This is a cautionary tale, just a glimpse at my abilities. No beings were harmed in the creation of this legend, but plenty of penises were.

If you don’t want to know what happens to my critics, don’t read the rest of this story.

I was reading through my alerts and noticed a negative comment, ‘This story sucks!’

I’m okay with being critiqued, but not when it isn’t constructive! I used my story bending powers to get a glimpse into this person’s life, and wasn’t surprised to see a fat nerd in a lonely, gross room.

I laughed as I thought about the best punishment for him, but decided to just give him a taste as a warning.

His neck craned while his breathing picked up, and I could see fat from his belly begin to separate and move in different directions. His petite body rose in the chair he sat in as all his weight moved into his chest and bottom.

I watched his torso become toned as his clothes merged together and became a dress, helping shape his transforming body even further.

“What the fuck’s going on?!” He asked the room, “This better not be that awful caption guy!”

I decided to give him a full dose for being an ass, and could only smirk as his voice flew past the point of femininity.

“I’ll find that guy and fuck him up! He’ll be balls deep in me before I like- Ooooo!” The angry new girl moaned,

Her boobs picked themselves up and sat atop the cups of her dress, jiggling as she grabbed at her gushing pussy.

I think she’ll be this way for a while, maybe I’ll lower her arousal in a month or two…

“I like, need to fuck someone ASAP!” She exclaimed, jumping out of the puddle that formed in her chair.

Not so fast girly, lets see you run around finding guys to fuck with the new titties I’m gonna give you!

“Ahhh!” The new bimbo cried out orgasmically as her boobs filled with fat.

Her hips and thighs quickly went from slim and sexy to thicc and curvy, making her moan as her hips blew up and swelled to either side of her as well.

The new giggling slut hopped out of her seat and began dancing, getting wetter while she enjoyed the bounce of her swinging boobs.

That was honestly a lot fun… Haven’t other people left mean comments as well?

I scrolled all the way back to my first comment, and began reading through to the present.

O, Here’s one!

‘You sound like a weak pussy!

Hit the gym and buck up, you perv!’

I could see the guy that commented such petty stupidity, and of course he was checking himself out in the mirror.

I made his shorts squeeze his thighs before stretching them across his legs, making them even tighter as his thighs filled with fat from his calves. Then fat from his belly sucked itself inward, going behind him and making his ass grow out.

It took him a moment or two to become aware of what was going on, but I quickly calmed his mind before he could cause a commotion. The shrinking gym rat stared into the mirror, lifting her arms as fat bubbled her chest up from the rest of her torso.

I gave her a pretty face and then changed her sexual orientation, causing her to blink in surprise. A wet spot formed in her crotch as I increased her arousal, and then I let her be after sending the largest guy in the gym to the locker room.

“Is my butt like too big? I…” The bimbo trailed off as she turns to the open door, and her eyes glaze over as she stares at the giant bulge in front of her.

He whipped out his massive erection, displaying it for the open mouth drooling bimbo.

“Like I don’t think I’ll be able to fit that thing in my tiny pussy!” She giggled, grabbing the large cock as she got down on her knees.

That’ll serve that loser, who the hell tells someone to go to the gym as an insult online?

I continued scrolling up through my comments, pausing to read a weird one.

‘You really overuse TikTok videos, and they’re always little kids!!’

Huh? Little kids? When am I using tik toks?

The best revenge is served ironically, that’s why I gave this mean commenter a tik tok obsession before even checking them out.

It’s an extremely attractive girl! I wanted a guy doing those girly TikToks, but I guess this is fine…

“I gotta get this video out before the trend goes out of style!!” She whined ditzily, getting undressed and putting on a robe as she did.

I couldn't look away as she looked into the camera seductively, shaking her hips to the beat.

She then stopped the video and quickly made herself up like she was going to the club, giggling as she slipped six inch heels onto her tiny feet. She then twerked in front of the phone, jiggling her massive breasts for the camera and winking.

She didn’t really say anything so hurtful, so I decided not to turn her into a child.

I continued through more comments, stopping by one that seemed pretty disgusting.

‘As a high school teacher this is just horrible, I can’t believe people use the English language to do this!’

A teacher, huh?

“Alright kids, this year’s gonna be different than previous ones.

I’m more of a cool teacher…” The oddly enthusiastic English teacher said, leaning over his desk in a bad effort to look cool.

I think I could make this class a or more “cool”, but this guy’s got to go!

I took all the fat from his pot belly, making his drooping stomach raise up into his torso. I then sent it all ino his dumb ass, causing it to explode behind him. A lot of the residual fat had to fill his thighs, as his ass was full to the max before he ran out of fat.

I didn’t change his sexual orientation, but made him extremely attracted to the class clown. I gave the class clown this knowledge and watched, smirking as he got out of his chair and got behind the curvy teacher.

I could see her try to ignore him, but she couldn’t help but look over, a flirtatious look in her eye.

The class clown quickly escalated everything, and was undressing the thick lecturer as she begged for him to leave her.

“You can’t just stick that thing in me Kyle! I won’t let you!” She protested, keeping her body close to his as he opened her folds. I couldn’t stop laughing from my seat as the class clown spanked and fucked his teacher doggy style, all while she begged for her cock back.

Maybe I should've been nicer and made her think she was always a woman? Or maybe at least make her attracted to guys? Meh whatever.

‘Why so many boob gifs? I’m more into the best half of a woman, the bottom one!’

What?? But I just did an ass one! Damn.

This guy wants less stories with boobs? Let’s see… Holy crap! He’s got giant man titties!! Maybe that’s why he doesn’t want to be looking at boobs that much…

I decided to give him exactly what he wants, less boobs

“What’s happening!” He shouted, grabbing at his wide chest as it shrunk along with the rest of his body. I left the rest of his body the same, save for a sopping wet pussy that craved to be filled.

I ended up making her a little cuter in the face, to help her find the biggest cock possible!

Her clothes came off immediately, and she was sending sexy videos to all her guy friends to show off.

Within a few seconds she was fist deep in her own womanhood. This wouldn't fill her craving though, so i put a picture of what would in her mind.

“Cock… Need cock inside me…” She said in a trance.

I only have a few more comments to go through, so I left the new flat girl to figure the rest out herself.

This story’s so weird, you think to yourself.

‘Not a fan’, you type in the comments.

O not a fan, really? I’ll make you a fan…

Suddenly you hear a knock on your door, you quickly turn off your computer screen and tell me to come in.

“Who are you?” You ask, confused as to how someone got to your door without you hearing any footsteps.

I don’t say a word, just watching you as I begin to tower over your shortening stature. Your breath picks up, and you look at me with knowing fear.

“You won’t…” You say, trailing off as your vocal cords tighten.

Even your breathing is becoming more feminine, and slight moans begin dribbling out of your gasping mouth. You begin to pant as your heart rate picks up, and you feel something different happening with the air in your lungs.

Each inhale seemed to swallow into your chest, and you could feel the exhales coming from deeper within you. What’s that weird taste?

“Cum” I say, reading your mind’s question and answering it, “That’s the sperm leaving your shrinking penis, I didn’t really wanna watch you jizz everywhere…”

“Jizz everywhere!?!? O my-” Your new, ditzy valley girl voice scares you and stops you from continuing as you feel your cock retract into your waist.

It was almost like a backward boner inside you, and you couldn’t help but moan euphorically as your womb and ovaries formed with a sensual arousal.

Feeling picks up, slowly making its way through your torso before pooling in your chest, making you uncomfortable as an extreme pressure builds before two balloons explode out of your chest. The buttons on your shirt fly in digger t directions while your boobs continue growing, slowly becoming more round and heavy.

I make a fist with my open hand, shrinking the pants and shorts you wore and merging them into a tight pajama onesie. It soft new body clouds year minutes, and you sit bouncing sexily for a few moments before remembering yourself.

“I’m calling the cops you idiot!

They’ll arrest you for trespassing!!

I’ll stop if you change me back, alright daddy?

Fuck!” You yell, looking away while I laugh at making you call me daddy.

“You have no control anymore Sammy, I could do whatever I want to you. I could make you a complete bimbo.” I say, smirking as your mind goes blank and you can’t ignore the sensation growing in your pussy that’s craving cock.

“I could make you a shy loser as well.”

Suddenly massive amounts of information flood into your head, and you feel significantly less confident. You blush and look away, trying to hide your body in it’s revealing outfit.

“I think I like the bimbo thing, and I’ll make you a slut too.”

A big smile takes over your cute face, and you bounce with glee as your cute pajamas separate to become a slutty schoolgirl outfit. You feel a breeze on your panty-less pussy as new ideas about boys and fashion pound your old mind into submission, quickly making you a ditzy boy crazy bimbo.

“I would like, totes love to ride you and suck and fuck and lock every part of your hunky body!

But could you make me older? I kinda,,, have a thingy….” You seductively whisper in my ear, stroking my cock while you lick my earlobe.

“Whatever you want baby…” I say, changing your outfit to something more… age appropriate.

Your schoolgirl outfit turns into a mini jump suit, and your body becomes more full as you sore through adulthood.

I increased your honrbiness levels, but you beg for more. Lifting your top to reveal erect nipples, and telling me all things you’ll let me do if I maximize your arousal.

There’s certain things you don’t have to ask me twice about, and this one just about tops the list.

I allow your horniness to build up more, bubbling up inside you while your body ages even more.

Suddenly you asking to have your arousal increased seems like it happened decades ago, but that thought was quickly overpowered by immense sexual knowledge and cravings.

You moan as your body continues aging, turning you into a cock addicted mother of five.

It’s hard to take care of kids when you’re so horny, but luckily they’ve all graduated and left the house already.

“Holy fuck! I’m like, old!” You say in your luscious voice, a deeper and more sensual version of the valley girl one.

You want to whine more, but feel your hips gyrating and thrusting. It becomes much harder to focus for you once my cock is out and hard, making your body gravitate slowly while trying to hold back and control your temptations.

“Could this like, be my new life?” You ask, each word separated by orgasmic moans.

“I don’t see why not.” I chuckle, snapping us back to my reality and bed.