The next day you prepared yourself to ask the producer a few questions, hoping to be able to appear on screen as yourself.

This didn’t go as planned.

“Didn't I tell you about Brad Pitt??” The producer asked desperately, “He spent a year acting with boobs! Nicolas Cage was a Milf in porn for years before hitting the big time!!!

You’re really not gonna like what I’ve got planned for you today…” The producer said, holding his forehead.

Before you could decline today’s job you were face to face with his penis again. Every cell of fat in your body collects in your chest, and you begin to hyperventilate as your skin stretches to withstand it.

Your cotton tee shirt congeals into a push up bra, and soon you’re holding your chin up to avoid touching your cleavage.

You look up from the giant mass that is now your bust, and are looking at the producers secretary.

“He had a meeting” she says dryly, handing you a card with the room and title.

This set looked to be outdoors, and the only thing there was a plant and a camera.

“Sorry I couldn’t make it in for shooting today, but I could direct from home. This is a pretty simple film.” A voice came from the camera speaker. “Just grab that jump rope and do your best.” He encouraged.

Wanting to get this over with quickly, you listened to what he said.

“Let your boobs bounce more, please.”

You sighed, but listened. The sooner this was over, the better.

After the shoot your back was in extreme pain, and it was only twelve. You went up to the producers office, hoping he could help you out with a new body til the five o’clock change deadline.

“I can’t really change you without a role in mind, Ty. It’s against the rules.” The producer said, going through his phone. “Oh! I got a role here!” Without asking, he flashed that magical dick.

You felt the push-up bra get soft and fall down your torso, the rest of you softened as well. You aged back from forty to twenty, and your body looked it! You couldn’t help but giggle as you lifted your soft shirt, revealing the most perfect breasts you’d ever seen.


After being handed the card, you skipped happily to the room you were directed to.

Wait, this felt weird. Did the transformation make you… happier??

You took a sharp turn into the ladies’ room, and walked over to the sink to gather your thoughts.

One look in the mirror made any chance of that disappear, “I’m Mia Khalifa!??!? No!!! I’m not doing porn!!”

You rush back to the producer’s office, feeling every soft jiggle as you stomp through the halls. You breeze past his secretary and go straight into his office, “ I’m not doing porn for you!!”

“No!! We needed a Mia Khalifa lookalike for a joke cameo! It’s not porn I swear!!”

You realized you may have overreacted. The producer hadn’t done anything funny with you, and you had no reason not to trust him.

You left to go back to the shoot, feeling bad that you had screamed at the producer. But you quickly felt more upbeat, and were all smiles by the time you reached the shoot.

The “joke cameo” ended up being some seriously graphic close up shoots, but no sex. You found yourself unusually agreeable, giving in to EVERY request made by the director. You could tell this was encouraging him to push what he wanted from you, but you found the whole thing extremely erotic.

At one point you even find yourself seductively offering your nipples to the lead actor, going off script and surprising the entire crew.

The paycheck for two jobs more than doubled one, and you almost cried on the way home that night.

The next day you demanded two roles from the producer, eliciting a smile from him.

“I love the enthusiasm! I thought you were coming later, but if you’re here now…”

You were never fully prepared for the cock, and just how much it would lock you in.

Your vision focused in on the throbbing head, and you could feel your pants tighten as hair tickles your bare shoulders.

You make sure to look in the mirror before leaving the office this time, and are surprised by what you see.

“Victoria justice wouldn't do a victorious reboot, so we needed someone. Thanks for coming early!” The producer shouted behind you.

The set seemed a bit off, but that must be how it always is when you’re coming from watching a show on tv…

Even stranger, the cameras were rolling as soon as you walked in.

“Is this part of my scene? I- Whoa!!”

Leather gloved hands rip your shirt off, revealing the luscious bra you wore.

“What the fuck!!” You cry, feeling an erection pressed against your mini skirt-covered ass.

Your legs begin to move as you try running, but your ass stays pressed into the crotch behind you.

You now feel your ass begin to grind into the crotch, lifting your mini skirt to reveal your bare ass.

“Is this a pornOoooo!!” The question can’t even leave your mouth before your virgin folds are penetrated.

Your eyes close and you could feel every vein inside you, the head throbbing against your clitoris as the actor stays deep in your womanhood.

Your mind screams no, but you can’t move your body. You’re forced to withstand each thrust as the large man’s cock begins to throb more instensely, and you could feel him begin to release inside you.

You brace your legs against his as warm cum fills you, but the immediate rush of bliss from your first fucking overwhelms you. Your knees give out  and you collapse on the ground, leaking the muscular man’s cum as the crew gets ready to go.

“I demand a shower you asshole!!!” You yell at the producer once you’re in his office an hour later.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa… You’re the one getting cum all over the building?? Fuck!! The cleaning crew’s ready to quit!” The producer screamed back at you.

“I don’t give two shits!! If you didn’t want me… leaking everywhere!!! Maybe you should've given me pants?? Where’s a shower??”

The producer points you to his private bathroom, where you shower down. The cum from before dried up just a bit and you’re forced to scrub it out, but that quickly turned into you orgasming on the floor.

You were finally able to get out of the shower after three deep scrubs, each one resulting in a mind blowing orgasm.

“Your next role is actually with the same producer, and he requested you take one of these.” The producer says, handing you a pink pill.

“Same producer?? I’m not doing a porno again!! What the fuck!!” You yell.

“Porno’s pay triple. Didn’t you enjoy yourself before? I’m sorry I didn’t warn you, but then you would’ve never gone!” The producer pleaded.

You look at the pill, thinking back to the intense pleasure of each thrust from that man. Triple pay… You grab the pill and swallow it without water, “Wait! What the hell did I just- Ooooo” Your stomach pains cut you off, causing you to moan.

“It’s a bimbo pill! What’d you think it was? All bright pink and whatever…” The producer said, leaving as your body begins to change.

Your ass and boobs grew a bit at the same time, filling with fat from your waist as your hips extend out and your stomach cinches in.

Your hair begins to thicken and grow longer, but it almost feels like it’s growing out of your brain… You could feel your thoughts fog up as your hair grows longer and thicker, changing your desires to girly ones. You could feel your throat and neck tighten as your voice changes, something that excites the new girly you.

Your outfit changes, and the shirt you wore becomes a bra. The pants you had on become a mini skirt, and your lips force themselves out into a pout as they plump up. You then feel your eyelids grow heavy as your entire face gets caked in makeup, making you giggle as you look in the mirror.

High heels didn’t stop you from bouncing into the shoot, and it only got more intense from there.

The sex was so much better on the bimbo pills, you couldn’t help but beg for more from the producer.

“What? Ty, those things last 24 hours, you’ll be like that for a while. Why do you need more pills??” The producer asked, pulling out his cock.

The producer’s cock got covered in lipstick, fresh from the change he just implemented on you. You felt completely obedient, and got on your knees the second he commanded it.

After you swallow his load, the producer hands you a bottle of a thousand bimbo pills!

You jump for joy, then give the producer one more blowhob as a thank you.

You wanted to wait til you got home, but the craving built up exponentially. Within ten minutes of leaving the producer’s office you had to run into the women's room and lock the door, proceeding to open the large jar and just spill as many bimbo pills in your open mouth as possible.

The large amount of pills give you an overwhelming, full body sensation. Your breathing quickens, and you worry as your experience is way more intense than it was before.

Your body didn’t change though, just your mind. You struggle to hold onto your old identity, but it becomes painful. Eventually you give in, and soon you are completely devoid of thought besides boys and fashion. Your body pulses with euphoria as the pills work their magic, and you try reading the warnings and directions on the side of the jar, but find yourself unable to.

The craving comes back strong, and you can’t stop yourself from chugging more pills. The pills seemed to absorb straight into your body, and you find yourself quickly finishing all one thousand of them. You stumble out of the bathroom, bust growing into your chin as you crash your head into a wall.

You wake up in a daze and look down. You’re wearing some type of fast food uniform, staring directly into a large man’s eyes. Your mind struggles for traction as you continue to gaze, feeling your pussy come to life as you watch a bulge form in the man’s pants.


This is your new life, and you needed no more help from the producer.

If you had read the directions before engorging yourself, you would have read that taking that many pills makes everything permanent. Your body will accelerate in its race to an hourglass shape constantly, not stopping till you’re fully satisfied.  

By the end of the day, you’d done seven full shoots and your body was just getting started.

You got so horny on the way home, you just followed the sound of a man’s voice into a random house.

The guy’s wife yelled at you, but eventually gave in to a three way when you revealed your massive bust.

The constant fucking continued, and soon you just stopped showing up to the studio. You had enough money, and those camera guys were wasting time you could spend fucking!

Within days you had put a sign up in front of your house, ‘Horny Slut Ready To Fuck’. This caused massive lines at your door, but everyone left satisfied so there were no complaints.

Eventually the producer caught wind of what was happening, and decided there was a problem to solve.

He waited on line for hours before making it in the house, simply dropping the box he held on the floor before leaving.

“Wait!” You cry in your new, luscious voice.

But he’s gone. You open the box and see a five thousand pack of bimbo pills. A gasp escapes your mouth and before you know it, you’re face deep in the large, square jar.

The producer came through the back door and locked the front, preventing any more guys from coming in. He then waits for you to finish all the pills before picking you up, and taking you to your next shoot.

Your vision fades to black as the most powerful arousal you’ve ever felt begins pulsing through your body, and you lose consciousness in the back of the producer's car.

The smell of musk wakes you up, and you feel soaked panties riding up your folds. Your legs act on their own, lifting your body to pose for the three erect men.

“We heard your complaints about the studio, and addressed them. You just let me know when to stop the line of actors; we have hundreds of ‘em!” The producer says proudly.

You giggle and grab two of the guys’ cocks, “Like, so much better than standup!”

The producer gives the sign, and soon you're naked and being filled.

(Sorry, I couldn’t find an uncensored version of this last gif 😕)