*gwrrggllll…* That deep, rumbling noise awoke Forge from a restful, enjoyable sleep, the collie smacking her lips and wiggling around in a haze until she heard the noise once more. *gllrrrgggssshhhh…* it went, confusing the hefty canine even more until she realized the source of the noise...and the gnawing hunger deep within her belly! The collie had a bit of a light dinner the evening prior, and now she was feeling the effects of skimping out...no matter. A midnight snack was starting to sound really nice. Forge smacked her lips and let out a long yawn before rolling to the side of the bed, trying her best to not wake up her partner on the other half as she gingerly slipped out from under the sheets and started to make her way towards the kitchen. The house was a bit chilly this late at night, but it was nothing that Forge couldn't handle. The big, buxom collie trudged her way into the kitchen, walking right through the living room and towards the fridge before she very suddenly realized that something was a bit different about the couch. Forge peered over the side of it, noticing that the blankets and pillows were all bunched up and strewn about...and then she saw the head of a sleeping human poking out of the blanket cocoon they had made! "Ugh, I guess Fix had one of his human friends stay the night…" the collie thought to herself, very slightly annoyed that her partner hadn't consulted with her beforehand...ah, whatever. She was too peckish to care at the moment! Forge continued to make her way into the kitchen, opening up the fridge and starting to search around for anything that could satisfy her hunger! Some cheese, a few leftover peanut butter cookies, a bag of grapes… "Excuse me, miss?" A voice that Forge had never heard before caused the collie to jump a little bit in surprise, the sudden flow of emotion jolting her awake as she turned around to face the source. Standing before her, covered head-to-toe in some thick pajamas, was the human she had seen passed out on the couch, visibly shivering from the cold they were presumably experiencing. "Sorry to interrupt, but it's really cold down here. Do you guys have any more blankets?" the human asked, Forge grumbling as she pushed the fridge door shut behind her. "Erf...uh…yeah, there should be some in the closet. Follow me...and keep your voice down." Forge retraced her steps with the inquisitive human in tow, arriving at the hall closet and trying her best to slowly open the creaky door to make sure she didn't wake up anyone else. Thankfully, there was a little light in the hall closet that she could flick on, and that made it a lot easier for her to see that they were completely out of blankets! Forge dug through a few piles of stuff to make sure, the collie groaning and rolling her eyes as the realization dawned on her that she couldn't help this human… *rrgggllrrrgl* ...or maybe she could. The collie’s stomach let out another hungry, impatient growl, very angry with the fact that she had just been taken away from a fridge full of food! The loud, wet noise inspired an idea inside of the collie though; an idea that would solve both of her problems at once! Forge turned back around to the human, who was still shivering and looking just a little bit annoyed to boot. "Uh...so. We're out of blankets...but, I think I have something even better for you instead~" Forge said, shutting the closet door with a bit less care than she had about opening it! The human's face lit up, expecting Forge to start leading him to another side room, or perhaps even giving him her bed for the night instead… But that wasn't what happened. Instead, Forge bent down and reached out at the human with both arms, using the foot or so of height she had on him to lift the human up like a bag of potatoes! "Uh, wow. W-where are we going, then?" the human asked, unaware that the answer to his question was going to be much, much different than he ever would have imagined… Forge didn't respond to the human's question, at least not verbally. Instead of saying anything, she lifted the human's head right up to her own snout...before opening her jaws up wide and stuffing the human's head right inside! He almost immediately started to freak out and squirm and wiggle around, but thankfully the interior of Forge’s mouth was more than enough to muffle any sounds that he could make. "Ergh, keep it down, you little shit…" Forge mumbled to herself regardless, slobbering all over the human's head and shoulders while hugging the rest of him against her incredibly soft, squishy bosom and belly...eh, he didn't really taste that good, but it would have to suffice for now! But she handled her meal, Forge started to walk back over to the couch the human was sleeping on earlier, plopping her rear right down on it as she guided him to the back of her throat. It took a few tries for her gullet to latch on properly to the squirming, wiggling human, but eventually Forge got enough leverage to take a deep, satisfying swallow. Spittle dribbled down her chin and down the human's body as the collie threw her head back, starting to guzzle down the human a lot faster. Her stomach was roaring and rumbling with impatience, after all, yelling at Forge to stop with the theatrics and just stuff the human into her gut already! That swallow sucked the human's chest up into Forge's mouth, a pair of wildly kicking legs sticking out of the collie's mouth as she continued to shovel her meal inside the best that she could. A rather large bulge was starting to form underneath her thick throat fur, the collie taking a moment to rub and massage at it a little bit and to feel the squirms of her meal even more as he went down…mmh, the lovely feeling certainly made up for his lack of flavor, that was for sure! - Forge's tongue curled its way around the human’s ankles and feet, slowly dragging them inside of her maw while the collie felt her midnight snack starting to settle in her stomach...well, maybe settle wasn't the best way to describe it, considering how much he was kicking and squirming around in there! It didn't really bother Forge; she had more than enough pudge down there to insulate herself from anything the human could do, but it was still a bit annoying and uncouth. She rubbed at her slowly-expanding gut to try and maybe calm the human down as her teeth clamped shut over the tips of his toes, that tongue continuing to guide the last of the human to the back of her gullet before he was finished off with one last *glrk~*. Satisfied, the collie licked her chops as the human continued to sink into her stomach, Forge getting one last taste of the human’s flavor… "Mmh! Odd question, hun, but what kind of shampoo do you use?" Forge asked as she poked against her belly, hoping to catch her meal's attention as he continued to fill out the dog's stomach. The human could barely hear Forge’s words as the collie rubbed and groped over her gut, but he did manage to pick out a few of the operative words. "S-shampoo? What about shampoo!?" How did you do this? Are you going to let me out-" *UUUuuurrraaappphhhh* Forge blushed as that belch ripped open her mouth...she was trying to keep it down in here the best she could, but that burp completely caught the collie by surprise! "Oh, hun, why don't you try and relax in there? You'll find it's a lot warmer inside me than it is out here…" the dog teased, trying her best to remind the human of the problem he was originally having and get him to consider the potential comfort of her gut! It was all that she could do, because she was not going to let her meal out now. She felt so warm and full, she could just fall right asleep on this couch where the human had laid… But her wiggly snack had stirred up something else inside of the collie. Something that she would probably have to deal with before going back to bed! Forge sprawled her body all over the creaking couch, one of her paws slowly starting to slip between her spread open legs so she could begin to…fool around a little bit with herself! "Mmh, wiggle a bit lower, would you…?" the collie asked as she started to gingerly and sensually finger herself, already quite a bit of wetness down there from just the act of swallowing up her little human meal! That human could hear the sounds around him gradually changing as Forge started to get into it, crass belches and teasing words replaced with breathy, rhythmic gasps of pleasure. Along with those gasps came a lurching of the stomach around him, the constant and consistent movement starting to make him feel just a little bit queasy as he slowly realized exactly what was going on in the outside world… The couch continued to creak and groan under Forge’s weight as the collie started to pick up the pace a little bit, plunging two slickened digits into her canal and pulling them out a moment later with a satisfying *pop*! All that movement was starting to work up quite a bit of gas as well, the collie just letting every belch rip in the midst of her pleasure without caring or thinking about anyone else in the house...it was her moment right now, and they were all pretty deep sleepers anyway! "Ahn! Yes! Right...there…" the collie panted inbetween powerful thrusts of her fingers, trying her best to push and prod and direct the bulge in her stomach to the perfect, most heart-pounding and arousal-powering spot that she had experienced...fuck, what a head rush! Forge could feel herself starting to get pretty close now, adding another finger to her session that only continued to spread her sensitive folds apart, far beyond what she had done in a long time. The human inside of her was really starting to feel the effects of being in a stomach as well. All that extra movement was really mixing everything up inside of here, immersing the human inside all of the slimy, thick fluids that rested at the bottom of the dog's gut. Forge wasn't planning on actually digesting the human she had swallowed down, more just using him to keep her full as the night progressed...but if she continued to be this rough with her meal, things might get a little churny in there! Thankfully, it wouldn't take that much longer for Forge to reach her climax with all the squirming that her meal was doing! Her breasts were even starting to lactate a little bit, revealing just how aroused Forge was as her moans started to get louder and even more shrill. God, it had been so long since she had treated herself like this! The slickness between her legs was only getting more and more prevalent, her live meal still squirming right in the absolute perfect spot…ah...ahn! Forge let out one last cry of pleasure as she finally reached her orgasm, ripping the three fingers she had the crammed up inside of herself out and feeling strands of pre connecting her fingers to her clit as she started to make a mess all over the couch...a mess that she could take care of later. Right now, she was in heaven! The collie’s body was rocked with spasm after spasm, her whole being tingling with pleasure and relief as ample feminine fluids leaked out from between her legs onto the cushion beneath her. Forge's heart was pounding out of her chest right now, the adrenaline and the endorphins flooding her body simply too much for her to handle right now! But, fuck, it was so good. And on top of it all, the human inside of her continued to wriggle around, his movements now starting to rub and press up against some very sensitive, very used areas...which only excited Forge even more, especially because she couldn't really stop it from happening. As soon as the collie finished her orgasm and started to come down from the powerful buzz of afterglow, she expected to hear some loud banging noises or a complaint from one of her roommates...but there was nothing. Nothing but the grumbling and sloshing of her belly, and the occasional muffled complaints from its occupant. It was very surprising considering how loud she had been, but Forge welcomed it nevertheless! With her lust spent and her belly full, though, the collie was quickly starting to feel an incredible tiredness washing over her. She hadn't planned to be up for this long, after all, and the fact that her sleep was interrupted was definitely starting to affect Forge! She poked at the bulge in her gut a few more times, making sure the human inside was still okay before starting to talk to him. "Huff...thanks for that, dear. I'll let you out in the morning, but for now, just try to get comfortable and relax...it's far warmer in there than under some covers, i'll tell you that much~" The human heard those words before the world around him started to shake and tremble once more, Forge slowly picking herself up off the couch and walking back to her room, this time with quite a bit of extra weight in tow! He wasn't exactly sure if he could trust the collie’s words, but he was in a bit of a...compromising position right now. And her belly really did feel quite warm and soft, even if it was a bit too slimy for his tastes…once Forge made her way back into bed and started to drift off to sleep, though, the collie’s gentle and rhythmic breathing started to relax the human inside a bit. Curled up inside collie belly, the human soon drifted off into dreamland just as Forge had, not knowing what the next day would bring, but surprisingly feeling somewhat optimistic about it...