Entry 19611125 - Backstory 9 – Caught!, Part II _November 25, 1961, Milford, Ohio_ "Bye!" Fran exclaimed just before she shut the door to Bev's car at the synagogue. It was twenty minutes until the service would start, and Fran hoped she could speak to Ben before her family arrived, which would be in about ten minutes. She quickly walked into the building, took off her jacket, hung it up in the coat closet, put the bags she had on the shelf, then went to see if she could find Ben. He was sitting on a small couch just outside his father's office. "Hi," Fran said. "I was waiting for you to call." "I thought you would call about, well, you know." "Dad says that proper young women don't call boys," Fran replied. "You should have called. I wanted to go out tonight." "I, uhm, well, I met someone," Ben said. "Benjamin Goldfeder!" Fran growled. "Are you dumping me because you got what you wanted?!" "You wanted it more!" Ben protested. Fran did what any self-respecting girl would do - she slapped him, hard, across the face. Ben recoiled in shock as Fran stormed away. She grabbed her coat and went outside to wait for her family. She was fuming, as it now seemed obvious to her that Ben had simply wanted to get her into bed, and wasn't actually interested. She had half a mind to tell his father, the rabbi, but knew it would get back to her dad, and that would not end well for either of them. When her family arrived, Fran noticed that her father looked angry, and her mother and sister looked upset. She wondered what had happened, but there were other congregants around, so she couldn't ask. The Sorkin family went into the synagogue and sat in their usual place. Fran shot an evil look at Ben when he came in and went to sit in his family's usual spot at the very front. Fran had her chance to ask what was wrong after the service ended and she got into the back seat of the family car. "What's wrong?" she asked. "We'll discuss it at home," her mother said. "Fran, I'm sorry," her father said, "but you'll need to cancel your date with Sam." "What?!" Fran protested. "Why?" "We'll discuss it at home, as your mother said." Fran was fuming even more, now. Something had happened, and she had no idea what it was. She didn't believe anyone could have found out about what she and Ben had done. She hadn't even written it into her diary, except for putting a star next to the description of their date, which did not include ANY references that might get her into trouble, even to kiss. The rest of the ride home was silent, and Fran could feel the tension. Elizabeth must have done something, though Fran wasn't sure what, as Elizabeth had been at Julie's house. When they arrived home, Fran tried one last gambit. "Dad," Fran said, "to break my date with Sam, I have to call him. You told me it wasn't appropriate for a young lady to do that. It's not fair for me to tell him when he arrives, ready for a date." "This is an exception. Call him, then your mother will speak to you." Fran knew an argument was useless, so she went to the kitchen to call the Mercer's. Sam's mom answered, and called him to the phone. "Hi, Fran!" Sam exclaimed. "I have to break our date," Fran said. "Not because I want to, but something happened at home while I was out shopping." "Can you tell me?" "I don't know what it was, but I'll tell you if I can. Ask me out for next weekend?" "Sure! See you at school on Monday?" "Yes. I'm really sorry, Sam. I was looking forward to it." They said 'goodbye' and Fran went back to the living room to let her dad know she'd made the call. After she did, Esther suggested they go to Fran's bedroom to speak. "Where were you today? Mrs. Sorkin asked. "Shopping, of course!" Fran exclaimed. "You saw me carry my bags to the car and then into the house. What do you think I was doing?" "May I see what you purchased?" "No!" Fran declared. "I bought Chanukah gifts for you, Dad, and Elizabeth!" "I think you need to let me see them." "Why? Don't you trust me?" "You were with that Thompson girl, and, well, she has something of a reputation." "So?" Fran asked. "I was with Nancy, Allison, and Jennie, too. All three of them can confirm we didn't even talk to any boys while we were shopping! What's going on?" "First, I don't want you spending time with Bev. She's too 'fast', if you understand what I mean." "She's my friend, Mom!" Fran objected. "And what she does on her dates is her business!" "And what you do on yours is your business?" Esther asked with an arched eyebrow. "Mom, what's going on? Something is really strange." "Do you know where your sister was today?" "She went to Julie's when I went to Bev's. I saw her walk in that direction, but we were going opposite ways, so I only know what she said. Why?" "She snuck into the Burnside's house, and Mrs. Burnside caught Kenny doing something perverted to your little sister!" Despite being upset and on edge, Fran had to suppress a smirk because she was sure that meant that Kenny was, as Bev called it, 'going down' on Elizabeth or that Elizabeth was sucking him. "So what does that have to do with me?" Fran asked. "I'm going to call Nancy's house and check on you." "What?! Are you calling me a liar?" "I have at least one daughter who is, so I have to be concerned." "Fine, Mom," Fran snipped. "Call her. Then come back and apologize for calling me a liar!" "Do NOT take that tone with me, young lady." "Then don't call me a liar!" Fran demanded. "Stay here," Esther commanded. Fran was even more beside herself, and was a bit worried about what Nancy might say. Not about the day's events, because those were exactly as Fran had described, but about things the girls talked about with Bev. THAT could land Fran in hot water, and worse, lead to a very uncomfortable question which would leave Fran in a sticky predicament - lie or end up punished for what she and Ben had done. Five minutes later, Esther returned to Fran's room. "Nancy confirmed you were shopping," Esther said. "I'm sorry for accusing you." "Thank you," Fran replied. "You should have talked to me _before_ dad made me cancel my date! He likes Sam! And he likes Ben, too!" Fran felt she had to defend Ben in order to keep her mother from being suspicious. "He's worried about you, honey." "It sounds like he should be way more worried about Elizabeth!" Fran said sweetly. "Don't give me that kind of attitude, young lady. This is serious." "Sorry, Mom," Fran replied, realizing that she was basically home free, except for the situation with Bev. "Can we talk about Bev?" "Your father isn't going to want to hear it," Esther replied. "But she's the only one with a car! I won't be able to go out with my friends!" "I'm going to speak to their mothers, especially Mrs. Peters. There is no way Jennie should be around a girl like Bev! She's in second grade! Think of the example that sets!" "I want to get my driving license," Fran said. "We only have one car, Dear. Your father uses it for work, and I use it to do the family shopping in the evening, to bring home heavy things. And your father needs the car other times, as well." "Then I want to get a job so I can work and buy my own car. Sam knows a lot about cars, so I'll ask him to help me find a good second-hand car." "You'll need to ask your father about that," Esther said. "But I wouldn't do it today. He's in a mood, as I'm sure you could tell. He and Mr. Burnside had a huge argument that almost ended in fisticuffs. Your father is thinking of calling the police, given the perverted thing the Burnside boy was doing to your sister! Now, please come help me with dinner." _November 26, 1961, Milford, Ohio_ "What did you do?" Fran asked Elizabeth when they had a moment alone while doing dishes after Sunday morning breakfast. "None of your business!" Elizabeth growled. "Mom said you and Kenny were doing something 'perverted'!" "Stow it!" Elizabeth demanded. Fran let it go, as she decided Elizabeth likely suspected Fran of trying to wheedle information which their mother couldn't get. They finished the dishes, and then Fran went to watch _Meet the Press_ with her dad. She did that on most Sundays, and they could talk about world events. She hoped that would put him in a better mood to ask about working and buying a car. "Hi, Frannie," Joshua Sorkin said when she sat down on the couch. "Glad you came to watch." "Me, too." "Did you look at the paper this morning? They commissioned the new aircraft carrier, the USS _Enterprise_." "The atomic-powered one?" "Yes." "Do you think there's going to be a war with the Russians?" "You mean because of Berlin? I hope not." "That situation with the tanks at Checkpoint Charlie last month could have started a war." "Yes, it could have. And those 8,000 troops going to South Viet Nam as 'advisors' isn't much help." "But we're not fighting there, are we?" "Not yet," Joshua Sorkin sighed. "I'm just afraid we will." The show started, so they were quiet until it finished. "Dad, what do you think of me getting a job so I can buy a second-hand car?" "Why do you think you need a car?" "Because, according to Mom, you don't want my friends and me spending time with Bev. She's the only one with a car and a driver's license." "What do you know about cars?" Joshua asked. "Sam knows a lot about them," Fran replied. "He can help me find a good second-hand car, and teach me to change the oil and fix it." "Girls don't work on cars, Frannie!" "Girls built tanks and fighters and bombers during the war!" Fran protested. "Changing the oil in a car must be easier than that!" "It is," Joshua Sorkin chuckled. "What kind of job would you get?" "A clerk, most likely. Either at the Fazio's, or perhaps in one of the stores along Main. I saw a pair of 'Help Wanted' signs there, and I know Fazio's is looking for help." "When would you work?" "After school or in the evenings. I can finish all my homework during study period most days." "Let me think about it, please. I promise it won't take long." "Thank you," Fran said. "I'm going to ask mom if I can visit Allison." "OK." Fran got up, kissed her dad on the cheek, and went to find her mom, who had just started making dough for bread in the kitchen. "Mom, may I call Allison and go to her house, please." "You know I have to check, right? Call Allison, but then have her put her mother on the phone, please." Fran knew it was useless to argue, to she made the call. Allison was happy that Fran would come over, and at Fran's request, put her mom on the phone to talk to Esther. Fran seethed that her mom asked Mrs. Newton to make sure the girls stayed in the house, and to call when Fran left to come home. When everything was arranged, Fran hurried to the closet, put on her coat, said 'goodbye' to her dad, and practically ran down the street to Allison's house. When Fran arrived at Allison's house, they went straight to Allison's' room to talk. "What happened?" Allison asked. "Mom said I'm not allowed to spend time with Bev or go anywhere with her!" "Something happened with Elizabeth and Kenny." "I heard from Mille that Elizabeth played 'Seven Minutes in Heaven' with Kenny, and it wasn't the first time! Mille thinks Elizabeth played with Kenny's thing!" "She snuck over to his house yesterday and they were caught by Kenny's mom, and whatever it was they were doing, Mom called it 'perverted'." "And you got in trouble?" "Not really, but Dad made me cancel my date with Sam last night. I think he's going to talk to Sam." Allison rolled her eyes, "Parents are SO square!" "Did your mom ask you about Bobby?" "She did and I just acted outraged and she dropped it. I know she called Mrs. Block, but Bobby is never going to say anything! If he did, he'd never get it again! Did you talk to Ben?" Fran frowned, "He dumped me." "What?! Now he's just a no-good, dirty, well, I can't say that word! So, 'jerk'!" "He tried to blame ME!" Fran exclaimed. "Like I trapped him into it or something!" "We should get even!" "No," Fran replied, shaking her head. "He had a good thing and now he doesn't! I think Sam is a nicer guy." "Do you regret letting Ben take your 'virtue'?" Allison asked with a smirk. Fran laughed softly, "I let him take it twice!" "So your dad will let you see Sam?" "Probably. But I'll see Sam at school tomorrow. I couldn't really explain what happened because I didn't know at that point." "What will you tell him?" "That Elizabeth was caught alone with a boy. Sam doesn't need to know more, and that is enough for most parents to lose their minds. Dad still might call the police." "But Kenny is only a Junior, right?" "Yes, but Elizabeth is fourteen, and you know there are laws against 'perversion'." "Arrest me!" Allison giggled. "Bobby and I both did those 'perverted' things with each other!" "And?" "Bev was right about how it feels when he puts his tongue down there." "But what about..." "It was weird, and kind of cool." "Did you let him...." "Yes! It didn't taste bad, either! I bet Sam would like it!" Fran laughed softly, "What boy wouldn't?" "Let's go have some hot chocolate." "Swell!" They went to the kitchen and had hot chocolate and chatted until lunch, when Fran left to go home. When she turned the corner, she saw a Milford Police Department car on the street in front of the house, and dreaded going home. She did, anyway, because Mrs. Newton had called to say Fran was leaving, and that meant she had to be home immediately or she'd be in dutch. She hurried to the house, let herself in the front door, took off her coat, and walked into the kitchen where her mom was making lunch. "Where is dad?" Fran asked. "He's with Sergeant Miller and a detective at the Burnside's house."