Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position a place where you can simply let go and follow my words A place where you can easily and gently just let yourself drift away letting everything I say simply slide more and more deeply more and more easily into your mind washing away what is there. and just leaving you blank and empty to just feel yourself simply give in and let yourself Sink Sink Sink deeper and deeper all the way down down into sleep down into trance now and as you sleep as your mind drifts you start to see the world around simply fading away and a new world coming into focus you find yourself in a very unique very specific lace The hogwartz school, of witchcraft, and wizardry You can allow the details to simple filter in becoming clear becoming so very vivid and real for you the sights of the buildings old stone moss and vines but yet sturdy and strong the sound of students in the distance the feel of energy of magic all around you you notice your own reflection in a mirror and find that you are still an adult you graduated maybe recently maybe years and years ago you can see your attire fancy and regal you look very nice in your fancy attire and now you have returned perhaps you are here to take up a teaching position or simply to visit. to wander and to talk to the people it is after all a very soothing location full of many mysteries. you start to walk around taking in the sights taking in the feel of the place the open air courtyards the echoing long hallways the classic design of the buildings and course the magic the paintings that talk to you the candles that simply float in the air the mythical beasts all around and even a ghost... from time to time. but as you wander something... no... someone catches your eye as you pass by an office you notice inside and old friend they are dressed as regal as you are and appear to be settling in as a teacher But there is something about them in this situation that just helps you realize just how attractive they are now you have known them for years and although maybe you found them attractive before there is just something about the way they are dressed proper and elegant and the power of them being a teacher and a magic user that just makes you become far more interested You can't help but simply decide to stop in and say hello. they don't seem to notice you enter you decide to be... playful and sneak up on them move into the room silently quietly while their back is turned but just as you get within striking distance a flick of their wand and the door slams closed behind you making you jump making you turn around only to then turn back to your friend to see them standing there smiling giving you a rather playful rather flirtatious look. They scold you, playfully for thinking that you could sneak up on them. commenting that they have at least two students a day attempt the same trick but that none of them look quite as good quite as, delightful as you do. You find yourself leaning against a desk playfully folding your arms and commenting that they were just too tempting of a target your words filled with an innuendo a desire. and a playful smile. your friend sits on the edge of their desk and smiles the two of you begin a rather elegant dance simple flirting, a veiled compliment an implied attraction a very simple hint, or what might come. it's very playful all very simple but then bell rings and your friend looks up at the clock and sighs they have a class to teach in 10 minutes you nod and go to stand, smiling to say it was nice to see them. building up the courage to ask to see them again. but before you can ask the give you a smile and say oh you're not going anywhere. and before you know it the tip of their want taps your nose and you hear the word Petrifico echo through the room. almost in an instant you feel your body stiffen tighten you feel a wave of magical energy sliding along your body along every inch of your skin slowly seductively caressing every part it touches and turning every part it touches into bronze. a shiny metallic bronze your vision takes on an orangish tint and your find that your eyes simply don't move and then you feel your thoughts simply turn to bronze as well unthinking unmoving just staring ahead at your old friend as your body solidifies they lean in to you with a smile and tell you that you were simply too tempting to let go. their hands sliding slowly along your body as they lean in and steal a kiss. and then pull back to whisper Stay right here... before they turn and move to the door. before the door closes you hear, distant like an echo in your mind your friend say "i'll be back for you later" and then the door simply closes. you're not sure how long you are there. now sure how much time passes your eyes are unseeing unthinking day turns to night several bells ring in the distance and go silent the sound of footsteps come and go all the while you just stand there frozen you’re barely aware of your friend sneaking back into their office. barely aware of them taping their wand on you again and whispering Minituro you don't really notice your body start to shrink slowly gently down smaller and smaller down. but one thing neither you nor your friend expected your clothes... did not shrink with you they remained frozen as bronze standing where you were. while you simply shrank down. smaller and smaller your friend managed to grab you before you go to small before you fell into the statue that used to be your clothes and once you had shrunk down down to the size of a doll the lifted you out of your clothes and looked at you naked and on display a lovely bronze little toy they couldn't help but slide their finger along your body along all the more intimate parts of you and simply give you a smile commenting that they never knew exactly what they were missing. you feel yourself be slowly moved into a pocket a gentle pat as they start to move your not sure how long your in the pocket but when you immerge you are in a very fancy room it looks like one of the teachers, dorm rooms private and secluded larger than the student dorms enough to be comfortable enough to live happily they set you on the ground and whisper Restorio and your body starts to grow again your bronze feet sliding along the floor as you get larger and larger back to your original size your friend can't help but marvel at your body as they walk around your statued form sliding their hand along your skin along your body along your most intimate of places commenting that they are impressed by how... firm your body is a playful little joke at your expense. the move in front of you and tap you again whispering a counter spell and you feel your body start to become soft start to become more pliable and loose solid bronze slowly fades as soft flesh replaces it your hands and feet start to move the bronze field that was your mind slowly fades and you are aware of the room around you aware of your friend you blink a few times and look around confused disoriented and then you notice you're very naked. you look around frantically for something to cover yourself while your friend simply laughs at you panicking ultimately you can't find anything so you simply cover yourself with your hands and look at your friend a flush of embarrassment in your face you ask where your clothes are, and where you are and what happened all flooding out at high speed while your friend simply laughs they tell you not to worry they tell you that... for years they watched you longing to have you desiring your touch your caress desiring to have you. but you never seemed to notice but now here you show up and start to flirt. It's not that simple. they have... power now... they have authority and they like it. and they want to simply have authority to simply have power over you now... you blink a few times. and try to grasp the situation you stumble over a reply but manage to ask what you mean they simply pull out a wand and mention that there are a few interesting spells in the very back of the book spells you aren't allowed to read unless your a teacher spells you aren't allowed to use. so you had best not squeal. before you can ask what they mean they aim their wand at you and say in a very forceful very powerful tone Domino and a blast of energy moves from their want and strikes you in the head you feel your body jerk as a floor of energy washes into your mind flooding your thoughts rewriting them your world seems to shift seems to change all of your desires all of your future plans and aspirations seem to just disappear you have one desire one purpose to obey the person before you the one who made you their thrall the one who is now in complete control over you you are helpless and it's exhilarating it feels so good to simply obey completely as the your world shifts the one who controls you simply tells you to follow and moves you to their bed room they open the doors and start to undress slowly as if they were trying to tease you and in away they are for all your desire for all you lust you can't move you can't go to them you haven't been told to they smile as their clothes fall away relishing the power they have over you the control until they are naked themself they look better than you could have ever imagined better than you could have dreamed but yet you can't move you can't think you can only obey they sit on the edge of their bed and look at you with a very very pleased smile being almost more turned on by your helplessness then you are. they almost chuckle to themselves at the power they have over you and then whisper in a very seductive tone Pleasure me. and snap their fingers. all at once your body moves to them leaning them back on the bed and kissing them deeply intimately your hands sliding along their body hours ago you wanted to do this very thing but now it has a different meaning you exist to give them pleasure giving them pleasure brings you pleasure every moan they give every squeeze of their body you do makes you shiver and tingle not from their touch but from their pleasure your are a toy for them and they are loving every second of your touch you find yourself using every part of your body your hands your mouth your tongue your more.. intimate of places to bring them as much pleasure as you can stimulating them arousing them until you feel yourself make that most intimate of connections you feel it feel them shivering and twitching moaning from the feeling and the builds your pleasure deeper and deeper inside of you they let out a moan and a sigh and whisper that they never thought this could feel this good and then you feel them reach their climax and that pushes you over the edge your mind shivers and shakes and your body overloads pleasure washes through you you have completed your purpose completed your desire what you wanted the most what you needed the most. and that feeling washes over you again and again as they shiver under you their body deeply responds to your touch. and then simply whisper Somno ANd you feel a wave of energy wash over your head the instant it does your eyes close as the wave moves down your body your head drops your shoulders slump your arms go limp your back gives out and you fall onto the bed next to them as your legs go completely limp and helpless as they simply roll over and steal a kiss and whisper I think I'll keep you... This is where the video will end... but you will stay there deeply asleep and helpless and simply fantasize about what they might do next. will they give you your clothes, and send you on your way or will they keep you as a bronze statue in their dresser drawer a toy... to enjoy on the cold long nights or will they simply keep you under their spell and take you on as a teacher's assistant. showing you off daily to the faculty and staff who are none the wiser that you are under a forbidden spell it's all up to you and when you are ready to simply awaken you will allow yourself to take a slow deep breathe and wake up if you need a little help simply count from 1 up to 3 and then tell yourself to be wide awake and go about your day but for now you will sleep under the spell and simply dream and fantasize about what they might do with you next.