b7da9dd4-3291-4ec1-b95e-13a802c5762b .55 2015 mZmm Adult Medium Georgia, serif Polite false false thehotelv55.png false Blue Rech.talk = 0 Neil.talk = 0 game.sound = 1 player.tokens = 0 Horse.met = 0 Horse.scenewait = 0 Selicia.shrunk = 0 Zark.trigger = 0 Selicia.zarktrigger = 0 player.securitytrigger = 0 Rope.digested = 0 Bell.ringcount = 0 DisposalToggle.on = 0 George.AV2 = 0 = 3) { if (Got(JC Key)) { MakeObjectInvisible (Rech) } } if (player.tokens > 5) { if (Got(JC Key)) { MakeObjectVisible (Rech) } } ]]> You are in the
To the left of you is a wall. There's a red lever on the wall, labeled "{object:DisposalToggle}".]]>
false Look at Open A door, in the middle of nowhere. How odd. ClearScreen msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens, a blinding white light coming out of it. You carefully step through the door, wondering where it would take you....") wait { MoveObject (player, Lobby) } A big board with the header "Credits". Contains a lot of text. Read false the Special Thanks To:

Jeschke - code help, sounds
Freesound - sounds
rake_vuril - code help, Gineb
ChemicalCrux - sounds

All my Patrons:

Jesse Aldridge
Noiratblack - Rech
ChomanderJake - Selicia/Zark/Zera
Rokanoss - Rokanoss
Recon1o6 - Ocearine
BradTheMalamute - Brad
aeztard - Geta
bottler - George
Jason Vank
Bob Fassa
ECMajor - Addie
Sol - Werewolf girl
Sophie Garnia - Sophie
") ]]>
Read A sticky note, written in pen. Scribbles, too. Welcome to The Hotel! This text adventure game was created by myself, mZmm, in Quest. This note is going to help you run through a couple of things about the game.

First things first, the content. This is primarily a vore text adventure game, and it conforms mostly to my interests. There is OV, AV, CV, UB, and even BV. Primarily, most encounters will result in a bad end, which consists of digestion and (usually) some level of disposal. Usually, the disposal will not be too indepth, though.

Gameplay consists of visiting the various hotel rooms in the hotel and navigating various rooms to try and find Room Tokens. Each Room has at least one predator, some two or even more, and encounters with them will most likely result in a death. Collecting all the room tokens on a floor will let you move onto the next one (well, when I implement ten rooms anyway..that's a lot of vore!)

Feel free to message me with any questions or bugs. And if you want to support the game's development, check out the Patreon page!

-mZmm") ]]>
false Blah blah blah. Look at msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } generic pred's stomach false the Blah blah blah. The heat in the werewolf's womb continued to rise to impossible levels as she got off, the whole chamber practically quivering as she neared orgasm. You feared you would be crushed, the womb walls continuing to tighten around you as more and more fluids exited the chamber. You were starting to feel a bit tingly, as well. She'd need to cum soon, or otherwise you'd end up as part of her orgasm...") SetTimeout (10) { wait { msg ("
The huffs and moans around you were really starting to pick up speed as the werewolf neared her orgasm. You felt more and more of your body starting to tingle, and you were starting to feel lightheaded, the heat and lack of air in this chamber really starting to affect your body. Suddenly, you heard a powerful, primal howl as the womb walls clenched powerfully around you. You thought your body was going to snap, but eventually it was pushed towards the yawned-open cervix, your body practically sliding down and out through the werewolf's vagina as she came. First, your legs slipped through out into the vagina, quickly followed by the rest of your body as the werewolf's body invountarily clenched a few more times, eventually pushing all of your body out and into the vagina. You were almost drowning in the femcum that was rushing out alongside you, forced to hold your breath as you heard another guttural moan accompany your feet sliding out, the werewolf's body rocked by orgasmic spasms and shivers as her body pushed the rest of you out...

The rest of your body slid out with ease, occasional clenches helping you along as you rushed out, back into the world, this time a -lot- wetter. And warmer. Mostly, you were just happy the werewolf girl had decided her sexual desires were more important than her normal desires...at last, your head slid out, leaving you lying uncomfortably between the werewolf's legs as she continued to orgasm, spurting out femcum onto your face as your legs were forced to run up the door in front of you. She hadn't really moved at all from where she originally \"kissed\" you..

Eventually, her orgasm died down, though. You had collected your bearings by then and at least moved far enough away from the werewolf that her powerful orgasm didn't get all over you. She looked up to you, just kind of awkwardly sitting there as she came down from her orgasm. \"Hhh...thanks, sexy...\" she managed to pant out. \"Come back...any time...for some fun. I'm always...huff...horny...Can't promise you won't...end up in here, though...\" she said, rubbing at her now-normal sized gut. You decided to just leave her be for a while, getting up and closing the door behind you as you walked out. Now, to find a shower...") wait { MoveObject (player, third floor) } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. random = GetRandomInt(1,8) if (random = 1) { msg ("blah") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("barlaf") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("sdf") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("epic") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("420") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("blah") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("lawre") } else { msg ("zzzz") }
A small machine with attached keyboard. Takes various codes to unlock things in the hotel. Look at You feel the floor beneath you rumble...
The Lower Floor has been opened! ") MakeExitVisible (LowerExit) } else if (result = "moreroomsmorefun") { msg ("
You feel the ceiling above you rumble...
The Third Floor has been opened!") MakeExitVisible (ThirdFloorExit) } else { msg ("
The machine beeps, rejecting your code.") } } ]]>

Even if disposal is on, however, the detail will mostly be implied.

false Disposal is now on. Disposal is now off. Disposal Toggle false the Look at Switch on Switch off DisposalToggle.on = 1 DisposalToggle.on = 0
Sound is now on! Sound is now off. A small, handheld radio. This toggles sound on and off. If you're playing on the online version, this is heavily recommended because the online player doesn't handle sound very well. Look at Switch on Switch off Look at Switch on Switch off game.sound = 1 stop sound game.sound = 0
You are in false the Your vision begins to clear, and you find yourself in a hotel lobby. In fact...you had been here before. This was the only hotel in the city, owned by some shadowy panther businessman. You had seen that there had been quite a few disappearances of people at this hotel recently....but they were still in business.

You turn around to find the door is locked. After a mini panic attack, trying to open the door, you turn back around and take in the lobby. It's pretty much empty, save for a {object:Kayla:dragoness} standing at a desk, and a {command:up:staircase} to the left of her.

Guess you might as well get a room for the night...") ]]>
A female dragoness who works at the hotel. Her scales are mostly crimson, with a cream belly, and she is dressed in the hotel's usual garb - a grayish polo with dark pants. She looks bored, idly tapping at the counter as she looks at the door, waiting for anyone to arrive. At this time, probably nobody. false \"Hello. I hope you are enjoying your stay at the hotel....wait, what do you have in your pocket? Is that...is that my dildo from my house!?! Give me it back!\" Kayla says. After you do nothing, she pulls you aside. \"If you give me it back, I'll give you the key to another room.\"") kayladildolist = NewStringList() list add (kayladildolist, "Give it back") list add (kayladildolist, "Keep it") ShowMenu ("", kayladildolist, false) { if (result = "Give it back") { msg ("
\"Oh, thank you...\" she says as you hand it back. \"I know just where to put it.\" Kayla discreetly takes the dildo, pulls down her pants, and slides the dildo straight up her ass. \"Aaah...\" she moans. She then cocks her view towards you. \"What? Where else am I supposed to put it?\" She hikes her pants up. \"I'd give you something in return, but, uh...I don't really have anything back here. Uh, here's a pencil?\" she says as she hands you a pencil. You respectfully decline it.") RemoveObject (KaylaDildo) } else if (result = "Keep it") { msg ("
\"You brat!\" she says. \"Give it back.\" she rips it out of her hand and quickly pulls down her pants. She stuffs the dildo straight up her ass and quickly hikes her pants back up. \"There,\" she says, clearly annoyed, \"Now you won't get it back.\"") RemoveObject (KaylaDildo) } } } else if (Got(Room 8 Token)) { msg ("
\"Hello. I hope you are enjoying your stay at the hotel. If you're lost, your room should be on the second floor.\"

{command:ask Kayla about vore:Ask Kayla about vore?}") } else { Ask ("Welcome to the hotel. Do you have a reservation?") { if (result) { if (Got(Reservation card)) { } msg ("
\"All right. Hand over your reservation card...okay, let me just check the database here...all right, looks good. Here's your room token.\"") AddToInventory (Room 8 Token) player.tokens = player.tokens+1 if (player.tokens = 5) { msg ("
You feel the floor beneath you rumble...
The Lower Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: showertime.") MakeExitVisible (LowerExit) } if (player.tokens = 10) { msg ("
You feel the ceiling above you rumble...
The Third Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: moreroomsmorefun.") MakeExitVisible (ThirdFloorExit) } } else if (not Got(Reservation card)) { if (result) { msg ("
You don't seem to have a reservation card. Why would you lie to me?") } } else { msg ("
\"Oh? Well, I think we may have an opening...somewhere else...\"

Kayla leans across the desk, getting incredibly close to your face.") kaylalist = NewStringList() list add (kaylalist, "Lean back") list add (kaylalist, "Stand still") ShowMenu ("What do you do?", kaylalist, false) { if (result = "Lean back") { msg ("
You lean back from the receptionist desk, Kayla trying to grab you with her arms. She misses however, and you run to the other side of the lobby. ") } else if (result = "Stand still") { ClearScreen msg ("
You stand still, and Kayla manages to grab you with her arms. You start to struggle, but it's no use - her grip is locktight. She slowly drags you over the desk and plops you underneath it, crouching down to look you in the face.

\"What am I to do with you...\" she ponders. Her tongue starts to lazily roll out of her mouth.") wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,3) if (random = 1) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("growl3.wav", false, false) } msg ("
\"I know what I'll do!\" She exclaims. You become aware of her stomach, rumbling and growling under her voice. \"I am pretty hungry...\" she says, contemplating her choice. Kayla licks her lips as she lifts you up to her height. As you look her in the eyes, she slowly opens her maw, already salivating heavily in preparation for her meal. \"You are going to taste so good...\" she manages to get out before sending her long dragon tongue out of her mouth. It licks one huge slurp across your face and retreats back into its fleshy, moist cave. \"Mmm...\" she moans.") wait { msg ("
Kayla continues to taste you, rubbing her tongue across your face and upper chest, thoroughly bathing you in dragon slobber. After about 2 minutes, though, Kayla's stomach groans become too loud and frequent to bear. She slowly inches your head into her wide-open mouth, licking it all over. \"You taste so good...\" she moans. Kayla slowly continues to insert you into her mouth, pushing you farther and farther past her gleaming teeth into the hot cave. Soon you arrive at the end of the trail, right before her throat. You feel like there is a fireplace below you as she lets out breath after breath of stale, rancid air. Kayla keeps you at the back of her mouth for some time, enjoying your taste some more, but soon she lets go of your body, and suddenly lets out a huge \"gulp!\" that sucks half of your body into her throat. Her tongue, still coating you in sticky dragon saliva to help lubricate your trip to her stomach, pushes you forward as she slowly continues to gulp your body down. Soon your head is starting to peek into her stomach valve, the noxious scent of stomach acids and half-digested food assaulting your nostrils. You can feel Kayla's tongue tickling the back of your feet as one final gulp completely locks you out of the outside world.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, KaylaStomach) } } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("
\"I think I know what i'm gonna do...\" she says. \"Come here.\" She grabs you by the collar of your shirt and drags you into the ladies' restroom. Once in a stall, she plants your face on the floor. \"Don't look.\" she commands. You can't tell what she's doing, but after some shuffling noises, she finally tells you to turn around. As you do, you are startled by the image of her ass hovering mere centimeters from your face. You can also see her panties, removed and splayed out on the floor. A full view of her \"assets\" is available, with a round, fleshy pucker atop a long slit, already dripping with feminine juices. Assuming she wants you for some...\"service\", you stick your tongue out, ready to lick, but she grabs your head and stops you. \"No,\" she commands, \"although that is a good idea, but I'm deadset on this now. Hold tight.\" You can't really do anything else, as she has a firm grasp on your body, but you notice that she starts to lower her plump rear onto your face, closer and closer.") wait { msg ("
Expecting to be smothered by her nether regions, she instead starts to tilt so that you have the perfect view of her pucker. Before you have any time to \"appreciate\" it, she says, \"Here we go!\" and pushes you straight into her asshole! Your head pops into her rectal cavity quickly and your body locks up in pure shock! Is she...using you as a dildo? You kick your legs in a futile attempt to free yourself but her grip is ironclad and you're not in the best position to struggle anymore. She continues to push you deeper into her body, moaning all the while in unabided bliss. Her intestinal walls are slimy, although the terrible smell you expected is replaced with more of a musty odor than anything. You have little time to reflect on this, though, as more and more of your body is being swallowed by her ass! \"Oh, that's the ticket..\" she moans out as you expand her bowels like never before. Already up to your waist, she slowly releases her grip and lets the floor do the work, leaning back on your legs and pushing down HARD to get the rest of you inside her. \"Almost...there...!\" she grimaces as your knees slide inside her body. Soon, it is only your feet, shoes removed, outside her pucker. It begins to dawn on you that she's not using you as a dildo...she's eating you! ") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, KaylaBowels) } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
\"I've got a good idea.\" she says. Kayla grabs you in her claws and brings you into the women's bathroom. She goes into a stall and plops you down on the floor. \"Don't look.\" she commands, and turns you around to watch the locked stall door. You hear some shuffling noises, and she nearly kicks you in the back of the head, but finally she tells you you can turn around. When you do you're greeted with a full-on view of the naked Kayla, her ass up against your face and her breasts dangling down from her chest. \"Lick it.\" she commands, hovering her nethers right in front of your face, already clouting your mind with their feminine odor. You do as she commands, sticking your tongue out to lick away her feminine fluids. You elicit some moans of pleasure from Kayla, but you must not be doing too good a job, as she plants a hand on your head and pushes you straight into her slit! You have a full face view of her nether lips as you frantically dig your tongue deep into the dragoness to please her. A heavy sigh comes from above you, and you think this is all she wanted.") wait { msg ("
You continue to please her with your tongue work until you hear her breathing become faster and faster. You work frantically, thinking it's about to be over, but suddenly Kayla puts a hand on your head and -shoves- you deep into her vagina! You try to struggle, but you have no leverage as Kayla continues to feed you into her nethers. The fleshy walls around you, wet with feminine fluids, begin to suckle you as she clenches hard around your whole body. In no time at all you are waist-deep into her vagina, your head already peeking into her womb. You can hear rhythmic moans from Kayla accompanying every single clench of her nethers as you are sucked into the womb, head and shoulders already packed in. You're forced to curl up in a ball as your waist and legs are fed into the womb slowly, the fleshy cave already damp with fluids and reeking of arousal. Only your feet are left sticking out of her slit, Kayla collapsing against the toilet in arousal. She places two fingers on your feet and plunges them deep into her slit, starting to finger herself before you are even fully inside her! She manages to push your feet all the way up to her cervix before pulling her fingers back out, and she starts to clench as your feet slowly slip past the cervix and into her womb.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, KaylaWomb) } } } } } } } } } ]]>

Kayla leans across the desk, getting incredibly close to your face.") kaylalist = NewStringList() list add (kaylalist, "Lean back") list add (kaylalist, "Stand still") ShowMenu ("What do you do?", kaylalist, false) { if (result = "Lean back") { msg ("You lean back from the receptionist desk, Kayla trying to grab you with her arms. She misses however, and you run to the other side of the lobby. ") } else if (result = "Stand still") { ClearScreen msg ("
You stand still, and Kayla manages to grab you with her arms. You start to struggle, but it's no use - her grip is locktight. She slowly drags you over the desk and plops you underneath it, crouching down to look you in the face.

\"What am I to do with you...\" she ponders. Her tongue starts to lazily roll out of her mouth.") wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,3) if (random = 1) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("growl3.wav", false, false) } msg ("
\"I know what I'll do!\" She exclaims. You become aware of her stomach, rumbling and growling under her voice. \"I am pretty hungry...\" she says, contemplating her choice. Kayla licks her lips as she lifts you up to her height. As you look her in the eyes, she slowly opens her maw, already salivating heavily in preparation for her meal. \"You are going to taste so good...\" she manages to get out before sending her long dragon tongue out of her mouth. It licks one huge slurp across your face and retreats back into its fleshy, moist cave. \"Mmm...\" she moans.") wait { msg ("
Kayla continues to taste you, rubbing her tongue across your face and upper chest, thoroughly bathing you in dragon slobber. After about 2 minutes, though, Kayla's stomach groans become too loud and frequent to bear. She slowly inches your head into her wide-open mouth, licking it all over. \"You taste so good...\" she moans. Kayla slowly continues to insert you into her mouth, pushing you farther and farther past her gleaming teeth into the hot cave. Soon you arrive at the end of the trail, right before her throat. You feel like there is a fireplace below you as she lets out breath after breath of stale, rancid air. Kayla keeps you at the back of her mouth for some time, enjoying your taste some more, but soon she lets go of your body, and suddenly lets out a huge \"gulp!\" that sucks half of your body into her throat. Her tongue, still coating you in sticky dragon saliva to help lubricate your trip to her stomach, pushes you forward as she slowly continues to gulp your body down. Soon your head is starting to peek into her stomach valve, the noxious scent of stomach acids and half-digested food assaulting your nostrils. You can feel Kayla's tongue tickling the back of your feet as one final gulp completely locks you out of the outside world.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, KaylaStomach) } } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("
\"I think I know what i'm gonna do...\" she says. \"Come here.\" She grabs you by the collar of your shirt and drags you into the ladies' restroom. Once in a stall, she plants your face on the floor. \"Don't look.\" she commands. You can't tell what she's doing, but after some shuffling noises, she finally tells you to turn around. As you do, you are startled by the image of her ass hovering mere centimeters from your face. You can also see her panties, removed and splayed out on the floor. A full view of her \"assets\" is available, with a round, fleshy pucker atop a long slit, already dripping with feminine juices. Assuming she wants you for some...\"service\", you stick your tongue out, ready to lick, but she grabs your head and stops you. \"No,\" she commands, \"although that is a good idea, but I'm deadset on this now. Hold tight.\" You can't really do anything else, as she has a firm grasp on your body, but you notice that she starts to lower her plump rear onto your face, closer and closer.") wait { msg ("
Expecting to be smothered by her nether regions, she instead starts to tilt so that you have the perfect view of her pucker. Before you have any time to \"appreciate\" it, she says, \"Here we go!\" and pushes you straight into her asshole! Your head pops into her rectal cavity quickly and your body locks up in pure shock! Is she...using you as a dildo? You kick your legs in a futile attempt to free yourself but her grip is ironclad and you're not in the best position to struggle anymore. She continues to push you deeper into her body, moaning all the while in unabided bliss. Her intestinal walls are slimy, although the terrible smell you expected is replaced with more of a musty odor than anything. You have little time to reflect on this, though, as more and more of your body is being swallowed by her ass! \"Oh, that's the ticket..\" she moans out as you expand her bowels like never before. Already up to your waist, she slowly releases her grip and lets the floor do the work, leaning back on your legs and pushing down HARD to get the rest of you inside her. \"Almost...there...!\" she grimaces as your knees slide inside her body. Soon, it is only your feet, shoes removed, outside her pucker. It begins to dawn on you that she's not using you as a dildo...she's eating you! ") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, KaylaBowels) } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
\"I've got a good idea.\" she says. Kayla grabs you in her claws and brings you into the women's bathroom. She goes into a stall and plops you down on the floor. \"Don't look.\" she commands, and turns you around to watch the locked stall door. You hear some shuffling noises, and she nearly kicks you in the back of the head, but finally she tells you you can turn around. When you do you're greeted with a full-on view of the naked Kayla, her ass up against your face and her breasts dangling down from her chest. \"Lick it.\" she commands, hovering her nethers right in front of your face, already clouting your mind with their feminine odor. You do as she commands, sticking your tongue out to lick away her feminine fluids. You elicit some moans of pleasure from Kayla, but you must not be doing too good a job, as she plants a hand on your head and pushes you straight into her slit! You have a full face view of her nether lips as you frantically dig your tongue deep into the dragoness to please her. A heavy sigh comes from above you, and you think this is all she wanted.") wait { msg ("
You continue to please her with your tongue work until you hear her breathing become faster and faster. You work frantically, thinking it's about to be over, but suddenly Kayla puts a hand on your head and -shoves- you deep into her vagina! You try to struggle, but you have no leverage as Kayla continues to feed you into her nethers. The fleshy walls around you, wet with feminine fluids, begin to suckle you as she clenches hard around your whole body. In no time at all you are waist-deep into her vagina, your head already peeking into her womb. You can hear rhythmic moans from Kayla accompanying every single clench of her nethers as you are sucked into the womb, head and shoulders already packed in. You're forced to curl up in a ball as your waist and legs are fed into the womb slowly, the fleshy cave already damp with fluids and reeking of arousal. Only your feet are left sticking out of her slit, Kayla collapsing against the toilet in arousal. She places two fingers on your feet and plunges them deep into her slit, starting to finger herself before you are even fully inside her! She manages to push your feet all the way up to her cervix before pulling her fingers back out, and she starts to clench as your feet slowly slip past the cervix and into her womb.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, KaylaWomb) } } } } } } ]]>
false The room token for Room 8. Kayla's stomach false false You squeeze into Kayla's stomach. The stomach acids are already rising, and the smell is unbearable. As you struggle, Kayla lets out a huge "BRRAAAAPP!" exhaling all the air in her stomach. The stomach is stretched, yet there is still some room to move around in, Kayla's belly relatively taut. Already you are bathed in the disgusting mix of stomach acids and unrecognizable slush as Kayla maneuvers back behind her desk, jiggling you constantly. All around you are ") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
Kayla's stomach starts to gurgle hard now, the digestive fluids swamping around you and slowly drowning you out. You begin to feel a slight tingling all through your body, but before you can feel any real pain, you feel your consciousness starting to fade. The lack of air in the stomach was really getting to you, and you wondered how long you'd have left in here...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (GetBoolean(KaylaStomach, "AnalVore")) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The stomach was really becoming quite hostile to your continued existence. The constant undulation of the stomach walls continued to knead those digestive juices into your skin, your clothes having long since melted away. The dull tingling you felt from earlier had multiplied throughout your body, almost dulling your senses in a way. You were afraid that the real pain would start to come soon, but before the stomach could really start working on you, your consciousness slipped away, the lack of air in the gut really getting to you...

Kayla continued to help service customers outside as she felt her gut gurgling and groaning. Eventually, though, she felt your squirms inside starting to die out, replaced with much louder groans and gurgles. She blushed as she heard her stomach starting to get to work, getting ready to answer a lot of questions from customers concerning her lunch breaks. She silently wished she could go on lunch break, but that had been a while ago; truth was, you were more dinner than anything. Still, whenever she got a little break from desk patrons, she leaned back in her chair to look at the digestive process, chuckling as she watched the bulge you made in her scaled gut slowly rounding out and shrinking down. She rubbed at it, as well, feeling what was left of you sloshing around inside. \"You're doing a great job, dinner~\" she said as she poked at her gut, a loud, rumbling gurgle coming from the sack in response.

Eventually, her shift ended, though. She got out of her seat, not used to the extra weight in her gut, before walking out to her car and driving home. At this point, you had mostly gurgled up completely, and were currently in the process of adding to her already ample rear and hips. Ever so often, though, she could hear a gurgle coming from her gut as it squeezed out the last of the chyme into her intestines. ") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
She eventually got home, though, and immediately went to the bathroom, excited to see how you had transformed her figure. \"Aah, these are lovely...\" she said as she stood in front of her bathroom vanity mirror, clothes tossed into the corner, as she admired and pinched at her new curves. During this exhibition, though, she felt a big of a pang in her bowels. \"...Already?\" she said quizzically, before plopping that new, chubbier rear down on her toilet seat and disposing of the last of you. She did her business and flushed the toilet before putting her clothes on, taking one last look at her curves before heading off to the bed for the night. You had been a quite delicious annoyance, at the very least...") } else { msg ("
She eventually got home, though, and immediately went to bed. She had a long day at work, and eating somebody wasn't exactly easy, either...") } msg ("
*Don't annoy a big dragon...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } else { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound play sound ("AVexit.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You come to later, expecting to be, if not digested, pushed along in Kayla's intestinal tract. However, as you open your eyes (surprised as you are that you can), you realize you are not in a dragoness's digestive tract, but on the cold floor of a bathroom. You come to your senses, turn around, and see Kayla hiking up her pants by the toilet. \"Oh, you're awake.\" she says. \"You don't want to know what it took to get you out of there.\" She grabs your chin and tilts your head up to look into her eyes. \"Listen,\" she starts, \"I might have just eaten you for shits and giggles, and to fill me up for a while, but there are some people in this hotel who are really hungry for their kicks. Keep your eyes open.\" She points you towards the door. \"Now you should leave so I can finish dressing.\" You walk out and find yourself back in the lobby.") MoveObject (player, Lobby) } } } } ]]>
SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") Kayla's stomach walls. They are incredibly slimy and give you no traction whatsoever. Look at false ") } } else { msg ("\"Quit struggling...\" Kayla moans out. She rubs her stomach slightly and lets out a huge belch.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]> false You try to push up through the sphincter, but you can't get any traction and slip. false You probably don't want to go deeper into Kayla.
bowel walls false false Kayla's breathing becomes heavy and slow as your body slides up through her bowels. Your feet, the only remnants of you in the outside world, are slowly slurped up by her ravenous pucker. As she completes her massive meal, Kayla splays out on the floor, naked and in absolute bliss. "Ooh...that was...so good..." she manages to moan out. Her clawed hand slowly hovers lower on her body. All around you are ") } msg ("
As you slowly move through her bowels, you hear Kayla outside starting to make more noises. Judging by the nature of them, you can only assume that Kayla has succumbed to her primal desires and is now getting herself off. The feminine scent from her nethers was very overwhelming earlier; you thought she might have been in heat. You don't appreciate being her release, though.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
After what feels like an eternity of moving through her bowels, Kayla releases a primal roar of pleasure that makes your ears ring. She clenches her butt incredibly hard, pushing you straight through her bowels at an unprecedented pace. You can feel your head pushing up into the duodenum, and your body soon to follow. The primal pants and roars continue from Kayla, slowly turning into rapid breaths and long sighs. \"Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhh....\" you hear her moan loudly at the end of her affair. You can hear heavy gurgling coming up ahead, and soon you start to poke into the stomach, the chamber awash with fluids.") SetTimeout (5) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } MoveObject (player, KaylaStomach) } } } } ]]>
SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") false You try to accelerate your trip to Kayla's stomach, pushing up as hard as you can, but she feels the bulge in her belly moving slightly faster and puts a stop to it with her hand. "No..stop..I want to enjoy..this.." she pants out, clearly in immense pleasure. false Kayla's bowel walls. They are slimy and constantly moving, pushing you in an upwards direction towards her awaiting stomach. Kayla's bowel walls Look at ") } } else { msg ("\"Quit struggling...\" Kayla moans out. She rubs her lower belly slightly.") } ]]> false You're wedged too far into Kayla's bowels to be able to go back down.
Kayla's womb false false You are completely immobilized inside Kayla's womb. The tightly-packed chamber is oozing feminine juices, taking no time to completely soak your body. You can feel a shift around you as Kayla props herself up against the toilet, primal roars echoing throughout her body and ringing in your ears. You can definitely tell she's begun fingering herself as she plunges her digits into her vagina over and over again. The walls start to squeeze your body in time with her moans, giving you even less room inside her womb than you already have. The heat in the womb continues to rise as Kayla's moans become louder and louder. You can't see it, but she starts to cup her breast with her free hand and starts using her tongue to play with her nipple. She continues to plunge her fingers deeper into her vagina as her fluids gush out of her womb, bringing herself closer and closer to orgasm.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The moans still continue to get louder. You are positively dripping in fluids as even more continue to rush out her cervix, the walls squeezing you even tighter. You start to hear panting as the movement around you...starts to stop? Yes, stop, as you hear Kayla's voice, muffled but audible: \"All..right, kid..I got an...idea. You want out now...or later?\"") kaylawomblist = NewStringList() list add (kaylawomblist, "Let me out now") list add (kaylawomblist, "I want to stay") ShowMenu ("", kaylawomblist, false) { if (result = "Let me out now") { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
\"Suit...yourself...\" she pants. You feel the movement around you begin to resume as Kayla goes all-out, teasing her nipples and burying her entire hand in her vagina! The moans continue to rise, the walls clenching around you incredibly hard. You feel like you're going to get crushed as the heat in the womb becomes nearly unbearable. As you're certain that you will be crushed to death, a primal, earth-shattering roar erupts from Kayla as waves of fluids erupt from her vagina! Her cervix yawns open, and the walls of the womb flex and shove you back through the vagina in a miasma of wetness. Your body begins to slide out of her nethers, and you suddenly realize that your clothes had been clean melted off in her womb. You inch your way out of Kayla's vagina as her fingers continue to plunge deeper, eliciting more and more fluids to rush past your body and help push you back out onto the tile. Your legs slip past the lips and back out into the open air, and your feet follow suit, finally freeing you from Kayla's womb. Kayla. utterly spent, pants on the floor in a haze of euphoria. \"Get...out...\" she sputters, as you are forced out of the stall. Naked, and dripping in feminine fluids, you realize that Kayla had left you an extra change of clothes outside the bathroom. Frantically, you put them on; even though they'll definitely get soaked by her fluids, at least you won't be naked while you find a shower.") wait { MoveObject (player, Lobby) } } else if (result = "I want to stay") { msg ("
\"That's what...I wanted...to hear..\" Kayla moans as she struggles to get herself up. She removes her fingers from her slit and starts to put her hotel uniform back on. Your world is continually tossed around as she struggles to fit in her uniform with a squirming, huge belly, but she manages to fit the shirt around it. You are constantly tossed about in the jiggling belly as she makes her way behind the receptionist's desk. The rest of the day passes quickly, as much as you can tell time for, but you can tell she's holding back an incredible orgasm, moaning and playing with her breasts to continue her arousal whenever she doesn't have to service a customer. After some time of being still, you once again have your world turned as she leaves the hotel and starts to drive home in the car. About this time you start to fall asleep, the womb walls proving a suitable cushion as you are rocked by the gentle movement of her belly.") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
\"Wake up, it's time...\" you hear as you are suddenly jostled awake by Kayla's playing with her belly. The hustle and bustle of the hotel is gone as you are now lying in what you can only assume is Kayla's bed. You start to struggle slightly to confirm that you're awake. \"Mmm..there you are...\" she moans. You hear no rustling and assume she already is naked as the heat in the womb, already unbearable from her stored arousal, begins to rise. She cups a breast in one hand as her two fingers plunge into her slit, corresponding to a loud moan of pleasure as your world is jostled around by the sheer force of her fingering. Her tongue rolls out of her mouth and starts to play with her nipples as the moans become faster and faster. Soon Kayla has her entire fist deep into her birth canal, soaking the entire cavern in feminine fluids. She's really getting into it now, the womb walls clenching incredibly hard as she continues to bury her fist deeper and deeper. Just when you think that you're going to be crushed to death, a massive, ear-destroying, primal roar of pleasure erupts from above you, Kayla finally reaching orgasm! Her womb flexes as hard as possible, ejecting you clean out into her birth canal in no time flat, head first as you are on a waterslide of fluids! Just as soon as you left the womb you are literally flying out of Kayla's vagina as her orgasm sprays itself - and you- all over her bedroom! You land face first as Kayla, moaning and roaring, spurts fluid all over the room, absolutely soaking you. Almost a full minute passes before she comes down off cloud nine, panting slowly decreasing. \"That...was...unbelievable...\" she manages to moan out. She leans over her bed at you, still soaking in her fluids underneath her bed. \"Thanks kid...you should probably clean yourself up in the shower though.\" She makes a good point as you look down and realize your clothes had been completely melted inside Kayla's womb. ") wait { msg ("
She points you to the shower, and you start to walk away before she stops you. \"One more thing..\" she starts. \"You can stay here for the night. Guest bedroom is down the hallway.\" You thank her for her hospitality and go take a shower. Finding her bedroom, you open the door and see that it's a pretty nice room, nothing too fancy, but with a nice charm to it. You hop in the bed and get some much-needed rest.") MoveObject (player, KaylaHouse) } } } } } } } ]]>
SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") false You are completely immobilized, the only way you're getting out is if Kayla decides she's done with you.
Look at Use Kayla's bowels false
"Nngh...you feel great in there..." Kayla said as she pulled her pants back up, sitting down back at the receptionist's desk. "I'd love to get off right now, but I'm still on shift..." she said as she poked at the bulge you made in her gut, trying to hide you the best she could underneath her shirt and behind the desk. She still wasn't doing a very great job, though.]]>
By your best measurements of time, you had been winding through Kayla's bowels for around an hour at this point. Nothing had changed, besides the grumblings of the stomach gradually getting louder as you inched closer to your destination. The tightness of the bowel walls was giving you a bit of claustrophobia, but every wiggle you made was quickly rebuked by the tight walls. You just hoped at the very least that you'd arrive in the stomach soon...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
After what felt like forever, your head finally squished up against what felt like a taut, fleshy wall. Eventually, that fleshy wall gave way, a clench from Kayla squeezing you out into her stomach, groaning and gurgling, already awash with stomach fluids. The smell in here was much more acrid, matching the much more acrid environment of the stomach. The rest of your body eventually slid out of the sphincter, winding its way into the gut. It was somewhat more spacious than the intestines, but the stomach walls were eager to remedy that, kneading and pushing against you from every angle, working the stomach fluids into your skin and clothes. You struggled to get comfortable inside the sac, preparing yourself for the long ride ahead...") MoveObject (player, KaylaStomach) } } } ]]>
false bowel walls Look at Kayla's bowel walls. They are slimy and constantly moving, pushing you in an upwards direction towards her awaiting stomach. ") } } else { msg ("\"Quit struggling...\" Kayla moans out. She rubs her lower belly slightly.") } ]]>
false That way is locked. A small journal that fits in your pocket. Saves the game for you. Look at Use false the ClearScreen request (RequestSave, "") msg ("You scribble down some notes to help you remember what happened.") Look at if (Got(R Key)) { picture ("ship2.jpg") msg ("It was a ship...") } else { picture ("ship.jpg") msg ("It's a ship.") } false false A silver bell, sitting on the receptionist's desk. Look at The dragoness glares at you before getting out of her seat. \"All right, get over here, you little shit!\" Kayla roars as she jumps out of her seat, snatching you up before you can even really react. In seconds you're on the floor, in a daze after the dragoness practically threw you onto it. You look up to see the dragoness's bare rear hovering above you! You try to stop her, but the full weight of the dragoness quickly comes down on your face, the rear slamming down around your head. \"Nngh...I haven't done this in a while. Should've just left it alone...\" you hear the dragoness say before she pushes down onto your face, grinding her rear against your nose before it pops into her yawned-open pucker, the dragoness moaning as she feels your flesh pierce her rump. She grunts, before pushing down around it, the flesh of her pucker quickly expanding around your face, forcing you to tilt your head up as you continued to batter at the dragoness's thighs. In vain, of course, considering your position; but you still tried anyway, considering you were slowly being consumed by a dragoness's hungry rear...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } wait { msg ("
Your whole head was inside the dragoness's rear at this point, Kayla grunting with every push she made, cramming more and more of you up into her rear. The scent was earthy, but not exactly distasteful. What was really getting to you was the heat of the bowels, already giving you somewhat of a dull headache, and the flesh, which rippled and endeavored to pull you deeper into Kayla. You had a firm grip on her buttcheeks, but that was slowly being loosened as the rump encroached on your shoulders, a powerful push causing a cry of pleasure from the dragoness as her anal ring expands around your shoulders, pinning your arms at your sides. After that, it was practically child's play, Kayla slurping the rest of your body up into her rump like a spaghetti noodle. With your arms at your sides, you couldn't really struggle much, and you were forced to listen to the lewd groans of the dragoness as she pulled you deeper and deeper. Soon, your whole waist was consumed by the hungry pucker, leaving your legs hanging out and flailing randomly as the dragoness slowly lifted her hips. \"Nnf...just a little...bit more...\" she groaned as she placed a hand on your feet, pushing you deeper up into her bowels, moaning with pleasure as you stretched her out oh-so-wonderfully. Soon, only your feet hung outside of the pucker, before the flesh slowly stretched around them, one last clench from the dragoness pulling them inside...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, KaylaBellBowels) } } } else { msg ("You ring the bell. \"Can I help you?\" Kayla says, looking at you expectantly.") Bell.ringcount = 1 } ]]>
hallway false hallway false hallway false hallway false false the Janitor's Closet Door Look at Open Close if (Got(JC Key)) { msg ("You insert the key into the lock and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Janitor Closet) } else { msg ("This door is locked.") } janitor's closet false the = 3) { msg ("
You insert the JC Key into the door, but before you can step in, or even open the door all the way, you hear a voice. \"Ah, ah, ah, close the door, kid!\" You feel someone pressing on the door from the inside, but you continue to open it anway. You wish you hadn't done that, because inside is Rech, the janitor, in a very...private moment. His pants are unzipped, his underwear is down, and his rock-hard length is poked out, currently wrapped in a clawed hand as he looked up to you with a piercing gaze of annoyance. \"Can't a croc have some private time around here, kid!?\" he says as he continues to lock eyes with you. A couple of seconds of silence pass before he opens his mouth again, claw still wrapped tightly around his cock. \"Well....are you gonna come in and close the door, or what? Were you born in a barn, kid!? Nobody wants to see this!\" he says as he wraps his free arm around you, pulling you close enough to him that he could shut the door behind him, locking you inside the janitor closet with him.

\"Well, kid, you caught me in one of my more...intimate moments.\" Rech said as he saw his length start to droop a little. \"But, I can't have you running off telling people you saw the janitor wanking off in the closet...so I'm gonna have to...shut you up, you know? And I got just the place to put you in!\" He says before his clawed hands wrap around your body!

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND ESCAPE!==") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("
You try and break out of Rech's arms, but he's got you locked up way too tightly. \"Ah, I've always wanted to try this, and now I've got my own little specimen to test it out on...\" Rech says as he pulls you against his body, allowing him to take one free hand to stroke at his length again. He moans a little bit as it starts to perk back up, the throbbing pink member poking up out of his uniform as it reached its full length. It was at least as long as your forearm, if not longer now... \"Go on kid, touch it.\" Rech says as he continues to rub at his member, turning his body to face you.") wait { msg ("
You hesitantly get down on your knees to face the croc's member, still continuing to harden as Rech casually strokes at it. Thinking he just wants you to blow him, you open your mouth and start to move your head towards his member, but Rech stops you. \"Nuh-uh-uh, kid...\" he says before he maneuvers his clawed hand to the back of your head and pushes you against his member! At first you're just rubbing your face against it, but steadily the cock slit widens and with another push from Rech your head gets lodged inside of it! The croc moans reflexively as he feels his flesh stretching around your head. \"F...fuck, kid, this is gonna feel great...\" he says before he gives another push that locks your head inside entirely! The shaft walls are eager to take you in, pulsating and undulating not unlike a hungry esophagus as it steadily draws you deeper, with helpful pushes from the moaning croc. It doesn't take long before the cock slit expands around your shoulders, Rech moaning out another \"F...fuck, kid...\" as it does. At this point you knew where you were and were trying to get out, but with your shoulders already lodged inside of Rech's length, your struggle options were limited to body thrashes and foot kicks, neither of which really helped you dislodge yourself; in fact, they probably just helped push you deeper, because you were already up into your waist at this point. You could feel Rech's clawed hand feeling at the bulge you made in his shaft as it continued to take you deeper, the scent of cum tickling your nose as you came closer and closer to Rech's gurgling sac.

As more and more of your body was slurped up into Rech's cock, it became harder and harder to struggle. You were basically only in control of your feet at this point, the hungry cock having consumed most of your legs already. You felt Rech take one of his hands off of his cock and start to take your shoes off. \"Nnf, those don't digest well...\" he said as he tossed them casually onto the floor, leaving your wiggling feet out in the open. Then, he took one clawed finger and gave your foot a light push, the cock slit slowly expanding around them as Rech finished consuming you entirely, one final moan coming from the croc before your hearing was completely muffled. It had already been really hard to hear, and see as well, but as the cock slit slowly closed your senses became completely dulled by the walls of flesh around you. You could feel Rech stroking himself off with both hands as he felt the bulge that was you travelling deeper and deeper into him, before your head poked out into a musky, hot chamber, filled with gurgling cum. You had arrived in Rech's sac...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", true, false) play sound ("outsidemalemoan_deeper.wav", true, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RechSac) } } } else { msg ("
You manage to break free of Rech's grasp before he could pull you in any deeper! The door behind you wasn't locked, so you fling it open and run back into the lobby. Kayla is not surprised by this occurance at all - she's seen it all at this point (and had to clean some of it up, too). For all that talk about wanting to keep you quiet, Rech doesn't seem to actually want to give chase, grumbling as he closes the door and gets back to \"work\".") MoveObject (player, Lobby) } } } else { msg ("
You insert the JC Key into the door and the janitor's closet is revealed. It's not that big, but you can fit in here comfortably and close the door behind you.") } ]]>
restroom false You're about to open the restroom door when it slams open in front of you. A rather large, curvaceous, pinkish werewolf girl storms out, leaving the door open. You aren't sure what that was about...but you go into the restroom anyway. You can see some urinals lining the wall to your left, as well as unoccupied and occupied stalls.") MoveObject (Werewolf Girl, Room 13) ]]> Look at You can see two clawed feet underneath the stall door, thumbs twiddling idly as the person inside does...whatever.
\"Can't you see this stall is occupied?\"

He sounds aggrivated. You probably shouldn't knock again.") } otherwise { msg ("
You decide to knock on the door again. You hear a grumble come from behind the door, then some shuffling, before the stall door opens before you. You only have a few seconds to look over the jackal standing inside, pants around his ankles, complete with a painfully disgruntled expression, before you FEEL the jackal - that is, his grasp. Both of his arms practically shoot out towards you, gripping you powerfully on both sides of your body and yanking you towards him. He quickly reaches one of his arms back to shut the stall door before pinning you against it, staring directly into your eyes with that same disgruntled expression. “You just couldn’t let me have my privacy…” he said as he looked you over, casually taking a deep sniff of your scent. “So I guess I’m just gonna have to tuck you somewhere where you won’t be so annoying…” he teased before opening his maw right in front of you, a huff of his warm breath rolling right over your face.

He doesn’t give you much time to appreciate the view before stuffing you inside that open mouth! Your face slaps against his tongue, the warm and wet muscle rubbing over your head to taste it before you felt the jackal’s lips closing around your neck. You heard a lewd gurgle billowing up from the jackal’s stomach, echoing out into his maw, betraying exactly how famished he was...that, and the copious amounts of jackal slobber you were currently being drenched in. The jackal quickly stuffs more of you into his mouth, fitting you in up to your shoulders before he took the first gulp. ") wait { msg ("
Said first gulp pulled your head into the jackal’s tight throat, the muscular contractions of peristalsis greedily tugging at whatever the jackal gave it. You could feel the jackal’s tongue rubbing up and down your chest before he gulped again, taking his hands off of your chest and just letting you slide down his gullet. It was pretty easy to do that when all that was left of you at this point were your legs, weakly wiggling outside the jackal’s mouth. With most of your body lodged in the jackal’s tight throat, you couldn’t do much else than wiggle at this point…You could feel the jackal starting to sit down again on the toilet seat (although he had put the lid down first) and rubbing at the bulge you were making in his throat and chest, before he took the last gulp that locked your feet in his throat.") wait { MoveObject (player, JackalStomach) } } } ]]>
Look at false It's empty. And open. And inviting. msg ("Gross. I'm not going to write about that.") Blah blah blah. Look at msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } werewolf girl's womb false the
You comfortably bulged out the werewolf girl's belly, the utter refusal of her womb walls to stretch resulting in quite the nice, rounded bulge in her midsection. She took a few seconds to rub at it, feeling your attempts to squirm inside, before she started getting to what she really wanted. You could hear the werewolf moaning as she started to masturbate, running her digits teasingly across her slit before plunging her fingers in. You knew it wouldn't be long before she came, especially from how wet and hot it was inside already, feminine fluids already starting to run down the womb walls and funnel out of the cervix.]]>
The heat in the werewolf's womb continued to rise to impossible levels as she got off, the whole chamber practically quivering as she neared orgasm. You feared you would be crushed, the womb walls continuing to tighten around you as more and more fluids exited the chamber. You were starting to feel a bit tingly, as well. She'd need to cum soon, or otherwise you'd end up as part of her orgasm...") SetTimeout (10) { wait { msg ("
The huffs and moans around you were really starting to pick up speed as the werewolf neared her orgasm. You felt more and more of your body starting to tingle, and you were starting to feel lightheaded, the heat and lack of air in this chamber really starting to affect your body. Suddenly, you heard a powerful, primal howl as the womb walls clenched powerfully around you. You thought your body was going to snap, but eventually it was pushed towards the yawned-open cervix, your body practically sliding down and out through the werewolf's vagina as she came. First, your legs slipped through out into the vagina, quickly followed by the rest of your body as the werewolf's body invountarily clenched a few more times, eventually pushing all of your body out and into the vagina. You were almost drowning in the femcum that was rushing out alongside you, forced to hold your breath as you heard another guttural moan accompany your feet sliding out, the werewolf's body rocked by orgasmic spasms and shivers as her body pushed the rest of you out...

The rest of your body slid out with ease, occasional clenches helping you along as you rushed out, back into the world, this time a -lot- wetter. And warmer. Mostly, you were just happy the werewolf girl had decided her sexual desires were more important than her normal desires...at last, your head slid out, leaving you lying uncomfortably between the werewolf's legs as she continued to orgasm, spurting out femcum onto your face as your legs were forced to run up the door in front of you. She hadn't really moved at all from where she originally \"kissed\" you..

Eventually, her orgasm died down, though. You had collected your bearings by then and at least moved far enough away from the werewolf that her powerful orgasm didn't get all over you. She looked up to you, just kind of awkwardly sitting there as she came down from her orgasm. \"Hhh...thanks, sexy...\" she managed to pant out. \"Come back...any time...for some fun. I'm always...huff...horny...Can't promise you won't...end up in here, though...\" she said, rubbing at her now-normal sized gut. You decided to just leave her be for a while, getting up and closing the door behind you as you walked out. Now, to find a shower...") wait { MoveObject (player, third floor) SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") } } } } ]]>
werewolf girl's throat false the
You could feel the werewolf's tongue teasing and rubbing along your exposed groin, making you squirm in embarrassed pleasure every time she did it. She was now lying on the ground in front of the door, a firm grip on your hanging legs as she occasionally rubbed at the squirming bulge in her throat. ]]>
You've been locked in the werewolf's throat for some time now. The teasing she was doing to your groin was making you struggle quite a bit, even in the throat's tighter confines. You weren't really sure what she was doing; was she just teasing you, or did she actually have something different in mind? You assumed the latter as you felt a tug on your legs, the throat widening somewhat, enough for you to -slowly- start being pulled out of the werewolf's throat, inch by inch. The amount of drool you were coated in at least helped the whole ordeal, and you eventually slid out of the throat with a wet *shlrk!*, popping back out into the werewolf's mouth. She gave you a few more teasing licks to slather you in more drool before pulling you out entirely, leaving you dangling in front of her mouth as her drool dripped off of your body in sloppy, slimy drips. It was at this time that you noticed how easily she was carrying you around, as she was currently suspending you above her without even breaking a sweat. You noticed her arm muscles, which partially explained it, but it was still amazing that she could just casually toss around a full-grown anything like some sort of toy.") wait { msg ("
You were still pretty dazed from the tightness and heat of the throat to struggle much as she started talking to you. \"Now you're gonna go somewhere a bit more interesting...\" she teased, before starting to lower you down between her legs. You had noticed she was blushing and huffing a bit as she spoke to you, and this was confirmed as you slowly saw her nether-lips coming into view, the werewolf girl hovering you in front of them as she sat up, to get more control of you. They were drooling in their own way, drips of femcum coming out of the opening in her lips. You didn't have much time to really look at where you were going before the werewolf gave a firm push, sliding you straight between those lips and up into her vagina! The lubrication of her drool certainly helped with it, the first half of your body slipping right inside of her nethers like you were born to do it. The werewolf's birth canal was even tighter than her throat, allowing absolutely no freedom of movement as you continued to be pushed in, occasional moans and groans of pleasure rumbling around you as the werewolf got off to this whole insertion episode...") wait { msg ("
All that was left of you outside of the werewolf at this point were your legs. While she had tried to slather your forelegs in as much drool as possible, it wasn't really feasible to shove all of you into her mouth and still be able to pull you out. So she was relying on the clenches of her body, as well as the leftover drool and her natural feminine fluids, to tuck the rest of you in. You could feel the vaginal walls tightening around you every now and then, pulling you deeper into her birth canal and leaving you knocking on the door of her womb, the cervix, as the rest of your legs dangled helplessly outside of her nethers. All it took was one paw on the bottoms of your feet to push you past the cervix, the flesh parting to \"welcome\" you into her womb. You could feel the flesh of her nethers slipping around you feet, locking you completely inside of her sex as your head poked out into her womb...") MoveObject (player, WerewolfGirlWomb) } } } ]]>
false throat walls Look at Locktight around you, and endeavoring to pull you deeper into the werewolf girl. msg ("You wiggle in the werewolf's throat, but it's so tight that you don't even know if she notices or not.")
takefrom take from "You can't take from " + object.article + "." pickpocket pickpocket "You can't pickpocket " + object.article + "." poundagainst pound against "You can't pound against " + object.article + "." false the You are on The second floor wraps around the hotel, containing 10 rooms. The carpeting is clean, but a bit drab, much like the rest of the hotel. false Look at Open Close false the false msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 1) false You open the door into an average-looking hotel room. It's modestly furnished and looks just like your room. if (RandomChance(50)) { MakeObjectVisible (ElephantLady) } else { MakeObjectVisible (ElephantLady1) MakeExitVisible (Room1KitchenExit) } A single bed. It has red sheets and a couple pillows near the top. It doesn't look incredibly comfortable, but it'll do. You can't sleep in that bed, it's not yours! Bed Elephant lady false false the
Maybe you shouldn't be intruding in her room, especially when she's sleeping.]]>
You walk over to the elephant lady. You tap her a bit, but she doesn't seem to respond, only stirring slightly in her sleep. You take this opportunity to move closer to her, noticing her skimpy clothing and what looks to be a key near the foot of her bed. You step closer, but in your precaution you go too slowly and manage to slip! Your hands swing forward to catch yourself, and just as you brace yourself, you feel your hand sink into somewhere -wet-! A distinctive squish rings in your ears as your hand sinks nearly wrist-deep into the elephant lady's revealed asshole! You manage to brace yourself, hoping that the elephant wouldn't wake up to this...awkward situation, and, luckily, she only stirs some more. You try to pull your hand out, but you're met with some resistance from the pucker...is...is it trying to pull you in?

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY TO BREAK FREE!==") wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { ClearScreen msg ("
You continue to pull as hard as you can, but it seems like your hand is only going deeper! The tight grip of the pucker completely locks you in as it slowly feeds you deeper into the elephant. You take your other hand and try to push on the elephant's cheeks to get some leverage, but your other hand fumbles and manages to slip into the tight hole as well! A quiet \"pop!\" accompanies your loss of leverage against the ravenous butt. Panicking, you pull desperately, trying to yank yourself out, but your struggles are no match for the hungry butt as your arms are slowly sucked into the ass as well. A small involuntary moan is elicited from the elephant as your body is sucked deeper into the elephant, your arms already tucked deep inside the elephant's bowels. Your head is pulled in closer, a pungent aroma wafting from the open hole, as your face is planted firmly between the elephant's buttcheeks! The pucker has no time to wait, however, and your arms continue to be sucked into the elephant and, despite your attempts at using your neck to slow you down, eventually you give way and the top of your head slides past the asscheeks into the rectum. ") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
The earthy aroma outside the ass is amplified as your head slides cleanly into the elephant's bowels. Your struggles continue, but all they do is elicit slight moans from the elephant as the rest of you is slowly fed through the asshole, slurping you up like a large noodle. The heat inside her bowels is nearly unbearable, and you feel yourself already losing energy fast as the will to struggle is slowly sapped from you. Slowly but surely, the asshole consumes your chest, belly, and legs, with only your feet dangling outside the ass. Your last contact with the outside world is slowly slurped up as the massive ass of the elephant completely consumes you. ") wait { MoveObject (player, ElephantLadyBowels) } } } else { msg ("
You manage to pull your hand out of her ass, a distinctive *pop* noise filling the room. The elephant lady, apparently in a very deep sleep, is still snoring, though. You quietly leave the room, locking the door behind you.") MoveObject (player, second floor) } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You walk over to the elephant lady. You tap her a bit, but she doesn't seem to respond, only stirring slightly in her sleep. You take this opportunity to move closer to her, noticing her skimpy clothing and what looks to be a key near the foot of her bed. You step closer, but in your precaution you go too slowly and manage to slip! Your hands swing forward to catch yourself, and just as you brace yourself, you feel your hand sink into somewhere -wet-! A distinctive squish rings in your ears as your hand sinks nearly wrist-deep into the elephant lady's revealed slit! You manage to brace yourself, hoping that the elephant wouldn't wake up to this...awkward situation, and, luckily, she only stirs some more. You try to pull your hand out, but you're met with some resistance from it...is...is it trying to pull you in?

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY TO BREAK FREE!==") wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { ClearScreen msg ("
The desperate pulling of your arm doesn't seem to do you much good - in fact, it only seems to keep you sinking in more! You hear a shrill moan from the elephant lady in response to this new intrusion, and alongside it a strong clench that pulls you in even deeper! Your whole arm is inside the slit now, and your face is close to rubbing up against it, the heat radiating from deeper within washing all over you. You feel a bump behind you as the elephant's foot has curled up around her, and is gently and slowly trying to push you deeper into her! Your head is right up against the elephant's slit now, and you feel like you're going to be torn in half by the powerful suction of the elephant's nethers unless you give way. A loud *slurp* accompanies the acquisition of your head into the elephant's birth canal, the nethers greedily taking you in up to your shoulders. Another moan rings out afterwards, the elephant having taken in nearly half your body already. You can feel your hand squeeze past a tight sphincter into what you can only assume is the elephant's womb. ") wait { msg ("
You try to struggle but the elephant's canal is like a vicegrip, completely cutting off any chance of movement above your waist. Only your legs remain outside, the elephant's foot coming close to the slit now as it pushes your butt up and inside. Moans continue to rumble around you as the walls get hotter, and a bit wetter too, feminine fluids already starting to run down the canal and out onto the elephant's bedsheets. The elephant's body tenses up for a moment before one final *SLLURPPP* feeds you completely inside the elephant's nethers, the rosy red lips slowly closing behind you. You can feel your body nearly being crushed by the intense pressure the walls are putting on you, and the only way away from it looks to be the spacious womb at the end of the tunnel - the one you're rapidly being shoved into.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, ElephantLadyWomb) } } } else { msg ("
You manage to slide your hand out of the slit before you go too deep. The elephant doesn't seem to have been awoken.") } } } UnlockExit (Room1Exit) ]]>
elephant lady's stomach false false the All around you are Your body slowly slides into her gut. The pungent aromas you smelled earlier overwhelm you as the stomach greedily welcomes you to your new home. You sink down slowly into the flesh that surrounds you as your feet enter the sac, completely enclosing you inside the squishy organ. The stomach wastes no time in processing you, already coating you in its juices. You hear the belly groan out in satisfaction as more juices pour into the chamber. Your continued struggles only elicit a large belch from the elephant, and your skin starts to tingle as the last of your energy is given to trying to escape somehow.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You're starting to feel woozy as the last of your air in the chamber has been belched out by the elephant. Before you can completely digest, though, you feel your world shift as the stomach forces you into the long, twisting intestines of the elephant. It would seem that the elephant's digestive system isn't strong enough to process a meaty meal like you yet, at least not in the stomach. Inside the intestines, the villi tickle you as they push you deeper and begin to absorb you little by little. It feels like hours before you finally give in, and with the heat of the bowels coupled with the complete inability to move and the continued tingling of your skin, you soon lose consciousness...

The struggles and bumps in the elephant lady's belly begin to round out. Feeling relieved and pleasantly full, the elephant pats her belly, eliciting a drawn-out belch that drains her digestive system of the little air remaining in it. Already near-asleep, the elephant rubs her rounded stomach, eliciting some glorps and gurgles as it processes your remains. The unfamiliar sensation of having such a large lump in her intestines gives the elephant some pleasure as she drifts off to sleep. While the elephant sleeps, her intestines are hard at work, noisily turning the rest of you into a nutrient slush to be absorbed by her already-chubby body. Her belly slowly shrinks and shrinks as the intestines absorb the nutrient broth that was once you...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
With the job completed, the waste is pushed off to her lower intestine, and soon the elephant awakes to a pang in her lower gut. She slowly waddles to the bathroom, unfamiliar with her new chubbier belly, and plops her butt onto the toilet seat. Noisily, she disposes of your remains, clearly gassy from your time spent in her intestines. After finishing, she flushes and wipes and admires her new curves in the mirror, her elephantine butt receiving some massive assets. It was always nice when strangers decided to add to her figure, but she'd need to find more victims to keep these curves, and soon. She grabs the key from the foot of her bed and twirls it in her grasp.

\"Always works...\" she giggles.") } msg ("
*You broke and entered into the wrong room...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
The elephant lady's slimy stomach walls. Look at false Stomach walls ") } } ]]> false You try to pry open the sphincter, but you can barely get any traction in the slippery sac.
elephant lady's bowels false false Your body is completely enclosed inside the bowel walls, constantly moving as they rush to bring you to the awaiting stomach. Every part of your body is completely bound in the slimy cage, leaving you completely unable to move without some serious effort. The villi all around you tickle your body as you are fed deeper into the elephant. The elephant's bodily noises echo around you, the constant thumping of the heartbeat providing a backdrop to the far-off gurgles of the elephant's awaiting stomach. All around you are the While you've been in the bowels for a while, that much is for sure, you can't remember how long exactly. You feel a slight stir above you and a yawn as it seems you've finally awaken the sleeping giant, who seems a bit perturbed at her newest occupant. After shouting some questions at you that you couldn't even hear, she begins to lay back down and turns on the TV in her hotel room, consigning you to your fate.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
The far-off gurgles are becoming much louder now as you're slowly fed into the last turn of the elephant's small intestine. The elephant lady has been rubbing her struggling belly for a while now, enjoying these new sensations, and it seems like she's trying to push you even deeper. Soon you meet a sphincter, and your body is slowly fed into the bottom of the elephant lady's stomach.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", true, false) } MoveObject (player, ElephantLadyStomach) } } } ]]>
false You're wedged too far into the elephant's bowels to move anywhere down. false You try and push up, but the bowels seem insistent on feeding you along at a slow pace. false The elephant's bowel walls. Brownish and covered in tiny villi, they constantly undulate and push you closer to the awaiting stomach. bowel walls Look at ") } } else { msg ("You manage to get some sort of leverage against the bowel walls, but you're so tightly-packed that you soon return to your normal spot, too tired and hot to really do anything.") } ]]>
elephant's womb false the
The rest of your body quickly slides into the womb, the clenching tunnels around you pulling you deeper and deeper into the elephant. The small area you're contained in is incredibly hot and humid, and sopping wet as well, with feminine fluids. Fluids that are now funneling to the bottom of the womb now that the elephant outside is awake and, judging by the moans you hear around you, instinctively masturbating. Indeed, she is plunging her fingers in and out of her womb at an alarming pace, probably not even aware that you are tucked up deep inside her. The walls around you - already holding tight to you - clench with every plunge she makes, squeezing and kneading you with an enormous amount of pressure.]]>
All around you are The womb around you is becoming even hotter and more humid as the elephant's masturbation comes closer and closer to climax. The chorus of moans has been more or less replaced with near-squeaks as the elephant is closing in on her orgasm - thanks to you, that is. She starts to poke and knead at the bulge in her midsection, with a bit of feral curiosity. That curiosity, however, is easily overwhelmed by the sexual desires of the elephant, at least at this moment. This wonderful thing inside her is helping her get off, so why should she care what it is? At least until she's over her orgasm.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Just as you feel like the walls around you are certainly going to crush you, an ear-shattering scream reverbs around you. The funneling juices at the pit of the womb shoot down and out of the elephant's snatch, and the waterfall of fluids brings you along with it. Your sopping body pops out of the elephant mid-orgasm, landing on the hotel floor as the elephant continues her orgasm, spritzing you with her femcum. About a minute passes before the elephant comes down off her high and starts to wonder exactly what it WAS so deep inside of her. You see a trunk peek over the bed, followed by a pair of eyes looking down at you. \"What the hell were you doing inside me!?\" the elephant questions. You look up at her with a blank stare in response, not really sure of what to say. The elephant weakly points to the door afterwards, her finger still trembling a bit in post-orgasm weakness. \"Just...get out.\"

Not willing to take a chance with this beast, you did what you were told to.") SetTimeout (5) { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") } MoveObject (player, second floor) } } } } ]]>
SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") false You're not going anywhere until the elephant says so.
Dresser A plain oak dresser. Look at Open Close Room 1 Token false The room token for Room 1. You feel the floor beneath you rumble...
The Lower Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: showertime.") MakeExitVisible (LowerExit) } if (player.tokens = 10) { msg ("
You feel the ceiling above you rumble...
The Third Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: moreroomsmorefun.") MakeExitVisible (ThirdFloorExit) } ]]>
false kitchen false the false if (ListContains(ScopeVisible(), ElephantLady1)) { msg ("You step into the hotel room's kitchen. Nothing too strange in here, although there is an elephant lady standing in here, looking into the refridgerator. She hasn't noticed your intrusion yet. Maybe you should talk to her?") } else { msg ("You step into the hotel room's kitchen. Nothing too strange in here.") } Elephant lady false false the An elephant lady, no doubt a patron of the hotel. She stands about 7' tall, almost hitting the roof of the room when she stands up. She's currently wearing relatively revealing clothing, looking like she was about to go swimming in the hotel pool. \"Who are you?\" she asks. \"What are you doing here?\" You give no answer, and she starts to walk towards you. \"I get it,\" she starts, \"you want some of...this.\" she gestures to her whole body. \"Let me get that for you,\" she continues as she snakes behind you and locks the door. \"Now, let's get started...\" she says as, suddenly, her huge arms lock around your body!

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY TO BREAK FREE!==") wait { if (RandomChance(33)) { ClearScreen msg ("
You struggle to the best of your avail, but she has a tight grip on your body. Displeased with your noncompliance, she squeezes you harder in punishment. \"Oh, we're just getting started...\" she says as she brings you closer to eye level. Her trunk, then covering her face, lifts up and wraps around your body, revealing a small mouth lined with flat teeth. She opens wide, her lips parting to a red, hot, slimy cavern. She breathes out, and you can smell the stale stench of stomach acids and leftover grassy foods. She tilts your head into her open mouth and slowly slides your head into her maw. She closes her lips around your neck and begins to suck on you like a piece of candy, coating you in sticky elephant spit for the trip down. You continue your struggles, but the elephant lady is unfazed, pushing you deeper into her maw. Your head peeks into her throat as she feeds the rest of your body inwards, using her trunk to play with your feet as the rest of you slowly ventures deeper. You can start to hear the deep echo of gurgles below you as the first \"gulp!\" sends you careening into the elephant lady's throat. She starts to adjust her position, and your entire perception begins to change as she starts to lie on her side in her bed. More gulps echo out as your body sinks deeper and deeper into her throat. With a final \"gluck!\", your feet slip into her mouth, aided by a push from her trunk. You slide through the elephant's gullet, all sorts of bodily noises around you, until your head breaks through into her stomach.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("twoweirdgulps.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, ElephantLadyStomach) } } else { msg ("
You manage to break free of her grasp! You quickly undo the locks on the door and burst out into the hallway. While she looks disappointed, she doesn't give chase. ") MoveObject (player, second floor) } UnlockExit (Room1Exit) } ]]>
elephant lady's stomach false false the All around you are Your body slowly slides into her gut. The pungent aromas you smelled earlier overwhelm you as the stomach greedily welcomes you to your new home. You sink down slowly into the flesh that surrounds you as your feet enter the sac, completely enclosing you inside the squishy organ. The stomach wastes no time in processing you, already coating you in its juices. You hear the belly groan out in satisfaction as more juices pour into the chamber. Your continued struggles only elicit a large belch from the elephant, and your skin starts to tingle as the last of your energy is given to trying to escape somehow.
") SetTimeout (15) { msg ("
You're starting to feel woozy as the last of your air in the chamber has been belched out by the elephant. Before you can completely digest, though, you feel your world shift as the stomach forces you into the long, twisting intestines of the elephant. It would seem that the elephant's digestive system isn't strong enough to process a meaty meal like you yet, at least not in the stomach. Inside the intestines, the villi tickle you as they push you deeper and begin to absorb you little by little. It feels like hours before you finally give in, and with the heat of the bowels coupled with the complete inability to move and the continued tingling of your skin, you soon lose consciousness...") msg ("
The struggles and bumps in the elephant lady's belly begin to round out. Feeling relieved and pleasantly full, the elephant pats her belly, eliciting a drawn-out belch that drains her digestive system of the little air remaining in it. Already near-asleep, the elephant rubs her rounded stomach, eliciting some glorps and gurgles as it processes your remains. The unfamiliar sensation of having such a large lump in her intestines gives the elephant some pleasure as she drifts off to sleep. While the elephant sleeps, her intestines are hard at work, noisily turning the rest of you into a nutrient slush to be absorbed by her already-chubby body. Her belly slowly shrinks and shrinks as the intestines absorb the nutrient broth. With the job completed, the waste is pushed off to her lower intestine, and soon the elephant awakes to a pang in her lower gut. She slowly waddles to the bathroom, unfamiliar with her new chubbier belly, and plops her butt onto the toilet seat. Noisily, she disposes of your remains, clearly gassy from your time spent in her intestines. After finishing, she flushes and wipes and admires her new curves in the mirror, her elephantine butt receiving some massive assets. It was always nice when strangers decided to add to her figure, but she'd need to find more victims to keep these curves, and soon. She grabs the key from the foot of her bed and twirls it in her grasp.

\"Always works...\" she giggles.

*You broke and entered into the wrong room...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } ]]>
The elephant lady's slimy stomach walls. Look at false Stomach walls random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("The elephant lady rolls over in her bed, unaffected by your struggles.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("She flops down onto her belly to stop your struggles. You feel the crushing weight of the rest of her body slam down on you all at once.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The elephant lady flinches a bit, but it doesn't seem like you're doing much.") } else { msg ("You start to think that you're causing her a bit of discomfort, but then you hear a large belch echo out and the stomach constricts you even harder.") } false You try to pry open the sphincter, but you can barely get any traction in the slippery sac.
elephant lady's bowels false false Your body is completely enclosed inside the bowel walls, constantly moving as they rush to bring you to the awaiting stomach. Every part of your body is completely bound in the slimy cage, leaving you completely unable to move without some serious effort. The villi all around you tickle your body as you are fed deeper into the elephant. The elephant's bodily noises echo around you, the constant thumping of the heartbeat providing a backdrop to the far-off gurgles of the elephant's awaiting stomach. All around you are the While you've been in the bowels for a while, that much is for sure, you can't remember how long exactly. You feel a slight stir above you and a yawn as it seems you've finally awaken the sleeping giant, who seems a bit perturbed at her newest occupant. After shouting some questions at you that you couldn't even hear, she begins to lay back down and turns on the TV in her hotel room, consigning you to your fate.") SetTimeout (15) { msg ("
The far-off gurgles are becoming much louder now as you're slowly fed into the last turn of the elephant's small intestine. The elephant lady has been rubbing her struggling belly for a while now, enjoying these new sensations, and it seems like she's trying to push you even deeper. Soon you meet a sphincter, and your body is slowly fed into the bottom of the elephant lady's stomach.") MoveObject (player, ElephantLadyStomach) } } ]]>
false You're wedged too far into the elephant's bowels to move anywhere down. false You try and push up, but the bowels seem insistent on feeding you along at a slow pace. false The elephant's bowel walls. Brownish and covered in tiny villi, they constantly undulate and push you closer to the awaiting stomach. bowel walls Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You feel a slight stir from the elephant, but she seems to be completely asleep.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The bowel walls push you even deeper.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("An involuntary moan comes from the elephant.") } else { msg ("You manage to get some sort of leverage against the bowel walls, but you're so tightly-packed that you soon return to your normal spot, too tired and hot to really do anything.") }
false the Look at Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 2) false You open the Room door and suddenly a huge burst of hot air fills your lungs. You step out onto a flat savanna, and onto the beach of a lake. Interspersed trees surround this little oasis, and the sound of a rolling wind assails your ears. Without the whistling of the wind, though, the lake is oddly still. Eerily quiet. Look at Swim in Lake You decide to take a little dip in the water. Delicately, you take your clothes off and leave them beside the riverbank. The water's cold, although not freezing. You swim out to the middle of the lake and start to tread water.") wait { msg ("
After some wading, you decide to swim back to shore. Paddling across the lake, you can hear something rush through the water. Before you can even react, you feel a huge impact in your side that bowls you clean over onto the lakeside, like you just got hit by a semi truck! The wind entirely knocked out of you, you watch as the eyes, then the head, of a huge hippopotamus peek out from underneath the glassy surface of the water. The hippo floats closer to you and...turns around? Yes, and he reads out of the water as well! His buttcheeks are clearly visible as he starts to fall back on you - get out of the way!

==PRESS ANY KEY TO GET OUT OF THE WAY==") wait { if (RandomChance(25)) { msg ("
Even in your haze you can recognize the clear danger before you! You scramble to get up and narrowly avoid the crushing weight of the hippo's ass.") } else { ClearScreen msg ("
You frantically try to get out of the way but all the air is forced upon you as the hippo plants his massive ass square on your face! The pressure quickly increases as the hippo rests more of his weight onto you, grinding your face into the sandy ground below. Your vision is pretty much completely blocked by the hippo's gray cheeks, a tail poking out from in-between them being the only other thing you can see. The hippo grinds his rear into the ground, firmly planting your head into the sandy floor.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, HippoButtCrush) } } } } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("
You decide to take a little dip in the water. Delicately, you take your clothes off and leave them beside the riverbank. The water's cold, although not freezing. You swim out to the middle of the lake and start to tread water.") wait { msg ("
Relaxed from your swim, you gently drift back to shore on your back. It's so serene out here you think you can just fall asleep...zzz...

But you're jolted from your sleep as you feel something swim by your feet!

==PRESS ANY KEY TO GET OUT==") wait { if (RandomChance(35)) { ClearScreen msg ("
You start to swim your way back to shore, but you feel the thing brush past you again! You frantically splash in the water as you try to come back, but suddenly something opens up underneath you! In a fraction of a second, you're inside some place warm and wet. You can't even get a read on your surroundings before a resounding *gulp* pulls you down under the water. It's not long before you're enveloped in complete darkness. You're not sure, but you might have just been swallowed by a fish!") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("twoweirdgulps.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, FishStomach) } } else { msg ("
Jolted out of your rest, you frantically paddle your way back to shore. It's tense, but you make it back. You don't want to know what lurked in that lake.") } } } } else { msg ("
You decide to take a little dip in the water. Delicately, you take your clothes off and leave them beside the riverbank. The water's cold, although not freezing. You swim out to the middle of the lake and start to tread water.") wait { msg ("
After your little swim, you feel refreshed! This is just what you needed. You swim back to shore and try and find a way out of here.") MoveObject (player, Room 2) } } ]]>
false false You're being crushed under hippo's buttcheeks! the The hippo starts to rest his body, giving you a little bit of time to absorb what's going on around you. The beast atop you is incredibly big, and all his weight is resting squarely on your face, giving you very little room to breathe or move about. You're surprised your head isn't completely lodged into the ground by now, but another thing you notice is the smell. Your nose is forced right between the hippo's cheeks, and an earthy, musky smell wafts around you, coming from deeper inside... Atop you are two With your face thoroughly ground into the dirt, and your view completely consumed by this hippo's posterior, you think it can't get any worse. The hippo wiggles his butt back and forth in an attempt to get comfortable as you feel him press down again. However, this time you also feel the hippo put a webbed foot on the back of your head, and start to push in slowly. An audible grunt happens and your struggles renew as your head parts the hippo's ample buttcheeks and goes deeper...

==PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE==") wait { msg ("
A sudden shove forces your face right against the hippo's plump pucker, hidden from sight by the sheer mass of his cheeks. Slowly the tailhole yawns open, ready to accept its meal. Your nose pushes past into the hippo's bowels as the rest of your body slowly slides deeper. Soon the hippo loses his grip and lets go, clenching his tailhole and slowly drawing you deeper. Soon, after a lot of clenching (and from the sounds you heard on the outside, some pleasure as well), the hippo reaches back into his asscheeks, finds your feet, and delicately pushes the rest of you in.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, HippoBowels) } } } ]]>
Look at Push at smooth buttcheeks false The hippo's round, gray buttcheeks. Firmly planted against your face, they take up pretty much your whole field of view. random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You pound your fists against the cheeks but the fat layer is so thick that the hippo doesn't even feel your pounding.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You squirm under the hippo's crushing embrace, but you can't move all that hippo. It's just not possible.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The hippo relaxes and grinds his butt into the dirt some more, cutting off your struggles as you're buried deeper and deeper.") } else { msg ("You try and kick your legs out but you can't make contact with any part of the hippo.") }
hippo's bowels false the The sphincter closes as your feet slides into the hippo's bowels, leaving the suffocating walls to knead you northward. Satisfied and blissful, the hippo plops down on his back, shaking the world around you as he collapses into the lakeside. The path ahead of you is long and dark, and the musty smell overtakes your nostrils and makes it hard to breathe. You know you've got a long road ahead. You've long since lost track of your time inside the hippo. All you could use to measure your proximity was the hungry gurgles of the stomach, slowly getting closer and closer, but never quite getting there. Soon, though, the bowels lurch forward and push you in through the duodenum, your head poking into the bottom of the stomach. The rest of you follows as you curl up at the bottom of the stomach, gastric juices already pooling around you. ") SetTimeout (5) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } MoveObject (player, HippoStomach) } } } ]]> The hippo's bowel walls are super tight and slimy, constantly constricting you. bowel walls false Look at ") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("You're finding it getting harder to squirm as the heat in the bowels rises.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("Your continued struggling only pushes you deeper into the belly of the beast.") } else { msg ("You can hear a deep moan around you, the hippo clearly enjoying his snack.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]> false You can't move down at all. false hippo's stomach the The stomach is relatively spacious, and your body only makes it sag a little bit on the outside. The gastric fluids that were already pooling around you are nearly up to your knees already, and the belly is kneading at you with all its walls, desperate to extract some nutrients. Your skin and hair is completely soaked with fluid as the belly suddenly shakes, and soon flips over, as the hippo rolls over, squeezing you between himself and the sandy floor. You hear a gurgle above you, and then a huge *braaaaaaaaap* blasts out of the hippo's wide open mouth, all the air in the stomach gone with it. You hear a contented sigh squeeze out as well. All around you are You can't help but notice how hot it's getting inside here. It was already pretty warm, but the temperature is steadily rising, baking you alive! The heat, combined with your exhaustion from struggling so long, is constantly at ends with your will to survive. You think of how nice it would be to just...stop, collapse into the stomach, and get some rest...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
After a brief period of renewed struggling, you can't go any farther. Completely beat, you collapse into the floor of the stomach. The gunky soup surrounding you slowly overtakes your body, and you slip into unconsciousness soon afterwards, your weak body ready to be processed.

Outside, the hippo's belly rubs continue as the stomach starts to become smaller. Hard at work, the gut *glrrnnn*s and *glorp*s as it breaks down its meal, coerced by the coddling it was receiving. This feeling was absolutely divine for the hippo, who had been on the riverbank for well over three hours now, just continually teasing and rubbing his belly. Soon, the liquid remnants empty out into the deeper guts of the hippo, the guts you originally came through, and you're as quickly forgotten as any meal the hippo had before.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Later on, a couple of days later, in fact, the hippo is lounging in his lake before a sudden pressure in his lower bowels catches his attention. Floating to the lakeside, he awkwardly waddles onto land and into the surrounding savanna, relieving himself covertly in the cover of forest. The hippo couldn't quite remember what made such a large pile of waste, but he could remember that it sure tasted good. He should snatch up more of those little treats whenever they take a dip in his lake. They are trespassing, after all.") } msg ("
*Snatched clean out of the blue...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Look at ") } } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You press hard on the stomach, getting just beyond the layers of fat to leave some hand imprints, but it's not like anyone's around to see them.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The hippo groans as you squirm about inside him, apparently in a deep pleasure.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("Delighted with his meal, the hippo smacks his lips and rubs his belly some more.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("Your struggles only result in your getting covered with more stomach juices.") } else { msg ("The stomach lets out a large, almost aggressive, growl in result to your struggles.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]>
fish's stomach false the The walls around you are pitch-black and hug you tightly. You're already coated in slime and the stomach fluids around you are pooling. Although, the fish swallowed a lot of water when it took you in, and the pool of lake water and stomach juices is nearly up to your chin. At least it'll dilute the stomach acids...for a little while. On the outside, almost your entire body is neatly outlined by the fish's incredibly stretchy stomach. It won't be for long, though. The watery fluid around you is already steadily rising, almost up to your nose by now. You're starting to worry, as the fluid is becoming less and less diluted. A noticeable tingling is already present around you. The fish's stomach is pretty taut, and you think you might be able to escape if you just struggle harder...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The fluid pooling in the stomach is just too much to handle. It quickly overtakes what little air and space you have left. The stomach starts to get active now, gurgles and glorps dominating your hearing as the stomach walls tighten and knead you. The worst is yet to come, though, and you don't experience it as you pass out from lack of oxygen. Soon, though, the stomach starts to eat away at you, bit by bit, digesting with the still-diluted acids. Outside, the fish's belly still sags well below the fish, looking almost comically large, but it too soon begins to deflate to its regular size.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Soon, nothing but a stream of waste in the lake and a layer of fat is a remnant of what used to be. Acquainted with this new and delicious taste, the fish lies in wait for another lake-goer to take a swim...") } else { msg ("
Soon, nothing but a layer of fat is a remnant of what used to be. Acquainted with this new and delicious taste, the fish lies in wait for another lake-goer to take a swim...") } msg ("
*No diving...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Look at ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("A huge gurgle rings in your ears. The stomach doesn't seem to be happy about your struggles.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You try to press out on the stomach, but you're already so clearly outlined you can't even move to do so.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("Fish don't burp, so you aren't getting any audio feedback from your struggles, but they don't seem to be doing anything.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("You manage to jiggle the fish's belly, but nothing comes of it.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("All your struggles do is slosh around the watery mixture of digestive juices that are steadily rising around you.") } else { msg ("Your struggles jostle the fish about, but it's not letting go of its choice meal.") } ]]>
forest false msg ("You walk past the lake and into the small forest surrounding it. A large cluster of acacia trees hangs over you, acting like an umbrella to shield you from the harsh sunlight. A narrow path goes west-east in front of you.") forest false forest false forest false forest false
You get the strangest feeling that you don't have much time to do this.") ]]>
EnableTimer (DeerStatueAV) DisableTimer (DeerStatueAV) tower 1 false Look at SetObjectFlagOn (Tower 1, "activated") msg ("You push the rock off the top of the tower. Nothing seems to happen.") tower 2 false Look at SetObjectFlagOn (Tower 2, "activated") msg ("You push the rock off the top of the tower. Nothing seems to happen.") tower 3 false Look at SetObjectFlagOn (Tower 3, "activated") msg ("You push the rock off the top of the tower. Nothing seems to happen.") tower 4 false Look at SetObjectFlagOn (Tower 4, "activated") msg ("You push the rock off the top of the tower. Nothing seems to happen.") the statue You are inside false You make your way into the statue. The inside of the statue is barely big enough for you to stand up in. The inside is still mostly dark, although the small amount of light coming from outside illuminates the chamber a bit. You can barely make out something at the back end of the room. EnableTimer (DeerStatueOV) DisableTimer (DeerStatueOV) You reach your hand out into the darkness, and it lands on a familiar shape. You pull your hand away and find the token for Room 2! false You feel the floor beneath you rumble...
The Lower Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: showertime.") MakeExitVisible (LowerExit) } if (player.tokens = 10) { msg ("
You feel the ceiling above you rumble...
The Third Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: moreroomsmorefun.") MakeExitVisible (ThirdFloorExit) } RemoveObject (a shape) MakeObjectVisible (Room 2 Token) msg ("Once you grab a hold of the token, you feel a bit queasy. You close your eyes for a couple seconds and when you open them you're back in the hotel lobby! ") MoveObject (player, Lobby) MakeExitVisible (DeerStatueLobbyExit) ]]>
false The room token for Room 2. false
deer's bowels false the The deer's warm bowels are tight around you, constantly contracting and loosening as the deer flexes its anal muscles. All around you there is darkness, and your lack of movement forces you to focus on the ominous gurgles ahead, that are gradually getting louder. Your journey through the bowels is sure to be a long and arduous one, as even in the darkness you can feel your body being pushed through the various twists and turns of the deer's intestines. And if it wasn't enough that you were still dazed from the huge blow, the lack of air and the heat inside the deer is also causing you to feel quite woozy. You probably won't be able to stay conscious for very long inside this hot, constricting maze. You are trapped inside The bowels start to increase their clench rate as the heat rises as well. You can definitely feel that the deer is close to an orgasm. The pressure around you is mounting, and you feel like you might be crushed if it keeps getting stronger.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
The gurgle you heard faintly in the background is a lot louder now, your trip to the deer's stomach being accelerated due to the rapid clenching. You can feel one huge, tight clench as the excited deer finally comes to orgasm, blowing his huge load all over the forest floor. A full minute elapses of constricting followed by relaxation as the deer's cock spurts out rope after rope of seed, clearly pent up from centuries waiting for a good meal. You can feel yourself inch forward due to the mighty squeezes from the deer's bowels, the deer amazingly still in the middle of his orgasm. Soon, though, he's completely spent, the penis receding slowly into its sheath and the deer unable to do anything besides barely stand in post-orgasmic bliss. Almost immediately afterward your body is forced around one last bend before being pushed upward into the deer's stomach, already full of digestive fluids, ready to accept and digest its post-orgasm meal.") SetTimeout (5) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } MoveObject (player, DeerStatueStomach) } } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Look at ") } } else if (random = 4) { msg ("The bowel walls constrict you hard as soon as you try to move.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The heat in the bowels is unbearable now, and it's sapping all your strength, leaving your squirms nearly moot.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("You feel the deer grinding against the bulge you're making. He's clearly enjoying your struggles.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("You're doing a good job as a buttsnack, the squirms you're making are giving the deer immense pleasure.") } else { msg ("The deer barely responds to your struggles, clearly off in another world by now.") } ]]>
deer's stomach false the You're fully squeezed out into the deer's stomach, awash with digestive fluids. Your body surfaces among the sea of liquid to bump up against some stomach walls. There's very little air in the chamber, and the walls are tight against your body. You can feel the sphincter directly above you, locktight. A chorus of glorps, gurgles, and other lewd noises assail your ears as the belly quickly gets to work. Finished with its orgasm, the deer plops onto its right side, with his belly now in the air, completely inverting your world. He quickly gets to work on aiding his digestion, rubbing his belly thoroughly with all of his hooves. It's tough to say if you'll be going anywhere now, at least of your own accord.]]> After a thorough amount of time spent in the deer's stomach, you can feel your strength fading. The heat of the stomach is just too much for you to bear, and the deer's belly rubs are certainly helping the process. You decide in a last-ditch effort to try and pry the sphincter above you open. Reaching your hands into the fleshy container, you pull it apart as hard as you can, flashing back to those impossible-to-open potato chip bags...yes! You manage to pry the sphincter open just enough for you to get through! You quickly force yourself through the opening, getting your whole midsection through before you let go of the sphincter to reach your arms up the deer's throat. You squirm and wiggle your way up, aided by the reaction of the deer's body to this unfamiliar sensation pushing you up, until you can see just the smallest glimpse of daylight. Your head pops up into the back of the deer's mouth and you grasp frantically for the outside world, the deer's jaws agape. You manage to get almost your whole body out into the deer's mouth before you get stuck, the throat wanting to reclaim its meal quickly. The deer, quite amused and startled by this new scenario, takes this time to taste its snack, rolling your body around on its tongue and coating your already-sopping body and clothes in sticky saliva. You flail about some more, but soon the deer extends its long tongue onto your face and casually pushes you back down its throat, the tube happily re-accepting its meal with a hearty *gulp!*. All your fighting had gotten you so close, but with another *gulp!*, the hungry deer had reclaimed its prize. You sink back down into the deer's stomach completely broken, both in willpower and in physical strength. You had come so close.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("regurgitationaudio.mp3", true, false) play sound ("genericbelly.mp3", false, false) } SetTimeout (50) { wait { msg ("
The escape attempt had really worn you out. By the time you plopped into the stomach you already felt like just sinking into the belly walls. But your struggles had become too weak, and a grim fate was too near to ignore. Your final struggles resulted in a weak, drawn out burp from the deer as you sink into the belly walls, completely exhausted and beat from this whole ordeal. The belly quickly continues to work as you sink beneath the sea of digestive fluids, eager to break down the meal it had finally broken.") SetTimeout (10) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
With your struggles dying down, the deer knew it had finally claimed its meal. The belly rubs continued as the bulge in its stomach began to shrink slowly, constantly making gurgly noises as little pockets of air were continually burped up by the deer. You were nothing but deer fodder now, and the deer slowly drifted off to sleep on the forest floor as you started your second trip through the deer's intestines, this time in a much less solid form. The deer's belly continued shrinking as you traveled further south. The deer was already pudgy before, but the new pudge you added rounded him out nicely. Seems like it had quite a few snacks before, although none quite as lively as you. Soon, all that was left of you was more pudge on his belly and butt, and a pleasurable lump in his intestines. The deer's final thoughts before it fell asleep was your delicious taste on the way up, and how great of a toy you were for his butthole. He smacked his lips and licked them too before his brain drifted off into the unknown, tired from the day's events.") finish if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
The next day was a lazy one. The deer had enjoyed the new layer of pudge you'd given him, especially on his belly and his hungry butt. He decided to stay in an animal form for a bit longer instead of waiting again, intent on capturing some of the birds around here as a dessert to yesterday's dinner. It wasn't long before he'd caught two, and had one pinned beneath his round, pudgy ass and one captured in his mouth. Not as big as his dinner yesterday, but it'd do. Soon he had two squirming bulges inside of him, and in the middle of his bliss, a pang in his lower gut hit him. The deer knew exactly what time it is, and although he had just gotten his dick out of his shaft again, it was time. The deer got on his feet and wobbled over to a corner in the forest, before squatting down and relieving himself of your remains. A tidy pile was all that was left before the deer walked over to the center of the forest room again, and stood in the same pose it had stood in for centuries before. The deer bronzed over, and the pedestal rose again, leaving no trace that anyone had ever stepped foot there...") } else { msg ("
The next day was a lazy one. The deer had enjoyed the new layer of pudge you'd given him, especially on his belly and his hungry butt. He decided to stay in an animal form for a bit longer instead of waiting again, intent on capturing some of the birds around here as a dessert to yesterday's dinner. It wasn't long before he'd caught two, and had one pinned beneath his round, pudgy ass and one captured in his mouth. Not as big as his dinner yesterday, but it'd do. Soon he had two squirming bulges inside of him, feeling them writhe around before the deer walked over to the center of the forest room again, and stood in the same pose it had stood in for centuries before. The deer bronzed over, and the pedestal rose again, leaving no trace that anyone had ever stepped foot there...") } msg ("
**You were a once in a century opportunity...**

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Look at ") SetTimeout (2) { msg ("") } } } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You push and flail with all your might, and you think you might have upset the deer's stomach a bit. That is, until in the distance you hear an earth-shattering belch blow open the deer's lips, echoing all the way throughout the forest and scaring birds out of the surrounding trees. At least you managed to do something.") if (game.sound = 1) { SetTimeout (2) { msg ("") } } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("If your struggles are strong enough to even register, the deer isn't doing a very good job of registering them.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("You flail around for a bit, with no response coming from the deer.") } else { msg ("The deer idly smacks its lips as it wishes it could have tasted you instead of slurping you up with his pucker. Oh well.") } ]]>
forest a false forest false forest false cave false The cave is dark, but spacious. You can hear the dragoness {object:Selicia} quietly snoring in some part of the cave, the occasional glow of her maw helping you understand where you are in the cave.") if (Got(ZarkNote)) { msg ("
{command:give note to selicia:Give the note to Selicia?}") } ]]>
A large, female salamander dragon. At least, like, 15 feet long. Currently curled up on the cave floor, sound asleep. Probably hungry. Don't poke her. That would just be mean. Look at You poke the dragon, but she doesn't seem to do anything in response. You probably shouldn't do that again.") } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You poke the dragon in her side. You think nothing happens, until she stirs a bit...and then opens her eyes...and then looks at you. She hasn't said anything, but you can just tell from her facial expression that she is not very happy that you woke her from her nap.

You and Selicia lock eyes for a moment, her gaze communicating to you exactly how she felt about your interruption. Then, in the blink of an eye, she slams her two front claws down onto you, locking you into place on the floor of the cavern. Leaning down onto you, she opens her glowing maw, letting you take in the confines of her blue flesh before she gives you a few slobbery licks.

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND ESCAPE!==") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("
In a feat of superhuman strength, you manage to pry the dragoness's claws off your body for the brief second you needed to slip out of her grasp! You make a break for it, not ever looking back...the dragoness doesn't seem to be giving chase though, opting to finish her nap instead.") MoveObject (player, ForestSeliciaCaveOuter) } else { ClearScreen msg ("
Selicia gives you a bemused look as you vainly struggle underneath her claws before giving you another lick. Knowing you were trapped now, she drops her maw around you, the glowing of her blue flesh allowing you to see every detail of her maw in frightening detail as she slickens you up with her saliva. Her jaws had a good grip on your torso, your legs awkwardly kicking outside of her mouth as she reared her head up, using gravity to help get you down. She toys around with you for a bit, moving you around in her maw with her tongue, making sure you were thoroughly coated in saliva, before one big *gulp!* pulls your head and shoulders into her throat, the undulating flesh of her esophagus massaging your head. You can hear a loud \"mmm...\" echo around you, the dragoness clearly enjoying your taste, before another *gulp* pulls your waist in, leaving only your legs outside of her throat. Your feet were kicking out weakly against the roof of her mouth, the dragoness chuckling a bit at your \"struggles\" before she takes another wet *gulp*, pulling your legs inside her throat, locking you entirely inside of her...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, SeliciaStomach) } } } } ]]>
Selicia's stomach false The rest of your body spills out into Selicia's stomach, the chamber quite cramped, not allowing you much room to struggle. The walls aren't so much kneading and squishing at you as they are overpowering you, putting you in your place inside the stomach, curled up tightly, with nowhere to go...at least not for now. You try to at least make yourself comfortable, but the stomach won't even have that, refusing even the slightest of struggles, not willing (or able) to let its meal budge. Outside, Selicia gives a moan as she feels her gut bulge out, almost full to bursting with you...and then belches loudly, a little bit of room freeing up in there, albeit not much. She rubs her gut with both claws as she lays on the cave floor, content with her fullness.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("j-belch10.wav", false, false) } } else { msg ("
After a few more gulps, a sphincter below yawns open to accept you into Selicia's stomach. The flesh is blue and glowing, just like her maw, and the chamber is somewhat spacious, even though the encroaching belly walls would like to fix that, kneading and pushing at you as soon as you enter. There isn't much in terms of food inside of here, the bottom of the stomach just full of sloshing stomach juices and thin chyme. Outside, you hear a light belch from the dragoness before she curls back up, laying her head upon the bulge you're making. You assume she's going to fall back asleep soon...and when she does, her stomach is gonna get a lot more active...") } ]]>
The stomach walls tighten even harder around you somehow, making it pretty much impossible to even wiggle at this point. You're starting to feel quite tingly now, and even a bit numb in some places, the claustrophobia of the situation allowing the stomach to get QUITE intimate with your body, stomach juices slickening up every part of your body, starting to digest away your clothes, the fiber melting away into the stomach muck. Selicia continues to rub at her gut, it slowly starting to round out more and shrink at this point...but it'd take a long time to digest all of you.") SetObjectFlagOn (SeliciaStomach, "struggletimer") } else { msg ("
You start to feel a tingly sensation in your extremities, the stomach juices thoroughly rubbed into your skin now, and still being secreted vigorously. One loud belch from the dragoness constricts you even harder inside of her stomach, making it almost impossible to move at all...") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } SetObjectFlagOn (SeliciaStomach, "struggletimer") } } SetTimeout (40) { wait { if (Selicia.shrunk = 1) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
It's been quite a while since you ended up stewing in Selicia's gut, and it's starting to show in your body and mind. Physically, your clothes had melted off a long time ago, and now your skin was tingling and starting to go through the same process (thankfully, you wouldn't be awake most for it). Speaking of being awake, that was also hard, the encroaching walls dulling your senses, making it harder to stay awake, especially as the air inside Selicia's stomach became rarer, and also thicker, it becoming a chore to even take in one breath. Your body couldn't take it any more, and you passed out deep inside of the gut.

Outside, Selicia was still rubbing at the bulge, becoming a little disappointed when she felt it go still. That disappointment quickly faded to excitement as she felt her gut get to work, groaning and gurgling loudly now, starting to really digest away her meal. She rubbed at her gut as it started to shrink, the contents inside swirling into a thick chyme, becoming more and more ready to add to her body. She quite enjoyed seeing her gut start to fade, especially since it took so long with how small she was now. In fact, the gurgling was really starting to...make her tired...her head fell back as she started to drift into sleep, the pleasurable feeling of her gut breaking you down still present even in her dreamscape. She'd definitely have to figure out where you got that potion, because it made having dinner even more fun...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
The next day, the dragoness awoke, a bit of a jiggling paunch still left behind on her gut, and a familiar pang in her lower bowels. She walked over to a corner of her cave and discreetly disposed of your remains, a small pile all that was left of you after the dragoness's body had its fun. She yawned, and then peeked out of her cave a little bit. She was feeling like an early morning hunt this time around.") } msg ("
*Why do you keep waking up sleeping dragons?*

==GAME OVER==") finish } else { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
It's become pretty much impossible to stay focused on trying to escape at this point. The tightness of the dragoness's stomach, the acids that had been rubbed into your skin, Selicia nearly having fallen asleep, all contributed to your weariness. It had been a while since you could last feel your arms and legs - you knew they were still there, you could see everything that was going on in frightening detail, but they were numbing quickly, and so was your brain - not literally, but it felt impossible to focus or think about anything. The time you spent inside the dragoness was quickly becoming a blur of blue, the constant sounds of her body not helping either, contributing to this overall numbing of your senses. It was difficult to even focus on staying conscious at this point, your body constantly being stimulated and assailed by the belly walls around you...and soon you lost that battle too, gently slipping away into the ether as the dragoness's stomach rumbled around you.

Selicia could feel a few more weak squirms before her belly went still, the feeling of your squirms replaced with the gurgles of her stomach as it really started to break you down, turning your body into a soup ready to be pushed along into the dragoness's intestines and then added to her. It was difficult for Selicia to maintain consciousness too, not because she was being digested, but because your squirms felt so good inside of her...shame that you didn't last too long. But, it wouldn't be long before she had that delightful feeling inside of her again, judging by the rate that snacks had been coming through her cave recently.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Selicia woke up from her nap some time later, noticing her belly had shrunk considerably since she had last felt your squirms from inside. She did her usual business, walking into a corner of her cave to dispose of your remains before going back to sleep. She didn't feel like doing much today. Hopefully another snack would wander in her cave today...") } msg ("
*Why do you keep waking up sleeping dragons?*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
Selicia's stomach walls. They're blue, glowing, and currently trying to turn you into mush. Based on the tingling you're feeling, they're succeeding currently. Look at false Stomach walls ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You bump Selicia's head a bit, as she's currently resting on top of your bulge. She probably didn't like that, but what else could she do? You were already digesting inside of her.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The stomach gurgles loudly, more sloppy chyme and juices washing over you as you throw your limbs against the belly walls.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else { msg ("You bang your fists against your fleshy prison, but seemingly no response comes from Selicia. You can't tell if it's because she's asleep, or if your struggles are really that weak.") } } ]]>

You can hear the dragoness moaning as she starts to masturbate to the bulge deep inside of her, her tail plunging in and out of her slit, making even more fluids start to run out of her body...which just continues to make your body tingle, especially as the walls push against you in time with her moans. Her thrusts rock the bulge in her belly, making it jiggle around even as you are locked inside, unable to make a dent against the walls...]]>
It is nearly impossible to move. false Selicia's womb You had already been thoroughly drowned out by the dragoness's fluids, but they just keep coming, as you feel your world shift a bit, Selicia getting into a more comfortable position as she continues to plunge her tail in and out of her slit. The heat in the womb continues to rise, and you're starting to feel more tingly, and more tired as well...Especially without the ability to struggle, you feel completely trapped, gasping for air constantly, and desperately trying to squirm against the womb walls, but without much result. Her squirming bulge had started to die down a little bit, the walls slowly compressing her belly down. Still, Selicia could feel the attempts you were making at squirming inside of her, and was quite enjoying them~") } SetTimeout (25) { msg ("
It's really starting to feel like a sauna in here. The constant moans of Selicia have become little more than white noise now, your senses starting to become noticeably dulled. It's becoming harder to focus your eyesight at this point, even as you can see everything in her blue womb, almost disconcertingly well...You look down to your limbs, and see that they're starting to liquidize, your body steadily melting down to become orgasm fuel for the dragoness! This new revelation causes you to try and struggle mightily, but it was already difficult when you were at full-strength, let alone after your energy had been sapped by the environment around you. The walls continue to push against you as Selicia moans out in pleasure, feeling the squirming bulge inside of her starting to melt down more, becoming more jiggly and less bulgy, like fat...but she knew it was more cum for her orgasm, waiting to be released...") } SetTimeout (35) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You're more cum than flesh at this point, most of your body having melted down, your consciousness starting to slip away inside of the dragoness as more and more of your body is steadily converted into femcum. It's becoming easier to move around, but that's mostly because the space that was you is quickly becoming more condensed...a few minutes pass, and you're nothing but a vague bulge in Selicia's belly, like she was pregnant or something. A vague, sloshy bulge, that begged to be released...and that's exactly what Selicia aimed to do, her tail continuing to plunge in as she feels her orgasm start to come on, her moans coming in waves as she felt her insides tighten up...!

And then, it comes, waves of gooey femcum gushing out of her slit, all across the cave floor, Selicia's vagina practically spurting them out with the force of a firehose, the soupy mess of former-you spilling out all over the floor and walls of her cavern as that bulge in her belly gradually shrinks down. She'd never had such a...filling orgasm before. It was quite an interesting sensation, that was sure..but she didn't really have time to appreciate it, the fluids still spilling out of her vagina seemingly without end...until an end eventually does come, the last drops dribbling out of her slit and onto the cave floor. The dragoness simply collapsed against the cave floor for some time, almost paralyzed by the sensations in her body. She let out a long sigh as her orgasm started to wind down, becoming enraptured in the post-orgasm bliss. Collapsed against the floor, she noticed the bottle of potion, still lying on the ground next to her, and carefully nosed at it. She'd have to find more somehow...but for now, she'd much rather enjoy herself. She didn't get bulges THERE that often...

*You helped out a horny dragoness...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } ]]>
false Look at Open Close false the false false msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 3) false You open the door and walk into the hotel room. It seems pretty normal, although there's a shocked vixen sitting on the bed now. \"Pizza delivery? I never ordered a pizza. What are you trying to pull here?\"") } else if (result = "Room service") { msg ("
\"Well, if you're room service...service me with these.\" She opens the mini fridge and pulls out a bag of grapes.") Ask ("Feed her the grapes?") { if (result) { msg ("
You take the bag of grapes from her hand. She tilts her head high and opens her maw, her tongue hanging out of it. \"Well, what are you waiting for?\" you think you make out from her groans.

You take one grape from the bag, raising your hand above her open maw. You can feel the heat as she breathes out slowly. You then drop the grape into her mouth, it landing with a wet *plop!*. Gravity funnels the grape to the back of her mouth, where it's quickly swallowed up by a wet *glk!*.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("hardgulp.wav", false, false) } wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidebelly.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You can see the small bulge the grape makes as it travels down her throat, disappearing into her stomach. The vixen looks at you impatiently, expecting another grape. You comply, and soon nearly the entire bag is gone. The vixen rests her paw on her stomach, the gut bulging out a bit as it starts to noisily digest the grapes inside. \"Oh, I think I'm almost full...\" she says. \"But maybe a couple more.\"

You hover the grape above her mouth. Her tongue wraps back in on itself, seemingly ushering you deeper. You hesitate, but then you lower your hand slightly. The tongue ushers you deeper, almost brushing your hand. You start to lower when the vixen clamps her jaws around your hand!

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND ESCAPE==") wait { if (RandomChance(40)) { ClearScreen msg ("
You try and pull your hand out of her jaws but her lips are locktight! While you're stuck in her mouth, she extends her arms out to you, grabbing you to keep you in place! You try and struggle in her grasp, but to no avail. She looks into your eyes, and cracks a sly smile before slowly slurping your arm deeper into her jaws, her tongue wrapping around it as it gets pulled deeper. Your hand is already pushing up against the opening into her throat as your head meets her snout. You struggle frantically as her maw opens to take in your head, the tongue wrapping around it, covering your face with saliva. A loud *glup* accompanies your hand being gulped down into the vixen's throat, pulling the rest of your body off the ground and leaving you dangling out of her maw.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("twoweirdgulps.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
You continue to try and find leverage inside the vixen's mouth, the rest of your body quickly joining your hand in the vixen's throat. The humidity inside the cavern is ridiculous, and you're quickly losing strength. Your body is already half inside, leaving only your legs to futilely kick and squirm outside the vixen's maw. You can feel your hand already break out into the caustic sac of the vixen's stomach as the rest of your body continues down, getting closer to accompanying it inside. You hear a loud \"mmmm\" resonate around you as the vixen licks and tastes your feet before gently pushing them into her maw, capturing you entirely with one *gulp!*. You are now entirely this vixen's dinner.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, VixenGrapeStomach) } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound } msg ("
You manage to yank your arm out of the vixen's mouth before anything goes down. You immediately run away, not turning back to try and reason with the predator.") MoveObject (player, second floor) } } } } else { msg ("She looks at you sternly, then points to the door. \"Then get out.\"") } } } else if (result = "Housekeeping") { Ask ("\"You aren't exactly dressed like a maid...but, whatever. Do you have any more pillows?\"") { if (result) { msg ("
You run down the hall and ask Kayla at the desk for some pillows. She walks into a room behind the counter and gives you three. You quickly run back to the room and give the vixen the pillows.") Ask ("\"Thank you very much...\" she starts, setting up the pillows. She pats the empty space next to her. \"Want to lay down and chill out?\"") { if (result) { msg ("
You decide you've got some time before you need to go, and accept her offer. Another factor that influenced your decision was the keychain around her neck, which bore a token that looked suspiciously similar to the tokens you found in rooms around here.

You take your shoes off at the door and lay down on the bed next to her. She flicks on the TV to a sitcom and you start watching. \"It just gets so lonely around here sometimes...\" she trails off. \"Wait, I've got an idea.\" She says. ") Ask ("\"Want some drinks?\"") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Alright.\" She walks into the kitchen and pours some drinks. She walks out with two glasses and hands one to you. You don't know exactly what's in it, but she seems to gulp hers down really quickly. You take a sip and lay back down on the bed to watch some TV. Around an hour of some playful teasing and touching passes before you start to feel a bit woozy. It doesn't take long until you slip from consciousness and fall into a deep sleep.

") SetTimeout (5) { msg ("
You wake up some time later in a daze. You barely have enough time to realize you're awake before a booming voice comes from your left side. \"Hey cutie.\" the vixen calmly says - at least to her. To you, it sounds like she's speaking into a megaphone. You turn to face her when you realize she's nearly 20 times your size now! You look down and see you're standing on a gigantic bed! It looks like the drinks she served you were spiked with some sort of shrinking potion!

You don't have much time to get acclimated with this stunning revelation before the vixen's voice comes again. \"Come here, cutie.\" She extends her open palm out towards you.

What do you do?") Room3Housekeeping2 = NewStringList() list add (Room3Housekeeping2, "Walk towards her") list add (Room3Housekeeping2, "Run away") ShowMenu ("", Room3Housekeeping2, false) { if (result = "Walk towards her") { ClearScreen if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("j-aaaourp.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You hesitantly walk into her lowered paw. The fur beneath you feels weird, yet comfortable. The vixen knocks you off balance a bit as she stands up and raises you to eye level. \"Hey, cutie.\" she says. She starts to talk again before a massive \"BWURRRPP\" nearly knocks you over. \"Oops...\" she says, clearly at least a bit tipsy by now. \"Want to see where that came from?\" She moves you closer to her about before her lips slowly part to reveal her cavernous maw. \"Aaahh...\" she moans as she opens her jaws wide, moving her paw closer to them now. She lets you stare into her maw for a while, giving you the full view of her pulsating flesh, dripping with saliva, clearly eager for the arrival of its next meal.") wait { msg ("
Her eyes start to move down towards your body as moves her paw into her mouth and casually drops you onto her tongue. A loud *splat* dominates your ears as you land on the fleshy muscle. Her lips close around her paw as she pulls it out, and as soon as her paw is out she starts playing with you on her tongue. You're around 4 inches tall, so she can't toss you all around, but it's clear she enjoys your taste. A loud \"mmm\" echoes around you as the tongue wraps around you, undulating all the while. After being played with for some time, and sufficiently coated in sticky saliva, the tongue slowly pushes you to the back of the throat. You try and gain some leverage and claw your way back into the mouth but the muscle of the tongue is just way too powerful. You feel your legs sink into the throat, and soon your whole body follows suit.


\"Heehee! That tickles.\" the vixen remarks as she traces the bulge you make in your throat. The powerful muscles of peristalsis quickly force you down, down, down, squeezing you tightly all the way, until your face presses against a valve that slowly yawns open to greet you.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, VixenGiantStomach) } } } else if (result = "Run away") { msg ("
You run away from the vixen's paw straight towards the edge of the bed. She tries to grab you, but luckily you're just a bit too quick. Once you get to the edge, you notice how far down it is to the ground, but you're kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. Geronimo!") MoveObject (player, Room3Floor1) } } } } else { msg ("
\"Suit yourself.\" She walks into the kitchen and prepares herself a drink. She does this at least eight more times before she's definitely getting drunk, slurring her words, stumbling everywhere, the usual stuff. You do your best to ignore it until she straight up passes out next to you on the bed. You notice the chain around her neck, the token-like object still dangling from it. You sense that this is a bad idea...") Ask ("Do you try to take the chain?") { if (result) { LockExit (Room3Exit) msg ("
You try to grasp the chain in your hand, but you end up brushing your hand against the vixen, hard enough to make her come to. She opens her eyes slowly and looks at you, hands still on her neck. \"...H..Hey....\" she slurrs, \"whaddayadoin..?\" You freeze like a deer in headlights. \"You...youuu were tryin' ta steal my...my necklace, weren't ya?\" she continues. \"Ah, ah, haha...nice...nice try ma-BRAAAAPPP!\" and finishes with a wet belch in your face, flecks of her saliva splashing you in the face. \"Oh, oh, sorry man...\" she slurrs, trying to wipe your face off with her paw. \"I..I'm not gonna let you get away with that though...\" she says before grabbing you. Even while drunken, her grip is still incredibly strong, leaving you struggling to get away. She leads you to the nearest closet and casually tosses you in, locking it from the outside. You hear a faint voice from outside. \"I'll be right back...\"") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("j-aaaourp.wav", false, false) } SetTimeout (10) { msg ("
You hear a vaguely male voice accompany the vixen back into the room. They talk for a while, quiet enough for you to not hear, before you hear the male voice exclaim \"You want me to do what?\"") SetTimeout (10) { ClearScreen msg ("
Finally, the door opens again. You instinctively try to bolt for the door, but an outstretched arm nearly clotheslines you. Knocked to the ground, you look up at your assailant, who happens to be a large jackal, towering above you. He looks cautiously back to the vixen, whom you assume is his girlfriend. \"Now, you want me to do what?\" It's at this point you notice the jackal is completely naked, sporting a large cock and balls on him as well, dangling between his legs. He chuckles a bit before looking down at you. \"All right.\" he says. You feel two strong arms grab and lift you off the ground and out of the closet, your head being elevated to meet the jackal's face. \"You're gonna have some fun...\" the jackal says before you feel something poke and prod the bottoms of your feet.

You look down to see the jackal's cock has grown massively and is now teasing your feet! You look back up to the jackal, whose tongue is already hanging out of his mouth. He gives you a wink before he flips you around, bringing your head closer to the jackal's dick. You think he just wants you to suck him off, so you open your mouth wide, but suddenly the jackal *shoves* you right into his cock! The slit opens up and starts to slowly engulf your head, a moan already coming from around you. The cock eagerly slurps you deeper as the jackal rolls his hips forward, dragging you down deeper inside the jackal rather quickly. Only your legs are left outside at this point, frantically kicking to find some purchase against your captor. The tight squeezing of the shaft gives way to an opening, and you find your chest pushed into what you can only assume is the jackal's sac, a hot, small room with a pool of white liquid at the bottom. The walls are producing the stuff, too, and soon you're forced to curl up inside the sac as the rest of your body is slowly fed inside the jackal. You can feel the jackal press at your feet to push them inside, pre leaking out of the shaft rather quickly as the jackal continues to moan in pleasure. ") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } SetTimeout (2) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemalemoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, JackalSac) } } } } } else { msg ("
You decide it wouldn't be the best idea to steal the chain; in fact, it's probably not a good idea to stick around at all. Careful to not wake up the vixen, you get out of bed and walk over to the door, quickly opening it and escaping out into the hallway.") MoveObject (player, second floor) } } } } } else { msg ("
\"Aw, that's a shame.\" she says. \"Well, bye.\"") MoveObject (player, second floor) } } } else { msg ("
\"Oh. That's a shame.\" she says. She ushers you away and closes the door.") MoveObject (player, second floor) } } } } ]]>
the floor false You are on false msg ("You're on the floor next to the bed. It's not bad, but your first priority is definitely to get back to normal size! There might be something in the kitchen...") EnableTimer (VixenWaitEasterEgg) DisableTimer (VixenWaitEasterEgg) the bed false You are under false You get down on your belly to crawl underneath the bed. There's a little space under here, but it's so dark you can't really find anything.") ]]> You're just getting under the bed when suddenly the vixen's hand swings down from the other side! It starts swinging around wildly looking for you, and before you can get out of the way, it bowls you over! Recognizing the shape, the vixen quickly grabs you from under the bed and brings you back up to her.") wait { msg ("
She quickly brings you to eye level. \"Hey, cutie...\" she starts. \"Y'thought you could hide from me?\" You can detect a hint of annoyance in her voice. \"Well, we're gonna have some fun now...\" you look down to realize that the vixen has taken off all her clothes, piling them in a corner of the room. She brings her hand to breast level and hovers you close to her teat. \"I've never tried this before, but I've heard about it.\" You don't have much time to let that thought digest before she presses your head against her nipple, holding you tightly against her chest. She holds you tighter and tighter until eventually something gives way - that is, your head is engulfed by her breast! A very audible moan is emitted by the vixen as her breast continues to swallow your small form, the vixen using one finger to delicately push you in while the other quickly hovers to her nethers. She plunges her fingers deep into her slit as her breast slurps up the rest of you, emptying you out into a small chamber.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, VixenGiantBreast) if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("wombaudio.mp3", false, false) } } } } ]]>
the floor false You are on false
You might be able to {command:up:climb her leg} if you can get a grip...") ]]>
the kitchen floor false You are on false false The open sphincter quickly spits you out into the cavernous stomach, you splatting on the wet floor of the stomach relatively quickly. Because of your size, it's quite roomy, but it doesn't mean the stomach isn't able to constrict you very easily. You sink into the stomach walls as a pool of juices slowly accumulates at the bottom of the stomach. vixen's stomach false the ") SetTimeout (1) { msg ("") } SetTimeout (2) { msg ("") } } msg ("
You're busy floundering around desperately in the pit of the vixen's stomach when three deep *gulp*s come from above you. While you're already confused as to what's happening, you're even more confused when her stomach valve opens and a clear liquid rains down on you. A couple more gulps ring out as the stomach acids are slowly diluted by what strongly smells like alcohol. A lewd belch confirms your theory before the vixen starts chugging again. Before long you're nearly drowning in liquor as the vixen plops back down on her bed, soon to become sufficiently trashed.") } SetTimeout (30) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The belly is starting to get really noisy around you, having trouble digesting its meal. You can hear deep moans from outside as the vixen rubs her aching belly.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
\"Uuuurrrggghh....\" you can hear the vixen moan as she writhes in bed. Clearly drinking as much as she did wasn't the best idea in the world. Your world starts to teeter as she hangs herself over the side of the bed. \"Uuurkk...\" she moans as suddenly the stomach contracts around you, violently forcing you back up through the sphincter! The vixen is caught off guard as the surge of liquid is forced back up her throat and out her mouth, with you at the top! The barely-digested pool of liquor and you ends up on the floor after the vixen finishes emptying her stomach. She wipes her mouth on her paw before looking down at the mess she made. \"Oh..hey little guy! I forgot I ate you.\" she started. \"Uh...sorry about that.\" Picking you up in her paws, she brings you to the sink to wash you off before putting you back on the floor. \"D..don't run off, okay?\" she said before collapsing back onto the bed.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("throwupaudio.mp3", true, false) } MoveObject (player, Room3Floor1) } } } ]]>
SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") Look at stomach walls false ") } } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You press down hard on the stomach but you're so small that you can barely make an imprint.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You try to push out but the stomach throws back your pushes almost immediately.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("The vixen licks her lips, remembering your taste as she mixes herself another drink.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("The stomach gurgles around you.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else { msg ("\"Keep moving, snack...\" the vixen mumbles as she rubs her belly. ") } ]]>
the vixen's breast false
This is an anatomy lesson and a half.

Outside, you can already feel the vixen getting to work, cupping her breast and sloshing you around inside her breast, mixing you with the milk pooling at the bottom, while she fingers herself to the same beat. You figure you might get out of here if she cums before...something...happens to you, but you're gonna need to do a lot.]]>
Look at 0 The vixen is becoming frantic in her masturbation. The heat inside her breast is becoming nearly caustic in its own right, not to mention the increasing amount of milk pooling around you. You haven't moved in a while, in fact, and you can't even feel your arms...or your legs...or most of your body. All you can really feel is a pleasant, although odd, tingling sensation, all throughout your body. As you're jostled around in the breast, nearing exhaustion from sheer dizziness, you think of how nice it would be just to collapse into the pool of milk, and maybe just...take a little nap...") SetTimeout (1) { msg ("
\"OOOHHH!\" a scream erupts throughout the hotel as the vixen finally comes to climax. Cum spurts out of her slit as her release has finally come to fruition. After coming down from her high, she remembers her little \"toy\" from earlier. She jostles her breast around a bit. \"You okay, cutie?\" she asks. With no response, she jostles her breast again, only to hear the hollow sloshing of an unemptied resevoir of milk. \"Oh no...\" she says. \"Oh well, though. No use in letting good milk go to waste.\" she says before lowering her neck to her breast and beginning to suck on her teat.

*You entered uncharted territory...*

==GAME OVER==") if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound play sound ("orgasmmoan.mp3", false, false) } SetTimeout (6) { finish } } } } } } ]]>
SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") false Look at ") } msg ("
The moans around you have gotten steadily louder and louder since you started struggling. It's been around five minutes now, and you're starting to feel woozy and dizzy from both the environment inside the vixen's breast and the constant jiggling you're receiving from her as she gets off. You go for one more push to try and push her over the edge. Your efforts pay off as you hear a guttural cry from the vixen as she comes all over the bed. It takes her three minutes before she's even coherent enough to speak. \"That...was so good...\" she moaned. She jiggled her breast a little. \"You okay, little guy?\" she asked. You rub the walls of her breast to answer her. \"Let me try and get you out.\" You didn't exactly know HOW she was going to do this, though. After a minute to get herself in position, you find yourself laying against what you think is the nipple. At least, that's what you think you feel with your feet.") SetTimeout (5) { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") } msg ("
You start to feel a sucking on your feet. The milk pooling below you is starting to slowly drain out of the breast. Before you can fully comprehend what's happening one of your feet slips through the open nipple into another warm place! Your other foot pops through quickly and soon you're being pulled out of the breast by what you can only assume is the vixen's long tongue. Your head pops through the breast and your suspicions are confirmed as you're now within the vixen's equally hot mouth. Her tongue rolls you around for a bit. \"Mmm...you actually taste pretty good...\" you think she says through her mouthful of you. You think you're going on another trip before she spits you out into her paw. \"But you've already been through enough.\" she says, taking you to the kitchen to wash you off. \"Thanks for the fun. Unfortunately, I don't actually know how to unshrink you.\" she says. \"There's probably something around here that'll do it.\"") MoveObject (player, Room3Floor2) } } } else if (random = 1) { msg ("You feel the vixen moan loudly.") VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount = VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount+1 if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The vixen starts to fondle her breast even harder, shaking you up and down inside the chamber.") VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount = VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 3) { msg ("\"Oooohhh....\" the vixen moans as she plunges her fingers in again. You know she's getting close.") VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount = VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount+1 if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 4) { msg ("\"Keep going!\" the vixen yells as you struggle inside her breast.") VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount = VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The vixen starts playing with her nipples.") VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount = VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 6) { msg ("The vixen jiggles her breast. \"Struggle harder!\" she yells.") VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount = VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 7) { msg ("You flail around inside her breast, throwing the vixen into a total frenzy.") VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount = VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount+1 } else { msg ("The vixen plunges her fingers even deeper in response to your struggles.") VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount = VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount+1 } ]]>
the vixen's leg false You are on the vixen's tail false You are on You push off the leg with all your might and manage to catch the swinging tail just as it swings out. You notice the vixen's right arm is relaxed at her side. You might be able to jump to that arm, but it also runs the risk of her noticing you. You'd better act quick, though - the tail is set on a due course to crash back into her. You tried to steady yourself for the arm jump but you took too long! The tail slams back into the vixen and you fly right off! You firmly lodge yourself between the vixen's cheeks, which gets quite a reaction from the vixen. \"Oh! Who's there!\" she squealed. She reaches behind and pulls you out from between her cheeks. \"Oh, it's you, cutie! What are you doing back there?\" she asks. Her eyelids lower a little. \"Did you want to have some fun?\" she asked. Before you even have the chance to answer, she puts you back behind her, spreading her cheeks with her free hand. \"Let's have some fun...\" she says before spinning you around in her hand so you're laying horizontally. She hovers you slowly between her pucker and slit, deciding on which one.") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("intestineaudio.mp3", false, false) msg ("") } msg ("
Her hand slowly stops in front of her pucker. \"Oh..good choice, me.\" she says. \"I haven't done this in a while...\" you hear her say before she slowly inserts your head into her wanting pucker. Your head is taken in quickly, a satisfying *pop* sound emitted as you're firmly lodged inside the vixen's butt. You start to wriggle violently after this, but it's pretty pointless, all it does is excite the vixen, whose buttcheek-holding hand now hovers down towards her nethers, which were slowly becoming moist. Inserting her fingers between her slit, she slowly pushes you deeper into her pucker, getting your shoulders in before letting go and letting her hungry butt do the rest of the work. You fruitlessly try to wiggle your arms before they're slurped up by the bowel walls feeding you deeper and deeper into the vixen. Soon only your legs are outside the pucker as the greedy bowel does all it can to seal you away inside the vixen. The moaning you heard is getting much louder now, and the vixen takes one of her fluid-soaked hands away from her slit to give you the final push. A single finger ever-so-slowly pushes your feet past the pucker, and the fleshy ring closes for good, sealing you inside the hot chamber...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Wet squicks and the deep moans of the vixen you're currently deep into dominate your hearing as the hungry bowel feeds you deeper. The crushing heat around you is almost unbearable, and you don't even think you'll be able to reach the stomach before you pass out. What seems like hours of grueling torture pass before you finally succumb to your surroundings. The rapid masturbation of the vixen ends with a crushing bowel clench that pushes your unconscious body into the vixen's stomach, ready to be digested. The vixen ends up forgetting about her little toy and falls asleep after spending herself, listening to the little gurgles and glorps of her tummy as it works on what's left of you...

*You weren't quick enough...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You tried to steady yourself for the arm jump but you took too long! The tail slams back into the vixen and you fly right off! You firmly lodge yourself between the vixen's cheeks, which gets quite a reaction from the vixen. \"Oh! Who's there!\" she squealed. She reaches behind and pulls you out from between her cheeks. \"Oh, it's you, cutie! What are you doing back there?\" she asks. Her eyelids lower a little. \"Did you want to have some fun?\" she asked. Before you even have the chance to answer, she puts you back behind her, spreading her cheeks with her free hand. \"Let's have some fun...\" she says before spinning you around in her hand so you're laying horizontally. She hovers you slowly between her pucker and slit, deciding on which one.") wait { msg ("
Her hand slowly stops in front of her slit. \"A good choice...\" she starts before guiding you into her lips. She uses her free hand to slowly part the wet slit as your head is inserted in with a wet *squick*. Already the contact makes the vixen squirm, and she almost loses her grip on the lips. She takes her time to push you in, pulling you back out a couple times as well, but soon you're locked behind her lips. The flesh surrounding you slowly pulls you upward until you come out into a small chamber, assumedly her womb. The chamber is quite roomy, although very warm and dripping with fluids. ") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
After around five minutes of the heat rising, it gets to a nearly unbearable point. Outside you can hear the rapid breaths of the vixen as she gets closer and closer to her breaking point. Suddenly the walls flex around you as waves of cum rocket past you out of the womb, the tide taking you with them. You slide out of the slit back out into the open world, into the vixen's open paw. She raises her paw back to her face. \"Did you have fun?\" she asks. \"I know I did.\" She places you back on the floor after washing you off a bit.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("AVexit.mp3", true, false) } MoveObject (player, Room3Floor2) } } } } } } ]]>
You are on vixen's arm false the You leap off the vixen's tail onto her right arm, resting at her side. You grab a hold of some fur on it and quickly scramble up by her shoulder. You can see a counter just to the right of you. You can also try to scramble up her shoulder to get a better look, but she'll definitely notice you if you go up there. vixen's shoulder false the You are on You scramble up the vixen's arm and finally perch yourself on top of her shoulder. You think you've evaded her notice, but out of the blue you feel a pinch on the back of your shirt! The vixen picks you up in her claws and hovers you in front of her face. \"And just what do you think you're doing?\" the vixen asks. \"Climbing me like a jungle gym? You know it's not safe up here.\" She pauses for a moment before closing her eyes a little. \"Let me put you someplace safer...\" she says. You notice a bit of drool escape her mouth before she opens her maw wide, breathing out a hot, steamy wind onto you. The sudden change hits you like a ton of bricks, and before you come back to your senses, you're hovering above the vixen's wide open maw, her tongue hanging out. \"Bye-bye!\" you hear echo from deep in her throat before you're dropped into the maw, snatched up by the tongue as soon as you splat down into it. The vixen's jaws close around you, cutting you off from the outside world, perhaps for good.

==PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE==") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", true, false) } if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The vixen's tongue wraps around your body, tasting you to the best of its ability. You hear a pleasant moan from the vixen as she continues to suck on you like a piece of hard candy. While you're being thoroughly tasted, the tongue subtlely pushes you towards the back of the vixen's maw, the breaths from deep within the vixen becoming louder and louder. One flick of the tongue back and the vixen is done with you, the tight throat clutching your body and pulling you down, down, down deep into the vixen. After being thoroughly kneaded and pushed by the throat muscles, you squeeze out into the vixen's roomy stomach. Outside, the vixen's stomach happily gurgles, content with its snack, as the vixen starts to rub the small bulge you make in her belly. The struggles persist for a while, but soon begin to die down as the stomach wears down its meal. Soon the only sounds filling the room are the quiet gurgles and glorps of digestion made by the vixen's guts, as her snack is slowly redistributed to her plush butt and breasts...

*You got spotted!*

==GAME OVER==") finish } ]]>
vixen's stomach false the You aren't even fully inside the stomach before the vixen starts teasing you. You hear a giggle before a voice rumbles around you. "I guess I was still hungry after all..." she says, poking her swelled gut. "I can't believe you actually fell for that!" she says before letting rip a huge belch. Soon after, the vixen collapses onto her bed, rubbing her massive stomach that bulges out all around her. Meanwhile, you're cramped up inside her belly, your legs finally sliding in to complete your imprisonment. The stomach constricts you tightly, forcing you to be curled up into a ball. Every struggle you attempt is accompanied with a gross *squish* as you push into the mass of slowly-digesting grapes around you. When you think about the grapes, the gravity of the situation finally dawns on you: you had been completely consumed by the vixen. "Now, be a good snack and struggle hard!" the vixen asks.]]> ") } msg ("
You hear a large gurgle erupt around you, causing the stomach walls to contract and squeeze you even more. The source of that gurgle is revealed a few seconds later, when you hear a massive *BLECHHHHH* coming from above you. \"Oh...\" the vixen moans, \"that was good...looks like it's goodbye, snack.\" She starts rubbing her stomach even more, squishing the walls of fat around you in her paws. \"Oh, this feels so GOOD!\" she yells as you're tossed around in her gut. You can feel yourself getting weaker quickly as the gut rumbles and churns around you, eager to get at its meal. You wiggle and push desperately at the advancing walls to try and at least give yourself a little breathing room, but you aren't able to keep them away for long. Soon the walls collapse on you, and you're pretty much stuck in one position, unable to move at all.

Soonafter you hear a light snore rumble through her gut, the vixen having fallen asleep to her belly squeezing you harder. You, too, feel very drowsy as the stomach continues to knead you, whilst you are helpless to do anything. Soon the drowsiness overcomes you, and you drift into a deep sleep as the vixen rolls over onto her belly...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
*YAAWWNNNNN...* the vixen moans as she wakes up from her nice nap. She stretches her arms high in the air as she tries to get up, set off-balance by her still-rumbling gut, now much smaller than it was previously. The stomach is still full of a bit of mush, but otherwise the vixen's meal had been completely turned into fat. She squishes the new fat on her belly, giggling a bit as she sees how plush it is. \"Oh, I'm so glad I didn't shrink that morsel!\" she says cheerfully before her sunny disposition is interrupted by a pressure in her lower gut. She scurries to the bathroom to noisily dispose of the rest of her meal, stopping to admire her plush tush in the mirror afterwards. She squeezes her new round globes, becoming even more giggly as she also notices how plush her breasts are. \"I need to thank that little guy...\" she says as she walks out of the room, her hand lowering between her legs...") } else { msg ("
*YAAWWNNNNN...* the vixen moans as she wakes up from her nice nap. She stretches her arms high in the air as she tries to get up, set off-balance by her still-rumbling gut, now much smaller than it was previously. The stomach is still full of a bit of mush, but otherwise the vixen's meal had been completely turned into fat. She squishes the new fat on her belly, giggling a bit as she sees how plush it is. \"Oh, I'm so glad I didn't shrink that morsel!\" she says cheerfully as she then squeezes her new round globes, becoming even more giggly as she also notices how plush her breasts are. \"I need to thank that little guy...\" she says as she walks out of the room, her hand lowering between her legs...") } msg ("
*You fed her more than just grapes...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } ]]>
stomach walls false false Look at ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The vixen rubs her stomach, content with her latest catch.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("The vixen releases a contented, drawn-out burp.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 5) { msg ("\"Aww, yeah....\" the vixen moans. \"Keep going.\" she says, rubbing the spot where you were struggling in.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("The vixen jostles her stomach a bit. \"Are you even trying?\" she asks.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("The vixen sighs as you struggle, your desperation being nothing more than pleasure to her.") } else { msg ("The vixen strokes the spot you were struggling at, moaning all the while.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]>
vixen's womb false the The walls around you are just as tight, if not tighter than the jackal's sac walls. They give you absolutely no room to move. The only way you're getting out of here, it seems, is if the vixen lets you out. You hear some moans around you as it seems like the vixen has resorted to some frantic masturbation. ") } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The vixen's masturbation is beginning to reach a fever pitch, the walls of the womb clenching in on you even stronger. You start to push out to find the womb's exit before, with a massive clench, you are *shoved* out of the vixen's womb, rocketing out her vagina and back out into the hotel room, covered in sexual fluids from two different places. The vixen continues to moan as the rest of her cum spurts down onto you, thoroughly coating you. Your clothes have long dissolved as well, leaving you standing naked and drenched in fem-and regular cum in front of the vixen. She opens her eyes again and looks at you, licking her lips slightly. \"Hey fella...you wanna go for round 2?\" she asks.

You decide that's not the best idea, and quickly get out of the room.") SetTimeout (5) { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound play sound ("UBexit.wav", true, false) } MoveObject (player, second floor) UnlockExit (Room3Exit) } } } ]]>
SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten")
the vixen's leg false Look at You are on You quickly run over and scramble up the vixen's leg. She doesn't notice you, or if she does, she doesn't care. You grab a tight hold of the fur on her leg as she walks into the kitchen. false if (RandomChance(85)) { MoveObject (player, VixenLeg) } else if (RandomChance(15)) { msg ("You rush up and try and grab the vixen's leg. You scramble up the top, but it seems like you've alerted the vixen with a small yipe. She grabs you off the back of her leg and brings you to her face. \"Whaddaya think..you're doin?\" she asks. You don't respond, obviously cause you don't really have a good idea. \"Well?\" You don't say anything. \"..All right, whatever. Just don't do it again.\" She puts you back on the floor.") } You are on false the You leap from the vixen's shoulder and land on the counter next to her. She walks past you, seemingly unaware that you were scrambling up her just a minute ago. false You walk over to the breadbox and lift up the bar in front to open it. Inside is a small vial of a greenish liquid, unlabeled. Look at Open Close MakeObjectVisible (odd vial) false Look at false You feel the floor beneath you rumble...
The Lower Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: showertime.") MakeExitVisible (LowerExit) } if (player.tokens = 10) { msg ("
You feel the ceiling above you rumble...
The Third Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: moreroomsmorefun.") MakeExitVisible (ThirdFloorExit) } MoveObject (player, second floor) ]]>
false The room token for Room 3.
false jackal's sac false the You are unceremoniously dumped out inside the jackal's sac, completely soaked with the jackal's cum. There isn't much room to move around in, as certainly the jackal's balls were not equipped to hold a full-grown "meal". Already cum has began to accumulate inside the hot chamber, filling the sac about 3/4 of the way with the sticky liquid. The musky air around you at least provides something to breathe, although you know it won't last long. It feels like you're breathing in cotton candy. 0 ") msg ("") } if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The musky environment in the balls is starting to overpower you. You can feel parts of your body starting to melt away into hot, sticky seed, as movement from the jackal splashes more and more of the hot liquid onto your body. You black out for a moment, but come to from the movement around you, a consistent in and out motion. This, and the constant moans you hear around you, lead you to believe the two are deep into intercourse. You sit on that thought for a moment, before you black out again, this time for good, the rest of your body gradually devolving into spooge.

\"NGH!\" the two ring out in unison. The jackal slams his cock all the way to the balls inside the vixen, moaning and howling in satisfaction as hot, sticky ropes of seed shoot out of his cock tip. The little cock snack he had before hand is working out well, extending his orgasm by nearly 30 seconds and allowing him to paint the inside of the vixen white with how much his output was added to. The two look into each others' eyes in post-orgasm bliss, before the vixen mutters out, \"I told ya it'd be a good idea...\"

*You were little more than a toy...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } } ]]>
false Look at You're thrown against the sac as the jackal gets up and walks over to, what you presume, is the vixen. \"You ready?\" he asks. \"R..ready baby...\" the vixen slurs back in response. Unbeknownst to you, the vixen is sprawled out naked on the hotel bed, her legs spread apart to reveal an already-wet slit. The jackal leans in, the tip of his cock slowly spreading apart the vixen's slit. You're pushed to the back of the sac as the rest of the cock is inserted deep into the vixen, the sac resting right against the vixen's nether lips. Your position has more or less eliminated the light that was shining through the thin sac walls, but you can still make out the vague outline of the vixen's slit. Your world is jostled around as the jackal begins rhythmically pumping in and out, the motion accompanied by the continuous cacophony of the two in heat. The cum around you begins to bubble and slosh as the jackal's arousal hightens, and he starts to pump in and out quicker and harder. At this point the moans are simultaneous and sharp, and you know the two are getting close to orgasm...") SetTimeout (15) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
Two ear-shattering moans ring out in tandem as the pair reach orgasm. The cum around you rushes out of the cock, spurting its way deep into the vixen. You start to feel yourself sliding...and you realize that you're being taken with it! Indeed, the river of cum spurting out of the jackal is washing you away with it, the jackal's cock sporting a conspicuous bulge as you travel out of the balls, and deep into the vixen. You hear a sharp gasp as you're worked into her body, ready to meet the slit. Cum continues to spurt out as you are shot deep inside the vixen. \"Aah!\" she squeaks as she feels the object slam against her womb walls, coming to rest deep outside of her. The jackal doesn't even realize this, still coming down off his post-orgasm high as his cock slowly slides out of the vixen. You start to hear a squabble ensue. \"What the hell?!\" the vixen asks. \"He's still alive in there!\" You hear a startled \"huh?\" from the jackal. \"Guess my balls didn't melt him down...you know, this was your idea.\" he responds before sheathing his cock. You hear the vixen continue to yell as the door to the hotel room opens and shuts firmly. The vixen looks down at the bulge inside her. \"Well, great. What am I going to do with you?\" she complains, poking at you. \"Although..he does feel pretty good in there...\"") SetTimeout (3) { MoveObject (player, VixenSexWomb) } } } } else if (random = 1) { msg ("Your struggling elicits a deep moan from the jackal.") JackalSac.strugglecount = JackalSac.strugglecount+1 if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You're jostled around inside the sac as the jackal starts to play with his balls.") JackalSac.strugglecount = JackalSac.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You hear a loud howl all around you as you push out against the sac.") JackalSac.strugglecount = JackalSac.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You can hear a contented sigh from the vixen as she pokes you inside the sac. \"He's still going!\" she says excitedly.") JackalSac.strugglecount = JackalSac.strugglecount+1 if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You feel the jackal jerk and stroke his cock a couple of times.") JackalSac.strugglecount = JackalSac.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 6) { msg ("You hear a lewd moan come from the jackal.") JackalSac.strugglecount = JackalSac.strugglecount+1 if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 7) { msg ("\"Unhh...\" the jackal moans. \"I don't think I can hold him in for much longer..\"") JackalSac.strugglecount = JackalSac.strugglecount+1 } else { msg ("You stretch the sac as far out as you possibly can, but it doesn't make it much bigger than the thing already was.") JackalSac.strugglecount = JackalSac.strugglecount+1 } ]]>
jackal's stomach false the
The third thing you noticed was a quaking belch rumbling around you, which blew open the jackal’s lips as he leaned back against the toilet tank. “Nnf...I told you not to knock again, tasty...” he reminded you, rubbing at the bulge you were making in his gut and chuckling. “I guess this stall’s gonna be occupied for much longer than I thought…”
The impossibly-tight stomach around you is proving it can get even tighter somehow, continuing to squeeze and clench around your body, leaving very little room for even air inside the chamber. That, plus the overpowering heat, is very quickly making you dizzy and is giving you trouble with staying conscious…

You hear another belch from the jackal rumble around you, before his echoey, deep voice reverbs through the stomach walls surrounding you. “At the very least, you were one hell of a restroom snack…” he teased, patting his gut again as he felt it really starting to work on you.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You can steadily feel the last of your strength and consciousness slipping away, leeched out of your body by the stomach that was now your world. At least it wasn’t that painful, a light tingling being the only thing you felt before you finally passed out inside the jackal’s stomach.

“Ah, there they go…” the jackal said as he heard a loud glrnnn… from his stomach, signaling the real start of digestion. He took his time on the toilet seat, rubbing and coddling at his gut as he actually got some time to do his business...which wasn’t going to the bathroom at all. It was jerking off to a porn mag he had stuffed in his back pocket. The heavy, sloshing gut was a great thing to rub his length up against, honestly, even if you weren’t really struggling inside much anymore. In no time at all, the jackal was finally able to get off, shooting his hot load of jackal cum onto the bathroom floor, the musky load spurting out powerfully in waves of pleasure. He really needed that release, and a nice meal was just the thing to get him going…

The jackal still had quite the sizable gut as he started to pack up his lewdness, fitting his pants around his waist and stuffing the porn mag back into his back pocket. He was just about ready to leave before he heard another knock on the door.

“Oh, not again…” he moaned before steeling himself for yet another squirming meal in his gut. Maybe he’d try another entrance this time, or something. Maybe he might just fuck them instead. Who knew?") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Some time later, the jackal found him sitting back down on the toilet, complete with another squirming gut bulge. However, he felt some other feeling alongside the feeling of being overbearingly full - a feeling of release. And that’s why he left the lid up this time, grunting and pushing out the last of your remains as he struggled to keep the other gut bulge inside of him from kicking their way out. They were FAR more unhappy with the prospect of being food than you were…

It was difficult for him to actually get up and appreciate what his body had done to you, but the jackal tried his best, taking a nice look-see before flushing you down. Something told him he’d be doing the same thing again pretty soon...probably the loud glrnnn... of his stomach having claimed another meal...") } msg ("
*You really shouldn't try to force somebody out of an occupied stall...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. [belch sound]") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You felt the stomach walls tighten even more around your body, almost taking the breath right out of you.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("The jackal places his hands under his gut, hefting it up and down and feeling the weight inside drop. It’s making you pretty dizzy.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("You can vaguely hear another knock on the door. “Bluhhhh, come back later…” the jackal moans. “Unless you wanna rub it…”") } else { msg ("“Thanks for the snack…” the jackal says, giving his gut a nice rub.") } ]]>
You can also see his underwear peeking out of his pants as he's bent over. Somebody should probably tell him about that.") } else { msg ("A quite imposing crocodile fellow. He's decked out in the same garb as the dragoness at the desk was, so you get the impression he works at the hotel too. That, and he's carrying around a mop bucket. He, too, looks bored, maybe with a touch of annoyance. Somebody probably blew a load down the sink or something again.") } ]]>
\"Oh, hey, kid.\" you heard Rech's gruff voice come. \"Just fixing a sink down here right now. Can you believe somebody tried to shove a bunch of hair down the pipes?....Anyway, I'd love to chat, but I gotta actually work for once. And please, don't turn on the sink.\"") } else { if (Rech.talk = 1) { msg ("Hey, I said I had work to do. Go explore the hotel or something.") Rech.talk = 2 } else if (Rech.talk = 2) { msg ("Seriously, kid? Leave me alone. It's starting to dry into the carpet.") Rech.talk = 3 } else if (Rech.talk = 3) { msg ("Kid, just let me do my job already.") Rech.talk = 4 } else if (Rech.talk = 4) { msg ("\"All right, enough's enough. Get out of here.\" Rech then pushes you down the stairs back into the lobby, not with much force, but hopefully enough for you to get the message!") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } MoveObject (player, Lobby) Rech.talk = 5 } else if (Rech.talk = 5) { msg ("\"Oh, come on! I just started cleaning it up.\" The croc complains as he grabs you and quite literally *throws* you down into the lobby. The impact jarred you a bit, but you seem to be okay.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } MoveObject (player, Lobby) Rech.talk = 6 } else if (Rech.talk = 6) { ClearScreen DisableTimer (RechRoamTimer) msg ("
\"Okay, enough is enough. I didn't wanna do this, but you're bugging me way too much, kid.\" Rech says as he takes off his gloves, quickly snatching you up into his grasp! He brings you up to face-level before opening his maw wide, the croc's long mouth glistening with saliva. He doesn't give you much time to appreciate the view before he shoves your head in there, all the way to the back of his mouth! His long jaws close around you, Rech having shoved you in up to your waist. He starts to give your body some cursory licks, appreciating your flavor, before one loud, wet *gulp* pulls your head into his throat, leaving only your legs dangling out of the croc's maw. You think you hear (and feel) him say something, but considering your current position, it ends up sounding more like some satisfied moans and groans that rumble around you. The croc continues to lick over your body, lubricating you with his saliva for the trip into his gut, which continues with another loud *gulp* that pulls your waist past the point of no return, sucked into the throat as well. You could hear distant gurglings up ahead, the croc's stomach eager to accept you. All it took was one more *gulp* to lock you inside Rech's throat, totally at the croc janitor's mercy...and he didn't seem very merciful today, at least not after you bugged him on the job six times in a row.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RechStomach) } } else { msg ("Hey kid. I'm Rech, the janitor around here. You'll probably see me poof around this place a lot. I'd love to chat, but I got a mess to clean up. Some idiot came all over the floor after they ate someone...in the hallway! The nerve of some people...") Rech.talk = 1 } } ]]>
Rech's sac false The rest of your body soon spilled out into Rech's sac, his balls not really equipped to hold something as big as you. The scales on his sac stretched with your form, betraying the light skin that hid behind them, outlining the prisoner inside. You're starting to lose feeling in your body now; the dominant sensation you're feeling is a dull tingling in your extremities as Rech's sac continues to fill up with more and more cum, presumably from your extremities as they melt away into the bubbling pool around you. Outside you can hear the croc moaning louder and louder as he feels you start to churn up, feeling at his balls as they start to slosh more, while you gradually become less you and more croc cum.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
It's getting harder to focus on struggling now, the dull tingling sensation from earlier overtaking your entire body as you start to sink down into the bubbling pot of cum around you. Rech's fondling certainly doesn't help, the croc practically panting now as he feels his sac really start to get to work, your consciousness fading away as the rest of your body starts to melt into orgasm fuel for the janitor...

\"Nngh, I think you're done in there, kid...\" Rech says as he starts to stroke a bit slower now, reaching into his pocket to pull out something. \"But, I can't have you messing up my closet...\" he says as he breaks open the packaging. It's a condom, and he starts unraveling it around his cock, it touching base with his gurgling balls soon before Rech starts to really go at it again. He thrusts into his own hand as it runs up and down his base, feeling his heavy balls weighing him down, almost unable to wait until the last of you filled out that condom.

And then, it happened. The croc roared as gooey shots of spunk filled out his condom, the tip of it quickly drooping down as Rech continued to fill it with his seed, the croc starting to lean back in the chair as he just watched his cock continue to twitch out his load, the condom bloating up and threatening to sag off of his cock now unless Rech got another hand on it. He panted as he felt his orgasm high coming down now, carefully taking the condom off, almost dropping it as he felt the amount of liquid inside of it. \"Nngh, good idea, Rech. Would've sucked having to clean all this off the walls...\" he said as he tied up the bag, leaving it in the corner of his closet as he re-dressed and got back to work. He'd deal with it later...

*You caught a croc in his most intimate moment...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
false sac walls Look at Locktight around you, and currently producing cum at an unbelievable rate. ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You start to be jostled around a bit inside of Rech's sac, the croc eagerly fondling his balls now, rubbing around the bulge you make inside of them.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You get no response from the croc, who's too buys stroking himself off with both of his claws.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You stretch the sac walls so far that you think they'll break...but they snap back into place as soon as you start wearing yourself out.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("\"Nnf...keep it coming, kid...\" you hear the croc moan inbetween strokes of his length.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("Rech's cock starts to dribble a little bit of pre, the drop running down his shaft as he continues to stroke himself.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("\"Nnh..I'm so close...\" Rech moans as he fondles his balls, not caring whether or not you were still alive in there.") } else { msg ("The sac walls ooze more cum onto you, covering you in the hot, sticky goop.") } ]]>
Rech's stomach false false
You're not really sure what the croc means by "pleasure me", but pretty much the only thing you can do while being encased by these slimy walls is struggle against them. That would feel good...right?]]>
") } SetObjectFlagOn (player, "eaten") RechStomach.strugglecount = GetRandomInt(1,1) SetTimeout (30) { if (RechStomach.strugglecount = 10) { } else { if (game.pov.parent = RechStomach) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The croc rubs at his stomach disappointingly. \"Not even putting up a fight, are ya kid?\" he asks teasingly. \"Well, if you're not even gonna help me with this, I guess I'll have to force you to help out on my hips...\" Suddenly the stomach gets a lot more active, the stomach walls kneading into you, rubbing slimy digestive fluids into your body, finding every crevice. Your clothes soon melt away, leaving you naked inside the croc's belly. Not soon after, your skin starts to tingle, and you start to lose feeling in some of your extremities, it being hard to struggle as your mind starts to get cloudy, it becoming difficult to focus on even thinking about struggling. It would be too late at this point, though, even if the croc let you go, it would be hard to recognize you, most of your body having melted into the sloppy stomach chyme at this point. You lose consciousness as the croc rubs at his gut one more time, feeling (and hearing) it starting to get more active, really digesting away its meal now. \"Shame,\" the croc said as he rubbed at his swollen gut, \"was a nice kid.\"") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Soon, the croc would check out for the night, his gut having noticeably calmed down. He'd go back home and dispose of what was left of his meal, plopping his scaly rear down on his porcelain throne. This was always the most annoying part, especially since he didn't really have the biggest toilet...but, he did his duty and flushed, then looked in the mirror, noticing that you had mostly gone to his hips and butt. He wasn't exactly planning on gaining weight today, but it was a necessary evil for how delectable his snacks tasted, and how nice their squirms felt inside of him...") } msg ("
*Don't annoy a croc...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } } ]]>
SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") EnableTimer (RechRoamTimer) false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. You hear the croc groan out and rub at his gut. \"Mmph, kid, I think you've made your point...I'll get ya outta there...\" you feel the gut start to convulse around you a bit, pushing you towards the sphincter at the top. \"Ugh, haven't done this in a while...\" you hear the croc moan before you're sucked back up into the croc's esophagus, rippling movements of flesh pulling you up, up, back into the croc's mouth, albeit in a more sloppy state than when you went in. The cool feel of fresh air hits your face as you poke out of the croc's throat, you suddenly realizing how stale and gross the air was inside of the croc before he horks you back up, waist slipping out of his throat as you dangle out of his maw. One more hork pops your legs out, your body landing on the hallway floor with a wet, loud splat. You take a moment to collect your bearings before you look back up at the croc, mop in hand, rubbing the back of his neck. \"Sorry about that, kid, but you clearly weren't gonna leave me alone unless I got a little more...extreme.\" he turned around before muttering \"Oh, you might wanna go take a shower, too.\"") SetTimeout (1) { MoveObject (player, second floor) } } } else if (random = 1) { msg ("You feel the croc rub at his gut.") RechStomach.strugglecount = RechStomach.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 2) { msg ("A loud belch erupts, shaking the stomach around you as it echoes throughout it.") RechStomach.strugglecount = RechStomach.strugglecount+1 if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("\"Mmph, keep going, kid...\" you hear the croc say.") RechStomach.strugglecount = RechStomach.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 4) { msg ("The stomach jostles you around a bit, the croc on the move, probably over to the \"spill\" he was talking about earlier.") RechStomach.strugglecount = RechStomach.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You hear the croc moan a bit. \"Not so hard...\"") RechStomach.strugglecount = RechStomach.strugglecount+1 if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("Your struggles amount to a small belch the croc casually blows out while he works.") RechStomach.strugglecount = RechStomach.strugglecount+1 if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 7) { msg ("\"Ngh, you're pretty good at this...keep it up, and you might not end up as croc fat...\" Rech teases.") RechStomach.strugglecount = RechStomach.strugglecount+1 } else { msg ("The stomach groans aggressively, getting tired of its capture's shenanigans.") RechStomach.strugglecount = RechStomach.strugglecount+1 if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]> false JC Key false A kind of rusty key. Embellished with a "JC". false the
Rech's bowels false the
Interestingly, the bowel walls around you aren't trying to pull you deeper. Rather, you're almost locked in place, albeit still pretty deep inside of Rech at this point. You wonder where he's taking you...]]>
You hear Rech open and close a door gently. He slowly walks forward before taking a seat in what you assume to be a chair. You can hear a dull, deep voice from outside...somebody you don't recognize. It definitely didn't sound like Rech. You can't really pick out any part of their conversation, either, so you're just forced to wait until something happens.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
Finally, their conversation ends. A bit of silence follows (well, relative silence) before you start to feel the bowel walls moving around you again...but they're pushing you out? Yes, you're being pushed out of Rech, the crocodile squatting on the floor as your feet start to peek out of his pucker again, sliding out slowly. The cool air in the room is a welcome change from the sweltering heat of the croc's body, but you weren't sure where Rech had taken you to at this point. You hear the croc grunt occasionally as he releases you, your knees soon sliding out of his body - the slimy bowel walls lubricated your body quite nicely for release. Soon your chest was slipping out, the croc moaning as he felt his ring spread again...the whole thing felt like the world's weirdest waterslide. Only your head was still stuck inside, the croc groaning as he felt his pucker expand around it...before it slides out wetly, your head landing on the floor with a dull thud. Ouch...you rub the back of your head as you sit up, trying to figure out where you were...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("throwupaudio.mp3", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, BossOffice) SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") } } } } ]]>
false bowel walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("The bowel walls clench around you. \"Not so hard, kid...\" Rech moans.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("\"Nngh..quit struggling, kid. I'm not gonna digest you or anything...not my job this time.\" Rech mumbles as he holds you up.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You try to move inside of the bowels but their grip is so tight you can barely even wiggle.") } else { msg ("You push at the bowel walls, but they quickly bounce back to their original shape, as if you had never moved in the first place. Clearly Rech wants to keep you exactly where you are...") }
Rech's bowels false the
It feels like you've been winding through the croc's bowels for an eternity...the environment around you seemingly never changes, the same rippling, maroon flesh surrounding you, the same pounding heat, the same tightness, the same gurgles and groans that surround your auditory space. It's almost rhythmic, like it could put you to sleep...either that, or it was the lack of oxygen.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
You finally feel something different in your environment, your head pushed up against a fleshy wall in front of you. The wall slowly yawns open, revealing your next destination: the croc's stomach, gurgling happily in anticipation of its meal. One clench pushes you rather rudely out into the chamber, the sphincter already locked around your waist at this point. Compared to the bowels, the stomach is much more spacious, although it smells much more strongly, and the heat inside is somehow even more staggering than in the bowels. On top of that, it seems ready for your arrival, the walls having already secreted a good deal of stomach fluids and the like, which made the undulating walls glisten sickeningly. One more clench shoved you up against the stomach walls, forcing you to curl up somewhat inside the churning gut.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } MoveObject (player, RechSinkStomach) } } } ]]>
false bowel walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The bowel walls around you are like a vicegrip, completely removing the possibility of struggling outside of the smallest wiggles. ") } else { msg ("All you manage to do is tire yourself out, the oppressive conditions of the croc's bowels quickly sapping your energy to struggle.") } ]]>
Rech's stomach false false
You heard a deep rumbling around you before Rech belched loudly off in the distance, flecks of slobber flying out of the croc's mouth. "Aah...feels better in there..." the croc said as he patted at his gut, the lack of air allowing the stomach walls to constrict harder around you, the chamber suddenly becoming somewhat tighter.]]>
") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
You slowly felt the stomach sapping your strength, struggling becoming quite difficult inside of the croc. Your body was starting to get quite tingly as well, especially your legs, which were currently stewing in a gross mixture of stomach fluids and whatever gunk was still sitting in the croc's stomach. The limited air inside the chamber was running out as well...you knew it wouldn't be long before the croc's stomach claimed you entirely.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Focusing on struggling was a chore at this point. It was incredibly hard to even give a weak push out against the oppressive stomach walls. But what was getting to you most was the lack of air, the croc's belches emptying the chamber quite frequently. Your eyelids started to slowly droop down, like you were exhausted...which you were, really. The croc's body had exhausted yours, and so your consciousness slipped away inside of the croc...

Rech rubbed at his stomach as he heard it give a loud *glrrnnnnn....*. \"Aw, tuckered out already, kid?\" Rech said as he poked at his gut, feeling it starting to round and slosh out as the stomach got to work on digesting you. \"Now's time for the fun part...\" he said as he laid back against the wall again, delighting in the feeling of his stomach gurgling away what was left of you. He belched constantly, flecks of spit flying out and splattering against the shower floor. He'd have to clean those up later too, probably, if they didn't dry to the floor...but for now, Rech didn't want to think about work. He just wanted to delight in the feeling of a full, squirming, groaning gut. And that's what he did, giving his gut a nice massage as he felt the mass inside of him slowly breaking down, adding to his body. It was so nice, he thought he could just...fall asleep...

The croc snapped awake some time later, his gut having considerably shrunken in size, but still quite noisily working on its digestion. He looked across the room to the sink, still opened up, with his tools still lying on the floor. \"Ugh, guess I'll get to it then...\" Rech groaned as he slowly got up and made his way over to the sink, his gut still swinging somewhat beneath him as he hunched over, getting back to work.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
It took a while, but Rech finally fixed up the sink. Unfortunately, that gave ample time for the rest of you to slip deeper into the croc's bowels, until he felt a familiar sensation deep inside of them. He quickly packed up his tool bag before running out of the showers, opening the door into the locker room and plopping his butt down on the nearest available seat. \"Aaaah, that's better...\" the croc groaned as he felt what was left of you splash down into the bowl. He wasn't used to snacks going through him so quickly, but he guessed you were just that eager...") } msg ("
*You should stop annoying the croc...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") EnableTimer (RechRoamTimer) false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("\"Mmph, keep going, kid...\" you hear the croc say.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("Rech pokes at his gut a little, the imprint nudging you on the head.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You hear the croc moan a bit. \"Not so hard...\"") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("Your struggles amount to a small belch the croc casually blows out while he relaxes.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 7) { msg ("\"Ngh, you're pretty good at this...keep it up, and you might not end up as croc fat...\" Rech teases.") } else { msg ("The stomach groans aggressively, getting tired of its capture's shenanigans.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]>
washhands wash hands "You can't wash hands " + object.article + "." takeabath take a bath "You can't take a bath " + object.article + "." bathein bathe in "You can't bathe in " + object.article + "." sleepin sleep in "You can't sleep in " + object.article + "." second floor false the You are on false the Look at Open Close false msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 4) You open the door into a typical-looking hotel room, much like yours. Only difference is, there's nobody here right now, at least not in the main room. Maybe you should look around. false false the kitchen false It contains Look at Open Close false Look at Take Eat false Look at Take Eat false You feel the floor beneath you rumble...
The Lower Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: showertime.") MakeExitVisible (LowerExit) } if (player.tokens = 10) { msg ("
You feel the ceiling above you rumble...
The Third Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: moreroomsmorefun.") MakeExitVisible (ThirdFloorExit) } MakeObjectInvisible (Orange Juice) ]]>
The room token for Room 4.
false Look at Take Eat Look at Take Eat
bathroom false the false You decide it had been a while since you took a good bath, and this was probably gonna be your best opportunity, so why pass it up? Quickly, you undress yourself and more or less crawl into the tub, fitting yourself inbetween the roo's quite massive legs. You both spend some time lathering each other up, the roo's large paws able to spread out the suds across most of your body. He asks you if he can get your back, which you graciously accept. After being lathered up for a bit longer you feel his two paws on your sides, starting to squeeze you just the tiniest bit. Just then, something drips onto your head from above. You look up to see the spread-open maw of the roo!

==PRESS ANY BUTTON TO TRY AND ESCAPE!==") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { ClearScreen msg ("
You struggle frantically, but you're unable to break from the roo's paws. Slowly his open maw spreads across your head, your face being thoroughly lathered by the roo's rough tongue, covering you in sticky drool. Your face is more or less forced to look up as the roo feeds you deeper into his maw, slurping his tongue all over you all the while. Soon the roo's jaws have taken in nearly a third of your body, the roo's back bent as he tries to get more of you down. You hear a deep *glup!* as your head pops into the roo's throat, the muscles fighting against both your struggles and the force of gravity. At this point the roo adjusts himself, tilting his head back and lifting what's left of you into the air to get the assistance of gravity. His tongue wraps around your leg and pulls them into its mouth as well, leaving only your feet to dangle in the outside world. Your head pries open a sphincter and peeks out into the stomach, the acrid smell hitting you immediately. Meanwhile, the roo slurps your feet inside, sending the rest of you down with a huge *glurp!* and sealing you inside him permanently.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("twoweirdgulps.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RooStomach) } } else { msg ("
You manage to break out of the roo's grip! You immediately bolt out of the bathroom and into the hallway, not even caring that you had left your clothes behind.") MoveObject (player, Secondfloor2) } } } else { msg ("
The roo shrugs. \"Suit yourself.\"") } } ]]>
roo's stomach false the if (GetBoolean(RooStomach, "AnalVore")) { msg ("You're forced out of the bowels and into the stomach, being harshly greeted by a voracious and starving roo stomach. The wet sac is already brimming with digestive juices, and eager to start digesting its meal as the walls around you start to tighten and constrict you. You don't feel as if you have much time, or strength, to try and escape from here. You feel some movement around you as the roo, finally having recovered from his massive orgasm, gets up and walks to another room. After hearing the running of water, you have to assume it's the bathroom, and the roo confirms it by stepping into the tub and settling down in the bath, rubbing his gut while he settles down.") } else { msg ("The slimy gullet slowly feeds you deeper and deeper inside of the roo until you meet your ultimate destination. Your head is already peeked into the stomach, and soon the rest of your body follows, unceremoniously dumped out into the roo's tight, hot stomach. Outside, the roo lets out a large belch before settling back into the tub, cradling his now-bulging and active gut as it peeks out of the water. He lets out a long sigh before he closes his eyes, ready to relax away his meal.") } You hear some light snoring from outside; it's clear the roo has started to fall asleep. At the same time, the stomach starts becoming much rougher, kneading and tossing you about like a real piece of food. The thought occurs to you that you probably don't have much time left to try and get out of here.") SetTimeout (20) { if (GetBoolean(RooStomach, "AnalVore")) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You continue to push out against the roo's strong gut, but it doesn't seem like you're doing much. The thick stew of the stomach contents have been steadily rising, and they threaten to drown you in their contents. You had already started to feel weaker, but now your struggles are barely even resulting in stomach bulges from the roo, your most desperate attempts barely even registering in the roo's consciousness. At this point you more or less accept your role as the roo's dinner, your body already starting to melt and gurgle away into the soupy mixture around you. Your last moments of consciousness are accentuated by one last, powerful belch coming from the roo's lips. \"Nnnh...they're finally gone.\" he comments. \"About time.\"

A few hours pass, the roo's active gut gurgling away its meal as the roo naps in the tub. What was once you is now deep inside the roo's bowels at this point, along with a mixture of whatever else the roo had eaten today, churning and adding itself to the roo's chubby body, accentuating his plush rear especially.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
A pressure in his lower bowel awakens the roo from his pleasant nap, and he up onto the toilet, noisily discarding whatever was left of you. The roo flushes the toilet before deciding he's finished with his bath, and sets out to clean up the mess you had left him...") } else { msg ("
Some time later, the roo awakes from his nap, looking to the clock and realizing he'd been out for a lot longer than he'd like. He finished up his bath before getting out, wiping himself off, occasionally feeling the new, squishier parts of his body that you had helped create. \"I guess this wasn't the worst thing that could have happened...\" he comments before continuing on with the rest of his day.") } msg ("
*You invaded a stranger's home...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } else { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You continue to push out against the roo's strong gut, but it doesn't seem like you're doing much. The thick stew of the stomach contents have been steadily rising, and they threaten to drown you in their contents. You had already started to feel weaker, but now your struggles are barely even resulting in stomach bulges from the roo, your most desperate attempts barely even registering in the roo's consciousness. At this point you more or less accept your role as the roo's dinner, your body already starting to melt and gurgle away into the soupy mixture around you. Your last moments of consciousness are accentuated by one last, powerful belch coming from the roo's lips. \"Nnnh...he's finally gone.\" he comments. \"About time.\"

A few hours pass, the roo's active gut gurgling away its meal as the roo naps in the tub. What was once you is now deep inside the roo's bowels at this point, along with a mixture of whatever else the roo had eaten today, churning and adding itself to the roo's chubby body, accentuating his plush rear. ") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
A pressure in his lower bowel awakens the roo from his pleasant nap, and he up onto the toilet, noisily discarding whatever was left of you. The roo flushes the toilet before deciding he's finished with his bath, and sets out to clean up the mess you had left him...") } else { msg ("
Some time later, the roo awakes from his nap, looking to the clock and realizing he'd been out for a lot longer than he'd like. He finished up his bath before getting out, wiping himself off, occasionally feeling the new, squishier parts of his body that you had helped create. \"I guess this wasn't the worst thing that could have happened...\" he comments before continuing on with the rest of his day.") } msg ("
*You invaded a stranger's home...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at The slimy stomach walls of the roo, currently kneading you forcefully. ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("\"You wanna keep it down in there?\" the roo asks before submerging his muzzle again.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("The roo burps under the water, giggling as he watches the bubbles rise to the surface of the water.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The roo emits a satisfied moan before rubbing his belly some.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("The belly walls around you start to constrict you harder, not pleased with how violent you're being.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("You feel the roo splashing some bathwater onto his belly.") } else { msg ("You think you've upset the roo's stomach a bit as it starts to rumble, but soon you hear the roo let out a loud *brrrrup!*.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") SetTimeout (2) { msg ("") } } } ]]> A white-and-black patterned bandana. Seems to be indigestible, considering its owner has long since left this churning sac. You silently wish you had the same powers. You tie the bandana around your head. It makes you feel a bit better. Look at Drop
The roo's bowels are long, winding, and dark. An earthy scent assails your nostrils as the slimy bowel walls around you contine to relax and contract, pushing you deeper and deeper into the roo. Ahead of you is the faint echo of the roo's grumbling, hungry belly, eagerly awaiting its meal. The other sound you can hear is the constant moaning of the roo from what you can safely assume is the roo pleasuring himself to your squirms, the moans getting louder and more frequent the deeper you travel into the roo. roo's bowels false the The bowel walls start to squeeze you harder, as the moans coming from the roo start to get even louder. You feel like he's about to reach his climax, in no small part thanks to you. You feel like a tube of toothpaste that's almost out.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The pressure and heat around you continues to mount. You don't feel like you could last much longer - it's good that the roo finally orgasms at this point. After reaching his breaking point, long, sticky ropes of seed erupt out of the roo's cock, splattering all over the floors and walls of the hotel room. The bowels start to launch you forward during the roo's orgasm, the gentle gurgling of the stomach ahead of you becoming much louder and closer. The roo's tongue hangs out of his mouth as he is overcome with pleasure, collapsing onto the bed as his cock continues to spurt pools of cum onto his chest. Deep inside of the roo, you are still struggling, continuing to pleasure the roo even in his throes of orgasm. But your struggles are for naught, as you reach the entrance (or rather exit) to the stomach...") SetTimeout (3) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } MoveObject (player, RooStomach) } } } } ]]>
false bowel walls Look at The roo's slimy bowel walls. They aren't exactly pleasant to be inside of. ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The roo rubs the bulge in his midsection you made.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You feel a paw press gently on where you tried to push out.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("Your constant stirring seems to have elicited some discomfort in the roo, as he's temporarily stopped pleasuring himself. All that discomfort is released in one large burp, though.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The roo rubs his belly some.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("The bowel walls constrict around you with unusual strength, squeezing the life out of you.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("The roo giggles a bit. \"Keep pushing!\" he says.") } else { msg ("You feel a small push on the bulge you're making.") } ]]>
roo's sac false the Your whole body is finally sealed inside the roo's ballsack. The roo's balls are completely awash with sticky seed; itcoats the walls, the bottoms of the balls, and more importantly, you, the movement of the roo already washing the hot gloop all over your body. The walls are stretched tight around your body, not leaving you much space to move around in the hot chamber, a set of roo balls clearly not designed to hold any sort of living thing. You can already hear (and feel) the roo getting to work on his arousal, loud moans vibrating the sac walls, as well as the constant motion causing the seed to slosh in his balls. It won't be long before he comes, but from the tingling you're starting to feel, it also won't be long until you're just part of his load. The roo starts to fondle his balls now, jostling you around inside his sac, completely coating you in his hot seed once again. You already felt tingly when you got in here, but now you feel even more tingly, barely able to feel anything at all, or to feel your arms or legs move...you continue to struggle, but the hot, suffocating chamber has drained you of your energy rather quickly.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
The roo is well-aroused now, the suffocating heat in the chamber continuing to rise as the roo comes closer and closer to orgasm. The roo continues to pump his thick shaft as you gradually sink into the pool of cum, losing your abillity to feel or even to think of anything besides how great it would be to just relax and sink into the hot cum bath surrounding you...by this point you're barely anything now, most of your body having completely melted to fill up the roo's plump, gorged balls with even more sticky, hot cum. His balls were starting to lose the defining bulges of your shape, beginning to round out again, but still very large in size, nearly sagging down to hit the hotel room floor. Your whole world shakes as the roo readjusts himself, getting up onto the bed and sitting at the end, aiming his cock straight at the wall. The final jostling was all it took for your consciousness to slip away, lost in the milky sea of roo-cum that continues to build and build with his arousal. The time had come, and the roo could barely contain himself anymore. Cupping and fondling his balls in one hand, and pumping forcefully at his shaft with the other, the roo *blasts* his load all over the hotel room, the walls painted in a milky-white color with a combination of what had been you and several other cock-snacks he had been devouring over the past few days. His sac continued to drain, the shaft eagerly pumping shot after shot of hot cum into the open air, a large pool forming on the floor. The sac of the roo slowly begins to shrink as it empties out, returning to a somewhat-normal size as the roo nears the end of his orgasm, huffing and puffing and moaning as his cock started to dribble the last drops of cum onto the floor. \"Phew.\" the roo says as he collapses onto the bed in post-orgasm bliss. \"Those little treats definitely made for a hell of an orgasm. What was it again? A deer? Maybe a wolf...\" he mumbles as he looks around the hotel room. \"Oh, god damnit.\" he says, reaching for the phone. \"Guess it's time to dial housekeeping. I could use a post-orgasm snack...\"

*You invaded a stranger's home...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
false sac walls Look at The sac walls of the roo. They leave you little room to struggle, stretched tight around your body. ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("\"Nnnn...struggle harder, snack...\" the roo moans.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("\"Oooh...keep squirming...\" the roo says, poking and fondling the areas that you're pushing out on.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("The roo's cock starts to dribble some pre onto the bed.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The roo makes a sharp moan as you press out hard on the sac walls, leaving a definite handprint on the skin. \"Don't be so rough...\" he moans.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("\"Oh...you feel so good in there...\" you hear the roo say, pumping his cock harder to your struggles.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("The roo starts to stroke his cock even harder.") } else { msg ("The cum around you sloshes hard as you squirm, but all that's accomplished is that you're coated in even more of the stuff.") } ]]>
You open the door into a very non-descript looking room. There are a lot of boxes, like everything had been packed up. You weren't sure what this room was for, but it wasn't very important. What is important is the feeling you get that somebody is in the room with you, or mad that you broke into here... false room a false You feel a huge weight land upon you as you're suddenly crushed by something! Laying on the floor, the animal's butt is firmly upon you, their brown cheeks neatly concealing a small tailhole that consumes your vision. A neat and short tail rests on top of your head. You try to struggle, but all the mysterious figure does is press down on you harder, leaving you dazed. \"Well, well, well...\" you hear a voice from above you say. \"Thinking you can sneak into my room and get away with it, huh?\" he questions. \"I know just what to do.\" He releases you from your butt prison, but you're still too dazed to really do anything. He turns around and leans over you, revealing a large brown anthro roo, one of his arms spreading open his belly pouch, the other grabbing your near-limp body! Your head is shoved straight into the roo's pouch, bunching up in the tight enclosure. Soon your whole body is fit into the pouch, the skin flap stretching neatly around the bulge you make. Pressed up against the roo's belly, you can hear soft gurgles and groans - the roo obviously hasn't eaten anything in a while. You idly wondered if you were going to be the snack filling up his belly as the roo bounced his way back to his hotel room, carefully locking the door behind him.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } MoveObject (player, Room 4) LockExit (Room4BathroomExitAV) LockExit (Room4KitchenExitAV) LockExit (Secondfloor2ExitAV) SetTimeout (1) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidebelly.mp3", false, false) } } SetTimeout (10) { msg ("
The tight skin around you starts to become more loose. Two furry arms stretch out at you and pull you out of the pouch, plopping you onto the roo's bed. You barely have time to figure out where you are before your face meets the snout of the roo, who is leaning over you and staring intently. His jaws part to let a long tongue snake out of his mouth and lick you across the face, covering you with sticky kangaroo spit. \"Mmm...\" you hear the kangaroo say. \"What am I gonna do with you...\"") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound } random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("
\"I know.\" he says calmly before turning around again, giving you another view of his luscious rear. You take this opportunity to try and escape, but you weren't quick enough - his firm cheeks plant themselves atop your face again! You're greeted by the small tailhole you had become so familiar with earlier, this time, though, it's much closer to you, the roo grinding your face into the bed. \"Nnnf...get in there...\" the roo moans before you feel the tailhole clench around your nose, getting a firm hold of your face. Your renewed struggles do nothing to stop the slow encroaching of the roo's pucker on your face, and soon the tailhole is expanded across your entire face. You feel the pucker start to clench around you, and with a loud *SLRRRP!* your entire head is sucked into the roo's bowels! Darkness surrounds you as your body is slurped deeper into the roo's ass, the walls relaxing and contracting around you at a breakneck pace. \"Nnng...oh yeah...\" you hear the roo say, your deepening struggles helping to bolster his growing erection. \"Ohh...\"") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
Your entire chest is inside the roo now, leaving only your legs to dangle outside of the roo's asshole. You feel a single digit brush past your floundering feet before the roo's paw wraps around both your legs, keeping them still. A single finger from the roo's paw makes contact with your feet, slowly pushing your legs into the roo. Around you is a chorus of moans, the roo taking his time to pleasure himself to your insertion. One final \"nnngh!\" accompanies his last push, your feet slurked into the roo's pucker, locking yourself entirely within the roo's bowels.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RooBowels) } } } else { msg ("
\"Oh!\" the roo says, snapping his focus back to you. \"I have just the thing to do...\" he starts before he readjusts himself to be at the end of the bed, directly in front of you. You wonder what he is doing until he starts making quiet moaning sounds, the movement of his arm keying you into what he was doing. Soon enough he was fully erect, the roo's rod poking its way onto the top of the bed. \"This is going to be fun...\" he says before he grabs your legs, bringing them towards his cock. He presses them against the slit for a moment before it widens enough to slurp your feet in! A loud moan accompanies your entry into the roo's cock, your legs starting to be consumed by the long rod as well. You try to grab at the bedsheets or anything to get yourself out of here but you can't find any purchase on the bed, and it doesn't help that the roo already has quite the hold on your lower half, the eager cock greedily gulping down more of you as fast as it can. You're being drawn closer and closer to the roo now, like a fish being reeled in by a pole. ") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Deep, wet, slurping gulps from the cock continue to pull you deeper, your feet starting to poke out into a more spacious chamber you can only assume is the ballsac of the roo. You keep on trying to thrash your way out of the roo but by this point it's far too late. More than half of your body is inside him now, surrounded by tight, thick, and fleshy walls that get hotter and hotter as the roo's arousal increases. Already the roo has begun to masturbate again, running one hand up and down his massive and engorged shaft while maintaining eye contact with his snack. By now your body has been consumed up to your shoulders, the widest part of your body. The cock has to work some to expand the slit to be wide enough to fit your shoulders in, but it does it without apparent trouble, your shoulders quickly slipping into the fleshy tube. You're now essentially face-to-face with the roo, who has a small, sly smile crossing his face, undeniably a hard face to make in the midst of his arousal. The roo opens his mouth to lick you, his long tongue covering you with sticky kangaroo saliva again. \"Mmmm...you taste so good as well...what a shame,\" he says, \"but that's fine. My cock will enjoy you all the same...goodbye, cocksnack~\" Those are the last words you hear the roo say before he starts to delicately push your head into his cock, a chorus of moans accompanying it. \"Aaahh......nnngh!\" the roo moans as you are finally sealed in from the outside world, your vision being completely covered in the hot, sticky walls of the roo's cock. By the time the roo cock had completely consumed you, your midsection began to empty out into the ballsac as well, the chamber awash in hot, sticky roo cum. All it takes is a few more lewd, wet gulps from the cock to send you to your final destination...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RooSac) } } } } } } } } } } } ]]>
false the Look at Open Close false msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 5) You open the door and find yourself inside a stable! Hay loosely covers the ground, and all the stable doors are closed, except for one on the right... false the stable the stable false false
Quite descriptive, actually.]]>
You put the vial in your pocket. You cork open the bottle and carefully pour the liquid on the dragoness's claw. It takes some time, but the dragoness starts to slowly shrink, down to around your size, maybe a bit smaller...she starts to wake up during the process, as well, growling at you as she felt her body slowly shrink down...she wasn't really able to act on her hatred, though, it being quite difficult to actually move while her body was being shrunk down. Soon, the dragoness cowered somewhat before you, being shrunk down to around the size of a large dog. Selicia, however, had a bigger appetite than your normal dog...and that's why you ended up still pinned underneath her claws!") wait { msg ("
You theorize it should be much easier to escape Selicia's grasp when she's your size, but she seems like she's putting her whole weight into this, pressing down both of her claws onto your body. She seems to like having you in this position, too, giving you teasing licks occasionally as she knows you can't go anywhere. She seems to be...waiting, though. Waiting for you to make the first move, just kind of laying on top of you as she teases you with her maw and tongue. This goes on for a while until, with you not doing anything, she starts to get a little impatient, bringing her maw to your face, while also grinding her slit against your body...seems like she's giving you a choice?") selicialist = NewStringList() list add (selicialist, "Mouth") list add (selicialist, "Slit") ShowMenu ("", selicialist, false) { if (result = "Mouth") { msg ("
Selicia lowers her eyes a bit, as if she was somewhat disappointed in your choice, before bringing her maw closer to you, the glowing flesh outlining her mouth in detail, including that alluring throat in the back...You feel her tongue slip under your chin, giving you a casual lick before pressing her maw forward, your face landing on that tongue, jaws closing somewhat uncomfortably around your head - she wasn't quite used to such a large meal (or such a small her). Still, she could manage to fit your whole head in her mouth, the dragoness's long tongue reaching to all parts of your face to make sure your head slid easily down her throat.") wait { msg ("
Which is what came next, the dragoness tipping her head up a bit as she gulped, the bulge of your head being tucked into her throat rather nicely. You could feel the dragoness raise a claw up to her throat, gently kneading at the bulge you made in her throat as you travelled further down, the throat now expanding around your waist, Selicia giving quick gulps as she felt you sink down into her body. Her head was fully tilted up now, using gravity to help you get down, although it didn't help that much, her throat only able to get you down so quickly! The motions of her throat guided you deeper, the walls tight around you, and undulating as you were pulled deeper with every gulp. You could feel Selicia's tongue lapping at your body, stealing tastes when she could as you slid into her body, only your legs remaining free at this point. Her lips closed around them, like a reptile with a fresh catch, your legs awkwardly dangling out of her mouth until a wet *slrrp!* pulled them in. Selicia rolled them around a bit on her tongue before gulping them down too, locking your whole body inside of her throat. One last gulp pulls them in, your head already starting to enter her stomach, being forced to curl up into a ball as more and more of your body empties out into the chamber.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, SeliciaStomach) } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemoan1.wav", false, false) } msg ("
It's difficult to actually indicate where you want to go, but you try to rub your knee in the general vicinity of Selicia's slit to give her the idea. She smiles, and slowly releases her grip on your body, crawling forward until her slit is hovering directly above your face. A few drips of arousal already splash down onto your body as she slowly lowers her slit to your face, the feminine scent starting to overtake you. You feel fleshy contact being made, the dragoness letting slip a small moan just from the sensation of your nose touching her slit before she plunges down, your face quickly becoming familiar with her slit, the scent from earlier being multiplied tenfold as you're pressed into those folds...") wait { msg ("
You can hear the dragoness moan as she starts to grind down upon your face, slowly taking more of it in, until you feel your neck start to jerk up as she clenches, taking more of you in, the slit now firmly locked around your neck as fluids continue to drain out of it, threatening to drown you...but you're able to get occasional breaths of air as she continues to pull you in deeper, the slick flesh helping along the process as she clenches you in deeper and deeper. Selicia is really starting to squirm now, the feeling of you so deep into her driving her arousal crazy, especially as you squirm yourself. It's difficult to not squirm, the walls so tight against your body, especially when she clenches. One more tight clench locks her slit around your waist, leaving only your legs dangling outside of the dragoness as she pulls up, not used to quite such a large bulge inside of her, especially not in her nether-regions. But you can tell she's quite obviously enjoying it! Her breaths are beginning to become much sharper now, interspersed between her moans and groans as you squirm deeper, soon being pushed up against her cervix. Your feet kick awkwardly against the slit before they're slurped up by one final clench, leaving you entirely inside of the vagina of the dragoness, with your head starting to press into her womb.

") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, SeliciaWomb) } } } } } } else { msg ("You aren't a cave-dweller!") } ]]>
msg ("Nothing happened.")
the stable false false A...brown horse. Not a normal one, though. It's standing on its hind hooves, just kind of...leaning against the back of the stall? With his arms crossed? And looking at you? Seductively? = 30) { msg ("\"Sorry, kid, but I'm spent for right now...\" the horse says as he points at his cock, still dribbling a bit of cum. \"Come back later, though.\"") } else { firsttime { msg ("
\"Hey, kid.\" the horse says as he leans against the back of his stall. He's standing there quite casually, actually, and...uh...with no clothes on, either, his dong just kind of swinging there. \"What're you doing around here?\" he asked.") horselist = NewStringList() list add (horselist, "Just wandering...") list add (horselist, "What are YOU doing here?") ShowMenu ("How do you answer him?", horselist, false) { if (result = "Just wandering...") { msg ("
\"Ah, well then, why don't you 'wander' into this stall then...maybe we could have some fun?\" the horse asks, raising an eyebrow almost comedically, realizing his pun was, yes, exactly as bad as you thought it was.") Ask ("Accept his invitation?") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Excellent...don't worry, I won't hurt you.\" the horse says as he reaches around you and closes the stall door. It wasn't exactly a private room, but there was nobody else around, as far as you could tell.

\"Now then...\" the horse said as he reached over into the other stall and picked up some stuff. \"If you wanted to do something a bit more...kinky...then this stuff will shrink you down.\" He said as he offered you a bottle of liquid.") Ask ("Drink the liquid?") { if (result) { msg ("
You take the bottle from the horse's hand and gulp down the liquid. Nearly instantly you're shrunk down to be about a foot tall, your clothes not making the journey with you, falling to the floor and leaving you standing naked on the hay. The horse bends over you, a smile on his face as his booming voice echoes around you. \"Aww, you look so cute!\" he says as he picks you up in one of his hands.

\"Now then, we can get started...\" he says as he starts idly jerking at the horsecock that was swaying between his legs. You start to scramble a bit on his paw, wondering what he would do, before that voice came again. \"Don't worry, little one, I'm not gonna hurt you...this might be a bit weird, though.\"") wait { msg ("
The horse cups you in his hand as he starts to lower you to his furry sheath, stretching the flesh out a bit. You hear his voice again, this time above you. \"Heh, don't worry, I wasn't gonna put you down my cock...you're gonna go somewhere...different~\" he teases as you're lowered slowly into the sheath, the skin expanding around you as the horse holds his sheath open, letting go of you and letting you fall into it! The skin slaps tightly against you as the horse lets go of it, smacking you straight up against the horse cock, making it almost impossible to struggle...") wait { MoveObject (player, HorseSheath) } } } else { msg ("
You politely refuse the liquid. The horse scoffs a little, before putting it back. \"I had a hunch. But, I had a backup plan for some fun if you didn't wanna drink up...\" he says as he starts stroking at his member, it quickly growing in size, and becoming longer it seemed, too...he was huffing and puffing as he did it too, quite clearly getting into it. But soon, he pulled his hand away, standing as his cock stuck straight out, looking a bit proud. \"Well, are you just gonna stand there, or suck it?~\"") Ask ("") { if (result) { ClearScreen msg ("
You eagerly nod at the horse's request. \"Well then, get down~\" the horse says as he leans against the back of the stall, dick pointing straight out and at you, ready to be...serviced. You approach it slowly, getting down on your knees and opening your mouth to give it a cursory lick. The horse moans in response, giving an eager \"There ya go...\" as you start to go down on him, your lips expanding to take in the giant horse cock. You couldn't hope to swallow the whole thing, though, so you were stuck sucking on the end, your lips only covering about a third, maybe a half at best, of the monstrous dong. Still though, the horse is quite enjoying this experience, moaning as you lick at his slit every once in a while, as he pressed your head down to try and get more of him into you. You can feel his dick throbbing inside of your mouth as he starts to thrust a little..but you get the sensation he isn't exactly satisfied with your inability to deep throat him. You continue to suck him off, but no orgasm comes, even as you try and use your tongue to your best ability.") wait { msg ("
You hear the horse sigh as he starts to pull his dick out of your mouth. \"Sorry kid, looks like I'm just too big for you...\" he says as his dick flops out of your mouth. You notice he still has a firm grip on the back of your head, though, as he continues. \"But I think I have the perfect place for you...\" he says as he gives the back of your head a hard shove, locking your head into the horse's shaft! You splay your arms out instinctively, trying to pull your head out of the shaft, but the head has a firm grip on you already. You hear the horse whinny as you struggle, obviously getting a kick out of it...your arms are still flying everywhere, trying to land a hit on the horse somehow, but honestly, the shaft is so long, you're only landing hits on the shaft itself and his arms...and those hits are really only helping the horse get off. At worst, they're making him clench, which only pulls you deeper, a loud whinny erupting as the cock works its way around your shoulders. \"F...fuck...\" you think you hear the horse moan as his cock continues to slurp you deeper, the ravenous length already having slurped you up to your chest now, leaving your lower half awkwardly flailing outside of the shaft.

The rippling walls around you continue to suck your body deeper, aided by the occasional pushes and thrusts of the horse as he works you down. You catch a whiff of the salty scent of horse cum, betraying how close you were to emptying out into his sac...that is, right next to it, another thrust from the horse pushing you into his balls, a loud whinny coming from the horse as he feels your body start to fill those fleshy sacs out. The pleasure the horse is feeling makes the rest of your decent rather quick, tight and fast clenches drawing your body further and further in, emptying more and more of you out into the sloshing pool of cum, until you feel the cock close behind your feet, completing your consumption. The horse massages the bulge you're making as your body travels further down his cock, moaning and whinnying every time he feels even an inch of you pass into his balls, until they're fully weighed down with your squirming self...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", true, false) play sound ("outsidemalemoan.wav", true, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, HorseSac) } } } else { msg ("
\"Aw. Well, I guess I can't force you. But I was looking forward to some fun...\" the horse says as he starts idly jerking at his length.") } } } } } else { msg ("\"Well then, Mr. No Fun.\" the horse teases as he starts twiddling his thumbs, waiting for you to leave.") } } } else { msg ("
\"I'd ask why YOU'RE here, but I think I know. People come through all the time, looking for this thing...\" he says as you notice he has a token in his hand.") Ask ("\"I assume that's what you want, too?\"") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Ah, I knew it...\" the horse said as he flipped the thing in his hand. \"Can't imagine why you would, but I guess I could hand it over...\" He then raises the token above his head, opening his maw as he drops the thing into his mouth! You hear a gulp as the thing falls down his throat.

\"Or not.\" He says as he looks at you. \"What are you gonna do? Go in after it? I'd welcome that~\"") Ask ("Go in for the token?") { if (result) { msg ("
\"O-oh...I see.\" the horse stutters, not quite expecting you to be so intent on getting this token. \"Well then, hurry up before it gets digested, sna-I mean, kid!\" the horse says as he opens up his maw, his tongue inviting you inside...you stick an arm inside the mouth, which the horse soon wraps his lips around, tasting at your fingers and inviting you deeper. He looks at you expectantly before opening his mouth again. \"Go on, then...\" you heard him mumble from deep in his throat. You place your other hand inside the horse's mouth, hesitantly moving closer, your hands starting to rub over the back of his throat...and then the horse places his hooves at your sides, lifting you up in the air as he mumbles something incoherently. His jaws quickly wrap around your head, trapping you inside of his hot maw. You hear another mumble before the horse starts wrapping his long tongue around your head, giving you a thorough tasting and lubrication before sending you down.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
A quick *gulp* pulls your hands into the horse's throat, bringing your head closer to the back of the horse's maw. At this point, you were chest-deep into the horse's mouth, your other half hanging awkwardly outside of the lips, the horse not really even supporting your body anymore. He pulled his head up before taking another gulp, pulling your head into the hot, constrictive throat, as well as your waist into the mouth. The throat was a lot tighter than the mouth, and quite warmer as well, almost suffocating in a way, especially with the lack of wiggle room...another gulp sounded out around you, this time more clear since you were closer to the source, and you felt your legs being pulled into the mouth, licked over the same...you squirmed a bit as you felt the horse's tongue rub at your more sensitive areas before he slurped those down with another wet gulp, pulling your whole body inside of his. All that was outside the throat was your feet...and those too soon funneled to the back, disappearing into the horse with one last little gulp...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, HorseStomach) } } } else { msg ("
\"Yeah, I didn't think so.\" the horse said before starting to jerk himself off. \"Can you give a horse some privacy?\" he asks, scowling at you.") } } } else { msg ("
\"Oh. Well, then I don't think I can help you.\" the horse says before returning to his lackadaisical pose, jerking himself off idly.") } } } } } otherwise { msg ("\"Sorry, kid, but I'm spent for right now...\" the horse says as he points at his cock, still dribbling a bit of cum. \"Come back later, though.\"") if (not Got(Room 5 Token)) { msg ("
{command:ask Horse about token:Ask the horse about the token?}") } } } ]]>
\"Oh, you're talking about this thing?\" the horse says as he takes the token out of...somewhere, holding the token in his hand.") Ask ("\"I assume that's what you want, too?\"") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Ah, I knew it...\" the horse said as he flipped the thing in his hand. \"Can't imagine why you would, but I guess I could hand it over...\" He then raises the token above his head, opening his maw as he drops the thing into his mouth! You hear a gulp as the thing falls down his throat.

\"Or not.\" He says as he looks at you. \"What are you gonna do? Go in after it? I'd welcome that~\"") Ask ("Go in for the token?") { if (result) { msg ("
\"O-oh...I see.\" the horse stutters, not quite expecting you to be so intent on getting this token. \"Well then, hurry up before it gets digested, sna-I mean, kid!\" the horse says as he opens up his maw, his tongue inviting you inside...you stick an arm inside the mouth, which the horse soon wraps his lips around, tasting at your fingers and inviting you deeper. He looks at you expectantly before opening his mouth again. \"Go on, then...\" you heard him mumble from deep in his throat. You place your other hand inside the horse's mouth, hesitantly moving closer, your hands starting to rub over the back of his throat...and then the horse places his hooves at your sides, lifting you up in the air as he mumbles something incoherently. His jaws quickly wrap around your head, trapping you inside of his hot maw. You hear another mumble before the horse starts wrapping his long tongue around your head, giving you a thorough tasting and lubrication before sending you down.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
A quick *gulp* pulls your hands into the horse's throat, bringing your head closer to the back of the horse's maw. At this point, you were chest-deep into the horse's mouth, your other half hanging awkwardly outside of the lips, the horse not really even supporting your body anymore. He pulled his head up before taking another gulp, pulling your head into the hot, constrictive throat, as well as your waist into the mouth. The throat was a lot tighter than the mouth, and quite warmer as well, almost suffocating in a way, especially with the lack of wiggle room...another gulp sounded out around you, this time more clear since you were closer to the source, and you felt your legs being pulled into the mouth, licked over the same...you squirmed a bit as you felt the horse's tongue rub at your more sensitive areas before he slurped those down with another wet gulp, pulling your whole body inside of his. All that was outside the throat was your feet...and those too soon funneled to the back, disappearing into the horse with one last little gulp...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, HorseStomach) } } } else { msg ("
\"Yeah, I didn't think so.\" the horse said before starting to jerk himself off. \"Can you give a horse some privacy?\" he asks, scowling at you.") } } } else { msg ("
\"Oh. Well, then I don't think I can help you.\" the horse says before returning to his lackadaisical pose, jerking himself off idly.") } } ]]>
horse's sheath false the
"You feel great in there..." the horse says as he continues to stroke himself off, just your presence inside of his sheath arousing him intensely...no struggles required! But you can try.]]>
You can really hear the horse going at it now, moaning and panting as he strokes himself harder, the heat from his balls and shaft somewhat transferring to his sheath, making you sweat a little as your confines become tighter and tighter. Judging from this rate, though, it shouldn't be long before he blows...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
And then, it comes, the horse moaning as he messily orgasms all over his stall, hot ropes of cum being shot against the floor and walls, quickly running down the walls to dry on the hay-covered floor...the sheath tightens around you with every clench and shot load, feeling like a vicegrip at this point, you worried that you would end up suffocating, it was so hard to breathe or move inside of this thing. But eventually, the horse calms down, having gotten his rocks off.

\"Ah...thanks, I needed that...\" you hear him boom as he reaches a hand down to his sheath again, his horsecock slowly retreating back into it somewhat as he pries it open, pinching you with his free hand and pulling you out of that sweltering sack. He held you in one hand while he went back to dig in that other stall, pulling out a small vial of clear liquid and placing it in his hand. \"Here, drink this...\" he said. You immediately pull the cork off and start to tip the vial before he furrows his eyebrows at you. \"...After I put you down, please.\" He does as he says, placing you on the floor in front of him. THEN you gulp down the clear liquid, quickly growing back to full size (albeit still naked) and standing before the horse.

\"Thanks for the fun, kid.\" he says. \"Come around later and I might have something else for ya...\"") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } MoveObject (player, Room5StableStall) Horse.met = 1 } } } ]]>
You try to move but the sheath isn't budging at all.
horse's sac false the One last clench from the horse, one loud whinny, and you're fully inside of the horse's sac. It's quite taut, stretching around your form, making it rather difficult to move. The other dominating feature is the sloshing pool of cum currently lapping at your knees as you try to adjust yourself...somehow. Looks like the horse's body isn't cooperating, though. You're starting to get tired out now, the sloshing sea of cum always touching some part of your body, leaving it tingling. It feels like the fluid is almost sapping your energy, making it so hard to struggle...not like you could, the taut walls not able to stretch any further. You felt like you were inside of a balloon...but this one wouldn't pop, no matter how hard you tried. All that would happen if you tried pushing out would be a lewd groan from the horse, and probably him pumping his cock even harder, which only made the muggy environment inside of his balls even more difficult to deal with. At any rate, it was becoming harder to stay conscious in here.") wait { msg ("") msg ("") msg ("
It's practically impossible to struggle at this point. You could feel the horse's arousal rising with every part of your body, and not helping was the fact that he was starting to fondle his balls now, stimulation constantly coming from all sides as he massaged at the bulge you made, feeling it start to soften away somewhat as your body began to melt away into the pool of cum you were sitting in. Most of your limbs had already melted, leaving your consciousness somewhat detached from the rest of your body. Not that it'd be around for long...the horse pumping his cock even harder now as he feels you start to melt away for good, your last struggles being quite weak as the overpowering environment in the sac shuts you down for good...

\"Aah...there you go~\" the horse says as the squirmy feeling inside his sac was replaced with the dull weight of full balls. He was already leaking some pre, but it was really starting to come out now, the horse stroking his flared cock as he felt his orgasm start to rise. \"Mmph..this is gonna be a fucking...fantastic load...\" he moaned as he felt cum start to surge out of his balls, whinnying as he felt his orgasm erupt, wet, sticky strands of cum being sprayed onto the hay-covered floor, occasionally venturing to the walls of the stable as the horse lost control of his cock. Sometimes it was just a bit TOO long...but eventually he'd get a grasp on it again, even as he leaned back against the stable wall, nearly drowning in pleasure as the afterglow started to come on, his cock slowly unflaring and shrinking down as he lolled against the stable wall. \"D...damn...I need to do that more often...\" he said as he relaxed, slumping a bit against the stable wall as he started to get a little tired. Having a big meal like that always made him tired...

*You had some fun with a horse...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } ]]>
false sac walls Look at Thin, and currently producing cum at an impressive rate. Impressive, or, in your case, quite alarming. ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You cause the cum around you to slosh a bit, but otherwise not much results from your struggles.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("It takes a lot for you to even make an imprint on the balls...well, any more of an imprint than you're already making.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The horsecock dribbles a little pre as the horse pumps away at it.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("\"Nngh...not much longer till you're just cum~\" the horse teases as he feels you squirming away inside of him.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("You succeed!...in arousing the horse even further, as he starts rubbing his cock even faster now, waiting for his release...whether or not you'd be alive for it.") } else { msg ("All you manage to do is get the horse to moan. Good job?") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]>
horse's stomach false the
*UUURRPPPPP*..."Sorry kid, I get pretty gassy," you heard a deep voice echo around you. "It should be in there somewhere. Don't take too long though, or I might end up keepin' ya..."]]>
") } SetTimeout (20) { if (game.pov.parent = HorseStomach) { msg ("
It's becoming harder to move around in the horse's stomach. You're not even sure if you have the token or not at this point, you can't really feel much of anything...if you don't get out of here soon, then you're gonna end up as fat on this horse's waist, or rear...") SetTimeout (20) { if (game.pov.parent = HorseStomach) { wait { msg ("") msg ("
You've completely run out of energy at this point. The stomach is just too overbearing, and you can barely see or feel around in the muck that's coating everything inside (including yourself). It's just...too hard. So, you collapse against the stomach, a combination of the heat, stench, and tingling doing you in...

Outside, the horse rubs at his gut, which gives a loud glrrrnnnn in response to your defeat. \"Ah, well, I guess he couldn't find it...\" he said as he plopped down onto the hay bed at the back of the stall. \"Guess I'll just sleep ya off, then...\" the horse said as he gave his gut a good rub and pat, feeling what was left of you sloshing around in there, slowly being processed into more horse. It wasn't often that people didn't find the token; usually they just wanted to end up adding to the horse's gut anyway, so they didn't even try. He thought it was pretty weird, but eh, a meal was a meal at that point. Sometime during the horse's sleep, he idly belches up the token, splatting against the hay-covered ground. The things were indigestible, so they had to come out eventually. The horse rubbed at his gut in his sleep, the paunch already having shrunk and rounded out a bit, barely betraying the fact that you were still gurgling inside...although \"you\" were currently in a lot of places at this point.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
The horse woke up sometime later, his gut noticably shrunken, looking more like he was a bit chubby than anything else. He left your remains covertly in a corner of the stable before setting up shop again, waiting for somebody else to pass by to have some fun with...or maybe to have dinner with. Maybe even both.") } msg ("
*You missed your chance for a token...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Dark, slimy, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You slosh around the stomach fluids, covering you in chyme...but little else.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You press out against the stomach walls, but they move back to their original form pretty quickly.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You hear a belch rumbling off in the distance.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("\"Why are you struggling? You should be looking for that token...\" the horse says as he rubs at his gut.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("The horse rubs at his gut absentmindedly, quite enjoying the feeling of being full.") } else { msg ("You try to look for the exit, but you can't find it. This stomach is still pretty dark, after all...") } ]]> The room token for Room 5. You feel the floor beneath you rumble...
The Lower Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: showertime.") MakeExitVisible (LowerExit) } if (player.tokens = 10) { msg ("
You feel the ceiling above you rumble...
The Third Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: moreroomsmorefun.") MakeExitVisible (ThirdFloorExit) } ]]>
false the Look at Open Close false msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 6) false You open the door and see a deer lying down on the hotel bed in front of you. He's watching TV, or at least he was until he heard his door open. \"Uh...are you part of the staff or something?\" he said, raising an eyebrow as you walked into the room.") Ask ("") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Well, I didn't exactly call for anyone to come in. But, I guess you're housekeeping or something...\" the deer says as he gets out of his bed. \"Name's Neil. Now, do whatever you need to. I've got time.\"") } else { msg ("
\"...Then what are you doing here?\" He asks. \"Oh, nevermind. I think I've already decided what you're gonna be doing here...\" the deer says as he gives his lips a lick, quickly closing the distance between you two as you turn around to finagle with the lock - but when you closed the door, it locked! You try to unlock the door, but Neil is closing in on you...") wait { if (RandomChance(65)) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", true, false) } msg ("
You're sweating as you try and undo the lock on the door, but you can't do it in time. Just then, you feel the impact of the deer hitting your body, slamming you up against the door quite powerfully. The deer is considerably taller than you, and you were already cowering a bit while you were trying to open the door, so currently most of your vision was being taken up by the deer's chubby belly. \"Where does my little snack think it's going...\" Neil says as he grinds his belly against your face a bit. You can hear the gurgling of his stomach as you're slowly pressed into the chub. This goes on for a while before you feel a wet touch on your head, Neil taking a tentative lick of your forehead. \"Oh, you taste wonderful...you'll make great buttfat~\" you hear him say (albeit muffled) as the churning gut continues to mush up against your face, the loud groans and gurgles quite obviously indicating the deer's hunger...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidebelly.mp3", false, false) } wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
\"Nngh...how you feeling down there, snack?\" Neil asks as he rubs his gut against your face some more. \"Hear it in there? My belly can't wait for you~\" he says as he grabs your head, lifting you up to face him. \"But I think that's enough teasing. I'm pretty starved...\" the deer says as he opens up his maw, letting you see all the glistening features of it, including his long tongue, which extended out for an eager lick. \"Aah, you taste as good as you look...\" he says before a lewd *BUUUUURP* rumbles out of his throat, blowing flecks of saliva onto your face. \"Oh, sorry. That was lunch.\" He says as he starts to bring you closer to his maw, lips expanding around your head...") wait { msg ("
Your face lands on Neil's tongue, the deer eagerly rubbing the rough appendage over you, covering you in sticky deer saliva. You can smell the lingering scent of the belch, sickeningly sweet and just a tinge acidic. It makes you curl your nose up a bit as your tongue bath continues, the deer leaning back against the door as he slowly feeds more of you into him. Your head teeters over the end of his mouth before a *gulp!* pulls you in, Neil sighing as he feels your head lodge firmly in his throat. He takes one hand away from your body, not needing to grip you much as he tipped his head up, letting gravity push you farther down his throat. That hand loosened his scarf a bit before rubbing at the bulge in his throat as it wriggled further down. Another gulp pulled you deeper in, the throat with a firm grip on your waist now. Only your legs had any purchase inside the deer's mouth now, and that purchase was quickly sinking as gravity continued to pull you down deeper. You could feel a hand rubbing at your waist as it slipped down the throat, the deer practically moaning as he felt you fill out his body. He didn't even have to gulp you down anymore, you were just sliding down slowly, the back of his mouth yawned open to accept you in. Neil still gulps, though, delighting in the noise, feeling you squirm as peristalsis pushes you deeper, chuckling a bit as he closes his lips. Your body is entirely locked inside of his throat at this point, and your head is already poking out into his stomach...") if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, NeilStomach) } } } } else { msg ("
You manage to undo the lock in time! You fling the door open and run out into the lobby, slamming it shut immediately. Don't want to run the risk of a chase...") MoveObject (player, Secondfloor2) } } } } } else { } ]]>
if (game.pov.parent = Locker Room) { msg ("Neil is currently idly digging through one of the lockers in the room. He keeps pulling out various scarves, and looks vaguely annoyed...why does he have scarves in his locker?") } else { msg ("A gray deer guy. Stands around 6'1'', but he's still a bit chubby, most noticeably in his paunch of a gut and ample rear. He always seems to be wearing (only) a scarf for some reason, his sheath bobbing out in plain sight; and his only other distinguishing feature are his antlers. They don't look...normal. They kind of jut out in front of his head, and they're all knubby! He looks vaguely quizzical at your presence in his room, but something also tells you he's interested in you...") } \"...Are you sure you work here?\"") Neil.talk = 2 } else if (Neil.talk = 2) { msg ("
\"Do you even know how to make a bed?\" Neil asks, tapping his hoof impatiently on the carpet.") Neil.talk = 3 } else if (Neil.talk = 3) { msg ("
Neil audibly sighs. \"Oh, I think I get your angle. Pretend to be housekeeping, barge into my room, rummage through my stuff. Got it.\" He pauses. \"Or maybe...\" he says as he gives his chub a little jiggle, \"you wanted to get to know me a little more, huh?...I can tell. You're blushing a little.\" He chuckled as you felt at your face, confirming that, indeed, your cheeks were red. \"Well, that's nothing to be ashamed of...\" he said as he started to walk over to his bed, laying down on the mattress, and patting the spot next to him. \"Well?\" he asks. \"Wanna get to know me?\"") Ask ("\"Get to know\" Neil?") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidebelly.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You take up Neil on his offer, coming over and lying down on the bed next to him. His body is quite warm, and he immediately wraps his arms around your body, pulling you closer to him in a pseudo-snuggle. His fur is quite soft and nice, and his gut is quite squishy as well...you think you can hear some gurgles coming from it, but maybe he just hadn't eaten yet. \"See, not so bad.\" he said as he rested his chin on your head, pushing you up against his chest a bit more. You can hear the gurgles a bit more now, and you wonder if the deer had skipped lunch or something...still, it didn't worry you that much. His embrace felt quite nice...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound } msg ("
The two of you cuddle for some time, Neil occasionally adjusting a bit as he held you against his chest tightly. His muzzle continued to rest on top of your head, the deer sighing contentedly as he holds you in his warm embrace. A prolonged silence follows, before you hear the deer ask a question. \"Aah...this is nice...but maybe you wanna do something a bit more...active?\" You felt Neil's grip loosen a bit, which allowed you to look around, first to the deer's smirking face, then a bit lower...to see his sheath, and slowly emerging cock. You look back to Neil. \"Heh...like what you see?\" he asks. \"I thought we could get a bit more intimate...\" he says as he removes his arms from your body entirely, one reaching down to stroke at his length, and the other resting on his side. \"So what about it?\"") Ask ("\"\"Get to know\"\" Neil?") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("sextrack.mp3", false, true) } msg ("
\"That's what I thought....\" the deer said as he started to get up. \"Take off your clothes, and get on your stomach...make sure to wiggle that butt too~\" You do as Neil asks as he rummages through the nightstand next to the bed, before pulling out a rather large bottle of lube. Your clothes are flung to the side of the bed as Neil pours some lube into his hand, stroking up and down on his cock before hopping back onto the bed, this time in position to mount you. He dips his finger into the lube bottle, making sure to get it nice and slippery before you feel his finger brush up against your pucker, spreading the lube around your ass before he pushes his finger in. \"Oh, a tad tight...well, lube can definitely fix that.\" he said as he popped his finger out. \"Get ready...\" the deer said as he braced your hips, the long deer-cock brushing up against your butt before a sudden thrust pushes that deer cock deep up into you! You weren't quite ready for Neil to penetrate you so...eagerly, crying out as you felt him thrust inside of you. \"Unf, tight...\" the deer moaned as he thrusted in again, his cock gradually snaking deeper into your bowels with every thrust. Despite Neil saying (well, moaning) about it being tight, he was still getting deeper into you quite quickly, the deer's eager thrusts accompanied by Neil tightening the grip he had on your hips.

Soon, you could hear Neil making noises alongside every thrust, an odd sound that sounded like a mix between a moan and a bleat. He started to go quicker with his thrusts as well, your bowels almost taking his full length at this point. It was pretty clear he was starting to reach orgasm...and you were feeling the same, Neil's cock thrusting inside of you oh-so-wonderfully, reaching all those nice spots...now Neil was going even faster, hips making contact and slapping against each other as you took his entire length, Neil moaning as he felt his whole length wrapped in your bowel walls, the flesh tightening around his cock and rubbing up against it fantastically. The tempo of his thrusts continued to increase, though, and you knew Neil was about to cum...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You hear a powerful moan from behind you as Neil orgasms, the deer thrusting into you as he shoots out hot, sticky loads of seed into your bowels. You can feel the fluid shots slapping against your bowel walls, the sticky, gooey liquid working its way deeper into your body with every powerful blast of seed the deer gives you. The deer has a firm grip on your hips and butt throughout all of this, kneading his thumbs into your cheeks as he cums. It seems like he was pretty pent-up, because he showed no signs of slowing down so far, Neil bleating with every shot of cum he blasts into you. This went on for what felt like an eternity before the deer finally started to slow down, the flood of cum slowing to a trickle as Neil started to pull away. The sensation of Neil's cock snaking its way out of your body was almost as lovely as the sensation of it sliding in...and Neil gives one last bleat as he pulls the last of his cock out, still dribbling a little bit of cum. Then, he leans over your body, baring over you to give you a lick on your cheek. \"Mmm, that was great...\" he said in your ear before he eased off, getting off the bed.

You loll over onto your back in the bed, reveling in the feeling of having Neil's voluminous load sloshing inside of you. It took a lot out of you, honestly, and you felt like falling asleep now, the post-afterglow bliss starting to surround you. The bed was quite comfortable too...it didn't take long for you to conk out, Neil standing over you, grinning...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
Your slumber is interrupted by the sudden addition of a lot of pressure to your face. Opening your eyes, you're met with a lot of the same gray color that Neil had...and a small tail resting on your head, too...! You couldn't 100% tell...but you thought Neil was sitting on you! You started to struggle, trying to push the deer's ample rear off of your face, but all that you got in response was Neil grinding against your face and a chuckle from somewhere above you. \"Someone's awake...\" Neil teased as he grinded against your face again, your nose brushing past the deer's pucker. \"I enjoyed our fun, but seeing you lying there...so helpless...well, it gave me an idea. How'd you like being buttfat?\" he said as he grinded against your face harder, pushing your head back into the pillow, and forcing your nose up closer to his pucker. \"Ngh...I can feel you teasing my ring back there. Feels quite good...but you'll feel better sliding up there.\" ") wait { msg ("
Just then, Neil heard his belly groan loudly. \"Oh, well, wish I could tease ya more, but dinner calls. Bye-bye, buttfat~\" Neil said as he reached a hand back, planting it against the back of your head before he gave a firm push, your nose sliding up into his butt with ease. It seemed like he had lubed himself up while you were out - you could feel some of the liquid still, helping you slide up into the deer quite nicely. You tried to struggle, but Neil's butt and thighs had you firmly locked in place. The only appendages you have freed are your arms, which you use to batter Neil's cheeks, but you barely make them squish, let alone cause the deer any actual pain. In almost no time at all your whole head has disappeared up Neil's rump. The bowels press you tight, undulating flesh pulling you deeper with every clench Neil gives. The moans and bleats of the deer echo around you now, and your vision has been replaced with near total darkness as well, leaving it difficult to gauge your progress up the deer's butt. All you knew was that it was happening at an alarming rate, the butt taking in your shoulders like nothing and quickly slurping you in up to your waist.

You feel the pressure on your legs relieved slightly, as Neil adjusts himself, getting on his hands and knees on the bed, letting your legs hang freely out of his pucker as he clenched again, moaning and stroking at his still-erect cock as he felt you slide up into him. You already made quite a sizeable bulge in his midsection, enough that Neil could lie on it somewhat, rubbing at it with one hand while he stroked at his cock with the other. It was only your feet stuck outside of Neil at this point, wiggling awkwardly as the ring slowly expanded around them, one last clench pulling you in entirely, locking you inside of the deer...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, NeilBowels) } } } } } else { msg ("
\"Aww...\" Neil says. \"I was hoping for some action myself...but I guess I can't force you to. The cuddles were still nice, though.\" He says as he gets off the bed. \"But you should probably get going.\"") } } } } else { msg ("
\"Then what were you staying around so long for?...Just, never mind. Get outta here.\"") MoveObject (player, Secondfloor2) } } } else { msg ("
Neil looks at you expectantly. \"Well, what are you waiting for?\" he asks.") Neil.talk = 1 } } ]]>
Neil's stomach false You curl up inside of Neil's stomach, the aggressive stomach walls making it hard not to at this point, pushing and kneading against you. Seemed that Neil actually DID skip lunch, like you suspected...the thought hit you that you were just snuggling up against this gut nary a few hours ago, and now you were gurgling inside of it...and soon, you'd be part of it...

Then, your world started to shake. Outside, Neil had flopped back, his back now up against the headstand of the bed as he cradled his gut, rubbing at the large, squirming bulge you made inside of him. \"Nngh, that's just what I needed...now, it's time to gurgle you up, snack. Sleep well~\" he teased as he rubbed at you some more, appreciating the feeling of just being...so full.") } else { msg ("
Your head pokes out into Neil's stomach, the scent of the belch from earlier immediately magnified as the rest of your body is dumped into the chamber. You can feel the sphincter clench behind your feet as Neil's eager gulps push you out, your face landing on the belly floor, getting covered in stomach juices already. The chamber is somewhat spacious, but the stomach walls are making sure that condition changes, kneading expectantly at your body. It also doesn't help that there's a thick stew of chyme about, probably from the \"lunch\" he mentioned earlier, coating you as you struggle. You can faintly feel Neil rubbing at his gut, moaning as he enjoyed the feeling of a squirming meal. \"Aah...you tasted great, snack. Now, get ready to be buttfat...\" you could hear him say, the voice rumbling around you, deep and bassy. Looks like you're stuck in here for a while, or maybe even forever...") } ]]>
") } if (GetBoolean(NeilStomach, "AnalVore")) { msg ("
All your struggles amounted to one large belch from Neil. \"Oh, excuse me...\" he said, giggling a bit as he rubbed at his gut some more. \"Gosh, you snacks always make me so gassy...\" you heard him tease as the stomach walls started to constrict you even harder, the loss of air in the chamber leaving nothing to stop the stomach from churning harder around you, kneading aggressively at your body. It was really starting to tire you out, and you thought you were starting to feel a bit of tingling around you too...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Struggling had become quite hard inside of Neil's churning gut. That last belch had made it almost impossible, even, reducing your valiant struggles into pleasant wiggles that Neil could barely feel or see as he rubbed at his stomach. The deer reclined back a bit, reveling in the full feeling he was experiencing...but inside, you were having much less of a good time. The tingly feeling you were feeling earlier was multiplying now, and where it originated was starting to be replaced by a dull lack of feeling. This, combined with the constriction of the stomach, the increasing lack of air in the stomach, and the overpowering heat and smell of the gut, made it hard for you to even stay conscious at this point...and soon enough, you lost that battle, slumping back into the deer's gut like any large meal, ready to be processed.

Outside, Neil felt his gut slowly stop its fight. \"Aww, tuckered out already?\" he teased, poking at his gut to confirm whether or not you were still solid. \"That's a shame...but I guess it's time to start turning you into something more useful~\" Almost on cue, his stomach groaned loudly, having started the digestion process fully now, gurgling and glorping away at what used to be you, getting ready to add you to the deer's ample posterior...or maybe his stomach this time. Maybe even his thighs, he couldn't really control it sometimes. What was more immediate in Neil's mind wasn't where you would end up, it was the tired feeling he had. Having so much fun in one day tended to wear anyone out. \"Night, snack~\" Neil said as he gave his gut one last rub before passing out in the bed, delighting in the full feeling you gave him...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
The deer awoke late the next morning, with a significantly shrunken gut, although it was still somewhat bigger than what he started out with. The first thing he'd have to do before going on with the rest of his day is to visit the bathroom, plopping his plush rear down onto the toilet seat as he disposed of the last of you. He looked down into the bowl, admiring his body's ability to turn such cuties as yourself into nothing but waste and fat, before flushing the rest of you away. You had been gurgled up into fat quite nicely...and, judging from what the deer saw in the mirror, you were mostly added to his already-ample posterior. He couldn't really complain, though. Having a plush butt was always great for attracting the next fling...and maybe the next meal, too...") } msg ("
*You had a little too much fun with a deer...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } else { msg ("
Neil gives one final pat to his stomach as he finally collapses against the door, jostling you around inside a bit as he lands on his plush butt. \"Agh, a good meal always makes me a touch sleepy...\" he mumbles. You hear his stomach start to get pretty active around you, really starting to churn you up now. It was already hard to move around in the chamber, but now it seems like the stomach is shrinking, the walls pushing against every part of your body simultaneously. You hear a drawn-out belch from Neil, then a long sigh as the belly walls constrict around you even tighter. You're starting to get tingly, too...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
It's getting real hard to continue existing in this environment. What air was left after that belch is thin and tastes of stomach fluids, and most of your body is coated in chyme and various chunks of semi-digested food from whatever \"lunch\" Neil had earlier. You hadn't found any bones, so at least it wasn't someone that shared your fate...your fate, you realize. It hadn't quite hit you yet that you were gonna add to that plush butt and gut after all, but as you started to lose feeling in your body, the thought suddenly became clear. That chubby gut had been quite enticing, honestly, and now it seems like you were going to add it. You would have commented on the coincidence, but it was too hard to even keep your eyes open at this point, forget about noticing subtle points of irony. Your eyelids felt heavy, and the belly around you was just too strong to resist...the last thing you heard was another belch that blew open Neil's lips.

\"Ugh, digesting already? I was just about to fall asleep with a nice, squirmy belly...\" the deer complained as he closed his eyes again, occasionally rubbing or scratching at his now less-active gut as it started to churn you up. The bulge in his gut started to shrink slowly, the pushing out of your struggles replaced with the warbling noises of the stomach as it broke down its meal, you slowly melting into the gut chyme that had coated you earlier. You were indistinguishable from the deer's earlier meals as the rest of you flushed out into the deer's intestines, starting on your illustrious new career as deer fat. Neil fell asleep soon after, excited to see the new additions to his gut and butt in the morning. It was always his favorite part; seeing how his digestive system could turn his meals into nothing but fat so efficiently...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
And, that's just what Neil did next morning. A quick trip to the bathroom to get rid of what was left of you (along with a bit of his lunch, sa well) and the deer was fully ready to admire his new figure in the mirror. He gave his stomach a hearty pinch, giggling as he rubbed over it, still feeling it gurgle a bit with whatever it had left of you to finish off. He also gave his new butt a firm slap, feeling it jiggle with its added weight. \"Aah, perfect size....I gotta stop working out~\" the deer said as he got ready to go about his day...a day that may or may not include more meals...") } msg ("
*You helped a chubby deer out...*

==GAME OVER==") finish finish } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Currently trying to turn you into chyme. ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You try your best to bang at the stomach walls, but besides some cursory imprints on the chubby belly, you don't really get any result from it.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("Neil squishes down on the place you pushed out on. \"Don't get too rowdy in there! Food doesn't struggle~\" he says, giggling a bit at his teasing.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("Neil pats at his gut, content with his squirmy catch. Inside, you batter your fists against the stomach walls, but nothing much comes of it.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("All you achieve is a sticky, slimy coating of stomach gunk all over your body from struggling so much.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("The stomach groans at you angrily, not used to a meal squirming for this long.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else { msg ("Neil giggles as he feels your squirms. \"Thanks for the massage!\" he teases.") } ]]>
Neil's bowels false
Outside, Neil moaned as he felt the last of you disappear into him. He laid on the bulge you made while he jerked himself off, which squished you a bit more down with the full weight of the deer, Neil massaging at you with a hand as you snaked your way deeper into the deer. "Aah, you'll make great buttfat..." he teased as he rubbed you. It seems like he'd have the experience to tell...]]>
You've been snaking through Neil's bowels for quite a while now. The air is becoming quite thin (thinner than it already was, anyway), and honestly, the claustrophobia of the whole situation is starting to get to you a little bit. You try to wiggle out against the bowel walls, almost out of panic, but they don't even give you the time of day, the tight flesh compacting you tightly like a vicegrip. All that you're sure of is that Neil is enjoying this.") SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
It felt like forever since you had let the deer fuck you. It was becoming hard to focus, especially as the bowel walls constantly kneaded at you, almost numbing your skin with their constant stimulation. The only telltale sign of any progress was the gentle gurgling of the stomach, both becoming less gentle and far louder over time. You feel like you're right up against it now, and your suspicions are confirmed when you bump into a fleshy wall ahead of you, which slowly parts as your nose bumps against it. Immediately a far more powerful smell hits you, the sickeningly sweet smell of gastric acid...you had arrived in the deer's stomach, that's for sure. The intestines push you out into the chamber quite rudely, the sphincter clenching around you as you're pushed out. Neil's stomach is somewhat spacious, although the stomach is quickly trying to fix that, the walls kneading and pushing around you as soon as you arrive, eager to start the digestive process...") SetTimeout (5) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } MoveObject (player, NeilStomach) } } } ]]>
false bowel walls Look at Kneading against you and pulling you deeper. Are those villi? ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("
The bowel walls rebuke every effort you make to struggle.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("
You try and wiggle backwards in the tunnel, but the walls are having nothing of it, pushing you even deeper in response to your cheeky plan.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("
\"Oh, that's fantastic...\" Neil groans as you push out against his bowel walls.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You don't do much besides make Neil squirm a little in delight.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("\"Don't push too hard...you'll tucker yourself out~\" Neil teases.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("
Your struggles only push you deeper into the winding bowels.") } else { msg ("
\"F...fuck, that feels great...\" Neil moans as you push out against his bowels.") } ]]>
Bed Look at false Look at Open Close The room token for Room 6. false You feel the floor beneath you rumble...
The Lower Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: showertime.") MakeExitVisible (LowerExit) } if (player.tokens = 10) { msg ("
You feel the ceiling above you rumble...
The Third Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: moreroomsmorefun.") MakeExitVisible (ThirdFloorExit) } ]]>
second floor false the You are on false the Look at Open Close false msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 7) false A blue shark girl. Blue as in the docile shark species, not her color. Although she is physically blue as well. That's kind of confusing. Look at You try to strike up a conversation with the sharkess sitting on the bed. She doesn't respond for a while, just kind of glaring at you as you talk to her. \"...What do you want?\" she asks, but without waiting for an answer, she continues. \"Actually, I don't really care what you want...\" she says as she gets off the bed, slowly approaching you. \"What's more important is what I want...\" she says as she grabs you, pressing you against her chest in what feels like a bear hug!

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND ESCAPE!==") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("
You try and wiggle out of the sharkess's grasp, but she's got you locked against her chest. Your face, in fact, grinding up against her breasts as she looks down at you. \"Oh, we're going to have fun...or at least, I will.\" she says as she removes her bra with one hand, giving you a nice, personal view of her fleshy orbs, bouncing a bit as they were released from the tension of her bra. \"Like what you see? Maybe you should get closer...\" she says as she moves her breast closer to her face, her green nipple brushing up against your nose. She continues to grind your face against the nipple until you hear a wet *shluk*...then, you realize your nose has slipped inside of her nipple! You hear the sharkess moan as this happens, the nipple quickly expanding around your face as she shoves you deeper within.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
Your head immediately enters the breast, which is somewhat spacious, at least for your head...but you know you're going to be curling up in quite a small space sometime soon. You'd struggle, but the nipple is tight around your body, almost crushing you as more and more of your body is pushed in by the sharkess. Since you're so close to her mouth, you can hear what she's saying quite audibly...or rather, what she's moaning, occasionally interspersing these moans with teasing. \"Slosh nicely for me...\" you hear as she gives another shove, your whole waist getting sucked past the nipple, the breast tightening up as more of you is forced inside, your body forced to curl up against the walls. Soon, it's only your feet hanging outside of the breast, Ocearine casually taking off your shoes before pushing your feet in, groaning as she felt the nipple close around your feet, locking you inside her entirely...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, OcearineBreast) } } } else { msg ("
You break out of the sharkess' grip, quickly running out of the hotel room. You don't want to know what she had planned for you...") MoveObject (player, Secondfloor3) } } } ]]>
Ocearine's breast false You're forced into the tight breast, your body bulging out the cavity quite obviously, leaving you little room to struggle. Ocearine has to place one hand underneath her breast just to support your bulge, moaning every time she feels you try to adjust yourself. There's a quickly-growing pool of milk in the bottom of the breast, which is starting to nip at your ankles. The liquid is still quite warm, though, and leaves you a bit tingly... The milk in the breast is starting to rise at this point. Your whole lower body is submerged in the stuff, and it's quickly threatening your chest as well...You're really starting to tingle up as well, your legs feeling like they're falling asleep or something...not like you could move them around to check. It only seems like the breast is getting tighter, especially as Ocearine starts to jiggle her breast around, laughing as she feels you squirm in response to it. \"Not much longer now...\" she says as she feels herself starting to get a bit wet down there...she takes a hand down and plunges her fingers up her slit, moaning as she gets off to your struggles (or what's left of them at this point).") SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
It's becoming harder to struggle inside. You're practically drowning in milk at this point, most of your body feeling that same dull tingling sensation...or rather, the rest of it. You've lost feeling in your legs already, and your waist is starting to lose feeling entirely as well. The burbling milk is already up to your chin, your nose in the air as you try to take breaths...but it's hard to even maintain yourself at this point, your body slumping under that sea of milk as you lose consciousness...meanwhile, Ocearine's masturbation is increasing in frequency, the sharkess moaning as she feels her orgasm starting to rise...she jiggles her breast, the milk inside audibly sloshing, the full sensation in her breast letting her know that you had completely digested into her milk. ") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The sharkess moans as she feels her orgasm pump out, wet femcum splashing all over the hotel bed spread as she jiggles her breast, the feeling of it being so delightfully full driving her arousal. Her slit is still dripping as she starts to finger at her nipple, the milk inside starting to dribble out a little bit, letting Ocearine know it was ready. \"I've always wanted to do this...\" she says as she gets up (noting the mess she had made on the bed) to fetch a cup from the kitchen. She fingers her nipple a bit more, moaning as she feels the nipple loosen up, milk pouring out of it into the cup. The sensation was quite nice, almost driving Ocearine to start masturbating again. She felt the milk starting to only dribble out though, knowing that she had emptied herself out...at least, enough to fill the cup with. She had it filled up all the way, and her breast didn't even feel half-empty. \"Oh well, guess I'll have some extra then...\" she said as she raised the cup to her eye, looking at the milk, sloshing it around a bit before smiling and opening her mouth, tipping the cup and eagerly gulping down mouthfuls of the milk. It didn't take her long to down the cup, feeling the liquid empty out into her stomach. \"Aah...\" *urp* she moaned as she put the cup down. \"Always tastes best fresh...\" she said as she went back to watching TV, occasionally fondling her breast a bit, feeling the remaining milk slosh around inside, eager for the next time she could gulp down a cup of it...

*You made a nice, nutritious drink for the sharkess...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
false the breast Look at ") } } else { msg ("The only thing that results from your struggles is your body getting coated in more of the milk that was pooling at the bottom of the breast.") } ]]>
Ocearine's womb false The last of your body is squeezed out into Ocearine's womb. You are completely immobilized inside the chamber, the tight womb walls preventing all movement from you. All the while you feel the walls dripping feminine juices, soaking your clothes and body in no time at all. You can hear the rhythmic moans of the sharkess as she starts playing with herself, sliding her fingers up and down her slit, teasing herself in a way. You feel the walls squeeze you tightly with every moan, feeling as if you would be crushed by the muscular organ any time now... It is nearly impossible to move. The womb was practically flooding with those feminine fluids at this point, the sloshing sea of fem-cum threatening to drown you out entirely. Ocearine's masturbation had also become much heavier and more powerful, raising the heat inside of her womb to a nearly unbearable level. You couldn't tell if it was sweat or femcum pouring down your forehead at this point (probably both...), but what was more immediate was the lack of air in here. You felt yourself gasping for every breath, desperately pushing against the womb walls in any attempt to free yourself...but all your squirms did was further Ocearine's arousal.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The womb had really started to wear you out. You felt less and less of your body now, the darkness shielding you from the fact that you were starting to melt into more cum for the sharkess. The bulge in her midsection had started to round out, the vacuum sealing from earlier turning into a pleasant, round belly bulge, like she was pregnant or had an especially large meal. Your consciousness was starting to slip, as more and more of you started to melt away into the sea of femcum inside of the sharkess...

A few minutes later, you were nothing but a sloshing bulge inside of the sharkess. A sloshy bulge which begged for release. Feeling the weight inside of her liquidate, Ocearine started to press even deeper, fingering herself quite roughly, plunging her digits in and out of her vagina. The rhythmic moans continued until she felt her insides tighten up...

Then, it came. Waves of gooey, sloppy femcum start to gush out of her slit, the sharkess laying back and moaning in absolute bliss as her vagina spurted her mess all out onto the hotel floor. The sensation was uncomparable, to the point where Ocearine really couldn't even moan, just a passenger as her body was rocked by pleasure, every spurt of femcum rocking her body with another wave of pleasure. The bulge in her belly shrunk down with every spurt, until eventually, nothing was left, her belly returning to its normal size.

Ocearine couldn't even do anything for a couple moments. She just laid on the bed, staring up in the ceiling, her body immobilized by pleasure. Eventually, she started to get out of the bed, though, her body shaking with every movement. She looked at what had come out of her, the splatters of femcum soaking the carpet floor, some even splattered against the walls. She sighed deeply, before making her way over to the hotel phone and calling for housekeeping. They probably had experience cleaning up gooey messes, at least...

*You slept in the wrong bed...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
false false The room token for Room 7. A single bed. It has red sheets and a couple pillows near the top. It doesn't look incredibly comfortable, but it'll do. Bed Look at You fall asleep in Ocearine's bed. The sharkess is caught a bit off guard by your gall, but you just really needed a rest...") firsttime { wait { msg ("
You slowly open your eyes..into complete darkness. And you can't breathe either, really. You can still feel the bed underneath you, but you have no idea what's on top of you, only that you can smell a feminine scent wafting from it. You struggle instinctively, but your struggles are quickly stalled by a voice above you.

\"Looks like somebody's awake...\" you hear the voice say, recognizing it as Ocearine. \"Did you think I'd just let you sleep in my bed, kid?~\" the sharkess says as she grinds her rear down on your face, your nose poking up against her slit. \"Now, I'm gonna cut you a deal. I'm horny. I need some attention down there. If you eat me out, I'll let you go. If you don't...well, let's just say that you'll end up somewhere a lot tighter and darker than where you are right now...\"") Ask ("Take up the sharkess's offer?") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemoan1.wav", false, false) } msg ("
\"That's a good toy. Now, get to it...\" Ocearine says as she grinds down on your face some more, adjusting herself a bit so her dripping slit is right above your nose. It's obvious she's quite enjoying this already, and it didn't seem like she would honestly take much stimulation to make her come...tentatively, you stuck your tongue out, licking along the slit, Ocearine shuddering as you do, before she starts to grind down harder on your face, moaning as you teased at her slit with her tongue. As she grinded on you, she pressed down a bit harder, your tongue slipping up and piercing deep into her nethers, the sharkess moaning out loudly as she feels your muscle plunging deep up into her slit. \"Aagh! Nnf...don't stop...\" you hear the sharkess moan as you continue eating her out, your lips practically kissing her slit as you dug your tongue deeper into her. Her grinding down on your face gets harder and harder, you worrying a bit about suffocating underneath the sharkess' rump as she starts crying out in pleasure with every movement of your tongue. Pre is starting to drip down onto your face, and you know it's only a matter of time until a river of cum splashes down onto you...") wait { msg ("
You can hear Ocearine muffling a heavy moan as she orgasms, biting her lip as she feels that cum rushing out of her womb and splashing onto your face. It's quite a heavy amount of the stuff, threatening to drown you out, some of it getting in your mouth...it wasn't exactly the worst experience though. At least you weren't the cum this time. In the midst of all this, you can feel something hard and plastic-y smack against your face, bouncing off and landing somewhere on the bed. The flood of cum eventually tapers off somewhat, leaving a panting, fulfilled sharkess sitting on top of you. She sits there for some time, before slowly lifting off of your face, her lips still dripping femcum onto your body.

You sit up on the bed, wiping the femcum off your face as you watch Ocearine re-dress herself. \"Hnn...I...I really needed that...\" she pants as she stands up. \"I guess you won't end up as cum today. But if you sleep in my bed again...\" she warns, before walking into the kitchen. \"Now, leave.\"

You look around the bed to find the plastic thing that had clanked against your head earlier. It takes a little bit, but you finally find the thing, still dripping with cum. You wipe it off, finding that it's the token to Room 7. Weird place for it to be, but whatever. You put it in your pocket before leaving the room...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsideorgasmmoan.wav", true, false) } AddToInventory (Room 7 Token) player.securitytrigger = 1 player.tokens = player.tokens+1 if (player.tokens = 5) { msg ("
You feel the floor beneath you rumble...
The Lower Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: showertime.") MakeExitVisible (LowerExit) } if (player.tokens = 10) { msg ("
You feel the ceiling above you rumble...
The Third Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: moreroomsmorefun.") MakeExitVisible (ThirdFloorExit) } MakeObjectVisible (Room 7 Token) MoveObject (player, Secondfloor3) } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemoan1.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Ocearine straddles you, waiting for a response until she eventually grinds down harder on your face. \"Not biting, eh? Your funeral...\" she says as she presses down on you, her slit rubbing up against your nose, which eventually pops inside, the sharkess moaning as she feels your face sliding into her slit. She reaches a hand behind her and places it on your head, grunting as she pushes your head forward, her slit expanding around it and taking it in. You struggle, but the slit is like a vicegrip, cutting off any chance you had at pulling it out. Desperate, you start licking her walls with your tongue, slathering them with your muscle...all you hear is a giggle from Ocearine. \"Way too late, cum...\" she says before giving your body another push, this time her hand firmly planted on your shoulders. She shudders and moans loudly as her slit expands around them, feeling as though she was taking the girthiest dick in the world right now...but with your shoulders locked inside, it became a lot easier for Ocearine to take in the rest of you. She doesn't even really need to push you in anymore, the clenches of her vaginal walls accomplishing the same, pulling you deeper into her womb with every clench. Her breathing, deep and heavy around you, became more rhythmic with every clench, Ocearine pacing herself to make sure she didn't come too early...") wait { msg ("
After a few more clenches, your head pokes out into a chamber somewhat more roomy than the almost body-shattering vicegrip of her vagina. Ocearine's womb was still quite small, forcing you to be packed in like sardines inside of the chamber. Every moan and clench from the sharkess pulls you a few inches deeper, forcing you to curl up inside the tight womb. The walls don't stretch at all, holding firmly against this new intrusion, leaving you vacuum-sealed inside of the womb, and the chamber was only becoming tigher as more and more of you was fed into the womb. At this point, Ocearine has adjusted herself, flipping herself over and watching your feet wiggle awkwardly outside of her slit, before disappearing with one more clench and moan from the sharkess, locking you inside of her womb...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, OcearineWomb) } } } } } } otherwise { wait { msg ("
You slowly open your eyes..into complete darkness. And you can't breathe either, really. You can still feel the bed underneath you, but you have no idea what's on top of you, only that you can smell a feminine scent wafting from it. You struggle instinctively, but your struggles are quickly stalled by a voice above you.

\"Again, kid?\" you hear the voice say, recognizing it as Ocearine. \"I gave you a chance, but this time I need something inside of me. I mean, if you did it again, you probably WANT to end up as femcum...\" she says.") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemoan1.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Ocearine straddles you, waiting for a response until she eventually grinds down harder on your face. \"Not even an objection? You're no fun...\" she says as she presses down on you, her slit rubbing up against your nose eventually pops inside, the sharkess moaning as she feels your face sliding into her slit. She reaches a hand behind her and places it on your head, grunting as she pushes your head forward, her slit expanding around it and taking it in. You struggle, but the slit is like a vicegrip, cutting off any chance you had at pulling it out. Desperate, you start licking her walls with your tongue, slathering them with your muscle...all you hear is a giggle from Ocearine. \"Way too late, cum...\" she says before giving your body another push, this time her hand firmly planted on your shoulders. She shudders and moans loudly as her slit expands around them, feeling as though she was taking the girthiest dick in the world right now...but with your shoulders locked inside, it became a lot easier for Ocearine to take in the rest of you. She doesn't even really need to push you in anymore, the clenches of her vaginal walls accomplishing the same, pulling you deeper into her womb with every clench. Her breathing, deep and heavy around you, became more rhythmic with every clench, Ocearine pacing herself to make sure she didn't come too early...") wait { msg ("
After a few more clenches, your head pokes out into a chamber somewhat more roomy than the almost body-shattering vicegrip of her vagina. Ocearine's womb was still quite small, forcing you to be packed in like sardines inside of the chamber. Every moan and clench from the sharkess pulls you a few inches deeper, forcing you to curl up inside the tight womb. The walls don't stretch at all, holding firmly against this new intrusion, leaving you vacuum-sealed inside of the womb, and the chamber was only becoming tigher as more and more of you was fed into the womb. At this point, Ocearine has adjusted herself, flipping herself over and watching your feet wiggle awkwardly outside of her slit, before disappearing with one more clench and moan from the sharkess, locking you inside of her womb...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, OcearineWomb) } } } } } ]]>
false Look at Open Close false the false msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 8) false A basic hotel room, 1 bedroom. At the left of the room is the single bed; to its right is a television. It's not a CRT, but it doesn't look that new. To the left is the {object:Room 8 Bathroom}. A single bed. It has red sheets and a couple pillows near the top. It doesn't look incredibly comfortable, but it'll do. msg ("You fall asleep in the bed and...") wait { if (RandomChance(35)) { msg ("[undecided character noms]") } else { msg ("You wake up some time later, feeling more ready to face the day.") } } Bathroom false the A basic bathroom, with tiling. Nothing too fancy, although they do provide shampoos and soaps. false false Your hands are now nice and clean! Look at Look at You strip naked and turn on the bath water. After getting in you sink slowly into the water for what seems like forever. You close your eyes and enjoy the bath water...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("...and the next thing you know you can feel something around your waist! You slowly open your eyes and see that some sort of python has snaked its way in through the open window into your bathroom and is busy consuming you! You try to struggle but your arms are already pinned inside the snake's gullet, tightly bound together in the slimy tunnel. You continue to try and push the snake off somehow, but you soon realize your only hope is to scream, and so you yell as loud as you possibly can!

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND BREAK FREE!==") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { ClearScreen if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You scream and yell for as long as you can, but the snake has already made it up to your neck. It unfurls its tail and starts to wrap it around your mouth, but suddenly the door slams open! Kayla, the dragoness from earlier, must have heard your screams! \"What's going on in here!?\" she yells and stops herself when she sees the snake and soon-to-be-snake-food. Kayla seemingly instantly lowers her stance and tone of voice, in a \"not-this-again\" sort of way, as she runs over to the bathtub and starts pulling on your head!
") msg ("
Kayla and the snake play tug-of-war with your naked body for a while, until you start to slowly slide out of the snake's gullet. The snake tries to retaliate with its tail but Kayla is able to pin it underneath her clawed feet. Slowly, you're pulled from certain slimy doom and back on solid ground. \"Ugh. Go put some clothes on.\" Kayla says, trying to avert her eyes from your naked body. You willingly do so, despite being covered in snake saliva (you can shower later...with the window closed!) and when you come back, Kayla has the snake subdued on the floor, still wriggling.
\"What are we gonna do with this thing?\" she asks you.") kaylasnakelist = NewStringList() list add (kaylasnakelist, "Put it back outside") list add (kaylasnakelist, "I might be a bit hungry") list add (kaylasnakelist, "You can have it") ShowMenu ("", kaylasnakelist, false) { if (result = "Put it back outside") { msg ("
\"Your loss.\" she says. Kayla takes the snake over to the window and slowly feeds it back out to the ground. It's a long drop but the snake is able to touch ground before it's even out the window.") } else if (result = "I might be a bit hungry") { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") play sound ("outsidebelly.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
Kayla looks at you for a bit.
\"Didn't really see you as that type...but fine. You'll need some help though.\" She releases the snake from beneath her feet and grabs its head, raising it to your mouth. \"Open wide.\" she says. You obey, mouth opening up wide in anticipation of its newest occupant. \"Looks like someone really IS hungry...\" she says, looking inside and seeing how moist the fleshy cavern is. \"Here we go!\" she says, and pushes the snake's head into your mouth. It's a bit overwhelming, but Kayla continues to ease the long body down your throat. \"Just relax your gullet...\" she coaches as the snake starts to get near the back of your mouth. \"Aaaand..gulp!\" she commands. You do, and the snake's head is sucked down into your esophagus. After a couple more gulps, she tells you \"All right, I'm gonna let go now. He's still pretty feisty though.\" She takes her hands off the scaly noodle, and it starts to thrash around even harder, almost knocking you onto your butt! \"Use your teeth if you need to!\" Kayla continues to coach. \"Just slurp it like a noodle!\" You take her advice and begin to slurp down the snake. It takes nearly a half hour of struggling and nearly falling down several times, but you finally get to the end. You take the last, satisfying gulp as the snake finally slides down your throat.") msg ("
You've accumulated quite the belly in the process, still thrashing about as the snake desperately tries to escape its fleshy prison. You start to feel queasy for a couple seconds, but then a massive belch bellows up your throat and blows your mouth clean open. You wipe a bit of drool from your mouth, satisfied and pleasantly full. \"Didn't that feel great?\" Kayla asks. \"You're probably gonna need to sleep that off, though.\" she adds, pointing at your massive, engorged stomach. She starts to walk out the door, but before she leaves, she adds one more thing.

\"Don't tell anyone this happened.\"") msg ("
As soon as she leaves, you plop straight onto the ground, unable to support the snake's weight any longer. You rub and tease your belly as the cacophony of gurgles and glorps begin to ring out. After about a half hour, though, the struggles begin to lessen, and you heed her advice and head off to bed, stumbling about, not used to the counterweight still. ") wait { msg ("As you sleep, your belly starts to get smaller...") } wait { msg ("And smaller, the snake not struggling at all anymore...") } wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound play sound ("glorpgrowl.wav", false, false) } msg ("...until you wake up the next morning, with a normal (although certainly more rotund) belly and a hunger for more.") MoveObject (player, Room 8) SetObjectFlagOn (Snake, "eaten") } } else if (result = "You can have it") { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("hardgulp.wav", true, false) } msg ("
\"Suit yourself.\" Kayla responds. Immediately she brings the snake's head to her mouth. A loud, wanting \"Aaaaaahh...\" rings out as she opens her drooling maw as wide as it can possibly go. Her jaws close around the snake's head, sucking on it like a piece of candy. After giving it a healthy bath in her saliva, Kayla begins to...slurp? the snake. Yes, she's slurping it down just like a noodle! The slurping sounds continue, interchanged with the occasional gulp and gluk, until Kayla's belly is sticking out a fair distance from the rest of her body. She lets out a succession of \"burp!\"s and \"BRAAP!\"s before she pats her belly, clearly satisfied. \"Looks like I'll be skipping dinner tonight.\" she says, before walking out of the room, oddly coordinated for having such a large weight in her belly. She seems experienced with this.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("j-shortpowerbelch3.wav", true, false) } SetObjectFlagOn (Snake, "eaten") } } } else { msg ("
You continue to scream and yell, but to no avail, as nobody comes to your rescue. Tired of its prey's cries, the snake wraps its free tail around your mouth and seals your screams shut as it slowly works its way over the rest of your body. You can hear distant gurgles from about where your legs are and struggle in horror as the gravity of the situation falls onto you. Alas, these struggles are in vain, the snake's lips already around your upper chest. You watch in horror as the snake's head slowly approaches yours, working over your chin with the frighteningly slow pace snakes are wont to do. You can hear the snake's heartbeat as it slowly slurps up the rest of your body, its lips finally able to touch each other as you slide inside the massive python.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, SnakeStomach) } } } } } else if (GetBoolean(Snake, "eaten")) { msg ("
You strip naked and turn on the bath water. After getting in you sink slowly into the water for what seems like forever. You close your eyes and enjoy the bath water...") wait { msg ("...and the next thing you know it's an hour later! Your skin is pruning as you get out of the water and dry yourself. It was relaxing, but you missed a good hour of time!") MoveObject (player, Room 8 Bathroom) } } else { msg ("
You strip naked and turn on the bath water. After getting in you sink slowly into the water for what seems like forever. You close your eyes and enjoy the bath water...") wait { msg ("...and the next thing you know it's an hour later! Your skin is pruning as you get out of the water and dry yourself. It was relaxing, but you missed a good hour of time!") MoveObject (player, Room 8 Bathroom) } } } else { msg ("
You strip naked and turn on the bath water. After getting in you sink slowly into the water for what seems like forever. You close your eyes and enjoy the bath water...") wait { msg ("...and the next thing you know it's an hour later! Your skin is pruning as you get out of the water and dry yourself. It was relaxing, but you missed a good hour of time!") MoveObject (player, Room 8 Bathroom) } } } else { msg ("You strip naked and turn on the bath water. After getting in you sink slowly into the water for what seems like forever. You close your eyes and enjoy the bath water...") wait { msg ("...and the next thing you know it's an hour later! Your skin is pruning as you get out of the water and dry yourself. It was relaxing, but you missed a good hour of time!") MoveObject (player, Room 8 Bathroom) } } UnlockExit (Room8Bathroom) ]]>
false Look at Open Close A small window above the bathtub. false You open the windo msg ("You open the window. It wouldn't hurt to get some air circulating.") HelperOpenObject (Window) msg ("You close the window. It was getting a bit chilly in here!") HelperCloseObject (Window) false snake's stomach false false the As the snake finally closes its mouth and locks you in its fleshy prison, the gulps and your sliding come to a slow end. You can't really tell the difference between the two, but it appears that you have arrived in the snake's stomach. You are completely unable to move, the stomach already stretched completely as it is, but you desperately wiggle to try and escape this predicament. All around you are The gurgles and groans around you start to become more intense, nearly drowning out the snake's pounding heartbeat. You desperately try to struggle more but you're already becoming weaker as digestive fluids start to pour into the chamber. Your breaths start to become slower and slower as the air in the chamber is rapidly depleting.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You can really start to feel your skin tingle as the digestive fluids drown you out completely. With the air nearly depleted, you start to consign yourself to fate. Your last breath is a slow and painful one before your head goes completely under the soup of stomach acids. As you close your eyes you can already feel your skin slowly melting into a nutrient-rich broth for this snake to absorb...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
The snake lounges in the bathtub for some time, completely unable to move after gorging itself. Over the course of days, it slowly digests its massive meal, the bulge in its midsection rounding out and shrinking over time. After nearly 5 days in what was your hotel room, the snake is finally able to move. It slithers out the still-open window and onto the hotel grounds, but soon feels a pang in its lower bowels and slithers to a nearby bush, dumping you in a remote part of the hotel grounds. After finishing its business, the snake slithers off, belly already rumbling for its next victim. Later, Kayla walks by while tending the grounds and sees the mound of your remains. \"Damnit, what did he eat this time!?\"") } else { msg ("
The snake lounges in the bathtub for some time, completely unable to move after gorging itself. Over the course of days, it slowly digests its massive meal, the bulge in its midsection rounding out and shrinking over time. After nearly 5 days in what was your hotel room, the snake is finally able to move. It slithers out the still-open window and onto the hotel grounds, free to sneak around and look for the next wandering patron, just away from the spying eyes of any hotel employees...") } msg ("
*You got a little too comfortable in the open air...*

=GAME OVER=") finish } } } ]]>
The snake's stomach walls. They look exactly the same as its throat and constantly bathe you in digestive fluids. Look at Pound against false Stomach walls if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("You try and kick against the stomach walls but you're barely able to move.") } else { msg ("The snake squirms a bit but you aren't able to do much.") } false You can barely look up, let alone move that way.
false Look at Open Close false the false msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 9) false msg ("You open the hotel door into complete darkness. While you're a bit put off by it, you just think the light's turned off or something. You close the door and instinctively move your hands to the side of the door to turn the light on, but your hand meets cold, hard rock. Startled, you turn around to walk back out of the door, but the door you entered from is just rock now as well. Although you're already a bit scared, sitting there and pounding on the walls won't make the door re-appear. You face the darkness and decide to press on.") false caves the false false caves the false caves false the false caves false the false caves false the false caves false the false caves false the false You walk ahead deeper into the cave. As you walk, you can hear something...breathing? A constant inhaling and exhaling in the distance, you make it out to be. With cautious curiosity, you walk closer, hearing the breathing become louder and louder. You can start to feel the breath exhaled on your face, tinged with the slight scent of smoke. You take a moment to collect yourself, and fueled by curiosity, you go forward. The exhaling becomes louder and louder until -


...You walk straight into a cave wall! It knocks you back on your butt. Dazed, you start to collect yourself...but wait...that didn't really feel like a wall...?

==PRESS ANY KEY TO RECOLLECT YOURSELF==") wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { ClearScreen msg ("
You take a moment to collect yourself on the floor. You're a bit scuffed up, but nothing too seriously. You look back up and are met with the piercing gaze of something in the darkness! This must've been the \"thing\" that was breathing so hard. You wisely decide to back away, first slowly, inching away as the eye tracks your movement, and you make a break for it - but a clawed hand slams down in front of you! You run straight into the scaly wall and the clawed hand quickly closes around you, snapping shut like a bear trap. The hand slowly lifts you back to where you fell, and soon you can feel an intense heat from below licking your feet. Between the heat, the scales, and the smoky breath...you must have awoken a cave dragon! You silently reflect on your stupidity as you struggle away in the dragon's tight grip, but your efforts don't even seem to phase him as he suddenly drops you! Expecting to hit the cave floor, you instead land somewhere...wet?") wait { msg ("
Yes, wet, the undulating floor below you is completely soaked! You look around and realize the dragon has dropped you straight into his mouth! You turn around to try and escape, but the jaws are already closing and the tongue is too slippery to gain any traction on! The dragon's teeth clank shut as your body is left lying on the tongue, your entire body only barely taking up half of it. The dragon plays with you a bit, tasting you all over, before a simple flick of the tongue sends you deep into the dragon's gullet. Usually tight, the esophagus is so big you can more or less go straight down, ignoring the peristalsis. One gulp is all it takes to lodge your body deep inside the dragon's throat, and gravity does the rest, as soon you plop onto a fleshy wall. ") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, CaveDragonStomach) } } } else { msg ("
You manage to collect yourself and walk away, slowly. From the breathing to the scales, you probably don't want to go this way again.") MoveObject (player, Room9CavesWest2) } } MakeExitVisible (Room9CaveDragonExit) ]]>
false dragon's stomach false false The sphincter slowly yawns open as you fall into the dragon's cavernous stomach. You land in a small pool of digestive juices that barely covers the wet, slimy floor underneath you. The spacious gut is large enough to easily accompany you and even gives you standing room. Not like it'll help, the stomach already giving a big gurgle as more juices start to pour in, thundering around you and knocking you back onto the slick floor. The heat in the chamber is unbearable as well, already sapping you of your energy. All around you are the The levels of the stomach juices continue to rise in the stomach, soon sweeping you off your feet as you are forced to swim in the juices to stay alive. You can already feel yourself losing energy, and a painful tingle is starting to overtake your senses. You struggle to stay afloat in the sloshing sea, but you know you can't hold out forever.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You've managed to float yourself over to a belly wall and start to use the last of your energy to pound desperately on it. You slam your fists into the unyielding walls in a futile attempt to cause the dragon to cough you up, but it's too little too late. Tired, sapped completely of your energy, and feeling the intense stinging pain of the pool of stomach juices, you finally give in and let yourself slowly float to the bottom of the stomach. Your already-weak body begins to dissolve slowly as the cave dragon falls asleep, but not before giving its belly some rubs as the wiggles inside come to an end. In no time at all the dragon's belly absorbs your remains, your little snack of a body not providing much nourishment on its own. The indigestibles, such as your clothing, are coughed up by the dragon and left in a pile as the dragon drifts back off to sleep.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Hours pass, and the dragon eventually wakes, already feeling a gnawing hunger in his belly. The dragon continues to patrol its cave, snacking on the other adventurous patrons that dare to brave Room 9, until their digested remains compound into one big mass that the dragon deposits in a corner along with the indigestibles. It, however, keeps the valuables for itself. It's a living.") } else { } msg ("
*You wandered into the dragon's lair...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
The dragon's slimy stomach walls. They ooze more digestive slime that continues to collect at the bottom of the stomach. Look at false Stomach walls ") } } ]]> false You can barely reach the sphincter, even when standing up. Even if you manage to get a hold of the sphincter, you slip before you can pry it open.
caves false the false caves false the false false caves the false caves false the false caves false the false You come upon a bend in the cave. Deciding to go deeper, you walk around the bend. Suddenly, two massive arms wrap around your chest! You're yanked off your feet as you plunge into the darkness, the strong arms holding you firmly and tightly. Above, you hear a chuckle, and then a deep voice. \"Looks like you're just in time...\"

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND ESCAPE==") wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { ClearScreen msg ("
You continue to squirm in the creature's grip, but you're unable to get any leverage as the beast slowly lifts you up to what you assume is eye-level. Straining your eyes, you can start to make out the features of a giant otter staring you directly in the face. \"Hello, toy~\" the otter seductively whispers, licking its lips slightly. The otter's cold gaze freezes you in place, stopping your struggles in their tracks as you're already starting to lose your will to fight. The only thing that breaks the gaze is the warm, musky scent slowly drifting up from below you. \"Guess where you're going!\" the otter taunts as your entire world is suddenly flipped, the otter grabbing you by your ankles and flipping you around, leaving your head suspended in midair. It's this new view that shows you the source of this musky scent, the otter's long shaft slowly emerging from a set of furry balls, pointing straight up along the curvature of the otter's belly. You struggle with renewed vigor as you imagine what he could do with that huge shlong, but you can't loosen the otter's grip at all. The otter slowly lowers you towards his cock head, and your struggles are stifled as the otter rocks his hips forward and swallows your entire head in his cock! An audible groan already rings out as the otter's grip immediately loosens, a powerful muscle quickly accepting this new snack as it pulls your body deep into the otter's cock. Soon your head is forced into one of the otter's furry balls, giving you a little room to breathe, but also soaking you in musky otter cum. The rest of your body is slowly fed through the cock, suckled by the tight passage. At this point, you already knee-deep into his cock, the otter lets his grip go and immediately hovers towards his huge cock, stroking it as the newfound action helps lubricate your voyage with a dab of precum. The stroking increases in intensity as the rest of your body is sucked into the otter's ballsac, forcing you to curl up awkwardly in a ball.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", true, false) play sound ("outsidemalemoan.wav", true, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, CaveOtterSac) } } else { msg ("
The unknown beast starts to slowly lift you up, but right at that point you start to squirm incredibly! Seeming to catch it off guard, you slip out of the creature's grip. As soon as your feet hit the floor you sprint away as fast and as far away as you can, not taking any time to look back. After a while, you think you've lost it, but you'll definitely be looking over your shoulder.") MoveObject (player, Room9CavesN2E) } } MakeExitVisible (Room9CavesCV) ]]>
false Look at A lithe, giant, grayish otter. He's pretty long, especially for an otter, almost looking more like a ferret. He's currently digging through his locker, looking for something. Looks like the harsh lights are bothering him too, judging from the hand he has shielding his face from them. \"Hm? Oh, uh, hi.\" the otter says as he turns around to look at you, rubbing the back of his neck with a paw. \"I'd love to chat, but I was just about to hop in the shower...\"") Ask ("Shower with the otter?") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Oh? Well, I guess I could use an extra hand. Come on...\" the otter says as he shuts his locker and walks over to the showers, ushering you to come along with him. You follow behind as the otter walks into the shower room, then selects a stall and takes his towel off, hanging it over the side and stepping inside. \"Whatcha waiting for?\" he says as he turns to you, turning on the water and starting to lather up somewhat before you step in as well. The two of you wash up for some time, helping each other out at various points, before you hear the otter's voice. \"Hey, you think you need help washing your back?~\"") Ask ("Let the otter wash your back?") { if (result) { msg ("
You turn to the side and feel the otter starting to scrub at your back, washing up and down your back with his paws, before he starts reaching down a bit further, to feel at your rear. \"Oh, quite nice indeed...\" you heard him say as he continued to wash you up, before he gripped at your sides suddenly. \"I hope you don't mind if I get a bit...closer of a wash...\" the otter said before you felt what must have been his member brushing up against your rear. Truth be told, you had seen his bobbing sheath earlier, and were quite interested in seeing what was hiding inside, but couldn't work up the courage to ask the ott for anything lewd. Looks like he was making the decision for you, though...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("sextrack.mp3", false, true) } msg ("
You heard the otter groan as he pushed up into your rear, his erect cock piercing you quite nicely. It took a few tries for him to really find a purchase on your rump, but when the otter did, he went to town, thrusting up and deep into your bowels almost immediately. \"Nnf...so tight...\" you could hear the otter moan as he thrust up into you, his cock stretching out your bowels with every thrust into you. He had managed to fit around half of his cock up your rump at this point, and that amount was increasing steadily with every thrust into you. The steam of the shower helped accentuate the whole experience, making you blush as the otter thrust into you, lewdly groaning every time he pushed his hips against yours. \"Haah...there we go...\" the ott moaned as he felt his hips touch against yours, having thrust essentially his entire cock into your rump at this point. You two stayed locked for a moment like this, until he pulled out slightly only to thrust in again, this time much quicker. It was pretty obvious that he was close to orgasm, and you were as well, your crotch getting wetter and wetter as you started to drip more and more pre. Any moment now...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You heard the otter cry out in satisfaction as he came, locking his hips against yours as the seed spurt up into your rump, each powerful shot of cum slapping up against your bowel walls before slowly funneling deeper into your body. Every thrust became wetter and wetter as the otter continued to shoot cum deep into you, the cum starting to slosh into your belly now, giving you a cute little paunch of a belly hanging below your chest as he continued to come. You came as well, juices splashing up against the wall and floor as you moaned in unison with the otter. The otter's orgasm was a lot more voluminous, though, continuing to spurt out well after he had stopped thrusting, until all you could hear were lewd pants from the otter. \"F...fuck, that was great, toy...\" you heard the otter moan before he slowly pulled out of your butt, a wet *shlrp* accompanying the final pull out. \"You were pretty tight, but that's the best part...\" the otter said as he gave your shoulder a light pat. You turned around to face the ott, who was smiling as he looked at what he had done to you, reducing you to a blushy, sloshing mess. Then, his eyelids lowered, before he reached out again, grabbing you by the shoulders. \"But, you know, a good fucking always makes me hungry...\"

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND ESCAPE!==") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("
You can't break free of the otter's grasp, and are forced to stare into the ott's eyes as he looks you over, licking his lips. \"Aah, and you'll make a fine cream-filled snack as well. Make sure to squirm for me...~\" the ott teases before opening his maw, showing off the drooling thing, before quite rudely shoving you inside, slamming your head against his tongue before locking his jaws around your neck. You heard a loud \"mmm...\" rumbling around your head as the otter tasted you, giving you a good drool bath before pulling you out of his mouth. \"You taste so good, I gotta give you another taste...\" the ott said before giving your face a long, slobbery lick across your entire face, making you squirm immensely. \"Take a deep breath...\" you heard the otter say before he gave you another drool bath, this time one with a bit more purpose, as the otter pushed more and more of you into his drooling maw, your head bumping up against the back of his mouth.") wait { msg ("

You felt the throat grab at your head, sucking you down into the esophagus as the otter took a gulp, which pulled your head and shoulders into the otter's throat. The flesh of the throat was far tighter than the mouth, and more purposeful; the peristalsis slowly dragged you deeper, closer to the otter's grumbling gut. You heard a couple more small gulps echoing around you, pulling more and more of you into the otter's throat as he tried to grasp more of your body with his muzzle. You felt the otter's tongue brushing up against your rear, licking up the last of the cum that had splattered up against your butt. You heard a little giggle as you squirmed from the stimulation, before the otter gulped again, pulling you into the throat up to your waist, and locking your feet inside the mouth, as well. You could feel the otter licking at your feet, rubbing the muscly flesh around your legs before pushing them lightly to the back of his throat with the tip of his tongue, and sending you off to his gut with one more sharp, wet gulp...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, CaveOtterStomach) } } } else { msg ("
You break free of the otter's grasp and make a break for it out of the shower, belly of cum sloshing around as you sprint into the locker room. Thankfully, nobody notices your dripping form running in, and the otter doesn't give chase. Looks like you're safe, at least for now...better get out of here, though.") MoveObject (player, Lower Floor) } } } } } else { msg ("
\"Ah, I guess you can get it on your own...\" the otter says. You finish up your showers, and step out later, feeling a lot cleaner. \"Well, that was nice. See ya around...\" the otter said as he walked into the locker room.") } } } else { msg ("
You thank the otter for his time and let him take his shower.") } } ]]>
otter's ballsac false the false Surrounding you are Your body tightly curls up inside the otter's sac, cum washing over you as the newfound weight causes the otter's balls to jiggle frequently. Your body hangs down below the otter's legs, stretching the sac as wide as it can go and then some. The size disparity between the otter's two balls was clear, one covered in fur, the other constantly twitching and nearly all skin, the fur spread out entirely by your body. Compared to the otter's cock, there's at least some air to breathe, although the heavy musk in the sac is close to choking you every time you take a breath. Look at After several minutes in the otter's sac, you can already feel yourself beginning to give up. Your struggling has tired you out, and the hot, humid, musky environment isn't helping either, the sea of gooey cum constantly assaulting you as the otter violently cups his balls. Your energy sapped, you feel like just taking a nap, collapsing into the pool of seed, your body already suitably submerged in it.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
Your body starts to give out as you slump into the musky pool, the hot cum around you already having dulled your senses. You haven't felt most of your body in a good while, but what you didn't realize is that a fair bit of your body had already started to melt into more otter seed, the sac slowly recompressing to a smaller size as your body became more liquid. The sac's musky haze keeps you unable to react to this change, or even to notice it, as your head slowly starts to sink into the musky sea. All the while the otter has been fondling himself dutily, playing with himself and trying to delay his orgasm until his nuts had churned down his victim. With your head submerged, the otter's ravenous balls had finally claimed you entirely, gurgling you down into nothing but sloshy otter cum.") SetTimeout (10) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
The otter had been waiting for this moment for a while. He was ready to paint the walls with his victory. Feeling the last struggles subside, he points his rock-hard cock at the nearest wall and begins to pump harder, first slower, than increasing speed as he milks his shaft for all it has. The climax that he had teased off for so long now finally built to critical mass, the otter fondling his balls as his other hand started to jerk hard. Moans echo throughout the cave as the otter gets ever closer, his dick practically spraying pre at this point. Finally he reaches a point where he can't take any more, and lets his firehose cock loose, blowing his load all over the cave wall, screams of pleasure bouncing off the cave walls. Rivers of seed gush out of the otter's cock, thoroughly covering the cave wall opposite him in his gooey, white handiwork.

The thick bursts of cum last for nearly 2 minutes before the otter decides to try something new, aiming his cock towards his mouth and opening wide, spraying his musky seed into his gaping maw, eagerly swallowing down your remains mixed in with the otter's other cum. Slowly but surely, the high comes down, the otter's cock starting to dribble more than anything as the otter milks his shlong for the last drops. Finally satisfied, he licks his lips and swallows down the last gulp of cum, patting his jiggling, sloshy belly, which now sticks out a fair bit, rounded out with its milky contents. \"Look at this,\" he says, spreading his arms to envelop his painted land. \"I need to do this more often.\" he says before collapsing into a slump, dozing off with a full belly and empty balls...

*You gave an otter the ride of his life...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } } ]]>
sac walls false The otter's ballsac walls. They're incredibly taut and stretched and definitely aren't equipped to carry a full-grown anything. Look at ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You manage to stretch out the sac walls even more, but it doesn't seem to affect the otter. If anything, it's helping him get off.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Your struggling only helps the cum bath you're in work into the deepest crevices of your body, thoroughly washing you in the musky cream.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("The otter's cock dribbles a bit more pre with every struggle you make.") } else { msg ("Stirred by your struggles, the otter starts to pump his cock harder.") } ]]> false You push up frantically in the sea of musk but you can't even find where you came from.
otter's stomach false the
Outside, the otter continued his shower, belching wetly as the last of you landed in his gut. "Aaah, what a great snack, AND toy..." he mused to himself as he rubbed and patted at his gut with one hand, washing over it (and the rest of his body) with his other hand. He licked his lips clean of your flavor, along with the last of his cum, before starting back on washing himself up.]]>
") } SetTimeout (20) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The stomach walls had thoroughly mixed you up with the rest of the stomach slop inside of the gut, leaving you soaked in the stomach juices. It was pretty gross...and it started to hurt a little bit too, your skin starting to tingle a bit, like what happens when your leg falls asleep. You felt some warm water piddling out of the yawned sphincter and onto your head, the otter swallowing gulps of the shower water down into his stomach. A few gulps later, the shower stopped, although it had considerably diluted the stomach fluids inside, at least for now. You felt the gut jiggling a bit, the otter giggling as he shook around his gut. \"How's the bath?\" you heard him tease, jostling around his big, sloshing gut as you stewed around inside. ") SetTimeout (20) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The water the otter had gulped down had slowed down the digestion process a bit, but eventually that tingling sensation came back, with a vengeance too, a dull pain starting to flash through your body as well. It was becoming harder to struggle, the stomach walls still dead-set on churning you up, restricting a lot of your movement. This was starting to tire you out...

You felt the gut shake and wiggle around you as the otter moved around, turning off the shower and stepping out of the stall, struggling to wrap a towel around his still-struggling gut. \"Only a bit longer now, snack...\" he teased before he walked into the locker room. There were only a few people still lingering in the locker room. Brad, the malamute, noticed the otter's squirming bulge as he walked over to his locker, giving the ott a high five as he walked past him. \"Caught a live one?\" the malamute teased as he rubbed at the gut a bit. \"Oh, he's a squirmer too...\" the malamute said again before retracting his hand. The otter belched again, covering his mouth and blushing before he continued. \"Yeah, got to have a little bit of fun beforehand too. But now I think I'm gonna go sleep him off...\" the otter said before he plopped down lengthwise on a close bench, crossing his hands across his gut as he started to doze off.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
As soon as the otter had fallen asleep, you felt the stomach get a lot more active, all of the body's energy currently focused on digesting you. That certainly helped expedite the process, the stomach acid slowly returning to a fuller strength despite the still-sloshing pot of water inside as well. The last belch the otter spewed also took most of the air with it, leaving it hard to breathe inside the cramped gut. It was like a hot tub at this point, and you were steadily sinking down into the bubbling water as your eyelids closed...

The otter snoozed for quite a while, his gut slowly shrinking and rounding out as the rest of you started to digest away. Occasionally, a belch blew open the otter's lips, sometimes even waking him up, but besides that the otter's nap was uninterrupted, most of his energy being diverted to the sloshing stomach, still quite occupied with digesting you up into more ott fat...
") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
\"Uh...damn...how long was I out?\" the otter asked as his eyelids slowly slid open, having woken up from his quite-long nap. He looked down to his gut, which was still groaning and gurgling, but noticeably shrunken from what it was when he fell asleep. \"Oh, about 4 hours or so...\" said Brad, from across the bench, still digging through his gym bag. The otter looked over to the malamute, wide-eyed that Brad still hadn't found what he was looking for in his bag...he considered asking him about it, but what was more immediate for the otter was a pang in his bowels. \"Oh, geez, already...\" the otter said as he got up, clutching at his towel as he ran into the nearest bathroom, finding an empty stall and plopping his plushed-out rear onto the seat. \"Phew...\" he said as he emptied himself, the last of your remains plopping into the round bowl, leaving the only evidence of your existence as the fat on the otter's tush. He wiped himself before looking down at what had come out of him, already feeling a bit lighter. \"Geez...\" he said before he flushed, idly gripping at the new fat you had made on his rear as he wrapped his towel around his waist again. You were worth it, that was for sure...") } else { msg ("
\"Uh...damn...how long was I out?\" the otter asked as his eyelids slowly slid open, having woken up from his quite-long nap. He looked down to his gut, which was still groaning and gurgling, but noticeably shrunken from what it was when he fell asleep. \"Oh, about 4 hours or so...\" said Brad, from across the bench, still digging through his gym bag. The otter looked over to the malamute, wide-eyed that Brad still hadn't found what he was looking for in his bag...he considered asking him about it, but what was more immediate for him was another gnawing hunger in his belly. He took a look at the clock in the locker room, noticing that he had already slept well past lunchtime...") } msg ("
*You trusted a stranger...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The otter giggled as he felt you punch out. \"It's no use, snack. You're ott fat now~\"") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("The otter pretended to not notice your struggles, rubbing his sponge over the gut as he washed up. You were nothing more than food at this point, after all. Why should he pay attention?") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The otter belched loudly in his stall, the sound echoing throughout the shower room, before covering his mouth up in mock embarrassment. \"Oh, excuse me...\"") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("You try to struggle, but the food slop in the stomach is actually pretty restrictive of your movement. Plus, you don't even really want to touch it...") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("You put all your energy into one big punch...that barely even pierces the stomach walls. Clearly, you just aren't strong enough.") } else { msg ("The stomach isn't very happy with your struggles. It communicates this with a loud, almost aggressive growl.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]>
caves false the false caves false the false caves false the false caves false the false You can see a dim light up ahead. caves false the false You come upon a blinding light seemingly in the middle of the cave. While you're a bit cautious, you don't have anywhere else to go, so you walk towards it...and walk through it, closing your eyes to avoid blinding yourself. When you open your eyes, you're suddenly...in the lobby? Yes, you're back in the lobby, the same, familiar, drab lobby you were in before. While Kayla doesn't even seem fazed, you certainly are, but you might as well count your blessings and just take the win here. false caves the false MoveObject (player, Lobby) false caves the false You come upon a glimmering treasure hoard in the darkness! Even in the pitch black surroundings you can make out piles and piles of coins, gems, and other treasures. You want to fill your pockets to the brim, but considering the echoes of deep snoring you can hear throughout the cave, that's probably not the best idea. On top of the pile, you can see a token, though, one that looks like a room token from the hotel! Curious, you take it, and find the number 9 etched into it.") AddToInventory (Room 9 Token) player.securitytrigger = 1 player.tokens = player.tokens+1 if (player.tokens = 5) { msg ("
You feel the floor beneath you rumble...
The Lower Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: showertime.") MakeExitVisible (LowerExit) } if (player.tokens = 10) { msg ("
You feel the ceiling above you rumble...
The Third Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: moreroomsmorefun.") MakeExitVisible (ThirdFloorExit) } ]]>
The room token for Room 9.
false caves the false You hear a call echo off the walls of the cave. \"Hello??\" it warbles, seeming to be coming from deeper into the cave. The voice calls again, this time with a note of distress in its voice. \"Is there anyone in here?\" it follows. With caution, you travel deeper into the cave in search of the voice. You see the faint light of a torch up ahead as you approach a bend in the cave. \"Who's there?\" you hear from beyond the bend. The light comes closer, and it reveals a tall gray fox, visibly shaken. You lock eyes, and his demeanor changes. \"Oh, thank goodness. I thought you were a monster.\" He pauses. \"Wait, where did you come from? Can you lead me to the exit?\" You know the exit's gone now, but he still looks shaken and unstable. You don't want to make him mad.

Along the way you can hear the fox's belly growl loudly. \"Oh, excuse me!\" he exclaims. \"I haven't eaten in quite a while. Would you happen to have any food on you?\" You shake your head. \"Oh, heavens.\" He mutters. \"What am I going to eat now?\"

Coming back to the original wall, you find that still the door isn't there. \"You're sure this is where you came from?\" You nod. \"Well, we might as well stay here then. No use in wandering more.\" You start to settle down when you hear a sigh come from behind you. \"I hate to do this...\" are the last words you hear before a fist to the head knocks you out cold.

==PRESS ANY KEY TO WAKE UP==") wait { if (RandomChance(40)) { ClearScreen msg ("
You awake in a remote section of the cave. The torch the fox carried around seemed to be put out, enveloping you in darkness. You can't tell how long you've been out, but you still have a pounding headache. A disembodied voice suddenly speaks behind you. \"Oh, you're awake.\" You hear some shuffling, and the fox comes in front of you. You try to move but you discover you've been bound by some makeshift ropes. \"I'm sorry to do this,\" he says, \"but I'm just so hungry right now...\" Immediately he grabs your body in his arms and lifts you up. You can hear his lips part as the fox slowly opens his mouth, and a loud gurgle churns out from below you, the belly eager for some nourishment. The fox wastes no time in getting its meal, shoving your head into his hot maw. You're pushed straight to the back of his mouth as the esophagus yawns open and sucks your head in. A loud \"gulp!\" rings out as the fox slurps up your belly, tongue rubbing underneath your clothes trying to catch the flavor it can before the greedy fox continues gulping. So quick were you inside the fox's body that you barely had time to struggle, futilely kicking your bound legs around against the fox's belly to no avail. As more of your body is gulped down, you start to hear some lewd gurgles from below you, and you're set ajar when the fox, unaccustomed to this new weight, falls onto his butt. He mumbles something as he pushes your feet into his maw with both hands, almost immediately trying to gulp them down. \"Oh, so good...so hungry...\" you can hear him moan as soon as your legs enter his throat.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, GrayFoxStomach) } } else { msg ("
You awake in the cave with a pounding headache. All your stuff is strewn about you, frantically searched. The fox must've knocked you out and tried to see if you were hiding food anywhere. Strangely, the fox didn't steal any of your valuables. Puzzled, you have no choice but to further explore the cave.") } } ]]>
false fox's stomach false false the Around you are Past the sphincter, you empty out into a sweaty, hot chamber. The fox's stomach is already heavy at work secreting digestive fluids, eager to claim the nutrients your body holds. The rippling muscle above you forces the rest of your body out into the stomach. You hear three bassy thumps as the fox pats his belly outside.") SetObjectFlagOn (player, "eaten") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("1433315482.jeschke_ethicist_commission_3hourslater.mp3", false, true) } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
The fox's stomach walls already start to constrict you harder, squeezing you painfully and washing stomach acids over you. The churning belly is desperate for some food, and it's not going to let this morsel go.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The groaning belly around you has bested your strength. Your body, already weakened and sinking deeper into the stomach walls, is giving up. \"Oooh, this is interesting...\" the fox says as he feels his belly start to gurgle harder and shrink. Luckily, you slip into unconsciousness before what comes next. A final burp echoes throughout the cave as you slowly digest, a sludge constantly kneaded by the starving belly. The foreign burbles and glrps echo throughout the cave as the fox's belly loudly continues its work. \"Simply delicious...\" he moans as he licks his lips, remembering your taste and feeling the delightful sensation of a full belly. \"Finally, some food...\" he says while kneading and rubbing his bulge.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
After days of wandering more, the fox comes upon another scared patron of the hotel. Knocked out and snatched up, the fox drags them to his corner before he feels a sudden pang in his lower gut. This unlucky victim got to witness their fate firsthand as the fox squat down and relieved himself of your remains. Said victim doesn't have much time to be horrified, though, as they're already on down the same trip into the fox's slender guts.") } msg ("
*You tried to help...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
The fox's stomach walls, consistently slimy and always pushy. Look at false Stomach walls ") } } else if (random = 4) { msg ("The belly around you emits a loud, ominous glrrrrrrrgl in response to your squirms.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else { msg ("\"Thank you for your sacrifice...\" the fox mutters. \"Just give in.\" His stomach starts to constrict you harder.") } ]]> false You're too constricted to muster the power to pry open a sphincter.
false You are on the second floor if (Got(R Key)) { MakeObjectVisible (Records Room Door) } false Look at Open Close false the false msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 10) false You open the door into a vast prairie. The carpeting under your feet quickly turns to tall grass as you walk out. The green expanse extends as far as the eye can see, flatland for miles and miles beyond you. The only thing that sticks out on the horizon is what seems to be a lone cow grazing in the pasture. A regular old spotted cow grazing in the field. Look at Pet
==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND BREAK LOOSE==") wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { ClearScreen msg ("
You try to pull yourself away, but the cow yanks its head back and launches you right towards its awaiting maw! Your head smacks onto the cow's wet, hot, undulating tongue as it pulls you slowly into its origin. The hot cave is still awash with grass from the earlier grazing, and soppy bits of it get all over you as the cow starts to suckle your body. The tongue guides you to the back of the throat as a loud *gulp* rings in your ears, your body being sucked into the cow's esophagus. With a few more gulps your entire body is now inside the cow, your feet finally passing through those hungry lips as your head peeks into the cow's first stomach.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, CowStomach1) } } else { msg ("With a bit of force, you pull your hand out of the tongue's sticky embrace. You back off from the cow, wiping your hand on your shirt.") } } } ]]>

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND BREAK LOOSE==") wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("[udder vore]") } else { msg ("Somehow, you're able to lift the cow off of you! Taking your opportunity, you quickly scramble away before this cow can snag you again.") MoveObject (player, Secondfloor4) } } } ]]>
cow's first stomach false false You slowly slide out of the esophagus into the cow's first stomach. The pool of acids you'd expect in a stomach is instead replaced with a slimy floor of papillae, ticking you all over as what looks to be saliva is slowly massaged into your body by the stomach walls. You curl up into a ball for what you know is going to be a long ride, your body barely making any sort of bulge in the cow's belly. All around you are the The walls around you continue to coat you with saliva, although nothing much else is really happening. You're comfortable enough in the stomach sac, as it has plenty of room for you to move around in, but you're wondering when the actual digestion will kick in.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound } msg ("
Just as you've settled in the cow's belly, you feel a massive muscular contraction that squeezes you right back into the cow's esophagus! The slimy walls coax you up as you realize with fright that cows chew their cud. Your body moves back up into the cow's mouth along with the grass it had eaten earlier, but the cow must not have had experience with such large meals, as only your head makes it into the cow's mouth, the rest of your body still stuck inside the esophagus. The cow chews its cud for a while before gulping it - and you - back down into its gut to continue softening it up. After a couple more regurgitations and swallowings, your softened body is pushed along into the second stomach by the undulating stomach walls.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("regurgitationaudio.mp3", true, false) } MoveObject (player, CowStomach2) } } } ]]>
The cow's first stomach walls. Covered in papillae, they slowly ooze a clear liquid that coats your body. Look at false Stomach walls ") } } ]]> false The sphincter is locktight, preventing your escape.
cow's second stomach false false You're pushed into the cow's second stomach, which seems to be a lot like the first one. The papillae continue to tickle you and there's still no acids to be found in the pit of the stomach. All around you are the The walls continue to undulate around you, although just like in the first stomach, it's relatively calm. You can hear the gurgles off in the distance, though, amongst the beating of the heart and other bodily noises, and you know this isn't going to last long.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
Another strong, muscular contraction forces you deeper into the cow's gut, the heat rising as you make your trip into the third stomach. Your weak body pops out into the third stomach, this one covered in thin flaps that seem to stick to your body, drawing moisture away from you.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", true, false) } MoveObject (player, CowStomach3) } } } ]]>
The cow's second stomach walls. Covered in papillae, they slowly ooze a clear liquid that coats your body. Look at false Stomach walls ") } } ]]> false You try to work your way back to the first stomach but you can't even find where you came from.
cow's third stomach false false The third stomach seems to be a bit different than the previous two. It's less spacious, and the stomach walls are lined in folds. This stomach is a lot more active, constantly squeezing and assailing your frail body. The ominous gurgling in the distance also feels a lot closer now. All around you are the The saliva inside the third stomach continues to bathe you, and the walls continue to massage you as the heat slowly rises in the chamber. You can feel your energy being completely sapped from you, the slimy saliva taking its sweet time in its task.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
The final muscular contraction starts, the stomach sac undulating around you as it pushes you in the direction of the gurgles that had rang in your ears. You emerge in a pool of stomach juices as you arrive in the fourth stomach, the unbearable heat already beating down on you.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", true, false) } MoveObject (player, CowStomach4) } } } ]]>
The cow's first stomach walls. Covered in papillae, they slowly ooze a clear liquid that coats your body. Look at false Stomach walls ") } } else { msg ("The cow stirs slightly but otherwise your struggles don't have any effect.") } ]]> false You can't really see where you came from inside this stomach, the sac constantly fighting your movement.
cow's fourth stomach false false You emerge in the cow's fourth stomach. The acids you'd expected finally greet you as the "true" stomach undulates around you, kneading your weak body with the stomach juices. A chorus of gurgles and glorps ring out as the "true" stomach gets to work. All around you are the The acidic gurgles and glorps start to get louder as the heat in the stomach becomes completely unbearable. Tired, beat, you can barely fight the rising of the stomach acids anymore as they begin to completely consume you. The stomach churns and glorps as it begins to contract around you, finally having claimed its meal.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You can't do anything anymore. The stomach has you completely constricted and the acids are washing over you. Your consciousness is already fading as the stomach really gets to work, dissolving your body slowly, but surely, the cow's digestive system having problems digesting such a substantial meal. But after a trip through the small intestines, the cow's body had finally claimed you, rounding out its belly and using the nutrients to churn up some rich milk.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
The rest of your remains are deposited in the field somewhere as the cow once again grazes the field, waiting eagerly for its next snack...") } msg ("
*You got a little too friendly...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
The cow's first stomach walls. Covered in papillae, they slowly ooze a clear liquid that coats your body. Look at false Stomach walls ") } } ]]> false You're far too weak - and deep - to attempt an escape now.
The room token for Room 10. A big clot of mud on the ground. Looks like a pig has been rolling in it or something... false false false Look at You plunge your hands into the mud, tearing apart the clot...and find a token! Looking at it, you can see the number 10 etched into it.") AddToInventory (Room 10 Token) player.securitytrigger = 1 player.tokens = player.tokens+1 if (player.tokens = 5) { msg ("
You feel the floor beneath you rumble...
The Lower Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: showertime.") MakeExitVisible (LowerExit) } if (player.tokens = 10) { msg ("
You feel the ceiling above you rumble...
The Third Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: moreroomsmorefun.") MakeExitVisible (ThirdFloorExit) } else { msg ("
You dig around in the mud, but can't find anything in it. Well, now your hands are just dirty...") } } } else { msg ("
You dig around in the mud, but can't find anything in it. Well, now your hands are just dirty...") } ]]>
false the false Look at Open Close if (Got(R Key)) { msg ("You insert the key into the lock and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Records Room) } else { msg ("This door is locked.") } false the msg ("You open the door to a dusty-looking room, full of shelves upon shelves of {object:Records}. In the right corner is a {object:Safe}.") false Shelves upon shelves of messily-assembled records on the various Hotel patrons. You definitely shouldn't be looking at these. Look at ==HOTEL RECORDS==
Name: Rosie Singer
Species: Elephant
Occupation: Stripper
Vore Types: Oral, Anal, Unbirth

First spotted in the hotel on 09/26/15. Current status: oblivious, can be used. Is unaware of her role. Easily manipulated; easily tired as well. Usually first line of defense against prey, but easily defeated. Not trustworthy with tokens.") } else if (random = 2) { PrintCentered ("
Name: Kayla ?
Species: Dragoness
Occupation: Secretary
Vore Types: Oral, Anal, Unbirth (endo)

First spotted in the hotel on 09/26/15. Current status: aware, troublingly so. Knows far more than she needs to, protects / teaches prey that check in (albeit success rate is minimal). Must be eliminated as soon as possible.") } else if (random = 3) { PrintCentered ("
Name: Rech ?
Species: Crocodile
Occupation: Janitor
Vore Types: Oral, Cock, Anal

First spotted in the hotel on 01/09/17. Current status: aware, but doesn't care really. Still hungry, eats prey often. Thinks more for himself than for the safety of the hotel. May need to be eliminated at some point, but for now, it works.") } } ]]>

There is a {object:Note1} taped to the right side.]]>
Look at Open likesustainfillingexpensivebackpacknaivesawdreamlove msg ("What is the keyphrase?") get input { switch (result) { case (Safe.combo) { MakeObjectVisible (Documents) msg ("The safe opens. Inside are some {object:Documents}.") } default { msg ("The safe doesn't budge.") } } } msg ("What is the keycode?") get input { switch (result) { case (Safe.combo) { MakeObjectVisible (Documents) msg ("The safe opens. Inside are some {object:Documents}.") } default { msg ("The safe doesn't budge.") } } }
Note false Look at picture ("note.png") msg ("It doesn't seem to be related to anything. Maybe if you looked a bit closer...") false Some dusty, old documents. You probably aren't supposed to have them. \"Just what the hell do you think you're doing?\" You hear a voice tell you from behind. It's Rech, the janitor. And he doesn't seem happy. \"Now, you shouldn't be snooping around in this room...\" the croc says, slowly walking forward. \"Now, just put those back where they came from, and we won't have a problem...\"") recordslist1 = NewStringList() list add (recordslist1, "Run into the records shelves!") list add (recordslist1, "Give yourself up...") ShowMenu ("What do you do?", recordslist1, false) { if (result = "Run into the records shelves!") { msg ("
You duck behind the shelves of records, documents still in hand. You can hear Rech groan before he calls to you. \"Hey, kid-you aren't gonna get out of here without getting past me. Just give up, now!\" You can hear his voice getting closer.") recordslist2 = NewStringList() list add (recordslist2, "Straight!") list add (recordslist2, "Right!") ShowMenu ("Which direction?", recordslist2, false) { if (result = "Straight!") { msg ("
You run straight out into the room, and...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
...You run straight into Rech! You bump into his belly, the croc's paunch knocking you straight over onto the ground. Before you can even open your eyes, you can feel Rech's presence standing over you. \"Sorry kid, but this is the easiest way to transport you...\" he says as he puts all his weight on his haunches, trapping you under his rear!

You squirm around under the pressure, but it's clear that Rech has you locked under him..and even if you were able to get him off, it's not like you'd be able to escape...Rech grinds his butt against you a little bit, the croc's fleshy ring starting to poke up against your noise. \"Nnf..gotta bring you to the boss now...\" he says as he starts pressing down around your face...!") wait { msg ("
Your head pops into Rech's rectum with a wet *shluk*! The bowel walls are already rippling around you, eager to take you deeper into the crocodile. The smell, while musty, isn't too offending. What is worrying you is a gentle gurgling you can hear echo from deeper inside of the croc. But those sounds are quickly muffled by Rech's moaning as he endeavors to pull you deeper, clenching around your head, the rippling flesh slurping you deeper with great speed. It doesn't take long for your shoulders to be worked in, and with the widest part of your body in, the rest of you is a piece of cake by comparison. It's a rather quick job though, Rech clenching around your body as more of it is pulled past the fleshy ring, wanting to get you inside as quickly as possible...

Only your waist is outside of the croc at this point. Rech can see his arousal in plain view, but he didn't really have time to attend to it right now...probably after the boss dismissed him, then he'd have time for more personal stuff...still, it was quite nice to feel you squirming up there, even if it was purely part of the job at this point. Another hard clench from Rech pulled your knees in, the walls constricting around your body as Rech clenches. The walls were quite slick, and tight as well, your body slipping quite deep with every clench the croc makes... Soon you can feel only your feet outside of the croc, and that was quickly remedied with one last clench. The pucker molds itself around your feet before they disappear inside the croc with a wet squelch, locking you completely inside of Rech's bowels...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RechBowels) } } } } else { msg ("
You run to the right! For the time being, you haven't run into Rech yet, but you need to go somewhere else - you can hear his breathing...") recordslist3 = NewStringList() list add (recordslist3, "Left!") list add (recordslist3, "Straight!") ShowMenu ("Which direction?", recordslist3, false) { if (result = "Left!") { msg ("
You make a left into another stack of shelves. No Rech yet, but you can hear the croc breathing. You can see the door, but he's obviously around...") recordslist4 = NewStringList() list add (recordslist4, "Book it!") list add (recordslist4, "Stand still!") ShowMenu ("Which direction?", recordslist4, false) { if (result = "Book it!") { msg ("
You decide to make a run for it, and...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
...You run straight into Rech! You bump into his belly, the croc's paunch knocking you straight over onto the ground. Before you can even open your eyes, you can feel Rech's presence standing over you. \"Sorry kid, but this is the easiest way to transport you...\" he says as he puts all his weight on his haunches, trapping you under his rear!

You squirm around under the pressure, but it's clear that Rech has you locked under him..and even if you were able to get him off, it's not like you'd be able to escape...Rech grinds his butt against you a little bit, the croc's fleshy ring starting to poke up against your noise. \"Nnf..gotta bring you to the boss now...\" he says as he starts pressing down around your face...!") wait { msg ("
Your head pops into Rech's rectum with a wet *shluk*! The bowel walls are already rippling around you, eager to take you deeper into the crocodile. The smell, while musty, isn't too offending. What is worrying you is a gentle gurgling you can hear echo from deeper inside of the croc. But those sounds are quickly muffled by Rech's moaning as he endeavors to pull you deeper, clenching around your head, the rippling flesh slurping you deeper with great speed. It doesn't take long for your shoulders to be worked in, and with the widest part of your body in, the rest of you is a piece of cake by comparison. It's a rather quick job though, Rech clenching around your body as more of it is pulled past the fleshy ring, wanting to get you inside as quickly as possible...

Only your waist is outside of the croc at this point. Rech can see his arousal in plain view, but he didn't really have time to attend to it right now...probably after the boss dismissed him, then he'd have time for more personal stuff...still, it was quite nice to feel you squirming up there, even if it was purely part of the job at this point. Another hard clench from Rech pulled your knees in, the walls constricting around your body as Rech clenches. The walls were quite slick, and tight as well, your body slipping quite deep with every clench the croc makes... Soon you can feel only your feet outside of the croc, and that was quickly remedied with one last clench. The pucker molds itself around your feet before they disappear inside the croc with a wet squelch, locking you completely inside of Rech's bowels...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RechBowels) } } } } else { msg ("
You decide to stay still, hugging the back of the shelves, not even breathing as you hear Rech walk past you, the dark of the room helping to cloak you somewhat as he searches for you in the room. It seems that you've evaded him for now...and it's time to get out of here!") recordslist5 = NewStringList() list add (recordslist5, "Get outta here!") ShowMenu ("", recordslist5, false) { msg ("
You run for the door, gasping as you escaped the croc, documents now in hand...time to see what the fuss is all about...") MoveObject (player, Secondfloor4) } } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
...You run straight into Rech! You bump into his belly, the croc's paunch knocking you straight over onto the ground. Before you can even open your eyes, you can feel Rech's presence standing over you. \"Sorry kid, but this is the easiest way to transport you...\" he says as he puts all his weight on his haunches, trapping you under his rear!

You squirm around under the pressure, but it's clear that Rech has you locked under him..and even if you were able to get him off, it's not like you'd be able to escape...Rech grinds his butt against you a little bit, the croc's fleshy ring starting to poke up against your noise. \"Nnf..gotta bring you to the boss now...\" he says as he starts pressing down around your face...!") wait { msg ("
Your head pops into Rech's rectum with a wet *shluk*! The bowel walls are already rippling around you, eager to take you deeper into the crocodile. The smell, while musty, isn't too offending. What is worrying you is a gentle gurgling you can hear echo from deeper inside of the croc. But those sounds are quickly muffled by Rech's moaning as he endeavors to pull you deeper, clenching around your head, the rippling flesh slurping you deeper with great speed. It doesn't take long for your shoulders to be worked in, and with the widest part of your body in, the rest of you is a piece of cake by comparison. It's a rather quick job though, Rech clenching around your body as more of it is pulled past the fleshy ring, wanting to get you inside as quickly as possible...

Only your waist is outside of the croc at this point. Rech can see his arousal in plain view, but he didn't really have time to attend to it right now...probably after the boss dismissed him, then he'd have time for more personal stuff...still, it was quite nice to feel you squirming up there, even if it was purely part of the job at this point. Another hard clench from Rech pulled your knees in, the walls constricting around your body as Rech clenches. The walls were quite slick, and tight as well, your body slipping quite deep with every clench the croc makes... Soon you can feel only your feet outside of the croc, and that was quickly remedied with one last clench. The pucker molds itself around your feet before they disappear inside the croc with a wet squelch, locking you completely inside of Rech's bowels...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RechBowels) } } } } } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You drop the documents to the floor, holding up both hands, as if Rech was a policeman or something. There was no way you'd be able to escape the croc at this point, so there was no point in trying to pull a fast one on him. Rech laughs a bit at your helplessness as he approaches. \"That's a good kid. No use in fightin'...\" he says as he turns around, locking the door behind him as he takes off his pants, moving closer to you as he does, that prominent croc rear now inching towards your face. \"Sorry kid, but this is the easiest way to transport you...\" he says as he puts all his weight on his haunches, trapping you under his rear!

You squirm around under the pressure, but it's clear that Rech has you locked under him..and even if you were able to get him off, it's not like you'd be able to escape...Rech grinds his butt against you a little bit, the croc's fleshy ring starting to poke up against your noise. \"Nnf..gotta bring you to the boss now...\" he says as he starts pressing down around your face...!") wait { msg ("
Your head pops into Rech's rectum with a wet *shluk*! The bowel walls are already rippling around you, eager to take you deeper into the crocodile. The smell, while musty, isn't too offending. What is worrying you is a gentle gurgling you can hear echo from deeper inside of the croc. But those sounds are quickly muffled by Rech's moaning as he endeavors to pull you deeper, clenching around your head, the rippling flesh slurping you deeper with great speed. It doesn't take long for your shoulders to be worked in, and with the widest part of your body in, the rest of you is a piece of cake by comparison. It's a rather quick job though, Rech clenching around your body as more of it is pulled past the fleshy ring, wanting to get you inside as quickly as possible...

Only your waist is outside of the croc at this point. Rech can see his arousal in plain view, but he didn't really have time to attend to it right now...probably after the boss dismissed him, then he'd have time for more personal stuff...still, it was quite nice to feel you squirming up there, even if it was purely part of the job at this point. Another hard clench from Rech pulled your knees in, the walls constricting around your body as Rech clenches. The walls were quite slick, and tight as well, your body slipping quite deep with every clench the croc makes... Soon you can feel only your feet outside of the croc, and that was quickly remedied with one last clench. The pucker molds itself around your feet before they disappear inside the croc with a wet squelch, locking you completely inside of Rech's bowels...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RechBowels) } } } } ]]>
false the Look at Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Security Room)
There's {object:Rokanoss: a dragon} in front of a desk, monitoring all these screens. Doesn't seem like he's noticed you coming in yet (how ironic).]]>

His tail swishes expectantly as he looks at the monitors in the room. Evidently, this dragon is the head of security around here. Probably shouldn't talk to him with a bunch of tokens, then, considering you literally broke into people's private rooms and took them...]]>
Look at \"Hello, welcome to the security room...\" Rokanoss says as he turns around. \"Y-wait.\" he says as he creeps closer, noticing the tokens in your pocket. \"Those aren't your tokens. You're only supposed to have the one for your room.\" He said as he stepped forward again. \"If you just hand them over, then we won't have a problem...\"") Ask ("Hand over the tokens?") { if (result) { msg ("
Thank you. You know, you shouldn't go snooping around in other people's rooms like that...\" Rokanoss said as he took the tokens and put them in a desk drawer. \"But, I mean, it's not like it's that obvious. Just don't do it again.\"") RemoveObject (Room 1 Token) RemoveObject (Room 2 Token) RemoveObject (Room 3 Token) RemoveObject (Room 4 Token) RemoveObject (Room 6 Token) RemoveObject (Room 7 Token) RemoveObject (Room 9 Token) RemoveObject (Room 10 Token) player.securitytrigger = 0 } else { msg ("
\"Well, if you're not going to cooperate, I guess I'll just have to detain you then...\" the dragon said as he suddenly jumped upon you, the larger beast easily pinning you down on the ground. \"Of course, I'll have to put you some place you can't escape and cause more mischief...\" Rokanoss said as he opened his mouth, giving you a view of his cavernous maw before licking across your face, the rough flesh dragging over your visage. \"Oh, yes, you'll do fine...\" Rokanoss said before he opened his mouth, dropping it around your face, instantly enveloping you in wet darkness. You felt that same tongue rub up against you as the dragon tasted at you, \"mmm...\" ing a bit before he flicked his head up, dragging your body up into the air as he held your head in his lips. He shook you a bit, opening his mouth so that you would drop further in, until his lips had a good grip on your waist.") wait { msg ("
Then, you felt a massive suction, pulling you into the dragon's tight throat, a deep *gulp* echoing around you alongside the motion. The gulp lodged you in the dragon's throat up to your chest, leaving your feet wiggling awkwardly outside of the dragon's long mouth. All it took was a push of the dragon's tongue to trap you inside the dragon's maw entirely, Rokanoss taking his time to lick over your body before another wet *glp* pulled the rest of your body into his throat, locking you inside of the dragon entirely. The throat was hot, tight, but you wouldn't be inside of it for long, another *glrp* pulling you deeper inside the dragon...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RokanossStomach) } } } } } else { msg ("
\"Hello, welcome to the security room...\" Rokanoss says as he turns around. \"Here's where we monitor everything in the hotel...\" he said as he showed you the various monitors. \"I don't have any qualms with you right now, so you can go on. Don't get lost out there, it's kind of scary sometimes...\"") } ]]>
Rokanoss's stomach false
*UUUUURPPPPP*...You heard a belch rumble around you, then the deep, echoey voice of the dragon. "Sorry, but you should have wanted to give them back in the first place. Now, quit struggling so much and digest..." Rokanoss said as he ambled over to the couch, climbing up on the furniture, jostling you around in his belly as he did so. "Lunch break..." he said before he laid down on his side, resting his head on the bulge you made in his gut, before he started to doze off...]]>
") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
The stomach walls are starting to get more aggressive, kneading at your body and pushing at you inside the sac. You're quite slick with stomach fluids now, and you're starting to feel a bit tingly. Also, it doesn't help that the dragon's head is pressed pretty far down on his gut, leaving a big bump in the middle of the gut that you end up bumping into quite often...needless to say, you're getting quite dizzy at this point, which is making it harder to struggle...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
It's been quite hard to struggle for a bit of time now. The constant kneading of the stomach has left you quite disoriented, not to mention the increasing heat, slowly dissipating air, and tingling that you keep feeling. Well at this point, either you felt tingling or nothing in every one of your body parts. Overall, though, you're just exhausted. The stomach has sapped all your energy, leaving you a husk of your former self. You slump up against the stomach walls, defeated, nothing left to really do but be turned into dragon pudge...

Outside, Rokanoss snoozes as the bulge he's resting down slowly shrinks down, then rounds out, your squirming form being reduced to nothing but a pleasant fullness for the dragon, and a bit of extra pudge, as well. He wakes up somewhat later, already noticing that you had been mostly digested by this point. \"Ugh, didn't even last for that long...\" he said before he felt a bulge rise up in his throat. *Urrrrp....clank!*...Rokanoss belched up what looked to be the tokens you had, the wet disks clattering on the floor in front of him. \"Well...\" Rokanoss said as he looked at the tokens, \"I guess I can distribute these around again while I wait for my meal to settle fully...\" he said as he patted at his gut, the gurgling organ groaning in response. \"I should eat thieves more often...\" he said as he slowly got to his feet, feeling that swinging weight below him as he moved around, getting ready to return these tokens.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
After Rokanoss's trip around to the various hotel rooms, returning the tokens to their rightful places, he swung by the lobby restroom quick, feeling his meal having settled down and moved deeper into his bowels. There was a special stall, with a toilet more designed to accompany the body shape of ferals, which Rokanoss walked into, sitting down on the porcelain and disposing of what was left of you before returning to the Security Room. He didn't have much break time to appreciate what his body had done to you, and he needed to be ever-vigilant to catch any other token capers...") } msg ("
*You got caught thieving...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You kick out against the stomach walls, but they take each of your blows with ease. You barely even make a noticeable bulge on the dragon's belly.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You try to pry open the sphincter, but you can barely even find it. Plus, the flesh is too slick for you to get a good grip, anyway.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You kick Rokanoss straight in his chin!...but the dragon doesn't even really wake up.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You can hear a long, drawn-out belch escape from the dragon's sleeping lips.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("You only succeed in wearing yourself out, and making yourself even more dizzy inside the caustic stomach...") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("You try to kick out against the stomach walls, but you can't really muster the strength to deliver any form of noticeable kick.") } else { msg ("The dense walls absorb your every blow, leaving your hands and legs coated in stomach juices.") } ]]>
A rather long and large, ornate, red couch. It looks to be the perfect size for a dragon to lay down on. Look at You sit down on the couch. It's quite plush, if a bit big for you to really be comfortable in it...
digin dig in "You can't dig in " + object.article + "." lift lift "You can't lift " + object.article + "." Kayla's guest room A plain guest room, with a bed and a dresser. false A double bed. It has blue sheets and a couple pillows near the top. It looks pretty comfortable. You take a nice nap in the bed and wake up feeling a bit more ready to face the day. Bed Look at false You open up the dresser, but nothing interesting is inside. Look at Open Close false You close the dresser. Kayla's living room. It's fairly well furnished, and has some nice carpeting as well. Kayla's living room false false You sit down on the couch. It's pretty comfortable. A flatscreen TV. It looks pretty nice. You turn on the TV. It's currently on a local cable channel. You turn off the TV. Enough entertainment for now. Look at Take Switch on Switch off end table A basic wooden end table next to the couch. It has some drawers under it. It contains You open up the end table. false Look at Take Open Close You eat the whole package of crackers and feel like a pig. You take the crackers. You meanie! A package of crackers. They don't look to be stale. false Look at Take Eat Kayla's bedroom false Kayla's bedroom. The carpets are dark blue and the room is centered around Kayla's double bed. false Kayla's queen-sized bed. It has dark blue sheets, and you can still see the stains in it from last night's "adventure". You take a nice nap in the bed and wake up feeling a bit more ready to face the day. Kayla's bed Look at false A flatscreen TV. It looks pretty nice. You turn on the TV. It's currently on a crime fiction show. You turn off the TV. Enough entertainment for now. TV Look at Take Switch on Switch off false You open up the dresser. Look at Open Close You close the dresser. Kayla's dresser false Kayla's large dresser. It is made out of wood, and has three levels. Only the top one is unlocked, though. It contains Kayla's dildo Kayla's dildo. It's in the model of a large dragon's, in a blue color. You have a feeling you shouldn't have this... You take the dildo. This is probably a bad idea. You drop the dildo. Taking it is bad enough, but losing it is probably gonna make Kayla mad. false Kayla's kitchen Kayla's kitchen. The floor is made of tiles, and the whole room is incredibly clean. false You are on Kayla's street. Conveniently, she lives on the same street as the hotel. squirmagainst squirm against "You can't squirm against " + object.article + "." pet pet "You can't pet " + object.article + "." milk milk "You can't milk " + object.article + "." swimin swim in "You can't swim in " + object.article + "." pushat push at "You can't push at " + object.article + "." pushrock push rock "You can't push rock " + object.article + "." struggleagainst struggle against "You can't struggle against " + object.article + "." movetowards move towards "You can't move towards " + object.article + "." poke poke "You can't poke " + object.article + "." wait wait "You can't wait " + object.article + "." false the You are on You walk down the stairs onto the lower floor. To the north is the {object:Locker Room}, and to the south is the {object:Pool}. The floor is tiled, and you can vaguely smell the scent of chlorine drifting about.") DisableTimer (RechRoamTimer) EnableTimer (RechRoamTimerShowers) EnableTimer (OtterTimer) EnableTimer (NeilTimer) ]]> false the false A red Alaskan Malamute. He's currently dressed in black briefs, and searching through his gym bag for something. Looks like he just got done working out somewhere...smells like it too. Probably about to hop in the showers, then. Maybe you might want to tag along. He is quite the hunk... Look at Speak to false false Brad stops rifling through his bag when you speak to him. \"Oh hey there, little guy...\" he said as he looked at you, almost as if he was sizing you up. He zipped up his bag and put it underneath the bench before he stood up. \"I was just about to hop in the shower. I might need an extra pair of hands...care to help out?\"") Ask ("Shower with Brad?") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Well, first you gotta get ready...\" Brad said as he walked forward, looking you over before grabbing at your shirt. \"Arms up,\" he said as he pulled the shirt up, leaving your chest naked. He casually tossed the shirt on the bench before coming back to you. \"Now for these...\" he said as he tugged at your pants and underwear, the garments sliding down your legs with ease, leaving you completely naked before the malamute. \"That's better...now come along.\" Brad said as he grabbed your arm and walked into the showers, you sticking close behind the malamute as he selected a stall. \"This one's probably my favorite.\" He said as he opened the door to the stall, pulling you inside the stall. It was quite cramped with the two of you in there, your body practically squished up against Brad's as he removed his boxers and flung them over the side of the stall. \"That's better...\" he chirped before turning on the water and starting to wash up, lifting his arms up to make sure he got the suds everywhere he could. You did the same, although room in the stall was quite limited, and you found yourself bumping into Brad quite often. You also couldn't help but notice his package, balls bouncing up and down as the malamute washed up. You could also see his length starting to poke out of his shaft, if ever so lightly...") wait { msg ("
The two of you washed up for a bit, letting the steam in the stall rise, which was helping both of your arousal levels. It was pretty much impossible to ignore Brad's length at this point, which was poking out from his sheath and expanding rather quickly as he washed up. The silence of the shower was broken by Brad, who asked \"Ya need me to wash your back, guy? I got mine, but it looks like you're having some troubles...\"") Ask ("Let Brad wash your back?") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Great!\" the malamute chirped as you turned your back to him, Brad running a sponge up and down your back as you continued to wash your face and chest. He worked his way down your back before reaching your rear, giving the butt a playful slap before you heard his voice again. \"Ooh, nice and plump...\" he cooed as he ran the sponge over your cheeks, occasionally feeling at it a bit, before he retreated somewhat. \"Looks cleaner already...\" he said before you felt something hard - and throbbing - rubbing against your rear. \"Don't lie, little guy, I know you saw it perking up...\" Brad said as he rubbed his length against your rear. \"It's pretty big...think you can take it?\"") Ask ("Can you?") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("sextrack_deeper.mp3", false, true) } msg ("
\"Well, if you think so...\" Brad said as he suddenly gripped at your sides, wrapping his arms around your chest as he brought his dick up to your cheeks, rubbing it up and down a couple times in the crease. \"Nnnf...it's quite long, though. You said yes, though, so get ready...\" he said as he pulled back his hips a little before thrusting into you, Brad's dick finding your pucker quite quickly and plunging into your rear with great speed. The malamute moaned as he pushed himself up in your rump, tightening his grip a bit as he thrusted in. \"Nnf..a little bit tight...\" Brad moaned as he slid out a bit before plunging back in, this time succeeding in plunging even deeper into your rear, causing you to cry out a bit. \"Ssh, I'm not even all the way in yet...\" Brad said as he thrusted again, clutching at your chest as he buried himself deeper. The heat in the shower was certainly helping Brad's arousal, the dog panting with every thrust he gave into you. Clearly he was quite aroused - otherwise, his cock wouldn't be buried so deep into you by now! - but you had to wonder how long he'd last, especially in these conditions.

\"Nngh..fuck...\" Brad moaned as he thrusted in again, succeeding in fitting all of his cock inside of you, except for the knot. You had assumed he had one, and your assumptions were confirmed when you saw it poking out of his sheath. It wasn't too large, but they were always an episode on their own. Regardless, though, your hips met, slapping wetly against each other as Brad gripped at your chest, his grip slowly slipping down further to your own crotch, the malamute fondling your parts somewhat as he plunged into you. It was making it harder for you to hold back an orgasm as well, especially as the malamute started pounding harder at your butt, his orgasm certainly just around the corner at this point...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm_deeper.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Brad's thrusts were becoming more and more forceful, the malamute inching closer and closer to his orgasm...you knew he'd knot you eventually, but you were still weren't ready when you felt the fleshy knot force its way inside of your ass, Brad nearly howling as he finally lodged himself fully inside of your rump. Soon, you heard an earnest moan from the dog as he came, his throbbing cock spurting thick loads of seed up your ass, Brad moaning every time he felt his cock shoot out another load. Your rump was oh-so-tight around his member, milking it for absolutely all it was worth, giving Brad such a great time...and you as well, fluids dripping from your body as well, your orgasm coinciding with the dog's, to the point when it felt like just one large, unbelievable orgasm. But soon, you felt Brad starting to calm down, panting as he felt his orgasm slowly die off. \"Aah...that was great...\" he said as he started to wiggle his hips a little, the knot in your ass slowly popping out, followed by the rest of the malamute's cock. The head slipped out with a loud pop, leaving a sizeable gape in your butt. You felt Brad pat you on the shoulder before saying \"F...fuck, that was great, little guy. You showed this dog a grand time. Now, we need to get cleaned up...\" he said as he returned to his shower, cleaning the cum off his fur where it leaked out of your butthole. You slowly returned to the same, although your knees were a little wobbly and weak from the dog's powerful fucking.") wait { msg ("
The two of you finished up your shower, walking out of the steamy stall together and back to the locker room, towels in hand. \"That was fun, wasn't it?\" Brad said as he slipped his boxers back on. \"Come back anytime...\" the malamute said as he returned to frisking through his gym bag. Would he ever find what he was looking for...?") } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } msg ("
\"Hmph.\" Brad groaned as he retreated somewhat. \"Well, maybe it can take YOU then!\" the malamute retorted as he gave you a hard push, knocking you against the stall wall. You quickly lose your footing and fall flat on the floor, scrambling to get out of the corner. You turn around to see the malamute looming over you, his erect length mere inches from your face, a drip of either pre or shower water glistening on it. \"Sorry, but a good workout always makes me horny...you'll do, little guy.\" Brad said as he reached a hand forward, which wrapped around your head, before giving you a big push forwards, smooshing you right up against the dog's cock! Your nose slides into the cockslit with relative ease, the flesh quickly expanding around your head as the malamute groans out in pleasure. \"Ooh, I can already tell you'll make a nice, hot load...\" Brad teases before he gives your head another hard push, locking your head inside the malamute's cock entirely.

You try to fight back against the malamute, but you're already tucked away in the corner at this point, it'd be quite difficult for you to escape even if you could pry the malamute's cock off your head. As it stands though, the cock has an iron grip on you, already wrapping around your shoulders at this point as the malamute thrusted forward, slowly stepping forward as well, giving you less and less room in the corner. Not that you'd be sitting in that corner for long, though...") wait { msg ("
The malamute grunts as his cock works its way around your shoulders, locking your flailing arms at their sides, gradually consuming whatever leverage you had against Brad. You can vaguely hear a wet *pop* as your shoulders slide in, the widest part of your body having been consumed. It would be a cakewalk for the malamute to slurp you up at this point...! The inside of Brad's cock was quite tight, the shaft walls allowing no struggling, compressing you tightly to the point where even bulges weren't exactly prominent on the rod. The faint scent of cum wafted through the fleshy chamber, from some indiscriminate place below...you assumed it was Brad's churning, jostling sac, getting ready for its newest occupant.

You heard a muffled moan from the malamute as he gave another thrust, pushing you into the cock up to your waist now. You could feel Brad stroking at his cock occasionally, feeling at the bulge you made...specifically, you felt him lift up his cock as he walked back, leaving your legs awkwardly hanging outside of the cock as he leaned up against the other side of the stall. \"F...fuck, get in there, splooge~\" Brad moaned as he felt another clench pull in your knees, leaving only your lower legs flailing awkwardly outside of the cock slit. At this point the malamute was consumed by pleasure, eyes closed, tongue hanging out as he leaned up against the stall, legs wobbling as the last of you slowly slid into his engorged cock. Brad wailed as he felt your feet pass through his cockslit, finally feeling that flesh return to somewhat of a normal state as the bulge you made slowly traveled down to his sac. \"There we *huff* go...nothing but cum soon...\" the malamute said as he collapsed against the sac wall, back slowly sliding down as he stroked at his cock madly, feeling his orgasm already rise as your body started to fill out his sac...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, BradSac) } } } } } else { msg ("
\"Ah, I guess you can get it yourself, then.\" Brad continues to scrub up alongside you, occasionally making teasing ventures at your body, but nothing with any result. Soon enough, you both finished, walking out of the stall and back to the locker room. \"Always nice to have a shower buddy. See ya around!\" Brad said as he put his clothes back on, frisking through his gym bag again for...something.") } } } } else { msg ("
\"Ah, all right then.\" Brad goes back to rummaging through his bag.") } } ]]>
Brad's sac false the Your head poked out into Brad's sac, the faint whiffs of cum you smelled earlier suddenly rushing at you full-force, accompanied by a heaping helping of the malamute's musk. The sloshing orbs were already quite full of cum, and even if they weren't, you would still be a tight fit inside of them. As it stands, you were already covered in the malamute's cum by the time half of your body had curled up inside of the sac...it was pretty obvious that getting messy would be inavoidable at this point. Soon your legs slid out of the shaft, leaving you entirely inside of Brad's balls, which the malamute constantly jostled around as he loudly masturbated inside the stall, shower still going, steaming up the stall quite nicely...for Brad, anyway. It certainly didn't help you out. Brad's continued masturbation has made the sac much more inhospitable to your presence. The gurgling pool of cum around you was steadily rising, both just from the dog's arousal, and from the fact that your body was steadily melting away inside of the sac. Your legs were already pretty much gone at this point, or at least the feeling in them...and most of your body was tingling, as well. It made it much harder to struggle...not that you really could, anyway, the sac tight around you, and only tightening more as the malamute came closer to orgasm...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
Most of your body had turned into cum by this point, or at least some form of cum-muck. You were pretty much indistinguishable from cum at this point, anyway, especially from the outside, the skintight bulge you made steadily being replaced with a nice, rounded, swollen sac, begging to be released. Your consciousness slowly slipped away as Brad continued stroking at his shaft, the rest of your body gurgling up into more cum soon after...

Brad felt down to his sac, feeling the sloshing cum inside, which nearly filled up his sac. \"Looks like they're done in there...\" Brad said as he stroked at his shaft with both hands, moaning at the sensitivity of his shaft and thinking about how nice release would be right now...his sac laid between his legs, swollen with his cum, jostling as the malamute continued to masturbate. Since Brad was already so aroused, it didn't take much time after you were gurgled to reach climax, the malamute groaning as his rock-hard shaft shot hot loads of cum across the stall, the jizz splattering wetly against the opposite stall walls. Brad continued to pump at his shaft as it shot out more cum, the malamute groaning as he saw his cum shot across the stall wall, slowly being washed off by the continuing shower. It seemed like he'd cum forever, his balls still quite swollen...but it would end soon, Brad panting as he came down off his orgasm, the hot blasts of cum slowly being reduced to a dribble as the malamute's orgasm finally finished. \"F...fuck, I gotta do that more often...\" Brad said as he braced himself against the stall, slowly getting up as his cock shrank back into its sheath, never betraying the presence of anyone inside of it.

Brad finished off his shower slowly, reveling in the afterglow and the steamy atmosphere of the stall. He opened the door to the stall, grabbing a towel that he wrapped around his waist as he made his way back to the locker room. He dried up and got dressed before he found the pile of clothes that you had tossed aside and opened his locker, casually tossing them into it. The locker contained several more pairs of clothes, all in sizes and shapes that would be quite odd for Brad to wear himself...") finish } } } ]]>
false sac walls Look at Skin-tight, almost. Not very happy that you're currently contained inside them. ") } } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You cause the malamute's tip to dribble a bit of pre...or maybe it's just water from the shower, hard to tell. Either way, Brad's still riled up about it.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You succeed!...in covering yourself in even more of the malamute's cum. Good job?") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("\"Won't be long *pant* till you're cum...don't wear yourself out~\" Brad teased.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("You jostle around Brad's balls a bit. Not that he can notice it, because he's currently jostling it around a lot harder.") } else { msg ("You stretch out the sac walls for a moment, but they quickly snap back into place.") } ]]>
false the false Sink Look at false if (ListContains(ScopeVisible(), Rech)) { msg ("A broken sink.") } else { msg ("A sink.") } You turn on the sink, spraying hair and water into Rech's face. \"What the hell, kid?\" he sputtered as he wiped the water off his hand, getting to his feet. You turn the sink off but it's already too late, as Rech has gotten to his feet and is now staring at you quite angrily. \"Very funny.\" he says, standing there, dripping in water. You sense that something is about to happen, and start to back off, but too late; the croc is on you now, knocking you over onto the ground with a big push, nearly knocking you out. \"Nnf...this is what you get for messing with me...\" you hear him say before you open your eyes again, your whole field of view suddenly being consumed by the croc's ample rump. Rech's scaled rear hovered in front of your face for a moment before pressing down on you, your face being instantly smothered by the scales, and your nose poking up into someplace wet and warm...") wait { msg ("
Rech moans as he pushes his rump against you, the fleshy pucker slowly expanding around your face. At this point, the pushing from the croc has mashed your head up against one of the room's walls, with nowhere for your head to go but in...the croc knows this, and takes his time, grinding his rear up against your head as it slowly sinks deeper into Rech's pucker, and beyond. By this point, the flesh had expanded around your face entirely, the pucker slowly clenching around your neck. With Rech practically sitting down on the rest of your body at this point, it was quite difficult to struggle at all, but you still tried to, fiercely wiggling underneath the croc's weight. It really only served to tire you out though...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
The croc started to grind against you again, the pucker slowly expanding around your shoulders. Eventually, they popped in with a wet *shlrk*, the widest part of your body already consumed...the pucker bound your arms at your sides, rendering them unusable, and with your legs still sealed underneath Rech's own, it was tough to maneuver much at all. Now that the ravenous pucker had access to your whole chest, your consumption was rather expedited, the fleshy ring quickly expanding around your chest and waist as Rech pushed down on it, using you as a sort of expensive, fleshy, wriggling dildo...except you weren't coming out anytime soon.

Rech's rump had stretched its way all the way down to your waist at this point. The bowels undulated around you, the flesh pulling you deeper even without Rech having to push down on you at this point..the fleshy tunnel endeavored to bring you to the croc's growling gut as soon as possible. The bowels, while tight and hot, didn't really smell bad, which is what would have really made it hard to stay conscious in them. Not that it wasn't hard already, the heat bearing down on you and the stale-at-best air rather difficult to breathe as well...you felt the rippling flesh start to slowly consume your legs, the croc tentatively standing up to push the last of you inside, placing a claw against your dangling feet and ever-so-slowly pressing them in, Rech moaning as he felt them slide past his pucker, before his clawed finger met his pucker again, locking you inside with a wet *shlorp*...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RechSinkBowels) } } } } else { msg ("You turn on the sink. Why did you do that?

You let the water run a bit before turning it off again.") } ]]>
false the false
She looks quite relaxed, floating out in the pool on an inner tube. She's got a drink in one hand, her other one lazily lapping at the water. She's wearing sunglasses, too, even though it's not even that bright in here. Regardless, you probably don't want to interrupt her relaxation. And why would you? She seems quite nice...]]>
Marcie says nothing. Clearly, she's in her own little world right now. You'd be wise to not disturb her... Marcie's womb false
“Ooh...that was fantastic…” she moans as she starts to rub at the bulge you’re making in her womb, your body filling out her midsection quite nicely. It’s a bit harder for her to move in the water, but you could feel the womb shaking around you as she slowly makes her way towards the shallower end of the pool. Each step she takes rumbles around you, even in the muffled environment of the pool. Eventually, though, she makes it over to the shallow end; shallow enough for her to sit down in the water and rub over her swollen womb. “Aah, that’s better…” she said as she plopped her rear down on the bottom of the pool, cradling the bulge you made in her arms. “I’m actually…*huff*...quite pleased you decided to be a dick. I needed some release…” she said, before you heard her starting to moan again. It was pretty evident that she had started masturbating, plunging her digits in and out of her vagina as she feels you attempt to squirm inside of her…]]>
Marcie’s masturbation markedly changed the environment of her womb rather quickly. While the heat was already pounding, it slowly progressed to suffocating every time you heard her moaning outside. The fluids running out of the womb also started to ramp up as well, practically flowing out of her cervix as she continued to get off to your squirms. What you didn’t realize is that those fluids were mostly made of you at this point, your body steadily melting down into more cum for her orgasm. Your only tip-off was the gentle, dull tingling of your body as the cum rushed over you, and the gradual tired feeling that was creeping over your body…") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Eventually, your body just shut off. Most of you was already melted into panda cum at this point, and your consciousness had been gradually fading away since you were squeezed into the womb, anyway. There was just a point where you couldn’t go on anymore, your eyelids drooping over your eyes as you slipped away…

Marcie didn’t really notice any difference in the squirming inside her womb. She was far too into the throes of pleasure at this point to notice or care; the only objective she had was getting off. And she was getting pretty close to completing that objective as well, some of her juices slipping out into the pool already as she plunged her digits deeper and deeper into her nethers. “Aah...so...close…” she moaned before she felt the flood of femcum come firing out of her nethers, the whitish fluid leaking into the otherwise-clear pool water as the panda orgasmed. Although she couldn’t exactly see the volume of her orgasm, she knew you had been transformed into quite the load of it, just judging from how much her belly was shrinking during this orgasm, and how empty she was quickly feeling from it…

Marcie’s orgasm slowly tapered off after the initial couple blasts of femcum, the panda panting and leaning against the pool wall as she reveled in the afterglow of her orgasm. She had created quite the cloud of femcum, floating out of her slit and into the pool water she was in. It was kind of...weird, so she elected to get out of the pool as soon she was physically able to. But that wouldn’t be for a pretty long time. Sitting here in the nice, cool water, basking in her afterglow, was a wonderful sensation for the panda. And plus, it wasn’t THAT weird. She was sure if she talked to one of the janitors around here, they definitely would tell her that they had cleaned cum out of the pool at least twice. She looked across the pool to her inner tube, still absentmindedly floating around the pool. Her drink and sunglasses were floating around somewhere, too, so she’d have to find those. But not right now. For now, she’d just enjoy the orgasm you’d given her...") msg ("
*You disturbed a panda gal's relaxation time...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
false some A stack of clear inner tubes, sitting by the pool. There's currently one missing. Look at You can see Marcie, floating in her own inner tube, relaxing. Something inside you wants to go mess with her, but that seems like a bad idea.") Ask ("Do it anyway?") { if (result) { msg ("
You decide to mess with the panda a bit. She looked to be off in her own little world; she probably wouldn’t even notice you casually floating over towards her until it was far too late...you start gently paddling in the water with your outstretched hands, slowly moving your inner tube towards her own. Taking care to not make any sudden or loud movements, you slowly approach Marcie as she takes a sip from her drink, still unaware of your presence. Soon, you’re about two or three feet away from her inner tube, your legs hanging off the tube facing her. You reel your legs back, and then…") wait { msg ("

You push your legs forward, bopping Marcie’s inner tube! The panda barely has any time to yell before she careens into the pool, her inner tube slamming up against the wall of the pool, bouncing off harmlessly and floating to the deep end. Unfortunately, the momentum of your kick ended up pushing you back as well, sending your inner tube bouncing away...without you, though. You careened into the drink as well, mere feet from Marcie, quickly losing your balance…

You can barely understand what’s happening. One second you’re on the inner tube, the next you’re scrambling in the water, trying to figure out what direction “up” is...until you feel somebody grab you and hoist you out of the water. In a few seconds, you’re face-to-face with Marcie, who looks understandably pissed about what you just did.

“What the fuck, dude!?” she yells, furrowing her brows as she waits for a response. “What? Not even gonna say anything?”") wait { msg ("
You don’t say anything, really. You’re too paralyzed by confusion and fear to respond, unable to even babble an apology before she starts talking again.

“Oh, forget it, you’re not gonna talk…” she says before a smile curls its way across her face. “And if you’re not gonna talk, I’ll just put you somewhere you’re actually useful…hold your breath!” she says before plunging you under the water again! You didn’t really have time to take her advice, scrambling to get back to the surface before you can feel your body being pressed against...something. You really don’t even want to open your eyes to see where you are, but eventually your curiosity wins out...and you open your eyes to a faceful of panda vagina. Yes, Marcie thinks that useful thing you’d be doing is squirming inside of her womb, apparently, because she wastes no time in shoving you inside at all! Before you can even still understand where you are, really, you feel a large push on the back of your head, lodging it firmly between the panda’s lips.") wait { msg ("
Even through the water, you can hear the sharp moan Marcie makes as your body slides up into hers. You can feel it too, the panda shivering as your head stretches out her vaginal walls. You’re still holding your breath at this point, although there seems to be a little bit of breathable air inside of the vagina somehow...and, even with the fluids already funneling out of her womb, it’s still quite dry compared to the pool. You don’t really have much time to reflect on this marked improvement in environment before Marcie pushes up again, her hand running down your back now. With your body wedged into the vagina up to your waist already, struggling is pretty much not an option. Especially with how tight the panda’s walls are; it’s nearly impossible to wiggle just to get comfortable, let alone to try and escape…

You hear another moan from the panda as she pushes again, sucking you into the womb up to your knees! At this point, her tight muscles are the only thing she’d need to slurp you the rest of the way in, and Marcie knows this, taking her hand off your legs for the moment. You feel the vaginal walls clenching around you, threatening to crush you as your head breaks through her cervix and into her womb…") wait { MoveObject (player, MarcieWomb) } } } } } else { msg ("
You decide against bugging the panda, opting to just relax instead. It was hard surviving in this place sometimes, and you needed a break...

Sometime later, you feel sufficiently refreshed to start exploring again, drying off on the poolside and placing the inner tube back.") } } } else { msg ("
Sometime later, you feel sufficiently refreshed to start exploring again, drying off on the poolside and placing the inner tube back.") } ]]>
inputcode input code "You can't input code " + object.article + "." Boss's office false the You look up to see a panther sitting behind a desk. The room you're currently sitting in is quite ornate, mahogany desk situated in what looks to be a mini-library. Bookshelves line the walls, filled with various dusty volumes of everything from Dostoyevsky to Darwin. You were currently sitting on an ornate rug, still dripping croc juices as Rech took a seat in a chair next to you. The panther clasped his paws together and looked to you sitting on the floor, peeking over his desk a bit to do so. He raised an eyebrow before looking at Rech, and nodding. A brief silence ensued before the panther cleared his throat to speak.

\"I assume if you were able to figure out the code to our safe, then our methods of making them completely unrelated to anything in this hotel have been foiled.\" the panther finally says. You open your mouth to speak, but the panther quickly cuts you off. \"You won't need to be speaking at all during this...meeting.\" he says, raising an eyebrow as he adjusts his position in his chair.") wait { msg ("
\"You aren't going to be around for very long after this, so I assume I can tell you everything about this hotel before you go.\" he says, tapping his fingers together on the desk.

\"You've probably seen that there are no other prey around in this hotel...That's for a very good reason.\" he continues, getting up out of his chair a bit to pace in front of you. \"You've probably guessed this by this point, but this is by no means a regular hotel. I consider it a...business venture, more of. Hungry preds book the actual rooms, and interspersed inbetween are the rooms we rent out to prey...like you.\" he said, accentuating the you at the end with a hungry gaze into your eyes.

\"I'm honestly surprised you even survived this long to get this far. You look quite delectable, or you would if we didn't have to transport you like that.\"") wait { msg ("
\"You see, many of these residents pay quite the premium to have food literally amble into their rooms.\" the panther continued. \"All that money pays for all this...\" he said, motioning to the room around him. \"Volumes upon volumes of rare books...not to mention this,\" he said, running a hand down his suit, \"and the ability for me to open more of these hotels around the world. Soon I'll have enough money that I can put into phase Part two of my plan.\" He moved closer to you, leaning into your face. \"The commercialization of you preythings...\" he said, booping your nose, \"As nothing but food for us. Commercialization of the natural order. It's a great plan, isn't it?\"

\"Already, my conglomerate has started putting smaller, actual hotel chains out of business. Most of those were run by preythings by yourself, but that's besides the point...\" he said, rubbing at his gut a bit, \"ah...acquiring and liquidating those assets is always quite nice. But my point is, soon I'll have the whole industry underfoot...and then, there will be nothing that can stop me.\"

You thought to raise a question to the panther concerning the status of international government and the potential applications of the Geneva Convention to this idea, but decided to stay quiet. It would be more interesting for him to find out himself...") wait { msg ("
\"...And then we get to you, specifically. We know you've conspired with the dragoness attendant; we intend to 'remove' her from her position at some point. We also know that you have openly defied the natural order by staying around in the hotel for this long. And you were so close, too. Do you know what those documents could have done?\" the boss said, looking into your eyes again. \"I won't answer that, because you never will know...\" he said, opening his wide maw. \"And soon, you won't know anything. You've been around for far too long, kid, and it's time we evicted you...\"

The panther retreated a bit from you, chuckling a bit at his teasing. He looked at Rech, still sitting in his chair. \"You're relieved from this meeting, Rech. Go attend to the hotel.\" The croc silently nodded, then left the room, locking the door behind him...") wait { msg ("
\"Now. To you.\" the panther said, turning back to you. He gave his gut a rub. \"Aaah...even though I hate having to deal with situations like this, I do have to say I enjoy the free lunches that just come walking right into my office...\" he gave it a pat before leaning into you, giving your face a long, wet lick. \"Ah, even after being stuck inside that gator, you still taste quite delectable...\" You could audibly hear his stomach groan. \"Oh, fine. I guess I can't tease you that much...\" the Boss says as he grabs you with both hands, lifting you up into the air. \"Say hello to all the other 'smart' preythings in there, would you?\" he teased before opening his maw, quickly stuffing your head inside and closing his lips around it, sucking on your head a bit. He was drooling quite profusely, drips of it running down his chin as he tasted your head, unbuttoning his suit as he did so, knowing his already pudgy gut would be bulging out quite obviously soon. You heard a loud \"mmm...\" rumble around you before the panther gulped, your head being locked inside of his throat, the undulating flesh already trying to pull you deeper into the panther...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
You could feel the rough tongue lapping at your chest as the panther gulped again, your chest already lodged inside of his throat...clearly he was quite experienced with \"disposing\" of troublemakers. He seemed to take a great deal of pleasure in teasing as well, his tongue grinding a little bit at your groin before taking another gulp, pulling your waist into his throat. The flesh in the throat rippled around you, pulling you deeper and deeper quite quickly. Every time the panther gulps you can feel the throat squeeze you unbearably hard, pulling you deeper as you tried to struggle against it, but it was useless at this point. You had come so close to figuring everything out, but now you're just going to feed the mastermind of it all...you feel another gulp ripple around you, and your feet pop into the throat, leaving you completely locked inside of the panther.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("twoweirdgulps.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, BossStomach) } } } } } } ]]>
A sleek panther, currently wearing a tailored suit. Does not look happy to see you. Boss's stomach false the
The Boss rubbed at his gut as he felt you fill it out. He loved a nice, squirming meal, especially when they came right into his office. He pulled out his cellphone and dialed his assistant up. "Yes, I don't need lunch after all....*BUUUUUUUURPPP*! Oh, excuse me. As I was saying, I got delivery instead...Yeah, cancel my meetings today, I need time to digest..." he hung up as he rubbed at you again, laughing as he felt you push out weakly against his gut. "Ahh...now, you get it. You might have been smart enough to figure out that safe, but it doesn't matter once you're just more fat for me..." he teased as he gave his gut a pat.]]>
") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
The panther's gut is starting to become quite hostile to your continued existence. It's starting to churn heavily now, not helped by the panther's continuous rubbing of his gut. You think you can hear a conversation happening outside, but at this point you don't care...even survival isn't really on your mind at this point. Really, nothing is on your mind, the gut having sapped you of your energy to even think...all you can think about is the regret, of how close you were...but you couldn't finish the job. Surely this was what the panther was thinking, too, but instead of dwelling on it, he was reveling in his victory.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("") msg ("") msg ("
Your clothes have already melted away into the panther's gut, the loose slop of stomach muck at the pit of the panther's gut getting all over you as you struggle. Unfortunately, the belch the panther gave earlier made it difficult to breathe in this gut in the first place, and it was only getting harder as time went on. You were already feeling losing in your limbs, and most of what you could feel of your body was tingling. It didn't take long for you to lose consciousness inside the panther, lamenting what could have been as you slipped away.

On the outside, the panther was quite disappointed that you had already started digesting. He enjoyed having a squirming belly, and for you to stop your end of this job was quite...disconcerning, to say the least. But it's not like he could bring you back or anything. Instead, he reclined back in his chair, opting to replace the pleasant feeling of squirms with the pleasant feeling of his stomach gurgling yet another curious hotel patron into panther chub. He was still rubbing at it, feeling his gut shrink little by little as he felt his eyelids get heavy. He licked his lips, remembering your taste as he leaned back in his chair. It was another successful day on the job, after all, and he deserved a nap for all his hard work...

Some time later, the panther woke himself up with a long, wet belch. Flecks of drool splattered on his desk as the panther woke himself up, noticing his still-churning gut. He looked at the clock. He'd only been out for around an hour! \"Damn gassy preythings...\" he muttered before dozing off again, first making sure his door was locked before he did so. He didn't want any more interruptions while he slept off his latest catch...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
The boss awoke some time later, his gut having shrunken considerably, enough that his suit fit just fine again. He rubbed at the latest addition to his paunch before swinging by the restroom next to his office. The private bathroom was quite ornate, complete with a high-capacity toilet for those...larger meals, which he sat down on, grunting as he worked the last of you out of him. He got up to look at his \"present\" before wiping with some ridiculously plush toilet paper (probably 16-ply or something like that), then flushed. He chortled as he realized how close you had come to figuring out the hotel's secret, only to end up in the plumbing lines, like every other prey that had just got eaten by the first pred they had come across...") } msg ("
*You discovered the secret of The Hotel!...And the inside of a panther's gut...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. You push weakly at the gut, but it doesn't really give a response.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("
\"Aaah...you're gonna feel great padding out my gut~\" the panther says as he reclines back in his chair, enjoying your struggles.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("
\"And to think you were so close...\" the panther teased as he rubbed at his gut.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("
You heard the gut groan around you...before the panther belched wetly, the gut quickly constricting around you as the air in the chamber started to be depleted.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 5) { msg ("
The stomach growls angrily at your struggles.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("
\"I can feel you digesting away in there...how does it feel?\" the panther asks, somewhat rhetorically.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("
You only manage to make a slight bulge against the panther's chubby gut.") } else { msg ("
\"Keep struggling...it'll wear you out...\" the panther moans as he rubs his gut, feeling you start to digest away inside of him...") } ]]>
false the You are on false Look at Open Close false the false Room 11 Door You turn the doorknob, finding the door unlocked. You go in to find...uh..Selicia! Halfway down a dragon cock! You hear the dragon moan as Selicia wiggles inside his cock, noticing (among other, more..prominent..things) his glowing, yellow flesh, and lack of eyes. Although, not being able to \"see\" wouldn't really matter, as he slurped up the salamander dragon into his cock, either not noticing or not caring that you walked in on his scene. Selicia was already up to her waist in dragon cock at this point, starting to bulge out the dragon's sac a little. She was quite long, after all, and it'd take a while to get all of her down...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidebelly.mp3", false, false) msg ("") } msg ("
Zark gave another moan as Selicia slipped deeper into his cock, the dragoness making a nice, slender bulge inside of his cock. Her shape made it almost impossible to struggle; Zark's ravenous cock was slurping her up like a long noodle, the dragoness's smooth body endeavoring to fight back...but with her forearms already locked inside, and her legs slowly following behind, it was quite hard to do much of anything besides wait...which is what she ended up doing. Soon, her head poked out into Zark's sac, the salty smell of cum hitting her like a smack in the face as the rest of her body continued to be clenched down by Zark's ravenous cock. All that was left at this point was the tail, a cakewalk compared to the rest of the dragoness. Zark lazily stroke at his cock with one hand, feeling at the bulges that Selicia made, as he played around with the tip of her tail, wrapping around his hand a bit before giving it a push, shoving the rest of the dragoness inside of his length. Ever so slowly, in fact, Zark quite enjoying this last part, sliding the dragoness's tail down his shaft. Eventually, the cock slit closed around the tip of Selicia's tail, locking the dragoness inside entirely...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm_deeper.wav", false, false) msg ("") } msg ("
Zark's sac started to swell out with the dragoness's form, Selicia wiggling mightily as she tried to get somewhat comfortable inside her tight, fleshy confines. The dragoness was around twice Zark's size, so his sac swelled up mightily to contain her, Zark himself almost touching the ceiling as he balanced on top of his swelled sac. He started rubbing at his length with both hands now, moaning weakly every time he gave that length one drawn-out rub. Eventually, Selicia's squirms died down, the bulges of her body rounding out somewhat as she was (rather noisily) digested up into dragon cum. The sac started to shrink too, albeit only a little, now that Selicia was more liquid than dragoness...it seemed like the sac had been far too tight and hot for the dragoness, because her squirms died down rather quickly...soon, the swollen sac rounded out completely, Selicia rendered into nothing but dragon cum at this point.

Zark started to stroke at his length quite earnestly now, feeling the dragoness melting away entirely into more cum...his sac became much more squishy, less bound by its contents at this point. Zark felt his orgasm rising, his balls begging to be emptied of their huge load...and then it came, sharp, gooey, hot loads of dragon seed being pumped out of Zark's length, slamming against the bedroom wall as Zark cried out in bliss. It almost seemed like the walls would break from the amount of force that these cumwads were being shot out at...and with the massive volume too, the whole wall ended up being soaked, cum slowly dripping down the walls and onto the floor, leaving a large puddle slowly staining the carpet...Zark came back down to earth slowly, his sac shrinking somewhat with every blast of cum that shot out of his cock. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a long bulge shot up his cock, the dragon almost screeching in pleasure as what looked to be a leg bone shot out of his cock slit, clanking against the floor, then another huge bulge that ended up being the skull of the dragoness, clattering against the wall before it landed on the floor, next to the leg bone. That was the last of his orgasm, the rest of it mostly being lazy drops of cum dripping out of Zark's sac as it finally shrunk down to normal...

Then, Zark looked at you. He didn't say anything, but you felt like he wanted you to leave...so you did.") Selicia.zarktrigger = 0 MakeObjectVisible (Room 11 Door 2) MakeObjectInvisible (Room 11 Door 1) } } } else { firsttime { picture ("zarknote.png") msg ("
There's a note stuck to the door. It's a crudely drawn picture of Selicia, with an arrow drawn from her to what looks like a cock. With a signature, too, from someone named \"Zark\". Looks like it was written in crayon or something.

Guess you should take this to her, then?") AddToInventory (ZarkNote) MakeObjectVisible (ZarkNote) } otherwise { msg ("Door's locked.") } } ]]>
Note false {img:zarknote.png} Look at msg ("That isn't Selicia!") msg ("That isn't Selicia!") You leave the note at the sleeping dragoness's feet. The movement is enough to make her wake up, first scowling at you, then looking down to see the note. Almost immediately Selicia gets on her feet, nearly bowling you over as she runs out of the cave.

You assume she's going back to see Zark. Then, you wonder how she'd even get back to the room...Ah, this place barely makes sense anyway.") Selicia.zarktrigger = 1 MakeObjectInvisible (Selicia) ]]>
false Look at Open Close false the false false Room 11 Door msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 11) false {once:You open the door into...darkness. The entire room is pitch black. There's no echo in your voice, so you think it's a normal room, just...completely black. And silent. You can't even find the door behind you at this point.} You hear a loud creak from somewhere in the room.") } SetTurnTimeout (6) { msg ("
You feel something woosh past you! Gah, what the hell is going on here...") } SetTurnTimeout (9) { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("
You're wandering in the dark, before something hits you *hard*, bowling you over onto the floor. You open your eyes to see a glowing beast on top of you, the creature's fur glowing a dull yellow, illuminating the room (and itself) at least somewhat. The creature's mouth opens wide, showing off its glowing yellow insides, before giving your face a long, wet lick...Then you feel something wrap tightly around your feet, the creature moaning as he thrusts forward. You can't really see what's going on, even with the dull glow of the creature's fur, but you think that you're being slurped up into its cock! You bang your fists against the creature, but your arms are very quickly pinned down by the feral, giving you another wet lick as it thrusted forward again, your knees already locked inside of its cock! It was then you realized how similar it was to the creature you saw slurping up Selicia earlier...was this Zark? He was hungry for a cock meal again!? You silently complained about this creature's sexual appetite as Zark thrusted forward again, quickly pulling your waist into his cockslit...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
You felt another moan as Zark thrusted forward again, the creature slowly taking his grip off of your pinned-down arms as he worked you deeper into his cock. You tried to hit at Zark, and succeeded in landing some blows, but you were already chest-deep in the creature's cock at this point, and the weak wiggles of your legs were accomplishing even less than your arms. Soon, another thrust pulled you in up to your shoulders, locking your arms upright as they tried to reach and hit at Zark. Looks like that wasn't the best idea, because you were now completely immobilized, only able to watch in the dim light as your body slowly made its way further down the dragon's shaft, every thrust pulling the thick shaft closer to you, gradually invading your field of vision entirely, until it was right up against your face. One thrust forced your neck down, popping your head inside of Zark's cock, the creature moaning in pleasure as he felt you slide entirely into his length. He reached a hand down to his cock, rubbing at the bulge you made as he masturbated, each clench of his cock pulling you deeper and deeper, until you felt your legs empty out into a somewhat more spacious area. The sac...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, ZarkSac) } } } else { msg ("
You've been wandering in the dark for a while now. You think you've just gone in a circle, before something hits you *hard* from in front of you, a zigzag of yellow crossing your vision before it happened, knocking you over onto the floor. You feel something big land on top of you, and open your eyes to see some sort of beast, its fur glowing a dull yellow. The creature stared at you for a moment before opening its mouth, showing off its glowing, yellow innards, before its mouth suddenly swung down, your face smacking up against the beast's tongue! You tried to push if off of you, but the creature's ample weight had you pinned down, your arms stuck at your sides, unable to do anything as the creature worked its mouth around your head and shoulders, getting a decent amount of you inside. It was then that you realized how similar this creature looked to the one that had slurped up Selicia...was this Zark? He was hungry again!? You silently huffed at this creature's gluttony before you felt a deep *gulp* echoing around you, pulling you into Zark's glowing throat.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
The flesh inside of Zark gave you a decent view of where you were ending up; the yellow flesh extended down, down into the creature, a narrow opening that you were being pushed through apparent to your view as another gulp sucked you into the throat up to your waist. The pressure of Zark's body had lifted, replaced with the wet embrace of his maw as he licked around your waist and legs, getting little tastes at you before he gulped again. In almost no time at all, the hungry dragon had gulped you down up to your legs, leaving your feet awkwardly kicking outside of Zark's maw. It was obvious Zark didn't want to waste any time getting you inside of him, the creature feeling an emptiness in his gut that yearned to be filled...and so, he took one more gulp, wrapping his tongue around your feet before sending them down, lodging your whole body inside Zark's throat. You could see the approaching sphincter up ahead, a fleshy, puckered, yellow wall leading into the dragon's stomach...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("twoweirdgulps.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, ZarkStomach) } } } } ]]>
false Zark's sac false
Outside, the bulge you made touched the ground, the sac walls outlining your form almost grotesquely. Zark stroked at his length with great fervor, moaning every time he felt you kick around in his sac. The temperature was already rising from his arousal, tiring you out...it wasn't looking good.
The sac walls are quite literally starting to drip big globs of cum at this point. The stuff is drowning you out almost...not like you were much yourself at this point, anyway. What body parts weren't tingling had been completely dissolved into cum, for all you knew. You couldn't feel them, and the cum inside Zark's sac was certainly rising. It had to come from somewhere...not to mention you were quite tired at this point. The sac was just too cramped, taut, and hot to make you NOT want to pass out.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
The sac was just too much for you. Especially the heat, it gave you a pounding headache. Or what you could feel of the headache, anyway. Most of your body was just tingly nothingness at this point. All you knew was that you were tired, exhausted even, and so you slowly collapsed into the pool of cum you were bathing in, slowly becoming nothing but more orgasm fuel for the dragon.

The bulge you made inside Zark's sac slowly rounded out, the imprints you made giving way to the dull, rounded, full sloshings of a heavy, full sac, just waiting to be released. The sac walls relaxed, not being stretched as much now, and soon the sac became jiggly again, with no real solid matter inside to rest on or resist movement with. Zark poked at it cheekily with one claw-finger, confirming that you had been sloshed away into nothing but gooey cum...then, he really went to work on his cock, moaning with every stroke of his length as he thought about the amount of cum inside of him, just waiting to be released...it didn't take much stimulation for the dragon to blow his load, the dragon sitting on his butt as his orgasm came, hot ropes of seed shooting up into the air (occasionally splattering on Zark's muzzle or sac), spreading the gooey liquid nearly everywhere in the room. The liquid shot out with much force, some globs even managing to hit the ceiling, dripping down small drops of cum intermittently during the ordeal. The rounded-out sac was slowly being drained, slowly returning to its normal shape as Zark emptied himself occasionally, the dragon licking at his muzzle to pick up some cum that had splattered on his face....but soon, his orgasm died down, the hot shots of cum being reduced to dribblings of cum from the length. It wasn't as massive a load as Selicia was, but still incredibly satisfying nonetheless. Yes, Zark would have to do this more often...

*You got lost in the dark...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
false sac walls Look at Taut, and producing cum at a worrying pace. ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("All you really do is slosh around the cum inside the sac, getting even more of the sticky stuff on you.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You jostle around the sac a bit, but given you're already bulging it out so much, you don't make much of a difference outside.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The sac walls barely move or react to your struggles at all.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("You try to push out against the sac, but all you do is make Zark's cock drip a little bit of pre.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("Zark doesn't even notice your struggles, the dragon too wrapped up in his own pleasure already for them to be more than pleasureable wigglings...") } else { msg ("You try to struggle, but you only wear yourself out. The heat in here is boggling...") } ]]>
Zark's stomach false the
Outside, Zark sighed as he felt you slide into his gut. You bulged out his midsection considerably, each of your wiggles pleasing Zark intensely. The dragon collapsed right where he had eaten you, curling up a little, feeling a bit tired after consuming such a large meal.]]>
You can feel most of your body starting to tingle at this point. Your struggles had worn you out considerably, and you weren't sure how much longer you'd be able to survive inside the dragon's gut. Every movement you made only seemed to expedite your digestion, making the walls close and clench harder around you, tightening up the chamber, almost like they were angry at the audacity of trying to escape...

Outside, Zark was starting to fall asleep, the bulge in his stomach somewhat rounding out as your struggles became less and less noticeable.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You were completely worn out by this point. It had become difficult to even lightly push against the stomach walls, or to adjust yourself. The stomach acids had really started to work into your skin as well, most of your body either tingling or numb at this point. Your body was collapsed against the stomach walls, tired out, the stomach having defeated you. You felt your eyelids get heavier, before they dropped over your eyes like curtains, your consciousness gradually fleeting from you...

Zark heard his stomach groan loudly as it started to really get to work at his meal, the glrrrn actually snapping Zark out of his little nap. He gave his gut a little lick as he felt (and saw) the bulge slowly rounding out, his stomach noisily working away at the catch inside. The feeling felt so divine, and big meals always made him sleepy...so eventually, he slipped back into sleep, at least for the moment, listening to his stomach gurgle and groan as it digested up what was left of you.

Soon, the squirming, active bulge was reduced to nothing more but a fat paunch for the dragon, resting comfortably on the floor as Zark snoozed you off. The gut rumbled loudly, before Zark felt something foreign and hard surge up his throat. His lips blew open with a deep belch, then something a bit more solid, the dragon belching up a couple of bones that clanked on the floor in front of him, dripping stomach fluids. He would clean them up later...maybe. For now, his nap called again...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Zark awoke sometime later, noticing the bones still in front of him, now dried of the stomach fluids that had coated them. They reminded him that he needed to dispose of the rest of you, as well, and so he did, walking to a specific corner of the room and squatting down before relieving himself of you. He grabbed the bones in his mouth, as well, and placed them near the pile, in an arrangement of sorts. He was sure that if you were around, you'd find it quite funny.") } msg ("
*You got lost in the dark...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Glowing yellow, and secreting a lot of gross stomach fluids. ") } } else if (random = 5) { msg ("Your hand makes a small imprint on Zark's belly, but doesn't really get a reaction from the dragon.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("You felt Zark nose at the place you had pushed out on.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("The belly groaned angrily at you in response to your struggles.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else { msg ("The stomach barely moves in response to your struggles. Are you even making any imprints?") } ]]>
Room 11 false
A large, brown river otter, dressed in the familiar grey outfit of Hotel workers. It doesn't fit him very well, though... The river otter looks a bit startled that you would talk to him, before his face slowly glossed into a comforting smile. \"Oh, uh, hello...\" he starts. \"I'm George, and I work at the hotel. This one. This hotel.\" He pauses a bit before asking you a question.") Ask ("\"Do you need help?\"") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Ah, what do you need help with?\" he asks before looking you over. \"Oh no, I think I'm pretty sure I know what you're asking about. One of those nasty preds tried to gobble you up, right? Trying to get away from them?\"") Ask ("Is that it?") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Ah, perfect. Well, I'm just the guy to come to! Follow along, I'll lead you someplace safe...\"

The otter turns around and walks down the hallway, making a left. You follow behind, somewhat hesitantly, not sure where you were being led to. You didn't trust many people in this hotel, but George seemed nice, almost aloof...The river otter keys open a room, revealing a hotel room similar to yours.

\"Every worker at the hotel gets their own room. This is mine, so nobody in here is gonna try to get you...\" George said as he walked into the kitchen, coming out rather quickly with two glasses of water as you sat down at a table in the room. \"Now,\" George said as he sat at the opposite side of the table, sliding a glass over to you. \"Tell me about it.\"

You were rather thirsty, so you took a swig from the water before you started talking. You don't know at what point during your talk you started feeling tired, but you were feeling REALLY tired now. So tired in fact, you fell forward, knocking your head against the table. If you hadn't already fallen asleep, you probably would have knocked yourself out from the head bang...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } wait { msg ("
You came to sometime later, still in that same chair. But, when you tried to move your arms, you found that they were tied to your body! You weren't tied up against the chair, but you were still bound by some ropes, binding your arms at your sides and your legs together. The only movement you could muster was a weak wiggle...and that's when you notice George in front of you. Or, rather, the river otter's quite large rump, hovering mere inches from your face. You tried to yell, but then you noticed the gag in your mouth as well, stopping you from crying out. \"Oh, wake up, did we?\" you heard George's voice again, from somewhere in front of you. \"Well, that's even better, then. I can feel you squirming up there even more vigorously~\" you heard the otter said before his rump plunged against your face, your nose instantly popping past his pucker, with your whole face following soon. You could hear a guttural moan from the otter as his pucker continued to expand around your face. You couldn't stop the rump's advancement at all, the pucker quickly sliding down around your head as the otter put more and more pressure on his hips, your body easily sliding up into the otter's experienced pucker. The inside of the otter's bowels was rather slick, a faint musty smell wafting from deeper within the otter as you slid further in. It really didn't take much effort for George at all...apparently he was pretty good at this. How'd you ever fall for this, anyway?") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } wait { msg ("
You heard a *pop* around you as the pucker expanded around your shoulders, George groaning with pleasure as he worked his way around the widest part of your body. \"Nngh...I can already tell you're gonna look great on these hips~\" he teased before giving another push, his rump sliding down all the way to your chest, and still going quite quickly. You could feel George slowly lift his rump up, pulling your waist and legs up into the air, straightening them out so he could clench them in more effectively...and, yes, you soon felt a mightly clench around your midsection, pulling your waist in, leaving your knees teasing at the otter's pucker. Even if you could kick your legs, it wouldn't do anything at this point, the otter had just too much leverage...you felt another clench pull you deeper, your feet slowly slipping past the meaty pucker, locking you fully inside the otter...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, GeorgeBowels) } } } } else { msg ("\"Oh? If that's not it, then what's the problem?\"

{command:ask George about tokens: Ask George about tokens?}") } } } else { msg ("
\"Ah. Well, then, be on your way, then. If you ever need help, though, feel free to come to me!\" He says before stepping around you to continue his \"patrol\".") } } ]]>
You tentatively follow the otter as he turns around to lead you to this presumed token. He was walking strangely proudly, looking like his chest was puffed up or something...it was just a minor detail, though. It didn’t take long before the two of you reached a corner, you being far enough behind George that he was able to completely disappear behind the corner before you could even round it. You tried to catch up a bit, though, and started to round the corner, before you caught a glimpse of George - that was, before his outstretched paw covered your mouth with some sort of cloth. You instinctively inhale, in what was perhaps a gasp, before you could feel your eyelids drooping over your eyes, your whole world quickly going black…") wait { msg ("
The first thing you noticed when you came to was the immense pressure surrounding your face. It felt like you were being smothered by an incredibly weighty pillow! Almost immediately, like out of some primal reaction, you started struggling underneath the weight, feeling like your air supply was about to be cut off entirely by this thing. It took a few seconds for you to take in the rest of your environment; whatever was on top of you was close enough to pretty much black out your vision entirely, but you could certainly still smell it. It was an odd mix of scent; a distinct, yet faint waft of ammonia, mostly overpowered by a strong, musky, heady smell emanating from whatever was on top of you.

Your struggles were almost immediately cut off by an increase in the pressure on your face. You had already started doing the math, but your hypothesis was confirmed after you heard a familiar voice coming from above you. “Ah, awake already? I knew those smelling salts would do the trick…” George teased, feeling you squirming delightfully underneath his rump. Smelling salts - that was the ammonia you caught a whiff of! Indeed, George had a package of the salts hanging off of his erect shaft, dangling right down onto your chest as the otter pinned you underneath his rear. You would congratulate yourself on your deductive skills, but you currently had a much more pressing situation to get yourself out of…") wait { msg ("
You continued struggling under George’s rump for quite some time...but without any real result. The otter had your upper body pinned completely, and your legs couldn’t exactly kick up to hit the otter, considering you were lying on your back. You could hear the otter chuckle as you wore yourself out, before he started grinding down on your face harder, bringing your nose and face closer to his fleshy pucker, the source of the musky scent that currently dominated your sense of smell. “Damn, that was easy...I could just eat you, but considering I have you completely at my mercy…” George teased, accentuating that last part with another grinding of his rump on your face, “I think I’ll have a bit more fun with ya. But first…” you heard him say again, before pressing his rump even harder down onto your face. You thought you were going to pass out again, the musky odor enveloping you as George grinded on your face some more...before you felt your nose rubbing up against his pucker, the fleshy ring slowly yawning open to accept it, the flesh quickly wrapping around any inch it was given.

You could already feel George clenching around your nose as he started to pull you deeper, the sphincter slowly opening to accept the rest of your face despite your best struggles. Already you could tell where that musk was coming from, the heady odor emanating from deeper in the otter, getting stronger and stronger as you got more...intimate with the otter’s rear. You could feel George’s ass already starting to grasp at you, the rippling flesh clenching around your face and head and pulling it deeper quite easily. It was pretty easy for you to slip in with how slick the otter’s bowel walls were; they were almost unusually slick, like he had lubed up beforehand or something…

You could hear George moaning as he started to take you in, the otter gladly stroking at his erect length as the smelling salts still dangled from his shaft. With how slick the otter’s bowels were, your body slid up in almost no time at all. George had a hand on your back, trying to push you up deeper, but honestly, he didn’t really need it - the grabby clenches of his body were more than enough to get you where you were going (whether you liked it or not). You could feel the sphincter impossibly stretching around your shoulders, the slick flesh expanding over them like they were no problem. That was what really scared you - your last resort was a now-futile hope that the otter couldn’t take your shoulders in. That hope was quickly dashed as you felt your shoulders sliding up into the musky, warm embrace, George moaning loudly as his pucker started moving down your chest...") wait { msg ("
George stopped clenching as hard as you were around halfway into his rump. You were starting to feel a bit woozy at this point, the pounding heat and powerful stench draining your body of any energy. You hoped he was having second thoughts, but then you felt some movement outside, the otter raising his rump off the ground somewhat, leaving the rest of your body awkwardly dangling outside of his rump. You felt one of the otter’s hands reaching around to grip your side, holding you steady as your feet felt ground again. At this point, you were (rather awkwardly) standing up inside George’s rump, your struggling reinvigorated by the otter’s movement. The bowel walls were still locktight around your body, preventing most of thost struggles, but you weren’t going anywhere at the moment.

You heard the otter’s voice again, more muffled behind layers of flesh, muscle, and fat, but still at least partially intelligible. “Hah...time for the fun part…” you heard him pant, before suddenly, you felt the flesh rippling around you again...but this time, in the opposite direction? Yes, you were coming back out, the otter gripping you strongly as he lifted his rear up and off of your erect body, using you like...like some sort of dildo! You could hear George huffing and panting as he did it - even with all the lube, you were still quite the large sex toy, and it was pretty difficult to pull you out, seeing as you were already lodged so deep inside, but the otter was trying anyway...and he was definitely succeeding. You felt your chest hit the cold outside air again, coated in lube and bowel juices. Soon after, your shoulders slid out, accompanied by a powerful, primal roar of a moan from George which practically shook the bowels around you. You were barely even aware of the fact you were coming back out before you did, your head sliding out of the otter’s pucker with a wet *pop!*.") wait { msg ("
“Hah...this is what..I was talking about…” George groaned as he gripped at your side, still stroking at his throbbing cock with his other hand. Your neck was still tilted up, looking at George’s gaping rear as it hovered menacingly over you, pucker yawned wide to accept your body again. You didn’t have much time to attempt escape, or even really look at the otter’s rump, before it dropped down around you again, your whole body sliding back in up to your chest with one lewd, wet *sqlch*! You slid straight past the pucker, the rippling walls barely even registering on your skin as you were pushed back inside. You had some time to notice that you were even deeper into the otter’s rump before you heard another guttural, rumbling moan from George, and another hip movement, George digging his fingers into your side to make sure you didn’t go anywhere as he slid his hips up again, the cool air of the hotel room once again greeting your used body.

“HAAaaaaaaAAaaahhh...so good…” George moaned loudly, his mouth practically hanging open as he felt you slide out of his bowels again. Your head slit out of the pucker again, the fleshy ring perfectly stretched out to your form, George not bothering (or able?) to shut it at this point. You barely had time to breathe before George plunged his rump down again, the otter practically shuddering as he took more and more of you in. While the first time, you only slid in a little bit deeper, you could DEFINITELY notice the change now, the otter’s pucker nibbling at your knees after George was done pushing you in. “F...fuck…” you heard the otter moan as he started moving his hips up and down, just a bit this time. You could feel the flesh sliding up and down your body as George moved his hips, moving a bit slower as he took a “break”, so to speak. He felt his orgasm coming on, his cock practically begging to explode at this point, but he didn’t want to orgasm quite yet. Your squirms were simply delectable, and he knew once he orgasmed, the clenches of his body would lock you away for good…") wait { msg ("
However, George’s break was short lived. The otter took a deep breath before he started lifting his hips up again, even quicker at this point. The rump practically slid past you, the pucker brushing past everything from your shoulders to your ankles as George eagerly rode you. You got the impression he probably couldn’t handle feeling those shoulders sliding out again, so he didn’t give you a chance to breathe this time around, electing to just slide up to your shoulders, then quickly sitting down back to your knees, and eventually even your ankles, the otter’s pucker brushing up against your feet at one point. You were officially just a sex toy at this point, with no say in what was happening; you were pretty sure even if you squirmed, the otter would barely be able to feel it, as he was just so lost in the throes of pleasure at this point…

Eventually, the hip thrusts became almost confusingly quick and long. You could hear constant huffs of pleasure from the otter now; he was approaching orgasm, and he wasn’t backing down at this point! Instead he was just pushing further, hoping for his firehose cock to blow so he could experience the absolutely divine feeling of you sliding up into him permanently alongside an earth-shattering orgasm…") wait { msg ("
You felt the flesh clenching around you for the first time in a while as George finally reached orgasm. His body lurched and spasmed as cum rushed out of his throbbing cock, splattering against the floor and even managing to make it to the wall opposite him! It was a wonderfully, powerfully messy and voluminous orgasm, George practically falling down onto his rump as he clenched. It was so quick, both the clenches and George’s final sit, that you barely realized your feet had been slurped up into the bowels, the unfamiliar sensation lost behind the absolute chaos of George’s orgasm...Your body practically disappeared into George’s rump, the clenches blasting you past the first couple of turns of his intestines, lodging you firmly inside of him before his orgasm finally died down, leaving you as a struggling, pleasant-feeling belly bulge the otter could rub and tease at as he basked in his afterglow…

“....Ho...holy fuck…” George sputtered as he leaned up against the wall. His cock was still dripping cum even as it started to soften, a solid line of white, musky otter cum splattered across the floor and wall, practically dividing the room in two. He noticed the squirming bulge in his gut, gradually traveling further inside of the otter. “Hah...told...you it’d be...fun….” he gasped as he rubbed at his gut, feeling your occasional squirms from inside. ") wait { George.AV2 = 1 MoveObject (player, GeorgeBowels) } } } } } } } } else { msg ("You decide to not follow the otter, who stops shortly after. \"Oh, uh...guess you don't want to, after all? That's fine...\" he says before slowly resuming his patrol.") } } ]]>
George's bowels false
Outside, George moaned as he felt his rump meet with the chair, finally being able to sit down again as he rubbed and cradled at his now-full gut, clenching occasionally to pull you deeper. Each clench rippled the flesh around you, shooting you deeper into the otter's bowels, like somebody from behind had just given you a massive push...!") } ]]>
You've been winding through the otter's bowels for quite a long time now. You can hear the gentle gurglings of his stomach getting steadily louder, a good measurement of your \"progress\" inside the otter's tumultuous intestines. You still don't really want to think about where you're ending up, though...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } if (George.AV2 = 1) { msg ("
It seemed like an eternity before you felt your head bump up against some sort of fleshy wall. Then, with another clench from George, the wall slowly parted, revealing itself to be a sphincter; in fact, THE sphincter you were waiting for, the one connecting to the stomach...one more clench pushed your head through, the sickeningly sweet smell of the organ hitting your nose almost immediately, making you gag a little bit. A few more clenches pushed the rest of your body out into the stomach, the chamber far more roomy than the bowels..but it wasn't like you could struggle, anyway. The stomach walls were quite tight around you, making it so you had to curl up in the otter's stomach, even considering the difference in space between the bowels and the stomach.") } else { msg ("
It seemed like an eternity before you felt your head bump up against some sort of fleshy wall. Then, with another clench from George, the wall slowly parted, revealing itself to be a sphincter; in fact, THE sphincter you were waiting for, the one connecting to the stomach...one more clench pushed your head through, the sickeningly sweet smell of the organ hitting your nose almost immediately, making you gag a little bit. A few more clenches pushed the rest of your body out into the stomach, the chamber far more roomy than the bowels..but it wasn't like you could struggle, anyway. The ropes binding your body still held fairly strongly, making it quite hard for you to even move around inside the otter's stomach. Instead, the stomach walls did that for you, their constant kneading tossing you around like a doll, rubbing stomach fluids into every crevice of your body.") } MoveObject (player, GeorgeStomach) } } } ]]>
false bowel walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. if (George.AV2 = 1) { random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("You try to struggle in the otter's tight bowels, but the flesh really prevents you from doing anything more than a wiggle.") } else { msg ("\"Keep struggling...that's why I pulled ya out, anyway. Keeps ya wiggling longer...\" George teased as he rubbed over the bulge you made in his gut, giving it a dense pat as well that echoed around you.") } } else { random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("Your rope bindings essentially bar you from struggling entirely.") } else { msg ("You can't struggle at all, but you can still hear the otter's voice echoing around you. \"Keep wiggling...at least try, anyway~\" you heard him tease.") } }
George's stomach false
Outside, George releases a loud belch before noticing his length, still throbbing, this time against the bulge you made in his gut. \"Well, I guess I could go for round 2...\" the otter teased before he laid back against the wall, one hand jerking at his length casually as he rubbed at his squirming gut with his other hand. Truly, this was bliss for the otter. You, not so much...") } else { msg ("George's stomach is considerably more roomy than his bowels, but that doesn't help much, considering it's still trying to digest you. You can feel the ropes binding you starting to digest just a little bit, but they're still holding you rather tightly...

Outside, George releases a loud belch before noticing his throbbing length. \"Oh, I'm always down for a bit of 'celebration'...\" the otter teased before he laid back in the chair, one hand jerking at his length casually as he rubbed at his squirming gut with his other hand. Truly, this was bliss for the otter. You, not so much...") } ]]>
You've expended quite a bit of your energy trying to struggle out of the otter's gut. Honestly, it was becoming pretty difficult to move around. The vigorous dildo session George gave you really wore you out...you were starting to feel physically sore from the whole ordeal. Or maybe that was the tingling of the stomach acids...? Either way, it kinda hurt.") } else { msg ("
You've expended quite a bit of your energy trying to push out against the ropes constraining you. You could feel them starting to give away, if only you pushed anymore...yes! The thick strands finally snap, one by one, you eagerly throwing off the ropes across the stomach as you go to wholeheartedly struggling against the stomach walls, trying to get George to spit you up. Was it too late, though...?") Rope.digested = 1 } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } if (George.AV2 = 1) { msg ("
The otter's bowels were already an ordeal enough; the stomach was just wearing you out more. You were already quite tired, and you could feel various parts of your body tingling and losing feeling. Especially your mind; while not physically tingling, you certainly felt like it was being numbed by the environment of the stomach. The constant smells, sounds, and heat were doing a toll on your body. You resolved to fight to the end, but eventually you couldn't muster it, losing consciousness inside of the otter's stomach...

George was midway through his masturbation session when he heard his gut groan rather loudly. \"Looks like they're done in there...\" he said before he gave his gut an earnest pat, feeling the sloshing mass inside of it slowly start to digest down into something more liquid. At the same time, he started to pump at his length harder, enamored with the sensation of digestion. He felt so full, so wholly full, and that set him off wonderfully...he had already been edging himself for a bit while you gurgled down, but now he was really going at it, and so his orgasm soon came. While not as voluminous as the first time, it was still quite powerful, the otter shooting hot, sticky ropes of seed against the wall, the cum splats dripping down them and staining the floor. It seemed that George had been looking for the perfect squirmy, meaty dildo...it was just bad luck that it ended up being you.

\"Haah...I need to do that more often...\" George moaned as he came down from his orgasm, the otter's length still dripping a bit of seed as he collapsed against the wall. He was already lounging in post-orgasm bliss, and could have fallen asleep right then and there, but decided to expend the energy to at least walk to his bed before passing out, rubbing and massaging at his groaning gut as it broke you down into more and more otter...
") } else { msg ("
It had already been incredibly difficult to struggle out of those rope constraints, and the otter's stomach walls themselves weren't any easy task, either. You were already quite tired, and you could feel various parts of your body tingling and losing feeling. Especially your mind; while not physically tingling, you certainly felt like it was being numbed by the environment of the stomach. The constant smells, sounds, and heat were doing a toll on your body. You resolved to fight to the end, but eventually you couldn't muster it, losing consciousness inside of the otter's stomach...

George was midway through his masturbation session when he heard his gut groan rather loudly. \"Looks like they're done in there...\" he said before he gave his gut an earnest pat, feeling the sloshing mass inside of it slowly start to digest down into something more liquid. At the same time, he started to pump at his length harder, enamored with the sensation of digestion. He felt so full, so wholly full, and that set him off wonderfully...he had already been edging himself for a bit while you gurgled down, but now he was really going at it, and so his orgasm soon came, the otter shooting hot, sticky ropes of seed against the wall, the cum splats dripping down them and staining the floor. Every shot was so powerful, and with so much cum coming out...it was quite clear that George had been pent up for a while, looking for the perfect snack. It was just bad luck that it ended up being you.

\"Haah...I need to do that more often...\" George moaned as he came down from his orgasm, the otter's length still dripping a bit of seed as he collapsed against the chair. He was already lounging in post-orgasm bliss, and could have fallen asleep right then and there, but decided to expend the energy to at least walk to his bed before passing out, rubbing and massaging at his groaning gut as it broke you down into more and more otter...
") } if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
George awoke the next morning, one last belch slipping out of his mouth before he felt a familiar pang in his lower bowels. He practically jumped out of bed and went into the restroom, squatting down on the toilet as he relieved himself of your remains. \"Ugh....glad that rope didn't show up...\" he said as he looked over the pile he had left, before flushing it all away. He's had bad experiences with ropes before, and made sure to buy ones made out of easily-digestible materials to avoid a potentially painful and embarrassing aftermath...") } msg ("
*You took the bait...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The stomach walls push back against your every blow, like some sort of weird trampoline, bouncing you backwards every time you push against them.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You only succeed in covering yourself in more of the stomach's juices, the slimy, runny stuff getting all over your hands and arms, running down them, as well.") } else { msg ("\"Ah, you feel great in there...\" George moans, patting his gut as he feels you squirm inside. The pats jostle you around a bit, making you lose your footing in the stomach.") } } else { if (Rope.digested = 0) { msg ("You can't struggle at all, the ropes are binding you too tightly...") } else { random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You try to push out against the stomach walls, but soon you hear a loud belch from the otter, and they constrict against you even harder.") msg ("") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The stomach walls push back against your every blow, like some sort of weird trampoline, bouncing you backwards every time you push against them.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You only succeed in covering yourself in more of the stomach's juices, the slimy, runny stuff getting all over your hands and arms, running down them, as well.") } else { msg ("\"Ah, you feel great in there...\" George moans, patting his gut as he feels you squirm inside. The pats jostle you around a bit, making you lose your footing in the stomach.") } } } ]]>
false the msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 12) Look at Open Close false It's a pretty standard-looking hotel room. false bathroom You open the door into the bathroom. You had heard somebody showering when you entered the room, and your suspicions were confirmed when you saw the shadow of a taur in the shower curtain, scrubbing up as the water ran down their body. “Hello? Who’s there?” a feminine voice called from inside. You didn’t respond, and after a few seconds you saw the curtain draw back to reveal an alpacataur. “Oh, thank heavens. I thought it’d be someone dangerous…” she starts. “The name’s Addison...do you think you could do me a favor?”") Ask ("Help her out?") { if (result) { msg ("
You nod to the alpacataur’s request. “Oh, thank you so much. You see, I can’t really wash...uh...back there..” she makes what she’s talking about clear with an exaggerated wiggle of her rump. “If you could take a sponge and help me out back there, that would be great.” She grabs a sponge off the shower rack and hands it to you. “You should probably get undressed, yourself…”

Sponge in hand, clothes on the floor, you get in the shower behind Addison. Her pucker and slit are on full display, practically inviting you into them as you rub and wash under her tail and along her rear. Occasionally you brush past her slit, making the alpaca blush and moan slightly with every stimulation. You take your time washing her up, but it seems like you’re just making her more aroused…!") wait { msg ("
In one swift movement, Addison presses her rump down on your hand, the appendage slipping wrist deep into her slit! You can only hear a moan from the alpacataur as your hand slides up into her vagina, as she starts baring her weight down on you, leaving your hand with nowhere to go with up. In no time at all, despite your best struggles, you’re arm deep into Addison’s vagina, the powerful flesh clenching and pulling you deeper, your head hovering just outside of the awaiting slit, and your other arm trapped at your side as the slit clenches around your shoulders. WIth nowhere to go but up, your head slides into Addison’s slit, the alpacataur moaning as she feels her flesh stretching around your head.

The flesh around you feels like it’s crushing you, and her clenches aren’t helping that feeling, either. Each clench sucks you deeper like a vacuum, your body making rapid progress into Addison’s womb. In no time at all, the slit is expanded around your waist, Addison crying out in pleasure as she feels your body starting to be pulled deeper and deeper into her sex. If you could struggle, it’d probably drive her insane...but you are definitely in no position to struggle, the walls are just too tight to allow any movement from you at all. You just thank the stars you can even breathe in here…") wait { msg ("
You feel Addison moving around you, walking backwards a bit, bumping her rear up against the wall of the shower. You feel your feet pressed flat against the wall, and hear a powerful moan around you as Addison pushes against it, like your legs were some kind of suction-cupped dildo against the wall...this is getting the rest of you in quite quickly, though, and in what seemed like no time at all the slit is closing its lips around your feet, locking you away from the outside world...") wait { MoveObject (player, AddieWomb) } } } } else { msg ("\"Oh. That's fine...\" the alpacataur says, sounding noticeably disappointed. \"Then leave, if you could. I'd like some privacy...\"") MoveObject (player, Room 12) } } ]]>
Addie's womb false The tightness of your enclosure cannot really be understated. The walls prevent all forms of movement, forcing you to curl up weakly inside the womb as fluids start to fill the chamber. Already, you’re feeling a weak tingling throughout your body, as Addison “enjoys” your squirms deep within her body. You can’t see, but she has her tail firmly in between her lips as she moves her rump around, grinding it up against her slit somewhat. It’s somewhat hackneyed, but it’s clearly working, from what you can tell of the rising heat in her womb... The heat in the womb is really starting to rise as Addison gets herself worked up. She’s starting to move her rump faster now, grinding heavily up against her tail as her rump is firmly planted against the wall. It was quite an odd, and powerful, sensation for the alpacataur, certainly boosted by the wriggling bulge inside of her.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
Some time passes, before you hear Addison’s voice echoing around you for the first time. “My apologies..I got a little too excited. I am wondering, though, would you like to stay inside? I can let you out right now, if that option isn’t attractive...you should know that, if you decide to stay inside, you won't come out in the same form, though...”") Ask ("Stay inside of Addie?") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
“Oh, really? Well, I guess you want to be cum then...it was nice knowing you~” Addison teased before you felt the womb start to get a lot warmer, the alpacataur’s arousal clearly on the uptick, somehow. The fluids started to come quicker as well, flooding out the chamber and making your body even more tingly than it was before. You had been wondering where these fluids were coming from, until you tried to move your arms and legs and noticed...you couldn’t. Or at least, you couldn’t feel them moving. What you didn’t know is that they were already starting to melt away into more alpaca cum, ready to fuel Addison’s orgasm...luckily, you weren’t around for much longer to actually experience that, the pounding heat and tight walls slowly taking away your strength, before you finally gave in and slipped away…

Addison barely noticed that the struggles you were making had died down as she ground against her tail, moaning every time the tail brushed past her lips...it didn’t take much for her to cum, moaning in pleasure as she felt that femcum rushing out of her slit and splashing against the shower floor and wall. You had ended up as quite a large load of cum, and Addison definitely noticed how long her orgasm was, even though the cum ended up washed away just like the rest of the water she was using to shower...eventually her orgasm started to die down, though, the rest of the cum idly dripping out of her slit as she reveled in her post-orgasm bliss.

“Aah...what a wonderful toy~” she commented before getting back to work on her shower, scrubbing up a bit before finishing up and stepping out. That bit of play had honestly tired her out quite a bit...a nap was starting to sound pretty nice.") msg ("
*You helped a taur out...*

==GAME OVER==") finish } else { msg ("
“Oh, all right...well, I’ll give it my best try…” Addison responded. The heat in the womb was already quite suffocating, but it picked up as the apacataur was getting more and more aroused, the fluids increasing in volume as well as they started to flow out of her slit freely. Now, it was quite clear that she was really getting off, lewd huffs and moans accompanying the flush of fluids that threatened to drown you out...you felt the walls clenching around you in tune with these clenches, threatening to crush you inside of her womb!

But then, the cervix finally gives way, one massive clench from Addison sending you the way you came, squeezing you back out through the cervix like a tube of toothpaste, accompanied by a healthy rush of fluids. You slid back out of the alpacataur like her vagina was a waterslide, Addison’s copious fluids mixing with the water of the shower and pooling in the tub as you made your way out. You could hear her moaning with every movement you made, the alpacataur in the middle of a quite powerful (and voluminous) orgasm...you felt your head peek through the slit, and the rest of your body followed soon afterwards, practically crashing against the back of the shower wall. You were a bit dazed by your sudden landing, and opened your eyes to see Addison leaning over you. “Sorry, I guess I got a bit carried away...thanks though.” she says before handing you a towel to dry yourself off, as you just noticed the shower had been turned off...how long had you been out...? Whatever. You decided to just let it go, drying off before leaving Addison to her own life.") MoveObject (player, Room 12) } } } } } ]]>
false the msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 13) Room 13 Door Look at Open Close false This room is a bit different than the others. First off, you notice the bed is a lot larger, and seems to be in the shape of a heart. Second off, the carpeting in the room is a dullish pink. Third off, there seems to be no other doors in the room, like there was no kitchen, bathroom, etc. It was kind of odd...") if (ListContains(ScopeVisible(), Werewolf Girl)) { msg ("
You also notice the same werewolf girl from the restroom, sitting on the bed. Apparently, this was her room...well, the aesthetic matched, at least. She looked immediately to you, with a flustered, blushy look on her face, a bit of drool running down her chin.

\"Oh, just what I needed...\" the girl says before getting up from the bed. She's quite a bit larger than you, easily towering over you as she started moving towards you. You got the feeling it was a bad idea to try and stay here, especially as she gets closer...

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND ESCAPE!==") wait { if (RandomChance(65)) { msg ("
You try to get the door behind you open, but before you can bolt out, you feel the werewolf girl literally crash down upon you, knocking your body against the door. It takes a couple seconds for you to collect yourself, before you find yourself face-to-face with the gal, her drool strands dripping down from her chin and onto your chest. \"Relax, sexy...I just wanted a kiss~\" the werewolf girl says, before puckering up and moving her head forward. At the same time, she grabs at your sides, making sure you couldn't go anywhere as she subjected you to this kiss...") wait { msg ("
Despite your best efforts to turn your head away from the werewolf's approaching lips, they soon meet, the werewolf girl giving you a little smooch before going deeper. You felt her tongue ferreting through her opening lips and sliding into yours, the drooling appendage making its way deep into your mouth! You tried to pull your head back, but it really had nowhere to go, so you were forced to feel that slimy muscle rummaging around in your mouth as the werewolf girl's lips continued to move closer to yours. Somehow, they were still managing to gain ground, even though they had been pressed together quite a while ago...soon, you start to feel more than just the werewolf's lips on yours, the girl's lips starting to expand and move over the rest of your face! You tried to struggle as the werewolf slobbered all over your face, but that tongue was still buried deep in your own mouth, basically locking the two of you together. You could feel the werewolf's drool starting to run down your own chin as her lips moved over the rest of your face, the werewolf girl forced to open her mouth somewhat as she moved over more of your face.") wait { msg ("
The werewolf's tight grip kept you from struggling much as she gained more ground on your head, her slobbery embrace now covering the entire front of your head. Your awkward position forced you to tip your head down a little bit, seeing as you really had nowhere else to put it...you had a good view of the inside of the werewolf's mouth, brimming with drool as she practically suckled on your head. Her tongue was still in your mouth, but you could feel her gradually pulling it out, the muscle escaping your own lips with a wet *pop!*. Immediately it got to work, slathering you in more of the werewolf's sticky saliva before you felt her lips slipping down the back of your neck, closing comfortably around your neck as your head lay against her tongue. You continued to try and struggle when you could, but occasionally you felt some hard squeezes from the werewolf girl if you wiggled too hard, keeping her toy in check somewhat. You were forced to basically be a bystander as the werewolf girl suckled on your head, occasional \"mmm...\"s of satisfaction echoing around the cavern of her mouth as she tasted you.") wait { msg ("
By now, the werewolf's tongue and arms had guided you closer to the back of her mouth. You could feel her lips starting to move down your neck, beginning to tease at your shoulders before you felt something starting to suck you into the back of her throat...


Suddenly, your head lurched forward, bumping into the back of the werewolf's mouth before tilting down somewhat and quickly being snatched up by her yawning, hungry throat. One gulp was enough to pull your entire head in, and you could feel the throat flesh tight around your head, trying to drag you deeper as the werewolf gulped a few more times, pulling you into her mouth up to your waist and leaving you lodged in her throat up to your shoulders. You could tell the throat wanted to pull you into her stomach, but she held her grip strong, just letting herself move at her own pace in gulping you down...") wait { MoveObject (player, WerewolfGirlThroat) } } } } } else { msg ("
You manage to get the door behind you open and bolt out back into the hallway before the werewolf girl catches you. You weren't sure if she was horny, hungry, or both...but it's probably not the best idea to go back in there.") MoveObject (player, third floor) } } } ]]>
false third floor the false third floor the false third floor the ring ring "You can't ring " + object.article + "." knockon knock on "You can't knock on " + object.article + "." usestall use stall "You can't use stall " + object.article + "." swimwith swim with "You can't swim with " + object.article + "." 30 10 35 false 30 30 false 30 60 60