# The script of the game goes in this file. # Declare characters used by this game. The color argument colorizes the # name of the character. define mc = Character("[player_name]", color="#3371ff", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ]) define mcl = Character("[player_lname]", color="#3371ff", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ]) define mct = Character("Your thoughts", color="#33e6ff", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ]) define mcb = Character("[player_name] Enraged", color="#b40e01", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ]) define g = Character("Lieutenant Dotson", color="#ff3333", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ]) define g2 = Character("Corporal Jones", color="#424636", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ]) define o = Character("Officer", color="#135915", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ]) define dv = Character("Developer", color="#0d0df4", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ]) define mj = Character("Major Jamison", color="#33ff39", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ]) define t = Character("Tracy", color="#ff33e0", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ]) define jd = Character("JD", color="#ff963a", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ]) define j = Character("Jessy", color="#ff9d9d", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ]) define nr = Character (None, color="#00BFFF", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ]) define sh = Character("Shithead", color="#33ff39", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ]) define c = Character("Cowboy", color="#ff3333", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ]) define a = Character("Angie", color="#b44b8e3", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ]) define r = Character("Rafter", color="#135915", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ]) define bg = Character("Badguy", color="#0d0df4", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ]) define flashbulb1 = Fade(0.2, 0.0, 0.8, color='#fff') define flashbulb2 = Fade(1.0, 0.0, 0.8, color='#ff3333') image q4thjf = Movie(play="q4thjf.webm") image q4thjs = Movie(play="q4thjs.webm") image r1tbjf = Movie(play="r1tbjf.webm") image r1tbjs = Movie(play="r1tbjs.webm") image z107m = Movie(play="z107m.webm") image z117p = Movie(play="z117p.webm") image z117m = Movie(play="z117m.webm") image zzzjsff = Movie(play="zzzjsff.webm") image zzztdf = Movie(play="zzzjsfs.webm") image z157m = Movie(play="z157m.webm") image z158m = Movie(play="z158m.webm") image z161m = Movie(play="z161m.webm") image z113m = Movie(play="z113m.webm") # The game starts here. label start: $ good_points = 0 $ bad_points = 0 scene bg_warning with dissolve "{w}" scene bg_consent_screen with dissolve "{w}" jump choice label choice: scene black with dissolve menu: "Yes": jump choice1_yes "No": jump choice1_no label choice1_yes: $ menu_flag = True jump comments label choice1_no: $ menu_flag = False jump end_game label comments: scene bg_dev_comments with dissolve "{w}" dv "Have all the special snowfakes run off to a safe space?" dv "Good, fuck'em if they can't take a joke..." scene bg_obd_screen with dissolve pause 2 scene bg_lrh_splash with dissolve pause 2 dv "Let's get this shit show going..." label cell: scene black "Present day. Maximum security federal prison somewhere in Kansas." scene cell_ahands with dissolve mct "Same shit, different day... What fucking day is it? Does it really matter?" mct "I'm going more a little insane everyday I'm locked in here." mct "Darkness is taking over my mind." nr "*Clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp*" scene cell_bcot with dissolve pause 1 scene cell_c_door with dissolve g "Prisoner 8675309 stand at attention!" mct "Who are these assholes?" scene black nr "*Rumble, rumble, CLANG*" scene cell_dlooking with dissolve mct "*Sigh* I guess I better play the game." scene cell_eattention with dissolve g "State your first name." python: player_name = renpy.input("Enter your first name... (Default Ryker)") player_name = player_name.strip() if not player_name: player_name = "Ryker" mc "My first name is... [mc]." g "State your last name." python: player_lname = renpy.input("Enter your last name... (Default Morris)") player_lname = player_lname.strip() if not player_lname: player_lname = "Morris" mc "My last name is... [mcl]." g "[mc] [mcl] is that correct?" mc "Yes sir!" g "Turn around and put your arms behind you so I can cuff your wrists." scene cell_fcuffed with dissolve mc "Is this necessary sir?" g "Yes for your own good." g "According to your file you have Anger management issues..." mc "*Chuckles*" mc "Anger management issues? What a relief... The shrinks think I have PTSD..." g "Look soldier, I also know the situation you were put in was FUBAR." g "Being restrained will lessen the need for Corporal Jones to shoot your sorry ass." nr "*CLICK* *CLICK*" scene cell_gcuffed2 with dissolve g "Move out and turn to the right." mc "Where am I going?" scene cell_h_mad with dissolve g "The Prisoner did not ask for permission to speak!" with flashbulb2 with flashbulb2 mct "You're fucking lucky you shackled me dickhead!" mct "Come on [mc], get yourself squared away." scene cell_icuffed3 with dissolve mc "Sir, permission to speak?" g "Permission granted." mc "What is going on sir?" g "Not sure. All I can tell you is a civilian Lawyer from the DOD is here to see you." mct "A Department of Defense Lawyer to see me! This can't be good..." mct "Fuck! What else do they want to dump on me?" mct "They already busted me back in rank and have me doing thirty years hard labor on a bullshit charge." scene cell_meet_dod with dissolve g "Mr. Jamison, this is Sergeant [mc] [mcl]." mj "It's Major Jamison, Lieutenant." mj "I've been ordered by the Secretary of Defense to keep this meeting off the record officially." mj "That is why I'm not in uniform." g "Apologies Sir." mct "Hmmm, what's up with all the secrecy?" scene cell_meet_dod2 with dissolve mj "Lieutenant Dotson! What is Sergeant [mcl] doing shackled like that?" mj "Sergeant [mcl] is decorated combat veteran of multiple deployments." g "Sir, prisoner [mcl] has a history of violent outbursts I just thought." mj "Lieutenant, I don't care what you thought." mj "Lieutenant just how many combat tours have you had?" g "None sir. My career thus far has been stateside." mj "I thought as much. If you had you deployed you might have a little more understanding." mj "You will unshackle Sergeant [mcl] and treat him with the respect that he is due." scene cell_meet_dod3 with dissolve g "Sir, Corporal Jones and I will stay in the room since the prison..." mj "That will not be necessary. You can wait outside." g "Yes sir." scene cell_meet_dod4 with dissolve g "Major we will be standing by if you need us." mj "Thank you. I'm sure Sergeant [mcl] and I will be fine." mj "Sergeant, you can uncover and have seat." scene cell_meet_dod5 with dissolve mj "Sergeant, I noticed you don't have a belt. Did you lose it or did they not issue one to you?" mc "*Chuckle*" mc "No sir. I was issued one but they but took it back after I used it as a garrote on an inmate that pushed my buttons one too many times." scene cell_meet_dod6 with dissolve mj "I see. I assume that was one of the aforementioned violent outbursts?" mc "Yes sir. I don't play well with others." mj "What is the current status of the inmate?" mc "Alive, I just choked him out sir. I didn't intend to kill him; I just wanted to get his attention." mj "*Ahem*. Handling disagreements in that manner might be acceptable for inmates but would be frowned upon by civilians." mc "Sir I have twenty seven years left on my sentence. I'm sure I can get myself under control by then..." scene cell_meet_dod7 with dissolve mj "Yes, your sentence. This brings me to the reason I’ve been sent to meet with you." mj "You may not be aware of it but the President has directed the DOD to review cases of imprisoned military personnel." mj "Especially ones that were imprisoned due to breaking the inane rules of engagement of the previous administration." mj "As you know, those rules were nearly impossible to follow and unnecessarily cost us many lives." scene cell_meet_dod5 with dissolve mc "Yes sir, sadly I know the reality of that all too well." scene cell_meet_dod8 with dissolve mj "I've reviewed your case file." mj "Unfortunately, It is fraught with some complications that prevent me from offering you full Presidential Pardon." with flashbulb2 mct "Well fuck me, why did he come all this way to tell me that shit..." mj "Sergeant. Sergeant!" mc "Sir?" mj "I think I lost you there for a moment." scene cell_meet_dod6 with dissolve mj "What I can offer you is a Presidential commutation of your sentence that would release you for time served." mj "You will still have a criminal record and subject to reimprisonment if you break the terms." scene cell_meet_dod5 with dissolve mct "Well hell, Orange Man isn't that bad..." mc "Outstanding Sir! Will I be able resume my service and go back on active duty?" mc "I'm a lifer like my father and grandfather." mc "My mother and old man are gone. My younger brother and I were Navy brats. We grew up moving from base to base." mc "He was KIA ten years ago so now the only family I have is my brothers from other mothers back in my unit." mc "The being in the service is all I have." scene cell_meet_dod8 with dissolve mj "I'm sorry son but due to the delicate details surrounding your case that won't be possible." mj "Also, there are some conditions." mc "Of course, I knew there had to be some free cheese." scene cell_meet_dod9 with dissolve mj "Free cheese?" scene cell_meet_dod5 with dissolve mc "Yes, the free cheese that you get from a mouse trap..." scene cell_meet_dod9b with dissolve mj "*Chuckle* No, no nothing that dire." scene cell_meet_dod9 with dissolve mj "If it were to become public that you have been released early it could spark an international incident." mj "That part of the world is stable currently and friendly towards us. We want it to stay that way." mj "Plus in federal prison you have been out of reach from the people that swore a blood oath to kill you." mj "You must keep a low profile. You must not tell anyone details of what took place over there." mj "You must not get arrested. If you do, you will be brought back here to serve out the remainder of your sentence." mj "I'd suggest that you stay off the grid." mj "You already stated you don't have a home any immediate family to go back to." scene cell_meet_dod5 with dissolve mc "Well that's as far as I know. My old man was a saltwater sailor with a girl in every port so who knows for sure..." scene cell_meet_dod9b with dissolve mj "*Chuckle* How did he take it when you signed up to be a ground pounder?" scene cell_meet_dod5 with dissolve mc "He just snarled that's what he got for letting my mom give me G.I. Joes to play with when I was a kid." scene cell_meet_dod9b with dissolve mj "Well anyway, as it stands are free to go anywhere you want and start your life over." scene cell_meet_dod5 with dissolve mc "Start over sir?" mc "You're aware of the anger and rage issues I'm dealing with." mc "I'm prone to socially unacceptable behavior and use to either barking orders or taking orders." mc "I don't have much in the way of marketable skills other than killing people and breaking things..." mc "I was going to stay in the military for life so I didn't save any money." scene cell_meet_dod9 with dissolve mj "I know you are faced with some challenges." mj "Short of suggesting you take some sensitivity training sessions, I'm afraid I can't help you with your lack of social graces." mj "Fortunately I can help you with the latter Sergeant Mor.. or should I say Mr. Morris." mc "Sir?" scene cell_meet_dod10a with dissolve mj "I was able to get your back pay at your former rank including hazardous duty pay as if you were deployed for the last three years." mj "There is a cashier's check for $50K in the file box along with your other personal effects." mc "It's not that I'm unappreciative but that seems a bit light." mj "That's your net pay less taxes." mc "*Sigh* Oh yes taxes. Anyway thank you sir." mj "I wish it was more as I feel the country owes you much more than this for your service even given how it ended." mc "I've never had that much money at one time in my life! Hopefully I won't spend it like a drunken sailor..." mj "*Chuckle* It would be good that you not follow your father's footsteps in that aspect." mc "No disrespect meant to drunken sailors, but my old man and his shipmates were not the best examples of fiscal responsibility." scene cell_meet_dod10b with dissolve mj "Well Mr. Morris good luck with the next phase of your life." mj "I wish you the best and hope you can free yourself from the dark memories from the past that haunt you." mc "Thank you sir. I don't want to erase those memories but I have to control them rather than they control me." scene cz_leaving with dissolve mj "I'll keep working to improve the terms of your commutation and expunging your record. In the meantime, try to stay out of trouble." mj "Lieutenant, escort Mr. Morris to administration so they can process his release and discharge." g "Release Sir?" mj "Yes, Mr. [mcl] has paid his debt to the country and is a free man." mj "I've already sent a note to the Administrator so she can start the paperwork." g "Yes sir, Mr. [mcl] please follow me." scene d_leaving with dissolve g2 "I wonder what Miss Tracy is wearing today?" g "I'm sure something business appropriate. You need not worry about that and be sure securing your weapon before we exit the lockdown area." g2 "I bet it is still sexy though." g "Corporal, need I remind you to be respectful to Ms. Durte." g2 "No disrespect meant sir. I'm just saying she's a hot MILF." g2 "Then there are the rumors that she use work the pole before she got her government job." g "That's enough Jones." mc "I assume Miss Tracy is the Administrator?" g2 "Yes and our resident Cougar." mc "Cougar?" g "That's just the corporal's wet dream. Let's just say she is not hard on the eyes and is very friendly to younger men." scene e_tracy_at_desk with dissolve g "Good afternoon Ms. Durte, this is [mc] [mcl]. I believe you are processing his discharge paperwork?" t "*Deep in thought reading case file* *Thinking, that poor boy. I can't believe they treated him like that!*" g "Ms. Durte." scene e_vstartled with dissolve t "What?" mct "Wow, I see what the Corporal was saying, she is pretty hot for an older gal." scene gz_ribbing with dissolve g "I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you." scene f_talking with dissolve t "Oh good afternoon Lieutenant! Yes, I just putting a bow on Mr. [mcl]'s package." mc "*Chuckling under your breath*" scene e_vstartled with dissolve t "Did I say something funny Mr. [mcl]?" mc "No, no." mc "Thank you Ma'am but please call me [mc]." scene f_wasking with dissolve t "Ma'am! Do I look that old to you?" mc "No Ma'a... er I mean Miss Tracy you don't look that old." scene g_asking with dissolve t "Oh not {b}that{/b} old. Just how old do I look to you Mr. [mcl]?" mct "Danger, Will Robinson, danger!" mc "Well ah, er.." scene g2_laughing with dissolve g2 "*Snicker*" scene gz_ribbing with dissolve g "Some free advice [mc], if you are already in a hole, quit digging." mc "No shit! I'm dropping my shovel!" scene ha_wink with dissolve t "*Lilting giggle* I'm just teasing you honey." mct "Whoa, what was that? She has a pierced tongue?" scene hb_tongue with dissolve mct "*Shwing!* I wonder if it's true what they say about girls with pierced tongues..." scene g4 with dissolve t "*Giggle* Now didn't you just turn the prettiest shade of pink!" scene f_wasking with dissolve t "Nice to meet you [mc] you can call me Tracy." mc "Nice to meet you Tracy." scene e_vstartled with dissolve t "Sugar our printer is slow and outdated. It will be just a little bit until it's done with your file since it was so large." mc "Large file, so yeah I got that going for me..." t "Huh?" mc "*Chuckle* My failed attempt at humor. No worries Tracy, I've got nowhere to go so I've got plenty of time..." scene g3 with dissolve t "Oh, you don't? Well, that's good I guess." t "I was trying to hurry so you'd be ready before your family got here to pick you up." mc "We don't need to worry about that..." scene e_vstartled with dissolve t "Wife, girlfriend?" with flashbulb2 mc "Nope. I got my dear John letter from my last girlfriend a couple of years ago." mc "She couldn't see herself waiting thirty years for me to get out." scene g2 with dissolve t "I'm so sorry. I'm too nosey for my own good sometimes." mc "It's all good Tracy. I came to grips with and put it behind me." mct "Who are you bullshitting, it's still eating a hole in you." scene f_wasking with dissolve t "Well it's her loss! I would have waited on a fine looking man like you!" mc "*Blushing* Tracy I'm not all that." scene g3 with dissolve t "The only thing is even as handsome as you are in that bright orange uniform, I don't think you will want to go to town wearing it." mc "You're probably right but I didn't bring any civilian clothes when they transferred me here." t "You're in luck hon. We have accumulated a large assortment of clothes that were left here from others that were never going to need them again." mc "Didn't need them anymore?" scene e_vstartled with dissolve t "*Whispers* Death row inmates..." mc "Oh! Well I guess beggars can't be choosers..." mc "Hey wait, they weren't wearing them at the time, you know, when they..." scene g5 with dissolve t "Oh Lord no sweetie!" mc "That's a relief. I'm sure you shit yourself when they light you up with Old Sparky..." scene g2_laughing with dissolve g2 "*Bwahaha!*" scene g4 with dissolve t "[mc] you are just awful! *giggle*" scene gz_ribbing with dissolve g "*Ahem* Annd on that visual I didn't need, we're out of here... We need to get back to work." g "Come on Corporal." g "I'm sure Mr. [mcl] will be fine in the capable hands of Miss Tracy." scene hc_tracy_flirting with dissolve t "Hon let's go see if we can find you something to wear." mc "Thank you for helping to get my affairs in order." t "No worries darling, affairs are my specialty... *Giggle*" mc "Oh, I.." g2 "Whoa!" g "*Cough*" scene hd_tracy with dissolve t "*Giggle* Now boys get y'all's mind out of the gutter." menu: "Check her out": scene j_panup: subpixel True yalign 1.0 pause 1.5 linear 7.0 yalign 0.0 pause scene j_checking_ass with dissolve mct "Dayum! Look at that wagon she dragging!" t "You drop something sugar?" scene hd_tracy with dissolve mc "Huh? No, no.." mct "Smooth [mc], very smooth." t "Follow me and I'll show you the change room where we can make you more presentable." mct "I'd follow that ass anywhere!" mc "I'm right behind you." scene he1 with dissolve t "Ooo, I like the sound of that." mct "Damn that girl. With all her flirting I'm starting to get a chubby." mct "I'll hold my file box in front of me to hide it." scene k_walking with dissolve nr "*Tracy's high heels sharply clicking as she walks*" scene l_walking with dissolve nr "*Click*" scene m_walking with dissolve nr "*Click*" scene n_walking with dissolve nr "*Click*" scene o_change_1 with dissolve nr "*Click*" scene o_dat_ass with dissolve mct "She sashays like a runway model or an exotic dancer!" mct "Maybe the rumor the corporal was talking about is true." scene p2 with dissolve t "You can set your stuff here while you are changing clothes." mct "Shit she will see my boner for sure." mc "It's ok, I can take them in the stall with me." t "Don't be silly, your things will be fine here." scene p3 with dissolve t "What size do you normally wear?" scene p4 with dissolve t "*Thinking* Well hello there big boy!" t "*Giggle* Oh, never mind I can see you are an extra-large..." scene p4 with dissolve mct "Damn she stared straight at my Johnson." scene p3 with dissolve t "Darling, go ahead and get undressed and I'll be right back with some clothes for you to try on." mc "Okay, I'll be waiting with bells on." t "Well I certainly see you have a clapper... *Hehe*" scene o_dat_ass with dissolve nr "Tracy turns and walks away." scene p5 with dissolve mct "Man I'm as hard as blue steel. A cat couldn't scratch it!" mct "It's starting to ache too." scene p6 with dissolve mct "I need to rub one out before Tracy comes back." mct "She is flirty as hell but I can't tell if she is all show and no go." mct "I haven't even made it outside yet. Don't need to be charged as a sexual predator on my first day..." scene p7 with dissolve nr "Tracy quietly slips back to the stall." nr "*Fap, fap, fap*." t "*Tracy thinking* That doesn't sound like he's changing clothes. A quick little peek won't hurt." scene p8 with dissolve t "*Tracy thinking* Now that boy is sporting some major lumber!" t "*Tracy thinking* I swore to myself I wasn't going to mess around at work anymore but I feel bad that I teased him so much." t "*Tracy thinking* I should help him out. Plus it has been a long time since I've had such a sexy a Boy-Toy to play with." scene p9 with dissolve nr "Tracy swings the stall door wide open." t "Anything I can help you with sugar?" mc "Oh shit! I'm sorry Tracy I was just..." t "*Giggle* Hey watch where you point that thing. It looks like it might go off at any second." mc "Damn I'm so embarrassed." scene q1 with dissolve t "No need to be embarrassed honey." t "I love to flirt but I don't like blue-balling anyone." t "Especially a hot young man that has been unjustly locked down the last three years!" t "Step out here so I can have some room to finish what you started." scene q2 with dissolve mc "Wait, what if someone comes in?" t "Relax darling, It's the weekend and between shift change. No one is in the waiting area." t "The only one I'm worried about cumming is you sugar." mc "Oh, but..." t "Don't worry I locked the door..." scene q3 with dissolve mc "I just don't want to get us in trouble." t "Believe me baby, I'd get it more trouble than you would if we got caught." t "I don't need to validate any of the rumors about me that are going around this place." mc "Rumors?" scene q4 with dissolve t "Don't play innocent with me. You men gossip worse than old women..." scene q5 with dissolve t "Enough chit, chat. This bad boy is throbbing like crazy!" t "Do you want me to keep on like this or do you want something else?" menu: "Handjob": jump choice2_yes "Something else": jump choice2_no label choice2_yes: $ menu_flag = True jump handjob label choice2_no: $ menu_flag = False jump blowjob label handjob: mc "Your hand is feeling good Tracy. I've been on the edge since I first saw you so it won't take long." t "You got it baby doll." nr "Tracy starts stroking you shaft rubbing the underside of your gland with her thumb each time." show q4thjs mc "That's sooo good, you sure know what you're doing." t "*Hehe* Not my first Rodeo darling." mc "Oh yeah I see that." t "Let's pick up the pace." show q4thjf pause (10) menu: "Continue": jump choice3_yes "Cum": jump choice3_no label choice3_yes: $ menu_flag = True jump continue label choice3_no: $ menu_flag = False jump cum label continue: show q4thjf pause (30) label cum: mc "Ahh Tracy I'm getting close!" scene q2 with Dissolve (1) t "Just let it go sugar." scene q5b with vpunch with hpunch nr "She barely finishes her sentence before you let fly a rope of hot jizz." mc "Uuuuhhh!" with flashbulb1 scene q5e with hpunch mc "Ahhh!" nr "You pump out another massive spurt." scene q5g with dissolve t "Oh!!" scene q5h with dissolve t "My word sweetie you were pretty backed up!" mc "Wow Tracy I sure made a mess of you!" t "*Giggle* You sure did. I'm just glad you didn't get it in my hair!" t "Now that I have given you Tracy's official welcome back to freedom, let me get cleaned up and get to you dressed." jump locker_room label blowjob: mc "As good as this feels, after seeing your full pouty lips I can't help but wonder if your mouth is good for more than flirty talk?" t "*Giggle* Oh aren't we the cocky one now! *Tracy gives your dick a squeeze*" t "I guess a I deserve that. Let mama show you what she can do with her big sassy mouth." scene q5z with dissolve t "Mmmm." scene q6 with dissolve mc "Ahh." scene q7 with dissolve t "Gakk." mc "Uhh!" t "Gasp!" scene q5 with dissolve t "Whoa darling, I guess I'm out of practice. It's been a long time since I blew a piece of meat this big!" mc "You, you want to stop?" t "Oh no sugar. You just need to help me get use to it. Hold my head when I get hung up." mc "You sure?" t "Don't worry hon, my throat will relax once I remember what it feels like to have something bumping my tonsils..." t "Just don't mess up my hair!" mc "*Chuckle* I'll try not to..." scene q6 with dissolve t "Mmm." scene q7 with dissolve t "Gwak!" scene q8 with dissolve t "Gaaak!" nr "You feel her gag reflex kicking in." nr "You firmly hold her head as she tries to back off your engorged member." scene q9 with dissolve t "Gwuuuh! Gaawk, uhhhmm." nr "You feel her throat opening up." nr "You gently push her head further onto your dick." mc "Ahh." scene r1 with dissolve t "Hmmmm, hmmm." scene q7 with dissolve pause (.5) scene q6 with dissolve show r1tbjs mc "Oh Tracy that's it." mct "Not a complete deep throat but fuck she is driving me crazy with that barbell in her tongue when she swirls it around the tip on each stroke!" mc "I'm on the edge can you go a little faster?" t "Ummm hummm." show r1tbjf pause (30) t "Hmmm." mc "Fuck, I'm not going to last long like this." mc "Do you want me to finish in your mouth?" nr "Not missing a beat, Tracy keeps bobbing up and down on your shaft." t "Ummm, hummm." scene r2 with vpunch with flashbulb1 with hpunch with vpunch nr "You barely hear her reply before you start pumping spurt after spurt of jizz in her mouth and down her throat!" mc "Unnnngh!" t "Guuuh, glup, glup!" scene r3 with dissolve t "Goodness! Now that was a man-sized load! I was gulping as fast as I could but still didn't get all. *Giggle* I must have a hole in my lip like Monica!" mc "*Chuckle* Yeah all you need is a blue dress..." scene r4 with dissolve nr "Tracy licks her lips until she has it all in her mouth." scene r5 with dissolve nr "Tracy swallows the cum left in her mouth" scene r6 with dissolve t "Oh you are still leaking, let me clean you up." nr "Tracy licks the drops off the tip of your shaft." scene q5 with dissolve t "Damn sweetie how long you been saving up?" mc "I don't remember but it's been awhile." mc "I'm not like some of the guys that play drop the soap with each other in the shower..." t "*Giggle* No I can't see you swinging that way." scene q3 with dissolve t "I might need to get a tetanus shot after that rusty load!" mc "Bahahaha!" t "Now that I have given you Tracy's official welcome back to freedom, let's get to you dressed." jump locker_room label locker_room: scene s1 with dissolve mc "What do you think?" t "It's kind of plain but I think it is fine for now." mc "Yeah I can always buy some clothes when I get to town." scene s2 with dissolve t "The main thing is how they fit? Do the pants have enough room for big boi?" mc "Yes, plenty of room as long as you behave yourself..." t "*Giggle* I'm not making any promises." scene s5 with dissolve t "Oh! I just remembered the last shuttle bus to town has left already." mc "Can't I just call a cab?" t "I doubt you could get a cab to drive this far out of town." t "Even if they did they would charge you a couple of hundred bucks to do it." mc "Money! Shit! All I have is a cashier’s check from the government." scene s3 with dissolve t "No credit cards?" mc "No. The ones I had when they locked me down are out of date now. I'll just cash the check when I get to town." t "Honey, all the banks are closed until Monday." scene s5 with dissolve mc "Shit, I'm screwed! I guess I'll walk to town and hang out until the banks open on Monday..." t "Oh no you will not! I've decided you will come home with me and I'll see that you get to town Monday." scene s4 with dissolve mc "Tracy, you're too kind. You don't even know me." t "Hey I'm not Saint Tracy and did you forget who processed your paperwork?" mc "You don't know the things I've done..." t "I don't know everything about you but I know enough that you are a good man that was in some bad shit." scene s5 with dissolve mc "Still I can't ask you to do that. I'm use to taking care of myself and not relying on handouts." t "You didn't ask, I offered. Don't let your pride keep someone from showing you kindness." scene s4 with dissolve t "Did you forget you are in the heartland? We look out for one another whether we know them or not." t "We don't let people sleep in filth and shit in the streets like the socially enlightened elites on the left coast do." mc "Tracy, please..." scene s3 with dissolve t "I'm not taking no for an answer!" mc "Ok, ok... It's just difficult for me to, anyway thank you." t "No, thank you for listening to reason. I'd been worried sick if you stayed on the street." scene s6 with dissolve t "Grab your things and let's go before it gets too late." mc "Getting close to mommy's bedtime?" t "Bedtime my ass! Mommy wants a beer, kick off these heels and put on some comfortable clothes." mc "*Chuckle*" t "Laugh if you want, you owe mommy a leg rub too. Mommy is too old to be kneeling on tile floors." mc "But mommy is so good on her knees..." t "*Giggle* I don't know who is the bigger smart ass!" mc "I know who has the best ass..." t "Your smooth talking is not going to get you out of that leg rub..." mc "Couldn't hurt to try..." scene s7 with dissolve mc "I can't believe I'm walking out of this place a free man." scene s8 with dissolve mc "I'd given up hope of ever getting out, alive that is." t "I'm so happy for you sweetie." mct "I wonder if that nice red Rover over there is her's?" scene s9 with dissolve mct "Nope, she's walking straight past it." mct "Must be that shiny black bug." scene t1 with dissolve t "No hon my ride is over here." scene t2 with dissolve mc "*Snicker*" t "What are you laughing at?" mc "I'd never dreamed a hot mama like you would be driving a grocery getter." t "Grocery getter!" scene t3 with dissolve mc "You not only have that big ol ghetto booty but a hoopty wagon too!" t "My car is in the shop asshole! It was either drive this or a piece of shit pickup truck." mc "Easy Tracy, I'm just paying you back a little for all your teasing." scene t4 with dissolve mc "It is pretty clean and well taken care of." t "You talking about me or the car?" mc "Car, it is a classic just like you..." t "It's 30 miles to town you know..." mc "Ok, ok I'll stop." t "Good." scene t5 with dissolve t "Do I really have a ghetto booty?" mc "Well let's just say the red beans and rice didn't miss you..." t "*Giggle* That brings back memories." mc "I like that you have a cushion for the pushing..." t "You don't stop do you?" mc "You asked." scene t6 with dissolve mc "You sure Aunt Edna isn't tied to the top of this thing?" t "Huh?" mc "Never mind just a random reference." scene t8 with dissolve mc "Can I ask you a question?" t "I don't know, can you?" mc "Oh, may I ask you a question." t "Yes you may..." scene t7 with dissolve mc "You know when you were talking about the rumors about you." t "Yes." mc "Are they true?" t "Depends on which one." mc "That you were an exotic dancer?" t "Nope." mc "So much for rumors." scene u3 with dissolve t "I was a hell of a Stripper though! *Giggle*" mc "Isn't that a difference without distinction?" t "Semantics, I never thought of myself as Exotic." t "I was just a poor girl trying to put herself through school." mc "Sounds like every dancer story I ever heard..." t "No, dancer stories start with, \"This ain't no shit...\"" mc "*Chuckle* That's true." scene t7 with dissolve t "I was barely making it working two shitty part time waitress jobs that left me very little time to study." t "Then I heard about how much I could make waiting tables at the Gentlemen's club in the city." mc "How was it?" scene u4 with dissolve t "I was a scared and naive 19 year old but the money was great." mc "I can't imagine that seeing how strong and confident you are now." t "Oh believe me I didn't stay naive very long." t "I was pretty well developed for my age so needless to say I attracted a lot of attention in the skimpy outfits we had to wear." mc "I bet you did." scene u2 with dissolve t "It started innocently enough with flashing my titties to guys that gave me big tips when I brought their beers." mc "Hummm titties and beer!" t "*Sigh* Men are such children..." mc "I resemble that remark, sorry please continue." t "Well long story short, I was on the stage for the first time two weeks after I started working there." scene u3 with dissolve mc "So how long did you do it?" t "I danced for about 6 years, then was the Club Manager for a few years after I finished my degree." mc "So you know the business from all sides." t "All too well." scene u4 with dissolve t "I also bartended, ran the door, plus house mother, therapist, relationship councilor, nurse and referee!" mc "Referee?" t "We had at least one hair pulling, clawing cat fight every week." scene t7 with dissolve mc "Why did you stop?" t "A couple of reasons. The city council started cracking down on the clubs making it harder to operate." t "Bunch of fucking hypocrites." scene t8 with dissolve t "The Mayor and most of the city council were in the club every weekend buying lap dances from girls young enough to be their daughters or granddaughters." t "The wife of the Mayor and her family were the real power brokers and big money in town. She pressured him to shut down the clubs or she was going kick his ass to the curb." mc "Jealous wife ruins everyone's good time..." t "She had good reason to. Her loving hubby was banging everything 18 to 80, blind, crippled or crazy..." mc "Which group did you fall into?" scene t6 with dissolve t "{b}WHAT!{/b} You fucking smart ass! I ought to pull this car over and kick your ass out" mct "Rut ro, I may have crossed the line with that last one." mc "Sorry, I'm use to wise assing with guys." scene u3 with dissolve t "*Giggle* Don't worry I can take it. You bastard, you got me good. Oh and crazy, for your information..." mc "*Chuckle* I'd guessed as much...." t "*Hummmph!*" mc "What was the other reason?" t "Ah, well the other one was personal." scene u1 with dissolve mc "Ok sorry, never mind." t "No it's alright, you're going to meet the reason when we get to the house." t "I got pregnant and didn't want my baby girl exposed to that life style." t "I'm not ashamed of that phase of my life but I wanted protect her innocence for as long as I could." mc "That's very admirable. Let kids be kids. There is plenty of time for them to see how evil and fucked up this world is." t "Whoa that conversation got dark rather quickly." mc "Sorry I'm still working through some things." scene u2 with dissolve t "I'm sure you are since you had no idea you'd be free today when you got up this morning." t "Any idea what you want to do or go?" mc "Not really, it's all been a blur. I was stationed out west several places. Maybe I'll could go there and get myself straightened out." scene t7 with dissolve t "Straightened out?" mc "I probably should have let you know before you offered to have me stay with you that I struggle to sleep and have bad dreams." t "Knowing what just a small bit of what you went through I can understand that." mc "Some dreams can make me lash out violently when I'm woken suddenly." mc "Not a big deal when I was locked up in solitary. But I don't want to accidently hurt anyone when I'm in that state." t "I'll let Jessy and Joe know to not wake you if you have an event." scene u3 with dissolve mc "Jessy and Joe?" t "Silly me you haven't met anyone yet. Jessica Is my daughter but we call her Jessy and Joe is my husband but he goes by JD." scene t9 with dissolve mc "Husband! You’re not wearing a ring and never said anything about being married! I'm not an angel but don't hit on another guy's wife." t "We have been together for years but never officially got married and probably never would." t "I call him husband because I don't want the fucking busy bodies in town giving Jessy a hard time about her mother shacking up and living in sin..." t "We stay together out of convenience more than anything else. Plus we live in the country a few miles from town. I'd be worried to leave Jessy there by herself when I'm at work." mc "So Joe isn't Jessie's father?" t "No, he tried to be but he is still a man-child himself. Since Jessy hit her late teens they haven't got along at all." mc "Damn, it's still going to be awkward meeting him knowing what we did." scene u1 with dissolve t "You mean what I did. Look, I wanted to do it. I initiated it. I don't remember you forcing me to do anything." mc "No and I was so turned on that I wasn't thinking about anything else but getting relief." t "I think life is too short to let things pass you by that give you excitement or happiness." t "Do you think less of me? That I'm a whore or slut now?" scene t8 with dissolve mc "No, no. I have no right to judge anyone. I have the same feelings about life. I've seen how so much can change in a blink of the eye." t "Joe and I are both free spirits. We use to do a lot of swinging and partner swapping when we were younger." t "I grew up, he never will. We are more friends now than lovers." mc "I'm very attracted to the free spirit side of you but if you were mine I don't think I would share you." t "*Giggle* You have obviously never heard \"sharing is caring\"..." mc "I have when you're trying to get four year olds to not fight over toys." scene u4 with dissolve t "And that's why I've never been married. I've never understood why men try to change or inhibit the thing that attracts them to someone." mc "But that not's really what I'd mean to do." t "You've only known me a short while. Do see me changing who I am or putting on pretenses for anything or anybody?" mc "No way." t "Good. Not going to happen anyway. You'll just have to deal with the naughty, smart mouthed and slightly trashy Tracy then." mc "Wouldn't want it any other way..." scene t7 with dissolve mc "What's Joe going to think when you show up with me?" t "He'll be fine. He's had some hard knocks in life too. He knows I've got a big heart and not just a big ol ghetto booty!" mc "*Chuckle* Seems I hit a nerve... Do you think he will suspect anything went on between us?" t "Joe knows my weakness for fit, rugged, younger men. He'd be shocked if I hadn't made a move on you." mc "Not sure what to think about that. I've never cucked anyone before." scene u1 with dissolve t "And you still haven't. Our arrangement is mutually beneficial. Joe knows he has no hold on me." t "Don't over think it. Also, we keep our crazy past lives to ourselves, please do not talk about it around Jessy." mc "No worries about that Tracy. If you don't mind, what does Joe do for a living?" t "Besides drinking beer and working on old cars not much. I make good money so I've never asked anything from him." t "He makes his beer money from his Hot Rod shop and used car lot in town. He specializes in selling muscle cars." scene u4 with dissolve mc "That's great. I had thought about flying or taking a bus to Cali. But I started thinking that after being locked in a cell for the last three years being confined in a plane or bus might trigger an anger attack." mc "Maybe I can buy a car from Joe and make it a road trip. I think The drive, open road and fresh air would do my mental state some good." t "That makes sense." t "Hey! Joe has a sweet blue classic that would be perfect for you." scene u3 with dissolve mc "*Cough* You're not talking about this car are you?" t "*Giggle* Yes! You could even sleep in the back so you wouldn't need to get motel rooms on your trip..." mc "Oh {b}Hell{/b} no!" t "Bahahaha! You should see the look on your face!" scene u5 with dissolve t "Here we are just off 8 mile road..." mct "Time for me to just..." mc "Pretty brave to live in Kansas in a tornado target." t "I know right?" t "Before you make a wise assed comment about trailer trash, we have five acres and plan to build a house on it." mc "*Chuckle* Drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you will find..." t "I've held off building a house to save money for Jessy's university tuition asshat." mc "Just joking Tracy. Her education is more important than what you live in." t "I wish I could get her to see that. I don't want her to have to shake her ass to get ahead in life like I did." mc "Damn that's a sweet looking Nova!" t "That's my baby! Joe must have got her out of the shop." mc "Is she as quick as she looks?" t "Oh yeah she will haul ass." mc "*Snicker* I guess you would know..." t "Crap! I just keep setting up your punch lines..." scene u6 with dissolve t "There is Joe. Shit it looks like he has his drink on already..." t "[mc], Joe is not a bad guy at heart. He can let his alligator mouth overload his hummingbird ass when he is drinking." t "Don't let him get you pissed off. He is harmless..." mc "No worries Tracy, I'm your guest and are very grateful to you for taking me in." mc "I've had plenty of buddies that get bullet proof and ten feet tall once they have enough beer in them." t "Thanks darling." scene u7 with dissolve jd "Hey babe!" t "Hey Joe." jd "Who do we have here? You bringing home strays again?" with flashbulb2 t "Now Joe you be nice!" jd "*Laughs* I'm always nice." t "Yeah nice and drunk!" scene u8 with dissolve t "Joe this is [mc] [mcl]. He will be staying with us for the weekend." jd "*Hehe* Just fucking with ya dude, nice to meet you [mc], you can call me JD." mc "Back at ya sir, nice to meet you JD." scene u9 with dissolve sh "Woof, woof!" mc "Who is this good looking boy?" jd "This old cur? This is Shithead." sh "*Whine*" mc "*Chuckle* Hey boy." t "While you boys get to know each other I'm going to go change clothes." scene v1 with dissolve jd "Come on [mc], let's get out of the sun and have a cool one. You do drink beer don't you?" mc "Been a couple of years but yeah I'd love a cold one or a dozen." jd "That's what I'm talking about..." t "Joe, start a fire and I'll bring some steaks out to grill for dinner." jd "You got it babe. What's Jessy going to eat?" t "Is she home already?" jd "Yeah she is in her room sulking as usual." t "Ok, I'll make her a salad and some veggies." scene v2 with dissolve mc "I take it Jessy doesn't eat meat?" jd "Naw she is a vaggen, viggen, friggen..." mc "Vegan?" jd "*Laughs* Yeah that's it. What she needs is a piece of man meat. Then she is..., wouldn't be so pissy..." mct "That sounded so wrong." jd "So what is your story?" mc "Well..." scene black nr "JD starts a fire in the grill while in several minutes and several beers you tell your story." scene v3 with dissolve jd "*Guzzle, guzzle, burrrrp!*" scene v2 with dissolve jd "Good beer not bad manners..." mc "Yep, yep, mm, humm." jd "Well that was a hell of a shit sandwich they served you." mc "That's one way to look at it." jd "What is your plan now?" mc "No real plan yet. I'm thinking I'll head out West and restart my life." jd "Oh, not settling down here?" mc "No, hadn't considered it to tell you the truth." jd "I bet Tracy won't be glad about that. I can tell she has taken a liking to you." mc "Really? We just met." jd "I'm pretty sure. I haven't seen that gleam in her eyes in years." mc "She is so nice and likes to help folks. I'm sure she just sees me as a charity case." scene v3 with dissolve jd "Cut the shit son, I bet you have her lipstick on your dipstick already.." mc "*Guzzle, choke, cough!*" scene v2 with dissolve mc "*Blushing* What, err, well..." jd "*Laughs* That look on your face says it all." jd "I know that fucken slut too well, she's always gets what she wants." with flashbulb2 mct "No! You promised Tracy. Push the rage back in you." mc "Er yeah, she is hard to say no to." jd "Don't worry son, I wouldn't have said no either." jd "*Hehe* Back in the day she could suck a golf ball through a garden hose..." mct "Back in the day hell, she still can..." scene v4 with dissolve t "Joe how is the fire coming? I'm getting hungry and you need to eat something before you pass out." jd "Sugar Booger the only thang hotter than that there fire is you..." menu: "Check her out": scene v4pan: subpixel True yalign 1.0 pause 1.5 linear 7.0 yalign 0.0 pause scene v5 with dissolve t "Oh Lord I know you're drunk with that corny line..." mc "*Chuckle*" t "Here's the steaks, throw them on." jd "[mc], how you like you steak cooked? I just knock the horns off, wipe it's nasty ass and throw it on my plate..." mc "I like mine cooked a little more than that JD." jd "Well done it is..." t "Come on [mc], Joe can handle the steaks. I want introduce you to Jessy. She is too shy to come out and meet you." jd "Shy? She is just playing the stuck up little princess to get attention..." t "Joe you don't understand what it's like to be a teenaged girl these days." scene w1 with dissolve t "Jessy, this is Mr. [mc] [mcl], [mc], this is my daughter Jessy." j "Hello Mr. [mcl]." mc "Hello Jessy, but please call me [mc]." t "[mc] will be staying with us this weekend so he will be sleeping on the couch." t "Make sure to come in the back door if you come in late so you don't wake him up." j "Okay mom, I'll try to remember." t "You guys visit while I finish getting dinner ready." scene w2 with dissolve mc "So..." j "...." mc "You going to school?" scene w4 with dissolve j "*Sigh* Just finished High School. I'm still trying to decide what the next step is." mc "Yeah sometimes it takes a while to figure that out." mc "What do you want to do?" scene w5 with dissolve j "{b}Anything{/b} that gets me out of this Podunk town..." mc "Well that certainly gives you a lot of options..." mct "Does she know she is flashing me a pantie shot?" mct "Don't stare, don't stare." scene w3 with dissolve j "You a convict?" mc "I was until today." scene w5 with dissolve j "What are you? Father rapist, mother stabber?" mc "*Chuckle* No, nothing that sinister. Basically, I didn't follow orders." scene w4 with dissolve j "Well we have something in common then, I don't like following orders either." mc "Other than the pink sneakers, you do give off that edgy rebel vibe." mct "Don't look, don't look." scene w3 with dissolve j "Hardly a rebel, more like bored to tears, caged animal." j "How long have you known my mom?" mc "Just met her today." scene w5 with dissolve j "Wow and she brought you home for the weekend? I'm impressed." j "You must be a real smooth talker to pull some wool like that." mct "Damn, she has a smart mouth like her mother." mc "*Chuckle* What? No, not at all. I was in a bind and she is a very kind person." mct "Don't look, don't look." scene w4 with dissolve j "Yes she is, but still not something she normally does." j "I think she is finally getting tired of JD's shit." mc "She did say they really don't have much in common anymore." j "Fuck, I'm so glad he isn't my dad." nr "In a moment of weakness you let your gaze drop down." scene w6 with dissolve mct "Oh sweet mother..." j "Hello? What are yo..." scene w2 with dissolve j "Oh..." scene w3 with dissolve j "You see something you like [mc]?" mc "Ah well, I'm sorry I..." scene w7 with dissolve j "Don't be sorry unless you didn't like what you see." mct "This girl is as big a flirt as her mother!" mc "A young good looking girl, what's not to like?" j "*Giggle* Acceptable answer, I guess I'll let you slide." mc "Thank you Jessy." j "*Hehe* It's not like you have many 19 year old girls to look at in prison." mc "*Chuckle* Many? Not any..." nr "Jessy lowers her voice." j "Look [mc], I'm going to be real with it, I love my mom but I'm so sick of JD, this fucken trailer, this shit hole town." mc "I don't know what I can do to help you Jessy." j "You need any company on the road?" mc "Err ah, I don't even know where I'm going." j "Are you staying here?" mc "No." j "Good enough for me." mc "Jessy your mom has been very kind to me, I don't think running off with her daughter would be a proper way to repay her kindness." scene w8 with dissolve j "What, I'm I not pretty enough to be with you?" mc "No, that's not true. I think you are very pretty." scene w10 with dissolve j "Why then, because my boobs aren't as big as hers?" mct "Is this a trick question?" j "Well?" mc "No, yours look perfect for your petite frame." scene w9 with dissolve j "Humph, that's a chicken shit way to say they are small..." mc "That's not what that meant." scene w11 with dissolve j "What about my butt?" mct "Damn what a nice little bubble butt." mc "Well you are your mother's daughter..." scene w12 with dissolve j "That's not an answer [mc], who's ass is better?" nr "Jessy starts slinking towards you like a cat." j "You like old saggy ones or young, firm, tight ones?" mc "Well since you put it that way..." sh "*Howwwl, howwl*" t "What the hell is going out there?" nr "You and Jessy both jump to your feet and follow Tracy towards the door." scene x1 with dissolve t "{b}JOE!{/b} You drunk mother fucker!" j "Oh damn he did it now!" scene x2 with dissolve mct "Oh shit JD has smooth passed out!" t "Shit! The steaks are burnt to a crisp!" j "Ewww! Mom he pissed his pants." mc "I'll put the lid on the grill so the fire will go out and help JD to bed." t "Please put the fire out but that drunk asshole can sleep in the yard." j "Good call mom, he'd probably shit the bed anyway..." mc "*Snort! Chuckle*" t "That's enough young lady." j "I'm just saying..." nr "You look down to start down the steps." scene x3 with dissolve mct "Dayum you could crack walnuts with that ass..." scene black nr "You go put out the fire and come back inside." scene x4 with dissolve mc "You really leaving JD out there?" t "Yes, I hope the mosquitoes eat his ass alive..." j "*Giggle*" t "It serves him right for embarrassing me." scene x5 with dissolve j "Mom, his drinking is getting worse." t "I know baby." scene x6 with dissolve j "Screw him, we don't need him." scene x6a with dissolve t "Jessy, please I don't want to talk about it in front of our guest." scene x7 with dissolve j "Yes,let’s forget about douche bag, eat a healthy dinner of soup, salad, and baked potatoes." t "Drop it Jessy..." mc "I guess we will all be vaggens tonight." scene x8 with dissolve j "Huh?" t "Vaggs?" mc "Oh nothing." scene x9 with dissolve nr "Everyone begins to eat in silence." mct "Tracy is still fuming. You decide to try to lighten the mood." scene xx1 with dissolve mc "I can't think of a better meal or nicer dinner company for my first day of freedom." scene xx1a with dissolve t "Thanks, it was way more exciting than what I'd planned." t "I just hate the steaks got burned up. I've been looking forward to a big piece of meat all day." scene xx1x with dissolve mc "Err uhh, I got nothing." j "*Snicker.* Really mom?" t "*Sigh* You dorks know what I meant!" mc "A toast to the best Drinks, Dinner and comedy show I've seen in years..." scene xx2 with dissolve j "*Giggle* Come on mom it was a pretty funny sight." t "*Sigh* Okay, I won't let it ruin the evening." scene xx3 with dissolve j "Speaking of the evening, it's still early." j "Can I borrow the Nova to go hang out with Angie and the girls for a while?" t "You can go but take the station wagon." scene xx4 with dissolve j "Mom! I don't want to look like a grandma driving around town." mc "*Chuckle* I'm with Jessy on this one." scene xx5 with dissolve t "You butt out of this mister. The Nova has too much horsepower for her." j "Okay, okay, I'll take the wagon. Then when I find a boy to hook up with we can just hop in the back and hump like bunnies..." mc "*Snort!*" scene xx6 with dissolve t "Oh no you won't! Just take Joe's pickup truck." j "Fine... I'd rather drive it than that big blue hearse!" scene xx3 with dissolve j "Where are JD's keys?" t "I don't know. Probably in his pocket." scene xx7 with dissolve j "Bleghhh! I'm not putting my hand in his pissy jean pocket to get them!" mc "*Bahahaha!*" t "*Giggle* Ok baby. You can take the Nova but watch your lead foot and don't let Angie talk you into doing something you'll regret later." scene xx8 with dissolve j "Best mom ever! Don't worry, I won't be too late and Angie isn't bad as you think she is." t "No drag racing down main street!" scene black nr "Tracy clears the dishes as Jessy fires up the Nova and leaves for town." scene xx9 with dissolve mc "You still feel tense. Are you ready for that leg rub I owe you?" t "Wow I'm impressed you remembered." mc "A [mcl] always pays their debts..." scene xx11 with dissolve t "Darling that sounds nice but I say we do something that will release tension for both of us." nr "Your dick twitches at hearing her words." mc "Huugh." scene xx12 with dissolve t "You ok sweetie? *Tracy glances down and sees the bulge in your jeans*" t "*Giggle* Oh my horny boy, I was talking about relaxing in our hot tub." mc "*Blushing* Yeah that really does sounds nice." mc "I don't have any kind of swim suit though." t "Really [mc], you don't think we are beyond being modest around each other?" mc "Yes, but what about JD and Jessy?" t "Phifff! JD will be out cold until late tomorrow and Jessy won't be back for hours." scene black nr "You follow Tracy to her bedroom and undress. She gives you a bath towel and you go out the back door to the yard." scene z96 with dissolve t "Here is my little escape from the world." mc "Looks awesome." scene z97 with dissolve t "Watch yourself, the steps are steep." mc "*Chuckle* Oh don't worry I'm watching." scene z98 with dissolve mct "Damn! Got to tap dat ass!" t "*Giggle* Watch the steps ya perv..." scene black nr "You and Tracy slip into the hot tub." scene z102 with dissolve t "So how does this feel hon?" mc "Feels damn great Tracy." t "Is the water hot enough for you?" mc "*Imitating JD's voice* \"Sugar booger, the only thang hotter than this here tub is you\"..." scene z103 with dissolve t "Ugh! You wise ass don't spoil my mood!" mc "*Bahahaha!*" t "*Giggle* You prick." scene black nr "You both settle back in the flickering lamp light and relax quietly in the hot tub for a time." scene z100 with dissolve t "[mc], I have a question to ask you." mc "Sure." t "I noticed Jessy got over her shyness of you rather quickly." mc "*Gulp* You were watching us?" scene z101 with dissolve t "Not watching, but it would be hard not to catch a glimpse of you guys in that open area." t "Looked like she is still trying to compete with me." mc "What do you mean?" scene z104 with dissolve t "Don't be coy. You know, are my boobs as good as hers, etc., etc." mc "How did you..." scene z101 with dissolve t "Honey, she is becoming a woman. It's not unusual to have some level of mother-daughter friction." t "She wants to spread her wings and fly. I want to keep her safe and from flying too high." t "I've got a feeling there is more to it than that though." mc "All I had was a little brother so I'm clueless as to the nuances of female-female interactions." t "I know she isn't happy. When I try to talk to her, she becomes evasive. Did she give you an idea what she is upset about?" scene black menu: "Be honest with Tracy": jump choice4_yes "Keep Jessy's confidence": jump choice4_no label choice4_yes: $ menu_flag = True $ good_points += 1 jump told_tracy label choice4_no: $ menu_flag = False $ bad_points += 1 jump did_not_tell label told_tracy: scene z100 with dissolve mc "Seems like everything is pissing her off. She wants to get away from here as quick as she can." scene z101 with dissolve t "Away from everything, everybody? That really hurts." mc "No, not from you. She said she loves you, not a surprise to you that she hates JD, is sick of the town, the trailer, etc." t "I guess that is why she has been fighting me so much on not going to the local junior college in town." mc "Yeah she seemed pretty dead set on getting away from here." t "I admit it, I'm being selfish by wanting to keep her close to me for as long as I can. That's not the only reasons I want her to go to school here." t "She doesn't understand how much it costs to go to the other universities in the state. I can't even imagine the costs of out of state schools." t "Also, JD is about one more stunt like he pulled today away from being booted out of here for good." t "Silly as it may seem at my age, I'm not crazy about the thought of being here alone." mc "Tracy, I need to tell you something else." scene z100 with dissolve t "What?" mc "Jessy asked me to take her with me when I leave." t "...." t "What did you tell her?" mc "Of course I told her I wouldn't do that to you." t "I can't believe her being that brazen and irresponsible to ask a total stranger to..." mc "Yes?" scene z100a with dissolve t "Don't give me that look. There is no comparison to what I did to what she did." mc "You trying to convince me or yourself?" t "*Sigh* Let me guess, that is when she started doing the tits and ass show for you?" mc "Well yeah, she was coming hard with it." t "*Sigh* I'm shocked. Where in the world did she learn such slutty, manipulative behavior..." mc "...." scene z102 with dissolve t "For once you don't have some smart assed comment?" t "*Imitating your voice* Hey Tracy, where is your mother of the year trophy?" mc "*Chuckle* You do me pretty good." scene z103 with dissolve t "Double entendre aside, thank you for being straight with me." t "It will help me when I talk to her now that I understand where she is coming from." mc "After all you have done for me, it was the least I could do." t "Darling please let me know if she tells you anything else that's bothering her." mc "No worries." jump hot_tub label did_not_tell: scene z100 with dissolve mc "Uh nothing really." mc "She seems to be unsure about her future." scene z101 with dissolve t "She wouldn't be if she would listen to me." mc "Maybe just a rebellious streak?" t "Yeah maybe. She'd come by it naturally since I had one too." scene z102 with dissolve t "Why did she start flaunting herself to you?" mc "It started after she found out we only met today." t "Oh." mc "She thinks I'm some kind of cocksman that talked my way into your home." t "*Giggle* Did she think she could lure you away from me by wiggling her little tushy in your face?" mct "Has Tracy looked at her butt lately?" mc "Well Tracy you have to admit Jessy is a cutie." scene z100 with dissolve t "Easy there cowboy she's still my baby girl." mc "I'm just saying with a mom like you how could she not be cute." scene z102 with dissolve t "*Giggle* Nice save Mr. Smooth talker..." t "Anyway, thanks." jump hot_tub label hot_tub: scene z104 with dissolve t "I think you deserve a reward." mc "Spending time with you is a pretty good reward already." scene z103a with dissolve t "Looks like you're enjoying the view." scene z103 with dissolve mc "A beautiful woman in the moon light. How could I not?" scene z100a with dissolve t "Sweetie, sit on the side of the tub so I can have my dessert..." mc "Nope." t "I don't believe it, I've never had someone turn down a blow job from me." mc "Shit girl, I ain't ever turned anything down. Accept for that trap in Vegas, and I turned him face down..." scene z103 with dissolve t "Bawhahah! Darling I never know if you're joking or not." mc "Babe you sit on the side. I'm going have some shaky puddin for dessert!" t "Well you're crazy if you think I'm going to say no to that!" scene black nr "Tracy climbs onto the edge of the hot tub and spreads her long shapely legs giving you a full view of her womanhood." scene z105 with dissolve mct "Fuck me running, what a sight." t "What's a matter?" mc "Not a damn thing." mc "That's the prettiest pussy I've seen in years..." t "Knowing you haven't seen any pussy in years, I guess I'll still take that as a compliment." mc "Sorry for staring. Tracy, you are a goddess." t "*Giggle* Goddess, that's a relief! I thought you were looking for cooties..." mc "*Bahahaha!* Hey wait, what was that? I better take a closer look." scene z106 with dissolve nr "You move down between Tracy's legs and start making slow, soft circles around her labia with your tongue." t "Oh my god darling that feels so good." nr "Tracy purrs as you continue your circles." mct "God she tastes so sweet. Her juices are really flowing now." scene z106a with dissolve nr "You start running you tongue from just above her anus, dragging it slowly up between the folds of her labia and then lightly flicking her clitoris with the tip of your tongue." nr "You feel Tracy's body tense up but you hold her ass tight and continue to lap her pussy." t "Moooan, ohh myyy sweeeet lover I'm cuummming!." scene z109 with vpunch with flashbulb1 with hpunch with vpunch pause (2) scene z106 with dissolve t "Stop, stop, please darling!" nr "You stop and look up at Tracy." scene z105 with dissolve t "*Huffing* I can't remember that last time I came that hard." t "Honey, you got mad skills..." mc "I'm just getting warmed up. I could go down on that muffin for hours..." t "*Giggle* As nice as that sounds I doubt it will do any good. I'm not lucky like most women that easily have multiple orgasms." menu: "Rim Tracy's ass": jump choice5_yes "Fuck Tracy": jump choice5_no label choice5_yes: $ menu_flag = True $ good_points += 1 jump rim_tracy label choice5_no: $ menu_flag = False jump fuck_tracy label rim_tracy: mc "Challenge accepted! Since I officially became a vegan tonight, I'm going to toss your salad." scene z107 with dissolve nr "You spread Tracy's ass cheeks and press your tongue to her tight pink anus." scene z111 with dissolve t "Oh you nasty, nasty boy. Mama's not use to receiving this treatment." nr "Tracy starts to relax as you swirl your tongue around her little rosy starfish." t "Oh damn, you might make me eat my words if you keep that up." nr "You continue licking her anus as she softly moans." mct "She staying on the edge, time to put her over the top..." scene z111a with dissolve nr "Without warning you plunge your tongue in her ass as far as you can." nr "Tracy tightly clenches her asshole nearly pinching your tongue off!" mc "Ugggh." t "Hey wait! No one ev...er did, oh dammit [mc], ahhh." nr "Tracy unclenches her ass as you continue to rim her." t "Oh fuck you're a keeper." show z107m pause (60) t "I don't believe itttt. Oh fuuuccck I'm cuummming again!" t "Ahhhhhh!" scene z111a with vpunch with flashbulb1 with hpunch with vpunch pause (2) scene z105 with dissolve t "*Pant, pant* Dammit [mc], I've never cum from someone doing that to me before!" t "I'd never guessed you were into anilingus." mc "It's an acquired taste..." t "*Bahaha!* Oh my god you are crazy." jump fuck_tracy label fuck_tracy: scene z105 with dissolve t "What about you babe?" mc "I ain't going to lie, I've been aching to put my dick in you ever since I saw you." t "That's good because I've wanted to have you fill me up with that big cock." t "All my holes are open for you sugar." mc "Damn I'll be like a kid in a candy store when make offers like that..." menu: "Fuck Tracy's ass": jump choice6_yes "Fuck Tracy's pussy": jump choice6_no label choice6_yes: $ menu_flag = True $ bad_points += 1 jump fuck_tracy_ass label choice6_no: $ menu_flag = False $ good_points += 1 jump fuck_tracy_pussy label fuck_tracy_pussy: scene z113 with dissolve nr "You press the head of your dick into Tracy's drenched pussy." t "Oh yes..." mct "Man she is amazingly tight even for how wet she is." mc "Tracy, you are so tight. You sure this isn't your first time?" t "*Giggle* I assure you this is far from my first time around the block. I am a believer in doing certain targeted exercises to keep the old girl in shape." mc "*Chuckle* Well it's working whatever you are doing." scene z114 with dissolve nr "You start making slow deep thrusts into Tracy's pussy." t "Sweetie, this is really feeling good but my ass is going to get splinters in it before you are done." t "Let's get out and fuck on the grass." mc "Sounds good." scene z115 with dissolve nr "You and Tracy climb out of the hot tub and Tracy gets down on her knees and seductively wiggles her big round ass at you." t "*Woof, woof* *Hehe* Sorry, I'm slightly loopy after the beer, hot tub and you giving me a toe curling orgasm." mc "*Chuckle* A girl after my own heart. Doggy is my favorite position. Especially when you’re talking about banging a world class ass like that!" t "*Giggle* You say the sweetest things. Slightly odd, but sweet none the less." scene z116 with dissolve nr "You position yourself behind Tracy's round voluptuous ass and enter her dripping wet pussy." mc "Bow wow wow yippy yo yippy yay." scene z117 with dissolve t "*Giggle* You are such a goof ball..." mc "I got your goof ball right here!" nr "In one quick motion you go balls deep in Tracy." scene z117a with dissolve t "Ohhh shit! *Pant pant* You sweet bastard..." mc "Who's yo daddy now big talker?" t "*Huff huff* You are daddy." nr "You start pounding Tracy with your balls slapping her pussy on each stroke." show z117m pause (60) menu: "Change View": show z117p pause (60) "Continue": show z117m pause (60) t "Oh fuck, you are in so deep! I can feel you hitting my cervix." mc "Yeah, feels like I'm knocking on heaven's door..." mc "Tracy, I'm getting close..." t "I am too! Ahh, ah, huunnhhh." t "*Pant, pant.* I'm not sure if I'm safe, but you can cum in me if you want to." mct "Not sure she's safe?" menu: "Creampie Tracy": jump choice7_yes "Cum on her back": jump choice7_no label choice7_yes: $ menu_flag = True $ bad_points += 1 jump creampie_tracy label choice7_no: $ menu_flag = False $ good_points += 1 jump cum_on_tracy label creampie_tracy: scene z117a with dissolve mc "Uuuughhh!" with flashbulb1 with hpunch with vpunch pause (2) mc "Damn that felt good Tracy." t "Ummm. Oh sugar, I feel so full." mct "That probably wasn't the smartest decision to cum inside her." scene z122d with dissolve mc "Well you were full. You have a big stringer of spunk leaking out of you." t "Yeah I probably better get a morning after pill tomorrow." mc "Yes, better to be on the safe side." t"...." mc "You didn't cum again?" t "No Sweetie, it's more than okay. It felt really nice, like I said it's hard for me to cum more than once." mc "Okay.... Man I'm drained after that. You ready to call it a night?" t "No, I'm going to stay up until I know Jessy is home safe." t "Good night [mc]. I'll see you in the morning." mc "Good night Tracy." scene black nr "You head to the living room and stretch out on the sofa." jump jessy_home label cum_on_tracy: scene z120 with dissolve nr "You're unaware that Shithead heard Tracy's moaning and has come around the trailer to see what is going on." mct "Since Tracy isn't sure if she is safe or not, I'm going err on the side caution and pull out." mc "I'm going to put my mark you!" t "Do it [mc]! Make me your bitch." nr "You start to pull out so you can spray your hot jizz on Tracy's ass and back." nr "Right at the point of no return Shithead shoves his cold, wet nose in the crack of your ass." scene z121 with dissolve sh "Sniff, sniff, sniff." mc "{b}YAAAHHH!{/b}" nr "The shock makes you violently buck your hips forward and deliver a steaming load of baby batter deep into Tracy's womb." with flashbulb1 with hpunch with vpunch pause (2) mc "Uunnhhh!" t "Shhhhiiitt! I'mmm cuuummming agaaainn!" with flashbulb1 with hpunch with vpunch pause (2) t "*Pant, pant* What the fuck darling? Are you trying to knock me up?" mc "Dammit Shithead! Get your nose out of my ass!!!" sh "Whine, woof, woof!" nr "Shithead runs off and hides under the trailer." t "Huh, Shithead? Oh my! *Bwahahaha! Giggle, giggle.... Bwahahaha!*" mc "It's not that fucken funny!" t "Oh shit, hurry take your cock out of me before I pee myself." scene z121a with dissolve nr "You pull your dick out letting a stream of cum leak from Tracy's pussy." mc "Looks like you are full..." scene z122 with dissolve t "No shit, I better pick up a morning after pill when we go to town tomorrow." t "Unless you are signing up to be my baby daddy?" mc "*Chuckle* Where do I sign? You already made one beautiful baby, you might have another one in you..." t "Whoa! I'm joking sugar, I'm too old to raise another baby." mc "You don't look too old from my vantage point..." scene z122b with dissolve t "I don't care what you are seeing, my body is telling me it is." t "Damn [mc], My legs are like Jell-O, my pussy is pulsing like a phone on vibrate. I'm done darling." mc "Yeah, me too. It's been a hell of a day, I'm ready to get some sleep," scene z122d with dissolve t "*Using baby voice* I'm sooo sleepy! Plweeze carry me to bed daddy..." mc "Of course baby girl, let daddy tuck you in to bed." nr "You scoop Tracy up in your arms." scene z123 with dissolve t "Hey! I was just kidding! Put me down I'm too heavy." mc "*Chuckle* No you're not, but I guess that big ol booty isn't as big as I thought it was..." t "It may not be now. I feel like you fucked 15 pounds off it!" nr "You carry Tracy to her bedroom." scene z125 with dissolve t "I can't believe you did that. After tonight, you don't need to show off on how virile you are." mc "Not showing off. You looked sleepy and I figured we didn't need two people sleeping in the yard tonight..." t "Awww, isn't that noble of you. You deserve a kiss for that." scene z125a with dissolve "*Muah*" nr "You press your lips against her plump lips as your tongues dance with each other." scene z125b with dissolve "{w}" scene z125 with dissolve t "That was nice, is there anything you don't do well Mr. [mcl]?" mc "Nothing comes to mind right now." t "You are modest to a fault..." t "*Giggle* You know, I wouldn't mind if you want to sleep with me instead of on that hard, old, uncomfortable sofa." mc "As tempting as that is, I don't think that would be a good idea Tracy. JD is going to wake up at some point and I'm still not completely sure about how your relationship works." t "You didn't seem to worry about it too much while you were fucking me silly half the night..." mc "...." mc "I see your point, but still." nr "You lay Tracy on her bed and she starts stretching like a cat." scene z126 with dissolve mc "Good night Tracy. It was a great evening. I'm going to go lay down." t "You sure? JD doesn't have the right to tell me shit. Plus he is going to be hungover like hell after the bender he was on." mc "I don't doubt you, but if he gets mad and comes at you I can't guarantee I can control myself. I might do something we would both regret." mc "Also, until I get help or learn to handle my flashbacks and dreams, I'm afraid to sleep with anyone." t "Sweetie, you're so funny, carefree and quick witted I just can't imagine this rage and anger you guard so closely." mc "It's the duality of man." t "You come off so normal I forget that you have not fully recovered from the trauma you suffered." mc "Normal, me? Abby Normal is more like it..." t "*Giggle*" mc "I just need to take things slow until I adjust back to normal life whatever the hell that is." t "You're probably right. I don't know how Jessy would handle it either." mc "Yeah I didn't think about her. She might have a bigger problem with it than JD." t "There's no telling with that girl. She might jump right in bed with us!" mct "Oh fuck, don't get hard, don't get hard..." scene z127 with dissolve mct "Damn, I can't believe I'm passing up the chance to wake up next to her." t "Good night [mc]. Please turn off the light and close my door when you leave." mc "Good night Tracy, see you in the morning." t "Don't worry if you don't see me first thing in the morning. I always sleep in late on the weekends." t "I'll probably sleep like a dead person since some young stud didn't take pity on an old woman..." mc "*Chuckle* Old woman my ass." scene black nr "You head to the living room and stretch out on the sofa." jump jessy_back label fuck_tracy_ass: scene z113a with dissolve mc "Since I got your cute little pink button loosened up, I want to tap dat big ol booty!" t "*Giggle* Gee, I'd never dreamed you'd want go there..." mc "Well yeah, I guess I made mention of it a time or two..." t "Ya think? I do wish we had some lube." mc "I guess we will have to use organic lube." t "Spit?" mc "*Chuckle* That, and your sweet juices from your orgasm earlier." nr "You wet the head of your dick with some saliva. You then press it against Tracy's asshole and start pushing it in." scene z113c with dissolve t "Unnhhh! Easy Sugar, it's been a long time since I've had something in my ass and never anything as big as your thick cock..." nr "You continue applying pressure against Tracy's anus until the head of your dick pops in her ass." scene z113e with dissolve t "Ohhh!, hold on baby." nr "You stop pushing to let Tracy adjust to your girth." t "Okay go ahead." scene z113f with dissolve t "Ahhh, it's starting to feel a little better." mc "Damn Tracy, your ass has a death grip on my dick..." scene z113q with dissolve mc "All in babe, you ok?" scene z113h with dissolve t "*Huff, huff* Yes, I'm okay." nr "You start thrusting you cock in and out of Tracy's ass." show z113m pause (120) t "Oh fuucckkk [mc], I've never had my ass stuffed so full." pause (5) mc "Oh shit Tracy, Uunnhhh!" scene z113h with dissolve t "Wait, don't cum in..." nr "You begin releasing thick jets of cum deep in Tracy's bowels...." with flashbulb1 with hpunch with vpunch pause (2) t "me..." scene z113s with dissolve nr "You pull your dick out of Tracy's ass letting your cum ooze down her cheeks." mc "Damn sorry Tracy, I should have asked before I did that." mc "With no risk of pregnancy, I didn't even think about it." scene z113t with dissolve t "I wasn't worried about getting knocked up! I didn't want to be farting cum bubbles out of my ass all night..." mc "...., *Bawhaha!*" t "It's not funny asshole..." mc "Sorry. *Snicker* You're right." scene black nr "You both climb out of the hot tub and Tracy kneels down in the grass." scene z122d with dissolve t "*Huff, huff*, I need to rest a minute." mc "You okay?" t "Yes, but my legs are shaky, my asshole is destroyed and my butt is still asleep from sitting on the edge of the tub for so long." mc "Other than that you're good?" t "...., Yeah all good Mr. Compassion..." mc "I'm wiped out too. Been a hell of day for me. You ready to call it a night?" t "No, I'm going to stay up until I know Jessy is home safe." t "Good night [mc]. I'll see you in the morning." mc "Good night Tracy." scene black nr "You head to the living room and stretch out on the sofa." jump jessy_home label jessy_home: scene z201 with dissolve nr "Just as you are drifting off to sleep you hear the sound of a car pulling up outside." mct "Must be Jessy coming home from town." nr "You hear Tracy and Jessy talking briefly, doors close and then silence." nr "A few minutes go by and you hear someone quietly coming down the hallway." jump jessy_visit label jessy_back: scene z130 with dissolve nr "You lie down and try to sleep. Just as you are drifting off you hear the sound of a car pulling up outside." mct "Must be Jessy coming home from town." scene z131 with dissolve nr "You try to go back to sleep when you hear the door slowly creak open and the silhouette of Jessy coming in the kitchen." jump jessy_visit label jessy_visit: scene z132 with dissolve nr "You see Jessy quietly move into the living area and sit on the love seat." j "*Whispering* [mc], are you sleeping?" mc "Hey Jessy. No, I've been lying down for a while but having a hard time going to sleep as usual." j "You have insomnia?" mc "Kind of. It's due to things that happened to me and my team overseas." j "Oh yeah I forgot you were a soldier before you were a convict." mc "...." scene z133 with dissolve j "What happened over there?" mc "Jessy, It's hard for me to talk about and a lot of things you wouldn't understand. Some things I've done would scare you." j "Okay sorry to pry, I just thought it helps to talk things out." mc "It does in most cases. I'm just not there yet." nr "You try to change the conversation." mc "Did you have fun in town.?" scene z135 with dissolve j "It was okay. You'll see tomorrow. The town doesn't have much to offer to anyone much less younger people." mc "Yeah I can see that. I imagine either you farm wheat or work at the prison." j "The town is dying. Most young people don't want to do either and leave for the city when they can." mc "Yeah I'm with you. I grew up on the coast and even living on military bases me and my little brother had a lot of things we could do." scene z136 with dissolve j "I saw JD in the yard. Is mom still pissed?" mc "She was. We went and soaked in the hot tub for a while. She finally chilled out and JD never came up in the conversation." j "That means you must have kept her occupied somehow." scene z137 with dissolve j "You have any confessions you need to make? Did you take advantage of my distraught, vulnerable mother?" mct "Damn I can't tell if she serious or just fucking with me." mc "...." scene z138 with dissolve j "*Giggle* You have the most guilty look on your face." mc "Well we..." scene z138a with dissolve j "TMI!" mc "Hey you asked..." j "Good for her. I don't think her and JD have done anything in years..." j "Maybe she won't be so bitchy with me since she got some." mc "*Muttering under breath* Oh yeah she got some..." scene z141 with dissolve j "What was that?" mc "Oh nothing." mc "It takes two, JD doesn't look like he is interested in doing anything but getting drunk." scene z139 with dissolve j "He is so fucken gross! I throw up in my mouth a little every time I think about him." mc "Yeah I'm no one to judge but I don't get their whole relationship." scene z140 with dissolve j "Probably my fault." mc "Why's that?" j "She doesn’t think I know, but her and JD use to be very wild and freaky. She gave all that up for me." j "That's another reason I want to leave. If I was gone, mom could live how she likes and not worry about shielding me from it." mc "Jessy, as people mature they change on their own. You may not have anything to do with her settling down." scene z140a with dissolve j "No, I still see that wild spark in her sometimes." mc "How did you find out about their wild past? She made it a point for me not to say anything about it around you." scene z140 with dissolve j "...." j "I don't want to talk about that right now." mc "I thought it helps to talk things out..." scene z137 with dissolve j "It does in most cases. I'm just not there yet." mc "*Chuckle* Well played. I guess we will keep our deep dark secrets to ourselves." j "For now, that might be best." scene z141 with dissolve j "Anything else happen while I was gone?" menu: "Tell Jessy everything": jump choice8_yes "Don't tell Jessy everything": jump choice8_no label choice8_yes: $ menu_flag = True $ good_points += 1 jump jessy_reward label choice8_no: $ menu_flag = False $ bad_points += 1 jump jessy_reward label jessy_reward: scene black j "Move over so I can sit closer. I can't see your face in this dim light." mc "You can turn the table lamp on if you want too." scene z145 with dissolve mc "Yeah your mom noticed us in the living room before the JD BBQ shit show and questioned me on what was going on." j "Oh? What did she say about it?" mc "She was surprised you got over your shyness so quickly and if you were trying compete with her for my attention." scene z146 with dissolve j "The thing is, I'm much more like her than she'd care to know." scene z146a with dissolve j "For one thing I'm not shy. The way you were yucking it up with JD I just thought you were some douche not worth talking to." mc "*Chuckle* No Jessy you certainly didn't come off as shy. It was kinda douchy of me staring a hole in your cutoffs trying to see your panties..." j "You don't think I wanted you to look? Once I got a better look at you I understood why mom brought you home." mc "Why is that?" scene z147 with dissolve j "She likes bad boys. We both do..." mc "I admit I've done some bad things but I don't think I'm a bad boy." j "I don't know what it is exactly, but you have shadowy aura and dangerous vibe about you." mct "Can she sense the darkness suppressed within me?" j "We differ in one aspect though. Mom is attracted to younger men where as I like older men." j "Looks like you hit the sweet spot for both of us..." scene w6 with dissolve pause (.5) scene x3 with dissolve pause (.5) mct "Fuck yeah, I'd love to hit Jessy's sweet spots." mc "I'm not sure if I should be happy or afraid about that." scene z149 with dissolve j "*Muhahaha!* Be afraid, very afraid..." mc "Oh come on now, you’re not old enough to know that one." j "Wrong, I love old horror flicks." scene z150 with dissolve j "Secondly, she thinks I'm competing with her? Be honest [mc], that wouldn't be much of a competition would it?" mct "Crap, this could go very badly." mc "To be fair to me, I haven't hardly spent any time with you to make that decision." scene z146 with dissolve j "Time? How long does it take to see what I have to offer compared to her?" mc "To me, being attractive is more than just having a smoking hot 19 year old body. There's common interests, personality, sense of humor, etc." j "Oh, I see what you did there. Damn, you're hard to pin down to get a straight answer. You sure you're not a politician instead of a convict?" mc "In too many cases they are one in the same..." scene z152 with dissolve j "At least you admitted I'm the best looking..." mc "No, I was just stating the obvious. You know you're a hotty. I've only fully seen and spent time with one of you, I'm not able to know for sure who the best is yet." j "Not seen both? *Snicker* Nice try, but I'm not stripping for you. You will just have to use your imagination for now." mc "For now? So you're saying there's a chance..." scene z152a with dissolve nr "You start getting aroused." scene z152b with dissolve j "There is depending on how things go, but not tonight." j "*Hehe* I see you are having a {i}hard{/i} time going to sleep... Let me show you how {i}helpful{/i} I could be if you take me with you." scene z153 with dissolve nr "Jessy kneels down in front of you, pulls your underwear down and grasps your stiffing cock." mc "Jessy, you don't need to do this." scene z153b with dissolve j "*Jessie's thoughts*, Damn, I've never seen one this big and it's still growing." scene z156 with dissolve j "*Giggle* I'm pretty good giving a handy. I could try to suck you, but I can see your going to be more than a mouthful! I don't know if it would be good for you." mc "*Chuckle* No such thing as a bad blowjob Jessy. The worst I ever had was wonderful..." mc "If you're scared and hand jobs are what girls your age you're comfortable with I won't complain." scene z153a with dissolve j "Girl! I'll be 20 soon, I'm very comfortable doing more than a handy!" mct "Svengali ain't got shit on me..." mc "Then you are arguing with yourself. I'd be happy with whatever you want to do." scene z155 with dissolve j "Okay, just let me know before you cum. I don't swallow." mc "Is it a vegan thing?" scene z156 with dissolve j "What? No, my god you're a dumb ass. I just don't like it alright?" mc "Not the first time I've been called that today." scene z158 with dissolve j "[mc], do you want me to suck your dick or not?" mc "Is that even a question?" scene z159 with dissolve j "*Jessy thinking* Whoa he is big! At least he is clean and doesn't smell like h..." scene z160 with dissolve j "Gwaaakk!" scene z155 with dissolve j "I don't know if I can do this [mc]." mc "That's ok Jessy, you tried." scene z153 with dissolve j "Mom didn't have any problem doing it did she?" mc "Gentlemen don't cum and tell." j "*Jessy's thoughts* Fuck, if she can do it, I can do it." show z157m j "Guk, guk, gwaagh." mc "Don't try so hard. Just relax and breath through your nose." mct "I wonder if she would be so insistent to go down on me if she knew my cock was balls deep in her mom just a hour ago." pause (240) mc "That feels good Jessy." mc "Now you are sucking it like you want to not like you have to." j "*Jessy's thoughts* This isn't that bad as I thought it would be. It's kind of exciting feeling it twitch in my mouth." j "Yuummm." j "*Jessy's thoughts* His precum slightly sweet and salty. Maybe I should try to swallow his cum?" nr "Jessy speeds up as she gets more comfortable." show z158m pause (240) j "Gluuuk, gluuk, gluuk." mc "Oh yeah that's it Jessy." mc "I'm getting close." j "*Jessy's thoughts* I'll let him know he can cum in my mouth. I can always spit it out if it is too gross." nr "You feel her start to raise her head off your dick." menu: "Force Jessy to swallow": jump choice9_yes "Don't force Jessy": jump choice9_no label choice9_yes: $ menu_flag = True $ bad_points += 1 jump jessy_force_swallow label choice9_no: $ menu_flag = False $ good_points += 1 jump jessy_dont_force label jessy_force_swallow: mct "Time to show this little brat what she will be in for if she is going to hang with me." scene z162 with dissolve nr "You hold Jessy's head down on your cock but not hard enough to make her gag." j "Nuuughh!" mc "Arrgggh!" with flashbulb1 with hpunch with vpunch pause (2) nr "Jessy struggles as her mouth fills with your cum but then she starts to swallow it." scene z162a with dissolve mc "That's right Jessy, take it." j "Glup, glup, hmmmmph" scene z162c with dissolve nr "Jessy stops fighting and keeps sucking as the last spurts of your load dribble out of her mouth." mc "Now that's a good girl." scene z162d nr "You release Jessy's head." show z161m pause (1.33) scene z162e with dissolve hide z161m pause (0.5) j "You, you..." scene z162g with dissolve j "What the hell [mc]! I told you I don't swallow." mc "What did you say, you're almost 20 years old? It's time that you learn it's not only about what you like. You need to know what men expect a grown woman to do." scene z162h with dissolve j "Fuck You! I know all too well, what scumbag men want. What made you think {b}YOU{/b} can do whatever you want to me?" mc "You did." scene z162g with dissolve j "The hell I did!" mc "You did when told me you'd do,{space=20}\"{b}Anything{/b} that gets you out of this Podunk town\"..." j "...." mc "You need to learn to not let your smart mouth write checks your cute little ass isn't ready to cash..." nr "You see Jessy's anger start subside a bit." scene z162k with dissolve j "So that's the way it's going to be?" mc "It is if you are going with me." scene z162l with dissolve j "You are a bad boy..." mc "No, I'm a bad man. You ready to handle a man?" j "...." scene z162k with dissolve j "By the way asshole, I was going to tell you could cum in my mouth when you held my head down." mc "Well see there, it's a win-win." j "Win-win? I wanted the option to spit it out..." mc "*Chuckle* Spit it out, now I'm offended..." scene z162l with dissolve j "You're lucky it didn't taste that bad." mc "That bad? I've been told it is like fine champagne..." j "Whatever dude, I'll save it for you next time to see what you think..." mct "Next time? She must not be too mad. Either that or she really wants to get away from here...." mc "If you really want to impress me, you'd finish your job and clean me off..." j "Damn you're ballsy..." mc "Do it." j "*Sigh*" scene z161 with dissolve nr "Jessy obediently cleans the remaining dribbles of cum of your cock." scene z168a with dissolve j "You ready for a sip of champagne?" mc "*Chuckle* I'd eat the corn out of your shit just to see where it came from, but no snowballing for me baby girl." scene z168b with dissolve j "What? Ewwww that's nasty!" mc "Bawhahaha!" j "Okay it's late, I'm going to bed and try to forget that." mc "Good night Jessy." scene black nr "Jessy gets up and heads to her bedroom" mc "Sleep tight with your belly full of my little swimmers..." scene z168c with dissolve j "Blegh!" mc "*Snicker*" jump sleep label jessy_dont_force: scene z156 with dissolve j "*Huff, huff* Thanks for warning me." mct "Damn I was so close" mc "Believe me, it was hard to hold back as good as you were making me feel." scene z155 with dissolve j "Really? You can't tell I don't have much experience?" mc "Your enthusiasm more than makes up for your lack of experience..." scene z155 with dissolve j "I changed my mind. You can cum in my mouth, if you want to..." mc "You sure?" j "I want to show you I'm a woman too, not just a selfish little girl." mct "I don't know what to think about this competition between Jessy and Tracy. I probably shouldn't over think it and just enjoy game." mc "Whatever you are comfortable with Jessy. I won't push you." show z158m pause (240) mc "Oh yeah that's so good Jessy." mc "I'm getting close again." scene z162 with dissolve mc "Arrgggh!" with flashbulb1 with hpunch with vpunch pause (2) j "Huunnhh!" nr "Jessy freezes as your cum sprays the back of her throat and fills her mouth, but then she starts to swallow." scene z162a with dissolve mc "Oh Jessy that's so good." j "Glup, glup, uhmmm" scene z162c with dissolve nr "Jessy continues sucking as the last spurts of your load dribble out of her mouth." scene z162d mc "I think you got it all..." show z161m pause (1.33) scene z162e with dissolve hide z161m pause (1) scene z162l with dissolve mc "*Chuckle* You look like you are proud of yourself." j "I am." mc "I'm honored that you chose me to receive your first blow job." j "...., How did you know?" mc "Just a hunch." mc "I was surprised you swallowed. I figured you would have spit it out." j "My girlfriend told me guys don't like it when you spit out their cum." mc "Well, I do admit it kind of puts me off." j "I'm glad I didn't, it really didn't taste that bad." mc "If that's the case, you could finish by cleaning me off." j "*Giggle* Yes sir." scene z161 with dissolve nr "Jessy obediently licks the remaining drops of cum your cock." scene z158 with dissolve mc "Thank you Jessy. That was really nice." mc "What about you? I'd be glad to return the favor..." scene z153b with dissolve j "What? No, that's alright, I'm ok." j "It's late and I'm heading to bed." mc "Yeah me too." j "See you in the morning." mc "Night Jessy." scene black nr "Jessy gets up and heads to her bedroom" mc "Sleep tight with your belly full of my little swimmers..." scene z168c with dissolve j "Blegh!" mc "*Snicker*" jump sleep label sleep: scene z201 with dissolve nr "After a long crazy day, you fall asleep." scene black pause (5) scene z170 with dissolve nr "Your dreams take you again back to a time past that you repress in your subconscious." scene z170b with dissolve c "Wakey, wakey, hands off snakey!" scene z170d with dissolve mc "Mutha fuck, what time is it?" c "Oh dark thirty" mc "Jeez." scene z170f with dissolve c "Come on let's get to the Mess before there is nothing left to eat but hammered dog shit." scene black nr "After breakfast you load up and head out on patrol." scene z170h with dissolve r "At least we have an easy day today." mc "Yeah \"Groundhog Day\" , sweep through sector Dog Red 5." c "Same thing or not you know the drill, maintain SA and watch your six." mc "Yes mommy." c "We are getting too short on this rotation to get \"Blowed up\"..." mc "Same rules of engagement Sir?" r "FUBAR?" c "Affirmative. We do not have authority to fire unless fired upon." c "As always, if we take fire, I'll call in to get permission to return fire." r "I'm so tired of providing target practice for the bad guys..." mc "I hear ya brother, don't get an itchy trigger finger on \"Ma Deuce\" or you will end up in the stockade." r "That's better than ending up in a body bag..." scene z170k with dissolve c "Enough bitching ladies, Mount up." r "Yes Sir." scene black nr "You travel from the camp and patrol for several hours with no contact or events." scene z170n with dissolve c" You seeing anything from up there Rafter man?." r "Negative sir." scene z170q with dissolve nr "You start back out of town through the railyard." mc "Rafter, you have eyes on what is sitting down the road?" r "FAM on a scooter or moped." scene z170t with dissolve mc " I'll talk to him and see why he out after curfew." c "Rafter, keep [mc] covered with that fitty." r "You got it, Sir." scene z170u with dissolve nr " As you start walking down the road towards the scooter it speeds up and starts swerving back and forth." r "Heads up [mc], he is going to try to run you down!" scene z170v mc "He's got a RPG!" scene z170w with dissolve r "Permission to fire sir!" c "Negative, hold your fire." scene z170x with dissolve nr "Just as you get ready to dive out of the way of scooter, he slams on the brakes, jumps off and swings the RPG up to his shoulder." scene z170z with dissolve "*WHOOOSH!*" scene z171a with dissolve "*KABOOOM!* The concussion of the explosion knocks you forward stumbling." scene z171c with dissolve nr "You start sprinting and launch yourself into the FAM and knock him to the ground." mc "{b}RAAARRRGGG!!!{/b}" bg "Oooooffff!" scene z171e with dissolve nr "You wrestle and gain control of the FAM." scene z171g with dissolve nr "You slam him on his back and pin him down." scene z171i with dissolve mc "Diiiieee fucker!" scene z171k with dissolve bg "Gurgle..." scene z171n with dissolve nr "You keep squeezing until you feel his windpipe collapse." scene black pause(.5) jump morning label morning: scene black nr "JD stumbles into the trailer still half drunk and walks to the living room." jd "*JD Thoughts* Horse fuck, my head is throbbing. I need some water and an aspirin." scene z201a with dissolve jd "*JD's thoughts* Who the fuck is..., oh yeah it's that guy Tracy brought home." jd "*JD's thoughts* Shit he's laying where I'm not going to be able to watch cartoons." jd "*JD's thoughts* I'll see if he will move. What the fuck was his name? Shit I can't remember." scene z201b with dissolve jd "Hey dude! Hey awake up!" with flashbulb2 scene z201e with dissolve jd "Hey..." with flashbulb2 scene z171c with dissolve pause(.2) with flashbulb2 mcb "{b}RAAARRRGGG!!!{/b}" jd "Whhhhaaaaatt..." scene z201h with dissolve nr "You spring to your feet and knock JD off balance and he falls to the floor turning over the coffee table." with flashbulb2 scene z171i with dissolve pause(.2) with flashbulb2 jd "Whoa!!" scene z202 with dissolve nr "You leap on JD and start squeezing his throat." with flashbulb2 scene z171k with dissolve pause(.2) scene z202 with dissolve with flashbulb2 jd "*Faintly* Aakkkgg..." scene z204 with dissolve nr "Jessy hearing the commotion, comes to the living room." scene z204a with dissolve j "What the f..." scene z204c with dissolve nr "Jessy stands there in shocked silence." scene z204d with dissolve jd "Gaaakkkk!" with flashbulb2 scene z171n with dissolve pause(.2) mcb "Diiiieee!" scene z204d with dissolve nr "Jessy's shock turns to amusement." scene z204e with dissolve j "*Jessy's thoughts* What's a matter JD? It isn't much fun being abused by someone stronger than you is it?" jd "Gurgle..." scene z204f with dissolve j "*Jessy's thoughts* Do it [mc], end that worthless piece of shit's life..." scene z204g with dissolve t "[mc]! {b}What are you doing?{/b}" scene z204i with dissolve with flashbulb2 mcb "Rarrrw!" scene z204k with dissolve with flashbulb2 t "[mc] {b}STOP!!{/b}" scene z204m with dissolve mc "Whhat, huuuhhh..." scene z204q with dissolve jd "*Gasping* Cough, cough, wheeze!" scene z204s with dissolve jd "What the fuck is wrong with this psycho?" nr "You and JD get to your feet." scene z204u with dissolve t "JD! [mc] is not a psycho. He has suffered trauma and is still recovering." jd "Well fuck! Shouldn't he be in a rubber room instead our house?" t "Joe you shut the fuck up with that talk right now!" scene z204x with dissolve mc "JD I'm so sorry. I was having one of my nightmares when you tried to wake me. I thought you were an enemy soldier I was fighting." t "It's my fault. [mc] warned me about waking him up. I should have told you as soon as I got home." j "It wouldn't have mattered mom. His drunk ass would have forgotten anyway." jd "You shut your whore mouth you little cunt! I saw you standing there smiling while I nearly got killed by this asshole." with flashbulb2 j "I, I was in shock, I didn't know what to do..." jd "Bullshit!" t "Please! Everyone calm down." scene z205 with dissolve jd "Fuck this I'm out of here. I'm going to the shop. That mother fucker better be gone by the time I come back." with flashbulb2 j "Or what you piece of shit!" t "Jessy! You're not helping." mc "Let me get dressed and I'll get out of here." t "[mc], please come sit down so we can talk about this." mc "Tracy, there is nothing to talk about." t "Please, for me." mc "*Sigh* Okay." scene z205a with dissolve mc "I'm sorry Tracy." t "You hush that up, It's not your fault." mc "Fault or not I'll be going straight back to prison if JD goes to the police and files a complaint." scene z205e with dissolve t "Darling, I know. I remember that was one of the conditions of your release." j "{b}NO!{/b} We can't let that happen!" scene z205c with dissolve t "We won't baby. I'll go talk to JD once he cools down." scene z205a with dissolve mc "I should just leave. JD will calm down faster and be less likely to file charges on me if I'm out of his sight." t "[mc], please give me chance first." j "*Jessy's thoughts* I'm so fucked. Who knows what disgusting revenge JD will try to take on me once [mc] is gone. I need get [mc] to stay with us or I've got to convince him take me with him." j "*Jessy's thoughts* What about mom if I leave her here alone with JD? What will he do to her? I'm angry with her for letting him stay here after he started to change. Why couldn't she see all the hints I was giving her?" j "*Jessy's thoughts* I'm hurt that she didn't protect me, but I love her and couldn't live with myself if I leave and he does something to her." j "*Jessy's thoughts* If [mc] leaves, the only thing I can do to protect mom is give into him... No, no, I'd rather kill..." scene z205g with dissolve mc "I need to either tuck tail and bug out or man up and go talk to him." t "[mc], I put us all in this situation, let me fix it." j "Mom maybe I could talk to him?" t "No that would not be good idea. You are too hot headed and we don't need to further piss him off." t "Let's get dressed and I'll take us to town. We can grab something to eat and I'll drop you and Jessy off at the store so you can get some clothes." t "That should give JD enough time to sober up and cool down so I can talk to him." scene z205k with dissolve j "That's a great idea mom! Nothing better to improve everyone's mood than a good breakfast and then going shopping." mc "The breakfast sounds good, not sure about shopping though. Do I really need new clothes to go back to prison in?" j "What is it with you men and not understanding the cathartic benefit of shopping?" mc "Cathartic? Spending all day trying on clothes you know you aren't going to buy? Sure sign me up..." t "Hey! Let's remain positive. Jessy, we are shopping for [mc] only, so don't get too excited," j "Of course mom, I was excited about introducing [mc] to Angie." t "Oh yeah Angie, great..." mct "Tracy doesn't sound like she is too fond of Angie." mc "I still won't have any money to go shopping until Monday." t "Will you stop fretting about that. I know where you live..." mc "...." jump hug label hug: if good_points >= 6: jump both_hug elif bad_points >= 3: jump jessy_hug elif good_points >= 4: jump tracy_hug label jessy_hug: scene z205n with dissolve j "You still have that worried look on your face. What you need is a hug to cheer you up." nr "Before you can reply, Jessy presses her firm, young body to your chest. By reflex, your arms encircle her petite frame." nr "Even with all the unsettling events of the morning, you feel your cock start to stiffen." mc "Er ah, thank you Jessy, you are so sweet to worry. I'll snap out of this is mood soon." j "See, you're getting happier already..." nr "You gently push her back before you start to get hard." t "Eh well, come on let's get going before it gets too late." scene black dv "Please make a save here." jump go_to_town label tracy_hug: scene z205q with dissolve t "You still have that worried look on your face. What you need is a hug to cheer you up." nr "Before you can reply, Tracy presses her warm, supple body to your chest. By reflex, your arms encircle her." nr "Even with all the unsettling events of the morning, you feel your cock start to stiffen against her toned thigh." mc "Er ah, thank you Tracy, you are so sweet to worry about me. I'll snap out of this is mood soon." j "*Giggle* I think you're getting in a happier mood already..." nr "You gently push her back before you start to get hard." t "Jeez get a room, or let's get going before it gets too late." scene black dv "Please make a save here." jump go_to_town label both_hug: scene z205q with dissolve t "You still have that worried look on your face. What you need is a hug to cheer you up." nr "Before you can reply, Tracy presses her warm, supple body to your chest. By reflex, your arms encircle her." t "Hey, [mc] needs my hug too." mc "*Chuckle* I think there is enough of me to go round." scene z205s with dissolve nr "You open your arms to let Jessy press her firm, young body to your chest." t "Hmmm this is nice." j "Umm huumm." nr "Even with all the unsettling events of the morning, you feel your cock start to stiffen against Tracy's thigh." mc "Er ah, thank you two. You are both so sweet to worry about me. I'll snap out of this is mood soon." t "*Giggle* I think you're getting in a happier mood already..." nr "You gently push her back before you start to get hard." t "Jeez get a room, or let's get going before it gets too late." scene black dv "Please make a save here." jump go_to_town label go_to_town: scene black dv "That is all for the Prologue of Long Road Home." dv "I hope you have enjoyed it." dv "Check out our page on Pateron if you would like to support us." # This ends the game. label end_game: return