The clanking of dishes and the murmur of conversation filled the air. Dressed in a tight uniform that left little to the imagination, Kevin navigated through the bustling restaurant, tray in hand. He had come to dread the revealing outfit, but the tight dress directly correlated with his tips—the more skin he showed, the more he earned. And he needed every penny he could get. Although it still felt alien to him, he’d been slowly adjusting to the routine of waitressing. He was even starting to master the balancing act of carrying a full tray and navigating a busy restaurant in heels. But there were aspects he still struggled with. “Hey doll, can I get another beer over here?” A bearded man in the corner booth raised his glass in Kevin’s direction. As Kevin approached the table, the man’s gaze lingered on his cleavage, and he smirked. “Sure thing, sir,” Kevin replied in his soft, feminine voice. He hated the way the men leered. It made him feel cheap. “Nice tits, sweetheart,” the man said, his eyes still fixed on Kevin’s chest. “And a pretty face, too. You’re a real catch.” “Thank you, hun,” Kevin replied, trying to swallow the discomfort. He balled his hands into fists, his manicured nails digging into his palm. “I’ll be right back with your beer.” As he returned to the bar to fetch the drink, he caught sight of his reflection in the mirrored wall. The girl staring back at him was still a stranger: big ass, full breasts, a soft – and, yeah, pretty – face. After serving the beer to the bearded asshole – earning Kevin another round of “compliments” – he retreated to the break room. He leaned against the wall, his breaths coming in short bursts. The image in the mirror and the man’s lewd comments were all too much. Pressing his hands to his eyes, Kevin tried to stem the impending tears. His breasts felt heavier than usual, and he felt suddenly exhausted. Just then, Emily walked in, her face etched with concern. “Hey, Kev. Saw that table giving you a hard time. You okay?” Kevin nodded. “Just... just another day, Em.” Emily patted his shoulder. “Remember, this isn’t forever. Just until you find something else. Something better.” Kevin wiped his eyes, forcing a smile. “Yeah, I know.” “And hey,” Emily said, poking him in the side. “At least you’re making more tips than any of us! The other girls are jealous. You’re gonna save enough to get your own place in no time!” Kevin snorted, rolling his eyes. “Silver lining, huh?” “That’s the spirit,” Emily grinned, patting his smooth cheek. “Now, chin up. We have customers.” With a sigh, Kevin straightened his top and fixed his makeup. He may have felt uncomfortable in this new life, in this new body, but he’d just have to make the best of it. One tip at a time.