"Mmm…yeah, just slide it right on in there, and I'll do the rest~" Geordie knew about all the antics that could ensue whenever he went out in public. The canine was…well…he was pretty well endowed, and that was saying it charitably, but it wasn't to the point where he couldn't stuff it away or hide it whenever he needed to go out. And yet, while he was outside taking a little walk, he couldn't help but notice that someone had become more than a little bit infatuated with him. Just somebody who had been walking along on the street, not even on his side originally, but one who had very quickly and obviously become more than a bit sidetracked by Geordie's presence. Eventually, he just felt as if he needed to turn around and address the person directly, before he got to where he was actually going. "Um…can I help you?" the wolf said as he turned around to face this new person, not exactly sure about what he would see. He had only seen them out of the corner of his eye up to now, of course, so it could really be anyone or anything that was following him. It turned out to be a green little marsupial fellow, like some sort of small kangaroo, who was absolutely bundled up as well. It certainly wasn't a warm day outside or anything, but the amount of layers that this marsupial was wearing…well, it told Geordie that they certainly weren't from around here! They seemed more than a bit surprised that Geordie had even noticed them, and it took a couple seconds of stammering for them to even really say anything in response. "Oh. Well, uh, geez this is going to be embarrassing, but I couldn't help but notice how, erm, big you are. I was wondering if, maybe, I could go somewhere with you, and you could maybe show it to me…" they finally spit out, knees wobbling and face turning red as they looked up at the much-larger wolf. In their mind, they were already expecting to be completely told off, denounced as a pervert, something like that. Clearly, this was just some random person going about their day, and they had to come in and be all weird. What an embarrassm- "Okay." Just that one word caused the wallaby’s entire mental train to take a tumble right off of the tracks. He sort of stood there for a moment, completely stunned while the wolf he had propositioned casually looked around for any building or store that would have a place where the two of them could get some privacy. "That cafe work?" Geordie asked as he pointed across the street, the marsupial still sort of stun-locked as he realized that this was really about to happen. "I, yeah, I guess, but, like, you don't have to do this if you don't want to…" he continued to word-vomit all over Geordie as he followed behind the wolf, the two of them crossing the street together and stepping into the restaurant a few seconds later. Instead of waiting to be seated, or perhaps going up to the counter, the two of them just took a sharp right towards the restrooms. This place was fairly low-traffic, so there was a good chance that whatever they got up to wouldn't be rudely interrupted. And if they did, well, they could always get their surprise visitor to join in on the fun! As the two of them got alone, Geordie leaned up against the sink as the wallaby found himself standing right in front of the package that had lured him into such a strange, impulsive ask! He just barely came up to the height of the wolf's package, and now that it was in front of him, the wallaby was more than a bit lost on what to actually do. What did he even want out of this? All these thoughts ran through his head, until he was snapped back to reality by the wolf. "Well? You going to unwrap it, or what?" A few seconds of consideration passed before the wallaby really decided to do anything. He very hesitantly, tentatively reached out a hand towards Geordie's waistline, shakily undoing the wolf's belt with one hand while attempting to subtly stroke along the wolf's pants bulge with the other…pushing against it the tiniest bit, feeling it bounce back. Mmh. It already felt like it was straining against its confines, yearning to be free of the denim that did such a poor job of concealing it from the world…and the wallaby just HAD to let it be free! He worked his fingers into Geordie's waistband and started to slowly slide those pants down, revealing a bluish-colored pair of underwear made of a much stretchier fabric that allowed their contents to stretch and breathe quite a bit more…and, a side effect of that was an absolutely wonderful smell wafting into the wallaby’s nose, one that was absolutely chock-full of pheromones and other lovely things that quickly started to cloud the marsupial’s brain. He continued to slide those pants down as their contents just BWOMPHed right out into his face, Geordie's fat bulge nearly booping him in the nose as it did so…"Wow." was all that the wallaby could say, so entranced by the soft, squishy roundness in front of him that, for a moment, he kind of forgot that he still had some work to do in order to truly free it! Geordie just kind of chuckled as he looked down at the wallaby, his shaft instantly throbbing as his little "friend" started to fondle up his bulge just a tiny bit. Just sort of feeling the heft in his hands for a few seconds, before those same hands once again returned to Geordie’s waist in order to start working on that much-more-elastic waistband…though he was obviously quite a bit more distracted now that the huge bulge that had enticed him into this was now just bouncing right in his face! There were more than a few thoughts in his head about just faceplanting right onto it, using the thing like a pillow…but there was something telling him that he needed to see it. He could do it afterwards, but for now, he had to rip off the Band-Aid and observe it in all its glory! He saw the base of Geordie's pink shaft slowly emerging as he pulled down those undies, The wolf's cock sort of folded in on itself over his balls just so that it could be contained inside of his underwear, so once that outside pressure was taken away, it just flopped right out into plain view, and...wow. Geordie had a monster in his pants. A monster that could still be contained by some stretchy underwear, but a monster nonetheless! It was certainly the largest piece of equipment that the wallaby had ever seen. Of course, he did kind of expect it, but there was a difference between what he had pictured in his head and what was actually sitting there in front of him. And the wolf wasn't even close to full mast yet! "Holy shit..." said the wallaby, those words just sort of dribbling out of his mouth as his hand retreated and the wolf's underwear just fell down his legs until they bunched up on the floor. It was out now. There were no secrets left. "C-can I..." the wallaby started to stammer as he looked up at Geordie, his hand sort of hovering just a few inches away from the wolf’s hardening shaft. And Geordie was just about to let him at it...until he got an idea. A strange, but incredibly-kinky idea. "Actually...I don't think so. Not until I see what you have going on down there." This turnabout kind of startled Geordie's little friend. He looked down to his own pants, as flat and featureless of a crotch as one could have, then back to the wolf with rather intense confusion. "M-mine!?" the marsupial cried out, completely caught off guard by this sudden change of pace; and Geordie simply responded with a curt, expectant nod. A nod that had so much power and implication in it, that the wallaby soon felt himself going down to take his own pants off without even breaking eye contact with the wolf that loomed over him. A tenting bulge soon popped out of his pants as they were quickly thrown aside, betraying just how aroused by all of this he was as the underwear soon disappeared as well. For his size, the wallaby was still relatively well endowed, but obviously, there was quite the mismatch between the two of them! In fact, it looked like Geordie's shaft could just...engulf the entirety of the wallaby's own equipment, if he went ahead and just...stuck it in there. That was a crazy thought, though, right? There was no way that was where the wolf was actually going with this- And here is where we came in. Geordie leaning on a sink, with a very much down-bad wallaby in front of him, the wolf telling his new friend in no uncertain terms to just stick his cock right in like his own shaft was like any other orifice! The wallaby did find himself thinking about sticking it in there earlier, of course, but now that he was actually being solicited, and taking a deeper look...there was just no way, right? That was what he ended up saying back to the wolf, and just hearing a chuckle in response didn't exactly make the wallaby feel any better. "I've taken much bigger. C'mon, or do I have to do it for you?~" the wolf teased, feigning like he was going to reach down and just grab his smaller friend's cock! That was enough to get the wallaby on his side, though. "All right, all right, just...let me think about how to do this for a moment." The marsupial grabbed his cock by the base, lifting it up just enough so that he could touch tips with Geordie. Gods...it really could fit in there, couldn't it? The wallaby slowly started to thrust his hips forward, meeting a bit of resistance before a throb from Geordie's shaft held it firm and engulfed the tip of the cock it had just touched! "OHH! Holy...holy shit..." he cried out as the entire head of his cock disappeared inside with a simple *shlp!*, Geordie instantly seizing the moment and rocking his own hips forward a little bit to grind right along the wallaby's sensitive glans! "Mmm...yeah, that hits the spot..." the wolf growled as he saw the wallaby huddling in, the marsupial gripping both of Geordie's thighs to anchor himself a little bit more before plunging deeper. "F-fuck! So tight..." Impossibly tight, even, and Geordie wasn't making things any easier as he clenched his pelvic muscles, squeezing around the smaller cock inside of his own as the wallaby quickly bottomed out inside...true to his word, Geordie had taken much bigger before, so he wasn't feeling anything crazy right now, but it was certainly enjoyable. And on the flipside, the wallaby looked like he was about to pass out! He was being exposed to sensations he had never felt before, completely overwhelmed by the feeling of sticking his cock right down the hole of another; especially one so much bigger and thicker than his own...*wow*. In just a few more seconds, the wallaby's balls were bumping up against the glans of Geordie's shaft, the wolf grinning as he felt the marsupial start to helplessly hump away inside of his cock. "Feels great, doesn't it?" the wolf eventually said, a smug look of satisfaction plastered across his muzzle as he watched his little friend completely lose himself in there! All the wallaby could muster up was a weak, flustered nod as he grunted and humped away, balls starting to plap against Geordie's cock head. There was something slightly strange about all of this, though...well, something strange even for what he was doing right now! It felt like every thrust the wallaby made was going less and less deep into Geordie's shaft. Like, there was somehow more of it, or perhaps, less of his own cock...it didn't make much sense, but that was honestly the only way that the wallaby could put it in his mind. And, as he opened his eyes and looked down to the cock he was fucking, he could swear that it looked a little bigger than the last time he had taken a peek! And yet, even through all this strangeness, it still felt so nice to be inside of Geordie's shaft... The wolf grinned as he looked down at the wallaby, still helplessly whimpering and humping up inside of him...even though he didn't have much left to hump with in the first place! Yes, Geordie was taking the opportunity to steal the wallaby’s size, each second that their two cocks spent in contact with each other getting closer and closer to a complete nullification for the wallaby! Geordie was already fairly well-endowed, of course, but as he continued to siphon the wallaby's own size, it just got bigger and bigger between his legs... *POP!* Both pairs of eyes shot open as they heard that sound coming from between their two crotches. The wallaby looked down, his eyes widening even further as he saw...well...nothing. At least, nothing between his legs except for a smooth, featureless patch where there was once a proud, if fairly average-size cock! "Uuuhhhhh..." the wallaby droned for a little bit as he looked up to Geordie, not so much liking the toothy grin that the wolf was sporting! "What, never met a size thief before?~" he replied a few seconds later, in an impressively-blasé fashion considering the insane magic of what he had just done! As if to emphasize his point, Geordie reached down and lifted up his heftier shaft, letting it bounce and jiggle a few times in front of the wallaby to really show off how much he had added! Geordie was naturally already quite a bit taller than the wallaby, but now, he had more than just height on him. The wolf's cock had at least doubled in size after absorbing the wallaby's on the equipment, getting quite a lot of extra mass out of a shaft that was honestly not that impressive. The monster between the wolf's legs was now at least a foot and a half long, if not a solid two feet, with the girth that one would expect from such a long shaft in spades…definitely thicker than the wallaby’s arm, that was for sure! "Yeah, how do you think I got this big? It doesn't come naturally, bud~" the wolf continued, almost booping the wallaby’s nose with the tip of his own shaft in the process of showing it off some more! The wallaby's knees started to shake a little bit, though he wasn't really sure if it was out of fear or arousal; perhaps a bit of both. He was certainly close to a nosebleed with that thick wolf cock bouncing around right in front of him... Geordie looked towards the bathroom door before continuing. "Hey. Now that I've taken a bit of you, why don't you hop in and be a cock pet for a little while? Get nice and cozy with the extra size you gave me, doesn't that sound good, hmm?~" the wolf whispered teasingly, watching the wallaby almost have a complete horny breakdown in front of him as he processed those words. This thing, well...it did look big enough for him to slide all the way inside at this point, though it definitely seemed like it would be a tight fit...wait, why was he even entertaining this idea? Of course he couldn't! And even if he could, it wasn't like it was something he would want to do. Sliding down that tight cock, curling up inside those warm, cum-filled balls for a little bit...who would even want to do tha- Oooohhhhhhh. Well then. If the wallaby still had the equipment down there, he would certainly be pitching a tent right now. Wordlessly, as if his brain had suddenly been rewired, he leaned forward, taking a deep breath of Geordie's wonderful, potent scent before sticking his muzzle right into the hole he had been fucking just a few minutes earlier! "Theeere ya go~" the wolf said as he planted a hand along the back of the marsupial's head, gently guiding him deeper as he felt some tongue action inside of his urethra...certainly not what the wolf expected, but it was definitely appreciated! That extra stimulation got Geordie to clench his muscles a few times, pulling on the wallaby's nose until his entire head just SCHLORPed right inside! "AAahh! You're going to make a mess in here..." the wolf admonished, already feeling something starting to surge up out of his loins...if not to make a mess all over the cafe's bathroom floor, then at least to lubricate the new, larger canal to help the wallaby slide inside! Once his cock got a firm hold on the wallaby, it started to establish a potent rhythm. Clenching once or twice to slurp up another few inches of the small marsupial, before relaxing for a few moments and then starting the cycle all over again. With the extra weight he had taken from the wallaby, it was rather trivial to work over his shoulders and chest, though that certainly didn't mean Geordie didn't enjoy every last minute of it! He had to consciously keep the moans down, though, otherwise someone would definitely get a little concerned or curious and walk right in on the two of them. Though…Geordie wasn't opposed to roping in a third party if the opportunity arose… For now, though, the two of them just enjoyed the moment. Geordie stroking and hefting his cock as it bulged out thickly with the wallaby's form, and said wallaby huffing the most potent wolf musk he could possibly experience on route to those fat balls that had pulled him in in the first place! It kind of sucked that he couldn't hump his cock against these tight, slick shaft walls that surrounded him, but that was honestly the wallaby's only complaint. This was far beyond anything he could have imagined when he propositioned Geordie, especially in such a brazen fashion…he might as well enjoy it, though! Already, the marsupial could feel that hungry dick sliding over his waist and slurping up his legs, the shaft honestly making pretty quick work of its generous size donor, all things considered…he was a whole person, after all! And yet, Geordie's shaft was horking him down in just a few swallows, the wolf taking a moment to stroke along the belly of his cock as lovely, wiggly bulges continue to descend deeper into his body…soon, those balls were going to be sagging and dragging against the floor. Good luck fitting those back into his pants once he started waddling his way out of the bathroom! That was a problem for future Geordie, though. For the time being, he just needed to focus on finishing the wallaby up, and enjoying just how good that process felt…! Geordie's loins clinched and lurched as his cock greedily swallowed up another section of the wallaby's body, this one being his legs up to the knees. That left just those furry, almost hoof-like feet dangling out of the tip of the wolf's shaft, his cock almost nibbling or chewing on them as they sort of just hung out there for a little while. Geordie was in no mood to rush this whole thing, and preferred to just let gravity do the rest of the work as he felt some of the wallaby starting to slide firmly into his nuts. Both of the chambers were absolutely full of thick wolf cream, sloshing around wetly with every movement both Geordie and the wallaby made as he was sealed inside, dumped headfirst into the pool of bubbling, white hot fluid! It was quite an intense experience at first, especially temperature wise, but as more of the wallaby was immersed in the stuff he gradually started to get a bit more acclimated to the musk-addled, fleshy pool…parts of his body bumping against the bathroom floor as he added so much weight and heft to the wolf's package. He was going to have to get used to this pretty soon, considering Geordie did not seem too keen on letting him go for the foreseeable future…! "Ohhh, yeah…all packed away now. Get used to it, because you're not going to be leaving for a while~" Geordie confirmed as he reached down to grope at stroke over his full balls, the skin continuing to stretch as more of the wallaby was pushed inside. It took another minute or two of wet cock gulps and swallows and pushes, but eventually, those marsupial toes slipped through into the wolf's testicle, completely locking him inside and forcing him to curl up into a little ball as the environment around him got that much tighter…! Even with the extra heft he had added to Geordie's package, it was still nearly skin tight in here, the outline of the wallaby clearly visible to anyone who glanced over at the wolf; and he was obviously going to be getting quite a few glances as he tried to make his way back home…a pair of fat, squirming balls and a massive shaft weren't exactly completely unseen sights in Geordie's world, but it was the kind of thing you would expect to run into late at night, not right in the middle of the day! That was just the cost of doing business, though… Geordie looked over to the pants he had the wallaby help remove, which had gotten kicked into the corner at some point throughout their little interaction. He did a little bit of math in his head, wondering if it was worth attempting to slide them back up to project some sense of decency…but the more he thought about it, the less it all added up. Oh well. Slowly, the wolf got back to his feet, feeling his knees wobble a little bit as they were suddenly expected to carry around the weight of an entire person in his sack…phew, it had been a while since he did something like this, and it was quickly showing! The thick cream in his nuts sloshed all around the wallaby as he was dragged along the bathroom floor; not the most comfortable sensation in the world, especially as the wolf made his way out of the cafe and back to the streets, but once the wolf got back to his house, the wallaby could really settle in. Take some time to really get to know his new surroundings, come to grips with the fact that they would probably end up being his world for the next…day? Week? Maybe if he was a good pet, Geordie would end up letting him out…but if he was TOO good, well, then the wolf would never let him leave! So much to think about…but for now. The warmth of the pool he was bathing in was relaxing the wallaby quite a bit, and the constant swaying back and forth of his environment as Geordie walked him home was making the prospect of a nap sound even better. When he woke up, he'd be back at the wolf's place, recharged and ready to be the good cock pet he needed to be…~