“That’s her,” whispered the tall, red-haired girl from the other team. “They say her spikes are like rockets. Be careful.” “‘Her?’” sneered the blonde next to her. “I don’t care what the NCAA says, that man shouldn’t be here.” The red-haired girl snapped, “Don’t be a bitch. She’s a girl like us. If you saw her before hormones, you wouldn’t talk like that. She’s lost at least thirty pounds of muscle in the last year and a half.” Randy sighed. They were talking about him, of course. They always did. He was used to it by now. Anyway, this was all his own damn fault. If he’d kept his mouth shut, he’d be wearing his basketball shorts and playing power guard right now instead of wearing a glorified bikini and playing middle blocker. But no, he had to open his big mouth and bet his rival, Tommy, that he could make any girl on campus fall in love with him. “Any girl?” Tommy had said, eyes gleaming. Randy had been high and drunk at the time and hadn’t thought about it too much. He was the star player of the basketball team, and he could have any girl he wanted. “Any!” “Even Sarah Mullins?” Sarah was the star of the women’s volleyball team and a lesbian. She was also gorgeous, with long dark hair and piercing green eyes. “Sure,” Randy had said. “What’s a lesbian but a girl who hasn’t met the right dick yet?” Tommy had snorted. “You’re on, man. If you can make her fall for you, I’ll stop gunning for your position. But if you fail, you tell coach you don’t want to play power forward anymore and you let me have the position.” At first, Randy set out to woo Sarah with his usual blend of charm, good looks, and wit. Sarah tried to be nice, but as the weeks wore on, her irritation with his constant advances grew. Meanwhile, the deadline for the bet was fast approaching, and Randy was desperate. “I only have to get her to fall for me,” he thought. “Once that happens, I can dump her.” But Sarah refused to even go out with him, much less go to bed with him. In a last-ditch effort, Randy “came out” as a woman himself. He told Sarah he had always felt like he was really a girl and that she was the first person he had ever felt safe telling. Sarah was shocked at first, but then she softened. She agreed to take him under her wing and teach him how to be a woman. What was supposed to be an act slowly became reality as Randy fell more and more in love with Sarah. She was so kind, so caring, and so beautiful. Sarah helped him make appointments with doctors and even accompanied him to ensure “her” transition went smoothly. She even offered to inject his hormones since he hated needles. “She’ll fall for me soon,” Randy thought. “Maybe when I grow breast buds like she said I would soon.” Meanwhile, Randy’s basketball skills deteriorated along with his muscles. Turned out, he didn’t even have to lose the bet to lose his spot on the squad; the coach benched him anyway. Distraught at sudden loss of his dream, Randy was crying in Sarah’s dorm when she said, “Why don’t you join the volleyball team? You’re so tall, you’d make an amazing blocker.” Randy had been involved in sports for as long as he could remember. Not being a part of a team felt like losing a piece of himself. “But I still look so much like a man,” he objected. “How could I ever pass as a woman? It’ll never work.” “First of all, you’re getting prettier every day,” Sarah replied. “And our season’s over, so you won’t be on the team until next year. By then, you’ll be even more gorgeous—not to mention curvy.” In for a penny, in for a pound, Randy decided. With Sarah’s help, he started practicing volleyball. Luckily, he was a natural athlete and a surprising amount of his former basketball skills transferred over to the volleyball court. By the begging of the next season, Randy was indeed curvier—and he’d become one hell of a blocker. Now, as they took their positions for the opening game of the finals, Randy had to confess that although he missed basketball, volleyball was a hell of a game. His biggest regret was that he’d never got together with Sarah. Turned out, her being a lesbian was a rumor spread by an ex-boyfriend. Oh well. Tommy had been showing up to the games recently. He was looking ripped these days, and since Randy had already switched teams once...