Chapter 11 – Friendly Competition Author: F.W. Smith “YEAAAAAHHH!” The Flyboy’s Lament reverberated with cheers from several dozen Maelish watching the Vineball holovid plastered across every available screen. Being the local pilot’s lounge meant this hole-in-the-wall was almost permanently filled with the Maelish patrol men and women when off duty. If they weren’t playing drinking games to the various sports broadcast to the holovids, then they were playing games for drinks on the many pool tables and zero-gee extreme skiball rigs. Jayden ‘Nova’ Rae turned to his co-pilot Leana ‘Splash-down’ Corso and with a resigned sigh, tipped a third of his whiskey into her glass. “Thaaaank you!” Splash said with a cheeky grin, her ears and eyebrows wiggling while she poked her tongue out. A spiky orange fringe flopped down over one eye as she brought the glass to her lips and skulled the contents. “Ref’s blind.” Nova chuckled as he ordered another drink with a raised finger. Like most Maelish males he was quite hirsute, but unlike most his hair was coloured like salt and pepper; brown for the most part, with scattered grey and black hairs. “Besides, the game’s over.” He looked back to the holovid as the ball changed hands to Splash’s team. “One minute left and your precious ‘Calta Canopies’ need a cross-field longbomb to-” As though the team were listening to his every word, the rear mark hurled the bright red sphere so fast and high the camera could barely track it, capturing the eventual last-second goal just barely in frame. On cue, Nova’s drink was plonked on the table but it was grabbed by Splash before he could get his hands on it. Downing it in one she laughed with her fellow supporters. “You play in the dark ‘cos we’re on top! You play in the dark ‘cos we’re on top!” “Rematch!” Nova blurted. “Last game of the seeeeason…” Splash melodically teased, a victorious grin plastered from one ear to the other. “Pool.” “Boring.” “Fine, skiball!” Nova grumbled, smiling nervously. “Skiball? I kicked your arse five out of five last time!” “I’ve been practicing.” “New moves eh?” Splash smiled, placing a finger on her chin in mock thought. “Best of three though, gotta turn down early remember?” “Yeah, yeah. Morning patrol. I know. I only need two games to beat you.” Nova smiled. “Yeah, that’s how best of three works.” The words cut back sharp, dulled only by the joviality behind them. “Come on.” Splash pulled Nova from his seat to the nearest vacant Skiball booth. Opening the door revealed a ten foot long, five foot wide tube filled with bumpers, ramps, boosts and holes. A circular grid at the end displayed score zones in different colours. Splash stopped just short of the entrance, swiping her id on the playpad, but Nova had been pulled a little too hard. With a soft thud the two Maelish pilots were sent flying into the zero-gravity tube. “Gah!” Nova muttered in shock as he tried to grab a nearby bumper with his hand-like feet. Getting a decent grip with one foot, his opposite hand reached out for Splash, grabbing her shirt. Perhaps it was the alcohol or the speed of the fall, but Nova misjudged his grip and instead of pulling his co-pilot back to gravity, he instead ripped the shirt from her body. Her small but pert breasts broke free of the tight covering, and proceeded to take advantage of the low gravity. The soft, downy hair covering every inch of skin pushing away to make her look like she had just come out of an autowash with the dryer set to ‘cuddly’. “Nova!” She shouted, grabbing a ramp and launching herself at the man. With many victorious whiskeys clouding her judgement, Splash didn’t think twice about ripping her partner’s shirt off in revenge. But the force of tearing material outwards caused her body to spiral inwards, landing her chest-to-chest with Nova. “You owe me a shirt.” Nova breathed in the dangerous concoction of Splash’s sweaty body and whiskey breath. Deep down he felt his loins stir. By GPU directives he was forbidden to have impure relations with another, but he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t masturbated on occasion, or that those times hadn’t been to thoughts of Splash. “And you owe me one. Guess we need to work out a dual payment plan.” Nova wasn’t the only one with dirty thoughts. Splash had spent many a night with explorative hands thinking of her co-pilot. And with them close enough to feel each other’s heartbeat she could barely contain herself. “Gonna work it out with me now?” She asked, her logical mind screaming in its drunken stupor at the huge risk she was taking. “Nova?” She added, her voice pleading. His heart skipped a beat, his dreams coming true before his eyes. “Right now.” He said, nodding. Neither let the moment hang any longer as two passionate mouths joined in a lust-fueled kiss. It was furious and needy, each one releasing years of pent-up tension between them as hands and feet let go of the game’s obstacles. In seconds they had removed each other’s clothing, Splash pushing away to get a good look at Nova’s body. The mottled pattern in his hair covered his whole body, but was much lighter on his shoulders and hips. His muscles were still clearly visible beneath the coat, twitching and flexing as he reached out to steady himself on some well-placed bumpers. Splash hummed with a smile while biting her lower lip, Nova’s eyes roaming across her body with as much enthusiasm as hers. “Like what you see?” Nova nodded in appreciation of the well-toned body before him. Splash was no stranger at the gym, putting as much work into keeping her body in top shape as the Harian troops that were always there. But despite the constant fitness routine, her body kept its gently curved rear and bust, with small but well-rounded breasts beneath her ginger hair. At that moment the climate-controlled tube was blowing just enough air her way to peak the pink nipples through her coat, providing Nova with a mouthwatering sight. Unable to resist, he pushed himself towards Splash, his mouth landing squarely upon one of the sensitive buds as she scrambled for a handhold. Her upper set of hands found purchase on a rubbery bumper, while the hands below her knees found something different to hang on to. Nova’s gasp into her bust was all Splash needed to know she was on the right path. Gripping his member tightly she moved slowly, pulling at the sensitive and starkly ridged shaft before pushing back down to the knot at its base. There Splash waited for the man to get back to exploring her nipple with his tongue before moving again. Nova figured out the unspoken request in short time, plunging his moaning mouth back down around the nub as he lashed at it with his tongue. With a free hand he took Splash’s other breast and cupped it, kneading and massaging the soft flesh in time with his needy sucking. With gently thrust hips he assured the woman that her efforts were being noticed, and with her rhythmic stroking falling in time with his lust, the two began moaning in unison. “Nova!” Splash cried “Please, I need it!” He didn’t need to be told twice. As Splash wrapped her legs around his waist, the man angled himself towards her dripping snatch; the pointed flare spreading her lips apart as he prepared to make the first thrust. But Splash’s instincts were too strong, the Maelish woman hugging her lover so tight he sunk into her depths with little time to prepare. Nova shuddered, grunting needily as his ineffectual thrusts got him no deeper. “By Pure, Splash; that feels good.” “Good?” She sighed, her breath staggered “It’s damn near electric!” Splash used her grip on Nova’s waist to grind along his pelvis, feeling some of the ridges pop against her clit both going out and coming back in. “Don’t you feel that?” “Oh….” Nova’s eyes were scrunched closed as he nodded subconsciously “Oh I feel it alright…” Splash’s movements were getting more and more lengthy, drawing Nova’s cock further from her pussy each time until only the head remained inside her. “I, I wonder…” Before Splash could ask what Nova was thinking he thrust his cock in to the hilt, the slowly thickening base causing an increased blast of stimulation inside Splash. “Again!” She cried as Nova withdrew to the tip before slamming forward. “Yes!” His hips found the right pace and within seconds he had become a veritable jackhammer, his body colliding with hers with such momentum that they began drifting further down the tube. Both loves had let go of their various handholds to grip each other’s bodies, the zero gravity area proving more difficult than either had intended. But for Nova, the intensity of the experience had proven far more arousing than he had expected, his grunts growing deeper and his thrusts longer. “A- Are you?” Splash asked, regaining enough cognitive function in her alcohol and lust drunk state to push Nova away. But he didn’t get far before the first shot of jism erupted from his cock. Having pushed the man as far out as his tip, Splash felt the warm liquid blast against her pussy walls just inside her lips. “Oh, oh Nova. That feels….” She let the man’s throbbing cock loose it’s load just inside her entrance, the natural pressure inside pushing some of the thick cum back along his shaft in the zero gravity environment. “Splash, I… It happened so quick…” Nova blurted, feeling sheepish for having cum so quickly. In all honesty he had no idea how long it should have lasted, but he had no idea how quickly it could happen when doing the real thing. Alone, it would sometimes take near to an hour for the Maelish man. He felt the last load pulse into Splash before he dared look up at her. Their eyes met and she couldn’t feel mad at Nova’s finish. “Ah screw it.” She growled, grinning as she kept the man’s gaze. Without so much as blinking she used her legs to pull Nova back inside her, his cum pushed along with his cock as the creampie was extended down her passage. She moaned at the thought of his cum so deep inside her, and the heat of the still warm liquid filling her up. Just as the top of his knot pressed against her throbbing entrance the two collided with the far end of the Skiball tube, popping the slightly deflated organ into Splash’s still hungry hole. “Aaaahnnn!” Moaned Nova as his cock found a breath of life, swelling within Splash’s cum-coated pussy. She placed a finger over his lips, smiling devilishly. “Best two of three.”