■0 ・あの時石にされたはずだが… It must've been that time* we were turned to stone... (*See Danko Kyohi!) ・数時間前 A few hours earlier. ・気がついたら別の場所にいた I'm now at a different place. ・(何故か全裸で…) (Somehow, I'm completely naked...) ・近くには俺に当てた手紙が置いてあった There was a letter left near me. ・どうやら事件は解決されて石化解除の処置をされてここに置かれていたらしい Apparently, the incident was solved and the depetrification measures were done here. ・ウォルへ To Wol, ・おう、王立騎士団のグランだ。 Hey, it's Glen of the Temple Knights. ・ライオスと一緒に石化解除の処置をして屋敷の一室に運んでおいたぞ。 You and Laios were carried together to a room in a mansion to be depetrified. ・他のやつらも別屋で回復していってるはずだ。 The others should be recuperating at a separate house. ・奴は拘束して王都へ搬送しておいたから安心しとけ。 The culprit has been caught, bound, and is being transported to the royal capital, so don't worry about that. ・状況を見るにウォルが先に回復するとおもうがまだ身体も本調子じゃねぇだろうから無理すんじゃねぇぞ。 Based on the situation, you'll recover first but you won't feel right back to normal so don't push yourself. ・ラオイスはどうしてもおまえと同部屋になっちまったかが  ま…見なかったことにしてやれな。 If you're wondering why only the two of you were in the same room... well, if you see it, pretend you didn't. ・王立騎士団のグラン Glen of the Temple Knights ・しかし… However... ■1 ・ラ…ライオス L-Laios ・射精した状態で石にされたのか? He was petrified while cumming? ・いったい何でこんな姿に… Why would they even do that to him while he's like that... ■2 ・くそ…こんな姿のライオスで反応してしまいそうだ Damn... I ended up reacting to Laios looking like that. ・ただでさえ、あの時ライオスがあいつに身体を弄り回されているのを見て不覚にも興奮してしまったのもあって And also, watching Laios being fondled by that guy at that time ended up with me getting turned on. ・お…収まらない I-I can't keep it in. ■3 ・しかし…ライオスに触れられる機会なんて今しか… However... now's my only chance of touching him... ・す…少し触るだけなら許されるだろうか… J-just touching a little would be okay, right... ■4 ・ラオイスの…石になった…精液…こいつ  こんな勢いよく飛ばずのか… Laios'...petrified...cum... He... really came that strong...? ・く…完全に硬くなってしまった Kh... It hardened all the way.