Remiel’s religious upbringing on a puritanical space colony has left him wholly unprepared for Captain Ramda Uweko’s stunning herm wolf hybrid beauty. On his journey to earth, Remiel struggles with his extreme attraction to her and all the things he thought he knew about himself. Enticed by Remiel’s shy lust, Ramda gives chase. And things only get hotter and heavier from there. Remiel's Fall From Grace - Chapter 5 by Zmeydros (edited by Tiliquain and Sheera Castellar) At first, I thought my morning wood was just me needing to go to the restroom, but it was only five minutes after I'd used it and I was painfully hard again. That's what I got for being too exhausted to take care of all the feelings Ramda's kiss had stirred up. That little errant thought is all it took for me to think back to my time with her in the cloud forest. Her tight workout uniform had let me feel every one of her tits pressed up against me whenever she hugged me from behind. Her tongue had felt amazing on my lips when we... I unbuttoned the crotch of my pajama bottoms and grabbed my prick. Yes, I just needed to get off. Then I'd be able to calm down. I stroked faster, thrusting my hips upwards, getting close so fast I could barely keep track of the sensations. Damn, she smelled so good and was so strong and her tail wagging whenever we shared an intimate moment was so cute. She'd probably smell that I'd been masturbating later in the day and tease me about it. I was gonna cum, I was so close now! A message popped up in my implant's HUD, "Captain Ramda Uweko: Hey, hope I didn't wake you. It turns out I have two surprises for you, that is if you can make your way to the bridge swiftly. Apologies on the short notice, I only just got off the comms with the Anvil Traffic Control." The bridge? Why would my surprise be on the bridge? She'd been talking to Anvil Traffic control. My eyes widened and I jumped out of my bed as I realized exactly what she was going to show me. I had no idea what the other surprise was, but I knew I absolutely didn't want to miss one of them. My shaft was still a bit hard when I hopped into my Miramanna uniform and zipped it up, but by the time I got my hair looking presentable and my shoes on, it was behaving itself. Grabbing a breakfast bar from a zippered pocket on my luggage, I stepped out of my quarters. An excited bweep got me to look down. Cuber was standing there, holding a chocolate chip waffle in one of her three-fingered hands. Then she made a soft bweep as if to say, "Here!" Chuckling, I grabbed the waffle getting melted chocolate on my hand. "Where did you get this?" Cuber pointed down the hallway and then made a kicking motion with one of her legs. My eyes widened. "Y-you took this from Daniel's room service tray?" She made a happy double beep to let me know I was correct. I tried to hand it back to her, chocolate making a mess of my hand. "You should put it back." She made an angry beep and stomped a foot. "Well, I gotta get to the bridge, so I can't eat this right now." With a sad beep, she looked at the floor. "I'm sorry, it's a very nice gift." I sighed and brought the waffle up to my mouth. She beeped several times in succession, each beep coming faster than the last. The weight of her anticipation was intimidating. I ate that waffle as fast as I could, getting chocolate all over my mouth. It was delicious and tasted even better knowing Daniel would find some of his meal missing. The waffle was the perfect mixture of soft and crunchy, like it had just come off the waffle iron. Satisfied that I'd thoroughly enjoyed her gift, she reached out for a handshake. I shook her hand and she cooed before letting go and walking back down the hallway. Quickly going back into my room, washing the chocolate off my face and hands, and getting a drink of water, I sent a message to Ramda. "Got held up. I'm on my way now." "You'll be just in time for the first surprise if you hoof it up here," she replied. I jogged all the way past the Biome to a bulkhead door that started to pull away from the wall the moment I stepped toward it. Then it slid to the side as my HUD said, "Crew Access: Granted." In this part of the ship, there was much less attempt to hide the technical bits. Wires and pipes ran in intricate patterns behind see-through protective panels with a slight pinkish-brown tint to them. Some spots were open, like emergency valves and other things for the cargo containers that were docked to the ship. This whole hallway as cargo pod after cargo pod. In the back of the ship were ones that didn't need life support. All these cargo pods needed varying degrees of it. There were lots of things that didn't do well exposed to the cold vacuum of space. Each cargo container I looked at gave me a vague idea of its contents. One of them said "Adult Entertainment Paraphernalia: Delivered as of August 2nd 2440." This got me to tilt my head because that was yesterday, while we were docked with Firmament Station. Putting that question out of my mind, I trudged toward the bridge. The closer I got, the more valuable the cargo got until I saw a container that had been full of Lezveioan flora and fauna for Miramanna to study. Their star flung a lot of radiation at them and all the organisms on their planet had amazing repair properties unseen anywhere else in the Galaxy. Structures in cells could regenerate, even the DNA itself was better at self-repair and error correction than anything anywhere else. Then I was at the door to the bridge and my heart was pounding in my chest. The bridge of a starship. I was going to be on the actual bridge of an actual star--the door opened and Ramda pulled me inside. "Sensors said you were standing out there, you okay?" My eyes were wide as I looked at the plethora of interlocks, switches, knobs, levers, and glowing indicators. Even though most things were handled by implants nowadays, everything space-related had to have manual controls in case our implants failed. And it was all beautiful. There were toggle switches above our heads, on the walls, below the big window that looked out into space, on the consoles connected to the captain and first officer's chairs. "Where's your FO?" I asked. "Tammy's in the aft cockpit," Ramda said. Then she leaned in and I thought she was going to kiss me, but she licked my nose instead. I gasped as her long canine tongue dragged across my nose, leaving behind a wet trail. Because I was staring at her and not moving, she thought I wanted another kiss and she gave it to me. She grabbed me and pulled me against her and pressed her lips, breasts, and bulge into my front. When I gasped again, she licked into my mouth and my member started to dig into her crotch. I moaned, swept up in the thrill of making out. I could taste the chocolate she'd licked off my nose. Then there was a sound like a whistle that did two long tones and she suddenly let go of me and flicked her wrist toward the window that looked out into space. I was terribly light-headed and my face was hot. As a red and pink Lezveioan came onto the screen, my knees gave out and Ramda caught me under my arm to prevent me from falling to the deck and sat me in the captain's chair. "Greetings Captain Aeidou, I'm assuming the last ship is currently traversing the FTL corridor?" The chair had been made to fit Ramda's tall, thick-bodied frame and I felt tiny sitting in it. "Affirmative, they're due in about four minutes," Captain Aeidou said. Her eyes were raspberry red and her shark-like muzzle held a charming sharp-toothed smile. Ramda opened the ship-wide channel. "This is your Captain speaking, we will be jumping to the Trappist system in approximately fifteen minutes. Secure all loose objects and then strap yourselves in. If you have any questions, my First Officer, Tamara LeRange, would be happy to answer them." As Ramda made her announcement, I couldn't take my eyes off the first Lezveioan, the first alien of any kind I'd ever been in contact with. She was wearing a tight-fitting sea green and pinkish-beige unitard that left very little to the imagination. I had seen their wetsuit-like uniforms before, but every time I'd seen a Lezveiodan in the news that had breasts, they didn't have a bulge to go with them. This one did. There was a flurry of questions tumbling through my mind, but I'd been rendered speechless by the shimmer of her scales as they reflected the light back at the camera. Then my eyes found her fascinating fan-like ears, beautiful thick thighs, and the fins on her tail. Ramda and Captain Aeidou chatted about something from the last time they hung out together. While they chatted, Ramda's low-key sexual energy kept my prick throbbing and I was feeling rather exposed. I swiveled the pilot console that came out of the side of the captain's chair so it was in the way of my crotch, hoping Captain Aeidou hadn't seen the erection that Ramda had caused. Moving the console caused me to lose track of their conversation, but Ramda caught my attention when she said, "Remiel here is gonna be a ship's captain someday and I think talking to you a bit would be a good experience for him. He's never met a Lezveioan in person, so why don't we start off with you telling him one of Trinity Stronghold's best kept secrets?" "Hi there, Remiel! So good to meet you." Captain Aeidou's ear fans flicked closed and then open as she dipped her head toward her left shoulder. "H-hi…" I was talking to a real live alien. And she was almost as gorgeous as Ramda. This was insanity. "Trinity Stronghold edits us to look like we are a race of men and women just like their ideal in all media they publish. It has been going on for over thirty years, ever since we met them for the first time." She puffed air out of the slit-like closable nostrils at the end of her snout. It was a bit like a sigh. "We only have one biological sex and we don't even have gendered pronouns. We're all like Ramda, hermaphrodites. And we have asked your government to capitulate and depict us as we actually are, but they seem willing to give up their business with us entirely over it. So, we have relented. But it still angers us to no end." All her consonants had a slight hiss to them. It sounded cool. "We especially do not want to Jeopardize the New Babylon Gardens Project." Ramda said, "If you wear your Trinity Stronghold uniform in front of a Lezveioan, be prepared for a discussion about your government's censorship. Lezveioans literally had no concept of male or female until they met humans." If Ramda's goal was to blow my mind, she'd succeeded. "So your people have no concept of gender?" "We have genders, in a way. Some of us are caretakers, some are builders, and some are entertainers. We treat these aspects of life in a similar way to how you treat genders, but we see it as more of a sliding scale than something that has firm boundaries." She smiled big. "How's Ramda been treating you?" "Good." I remembered the kiss we'd shared just before the call took place and wanted to bury my face in my hands. "She's a gift to anyone she meets," Captain Aeidou said. "I've known her for nearly six years now." Ramda said, "Yes, you've become well acquainted with the depths of my...personality over the years." The deep sultry undertone in her voice and her well-placed pause got my blood pumping. The underside of Captain Aeidou's chin reddened and her ears flicked a couple times as she tried to figure out what to say. It was nice to see Ramda's ability to render others speechless didn't only apply to me. I was going to get hard again if the sexual tension got any higher, so I changed the subject. "Is there anything else my government has kept secret about your race?" She nodded. "We don't marry or commit ourselves to one person in that way and we are not strict, we are actually too lax as a society. Like, we're currently trying to train our populace to take up things like engineering and accounting because jobs that require rigor are seen as boring. Think of us as a giant artist community that's always trying to hook people's interest. Our currency is actually based around that to some degree." "The entertainers make the most money in their society," Ramda said. Her ears fanned bigger as she lifted her head a bit, possibly a sign of agreement? "Indeed, we are working on fixing some of the imbalances, but people are quite healthy and well taken care of. We feel very distressed about what we see happening on your home planet." I frowned. "Yeah, it's bad." "You likely do not know the full breadth of how bad it is, but that's an unpleasant subject for a first meeting. Ramda said you were going to be a captain someday?" "Maybe?" The idea just didn't fit in my head. "I will have Ramda give you my contact information. You can ask me anything you wish and I am happy to be a resource for you if you choose to dive in those depths." "Thank you!" "I have to go so that Ramda can initiate her jump, but I wanted to say that I think your hair is gorgeous and I hope we speak again," Captain Aeidou said. "Bye!" I said, waving and still not fully grasping the fact that I'd been talking to an alien. "Different than you were expecting?" Ramda asked. "Yeah, she was really nice." I tilted my head. "Why did she compliment me on my hair randomly?" "Lezveioans always compliment each other before they say goodbye. There's even a saying about it, 'The gift of a smile is received twofold,' and they put that sort of thinking into everything. Only problem is that, every once in a while, some of them take it too far and it becomes hard to talk about unpleasant things." Ramda was doing something with her implant as she spoke. Her eyes were darting around a bit. I let her work because I figured she was #preparing us for FTL travel. When her focus was back on me, I said, "I was going to say I can't believe my government hid all that stuff about them, but when I think about it, I can't imagine them not censoring it." "I'm going to give you access to the extranet before you leave today so you can experience the web in its uncensored form." Ramda sighed. "I'm gonna warn you now: don't go poking at things pertaining to your planet much if you're already in a state of anxiety. And remember, I'm here to talk if you need it." "Is it really that bad?" I asked. "I'm gonna let you answer that question for yourself." She gently grabbed me under the arms. "New topic: This chair is way too small for you and that gives me an idea." "What are you--?" She lifted me right up off the chair as if I weighed no more than a large watermelon and then slipped under me and put me in her lap. "There, now you can watch us go through the Anvil Point from the best seat in the house." My feet, legs, buttocks, back, and head were all against her now and her chin was atop my head. At first, I was worried I was crushing her huge nuts, but she'd spread her legs a bit to give them room. Then I was thinking about the fact I could feel her man parts pressed up against me clearer than ever. I did my best to focus on the sensation of her tits against my back, but then I was thinking about both those things and couldn't untangle them. The fire in my crotch was back along with a fast thumping in my chest. I was going to go FTL for the first time and I was going to be doing it with a boner. This had to be a dream. END OF CHAPTER 5 I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!