================================================================= Cogmind Public Changelog version: Beta 9.2 ================================================================= NEW - New feature MOD - Modification to existing system FIX - Bug fixes ================================================================ Cogmind Beta 9.2 (191112) - "Robotic Riches" * NEW: [Steam] Supports Rich Presence, sharing current build, location, and status with friends * NEW: [Steam] Option to deactivate Steam Rich Presence (advanced.cfg: disableSteamRichPresence) * NEW: Option to modify certain color schemes to be more colorblind friendly (advanced.cfg colorblindAdjustments) * NEW: Option to display remaining integrity in item/robot popup labels (advanced.cfg mapLabelsShowIntegrity) * NEW: Option to fully highlight visible cave-in areas rather than the low-distraction default (advanced.cfg highlightCaveinAreas) * NEW: Manual explicitly mentions "Ctrl-Alt (Hold)" also highlights areas that can cave in * NEW: Manual explicitly documents "Ctrl-+/-" as global volume up/down commands * NEW: Scoresheet records current movement-related variables under Cogmind header * NEW: Scoresheet relative alert level percentages now also recorded on a per-map basis * NEW: INVERT renderFilter variable * NEW: [Abominations mode] Explicit log message when Paradox Anomalies repair Cogmind parts * NEW: [Abominations mode] Final boss also has unique parse text * MOD: [Abominations mode] Fire/Sundering Anomalies won't appear until -7/-8 respectively * MOD: [Abominations mode] Negative Anomaly effects no longer applied to themself if affiliation modified via Field Lobotomy Kit * MOD: Complex 0b10 capable of remotely opening blast doors under certain additional circumstances * MOD: Scoresheet Parts and Peak State lists now align part names taking into account any prefix * MOD: AI combat pathfinding and targeting behavior updated, less likely to be blocked by non-combatants * MOD: "More Dakka Please" achievement condition more specifically requires kinetic projectiles * FIX: New pushing algorithm for machines releasing parts might unnecessarily destroy parts under special circumstances [Valguris] * FIX: External issues likely caused by Steam cloud for runs played across multiple sessions could cause incomplete scoresheet achievements list [Valguris] * FIX: A8 manual hacking code wasn't reported in message log in a certain scenario, even though properly received [Vagluris] * FIX: No longer able to enter Proximity Caves directly via large 0b10 bases [Valguris] * FIX: Possible crash under extremely rare circumstances involving a controllable ally attempting to attack Cogmind [Gitida] * FIX: New scoresheet game number tally incorrect for Rogue mode if previously played Adventurer or Explorer mode [Solar Sloth] * FIX: Part autopairs weren't remembered between maps [Benjamin] * FIX: New scoresheet system wasn't handing out score threshold-based achievements for current run, instead based on previous run in same session [5taquitos] * FIX: Field Recycling Units could be used to refine matter into even more matter [NikolayAg] ================================================================ Cogmind Beta 9.1 (191029) - "Abominations!" * NEW: Unique Halloween mode for 2019, automatically activates on 10/31 for anyone who has played at least three runs * NEW: Command line argument "-forceMode:Halloween2019" (or "-forceMode:Abominations") to enable the Halloween mode from 2019, regardless of system date * NEW: [Abominations mode] 20 new robots, most with unique new capabilities * NEW: [Abominations mode] Other event-specific mechanics * NEW: [Abominations mode] 1 new hidden map * NEW: Added explicit status indicators for quicksave/load buttons once activated, since process might cause a wait on slower machines, or larger maps * NEW: Robots detected outside FOV via RIF/FarCom can now be labeled all at once through the normal means * NEW: All patron supporter names registered since Beta 9 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All patron item-attribution names registered since Beta 9 added to the item collection gallery * MOD: Confirmation delay block on quicksave/oad buttons reduced from 1000ms to 250ms * FIX: Excessive mouse clicks on quicksave/load buttons in game menu could cause unintended movement once returned to main UI [Ms Vella] * FIX: New scoresheet result printed after reloading at least one quicksave from game over screen included extra string data [Ms Vella] * FIX: Crash in Beta 9 handling of part loss streak data for scoresheet in runs loaded at a certain point [Ms Vella] * FIX: Using the cursor to hop over an allied 2x2 bot when no hostile in view would succeed but then immediately hop back to the origin [Valguris] * FIX: New scoresheet wasn't recording "Final Capacity"/"Final Carried" entries for every map [Valguris] * FIX: Control(Seal) hack could be manually accessed a second time any time before effect triggered [lsend] * FIX: Target datajacked by Cogmind that later died of unknown cause might be attributed to Cogmind, even though Datajacks no longer considered hostile [Xii] * FIX: Typo [Level 255 Snoopkirby] ================================================================ Cogmind Beta 9 (191022) - "Wizardry" * NEW: 17 new items (4 new mechanics) * NEW: 2 new unique superweapons * NEW: 89 new scoresheet entries (total = 888) * NEW: 1 more Garrison Access hack * NEW: 1 more Trojan() hack (secret) * NEW: 1 more brute force hack (secret) * NEW: 2 more robot variants * NEW: 1 new robot hack: amplify_resonance * NEW: 1 new cave encounter * NEW: 6 more parse_system text entries for NPCs * NEW: Relay Interface Framework now upgradeable by connecting to more RIF Installers * NEW: RIF abilities UI accessed through new HUD button when available (or via keyboard: Shift-Alt-f) * NEW: Added dedicated difficulty selection menu on first startup * NEW: Adventurer/Explorer difficulty settings include a manual quicksave/load slot (Ctrl-F7/F8, or in game menu) * NEW: Option to remove quicksave/load feature for Adventurer/Explorer modes (activate in advanced.cfg: noManualSaving) * NEW: Manual includes a section on "Saving/Loading" * NEW: Additional tutorial message on first time using a RIF Installer * NEW: Siege mechanic available to all multislot treads via overloading, enforces temporary immobility but provides numerous buffs * NEW: Item info window lists Siege stat for all treads, either N/A, Standard, or High * NEW: Robots entering siege mode temporarily show as a flashing a yellow X on map * NEW: Option to automatically activate treads when attacking, if possible (activate in advanced.cfg: autoActivateTreadsOnAttack) * NEW: Option to automatically transition applicable treads out of siege mode on attempting to move (activate in advanced.cfg: autoDeactivateSiegeModeOnMove) * NEW: Most robots with Critical immunity converted to the new Coring immunity, only protects core instead of both core and parts * NEW: Scoresheet analyzes and records class distribution of Cogmind builds, and dominant class per map * NEW: Option to show dynamic build type analysis above parts list (activate in advanced.cfg: showBuildType) * NEW: Scoresheet includes ASCII map of surroundings at run end * NEW: Scoresheet data divided into more subcategories * NEW: Scoresheet records per-map values for many stats * NEW: Scoresheet records hacks counts at non-Terminal machines as well * NEW: Scoresheet explicitly lists all Trojans installed * NEW: Scoresheet includes brute force hack records * NEW: Scoresheet robot destruction tallies differentiate between subtypes * NEW: Scoresheet indicates specific cause of death, if lost * NEW: Scoresheet "Parts Attached" subsection divided into subtypes * NEW: Scoresheet fabrication list also indicates whether schematic preloaded * NEW: Scoresheet includes breakdown of all slot types and when added * NEW: Scoresheet subdivides average slot use by subtypes as well * NEW: Scoresheet includes last 20 message log lines preceding end of run * NEW: Scoresheet lists complete history of notable actions and events during the run * NEW: Scoresheet stats tally actions individually * NEW: Scoresheet "Game" and "Options" section entries have their values aligned * NEW: Scoresheet parts/inventory list includes content/attribute details, e.g. Drone Bay and Relay Coupler contents * MOD: Scoresheet route no longer records discovered exits blocked by special modes like Gauntlet and Super Gauntlet * NEW: Added score component "Regions Visited" * NEW: Several new sources of bonus points * NEW: Output stat dump for in-progress run (Shift-Alt-s or via Records menu) * NEW: Mid-run stat dumps also output full message log based on Log Output settings * NEW: Part swap menu includes autopairing detection for easier reswapping of multiple parts * NEW: Parts with an applicable autopair have a tick next to them * NEW: Show all applicable autopair names by holding Shift-Alt-a, or hovering cursor over an autopair tick for 500ms * NEW: Swap all applicable autopairs with Shift-Alt-w * NEW: Manual hacking autocomplete shows available relevant options as a list in most cases, including item schematics which are filtered while typing * NEW: Manual terminal hacks use the direct hack chance if an identical hack is listed at that machine * NEW: Added a way to teach new players about extermination squad tracking mechanics and assault dispatches * NEW: Advanced commands help explicitly lists F12 as a screenshot key alongside PrtScn * NEW: Manual "Advanced Commands" section lists every command, including a few otherwise previously undocumented special (rare) commands * NEW: Manual explicitly states that damage overflow from non-gun weapons has no additional defenses applied to it * NEW: Robot data CSV export includes precise core exposure beside percentage value * NEW: Robot data CSV export includes total energy generation * NEW: Alternative type of Proximity Caves base * NEW: Doubled the duration of Modified TNC Hauler realtime manifest popups * NEW: Control Modified TNC Hauler realtime manifest popup duration via advanced option "modifiedTncPopupDuration" * NEW: Integrity/mass sorting of inventory also subsort by integrity (high-to-low) for otherwise matching items * NEW: parse_system robot hack gives component IDs even for targets with otherwise special text * NEW: Scan window includes abbreviated explosion data for explosive props * NEW: Starting to move via overweight flight requires confirmation * NEW: Player-dropped parts crushed due to lack of room now reported in message log * NEW: Score data that should be uploaded but fails because offline or bad connection will be reattempted on subsequent startups until success * NEW: Scores and stats now uploaded to a proper database * NEW: Scoresheet appends URLs for online TXT/JSON access to that run, if uploaded * NEW: Special codes menu for manual hacking includes explicit notification about using Esc to enable typing in that mode * NEW: Tutorial message explicitly indicating that machine info contains effect descriptions for installed Trojans * NEW: Will Glynn added to credits for leaderboards database * NEW: All Alpha supporter names registered since Beta 8 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All patron supporter names registered since Beta 8 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All patron item-attribution names registered since Beta 8 added to the item collection gallery * MOD: Removed a number of scoresheet entries (obsolete under new format) * MOD: Renamed a number of old scoresheet entries * MOD: Degree of system corruption-induced component data loss differentiated in message log by text instead of only color * MOD: Scoresheet high/max security percentage folded into same system as lower alert levels * MOD: Scoresheet "Average Slot Usage (%)" and "Naked Turns" entries no longer tallied in Scrapyard * MOD: Scoresheet "Salvage Created" includes that from machines * MOD: Scoresheet "Spaces Dug" now records only intentional digging, while new "Terrain Destroyed" entries refer to all wall/earth destruction * MOD: Scoresheet "Major NPCs Destroyed" renamed "Uniques/NPCs Destroyed," includes broader range of non-primary plot characters * MOD: Scoresheet "Play Time" and cumulative value formats changed * MOD: Scoresheet speed records use time-based speed rather than percentage-based * MOD: Scoresheet no longer lists Prototype IDs * MOD: Scoresheet propulsion-related entries always list legs before wheels, matching part ordering behavior * MOD: A number of low-value sources of bonus points removed from scoresheet (included in history log instead) * MOD: Increased bonus point value of Zhirov's final act * MOD: Changed command line syntax for forcing AFD modes ("-forceMode:AFD[year]") * MOD: Command line parameter for preventing AFD/special modes now "-noSpecialMode" * MOD: Hvy. Explosive Trap (in deployed form) renamed to Heavy Explosive Trap * MOD: Gui. Missile Launcher slightly weakened * MOD: Quantum Capacitor size and integrity doubled * MOD: Weapon Cycler effect cap lowered to 30 * MOD: Humpback mass doubled, capacity increased 25% * MOD: Doubled defensive hackware protective effect against allies being hacked by hostile Programmers * MOD: Greatly improved Q-Series loadout algorithm * MOD: Linked Autogun rating increased from 5 to 7 * MOD: Cld. Cesium-ion Thruster coverage reduced * MOD: Cld. VTOL Module support reduced * MOD: Burnout rates on all hover/flight units increased * MOD: Desublimator matter output increased * MOD: Significantly increased mass of all Powered Armors * MOD: Mass of heavy armors increased 50%, medium armors increased 30% * MOD: Increased range of Sensor Array and Improved variant * MOD: Increased range of Terrain Scanner and Improved and Makeshift variants * MOD: Increased effectiveness of Seismic Analyzer and Terrain Scan Processor * MOD: Heat Shielding and Thermal Generators less common * MOD: High-tier slashing weapon delay increased, along with other smaller adjustments * MOD: Greatswords' coverage decreased * MOD: All electromagnetic weapons consume twice as much energy * MOD: All datajacks once again compatible with autoswapping system * MOD: Damaging a Garrison Access randomly destroys some of the Relay Couplers inside * MOD: Ejecting Relay Couplers from a Garrison Access never dispatches an investigation from that source * MOD: Coupling squads now always composed of a single Programmer * MOD: "Signature Confirmed" achievement conditions more specific * MOD: "Equal Opportunity Bot" achievement requirement increased to 30 to account for additional class divisions in new scoresheet * MOD: Being scanned by a Researcher no longer has the same effect in all Research branches * MOD: show_paths robot hack uses same coloring for Swarmer paths as for other common squads * MOD: Temporary input mode indicators at top of parts list now use background color matching UI borders * MOD: Overweight indicator at top of parts list now matching UI border color, and overweight flight/hover use yellow instead of red * MOD: Manual hacking autocomplete uses a two-step process where a command includes a variable, rather than treating a full command as one * MOD: Manual hacking autocomplete adds new content only via Tab, rather than Tab or Space * MOD: Ctrl-Backspace while typing a manual hack erases back to the previous '(' if there is one, rather than always clearing the command * MOD: Robot analyses from conduit interaction now included in scoresheet total * MOD: Breaching an Access Garrison triggers maximum security at turn 3 instead of 5 * MOD: Scoresheet "Regions Visited" value excludes Scrapyard * MOD: High-rating Phase Shifter effect reduced * MOD: "Fragile Parts" challenge no longer applies its rule to any storage units * MOD: Disabled Programmers cannot be rewired with Datajacks * MOD: Disabled Imps can once again be rewired by bumping without a Datajack * MOD: Rebalanced one of the final branch fights * MOD: Assault squads are somewhat more powerful * MOD: High Security dispatches grow increasingly deadly with each dispatch * MOD: Proximity Caves base can only appear once per run * MOD: Piercing weapons double target core exposure for hit location calculations (was x1.33) * MOD: Coupling squads no longer appear randomly in -8/Materials * MOD: Machines that release parts push away nearby items if no immediate room to place, rather than rolling over to furthest available position * MOD: Ferrying EX-Prototypes out via allied Haulers will be caught as usual * MOD: Component Analysis Suites also show a log message when re-identifying common part data lost to corruption * MOD: Relay Coupler [NC] rating dropped to 1 * MOD: advanced.cfg disablePersistentAccuracyInfo option itemLabelRelativeRatingCutoff does not affect Relay Coupler labeling * MOD: Adv. Salvage Targeting Computer no longer a prototype * MOD: Lab cheese tactics addressed (x2) * MOD: Core reset also clears sensor layout knowledge from a certain NPC's data core * MOD: 8R-AWN can no longer appear in Materials during Gauntlet or Super Gauntlet challenges * MOD: Difficulty modes rebranded, now referred to as Rogue/Adventurer/Explorer instead of default/easier/easiest * MOD: Reversed order of difficulty modes in options menu, hardest listed last * MOD: Manual "Difficulty" section updated * MOD: Options.cfg "easyMode" setting renamed "difficultyMode" * MOD: Removed log message reporting difficulty level at beginning of new runs * MOD: No Operators spawn at depth -10 in Adventurer/Explorer modes * MOD: No Operators spawn within view of starting location below depth -8/-7 in Adventurer/Explorer modes * MOD: No Alarm Traps found below depth -7 in Explorer mode * MOD: Increased brightness of bars and numbers for data visualization of inactive parts in Parts and Inventory windows * MOD: Gallery prompt for player name also mentions Sage+ patrons * MOD: References to "0.10" versioning removed from all changelogs * MOD: [Steam] Achievements retroactively downloaded from the cloud no longer count as achieved in the current run, CSV exports indicate ? for Game Number * FIX: Certain special/plot-related Terminal hacks could be accessed manually outside of the intended locations [lsend] * FIX: Explosives could reveal invisible triggers which protected floor cells from destruction [lsend] * FIX: Terrain Scanner activation animation temporarily pinpointed unrevealed traps [lsend] * FIX: Crash on passing time via 'p' menu action while an item inspection window is open when Chronowheel reversion takes effect [lsend] * FIX: Attaching a 1-integrity Chronowheel had no effect, but would continue the animation indefinitely [lsend] * FIX: Entering a backslash while tagging an inventory item briefly opens the full-size Evasion window [lsend] * FIX: Having a second info window open to inspect a target's part while tagging an inventory item would cover part of the tag UI [lsend] * FIX: Using the keyboard to open attached part info while dragging a part with the mouse then releasing the drag hard locked the interface [lsend] * FIX: If advanced.cfg stopOnThreatsOnly option set to 1, holding wait key wouldn't pause action for ARCs coming into view [Tone] * FIX: Holding wait key didn't pause action for approaching hostiles if no FOV changes involved [Tone] * FIX: Transport Network Couplers included inactive Haulers in mapwide Hauler count [Tone] * FIX: drop_inventory hack reported wrong numbers in message log when Hauler carrying multiple part types [Tone] * FIX: FarCom prevented specific robot variant name popups outside FOV [Tone] * FIX: Two log messages during a particular extended run battle appeared in reverse order [Tone] * FIX: Inventory item predicted coverage visualization values were incorrect, did not take into account the part itself [Tone] * FIX: Bypassing inventory via direct drop/attach of part in coverage or relative vulnerability mode did not update inventory visualization [Tone] * FIX: Scoresheet "Combat Hostiles" melted tally wasn't accrued in all cases, nor was "Pyromaniac" achievement always checked [Raine] * FIX: Gallery HTML export Drag stat added in Beta 8.1 caused misalignment in propulsion stat headers [Raine] * FIX: Phase Shifter effect description did not indicate they only work against ranged attacks [Raine] * FIX: Impact-caused corruption always showed as "1%" in the message log, regardless of the actual value [Raine] * FIX: advanced.cfg hudHeatPerMoveTurnwise/hudEnergyPerMoveTurnwise options displayed incorrect results in the HUD [Raine] * FIX: Assault squad support units dispatched against groups always favored Demolishers, and dispatched more than intended [Raine] * FIX: "Overflow Damage" in scoresheet was not being tallied based on player attacks [Valguris] * FIX: Derelict logs pre-locating and identifying specific exits was broken in some cases [Valguris] * FIX: Letting the Chronowheel take effect removed the multiconsole buttons until restart [Valguris] * FIX: Triggering a single Alarm Trap in the Extension main corridor did not deactivate others in same array [Valguris] * FIX: advanced.cfg disablePersistentAccuracyInfo option blinked the per-weapon targeting info rather than removing it [Valguris] * FIX: Crash on Mines cave-in encounter if no room for excavation squad's escort to enter map [Valguris] * FIX: Broken or unpowered bots could be considered threats in some cases [Joshua] * FIX: Slowdown when a squad leader stuck in any area inaccessible to other squad members [Joshua] * FIX: Allied A* bots normally capable of activating kill switch for Enhanced bots did so even when the latter are allied [Joshua] * FIX: Random traps could still spawn in special encounter rooms [Joshua] * FIX: Derelict Logs recording an entrance to a later map only showed popup label when applied, no corresponding log message [Joshua] * FIX: "Fragile Parts" challenge crashed on attempting to swap parts affecting inventory capacity when at maximum capacity [CaptainWinky] * FIX: One of three Researcher part identification situations referred to Cogmind instead of the Researcher in message log [CaptainWinky] * FIX: Hallucinogenic terminal effect modifying sprite mode settings retained permanently if entered a new map while in progress [CaptainWinky, Pimski] * FIX: Targeting mode could not autotarget/tab to enemies currently on right or bottom edge of map [Maiker] * FIX: Gunslinging would never choose enemies currently on right or bottom edge of map [Maiker] * FIX: Taking a shortcut to Zion after visiting Exiles did not appear correctly on the world map [Maiker] * FIX: Researchers being disrupted while holding target in stasis kept the beam active for a bit afterward [3.14] * FIX: Data Miner dispatch redirects could still occur despite player having affected DM in certain ways [3.14] * FIX: Left an unintended clue about a secret superweapon [Trione] * FIX: A Beta 8.1 alert modification made it unlikely to trigger Ride The Lightning achievement [Gobbopathe] * FIX: Potential PHP issue related to score uploading [antifed] * FIX: "Label Object Under Cursor" command removed from in-game list since that already occurs automatically [Gerhard] * FIX: Some sources of system corruption might show in message log even after Core Membrane took effect [Happylisk] * FIX: Attempting to keyboard swap parts while the status window closing left swap menu open until '/' pressed again [Suslik] * FIX: Regular Thieves could steal as effectively as Master Thieves [Zyalin] * FIX: Autonomous weapons might target broken or unpowered targets [Sylvia] * FIX: Attacking Exiles while they're already under attack by others made the hostility announcement but did not turn them hostile [Decinym] * FIX: Hallucinogenic terminal effect modifying sprite mode settings did not correctly revert if applied a second time while already in effect [roushguy] * FIX: Dropping the SCP then attempting exoskeleton activation would make it impossible to successfully execute that command when SCP reacquired [muxecoid] * FIX: Comparing Latent Energy Streamer stats with other weapons did not match up explosion data properly [JSLIN] * FIX: Dropped items did not avoid turret positions, making them irretrievable until turret destroyed [MTF] * FIX: Opening a Scanalyzer Insert() list containing an unidentified non-scannable part would show it in blue, revealing otherwise unknown info [zxc] * FIX: Using Escape to close robot hacking menu to cancel hacking ended background sfx, but using close button would not [SirMrDrProf] * FIX: Scoresheet records of autonomous weapon attacks weren't limited to Cogmind only [NikolayAg] * FIX: Typos [Joshua, Rumbl3, Nxg, Valguris, Trione] * FIX: Beta 9 prerelease bugs hunted down by: [MTF, CaptainWinky, Sylvia, Raine, Joshua, Tone, SirMrDrProf, Suslik, Zyalin] * FIX: A Beta 8.1 tweak to the hacking UI architecture caused a crash in one of the special win animations * FIX: A Beta 8.1 tweak to one of the special endings could cause the animation to crash under certain conditions * FIX: Assimilating Q-Series renamed them incorrectly * FIX: Indirectly hacking an explicitly listed item or robot schematic that would normally be beyond the given Terminal's authorization wouldn't work * FIX: "DIRECT" and other temporary keyboard state indicators could appear over temporarily opened Evasion window * FIX: Defensive hackware did not block machine trace feedback effects as often as it should * FIX: Overflow damage destroying subsequent parts did not report them to the message log * FIX: 01-MTF sprite changed from Grunt to Programmer, to match propulsion * FIX: Misfires due to corruption could trigger autonomous weapons as well * FIX: Scoresheet "Download EX-ID Prototypes" entry renamed to fit within standard name width * FIX: Subspace Access Node destruction could be heard from any location on map, regardless of distance ================================================================ Cogmind Beta 8.2 (190612) - "Systems Online" * FIX: News, leaderboards, and error reporting functionality restored after an unexpected server change broke the previous connection system ================================================================ Cogmind Beta 8.1 (190401) - "Pay2Buy" * NEW: Unique AFD mode for 2019, automatically activates on 4/1 for anyone who has played at least three runs * NEW: 1 new unique superweapon * NEW: Special NPC encounter under certain circumstances * NEW: Additional improvements to reduce turn delay when holding wait key or moving at extremely high speeds * NEW: Command line argument "-forceMode:AFD2019" (or "-forceMode:Pay2Buy") to enable the AFD mode from 2019, regardless of system date * NEW: Command line argument "-forceMode:AFD2018" (or "-forceMode:Launchers") to enable the AFD mode from 2018, regardless of system date * NEW: [Pay2Buy mode] Includes a special interface for "purchasing" items with CogCoins, an event-specific mechanic * NEW: [Pay2Buy mode] Earn CogCoins by raising the alert level * NEW: [Pay2Buy mode] Other event-specific mechanics * NEW: [Pay2Buy mode] Scoresheets include list of all purchased items at the end * NEW: Any AFD mode scores can now be uploaded as well for aggregate stats and potential special leaderboads, but are still excluded from main leaderboards * NEW: Added Phase Armor and Phase Redirector mechanics to manual's Attack Resolution section * NEW: List of patrons added via Credits menu * MOD: Tweaked various Exiles scenario reactions * MOD: Master Thief behavior changed to make them more dangerous * MOD: New internal turn system, harder to game for free peeking around corners * MOD: Dropped items/salvage allowed to fall to other side of map exits (on same map) * MOD: Overloaded Fabricator effects no longer count as Cogmind kills, or for alert purposes * MOD: Signal Generator only works in 0b10-controlled areas * MOD: Firepult damage reduced * MOD: Keyboard's Pause key no longer has an effect * MOD: Alpha Supporters shortcut command changed from '0' to '9' * MOD: Lore no longer has '9' as an optional shortcut (access via Records page) * MOD: AFD runs no longer added to scorehistory.txt * FIX: An active Stasis Generator brought into a new map has no effect unless toggled off and on again [Joshua] * FIX: Ejecting couplers from certain unlocked Garrison Access instead destroys them [Joshua] * FIX: "Batter Up" achievement description did not specify melee impact damage only, despite kinetic cannons now being capable of knockback as well [Joshua] * FIX: Gallery CSV/HTML exports were missing a header for the new propulsion Drag stat [Mx. Eldritch] * FIX: Rare crash on an allied Mechanic seeking a repair target after robot it was following is destroyed [Horse] * FIX: In rare layouts a special hidden area of a certain map might be slightly disconnected from the rest of the map [8fpsbossfight] * FIX: Possible to crash the UI by switching into the game menu extremely quickly while also switching pages [geedmat, Horse, 8fpsbossfight] * FIX: Crash on hitting a controllable ally with a Field Lobotomy Kit [ApolliniaD, alice_fexa] * FIX: Manual seeds could be applied incorrectly in some cases, resulting in different seeds producing the same world [Suslik] * FIX: Combining any Thermal Generator and Cryofiber Web could show a net negative energy readout in HUD, even though still positive [lsend] * FIX: Advanced flashProjectileVictims option could in some locations cause flashes outside of combat as well [Puzzlebark] * FIX: Integrity Redistributor could result in the wrong effect if core integrity near 50% of a total value greater than 1000 [MTF] * FIX: Crash on accessing the Z-Roster if earlier on same map summoned a hero and in the turn immediately afterward a new hero was added to roster [Rumbl3] * FIX: Fixing a separate issue in previous release broke schematic list highlighting while hacking a Fabricator [Malthusis] * FIX: Typo [mindcog] * FIX: Scrollable lists containing multiple keyboard ASCII colors may not align properly with list items when more than 26 items, after scrolling * FIX: Hacking Prototype ID Banks did not immediately update identified inventory items if any happen to be matching unknown prototypes * FIX: Multiple Stasis Generators being used at once may not always remain active depending on relative toggle states ================================================================ Cogmind Beta 8 (190212) - "Forbidden Science" * NEW: Branch map "Exiles" * NEW: Special sensor ability obtainable early on, with long-term effects * NEW: 5 more unique named NPCs * NEW: 3 new robots * NEW: 38 new items (mostly uniques, many with completely new mechanics) (total = 936) * NEW: 2 more alien artifacts * NEW: 18 more sound effects (total = 890) * NEW: 29 new scoresheet entries (total = 799) * NEW: Several dozen more lore entries * NEW: Potential random NPC encounter in Materials and Mines * NEW: Regular doors hit by EM now malfunction, remain open * NEW: DISPOSABLE weapons have a unique log message when expended * NEW: Quantum Capacitor and Weapon Cycler effect descriptions indicate incompatibility with autonomous weapons * NEW: All treads grant +2% accuracy per slot * NEW: Added random NPC encounter in Storage * NEW: Flight/hover speed now slowed by attached inactive non-airborne propulsion parts (see new "Drag" stat on treads/legs/wheels) * NEW: The fabled Hcp. Storage Unit has returned! * NEW: Activating Transport Network Coupler reports the number of Haulers across the map, and the number currently in view * NEW: -8/Mines map (inaccessible from -8/Materials) * NEW: Manual explicitly indicates heat-based accuracy modifiers only apply when heat is positive * NEW: Maximum Security, for times when High Security simply isn't enough * NEW: Option to disable Cogmind self-destruction (activate in advanced.cfg: noSelfDestruct) * NEW: Option to stop drag-dropping inventory item to non-slot location in parts list from applying autoequip assist (advanced.cfg: disableDragDropAutoEquip) * NEW: Option to replace per-move HUD net energy display with turnwise value including movement (advanced.cfg: hudEnergyPerMoveTurnwise) * NEW: Option to replace per-move HUD net heat display with turnwise value including movement (advanced.cfg: hudHeatPerMoveTurnwise) * NEW: Option to show real-time clock on HUD (advanced.cfg: showClock) * NEW: Option to show real-time run timer on HUD (advanced.cfg: showRunTimer) * NEW: Option to show per-weapon accuracy chances in parts list only while cursor over a robot (advanced.cfg: disablePersistentAccuracyInfo) * NEW: Option to have Scan window only show object info while cursor/examine marker is over an object (advanced.cfg: disablePersistentScanInfo) * NEW: Option to silence all sfx played for non-plot-related global alerts with on-map indicators, such as assaults (advanced.cfg: muteGlobalAlertSfx) * NEW: Part swap menu lists any currently disabled parts in orange, and known faulty prototypes in red * NEW: Part swap menu includes a removal option (button or 'z') as long as source is not an empty slot * NEW: Robots hacked with streamctrl_low/streamctrl_high now display a ring around themselves, inside which control can be maintained * NEW: no_distress robot hack also blocks calls for local garrison reinforcements * NEW: Item gallery export data marks non-repairable items * NEW: Three new advanced options for on-map indicators for Cogmind part loss (see cogmindPartLossMapIndicator in manual) * NEW: Right-click on machine hacks (or Shift-a~z) for context help describing the function of each (total = 95) * NEW: RMB over machine Hacking or Results window closes the hacking interface * NEW: Recycling Units automatically process parts once their contents exceed a certain threshold * NEW: Even when outside FOV, machines processing fabrication and repairs display their on-map countdown timer, and report completion to the message log * NEW: Having RIF installed removes one of the requirements for one of the special endings, and also affects the animation for that ending * NEW: RIF enables 100% chance to seal any Garrison Access * NEW: Closing an active robot hacking UI using any method other than the close button requires confirmation to avoid accidentally forfeiting the hack * NEW: Advanced option to automatically activate all non-launcher projectile weapons on detaching an active launcher (advanced.cfg: autoUnreadyLauncher) * NEW: Added a helpful alert message during a Warlord-related plot event * NEW: Scan window shows solid terrain armor value if cursor or examine marker stationary for 500ms * NEW: Scan window shows machine/prop armor value under name if sufficient space * NEW: Recalibrator info explicitly states inability to repair alien technology, and prototypes above rating 8 * NEW: All Alpha supporter names registered since Beta 7 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All Alpha item-attribution names registered since Beta 7 added to the item collection gallery * MOD: Advanced option showMapBorders now activated by default for new players * MOD: Core reset also clears any known manual hacking codes * MOD: Maintenance intel markers changed from green to dark gray * MOD: Reduced delay on all stasis weapons * MOD: Instead of automatically opening adjacent Garrison Access doors, RIF gives 100% to open via Unlock Access command * MOD: Recycling Unit matter cap and other parameters differ by security level * MOD: First central database lockout check ignored, guaranteeing at least one successful indirect database hack (more guarantees on easier difficulties) * MOD: Z-hack mapwide cutoff threshold higher on easier difficulties * MOD: Treads minimum ability to escape stasis increased 50%, legs increased 25% * MOD: All armored treads slowed by 10 * MOD: All tread coverage increased by 40, and base tread overweight penalty dropped from 30 to 20 * MOD: Investigators don't start accompanying some high security assaults until -3/Research * MOD: Transport Network Coupler only works in 0b10-controlled maps, and ignores any inactive Haulers * MOD: DISPOSABLE part label includes number of uses remaining, which may be greater than 1 for some weapons * MOD: Can no longer swap positions with immobile allies, will push past them instead * MOD: Immobile allies no longer follow to another map, or into chutes, nor warn about leaving them behind * MOD: "The Most Popular Achievement" renamed to "First Step to Greatness" * MOD: "Explosive Specialist" achievement renamed "Launcher Specialist" * MOD: "Hehehe" achievement description explicitly indicates Datajack requirement * MOD: "Wheee!" achievement description more specific * MOD: "Curiosity Killed The Cat" achievement description less specific * MOD: "Brute Force" achievement awarded even for the one Force() hack that has a second test which might fail * MOD: Plasma Storm info displayed using same format as Potential Cannons * MOD: Warp Cannon eventually breaks down * MOD: Datajacks always disarm Alarm and Ambush Traps rather than have a chance to also reprogram them * MOD: Item info window no longer repeats part name across the bottom unless there is a prefix to expand, also now appears in parenthesis * MOD: Succeeding at hacking machine targets with an exact 0% chance no longer possible * MOD: Manually entered schematic hack targets simply indicate "unknown schematic" if N/A, rather than distinguishing between two possibilities * MOD: Attempted attachment of a Faulty part warns about that before most other potential issues * MOD: Phase Shifter part list info ('q') mode ability abbreviation changed from CLOK to SHFT * MOD: Intercept squad composition and behavior changed * MOD: Garrison Access Trojans have no effect on Prototype bots * MOD: Momentum damage modifier displayed in status window now rounded rather than truncated * MOD: Zion generation parameters slightly more constrained to improve layout consistency * MOD: Advanced renderFilter values for SHIFT_HUE now automatically wrap negative values to be within range * MOD: Manual updated to reclassify Cogmind core movement type * MOD: Manual clearer on conditions for increased detection chance when accessing an interactive machine multiple times (must have been previously hacked) * MOD: Thermal Generator effect now reflected in HUD net energy readout (though may not be completely reliable) * MOD: Traps manipulated via Terminals now count towards various trap-related scoresheet stats * MOD: Options menu "Log Calc. Detail" renamed "Combat Log Detail" (existing player setting reset!) * MOD: Line-of-fire and explosion AOE visualization not shown on map while any info windows open * MOD: Autosaves no longer take place while machine hacking or evolution UI open * MOD: Autosave system restores game to turn prior to exiting a map if restoring a run that was force quit during evolution UI * MOD: Robot info page Integrity and Temp stats prefixed by "Core" instead of "Est." * MOD: Mass support range is inclusive before overweight penalties beyond the first penalty * MOD: Bonus points for fast wins reduced overall; curve is steeper and only awarded below 6000 turns * MOD: Keyboard examine mode no longer replaces weapon info ('q') mode with per-weapon accuracy readouts (only occurs in firing mode) * MOD: Updated context help for broadcast_data/disrupt_area robot hacks to indicate their effect stacks when installed on multiple bots * MOD: Removed Datajack Penetration from scoresheet * MOD: RIF Influence readout in HUD moved below Location * MOD: Relay Coupler [NC] rating upped to 4 * FIX: Derelict logs providing exit/entrance intel might end up identifying the wrong access points [Valguris] * FIX: Pre-learned intel for machines would not show log message on entering an applicable floor if no locations currently within map view [Valguris] * FIX: Beta 7 broke scoresheet hit/miss streak tallies [Valguris] * FIX: Part list info ('q') mode did not update melee weapon damage display in real time while toggling propulsion when momentum positive [Valguris] * FIX: Fusion Compressors and Desublimators not factored into HUD net energy readouts [Joshua] * FIX: Random traps could spawn in special encounter rooms [Joshua] * FIX: Recycling Unit hacking interface crashed if attempt to list contents while more than 50 parts [Joshua] * FIX: Robots could still leave scan signal markers within FOV under rare circumstances [MTF] * FIX: Achievement threshold achievements not earned until completion of subsequent run if threshold was reached via a subset of run-end achievements [MTF] * FIX: "Guerilla Style" achievement could be earned via certain unintended means [Raine] * FIX: Watcher map_route hack did not ID exits under easiest difficulty mode [Raine] * FIX: Rare condition could allow armed hostile patrol to spawn within view at Materials depths on entering map [UlyssesB] * FIX: Crash while using an applicable Data Core and sabotaging an explosive machine which destroys the active Terminal [UlyssesB] * FIX: Opening part info via keyboard before hacking list appears while connecting to interactive machine superimposed item info over targets [Mojo] * FIX: Layout(Zone) Terminal hack did not ID exits under easiest difficulty mode [Mojo] * FIX: World seeds could randomly diverge for individual maps if a schematic or similar player-held data were also present on the map [kiedra] * FIX: Disabled/rebooting/shut down 0b10 bots might summon reinforcements from a nearby Garrison Access [PlasticHeart, kiedra] * FIX: Some renderFilter values for SATURATION advanced customization option could decrement by 1 when saved on exit [Bravo] * FIX: NPC dialogue referred to traps triggered on 0b10 robots raising alert, which was no longer the case since adding Trap Extractors [KernelPanic] * FIX: Melee attacks against aware targets still considered sneak attacks if true base hit chance is 120% [GJ] * FIX: Some types of map labels could appear below the HUD on certain resolutions [JackNine] * FIX: Certain renderFilter combinations could cause map to blink while accessing machine hacking UI [yoggo] * FIX: Performing a certain action within a few-turn window during a special event would result in an unintended line of dialogue (spoiler) [Decinym] * FIX: Allied robot info inventory list did not distinguish between faulty and non-faulty version of same prototype if contains both [Pimski] * FIX: Possible crash on exiting game while temporary popup info still visible on map [XenoFiery] * FIX: Potential crash if Borebot destroys itself while clearing an explosive machine [Tone] * FIX: Ramming a hostile bot off an exit with allies in tow but outside transfer range took the exit without warning about leaving them behind [whitenitro0] * FIX: Potential oddity during a particular extended game event interaction (spoiler) [lsend] * FIX: Original Wizard analysis text inconsistent with new robot hacking-related lore [Heavyrisk] * FIX: Simply targeting bots would aggro them even if outside range or the line of fire and sight are obstructed [Terminus] * FIX: Colemak keyboard configuration included an incorrect key assignment [ericmoyer] * FIX: Typos [Raine, Snelheid] * FIX: Auto-replacement skipped the usual warning when attempting to swap in a Faulty part directly from the ground * FIX: Ctrl-RMB and examine mode ('x') would not show info for open doors * FIX: Updated weapon cycling system introduced for Beta 7.1 incompatible with advanced autoReadyLauncher setting * FIX: Knockback resulting in triggering traps was excluded from some scoresheet stats * FIX: Part swap menu failed to include manual item tag for unidentified items * FIX: A certain (spoiler) launcher's explosion radius visualization showed incorrectly when targeting positions near edge of map view * FIX: Imp. Core Analyzer art contained an extra character revealed only by animation * FIX: AI ignored additional time cost of attempting to escape various forms of stasis (Stasis Beams etc. now somewhat more effective) * FIX: An item on a newly-unlocked Garrison Access door or newly-created shortcut exit would be inaccessible (now pushed away) * FIX: wipe_record hack did not prevent ARCs from deploying ================================================================= Cogmind Beta 7.2 (181204) - "Terminal Love" * NEW: Relay Coupler base value higher based on depth * NEW: Robots flash when hit by projectiles (toggle in advanced.cfg: flashProjectileVictims) * MOD: Tweaked composition of squads attacking W base * FIX: Machine hacking was more difficult than intended in Beta 7/7.1 [Suslik] * FIX: Armor Integrity Analyzer effect protected user's armor rather than helping during attacks on armored targets [kiedra] * FIX: Researcher pre-attack warnings would not always trigger if certain utilities were attached (broken by Beta 7.1) [Raine] * FIX: Advanced option alwaysWarnAboutResearchers description missing from manual ================================================================= Cogmind Beta 7.1 (181023) - "RIF+" * NEW: RIF adds precise real-time alert level readout to HUD * NEW: RIF automatically detects nearby Garrison Access points * NEW: Garrison Access automatically open for Cogmind with RIF upon stepping adjacent to door location * NEW: If RIF installed, alert level no longer increases passively while inside a garrison * NEW: Garrison exits automatically open if Cogmind has RIF installed * NEW: Manual indicates BRIGHTNESS renderFilter can be used to increase brightness as well * NEW: Weapon cycling (' or [CYCLE] button) treats all guided, melee, and datajack weapons as separate options * MOD: While RIF installed, Unlock Access hack at Garrison Access always has a 100% chance * MOD: -8/Materials Garrison Access is always lowest security level * MOD: Relay Coupler [Swarmer] base value increased 40% * MOD: Operator purge_threat hack cost dropped from 20 to 10 * MOD: A certain 5-letter bot that starts with a G (spoiler) now has the Disruption immunity * MOD: Non-hostile Researchers are not alerted by distress calls * MOD: Researchers ignore Datajack attacks against both self and allies * MOD: Thermal Generator effect description adjusted so it's harder to mistake for a type of heat sink * MOD: Tactical HUD mode energy readout displays both values separately even when stationary and movement turnwise deltas are identical * MOD: Non-zero ambient heat display is shown outside Tactical HUD mode as well, if applicable * FIX: Enumerate(Coupling) terminal hack gave no results [Valguris] * FIX: Dropped salvage would not remain in map knowledge if Cogmind stepped out of view prior to any FOV update [Valguris] * FIX: Melee sneak attacks were impossible against Researchers [GJ] * FIX: Loading a "Fragile Parts" run wouldn't apply the rules in subsequent sessions beyond the first [GJ] * FIX: -exportRobots command line argument inaccessible in release build [Raine] * FIX: Tactical HUD mode energy readout failed to show inventory-stored energy when stationary and movement values are identical [Trione] * FIX: Easiest difficulty mode didn't reduce the number of Garrison Access machines by 1 as intended * FIX: Drone Bay info in parts list sometimes didn't reflect correct number of remaining drones ================================================================= Cogmind Beta 7 (180904) - "Hack the Planet" * NEW: 65 new robot hacks * NEW: Garrisons now contain an RIF Installer (required for most robot hacks) * NEW: 12 Relay Couplers (available from numerous sources), required to execute better robot hacks * NEW: 1 more brute force hack (secret) * NEW: 3 new items (new mechanic) * NEW: 75 new scoresheet entries (total = 772) * NEW: Added several encounters * NEW: Info window for part types that cannot be repaired precedes the maximum integrity value with a * * NEW: Derelict Logs that give an exit location for the current map when Cogmind already knows it explicitly indicate that in the log * NEW: Blue '@' marker appears to indicate the direction of Cogmind's position when offscreen * NEW: New kind of squad dispatch under certain conditions * NEW: Standard robot hacks also accessible via manual entry * NEW: Manual robot hacking UI includes autocompletion and fully-featured command buffer (data stored in /user/buffer_robot.txt) * NEW: Option to alphabetize coupler-based robot hacks instead of based on cost (advanced.cfg: alphabetizeCouplerHacks) * NEW: Option to not have map center on Cogmind with every move, requiring manual panning instead (advanced.cfg: viewFollowsCogmind) * NEW: Option to disable mouse-based movement in mouse mode (advanced.cfg: disableMouseMovement) * NEW: Vi-keys (j/k) can be used to change selected entry in item/robot info page * NEW: Datajacks can be used on any bot * NEW: parse_system robot hack is an additional way to add items to gallery collection (and won't aggro friendlies) * NEW: Lower difficulty modes give Relay Couplers more uses * NEW: Additional lore giving the new robot hacking system a background * NEW: Shift-Alt-m exports PNG of entire current map, showing explored areas * NEW: Worker latching onto a disabled bot now has its own sfx and color * NEW: Assign text tags to inventory items (Shift-Alt-t + inventory item number) * NEW: Kinetic cannons can cause knockback, where the chance is a function of damage, range, and target size * NEW: Kinetic and Impact weapon knockback that causes one robot to hit another can damage and displace the second robot * NEW: Additional Garrison layouts * NEW: Export robot data with the "-exportRobots" command line argument (massive spoilers!) * NEW: Explicit log message for failure to rewire disabled bot via Datajack * NEW: Tutorial message reminding that items held in inventory do not themselves add to total mass * NEW: Explicit interface message about large part non-swappability when using dedicated swap mode ('/') * NEW: "Part Auto-Replacement" manual section expanded with an explanation of why the rules list is fairly short * NEW: "Volley" manual section expanded with description of resource cost timing * NEW: Non-forced melee attacks while flying require confirmation (toggle in advanced.cfg: ignoreFlyingMeleeConfirmation) * NEW: Numpad '/' behaves as regular slash, activating part swap mode * NEW: Heat flow errors due to corruption temporarily block movement (like part rejection) * NEW: Hit chance modifiers due to attacker/defender recent moves reset on ramming and knockback * NEW: Deploying ARCs list robots in message log * NEW: Active ARCs engage emergency deployment system just before destruction (effects vary) * NEW: Watchers can always jam sensors as long as Cogmind within their sensor range, even if using inferior Sensor Arrays * NEW: Fully modal part management system (in addition to existing systems), press 'p' to open new menu for part toggle/attach/info/remove/drop * NEW: Z-terminal access has limitations on each map * NEW: All 0b10 bot calls for reinforcements that didn't already have one now display that notification as an on-map ALERT message * NEW: Garrisons activated in response to calls for backup also display that notification as an on-map ALERT message * NEW: All Alpha supporter names registered since Beta 6 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * MOD: Destroying Garrison Relays has a different effect * MOD: Hacking Suites no longer apply to robot hacking; chance-based robot hacking system removed * MOD: No longer any benefits from hitting target with multiple Datajacks * MOD: Target corruption no longer a factor when hacking a robot * MOD: Programmers no longer assimilate other Programmers * MOD: Less garbled text results from brute force hacks, just enough to more or less fill the window * MOD: PARSE/LINK/REBOOT/OVERLOAD/ASSIMILATE robot hacks removed * MOD: Rewrote Hacking Robots section of manual * MOD: Engineers far less likely to get stuck in groups when many of them try to to repair the same area * MOD: Disarmed Researchers won't trigger an attack warning * MOD: Machine hacking uses a new kind of RNG * MOD: Borebot weapon once again a prototype (since it can be discovered via parse_system) * MOD: Datajack hits against any robot are not considered an attack * MOD: For now the "Factory Defaults," "Error 47," and "Assimilation Complete" achievements refer to the hacks reboot_system, overload_power, and formatsys_ * MOD: Robots assimilated by Programmers no longer immediately activate, require some reboot time * MOD: Updated offensive and defensive hackware effect descriptions to reflect changes in mechanics * MOD: All Datajacks always have a 100% to achieve system access (i.e. penetration mechanic removed) * MOD: All melee Datajacks' attack speed increased by at least 50% * MOD: All Remote Datajacks' stats adjusted, including significant reduction in matter cost and an increase in speed * MOD: Dirty Datajacks don't deteriorate as quickly * MOD: Remote Datajacks work like guided weapons in that they must be fired solo * MOD: RIF Installer incompatible with Super Gauntlet challenge * MOD: Removed some pieces of lore related to obsolete hacking mechanics * MOD: Robot info window no longer also displays speed as a percent in Tactical HUD mode * MOD: Robot hacking UI no longer closed by RMB * MOD: Shift-cursor method of panning map now ignored while robot hacking UI open * MOD: Robots with temporarily disabled weapons more readily return to fight once weapons reactivated * MOD: Executioner loadout improved * MOD: Desublimator now a prototype * MOD: Inventory scrolling keyboard commands under advanced help displayed as "]/[" instead of "[/]" * MOD: No turn progression or input allowed during special CRM and conduit interface animations * MOD: itemLabelRelativeRatingCutoff option no longer applies to any items that aren't placed randomly (always labeled) * MOD: Zhirov profile reduced from 7x7 to 5x5 * MOD: Dedicated mapshift mode (`) no longer automatically recenters on completion (Enter is another option) * MOD: Mouse-based movement and other map commands disabled while cursor hidden in keyboard mode * MOD: Devolution challenge scoring formula now purely depth-based rather than slot-based * MOD: "Executioner" achievement description reworded for clarity * MOD: Updated "Turtlemind" achievement icon * MOD: "Hit/Miss Streak" scoresheet entries changed to "Robot Hit/Miss Streak," and only shots targeting robots count towards them * MOD: "Crack Shot" and "Storm Trooper" achievements only count shots targeting robots, and exclude melee attacks * MOD: "Adventurous" achievement renamed to "Ooh, Shiny!" * MOD: Mines cave-in event can no longer kill low-integrity Cogmind * MOD: Melee follow-up attacks incur no additional time cost aside from the weapon's halved time delay * MOD: Exit labels for offscreen exits not shown if any part of the primary label for that exit is showing * MOD: Message on inapplicable use of '>' command refers to traps and drone bays as well, rather than just stairs * MOD: Secondary targeting (gunslinging) by guns is now guaranteed wherever applicable (100% chance) * MOD: Follow-up attacks when multiwielding melee weapons will always automatically switch to the next available target if any in range (100% chance) * MOD: Materials Terminals no longer list direct hacks for robot or item schematics * MOD: Field Recycling Units operate on purely turn-based checks rather than an action- or wait-based counter, so take effect faster if moving more slowly * MOD: S7 guaranteed to contain 1x TR * MOD: Core Expanders more rare * MOD: Part Auto-Activation feature active by default on a fresh install (still available in options menu) * MOD: Part Auto-Activation hotkey switched to F10 * MOD: Tutorial messages involving part activation updated * MOD: While a modal input label is visible across top of map simultaneously with an interface message, the latter is pushed down to avoid overlap * MOD: Alert level decay from passing turns has diminishing returns over time (except in easier difficulty modes) * MOD: Revision 17 never spawns in Scrapyard if using the quickStart option * MOD: "SW" no longer much more likely to die from impact damage * MOD: Super Gauntlet challenge Garrison Access cannot have traps next to their interactive section * FIX: Under default config settings, faulty/broken unidentified prototypes excluded from mass labeling, revealing their state [zxc] * FIX: Attached faulty power sources still contributed to energy storage capacity [zxc] * FIX: Guided weapon waypoints were retained between maps [zxc] * FIX: Crash on destroying a machine as first action on entering a new map before machine-relevant Derelict Log data displayed [zxc] * FIX: "Spaces Moved" entry in scoresheet didn't account for robot jumping by flight propulsion [zxc] * FIX: "Average Speed (%)" entry in scoresheet included stasis escape attempts [zxc] * FIX: Derelict intel could ID the L exit [zxc] * FIX: Opening world map in keyboard mode unable to select a map if just left Waste or Garrison and previously visited another on the same route [Joshua] * FIX: "Watch This!" achievement couldn't be earned [Joshua] * FIX: "Oh No You Don't!" achievement could be earned if Cogmind last damaged Saboteur later destroyed by another non-specific attacker [Joshua] * FIX: "No Explosion For You" achievement also earned when your missiles shot down as well, not just those fired by hostiles [Joshua] * FIX: "Just Shoot The Terminal" achievement awarded if a hostile bot achieved the same effect via misfire [lsend] * FIX: "Fragile Parts" challenge was only applying rules to subsequent runs after game start, not the first [lsend] * FIX: Adjustments required to accommodate a certain possibility during special Z+M@C event [lsend] * FIX: Scrolling map view away from certain NPCs prior to dialogue skipped their dialogue, affecting the results [lsend] * FIX: Sticky Parts challenge also blocked inventory parts from dropping [Raine] * FIX: Sticky Parts challenge increased inventory contents beyond capacity if using get-attach shortcut on an already full inventory [Raine] * FIX: "Executioner" achievement wasn't obtainable by way of normal evolution [Raine] * FIX: Exposed keybinds file contents misaligned since previous release [Raine] * FIX: Several typos in various messages and context help [Mhorre, Tzan, Rumbl3, Raine] * FIX: "Collateral Damage" achievement couldn't be earned [Mojo] * FIX: Certain late-game special event message might be shown globally even though it should require line-of-sight [Mojo] * FIX: As of Beta 6, prototypes in gallery info didn't show their full name at the bottom [Mojo] * FIX: Particular garrison layout could spawn any random disabled drone type, should be N-00 Fly [Mojo, GJ] * FIX: Ally distance warning before level exit may report incorrect number for some at edge of radius [Valguris] * FIX: Hacking bonus from allied Operators counted first Operator against the total, starting it at +5% instead of +10% [Valguris] * FIX: Central database lockouts in Recycling would still cause investigation dispatch [Valguris] * FIX: Full-sized evasion readout still listed Cloaking as a bonus, renamed to Phasing to match new corresponding utility name [PhenomPhear] * FIX: Unique swords weren't playing any hit sfx [PhenomPhear] * FIX: "Cya!" achievement was earned by flying over only two bots [PhenomPhear] * FIX: Tutorial messages about gallery and lore collection still mentioned old key commands [b_sen] * FIX: Drag-swapping parts with between 19 and 30 energy would only complete the first half of the action instead of giving the low-energy warning [b_sen] * FIX: Simultaneously using any Thermal Generator and Cryofiber Web dropped energy reserves, allowing them to even go negative [IrishDemon] * FIX: In rare cases an unknown open cell within ally transfer range may be highlighted while leading allies and standing adjacent to exit [DDarkRay] * FIX: Quickly pressing an up/down arrow key after closing a robot's part info window in keyboard mode would place the cursor incorrectly [Jivya] * FIX: RMB on hidden doors wouldn't enter targeting mode, revealing their presence [Malthusis] * FIX: Fleeing Workers continue pushing previously disabled bot even if bot rewired while fleeing [Laida] * FIX: Reaction Control Systems dodging a trap could jump Cogmind into a neighboring phase wall [Pimski] * FIX: Individual Researchers normally only call reinforcements once, but after a run save/load could call again immediately * FIX: consecutive message counters would not appear if not enough room remaining in the previous message log line * FIX: "Missiles Intercepted" scoresheet entry tallied all instances rather than only Cogmind's * FIX: "Batter Up" achievement could be earned if an enemy Brawler knocked any bot into an exploding machine * FIX: Due to earlier changes, world map unable to display both a Waste and Garrison visit from the same map, or current Garrison marker * FIX: Multiwielding impact melee weapons allowed attacks to continue even after target already knocked away ================================================================= Cogmind Beta 6 (180508) - "Achievements Unlocked" * NEW: 256 achievements (available both on Steam and in offline/DRM-free versions) * NEW: 35 new scoresheet entries (total = 697) * NEW: Achievement names and their icon appear over the map when earned (deactivate or change duration in advanced.cfg: achievementPopupDuration) * NEW: Achievements earned reported in message log (toggle in advanced.cfg: showAchievementMessages) * NEW: Achievements earned specifically at end of a run appear in new area to right of end game stats * NEW: Achievements newly earned throughout a run listed towards end of scoresheet * NEW: Composite achievement percent listed among scoresheet meta data and and scorehistory.txt * NEW: Achievements browsing UI (contents sortable and filterable) * NEW: Bidirectional automatic syncing between achievements in your local game meta data and Steam records * NEW: Optimized startup time, reducing it by about one-third * NEW: RTS-style map panning in true fullscreen mode, and new menu option for controlling speed * NEW: Added to manual's Key Holding section a mention of holding "wait" key while waiting for a hostile * NEW: Updated Dismemberment immunity trait description with explicit notice that it does not prevent the side effect of slashing weapons * NEW: Optional Terminus style map glyphs for size 12 and 14 ASCII mode players (see manual under Advanced UI > Fonts) * NEW: Optional classic IBM VGA style map glyphs for size 14 ASCII mode players (see manual under Advanced UI > Fonts) * NEW: Datajack descriptions explicitly indicate their base chance to rewire traps (10%) * NEW: Scoresheet records number of moves per propulsion type * NEW: Game over screen shows total number of new achievements earned during run * NEW: challengeSuperGauntlet description in manual explicitly mentions lack of garrisons at -10/-9 * NEW: Two challenging (spoiler) plot points that didn't originally earn bonus points now do * NEW: "Records" submenu added to game menu, containing links to Gallery/Lore/Achievements data * NEW: Export achievements data to TXT, HTML, or CSV for external reading/processing (exports based on selected filters/sorting) * NEW: Pre-attack warning about Researchers in view takes effect even if previously scanned (can disable in advanced.cfg: alwaysWarnAboutResearchers) * NEW: Core Analyzer effect description explicitly states that critical hits and disruption effects are also applied to affected cores * NEW: Dedicated section about achievements added to the manual * NEW: Multiple previous autosaves from current run are stored in parallel (adjust number of saves in advanced.cfg: autosaveCount) * NEW: While manual hostiles/allies/parts labels active, panning the map view automatically calls up same-category labels where applicable * NEW: Escape also clears active map object labels even if disableEscMenuAccessKeyboard/disableEscMenuAccessMouse true * NEW: Traps with damaging AOE effects now include salvage mod in their description * NEW: Gallery item info includes description for those items which have them (e.g. important for traps) * NEW: Melee weapon info explicitly lists the disruption stat (only two melee weapons have that property) * NEW: Projectile weapon info explicitly lists the spread arc stat (very few weapons use that relatively new mechanic) * NEW: Extreme slow movement warning also applies when attempting to swap positions with allies * NEW: Items crushed by cave-ins reported in message log * NEW: Safe to hold a wait key while waiting for System Backup Module (etc) to reduce corruption to 0% (autoblocks command for 2s on task completion) * NEW: Use '>' on top of a Drone Bay to automatically release all its drones without attaching it (RMB on self for mouse users) * NEW: Melee Analysis Suites increase minimum damage of melee weapons * NEW: Specific amount of corruption caused by impact destruction revealed in manual and context help * NEW: Manual includes step-by-step Attack Resolution section outlining defensive order of operations once an attack hits a robot * NEW: All Alpha supporter names registered since Beta 5 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * MOD: Cave Seal allied faction priority changed * MOD: Removed "Parts Merge Repaired" from scoresheet since no longer possible for now * MOD: Removed "Zionite Hack Detections" from scoresheet since no longer possible * MOD: Removed "Impact Corruptions" from scoresheet under Highest Corruption (unused) * MOD: Timer length doubled on the "final" Archives event * MOD: Log message for critical strikes on immune robots only shown if the attack hits armor (which still confers the damage bonus) * MOD: While using any LOW_CONTRAST renderFilter, on-map resource alerts override default color with black lettering * MOD: While using any LOW_CONTRAST renderFilter, path visualization shown lighter to be more visible against brighter background * MOD: Part range circles and robot motion trails appear much more nicely when combined with LOW_CONTRAST background settings * MOD: While using showMapBorders option combined with a LOW_CONTRAST renderFilter, map edges displayed with a brighter line rather than modified wall color * MOD: While using ` or dedicated mapshift mode, if LOW_CONTRAST renderFilter active the surrounding known cells are brightened even more than usual * MOD: Floor foreground darkened more than usual under LOW_CONTRAST renderFilters to make FOV edges easier to distinguish * MOD: Updated rendering of LOW_CONTRAST renderFilters to improve visualizations for: SFX, potential cave-ins, ally transfer area, explosion targeting AOE * MOD: Improved LOW_CONTRAST animations: Sensor Arrays, Terrain Scanners, Structural Scanners, Spotter scans, Triangulator, and some processor activations * MOD: Exposed ground appears slightly lighter in low-contrast mode (applies to both tiles and ASCII modes) * MOD: Improved header line drawing on Advanced commands page animation when viewed in a low-contrast mode * MOD: Part autosorting defaults to on * MOD: Hardlight Generator effect description more specifically lists types of incompatible shields * MOD: Scoresheet "Communications Jammed" entry expanded to include distress signals from non-combat to combat bots * MOD: Scoresheet "Damage Inflicted > Projectiles" entry split into "Guns" and "Cannons" * MOD: Scoresheet ally-related tallies exclude drones * MOD: Removed turn numbers preceding special messages for machine hacking output (e.g. unique door access codes) * MOD: Gallery/Lore buttons removed from game menu top-level button list and Credits menu (still accessible via hotkeys and new Records menu) * MOD: Game menu submenu buttons horizontally centered in widescreen layouts * MOD: Default hotkey for Alpha Supporters list now '0' * MOD: Pre-Beta 3.1 cogmind.cfg file no longer converted to multifile format on importing * MOD: Game count not incremented for aborting ("quit, delete save") below -9 * MOD: Total game time not incremented for self-destruction below -9 * MOD: High Security response dialogue no longer delivered by ARC * MOD: Item info window simultaneously displays any description and gallery collection status * MOD: Gallery item info no longer includes fabrication stats (still available via export feature) * MOD: Label Supporter Items option no longer required for '!' marker items not yet collected for gallery (always shown by default) * MOD: Scan Cloaking entry removed from robot info window since it became accessible via the new Traits popup in Beta 4 * MOD: Borebot weapon no longer a prototype to reveal its name (since it cannot be acquired) * MOD: Improved visibility of explosion count on info page for multi-explosion weapons (consistent with multi-projectile weapons now) * MOD: Derelicts of classes with variants at more than one tier list them all in Analysis() output * MOD: Prototype ID Bank terminal hack has a static base chance rather than being based on the number of prototypes, which is now based on security level * MOD: Stricter penalties if Zion repeatedly calls loyalty into question * MOD: Roster dispatches a little more likely to refill used squad slots * MOD: Tweaked targeting behavior of AOE-equipped robots * MOD: Desublimator slot count reduced to 1, mass lowered to 6 * MOD: Quantum Capacitor no longer compatible with Weapon Cyclers * MOD: EMDS energy and matter costs increased * MOD: Hyp. EM Gauss Rifle spectrum changed to Fine * MOD: Base penalty for overweight hover increased from 40 to 60 * MOD: Base penalty for overweight flight increased from 50 to 80 * MOD: While overweight, robots running on flight propulsion lose the ability to fly over other robots * MOD: Traps always trigger while overweight, rather than using a mass-based multiplier * MOD: Investigator movement speed increased 50% * MOD: Scoresheet Melee Sneak Attacks no longer counts those against broken or unpowered targets * MOD: Upload Scores option now off by default * MOD: Anonymous player scores no longer uploaded * FIX: Combining Transmission Jammer w/Transport Network Coupler to block Hauler reinforcements didn't count as Communications Jammed in scoresheet [Joshua] * FIX: Additional energy capacity provided by LRC Energy Wells not automatically restored on entering a new map [Joshua] * FIX: Certain types of followers stuck in a separate unattached part of the complex could slow down the game, especially on large maps [Joshua] * FIX: Trap Extractors did not count trap for gallery collection purposes [Joshua] * FIX: Unable to insert-ID an alien artifact at a Scanalyzer if no other scanalyzable items current in inventory [Joshua] * FIX: Unable to indirectly hack analyses for a number of derelict classes [Joshua] * FIX: Unidentified prototype energy/matter containers in inventory reflected their actual contents in HUD readout if preloaded [Joshua] * FIX: Impact weapons not showing new momentum-modified damage values in inventory and part list info ('q') mode like other melee weapons [Joshua, zxc] * FIX: Core reset while info ('q') mode active later created empty schematics lists on status page and at Fabricators [Joshua, Valguris] * FIX: Followers sucked into chutes remained allied but would not follow again if you meet up with them later [Valguris] * FIX: DC usage would leave out random map locations that should be revealed [Valguris] * FIX: Active Particle Chargers destroyed or removed in info ('q') mode did not immediately modify damage data for affected weapons [Valguris] * FIX: If no unfiltered label parts in view, not possible to use '3' to call up filtered labels [Valguris] * FIX: Having two info windows open and right-clicking inside the second at the position of an object under it opened its info instead of closing [Valguris] * FIX: Core resets rendered Z-Drones unable to explore or share FOV data [GJ] * FIX: Still possible for 0b10 Decoder Chips to crash on attempting to reveal an item outside FOV under special circumstances [GJ] * FIX: Loading a Fragile Parts challenge run in progress failed to apply the mechanic [GJ] * FIX: Tiny decimal values close to zero showed as larger numbers in Tactical HUD energy-change-per-move readout [Pimski] * FIX: Researcher hostility checks did not take into account active Cloaking Devices [Pimski] * FIX: Workers pushing disabled bots on floors with only one chute located in hidden corridor could cause slowdown in Factory [Laida] * FIX: Hostile Programmers assimilating Watchers made them neutral rather than hostile [Laida] * FIX: Crushing DM with treads triggers the normal reaction [8fpsbossfight] * FIX: Under certain conditions attempting to exit Waste might warn about leaving behind more allies than known [fpsbossfight, b_sen] * FIX: Tutorial message referencing Gallery/Lore access commands referenced old key commands [Rob Hewitt] * FIX: Options menu Upload Scores context help referenced old URL [Ezghoul] * FIX: New part caches added to Materials may overlap Storage stairs if latter placed in a room rather than corridor [Jazzer] * FIX: Item info ALIEN type label followed by a dark 'd' [Amphouse] * FIX: Game hangs if attempt to move while completely surrounded by walls/earth and corruption causes a misdirection [NoCreativeNames] * FIX: A certain Zion dialogue encounter was slightly too long to fit in the popup window [nuzcraft] * FIX: Attempting to use the swap menu on an empty slot with less than 30 energy prevented the action, even though the requirement is 20 [zxc] * FIX: Counterattack warning event may come on the following map if escaped fast enough and at exactly the right time [lsend, Sherlockkat] * FIX: Potential crash on startup when using a certain LOW_CONTRAST renderFilter in advanced.cfg * FIX: advanced.cfg did not properly bound values for mapCombatLogMaxLength, mapCombatLogDuration, mapAlertDuration * FIX: While using any LOW_CONTRAST renderFilter, black lettering of temporary part status labels would change to a non-black value when updating * FIX: Scoresheet undercalculating Robots Melted entry (excluded non-delayed melting) * FIX: Beta 4 robot label behavior update unintentionally removed all labels from non-FOV hostiles ================================================================= Cogmind Beta 5 (180124) - "Zionic Revolution" * NEW: 9 new unique named NPCs * NEW: 13 more unique items * NEW: 1 new wheel variant * NEW: 3 new types of resupply dispatch * NEW: 1 new 0b10 terminal record, along with several random lore dialogues available in the usual places * NEW: 25 new scoresheet entries (total = 662) * NEW: Several additional special encounters * NEW: 3 new optional map styles for ASCII mode players at size 16: Terminus, Verite, Kaypro (see manual under Advanced UI > Fonts) * NEW: Some methods for tweaking colors/brightness/saturation/etc (advanced.cfg for now: renderFilters, see manual under Color Customization) * NEW: Roster dispatches potentially include allies from a new category * NEW: Mechanic for automatically locating nearby terminals (spoiler) * NEW: Operators reset their terminal under a certain condition (spoiler) * NEW: Special animations for connecting to Z-hack-capable terminals * NEW: First connection to a Z-hack-capable terminal gives instruction regarding intel retrieval * NEW: Added EM damage spectrum class "Fine" * NEW: Enforced projectile spread mechanic for certain weapons * NEW: Line-of-fire for volley including a spread-enforced weapon highlights entire potential spread area * NEW: Option to always display the edges of the current map (advanced.cfg only: showMapBorders) * NEW: Option to completely disable the standard printing/text sfx (advanced.cfg only: muteTextSfx) * NEW: All Launcher Guidance Computers prevent launcher misfires otherwise caused by system corruption * NEW: Robots sending distress signals to alert nearby allies display the range of that signal * NEW: Effect description for matter/energy storage utilities explicitly states their ability to collect resources while in inventory * NEW: Active Particle Accelerators show modified damage values for applicable weapons in inventory and part list info mode ('q') * NEW: Effect of current momentum on melee weapon damage is shown directly next to applicable weapons in inventory and part list info mode ('q') * NEW: Discovering exits purely via Terrain Scanners in easiest difficulty mode reveals their destination as if sighted * NEW: Advanced quickStart option also available in easier difficulty modes * NEW: "Trapped" challenge mode prevents gaining trap knowledge from hacks, Zionite intel, 0b10 Decoders, and friendly Operators * NEW: Prototypes and other unknown parts identified by attaching them accompanied by explicit log message * NEW: Component Analysis Suite identification effect log message also specifies name of utility doing the identifying * NEW: Manual includes additional subsection explaining overload mechanic for some power sources and energy weapons * NEW: It's safe to hold a wait key while a nearby Fabricator or Repair Station is processing (autoblocks command for two seconds on task completion) * NEW: Manual includes additional subsection on Key Holding, under Key Commands * NEW: Starting position in Scrapyard will never overlap with an item * NEW: Map areas discovered via Terrain Scanners and other methods but never actually seen displayed in greenscale rather than color * NEW: Active Garrison Access dispatch countdown timers now visible on map when using a Signal Interpreter * NEW: Heat transfer damage may outright melt struck part of an already overheating robot (chance matches weapon's heat transfer value) * NEW: Filter mass item labels by applying an integrity percentage cutoff via itemLabelIntegrityPercentCutoff (advanced.cfg, currently defaults to 26%) * NEW: Filter mass item labels by applying a minimum depth-relative rating cutoff via itemLabelRelativeRatingCutoff (advanced.cfg) * NEW: Known faulty and broken items not labeled on map when using mass item labeling (can change behavior via advanced.cfg) * NEW: Mass labeling items a second time within 5 seconds ignores all label filters * NEW: If exiting a map will fail to bring some allies due to their distance, shows dedicated warning message and puts a longer block duration on the move * NEW: All Alpha supporter names registered since Beta 4 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * MOD: Imprinting prevents direct and indirect hacks at most 0b10 terminals (special manual hacks okay) * MOD: Z-hacks can no longer be detected, traced, nor blocked across an entire floor * MOD: Some items may appear in more than one type of resupply * MOD: Cave seal disengage behavior different if imprinted * MOD: Mak. Sword uses regular melee impact sound rather than heavier sound * MOD: Updated color of Centrium wheel variant art to match other items of same material * MOD: Potential cave-in areas on map are always highlighted (tactical HUD mode not required) * MOD: Rocket Arrays and Scatter Rocket Arrays significantly improved, though can no longer be focused via targeting * MOD: Hero class renamed to Knight, ASCII changed from 'O' to 'K' * MOD: Hvy. Hardcell Cannon resource costs reduced * MOD: AM-PH4 propulsion tweaked * MOD: Behemoth cannot appear on top of cave exit stairs, and much less likely to be too near any cave entrance * MOD: "Trapped" challenge mode trap count multiplier upped from 5 to 10 * MOD: Hack given by the so-called "annoying derelict" in caves causes the victim to follow instead of remain stationary * MOD: "Armor Coverage" best state entry in scoresheet refers to raw total coverage of attached armor instead of percentage value * MOD: "Suicide/Restart" button on Game menu renamed "Self-destruct" * MOD: Robots sending distress signals to allies out of view only reveal that ally's position in easier difficulty modes * MOD: Robots calling for help or reinforcements from a garrison only reveal that garrison's position in easier difficulty modes * MOD: Removed Game menu, Save/Restart/Quit buttons now appear on Basic commands page * MOD: Removed tutorial message explaining how to save and exit * MOD: Removed "Show Non-FOV Color" from options menu, always on by default * MOD: Removed Ctrl-` command for toggling non-FOV color display * MOD: Weapon Cycler and Quantum Capacitor effect descriptions reworded for specificity, no longer refer to "projectile weapons" * MOD: Alarm Traps in Garrisons no longer trigger an investigation, they simply alert any nearby hostiles * MOD: Mechanics that clear robot memory (e.g. the Reconstructor) now also clear off-turn partial spot records * MOD: Melee momentum damage bonus applies to all melee weapons, not just I/S/P damage types (piercing still gets its double bonus) * MOD: Melee damage type modifiers on Status page merged into a single "Melee" value (extra piercing damage bonus only displayed by the weapon) * MOD: Only non-zero values are listed under the Status page's resistances and damage modifiers * MOD: Data Miner dispatch redirects no longer occur during late-game wars * MOD: With Label Supporter Items option on, the few items not applicable for gallery collection show standard description at bottom of info window * MOD: Easiest difficulty mode puts Med. Storage Unit in Scrapyard, rather than Sml. * MOD: A certain Exoskeleton's overweight penalty reduced from 30 to 20 * MOD: Robot core damage popups in Tactical HUD mode default to showing actual remaining integrity rather than as a percent * MOD: Replaced advanced.cfg preciseCorePopup option with its opposite, percentCorePopup * MOD: "No X in view" message displayed when there is no applicable object for the given label type instead shows "No X to label" * MOD: Targeting will not autosuggest a previous target whose relation with you has changed since you last attacked it * MOD: Super Gauntlet challenge mode keeps the lone target Garrison Access available even under high security lockdown * MOD: A single resupply dispatch can have no more than one faulty prototype * FIX: Crash on right-clicking directly into second robot info while analysis or traits of first robot still open [Valguris] * FIX: Overloaded weapons did not apply damage bonus again walls [Valguris] * FIX: Walls/doors not applying damage resistances correctly [Valguris] * FIX: Schematics for items only available by special means did not display fabrication info when opened via fabricator/schematics list [Valguris] * FIX: Credits list contained some duplicate supporter names [zxc] * FIX: Insufficient energy for overloadable propulsion upkeep might overload the propulsion instead of autodeactivating it [zxc] * FIX: Typo in options.cfg (fix resets your calculation log setting; if you want a non-default option you'll need to redo) [zxc] * FIX: Penetration values missing from gallery export data [Raine] * FIX: While on-map combat log active, any visible messages could partially overlap an open Status window [Raine] * FIX: Typo in screenshot tags and filenames for game over screen [johnicboom] * FIX: Advanced quickStart option could also be activated in tutorial mode despite lack of Storage Unit in that layout [Zoticus] * FIX: New corrupted AI misfire mechanic could in some cases affect player UI target recall [Happylisk] * FIX: Could continue hacking record queries at a locked terminal prior to closing window by using number keys if keyboard mode active [neutral] * FIX: Pressing 'f' during the exact frame a major NPC enters view and opens dialogue window blocked commands once window closed [nuzcraft] * FIX: STAY command issued to ally with a previous destination allowed them to reach it before returning to intended stay location [GJ] * FIX: Subatomic Replicator used without effect then dropped into inventory remained unidentified until inventory redrawn due to another interaction * FIX: A certain type of derelict log could reveal exit to Zhirov's location, which they shouldn't know * FIX: Moving multi-cell robot sensor scans not displayed correctly in tiles mode * FIX: RMB on robot then opening Analysis or Traits and closing again prevented further right-clicks on other robots until info window closed * FIX: "Max Gunslinging Chain" entry in scoresheet was not being tallied ================================================================= Cogmind Beta 4 (171220) - "Data Mining" * NEW: Export stats for all discovered gallery items to TXT, HTML, or CSV for external reading/processing * NEW: Lore and gallery exporting shows destination file name once export complete * NEW: Materials maps may have one or two special stockpiles * NEW: Added guaranteed Sml. Storage Unit to Scrapyard * NEW: Option to automatically attach/collect all parts/matter in Scrapyard and start at the exit to Materials (advanced.cfg only: quickStart) * NEW: "Fragile Parts" experimental challenge mode (for now set in advanced.cfg: challengeFragileParts) * NEW: "Sticky Parts" experimental challenge mode (for now set in advanced.cfg: challengeStickyParts) * NEW: "Simple Hacker" experimental challenge mode (for now set in advanced.cfg: challengeSimpleHacker) * NEW: "Trapped" experimental challenge mode (for now set in advanced.cfg: challengeTrapped) * NEW: 1 new corruption effect * NEW: AI corruption can cause misfires and temporary IFF failure * NEW: Consecutive on-map items can be compared in keyboard mode, where previous item remembered for stat comparison as long as no other actions taken * NEW: Applicable major NPCs and some late-game robots list immunities under their resistances, including context help describing each * NEW: Robots with special effect (e.g. Samaritans) now have a Traits button in their robot info window that gives access to all relevant details * NEW: Pacifist bonus score applied for each depth reached with no prior kills, increasing with proximity to surface * NEW: Programmers can reset nearby allied robot systems (0b10 variants only) to clean corruption * NEW: Super secret hidden door opens in response to relevant NPC's data core * NEW: Option to show actual remaining integrity for damaged robot core popups, rather than a percentage (advanced.cfg only: preciseCorePopup) * NEW: Operators summoning reinforcements via their terminal also display an on-map ALERT message * NEW: Part swap list distinguishes broken inventory items by displaying their names in red * NEW: Tutorial message about non-stacking effects when simultaneously attaching two parts that will not combine their effects * NEW: Numpad Enter also centers map view on self * NEW: WASDQEZC command set * NEW: Optional "-nonportable" switch applies to all player file saving, including settings, scoresheets, screenshots, and the backup system * NEW: Support for custom save paths, specified via "-customFilePath" switch (see manual under Advanced UI > File Options) * NEW: Option to hide precise values in part coverage visualization mode even when Tactical HUD active (advanced.cfg only: noPreciseCoverage) * NEW: Scoresheet Best States also records Energy Generation and Matter Stores * NEW: Optional Terminus style map glyphs for size 18 ASCII mode players (see manual under Advanced UI > Fonts) * NEW: Added explanation of Vulnerability mode visualization to manual (Advanced UI > Parts Window) * NEW: Option to block all vi-key input, to prevent unintended movement by those who don't use vi-keys anyway (advanced.cfg only: blockVi) * NEW: All Alpha supporter names registered since Beta 3.1 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: Robots sending distress signals to an ally out of view temporarily reveal that ally's position with a blinking yellow marker * NEW: Robots calling for help or reinforcements from a garrison temporarily reveal that garrison's position with a blinking red marker * NEW: Easier/Easiest difficulty modes have free +10/20% chance to hack both direct and indirect interactive machine targets * NEW: Easiest difficulty mode always has a 100% chance to succeed at direct Record hacks * MOD: Robot info window provides Analysis button with separate access to that text, instead of directly displaying it all (some didn't fit) * MOD: 't' button no longer sorts inventory while robot info window open * MOD: Robot/machine/terrain damage modifier info display now represented as Resistances, using negative values for weaknesses * MOD: "Dispatching garrison force" log message in a certain mid-game branch changed to "dispatching additional forces" to avoid confusion * MOD: Masking an area prevents Recyclers from even collecting there, rather than simply blocking item knowledge at a distance * MOD: Reduced size of -10/Materials by 44% * MOD: Scanalyzers removed from -10/Materials * MOD: Reduced number of Terminals and Repair Stations in -10/Materials * MOD: Fewer bots in -10/Materials, and Swarmer patrols always 3 bots rather 3-4 * MOD: Maximum preloaded Fabricator schematic rating bonus increased from +2 to +3 * MOD: "Data loss" message due to corruption effect more specifically indicates that lost data is component knowledge * MOD: Corruption misfire attacks against Demented outside W base no longer cause faction-wide aggro * MOD: Bump- and forced-melee attack targets no longer recalled automatically for subsequent attacks * MOD: On-map label for object under cursor only appears once if cursor remains on that object * MOD: On-map label for multi-cell robots no longer recreated when moving cursor (via kb or mouse) around between that robot's sections * MOD: Wall/door destruction value (for alert purposes) now based on depth, reducing it for much of 0b10 though later maxing out at its Beta 3.1 value * MOD: Item stat comparison no longer available via Repair Station repair list * MOD: Core Stripper effectiveness reduced by one-third * MOD: A few corruption side effects require passing a minimum system corruption threshold rather than anything being possible from 1% * MOD: Core resets also wipe all intel data * MOD: Easier/Easiest mode accuracy bonus now 20%/30% * MOD: Hvy. Machine Gun buffed * MOD: AM-PH4 propulsion tweaked * MOD: A single terminal will only ever explicitly list one Prototype ID Bank * MOD: Chance to trigger traps increased while overweight * MOD: Removed Ctrl-F1 hotkey for cycling combat log verbosity (legacy 7DRL command now available in options menu) * MOD: Cannibalization Units removed * MOD: Robots sending distress signals to an ally show no log message if that ally already visible to Cogmind * MOD: Lore export button style changed, and keyboard players now access them via T/H/C (upper case) instead of 1/2/3 * FIX: Chance to avoid self-damage from kicking was calculated per leg rather than per slot, and therefore incorrect for the one multi-slot leg [Valguris] * FIX: Network Hubs destroyed outside both view and audible range did not correctly apply effect [Valguris] * FIX: Certain bonus points could be earned multiple times, despite intended limits [Valguris] * FIX: Potential crash if Borebot destroys itself while clearing an explosive machine [Valguris] * FIX: Particle Accelerators only applied effects against on robot targets, not terrain or machines [Valguris] * FIX: W might fail to spawn for a particular late-game event [GJ] * FIX: Zhirov terminal missing a lore entry [GJ] * FIX: Holding 'f' before and while dialogue transmission window opening would ignore all commands once window closed [GJ] * FIX: Opening super secret hidden door with the proper manual code triggered the security system anyway [GJ] * FIX: Crash on a temporary patrol spawning into a map under certain rare conditions [Hopeless Situation Warrior] * FIX: Containment Facilitator explosion type context help message missing [Hopeless Situation Warrior] * FIX: Core Analyzer effects were checked on the defender rather than attacker, making it useless to attach one [Hopeless Situation Warrior] * FIX: Allied Programmers wiped friendly trojans from 0b10 terminals [Hopeless Situation Warrior] * FIX: Allied 0b10 Operators revealed friendly derelict traps outside 0b10 [Joshua] * FIX: Materials storage cache prefab could in rare cases allow a hostile bot to spawn near Cogmind's entrance location [Joshua] * FIX: Easier difficulty modes were getting a higher accuracy bonus than advertised/intended [DeanSherman] * FIX: Version number stored multiple times within compressed game.bin metadata (no impact on functionality or data integrity) [kiroist] * FIX: 3.1 caused Command internal name misalignment for some commands.cfg entries (no impact on functionality, though) [Raine, JamesVagabond] * FIX: Crash on hypermatrix ping effect triggered while simultaneously tunneling deep into earth [dak] * FIX: Implementation of tread crushing effect made autoreplacement of some tread types incompatible with the replacement rules [zxc] * FIX: Specific Cetus terminal query topic accessible only directly rather than indirectly as a reference (affected keyboard mode only) [ozer0] * FIX: Scrolling a repair/scanalyze item list of greater than 26 items resulted in incorrect color coding [Snow_Cat] * FIX: Allied programmers could rewire shutdown robots that were otherwise unhackable [Quelan] * FIX: Temporary pop-up labels for robots would remain visible and track the robot even after it leaves view if enough turns are passed [Star Weaver] * FIX: Crash on attempting to spawn a squad to a map with a Garrison Access that was disabled after hacking the stairs open * FIX: If the new advanced.cfg noFluffLogMessages option activated, no autogenerated messages would appear in log * FIX: Data backup system incompatible with "-nonportable" command line parameter * FIX: Scoresheet "Absorbed by Shields" data not tallied correctly ================================================================= Cogmind Beta 3.1 (171111) - "In the Cloud" * NEW: [Steam] Steam Cloud support * NEW: ALERT log messages also appear over the map at the top left (adjustable via advanced.cfg: mapAlertDuration) * NEW: Most ALERT log messages/announcements accompanied by a sound effect for emphasis * NEW: Triggering High Security is accompanied by a special sound effect * NEW: Message/combat logs prefix lines with turn numbers in Tactical HUD mode (toggle via advanced.cfg: disableMessageLogTurnNumbers) * NEW: noFluffLogMessages option to never show purely atmospheric log messages related to some robot actions (toggle via advanced.cfg) * NEW: Ctrl-RMB on walls/doors for their stats (if a info window already open, simple RMB works too) * NEW: Custom cursor support (see manual under Advanced UI) * NEW: Descriptions for all 49 advanced.cfg-only options added to manual under Advanced UI * NEW: WORKMAN keyboard layout file * NEW: Partial keyboard layout files for QWERTZ, ABNT2, UK * NEW: Numpad Enter also closes context help, advances transmission text, and works on game over screen to restart * NEW: Tutorial message explicitly indicates purpose of matter on first acquiring it (same as item description) * NEW: Several situational tutorial messages regarding energy management * NEW: Weapon penetration stat context help explicitly mentions that Huge robots count as a single object * NEW: "Inventory Autosorting" in options menu toggles automatic type-sorting of inventory items (equivalent to 't') * NEW: Attached part relative coverage visualization also shows specific values in Tactical HUD mode * NEW: All Alpha supporter names registered since Beta 3 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All Alpha item-attribution names registered since Beta 3 added to the item collection gallery * MOD: All maps accessible in all difficulty levels (most challenging areas no longer blocked off in easier modes) * MOD: Structural Scanner no longer required to get explosion data in machine info (but still required to know if such a machine has been destabilized) * MOD: Structural Scanner effect description explicitly states that it * MOD: All keyboard map-shifting commands now jump the map by default (single-space shifting no longer possible) * MOD: Shift modifier no longer required for keyboard mode to shift map view (Alt-only), except for vi-keys * MOD: vi-keys no longer need Shift or Alt modifier in dedicated mapshift mode (`), simply hjklyubn will do :) * MOD: /user/cogmind.cfg split into three files: system.cfg, options.cfg, advanced.cfg * MOD: "Show Part Range" and "Invert Map Pan" removed from options menu (now in advanced.cfg) * MOD: advanced.cfg autoSortInventory renamed to matchSortInventory * MOD: Lowered integrity of all Coolant Injectors * MOD: Slightly nerfed Mak. Salvage Targeting Computer * MOD: Tread crushing effect description includes explicit notice of max core integrity to be crushable (50) * MOD: Removed critical hit stat context help mention of effect on machines, large doors, and barriers (no longer applicable) * MOD: Walls/doors destroyed by launchers cause alert increase as with other weapons * MOD: Experimental/pre-release builds no longer warn about version number not matching server records * MOD: Scan window uses a much quicker, quieter sound to prevent overlap when hovering cursor across groups of items * MOD: Text printing/scrolling sfx replaced by a more subtle version with lower pitch and volume * MOD: Doubled matter extraction rate of all Field Recycling Units * MOD: Save file naming scheme changed to reflect internal save version, and extension changed to .sav * MOD: Tunneling hack more useful * MOD: Resource containers no longer have a LOAD setting (since the desired behavior is now automatic anyway) * MOD: Integrity-wise sorting of inventory now orders by absolute integrity rather than percent remaining * FIX: Attaching Core Expander from inventory via any means of direct swapping would crash game on subsequent key press [russomatroso] * FIX: 0b10 Decoder Chip [G/L] crashed on attempting to reveal an item outside FOV dropped on a chip-discovered trap [Darg] * FIX: Manual referenced older damage modifier for critical strikes against armor (is 20%, not 25%) [zxc] * FIX: Clicking 'X' button to close robot manual hacking window with code list open didn't also close the latter, and would later crash the UI [Valguris] * FIX: Potential to crash in the combat log if a certain sequence of messages quickly appeared under rare conditions [LordKee] * FIX: Using a Reconstructor while affected by a Stasis Beam to move outside the beam range would maintain the hold as long as no new obstructions [DDarkRay] * FIX: Unidentified prototypes in inventory indirectly revealed coverage and integrity values through respective visualization modes [DDarkRay] * FIX: Saving files would silently fail if player manually deleted the target directories [The Renderer] * FIX: Ctrl-CMB to toggle volley range visualization not working under some conditions [Uninstall Wizard] * FIX: On some Linux/Wine setups online News update feature might occasionally have a trailing 0 causing repeat news content to flash as if new [Joshua] * FIX: Typo in lore [zill] * FIX: Unidentified prototype resource containers held in inventory could still indirectly collect and store energy/matter * FIX: With non-green console border colors, the first item comparison in the gallery would still have two inside corners appear green * FIX: Removed critical strike stat context help mention of props being destroyable by crits ================================================================= Cogmind Beta 3 (171017) - "Steam" * NEW: Basic Steam integration * NEW: [Steam] Overlay-free screenshot uploading via standard Print Screen key * NEW: [Steam] Screenshots uploaded to library are tagged by location * NEW: F12 also takes screenshots (in addition to PrtScn) * NEW: Scoresheet records include "Steam" indicator under Options * MOD: Scoresheet no longer contains "X=" string * MOD: Leaderboard submissions on by default (can still be manually deactivated in options) * MOD: Screenshot filename format changed from simple counter to "cogmind_[YYMMDD-HHMMSS]_[LOCATION]" * MOD: Core Stripper buffed * MOD: [Steam] No download email reminder when new versions are available * FIX: Opening info for a map object while in kb mode, then toggling off that mode and closing the window, would cause cursor to jump [DDarkRay] * FIX: Multislot part sever immunity added in previous update also indirectly prevented them from being salvaged [GJ, lsend] * FIX: Subatomic Replicator could cause a subsequent crash if used on a certain plot item which was then picked up [lsend] ================================================================= Cogmind Beta 2.2 (170926) - "Shields for All" * NEW: 17 new items (several with new mechanics) * NEW: 2 new minor encounters in Mines * NEW: Many terminals now also contain random item schematics * NEW: Hack failure output also displays the chance of success, including for indirect hacks * NEW: "Survival Tips" added to beginning of manual, including in-game reminders to check them out * NEW: Researchers also react to spotting ramming/kicking/crushing attacks * NEW: Attempted ramming/kicking/crushing attacks in view of a Researcher displays warning, as with other attacks * NEW: run.log records the number of loaded rebinds and keyboard layout changes * NEW: A few straggler Alpha supporter names registered since Beta 2 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * MOD: All multislot parts immune to severing * MOD: Swapped support of Imp. Q-thruster and Cld. Q-thruster * MOD: Cmb. Antigrav System coverage lowered from 55 to 35 * MOD: Hyp. Gauss Rifle and Hyp. Railgun recoil set to 1 * MOD: Adjustments to lore CSV and HTML output to avoid confusion between two particular categories with the same name * MOD: Removed all references to "direct fire" weapons from utility effect descriptions to avoid confusion * MOD: Ramming/kicking/crushing damage is capped at 100, before the damage roll * MOD: Remote Shield Generators renamed to Remote Shields * MOD: Remote Shield (and similar utility) effects no longer stack with each other, regular Force Fields, or other shielding effects * MOD: VFP coverage tripled * MOD: Art for many shield utilities swapped around to suit new sets * MOD: Energy Mantle renamed to Remote Force Field * MOD: Quantum Shroud renamed to Energy Mantle * MOD: Looping through Access-depth Garrisons no longer advised * MOD: Network Hub bonus increased, but multiple hubs provide diminishing returns * MOD: On-map item labels always show rating where applicable, even if Tactical HUD off * MOD: Robot salvage in caves does not self-destruct in the easiest difficulty mode * MOD: "Armored" items renamed to use "Arm." new prefix * MOD: Removed Com. Heavy Treads * MOD: Dur. Treads and Dur. Medium Treads replaced by Armored variants * MOD: Spiked and Heavy tread variants now move at same base speed as regular treads * MOD: Base penalty for overweight treads increased from 20 to 30 * MOD: Heavy tread variants have increased support * MOD: Many special tread-based robot variants switched to new types of treads * MOD: Most wheel stats adjusted, particularly even lower overweight penalty and somewhat lower coverage * MOD: Imp. Spread Laser range increased from 8 to 10 * MOD: Ambush traps no longer appear in Materials * MOD: Allied drones ordered to return to their bay will always do so even if under fire and otherwise attempting to flee * MOD: Tutorial message memory no longer completely resets itself when new additions are made (file format changed) * FIX: Opening a hacking window within 5s of loading a game that logs an internal warning shows a line of garbled characters behind window [DDarkRay] * FIX: Crash on triggering a trap while sound card disabled [mungomongol8] * FIX: Crash if Phasing AFG resulted in an item overlapped with a non-cardinally adjacent door attempting to close [GJ] * FIX: Crash if allied drone parked at edge of map view spotted a self-destructing part just outside view [GJ] * FIX: Tread crushing effect description did not cap chance value, causing largest tread type in world to display incorrect percentage [GJ] * FIX: Schematic(Matter) was accessible via indirect hack (albeit meaningless) [GJ] * FIX: Rewiring of disrupted robots via datajacks was possible even on hack-immune bots [GJ] * FIX: Relative value coloring of regenerative plating inverted [GJ] * FIX: Cannibalization Units could in some cases restore parts to greater than max integrity [GJ] * FIX: Actual botnet effect was lower than advertised in the tooltip [GJ] * FIX: Newly allowed inventory item ID retention on core reset was also identifying previously unknown prototypes [Sherlockkat] * FIX: A random dialogue encounter still referenced an old renamed NPC class [Sherlockkat] * FIX: An earlier adjustment to a Zion encounter could cause certain allies to join before intended contingent on map layout [Sherlockkat] * FIX: Typo in newly added dialogue [Sherlockkat] * FIX: Typo in lore export category named after a major NPC [lsend] * FIX: Multiple core resets would erase artifact knowledge without restoring it [lsend] * FIX: Missing period in Propulsion Shielding description [Amphouse] * FIX: Prototypes, Schematic(), and Analysis() terminals hacks listed incorrect chance of success (somewhat lower than advertised) ================================================================= Cogmind Beta 2.1 (170718) - "0b10 Decoder" * NEW: Item gallery UI also gives access to item info * NEW: Added more manual sections, including how to activate the on-map combat log and a description of how Cogmind is different from other roguelikes * NEW: Dedicated \\ZION-REPORT command for intel retrieval * NEW: 4 new items (utility with unique mechanics) * NEW: 1 more Trojan() hack (secret) * MOD: Core resets no longer unidentify items held in inventory * MOD: Fabricating any variant of Cmb. hover now produces a pair instead of one * MOD: Maul and Hvy. Hammer differentiated by giving latter wider damage range * MOD: Tweaks to experimental Z-armor stats * MOD: Spread Lasers assigned a new "Minimal" heat transfer level * MOD: Allied Mechanics can only repair the same parts that Repair Stations can * MOD: Drone Bay shrunk to 1 slot, integrity reduced, art updated * MOD: Sensor Array scan data erased if it appears within FOV for fast-moving Cogminds, even between turns * MOD: Partial spotting rules take into account effect of machine obstruction on sight range * MOD: Upped animation speed for Lgt. Assault Rifles and all weapons that use a similar animation * FIX: Non-ASCII character filter added to in-game manual for Beta 2 was also filtering out some legitimate special punctuation [zxc] * FIX: Was possible to auto-extract resources from unidentified containers on the ground [zxc] * FIX: Credits list contained some duplicate supporter names [zxc] * FIX: A certain lab terminal was missing, making it impossible to acquire two pieces of tech lore [zxc, GJ] * FIX: Imp Segregator attacks automatically destroyed Cogmind's top-listed power source instead of the Imp's [DDarkRay] * FIX: Adding a subdirectory to the /user/ directory would crash game the first time it starts up each day (bug in automated backup system) [DDarkRay] * FIX: Manifests terminal hack in some cases reported higher item counts than were actually being transported [Sherlockkat] * FIX: Optional "-nonportable" switch added in Beta 2 didn't fully work [Gexgekko] * FIX: Some Grunt analyses referenced old resistances [Amphouse] ================================================================= Cogmind Beta 2 (170705) - "Legend has it..." * NEW: Export discovered lore collection to TXT, HTML, or CSV for external reading/processing * NEW: "Lore Collection" and "Item Gallery" manual subsections under Advanced UI, explaining the seek feature and more * NEW: Support for alternative keyboard layouts (foreign kb support incomplete, but includes presets for Dvorak and Colemak) * NEW: Command rebinding (currently supported via cfg only, see forums) * NEW: Battery-based non-part items display remaining power in both inventory list and in on-map name labels * NEW: Active Stasis Trap fields absorbing damage also have their field strength reduced, and the value is carried across extractions and reinstallations * NEW: Scan window, item info, inventory info, and on-map labels report field strength of Stasis Traps in item form * NEW: Optional confirmation required for melee attacks against neutral or inactive targets (on by default, toggle via cfg: ignoreNeutralMeleeConfirmation) * NEW: HUD energy and matter readouts show total resources stored in inventory containers (tactical HUD mode only) * NEW: Mouse users can fire guided weapons at open spaces and non-FOV locations without using the keyboard by left-clicking on last waypoint * NEW: Using up all guided weapon waypoints automatically fires on selecting the next target location, regardless of contents * NEW: When a guided weapon's waypoint limit is reached, the last one placed appears yellow instead of green * NEW: Hostile AI may sometimes partially spot targets off their own turn (details in manual) * NEW: Cloaking Devices also reduce chance of being spotted by hostile AIs when not their turn * NEW: Sentry AI investigates most recent target's last known position before returning to post (they used to cut out early) * NEW: Additional Triangulator effect allowing prediction of hostile AI paths * NEW: Added transmission jamming immunity to some prototype robots and NPCs * NEW: Transmission Jammer capable of suppressing any visible alarm trap within range, regardless of how it was triggered * NEW: Weapon stat comparisons show numerical difference between EM spectrums, rather than abbreviations (still colored white because subjective) * NEW: Thermal weapon info displays precise amount of heat transfer * NEW: Several more scoresheet entries * NEW: Optionally have program store /user/ data in your OS user directory ("-nonportable" command line option) * NEW: 1 more Trojan() hack (secret) * NEW: All winning challenge mode runs get additional 7000 bonus points * NEW: Successfully rewiring a robot/trap blocks further input for 1s (i.e. safely hold a move key) (deactivate via cogmind.cfg: noRewireRepeatProtection) * NEW: Attempting a bump melee attack in view of a Researcher temporarily blocks the attack with a warning message, highlighting all Researchers in view * NEW: Negative score adjustments for friendly fire * NEW: A few straggler Alpha supporter names registered since Beta 1 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * MOD: All grenades' accuracy increased, range decreased * MOD: Triangulator and Structural Scanner energy cost lowered to 1 * MOD: Plasma Cutter delay increased from 20 to 100 * MOD: Weight Redist. System (both variants) mass support increased by 1 * MOD: worldSeed value in cogmind.cfg ignores ` character in case entered manually * MOD: Added explicit info to manual notes section about incompatibility with foreign language characters * MOD: Potential Cannons' info displays both projectile and explosion stats * MOD: Adjusted 0b10 responses to jamming or attacking a Garrison Access point * MOD: Scoresheet "Fabricated" list no longer includes parts built automatically * MOD: Index(Machines) difficulty slightly increased * MOD: Enumerate(Maintenance) hack always excludes Operators * MOD: Tweaked robot demographics in Materials * MOD: Reclamation Units now provide a static amount of matter rather than at a rate based on integrity * MOD: "Central database compromised" effect reflected by a new global ALERT, and investigation * MOD: Updated some A7 dialogue to better reflect newer lore * MOD: Severing-type attacks now work on Backup parts * MOD: Drones and fabricated robots no longer cleanly drop severed parts * MOD: Player-reprogrammed and -installed traps will also target hostile derelicts and other non-0b10 enemies * MOD: Reduced effectiveness of some "integrated consumables" (vague because spoilers) * MOD: Win speed bonus not applicable if any challenge modes active * MOD: Major NPCs immune to part stripping and Blade Traps also now immune to Segregators * MOD: Increased "High Alert Combat Kills" bonus score rates, and lowered threshold to alert level 2 * MOD: Increased "Follower Combat Kills" bonus score rate * MOD: Critical hits on props no longer automatically destroy them (no special effect) * MOD: Ramming and melee attacks against adjacent targets from a stationary (momentum-free) situation made at 0 momentum rather than 1 * MOD: Moving diagonally to the direction of current cumulative momentum reduces it by 1 rather than resetting it * MOD: Kill streak counter now only counts enemies towards tally * FIX: A certain random dialogue referenced a pre-change version of an NPC name [MTF] * FIX: Scoresheet "Damage Taken" was including damage sustained by all robots, not just Cogmind [zxc] * FIX: A certain major NPC's terminal records appeared out of order in lore collection UI [zxc] * FIX: Was no additional extermination dispatch delay benefit from disabling more than one garrison [zxc] * FIX: If Devolution challenge mode removes storage unit, inventory contents could temporarily exceed capacity on entering a new area [zxc] * FIX: Despite Beta 1 fix, was still one condition under which a dropped Storage Unit causing inventory overflow would be dropped on another item [zxc] * FIX: Typo in Log L.VFLK3RLK entry [zxc] * FIX: Exp. Field Recycling Units in inventory would show a value in parenthesis, suggesting what it is [zxc] * FIX: Zhirov encounter scoresheet entry stopped working in Archives [zxc, GJ] * FIX: Infinite intercept squad dispatches possible if waiting during the turn they are dispatched [zxc, GJ] * FIX: Stasis Generator glow effect for affected robots would draw to other sections of map if panned robots out of view [GJ] * FIX: Stasis Generator may still affect target around a corner given certain layouts [GJ] * FIX: Message log crash if final shot of an entropic weapon consumed by a misfire [GJ] * FIX: Toggling between two guided weapons in targeting mode after setting waypoints would enable more waypoints beyond weapon limit [GJ] * FIX: Targeting a non-FOV space with guided weapons in mouse mode revealed whether it contains a blocking object, e.g. robot or closed door [GJ] * FIX: Killing two special NPCs via a unique method allowed them to reappear at a later plot point [GJ] * FIX: Activating even non-weapon items automatically deactivated an active guided launcher [GJ] * FIX: Disruption-capable weapons could "deactivate" non-togglable parts [GJ] * FIX: Last line of Imprinter Dialogue 1 cut off in lore collection record [Gexgekko] * FIX: Hacking UI crash if defensive hackware protects against an effect, but is then itself destroyed by a secondary feedback effect [Sherlockkat] * FIX: Item schematic list was no longer dimming name prefixes [Sherlockkat] * FIX: Manual crashes in game if foreign language/non-ASCII characters added to file manually (now ignored) [Gobbopathe] * FIX: Attempting to trigger already active stasis trap at current position would show warning message, even though impossible [DDarkRay] * FIX: Three typos in manual [DDarkRay] * FIX: Trojan to reduce fabrication matter drain was not fully effective [Rylan] * FIX: Spellchecked complete lore export and fixed a number of typos * FIX: Entering targeting mode with autoloaded waypoints for a different guided weapon retained them even if count exceeded new weapon's limit ================================================================= Cogmind Beta 1.2 (170523) - "Path to Success" * NEW: Mouse movement pathfinding automatically avoids non-hostile blocking robots (can deactivate via cogmind.cfg disablePathfindingRobotAvoidance) * NEW: When combat log detail set to Full, automatically mirrored to left side of map (tweak via cfg: mapCombatLogMaxLength/mapCombatLogDuration) * NEW: Armor Integrity Analyzers expanded to a full four tiers (+2 items) * NEW: Particle Chargers expanded to three tiers (+2 items) * NEW: Added meaning of part info summary ** and + prefixes to manual * NEW: Manual available online, too: gridsagegames.com/cogmind/manual.txt * NEW: Allied followers will not chase down Watchers that leave Cogmind's FOV * NEW: Allied followers will generally avoid taking incredibly circuitous routes when blocked, preferring to wait instead * NEW: Player and AI pathfinding both avoid traveling through potential cave-in areas where feasible * NEW: Attempting to fire in view of a Researcher will temporarily block attacks with a warning message, and highlight all such Researchers in view * NEW: Programmers capable of remotely rewiring disrupted robots * NEW: Energy restored to full on heading to new map (also fills any energy containers) * MOD: Rating 10 items show their rating as 'X' in the part list info summary mode (instead of "10") * MOD: Exp. Actuator Arrays and Exp. Shock Absorption System now classified as prototypes (though never found faulty) * MOD: Free peeks inside rooms / around corners no longer guaranteed for fast Cogminds gaming the time system * MOD: Some utility effects no longer stack: Target Analyzers, Armor Integrity Analyzers, Particle Chargers * MOD: Some Particle Charger/Accelerator effects weakened, also lowered energy upkeep * MOD: Armor Integrity Analyzer effect no longer applied to AOE attacks * MOD: Programmers can no longer remotely repel hacks against allies made via direct melee Datajacks * MOD: Scoresheet doesn't list tallies for specific effects of overheating or corruption if zero * MOD: Scanalyzer Insert Component list no longer displays duplicate items with matching integrity * MOD: A certain well-known stash has gotten even better * MOD: EM disruption no longer affects inactive robots * FIX: May crash if standing adjacent to both a door and its terminal when [redacted] remotely unlocks that door [Sherlockkat] * FIX: Newest secret map may rarely have an unintended tunnel extending from its exit area [Sherlockkat] * FIX: Adjustments to Command layout generation in Beta 1 introduced the possibility of requiring travel through a garrison [Sherlockkat, zxc] * FIX: Potential UI crash if in possession of an Omega Cannon with INFO mode active [Nikola Kolodziejczyk] * FIX: Dedicated robot destruction codes retrieved from [redacted]'s decrypted terminal stopped working after Alpha 14 [MTF] * FIX: New cave-in system allowing guaranteed passage through wall-earth-wall tunneling scenarios wasn't working as intended, might cave in [MTF] * FIX: Was possible for fabrication network matter reserves to fall slightly negative if randomly drained close to zero while a build in progress [MTF] * FIX: New bonus points for Network Hub destruction tallied incorrectly [GJ] * FIX: Reversed scoresheet ending name (only in header) for two of the seven endings [zxc] * FIX: The conditions required for a plot-relevant end-game hack that used to be possible to obtain mid-game were no longer possible [zxc] * FIX: Typo in Thermal Resupply hack name [zxc] * FIX: Typo "Fabriactor" in new scoresheet entry [zxc] * FIX: Ramming a target off stairs may in some cases fail to immediately ascend [zxc, DDarkRay] * FIX: Pair of typos in Zion [DDarkRay] * FIX: Missing space in intel message revealing a single exit to a particular map [Amphouse] * FIX: A particular encounter in the Mines could make it impossible to exit from one of the two stairs, though still showed the stair label [Senjai] * FIX: Scanalyzer Insert Component list showed all items with matching name and integrity as broken if the first in inventory was broken [Senjai] * FIX: Repeat consecutive messages in calculations log did not immediately show their multiplier suffix unless scrolled out of view and back again * FIX: Super Gauntlet challenge mode could crash on -8/Materials if no Garrison Access generated for that map ================================================================= Cogmind Beta 1.1 (170511) - "NERF Cannon" * NEW: Manual Advanced UI: Map section more explicit about where tunneling is safe through areas that can otherwise cave in * MOD: Ramming time cost no longer a flat 100 (1 turn); now takes slowest of that and your movement speed * MOD: Tread crushing only possible against targets with no more than 50 core integrity remaining * MOD: Tactical Coordination Suite bonus increased from 5% to 10% * MOD: Removed critical chance from Flak Cannon, Hvy. Flak Cannon, Proton Burst Cannon, Ion Burst Cannon * MOD: Tri-rail Accelerator critical chance lowered from 3% to 1% * MOD: Visible sound effect system no longer pinpoints origins of sounds played at less than a quarter of their volume due to relative distance * MOD: Data Miner ASCII changed from 'm' back to '0' * MOD: Robot info page doesn't list damage modifiers that don't apply to that robot * MOD: C Programmers gained critical immunity * FIX: The new system for preventing duplicate penetration caused consecutive single-projectile shots against the same target to have no effect [GJ] * FIX: Potential crash if Borebot destroys itself while clearing an explosive machine [GJ] * FIX: Engineers building rooms could in certain rare layouts manage to build excessively long rows of doors [Widmo, BOYADD] * FIX: Extermination squad dispatch referred to as incorrect type if affected by Trojan and the dispatch before it was of a different type [zxc] * FIX: Typo in Transmission Jammer effect description [zxc] * FIX: soundIgnoresDistance config file option allowed sounds to be both heard and seen across an entire map * FIX: Map exit information obtained via derelict logs showed "exits" (plural) in log message even if only one ================================================================= Cogmind Beta 1 (170509) - "The End" * NEW: Branch map "[redacted]" * NEW: 7 different animated endings, with content dependent on plot-related actions * NEW: 1 major new NPC (unique robot class) * NEW: 4 new minor NPCs (unique builds) * NEW: 3 more prototype robot variants * NEW: 2 more robot analysis records * NEW: 21 new items (8 completely new item mechanics) (total = 846) * NEW: 2 more Trojan() hacks (secret) * NEW: 1 more Force() hack (secret) * NEW: 37 more scoresheet entries (total = 626) * NEW: 48 more sound effects (total = 847) * NEW: Added content to "Archives" map * NEW: Scoresheet filename appends win type indicator, and +'s for boss kills * NEW: scorehistory.txt Location column differentiates between win types * NEW: "Devolution" experimental challenge mode (for now set in cogmind.cfg: challengeDevolution) * NEW: "Inhibited Evolution" experimental challenge mode (for now set in cogmind.cfg: challengeInhibitedEvolution) * NEW: "Gauntlet" experimental challenge mode (for now set in cogmind.cfg: challengeGauntlet) * NEW: "Super Gauntlet" experimental challenge mode (for now set in cogmind.cfg: challengeSuperGauntlet) * NEW: "Pure Core" experimental challenge mode (for now set in cogmind.cfg: challengePureCore) * NEW: "No Salvage" experimental challenge mode (for now set in cogmind.cfg: challengeNoSalvage) * NEW: Any active challenge modes are listed in log on starting a new run * NEW: All treads have at least a 5% chance per slot to instantly crush ram targets of medium size and below * NEW: Ramming with treads active never leads to self-damage or destabilization * NEW: All legs have a 20% chance per slot to kick a ram target out of the way, avoiding any self-damage but damaging target * NEW: Sound effect origins heard but not seen temporarily marked on map, color coded by type (can toggle in cogmind.cfg: disableVisibleSfx) * NEW: More specific result text for final game over screen and scoresheet on a win * NEW: Scoresheet meta data now records all wins and their type (listed by Game subsection's new "win type" entry) * NEW: Game over screen includes buttons for mouse users to restart/quit without keyboard * NEW: Added explicit note to manual about challengeScavenger leaving static stockpiles untouched * NEW: Will not reload previous target position if entering targeting mode after having fired at a machine, but that machine is now gone * NEW: "Map" manual subsection under Advanced UI, collecting in one place all reference info on temporary map-related indicators * NEW: Keyboard mode can inspect walls/doors as other objects, for both armor and resistances * NEW: Random world seeds composed of word combinations rather than random numbers (creates fake item name via adjective + adjective + noun) * NEW: Item info for Self-destruct Interrupters and similar disposable non-part items now includes a battery indicator (also in scan window) * NEW: Non-part items with internal power sources (e.g. Self-destruct Interrupters) flash blue on the map while active * NEW: Core reset results in a particular additional negative effect, as well as another bonus * NEW: Explosion/projectile EM damage spectrum listing now shows associated chance of triggering chain reaction * NEW: Destroying Network Hubs gives bonus points * NEW: Dedicated RNG for hacking success checks * NEW: Earn increasing bonus points for destroying hostile combat robots from alert level 3+ * NEW: Follower ally kills earn bonus points * NEW: Transmission Jammer activation animation highlights robots that will be jammed (also changed appearance) * NEW: Data Miner more helpful * NEW: Some Waste areas have additional effects * NEW: One more way to gain access to Deep Caves * NEW: Highlighting of all cave-in prone areas now freely available in tactical HUD mode (no Structural Scanner required) * NEW: Hold Ctrl-Alt to greatly brighten color of visible cave-in prone spaces * NEW: Power-consuming utilities can be toggled all at once using " (or new CYCLE button, like propulsion/weapons) * NEW: If no parts to toggle on entering a cycle command (;/'/"), will display a reminder message * NEW: Overloaded attached power/propulsion/weapons in part list info mode ('q') display their modified stat values, and highlight them * NEW: Multiprojectile weapons in scan window and part list info mode ('q') have a * between their damage value and type * NEW: Parts/inventory color-code weapon damage type abbreviations * NEW: Increased number of tie-breaking rules on "Furthest Area Reached" leaderboards (depth > boss kills > regions visited > date) * NEW: Unlocking a garrison after installing a trap on the entrance itself gives explicit log message referring to the trap's destruction * NEW: Commands, targets and results of all successful hacks mirrored to message log * NEW: Static color for machine trace lockout and Force() hack success reflects Cogmind affiliation/state * NEW: Robot analyses count as lore, added to collection system (including '!' indicators for uncollected Analysis() targets) * NEW: Lore collection UI includes better keyboard-based page scrolling support * NEW: Robot info temperature readout context help contains explicit note about meltdown threshold ("DANGER") * NEW: Dedicated map shift mode toggled by ` (keyboard mode only, and supports all sets of movement keys) * NEW: Offensive hackware decreases chance of successful hack repelling by hostile Programmers * NEW: Part data visualization shows values next to graph in most modes (only available in Tactical HUD mode; can deactivate via cfg: precisePartGraphs) * NEW: Full list of Tactical HUD features added to manual * NEW: Simple animated effect for part destruction by impact damage causing system corruption * NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 14 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * MOD: Win types are differentiated; none are simply "reached Surface" (the collective term on leaderboards is now "Ascended") * MOD: Opening an item swap menu via keyboard autocloses open item info windows (matches mouse behavior) * MOD: Recall(Extermination) hack no longer appears at Materials terminals (useless at that depth) * MOD: Random traps will no longer be placed within 15 spaces of where Cogmind enters a main 0b10 map (does not apply to branches) * MOD: Misfires due to corruption less likely to hit allies * MOD: Adjusted AI movement behavior to theoretically reduce possibility of enemy combat bots "jumping" into rooms * MOD: Transmission Jammer description updated to more clearly list all of its effects * MOD: Machine structural analysis (resistances) now provided automatically on viewing info (no Structural Scanner required) * MOD: Several non-fabricatable utilities and weapons that were not prototypes now categorized as prototypes (though never faulty) * MOD: Taking any action other than ramming resets the ram permission check, to avoid ramming a previous unintentional ram target that suddenly moved * MOD: GRD reduced from 4 waypoints to 1 * MOD: C Programmers no longer carry GRDs (guaranteed elsewhere) * MOD: Shortcuts to special cave areas through Lower/Upper caves can only appear in the first cave map, not the second * MOD: Data Miner ASCII changed from '0' to 'm' * MOD: Name changes for "Operators" (the NPC kind) * MOD: Placeholder location name "Tunnel" given a real name * MOD: On-map dialogue/scene descriptions limited to ten most recent lines (all still recorded to log as normal) * MOD: O7 resistances improved * MOD: Core/part shielding prevents effects of critical hits against protected targets, rather than completely ignoring them * MOD: Stasis Generator slot count reduced to 1 * MOD: Unstable Evolution challenge only shows instability message on evolution/depth changes rather than during all map transitions * MOD: Each successful Overload/Assimilate hack increases global system defenses against all future robot hacks by 1/2% (respectively) * MOD: Options menu Player/Seed entry boxes no longer accept commas * MOD: Tunneling between rooms slightly more lenient: no cave-ins for wall-earth-wall scenarios * MOD: Destroyed wall spaces can cave in just like destroyed earth * MOD: Sensor behavior in "that secret map" no longer has any meta component, and can be learned via specific means * MOD: Two specific random dialogues in Zion now considered lore despite their low value, to keep them from baiting players seeking new lore (green '?') * MOD: Multi-cell robots can no longer be hit more than once by penetrating weapons * MOD: Part autosorting prioritizes EM weapons within their own category (e.g. EM guns before TH/KI guns) * MOD: Waiting now costs 100 time units, rather than simply canceling any time remaining in current turn * MOD: Direct Schematic() terminal hacks for items likely to be out of depth (as with preloaded Fabricators) * MOD: ESC key access to game menu enabled by default in keyboard mode (can disable by setting disableEscMenuAccessKeyboard in cogmind.cfg) * MOD: Schematic(), Analysis(), and Load() hack readouts referring to robots list their "Tier" rather than "Rating" * MOD: Intercept squad dispatch timing factors adjusted * MOD: Ambush Traps can no longer contain Saboteurs, and are capped at 3 attackers instead of 4 * MOD: Hacking command buffer no longer stores manual unique codes or Zion hacks * MOD: Broadened definition of "ally" for purpose of some scoresheet entries, e.g. Ally Attacks/Total Damage/Kills/Largest Group/etc. * MOD: Transmission Jammer effect requires visual on target * MOD: Transmission Jammer works on active Engineers and distress signals from other non-combat robots * MOD: Messages for jammed distress signals only shown if that signal would have alerted a nearby armed hostile * MOD: Non-combat robot distress signal message more explicit about results * MOD: Increased difficulty of rescuing "SW" * MOD: The most dangerous mid-game maps are inaccessible in the easiest difficulty mode * MOD: The most dangerous late-game maps are inaccessible in both of the easier difficulty modes * MOD: Spotting hostiles and dialogue robots while motion trails toggled off now flashes !/? markers rather than using background color marking * MOD: Flashing '?' indicators for NPCs with uncollected lore dialogue, or benefits, now flash indefinitely until interacted with * MOD: Part list info mode and on-map part labels differentiate between prototypes and alien items, marking the latter with a second asterisk (**) * MOD: Internal Heat Shields removed in favor of superior new part with additional mechanics * MOD: Programmer variant names reworked * MOD: Programmer defensive hack success rate no longer a static 25%, with high-tier Programmers much more likely to block hacking attempts * MOD: Upped hacking attack time cost for Programmers, from 100 to 150 * MOD: Programmers have reduced chance to reboot higher-tier robots * MOD: Higher-tier Programmers more capable of successful hacks * MOD: Evolution UI rearranged to put confirmation button in a more natural location * MOD: Causing a positive salvage modifier on a robot can never result in more matter than the upper limit of its salvage potential * MOD: Busy engineers don't always call for reinforcements when they come under attack at lower depths * MOD: Removed Auto-ascend from options menu * MOD: Stepping on an exit/stair position always enters it, but requires confirmation (can disable confirmation via cogmind.cfg: ignoreAscendConfirmation) * MOD: Ramming a target off an exit automatically takes that exit * MOD: Part data visualization defaults to Integrity for new players, rather than Coverage * FIX: Component Analysis Suites were using their old processor tile in sprite mode, and removal would still destroy them [Amphouse] * FIX: System Backup Modules and other corruption-purging utilities reported their effect to the log even if nothing to purge [Amphouse] * FIX: Bonus points for Wall Chamber destruction were applied per cell rather than only once [Sherlockkat] * FIX: Imprinter death not registered properly if enemies with Zion [Sherlockkat] * FIX: Dispatch and high-security messages continued even after Command garrisons activated [Sherlockkat] * FIX: Deep Caves entrance was always accessible without key or other special means [Shobalk, Sherlockkat] * FIX: Certain uncommon types of allies may not follow if outside your FOV [Sherlockkat] * FIX: A particular Reinforced Shell layout in Armory contained two invisible pieces [Sherlockkat, zxc] * FIX: Hunter info Scan Cloaking data entry not showing its value [zxc] * FIX: Under special circumstances some regenerating items might be restored to greater than maximum integrity [zxc] * FIX: Controlled Mechanics were no longer capable of repairing allies when in AID mode [zxc] * FIX: Zio. Metafield Generator missing its effect description [Shobalk] * FIX: Dropping a Storage Unit resulting in inventory overflow would stack it on top of the first item force dropped at current position [Widmo] * FIX: ISC terminal entry query incorrectly highlighted a reference to "Command" [Widmo] * FIX: Firing at a target followed by a second target against which entire volley fails to cycle remembered first target for input recall [Widmo] * FIX: Two status entries and three utility effects with decimal values always appeared negative under some versions of Wine on Linux [MJWkr, gammafunk] * FIX: New autotargeting system would recall previous misfire targets if still in view [gammafunk] * FIX: In rare cases Zionites might be completely blocked in by machinery [gammafunk] * FIX: Friendly O8 hack in Zion stopped working in previous release due to data typo [MTF] * FIX: Crash during special event in Recycling (broken by Alpha 14) [MTF] * FIX: Under rare circumstances a valid path between cave entrance and special exits may be blocked off by a wall [MTF] * FIX: Crash on destroying a specific piece of a certain Manufacturing Module while active [MTF] * FIX: Was still possible for important NPC allies to stop following into a new map (despite adjustments in previous release) [MTF] * FIX: Typo in Stasis Generator query [MTF] * FIX: Data Miner hackware would self-destruct, despite not being an 0b10 bot [GJ] * FIX: Backup parts auto-identified via refit showed correct name/info if inspected, but still listed as Unknown in parts list until reattached [GJ] * FIX: Destroying a Network Hub, Energy Cycler, or Phase Generator would not cause the intended effects if unstable at the time of destruction [GJ] * FIX: UI crash on using a Core Expander while a "G Unit" active [GJ] * FIX: Removing an incomplete Asb. Biocell Array can drop Cogmind to negative energy [GJ] * FIX: M Guard AI exhibited odd behavior in combat [GJ] * FIX: Patrolling ARCs triggered by fire from outside their sight range would not notify deployed robots of the attacker [GJ] * FIX: Signal Interpreter effect description missing a period [DDarkray] * FIX: Derelict logs that reveal later map zones would not label exits which happen to be within those zones [DDarkRay] * FIX: Manual contained obsolete reference to inventory window ASCII display contents [Bacon] * FIX: Allied AI followers might accidentally step on known hostile traps [Finestep] * FIX: Under rare circumstances it was possible to load into a new map with an empty parts list [buthix9] * FIX: Even-length destination names displayed in left-oriented access labels at right edge of map were offset from their target by 1 cell * FIX: UI crash if ally transferring to new map moved within 500ms of the transfer to a coordinate that doesn't also exist in target map * FIX: Taking a Self-destruct Interrupter to a map other than where it was found would deactivate its battery timer, allowing unlimited use * FIX: Reconnecting to O Command terminal under the right conditions would repeatedly award bonus points * FIX: Destroying two or more Network Hubs reported to the log a bonus lower than actual value * FIX: "dangerous territory" base commander dialogue kept repeating every time you stepped next to him * FIX: M. Deconstructor works against machines again (was messed up by special condition added last release) * FIX: Some generic AIs with scripted attack responses on coming into view would say their dialogue but not actually attack if too far away * FIX: RMB on undiscovered phase wall would not enter firing mode as expected, meaning it could be used to detect them * FIX: Dirty Bomb Trap description specified explosive damage but is actually EM ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 14 (170228) - "Hack 'n Slash" * NEW: Branch map "Deep Caves" * NEW: Multiple major plot events * NEW: 5 new robots (2 with new art) * NEW: 25 new items (6 new component mechanics) * NEW: Easier difficulty modes available in options menu * NEW: Scoresheet displays difficulty mode at top * NEW: Separate leaderboards for each difficulty mode * NEW: Color of parts list divider lines reflects difficulty setting for current run (green/gray/blue), for easy differentiation in screenshots * NEW: Game over screen uses different highlight colors for each difficulty setting * NEW: Scoresheet filename reflects difficulty with a new digit inserted before score (0/1/2) * NEW: 0b10 has a deadly "High Security" state above Alert Level 5 * NEW: Scoresheet now records cumulative play time across all runs * NEW: Manual expanded with a new section on Difficulty * NEW: "Unstable Evolution" experimental challenge mode (for now set in cogmind.cfg: challengeUnstableEvolution) * NEW: "Scavenger" experimental challenge mode (for now set in cogmind.cfg: challengeScavenger) * NEW: Dedicated scoresheet section for challenge mode list * NEW: Score history appends challenge modes active for a given run * NEW: Message log reports what slots were just evolved on entering a new map * NEW: Additional behavior related to a reset core and special Zionite builds, for lore reasons * NEW: IMP:G-0014175/C-0630194 now includes ambient sfx * NEW: Another beneficial random encounter in Mines * NEW: Relative coverage percent for owned items that would otherwise be displayed as a rounded "0%" instead show a fraction (tactical HUD mode only) * NEW: Melee multi-wielding * NEW: Melee Analysis Suites also increase chance of follow-up attacks switching to a second target if first destroyed * NEW: Melee sneak attacks and follow-up attacks tallied in scoresheet * NEW: Trojans already installed on target machine will not appear among autocomplete options for manual hacks * NEW: Hacking feedback effects and results mirrored from hacking UI to the message log * NEW: Melee Datajacks' item info includes description of how to use one to disarm or reprogram known traps (originally only in manual) * NEW: Mouse users with full inventory standing on an item can simply left-click on self to invoke smart inventory management rules (same as Ctrl-LMB) * NEW: Mouse users in tactical HUD mode have access to new parts list CYCLE buttons that toggle propulsion/weapon states (like keyboard ;/' commands) * NEW: Cursor hidden while Cogmind attack animations play out (can override via cogmind.cfg: cursorVisibleDuringAttack) * NEW: Option to hide cursor whenever input is blocked for any reason (advanced.cfg only: cursorAlwaysHiddenWhenInputBlocked) * NEW: Right-clicking anywhere out of sight automatically pans the map to center on that location * NEW: Empty slots are clickable to pull up a list of all applicable parts for that slot (no Ctrl required) * NEW: Sound effect played to indicate robot hack failure because repelled by Programmer * NEW: Non-stackable utility effects now have an explicit description label, "" * NEW: Destabilized explosive machine countdown timers now visible on map when Structural Scanner data available * NEW: Dialogue indicators in scan window, robot info page, and on-map flashing '?' all appear in gray if you've already collected that lore * NEW: Data Miner more helpful * NEW: Impact damage causes system corruption as a side effect of destroying a part * NEW: After an Access(Branch) hack that found nothing, calling up exit labels reminds you there is no branch access from the current map * NEW: Structural Scanner also highlights areas in view which are susceptible to cave-ins due to instability caused by collateral damage from explosives * NEW: Scoresheet records total damage absorbed by shields * NEW: Lab contains a new Warp Cannon (replaces Warp Gun) * NEW: Autosaves occur silently every five minutes (interval adjustable in cogmind.cfg: autosaveInterval), though waits until idle for five seconds * NEW: Multiple instances of Garrison Access redirects may be discovered and have local consequences * NEW: Added manual section "Salvage" (under Combat) * NEW: Remote Datajacks can be used to restart disabled allies from a distance * NEW: Any Datajack can be used to rewire disabled/disrupted robots at a much higher chance (50%) than standard rewiring (10%) * NEW: Datajack penetration failure accompanied by log message and unique sfx * NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 13 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All item-attribution names registered since Alpha 13 added to the item collection gallery * NEW: ESC key access to game menu disabled by default in keyboard mode (can allow by setting allowEscMenuAccessKeyboard in cogmind.cfg, or just use ?/F1) * MOD: Option disableEscMenuAccess (cogmind.cfg) renamed to disableEscMenuAccessMouse, only applies outside keyboard mode * MOD: No scorehistory record or scoresheet produced for suicides below -9 * MOD: \\ZION hacks only accessible from Terminals * MOD: Infested traps and Garrison Access points now spawn allies if core reset * MOD: Garrison post-attack effect on patrol size no longer capable of completely eliminating lone Hunter patrols at low depths * MOD: Garrison Index and Fabricator Index hacks no longer appear on Materials terminals * MOD: All Trap Extractor ratings lowered (-2) so they may be found earlier * MOD: Toggling the Tutorial option off also skips the alternative Scrapyard layout * MOD: LRC Insulator effect description more explicit regarding non-stackability * MOD: Option entries split out from other game meta data into its own new section in scoresheet * MOD: Only a single guided or any number of non-guided weapons can be active at once * MOD: Undoing a guided waypoint in keyboard mode automatically targets that location, to facilitate building a new path from that point * MOD: Switching from a guided weapon attack to a direct attack in keyboard mode no longer auto-targets the first guided waypoint * MOD: Last set of previously used guided waypoints remembered even if other direct fire weapons fired in between guided volleys * MOD: Cetus combat encounter now uses a much more reliable form of counting the trigger requirement, never fails regardless of tactics * MOD: Garrison exits that link to other maps now always lead to 0b10-controlled areas * MOD: ASCII art no longer displayed for unidentified alien artifacts * MOD: Layout(Sector), the secret debug Terminal hack that only a few players knew existed, removed from game * MOD: Scoresheet critical hit stat tallies now player-only * MOD: Thieves flee more quickly * MOD: C-40 Crusher better capable of dealing with high heat * MOD: Mining Laser/Welding Torch/Plasma Cutters converted from Special Melee Weapons back to Special Weapons; can use more than one at a time * MOD: Mining Laser/Welding Torch ranges upped to 2 * MOD: Plasma Cutter ranges upped to 3 * MOD: Tri-rail Accelerator damage increased 50% * MOD: Removed "Walls Built" tally from scoresheet (no longer applicable) * MOD: rmbWallsToTarget option (advanced.cfg only) now on by default * MOD: LMB picks up trap items instead of installing at current position; RMB installs traps * MOD: Adjusted set of scoresheet stats displayed on game over screen (replaced four of them with newer stats) * MOD: GRD and some other potential forms of special attack that wouldn't incite a hostile response from targets now do * MOD: Programmers remotely defending against a datajacking attempt now do so immediately on penetration rather than after choosing a hack * MOD: Controls(Machine) replaced by a new brute force hack * MOD: Length of shortcut to Zion capped at 3 depths * MOD: Robot rating calculations use new formula, taking into account special cases * MOD: Ally transfer to a new map no longer prioritizes controlled allies over non-controlled (is pure level comparison) * MOD: Full traces while hacking interactive machines at Materials depths don't always trigger investigations * MOD: Allies excluded from some basic scoresheet entries such as Value Destroyed * MOD: "Fusion Cannon" renamed "Hardcell Cannon" * MOD: "Thermal Defense Suite" and "Beam Splitter" name swap, latter now better * MOD: System Mapper/Ghost Barrier no longer randomly found in the wild, nor can they be fabricated, but may appear in specific locations * MOD: Core Stripper max damage reduced, faster attack time, tripled integrity * MOD: Core Cannon integrity +75% * MOD: Disintegrator integrity +25% * MOD: Falloff -1 for Hvy. Shock Bomb Launcher, Hvy. Proton Missile Launcher, Com. Tesla Bomb Launcher * MOD: Increased base power for both Gamma Bomb Array variants * MOD: Increased accuracy of player idle time calculations for run length reporting * FIX: Item gallery not recording Scrap collection (incrementing Derelict Logs instead) [Amphouse] * FIX: Zionite Guard Positions hack displayed incorrect message when none found (referring instead to emergency access) [Amphouse] * FIX: Typo in new Thermal Converter effect description [Amphouse, DDarkRay] * FIX: Terrain scanning the same position more than once would reveal whether there's an item/trap there, and its name [zxc] * FIX: Trying to fire guided weapon beyond its range might give incorrect message "No active guided weapon" [zxc] * FIX: Typo in new manual section [zxc] * FIX: Art gallery intro text referring to personal items misaligned [zxc] * FIX: Redirecting certain dispatches and then seeing them later would flash a '!' when they appear even before they spotted Cogmind [zxc] * FIX: Integrity Redistributor effect description the reverse of actual effect [zxc, Sherlockkat] * FIX: Z-Series change to Q-Series in Alpha 13 was not accompanied by intended corresponding ASCII change (Z > Q) [Sherlockkat] * FIX: Post-imprint Mutant escort wasn't following into Proximity Caves as intended [Shobalk] * FIX: Borebot capable of destroying stairs [Shobalk] * FIX: A particular cave encounter with Minesweepers could have them extract a trap from an exit, destroying the exit itself [Shobalk, Raine, buthix9] * FIX: Crash on using 'f' to enter targeting mode with only a melee weapon active while adjacent to unarmed robot in sight of armed robot [GJ] * FIX: Crash on retrieving Zionite intel Emergency Access results on a non-square map [GJ] * FIX: Randomly placed Scrap piles in Zion might be covered by machinery along the walls [GJ] * FIX: World map not highlighting current location if in a Factory floor following a visit to Waste in keyboard mode [gammafunk] * FIX: Recycling Units might contain an actual matter item (with value = 0) [Snuffsquee] * FIX: Evolution screen left an extra '0' after slot counter when decrementing from 10 (impossible now anyway due to Zion shortcut changes) [Xanthos] * FIX: Setting guided waypoints then activating non-guided weapons allowed entire volley to follow the same waypoints! (undiscovered for two years, hehe) * FIX: Interactive machine hacking feedback on full trace includes the potential for hackware destruction as intended * FIX: Interactive machine hacking feedback wasn't being blocked by defensive hackware * FIX: Scan window integrity indicator and colored on-map item labels weren't using the same value scale and would sometimes appear mismatched * FIX: Toggling volley weapons while in targeting mode recalculates line of fire in case visible factors changed, e.g. penetration capabilities * FIX: During inventory-to-parts direct keyboard swapping (/) in sprite mode, the color-inverted item instead appeared as two left halves of the tile * FIX: Comparing a Plasma Cutter to a non-melee weapon misaligned the resulting salvage stat difference * FIX: Imp. KE Penetrator art assigned incorrectly (was using same as KE Penetrator) ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 13 (170117) - "Rise of Zion" * NEW: Branch map "Zion" expanded * NEW: 1 major plot event with potentially far-reaching effects * NEW: 1 major new NPC (unique robot class) * NEW: 1 new common robot w/unique behavior, "Thief" * NEW: 5 new special robots (3 unique classes, 10 variants in all) * NEW: 32 new items (total = 800) * NEW: Trap items have a unique sprite * NEW: New special item type in caves: Scrap (moving onto it automatically searches) * NEW: Wide-ranging set of ally-sourced hacking abilities to discover, available as part of a new system * NEW: More reasons to visit Mines (what those are I'll leave you to discover) * NEW: Several new cave encounters * NEW: 87 more scoresheet entries (total = 579) * NEW: 3 new low/mid-tier Fabricators and Recycling Units * NEW: Ninth damage type (secret) * NEW: Triangulation mechanics/utility * NEW: True cloaking mechanic (via new Cloaking Devices) * NEW: Recycling Unit Retrieve(Components) hack output explicitly states number of components retrieved, since may not equal full contents * NEW: Repair Stations, Recycling Units, and Scanalyzers color listed items by current integrity * NEW: Repair Station repairable item list marks those which are broken to avoid requiring opening info window to confirm * NEW: Explosion falloff stat context help explicitly mentions visual representation in the form of AOE color's brightness relative to the origin * NEW: Encounter-based optional world map shortcuts * NEW: "Alert Popups" option that displays flashing on-map warnings and alerts for low integrity/energy/matter * NEW: "Part Auto-sorting" option that enables automatic sorting parts after changes (occurs once moving again) * NEW: "Show Non-FOV Color" option to show areas outside with darker colors rather than the green overlay (toggle at any time with Ctrl-`) * NEW: "Click Walls to Target" option that allows that feature to be toggled (now off by default) * NEW: "Color Item Labels" option to use integrity-based color scheme for item labels, both manual and automatic * NEW: Standard item labeling method uses slightly darker shade to indicate items at less than 75% integrity * NEW: Option to allow right-clicks on walls to enter targeting mode (advanced.cfg only: see rmbWallsToTarget) * NEW: Manual explicitly states that fliers must switch to another form of propulsion in order to bump-rewire disabled targets * NEW: Any encounter action in which an NPC drops an item is accompanied by the proper material-based drop sfx * NEW: Manual and context help clarify specific stat effects of propulsion overloading * NEW: Confirmation required for suicide/quit game menu options (including a required 1-second delay) * NEW: Armor auto-replacement breaks ties using each armor's respective rating * NEW: Added "Multiple Projectiles" section to manual (under Weapons) to explain how they work * NEW: Sealing a garrison after installing a trap on the entrance itself gives explicit log message referring to the trap's destruction * NEW: In-game manual's keyboard navigation supports Numpad as well * NEW: Attached processor to be dropped/removed/swapped flashes until confirmed (or window expires) * NEW: Numpad 0 equivalent to 'd' key for opening object info; in keyboard mode also identifies item at current location without examine mode * NEW: Explicit context tutorial message about the drawback of attempting to aim through an obstacle at a target behind it * NEW: Overhauled autotargeting and target selection system (see new manual section "Targeting Priority" under Advanced UI) * NEW: Targeting and examine modes both support -/= and Numpad -/+ for cycling through objects * NEW: Firing at an empty space or other non-robot target is remembered for subsequent shots, automatically targeted again if still visible * NEW: Repeatedly firing a guided weapon will remember and automatically reload all of previous attack's waypoints, if still visible * NEW: Shift modifier w/Numpad cursor movement in examine/targeting modes jumps four spaces (customize via cfg: cursorJumpDistance) * NEW: In targeting mode, Backspace or Numpad Enter centers cursor on self (keyboard mode) * NEW: Added explicit Notes section to manual * NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 12 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All item-attribution names registered since Alpha 12 added to the item collection gallery * MOD: All former optional target cycling methods unified, is now always distance-based (near to far) * MOD: Target cycling includes only armed hostiles if any, otherwise all non-allied targets * MOD: Item cycling order in examine mode switched from row-based to distance-based, near to far; also accessible by Ctrl-Numpad -/+ * MOD: Entering targeting mode via 'f' with only a melee weapon active will limit target cycling to adjacent targets * MOD: Diametric Drive now a prototype * MOD: Upped melee sneak attack base hit chance to 120% * MOD: Derelict Log ASCII art recolored, rather than matching Data Core * MOD: Non-hostile Derelicts use much brighter shade of gray * MOD: Trap Extractors somewhat more commonly found among regular stockpiles * MOD: Gui. Remote Datajack now a prototype, improved to rating 9 * MOD: Trap items changed from light gray to red (in ASCII mode) * MOD: Reduced number of sound channels for environment destruction, to lower volume of large-scale collateral damage to machines * MOD: AI (enemies and allies) spot targets one space further away than previously, more in line with their actual sight range * MOD: Z-Series renamed to Q-Series * MOD: Minseweeper variants renamed: Extractor -> Sweeper, Miner -> Extractor * MOD: Particle Charger integrity increased (+10, all variants) * MOD: Original set of Cloaking Devices renamed to Phase Shifters * MOD: Utility Shielding no longer protects Armor parts * MOD: Allies are tier-prioritized when passing to new map, better ones appearing closer (any lost in transition will naturally be weaker) * MOD: Drones show their class name in info page instead of "Special" * MOD: Controllable allied drones appear in blue instead of fuchsia * MOD: Assimilated prototype robots always appear blue * MOD: Scanalyzer-listed non-scanalyzable items appear blue instead of yellow * MOD: Mines infestation less common, and sometimes accompanied by a new encounter * MOD: Imp. Signal Interpreter displays non-combat classes in a different color * MOD: LRCs are now their own class * MOD: Inventory sorting accompanied by sound effect (became silent in Alpha 11 due to removal of interface message w/typing sfx) * MOD: Removed "Auto-sort Inventory" from options menu (still available in cogmind.cfg as autoSortInventory) * MOD: Removed "Distance-based Volume" from options menu (still available in cogmind.cfg as soundIgnoresDistance) * MOD: Removed "Center Cursor on Move" from options menu (still available in cogmind.cfg as centerCursorOnMove) * MOD: Removed "Animated Volley Range" from options menu (still available in cogmind.cfg as animateVolleyRange) * MOD: Removed "Target Preference" from options menu (now obsolete) * MOD: Major NPCs no longer susceptible to core disruption * MOD: Allies/AIs no longer attack dormant bots (until awoken) * MOD: Item rating value context help clarifies its importance in simplifying the comparison process * MOD: Added mechanics details including machine-caused LOS reduction to the manual's "Spotting" section (under Combat) * MOD: All EM cannon energy costs increased approximately 40% * MOD: Recycling Unit tunneling more likely to discover areas closer to current depth than further away * MOD: Log message reporting a world location learned via derelict log etc. is different if location was previously known * MOD: World map will not show additional discovered but unvisited Factory areas at the same depth (may have been learned by tunneling through chutes) * MOD: Scoresheet "Alien Tech Recovered" renamed to "Alien Tech Used" (behavior unchanged) * MOD: Confusion due to corruption no longer tries to move into walls, take exits, or otherwise attempt an involved action (rewiring, machine interaction) * MOD: Recall() hacks no longer appear on Command terminals, nor do they have an effect there * MOD: Svarog and Perun core integrity +33% * MOD: Zionites have a new sprite * MOD: Gaining new intel no longer automatically opens intel window (can reactivate feature via cogmind.cfg: autoOpenNewIntel) * MOD: Melee attacks never miss walls/doors/machines * MOD: Mechanics, Protectors, and disarmed combat bots no longer considered a "threat" for movement purposes (requires "Stop on Threats Only" option on) * MOD: Part rejection side effect of corruption no longer occurs outside combat situations * MOD: Thermal Generator effect description changed to avoid implying it prevents thermal damage * MOD: No Garrison Access below -8 * MOD: Assaults and Intercepts no longer dispatch simultaneous with Exterminations * MOD: Increased effect on alert level from disabling machines and having allies in tow during combat * MOD: +1 rating to all hackware at the Improved tier and above * MOD: Adv. Remote Datajack rating +1 * MOD: Hackware stat progression rate reduced significantly * MOD: Two additional higher robot hacking difficulty tiers * MOD: Previously hackable prototype robot systems now much more difficult * MOD: ARCs/Z-Series/Behemoths and many more now fully hackable (difficult but not impossible) * MOD: Reduced by ~20% the chance of hostile Programmers successfully assimilating allies with average/high hacking defenses (e.g. Grunts/Hunters) * MOD: Build command at all Fabricators easier * MOD: Preloaded item schematics at Fabricators now better than usual, even out of depth * MOD: More Fabricators will tend to have preloaded schematics * MOD: Slightly reduced mass support for all flight propulsion at and above rating 4 * MOD: World map no longer accessible during examine/targeting modes * FIX: Getting a Repair Station refit or being repaired by a Mechanic ignored extra slots of multislot items, attaching more parts than necessary [Vectis] * FIX: Advanced key command listing for evasion info still showed '/' despite having been switched to '\' [zxc] * FIX: A particular late-game encounter involved a robot that could still take a hostile action even if assimilated before acting [zxc] * FIX: Under rare circumstances a valid path between cave entrance and exits may be blocked off by a wall [Sherlockkat] * FIX: Vi-key running via 'r' modifier wasn't working in all cases [Dracunos] * FIX: Part mass visualization should show relative values for unidentified non-propulsion parts [Dracunos] * FIX: Removal of BUILD order in Alpha 12 shifted tallies for other ally orders in scoresheet [Widmo] * FIX: Backup parts which became "Unknown" due to data loss remained unknown even after attachment during Mechanic repairs or Repair Station refit [Widmo] * FIX: Mechanics headed to resupply at a Repair Station which is then disabled may still resupply if interactive section not completely destroyed [Widmo] * FIX: Recyclers headed to insert at a Recycling Unit which is then disabled may still use it if interactive section not completely destroyed [Widmo] * FIX: Recycling Unit's Refit function only available manually rather than via button (until reconnect) if repaired an attached part [Widmo] * FIX: While flying was possible to swap with a non-flying ally on the other side of a hostile (will now clear them, too) [Widmo] * FIX: Unable to cycle through World Map in keyboard mode if current or previous locations in Waste or Garrison [Widmo] * FIX: Inconsistent new map autosave behavior depending on Show Map Intro option setting (now always saves as soon as possible) [Widmo] * FIX: Manual terminal hacks seeking analyses for robots that have no schematics would always indicate unavailable at current depth [Widmo] * FIX: Extracting resources from a container by waiting on top of it did not update the scan window if displaying that container [Widmo] * FIX: While flying, was possible to hack a machine directly on the other side of a blocking hostile [Widmo] * FIX: Typo in W-25 Informer and B-99 Colossus analysis texts [Widmo] * FIX: Reclamation Units could reclaim themselves on destruction [Amphouse] * FIX: Derelict Surgeon variants overheated simply from upkeep costs due to an imbalanced loadout [Happylisk] * FIX: Allied MAIN.C classes/variants transferred to a new map would be renamed [elite277] * FIX: Clicking on the evolution UI where the Confirm button will appear, even before assigning slots, advances to next map without new slots [piedol] * FIX: Allies were causing almost no additional increase to the alert level in combat * FIX: Traveling through Recycling didn't increment evolution count by the proper amount in scoresheet * FIX: Confusion due to corruption was warning when a move would ram a robot or step on a known hostile target, making negative consequences avoidable * FIX: Weapon toggling hotkey (') behavior didn't work properly when autoReadyLauncher option activated in cogmind.cfg * FIX: In rare cases a horizontal line may appear after a log message and get stuck there until the message was redrawn due to scrolling * FIX: NPCs that speak on sight were not supposed to flash the green '!' to indicate dialogue, since a bump is not required to trigger * FIX: "Traps Extracted" scoresheet entry was including non-player tallies as well * FIX: Chute traps never spawned on Factory depths visited on a previous run in the same session * FIX: One or more prop-sourced ambient sounds could disappear early when overlapping with others during movement * FIX: Rebooting, dormant, or otherwise inactive programmers were still capable of protecting nearby allies from hacking attempts * FIX: Crash in message log system if attacking a wall with a base accuracy of exactly 110% * FIX: One character (147) in ASCII art contained a few extra pixels when using 14x14 font ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 12 (161122) - "The Place No One Lives to Tell About" * NEW: Branch map "Command" * NEW: 2 more plot-related NPC encounters * NEW: 1 major new NPC (unique robot class) * NEW: 1 new prototype robot variant * NEW: 1 new common robot class (3 variants) * NEW: 37 new items (total = 768) * NEW: Several more machines * NEW: 1 more cave encounter * NEW: 25 more scoresheet entries (total = 492) * NEW: Borderless fullscreen mode (see options menu) * NEW: Option to automatically deactivate all other weapons when attaching/swapping in a launcher (advanced.cfg only: see autoReadyLauncher) * NEW: Core Heat Shields raise threshold at which overheat effects occur * NEW: HUD temperature readout shows modified overheating threshold if currently above regular threshold with an active Core Heat Shield * NEW: Recalibrator effect replaced with new ability to restore functionality to broken parts, including prototypes * NEW: Manual hacking now includes autocompletion feature (press Spacebar or Tab to accept current match, or up/down to cycle through all matches) * NEW: Indirect hacking of lore topics through references now possible via number keys (keyboard mode only) * NEW: Previously undiscovered lore topics marked in query results using '!' (as also seen in hacking target list) * NEW: Scoresheet records borderless fullscreen setting in meta data ("2") * NEW: Damage overflow mechanic (see manual) * NEW: Expanded manual intro with "Using this Manual" section * NEW: Manual explicitly states that successful hacks can increase alert level * NEW: Trap extraction and reuse mechanic * NEW: Use '>' on top of a trap to force it to trigger (LMB for mouse users) * NEW: Some power sources can be overloaded to double their energy output (and heat) * NEW: Less common combat-oriented hover propulsion ("Cmb.") with higher integrity and support, but slower * NEW: Super fast experimental flight propulsion with relatively low support (rare) * NEW: Non-scanalyzable parts can still be inserted into scanalyzer to identify them (anything!), with specific messages for why schematic impossible * NEW: Manual part/robot Schematic()/Analysis() hacks report required depth and security level if target unavailable at current terminal * NEW: Evolution interface accepts numpad Enter for confirmation as well * NEW: More possible side effects of system corruption: Matter Fused, Heat Flow Error, Energy Discharge * NEW: Allied followers prioritize gathering around an exit if Cogmind is adjacent to one, even if under attack * NEW: Option to block propulsion auto-activation if already have different form active (advanced.cfg only: see disableSecondPropulsionAutoactivate) * NEW: Wait commands blocked for 1 second on spotting a new enemy (can safely hold/repeat wait) (adjust duration in cfg: pauseWaitDurationForEnemies) * NEW: System Backup Modules and related utilities report to the message log on taking effect * NEW: While part swap mode active, indicator now shows at top of parts list as well * NEW: Alt-free modal inventory management! ('d' to enter drop mode, followed by a~z or 1~0; compatible with ',' direct dropping) (keyboard mode only) * NEW: Temporary descriptive indicator appears when sorting inventory or changing part visualization mode * NEW: "World map updated" log messages now indicate precisely what was added/learned * NEW: All robot info always available (Scan Processors removed from game) * NEW: Part/inventory data visualization now includes eighth mode: "relative vulnerability" (toggle via coverage 'c' command/button) * NEW: Thermal projectiles/explosions have a "Heat Transfer" stat that determines how much an impact raises target heat (decoupled from damage) * NEW: AI robots have some unique overheating side effects, and they'll occur more frequently * NEW: Meltdowns are more easily triggered * NEW: Combat robots glow red for a moment when seriously overheating (and are therefore prone to meltdowns) * NEW: Otherwise salvageable parts may melt on robot death due to heat level at the time * NEW: Unique animations for robot death to meltdowns and system corruption * NEW: Scan window also shows robot temperature indicator in a separate block below integrity (tactical HUD mode only) * NEW: Known map outside FOV auto-reveals regular colors when view not centered on Cogmind (e.g. mouse panning or kb-based map shifting) * NEW: Melee attacks against unaware targets are "sneak attacks," almost certain to hit and inflict double damage * NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 11 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All item-attribution names registered since Alpha 11 added to the item collection gallery * MOD: HUD temperature readout doesn't glow even when hot, if within Core Heat Shielding-modified overheating threshold * MOD: Most AI robots tweaked to have near optimum heat efficiency, making them easier to forcefully overheat/meltdown * MOD: Windowed mode blocks fonts that create a game window slightly larger than the screen (for maximum font size use borderless fullscreen instead) * MOD: Upkeep removed from all Processor-type utilities * MOD: Exp. Optical Array effect dropped from 8 to 7 * MOD: Component Analysis Suites converted from Processor to Device, have new art, and a mass of 1 * MOD: Repair Stations take longer to repair broken (non-functional) parts * MOD: Repair Stations can repair broken (non-functional) prototypes * MOD: Integration Analyzer/Error Protection Suite/Quarantine Testbed removed from game * MOD: Integration Analyzer effect merged with Integration Mediators (in addition to latter's existing effect) * MOD: Heat Shielding effect increased from 50% to 75% * MOD: All Core Heat Shields always prevent power source overheating * MOD: Increased Core Heat Shield ratings and energy upkeep * MOD: Recalibrators no longer auto-activate, and require energy upkeep * MOD: Disposable cooling utilities take effect even if at the overheat threshold, where negative effects are technically still possible * MOD: All Maneuvering Thrusters' coverage dropped from 80 to 60, integrity approximately doubled * MOD: All Cloaking Devices' coverage dropped from 100 to 80, integrity slightly increased * MOD: Updated Integration Analyzer effect description, which still implied removing parts has an associated matter cost * MOD: Lowered all drone bay mass, to better serve their secondary purpose as armor * MOD: Increased Mini/Mapping Drone Bay coverage and integrity * MOD: Removed heat upkeep from all high-tier drone bays * MOD: Tactical Quantum Warhead damage increased, reduced variability * MOD: Destructive force of EM-triggered Light/Compact/Mini/Micro power source chain reactions upped to match non-light variants * MOD: Increased damage and reduced matter cost for Flak Guns/Cannons (projectile count unchanged) * MOD: Unknown manual hacking commands no longer added to command buffer * MOD: Manually succeeding at a Query() hack darkens any previous references to that topic in other entries from the same hacking session * MOD: Indirect hacking modifiers no longer apply to Trojans/brute force hacks (now much easier to succeed across all machine tiers) * MOD: Haulers escorted through Materials no longer also capable of calling in reinforcements * MOD: Operators can no longer be stationed at Recycling access terminal * MOD: Exiting a research branch garrison always advances to another area rather than having a chance to bring Cogmind back to the same one * MOD: Hauler Manifests containing matter now list the total amount in addition to the number of stacks * MOD: Weapon heat context help (and manual) explicitly mentions how heat is averaged over the volley turn duration * MOD: Lowered coverage of Electron Diverter and Imp. Diametric Drive to match other prototypes, and raised integrity and support of latter * MOD: Slight increase to mass support of Nuclear Pulse Array and Field Propulsion Array * MOD: Armored Leg increased to rating 5, support -2, heat +1 * MOD: Increased rarity of all Launcher Guidance Computers * MOD: "AA AOE weapon" converted from explosive to thermal damage (trying to avoid spoilers here) * MOD: Shock Trap corruption effect now modified by EM resistance (especially meaningful for NPCs) * MOD: Blade/Segregator Traps no longer capable of affecting strip-immune victims (e.g. major NPCs) * MOD: Traps triggered on Complex 0b10 robots no longer affect alert level * MOD: Ally BUILD order removed * MOD: Flight-capable builds can jump over large allies, movement which was originally blocked because swapping was impossible * MOD: "Cooldown Period" stat removed from power sources, now use the same random range across entire item category * MOD: "Heat Stability" stat removed from power source info * MOD: Power Sources: Mni./Fusion Reactor -energy; F-Cell Engine -energy, +storage; Imp. Quantum Reactor -heat * MOD: Message log file output ignores pure fluff messages like Serf cleaning, Engineer building, etc. * MOD: Numerous hover/flight propulsion names and tiers shuffled to make way for new Cld-prefixed overloadables * MOD: Active heat upkeep of all Cld-prefixed hover and flight propulsion dropped to 0 * MOD: Diametric Drives (and Imp. version) no longer overloadable, speed increased, support and energy drain reduced * MOD: Nuclear Pulse Thrusters and Array no longer overloadable * MOD: Dehyphenated several part name words (Antimatter, Antigrav, Antimissile); switched F-Cell/Q-Thrusters to lower case c/t * MOD: Force Lance renamed to Force Rifle, actual Force Lance piercing melee weapon added * MOD: All Demolisher variants switched to combat-type hover propulsion (slower!) * MOD: Scoresheet Most/Average/Final Carried stat records use inventory contents size rather than count * MOD: Scanalyzer and Recycling Unit selection lists indicate item integrity values to aid differentiation (like Repair Station behavior) * MOD: Scanalyzers can now operate on broken parts and rating 9/10 prototypes (still excludes unique items found only in certain locations) * MOD: All part/robot schematics available one floor earlier than before * MOD: Critical strike damage bonus against armor now 20% (was 25%); Cogmind critical strike part loss threshold down to 33% integrity (from 50%) * MOD: Obstacles along line of fire in targeting mode have a bright animated glow instead of just highlighted * MOD: Direct terminal hacks with unchanging permanent mapwide effects (12 in all) are removed from all terminals once successfully hacked once * MOD: Power generation and energy/matter upkeep drain now occurs before applying any per-turn utility effects * MOD: Targeting autoselection for large robots prefers the location with open line of fire rather than nearest point with line of sight * MOD: Removed map data loss side effect of system corruption (AKA "map rot") * MOD: cogmind.cfg forcePauseForEnemies variable renamed to pauseMoveDurationForEnemies (value reset to default this alpha) * MOD: Transfer Stations now appear in blue * MOD: Raised volume of part swap mode activation sfx (and multiconsole switch) * MOD: Ally AID order can target any other ally, rather than only controllable allies * MOD: Matter Storage Units renamed to Matter Pods * MOD: Stasis link color changed from purple to yellow to differentiate from forms of protective stasis * MOD: Robot destruction log message no longer shown after "terminal corruption" or "critical meltdown" effects (redundant) * MOD: Core Heat Shield renamed Internal Heat Shield * MOD: -10% to hit when attacker's previous action was a move no longer applies to melee combat * MOD: Behemoth core switched from kinetic weakness to thermal weakness * MOD: Removed Grunt core kinetic weakness * MOD: Kinetic guns tweaked: most now have recoil, most now salvage-neutral, reduced some excessive critical chances * MOD: Adjusted distribution and rarity of many utilities * MOD: Microactuators, Quantum Capacitor and low/mid-tier Weapon Cyclers more common * MOD: Increased resistance effect of all Focal Shields, Thermal Shields, and the EM Shield * MOD: Lowered impact of certain events on alert level, most notably machine destruction * MOD: Alert level increase due to allied activity now based on rating--lowered for low/mid-tier variants, raised for high-tier variants * MOD: Cogmind base energy storage doubled to 100 * FIX: Mouse autopathing was broken by a regression (fixed in earlier stealth update, credited here: [magi163]) * FIX: Screenshot feature was broken by a regression (fixed in earlier stealth update, credited here: [Sherlockkat]) * FIX: Operators that lose a Datajack might be fitted with Backup Lasers by a Mechanic [Kalkkis] * FIX: Internal slot counts for robots tallied incorrectly (only a minor affect, on repairs) [Decker, Amphouse] * FIX: Firing overloaded thermal weapons might crash the UI under certain circumstances [Amphouse] * FIX: Hackware art misalignment in ASCII spritesheet could reveal names of other art (regression in Alpha 11) [Amphouse] * FIX: Reactive Armor art not centered [Amphouse] * FIX: Armory dispatches were blocked from entering area [Sherlockkat] * FIX: scorehistory.txt recorded occupied slots rather than total slots [Sherlockkat] * FIX: Trojan intended to speed up fabrication only applied to a build in progress, rather than including all those afterward as intended [Decker] * FIX: Data Miner Network Hub terminal info referred to old/incorrect effectiveness modifier [Decker] * FIX: scorehistory.txt Carried Avg not divided by turn count, resulting in huge incorrect values [zxc] * FIX: Description of "Seed" variable in options menu didn't fit in allotted area [zxc] * FIX: External log file output excluded dialogue [zxc] * FIX: Typo in Containment Facilitator record [zxc] * FIX: Typo in Zion encounter dialogue text [zxc] * FIX: Scoresheet "Traps Reused" stat tallied incorrectly [zxc] * FIX: Recall(Extermination) and Recall(Assault) did not actually immediately call off the target squads [zxc] * FIX: Subatomic Replicator temporarily increased max inventory size if attached directly from the ground with a full inventory [zxc] * FIX: A pair of very long lore entries were cut short in the lore collection UI [zxc, Amphouse] * FIX: Part sorting via ':' might not finishing shifting listed items to final position (rare, circumstances unknown) [zxc, Decker] * FIX: Art gallery excessively incremented collection tallies of matter storage utilities [gressup] * FIX: Crash on manually entering gibberish for the Fabricator Load() command * FIX: Using keyboard-based reverse cycling of map robots/items in targeting mode while mouse active would auto-pan the map to center on the target * FIX: If pure keyboard "DIRECT" drop mode (inventory skipping via ',') left to expire on its own (5s), would take two presses to reinstate it * FIX: Scoresheet "Database Lockouts" stat wasn't being tallied * FIX: Special NPCs intended to follow more closely would lose that status and revert to loose follow if brought to another floor * FIX: Shock Trap and EM Surge Trap had their corruption severity swapped with one another (latter intended to be more powerful) * FIX: Unique hack missing from some Testing terminals * FIX: Makeshift hackware art background colors incorrect * FIX: Impact damage description in game manual still referenced pre-Alpha 6 "durability" mechanic ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 11 (161011) - "Megarelease Mk. I" * NEW: Branch map "Testing" * NEW: Branch map "Quarantine" * NEW: Branch map "[redacted]" * NEW: 55 new items (total now at 739) * NEW: 10 more alien artifacts * NEW: 6 unique items * NEW: 10 superweapons * NEW: 13 prototype robots (including new classes) * NEW: 1 new common robot class (2 variants) * NEW: 1 major new NPC (unique robot class) * NEW: 51 new machines * NEW: Taking electromagnetic damage animates HUD window borders (scales with damage, and can be disabled via Corruption Glitches option) * NEW: Item swap assist UI feature (Ctrl-RMB on attached or inventory item, or '/' followed by a~z/1~0) * NEW: Part-based volley time manipulation mechanic * NEW: Disposable heat sink/coolant injection mechanic * NEW: Momentum boost mechanic * NEW: Thermal cannons with a charge effect include a UI-draining animation while preparing to fire * NEW: Access points discovered via terrain scanning, Layout(Zone) hacks, or drone spotters all now auto-labeled as if seen within FOV * NEW: Movement blocked for a short duration after spotting a new enemy (adjustable via options menu) * NEW: Inserting unidentified prototypes in a Scanalyzer automatically identifies them * NEW: Equipping (or swapping in) a known faulty prototype requires confirmation * NEW: Non-part item info includes general category description * NEW: Non-part item info shows inventory slot count (now that some might require more than 1) * NEW: Segregator and Tearclaws info includes explicit descriptions of their unique mechanics * NEW: All Maneuvering Thrusters / Reaction Control Systems also provide automatic +1 to effective momentum for melee attacks and ramming * NEW: State information available for items on the ground as well, where the info page reflects their non-functional or temporarily disabled status * NEW: Option to completely disable manual hacking code assistance, added by request (advanced.cfg only: see disableManualHackingHelp) * NEW: Confirm ally command targets with KP5 or Enter (alternatives to 'o' and LMB) * NEW: Scoresheet meta data includes current lore and gallery collection percentages * NEW: Scoresheet includes breakdown of critical strikes * NEW: Scores and basic stats from all local runs also recorded in /user/scorehistory.txt * NEW: Tutorial message explains bump-to-talk mechanic for robots with dialogue on the first time spotted * NEW: Messages for insufficient slots/inventory space on attaching/picking up items report size of item in question * NEW: /user/ files (config, meta data, command buffer, save...) automatically backed up to /bak/ once per day for emergency recovery purposes * NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 10 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All item-attribution names registered since Alpha 10 added to the item collection gallery * MOD: B-90 Cyclops buffed with new type of utility * MOD: Fighter/Swordsman Duelist variants buffed with new type of utility * MOD: Minimum volley time reduced from 100 to 25 * MOD: Increased Cold Fusion Reactor energy output * MOD: Increased effect of Network Hub destruction by 50% * MOD: Coolant Network dissipation effect +10 (=90), integrity +100 * MOD: Component Analysis Suite converted from duration-based to random application, effects much more frequent * MOD: System Backup/Restoration utilities converted from duration-based to random application, effect frequency slightly increased * MOD: Mining Laser/Welding Torch/Plasma Cutters converted from Special Weapons to Special Melee Weapons; enables bump-to-attack * MOD: Weakened Hub_04(d) defenses * MOD: Behemoths are more aggressive * MOD: AI-controlled flying robots out of view can no longer jump other robots at no extra time cost (easier to shake Swarmers with a fast build) * MOD: Lowered high-tier drone bay ratings, making them somewhat easier to fabricate * MOD: Parts list integrity visualization always shows at least one bar, even where high-integrity parts are approaching 0 * MOD: Operators can no longer be stationed at unique named terminals * MOD: Implicit bump-to-melee-attack works on all permanently disabled robots found in cave regions, rather than only some of them * MOD: No warning shown when moving onto traps that will not trigger, e.g. treading into a stasis trap * MOD: Signal Interpreters activated while adjacent to an exit can determine where it leads on the next turn without requiring a move * MOD: State changes in sight range-modifying utilities update FOV on each new turn without requiring a move * MOD: Garrison access points much less likely to be found near each other * MOD: Important NPCs that follow player now stick closer by instead of running off to engage or chase down hostiles * MOD: AI distress signals only go out to armed and active (or dormant) allies (excludes rebooting/disrupted/broken/unpowered/disarmed bots) * MOD: Large heavy/blast door resistance against melee attacks increased * MOD: Buffed Greatsword damage * MOD: Falx better differentiated from Power Sword--slower but more damaging, and much higher critical chance * MOD: Efficiency of all Thermal Generators more than doubled * MOD: Non-resistant armors' integrity +50% * MOD: Resistant armors' integrity +100%; also more rare * MOD: Reflective/Insulated armors heavier * MOD: Reactive/Reflective/Insulated armor naming scheme changed to types of "Plating" * MOD: All part-Shielding integrity increased approximately 50% * MOD: Stasis link color changed from green to purple to match newer stasis-related mechanics * MOD: Stasis field strength around self/allies reported to log in dark orange instead of dark green * MOD: Data Core description explicitly indicates base duration before expiry * MOD: Molecular Deconstructor damage type changed to match effect description * MOD: Cannibalization Unit description effect explicitly states that required duration is part-dependent * MOD: Adv. Integration Mediator effect changed from -99% to -90% * MOD: All Integration Mediators apply effect to energy costs of equip/unequip as well; also increased mass * MOD: Sensor Array and Terrain Scanner effect descriptions explicitly state scans performed on a per-turn basis * MOD: Zion generally contains some number of derelict logs * MOD: Destroying unpowered and permanently broken robots no longer counts towards score/kills * MOD: Fleeing combat robots rearmed by Mechanics will reengage hostiles immediately rather than continuing to original goal * MOD: Evasion status summary hotkey switched from '/' to '\' * MOD: Removed from options menu: "Auto-wait on Low EN" (still available via cogmind.cfg as "autoWait") * MOD: Screenshots output to /screenshots/ rather than base directory * MOD: Win speed bonus score formula now = (50000000/turns); previously ((8000-turns)*5) * MOD: Scoresheet excludes a wider variety of entries where their value is zero * MOD: Hvy. Battle Rifle rating dropped from 5 to 4 * FIX: Failed to tally score on ending a game with no inventory items (regression fixed in earlier stealth update, credited here: [zxc]) * FIX: Crash while equipping a certain secret item from the inventory via swap command [zxc] * FIX: Network Hub destruction alert reported old/incorrect efficiency value [Decker] * FIX: Results of a particular major event (spoiler) did not propagate to all expected circumstances [Decker] * FIX: A different particular major event (spoiler) could wipe some previously-learned manual hacking codes [Decker] * FIX: Switching to a different monitor or changing the desktop resolution between games didn't perfectly resize the font and map dimensions [@phi6] * FIX: Description for Motion Trail Duration option referenced older default value [Amphouse] * FIX: Burnout entry in propulsion data listing displayed a faint 'N' in front of valid non-zero single digit values [Amphouse] * FIX: Receiving Backup parts from a Repair Station or Mechanic didn't count as having attached them for gallery collection purposes [Amphouse] * FIX: Exit positions forgotten to corruption would still show exit labels [Amphouse, magi163] * FIX: All derelict class destruction counts were recorded incorrectly in scoresheets (since Alpha 8) [Amphouse] * FIX: Routes through Waste or a Garrison caused scoresheet to record incorrect core remaining percent [Sherlockkat, Amphouse] * FIX: Analysis accuracy bonus as displayed in robot info was always +0 (but correct value was applied) [Kalkkis] * FIX: Attempting to insert unidentified prototypes into a Scanalyzer revealed their true name [Kalkkis] * FIX: Melee Analysis Suites provided 100 times the stated benefit [Kalkkis] * FIX: Guided weapon waypoints could path through, but not be set to, wall rubble locations [Kalkkis] * FIX: Weapons that failed to fire due to system corruption still applied their heat/recoil effects [Kalkkis] * FIX: During a particular cave encounter a Sentry could request backup even while rebooting after a Datajack hack [Kalkkis] * FIX: Mouse-scrolling a schematic list greater than 26 items before any selection, then selecting one via LMB, selected the wrong item [Kalkkis] * FIX: Repair Station vAl.05a was the only interactive machine with a shape that that might eject an item to an unexpected location [Kalkkis] * FIX: A stalled one-way network connection could hang the game on exit (now quits after 5 seconds) [Chad] * FIX: Font and map dimensions not automatically set for largest size possible with resolutions above 1440p [veryfoodverygood] * FIX: Part autoswapping to a different item of same category where there are multiple options might choose the one with less integrity [zxc] * FIX: Long item names could cause truncation of output message for damage during Scanalyzer analysis [zxc] * FIX: Incorrect word in component fabrication time context help message [Amphouse] * FIX: Typo in manual section on Hackware [Amphouse] * FIX: Typo in Stasis Canceller effect description [Kalkkis] * FIX: Loading a game with a status-caused glowing UI border effect in progress (overheating/low integrity/stasis) would not resume the animation * FIX: Thermal damage context help indicated incorrect amount of heat transfer (based on half damage, not full damage) * FIX: Scoresheet "Robots Hacked" total wasn't including all possible cases ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 10 (160809) - "Collect 'em All!" * NEW: Branch map "Armory" * NEW: Branch map "[redacted]" * NEW: 2 new alien artifacts * NEW: 9 new special items * NEW: 1 more plot-related NPC encounter * NEW: Two dozen more location-specific lore records * NEW: Twice as many Assembled variants * NEW: Assembled announce their entry with a new sound effect * NEW: Completely new mechanic which can change the way the end game is played (any more info would spoil it) * NEW: Unique type of interactive terminal (secret) * NEW: Evasion status summary, replaces volley window except in firing mode (hover or press '/' for full details) * NEW: Lore-related terminal records and dialogue remembered between runs * NEW: Lore review interface for exploring previously discovered information (game menu 9) * NEW: Part/inventory data visualization now includes seventh mode: "relative matter consumption" (toggle via info 'q' command/button) * NEW: Discovered manual (randomized) hacking codes shown in new selection menu along with source and target when hacking machines/robots * NEW: Force-trigger chute traps by using them as you would stairs * NEW: Fabricators may have a random schematic preloaded * NEW: Reconnecting to a Fabricator with a previous build in progress still shows name of object being fabricated * NEW: All direct hacks that don't make sense to repeat are grayed out after successfully hacking them and reconnecting to same machine * NEW: Several additional useful message types accompany Warlord-related plot events * NEW: Option to invert map panning (available in options menu) * NEW: Option to mark previously undiscovered lore directly in terminals, active by default (advanced.cfg only: see markUndiscoveredLore) * NEW: Part info visualization data preceded with a '+' when you have a schematic for that attached/inventory part * NEW: Parts list autosorting further orders multiple same-type items by integrity, high to low * NEW: Several more scoresheet entries * NEW: Scoresheet inventory lists both for final parts and peak state are sorted by item type * NEW: Hack-linking a target with a datajack reduces their accuracy by 15% on top of the existing benefits * NEW: Hack-linked victims display glowing "(linked)" indicator in their info window, include a "(+)" in their label and scan window * NEW: Advanced commands list explicitly specifies keys for setting guided weapon waypoints, also adding KP5 to that list * NEW: Label Supporter Items option also indicates whether you've collected the item for your art gallery yet (see description) * NEW: Most key commands also listed in the text manual itself, rather than only in game * NEW: Several more tutorial messages * NEW: Art gallery may also be scrolled via numpad * NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 9 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * MOD: Updated robot variants with poor heat management, including Behemoths, Programmers and others, to reduce excessive overheating * MOD: Waste somewhat less likely to contain prototypes (parts still generally out of depth, though) * MOD: Hub_04(d) may now contain prototypes and matter among random items (originally was common items only) * MOD: Infested traps, garrisons, etc. closer to surface include more deadly Assembled variants * MOD: Remote Datajacks have built-in targeting assistance * MOD: Rescaled/boosted bonus points for fast wins * MOD: Traveling through Waste no longer has quite as significant an impact on alert level * MOD: Tweaked alert level changes on moving to a new map; more variable and closely tied to the specific areas both exited and entered * MOD: Item/robot schematics loaded into Fabricators remain until overwritten, allowing repeat builds without a new load hack * MOD: Chute-chaining/farming no longer possible in Factory (only the first time each depth is visited will that area have access to Waste) * MOD: Force of two "explosive plot events" reduced by 25% due to explosion overlap fix in Alpha 7 * MOD: Hyphen inserted into terminal-reported alert level designation to avoid misinterpretation of letters in some fonts * MOD: Score component "Alien Tech Identified" changed to "Alien Tech Recovered" (must attach rather than simply identify) * MOD: LMB on a hard target (robot/machine/door/wall) fires a guided weapon rather than setting another waypoint * MOD: Refined parts list utilities auto-sorting order to better group parts with related functionality * MOD: Manual hacking code entry can no longer be exited by clicking outside the window * MOD: labelSupporterItems value originally in cfg file now accessible via options menu * MOD: Part mass visualization colors switched from purple scheme to brown and yellow * MOD: Brightened console border color effects for overheating and low core integrity * MOD: Updated explosion damage context help to include more info from manual regarding damage spread via chunks * MOD: Removed map dimension selection from in-game options menu (still accessible via cogmind.cfg) * MOD: In-game supporters list change from menu 9 to 0 * FIX: Traveling through Proximity Caves recorded incorrect core integrity to scoresheet [Happylisk] * FIX: Typo in random Zion dialogue [Happylisk] * FIX: Parts list autosorting converted reference letters to lower case in some fonts * FIX: With square map dimensions in 4:3 mode, manually hacking a robot to far west via Remote Datajack causes partially offscreen text box * FIX: Scoresheet never fully tallied Traps Triggered * FIX: Scan window still showed utility effect data for common parts lost from the database * FIX: In rare cases multiple Workers actively pushing disabled robots might get stuck in a traffic jam in a narrow corridor * FIX: Typo in scoresheet for "Fabrication Network Shutdowns," name also too wide for column ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 9 (160608) - "Epic Showdown" * NEW: Branch map "Warlord" * NEW: 9 special-purpose robot classes (8 with new art) * NEW: 2 new NPCs (unique robot classes) * NEW: 2 major plot events * NEW: A central matter distribution network (allocated per map) supplies matter to Fabricators (no Matter Storage Units required) * NEW: All Fabricators have a Network(Report) function to hack * NEW: Disabling matter-related machines (those that spill matter on destruction) reduces local matter stores * NEW: 3 more Trojan hacks (secret) * NEW: 8 new non-interactive machines (2 explosive) * NEW: Fabricators are also used by 0b10 robots for several purposes * NEW: Fabricators and Repair Stations display on-map timer while processing * NEW: Scoresheet lists everything fabricated, and where * NEW: Eighth damage type (secret), with new unstable weapon mechanic * NEW: 10 new items * NEW: More lore to uncover in dozens of terminal records * NEW: Hundreds of lines of minor NPC dialogue covering lore, plot, and in-theme tips * NEW: All unauthorized hacks (Trojans/brute force) can be learned/discovered in game * NEW: +10% to hit immobile targets (includes disabled robots, as well as stationary non-robot targets) * NEW: -20% to hit per "dynamic obstruction" (e.g. robot) between self and target * NEW: Extension transfer network will respond to a persistent threat (e.g. those of you repeatedly intercepting Haulers) * NEW: Investigation dispatches now reported to the log, as are reinforcements dispatched to aid busy engineers that come under attack * NEW: Scoresheet records exits discovered in each area (those with unknown destination appear in brackets; those approached marked with *) * NEW: Explosions cause UI instability effect, varying by power and distance (optional, controlled by existing screenshake setting) * NEW: Autosort parts list by subtype with a single command (:) * NEW: Deactivate part-sorting for weapons with new cogmind.cfg entry: partSortIgnoresWeapons * NEW: Removal/replacement of processors and hackware (destroy-on-remove) parts requires confirmation * NEW: Self-destruct by keyboard (Alt-F10) requires confirmation * NEW: Resource (energy/matter) insufficiency messages for any action indicate the required amount * NEW: Active Order/Intel modes have on-map reminder at top while using keyboard-based interface * NEW: Inventory contents factor into scoresheet "peak state" at a reduced value (10%); are also listed * NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 8 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All item-attribution names registered since Alpha 8 added to the item collection gallery * MOD: Schematics enable construction at any Fabricator, regardless of tier (schematic info window displays time cost for each tier) * MOD: All fabrication matter/time costs adjusted (Fabricator tier now a factor in the latter) * MOD: Base chance of successful schematic loading at a Fabricator raised from 70% to 90% * MOD: Removed Repair Station restrictions on part rating * MOD: All repair time costs adjusted (repair station tier now a factor) * MOD: Removed Scanalyzer restrictions on part rating * MOD: High-tier Scanalyzers less likely to break parts or require repeat scans * MOD: Reduced chance of investigation squads composed of Hunters, especially in late game * MOD: Broadcast Trojan only needs to be installed once to take effect on all matching machines across floor * MOD: Zhirov artifact analysis terminals moved into the rooms for their respective artifacts * MOD: Manual and terminal record text updated to reflect new systems * MOD: Robots less likely to immediately finish off disarmed hostiles instead of attacking more dangerous targets * MOD: Reduced Mni. Drone Bay drone count to 3, changed art * MOD: Removed matter cost (1) from Impact Mace/Kinetic Spear/Plasma Lance attacks * MOD: Effect of mass support utilities reduced * MOD: Stats for all flight and hover propulsion adjusted (see release notes) * MOD: Doubled effect of Hub Network destruction * MOD: All Behemoth/Marauder variants immune to critical hits, and the effects of Core Analyzers * MOD: Neutral robots local to Caves now in various states of disrepair * MOD: Neutral 0b10 robots more responsive to being under fire, consider any damage an attack, even if not the intended target * MOD: All Recycling Unit hacks are easier * MOD: Renamed "Index(Repair Units)" hack command to "Index(Repair Stations)" for consistency * MOD: Nearby Compactor attacks cause console window vibrations rather than screenshake * MOD: ECM effect values in parts list info mode match those used in item description * MOD: Swapped weapons and utilities inventory type-sorting order for consistency with parts list categories * MOD: Motion Trail Duration option defaults to 2000ms rather than 0 (off) * MOD: Better differentiated 'A'/'R' and 'H'/'K' pairs in all 17 variants of Smallcaps typeface * MOD: Non-flying robots trying to get at player through a door less likely to be able to squeeze/jump past * MOD: Seeds are no longer case sensitive * MOD: Reformatted "weaknesses identified" text following analysis appended to robot info * MOD: Scoresheet Inventory list merged with Parts list, includes slot count * MOD: Scoresheet Parts/Inventory lists sorted * FIX: Crash on accessing a rare category of Zion dialogue (fixed in earlier stealth update, credited here: [Sherlockkat]) * FIX: Continuous UI border effects like glow for critical core could prevent inventory drag-drop interaction [seafrank] * FIX: Typos in "Epsilon Eridani System" and "Dirty Bomb Trap" terminal records [biomatter] * FIX: One cave cache not fully embedded into walls [biomatter] * FIX: Hunter analysis text referred to older variant loadouts [biomatter] * FIX: EM disruption effect against robot cores (temporary deactivation) lasting far longer than intended * FIX: Robot analysis hit/evasion bonuses didn't match stated 5% value (were significantly higher) * FIX: Maneuvering Thruster and Reaction Control System effects not factored into melee defense calculations (regression) * FIX: Prototype ID hack results not properly limited to standard Complex 0b10 prototypes * FIX: Self-destructing part sfx could be heard anywhere on the map, regardless of player location * FIX: Explosions completely out of view could not be heard, even if still within audible range * FIX: Theoretical crash when displaying multiple simultaneously active Stasis Beam effects (not possible under normal play yet) * FIX: Theoretical crash when accessing previous manual hacking buffer entry under a specific situation * FIX: Manually changing .cfg-listed font to a non-existent typeface would reset it to another outdated now-invalid typeface * FIX: "Power Chain Reactions" weren't tallied for scoresheet, despite being listed ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 8 (160427) - "The Plot Thickens" * NEW: Branch map "Zion" * NEW: Branch map "[redacted]" * NEW: 3 new alien artifacts * NEW: 4 new NPCs (unique robot classes) * NEW: 1 more plot-related NPC encounter * NEW: 1 unique weapon (completely different mechanics) * NEW: 28 new items * NEW: Several new common robot classes * NEW: More lore to uncover in dozens of terminal records * NEW: Hundreds of lines of minor NPC dialogue covering lore, plot, and in-theme tips * NEW: Greater variety of cave encounters * NEW: Experimental map-wide ambient sound in caves (on by default, deactivate via "locale" audio setting in options) * NEW: Robot analysis benefits include a -5% hit modifier for those attackers (i.e. easier to dodge them) * NEW: Robot analysis benefits included among full-detail calculations output * NEW: Real-time FOV updating as obstructions are destroyed (optional) * NEW: FOV changes revealed via fade-in (optional) * NEW: Brighten and color known areas outside FOV by holding '`' (undocumented command) * NEW: Part/inventory data visualization now includes relative mass mode (toggle via integrity 'w' command/button) * NEW: 6 more machine types unique to -1/Access (some of them go BOOM) * NEW: 5 more Trojan hacks (secret) * NEW: Capable drones share terrain scanning data with Cogmind * NEW: Robots with unspoken dialogue requiring bump-to-talk marked by blinking '?' (or by unique background color if motion trails inactive) * NEW: Scoresheet records total number of actions taken * NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 7 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All item-attribution names registered since Alpha 7 added to the item collection gallery * MOD: Main Access Shell behavior changed for non-combat approaches * MOD: Decomposers no longer break down matter, work slower in general, and are confined to smaller areas * MOD: Derelict workers and recyclers destroyed in caves no longer have self-destruct mechanism on salvageable parts * MOD: Derelict recyclers no longer collect matter or data logs * MOD: Fire traps cause a greater heat surge in victim * MOD: Relative encounter/prefab weights tweaked across all maps * MOD: -1/Access has fewer empty rooms * MOD: Operators no longer stationed at terminals that can be hacked to open a door * MOD: Increased effect of Spotters (e.g. in areas like Recycling) * MOD: Fabricated robots no longer leave salvageable parts (but still drop matter salvage) * MOD: Derelict component schematics no longer accessible at 0b10 terminals via manual hacks * MOD: Hackable (orange) blast doors immune to critical hit instant destruction effect * MOD: Broadcast Trojan message uses different color and formatting * MOD: Scan window unspoken dialogue indicator uses '?' rather than '!' (further differentiated from hostile spotted indicator) * MOD: Context help for critical strike makes explicit mention of effect against props * MOD: Dialogue triggered by robot entering view happens immediately regardless of player speed * MOD: Gallery collection percent is now animated * MOD: Optimized AI initialization to avoid the short pause during first turns in large maps like Factory * FIX: Crash on opening data for remaining piece of interactive machine after destroying its interactive piece [Enno, Happylisk] * FIX: Crash on triggering a fire trap with no occupant at that location (e.g. dodged or remote triggered) [Sherlockkat] * FIX: One of the Extension exits inaccessible via auto-ascend (required manual key/mouse command) [Shobalk] * FIX: Extra '0' shown at the bottom of scoresheet's turn count list [Sherlockkat] * FIX: In rare cases the only cave exit could be rendered inaccessible by earth collapsing directly on top of it [Sherlockkat] * FIX: Experimental Hacking Suites and System Shields weren't classified as prototypes [Decker] * FIX: Unique manual hacks used on the wrong target still counted against their usage limit [Decker] * FIX: Recyclers weren't dropping entire inventory contents when destroyed * FIX: Mechanic repairs to attached parts didn't update the integrity indicator in Cogmind's part list * FIX: Fire trap heat transfer mechanic was activating for adjacent positions, but not the origin * FIX: Derelict-installed traps in caves rigged to trigger on the wrong faction (intended to be friendly) * FIX: Self-destruct Interrupters (new in Alpha 7) were auto-activating and running out of power (so no one's ever seen one :P) * FIX: Log message output for pre-learned machine locations reversed interactive/non-interactive designations * FIX: Weapon info projectile count indicator added for Alpha 7 wasn't displaying ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 7b (160323b) * MOD: Reduced maximum number of cave exits from Factory * MOD: Signal Generator disappears when it runs out of power * FIX: A few of the potential Derelict Terminal records could crash the hacking system [Sherlockkat] * FIX: Pressing F3 to swap ASCII mode during startup would prevent the inventory window border from being drawn ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 7 (160323) - "Spelunkerbots" * NEW: Branch maps "Lower Caves" * NEW: Branch maps "Upper Caves" * NEW: Branch maps "Proximity Caves" * NEW: Branch map "[redacted]" * NEW: World Map! (Backspace/F9/new "MAP" button) (examine your route, and possibly learn layout in advance) * NEW: Scoresheet contains list of complete route taken through the world, by depth and map * NEW: New category of interactive machines: Derelict terminals * NEW: More lore to uncover in dozens of terminal records * NEW: Learn many forms of intel about areas before visiting them, including depth, zone layouts, trap/machine/guard locations and more * NEW: New special item type akin to Data Cores: Derelict Logs (effect unrelated, though they are similarly auto-collected) * NEW: New Trojan hack (secret) * NEW: Some Trojans and brute force hacks can now be learned via in-game/in-theme methods, as can the access code to Recycling * NEW: 1 new prototype robot * NEW: 4 new Derelicts * NEW: Several new types of drone bays, with corresponding unique drones * NEW: A dozen new rare parts * NEW: First alien artifact! * NEW: A couple dozen more encounter types * NEW: One more story-related major NPC encounter (new NPC robot class) * NEW: Target robot system corruption increases chance of hacking success (+X/3%) * NEW: Minor NPC dialogue now animates over the map itself, color-coded by relation w/speaker * NEW: Scene descriptions no longer confined to the log, shown as cyan messages over the map * NEW: Mouse users can pan map by holding Shift and simply moving cursor * NEW: Stockpile intel from terminal hacks also provides item-specific map labels on request * NEW: Attempting to move while severely overweight will give a warning before the first such move in a while * NEW: Four new size 12 font options (720p): "Tall", "Smallcaps", "Fuzzy", "Tallcaps" (8 total options at that size now) * NEW: Smallcaps typeface manually scaled to 8 additional sizes in three variants (Cogmind includes over 100 font bitmaps now) * NEW: Second variant of the 14/Terminus font, crisper with some glow to it * NEW: Initial tutorial messages include a notice about changing the text font * NEW: 24 more scoresheet entries (total = 434) * NEW: Added Ctrl-PrtScn as duplicate command for PrtScn, for players with PrtScn already assigned to an external program * NEW: More Recycling Unit features, including component storage and hack or shoot to retrieve stored components * NEW: Mining Claw may on rare occasions rip parts from target and put them directly into your inventory (or drop if space insufficient) * NEW: All hover propulsion gives a +5% to dodge when not overweight or in stasis (e.g., hover now has half the flight bonus) * NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 6 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All item-attribution names registered since Alpha 6 added to the item collection gallery * MOD: Hunter armament buffed--they're scary again * MOD: Nerfed high-level Targeting Computers, Melee Analysis Suites, Target Analyzers (too easy to stack now); buffed entry-level variants * MOD: Nerfed high-level Sensor Array and Terrain Scanner ranges; buffed entry-level variants; all energy costs slightly lowered * MOD: Coverage of all Storage Units halved * MOD: Drone Bay integrity and coverage tweaked, now doubles as makeshift armor * MOD: Exp. Signal Interpreters now more capable than Advanced variant * MOD: Adv. Signal Interpreters can no longer detect H-88 Terminators (requires Exp. level) * MOD: Momentum damage modifier cap for melee attacks doubled from 20%/40% to 40%/80% (non-piercing/piercing) * MOD: Dormant, unpowered, disabled, and broken robots outside view can now only be discerned by Exp. Signal Interpreters * MOD: Default font changed from "Cogmind" to "Smallcaps" w/glow variants (former renamed to "Cog") * MOD: Shift-LMB to center map on cursor position works, but is now an undocumented command * MOD: Inventory displays item sprites rather than ASCII when in sprite mode * MOD: Intel overlays for stockpiles display item sprites rather than ASCII when in sprite mode * MOD: Effects of Maneuvering Thrusters and Reaction Control Systems do not apply when overweight * MOD: Behemoth core exposure reduced by 5% * MOD: 50% increase to effect on alert level from destroying or jamming a garrison access point * MOD: Improved visibility of projectile count on info page for multi-projectile weapons (was easy to overlook) * MOD: Ramming non-combat robots counts as an aggressive action and they'll now flee and send out distress calls as with regular attacks * MOD: Machine serials that used unique letters derived from the current map name now always use the first letter of that name (cosmetic) * MOD: Garrison Access terminal seal animation improved (also fixed issue where it might not finish playing on slow machines) * MOD: Size 10 font "All Caps" renamed to "Smallcaps" * MOD: Some glyphs in all Terminus fonts modified * MOD: Terminus (non-bold) fonts given a faint glow at sizes 18, 20 * MOD: Added slight anti-aliasing to 12/Terminus font to further improve readability (especially on smaller screens) * MOD: Help screen commands for keyboard control of allies more clearly indicates how to enter required mode * MOD: Drone Bay ASCII art tweaked * FIX: Crash on Tab-cycling targets after causing time to pass by swapping parts before original target destroyed by another actor without having exited look/fire mode [Sylverone] * FIX: Scoresheet missing Garrison Status hack tally, throwing off the dozen hacks listed after where it should be [zxc] * FIX: Scoresheet recorded turns spent in Hub_04(d) to Armory [Sherlockkat] * FIX: Score total for prototype IDs didn't account for those learned via hacking or Component Analysis Suites [Enno] * FIX: Jamming a Garrison Access point via brute force hacking now applies same Programmer dispatch reduction as sealing/destroying it * FIX: Crash on replacement of attached Processors or Hackware direct from ground while inventory full * FIX: Basic/Imp. Signal Interpreter indicators remained on map even in view if moving multiple spaces per turn * FIX: Overlapping simultaneous explosions could not affect the same robot more than once (Gamma Bomb Arrays etc. will be more effective now) * FIX: Hunters could no longer track targets through walls (Alpha 6 regression) * FIX: EMDS missing projectile name in penetration message text * FIX: Toggling sprite/ASCII modes from the option menu (instead of via hotkey) didn't update previously seen areas until seen again * FIX: Fullscreen successful win animation might not play out on slow machines * FIX: Botnet trojan success text used incorrect plurality when value is 1 * FIX: Typo in new offensive hackware effect description * FIX: 20/Terminus text font missing integrity block glyph * FIX: Size 8 mini font wasn't grayed out in the option menu's font list while tileset active * FIX: One line-junction glyph in the size 8 mini CP437 font misaligned ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 6 (160119) - "Hacking a Dream" * NEW: Branch map "Archives" * NEW: Branch map "Hub_04(d)" * NEW: 1 major plot event * NEW: 1 more story-related NPC encounter * NEW: 3 new NPCs (unique robot classes) * NEW: 1 new prototype robot * NEW: 2 new weapons * NEW: 2 new terminal records * NEW: New Trojan hack (secret) * NEW: Various additional sound effects (total now at 711) * NEW: Fourth way to enable access to final lift to surface * NEW: Removal/replacement of attached processors and hackware destroys them, with unique UI animation/sfx * NEW: Destroy-on-removal parts marked with a dark colon in parts list * NEW: Drag-dropping a destroy-on-removal part from the attached parts list shows in red rather than white, to indicate it will be destroyed * NEW: Disarmed combat robots shown at half brightness * NEW: All Field Recycling Units vastly improved with new behavior, acting as "vacuums" that convert salvage to matter over time * NEW: HUD matter readout displays Field Recycling Unit scrap storage and distribution rate when applicable * NEW: Interactive machines may be embedded in walls * NEW: Firing weapons in non-reinforced environments may cause cave-ins, where the chance depends on the class of weapon * NEW: Mouse players can left-click on a wall to enter fire mode (so that force-attacking can be achieved without the keyboard at all) * NEW: Manual entry of hacking commands is case-insensitive (including both the command itself and any optional arguments) * NEW: Schematics and analyses already obtained are grayed out when hacking terminals * NEW: Flying Cogminds can force-attack (Ctrl-Shift) adjacent robots to ram them when unarmed, rather than flying overhead * NEW: New font size, 8, enabling 640x480p UI (purely for fun, was easy to add) * NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 5 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All item-attribution names registered since Alpha 5 added to the item collection gallery * MOD: Many propulsion stat values reworked! * MOD: Simplified propulsion mechanics and all known calculation oddities at very high speeds and overweight situations ironed out * MOD: Ground-based propulsion (wheels/legs/treads) no longer slows with each additional module * MOD: Airborne propulsion (hover/flight) no longer has a per-part limit on max speed (is type-based) * MOD: As a side effect of propulsion changes, most hostiles slightly slower * MOD: Wheels have an advantage now, but still suffer from low integrity * MOD: Backup Propulsion I/III/VII nerfed * MOD: Tread recoil dampening effect reduced to 1 per active tread slot * MOD: Hunter-class Slayer/Assassin/Terminator variants' firepower reduced * MOD: Reactive armors reduced in size; mass significantly increased to compensate * MOD: Removed Fabricators from Materials floors * MOD: Interactive machine placement weights use unique values for each machine, causing some to be more likely, or only, found in rooms * MOD: Complex 0b10 rooms are slightly less likely to be empty * MOD: Complex 0b10 contains more interactive machines, especially terminals, in Factory and Research floors * MOD: Non-combat robots no longer allowed to spawn in hidden corridors used by combat robots * MOD: Cave-ins caused by explosions are postponed for one or more turns after the explosion occurs, and are also more common * MOD: Explosions, especially more powerful ones, are more likely to cause cave-ins * MOD: "Go naked" command (Shift-Alt-q) switched to Shift-Alt-p, to avoid conflicts with non-Windows OS commands * MOD: Removed item "durability" stat; all slots have equivalent coverage for purposes of determining impact damage location * MOD: Removed system familiarity mechanic for both machine and robot hacking * MOD: Removed Footprint Analyzers and System Mapper hackware * MOD: Spectral Analyzer energy upkeep dropped to 0 * MOD: All processor mass dropped to 0 (44 parts including all interpreters, analyzers, targeting computers, etc.) * MOD: All processor and hackware coverage dropped by 88% * MOD: Better hackware is available earlier, and also more consistently from Operators * MOD: Merged both offensive hackware types (strength/tunneling) into a single type, where base type = Hacking Suite * MOD: Merged all three defensive hackware types (stealth/evasion/defense) into a single type (base type = System Shield) * MOD: Condensed 20 hackware parts into a new set of 12 * MOD: Removed terminal trace reset mechanic, and terminals no longer immediately test detection/tracing on reconnect (only after hacking) * MOD: Active terminal info shows trace progress instead of countdown * MOD: Manual updated to reflect all changes to propulsion, hacking, hackware, processors * MOD: Processors and hackware immune to rejection due to system corruption * MOD: Repair Stations can no longer repair processors or hackware if already attached * MOD: Manual hacking buffer removes earlier matching entries when a new command is entered (previously only removed consecutive entries) * MOD: Removed upkeep for malfunction blockers (e.g. Error Protection Suite), instead having it consume 20 matter on effect (if available) * MOD: Running via keyboard stops on stairs rather than ascending (regardless of auto-ascend setting) * MOD: Line-of-fire color no longer considers friend/foe relationship, just pure obstruction * MOD: Datajacks and Stasis Projectors no longer display projectile/hit data in info window (no meaning since based on special effects) * MOD: Field Recycling Units reduced to 1 slot, are heavier, and have both active heat and energy requirements * MOD: Particle Gun (G-47 Trooper armament) stats adjusted: shorter range, lower energy cost, higher heat, greater damage range * MOD: Removed Hcp. Storage Units, and mass of Lrg. units increase to 16 (+2) * MOD: Further improved effect of Launcher Guidance Computers * MOD: Hostile Grunt, Sentry, Specialist, and Programmer variants have better heat management * FIX: Crash when an assimilated Spotter explored to the edge of the known map [zill] * FIX: Crash on simultaneously destroying an entire array of ambush traps [Decker] * FIX: Signal Interpreter secondary effect description did not clearly indicate adjacency requirement for identifying exits [Sherlockkat] * FIX: Repair Station failure to repair an attached part which was broken in the process was not reflected in parts list [MJWkr] * FIX: Broken power sources continued contributing to energy storage capacity [greymedicine] * FIX: Alert(Check)-reported security level suffix was always 'Z', not A~Z as intended (to reflect progression towards next alert status) * FIX: Art for Imp. Fusion Compressor contained a few miscolored glyphs * FIX: Multi-tile doors played opening sound for every move along/through them, if move commands entered slowly ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 5c (151220) - "Personal Assistant" * NEW: 5 new power sources * NEW: Auto-replaced attached items that cannot be moved to the inventory (full) will use the same auto-replacement rules to attempt to displace an even worse third item (in inventory) if applicable * NEW: Picking up items with full inventory attempts to auto-replace a worse item using same rules as attached part auto-replacement * NEW: Powerful new Trojan hack (secret) * MOD: Brawler/Behemoth class robots power sources changed * FIX: New Alpha 5 bonus score system broke the win point formula [Decker] * FIX: Scoresheet combat kill streak count could exceed combined combat/non-combat value [zxc] * FIX: Attempting to auto-replace with a multi-slot part wasn't fully blocked as intended, letting the action reach a half-completed state * FIX: Auto-replacement mechanism ignores unidentified items for purposes of checking utility effect replacement priority ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 5b (151217b) * FIX: Smart auto-replacement of parts might choose incorrectly in swaps involving three or more of the same item with different integrity values [zxc] ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 5 (151217) - "Into the Unknown" * NEW: Branch map "Recycling" * NEW: Branch map "Extension" * NEW: Branch map "[redacted]" * NEW: 1 major plot event * NEW: 3 story-related NPC encounters * NEW: 9 additional robots (excluding NPCs) * NEW: 1 additional weapon * NEW: Quantum Generators produce an ambient sound * NEW: Various additional sound effects (total now at 702) * NEW: Allied Operator hacking bonus applies to robot hacking as well * NEW: Every Materials floor now includes a guaranteed cache of Storage Units * NEW: Attaching parts (from ground or inventory) while slots are full attempts to smartly auto-replace parts (see manual for priorities) * NEW: Shielding bonus from stasis traps now produces visual/sound effect akin to phase walls and remote shield generators * NEW: Matter-specific machines release matter as they are destroyed (Matter Pump, Pressure Siphon, Matter Filter) * NEW: Fabricators overloaded by brute force hacks have a wide EM spectrum when zapping robots, and can couple with power sources * NEW: Firing overloaded weapons temporarily distorts the HUD, with a greater effect for higher level weapons * NEW: Keyboard running stops for adjacent doors, corners, and corridors when moving cardinally * NEW: Scoresheet includes breakdown of bonus point sources * NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 4 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All item-attribution names registered since Alpha 4 added to the item collection gallery * MOD: Vastly reduced time cost of large volleys (fire 5-10 weapons in less time than originally required by 3!) * MOD: Alert(Purge) effectiveness halved! * MOD: Lrg./Hcp. Storage Unit mass increased, making them less weight efficient as an alternative to increasing their size * MOD: Threat-priority targeting preference option's accuracy improved * MOD: Tweaked resistances of some props, including special/locked doors * MOD: Barriers (brighter walls) take half damage from all AOE effects * MOD: EM damage to regular walls and doors halved; doubled against phasewalls * MOD: AI no longer attacks disrupted or disabled robots * MOD: Beamcasters (used by Derelict Thugs) have a new sound effect, and alternate faster animation * MOD: Buffed Rocket Arrays and Scatter Rocket Arrays * MOD: Allies wandering around your position will step on nearby known traps less often, when possible * MOD: Non-combat robots no longer trigger responses from hidden doors * MOD: K-01 Serfs no longer clean disabled machines * MOD: Removed chance of standard doors with nothing on the other side once opened * MOD: Allied Operator hacking bonus applies to all machines, not just terminals * MOD: Allied Operator hacking bonus only given for those within 20 spaces (direct range, LOS not required) * MOD: Minimum volley duration set at 100 time units, regardless of individual or cumulative weapon delay modifiers * MOD: Storage Units immune to severing by slashing weapons * MOD: Engineers rebuild damaged Sentry/Behemoth cubbies rather than fill them in * MOD: Critical damage multiplier against armor reduced from x2.00 to x1.25 * MOD: Item selection for dropping due to inventory overflow is now random, rather than based on internal list order * MOD: Auto-ascend option will pass stairs without ascending if auto-pathing to another destination via mouse * MOD: Updated a couple manual and context help entries * MOD: Increased bonus points for a win * FIX: Stairs might rarely be found in narrow corridors [zxc] * FIX: Propulsion batch cycling via ';' was overloading propulsion where applicable rather than deactivating it [zxc] * FIX: Couldn't fly over inactive non-rewireable robots [zxc] * FIX: Inactive robot encounter in Storage (and a similar more rare encounter) broken in Alpha 4; robots were becoming unpowered [MJWkr] * FIX: Crash on attempting to mine beyond the edge of a map [MJWkr] * FIX: Rare crash on entering Mines with cursor over map in which path locations from previous map are no longer valid [SquigglyJ] * FIX: Rare crash when aiming at a target and unable to retrieve volley recoil data because a weapon was suddenly destroyed [karlnp, Enno] * FIX: Swapping out of extended log or calc windows while readout sfx in progress continued looping until same sound played elsewhere [Star Weaver, zxc] * FIX: Rare crash when system corruption triggers a trap against a robot which immediately evades the effects via thrusters * FIX: Potential crash on some ambush traps releasing melee robots * FIX: Allied Protector class robots were always appearing red in allies list, even when capable of carrying out their role * FIX: Out-of-sight projectiles within audible range were playing at slightly louder volume than intended * FIX: Automated output of squad enumeration hacks produced typos due to the Alpha 4 plurality improvements * FIX: Scroll buttons for gallery and supporter pages stopped working (broken by Alpha 2's support for left-click exiting of modal windows) ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 4b (151109) * MOD: Stasis traps completely removed from Materials floors * FIX: Failed to apply rarity limits to special scenarios surrounding mid-game garrison access machines [zxc] * FIX: +10% to Cogmind's (not hostiles') accuracy while stationary was never applied [@macklemurr] ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 4 (151103) - "On the Offensive" * NEW: Garrison Access points, hackable entryways used by the central AI to dispatch squads * NEW: "Special Map" (outside regular Complex 0b10, but not a normal branch) * NEW: 8 Trojans, a new category of unlisted unauthorized hacks that offer delayed or persistent benefits * NEW: 3 brute force hacks, a new category of unlisted unauthorized hacks that permanently disable a machine for some greater benefit * NEW: "Index(Garrisons)" terminal hack * NEW: 4 new terminal records * NEW: Phase Walls, a new form of hidden door (only found in one map) * NEW: Lots more sound effects to go with new content * NEW: Electromagnetic weapons have a "spectrum," capable of coupling with power sources and causing them to explode * NEW: Part/inventory data visualization now includes heat mode (toggle via energy 'e' command/button) * NEW: Inspect machines in sight via their own info window (RMB/d, as with other objects) * NEW: Structural Scanners give extra info about machines via info window * NEW: Any Signal Interpreter can decipher garrison signals to report time until future response squads from that garrison * NEW: Scoresheet records 52 more stats (total: 390) * NEW: Speed wins receive bonus to final score ([5000 - #turns] * 3) * NEW: Some non-machine props have unique messages when partially destroyed, rather than all indicating "X disabled" * NEW: Unique sound effects for destruction of heavy doors and storage shells * NEW: Robot states "DORMANT", "UNPOWERED" * NEW: Sensor scrambling mechanic * NEW: Dropping/swapping containers always retains surplus resources (energy/matter) however possible * NEW: Move over loaded containers to extract their resources automatically, either to main stores or applicable containers in inventory * NEW: Resources can be collected/extracted while stationary over a source * NEW: Flying robots under the effect of a Stasis Beam/Projector lose their 10% bonus to dodge * NEW: Overweight flying robots lose their 10% bonus to dodge (your HUD overweight indicator will appear red) * NEW: At death, robots affected by corruption have a chance for otherwise salvageable sensitive components to be fried ([corruption - base part integrity]% chance) * NEW: For Cogmind, only parts at less than 50% integrity susceptible to critical strikes (excludes armor, which always takes double damage) * NEW: Storage Units immune to Saboteur attacks and critical strike instant destruction effect * NEW: Part rejection due to corruption is animated in your parts list, with sound effect * NEW: Where removing a Storage Unit will auto-drop excess inventory items, confirmation is required (repeat the command) * NEW: Instantly release all attached parts to "go naked," a free action (Shift-Alt-q) * NEW: Keyboard players can direct-drop an attached item, bypassing even an empty inventory, by first pressing ',' * NEW: Cycle through all propulsion modes at the press of a key (;) * NEW: Toggle all weapons on/off with a single key (') * NEW: Press 'd' to open info for item at current location (even in mouse mode) * NEW: Both scan window and map labels display container contents, if any * NEW: Scan window automatically updates integrity indicator color for old robot/item scans * NEW: Robot Schematic()/Analysis() manual hacks can simply indicate robot class to auto-select best available (e.g. "Schematic(Swarmer)") * NEW: Manual hacking buffer contents stored in readable format (/user/buffer.txt), which you can ignore or edit as necessary * NEW: Options menu option descriptions also automatically shown in keyboard mode (on selection) * NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 3 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All item-attribution names registered since Alpha 3 added to the item collection gallery * MOD: Security levels rise faster, but assault force dispatch frequency reduced * MOD: Investigation and reinforcement squad response times significantly reduced * MOD: Ambush traps cap melee robot count, attempt to put them further from the trigger position where possible * MOD: Propulsion energy cost visualization in parts/inventory list shown based on cost per full turn, based on speed * MOD: Machines 50% less resistant to electromagnetic explosions * MOD: Blast/heavy doors +35% resistance to explosives * MOD: Rooms (not Storage Shells) in Storage now contain sets of parts akin to stockpiles, rather than numerous disparate parts * MOD: Engineers rebuilding walls/doors push blocking items out of the way rather than destroying them * MOD: Improved clarity of context help for robot damage resistances in info window * MOD: Reversed green/red coloring of damage resistance bars for robots * MOD: Behemoths equipped with Dynamic Insulation Systems * MOD: Tweaked damage against Programmers: TH = 125% (+25), EX = 75% (-25), EM = 25% (-25), (KI unchanged at 125%) * MOD: Robots killed via corruption (EM) or meltdowns now count towards score, and increase presence accordingly * MOD: Terminal damage from EM +50% * MOD: Terminal hacks inapplicable due to no valid targets now shown, but grayed out (includes Emergency Access, Purges, all Trap hacks) * MOD: "Index(Fabricators)" terminal hack 10% easier * MOD: Fabricators no longer produce faulty prototypes * MOD: Part rejection due to corruption blocks movement for 1000ms rather than 500ms * MOD: System corruption effect on machine/robot hacking chance reduced by 66% * MOD: Misfires due to corruption don't affect your weapons' active/inactive state (but does reset any OVERLOAD settings) * MOD: Storage Unit removal behavior consistent in all situations--detachment allowed regardless of kb/mouse mode and inventory size * MOD: Info window identifies permanently broken robots as "BROKEN" rather than the all-encompassing "DISABLED" * MOD: Improved robot meltdown mechanics, and hostiles will no longer meltdown on their own * MOD: Ctrl-[/] (or Ctrl-Wheel) scrolls inventory by page, rather than to beginning/end * MOD: Removed Undo Drop command (Shift-Alt-d) * FIX: Parts affected by hacking feedback and failed repairs/Scanalyzer analysis were only partially disabled [zxc, Draco18s] * FIX: "Inventory(Prototypes)" manual hack was being parsed as "Prototypes" [fernsauce] * FIX: Could get double item labels if opening manual labels before auto-label took effect [Adraius, bluemoo] * FIX: Main access points could rarely appear in narrow corridors, even hidden corridors [zxc] * FIX: Scoresheet "Keyboard" value was inverted [zxc] * FIX: Allied Operator hacking bonus was giving +0 rather than +1 per Operator after the fourth * FIX: Dynamic Insulation System calculations were providing 20~33% greater benefit than intended * FIX: Typo in successful Scanalyze hack output when simultaneously identifying a prototype * FIX: Many hack results weren't reporting nouns in singular form if only one found * FIX: "Access(Main)" terminal hack was reporting current map name as destination * FIX: Item comparison window one line short when displaying Datajack vs. Remote Datajack * FIX: Derelict ambush trap encounter dialogue never triggered * FIX: Inactive Watchers were still able to jam sensors * FIX: Non-penetrating AOE projectiles that impacted a multi-cell door were using the door itself as the explosion origin (now outside) * FIX: Door open/close sound effects played in more instances than they should while robots passed through * FIX: Explosions out of sight but within audible range were playing their sound effects twice, simultaneously * FIX: Standing within range of two or more unique ambient sound sources while one is disabled could stop playing the wrong one * FIX: Closing the help/commands/game menu while in range of an ambient sound source didn't resume playing the sounds ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 3c (150908) Tournament Edition * NEW: Warning message and sound effect feedback before stepping on a known hostile trap * NEW: 5 more metrics recorded on scoresheet * NEW: Added mention of accuracy cap (95%) and lower bound (10%) to the manual * MOD: Robot meltdown frequency decreased significantly * MOD: Slightly weakened effect of blade/segregator traps * MOD: Blade/segregator traps ignore all storage/container parts * MOD: Med./Lrg./Hcp. Storage Unit mass increased * MOD: Programmer dispatch frequency varies less wildly * MOD: Improved descriptions for Signal Interpreters, Terrain Scan Processors, ECM Suites * FIX: Misdirection caused by system corruption failed to redirect (broken by Alpha 2) [Adraius] * FIX: Unidentified prototypes in your inventory at the end of a run were listed as an ID'ed prototype [Adraius] * FIX: Database data loss due to system corruption wasn't being applied, despite message to that effect [Adraius] * FIX: Player names and manual world seeds including spaces weren't fully read from config file * FIX: Armor Integrity Analyzers were only sometimes working as intended ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 3b (150901b) * FIX: Crash on selecting options menu submenu item in keyboard mode [MJWkr] ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 3 (150901) - "It's a trap!" * NEW: Traps!!! (including many ways to detect and handle them as well as use them against enemies) * NEW: Auto-label system identifies discovered traps * NEW: Multiple trap-related terminal hacking commands * NEW: Maneuvering Thrusters give a chance to dodge triggered traps * NEW: Structural Scanners have a chance to detect traps within field of view * NEW: Allied Operators within 20 spaces of you identify hidden traps in your field of vision * NEW: Active melee Datajacks can be used to reprogram known traps (bump them, as with robot rewiring) * NEW: Hacking Suites and related (hacking strength) utilities provide a bonus to rewiring disrupted robots and reprogramming traps * NEW: Dynamic Insulation Systems can prevent the effects of shock/surge traps * NEW: Transmission Jammers block the signal sent out from alarm traps * NEW: Stasis Cancellers reduce or nullify the effect of stasis traps * NEW: Expanded manual with a new section about basic trap mechanics * NEW: Trap-related score records * NEW: "Special Map" (outside regular Complex 0b10, but not a normal branch) * NEW: 6 new robots (mostly confined to special new area for now) * NEW: 9 new weapons (mostly confined to special new area for now) * NEW: 2 new armor types * NEW: K-01 Serfs (Workers) in Factory dispose of disabled robots * NEW: Part rejection caused by system corruption blocks move commands for 500ms * NEW: Manual includes a section explaining "Advanced UI" display features * NEW: Press Left/Right keys to switch topics in manual * NEW: Enter/Up/Down keys all close context help window for stats * NEW: Double click/press same inventory sort button/key to reverse the sorting order * NEW: Options menu option descriptions also automatically shown in keyboard mode (on selection) * NEW: Save files have their own versioning system, meaning games-in-progress can be compatible with small/hotfix releases * NEW: Any Signal Interpreter can identify where adjacent exits lead * NEW: Overheating robots have a chance to be destroyed by critical meltdown each turn * NEW: Heat from volleys now averaged over each of the duration's turns rather than front-loaded * NEW: Some terminal hacks increase in difficulty with each previous success on same floor (notably Purge Threat) * NEW: Fabricators and Repair Stations play item drop sound effect when releasing items/containers * NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 2 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All item-attribution names registered since Alpha 2 added to the item collection gallery * MOD: "Enemies/Allies" buttons renamed to "Hostile/Friendly", now also label known traps * MOD: Direct "Local Emergency Access" terminal hack doesn't show unless there are applicable doors within range * MOD: Direct "Purge Threat" terminal hack doesn't show unless there are threat records to purge * MOD: Attempts to escape from a Stasis Beam take one full turn rather than basing on propulsion speed * MOD: Attempts to escape from a Stasis Beam no longer incur resource costs * MOD: Slightly reduced patrol sizes in upper half of main complex * MOD: Reduced ally effect on security level by halving threat modifier * MOD: Item labels for prototypes append rather than prepend rating asterisk, to match parts list info mode format * MOD: Cannot swap places with disabled/inactive allies * MOD: Manually seeded games always skip the tutorial map even if you haven't played it three times * MOD: Map object labels on cursor hover blocked when status window open (same behavior as item info window) * MOD: Map object labels on cursor hover no longer shown during attack animations * MOD: Entering targeting mode clears all visible map labels * MOD: Moving clears all manual map labels * MOD: Part rejection caused by system corruption no longer possible unless standing on an open space, and never rejects storage utilities * MOD: Reduced rate of map data loss due to system corruption * MOD: A portion of individual randomly placed items more likely to be of higher rating * MOD: Lowered by 33% the threshold beyond which less aggressive AI-controlled robots (e.g. Grunts, Sentries) stop firing due to overheating * MOD: Allied system corruptions split from general robot corruptions in score list * MOD: All non-light power source integrity +50% * MOD: All tread integrity +100% * MOD: All leg integrity +50% * MOD: All machine explosion damage +50% * MOD: Replaced H-55 Commando's Hpw. Shotgun with Gauss Rifle * MOD: Total heat shown in volley window reflects new heat distribution mechanic, displaying per-turn value rather than total * MOD: AI patrols move in tighter groups * MOD: Optimized AI to reduce realtime turn length * FIX: Crash on pressing a letter corresponding to a previous hack during the machine hacking UI close animation [framweard] * FIX: Maneuvering Thrusters and Reaction Control Systems always dropped chance to be hit to 10% [Mando] * FIX: Pressing 'f' in mouse mode entered fire mode but would disregard auto-target settings if you'd clicked on any target to fire before [Happylisk] * FIX: Crash on entering targeting mode while in mouse mode and last target had moved outside viewable map but remained within view of an allied drone * FIX: Crash on pressing F4 to toggle the log before new/saved game finished loading * FIX: Manual world seed wasn't properly applied when starting a fresh game (suicide-restart no longer required) * FIX: Stasis Beam escape difficulty wasn't properly based on robot size as intended * FIX: Enemy move time miscalculation (slow enemies will be much easier to lose now, fast ones much more difficult) * FIX: Log message on knockback referenced "Cogmind" (inconsistent with other messages) * FIX: Pressing a map object label key (1~4) while in mouse mode and cursor hovering over a labeled object blinked label rather than reloading all * FIX: Game over screen would indicate a successful score upload even if the connection failed * FIX: Scoresheet kill streak records were inaccurate, and far beyond their actual number * FIX: Scoresheet "Sessions" count was counting each autosave as a new session ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 2c (150726) * FIX: Crash on ramming and destroying a robot before the collision warning indicator blink duration ended [Happylisk] * FIX: Crash on running without an enabled audio device (now no such device required) [jimmijamjams] * FIX: Manual map object labels left open before transitioning to a new floor would remain, pointing to nothing ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 2b (150720b) * FIX: Item stat comparisons improperly aligned when involving one or more ground items [E.I.G.] ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 2 (150720) - "Thanks to U and I" * NEW: Added 34 new fonts from 4 typefaces: Terminus, X11, Proggy, Dina * NEW: All registered supporter names added to new in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All registered item-attribution names added to the item collection gallery * NEW: Option to display item attributions directly below item info for every item (advanced.cfg only: see labelSupporterItems) * NEW: Gallery access button now also appears on top bar of game menu when sufficient room (widescreen resolutions) * NEW: Buffered manual hacking commands saved between runs, even after program restart * NEW: Consecutively opening item info windows automatically shows relative stat changes from the previous item * NEW: Collision warning and request for movement confirmation prevents accidental unarmed ramming of robots * NEW: Ramming robots collects a small random amount of matter from the debris for each collision * NEW: Right-clicking on a map object opens its info window even while status or other another info window already open * NEW: Left-clicking anywhere outside modal windows closes them * NEW: Select parts listed under robot loadout to examine details (also works with ally inventories and even robot schematics) * NEW: "Floor Gamma" option increases brightness of open floor and debris in tileset mode * NEW: Keyboard examine mode capable of displaying labels for objects outside FOV * NEW: If not in keyboard mode, "Auto-label on Examine" option now determines whether to display object label while cursor hovering * NEW: Allied Operators within 20 spaces of you report changes in floor-wide security level * NEW: Active treads reduce recoil for all weapons by 10 * NEW: Active treads immune to knockback from impact damage * NEW: Repair Stations can directly scan and accept even currently attached parts * NEW: Scoresheet explicitly records whether a world seed manually set or randomly generated * NEW: Scoresheet filename appends a "_w" to denote a win * NEW: Part rejection caused by system corruption stops in-progress run/path * NEW: Sound played on taking screenshot * NEW: Robot armament list shows individual coverage percentages when examined with proper scanner (as with other components) * NEW: Tactical HUD mode option for advanced players is more meaningful (off by default unless migrating from a previous configuration) * NEW: HUD displays predicted energy and heat change per turn if stationary, and per move if mobile (tactical HUD mode only) * NEW: Item ratings shown directly in on-map item labels (tactical HUD mode only) * NEW: Option to disable ESC access to game menu (advanced.cfg only: see disableEscMenuAccess) * NEW: Press ESC/Spacebar to cancel a run/path in progress * NEW: Advanced commands list explicitly indicates how to cancel a run/path in progress * MOD: Respecced all shotguns to dual projectiles, shorter ranges; some have lower accuracy and other tweaks * MOD: Security level is reduced as you lose allies, and when Complex 0b10 AI believes you are being adequately dealt with and pose less of a threat * MOD: Higher "value destroyed" score awarded for machine destruction and sabotage, comparative to effect on security level * MOD: Manually called map object labels stay visible for a much longer period, or until toggled off * MOD: LOAD setting can be used to fill matter/energy containers detached directly to the ground * MOD: Item/robot schematic lists accessed from status window open info via RMB and close via LMB (anywhere) * MOD: Context help windows close automatically on moving the cursor a certain distance * MOD: Expanded context help text for item "durability" stat * MOD: Clarified context help text for energy/heat movement costs in status window * MOD: Optimized font loading speed on startup * MOD: Map object quick labels blocked while item/status windows open * MOD: Ramming robots increases the potential for salvage * MOD: Pressing ESC while extended log is open shrinks it instead of immediately opening help/game menu * MOD: Pressing ESC prioritizes removing any map labels over opening help/game menu * MOD: Motion trail fade duration capped at 2000ms * MOD: Pressing lower/upper-case letters and LMB/RMB on a schematics list all have the same result--display object info * MOD: Data Core expiry raised from 30 to 40 turns * MOD: Increased score reward for prototype identification, from 5 to 20 * FIX: Re-pressing 'r' now stops a run in progress [Sylverone] * FIX: Quitting from gameover screen after loss was autosaving a dead Cogmind [zill, Gaspard] * FIX: Katana and Scythe shared the same stats (now differentiated by making the latter more unique) [Gaspard] * FIX: Opening help/game menu while unfinished log text still typing continued looping the sound until exit to game [Ghost73] * FIX: Quick labels shown for robots standing on an item could overlap * FIX: Closing OS window during ongoing dialogue was autosaving and could invalidate dialogue results * FIX: Closing info, list, and dialogue windows while close animation still playing would restart the animation * FIX: Sprite for multi-cell robots displayed properly in schematics info window * FIX: Fullscreen setting changed through Alt-Enter wasn't saving to config file * FIX: Typing a grave character at the end of a text entry crashed the font renderer * FIX: Typo in basic help text for parts list: "Essental" ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 1b (150610) - "Quality of Robot Life" * NEW: Exit labels now explicitly indicate which lead to currently unavailable branches, even when unidentified * NEW: Currently inaccessible exits are now shown in red, and also differentiated in scan window * NEW: Discovered exits now report the map name in the log as well, if known * NEW: Interactive machines have color effects to indicate locked/processing/tracing status * NEW: Machine trace resets are reported to log * NEW: Active Structural Scanners detect machines destabilized by collateral damage and color them differently * NEW: Allied Operators within 20 spaces of you identify hidden doors in your field of vision * NEW: Ally transfer range highlighted on map when followed by allies and at or adjacent to an exit * NEW: Entering fire mode via mouse quickly highlights the previously attacked target as a reminder * NEW: Robot motion trails which can be toggled and tweaked in the options (off by default) * NEW: While motion trails are active, hostiles spotting Cogmind indicated by flashing exclamation points rather than background colors * NEW: Path to cursor set to persistent highlighting when not in keyboard mode (can toggle in options) * NEW: If not in keyboard mode, cursor-based movement direction is highlighted while hostiles in sight * NEW: Added 2 new fonts at size 20 (equivalent to doubling the size 10 cased and all caps styles) * NEW: Added 8 new fonts to enable larger images on resolutions above 1440p * NEW: Manually set world seeds are reported in the log on starting a new game * NEW: Escape key now accesses help/game menu when no other windows are active * NEW: Adjacent space highlighted red for mouse users if moving in that direction will ram a robot (i.e. not flying and no melee weapon) * NEW: Scoresheet now records whether using keyboard mode * NEW: Winning the game awards an additional 2000 bonus points to score * NEW: Schematic info windows now indicate number of robots/items simultaneously produced, and required Fabricator level * NEW: Successful indirect "database" hacks (queries/schematics/analysis/prototypes) may cause map-wide lockout of database access (hack evasion) * NEW: Permanently locked machines are not added to intel data * NEW: Option to use ASCII item type-based coloring style for sprites (advanced.cfg only: see ratingBasedItemSpriteColors) * NEW: Option to disable mouse wheel scrolling to wait (advanced.cfg only: see noMouseWheelWait) * NEW: Added several more tutorial messages * MOD: Swapping is default behavior for drag-and-drop from inventory to parts list (no shift keypress required) * MOD: "Auto-label on Examine" config setting defaults to true * MOD: Robot hacking PARSE command results now display "N/A" for modules if none found * MOD: Increased size of help/options button in bottom right corner of main UI * MOD: Darkened path highlighting color (hold Ctrl-Alt to temporarily brighten it) * MOD: Path visualization no longer shows while in a targeting mode * MOD: Path-to-cursor highlighting not displayed when hostiles in sight and movements are in single-space increments * MOD: Updated some utility effect descriptions to indicate whether they work in parallel, and can be paused/resumed * MOD: Reduced rate of map data loss due to system corruption * MOD: Reduced Repair Station part repair times by 25 turns * MOD: Fabricators simultaneously produce more than one part at a time for certain schematics * MOD: Data Core expiry raised from 20 to 30 turns * MOD: Indirect robot analysis hacks limited by rating; must be <= current floor level, +1 per Terminal tier above the basic type * MOD: Indirect item/robot schematic hacks limited by normal distribution rules * MOD: Increased Fabricator level requirements for some robots * MOD: Stepping on branch access points with Auto-Ascend active will enter them automatically (like stairs) * MOD: Core-based hover movement benefits from Maneuvering Thrusters in the same way external hover propulsion does * MOD: Being dug out of a Mine cave-in is now guaranteed * MOD: Changed Recycling Unit manual hack commands from Report(Matter)/Retrieve(Matter) to Matter(Report)/Matter(Retrieve) * FIX: Crash on opening context help while item window closing [Draxis] * FIX: Crash on dying to a grenade fired from around a corner under certain circumstances [db48x] * FIX: Crash on pressing a non-ESC key in robot hacking PARSE window [dragagon, PoorFredNoonan, Deliz Seemack] * FIX: Crash on manual Build/Repair/Scanalyze hack command with no target set [biomatter] * FIX: Crash on RMB on item selection menu at Scanalyzers (RMB for info works now) [Darkening Kaos, strings, Vherid] * FIX: Delete Save & Quit wasn't deleting save data [Danny Perski, zill] * FIX: Map cursor position restored when exiting item/robot info into examine mode after using context help in keyboard mode [Deliz Seemack] * FIX: World seeding did not result in the same world [nsg21, Binary Gambit] * FIX: World seed description in the options menu shortened to fit available space [Sylverone] * FIX: Machines could be placed over stairs in rooms [boomblip] * FIX: Operators could summon reinforcements from damaged Terminals [biomatter] * FIX: FOV wasn't recalculated on ramming a target [Karlito, AGlassOfMilk] * FIX: Map view wasn't recentered on player after ramming/impact displacement [ironpotato] * FIX: Ramming a robot off the stairs with Auto-Ascend enabled on will ascend the stairs immediately [Draxis] * FIX: Hit chance shown on for scan and map popups is capped to match actual value [infectedm, biomatter] * FIX: Cogmind was not DPI aware, and Win8 scaled the UI greater than the desktop on high-DPI monitors unless manually disabled [db48x, daviwil] * FIX: "Slowest Speed" in scoresheet always reported 0 [nsg21] * FIX: Initial startup from default config in sub-720p resolution wasn't forcing ASCII mode [Tuxedo-Knight] * FIX: Alt-tabbing out of game in fullscreen keyboard mode was locking the cursor to the top-left of the screen [Maurog] * FIX: Windows IME hotkey was interfering with swapping a part in inventory slot 0 while in keyboard mode [fonetikli] * FIX: Screenshake was leaving artifacts around the window edges in letterboxed fullscreen mode [Maurog, bjartr] * FIX: Remote Datajack schematic info didn't fit in the schematic examination window [Arseface] * FIX: Schematic info for prototype parts could show as faulty * FIX: Reconnecting to the same machine with a system analysis utility for a second session would not reward any familiarity bonus [E.I.G.] * FIX: Month value in scoresheet filename was off by 1 * FIX: Scoresheet for a win now shows location as "Surface" rather than "-1/Access" * FIX: Item name typo: "Mni. Assault Cannnon" [infectedm] * FIX: While inventory auto-sorting active, window was scrolling to end when opening item info rather than beginning [Deliz Seemack] * FIX: Part list order was not always maintained between map transitions and when continuing a previous game [biomatter] * FIX: Temporarily inactive allied Operators could still provide hacking bonuses * FIX: Escorted tunnelers sent to clear Mine cave-ins had overwritten their assigned AI and never excavated ================================================================= Cogmind Alpha 1 (150517) - "Hello LRC-V3" * ALPHA LAUNCH - FIRST PUBLIC VERSION