Entry 19611111 - Backstory 3 - Bev's Story _November 11, 1961, Milford, Ohio_ On Saturday morning, after breakfast, Fran went to Allison's house where they were joined by Beverly and Nancy. "What are we doing today?" Beverly asked. "I wanted to do some shopping," Fran said. "I want something new for my date with Ben." "Silk panties and a lacy bra?" Bev teased. "I meant a blouse and scarf!" Fran protested. "So they can end up on the floor in the backseat of that rad Sixty Special?" "Bev!" Fran protested. "Stop!" Bev rolled her eyes, "What's the big deal?" "Not everyone is you, Bev," Nancy declared. "Some of us are waiting for marriage!" "YOU are," Allison giggled, deciding it was OK to share. "Too late for me!" "No!" Nancy gasped. "You?" Allison nodded, smiling like the proverbial cat that ate the canary, "And I'm seeing Bobby after dinner! His parents are out of town!" "How was it?" Bev asked. "Oh! My! God!" Allison exclaimed. "Now I wonder why I waited!" "Because good girls don't do that!" Nancy protested. "You'll get a reputation! And what if you get pregnant? Or get a social disease?" "First of all, Bobby had never done it before, so there's no way I could get a social disease. We used rubbers because there is no way we want a baby. And Bobby isn't going to say anything to anyone because he wants it again!" "You just told three friends!" Nancy protested. "What if he tells HIS friends?" "He won't, if he knows what's good for him!" "So," Bev smirked, "did you suck him?" "Ewww!" Nancy, Fran, and Allison all squealed. "It's fun!" Bev declared. "And you can ask him to do the same thing!" "Gross!" Nancy exclaimed. "Who would put their mouth there?" "You have NO idea what you're missing! My first time, he did that before, and I thought I was going to lose my mind! It was SO awesome! And I did the same thing for him, and it was so cool when..." "Stop!" Nancy demanded, then stood up. "I'm leaving!" "Don't be a baby!" Bev ordered. "I'm not a baby, but I don't want to listen to this!" She hurried from the room and out the front door before Allison could stop her. "Did you HAVE to do that?" Fran asked. "Do what?" Bev asked. "Talk about sex? You're going to do with Ben. Don't you want to know what to do?" "I think that's been obvious since I started babysitting!" Fran replied. "I mean, seriously, the boy has something that sticks out and we have a place where babies come out. Most seven-year-old girls have it figured out because of changing diapers. Boys are a bit more clueless, but even they know what goes where! After all, Allison and Bobby figured it out!" Allison giggled, "I babysit, too, and I've changed enough diapers, so yeah. But it was WAY bigger than a baby's!" "They come in various sizes," Bev declared authoritatively. "From 'nice' to 'wow!' and plenty in between!" "Bev, truth now," Allison said. "Did you really do it with Mr. Carlton?" Bev smiled, "Oh, yeah! He was the first when I was a Sophomore. He's huge and really knew what to do!" "And he put his mouth on you?" "Yes! Including putting his tongue in me! I almost jumped out of his bed at that point!" "And you really did the other thing?" "Suck him? Yes! He taught me what he liked and it was totally cool." "And..." "Yeah," Bev smirked. "I swallowed!" "Ewww!" Fran and Allison both squealed. "Boys _really_ like it when you do that. And if you don't want to give it up, you can do that and keep them VERY happy." "How would YOU know?" Allison asked. Bev laughed, "OK, I might not need to do that for that reason, but I know girls who do that so they can stay virgins." "You do that a lot?" "Sure. Sex is fun!" "But what about your future husband?" Fran asked. "If he can't deal with it, then he can't be my husband. But I don't want to just have sex with one person for the rest of my life." "And you think you'll find a guy who will be OK with his wife being a loose woman?" Bev smirked, "He'd be allowed to have sex with anyone he wanted, too! I think I know a few guys who would sign up for THAT!" "That just seems so wrong," Allison protested. "Don't you think so, Fran?" "I guess it's not really my business if that's what she wants to do, but I could never do that. But Bev, you could have real trouble if anyone found out. I mean, can you imagine if you were a teacher or something like that and people found out? They'd run you out of town!" "I'm probably going to get a job as a secretary when I graduate, not some job where I have to behave in a certain way. Nobody will care what I do." "I'm not so sure about that," Fran said. "I think you need to be really careful." Bev shrugged, "It's my life and I want to live it the way I want to." "You know that's not how it works," Fran objected. "People who don't follow social norms are outcasts. They could probably arrest you, because adultery is against the law." "Who's going to complain? My husband? Not if he gets to screw anyone he wants!" "And social diseases?" "Rubbers are good for that." "Bev," Allison inquired, "are you telling the truth about using your mouth on guys? And them on you?" "Most guys won't do that, but some will. And yes, of course! If you have a banana or a carrot, I can show you how!" "No way!" Allison gasped. "Seriously?" "We're friends, so why not? I'm sure Bobby would be happy! In fact, if you want, I'll show you how on him!" "If you touch him, they won't find your body, Beverly Thompson!" Allison declared fiercely. Fran squirmed a bit because the conversation was making her think about Ben and what she thought they might do. She didn't want her friends to notice, so she excused herself and went to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet and took several deep breaths while she emptied her bladder, trying to push the images out of her mind, but not having any success. Her body was demanding that she let Ben have her, and she felt powerless to resist. It was the strangest feeling, and she had no idea how it had developed in such a short time, when just a few months previous, she would have said she'd never do it until she married. She finished using the toilet, washed her hands, then checked her makeup in the mirror before returning to her two friends. "Bev!" Fran exclaimed as she saw Beverly pushing a whole carrot deep into her mouth. Beverly slowly pulled the carrot out, ran her tongue around it, and smirked. "What?" "It's too much," Fran said. "Is someone feeling a tickle in their cunny?" Bev asked with a smirk. "I just don't think you're respecting yourself," Fran said. "Not because you had sex, but because you're too free. I mean, how many guys have you had?" "An even dozen," Bev declared, running her tongue around the top of the carrot. "Don't you think that's too many? I mean, you're only seventeen." "So? I like sex. Maybe I'll be with a hundred guys." "That's just disgusting to think about!" Fran said, shaking her head. "I mean, OK, not waiting until you get married, I totally understand. But a _hundred_ guys? That's just gross. Don't you agree, Allison?" "I guess, but if I don't marry Bobby, I'll be with at least two guys. The same is true of you and Ben. How many is too many? Nancy would say two is too many, but I don't know." "It's only too many if YOU think it is," Bev declared. "I mean, Allison, people would call you a 'slut' or a 'loose woman' because you did it with Bobby, even if you eventually marry him. And worse, it's OK for a guy to have all the conquests he wants, but let a girl 'give up her virtue' before her wedding night and she's a 'wanton slut' or whatever you want, even if she's only with one guy! It's wrong!" "I don't see that changing anytime soon," Allison declared. "And the risks are all on the girl, really, with being pregnant." "Did you hear the government approved a pill you can take that can stop you from getting pregnant?" Bev asked. "I don't think they're available yet, but can you imagine not worrying about getting pregnant?" "A pill?" Allison asked. "But what would that do to your body?" Bev shrugged, "I only know because Al's dad is the pharmacist and his dad was debating whether he should carry the drug or not, even though it's mostly meant to help regulate your monthlies. Some girls have real problems and they miss school every four weeks because they have such bad cramps. You know, Ellen Perkins, right?" Fran nodded, "Yes, she's had bad cramps since she was thirteen. But can she get those pills?" "No idea," Bev replied. "Mr. Franks carries it, but he might have to stop because it might be illegal to prescribe it for birth control." "You're confusing me," Allison said. "Sorry. So this drug has been available for three years for problems with your period, but now it can be used to prevent you from getting in the family way. Supposedly, politicians are having hissy fits about it." "Because it would allow women to have sex without getting pregnant, right?" Fran asked. "Yes, but also think about this - a woman could take it without her husband knowing about it, and not get pregnant and he'd never know why." "That does seem deceitful," Allison observed. "But shouldn't it be up to us to decide when we get pregnant and how many kids we have?" "I think we all agree on that," Bev said. "But politicians and a lot of men sure don't! But for a single guy, it's like a dream come true - no rubbers!" "This pill stops social diseases?" Fran asked. "No, but if they guy and girl are clean, that's not so important," Bev replied. Fran wasn't so sure, because she'd heard that you could have a social disease and not know it. "I think the Catholics are fighting it, too," Bev added. "The Pope says they can't even use rubbers!" "And I'm sure every Catholic boy follows THAT rule," Allison giggled. "None I know!" Bev smirked. "And I've been with Catholic boys!" "Have you ever done it without a rubber?" Allison asked. "Once," Bev said. "I got all hot and bothered and he didn't have a rubber, but I'd just had my monthly, so it was safe. It was like the day after it ended. Now I make sure I have them." "Where do you get them?" "There's a clinic in Cincinnati where I can get them. It's called Planned Parenthood, and they give advice on 'family planning', and they'll give you rubbers even if you're not sixteen. But I didn't need that before I turned sixteen because Mr. Carlton had them, and so did Mr. Wilson." "He's married!" Fran protested. "And his wife hates sex! She won't use her mouth or let him use his mouth or even do it with the lights on! He was the best ever, even better than Mr. Carlton! But we almost got caught, so he decided we had to stop. I'd do it with him again anytime!" "Is Al the only guy you're with now?" Allison asked. "For now," Bev smirked. "So, are we going shopping?" "Yes. Let's go. Do you have your dad's car?" "Yes. So we can go into the city and shop at Pogue's, Mabley & Carew, McAlpin's, and Shillito's. I'm sure you can find something sexy to wear under the blouse you want to buy!" "What about lunch?" "How about Skyline Chili on Glenway in Price Hill?" Allison asked. "My dad took us there a few weeks ago and it was awesome." "Sure," Bev agreed. "Fran?" "I've never had chili, but I'll try it. We should call Nancy, though we have to promise to behave." "She's such a stick in the mud!" Bev protested. "She should just hang out with Alan Blanchard! He's got the same opinions!" "You wanted him?" Allison asked. "He's a hunk and is nice, but he's totally hung up on religion. And he said he couldn't go out with a girl with a 'reputation'. Do we HAVE to invite her?" "She's our friend," Fran replied. "So yes. And we should see if Jennie wants to go along. I do need to tell my mom where we're going." "Me, too," Allison said. "Meet back here in twenty minutes? I'll call Nancy, and Fran, you can stop at Jennie's house on the way home to talk to your mom." That's what they did, and the plans worked out, and twenty-five minutes later they were on their way in Bev's dad's Chevy convertible. Their only regret was that it was too chilly outside to put the top down. Their shopping trip was successful, and Bev talked Fran into buying red silk panties and a red lace bra, which caused Fran to blush when she paid the female clerk who had also helped her fit her bra. "That was embarrassing!" Fran exclaimed when they walked back to the car from McAlpin's, where Bev had found exactly what she thought Fran should wear. "Why? It's not like there was a male clerk!" "Even so," Fran said. "I think she knew!" Beverly laughed, "Of COURSE she did! You don't buy those unless you're going to screw!" "Bev, you promised!" Allison reprimanded. "Sorry, Nancy," Bev said, sounding as if she actually meant it. "You should be careful what you say around Jennie," Nancy said firmly. "She's only seven." "I know how that works!" Jennie declared, confirming what the girls had said earlier about babysitting and changing diapers. "I think it's gross, but I know adults do that! It's where babies come from! I asked Mom about it when I changed my cousin's diaper when I was six. I mean, I guessed, but she said I was right." "Your mom talked to you about it when you were six?" Nancy asked. "What was she going to do?" Jennie inquired. "I asked her if the boy put that thing inside the girl to make a baby!" "My mom barely talked to me about it when I got my monthlies," Nancy said. "And I was fourteen!" "Hands-on experience is the only way to find out!" Bev declared, then quickly added, "Sorry. Let's change the subject!" On the way home, they chatted about school and boys, but without Bev making any inappropriate comments. When Fran walked into her house, she was very careful to quickly go to her room so she could stash the sexy underthings in a place where her mom wouldn't see them. "What did you find?" Esther Sorkin asked from the door a few seconds after Fran had hidden her secret purchases. "A blouse and scarf," Fran said, taking them out of the Pogue's bag. "Those are very pretty!" her mom declared. "I'm sure Ben will like them! Will you help me with dinner?" "Of course!" Fran replied.