

Anrosh found Ryun as the sky started to darken. He sat inside a small room in their compound, alone and with his eyes closed. She didnft knock or try to announce herself, she figured that he probably already knew that she was there. She took a seat across from him and waited.

A few minutes later, he opened his eyes. Two globes of deep void stared out at her, and then he tilted his head. gHow were the matches?h

gThey were good, we saw some pretty powerful people,h Anrosh said slowly. gIt wasc eye opening.h

gHow so?h Ryun asked.

Anrosh didnft quite have the words to make her thoughts coherent, so she took a few minutes to gather them. That was one good thing about Ryun, she didnft need to rush. There was no need to fill the silence when one was in his presence, she could take all the time she wanted to gather herself and speak.

Finally, when she thought that she had arrived at something, she spoke. gIt was like watching you, I guess, to a much lesser degree of course. I was watching people that are so far above me that I can never hope to catch up.h

gYou can,h Ryun disagreed. gAll you have to do is focus on achieving it.h

Anrosh chuckled and shook her head. It had become clear to her that Ryun did not view the world in the same way that she and everyone else did.

gYou are wrong about that,h she said, then raised her hand to stop him when she saw him try to interrupt. gNo, I know what you think, and for a while I almost believed it. But Ryun, your view is skewed. You compare everyone to yourself, you think that just because it comes easy to you, others should be able to do the same if only they applied themselves. This is not how the world works. You are a genius as far as cultivation is concerned, there are no obstacles for you, you blaze through Realms as if there are no barriers to entry. But the Infinite Realm is filled with people who can barely reach Lord, who get stuck in Monarch, who spent a hundred years trying to get into the Immortal Realm. You are not like them, but I am.h

gYou have talent Anrosh,h he said.

gNot for advancement no. I am a good fighter. Ifve fought enough in my life, and have faced enough strong opponents since you arrived to know that. I can wield my power to a great effect, not as well as someone who is as talented as you or Nayra, Lesamitrius even. But I can bring my power to bear adequately. But I will never advance beyond Monarch like this, not in any reasonable timeframe. I might be able to figure out my inspiration in time, but it will take me decades, more even. And I will grow old, I do not think that I will reach the Immortal Realm on my own.h

Ryun didnft comment, instead he remained silent, sensing that she had more to say.

gYoufve put me in charge of the sect Ryun, to rule and protect it while you are away. And I cannot fulfill this duty as I am now.h

gYoufve done well,h Ryun said.

gBecause we were lucky. Lesamitrius is the proof of that. Youfve trained him, you see that he is just as strong as Nayra is. If he hadnft been taken by surprise he mightfve won their duel. Can you imagine what wouldfve happened if someone stronger came along? A Heavenly Cultivator? An Immortal? We wouldfve lost the sect.h

Ryun didnft say anything, there was nothing to say.

Anrosh sighed. gYou are the Sect Head, it is your job to project strength and power, to make sure that our foes and allies know that any discourtesy toward us will be met with a response. That any attack will be met with an overwhelming strike back. You put me in charge, and that is fine. A Sect Head does not need to rule, in most sects they do not rule. They spend all their time growing strong, mastering their power, projecting it. But you werenft there, you abandoned us for a year. A year during which we had to fend for ourselves. You need to tell me what you want do Ryun, after the tournament is over, will you come back to the sect and stay? Or will you go away again. Donft think that I am forcing you to stay, because I am not. I can lead the sect in your name. If you place well in the tournament your name and that of the sect will spread, people will know what it means to go against us. People will try to gain our favor, others will try to make us their subordinates, and some will become enemies. But if you plan on staying, we can handle it all together. But if you want me to act in your stead, as someone who protects the sect, then I cannot do it the way that I am now.h

Ryun closed his eyes for a moment. gI will always be there to help the sect, butc I think that I need to see this new world. To experience all that it has to offer, to find myself. I do not think that I can do that hidden in the sect.h

Anrosh released a deep breath. gOkay. If that is what you want to do, it is fine, but you cannot just abandon us again.h

gI can give you Essence—h

g—Thatfs not enough. We need power to defend ourselves, to protect the sect.h

gAnd how do you imagine me helping you with that?h Ryun asked.

Anrosh met his eyes, determined. gToday I saw a fight between people who were powerful. I will never be as masterful as they are, but I can be strong enough. The power of a sect is part real and part appearance, part prestige,h she said still holding his eyes. gI want you to share your inspiration with me, to push me into the Immortal Realm.h

Ryun blinked, not expecting that. gYoufve told me that there is a reason why people generally didnft do that.h

Anrosh snorted. gMost donft do it because they donft trust those beneath them. Because in the heart of every sect warrior there is a dream. A dream that they will one day become strong and respected. It is how we are raised, to try to climb and become like those we admire. I do not think that you and I have any issues with trust.h

gNo,h Ryun admitted. gBut, Tali did say that sharing this will cripple the Cultivator that is being raised.h

Anrosh nodded. gIt will, not in the way that she imagines of course. She is an old and once powerful Cultivator. She canft imagine doing anything halfway. Ifve spoken with her at length about it. Yes,h she nodded her head. gIf you share your inspiration, it will cripple my ability to advance on my own. I will never be able to change my techniques, they will remain as they are right now. And I am prepared for that. I cannot achieve what the truly talented can. I will never change my techniques into anything remarkable, I will never gain inspiration for it, and I probably never will reach Immortal on my own. I need this, we need this. I can still be strong, I will just need to focus on mastering what I have instead of trying to improve.h

Ryun looked at her for a long moment before answering. gI understand what you mean Anrosh, butch

gThere is no but Ryun. The sect needs someone to protect it when you are not there. And I do not trust anyone else to do it. If you will not fulfill your role, then Nayra and I are the only ones left. We have good people, who will get stronger in time. But we need power now. Nayra will advance on her own, she is talented enough, but I am not. I will train, I will push myself as hard as I ever had to master my power, but I cannot reach higher realms on my own. I need you for that.h

It took something from her to say that, to admit it out loud. She like everyone else had dreams, when she had been a child, small and powerless, she had dreamed of being a great Cultivator. Nowc she knew better. It was not just about her reaching those heights on her own. It was about the time it would take her to get there. And she couldnft afford to spend decades or more searching for her own inspiration.

Ryun narrowed his eyes. gIc you are right, of course, as you often are. I canft be there all the time, I canft keep those people safe and yet they are my responsibility.h

She saw him close his eyes and take a deep breath. She didnft say anything as he remained silent. She waited for his answer.

gVery well then,h he said finally.





Sharing an inspiration was something that neither of them had ever done, but Anrosh knew some of how it was done. An inspiration was two things. It was an act, an improvement of a Cultivatorfs body, and it was a mental state, an idea that contained their power. Ryun had never had to actually seek it out, he had always known it, always felt it inside of himself. To him it came easily, but it was not the case for everyone. A Cultivator could only share their inspiration with someone who shared a related aspect, or a concept of power. Someone with a fire aspect would be able to share the inspiration to any heat based aspect. Someone on a path of destruction would be able to share with anyone who had a path related to that.

Anrosh had a combination that was close to Ryun. Her aspect was close to the idea of his path, and to his aspect. A Final End compared against the Absolute Cold, the heat death of everything. Her path was that of the sword, which was versatile, able to be used for both destruction and protection. And they shared a secondary path. They were, however dissimilar enough that she knew that there would be a price. Once she did this, she would only ever be able to advance according to his inspiration, her own would be too warped for anybody else's.

The two of them were outside of the city, a day after their talk. Far enough away that they wouldnft be bothered. He had told her what she needed to do in order to be able to advance and they had prepared for everything.

She reached for the Essence in a box in front of her, and started to cycle. She would still at least cycle with related Essence, even if not actually Absolute Cold. She would lose some of her Cultivation Bonuses, but it wasnft what she needed. Anrosh was set on her path, now. The full power of the Absolute Cold was her daughterfs future, not hers. Anrosh only needed to be strong enough to protect her sect, to protect her daughter, until they could become stronger. And besides, she could use her Class to improve her Cultivation, her attunement already improved all of her cold based powers.

She pulled in the cold Essence into her core. Ryun had bought it from the auction for barely anything. Tier 6 Cold Essence was a lot more common than Absolute Cold. She cycled slowly and advanced to Peak Monarch.

She got the notification about her new perk and looked it over, then she showed it to Ryun. This was no longer just her choice. It was his as well. He was raising her to be the Sects protector in his stead, and she could not afford to make choices for herself. She needed to pick things that would give her an advantage against people that were more talented than her.


Rulerfs Eyes: Frost Eyes

You have achieved a great power, your eyes reflect your achievement. Their appearance reflects your inner spirit, anyone looking into your eyes feels the chill of frost. Strength of effect depends on your wisdom stat.

Rulerfs Eyes: Insightful Eyes

You have achieved a great power, your eyes reflect your achievement. Their appearance reflects your inner spirit, using Insightful Eyes allows you to see the target's current strongest desire. Strength of effect depends on your wisdom stat.

Rulerfs Eyes: Tempered Eyes

You have achieved a great power, your eyes reflect your achievement. Their appearance reflects your inner spirit, as your body your eyes are improved as well. Improves your eyesight. Strength of effect depends on your wisdom stat.


gWhich one?h Anrosh asked.

gHmc not Insightful Eyes,h Ryun said.

Anrosh blinked. gI was leaning toward that one,h she admitted. gWhy not?h

gI do not judge people on what is inside, I judge them on what they do. A person can disagree, can fear, can hate, and do the right thing anyway. It is a trap, as a Sect Leader you will be subject to many different desires from our people, you should not judge on what they do not show.h

gEven if it might give me an advantage?h Anrosh asked.

gEven then.h

She remembered how he hadnft acted against people who were planning on betraying them until the last moment, when their betrayal could not be reversed. A part of her admired that about him. If there was one thing of his that she wanted to emulate, that was it.

She nodded her head. gWhich one then?h

gImproved eyesight is good, but so is the first option. It might make you more intimidating, and that can end battles before they start.h

He was of course right. She sighed and made her choice.

gNow,h Ryun started. gI want you to use your techniques. Show them to me.h

Anrosh blinked. gWhy?h

gYou said that sharing inspiration will make it so that you wonft ever be able to change your techniques. That means that this is the last time you will be able to do it.h

gIfm not sure that I know how to change them further, Ryun,h Anrosh said.

gYou are right, I donft understand what other people go through. I see potential in everyone, I cannot imagine them not being able to do something that I myself can. Perhaps that is wrong, I do not know, I cannot know what someone else experiences. But, if you are going to rely on your mastery of them instead of greater power, we should do all that we can to make them better.h

gAnd how will we do this?h

gWith my eyes we can make your techniques better.h

Anrosh held his gaze for a moment, and then nodded.





They spent hours going over her techniques. She would trigger one and he would look, tell her where the technique was inefficient, walk her through changing the flow of Qi through her body to make it more efficient. Pulling more power from the framework that she had to work with. They experimented a bit, changing some aspects of her techniques and enhancing others. In the end, they had changed all six of her techniques.


Arctic Ward

Ward an object with Absolute Cold Qi, the effect lasts for 20 minutes. Anything that comes into contact with that object will have its heat sapped. Anyone coming near or in contact with the warded object will suffer frost damage equal to 5.8x (4x) your wisdom.

Arctic Onslaught

Enhance your body with the energy of the Absolute Cold, making you nearly impervious to cold effects. You gain +43.5% (30%) stat bonus to strength and endurance, increasing by 2.5% to a maximum of 20% based on the temperature around you.

Arctic Sword Storm

Gather Absolute Cold Qi around your sword, after a few moments of channeling create 8 (6) ice copies of your sword that last for 5 minutes and that you may direct to attack anyone near you. You may release the technique early and unleash a flurry of attacks around you that will destroy the copies but will deal damage equal to 8.7x (6x) your wisdom in a short radius around you. Sword copies have durability equal to 2x your wisdom and deal base damage equal to 1x your wisdom.



Glacial Shaping

Fill an area in the ten meter radius around you with your Qi. The area is fixed in space, and your Qi freezes anything inside of it, dealing damage equal to 4.8x (4x) and enhancing the durability of anything frozen by 4.8x (4x) your wisdom. The frozen area will radiate cold.

Glacial Armor

Fashion armor made out of Absolute Cold Qi around your body. The armor lasts for 20 minutes unless broken and emits moderate level of cold. Durability of effect is equal to 4.8x (4x) your wisdom.

Avatar of Frost

Partition your mind and split your focus to create a Qi copy of yourself that will have no initiative but will obey your will. The Avatar will also emit a moderate levels of cold around it. It requires 9.3%(12%) of your total Qi to create, and will be able to use your techniques by drawing on your core at the rate of 2.32x(3x) of the techniquefs costs. The techniques will be only 50.75%(35%) as effective. The Avatarfs durability is equal to 4.8x(4x) your wisdom.


They had managed to improve her techniques more than she had thought they would. She didnft know if it was enough to increase her paths rarities, but this was the last time that could happen. She took a deep breath and calmed herself. She had nearly exhausted herself with the effort. It was easy for Ryun, she could tell. He seemed to think that just because he told her what to do she could somehow magically be able to do it. But it had taken a real effort for her to follow his instructions.

gNow, how do we share my inspiration?h Ryun asked.

Anrosh took a deep breath. She already knew that she needed to reinforce her conduits. She pulled more Cold Essence into her core from the box, filling it up and then turned to look at him.

gGive me your hands,h Anrosh said.

She placed the palms of her hands on top of his, and then looked him in the eyes. There was one other requirement one had to have in order to share inspiration, and that was absolute trust between parties. A strict contract could substitute that, but there was no need for it in their case. gPush your Qi to your palms, just to the edge, donft let it out. And thenc well, you need to share the insight about your power that you had in the Monarch Realm.h

Ryun grimaced. gI donft think that I had my inspiration then. It wasc my advancement was easy. I didnft need to think about it.h

Anrosh shook her head. gOf course it was,h she sighed. And he thought that other people could do the same thing. gJust try to think on something that resonated with you, a revelation about your power.h

Ryun blinked, and then frowned. She started pulling the Cold Essence out of her core, cycling it out, at the same time she pulled her Absolute Cold Qi out, moving it through her conduits. It felt as if she had instantly frozen, as if she was pushing shards of sharp ice through her conduits, but she persisted.

Ryun started talking. gIc around that time, before I think. I accepted what I am, a monster that cuts down anything in its way. My power, it wasc it was a means to achieving that. My path was made to cut through those who opposed me. At least that is what it was then.h

Anrosh felt something inside her, a slight shiver. It didnft resonate with her fully, of course. It was not her inspiration, it was not about her power. And yet, there were things that her power could a latch on to. Her Path of the Sword could be used to cut down those in her way. It was enough. She finished cycling, a notification flashed, and she glanced at her screens seeing that she now had the option to advance to the next realm.

gIt is done,h Anrosh said. gI can advance.h

Ryun pulled his hands away, her Essence Crystal resting on them. gI hope that this doesnft hurt you too much.h

Anrosh smiled. gIfve accepted who I am, this is more than I couldfve ever achieved on my own. I donft deserve it, but I will try not to disappoint you. Ifll train and master my power as best as I can.h

She glanced at her notification.


Cultivation Bonus

Congratulations! You have improved your conduits, you gain +50% Qi conduit speed and +50% Qi conduit resilience.


She pushed the notification aside and then turned back to the box. She took more Essence Crystals, and advanced into the Heavenly Realm. She was glad to see her paths increase in rarity. She cherished the feeling, it would be the last time she felt it. The next perk wasnft a choice, simply a reward based on her previous perk choices.

gNow comes the hard part,h Ryun said and pulled out a large tub out of his storage, mist rising from it.

Anrosh swallowed and nodded. She did not look forward to it.




She was really starting to regret her decision. She sat in a tub filled with a liquid that was colder than anything that she had ever felt before. It hadnft taken Lesamitrius long to find someone who could do what they required. Ryun had said that for the Immortal Realm, he had forged his body. He had gained a Title, but according to Tali it wasnft necessary, Ryun had just gone to the insane lengths. She still needed to do something similar however.

So they sent out Lesamitrius in search of someone who had the type of Aspect that they could use. Finding a Cultivator that could fill a tub with liquid that was colder than tier 5 Absolute Cold was easy, convincing him to sell it to them had been a problem. She didnft know how much Ryun paid for this, but it had to have been substantial.

The tub was filled with deep blue liquid that was actually Qi given physical form. And she was sitting inside of it, naked and shivering. Ryun stood next to her, keeping watch so that she didnft pass out from the pain. A part of her was embarrassed by him being there, and yet she knew about his power. Knew that it was pointless to feel that way, not with him. Andc he was perhaps the person she trusted the most in this world. They were a family, two people of such different pasts, with lives that were opposite of one another. She considered him a brother that she never had, closer than any real family she once had. And so she tried to push her embarrassment out of her mind. It was not like she was naked before him for the first time, nor had he ever shown interest in her at all.

She was freezing, so she didnft have a lot of mental ability to keep on such thoughts. Even with her resistances, the cold was seeping into her body. And she wasnft helping, she had been cycling her Absolute Cold Qi through her body, and using her aura in a small area around her. With the intensity turned to the max. The tub had frosted over a long time ago, as had the ground around her. The air itself was forming crystal particles and was falling down on her.

She didnft think that she could handle much more of this.

gYou need more,h Ryun nodded his head.

Anrosh could barely hear him, and she most certainly couldnft answer. She feared that she would bite her own tongue if she tried to speak.

Then, four walls surrounded them, cutting off all light as Ryun raised them with his Qi.

In the complete darkness he started to speak. gIfll fill the area with the Void, consume all air. It is holding on to too much heat.h

Anrosh wanted to scream at him that he was being and idiot, but she couldnft really do that. She only suffered in silence and pain as she felt his Qi moving around. He moved closer and knelt next to her, his hands plunging deep inside and taking hers in his own.

gFor my Immortal Realm inspiration, I believe that it was this. My word, is my bond. My power, is my right. My word grants me a purpose. My power grants me means. It is a part of my ideal, something that I am, deep inside. And yet, it resonated with my power as well. I believe that the Immortal Realm and an Ideal are instinctively linked.h

She heard his words, and she felt an echo of resonance again. It was not her inspiration, but she could use it. The temperature around her dropped further and she could no longer breathe as Ryunfs Qi devoured all of it. She was in the worst pain she had ever been in. With her stats she could survive for a while, but she could feel her mind shutting down.

Then, a notification blinked in the corner of her eye. She didnft even have the strength to pull it up, but she tried to speak, to move, but she could barely do anything. Thankfully Ryun realized that she was trying to do something. He reached into the tub and picked her up, the walls around them shattered and air rushed back in. She took in a shuddering breath as he took two steps toward the fire that they had made nearby and then placed her on a chair. A towel appeared in his hands and he wrapped it around her, helping her dry off before he took out a robe and placed it around her.

gDid you..?h Ryun started.

Anrosh struggled to nod, but then just made her notification visible.


Reinforcment Bonus

Congratulations! You have reinforced your body, you gain +50 to endurance and +50 to vitality.


gGood,h Ryun nodded.

She couldnft even speak enough to agree with him.





Anrosh finished pulling in the last of the Essence, and looked at her screen, then she advanced. Hitting the Immortal Realm was unlike anything she had ever felt. Her Qi surged and changed, and it was as if an entirely different world opened up to her. And then she looked at her perk choice.



Path Perk available: Immortality

Rebirth in Frost

Your body has adapted to survive in a cold environment You gain immortality. In the case of death, your soul will anchor itself to your dead body for a period of time. If your body is brought to a place of intense cold and left there for a period of seven days it will regenerate and you will come back to life. The amount of time your soul will remain anchored and the amount of body needed for your soul to anchor itself depends on your tiers of power; current:88% and 12 days. Destruction of the last piece of the body will release the soul from its anchor and send it to the Ethereal realm. Gain +5% to vitality and +5% to endurance.

Lesser Rebirth

Upon death your soul will latch on to the closest recently conceived child that still does not have a formed soul. You will be born anew, but will not regain the memories of your previous life unless exposed to great stress and pressure. You will not regain your former power. The amount of memories of your past life will be revealed based on the trauma experienced. Dying before you reach fifteen years of age will result in your soul being sent to the Ethereal Realm. Gain +5% to vitality and +5% to endurance.

Warriorfs Return

Upon death, if you are known and respected as a warrior by enough people you may return. Your soul will anchor itself to your dead body. The warriors that respect you must complete the ritual of return, placing your body on a bier and stand vigil for seven days. If enough people are gathered your body will regenerate and you will return to life. The amount of time your soul will remain anchored to your dead body and the amount of body needed for your soul to anchor itself depends on your tiers of power; current:88% and 12 days. Destruction of the last piece of the body will release the soul from its anchor and send it to the Ethereal realm. Gain +5% to vitality and +5% to endurance.


She showed the choices to Ryun, and he hummed to himself. She wasnft sure which one she should choose Two depended on her people, and one would mean her losing all of who she was. She didnft know which one would be the best choice.

She talked it over with Ryun, and together they made a decision.

She sighed, as she made her pick and then looked over her screens.



Anrosh Kesh


Human (Infinite Realm)






Hunted more than 100 monsters

+5 to all stats, 5 Greater Essence

One Against Many

Fight against more than 10 opponents and win

+5 to all stats, 5 Greater Essence

Beaten but not Broken

Survive torture for more than thirty days

+10 to all stats, 5 Greater Essence


Achieve Lord Realm

+5 to all stats, 100 Greater Essence

First Pillar

Second best contribution in the scenario.

+5% to all stats, 5,000 Greater Essence

Alchemical Tester

Use more than 10 alchemical concoctions to improve yourself

+2 to intelligence, 500 Essence

Heartstone Core

First to clear the Heartstone Core Dungeon

+2% to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence


Reach the Monarch Realm.

+10 to all stats


Reach Heavenly Realm

+30 to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence


Reach Immortal Realm


+50 to all stats, 100 000 Greater Essence




Hardened and Resistant Body (Path Perk)

Your body is hardened, gain 10% resistance to physical damage, 5% resistance to disease, poisons, and toxins and 20% resistance to cold. Gain +20% to Endurance.

Quick Steps (Class Perk)

You gain 10% bonus speed when in combat.

Fighterfs Heart (Class Perk)

Once per combat, ignore pain until the end of combat.

Fighterfs Strike (Class Perk)

Once per combat, your next attack deals double damage.

Absolute Cold (Aspect Perk)

When using infusing techniques your attacks inflict cold damage. Cold Qi courses through your body making you resistant to cold, +50% frost resistance. Gain +20% to endurance and wisdom.

Enduring and Cold Mind (Path Perk)

Your mind is sturdy, -30% to any mental damage against you, mind manipulating effects are less effective against you. Any emotion altering effects on you are 50% less effective while you have a technique active. Gain +15% to intelligence.

Bottomless Core (Path Perk)

Your Qi is a bottomless well. Increase core capacity by 250%, reduce Qi replenishment rate by 90%. +20% to wisdom stat. Increases Essence draw in rate based on wisdom stat.

Qi Anchor (Path Perk)

You are able to prepare your techniques in advance and trigger them at a momentfs notice unleashing them without the need to change your breathing form. Techniques can be anchored to three points in your body, an anchor lasts one day. Each anchor takes ten minutes to set up.

Fighterfs stamina (Class Perk)

-20% Class abilities stamina requirements.

True Body—Enduring (Path Perk)

Your body has been reforged into your true self, adopting attributes to reflect your path. Your path is that of the ultimate survivor, as such your body is forged in that image. Doubles your pain tolerance, adds a second heart, doubles lung capacity, all stamina draining effects have reduced impact on you, stamina effectiveness doubled. +5% to vitality, +5% to endurance Physical changes.

Aspect Manifestation: Absolute Cold Aura (Path Perk)

Manifest your Qi in the form of an aura around you. Dealing Cold damage equal to 0.85x (0.1x) your wisdom per second. After the initial blast of cold the temperature around you will continue to drop at speed that is based on your wisdom stat.

Physical Appearance: Age (Path Perk)

You have reverted your bodyfs age to its prime. And have gained an increase of 50% to your life span. +10% to vitality, +10% to endurance, +10% to strength.

Cold Regeneration (Class Perk)

Your regeneration scales with the temperature around you boosting your vitality, the lower the temperature the greater the boost, up to 100% of your total vitality.

Defensive Stance (Class Perk)

You may trigger this perk and enter a defensive stance, you gain +40% to endurance and vitality, you also gain increased balance and pain tolerance, you will be able to anticipate your enemies movements 0.01 seconds in advance. You will be able to sense the power of your opponentfs strike. During this stance you are unable to attack first, only respond. Perk ends when canceled. Can only use one stance at a time. Cooldown: 5 minutes.

Intercepting Block (Class Perk)

Twice per combat you may charge across a field at 200% current speed in order to intercept an attack being made against another.

Frost Resistance (Class Perk)

You gain +60% resistance to all cold-related effects.

Rulerfs Eyes: Frost Eyes (Path Perk)

You have achieved a great power, your eyes reflect your achievement. Their appearance reflects your inner spirit, anyone looking into your eyes feels the chill of frost. Strength of effect depends on your wisdom stat.

Great and Deep Core (Path Perk)

Your core contains untold depths. You gain plus 25% to your current core capacity. +5% to wisdom.

Enduring Stamina (Path Perk)

Your stamina is enduring, gain +50% to total stamina. +5% to endurance.

Absolute Cold Transcendent (Path Perk)

Your Qi channels and core are immune to all damaging effects of the Absolute Cold. Your body has transcended and adapted to your Absolute Cold. All Absolute Cold techniques and powers deal 50% more damage. Gain +15% to wisdom and +15% to endurance.

Rebirth in Frost (Path Perk)

Your body has adapted to survive in a cold environment You gain immortality. In the case of death, your soul will anchor itself to your dead body for a period of time. If your body is brought to a place of intense cold and left there for a period of seven days it will regenerate and you will come back to life. The amount of time your soul will remain anchored and the amount of body needed for your soul to anchor itself depends on your tiers of power; current: 88% and 12 days. Destruction of the last piece of the body will release the soul from its anchor and send it to the Ethereal realm. Gain +5% to vitality and +5% to endurance.



Frost Knight (E)



Combat Ability


Movement Ability


Support Ability





Gain +20% to stamina and +20% effectiveness to all cold-related powers when fighting in cold environments. Gain +10% to endurance and strength.



The Path of the Sword (E)


Early Immortal


Absolute Cold

Base technique

Arctic Ward

Branch technique

Arctic Onslaught

Fruit technique

Arctic Sword Storm



The Path of the Unbreakable Wall (E)


Mid Foundation


Absolute Cold

Base technique

Glacial Shaping

Branch technique

Glacial Armor

Fruit technique

Avatar of Frost


Passive Skills

Active Skills

Combat Mastery  >> Sword Mastery >> Sword and Shield Art (8/10)

Swipe >> Greater Swipe >> Crescent Swipe (8/10)

Danger Sense >> Enhanced Danger Sense >> Threat Sense (6/10)

Dodge >> Enhanced Dodge (6/10)

Echo Sense >> Greater Echo Sense (9/10)

Block >> Greater Block (3/10)















Arctic Ward

Ward an object with Absolute Cold Qi, the effect lasts for 20 minutes. Anything that comes into contact with that object will have its heat sapped. Anyone coming near or in contact with the warded object will suffer frost damage equal to 7x (4x) your wisdom.

Arctic Onslaught

Enhance your body with the energy of the Absolute Cold, making you nearly impervious to cold effects. You gain +52.5% (30%) stat bonus to strength and endurance, increasing by 2.5% to a maximum of 20% based on the temperature around you.

Arctic Sword Storm

Gather Absolute Cold Qi around your sword, after a few moments of channeling create 10 (6) ice copies of your sword that last for 5 minutes and that you may direct to attack anyone near you. You may release the technique early and unleash a flurry of attacks around you that will destroy the copies but will deal damage equal to 10.5x (6x) your wisdom in a short radius around you. Sword copies have durability equal to 2x your wisdom and deal base damage equal to 1x your wisdom.


Glacial Shaping

Fill an area in the ten meter radius around you with your Qi. The area is fixed in space, and your Qi freezes anything inside of it, dealing damage equal to 7x (4x) and enhancing the durability of anything frozen by 7x (4x) your wisdom. The frozen area will radiate cold.

Glacial Armor

Fashion armor made out of Absolute Cold Qi around your body. The armor lasts for 20 minutes unless broken and emits moderate level of cold. Durability of effect is equal to 7x (4x) your wisdom.

Avatar of Frost

Partition your mind and split your focus to create a Qi copy of yourself that will have no initiative but will obey your will. The Avatar will also emit a moderate levels of cold around it. It requires 7.5%(12%) of your total Qi to create, and will be able to use your techniques by drawing on your core at the rate of 1.875x(3x) of the techniquefs costs. The techniques will be only 56.25%(35%) as effective. The Avatarfs durability is equal to 7x(4x) your wisdom.


Her Paths hadnft changed their rarity in the Immortal Realm, but she had expected that, it was a side effect of sharing inspiration. But her techniques were good enough now that she didnft feel so bad about it, and she had always intended on raising her class and augmenting her power. And she still had to bring her second path up, but not yet.

Now, she had power, enough to protect her sect. She only needed to master it.