#### ICE DREAM - 0.0.6 #### define ev_id_rita_italian = False #hai cercato di impressionare Rita col tuo italiano define ev_id_rita_italian_good = False #conosci l'italiano quanto basta per superare il test di Rita define ev_id_rita_boyfriend = False #sai che Rita ha un ragazzo dalla visita label icecream_intro: scene black with fade "Main street is always full of busy people walking steadily towards their goal." "You wonder if all this urge to get somewhere is determined by some physical factor still unknown to science. Maybe [rel_name] know something more about this..." "As you approach the shop Rita told you about you have a sensation of calm, you feel relaxed." scene icecreamshop with fade "The shop is fantastic, it is furnished with retro style grace, it seems you just stepped in a postcard of the 40s. The shop's name, 'Miranda's L'Antica Gelateria' is written in Italian." "There are a few people inside, drinking tea or tasting mouth-watering ice creams. The speakers spread light and warm music in a successful attempt to make customers at ease." "Maybe you'd need some music too in the waiting room..." "Finally you see Rita behind the desk as you approach it with a smile. She's finishing to serve a customer and his son, then she draws her attention to you." scene id_icecream_rita_1 if rita_trust<4: $ rita_ctrust = 'DISCOMFORT' "She doesn't seem comfortable standing in front of you at all." r "Yes, what can I get you?" elif rita_trust>3 and rita_trust<7: $ rita_ctrust = 'INADEQUATE' "She doesn't seem at ease with you around." r "Yes, what can I get you?" elif rita_trust>6 and rita_trust<10: $ rita_ctrust = 'STANDARD' r "Greetings Dr. [player_surname]! Welcome to our little candy shop!" elif rita_trust>9 and rita_trust<13: $ rita_ctrust = 'GOOD' "She smiles at you as you approach the desk." r "Hey [player_name]! You came!" elif rita_trust>12 and rita_trust<16: $ rita_ctrust = 'VERY GOOD' "She warmly smiles at you as you approach the desk." r "Hey [player_name]! You came!" elif rita_trust>15: $ rita_ctrust = 'OUTSTANDING' "She seems very happy to see you!" r "Hey [player_name]! You came! It's so nice to see you here!" m "I liked this place even from the outside... but the inside is so nice!" r "Yeah, the owner is the daughter of an Italian-descent woman who had a shop like this one in Europe some decades ago." r "She wanted to keep everything as she recalls when she was a kid." m "Italian uh? So that's why the menu is not in English..." scene id_icecream_rita_2 r "Yeah, the big one here isn't, but we offer bilingual menus at the tables of course!" menu: "No problem with that, I know my way around Italian.": $ ev_id_rita_italian = True "She seems a bit skeptic about that." r "Oh do you? Then can you please help me to translate the last phrase of this wall?" m "La panna montata con ciliegia candita è gratis?" r "Yeah, let's see how smart you are in Italian." menu: "Whipped cream and cherry are free.": $ ev_id_rita_italian_good = True $ rita_trust += 2 "Rita seems surprised." r "So you really know Italian!" m "Did I pass your test?" r "Sorry for that, you won't believe how many people try to impress me with their language skills and then fail." "Plain milk and cherry are free.": $ rita_trust -= 2 r "Just as I thought..." m "I think my Italian is a bit rusty..." r "As is every guy's trying to impress me." m "Does this happen a lot?" r "Believe me, you won't believe how many people try to impress me with their language skills and then fail." "Cream and strawberry are free.": $ rita_trust -= 2 r "Just as I thought..." m "I think my Italian is a bit rusty..." r "As is every guy's trying to impress me." m "Does this happen a lot?" r "Believe me, you won't believe how many people try to impress me with their language skills and then fail." "Milk on coffee is free.": $ rita_trust -= 2 r "Just as I thought..." m "I think my Italian is a bit rusty..." r "As is every guy's trying to impress me." m "Does this happen a lot?" r "Believe me, you won't believe how many people try to impress me with their language skills and then fail." "That will help, I don't speak Italian.": $ ev_id_rita_italian = False $ rita_trust += 1 "Rita smiles at you." r "I know a few words but nothing that would help me in a conversation." r "I like you being honest about that, you won't believe how many people try to impress me with their language skills and fail miserably." scene id_icecream_rita_3 menu: "I can understand them. A girl like you surely catches some attention.": $ rita_trust += 1 "She blushes a bit." if rita_trust<4: $ rita_ctrust = 'DISCOMFORT' r "I don't like this kind of attitude, Dr. [player_surname], I thought I was pretty clear at the Clinic..." m "I'm a customer here. Is this how you treat your customers?" r "You are indeed, but I'm not the kind of girl you can mess around with and get away with it." m "I'm very sorry. I just came for an ice cream..." elif rita_trust>3 and rita_trust<7: $ rita_ctrust = 'INADEQUATE' r "Please, Dr. [player_surname], refrain from this behavior with me..." m "I'm very sorry. I just came for an ice cream, didn't try to upset you." elif rita_trust>6 and rita_trust<10: $ rita_ctrust = 'STANDARD' r "Thank you!" elif rita_trust>9: $ rita_ctrust = 'GOOD' r "Thank you very much. You're very kind." "People are idiots sometimes.": if ev_id_rita_italian_good == False and ev_id_rita_italian == True: $ rita_trust -= 1 r "Just like you looked like a moment ago." m "Touché." r "Even french now?" m "No, that's the only word I know apart from merci." r "At least you're honest now." "She smiles at you, letting you know she isn't angry with you." r "So, what about an ice cream?" else: $ rita_trust += 1 r "You're right. That's why my boyfriend doesn't like me to work here." m "This looks like a wonderful and peaceful environment..." r "It is! But when I work the late shift he's worried someone could hurt me on the way back home." m "I see." r "He comes to pick me up with his car every evening when I work until late... I'm sorry he needs to do that because he'd need to rest after working all day long." m "I understand." r "So, what about an ice cream?" "I thought you had a boyfriend." if ev_id_rita_boyfriend == True: $ rita_trust += 2 r "You remember that?" m "I always remember what patients tell me." r "You're right. That's Julius. The only person who doesn't like me to work here." m "This looks like a wonderful and peaceful environment... What's wrong with it?" r "It is! But when I work the late shift he's worried someone could hurt me on the way back home." m "I see." r "He comes to pick me up with his car every evening when I work until late... I'm sorry he needs to do that because he'd need to rest after working all day long." m "I understand." r "Let's not talk about me, sorry for wasting your time! So, what about an ice cream?" "So, about that ice cream...": r "Of course!" m "What's on the menu?" r "Would you like to sit at a table first?" m "Yeah, why not?" r "Are you waiting for someone?" menu: "*lie* I'm waiting for a girl, actually, but it looks like she's late.": $ rita_trust -= 1 "Rita seems disappointed with that but she keeps smiling." r "I'll give you a table for two people then. Please follow me." "No, I'm all alone.": "Rita seems sad for you, but she keeps smiling." r "All right, I'll bring you to your table. Please follow me." "I was waiting for you in fact. Care to join me?": $ rita_trust += 1 if rita_trust<7: r "I won't. I'm sorry but you are not my kind of man." m "Relax, Rita, I was just playing with you." "She doesn't like you at all it seems. Maybe you can convince her with time..." elif rita_trust>6 and rita_trust<10: "Rita seems to like the comment." r "Thanks, but I'm working..." m "Maybe another time then..." r "It's a bit difficult, with my boyfriend and all..." menu: "I'm not jealous.": $ rita_trust +=1 "She laughs." r "Well, who knows? We'll see about that..." "Is he jealous?": r "A little, but he hides it well." m "Being a little jealous is pretty normal." r "Yes, I think so myself." "I was joking, forgive me.": $ rita_trust -= 2 "Rita seems disappointed." r "I see. That blooms!" m "Don't say that, I was just trying to look at your reaction." r "How silly of me. Sorry." "I have a girlfriend too, that still allows me to have friends..." if girlfriend == 1: $ rita_trust -= 4 r "Indeed. But is really friendship what you're after?" m "Touché." "She seems very disappointed with that." elif rita_trust>9: "Rita winks at you." r "I'm flattered but I'm still working." m "Maybe another time then." r "Yeah, I'd like that." r "All right, I'll bring you to your table. Please follow me." scene id_icecream_rita_4 "As you follow Rita you notice two guys arguing to a table next to the furthest wall. A kid is running away from his mother trying to catch him." "What caught your attention though is the shaking ass in front of you. Even as petite as she is, Rita is stunning." scene icecreamshop show id_rita_back "Lovely shaped body." if rita_1_nudity>1: "To think you saw her undressed during the examination makes you even hornier looking at her." else: "Too bad you haven't seen much of her during the exam!" scene icecreamshop "You finally sit to your table while Rita is ready to take your order." show id_rita_normal r "What can I get you?" m "What do you have?" r "Vanilla and chocolate ice-cream. Some customers say it's a mixture that gives you extra energy for your daily schedule!" m "I see. What else?" r "A milkshake. The kind you'd want to share with a loved one." m "Interesting. What's more?" r "Rootbeer, if you're feeling thirsty and take care of your body figure." m "Uh-uh. Anything else?" r "A banana split. Believe me: it opens your mind to new sensations." m "I get it." r "And finally a simple scoop, if you're feeling tired and need to think about your day." jump id_shop_order label id_shop_order: show id_rita_normal icecreamshop if id_rita_intro_shop == 0: r "Oh hey there, welcome back to Miranda's." r "What can I get you today?" hide id_rita_normal menu: "Vanilla and chocolate ice cream! (10$ - +5 energy)" if denaro_totale >=10: $ denaro_totale -= 10 $ energy += 5 show id_rita_icecream icecreamshop r "Here you are." m "Thank you very much." r "That's 10$." m "Here." menu: "Tip nothing": $ rita_trust -= 1 "Tip 1$." if denaro_totale>=1: $ denaro_totale -= 1 r "Thank you." m "You're welcome." "Tip 5$." if denaro_totale>=5: $ rita_trust += 1 $ denaro_totale -= 5 r "Thank you." m "You're welcome." "Tip 10$." if denaro_totale>=10: $ rita_trust += 2 $ denaro_totale -= 10 r "Thank you very much!" m "I just like how you treat me as a customer." "She smiles at you." "Tip 50$." if denaro_totale>=50: $ rita_trust -= 3 r "Are you serious? I can't take this!" m "It's a tip for your service, Rita. Take it..." r "I don't want all that money. People could think bad about me. And that's a big sum too!" m "I don't care, I have plenty of money." r "And I don't like people showing off like that." m "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." r "That's all right." "She turns away and leaves." scene icecreamshop "You eat your dessert and enjoy it very much." "Rita is busy serving other customers in the meantime. She's very pretty when she's at work." "Milkshake please! (7$ - Gain some trust by Rita)" if denaro_totale >=7: $ denaro_totale -= 7 $ rita_trust += 1 show id_rita_milkshake icecreamshop r "Here you are." m "Thank you very much." r "That's 7$." m "Here." menu: "Tip nothing": $ rita_trust -= 1 "Tip 1$." if denaro_totale>=1: r "Thank you." m "You're welcome." $ denaro_totale -= 1 "Tip 5$." if denaro_totale>=5: $ rita_trust += 1 r "Thank you." m "You're welcome." $ denaro_totale -= 5 "Tip 10$." if denaro_totale>=10: $ rita_trust += 2 $ denaro_totale -= 10 r "Thank you very much!" m "I just like how you treat me as a customer." "She smiles at you." "Tip 50$." if denaro_totale>=50: $ rita_trust -= 3 r "Are you serious? I can't take this!" m "It's a tip for your service, Rita. Take it..." r "I don't want all that money. People could think bad about me. And that's a big sum too!" m "I don't care, I have plenty of money." r "And I don't like people showing off like that." m "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." r "That's all right." "She turns away and leaves." scene icecreamshop "You eat your dessert and enjoy it very much." "Rita is busy serving other customers in the meantime. She's very pretty when she's at work." "A rootbeer, please. (8$ - +1 charme)" if denaro_totale >=8: $ denaro_totale -= 8 $ charme += 1 show id_rita_rootbeer icecreamshop r "Here you are." m "Thank you very much." r "That's 8$." m "Here." menu: "Tip nothing": $ rita_trust -= 1 "Tip 1$." if denaro_totale>=1: r "Thank you." m "You're welcome." $ denaro_totale -= 1 "Tip 5$." if denaro_totale>=5: $ rita_trust += 1 $ denaro_totale -= 5 r "Thank you." m "You're welcome." "Tip 10$." if denaro_totale>=10: $ rita_trust += 2 $ denaro_totale -= 10 r "Thank you very much!" m "I just like how you treat me as a customer." "She smiles at you." "Tip 50$." if denaro_totale>=50: $ rita_trust -= 3 r "Are you serious? I can't take this!" m "It's a tip for your service, Rita. Take it..." r "I don't want all that money. People could think bad about me. And that's a big sum too!" m "I don't care, I have plenty of money." r "And I don't like people showing off like that." m "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." r "That's all right." "She turns away and leaves." scene icecreamshop "You eat your dessert and enjoy it very much." "Rita is busy serving other customers in the meantime. She's very pretty when she's at work." "I'd like a banana split! (15$ - +1 sexperience)" if denaro_totale >=15: $ denaro_totale -= 15 $ sexperience += 1 show id_rita_bananasplit icecreamshop r "Here you are." m "Thank you very much." r "That's 15$." m "Here." menu: "Tip nothing": $ rita_trust -= 1 "Tip 1$." if denaro_totale>=1: r "Thank you." m "You're welcome." $ denaro_totale -= 1 "Tip 5$." if denaro_totale>=5: $ rita_trust += 1 $ denaro_totale -= 5 r "Thank you." m "You're welcome." "Tip 10$." if denaro_totale>=10: $ rita_trust += 2 $ denaro_totale -= 10 r "Thank you very much!" m "I just like how you treat me as a customer." "She smiles at you." "Tip 50$." if denaro_totale>=50: $ rita_trust -= 3 r "Are you serious? I can't take this!" m "It's a tip for your service, Rita. Take it..." r "I don't want all that money. People could think bad about me. And that's a big sum too!" m "I don't care, I have plenty of money." r "And I don't like people showing off like that." m "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." r "That's all right." "She turns away and leaves." scene icecreamshop "You eat your dessert and enjoy it very much." "Rita is busy serving other customers in the meantime. She's very pretty when she's at work." "A scoop seeems good. (5$ - +1 knowledge)" if denaro_totale >=5: $ denaro_totale -= 5 $ knowledge += 1 show id_rita_scoop icecreamshop r "Here you are." m "Thank you very much." r "That's 5$." m "Here." menu: "Tip nothing": $ rita_trust -= 1 "Tip 1$." if denaro_totale>=1: r "Thank you." m "You're welcome." $ denaro_totale -= 1 "Tip 5$." if denaro_totale>=5: $ rita_trust += 1 $ denaro_totale -= 5 r "Thank you." m "You're welcome." "Tip 10$." if denaro_totale>=10: $ rita_trust += 2 $ denaro_totale -= 10 r "Thank you very much!" m "I just like how you treat me as a customer." "She smiles at you." "Tip 50$." if denaro_totale>=50: $ rita_trust -= 3 r "Are you serious? I can't take this!" m "It's a tip for your service, Rita. Take it..." r "I don't want all that money. People could think bad about me. And that's a big sum too!" m "I don't care, I have plenty of money." r "And I don't like people showing off like that." m "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." r "That's all right." "She turns away and leaves." scene icecreamshop "You eat your dessert and enjoy it very much." "Rita is busy serving other customers in the meantime. She's very pretty when she's at work." "Nothing right now, thanks.": show id_rita_normal m "I was just passing by." r "Really? That's so strange." menu: "I'd do anything just to look at you.": $ rita_trust -= 2 r "Please, remember I'm engaged to someone. Now if you don't mind I have paying customers to attend to." "She goes away and ignores you." "I just wanted to say hello to you, Rita.": r "That's cute of you. Thanks!" $ rita_trust += 1 "She smiles at you." r "I'm very sorry, I have customers waiting for me..." m "Of course! See you around!" "Finally, you're about to leave Miranda's shop." call rita_check from _call_rita_check_36 #azzera se inferiore a zero o pareggia se superiore a 15 jump rita_shop_flirt label rita_shop_flirt: $ icecream_discovered = 1 if id_rita_hangout == False: if rita_trust<4: $ rita_ctrust = 'DISCOMFORT' $ id_rita_love -= 20 "Rita seems very uncomfortable with you around." elif rita_trust>3 and rita_trust<7: $ rita_ctrust = 'INADEQUATE' $ id_rita_love -= 10 "Rita seems to ignore you any moment she can." elif rita_trust>6 and rita_trust<10: $ rita_ctrust = 'STANDARD' "Rita doesn't seem to be concerned by your presence." elif rita_trust>9 and rita_trust<13: $ rita_ctrust = 'GOOD' $ id_rita_love += 5 "Rita seems ok being around you." elif rita_trust>12 and rita_trust<16: $ rita_ctrust = 'VERY GOOD' $ id_rita_love += 10 "Rita looks like very happy to see you." elif rita_trust>15 and rita_trust<19: $ id_rita_love += 15 "Rita is smiling all the time when you're around." elif rita_trust>18: "Rita seems to really like you and is happy to have you around." $ id_rita_love += 20 menu: "Leave Miranda's.": return "Ask Rita out." if id_rita_failed == False and id_rita_hangout == False: scene icecreamshop show id_rita_normal "You approach Rita on a moment she doesn't seem busy with the customers." r "Yes?" m "I was wondering... would you like to hang out with me sometimes?" if rita_trust<4: $ rita_ctrust = 'DISCOMFORT' "She looks at you with a disgusted expression." r "I wouldn't do that even if you were the last man on the planet." m "I understand." "She turns her back and ignores you. You will need to be much more kind to her if you hope she'll change her mind." elif rita_trust>3 and rita_trust<7: $ rita_ctrust = 'INADEQUATE' r "I don't think so. Sorry." m "I see. I hope I didn't embarrass you." r "You didn't, but you're not my type." "She turns her back and gets distracted by customers." "You will need to be much more kind to her if you hope she'll change her mind." elif rita_trust>6 and rita_trust<10: $ rita_ctrust = 'STANDARD' r "I'm sorry but I don't think that's appropriate." m "I see. I hope I didn't embarrass you." r "You didn't, but you're not my type." "She turns her back and gets distracted by customers." "She doesn't trust you enough, you need to work a bit to impress her." elif rita_trust>9 and rita_trust<13: $ rita_ctrust = 'GOOD' r "Sorry, [player_name], but I don't think that would be appropriate." m "May I ask you why?" r "Because I have a boyfriend." m "I see." r "I'm sorry." m "Oh no, you don't need to be. I hope I didn't embarrass you." r "You didn't!" m "Another time perhaps." r "Another time." "She smiles at you and gets distracted by customers calling for her." elif rita_trust>12 and rita_trust<16: $ rita_ctrust = 'VERY GOOD' r "I'd like that but..." m "What's the matter?" r "I have a boyfriend, [player_name], I care for him." m "I wasn't suggesting you to betray him..." r "You're right, but I still don't think that would be appropriate." "She seems a bit sad saying this." m "I understand. Sorry if I embarrassed you." r "You didn't!" m "Another time perhaps." r "Another time." "She smiles at you and gets distracted by customers calling for her." elif rita_trust>15 and rita_trust<19: "Rita is smiling all the time when you're around." r "I'd like that but..." m "What's the matter?" r "I have a boyfriend, [player_name], I care for him." m "I wasn't suggesting you betray him..." r "You're right, but I still don't think that would be appropriate. I mean I like you but..." m "And I like you too!" r "Sorry, I can't." "She seems a bit sad saying this." m "I understand. Sorry if I embarrassed you." r "You didn't!" m "Another time perhaps." r "Another time." "She smiles at you and gets distracted by customers calling for her." "She said she likes you. Maybe if you insist in being nice to her..." elif rita_trust>18: "She looks at you for a moment, without saying anything." m "Are you all right?" r "Yeah. I was thinking about your proposal..." m "Was I inappropriate?" r "A little, since I have a boyfriend..." m "I wasn't suggesting you betray him..." r "You're right, but I don't know... I mean I like you but..." m "And I like you too!" "She thinks about it." r "It's just two friends hanging out, right?" m "Definitely!" r "All right, I'm in!" m "Wonderful!" r "Call me whenever you wish, we'll talk about where to go and what to do." m "Ok!" "Some customers call for her." r "I need to go." "She turns her lovely back and leaves." "You can now date Rita! Just pick your phone and ask her out on a date to impress her." "If you play your cards well you can reach her heart and maybe convince her to leave her boyfriend to stay with you." $ id_rita_hangout = True else: menu: "Leave Miranda's.": return "Get Rita's attention." if id_rita_failed == False: "Rita smiles at you when she walks near your table." "She doesn't say anything because she's at work, but you think she likes you." return $ skip_periods = 1 jump evening label id_rita_randomizer: if rita_app == "Pool": jump id_rita_pool_app elif rita_app == "Cinema": jump id_rita_cinema_app elif rita_app == "Ray": jump id_rita_ray_app label id_rita_pool_app: $ randomscreen = renpy.random.randint(1,3) $ randomnum = 1 if randomscreen == 1: scene id_rita_pool_1 elif randomscreen == 2: scene id_rita_pool_2 elif randomscreen == 3: scene id_rita_pool_3 if randomnum == 0: jump id_rita_randomizer else: if pool_paid == 1: "Since you already subscribed you only have to pay Rita's entry ticket." "That's 8$ for the whole evening." $ id_pool_price = 8 else: "Since you haven't signed a pool monthly subscription you need to pay both tickets." "That's 16$ for the whole evening." $ id_pool_price = 16 if denaro_totaleid_pool_price: $ denaro_totale -= id_pool_price else: menu: "Pay everything ($[id_pool_price])": $ rita_trust += 1 $ denaro_totale -= id_pool_price "Make Rita pay with an excuse": $ rita_trust -= 2 if tr_rita_known == 10: scene id_rita_pool_4 "You and Rita are getting along very well." r "[player_name], I was thinking..." m "Yes?" r "I feel good when I'm with you. You are a nice friend with me." m "That's a nice thing! Just a friend?" r "Of course. We agreed on this, didn't we?" menu: "I was hoping for something more... *go on with relationship*": r "Oh, I see..." m "I don't want to push you..." r "I need to think about this, [player_name]. I owe this to Luke." m "I understand." "She needs some more time but you think you are on the right track to win over her heart." "Yeah, just friends. *quit relationship*": $ id_rita_failed = True jump rita_failed elif tr_rita_known >= 20: scene id_rita_pool_4 "You think you already know Rita well enough to take this to the next step." "Next time you'll call her out something will surely happen, you are quite sure of that!" call rita_check from _call_rita_check_40 #azzera se inferiore a zero o pareggia se superiore a 15 return "You spend some time with Rita at the pool, talking to her about anything that crosses your minds." call rita_check from _call_rita_check_41 #azzera se inferiore a zero o pareggia se superiore a 15 jump id_rita_kn_randomizer label id_rita_cinema_app: $ randomnum = 1 if randomnum == 0: jump id_rita_randomizer else: scene id_cinema with fade "You have arrived to the movie theater!" "'Theater' may be a bold word, since in town the only thing resembling a cinema is a small room with just about twenty chairs (although very comfortable." if denaro_totale<12: "You don't have enough money even for your own ticket, so is up to Rita to pay everything. She won't appreciate this." $ rita_trust -= 2 elif denaro_totale >12 and denaro_totale <24: "You have just enough money for your own ticket, so Rita's going to pay for hers." $ rita_trust -= 1 $ denaro_totale -= 12 else: menu: "Pay both tickets ($24)": $ rita_trust += 1 $ denaro_totale -= 24 "Pay for yourself ($12)": $ rita_trust -= 1 $ denaro_totale -= 12 "Make Rita pay with an excuse": $ rita_trust -= 2 show id_rita_cinema_normal r "Hey [player_name], what are we going to watch tonight?" hide id_rita_cinema_normal show doctor_cinema m "I think..." menu: "An horror movie!": $ id_rita_cinema_horror_count += 1 $ id_rita_cinema_cartoon_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_romantic_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_dramatic_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_musical_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_scifi_count = 0 "She doesn't seems enthusiast about this choice." $ rita_trust -= 1 if tr_rita_kn_46: r "You know I don't like horror movies!" m "Sorry, I think I forgot that!" "She looks like she's pissed off by that." $ rita_trust -= 2 "A cartoon!": $ id_rita_cinema_horror_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_cartoon_count += 1 $ id_rita_cinema_romantic_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_dramatic_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_musical_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_scifi_count = 0 "She seems very happy about this choice of yours!" $ rita_trust += 1 if tr_rita_kn_46: r "You remembered I like cartoons!" m "Of course I do!" r "Oh, you're so nice!" $ rita_trust += 2 "A romantic movie!": $ id_rita_cinema_horror_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_cartoon_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_romantic_count += 1 $ id_rita_cinema_dramatic_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_musical_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_scifi_count = 0 "A dramatic movie!": $ id_rita_cinema_horror_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_cartoon_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_romantic_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_dramatic_count += 1 $ id_rita_cinema_musical_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_scifi_count = 0 "A musical!": $ id_rita_cinema_horror_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_cartoon_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_romantic_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_dramatic_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_musical_count += 1 $ id_rita_cinema_scifi_count = 0 "A sci-fi movie!": $ id_rita_cinema_horror_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_cartoon_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_romantic_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_dramatic_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_musical_count = 0 $ id_rita_cinema_scifi_count += 1 if id_rita_cinema_horror_count >2 or id_rita_cinema_cartoon_count >2 or id_rita_cinema_romantic_count >2 or id_rita_cinema_dramatic_count >2 or id_rita_cinema_musical_count >2 or id_rita_cinema_scifi_count >2: r "Again? We already saw that the last two times!" "Rita seems bored by your choices." $ rita_trust -= 2 m "Just another time! I promise this will be the last!" r "Yeah yeah, all right..." $ randomscreen = renpy.random.randint(1,3) if randomscreen == 1: scene id_rita_cinema_1 elif randomscreen == 2: scene id_rita_cinema_2 elif randomscreen == 3: scene id_rita_cinema_3 if tr_rita_known == 10: scene id_rita_pool_4 "You and Rita are getting along very well." r "[player_name], I was thinking..." m "Yes?" r "I feel good when I'm with you. You are a nice friend with me." m "That's a nice thing! Just a friend?" r "Of course. We agreed on this, didn't we?" menu: "I was hoping for something more... *go on with relationship*": r "Oh, I see..." m "I don't want to push you..." r "I need to think about this, [player_name]. I owe this to Luke." m "I understand." "Yeah, just friends. *quit relationship*": $ id_rita_failed = True jump rita_failed scene id_rita_pool_4 elif tr_rita_known >= 20: "You think you already know Rita well enough to take this to the next step." "Next time you'll call her out something will surely happen, you are quite sure of that!" call rita_check from _call_rita_check_42 #azzera se inferiore a zero o pareggia se superiore a 15 return "You spend some time with Rita, talking to her about anything that crosses your minds." call rita_check from _call_rita_check_43 #azzera se inferiore a zero o pareggia se superiore a 15 jump id_rita_kn_randomizer label id_rita_kn_randomizer: $ randomnum = renpy.random.randint(1,50) if randomnum == 0: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer if randomnum == 1: if tr_rita_kn_1 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_1 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_1]" elif randomnum == 2: if tr_rita_kn_2 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_2 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_2]" elif randomnum == 3: if tr_rita_kn_3 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_3 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_3]" elif randomnum == 4: if tr_rita_kn_4 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_4 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_4]" elif randomnum == 5: if tr_rita_kn_5 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_5 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_5]" elif randomnum == 6: if tr_rita_kn_6 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_6 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_6]" elif randomnum == 7: if tr_rita_kn_7 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_7 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_7]" elif randomnum == 8: if tr_rita_kn_8 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_8 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_8]" elif randomnum == 9: if tr_rita_kn_9 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_9 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_9]" elif randomnum == 10: if tr_rita_kn_10 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_10 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_10]" elif randomnum == 11: if tr_rita_kn_11 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_11 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_11]" elif randomnum == 12: if tr_rita_kn_12 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_12 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_12]" elif randomnum == 13: if tr_rita_kn_13 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_13 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_13]" elif randomnum == 14: if tr_rita_kn_14 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_1 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_14]" elif randomnum == 15: if tr_rita_kn_15 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_15 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_15]" elif randomnum == 16: if tr_rita_kn_16 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_16 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_16]" elif randomnum == 17: if tr_rita_kn_17 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_17 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_17]" elif randomnum == 18: if tr_rita_kn_18 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_18 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_18]" elif randomnum == 19: if tr_rita_kn_19 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_19 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_19]" elif randomnum == 20: if tr_rita_kn_20 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_20 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_20]" elif randomnum == 21: if tr_rita_kn_21 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_21 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_21]" elif randomnum == 22: if tr_rita_kn_22 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_22 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_22]" elif randomnum == 23: if tr_rita_kn_23 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_23 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_23]" elif randomnum == 24: if tr_rita_kn_24 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_24 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_24]" elif randomnum == 25: if tr_rita_kn_25 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_25 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_25]" elif randomnum == 26: if tr_rita_kn_26 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_26 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_26]" elif randomnum == 27: if tr_rita_kn_27 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_27 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_27]" elif randomnum == 28: if tr_rita_kn_28 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_28 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_28]" elif randomnum == 29: if tr_rita_kn_29 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_29 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_29]" elif randomnum == 30: if tr_rita_kn_30 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_30 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_30]" elif randomnum == 31: if tr_rita_kn_31 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_31 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_31]" elif randomnum == 32: if tr_rita_kn_32 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_32 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_32]" elif randomnum == 33: if tr_rita_kn_33 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_3 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_33]" elif randomnum == 34: if tr_rita_kn_34 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_34 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_34]" elif randomnum == 35: if tr_rita_kn_35 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_35 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_35]" elif randomnum == 36: if tr_rita_kn_36 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_36 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_36]" elif randomnum == 37: if tr_rita_kn_37 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_37 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_37]" elif randomnum == 38: if tr_rita_kn_38 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_38 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_38]" elif randomnum == 39: if tr_rita_kn_39 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_39 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_39]" elif randomnum == 40: if tr_rita_kn_40 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_40 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_40]" elif randomnum == 41: if tr_rita_kn_41 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_41 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_41]" elif randomnum == 42: if tr_rita_kn_42 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_42 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_42]" elif randomnum == 43: if tr_rita_kn_43 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_43 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_43]" elif randomnum == 44: if tr_rita_kn_44 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_44 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_44]" elif randomnum == 45: if tr_rita_kn_45 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_45 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_45]" elif randomnum == 46: if tr_rita_kn_46 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_46 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_46]" elif randomnum == 47: if tr_rita_kn_47 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_47 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_47]" elif randomnum == 48: if tr_rita_kn_48 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_48 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_48]" elif randomnum == 49: if tr_rita_kn_49 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_49 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_49]" elif randomnum == 50: if tr_rita_kn_50 == 1: jump id_rita_kn_randomizer else: $ tr_rita_kn_50 = 1 $ tr_rita_known += 1 "You find out that Rita [tr_rita_50]" "You return home happy that the date went well!" "The rest of the evening passes uneventful." $ rita_app = "" $ skip_periods = 1 jump evening label rita_failed: scene black with fade "Rita asks you to join her at Ray's because she needs to talk." scene hangout2 with fade "She tells you that your relationship is not going to progress any further, given the circumstances." scene id_rita_bar_kiss_fail with fade "You try to kiss her one more time but she rejects you and then she walks away, leaving you alone in the bar." $ rita_app = "" $ skip_periods = 1 jump evening label id_rita_ray_app: $ randomnum = 1 if randomnum == 0: jump id_rita_randomizer else: scene hangout2 with fade "You go to Ray's bar, it's pretty crowded when you get inside. People are drinking, chatting, challenging each other to the pool table and some are even dancing." "It's a whole another place in the late evening. You always miss something when you come here by yourself it seems." r "So? What about a drink?" m "Of course! What can I get you?" r "Surprise me!" scene hangout1 "You approach the counter, Ray stares at you and then nods towards Rita." Ra "So, what can I get you?" "Each drink costs 8$." if denaro_totale<16: "You don't have enough money. You need to borrow some from Rita, she doesn't seem very happy about it." $ rita_trust -= 2 $ denaro_totale+=16 menu: "Two beers.": $ denaro_totale -= 16 $ rita_trust -= 1 "Martini Dry, on the rocks.": $ denaro_totale -= 16 $ rita_trust -= 1 "Cuba Libre.": $ denaro_totale -= 16 $ rita_trust += 1 "Sex on the beach.": $ denaro_totale -= 16 $ rita_trust += 1 scene id_rita_ray_1 "You drink together and spend some good time chatting to each other." "Rita seems to enjoy the place so much that she starts to dance." "Despite her invitations, you really aren't a dancing guy, so you prefer to watch her hitting the dance floor with sexy movements." $ randomscreen = renpy.random.randint(1,3) if randomscreen == 1: scene id_rita_ray_2 elif randomscreen == 2: scene id_rita_ray_3 elif randomscreen == 3: scene id_rita_ray_4 if tr_rita_known == 10: scene hangout1 "You and Rita are getting along very well." r "[player_name], I was thinking..." m "Yes?" r "I feel good when I'm with you. You are a nice friend with me." m "That's a nice thing! Just a friend?" r "Of course. We agreed on this, didn't we?" menu: "I was hoping for something more... *go on with relationship*": r "Oh, I see..." m "I don't want to push you..." r "I need to think about this, [player_name]. I owe this to Luke." m "I understand." "She needs some more time but you think you are on the right track to win over her heart." "Yeah, just friends. *quit relationship*": scene id_rita_bar_kiss_fail "You try to kiss her but she rejects you. It looks like your chances with Rita are now zero!" $ id_rita_failed = True jump rita_failed elif tr_rita_known >= 20: scene id_rita_bar_kiss "You think you already know Rita well enough to take this to the next step." "Next time you'll call her out something will surely happen, you are quite sure of that!" call rita_check from _call_rita_check_44 #azzera se inferiore a zero o pareggia se superiore a 15 return "You spend some time with Rita, you talk with her about everything." call rita_check from _call_rita_check_45 #azzera se inferiore a zero o pareggia se superiore a 15 jump id_rita_kn_randomizer label id_rita_dinner_invite: "Rita picks up the phone." r "[player_name]! I was just about to phone you." m "Hi Rita, what happened?" r "I wanted to ask you if you'd like to join us tonight for dinner." m "At your place?" r "Why yes, of course!" m "All right, count me in! Will Luke be of the party?" r "Of course he will! He wanted to know you since I always talk about our friendship and all..." "'And all'? Is he really telling him we see each other so often?" "I don't think so, he wouldn't invite me for dinner if that was the case..." m "All right, Rita, I'll see you tonight!" r "Can't wait!" "*Tonight you'll be dining over Rita and Luke's house. You must choose what to wear and have a shower before you go." "***Remember to SAVE GAME before going to the dinner because you won't be able to save and load until the event is over.***" "***Each saved game will automatically prompt you to this screen, so beware of your choices!***" $ rita_app = "Dinner" $ date = 1 $ day_noreset = 1 jump day label id_rita_dinner_app: scene id_rita_house with fade "Rita's house is so beautiful, even from the outside! It's no wonder a girl so young decided to go and live with her boyfriend!" scene puppies "On the outside of the house, you can see some dog puppies playing around. They're so cute you can't resist and play with them." u "Hello, you must be [player_name]!" show luke_normal "You turn around and see a smiling man walking towards you from the backyard. He looks very handsome and way older than Rita." m "Pleased to meet you. [player_name] [player_surname]." Lu "Luke Baynfield. Welcome to our home, Rita speaks very highly of you!" m "Indeed?" "You shake hands and enter the house. Inside it's a big, clean house. There are no luxury items whatsoever, it looks like a plain, big, simple country home." "Some of the dogs run around the corridors barking vigorously." Lu "Do you like dogs?" menu: "I love dogs!": $ rita_trust += 1 r "He loves them a lot, actually!" "Not very much...": $ rita_trust -= 2 r "Really? I thought you loved them!" "Rita is stepping down the stairs, she must've overheard you from the upper floor." "Her dress is awesome, fits her like a glove." m "I don't recall to ever said anything like that..." r "My mistake, then." "She smiles at you and gives a quick kiss on Luke's lips." Lu "Allow me ten minutes for a quick shower and I'll be back soon." m "Of course, Luke, I'll wait here." r "I'll keep the doctor company." "Luke smiles at you one last time and goes upstairs, leaving you alone with Rita." r "Please, have a seat!" m "Thank you." r "It's nice to have you here." m "The reason I came here..." r "Yes?" m "I need to understand what's between us, Rita." "She looks like a bit nervous." r "[player_name]... I'm very happy here with Luke, he deserves..." m "He deserves the truth. What about everything we shared in the past weeks?" r "Yeah..." "You hear footsteps behind you and you both stop talking." Lu "I didn't want to interrupt... Are you both all right?" r "Yes of course! I was asking [player_name] if I have to keep my meds for the back pain..." Lu "C'mon Rita, don't make your friend work when he's a guest in our house." r "You're right Luke. Let's go, dinner's almost ready!" scene id_rita_dinner with fade "You dine together and talk about many topics." "Luke is a nice guy, it's a pleasure talking to him." "Rita seems distracted for the whole evening, up until it's time for you to leave." scene id_rita_house_night with fade show luke_normal Lu "It was a pleasure, [player_name]!" hide luke_normal show doctor_normal_nocoat m "Pleasure is mine. Thanks for the dinner." "Rita doesn't really say goodbye for some reason. She seems sad." hide doctor_normal_nocoat Lu "Are you all right?" show luke_confused hide luke_confused show rita_normal r "Yes, yes of course! Goodbye Doctor!" "'Doctor'?" menu: "Goodbye Miss Maxwell!": $ rita_trust -= 1 "Goodbye Rita!": $ rita_trust += 1 hide rita_normal show doctor_flirty_nocoat m "Oh, Luke, before I go..." "He's still looking to his girlfriend's sad face." hide doctor_flirty_nocoat show luke_confused Lu "Yeah?" hide luke_confused menu: "I'd like to buy a dog from you, if it's possible! (300$)" if denaro_totale >=300: $ rita_trust += 5 "Rita seems very happy, she's smiling full face now!" Lu "That's nice! Of course, it's possible!" "You can now buy a dog from Luke. He will be your best friend and partner from now on." "You just need to feed him regularly! The dog will unlock special events in the game too!" menu: "I'd like a beagle!": $ id_dog = "Beagle" show luke_normal Lu "That's a very nice choice! Just wait a moment here, please!" hide luke_normal show rita_normal "Luke goes to the backyard to take your puppy." r "So... A dog uh? You really surprised me with that!" hide rita_normal show doctor_normal_nocoat m "I always wanted a dog, actually. I just thought this was going to be the right time!" "Luke comes back with the dog." Lu "Here you are!" hide doctor_normal_nocoat show id_beagle_hug "You hug your new friend." m "That's wonderful! So warm and soft..." r "Wait until he grows up!" "You both laugh." m "All right guys, see you 'round." Lu "Goodbye [player_name]!" r "Goodbye [player_name]!" "I'd like a black Labrador!": $ id_dog = "Labrador" show luke_normal Lu "That's a very nice choice! Just wait a moment here, please!" hide luke_normal show rita_normal "Luke goes to the backyard to take your puppy." r "So... A dog uh? You really surprised me with that!" hide rita_normal show doctor_normal_nocoat m "I always wanted a dog, actually. I just thought this was going to be the right time!" "Luke comes back with the dog." Lu "Here you are!" hide doctor_normal_nocoat show id_labrador_hug "You hug your new friend." m "That's wonderful! So warm and soft..." r "Wait until he grows up!" "You both laugh." m "All right guys, see you 'round." Lu "Goodbye [player_name]!" r "Goodbye [player_name]!" "I'd like a Great Dane!": $ id_dog = "Great Dane" show luke_normal Lu "That's a very nice choice! Just wait a moment here, please!" hide luke_normal show rita_normal "Luke goes to the backyard to take your puppy." r "So... A dog uh? You really surprised me with that!" hide rita_normal show doctor_normal_nocoat m "I always wanted a dog, actually. I just thought this was going to be the right time!" "Luke comes back with the dog." Lu "Here you are!" hide doctor_normal_nocoat show id_greatdane_hug "You hug your new friend." m "That's wonderful! So warm and soft..." r "Wait until he grows up!" "You both laugh." m "All right guys, see you 'round." Lu "Goodbye [player_name]!" r "Goodbye [player_name]!" "Your girlfriend and I...": $ id_rita_failed = True $ rita_trust = 1 show doctor_embarassed_nocoat m "...have been together in the last few weeks." hide doctor_embarassed_nocoat show rita_angry r "[player_name]! Have you lost your mind?" hide rita_angry show luke_angry Lu "Is that true, Rita?" hide luke_angry show rita_angry r "Of course not!" hide rita_angry show doctor_embarassed_nocoat m "Believe it or not, I don't want to take part in this." "Luke's shocked, Rita's crying..." "It's the right moment to go away." hide doctor_embarassed_nocoat "Hmm, nothing.": $ rita_trust -= 1 show luke_normal Lu "Well then, see you soon Dr. [player_name]!" hide luke_normal show rita_normal r "Goodbye [player_name]" hide rita_normal show doctor_normal_nocoat m "Goodbye. Thanks for the dinner." call rita_check from _call_rita_check_46 jump id_rita_final label id_rita_final: scene salotto with fade "Here you are, back at your place. Alone." if id_dog <>'None': "Well, not really alone: the dog's there with you!" "You suddenly realize you still have to choose a name for it!" $ dog_name = renpy.input("What's the dog's name?") $ dog_name = dog_name.strip() "Is the dog male or female?" menu: "Male": $ dog_gender = "M" "Female": $ dog_gender = "F" if dog_gender == "M": "[dog_name] barks when you call his name out loudly. He seems to like it!" else: "[dog_name] barks when you call her name out loudly. She seems to like it!" "The dinner with Rita was exactly what you thought it would be: uneventful." if id_rita_failed == True: "All relationships with Rita have been broken and you think she won't date you again." "Maybe it's for the better." $ rita_app = "" $ skip_periods = 1 jump evening else: "You still don't understand if you broke up with her or not." "You don't even know if she'll ever leave her boyfriend." play sound "soundfx/id_doorbell_doctor.mp3" $ renpy.pause(2.0) "Looks like someone's at the door. It's somewhat late, you wonder who'd be?" "You open up the door and you find Rita waiting at the door. She's crying." show id_rita_final_cry menu: "Rita? What happened?": $ rita_trust += 1 "What do you want?": $ rita_trust -= 1 call rita_check from _call_rita_check_47 if rita_trust >= 16: r "I wanted to see you!" m "What about Luke? I thought..." r "I opened my eyes, I can't be with him anymore!" hide id_rita_final_cry show id_rita_final_cry_2 m "That's not what I saw tonight..." hide id_rita_final_cry_2 show id_rita_final_cry r "I think I'm beginning to love you, [player_name]!" menu: "I love you too! *make her your girlfriend*": jump id_rita_final_test "I don't Rita, sorry! *break up with her*": $ id_rita_failed = True hide id_rita_final_cry_2 show id_rita_final_leave "A lone tear crosses her cheek, you wipe it out with the sleeve of your shirt." "She then leaves your place. The elevator door behind her back is the last thing you see of her." $ rita_app = "" $ skip_periods = 1 jump evening else: $ id_rita_failed = True r "[player_name], I wanted to talk to you." m "What's going on, Rita?" hide id_rita_final_cry show id_rita_final_cry_2 r "You see, I've been thinking about everything that happened between us over the last few weeks." m "And I think you made your choice after all: you're staying with Luke, won't you?" r "Yeah, I think I will." m "You don't have to explain anything. I understand." r "I just wanted you to know that you've been so nice to me... I really care about you [player_name]!" m "Me too, but I guess it wasn't our destiny to be together." hide id_rita_final_cry_2 show id_rita_final_leave r "Yeah, I believe so myself." "You look at each other for a few minutes then she hugs you one last time and leaves." "The elevator door behind her back is the last thing you see of her." $ rita_app = "" $ skip_periods = 1 jump evening label id_rita_final_test: hide id_rita_final_cry show id_rita_final_cry_2 r "You do?" m "Do you doubt me?" r "No, still..." m "Still what?" r "You have a reputation as a Casanova, [player_name]. I'm about to leave Luke to be with you... How can I be sure about it?" m "You'll just have to trust me I guess..." r "Do you know me well enough? Do you listen to what I say when we're out?" m "Of course I do!" jump id_rita_final_randomizer label id_rita_final_ok: r "So you really care about me!" m "I told you!" "Rita leans over and kisses you deeply." "You kiss her back, her tongue search for yours, thirsty, angry..." "It's almost as if she was pulling herself back all the time." $ id_rita_gf = True $ id_rita_night = True $ girlfriend += 1 if girlfriend == 1: $ get_achievement("TIC", trans=achievement_transform) scene id_rita_sex_1 with fade "You find yourself in your room. You don't even remember how you got there in the first place!" "You undress Rita as she undresses you, pulling pieces of clothing all over the floor." scene id_rita_sex_2 with fade "You begin to have sex with her, exploring her body, touching it as you couldn't have during the medical examination." "You feel her all over as she kisses you." scene id_rita_sex_3 with fade "You look into her brown eyes as she moves over your body. You're both sweating but you don't care at all." "Entangled in your love you finally cum together, smiling happily at each other, holding your hands." scene black with fade "Rita sleeps with you tonight since she hasn't anywhere to go. Tomorrow morning she'll go to stay at a friend's house until you sort something out." "She will need some time, but it looks like she finally chose you over Luke." $ rita_app = "" #$ skip_periods = 1 jump night label id_rita_final_ko: hide id_rita_final_cry_2 show id_rita_final_leave r "You see, I've been thinking about everything that happened between us over the last few weeks." m "And I think you made your choice after all: you're staying with Luke, won't you?" r "Yeah, I think I will." m "You don't have to explain anything. I understand." r "I just wanted you to know that you've been so nice to me... I really care about you [player_name]!" m "Me too, but I guess it wasn't our destiny to be together." r "Yeah, I believe so myself." "You look at each other for a few minutes then she hugs you one last time and leaves." "The elevator door behind her back is the last thing you see of her." #$ skip_periods = 1 jump night label id_rita_final_randomizer: if tr_rita_ok >= 5: jump id_rita_final_ok elif tr_rita_ko >=5: jump id_rita_final_ko else: $ randomnum = renpy.random.randint(1,50) jump id_rita_final_questions label id_rita_final_questions: if randomnum == 1 and tr_rita_kn_1 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_1 == 0 r "What's my favourite pet?" menu: "The rabbit!": r "No, it isn't!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "The dog!": r "Right." $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "The cat!": r "No, it isn't!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==1 and tr_rita_kn_1 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 2: $ tr_rita_kn_2 == 0 r "What's my character around people?" menu: "You are very shy around people.": r "Indeed I am." $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "You are very comfortable around people!": r "No I'm not." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "You don't like people at all!": r "That's not true!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 3 and tr_rita_kn_3 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_3 == 0 r "What's my sister name?" menu: "Dany.": r "No, it isn't!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "You don't have a sister!": r "I do have a sister!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Connie.": r "No, it isn't!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Jenny.": r "Yes!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==3 and tr_rita_kn_3 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 4 and tr_rita_kn_4 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_4 == 0 r "What name I want my future daughter to have?" menu: "Dany.": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "You don't want kids!": r "Yes I do!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Connie.": r "Yes!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "Jenny.": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==4 and tr_rita_kn_4 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 5: $ tr_rita_kn_5 == 0 r "What's my boyfriend name?" menu: "Daniel.": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Lucas": r "No." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Anakin": r "No. That's his father's." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Luke": r "Yes." $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 6 and tr_rita_kn_6 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_6 == 0 r "What's my boyfriend's job?" menu: "He's a dog breeder.": r "Yeah." $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "He's a trucker.": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "He's a cop.": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==6 and tr_rita_kn_6 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 7 and tr_rita_kn_7 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_7 == 0 r "How old is my boyfriend?" menu: "He's 5 years older than you.": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "He's 10 years older than you.": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "He's 15 years older than you.": r "Yeah." $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==7 and tr_rita_kn_7 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 8 and tr_rita_kn_8 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_8 == 0 r "What's my best friend's name?" menu: "Judith!": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Anne!": r "Yeah!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "Connie!": r "No!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Laura!": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==8 and tr_rita_kn_8 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 9 and tr_rita_kn_9 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_9 == 0 r "What's my favourite ice-cream?" menu: "Vanilla!": r "Yeah!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "Chocolate!": r "No!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Strawberry!": r "No!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Pistacchio!": r "No!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==9 and tr_rita_kn_9 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 10: $ tr_rita_kn_10 == 0 r "Do I like chocolate?" menu: "No, you don't.": r "Right!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "Of course you do!": r "No I don't!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 11: $ tr_rita_kn_11 == 0 r "Do I like to dance with other people?" menu: "No, you don't.": r "Yes I do!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Of course you do!": r "Right!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 12: $ tr_rita_kn_12 == 0 r "Do I like to drink?" menu: "No, you don't.": r "Yes I do, altough not too much!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Of course you do!": r "Not really." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Yes, but not too much!": r "Right!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 13 and tr_rita_kn_13 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_13 == 0 r "Do I ride?" menu: "No, you don't.": r "Yes I do, and I like it!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Only my cock!": r "How rude!" $ tr_rita_ko += 2 "Yes, you enjoy horseriding a lot!": r "Right!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==13 and tr_rita_kn_13 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 14: $ tr_rita_kn_14 == 0 r "Can I speak Italian?" menu: "Sì, of course!": r "Ahahah, nice one!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "No, you don't": r "Yes I do! Parlo abbastanza bene l'italiano!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 15 and tr_rita_kn_15 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_15 == 0 r "My grandparents came from Europe. From which country?" menu: "Albania!": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "England!": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Germany!": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Italy!": r "Yeah." $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==15 and tr_rita_kn_15 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 16: $ tr_rita_kn_16 == 0 r "Trump or Hillary?" menu: "Trump!": r "Indeed!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "Hillary!": r "No, I guess not!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 17: $ tr_rita_kn_17 == 0 r "Do you think I am a jealous type?" menu: "Yes you are!": r "No I'm not!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "No, you aren't": r "Right!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 18 and tr_rita_kn_18 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_18 == 0 r "What part of my body I really don't like?" menu: "Your height.": r "Right!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "Your face.": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Your ass.": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Your back.": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==18 and tr_rita_kn_18 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 19 and tr_rita_kn_19 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_19 == 0 r "What's my favourite exotic animal?" menu: "The ape!": r "Nope!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "The turtle!": r "Yeah!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "The alligator!": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "The boa constrictor!": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==19 and tr_rita_kn_19 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 20 and tr_rita_kn_20 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_20 == 0 r "Which pet I really don't like?" menu: "The rabbit!": r "No." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "The dog!": r "No." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "The cat!": r "Yeah." $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==20 and tr_rita_kn_20 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 21: $ tr_rita_kn_21 == 0 r "Phone call or text message?" menu: "Text message!": r "Yeah!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "Phone call!": r "No." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 22 and tr_rita_kn_22 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_22 == 0 r "Star Trek or Meet Joe Black?" menu: "Star Trek!": r "No, that's not my cup of tea!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Meet Joe Black!": r "Of course!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==22 and tr_rita_kn_22 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 23 and tr_rita_kn_23 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_23 == 0 r "Star Trek or Meet Joe Black?" menu: "Star Trek!": r "No, that's not my cup of tea!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Meet Joe Black!": r "Of course!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==23 and tr_rita_kn_23 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 24 and tr_rita_kn_24 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_24 == 0 r "Did I like going to school?" menu: "No, you didn't.": r "Yes I did." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Yes you did!": r "Right!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==24 and tr_rita_kn_24 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 25: $ tr_rita_kn_25 == 0 r "How many guys I had before Luke?" menu: "None": r "Correct." $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "1": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "2": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Many, being a bitch.": r "What did you just say?" $ tr_rita_ko += 5 jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 26: $ tr_rita_kn_26 == 0 r "How old was I when me and Luke got together?" r "I remember telling you that during my medical examination." menu: "15": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "16": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "17": r "Yeah." $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "18": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 27 and tr_rita_kn_27 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_27 == 0 r "How many kids I'd like to have one day?" menu: "None": r "No." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "1": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "2": r "Yeah" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "3": r "No." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==27 and tr_rita_kn_27 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 28 and tr_rita_kn_28 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_28 == 0 r "Which animal I fear the most?" menu: "None!": r "No." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Snakes!": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Rats!": r "No." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Spiders!": r "Yeah. Eek." $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==28 and tr_rita_kn_28 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 29 and tr_rita_kn_29 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_29 == 0 r "City or country?" menu: "None!": r "No." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "City!": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Country!": r "Yeah, definitely!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==29 and tr_rita_kn_29 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 30 and tr_rita_kn_30 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_30 == 0 r "Rock or country?" menu: "None!": r "No." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Rock !": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Country!": r "Yeah, definitely!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==30 and tr_rita_kn_30 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 31 and tr_rita_kn_31 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_31 == 0 r "Billy Ray Cyrus or Bob Marley?" menu: "None!": r "No." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Billy Ray!": r "Of course!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "Bob Marley!": r "Not really!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==31 and tr_rita_kn_31 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 32 and tr_rita_kn_32 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_32 == 0 r "When I'll get gray hair which color will I paint my hair with?" menu: "You wouldn't!": r "Yes I would!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Red!": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Black!": r "Not really!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Blonde!": r "Yeah!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==32 and tr_rita_kn_32 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 33 and tr_rita_kn_33 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_33 == 0 r "Were you planning to celebrate my birthday next year?" menu: "Not at all!": r "Good, as I would've hated that." $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "Of course!": r "I hate to celebrate my birthday!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==33 and tr_rita_kn_33 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 34 and tr_rita_kn_34 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_34 == 0 r "Did I tell you about my sexual preferences?" menu: "No, you haven't": r "Yes I have!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "You're straight!": r "Yeah." $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "You're lesbian!": r "No I'm not." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "You're bisexual!": r "No I'm not." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==34 and tr_rita_kn_34 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 35 and tr_rita_kn_35 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_35 == 0 r "Do I like to be cuddled before making love?" menu: "Yes you do.": r "You're right!" m "And I hope to find out that myself soon!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 if tr_rita_ko < tr_rita_ok: r "I don't know about that yet..." else: "She smiles at you." "No, you don't": r "Yes I do!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==35 and tr_rita_kn_35 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 36 and tr_rita_kn_36 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_36 == 0 r "Do I smoke cigarettes?" menu: "Yes you do.": r "You're wrong!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "No, you don't": r "You're right!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==36 and tr_rita_kn_36 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 37 and tr_rita_kn_37 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_37 == 0 r "Am I vegetarian or vegan?" menu: "None of them!": r "Nice catch!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "Vegetarian!": r "I am not." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Vegan!": r "I am not." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==37 and tr_rita_kn_37 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 38 and tr_rita_kn_38 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_38 == 0 r "Who's my favourite actor?" menu: "Orlando Bloom.": r "Nope!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Leonardo Di Caprio.": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Bill Murray.": r "Indeed!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "Steve Martin.": r "Nope." $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==38 and tr_rita_kn_38 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 39 and tr_rita_kn_39 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_39 == 0 r "Do I like to sing?" menu: "Yes you do.": r "You're wrong!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "No, you don't": r "You're wrong!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==39 and tr_rita_kn_39 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 40 and tr_rita_kn_40 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_40 == 0 r "Do I like when people shout?" menu: "Yes you do.": r "You're wrong!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "No, you don't": r "You're right!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==40 and tr_rita_kn_40 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 41 and tr_rita_kn_41 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_41 == 0 r "Do I like rich people?" menu: "Yes, every one every time!": r "You're wrong!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "No, you don't": r "You're wrong!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "Yes, unless they show off their wealth too much.": r "Yeah." $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==41 and tr_rita_kn_41 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 42 and tr_rita_kn_42 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_42 == 0 r "Would I want to buy an horse?" menu: "Yes you do.": r "Definitely!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "No, you don't": r "You're wrong!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==42 and tr_rita_kn_42 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 43 and tr_rita_kn_43 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_43 == 0 r "How old was I when I first made sex?" menu: "15": r "Not at all!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "17": r "Not at all!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "21": r "Yeah, you remember right!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "23": r "Not at all!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==43 and tr_rita_kn_43 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 44 and tr_rita_kn_44 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_44 == 0 r "Do I like when people call me 'Princess'?" menu: "Yes you do.": r "You're wrong!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "No, you don't": r "You're right!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==44 and tr_rita_kn_44 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 45 and tr_rita_kn_45 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_45 == 0 r "Do I like anime?" menu: "Yes you do.": r "You're right!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "No, you don't": r "You're wrong!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==45 and tr_rita_kn_45 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 46 and tr_rita_kn_46 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_46 == 0 r "Do I like horror movies?" menu: "Yes you do.": r "You're wrong!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "No, you don't": r "You're right!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==46 and tr_rita_kn_46 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 47 and tr_rita_kn_47 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_47 == 0 r "Do I like cartoons?" menu: "Yes you do.": r "You're right!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "No, you don't": r "You're wrong!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==47 and tr_rita_kn_47 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 48 and tr_rita_kn_48 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_48 == 0 r "Do I usually make breakfast?" menu: "Yes you do.": r "You're right!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "No, you don't": r "You're wrong!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==48 and tr_rita_kn_48 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 49 and tr_rita_kn_49 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_49 == 0 r "What do I hate most?" menu: "People's bad breath.": r "You're right!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 "People's bad moods.": r "You're wrong!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "People's bad habits.": r "You're wrong!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "People's bad english.": r "You're wrong!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==49 and tr_rita_kn_49 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer if randomnum == 50 and tr_rita_kn_50 == 1: $ tr_rita_kn_50 == 0 r "Do I believe in God?" menu: "Yes you do.": r "Not quite, sorry!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "No, you don't.": r "Not quite, sorry!" $ tr_rita_ko += 1 "You don't know yourself but you're not much into religion.": r "Yeah!" $ tr_rita_ok += 1 jump id_rita_final_randomizer elif randomnum==50 and tr_rita_kn_50 == 0: jump id_rita_final_randomizer