The school was buzzing with the news about the new policy. They’d all been gathered in the newly-renamed Ginsburg Building. “Girls to the left, boys to the right—we’ll take care of you from there,” cried the large woman with the clipboard. “What’s happening?” Kyle asked his best friend and roommate, Todd. “I have no idea,” said Todd. “But I sure hope all the rumors are bullshit.” Todd and Kyle had never seen anything like it. They’d, of course, heard about the new government that had taken over, but nobody had expected the radical policy changes to go into effect quite so soon. Then again, nobody had believed the United States would dissolve, either, but that had happened just months earlier. Still, as freshmen in college, they had a rather carefree attitude about the future. They were mainly concerned with passing exams, hanging out with friends, and trying to have fun despite the challenging times they found themselves living. Todd was especially dismissive of the rhetoric, calling it “feminazi bullshittery.” “Come on, make a line!” shouted the woman who’d been doing all the screaming. “There’s no way that any of us is going to be turned into girls just because the government thinks that’s what’s best for us,” Todd whispered to Kyle. “I don’t care what the new rules are.” “I’m with you on that,” agreed Kyle. The girls were soon escorted out of the building, leaving only the young men. Then, the woman with the clipboard held it up and spoke. “My name is Dr. Tanner. I have here the results of the psychological evaluations we did of all the students at this institution. Those of you who scored higher on aggression will be converted into females. This government will no longer allow your violent attitudes to go unchecked! Emotional, submissive, and empathetic males will be allowed to remain as you are.” “This is just crazy talk!” shouted one of the boys. “It’s tyrannical!” screamed another. “Who are they to tell us who are men are and are not, who are real males and are not?” “Shut up!” Dr. Tanner shouted. “If I call your name, step forward.” Todd and Kyle exchanged nervous glances as Dr. Tanner began to call names alphabetically. Many of the young men tried to fight or run when she called their names, but the guards at the doors were armed with stun guns. “This is the kind of unacceptable behavior that this government will curb by changing you into girls,” she said as the boys were hauled, shrieking, out of the building. Todd and Kyle held their breath when she got to their names. “Hey,” said Kyle. “No matter what happens, we’ll still be friends. Okay?” But before Todd could answer, Dr. Tanner shouted, “Todd Dézulier!” “No!” shouted Todd. “Get away from me, you fat bitch!” “Guards!” she screamed. “Restrain him!” “It’ll be okay,” Kyle shouted to his friend as he was dragged away. Although they kept in contact through email, a full two years passed before Kyle saw Todd again. After Todd was released from the “Conversion & Re-Education Facility,” he—or she, rather—came to live with Todd while she tried to adjust to life as a woman. Kyle still didn’t agree with the government’s policies, but it was hard to argue with the results. In the ensuing years, violent crime had become almost nonexistent, and men were seldom seen committing rape or assault since those most predisposed to such horrors were now—to put it bluntly—girls. And, of course, things had worked out personally for Kyle, as well. He was the closest person in the world to the now-female Todd, who had new, feminine urging she needed to act upon. And Kyle was only too eager to be the recipient of those desires. “I told you’d it’d be okay,” Kyle said one night as they got in bed together. “I know,” Todd said, smiling nervously. “Just be gentle.” With a wry smile, Kyle replied: “Don’t worry, I will. That’s why I still have my dick, remember?”