A Feedee’s Morning Routine 7:10AM ‘Charlie…Charlie wake up…’ I call gently a I lovingly run my hands through his hair as he lays on top of my humongous gut, using it as a pillow. ‘Hmm? You okay Rachel?’ He replies sleepily. ‘It’s morning baby, I’m hungry…’ I used to be embarrassed and ashamed about waking Charlie up early just because I was hungry but not anymore, not since being immobile. He knows I need him and rely on him 100% for literally everything! It’s part of the turn on for both of us. Right in queue my belly lets out a loud rumble, demanding food. ‘Alright belly! I’m getting up!’ Charlie chuckles before giving my roaring gut an affectionate slap. Being still completely nude from last nights stuffing and fucking session, Charlie rolls off his side of the bed with more enthusiasm than I’ve ever had getting out of bed and instantly walks over to the fridge in our bedroom. ‘So what would my every growing queen like for breakfast this morning?’ He asks opening the fridge and pulling out a 35oz bottle of his homemade weight gain shake. ‘I want a huge full English fry up! Like enough to feed 4 maybe 5 people but on just 1 plate… all for me!’ I ask greedily as I rub my belly with anticipation. ‘Good choice! Here take this’ he says handing me the shake. ‘Oooh no pre breakfast snack?’ I ask giving him my best puppy dog eyes. ‘I didn’t think you’d want a pre breakfast snack considering you’ve asked me to cook you a fry up big enough to feed 5 people and how much you ate last night…’ he replies with a chuckle. ‘But know how fat and greedy I am baby! You know I can’t wait any longer!’ I beg submissively. ‘I know, I know! How could I every refuse that chubby little face! Here..’ he follows up handing me a packet of 14 Oreo’s. ‘Hehe! Thanks babe, now run along a make me breakfast!’ I snap bossily but following up with a wink. Charlie shakes his head with a smile and heads out towards the kitchen. Before he’s even left the room I’ve already torn into the packet and shoved 2 cookies into my mouth, chew swallow repeat until all 14 have easily vanished into my belly, next I grab the weight gain shake and bring it to my lips and begin to chug. Within seconds the bottle is drained. ‘UUUUURRRRRRPPPPPP!’ 2750 calories in a matter of a few effortless minutes. The only problem is I’m still hungry and I know I’ve still got to wait another 30-40 minutes until breakfast is cooked, cooking such large quantities isn’t exactly the quickest of jobs. ‘CHARLIE! CHARLIE!’ I shout lazily from my bed, it’s not exactly like I can just get up and walk to the kitchen. ‘Yes Rachel?’ He asks popping his head into the bedroom after a few seconds of waiting. ‘I want more cookies…’ I say sticking out my bottom lip and making it quiver whilst giving my best innocence voice. He doesn’t reply, he simply walks in wearing nothing but his chefs apron that reads ‘worlds best feeder’ on the front, it’s an old Christmas present I got him when I was still able to work a few years back. He opens my snack cupboard and holds another pack of Oreo’s in front of me. As I reach out to grab them Charlie quickly pulls them away and plants his lips onto mine, I close my eyes and relax as my pussy becomes moist as we continue to make out. As soon as Charlie pulls away he slips 2 Oreo’s into my open mouth, i smile greedily, chew, swallow and reopen my mouth to allow him to place 2 more cookies onto my crumb covered tongue. ‘Such a fatty’ he says lovingly. ‘I know. Get me another shake.’ I demand cockily as I toss 2 more Oreo’s into my mouth. ‘Wow, you’re on a mission today!’ He laughs walking over to the fridge. ‘Not just today Charlie, everyday! That 810 pound weigh in yesterday morning has sparked something inside of me! 20 pound in my first month of being bed bound will be nothing compared to my next weigh in! So be prepared to see me finally pack on some serious size!’ I exclaim grabbing the sides of my gut with both hands and giving it a forceful shake side to side before lifting it up as much as my strength will allow before dropping it heavily back between my thighs once again obscuring my wet pussy causing a loud but short *PPPHHTT* to explode from underneath my fat sweaty ass. ‘Oh I’m ready baby! I can’t wait for this little belly of yours to finally start growing!’ Charlie says enthusiastically squeezing the end of my gut as it lays all the way to my shins still ever so slightly jiggling from my outburst. ‘I want this belly over hanging the end of the bed by the time I’m 30!’ I confess as 2 more Oreo’s are added to the others in my gut. ‘That’s only 4 years honey, you’ve got some serious gaining to do for that to happen!’ Charlie follows up handing me the shake. ‘My mind is 100% focused on doing nothing but gaining babe!’ I say before downing the second bottle of weigh gain shake and cramming an entire handful of cookies into my mouth as Charlie watches with a smile on his face. ‘I’d better hurry with your breakfast then!’ He laughs giving my belly a squeeze before heading out of the bedroom. 25 minutes later Charlie’s comes walking back into the room carrying a large steaming serving tray. The smell of fried bacon begins to fill my nostrils which instantly makes my pussy wet! I wave him closer and he slowly lowers the tray on top of my fat naked belly. On top of the tray laid a platter of 14 rashers of bacon, 10 Cumberland sausages, 10 fried eggs, 10 hash browns, 8 slices of toast dripping with butter, 2 whole tins of baked beans and finally half a dozen fried tomatoes. ‘Breakfast is served!’ Charlie says enthusiastically. ‘Wow! This looks amazing! How many calories?’ I ask curiously as my mouth begins to water. ‘About 5900…’ ‘Holy fuck! If I eat all this that will take me over 11,000 calories already today!’ ‘Yep! This little belly of yours will definitely be over hanging the bed by the time your 30 if you keep up the good work and eat like you have been recently!’ Charlie says excitedly as he hands me a fork before grabbing my gut with pride. *FFFHHHTTT* ‘Mph! So good! Mph! That’s 30 at the latest by the way!’ I snap as I begin to shovel forkful after forkful into my mouth. ‘Definitely!’ ‘Mph, if you keep making food this mph good, I’ll get there in mph no *PPPHHTT* time! ‘You’re very gassy this morning…’ Charlie chuckles as he continues to rub my belly and watch me stuff my face. ‘There’s a lot of food in here’ I say with a wink and gently pat my gut. ‘Do you need to go?’ ‘Yeah…*FFFFFHHHHTTTT*…but I’ll finish breakfast first’ I reply with no embarrassment at all. ‘Okay, let me know when you’re finished, I’m just gonna go do some dishes and clean the kitchen.’ ‘Mph, okay UURRPP babe’ I say as I continue to devour the mammoth breakfast in front of me. 15 minutes later ‘CHAAAAARRLLIIEEEEEE!’ I shout as I lay uselessly in bed. ‘Finished Rachel? Are you still hungry?’ He asks lightly jogging from the kitchen to the bedroom to tend to his growing pig of a wife. From the day I agreed to be his feedee Charlie has always been an excellent feeder. He made sure that I didn’t have to lift a single finger! He would get up between 4-5am everyday and make sure the house was spotless so I didn’t feel like I had to do any chores! He went out of his way to make it as easy as possible for me to just sit around and eat! After 8 years of having to get up at 6am and hit the tennis court to train for hours and hours 7 days a week because my mother forced me to, it felt good to get up when I wanted, eat what I wanted and as much as I wanted without feeling guilty about it! I was only 20 years old when I first met Charlie. He was such a nerd but so adorable! I was in Burger King cheating on my diet with a double whopper and fries, he approached me and we started talking and eventually he asked me out on a date. Obviously I said yes. I was unaware of his fetish at the time but looking back there was definitely some clues pointing towards his preference! He’d always order extra sides and convince me to order the most fattening thing on the menu, he’d randomly drop by my house and drop off flowers and of course boxes of chocolates. He always insisted that I needed to rest so he’d run around after me. After only 6 months of dating I was 30 pound heavier and no longer set to become a famous tennis start like my mother wanted me to be! I quit playing tennis simply because I was no longer fit enough, I was 155 pound at that point and getting more serious with Charlie. I moved less and ate more. I was growing rapidly. My mother would get angry at my laziness and tell me I’m eating to much. After a year Charlie got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife, I didn’t hesitate to say yes! I moved in with him and began planning our wedding. It was at this point Charlie finally confessed his little secret. He stuttered and stammered but finally managed to spit the words out. I surprisingly didn’t get angry, it all started to make sense. I asked why he asked me out in the first place, I was a 125 pound athlete so I definitely wasn’t his type! He told me that he watched me devour the double whopper so quickly and enthusiastically that he knew I was destined to let go and blow up. In all fairness he was right. For as long as I can remember I’ve always had a fascination with food, it intrigued me, I wanted to eat more and more but I wasn’t allowed because of my training and diet. Every time I asked for more food my mom would tell me not to be greedy, ‘we eat to live not live to eat’ she would tell me. I obviously agree to be his feedee, Charlie was absolutely over the moon and put on his feeder cap right away! A year later we were married, i walked down the aisle weighing a chubby 230 pound, I noticed a lot of peoples jaws dropping as I walked past them, I guess gaining 105 pound in 18 months would be pretty shocking to see! Just after our honeymoon Charlie confessed that he wanted me to gain quicker, he asked if he could start funnel feeding me weight gain shake and take complete control of my daily food intake. I was a little shocked at first, so I asked him exactly how big he wanted me. Charlie looked me in the eyes and without hesitation said the word ‘immobile’. I freaked out, what the fuck had I gotten myself into and why did I agree to gain weight and marry this man in the first place? After a day of arguing I finally calm down and came to my senses. I loved this lifestyle, I loved stuffing my face with junk food all day, I love not having to get up and be waited on hand and foot! I finally agreed, I told Charlie to make me immobile. From that day on things changed once again, he started taking his feeder role very seriously and as you know I absolutely ballooned! With his consistency and my greediness it’s not surprising that I’ve gained 580 pound in 5 years of marriage! ‘I’m still a little hungry…but I’d better empty out first…’ I say patting my belly gently. ‘You need to go?’ Charlie asks. ‘Yeah, desperately!’ I giggle with no embarrassment at all. ‘Let’s get you rolled over then!’ Charlie says walking to my bed side, he then begins to use all his strength to push me onto my right side, lucky for him the most of my weight is my belly and tits and once they fall to the side the rest of me follows! I can’t help but get a little wet seeing as this is the same and only position me and Charlie can have sex in because of my size. ‘Ahh feels good to get some fresh air on my ass’ I say reaching around to my ass best I can and attempting to pull my cheeks apart to air out the smell of my sweating ass crack. *FFFFHHHTTTT* ‘Yeah ‘fresh’ air’ Charlie says sarcastically giving my cellulite infested ass a hard slap. ‘Very funny Charlie! You know what I mean! Can you hurry it up a little, this shit is literally gonna explode out soon!’ I order as my stomach churns desperate to relieve my bowls. ‘I’m being as quick as I can!’ Charlie laughs laying a diaper sheet onto to the bed next to my ass. ‘I’ve just gotta grab a bedpan’ he follows up. ‘How many you getting?’ ‘Two...’ ‘Will two be enough?’ I ask him. ‘You tell me Rachel, you’re the one who’s shitting…’ ‘You’d better grab a couple more just encase, this ones been brewing a while! I say proudly rubbing my belly. *PPPPPHHHHHTTTTTTT* ‘I’m gonna blow any minute now!’ ‘Bare with me!’ Charlie chuckles as he removes his cooking apron and replaces it with a disposable plastic nurses apron. *FFFFFFFFFFHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTT* I love seeing my belly outstretched like this, normally when I’m on my back I can’t see the entirety of my gut but now it’s spread out on its side I can see how massive it truly is! Although I’m soon snapped back to reality as I feel Charlie’s hand spread my ass cheeks as much as he possibly can then presses the cold bedpan to my open smelly ass crack. I’m sure most girls would be so distraught and embarrassed at this point, maybe even to the point of tears having to have their husband literally roll them over and have to shit in front of them into a bedpan...but not me, I’m actually enjoying this, part of me wants to revel in it for longer but it’s to late for that, my bowls have already began to let go.. *PPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTT* ‘Here it...*FFFFFHHHHTTT*...comes!’ I say as I clench my stomach and begin to push out a thick log! I feel my asshole being to stretch as a series of loud farts escape my ass and by the time the log finally hits the bedpan a stench like no other has completely filled the room but I’m not finished yet! I managed to fill the first bedpan with ease but still had more to come out, luckily I told Charlie to bring a few spare pans with him! ‘I’m finished’ i say after filling the second bedpan. Charlie grabs a wad of toilet paper and begins wiping, it doesn’t take a lot of cleaning to be fair, I nearly always have a clean break. Plus there no point in cleaning it to much anyway, my ass sweats like crazy and I’m constantly farting! ‘All done!’ He says placing the shit filled bedpans on the table next to my bed. ‘Madame...’ he follows up holding a box of 4 fresh cream chocolate eclairs, i view the eclairs as gesture of good will, like even though he’s just helped by shit and cleaned my dirty ass, he’s more than happy for me to continue eating and getting fatter! ‘Thanks!’ I say enthusiastically as I instantly grab one and cram it into my insatiable mouth. That when I notice something, I look down to see Charlie’s huge dick poking through his apron. ‘Mph, are you hard?’ I follow up polish off the first eclair before grabbing another. ‘Obviously!’ He chuckles as he removes the disposable apron revealing his completely naked body. I bite my lip at the very sight of his toned slim body. What did I do to deserve such a perfect life? ‘Watching me shit, mph, is a turn on to you?’ ‘Yep! Knowing that you’re so fat and useless that you can’t even do the most basic human instinct without my help really gets me going!’ Charlie admits as he grabs my outstretched belly and squeezes it affectionately. ‘Huh, I guess I never really thought of it like that! I would’ve gave up walking years ago if I knew you liked it so much! UURRPP! Does it not gross you out at all? The smell must turn you off a little…’ ‘Nope! I love each and every single thing about you being immobile, especially the gross stuff! Everything from the beads of salty sweat that runs off your body to the copious amounts of waste you shit out daily!’ Charlie’s is now pretty much laying on top of me, caressing as much fat as he can get hold of whilst simultaneously kissing every inch of my soft naked skin. ‘You really are a weirdo! Mph, but I absolutely love it! Get more more food baby, mph, I want to fill her up to max capacity so you can watch me shit it all out again!’ I say enthusiastically as I polish of the last of the eclairs, literally cramming them into my mouth whole, one after the other leaving a layer of chocolate and cream to smear around my lips and cheeks. ‘You are so fucking hot! I’ll be right!’ Charlie returns holding a plate of 6 microwaved burgers, and 2 6 serving cakes, one being chocolate and the other lemon drizzle. This is a lot of food considering how much I’ve already eaten today! ‘That’s a lot of food Charlie!’ I say biting my lip as my pussy throbs even more at the sight of a large amount of food just for me. ‘Yep! Over 6300 calories which you’re going to eat every last scrap of!’ He says cockily as he places the food on top of my belly. ‘Maybe you can put something else inside of me whilst I’m eating?’ I wink as I reach up, grab his big hard dick and begin slowly stroking it up and down. ‘Well it would be rude not to seeing as you’re already in position!’ He giggles getting excited at the thought of entering me. Charlie then climbs onto the bed and goes straight to my fat ass. Considering I’ve just filled 2 bedpans up with shit, he doesn’t hesitate to once again spread my flabby ass checks and dive head first between them! His tongue quickly finds my sweat spot and begins expertly pleasuring me! I grab 2 steaming juicy burgers and begin savagely tearing into them, I can easily devour one of these in 4 greedy mouthfuls. Before I even finish my 2 burgers I’ve already cummed hard! That’s Charlie’s queue to pull his head out of my sweaty ass crack and finally slide his dick inside me. I’m more than ready, I need his member to pleasure me, i need to feel how hard my immobile body makes him, I need his approval that he wants me fatter! ‘Your sweaty pussy tastes sooo good!’ Charlie whispers into my ear as he spoons behind me, making sure to press his throbbing dick into my ass fat. ‘Let me UURRPP taste it…’ I beg softly as I swallow the second bite of my third burger. Charlie grabs the half eaten burger from my chubby hands then using his other hand lift my ass crack apart as much as possible before stuffing the warm bap deep inside, right next to my wet dripping pussy before dropping my cheek and letting it slap against the other cheek with a heavy thud. ‘Cum again for me…’ he whispers as he reach over my expansive belly and jiggles it enthusiastically ‘look at how fucking fat you are Rachel, you’re literally bed bound because you can’t stop stuffing your face with unhealthy fattening junk food! Do you have any idea how much it’s costs just to keep you satisfied? Of course you don’t, it’s literally hundreds a day! But you don’t care anyway, you’re to selfish to care about anything other than piling more food into your gut as you sit on your fat lazy ass expecting me to wait on you all day and night. Are you listening to me Rachel or are you to distracted by the food in front of you?’ ‘F-FUCK! Charlie…I’m..I’m…cumm..AHH..ing!’ I squeal with orgasmic pleasure feeling my fat inner thigh rolls become wet. ‘Jesus Christ Rachel!’ Charlie snaps jolting backward on the bed. ‘W-what baby?’ I pant still trying to catch my breath. ‘You’ve squirted!’ He says with amazement as he once again separates my ass cheeks and pulls out the now soggy cum soaked burger.‘You still wanna taste yourself?’ He follows up with a grin across his handsome face as he holds the burger closer to my lips. ‘Feed me…’ I pant quietly as my mouth drops open and Charlie smiles as he begins to fold the half eaten bap into my mouth, luckily my pussy juice has made the burger soggy so I can easily stuff the whole thing into my mouth. ‘UUUUUURRRRRRPPPPPP! You’re right, I do taste good!’ I giggle as Charlie lovingly pats my belly. ‘You’re such a fucking pig! No wonder you’re completely bed bound!’ ‘You love how much of a immobile pig I am!’ ‘I want you fatter and even more disgusting…’ he whispers as he reaches over my huge useless body and picks up the fourth burger for me. ‘Do you want me to fart whilst fucking?’ I ask curiously before sinking my teeth into the fourth bap. ‘Fuck yes! Please don’t ever stop yourself from farting! I want you to loose any control you have left over your ass!’ Charlie admits as he once again spreads my ass cheeks but this time he finally slides his big throbbing dick between them. The feeling of his cock eagerly searching for my fat pussy turns me on even more, I literally feel like the sexiest girl in the world right now, no matter how fat I get, how much I eat and fart, Charlie will always desire me! It doesn’t take him long to find my tight wet slit, sometimes he gently eases his member into me but not this time, Charlie grips a big handful of one of my side rolls hard and rams his dick deep inside of me causing my entire body to jolt and jiggle uncontrollably! ‘FUCK! YES!’ I squeal orgasmically. ‘No talking! I don’t want your mouth open unless you’re cramming more food into it!’ Charlie snaps slapping my belly forcefully. *PPPPHHHHTTT* ‘Fuck yes! That’s more like it! Keep letting them rip big girl!’ *FFFFFHHHHHHHTTTTTTT* ‘God they stink! I absolutely love it!’ Charlie admits as he ploughs me harder and harder. This is what being a feedee is all about, 2 people who love each other sharing a passionate and intimate moment whilst being stuffed from both ends at the same time! The fact that I’m actually allowed to fart and burp as much as I want is just the cherry on the cake! Speaking of cake, I’ve finished all my burgers, I’m not even going to stop and take a breather. I know how much it turns Charlie on when I just eat and eat and eat without stopping, he absolutely loves me being an uncontrollable glutton. *FFFFFFFFHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTT* ‘C-Charlie…I’m out of UUURRRPP food….’ I pant about 10 later after finishing both my cakes greedily. ‘You’ve finished already?!’ Charlie asks with shock. ‘Yeah UURRPPP but I want more…’ ‘You really are a greedy fucking pig!’ He laughs lovingly as he pulls his member out of me. ‘I know… *FFFFFHHHHTTTT* …get me something that’ll make me extra gassy for you!’ I ask biting my lip with excitement. ‘I’ll be right back!’ Charlie returns a few minutes later carry a medium sized cherry pie, rhubarb pie and 4 tins of spray cream. He bowls over to me and places the pies with my arms reach then instantly holds a can of cream to my lips. I latch on and Charlie pulls the trigger, I watch his flaccid dick once’s again rise and stiffen as I greedily and quickly gulp down the caloric cream. I drain all 4 tins before Charlie hops back behind me and once again slides himself deep into me, I’m so fucking wet and horny by this point that I don’t even hesitate to begin scoffing the down the first pie. By the time I get 3/4 of the way through I begin to feel a familiar churning feeling in my stomach. *PPPPPPPHHHHHTTTTTT* *FFFFFFFFFFFHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTT* *PPPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTT* Yep. I’ve gotta go! ‘B-Baby…I need to shit mph again…’ ‘What right now?’ Charlie asks seemingly annoying that I’ve stopped him pounding at my ass. ‘Yeah, sorry Charlie, it must be the cream’ ‘Don’t apologise Rachel!’ He says as he shuffles round and throws one of his legs over mine like he’s mounting a cow, I feel his big heavy balls press into my thigh fat as he leans forward and once again grabs my ass cheek and separates it from the other cheek. ‘You ready?’ He follows up. ‘What about the *FFFHHHTT* bedpans?’ ‘There’s a diaper sheet down there, that’ll do for now’ ‘You *PPPPHHHTTTT* sure?’ I confirm as I desperately try to hold this shit in. ‘Yes I’m sure, do it, shit on the bed like the useless fat pig you are!’ Charlie begs as he slaps and squeezes my belly affectionately. *FFFFFPPPPTTTT* ‘Ooooh fuck! It’s coming!’ ‘I see it! Holy fuck it’s looking huge!’ ‘Shiiiit! It’s big! Aaahhhh fuck! My ass!’ ‘It’s literally massive Rachel! Like an actual log!’ Charlie tells me as I watch his dick throb with excitement, I’ve never seen his member look so big and hard! I’m so turn on by this situation that all I can do is revert but to my most natural instinct, eating! I grab the second pie and literally begin stuffing handfuls into my mouth like the greedy slob i am! ‘Fuck, this is so hot!’ Charlie admits weakly as his head switches between me eating and my ass shitting simultaneously. His left hand finds his cock and he can’t help but start masturbating over me. God it turns me on. Just knowing that Charlie loves how absolutely fat and useless I am makes my orgasm begin to build once again. ‘AAAHHH FUCK! C-Charlie, mph, I’m gonna…cum…’ ‘Me..to..Rachel..’ As I stuff the last handful of pie into my mouth, my orgasm erupts from deep inside my pussy staying juices throughout all the rolls and crevices between my fat thighs. Just as my shit breaks off and hits the mattress with a heavy thud, I watch a stream of thick white cum eject out the end of Charlie’s big dick! It squirts across the entirety on my body in a line from my upper thigh all the way to my face, as I feel hot wet droplets hit me! ‘Fuck!’ Charlie moans orgasmically as he collapses onto of my obese body. ‘That was different…’ he follows up after catching his breath. ‘That…was fucking hot!’ I admit with a giggle. ‘Yeah it was! I guess I’d better clean the mess up…’ ‘No leave it, just stay here for a bit..’ ‘But Rachel, the smell…’ ‘I like it…it’s just a reminder of how useless and fat I am…’ I say with a hint of both pride and embarrassment. ‘Yeah, okay, I understand’ Charlie says as he strokes my sweat hair. ‘What do you fancy for lunch?’ He asks being a typical feeder. ‘Something really fattening!’ I reply as I rub my belly lovingly.