deer pudge. Forever. And though the thought left him with a powerful orgasm and empty balls, it also put him in a situation that he couldn't really come back least not in the same form he went into it as, despite how much wiggling and squirming he still tried to do. All those movements did was tickle and arouse Neil at most. The deer lazed around in his hotel bed for the next few hours as he watched and felt the jackal inside him continue to melt down into a thick, viscous sludge along with the rest of the buffet he had overindulged upon earlier; soon the two strangers inside of Neil’s gut were practically inseparable from each other. Khopesh could barely feel or sense anything by now, just constantly being whisked and pushed around inside of Neil’s gut to the point where he was entirely numb to the sensations; or maybe that was because anything that could FEEL those sensations had long since melted into the aforementioned thick slosh he was now a part of. A void opening up in the deepest reaches of the deer’s stomach to swallow up some of that rich chyme, whisking it away to the depths of Neil’s small intestine for an even more thorough, intimate gurgling. If only Khopesh could feel what was happening to him still...he had the vaguest sense of some kind of movement around him, but that was pretty much it, and even that was rapidly fading in the dark, churning, draining environment of Neil’s deeper guts. So many twists and turns were ahead of the jackal, and he was most certainly not prepared for any of them; it was simply too much for even the sloshiest version of his body and mind to handle. Neil pressed both hands down on the top of his gut as he felt that gut slosh continuing to funnel deeper into his bowels, that wonderful full sensation going deeper and deeper into his body with every passing second...”Hooogh, still a lot of you to work through~” the deer teased as he tended to his belly a little bit, rubbing and poking at it as it gurgled and groaned and glorped every now and again...he didn't really know if Khopesh could hear him anymore, but it didn't really matter. The words were more for himself anyway. A nice little tease to put the cherry on top of a wonderful evening. And now, he could sprawl out in this hotel bed and doze off, lovely convention thoughts filling his head. So much he had done already, and so many things he would be able to talk about tomorrow once the jackal was all melted. What happened to him? Where did he go? Teasing some of his prey-friends with the new plush fat that his former roommate had added. The possibilities were endless~ Neil did end up having some pleasant dreams during his little doze off, though they were pretty scattered and ultimately hard for him to remember. What he did remember was how he got woken up a few hours later, by a rather tight and uncomfortable feeling pressure in his bowels that had him rolling over and heading to the bathroom in a matter of seconds! “Okay, okay, you can come out~” the deer said in a frantic tone as he opened up the door to the bathroom and squished his fat rear down onto the cold toilet seat, already feeling just how much extra weight that Khopesh had ended up adding to him, even with his lithe, diminutive frame...he had basically eaten everything that the jackal had eaten, after all! Despite how urgently the rest of the jackal had woken him up to be expelled, that waste actually slid out of Neil’s backside rather cleanly and quickly, and pleasurably as well, honestly! Neil was already feeling up the extra squish on his ass, belly, and thighs that Khopesh had given him, all while still knowing that there was still quite a bit of the jackal sluicing its way through his digestive tract. Even his guts could not completely melt down and absorb a whole entire person in just a couple of hours, so this certainly would not be the final tally of how much weight Khopesh would end up adding to him by any means. That didn't mean Neil couldn’t still thoroughly enjoy it, though~ The last of the processed unmentionables dropped into the bowl a few seconds later, making a satisfying splash that tickled Neil’s pucker with the water that splashed back up out of the bowl! “OooOOoohh, made me shiver a bit~” Neil teased as he wiggled his rear end from side to side on the toilet seat, feeling that squish in every lovely~ After a quick wipe up and a flush, the deer was up and admiring his gains in the bathroom mirror, though his gut was still a bit bigger than it would probably end up being due to the slosh that was still working its way through those deeper pipes. Still, it was quite a lovely amount of pudge in all of the places it could go; even a bit was showing up on his moobs, growing mounds of fat resting on top of his chubby, still-sloshy belly. Not what the deer had expected, but also not an unwelcome outcome by any means! Neil let out a long, satisfied yawn after another minute or so of admiring himself in the bathroom mirror. He was very much enjoying all that Khopesh had done to his body so far, but it was pretty late at night, and his bed was calling his name once more...besides, he would need a bit more rust to truly mulch down and melt the last of his friend that was currently working its way through the deepest parts of his small and large intestine. The deer couldn't wait to wake up tomorrow and see just where the golden jackal would finally end up on him~