-Mini Story Fluttershy Vampire Queen by Colonist!- You: *gasp* What the - ! *You bolt upward and look around. You’re sitting back in your bed, but it’s still dark out. That’s quite odd given that you’re a night person, and you didn’t turn in for the night until shortly after midnight. Night gamer and all that, but you somehow manage to flawlessly integrate that with the day schedule that a student would have. You turn to check the time on your desk clock: 0300. It doesn’t wake you up for a few more hours.* You: What a trip! Was that even a nightmare? *You try and grasp onto the treacherous bits of the dream that are starting to clear from your immediate post-waking memory and piece them together. You remember letting Fluttershy into your house. Did…the two of you hook up? Something like that maybe, but there’s a vampiric…no…succubus-like element surrounding it. And that doppelgänger of yours: he was in the dream somehow, but where?* You: Damn it, I only remember getting up to the part with the foreplay. I don’t think I even got there! Stupid partial dreams - *A flash of lightning with an immediate crack of thunder interrupts you. You’re startled for a second and turn to look out the window. It’s raining. Heck, it’s pouring judging by the torrential rain that you’re now hearing coming down on the roof. Judging by the thunder, that lightning bolt was too close for comfort. You: Hope no one’s walking outside tonight at this time! *Right on cue with that sentiment, someone starts banging on your front door. It sounds panicked.* You: As if I needed something else to creep me out tonight! *You make your way to the door, unsure of what/who to expect. Part of you wants to think that it’s Pinkie. She’s capable of the most unexplainable things. What if she decided to prank you with a real life recreation of a nightmare that you just woke up from!? Maybe she pulled some strings with that alicorn princess from the other world who you’ve heard can allegedly enter and manipulate dreams! You’re almost certain that’s the case until you get to your door and look through the peephole. Through the downpour you’re able to make out a somewhat familiar figure wearing a yellow hooded sweatshirt with the hood pulled all the way up. It’s Fluttershy! You throw open the door and usher her inside.* You: Fluttershy, what are you doing out there at a time like this!? Get inside, or you’ll catch cold! *Fluttershy practically collapses on her knees after crossing the threshold of the doorway. She wraps her arms around herself to try and preserve whatever warmth she’s shivering away, but it doesn’t look like it’s doing her any good given that she’s completely drenched. You’re tempted to get her out of those clothes yourself, but the impending implications dictate that you let her take care of it.* You: You can explain it to me later, but get yourself warmed up with a hot shower! Down the hallway. *You hear Fluttershy chatter out a quiet thanks, and she get up to make a beeline for the bathroom. You sigh, and almost as quickly as you finish exhaling, you hold your breath: you just remembered more of that dream. It was dark in that neighborhood, and Fluttershy had showed up to your door in that dream too! You start making a tenuous connection to the vampiric element as you realize that vampires need an invitation to enter one’s home - the way she had just done right now!* You: Are you even listening to yourself!? You’re not psychic! This is just…a coincidence. Yeah, a coincidence! *You do your best to disregard this “coincidence,” and you put on the electric kettle to boil some water. Once Fluttershy gets out of the shower, she’s definitely going to appreciate some hot chocolate. It’s only polite to have a mug waiting for her. You’re in the process of getting yours out when she enters the kitchen to join you - wearing nothing but a towel! You do your best to carry on without betraying your obvious stare.* You: That was pretty quick for a shower! If it was Rarity, I wouldn’t want to imagine how much she’d run up my water bill. Fluttershy: Hehe, don’t let her hear you say that! I didn’t really need to scrub off anything. A quick run of some hot water, and I’m feeling better already! I’m sorry for just walking in with just a towel, but I didn’t want to impose in asking to borrow some of your clothes. You: It’s really not a bother. You can throw yours in the dryer, and you can continue explaining to me what’s up when you get back. I’ll have to hot chocolate ready and waiting. Fluttershy: Ooh, hot chocolate! *Fluttershy gets up to retrieve her soaked clothes and throw them in the dryer. You drop a hot chocolate square tablet in her mug, throw in a spoon, and slide it over for her. She returns and takes it in her hands. Thankfully, or not so thankfully to your male side, the towel stays fixed in place without her holding on to it.* Fluttershy: Thanks! You: No problem. Fluttershy: It’s really pouring out there, huh? You: No kidding. Why were you out there? Fluttershy: I couldn’t sleep. You: Went out for a walk in this weather? Fluttershy: Well…I thought I could pay a visit to the cat that Sunset’s been visiting in that alleyway and the weather was in my favor until the rain. You: Forecast was showing a chance of heavy thunderstorms in the early morning hours. Fluttershy: Hehe, my phone weather app said that there was only a 50% chance of it. You: You’d coin flip getting potentially stuck by lightning? Fluttershy: But the cat! I couldn’t just… *You half chuckle. It’s just like Fluttershy to not think odds through when animals are involved.* You: Sunset’s told me about that cat. It’s been a pretty street savvy stray from what I’ve heard. It’s always got some cardboard box to take cover in. Even when the garbage man comes through to take all the recyclables, it somehow manages to find another one to drag and take shelter in. I’m sure it will be fine for the night. Talk to Sunset sometime, and see if you can fast track it through the animal shelter to get it adopted by either of you two? Fluttershy: Hey, that sounds like an idea! Why didn’t I think of that sooner? *Fluttershy shifts backward in her seat only to notice that her towel tugs downward when she does. In her haste to hold it in place, she momentarily loses grip on her mug. By the time that she’s able to catch it in midair, the contents tip over in her direction and spill all over her and the towel.* Fluttershy: Oh! *She gasps in surprise at being covered newfound stickiness and warmth courtesy of the hot chocolate. She lets go of the now soaked towel. Your first instinct is to worry about her getting potentially scalded, and your immediate second instinct (the male driven one) combines with the aforementioned first instinct as you rush over and start licking away at the liquid on her chest. Your brain immediately catches up with your rash action, and you stop licking as you turn your gaze up to meet Fluttershy’s. Surprisingly, she doesn’t look the slightest bit shocked or offended.* Fluttershy: Oh…my. I had no idea. You: S-sorry, I got ahead of myself! I - Fluttershy: I mean…now I actually have the need to do more in the shower than a quick hot water run… You: Fluttershy, this is really starting to feel like a dream. Fluttershy: O-oh? How so? You: This sounds crazy, but I just woke up from some crazy dream that I’m not sure was even a dream or a nightmare shortly before you showed up at my door. And right now…I’m feeling a huge sense of déjà vu with how things are happening as they are. Maybe it’s best if you leave as soon as your clothes dry. Fluttershy: Is that so? What if you’re still dreaming right now? Would it make sense to stop? *That’s a good point. You were about to pinch yourself, but why? Fluttershy smiles, takes you by the hand, and pulls you back into the shower with her. You disrobe to match her, and she throws her arms around your shoulders, kissing you at the same time. You return the kiss, fully committing yourself to letting this play out. Fluttershy breaks away to momentarily rest her head against your chest. It’s not even a few seconds before you feel a strange moist tingling around your neck. She’s sucking? No…she’s nibbling! You look down, and you notice the irises in her eyes glowing red. Her teeth appear more elongated! This is a nightmare! You make your escape, and you give your arm a big pinch.* You: *gasp* I’m awake! Okay! I’m awake for real! *You sure are. Looking over at your desk clock, the time reads 0550. It’s almost time to get up anyway, so you deactivate the alarm and get out of bed. You’re about to go wash up with something else on your desk catches your eye. Two very familiar looking mugs, a bra with a butterfly clip, and a note with someone else’s handwriting? You read it.* ???: Hehehe, sleep well? Maybe I should’ve tested this on a night that didn’t lead into a school day! I made a little trip across the portal, snuck into the night alicorn’s chambers, and made out with some magic “dream dust.” Sprinkle some of it over any written story, recite a little incantation, and I can bring it to life in dream form. Pretty nifty, huh? Why don’t you have that animal-loving girl with the big tits over for some hot chocolate sometime? For real this time? That way, you’ll be able to return her bra in person, haha! Have fun explaining why it’s in your possession! *You crumple up the note with a mixture of anger at being duped and gratefulness at the hot, yet short dream that you were given. Still, you’re compelled to shout a very familiar sentiment at the one in question.* You: Grrrrr…Doooooppy!