Diary Entries Of A Glutton November 15 2022 Dear diary, today was the day I finally started my diet and exercise plan. One of my friends told me to start journaling my weight lose journey, apparently it helps keep you on track and motivated. So here goes… My name is Sophie Riley and I’m a big fat failure. I live in the outskirts of London, in a 2 bedroom house that me and my husband George bought 3 years ago, we’ve been married for 2 years and are still madly in love with each. George is 28 years old and is a software developer who earns extremely well, I’m 26 year old today and have been unemployed for just over a year now and I’m still actively searching…sort of. Since loosing my job I have gradually pilled on the pounds, when I first met George I was 22 and only 150 pound. Granted that’s still fairly chubby compared to some girls but I was comfortable at that weight. I felt womanly and sexy! My curves got a lot of attention for men and women but ultimately it was George who stole my heart. He said I was the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, I guess he was just a sucker for a chubby redhead! This is when my weight started going up, after getting comfortable with George, just a few pounds here and there, nothing major, in fact it didn’t even bother me and George couldn’t keep his hands off me! Fast forward 2 years Im newlywed and 180 pounds but still not to bothered about it, fast forward another 10 months I’m 200 pound and out of a job, this is where things took a turn for the worse. George encouraged me not to rush into any menial job that I would hate, he told me to take my time and really search. Admittedly I did do that for a week or so but that’s when the lazier started to creep in, I was getting up later, watching tv all day, snacking, going to bed later, ordering takeout more regularly and so on! I’ve managed to pack on a whopping 105 pounds taking me up past the 300 pound mark - I’m only 5’5! I think that officially makes me more than chubby! George still says I’m his hot wife but I think he’s just saying that out of love. My belly is what disgusts me the most. I always had a little chub on my midsection, a cute little roll when I sat down that kind of thing, but now I have a literal belly that hangs over my waistband and jiggle with every step I take! My tits were always big but now they’re like udders, I’ve lost count how many times I’ve had to buy new bras! Plus my thighs and ass has grown so much that my thighs chafe and my ass feels like it a constantly trying to pull me backwards all the time! I decided enough was enough and started my new diet today. For breakfast I had a bowl of oats, was a bit bland but still it’s healthy and I ate it, I started getting peckish at around 10am so had an apple and a banana, it didn’t quite hit the spot but I resisted and decided to try my new workout routine which was extremely difficult and I had to stop halfway through. To be honest I wish I didn’t bother with the workout, not only was it hard but it also made me even hungrier. My stomach wouldn’t stop growling, it got louder and angrier with every passing minute, I tried to calm it down by eating more fruit but the orange didn’t cut it. It wanted carbs, it wanted saturated fat, it wanted grease, it wanted calories! I didn’t even make it to lunch before I cracked. I found myself ripping into a bag of family sized Doritos and devouring the entire pack whilst staying up in the kitchen. That was it, the flood gates were open! Another bag of Doritos, a box of doughnuts, several chocolate bars all mindlessly consumed in the kitchen. I wasn’t satisfied though, I pulled out my phone and order lunch. Two Big Mac meals both with large fries and chocolate milkshakes, 20 chicken nuggets and of course a chicken sandwich just for good measure were devoured by me for lunch. After that I didn’t see the point of even trying to cut back. I simply returned to my natural habits of tv and snacking on the sofa. I text George to get me KFC for dinner which he should be home with anytime now. I can’t wait. I’m absolutely famished! Maybe I’ll try again next week. ******************************************** 24th May 2024 Dear diary, today is the first day in 18 months that I’ve finally found the motivation to start loosing weight again. After my first failed entry I slipped back into bad habits of bingeing and snacking. George never stopped me and I have zero self control, so as you can imagine my weight went up, I got fatter, lazier and hungrier, my portion sizes were increasing weekly which meant more calories which lead to more weight gain! It was a very vicious cycle that I’m trying to break. I weighed myself this morning, 608.6 pounds! I knew I had gotten big but not that big! I looked up at the full length mirror and for the first time in 18 months looked at myself properly, sometimes you need to look at yourself in the mirror to truly realise the damage you’ve done! I hate my reflection but I had to do it. I was already naked due to the hot evenings we’ve been having recently so I was completely exposed, no baggy clothes to hid under! My belly repulsed me the most. How could someone let themselves go this much?! You’d think once your belly over hangs your own pussy you’d start cutting it back but nope not me! I just kept stuffing my face and letting my belly grow, hanging further and further down my legs! It now sways heavily to just about my knees, with every step I take it slaps against my thick thighs causing me to loose my balance every now and again on the rare occasions I do actually walk! My belly isn’t the only thing hanging heavily in front of me pulling me forward, my tits are ridiculously huge, I stopped bothering with bras because I was outgrowing them so quick! Now my udders hang either side of my gut all the way past my hips, they do nothing but get in my way! George absolutely loves playing with them, he often uses them as a pillow which to be fair at least someone’s benefiting! I turntables to the side I looked at my ass, again it’s monstrously huge and ugly. There’s no shape to my ass anymore, it’s just wide, flat and covered in cellulite and dimples! Same with my legs, they’re me just two big trunks of rolls and folds! I’ve told George to put all the junk food and snack in the spare room upstairs, there’s no way I’m making it up the stairs in my current condition so I won’t even be tempted to try and get anything! I’ve deleted all the takeout apps from my phone because I often find myself just scrolling through the menus and the next thing you know I’ve got a basket full of food winging it’s way towards me! I feel good about this diet, for once I’m actually trying! This time next year I’ll be back to my old self! I can’t wait! ********************************************* 25th May 2024 Dear diary, I fucked up, again! After my last entry I made myself some porridge for breakfast but again my belly started screaming for more, I tried to resist, I tried to satisfy her with fruit but she was haven’t it! She wanted something tasty and substantial! I text George to come home as soon as he could which was his lunch break for some support but it was to late by then, I’d already snapped. When George came home I was once again laying in bed, completely naked. The bed was littered with 6 empty takeout boxes from the cafe down the road which is ordered 2 full English fry up, 3 bacon, sausage and egg sandwiches and of course a large order of fries! Plus about an hour after that I ordered McDonald’s breakfast, so the remains of 5 double sausage and egg McMuffins and 5 hash browns also laid next to me on the bed! Yes it was only 12:15pm but I’d already ordered and eaten 2 takeouts! But I wanted more. ‘Sophie? Is everything okay? What happened?’ George asked as he cautiously walked into the bedroom. ‘I’ve failed again George! I couldn’t even make it an hour without giving up! I’m such a big fat failure!’ I cried as I lowered my head into my double chin. ‘It’s okay Sophie, it’s a difficult adjustment, you’ll get there in the end…’ ‘Todays a write off George! I need you to get all the food and snacks from upstairs and bring them back down’ ‘You sure that’s a good idea?’ ‘No it’s not a good idea! But I’m so fucking hungry George! I need to eat!’ I begged him pathetically. George simply nodded and headed upstairs. Box after box was loaded into my bedroom, my stomach audibly roaring louder and louder with every one entering the room! George placed one of the boxes on the bed on top of the other empty packaging and I didn’t hesitate to tuck in! So that’s pretty much all I’ve done today, eat more than I ever have in my life! Even with all the snacks and 2 takeouts for breakfast, I still ordered KFC for lunch and Dominos for dinner! I’m still eating now, in fact I’m literally over half way through eating an entire 12 service chocolate cake as I’m writing this! It’s safe to say I’ve failed another diet, maybe I try again tomorrow or maybe next month…actually thinking about it, although it’s only May, I may as well wait until the new year. New year, new me! ********************************************* 15th November 2026 Dear diary, it’s my 30th birthday today. As you might’ve guess I had plans to once again start dieting and loose some blubber. George had something different in mind for me. I’ve been bed bound for 2 year nearly. After my last failed diet attempt I fell into a blackhole of non stop bingeing. I was ordering takeout 3-4 times a day simply because I was to lazy to get my fat ass out of bed to make something for myself! Because our bedroom was on the ground floor and the front of the house, George had a pulley system set up so that I could order online, pay using his card and when they delivered the food, put it in the basket outside and I would simply press a button and the basket filled with delicious junk food would come through the window directly to me! By that Christmas I was immobile, unable to leave the bed even with George’s help. You think that would finally inspire me to finally seek help and loose weight but no, all it did was make me eat more, all I could do was lay in bed and think about what I wanted to eat next and thanks to the power of technology I could have whatever I wanted at the touch of a button within half an hour normally! George had a small hydraulic crane installed in the bedroom, it’s what they use to weigh cattle but he modified it for me, he uses it to wash me, dry me, change my bedsheets, help me go to the bathroom and it even comes in handy for sex! Yes we’re still at it like rabbits! Like I said the crane was originally made for weighing cattle so every time I’m hoisted up I’m reminded of just how fat I truly am. Brace yourselves for this one…yesterday I weighed in at a staggering 1185.3 pounds! I told George that I’m going on a diet today, enough is enough, I want my mobility back, I want my life back, I don’t want to be controlled by food anymore. Normally he agrees to help but this time he didn’t really say anything. He simply nodded. This morning George burst through the bedroom door happily shouting ‘happy birthday’ whilst pushing a serving cart absolutely stacked with food towards my immobile bloated body. ‘George?! What are you doing?! I’m on a diet remember!’ I snapped as my belly began to roar loudly. ‘Well belly seems like she’s hungry…’ George laughed as he wheeled the cart next to me so I could fully see the mound of food. ‘Of course she’s hungry! But i can’t let her win anymore! I need to take back the control!’ ‘Oh Sophie, you do make me laugh! When are you going to realise?’ George chuckled as he placed a platter of breakfast burritos onto my belly causes it to grumble even louder. ‘R-Realise what?’ I stuttered as my eyes fixated on the steaming pile of food in front of me and my mouth began to drool. ‘You’ve never been in control of belly…’ George whispered seductively as he held a burrito to my lips and watched as I weakly surrendered and dropped my mouth open. It was delicious, I simply sat back, relaxed and allowed George to hand feed me the entire carts worth of food. 10 breakfast burritos, 10 breakfast burgers, 5 full English fry ups, a stack of 30 thick pancakes drowning on maple syrup and finally an entire salted caramel cheesecake! This was a lot of food just for breakfast, even for me! But obviously I ate every last scrap. ‘From this point on Sophie you’re going to be on one diet and one diet only, it called the ‘pushing your stomach to the absolute limit every single day diet’, you understand? No more thoughts of cutting back or loosing weight, this is who you are now forever okay?’ George told me firmly as he stood over my immobile bloated body, completely dominating me, even though I weigh nearly 1000 pound more than him, I felt small and weak. All I could do was nod in agreement because I was to full to resist. I watched helplessly as he began to clean me up, wiping my face and chins clean of any greasy, sauce or un-chewed pieces of food that somehow managed to escape my mouth. ‘I got you a couple of birthday presents’ George said as he pushed the cart to one side and turned a switch on the wall behind me. All of a sudden the ceiling above me turned black then switched back on revealing a mirror showcasing my entire naked body. ‘You’re probably wondering what just happened…this ceiling has never been a proper ceiling since we moved in here, I installed this massive 5K ultra HD camera that I made myself and had it playing a picture of a ceiling for years, waiting for this very moment, if you look to the top right there’s also a number, that’s your current weight, I had pressure sensors installed under the bed years ago because I know you’d end up this way!’ I looked up at myself in the reflection, for the first time in nearly 2 years I got to see myself and the damage all my gluttonous bingeing had done to my body. My belly is now sitting heavily between my spread thigh, stretching out all the way to my ankles and nearly as wide as this king sized mattress, my tits so massive that they’re to nearly falling off the edge of the bed, my legs, well what you can see of them are bloated and completely useless, my ankles are twice the size of George’s waist! I don’t even recognise myself anymore, my once clean and trimmed red hair is now greasy looking and matted, simply tidy up into a messy bun, my once stunning face is me red and bloated, my cheeks, jowls and chins are so fat a saggy that they’ve blended into one and it’s hard to tell what expression I’m pulling. I’m literally now just a blob. Truthfully, hearing George tell me that I’m not allowed to diet anymore and that I have to stuff myself to my absolutely limits everyday triggered something inside of me, I felt relieved at the thought of it. After all I love food and what’s more reassuring then your husband telling you to eat as much as you possible can even though you’re already immobile and one of the fattest people on the planet? ‘So, Sophie, what do you say?’ He asked after letting me just stare up at myself for a few minutes. I turned toward him, looked him deep in the eyes and said two simple words.. ‘Feed me…’ I haven’t stopped eating all day pretty much, Takeouts, home cooked meals, chips, chocolate, pastries, candy! I’ve eaten more then I thought possible and George keeps telling me that this is the rest of my life, I know I’m going to get even fatter, absolutely huge actually but I don’t care, I love being able to eat without judgment, I never ever have to think about dieting again! This is most probably going to be my last dieting diary entry. Who knows maybe I’ll start journaling my daily food and calorie intake? Until then, I’ve gotta go, George has just walked in carrying my birthday cake! ********************************************