---------- + Allie + ---------- + Intro P: "(...So this is the art portal?)" P: "(Looks like a big highschool art room to me.)" P: "(Hmmm, there doesn't seem to be a lot of artists here right now though.)" P: "(...)" P: "(... Yikes!)" P: "(Is that an alien??)" P: "(... wait.)" P: "(I think it's... a girl.)" P: "Uhhh... hi?" A: "......" A: "... S-Sorry..." P: "(... uhhhh.)" P: "(What's up with her? She seems a little spacey to me.)" ----------- + Brandi + ----------- --------- + Bree + --------- + Intro P: "(So this is the forest huh? I didn't know there would be nice parks here)" P: "(I wonder what kinda weird stuff you can find here)" B: "*SNIFF SNIFF*" P: "Ahhhh! Geez!" B: "Nyaaaaaa...." B: "What's with the funny face?" P: "Uhhhhh... excuse me?" P: "(You're the one with the funny face...)" B: "Do you have a banana??" P: "Sorry, I don't carry fruit around with me." B: "Buuuuu....~" P: "..." P: "(She left...)" P: "(I guess she counts as weird stuff you'd find in a forest)" ---------- + Donna + ---------- + Intro P: "(Wow, this gym is so much bigger than I thought)" P: "(There's lots of weight lifting stuff here...)" P: "(... This dumbell's... 200lbs?)" P: "(Is that even possible??)" D: "Uhhhh... You lost or somethin'?" D: "You really don't look like ya belong over here! Haha!" D: "Ballet class is over there, jus sayin'." P: "Ohhh sorry, I'll get out of your way." D: "Thanks." P: "(...)" P: "(!!!)" P: "(She's lifting it like it's nothing!)" P: "(... and is that blood on her clothes??)" P: "(Yeah.. I don't think I ever want to be on her bad side...)" -------------- + Fabulousa + -------------- + Intro P: "(Hmmm, so this is where all those actors hang out, huh.)" P: "(Some of these costumes look super realistic... It's pretty crazy.)" F: "..." P: "(Whoa! Look at that one! It's like a real cyborg!)" P: "(Her hair is so metallic, and her joints look like they actual work.)" P: "So is there gonna be a sci-fi show coming up? Are you like a robot or something?" F: "..." F: "EX-FUCKING-SCUSE ME?" F: "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A ROBOT??" F: "Like, what the fuck?" F: "Do I, like, look like some kinda hunk of metal to you?" F: "You, like, totally need to learn how to talk to ladies." F: "I totally swear, like, everyone is here is the worst." F: "Like, the other day, I asked that new girl if I could get my usual." F: "Which is an Iced sugar-free syrup, extra shot, light ice, no whip, non-fat" F: "skinny hazelnut macciato with half serving of caramel drizzle" F: "Which is obviously bomb." F: "And you know what she brings me?" F: "There was WHIP on it!" F: "Like doesn't she understand that I'm on a STRICT diet." F: "Like Ughhhhh, is it so hard? Where is Maki, I need to tell her about this..." P: "(...)" P: "(She's gone)" P: "(I hope I don't need to remember anything for her.. That sounds like trouble.)" ---------- + Hunni + ---------- + Intro P: "(Ahhh this place is so big... I can't find the right classroom..)"" P: "(I'm gonna be late at this point...)"" P: "(Oh hey, maybe I can ask that girl over there...)"" P: "Excuse me... But I'm a bit lost..."" H: "...?" H: "Sumimasen... Naneun gil-eul ilh-eossda..." P: "Oh um sorry... I don't understand." H: "Joesonghabnida... Wakarimasen." P: "..." H: "..." H: "Sillyehamnida..." P: "..." P: "(Whelp.. I feel even more lost now.)" ------------ + Sabrina + ------------ + Intro P: "(Oh hmmm, I didn't know this place existed)" P: "(Wow... It smells so nice here... And it's really cozy)" S: "..." S: "Ahhh... Aujourd'hui c'est beau." S: "A new face I see. Well I hope you can find comfort here." P: "..." S: "Mmmm...? Are you feeling alright?" P: ".... Oh uhh, yeah, I'm good!" P: (Ahh.. there's something about her...) P: (I can't put my finger on it... But it's like...) P: (... I know her) S: "I see... Well if you are free, you should stay a while." S: "I recommend the Rooibos with honey." S: "The sweetness will help you feel much better." S: "La vie est une fleur dont l'amour est le miel." P: "..." P: "(There's something about her...)" ---------- + Trish + ---------- + Intro P: "(Ahh, the BBS. Where a bunch of people just hang out and talk about topics)" P: "(There's a few people here right now)" P: "(Maybe I can discuss some important topics with someone...)" T: "..." P: "(... Like her.)" P: "Hi!" T: "...?" P: "You look like someone who likes to discuss important topics!" T: "Yeah, like what?" P: "Oh ummm.... (Shit, I didn't think this through)" P: "Ummmm... Does pineapple belong on pizza?" T: "..." T: "Yeah I don't have time for this..." T: "I thought maybe you'd actually have something important to say." T: "But I guess not..." P: "..." P: "(Ah she left)" T: "..." T: "And the answer is, no. It doesn't belong on pizza." P: "..." P: "(Well at least she got that one right.)"