JEAN O'KEEFE, in the dorm room she shares with Carmen Camacho, reads a letter. A window is visible behind her.


"Hey Jean, got any new leads on who Salvadora is?"

Jean starts talking excitedly towards the camera. In the background we see someone (SALVADORA) open the window from outside.


As a matter of fact, YES!

Jean does more bragging about how good of a reporter she is while Salvadora enters the room behind her, completely unnoticed by Jean.


As a TOP-NOTCH investigative reporter, I'm always developing new leads!

Salvadora takes off her mask, her hair shortening to her civilian length.


Criminal justice majors are 78% more likely to be superheroes than any other major!

The now-unmasked CARMEN CAMACHO wriggles into her jeans as Jean continues talking, and thinking.


Come to think of it, CARMEN'S a criminal justice major...

Jean turns to see the now fully-in-civvies Carmen behind her, looking at her.


When did YOU get here?