PRE-SEX: ------ SCENE: The bar is bare and run-down. This is no club like that to be seen on the Citadel or Illium. Even Omega's slums have some order of class above this place. No, this dive can best be described as the natural refuge for the destitute, disenfranchised, and desperate. The only way down from choosing to be a patron here is lapping alcohol off puddles in the street. Tucked away near the corner is a booth table, the seat unpaired opposite, leaving it open to viewing the rest of the establishment. At least the seat itself was clean... mostly. Here, we find KAVIL, a Batarian pilot down-on-his-luck, desperate for a job. He is negotiating unsuccessfully with an unamused Elcor. KAVIL standing up in front of the booth, leaning over with one hand on the table, the other flailing in a desperation that matches his stressed voice, as he all but shouts. KAVIL (frantic that he is losing his only viable customer, desperate to strike a deal): "Wait! What if I double the offer?! Any system you want within six relays, for the price of three!" The Elcor casually continues his slow departure from the table. As he walks, his booming, monotone voice rings out in a softness unnatural to such a powerful, voice - as is typical for Elcor: ELCOR (monotone): "Annoyed: I already said no, thank you." KAVIL sits down heavily on the booth, giving a soft grunt as he drops his weight below him. He leans forward, placing his elbows on the table, and buries his face in his hands. He lets out a heavy, desperate, almost depressed sigh. KAVIL grunts softly as he plops himself down on the seat. KAVIL sucks in his breath as he leans forward to facepalm. KAVIL gives out a loud, heavy, depressed sigh as he facepalms. To KAVIL's side, JACK's voice shoots out suddenly, loud, abrasive, irritatingly peppy, and downright Jack: JACK (jeering, almost schadenfreude): "Ooh, tough luck there, champ." JACK is leaning against the edge of the booth KAVIL is sitting at, looking down at him with her arms crossed, a smug expression on her face. She continues on in a cheery, sarcastic tone. JACK (abrasively sarcastic): "Maybe you should reconsider the whole 'offering long journeys to skittish Elcor on a rickity space-coffin that'd make even a Turian hesitant' thing." After a pause, KAVIL bemoans softly through his hands, not turning to look up at the tattooed human. KAVIL (tired, depressed, at the end of his rope): "What do YOU want, human?" JACK plops her weight down on the booth beside KAVIL, sitting down on the far edge of the booth, before sliding herself over to sit uncomfortably close to the Batarian. She practically rubs shoulders with him as she speaks, her tone almost as if she's sharing an inside joke. JACK gives a loud, overly dramatic grunt-sigh as she plops herself down on the booth, making a conscious effort to be loud and noticed. JACK (chaotically cheerful, almost as if she's sharing a joke and is barely able to contain her laughter): "A long journey on a rickity space-coffin that'd make even a Turian hesitant." JACK idly runs her hand down the inside of KAVIL's thigh as she continues speaking, her loud abrasiveness making way for an almost predatory coo. JACK (breathily, in an imitation of sultry seduction): "I don't have any money, but that won't be an issue, will it?" KAVIL stares at JACK, unphased, for a long second, before blinking twice and speaking bluntly. KAVIL (bluntly, completely unaware of the fact JACK is flirting with him): "The hell it won't, human. No payment, no passage." JACK, unperturbed by the Batarian's resilience, chuckles softly to herself as she slowly runs her free hand up her trunk, tracing her finger around the definition of the breast nearest that arm. As she does so, she continues her flirting. JACK (still breathily): "Surely there's... SOMETHING... I can offer in trade." KAVIL stares dumbly at JACK's breasts, blinking twice, before turning his head up slightly to focus his attention on JACK's face, where he continues in a blunt and oblivious manner. KAVIL (blunt, still unaware): "I can't purchase food with your breasts, human." KAVIL (more firmly, spoken more slowly, as obviously this human is a bit dense and didn't clearly understand the first time): "No payment, no passage." JACK's playfulness fades away. Her eyes squint and she frowns at KAVIL. It's obvious that her coyness isn't working. Men are stupid, sure. But this Batarian was a downright _idiot_. She growls gently in her throat in dissatisfaction. JACK growls softly in her throat, unhappy with KAVIL's ignorance toward her attempts at feminine seduction. JACK leans in uncomfortably close to KAVIL, who actually archs his back away from her awkwardly, trying to stop from colliding with her. Her face close to his, she growls at him, annoyed. Her voice is quiet, yet all the more menacing. JACK (growling quietly, menacingly): "Okay, let me try this again. I want YOU. To put THIS. In ME. And then, afterwards, I get a free ride on your ship. What do you think of that?" NOTE: The "I want you to put this in me" is spread across 3 camera-angle changes. The first is of her pushing against his chest, second is of her squeezing between his legs, and the third is of her pointing at herself. The "And then afterwards" is a separate angle, a close-up of her face. As such, there should be a definite pause between each of these lines, for the camera to change. KAVIL, still arching awkwardly away from JACK, stares at her for a second, before blinking twicely and speaking, his voice a bit annoyed. KAVIl (annoyed): "Well why didn't you just say so?!" JACK's face makes a "Really? REALLY?" expression. Scene end. ------ SEX: Fade from black of KAVIL and JACK in the cargo bay of his ship. KAVIL is sitting on some cargo crates, leaning back, his member exposed and erect. JACK is atop the crates, orthogonal to him, leaning over as she licks the head and shaft of his cock, moaning softly to herself. Reference: After some licking, JACK pulls away to breathily curse to herself, after which she resumes licking. JACK (breathily): "Fuck!" JACK pulls away again, to speak again. Her voice is lusting, almost as if she's discussing a meal she is strongly craving. JACK (lustingly): "I knew Batarians were well-hung..." JACK brings her head forward again, this time wrapping her lips around the head of KAVIL's penis, as she begins to suck it slowly, taking the whole head and some of the shaft with each motion. KAVIL gives a hearty moan, sliding back a bit, his hands resting at his side, as she starts. JACK is moaning gently as she sucks, enjoying her hard treat. Reference: *KAVIL moans heartily* KAVIL (awash in pleasure and disbelief): "By the Gods, human..." JACK pulls off, her lips popping softly as she pulls off his cock, as she continues her thought, previously interrupted by the desire to suck. *JACK exhales loudly before speaking* JACK (lustingly): "But I didn't expect it to be THIS big!" JACK returns to sucking, this time sucking faster and moaning louder. While sucking, JACK idly takes her hand holding his member and uses it to grab his free hand, where she then brings it back and rests his hand on the back of her head, before returning her hand to holding his cock as she sucks. KAVIL's hand idly slips off the back of her head, him not understanding what she was trying to suggest. After a moment of sucking after the hand slides off, she pulls off again, with her lips popping softly, before she turns around to look up at him. She sneers and jeers at him. *JACK growls quietly in her throat, unhappy that he didn't take her cue* JACK (jeering, as if insulting his masculinity as much as his intelligence): "What are you, stupid? Push my head down!" JACK returns to sucking, as KAVIL glides his hand up the back of her head. KAVIL speaks, slightly offended at being called stupid. KAVIL (slightly offended): "Whatever you say, human..." KAVIL begins to gently push JACK's head down his shaft. She slides fairly easily, until about three-quarters of the way down his shaft, where she starts to gently choke and meet resistance. KAVIL grunts softly as he continues to push her down, before her throat finally relaxes to allow her to take him down to the balls. She gives a sharp choke as her throat first opens, and then moans deeply as she slides the rest of the way down. Reference: A close-up of JACK, balls-deep and moaning best she can, eyes open and rolled into the back of her head. KAVIL sneers down to her, feeling a small sense of accomplishment over the pushy, bossy human. KAVIL: "Is that deep enough for you?" After a few moments of JACK moaning, her eyes begin to flutter and squirm, and she taps his thigh, signalling for air. After a moment, KAVIL releases her head, and she quickly pulls back, popping loudly off his cock as she takes a deep gasp for air, before coughing. A few moments of coughing and breathing heavily, she glances up at him, head still pointing toward his cock, as she half-growls her demand. JACK (half-growling, turned on by the rough treatment): "Fuck my face, you stupid Batarian bastard!" KAVIL growls in his throat, as he fucks JACK's face. He half-snarls his line. Reference: KAVIL (half-snarling, not appreciating the verbal abuse): "Freaking humans..." KAVIL holds JACK's head in place, as he thrusts quickly into her mouth, resulting in loud, slopping noises as JACK attempts to moan through the act. As KAVIL thrusts into her mouth, he mutters, more to himself than to her. KAVIL (muttering to himself): "Try to do this to a Batarian woman..." KAVIL continues thrusting, as he also continues his throat, afraid of the hypothetical. KAVIL (muttering, afraid of the hypothetical): "Just the thought..." JACK taps KAVIL's thigh again, and KAVIL pulls her head up without letting go. She gasps deeply, sucking in a deep breath, before turning her eyes to him and gasping aloud to him, physical need thick in her voice. JACK (gasping desperately, aching with need): "I fucking need you inside me!" Cross-fade to KAVIL leaning back on the cargo containers sideways, JACK between his legs, bouncing reverse cowgirl, her legs inside his, her hands on his knees as she bounces herself. Reference minus hair-pull: KAVIL moans heartily, as JACK pants needily as she eagerly bounces. After a while, close-up of JACK bouncing, as she speaks without interrupting her motion. JACK (smugly): "Do you know why women wear their ponytails to bed?" KAVIL speaks, his voice slightly slurred in a half-drunk, half-high stupor from the sensations of JACK bouncing on him, without lifting his head, or even opening his eyes, to look at her. KAVIL (casually, slightly euphoric): "Well, this isn't a bed. And Batarian women don't have hair, so-" JACK's brows lower as she snarls, still bouncing. JACK (snarling, unamused with the delay from what she wants): "Oh, shut the fuck up, and pull my hair already!" KAVIL groans gently as he lifts himself up and reaches forward to grab her ponytail. With a firm grip, he yanks her hair down, eliciting a soft grunt from himself and a sharp gasp from JACK. JACK continues to bounce, slightly faster, as he pulls her hair down. Her moans are now a mix of pleasure and pain, enjoying the sensation of pressure on her scalp. Close-up of JACK as KAVIL speaks and she responds. KAVIL (genuinely curious): "Are all human women as bossy as you?" JACK (smugly): "Only the fun ones!" After some more bouncing, JACK groans in need. JACK (groaning in need): "Oh fuck, I need this thick cock pounding into me!" KAVIL gives a single "Heh" chuckle in response. Cross-fade to JACK and KAVIL both standing, KAVIL behind JACK, pounding her from behind. Her hands are by her side, as she is grunting in pleasure with the thrusts. Reference, with his hands on her shoulders ( ) After some pounding, KAVIL asks his question snidely, having become used to JACK's proclivity for rough sex. KAVIL (snidely): "Is that hard enough for you, human?" JACK seemingly ignores his question, to instead moan out yet another demand. JACK (moaning, deep in pleasure): "Choke me! I want you to choke me!" KAVIL sighs to himself as he sliders his hands from her shoulders to instead hold her throat and pull her head back, as in the reference image. As he makes this motion, he mutters to himself. KAVIL (muttering to himself): "You humans are fucking crazy." As KAVIL continues to pound her, holding her throat, JACK squeals loudly, before gasping out another demand: JACK (gasping in intense pleasure): "Harder! Harder!" KAVIL (snidely, fully in tune with her game now): "Maybe you'd prefer it somewhere else, you filthy human?" JACK (gasping, desperate to be sated): "My ass! Fuck me in the ass!" KAVIL (snidely, as a confident counter to when he said this earlier in the scene): "Whatever you say!" Cross-fade to Jack in position, KAVIL hovering over her as he thrusts roughly into her anus, holding onto her ass for balance. JACK is flailing about, squealing in blinding pleasure. Any semblance of the concept of language has left her, replaced only with carnal vocalizations of primal satisfaction. Reference: (note the pose itself has changed since this didn't work) As KAVIL pounds, he snidely makes his remark, softly grunting from exertion. KAVIL (snidely, softly grunting): "I understand now why you humans are so popular! This is amazing! Tighter than any woman on Khar'Shan!" KAVIL breaks his pattern to make an emphatic pull-back, before giving a powerful thrust forward, balls-deep into JACK's anus, with a strained grunt. JACK gives a powerful squeal as she cums to the motion, her legs quivering before collapsing in exhaustion. KAVIL thrusts into her three or so more times, each with a strained grunt, as he cums in her anus. Each thrust into JACK after her orgasm elicits a soft, exhausted grunt - she's too exhausted to moan like a banshee. After resting balls-deep inside JACK for long moments with the last thrust, he slowly pulls out, leaving her anus gaping and with cum gently swirling inside. It throbs as it gradually shrinks to normal size. As he pulls out, KAVIL groans his statement. KAVIL (groaning in exhausted satisfaction): "Holy shit... I'd be killed if I tried that with a Batarian woman." KAVIL collapses onto the cargo container beside JACK, whose still belly-down and is breathing heavily in exhaustion, in a heavy sitting. He, too, breaths heavy. After a few moments, KAVIL looks over at JACK, and speaks casually, still breathing heavily. KAVIL (casually, breathing heavily): "Maybe you humans aren't so bad, after all." Fade to black. Scene end. ------ POST-SEX: JACK standing next to a wall, topless, running her hand up the metal. KAVIL is leaning back on the cargo container they banged on, lounging and just overall enjoying himself. His pants are closed. JACK (in a non-hostile, almost friendly tone): "This ship really IS a piece of shit, though." KAVIL shrugs dismissively, speaking in a tone softened with fondness. KAVIL (fondly): "Yeah, but I love her all the same. She's nothing like the last ship I worked, though. Definitely no Katagari." JACK jerks back, her eyes widening at the mention of the name 'Katagari'. She gives a small gasp. JACK inhales sharply. JACK swings her head around to look at KAVIL, brows furrowed, as she makes her demand, loud and frantic. JACK (frantically): "What was the name you just said?" KAVIL pouts his lips in confusion, blinking once, before repeating the word with a strong question to it. KAVIL (questioningly, not sure why it's important): "You mean the Katagari? Why? What's so spe-" KAVIL is abruptly cut off while saying "what's so special about it?", as he is biotically flung against the wall. KAVIL gives a startled gasp as he is suddenly flung mid-sentence. KAVIL grunts loudly as he impacts the metal wall hard. KAVIL gasps in pain and surprise KAVIL (surprised and in pain): "What the hell?!" JACK walking toward KAVIL slowly, hand outreached as she biotically holds KAVIL against the wall. Her brow is furrowed in ire, her lips turned down in disgust. JACK (snarling in anger): "Dakka. Ten years ago. Sound familiar?" KAVIL is squirming, trying to break free of his hold, as he speaks desperately. KAVIL (frantic and exerting himself): "What?! How do you know abo-" KAVIL stops himself mid-sentence, as he was saying "How do you know about that?". His eyes widen in equal parts revelation and terror. He speaks quietly, almost more to himself than to her. KAVIL (quietly, almost more to himself than Jack): "Oh shit. It's you." JACK practically spits out the first word of her next line, before taking on an icy, brutal smugness to complete the line. JACK: "Yeah. It's me." KAVIL stammers, terrified, as he pleads for his life. KAVIL (terrified and pleading): "L-listen! I'm sorry! W-what they did to you, it was-" KAVIL is cut off from saying "it was terrible" as JACK tightens the biotic grip around his throat, causing him to gasp and choke. KAVIL gasps and chokes. JACK, hand still held up, takes a step forward, snarling. JACK (snarling, irate): "What THEY did? I don't remember any voyeurs as you Batarian fucks took your turns with me!" KAVIL squirming to fight free, as he pleads again. KAVIL (terrified, almost crying, as he pleads): "I said I'm sorry! P-please don't kill me!" JACK gives a dark, macabre chuckle, before she croons quietly, in a terrifing juxtaposition to the fountain of rage she had been earlier. JACK (crooning quietly, in silent anger): "Oh, I'm not going to kill you. I'm going to make you talk, tell me the names of everyone aboard that ship and where I can find them." KAVIL continues to squirm, as JACK continues. JACK (still crooning, a twinge of satisfaction in her voice): "This is going to hurt. A lot. How many teeth do Batarians have, again?" The camera leaves the room where JACK and CAVIL are, instead looking through the door into the cargo bay, with them out of sight. KAVIL squeals in terror. KAVIL (squealing in terror): "Please, no! Don't! No!" A long fade to black, and a long fade from black, to JACK sitting in the cockpit of the ship, playing with switches, buttons, and levers. A data-pad is sitting on the console beside her, with a list of names. JACK is completely calm, entirely unperturbed by the acts of violence she had just implicitly committed. JACK (cheerily to herself): "This ship might be a piece of shit, but as long as it flies..." A close-up of the data-pad of names, as JACK continues to herself. The cheeriness subsides. JACK (to herself, though not as cheerful): "Sorry, Blue. Shepard's going to have to wait." Screen slowly fades to black. Once it is fully black, JACK says one final line: JACK (continue her thought to herself): "This is personal." Episode end. Credits + post-credits. ----- POST-CREDITS: Slow fade from black view of a personal computer's holo-screen. The computer is in a dark, cramped apartment room. The screen is active, and is viewing a well-lit office area. Immediately in focus of the screen is the silhouette of a Turian's head, his face completely submerged in shadow. It is the Director, and he isn't pleased. DIRECTOR (annoyed, a bit snippy): "Why are you contacting me on this line?" The DIRECTOR shakes his head, lifting a silhouetted hand and waving it dismissively, as he thinks better of his question. DIRECTOR: "Nevermind that. Why are you contacting me at ALL?" A close-up of KAVIL, leaning in at his cramped desk, looking into the screen. He rubs his jaw tenderly, gently groaning in pain, as if the flesh is swollen. As he rubs his jaw, the DIRECTOR continues, his tone changing from annoyed to mildly amused. *KAVIL gives a long, quiet, mildly pained groan.* DIRECTOR: "And what the hell happened to YOU? Got in another fight with an Elcor, Kavil?" A side-shot of KAVIL speaking into the computer, his hand still hovering around his sore jaw. There is no amusement in his voice. Indeed, the slight tremors of fear are still prevalent. KAVIL (shaken and unamused): "She knows, sir." DIRECTOR (annoyed and snippy again): "Who knows? Knows what?" Close-up of KAVIL as she speaks. KAVIL (still shaken): "The girl. From Pragia. She found me. She..." KAVIl trails off, thinking about what he wants to describe the events. After a moment of internal debating, he decides it best not to tell his boss how she beat the daylights out of him... with biotics. KAVIL (continuing): "She found me, sir." Close-up of the DIRECTOR on the screen, still and unmoving, as if listening intently. KAVIL continues. KAVIL (still shaken): "She has their names, now. Of everyone aboard the Katagari." Another side-shot. KAVIL rubs his jaw again, giving a soft, distressed moan. *KAVIL gives a small moan, in a mixture of pain and frustration with himself* The DIRECTOR speaks, breaking the silence. His voice is calm, factual. DIRECTOR (calm, factual): "And one of them is going to talk. Leading directly to me." Close-up of KAVIL idly rubbing his jaw. He winces with the words "meeting you" and "hiring you", as if the DIRECTOR'S words physically hurt him. DIRECTOR (composed, but noticeably peeved): "I'm not sure which was the bigger mistake: meeting your merry band of misfits in person, or hiring said band in the first place." KAVIL leans forward, to practically plead over the holo-screen. KAVIL (pleading, the full extent of his screw-up dawning on him): "Sir, please. Give me a chance, and I'll correct this." Side-shot. KAVIL winces backwards at the sharpness of the DIRECTOR's response: a sharp bark, followed by a cold, almost clininal response. DIRECTOR (snappishly): "No! You've already done quite enough." Close-up of DIRECTOR speaking. DIRECTOR (calmly, almost to himself): "I'll take care of her myself." The screen blinks off, leaving KAVIL in silence. The only sound is his soft breathing. *KAVIL breathing softly for a few moments.* Top-down shot as KAVIL slides forward to face-desk, his head thumping against the desk and elicitly a soft grunt. After a moment, he speaks a single word into the silence, quietly, almost monotone. *KAVIL grunts softly as head hits desk* KAVIL (quietly, monotone): "Fuck." Quick cut to black.