Happy Suburbs Ep. 6 *shows the white parked outside a abandoned building in the ghetto* *cuts to happy gang inside and myron is bbqing a rat* rocky: Umm bro? Why you cooking up remy? myron: Look! I havent ate in the past 24 hours im taking what i can get! Alexis: But theres a working fridge in the corner. *shows the fridge and its open with alot of food in it* *myron stares* myron: Fuck off hoe. *myron continues to eat the rat* dre: Ight guys.. We got all the Greed donuts in the present. We need to decide right now whos going into the past to get the other three. *dre pulls out the time machine* Alexis: pandora do you have that journal still? You think you can translate where the 3 vaults are in the past? *pandora pulls out the journal and looks through the pages* pandora: Hmmm we got a problem.. The greed donuts in the past tell us what era there in, but dont exactly say where the vaults are.. dre: of course! Make it harder for us.. Pandora: hmmmm... Ok Found the locations i think.. its says.. "tsaP ehT fO stunoD ehT" "semit livediM" "noisserpeD taerG ehT" "IIWW" Myron: Can you stop speaking gimberish and say the damn shits??! pandora: SHUT YO ASS UP IM BOUT TO!!! rocky: Remember myron this God language is just english words backwards. pandora: It reads.. "The Donuts Of The Past... Midevil times... The Great Depression.... WWII..." pandora: i aint goin to WWII. rocky: WHAT THE FUCK THOSE ARE THE MOST RACIST TIMEZONES FOR US!!! Alexis: Honestly... it could of been worse. pandora: Alright guys where should we go first? rocky: I think we should go to the great depression first, Everyone will just be sad so i think we can get through that one easily! alexis: Why do you have to say something stupid everyday?? rocky: Yo mama. pandora: Ok its settled were going to the great depression first! *dahmir stands up and grabs the timemachine from pandora* dahmir: Guys i think i should do it.. I always get in the way.. I feel unless when im around you guys.. I want to prove to you guys i am someone and i am as strong as you! I promise ill go back in time and get the greed donut and save the worl~ *before dahmir finishes his sentence rocky grabs the time machine* rocky: Shutcho bitch ass up! Were doin this together! rocky: Take us to 1929! *happy gang teleports to the past for 5 seconds then they come back* pandora: DUDE WHYD YOU MAKE US COME BACK?! rocky: I gotta bring some food to flex on these niggas! pandora: NIGGA CAN WE JUST GO!? *everyone touches the dick shaped time machine and time zoowops to 1929* *its cloudy outside and theres ppl all in groups standing close to each other, theres a wind breeze around them* Alexis: hmmm. A dark theme for a dark age makes sense. rocky: How do we kno this is the great depression time? alexis: Those posters! Look at those prices just for bread! *shows a poster for white bread thats 8 cents per loaf* rocky: 8 cents? Nigga they trippin over 8 cents? Have they not seen the gas prices in 2022?? alexis: DUDE! THIS IS THE PAST! EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT!! rocky: Ykno how im ending this conversation? Ayo myron how much cash you got on you? myron: A few G's a few G's brudda! rocky: Go buy all the white bread out that store! *shows myron running in the store* alexis: AYO STOP! STOPPPPP!!! YOU GONNA FUCK UP TIMELINE!! Pandora: Judging by the journal, The Greed Donut has to be somewhere in this Time. But the problem is i dont know where the FUCK! It could be. dahmir: Ayo is that the donut right there? *shows the greed donut on the ground glowing* alexis: Ayoooo theres no way it was that easy. dahmir: Yall too negative! Watch! Imma go pick up that greed donut right now! *dahmir goes reaches for the donut* *then a poor guy pops up and grabs the donut before dahmir* dahmir: HUH?! poorguy: OH MY GOD ITS A BAGEL! poorguy: YESSIR!!! *poor guy starts twerking yelling yessir* rocky: NO THE FUCK ITS NOT! poorguy: YESSIR!! pandora: ITS NOT A FUCKIN BAGEL! poorguy: YESSIR!! rocky: ITS NOT A FUCKIN BAGEL GOOFY!!! poorguy: YESSIR!! pandora: GIVE IT FUCKING BACK YOU BROKE COON!! poorguy: YESSIRR!!!! rocky: ITS A FUCKIN DONUT!! STOP!!!! GIVE IT BACK GOOFY!! poorguy: YESSIR!! *the poor guy runs away with the greed donut* rocky: DAHMIR WHY YOU STANDING THERE?! GO FUCKIN AFTER HIM!!! dahmir: But guys, what if he needs it more than we do? pandora: SHUTCHO YO STUPID ASS UP!! GO GET THE FUCKIN DONUT!! *Shows man running yelling yessir thru the forest* myron: GETCHO BROKE ASS BACK HERE GOOFY!! *cuts to the man running into his house* *shows the poor man with his family trying to eat bagel* *the poor guys son speaks* poor guys son: papa i cant bite the bagel! Its too hard! poorguy: shutcho bitch ass up and eat dis damn bagel *happy gang bursts through the door* pandora: AYO GIVE US DAT BAGEL- I MEAN THE FUCKIN DONUT! GIVE US THE FUCKIN DONUT! poorguy: NO! THIS IS OUR BAGEL! pandora: GIMMIE!! poorguy: NO!! pandora: GIMMIE!!!!!! poorguy: NO!!! pandora: GIMMMIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! rocky: YKNO WHAT MOVE!! *rocky throws money at them* poorguy: HUH! *rocky steals the donut* *happy gang runs out the house* rocky: Ok! guys we got the first greed donu- *CIA pulls up in some cars* rocky: what the- CIA: Is that a bagel you got there? rocky: uhh.. No CIA: Haha! CIA: YOINK *CIA man steals the donut from them* rocky: AYO THATS OUR FUCKIN! *CIA drives away* myron: mann this some BULLSHIT!!!! dahmir: Where could they take the greed donut?? Alexis: Somewhere.. Well either way it cant be that bad- *cuts to them infront of the white house* alexis: *inhales* FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!