"Hmm-hmm-hmmmmm…" Nellie hummed a little tune in her head to match the song she was thinking of as flitted around the kitchen. Cooking was always such a relaxing thing for the doe to partake in, a way to express her creativity and interests in an art form that was also essential to life! Today wasn't anything special, just some braised fish with a side of asparagus; but while she had the fish simmering in some flavorful stock, the doe had decided to step out for a minute while it soaked up all that flavor. And that ended up being the decision that changed the rest of her night, arguably for the better! The doe wasn't alone in her house that night. Unbeknownst to her, she was sharing that living space with a small moth named Diode…well, small by people standards. Diode was actually a rather large moth himself, coming in at about six inches tall, and the fluffy little guy had flown in through a window that Nellie had left open earlier. He might have had quite a bit more intelligence than your average moth, but Diode is still couldn't help himself when there was a big source of light shining out into the cool, quiet night! Once he had actually gotten into the house, though, it was something else that attracted him towards the kitchen. The smell of whatever Nellie was making, meaty yet sweet…a delight to the point where Diode found himself flying into the kitchen without even really realizing it! The moth soon alighted onto the rim of the big pot that Nellie was using to braise the fish in, dangling over the edge and letting the hot steam pillow up onto his face in the process. For Diode, it was like standing at the mouth of a volcano! The bubbling liquid beneath him, occasionally popping and spraying out hot drops of fluid that Diode was having trouble dodging. Like his allure to a light, though, once the moth got interested in something, he was pretty much going to drop everything else to look at it, to be around it…even if that meant becoming completely oblivious to the fact that Nellie was walking back into the kitchen! "Okay. Chop the asparagus, drain the fish, use some of that leftover stock as a sauce -" the deer said out loud to herself as she made her way to the stove once more, before quite suddenly cutting herself off as she realized that she had an unannounced, potentially unwanted visitor in the form of Diode. For Nellie, though, micros were more of an annoyance than something to be afraid of, so the doe just kind of rolled her eyes as she realized that she'd left the window open. "Dang it, how'd you get in here? Shoo, shoo..." the deer admonished as she waved her hand around frantically towards Diode, the moth surprised at first, but then heeding Nellie's warning and preparing to take off into some other corner of her house. At least, that's what he was going to do before he accidentally tripped on the lip of the pot he was standing on while trying to fly away, causing him to tumble to the ground in a goofy little scene...though it was less goofy for the moth, considering the smack he took when he landed on the floor knocked him out cold for a few minutes! Nellie just kind of leaned over and looked at the moth who'd just eaten shit a few inches in front of her, a mixture of bewilderment and amusement on her face. "Well...that was something." the doe said to herself, considering just going back to finishing her cooking before realizing that she could perhaps use Diode to help out the meal a little bit...! And that's what Diode saw when he came back to consciousness. The moth stumbled to his feet slowly, attempting to walk forward as he realized he was on the doe’s kitchen table before finding out that he had been trapped underneath a small glass jar! The moth made a little THUMP as he walked right into the transparent material; though this time, at least, he didn't land hard enough to knock himself out. When he turned to the right, though, he got another surprise that did almost knock him right back to the floor, though. Nellie sitting at her dinner table, a steaming plate of the fresh meal she had just made in front of her, scowling down at the jarred moth that she had turned into the centerpiece of her dining room table! "Well, look who's back. I hope you didn't get any moth dust in my stock." Nellie said plainly as she grabbed the fork to her right, preparing to dig into the meal she had prepared...but not before continuing to chat up the captive audience she had! "So, here's how this is going to go. I'm going to enjoy my meal here. You can watch if you want, I imagine you do. Once I'm finished, I think I'm going to have you as dessert.~" Diode’s eyes went wide as he heard what Nellie told him. Was...did he hear that right? Her voice was quite muffled by the enclosure he found himself in, it was entirely possible. And yet, the look on Nellie's face still made him nervous regardless. Nervous enough to start tapping and thumping on the glass some more, even as Nellie completely ignored everything he was doing to just start her meal like she had planned. As the deer took that first bite, her face immediately lit up. Not only because it genuinely did taste so good, but also to exaggerate and tease the moth a little bit with where he was going to go afterwards! That exaggeration even extended into some things that the deer was a little bit less comfortable with; chewing with her mouth open, talking while chewing, that kind of thing. Mannerisms that were considered impolite and kind of gross, but also good for teasing a nosy little moth about where he was going to end up once the deer finished her plate! And she was well on her way to doing just that, inhaling the fish and asparagus without even realizing it, honestly. She was far too focused on teasing and taunting Diode to realize just how quickly she had burned through what was on her plate… In fact, the deer dug her fork down into the plate just a minute later, her gaze so focused on the moth she had trapped that she didn't even realize there was nothing left on her plate for her to devour! Nellie belched quietly into her hand as she looked back up from her plate, her eyes aligning on Diode once more before she leaned forward and reached out for the jar that had become his temporary home. As she did so, she opened her mouth wide to let Diode pure in and see the mess inside, all the chunks and bits of sludgy food that was still leftover…not the most pleasant sight for the moth to see, for sure! He recoiled a bit at first as that messy mouth started to fill up his entire field of view, Nellie huffing her warm deer breath against the glass as she brought it back to where she was sitting…fogging it up, allowing the heat of her innards to radiate through into the jar a little bit. At that point, the moth started to turn back towards her, just a little bit…at first, he was still more than a bit perturbed by what he was looking at. But there was a bit of curiosity. Started to walk forward towards the alluring sight, especially as Nellie brought her mouth up even closer to the jar, to the point where her tongue was starting to ooze and press up against the glass! The doe was certainly having plenty of fun teasing Diode over where he was going to end up, especially as she saw how the moth was becoming more and more susceptible to her mouthy charms… "Snrk! So much for your self-preservation, little guy. I can see you staring right into the back of my throat…" Nellie said a few seconds later, her words partially muffled by the thick glass, but Diode was more than capable of understanding where she was going…the doe opened her mouth again once more, planting her tongue against the glass and taking a long lick that left greasy saliva and little bits of leftover food smeared along the slick, shiny surface…guh. Was it getting hot in here, or was it just Diode? Probably both, honestly. He couldn't stop himself from staring right at that dangling uvula in the back, starting to even daydream a little bit about what it might be like to be in there. Being tossed around in that hot, slimy mouth by Nellie, held in there for as long as she wanted before he disappeared down with the rest of the meal she had just ravenously devoured. "Well, far be it from me to keep a moth from his flame…" the deer acquiesced with a very exaggerated, fake roll of her eyes. She tilted and lifted the bottom of the jar right up to her mouth, planting her lips against the plastic to make sure Diode would be going exactly where she wanted him to go while she started to unscrew the lid. Diode let out a little squeak as the jar he was in suddenly became inverted, the moth scrabbling to the side of the jar in an attempt to hold on to the glass while he started fluttering to try and right himself. And he managed to do just that, but his reward was just the floor falling away from him as Nellie quickly tossed the lid aside and replaced the seal with her lips! The doe's open maw was now what lay at the other side of the jar, Diode frantically scrabbling towards the back as the fleshy pit yawned open in front of him. The environment around the moth started to get warmer almost immediately, the glass fogging up like a mirror after a shower in a matter of seconds as the doe huffed her humid, fish-scented breath right into Diode. "MlaaAaah~ muht be cohd out thew, huh?" the doe attempted to say as she slowly slid her tongue inside the jar, the slime-covered appendage probing frantically to catch even the slightest bit of fuzz for it to latch onto. And Diode obviously couldn't just hover there forever! The moth's face soured up as he was forced to just bake in the warmth of the doe's mouth without even being inside it, the muggy heat almost making him feel like he was melting inside of this jar…but there was obviously only one exit! Eventually, Nellie's tongue did make contact. It brushed by one of Diode's legs, the moth shivering as he felt the slimy warmth make quick contact before retreating back into her mouth. That quick flick of motion was enough to pull Diode down a little bit, though, and that was all that Nellie needed to get her dessert. That tongue came shooting back out a second later, wrapping underneath Diode’s legs and starting to pull the moth into the inky-black darkness of her hungry maw. Diode’s wings beat madly as he attempted to flutter back to the top of the jar, but the little hairs on his legs had been lapped up by the deer’s rough, wet tongue, and now there was nowhere for him to go but down. The doe’s tongue worked up and down behind his body, sliding up the moth's back and silencing those wings that had made the whole thing a little bit difficult for her. Diode could only grimace as the entirety of his back was coated in warm drool, flecks of leftover food getting mixed into his fur as he was dragged between those lips, reeled in like a flopping fish. He winced a little bit as his head grazed past the tips of her flat teeth, which soon clacked shut behind him to cement his status as tonight's dessert! Of course, Nellie wasn't going to swallow him just yet. He was obviously so enamored with her mouth, it was only fair to give him a whole tour of the place! She started by mushing the moth against the roof of her mouth with that powerful, muscular tongue, trying to decide how she felt about the texture of the insect as she gradually worked Diode into her cheeks. As he got, well, soggier, he definitely started to get a bit more palatable, but Nellie wouldn't be writing home about his flavor, to say the least; though it was still somewhat covered up by the remnants of her last meal. Diode was very fun to play around with in her mouth, though, smushing the insect into each of her cheeks and even using her thick tongue to curl around the moth a few times as she slowly guided the morsel to the back of her mouth. She was getting ready to swallow the moth down into her churning, full guts to cap off the evening, but she suddenly got interrupted in the process by something welling up from deep in her belly… *UUuurrrppphhh~* Nellie only opened her mouth the tiniest bit to let some of the pressure created by that belch escape. She didn't want Diode to have any chance of freedom, after all, and the extra humidity and slimy gut smell would only add to the oppressive environment inside of her mouth! Diode most certainly did not appreciate the preview he was being given of where he was about to end up; the sweet, yet fishy smell making his eyes water just a little bit with its potency. The belch acted like a little stun as well, allowing Nellie to push Diode right to the back of her throat before - *glk!* - her gullet clenched once, sucking the entire month down in a movement that barely lasted a second. The doe exhaled a big mouthful of moth breath as she felt the bug sinking into her guts, a small bulge sliding down her gray throat until it disappeared behind her breasts and collarbone. "Ech, fuzzy little guy." she commented aloud as she smacked her lips a few times, trying to ignore or fish out the little bits of fur that were still lingering in her mouth… Diode was having a much more tumultuous time as Nellie settled down to enjoy her meal, though. The throat walls around him pulsed and pushed against his entire body, shoving him several inches deeper into Nellie's body with each muscular contraction. Even for his size, these curtains of flesh were incredibly tight and unyielding in their pressure, nearly squeezing the stale breath out of his lungs with a few of them! Consistent throughout it all was the burbling and boiling of the stomach beneath him, though, which only got louder with every bit deeper he was pushed into the doe. And while he was so rudely introduced to the gastric landscape of Nellie's insides, the doe had just gotten up from the dinner table and casually started to rinse all the dishes she had used up until now. As far as Nellie was concerned, Diode was already in her stomach, stewing around in the remnants of the dish he had gotten a little too familiar with earlier! Not still worming his way down the deepest reaches of her esophagus, being squelched and held right at the entrance for a few more seconds before one incredibly-powerful muscle spasm sent him flying through the sphincter into Nellie's stomach, like a fleshy water slide that just had a huge, careening drop right in the middle of it! Diode was instantly coated in even thicker, goopier slime as he was dumped inside the doe's first chamber, a bunch of munched-up, fishy-smelling food being the only thing to accompany him inside of here… And, oh yes, it was just the first chamber. True to her species, Nellie had a four-chambered stomach that took a lavish amount of time to fully work over and digest whatever was put inside of it. Diode was going to be spending quite a lot of time in here, to say the least~ Panicked, the moth tried to fly back up to the top of Nellie's rumen, maybe pry open the sphincter that had locked him in here, but there was far too much slime coating his wings for the moth to get off the ground. No, Diode was completely, hopelessly trapped inside of Nellie now, at the whims of her digestive tract as she essentially forgot about the moth and let her body do what it did best. He was just a snack on top of her meal, after all. Did you really think about food after you ate it? After cleaning up from dinner, Nellie went upstairs to her bedroom, spending the next hour or so watching TV as she unwound for bed. Diode had made her meal ever-so-slightly heavier than normal, so the doe was feeling a touch sleepier then she would have perhaps felt without him…so maybe there was a part of her that still realized Diode was in there. The rumen didn't do much actual digestion, mostly just fermentation, so the moth was entirely able to kick and squirm and move around in there. "Ooph, almost forgot about you. Tickling me in there~" the doe commented as she reached down with a hand to palpate and poke around her gut a little bit, trying to see if she could feel exactly where the moth was inside of her…even though she didn't quite land home, Diode still didn't appreciate the finger that was pushing in from a number of angles, encroaching on what little space the moth already had in here! To put it bluntly, it was just something that the moth was going to have to get used to, though. This was Nellie's body, after all, and Diode was a guest, however unwillingly… Eventually, after playing around with her food for a little bit longer, Nellie did doze off, leaving Diode to his own devices inside of her. Though it wasn't like he had much agency in here; all he could really do was wiggle and squirm, and a good chunk of the fight had already been squeezed out of him. Sleep was out of the question, as the moth didn't know where he would wake up, or if he would even wake up; exhaustion was making it more and more difficult to make anything resembling a cogent decision as time went on. Eventually, the moth did pass out, though it was a very patchwork and spotty rest. Any little movement would jolt Diode awake, return him to the gurgling, wet prison that was his reality now…and those gut walls were moving quite a bit, determinedly shoving the moth in all sorts of directions as he fermented along with the rest of the doe’s meal. Most of these contractions were pushing Diode in the vague direction of the next chamber, the reticulum, but there had yet to be any kind of lurching clench that would actually bridge the gap between the two chambers and launch Diode into the next step of his stomach journey. No, the moth would have to wait for Nellie's body to move him along at the pace it wanted... Diode found himself jolted awake sometime later by a large, sudden movement from Nellie. His entire world inverted once again as the doe rose up from bed, stretching her arms out and letting out a lawn, satisfied yawn as she awoke...sending Diode to splat right up against the walls of her stomach! It was at that point that the moth noticed that the texture of his surroundings had changed; the slimy walls around him had these strange protrusions coming out of them now, almost honeycomb-shaped. They tickled and rubbed against every inch of Diode's body, squeezing inward and pushing him back towards the entrance to the much larger rumen before relaxing and letting the moth collapse back into the pool of fluids that he was now getting used to sharing a stomach with. It seemed at this point that all the solid bits of food had been pretty much entirely digested, though the unpleasant fishy odor of what Nellie decided to eat last night was still very present. Ugh. The moth thought he would at least get used to it over time, but that was very much not the case...and now, the fact that Nellie was up and on her feet only made everything around Diode even more chaotic and unpleasant! The first two chambers of Nellie's stomach were somewhat connected, and once Diode had been passed into the reticulum, he was liable to be pushed right back out into the rumen before being sucked back in! This process was ostensibly to sort larger particles out and let smaller particles pass deeper into the digestive tract, but, obviously, Diode was just one very large particle, and there wasn't much...melting until deeper inside the doe. So, Diode just got passed back and forth between the two chambers for a while, treated rather roughly by the gut around him. And all the while, Nellie just went about her day. Doing some stretches, hopping in the shower, things that Diode could sense the tiniest signs of even from deep inside of the doe. Of course, her morning routine included breakfast, and that was bound to impact Diode in a much more direct way...! Diode couldn't hear Nellie chewing or swallowing or anything, so he only got keyed in on what was happening when a glob of thick, chewed-up food mush suddenly splatted down inside the rumen behind him! A flood of creamy liquid that could only be milk soon came after, the sweet stuff almost immediately flooding the room and part of the reticulum that Diode still found himself in. "Oh, come on...!" the moth cried out as he tried his best to tread water inside here, though at least the milk was still relatively cool compared to the stomach sludge that he had been slowing around in for the better part of a day at this point. Though, of course, that wasn't going to last for very long! The relatively pleasing scent of cinnamon was present in the stale air for a few seconds, before it ended up just contributing to the miasma of gut stink that Diode had become quite familiar with in here...blegh. Somehow getting a taste of something even slightly palatable made the return to his environment all the worse. At least he wouldn't have to tolerate it for too much longer. It turned out that putting more food in your stomach often helped to move things along, so after only a few minutes of breakfast and Diode occupying the same space, the walls around him started to clench and push him towards the other end of the reticulum. Everything lurched for a couple seconds, until one more powerful wave of peristalsis forced Diode through that opening and into his third stop, the omasum. Thin flaps of flesh were piled on top of each other at every angle around Diode, almost like pages in a book. They scraped and rubbed against his fur, actually managing to wick away some of the accumulated liquid that had soaked into his fuzz in the process. Though, Diode wasn't entirely sure if he preferred the process by which he was being dried out! The omasum primarily functioned as a little tube that absorbed water from Nellie's food. Though it couldn't exactly do much with Diode, considering that he was still a rather large and solid piece of food, so it instead just kind of undulated and scraped over his fur. What was more important about this movement is that it put Diode one step closer to the abomasum, the true stomach where things would get quite a bit…meltier. Already, Diode could hear the sloshing and gurgling of the chamber beneath him, the stomach hard at work at whatever had slipped through the omasum before him. These first three chambers were really just to tenderize and work down Diode, and in that department, they were doing quite a great job. The moth was completely, entirely exhausted at this point, little more than a morsel for Nellie's stomach to manipulate as it saw fit while the doe went about her day as normal. Walking to work in the chilly morning air, barely even thinking about food except for when her stomach growled and the breakfast she had shifted around inside of her. One of those shifts was the one that eventually pushed Diode into her abomasum, but Nellie would be hard pressed to tell you which one had done what…! Diode’s face scrunched up as he was moved along into the abomasum, immediately being assaulted by a much more sickeningly-sweet, acidic stench then he had ever dealt with before, which was just…the worst kind of surprise for the moth to get, honestly! The food sludge that had accompanied his journey all of the way through Nellie was heavily processed this deep inside of the doe already, sifted and sorted and fermented into a fine form that was now steadily being melted down so that it could be absorbed in the deers tighter bowels. And Diode, by the end of it, he would be just as slushy and fluid as the rest of that food! The moth was already starting to feel a bit funny and tingly after just a few minutes of slopping around in here, quickly finding it a bit more difficult to move around inside of Nellie in any meaningful way. The abomasum was really starting to burble and groan now, and the walls just continued to close in around the tiny, trapped moth. It was midday for Nellie at this point, and everything she did just helped her stomach mulch up both Diode and the more regular breakfast she had much faster! Always nice to get in a good bit of activity every day, even if it was from a job she wasn't too much a fan of. By the time that Nellie had lunch, though, whatever was still in her stomach that hadn't been funneled down into her deeper guts was basically indistinguishable. If Diode was still around in there with that slosh, there was nobody that would be able to tell the difference, least of all Nellie. The doe was far too focused on how good her lunch tasted to think about the status of something she had eaten almost a day ago. Diode couldn't wiggle or really do much of anything in here to remind Nellie of what she had eaten a whole day ago at this point, especially with that tingly sensation continuing to creep over his body…it kinda felt good, though. Like the pleasant tinglies you got from cuddling with a friend, except, well, that friend was the inside of a giant deer's stomach…mmh. Nice and cozy, if a bit slimy and smelly… At some point in Nellie's day, Diode had been completely digested, at least in the stomach. The moth, or rather the rich, nutritious chyme he had been converted into was being pumped deeper into the doe's body, into that winding maze of bowels where all those nutrients would be absorbed and redistributed throughout her body. Maybe she would gain the tiniest bit of extra pudge from the moth, but really, he was so tiny that he wasn't going to affect her body much. He was just a little dessert snack, after all…at least the last bit of time he spent in there was rather euphoric and enjoyable! If the moth was still anything more than a bunch of nutrients being pumped and sloshed through deer intestines, he'd probably have a thought about how strange things turned out after he flitted through that window. For now, though, the only thoughts he could have were…slooorsh…