"Ugh, I can't believe I forgot to get a costume!" Lucy paced around her living room, she'd been so busy with work that she'd entirely forgotten about the Halloween party that night. She was normally so organised, yet now she was stuck with only two hours to find a costume. Most stores would either be closed or out of stock on anything she wouldn’t be ashamed to be seen in. Worse yet, she wasn’t just aiming for passable, she really wanted to impress! Making a list of all the stores within a reasonable distance she got in her car and began to drive. To her dismay she was right. The higher quality costume and cosplay stores were closed already, and the ones that were open didn’t have anything ready made she’d be willing to wear! She was just about ready to give up when she came to what would have to be her last stop if she wanted to be on time for the party. The store looked old and possibly abandoned, the building seemingly made of now rotting wood. She hoped it was just for decoration as she approached the door. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she walked, trying and failing to call up any recollection of the shop. Was it new? She felt like she would remember such a… distinctive storefront. Pushing open the door she was greeted with about what she’d expect given the exterior. The shelves looked worn and warped, carrying only a handful of trinkets, all of which were covered in dust and cobwebs. She was delighted when she finally reached the costume section, and doubly so at the fact it was significantly better stocked than the rest of the store. The clothes were exotic to say the least… or perhaps erotic was the better word. Many she failed to understand the purpose of, but given the ones she recognised, she assumed they were related to some niche interests.She wasn’t opposed to a bit of eroticism, but most were well outside her comfort zone. Finally she settled on a cute maid outfit. Clearly still erotic, but at the very least safe enough for a work party. Looking at the price she was thrilled to find it was so affordable! Hurrying to the cash she was a little startled by the woman working it. The tall, curvy woman decked out in an impressive demon costume felt totally out of place with how run down the shop looked. She supposed that probably meant it was all just theming for Halloween? The exchange was thankfully quick and painless, but checking her watch Lucy was beginning to wonder if she actually had time to get home, change, and get to the party… “Would you like to change in the back?” She jumped at the offer, thanking the woman as she hurried into the back and closed the door behind her. The space was a mess, clearly on theme with the rest of the store, which made sense considering the room was apparently left open normally. It took her a moment to clear the dust enough to feel like her new costume wouldn’t end up covered in it, but soon enough she was changed and ready to party! She stumbled slightly as she took a step towards the door, her feet feeling oddly snug in the previously perfectly sized heels… Taking another step she had to catch herself on a nearby shelf as her shoe was pushed right off her foot, accompanied by the sound of breaking straps! She looked down with concern, and found her fears had been too small in scale! While her shoe was indeed ruined, and while the other seemed to not be far behind, what caught her eye was the strange shape of her feet! Even obscured by one heel and her stockings her mind jumped to one thought. “Are those… paws?” As if encouraged by her recognition the tingling in her feet rapidly spread up her legs. She watched in horror as her legs seemed to thicken as the tingling washed over them, the stockings apparently unphased by the increased load even as dots of golden hair poked through at irregular intervals. It wasn’t until the tingle cleared their fabric that the meaning of those dots became clear. “Fur?!” She gasped as short golden fur covered her thicker thighs and enhanced ass. She stumbled forward as her other foot broke free, the shelf she had been supporting herself now being further tested as her entire weight was pushed upon it. A whimper escaped her lips as the tingle stalled, focusing on the base of her spine as something grew out, lifting her skirt as it did. She didn’t even have to look to know what she was feeling, and with it’s growth finished the tingle continued onwards. Rushing up her stomach she soon found its effects on her chest impressively pronounced, the breasts now more than twice the size they had been. Even as the changes spread down her arms she found herself focused on the now impressive cleavage presented by the uniform, and the comfortable support provided by the bra. If it weren’t for the sight of a muzzle pushing out right before her eyes she might have spent considerably longer appreciating the admittedly very embarrassing view. Unfortunately, such a muzzle and the accompanying tongue were too important for her to ignore. Her hands reached for her altered face as she stood up, feeling just how much she’d changed both with her hands, and with every wobble of her new curves. Her head felt fuzzy… it was hard to focus. What was she- The thought was cut off by a knock at the door. “Could you come out here, dear?” Something about the voice was just so… compelling. She found herself strutting over and pushing it open before she could even consider why. Her confusion only grew as she looked out at a man dressed in a suit, completely out of place in the worn down shop. “Well now, aren’t you just lovely! Miss Nikki you never fail to impress. Come along now Buttercup, there’s things to clean, training to do, and rewards to give if all goes well.” Her tail wagged as the man spoke, her excitement growing with each word. A part of her resisted, insisted her name wasn’t Buttercup, that she didn’t want to clean, or be trained, or… or want whatever reward he was offering! That part of her wanted to cover the cleavage the man was so openly ogling, even as a growing part of her was excited by it. Regardless of what that part of her insisted, Buttercup stepped forward, closer and closer as new desires filled her head. The moment the man slipped his hand under her lifted skirt and squeezed her ass it was over. Shame blended into arousal and her new life began. A new life, with a new Master, and a big, embarrassed grin on her face.