"So, are you sure about this? The full trip is going to take a day or two, at the very least~" Neil said those words as he loomed over a crouched, yellow dragon, the creature unable to stop itself from staring at the deer's gray, chubby belly as he explained all the little intricacies about what the two of them were planning to do. "Once you get that deep, I can't really cough you up or anything. Not that I would..." he continued to monologue, before noticing where the dragon's attention was and gripping his gut a little bit to tease his future stomach explorer a little bit. Neil was no stranger to the more adventurous prey folk seeking him out due to his rather unique digestive anatomy, and the dragon before him, name of Pilar, was no different. The yellow, spine-covered dragon looked pretty big and hard to get down, but also deliciously meaty, enough that Neil was already starting to drool a little bit just thinking about what was to come next! "But if you're sure about it, like, super-duper 100% ABSOLUTELY sure..." Neil continued as he got down to the sitting dragon’s level a little bit, bending down onto his knees and then laying flat on the floor before looking up at the dragon and opening his maw...as wide as it could possibly go, strands of drool glinting in the light as they were snapped in half by the movement, a warm wave of deer breath rolling out over the face of the dragon who was already starting to lean in for a better look. "Just place your hand inside~" Pilar couldn't believe he was actually getting to do this. When he put out that feeler in his local Telegram group for somebody to play around with something like this, he had no idea how quickly it would lead to something. Something so...permanent. So real. The dragon knew what he was signing up for with this, that he would be squished and swallowed and digested deep in Neil's guts, pushed from chamber to chamber like any other meal ...but the thought enticed him. Titillated him, even...it was still so unreal to be actually peering into the throat that would claim him, though. Smell that stale breath, let the powerful scent wash over his body, feel the radiating off of every inch of Neil’s flesh inside...watch the throat in the back as it clenched and undulated, waiting for the dragon to make a move. A move That was irrevocable. Once he did it, there was no going back... He did it just a few seconds later. Placed his hand against Neil’s tongue, shivered a little bit as he felt the squish of the strong, fleshy appendage against his hand...Neil smiling a little bit as he felt the dragon already starting to root around a bit in his mouth, pushing closer and closer to the back of his throat. He loved when people just fed themselves to him. The deer didn't have to do anything at this point. He just let Pilar go at his own pace, push further and further into the back of his mouth until one of those errant hand movements finally triggered a fleshy clench from his throat muscles! Pilar gasping and flinching a little bit as he felt the gullet grab onto his hand and tug downwards, the movement pulling his muzzle right into the embrace of Neil's mouth. There truly was no going back for the dragon now. His chin squished against that flat, slimy carpet of flesh, his other hand darting forward to try and catch up with the one that was currently halfway inside of Neil's throat! Pilar was fully committed to this course of events now, his face entirely inside of Neil's mouth as he stuffed his other arm right into the back of the deer's throat - throwing even Neil off guard with how eager he was being! There really wasn't a choice for the dragon with how deep he was inside of Neil's body at this point, though. Even if Neil wanted to, retching the arm back up would cause one hell of an argument with his body. Thankfully, that wasn't the plan~ Neil got the opportunity to lick and slather his tongue across the entirety of Pilar's head and neck as the dragon continued to feed himself to the deer, Neil's throat muscles pulling and tugging on the dragon without the deer needing to even make the conscious decision to swallow him further down. Pilar and his body would be doing pretty much all of the work at this point, and the deer could just lay down and slowly feel the gut beneath him start to grow and swell once Pilar worked his way deeper inside. His throat took another hearty swallow as Pilar's other hand touched against the back of his tongue, locking both of the dragon's wrists tightly in deer gullet and bringing Pilar's shoulders right up to Neil's pursed lips. Certainly a challenge for the deer to work his mouth around, but one he had summited several times in the past, and one he was not going to fail this time...especially with such an eager and willing prey! Already, Pilar was shimmying from side to side to work his way deeper into Neil's gullet, squeezing his shoulders as close together as they possibly could go to make it that tiniest bit easier for his predator as the deer's throat continued to walk its way over the dragon’s arms, and soon, his muzzle and snout. Pilar bracing for the swallow that would plunge all of his senses into the deer's body, leave his hearing muffled like he was underwater and his vision completely black, save for maybe the slightest possible red tint if Pilar focused enough...which was very obviously difficult to do in the situation he was currently in! The dragon wasn't going to have to wait for too much longer, though. Neil felt some part of Pilar's body trigger his swallow reflex, and he was more than happy to comply, throat clenching to pull in Pilar's entire head with one powerful motion. His neck and shoulders came along for the ride as well, which meant that nearly half of the yellow dragon's body was now inside of Neil's mouth, and the weight of what was inside was starting to pull the rest of him down into those digestive depths as well! Even through the tight, slimy flesh that pressed against his head, Pilar could still feel the echoing gurgles from the stomach below him, angry and impatient and more than prepared to take the dragon on a very long, very intimate journey through itself...Neil still had to finish his end of the job, though! The deer lifting his head up and back a little bit to sort of scoop Pilar's waist and thighs up between his lips with the help of his tongue. Getting between those legs, of course, lapping up as much of the dragon's flavor as he could while it was still a possibility...these fleeting moments of flavor danced their lives across his tongue, but he kept wanting to relive them for as long as he could! And yet, he could already see the end of his meal, those claw-tipped feet at the edge of his vision, just over the edge of his muzzle now. He almost didn't want to continue swallowing, just let the dragon wiggle around in there for a little bit so he could savor his meal...but the gears had already been set in motion, and there simply was no going back for either of them. In just a few minutes, Neil would have an extremely full rumen, and that was just a fact of the world that the two of them were living in now. The slightest twitch from Pilar deep inside Neil's throat triggered another powerful swallow, one that was enough to suck up those flailing legs and most of the dragon’s thick tail, leaving the deer with the just the thick, yellow noodle to slurp up before his scaled meal was all packed away. A nice, meaty toy for him to chew and nibble on for a good minute or so, before the fact that he had an entire dragon in his throat made it more than a little bit hard to breathe and he - rather laboriously - swallowed down the last of Pilar. Letting out a long, breathy sigh of contentment as his lungs filled once more, his gut growing beneath him as Pilar slid down and curled up inside of the rumen. The dragon being tickled on all sides by microscopic papillae that projected from the stomach walls, helping to create the fermenting sac that the Roman really was! It wasn't exactly what the dragon expected, even from the wilder side of digestive anatomy, but, well, Neil had told him that his insides were a bit wacky! That ticklish surprise was milking quite a few squirms out of the dragon as he tried his best to get comfortable inside of the rumen...finding papillae at every angle poking and pressing against his scales, all while Neil pressed every last ounce of his weight down onto the dragon. He definitely was not going to be moving from this spot for a good long while, and that wasn't just because he was in a very compromising position, like a turtle stuck on its back... Usually Neil would give a sort of guided tour of his digestive tract to those who were entering it, but it was a spiel he had repeated so many times, and he was so full with the dragon that he felt like a surprise for him would be a little bit more enjoyable for the both of them! Besides, each step of the process would take a good few hours, so they would be stuck together for quite a good while...wergh. At least Neil had some TV to watch, though he couldn't...quite...reach the remote. He had to rock back and forth on his belly a few times to get the required momentum to move forward, which, of course, Pilar was not the most appreciative of inside of Neil...though he couldn't really do much about it except grumble and complained a little bit while he tried his best to get used to the sensation of being constantly tickled. You would think that your skin would kind of just go numb to the sensation after some point, but that sure didn't seem to be the case for Pilar so far, unfortunately! He would have a good few hours in here to force himself to get acclimated to the environment, at the very least! Though it would probably be in his best interest to not get used to the relative amount of space he had in this holding and fermenting chamber, because the ones ahead had quite a bit less to afford the dragon... Over the next hour or so, as Pilar was jostled and pushed around by the movement of the stomach around him as well as the deer that it belonged to, he realized that one of the walls that surrounded him wasn't as solid as he once thought. No, it was almost like a flap or curtain of tissue that the dragon could just sort of...push his way through, though of course it was still quite difficult to find his way towards and through it in the complete darkness and the constantly-shifting surroundings of Neil’s stomach. Regardless, he did finally ferret his way into the much-smaller reticulum, though he didn't manage to do it without a wry comment from Neil as the deer continued to rest on the bulge that he made! "Ooh, so eager to go deeper already...I guess you're more than okay with it getting real tight in there~" he snarkily commented as he pressed down on the lump that was sort of moving around underneath his gray pelt, helping to move Pilar along deeper into his guts. A bit ahead of schedule, even! That was more than fine with Neil, though. Just meant less time before he could actually get up and start moving again. Though Pilar had moved on to another stomach chamber, there still wasn't much actual digestion taking place yet. The reticulum mostly functioned as a filter that would allow smaller things to pass through deeper into Neil's guts, while rejecting the more solid bits and pushing them back into the rumen so they could be processed and fermented a little bit more. The rumen didn’t have a chance in hell of breaking Pilar down into smaller bits, though, so he was just going to end up kind of being brute forced deeper after some time spent in the reticulum! The tight walls kept pressing and pushing on the dragon, attempting to force him deeper inside before realizing that it just wasn't going to happen and giving up for a few minutes before restarting the cycle all over again. Not exactly a nice feeling for Pilar, or Neil for that matter, to be honest! His guts all lurchin' and groanin’ in there as they tried to pass a full, live meal into his omasum was always the hardest part of demonstrations like this, but he had gotten used to it over time, and was relatively prepared for what this part of the journey would entail. Pilar? Well...he was just wishing for the part where he would actually get pushed through at this point! The deer’s gut was not treating him tenderly, that was for sure...constantly squeezing against him from all sides, putting every last bit of the impressive force that they had behind each push before the contractions faded away, almost like the stomach was giving up for the time being. The only bright spot for Pilar is that with each of these powerful contractions, he could feel his body being compacted and pushed into the opening ahead of him...though he didn't exactly want to think about what kind of crazy contortions he was being made to do in order to fit into such a hole! After a good hour or two of this constant, unending tenderizing from Neil's stomach, to the point where Pilar was having trouble feeling where he was inside of the deer’s gut, the stomach around to the dragon finally lurched and pushed just enough to shove him through on into the omasum - Neil moaning a little bit as he felt all that weight shifting around inside of him! Having that tiny opening stretched so far and wide always felt so damn good to the deer, and of course, this time was proving to be no different. The omasum itself was a decent bit larger than the tiny opening that Pilar was still being pushed through, but it was still of course not sized for a fully-grown dragon, the lump inside of Neil's belly moving around quite dramatically as his innards pushed and shoved Pilar about until he was properly settled in the third stomach chamber. The omasum's walls were covered in these thin, almost book-like leaflets of flesh that rubbed along every inch of his squirmy, scaly form; if he was a less solid bit of food, they would actually be doing a pretty good job of absorbing the water and minerals from his body right now, and Pilar was strangely starting to feel a tiny bit dryer in here even as he was still immersed in stomach sludge; but everything these other chambers were doing was still mostly window dressing for what was up ahead. The abomasum: the true stomach, where the real gurgling would start to happen...though, to Neil, with all the sloshing and gurgling his innards were making, along with the constant belches that were being forced up, it was pretty hard to tell if he was actually digesting somebody yet or not! With a few pokes and prods, though, Neil was pretty sure that Pilar had made his way into the omasum now. "Third chamber already, huh? You seem so incredibly willing to just, mmmf, wiggle your way through my guts, huh? Not like I'm complaining, of course~" the deer commented as he reached for the TV remote once more, feeling the kind of sleepiness that could only come from an incredibly-heavy meal starting to overtake him...yeah, a nap sounded pretty good right about now. By the time he woke up, the dragon would almost certainly have slid into his fourth and final stomach chamber, and that was where the fun would really start to begin for him! As much fun as it was to pump Pilar through all of his bellies, there wasn't really too much he could actually do the dragon until got into fourth, churnier gut, so a little bit of a time skip was just what the doctor ordered, honestly~ Pilar wasn't all too thrilled when he heard the deep, rumpling snores of the deer around him...had Neil already gotten bored or had he really spent that much time inside of the ungulate’s guts already? Either realization was a rather shocking one, but now that Neil had fallen asleep, his body could dedicate every drop of energy towards processing and pushing the dragon deeper into Neil's digestive tract...the powerful, muscular walls of the omasum honestly manhandling Pilar a little bit, pushing and shoving him around without mercy, trying their best to wick away and absorb all the water and electrolytes in the dragon's body like they made to do...even if he was still quite a bit too solid to actually get anywhere with that sort of thing! The fleshy walls clenched in and out with every loud snore the deer took, squeezing Pilar like a stress ball and continuing to push him towards a tight opening near the bottom of the chamber... Eventually, just like with every other chamber, it was one powerful lurching clench of flesh that managed to generate the power needed to push Pilar through to the next stomach chamber...though, this time, only his head had been pushed through; that was just how tight it was down here in the deepest regions of the deer’s digestive tract! It was kind of awkward, and honestly a bit uncomfortable, to have that tight sphincter constantly clenching and squeezing over his shoulders, but eventually a couple more powerful contractions came from the omasum to shove more of his body through that opening until eventually all of him was crammed inside of the tight tube that would be his transport to the final stomach chamber. Almost a miniature intestine, it was, squeezing waves of peristalsis pushing the dragon’s tenderized body deeper into the roiling cauldron that he could steadily hear getting louder and louder up ahead...one more powerful push shoving him headfirst into the digestive then that was the hungry abomasum~ Those few powerful shoves, and the squirms in a new location that Neil felt succeeding them a few moments later, turned out to be just enough movement to rouse the deer from the slumber he was in, immediately smirking and reaching down to rub and grope over the bulges in his stomach as they continued to move deeper into his gut. "Heh, looks like you settled in right quick~" Neil commented as he felt all that movement immediately force up a thick, fragrant belch, a tiny bit more room now being freed up inside of his abomasum...room that would immediately be seized on by the tight, clenching walls of the chamber! Pilar immediately found himself immersed in a much more bubbly, sizzling kind of fluid, a cocktail of gastric enzymes that were much more stomach-like in consistency and function. The stomach walls constantly squeezing inward, massaging them into Pilar’s scales...they were pretty strong, but they would only be able to hold up for so long, especially in such a hostile environment. He could already feel some of his extremities starting to tingle ever-so-slightly, a preview of what was most certainly still to come as his time in the abomasum continued! Neil really started to squeeze and push inward on his stomach now, delighting in the feeling of Pilar already starting to soften and squelch up inside of him...all of that vigorous massaging doing quite a good job of forcing up a bouquet of fragrant, blaring belches from the deer, Neil letting each one rip as powerfully as he could as he pushed down on the dragon inside of his gut~ Pilar already found the environment in here to be incredibly tight and unforgiving, but with Neil constantly pushing and pressing against him from every angle, it just made it even more difficult to tell where the next surge of pressure was going to come from! Constantly sloshing him around in here, dunking and then pushing him out of the thick stomach sludge that was continuing to fill the steadily-dwindling room inside of the chamber. And as digestion continued, the stuff only continued to get thicker and thicker, to an almost pudding-like consistency...Pilar didn’t really want to think about why that was occurring, but there was really only one conclusion to come to in regards to it right now. Neil felt the thickening, sludgy contents of his stomach SLOSH weightily forward as he rolled onto his side, the momentum almost pulling him right off of the couch in the process! "Urgh. Okay, you're still pretty solid in there..." Neil groaned as he attempted to readjust himself...though it was Pilar that was feeling the rush even more! The movement had sent him tumbling headfirst into that stomach sludge, leaving him sputtering and spitting as he attempted to right himself inside of the constantly-changing landscape around him. And, as his strength continued to diminish, that was becoming more and more of an impossibility for the dragon. It felt like he was trying to trudge through a swamp in here every time he wanted to so much as make the tiniest movement inside of Neil...and still, those enzymes would be taking quite a long time to fully get through to Pilar, so he was still going to be here for a while! Inside this sweltering, mulching chamber, so eager and so very able to turn him into nothing but calories. Just like he expected, and wanted to happen to him...there was, of course, quite a bit of panic coursing through his body as it actually happened to him, but in the end, he still knew that this was what he wanted, was looking for. To be a part of this powerful body... Of course, for Neil, it was just dinner, the deer idly scratching his belly as it loudly mulched and gurgled and glorped the dragon inside away...those fingers eventually exploring into his navel region every now and again, pressing forward to see just how deep they could go to judge how big his gut still was! It was a rather novel method of seeing how far along his digestion was, but it was one that Neil rather enjoyed, actually. That area was always nice and sensitive, doubly so whenever he was packed full of a big, squirming meal...mmf. All of this movement was starting to get him a bit horny. Not enough to act on it or anything, but just enough to enjoy the trickle of hormones that came with arousal. That, and the full, sloshing stomach pressing up against his growing bulge, Pilar's frantic (but tapering) squirms pressing right up against it every now and again...! There wasn't much more that the dragon could do inside Neil at this point. His strength had been almost completely drained, just like his soupy form was about to be drained into Neil's intestines for a more intimate, thorough digestion. He was more the consistency of a thick sludge at this point, reduced to that form by a practiced, hungry stomach...Neil gasping and moaning as he felt all that sloshing, thick weight slowly, yet consistently get pumped even deeper into his guts, Pilar barely even aware of what was happening to him at this point, or even that there was a him to be aware of, honestly! That sense of self had almost been completely digested along with the rest of him. To the both of them, Pilar was just calories now, nutrition to be absorbed and put to use on Neil's perfect, round form...the intestines eagerly drinking up everything that they were being given, performing a much more thorough, intimate digestion on what was left of the dragon as he took that long, winding trip through what felt like miles and miles of bowels. Though, even in this digested, melted-down and reduced state, the ticklish sensation of those thousands of villi rubbing over whatever was left of his body was still so very ticklish! It made the dragon feel so squirmy and antsy, even though he didn't have much of a body left to wiggle or squirm with, necessarily. Neil lazily jerked off as he watched his belly slowly shrink and start to round out ever-so-slightly; to an untrained eye, it would be difficult to tell the minute differences in his stomach size and shape, but Neil had watched this process so many times that he could really discern each small change. And, mmh, how he enjoyed observing each one! He still didn't quite feel like going all the way to orgasm, but playing with himself on the couch as he felt all that sludge being pushed through his guts...yeah, that was a pretty perfect way to finish off his day, to be honest. He had done quite a bit of work in sending Pilar through all four of his stomachs, and now he would really get to sit back, relax, and enjoy the fruits of his labor. Drum his fingers over his belly, heft it up every now and again to hear and feel that thick slosh jostling around so deep inside of his body...knowing throughout the whole situation that it was exactly what Pilar wanted to happen to him. Or, well, what the barely-sentient gut sludge currently being pumped through the middle of his small intestine wanted to happen to it! Always nice to indulge a preyslut when they came knocking on his door, looking for something different than the usual fare for a predator...