クソ雑魚彼氏ちんぽ去勢中❤ ────────────── 「むぐぉっ!?むぐぅッー!!ふぐぅぅぅぅぅッ?!?!」 「うっわぁ❤この薬やっばいわ~シコればシコるだけザーメン飛び出してくる❤」 「ん゛ぐぐっうぅぅぅっ!?!?!」 「それやばいくらい効き目あるんだって。三日三晩出し続けられるらしいよ?」 「ぐごぉぉぉおおおっ!!!!」 「あーうるっさいなぁ…アンタの事ちょっとだけいいなって思ってたけど、黒人様と出会えたから告白しなくてよかったわ。おらイケッ!出せッ!」 「う゛ぉう゛う゛ぉう゛う゛ぉう゛ぉぉぉッ!!!!」 「アキラちゃんえっぐい~!尿道に薬練り込んじゃったの?射精するだけでイキまくっちゃってるよそれ❤」 「だってさっさと終わらせて黒人ちんぽ楽しみたいから❤」 「それもそうだね。それじゃ逝かせちゃおうっか❤」 「うんうん❤」 「ふぎぃぃぃッッ!!!!!!」 「「さっさと逝け❤」」 ●登場人物 黒人ちんぽ奴隷女子組…とある高校の女子生徒。二人とも男子の友達。黒人様の命令で彼女と一緒に男子を拉致った。身も心も黒人様に捧げてる。 彼女持ち男子…友達だったはずの女子に騙されて監禁中。彼女がいたが、黒人様に奪われる。情けないDNAを未来に残さぬよう現在去勢中。三日後に完了した。 ────────────── Mugoooo! Muguuggghhh!!! Mgghhhh? "Oh my God, this drug is so bad, the more I fuck it, the more cum comes out of me. "G-G-G-G-Ghhhhhhh!" I heard it's really effective. I heard it can keep you cumming for three days and three nights." "Ggggooooooooooooooooo!!!!" I'm glad I didn't confess to you because I met a black guy. I'm glad I didn't confess to you because I met a black man. Let me out!" "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!" Akira, you're so eggy! Did you knead medicine into your urethra? You're cumming just by ejaculating. "Because I want to get it over with and enjoy black cock. I'm going to make you cum. I'm going to make you cum then. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" "Get the fuck out of here!" ●Characteristics The Black Dick Slave Girls...Female students at a certain high school. Both of them are friends with boys. She and a boy were kidnapped by the order of Master Negro. They are devoted to Master Negro. A boy who has a girlfriend...He was tricked by a girl who was supposed to be his friend and is now locked up. He had a girlfriend, but the Negro woman took her away from him. He is now being castrated so that his pathetic DNA will not be left behind in the future. It was completed in three days. ────────────── Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ──────────────