Drew backed away. “I...I don’t believe you.” With a laugh, Bethany took his hand. “I know how you feel, believe me. Here, there’s someone you need to meet.” She led him out of the locker room and through the park, a hand firmly on his backside. They stopped in front of a small door tucked away behind the haunted house. “Be right back,” Bethany said and went inside, leaving Drew alone in the dark. I should run, Drew thought, but he didn’t. Instead, he leaned against the wall, his head spinning, his hands cupping the swollen flesh on his chest. What was happening to him? Was this real? In the distance, the repetitive carnival music echoed and faded, each note sounding almost like a word. In fact, he almost thought he could make out what the notes were saying... Suddenly, Bethany reappeared in the doorway. She laughed, seeing the dazed expression on his face. “C’mon, don’t go all ditzy on me just yet,” she said and grabbed him by the wrist again. “She’s waiting for you.” Bethany led him up the metal stairs to a room dimly lit with purple lights. There was champagne on a table and a beautiful blonde sitting on a stool. She was dressed in a slinky purple dress that hugged her body. “Hello, Drew,” she said in a low, sultry voice. “How do you know my name?” “I know your name, and I know what you are going through,” she said. “I went through it myself.” Bethany pushed Drew down into a chair next to the blonde. “This is Sylvia. But she used to be...um...what was it again?” Sylvia glared. “Sylvester. Listen, Drew, I know you want to fight this, but you can’t. Your body is changing, you’re growing breasts, your ass is filling out. You’re becoming a woman.” Drew shook his head, his breath quickening. “That can’t happen.” “But it is happening.” Sylvia put a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Listen carefully. I know how you feel, but you need to accept the change. It’s the only way. Your mind will begin to change soon, too. Just let it happen.” “I...I can’t,” Drew whispered. “I don’t want to be a girl.” “Neither did I,” said Sylvia. “I fought and fought. I even became... violent ...with Alphonse. And do you know what happened to me? I became one of the attractions.” Sylvia gestured around her room. “This is where I live. Most of the time, I have to entertain the customers. And now I’m even less of a man than your friend Bethany over there.” Sylvia spread her smooth, shapely legs apart. Drew gasped. “So it’s true? Your...um...” “It’s gone. Cut off. Inverted. Whatever.” Sylvia traced the outline of her pussy. “Give in, and you’ll get to keep that, at least.” Drew looked into Sylvia’s eyes. They were kind, but he saw a terrible weariness deep within them, a complete resignation to her fate. She was cursed with a man’s mind in a beautiful woman’s body, existing to provide pleasure to strangers. Sylvia gave Drew a small, sad smile. “And listen, if you keep your cock, you can visit me, and we can have some fun.” Bethany led Drew away from Sylvia’s room. “There, you see? You’ve got a choice. But when Alfonse gets mad, he makes examples out of people.” Drew thought of Sylvia in her tiny room, her body at the mercy of every horny patron who paid for a thrill. What choice did he really have? “But how can I just let...all this...happen to me?” he asked. “The music,” Bethany said. “What?” “Alfonse’s carnival music. It’s, like, hypnotic, I guess. It makes you do things. You think those tits appeared on your chest by magic? No, you’ve been reporting to Alfonse every morning for estrogen injections. I’ve watched you do it.” “What? But I don’t remember that!” “Alfonse makes you forget. As soon as you leave his office, it’s as if it never happened. Here, come with me.” Bethany led Drew toward the Ferris wheel, the largest ride in the park. There was a series of speakers around it, each blasting the carnival music at different frequencies. Bethany stroked his cheek. “There, there, listen to the music.” “But I don’t want...I...” “Listen. Let yourself go. You’ll be better off.” Drew closed his eyes and let the music wash over him. His body seemed to lighten, his very being seeming to lift off the ground. He felt as if he was floating, his mind drifting in a warm sea, his body tingling. When she opened her eyes again, the park was closed. Everyone was gone but for Bethany, who sat on the bench next to her. Her? But... Yes. Her was somehow right. Drew touched her breasts, feeling the soft flesh beneath her shirt. A few hours ago they’d felt foreign and wrong on her body, but now they felt as if they belonged there. Bethany smiled. “How do you feel, honey? You’ve been through a lot.” “I...I feel good. I guess. Like a...Like a girl.” “That’s good,” Bethany said. “But feeling like a girl and being one is different. You have a lot to learn. And I’m here to teach you.” Bethany leaned forward and put her lips to Drew’s. They kissed. Drew felt a fire in her belly as Bethany’s tongue explored her mouth. She returned the kiss, her breasts rubbing against Bethany’s. “You’re beautiful, Drew,” Bethany said. “But soon you’ll be ravishing. Now, come with me. We need to get you ready for work. But first, Alfonse will want to meet the new girl.” Bethany took Drew’s hand and led her away.