Going Viral at Tomorrowland - Chapter 3 by Zmeydros (edited by Tiliquain and Journeymanic) I let go of her arm. If she was telling the truth, she'd been masturbating thinking about me even more than I'd done the same thinking about her. The Tail Virus was making everything so damn complicated and confusing. "You promise you're not making this up?" "Your hair is so red, your ass is fucking gorgeous from all that dancing, and your lips are so expressive that I want to kiss you every time you smile." She cringed. "Shit, I'm sounding like a creep again. That's less than half of it. I love your voice, your music, your bluntness, and how kind you are. You're also a genius! You have more interesting linguistics posts on your twitter than actual linguists." Hearing someone gush about me brought back memories, very good ones. My scowl relaxed into a blank expression. I had no idea how to process this, but my idiot body decided that a couple compliments aimed at my attractiveness was enough to start a celebration. "Yep, ruined my chances again." She pulled away from the wall. "The only reason I'm better than trash is that I take myself out to the dumpster. I'm trash with legs." Her sad laugh at her half-joke echoed in the alley as she walked back toward the street. "Wait," I said. Now, there was no question as to whether I was a priority for her and, though most people would find it gross that someone was masturbating while thinking about them this early on in a friendship, I was guilty of the same exact thing. On top of that, she was willing to walk away and had never tried to manipulate me. The only warning signs I was getting from her were related to impulse control and I understood all too well what that was like. "Huh?" Her bewilderment was so potent that she looked like she'd just seen an animal talk. "Did you really mean all that?" I asked, feeling the mental version of indigestion as a tiny fleck of hope burned like a hot pepper seed. My traitor of a cunt was noticeably wet despite the confusion. At least one part of me knew what it wanted. "Yeah, I did." She looked at the rain-stained concrete rubbing her arm nervously. I walked up to her and grabbed her hands. "Let's be real for a second. I can't handle any more surprises like being stuck in a restaurant waiting for you or what you did in the bathroom. You should have known better in both cases. We've already talked about the bathroom, but today you should have texted me about being late." "I am so tired of hearing my own excuses," she complained. "I didn't know what to say." "Excuses are better than silence. Anything would have been fine so long as you let me know you were running late or that you weren't sure when you'd be able to leave to meet me." I let go of her hands now that I'd said the part I really wanted to get through to her. "You're right. I can't just disappear." She looked into my eyes. "I feel terrible that I did that to you." "Knowing that you give a shit really helps." I frowned. "I hate to make you feel worse, but your stunt in the bathroom has had consequences. I have the Tail Virus." Just saying it aloud got me thinking about my nethers and that spurred on their excitement. "Oh no!" Her hands went to her cheeks as a horrified look creased her charming face. "It's the worst time I could have gotten it and I am overwhelmed at the idea of performing while I'm in the initial stages." She reached for my hands, but then thought better of it. "This is my fault and I'm not gonna let it ruin your first Tomorrowland. I'll call in favors from other producers, I'll even set aside stuff I was planning to do if you need anything, anything at all." Blushing and rubbing my thighs together, I asked, "Well, for starters, I'm doubting you have a good answer to this, but I thought I'd ask anyway: Do you have any tips for dealing with the increased libido and prevent boners in public?" "Sex with other people, hands down. Satisfaction lasts way longer. If there's anyone here that you know and might be willing to do stuff with you, I suggest you ask him or her if they're willing to..." She blushed profusely and put her hand up to dismiss what she'd been saying. "I promise I'm not coming on to you. After lunch I was going to ask a friend, who I met here last year, if they were willing to help me out. I was going to suggest you do something similar." Even though she hadn't meant to put the idea in my head, it was there: me seeing if I could fit her inside me, her grunting as she tried to make it work. I took a deep breath as my crotch begged for me to make that fantasy a reality. "The only people I know here, I know professionally and I don't think it would be a good idea to try and do stuff with them." "I should have realized that." She tilted her head. "You look really uncomfortable, are you okay?" Of course my body would take the mere mention of sex and turn it into a five alarm fire. And the more blood that rushed down there, the more stuff started to shift around. "I think the virus is flaring up." "Oh dear!" She leaned in close. "Getting some odd sensations?" I nodded. It was scary not knowing what was going on down there. What if something was wrong? What if my infection was too strong or changing me in ways that would require surgical correction? "If I tell you what I'm feeling, do you think you could tell me whether it's normal?" "I only know about what happened to me, but I'll help you get to the doctor if there's any doubt." Speaking in a low voice that wouldn't leave the alley, I said, "My pussy lips feel like they're being lightly pinched and my clit feels like it’s being tugged on." Her eyes went wide. "The first part is exactly what I felt when my pussy started going equine and the second is what I felt sometimes when my cock grew bigger." "Going equine?" She'd just answered a question she had no idea I'd been wondering about. "Yeah, like, it looks like it belongs on a mare, complete with a big clit and an annoying proclivity for winking at the worst moments." Though I was curious to see her equine pussy, I didn't want one of my own! That was bound to add more distraction than just my cock growing in. My legs suddenly forgot to hold me up as the pinching sensation became unbearably pleasurable. Athena wrapped her arms around my middle to steady me and I moaned as my breasts pressed against hers. She let go instantly, but I started falling again, so she put us back in contact and that's all it took for my prick to start poking at her large equine balls. This time both of us moaned. I felt her cock start going down her right thigh, pressing against me through our clothing. Then we were panting and looking into each other's eyes. My legs gained purpose by bringing my lips closer to hers. Caught up in the same lustful moment, she leaned in and pressed her lips against mine. My arms wrapped around her squeezing our fronts together while I kissed her firmly with my mouth and my groin. We rolled our hips against each other, getting fully hard as our bodies heated up to the point of smoldering. Wetness leaked into my panties as my desire for her hardening length skyrocketed. We were running out of air and could only bring ourselves to stop kissing when we were about to pass out. This led to us gasping like pearl divers who'd just come to the surface. The only thing that stopped us from going further was our clothing, which we were too busy making out to remove. By the time every inch of her member was running down her leg, I was shoving mine into the space between her thighs. Her balls were so huge and warm. I loved how she'd chosen to wear jeans that showed them off and let me feel their shape against my erection. The moisture behind them was soaking through my jeans where the tip of my virgin shaft met her engorged slit. She reached a hand down, across my ass, and then up between my legs before digging the tips of her index and middle fingers into my changing muff. I clung to her even more firmly, glad that our kissing was muffling my moans. I yelped and pulled out of the kiss as a powerful wave of contractions went from deep in my passage to my entrance, spreading it wide. "You okay?" she asked while panting heavily to try and catch her breath. "Yeah." I took another couple breaths. "I think my mare parts just winked." She let go of me and switched to grabbing me round the waist with one arm while standing right beside me. "We need to get you to your hotel room." "We do?" I asked. "Do you want to whinny in public?" she asked. "Whinny?" My eyes went wide. "When my pussy changed, I started to whinny sometimes during sex and could smell things." "What sorts of things?" I raised an eyebrow. "Mares in heat, people in heat, nuances in vegetables, you know, normal horse stuff," she replied. I blushed so hard my cheeks tingled. "C-can you smell me?" "Yes, very," she pulled me toward the sidewalk with her. "Not gonna stand around when I can prevent you some humiliation." I gasped from walking. "People are going to see our--" "Dicks? Yeah, maybe, but if we're not whinnying, they won't be actively looking at us." We were nearly out of the alley and she was fighting to pull me along with her. Dragging my feet, I said, "But I don't want people to see mine." "Ugh, fine, I gave up once I was over eight inches, but I guess you're not anywhere near there yet." She let go of me. "Walk behind me and hang on to my hips so you don't lose your balance." I did exactly as she suggested, giving her directions to my hotel as we went. My throat and sinuses itched incessantly the whole way making me sneeze and cough behind her. As we got to the front door of the hotel, a man smoking a pipe looked directly at Athena's bulge and his pipe fell right out of his mouth. The embers from the tobacco glowed brightly as they scattered across the concrete. After swearing and scooping his pipe up off the ground, he avoided eye contact and looked toward the colorful buildings on the opposite side of the river. Seeing someone else react to her incredible endowment got my own throbbing against her ass. My pussy winked again as we entered my hotel and I felt a sound try to make it out of my mouth. I swallowed this sound, suppressing it the same way one suppresses a sneeze when they're holding a delicate object. I could smell something metallic and woody, like a piece of salty driftwood baking in the sun. It reminded me of the way men's groins smelled when they were ready to be ridden, but it was far more powerful. And there were added layers, like spices that had always been there but I'd never had the sensory resolution to make out. I didn't have names for them, but that didn't lessen their effect. The scent that was driving me the most wild was what must have been her pre. It had the same chamomile-like scent as her cum, but it was lighter and more floral. I wanted, needed to make new noises and I needed her to stuff the source of this wonderful scent inside me. A female bunny mosaic who was wearing an elegant suit and had her long black hair up in a bun caught my eye. Mosaics were the human/animal hybrids that were the end result of most Tail Virus infections. This one was staring at Athena’s package while hiding her surprised gaping mouth with one of her paw-padded hands. The fact that she couldn’t look away, that she looked like she was doing mental math about whether Athena would fit, made my situation a thousand times worse. I pressed my prick against Athena's backside and my whole body clenched as I stifled the sound it wanted to make. Sensing I was reaching my limit, Athena picked up the pace toward the elevator bank. As we walked by the bowl of dark Belgian chocolates on the reception desk, I looked at it forlornly, wishing I had a good enough excuse to grab some. I resisted the urge to ask Athena to stop for one and the urge to rub my thighs together while I was in view of the entire lobby, but only just. After Athena hit the up button, she said, "Take deep breaths, we're almost there." She shivered and gasped. “You okay?” I asked as her scent became much more powerful. She leaned in and whispered in my ear. “My pussy winked.” Thinking about her pussy winking, it was too much! I put my hand over my mouth and let out just the very beginning of a whinny before forcing out a breath to stifle it. Athena’s eyes widened as she started to whinny back, she did the same as me, putting her hand over her mouth and breathing out through her nose. “We’re running out of time.” I nodded, not wanting to chance another whinny getting out when I tried to speak. The wait for the elevator was difficult. I kept thinking about things like eating chocolate, pressing myself against Athena’s side, and reaching into my pants to finger myself. When the elevator arrived, I was just about to start humping against her. After she guided me into the wood and stainless steel interior of the elevator, I started moving my legs, reveling in the feeling of my own wetness making my now larger and fuller pussy lips slide against each other. “What floor?” she asked. “Th—AHH—aaard!” It was more of a moan than a word. "You okay back there?" After a squeak from finding out I could control my new snatch and make it wink on purpose, I said, "No." "Something wrong?" She looked behind her. "There's this powerful tingling right under my dick," I reported. It was so private, so taboo to talk about it in an elevator where the door could open at any moment, but I needed to know what was happening for my own sanity. "I think I got tingling there when my horse clit came in to replace the one that was growing into a dick. You're going to have--" The door opened and three people from the first floor got on. Two of the three comprised a skinny couple riddled with piercings and tattoos. I was willing to bet money that they were attending Tomorrowland together. The third person was a bald-headed guy in sharp-looking grey athletic clothes. He looked to be worth a small fortune, particularly due to the gold watch on his wrist and his gold-plated Apple airpods. Athena took a moment to edit what she was going to say. "It's going to be intense when it finally happens, so be ready." People in the elevator probably thought we'd been in a conversation about one of the many parties that happened around Tomorrowland. I felt like an erotic conspirator being the only one on the elevator that knew the true meaning of what she'd said. Athena shivered in the exact same way she’d done when her pussy had winked...I was gonna lose it! My heart pounded in my ears as the tingling got worse. I knew the prickling in the back of my throat wasn't a cough this time, I was sure that I'd whinny at the top of my lungs if I opened my mouth. Athena's scent was driving me batshit and I was fighting an urge to reach around and stroke her stallion prick. So much fighting, so many impulses, a sensation of ominous weightlessness enveloped me as I realized I was about to lose control. It was too much, not getting off was like trying to avoid eating a homemade double fudge brownie fresh out of the oven. At the second floor, two thirty-something women in neon blue and pink gym shorts and tops got on. I was gritting my teeth as the new clit rang like a bell. It was pushing my pussy lips apart, I widened my stance to try and compensate, but the movement was all it took for it to go off. Closing my eyes, I buried my face in Athena's back whinnying at the top of my lungs. My cunt spilled its nectar down my thighs as it winked and spasmed. Her buttocks were wonderfully toned. Despite my reservations about encouraging my cock, I couldn’t resist pressing my tent into the space between her ass cheeks, testing the stretch of her jeans. I whinnied even louder as my new dick came, adding another dimension of pleasure to the orgasm from my pussy. Even as earth-shattering embarrassment reverberated throughout my mind, I couldn't stop moving and got carried away by a wave of ecstasy from both ends. Pressing my entire body against Athena’s back as I whinnied a second time, I wished I was invisible. The thirty-something women both said something in Dutch that had the cadence of, "The hell just happened?" The business man spoke in lightly German-accented English, "What the fuck is wrong with you?!," the female Tomorrowland-goer asked, "Is she okay?" Athena laughed obnoxiously. "Sorry everyone, we're practicing a performance art piece. I think Pricilla here went a bit overboard." She looked behind her. "Maybe tone it down next time? We don't want to injure people's hearing." Catching my breath and relaxing a bit, I played along. "Sorry, I went too far that time. Won’t happen again." "Good, and apologies to everyone." Athena said as the door opened. It was the third floor, which had the gym, sauna, and my room on it. "Yeah, I'm really sorry," I said as people shuffled out. The rich guy scoffed, the two women swore, and the Tomorrowland couple sighed, muttering something about the incomprehensibility of high art. We waited until everyone had left the elevator before making for my room. Things were still happening between my legs, but I managed to say, "Thank you, thank you so much. That was rock bottom for me and you made it so much better than it would have been otherwise." "I'm not going to stand around and watch your life get ruined, girl. As long as you'll have me, I've got your back," she said as we got up to my door. I gave her my card and we entered the room. As I let go of her, she said, "I should be the one thanking you, no one's touched me like that in a week and I have plenty of masturbation material for when I get back to my room." That's when I realized I hadn't asked her to stay, that she wasn't assuming we'd have sex once we got to my room. I paused as I tried to figure out what the best way to ask her to stay was. “Actually...What you did in the elevator hit all my buttons.” She shivered and bit her finger as she glanced at the bathroom. “I hate to have to ask you this, but can I use your bathroom for a while before I go? I’m about to burst." She pointed at the monster running down her leg. "No," I said, still not sure how to convey that I wanted to deal with her throbbing problem first hand. "No?" My hands clumsily worked to undo my button and unzip my pants. Some part of me knew the implications of this act, but most of me was just trying to free my sensitive parts from confinement. My heart raced as I pulled down my pants and panties and stepped out of them. The closer I got to actually fucking her, the more it seemed like a good idea. She started undoing her pants. "This is the best day of my life. The absolute best day!" she said as she pulled down her pants and panties until her horsecock flicked upwards and whacked her right in the chin. I laughed despite the tenseness of the situation and she shut me up by shoving her dick between my thighs and across my pussy lips. Clinging to her, I trembled as my snatch winked over and over against the top side of her thick shaft. It felt incredible to have something so hot and smooth against my nethers. I was out of breath simply from being in her arms. After I got over my amazement, we were going to go at it like animals! END OF CHAPTER 3 I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Navajo Demar and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!