NO THIS IS MY WAR!! Attack on titan: Eren: Hi im eren yeager.. and uh. Im training some new recruits to KILL ALL THE TITANSSSSS *shows eren billy and dahmir in the forest* Eren: Ok! You must “KILL ALL THE TITANS” i mean.. get familiar with the new odm gear... FREEDOMMMMMM... Billy: Ok ok seems easy *shows dahmir all tangled* Dahmir: I dont think i got mines on right.. Eren: QUIT FOOLIN AROUND WE GOT TO KILL ALL THE TITANSSSSSSSSS Billy: dont worry eren! I got this! Billy: FOR HUMANITY!! FUCKKKKKKKKKK *billy jumps off the tree and tries shoot his hook but end up falling and screaming* *mikasa catches him* Billy: AH SHIT! Oh! Thank you mikasa~ *mikasa shows her face and its all Masculine* Billy: YO WHAT THE FUCK!! *billy starts singing my war but changes the lyrics* *in stead of “La-La-La-La Ba-ba-ri-as-ras-ti-ti-ti-ras-ti-ti” billy is singing “nah nah nah nah! Oh this bitch is face is very masculine oh my gawd” over and over while showing mikasas face* *shows dahmir on the tree with eren on the ground spazzing like he seizuring* *dahmir looks at eren* Dahmir: Are you a Schizophrenic? *cuts to eren narrating again* Eren: These new recruits are.. a bit.. umm.. retarded. FREEDOM!!!! *shows dahmir and billy in there dorm* Dahmir: So bro what made you want to join the scouts? Billy: Im trying to get some females on my dick but it turns out that ugly ass goat is hogging them all! *shows jeremy with female trainees* Girl Scout: Oh my god! Congratulations jeremy on acing all the training tests! Girl scout: Ya! How do you do it?!? *jeremy stares and everyone is frighten* Girl scout: NOTICE ME SENPAI!! Billy: THIS SUM BULLSHIT! *cuts back to eren* Eren: I really hate those 2 new morons i recruited, they fail every test i put infront of them.. ILL KILL THEM ALLLLL!!!! *cuts to them in the forest again* Eren: Final test! Hit the nape of these fake TITANS!!!! Billy: Ok too easy! Billy: TAKE DIS YOU WEENIE!!!!! *billy uses his gear and tries to slice the nap but misses* Eren: HOW THE FUCK DID YOU MISS DAT! IT WAS RIGHT INFRONT OF YOU!! *billy yells as he falls* Billy: DO YOU NOT SEE MY EYES NIGGA?! Dahmir: Dont worry coach! Ill slice the nape!! *dahmir jumps and uses his gear and zooms past it multiple times* Eren: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING???? *shows the titan dummy in the middle of the frame as dahmir keeps zooming past it back n forth* Dahmir: Im! Dahmir: Trying!! Dahmir: To!! Dahmir: Get!! Dahmir: The!!! Dahmir: Right!!! Dahmir: Angle!!!! Dahmir: WHAT?!? Dahmir: Dont!!! Dahmir: Worry!!! Dahmir: I!!! Dahmir: Got!!! *stops zooming for a second then comes back* Dahmir: SORRY! Dahmir: I!!! Dahmir: GOT!!! Dahmir: A!!! Dahmir: LITTLE!! Dahmir: SICK!!! Eren: YOU FUCKING USELESS SACKS OF SHIT!!! *eren transforms into a titan* *eren doing a bunch of screaming noises while billy is screaming back* Billy: CHILL EREN IM ON YOUR SIDE!! Billy: IM ON YOUR SIDE!!! Billy: IM ON YOUR! *cuts to eren narrating* Eren: In the end, imma kill them all so imma let these TITANSSS graduate early. *cuts to eren talking to billy and dahmir* Eren: You 2 idiots came a long way. And idk how you managed to get this far. You guys are the most stupidest soldiers i ever met in my life. Why cant yall be more like jeremy over here?? *shows jeremy staring and the camera zooms in to his face* *jeremy does the titan transformation* The end.