# TODO: Translation updated at 2018-01-20 19:55 # game/script.rpy:1097 translate english start_1235a5f2: # kam "War, war never changes." kam "War, war never changes." # game/script.rpy:1098 translate english start_31a18636: # kam "Now it is your turn to save the world." kam "Now it is your turn to save the world." # game/script.rpy:1175 translate english main_81efc3ef: # k "New day come." k "New day come." # game/script.rpy:1179 translate english main_61040a0f: # tvc "Hello mister.I'm looking for safe place to live." tvc "Hello mister.I'm looking for safe place to live." # game/script.rpy:1180 translate english main_a1d2082e: # k "What? is this some kind of safehouse?" k "What? is this some kind of safehouse?" # game/script.rpy:1184 translate english main_dff57930: # o "Actualy this is main purpose of this vault." o "Actualy this is main purpose of this vault." # game/script.rpy:1185 translate english main_16052fe1: # k "Ahaaa so I should be happy?" k "Ahaaa so I should be happy?" # game/script.rpy:1186 translate english main_a17c8ced: # o "Yes I invite her." o "Yes I invite her." # game/script.rpy:1187 translate english main_5d5139c2: # o "Hello welcome in this vault. Your bedroom is prepared." o "Hello welcome in this vault. Your bedroom is prepared." # game/script.rpy:1190 translate english main_c11abd7b: # tvc "Thank you very much." tvc "Thank you very much." # game/script.rpy:1191 translate english main_f8dfc306: # o "Wow first one is finally here." o "Wow first one is finally here." # game/script.rpy:1197 translate english main_d152180a: # h "Hello stranger you have nice shelter." h "Hello stranger you have nice shelter." # game/script.rpy:1200 translate english main_4a64acd4: # o "Alert we have intruder!" o "Alert we have intruder!" # game/script.rpy:1201 translate english main_7f13205d: # h "I'm here three hours and no one see me so you have bad deffence systems." h "I'm here three hours and no one see me so you have bad deffence systems." # game/script.rpy:1205 translate english main_48440e93: # o "Shut up my systems is perfect." o "Shut up my systems is perfect." # game/script.rpy:1209 translate english main_4fb7b7f1: # h "No beauty you suck like your fat unreal body." h "No beauty you suck like your fat unreal body." # game/script.rpy:1213 translate english main_931441d4: # k "Girls calm down." k "Girls calm down." # game/script.rpy:1214 translate english main_1b25e55d: # k "Miss intruder. Can I help you?" k "Miss intruder. Can I help you?" # game/script.rpy:1218 translate english main_3a1c6f54: # h "Yes i find here some worknig mini nuca-reactors." h "Yes i find here some worknig mini nuca-reactors." # game/script.rpy:1219 translate english main_2280bf65: # k "Ok. I didnt know I have some here." k "Ok. I didnt know I have some here." # game/script.rpy:1220 translate english main_0338d0d4: # h "Ou you are so stupid that is adorable." h "Ou you are so stupid that is adorable." # game/script.rpy:1221 translate english main_4cda2fe9: # k "..... thank you." k "..... thank you." # game/script.rpy:1222 translate english main_cd5b2a3f: # h "Anyway. I need 1 for my personal needs." h "Anyway. I need 1 for my personal needs." # game/script.rpy:1225 translate english main_2e513c58: # k "Sorry girl I realy cant give it to you." k "Sorry girl I realy cant give it to you." # game/script.rpy:1228 translate english main_732064ac: # h "Ok if is that your last world." h "Ok if is that your last world." # game/script.rpy:1229 translate english main_552c110d: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:1230 translate english main_415c5009: # h "See you soon." h "See you soon." # game/script.rpy:1233 translate english main_cb3dfc25: # o "She steal one of ours nuca - reactors!" o "She steal one of ours nuca - reactors!" # game/script.rpy:1234 translate english main_c6480f5b: # k "Shit can we run vault without it?" k "Shit can we run vault without it?" # game/script.rpy:1235 translate english main_206cd688: # o "Yes we have many of them in supply room." o "Yes we have many of them in supply room." # game/script.rpy:1236 translate english main_48fb0446: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:1237 translate english main_4e5a1a8c: # k "Why you tell this now?" k "Why you tell this now?" # game/script.rpy:1238 translate english main_538171f6: # o "Sorry." o "Sorry." # game/script.rpy:1241 translate english main_283eb316: # k "Ok Girl how many coins you can spare?" k "Ok Girl how many coins you can spare?" # game/script.rpy:1242 translate english main_ce33d7d7: # h "Arround 500?" h "Arround 500?" # game/script.rpy:1243 translate english main_b820d29d: # k "Ok... and what more you can give to me?" k "Ok... and what more you can give to me?" # game/script.rpy:1244 translate english main_779cdd0e: # h "I can take off one part of my overal." h "I can take off one part of my overal." # game/script.rpy:1245 translate english main_e6222e6e: # k "DEAL!" k "DEAL!" # game/script.rpy:1249 translate english main_f7fce3d1: # h "hehe." h "hehe." # game/script.rpy:1250 translate english main_208b2ad0: # k "That is not fair." k "That is not fair." # game/script.rpy:1251 translate english main_448317d9: # h "Deal is deal. Bye." h "Deal is deal. Bye." # game/script.rpy:1257 translate english main_b410b9fb: # o "That was rude! But we have some coins." o "That was rude! But we have some coins." # game/script.rpy:1258 translate english main_9d47b983: # k "But i don't saw her boobs... or face..." k "But i don't saw her boobs... or face..." # game/script.rpy:1261 translate english main_46319b7a: # k "This is unactaptable. Go out." k "This is unactaptable. Go out." # game/script.rpy:1262 translate english main_036755a3: # h "???" h "???" # game/script.rpy:1265 translate english main_35408832: # o "Yes run out bitch!" o "Yes run out bitch!" # game/script.rpy:1267 translate english main_bdc94f9e: # o "We did it she leave." o "We did it she leave." # game/script.rpy:1272 translate english main_adeef8d0: # h "Hello again." h "Hello again." # game/script.rpy:1275 translate english main_c095d138: # o "That bitch! How she get here?" o "That bitch! How she get here?" # game/script.rpy:1276 translate english main_67081825: # k "It looks like you have some serious safety problem Obee." k "It looks like you have some serious safety problem Obee." # game/script.rpy:1277 translate english main_190da5d3: # o "No I don't!" o "No I don't!" # game/script.rpy:1278 translate english main_e40b197e: # h "Yes you have cow. I can turn you off!" h "Yes you have cow. I can turn you off!" # game/script.rpy:1279 translate english main_2ca967a9: # o "What?" o "What?" # game/script.rpy:1282 translate english main_74bbdcf8: # o "Master!" o "Master!" # game/script.rpy:1284 translate english main_02f16093: # h "That was easy. But it will work only for 30 second." h "That was easy. But it will work only for 30 second." # game/script.rpy:1285 translate english main_c32c77f5: # k "We can tell her to be good next time." k "We can tell her to be good next time." # game/script.rpy:1286 translate english main_035e9f3d: # k "What can I do for you?" k "What can I do for you?" # game/script.rpy:1287 translate english main_e805319f: # h "I need some parts more from your vault." h "I need some parts more from your vault." # game/script.rpy:1290 translate english main_720428d8: # o "Don't do that again!" o "Don't do that again!" # game/script.rpy:1291 translate english main_15c7c63b: # h "Grumpy is back online." h "Grumpy is back online." # game/script.rpy:1292 translate english main_608304b9: # o "That is not my name." o "That is not my name." # game/script.rpy:1295 translate english main_fd9bef2d: # k "Seriously this is not fun anymore." k "Seriously this is not fun anymore." # game/script.rpy:1297 translate english main_cc76f7c0: # h "I agree so back to business." h "I agree so back to business." # game/script.rpy:1298 translate english main_16a01393: # h "I need some plastic parts. I can give you 500 coins." h "I need some plastic parts. I can give you 500 coins." # game/script.rpy:1299 translate english main_c7543667: # k "And what else?" k "And what else?" # game/script.rpy:1300 translate english main_40463722: # h "What do you want?" h "What do you want?" # game/script.rpy:1301 translate english main_5643dc96: # k "Kiss?" k "Kiss?" # game/script.rpy:1302 translate english main_4ecb9f03: # h "Or?" h "Or?" # game/script.rpy:1303 translate english main_65fe38de: # k "Show me boobs!" k "Show me boobs!" # game/script.rpy:1306 translate english main_90af2a53: # h "..... Cmuk...." h "..... Cmuk...." # game/script.rpy:1307 translate english main_f66e755f: # h "See you next time." h "See you next time." # game/script.rpy:1310 translate english main_21132ceb: # o "That was rude." o "That was rude." # game/script.rpy:1311 translate english main_440860e8: # k "Work for me." k "Work for me." # game/script.rpy:1314 translate english main_1319285a: # h "Go to robot hell bitch!" h "Go to robot hell bitch!" # game/script.rpy:1315 translate english main_725badf9: # o "How dare you!" o "How dare you!" # game/script.rpy:1317 translate english main_a3f243de: # h "... and your mom was bulldozer" h "... and your mom was bulldozer" # game/script.rpy:1319 translate english main_5f59b31e: # o "... busty cow like you ...." o "... busty cow like you ...." # game/script.rpy:1321 translate english main_f7fc10cd: # k "zzzzzz" k "zzzzzz" # game/script.rpy:1323 translate english main_0fe63444: # o "Master wake up." o "Master wake up." # game/script.rpy:1324 translate english main_da61ea8c: # k "What happened?" k "What happened?" # game/script.rpy:1325 translate english main_66336d83: # o "You fall asleep. That bitch run away." o "You fall asleep. That bitch run away." # game/script.rpy:1326 translate english main_4a30b9ac: # k "Hmm... ok... so nothing important I think." k "Hmm... ok... so nothing important I think." # game/script.rpy:1329 translate english main_931441d4_1: # k "Girls calm down." k "Girls calm down." # game/script.rpy:1332 translate english main_a8258154: # o "I'm cool." o "I'm cool." # game/script.rpy:1333 translate english main_eccd333d: # h "Me to. Now can you sell me some junk?" h "Me to. Now can you sell me some junk?" # game/script.rpy:1334 translate english main_2d185849: # k "Yes but what you can give me to return?" k "Yes but what you can give me to return?" # game/script.rpy:1335 translate english main_605b164b: # h "500 coins." h "500 coins." # game/script.rpy:1336 translate english main_1367dde4: # k "And?" k "And?" # game/script.rpy:1337 translate english main_35d0c8d4: # h "What more you want?" h "What more you want?" # game/script.rpy:1338 translate english main_7f3af3ac: # k "More naked skin" k "More naked skin" # game/script.rpy:1341 translate english main_56084d86: # h "Is that good?" h "Is that good?" # game/script.rpy:1342 translate english main_5d6fa908: # k "OK but next time show me more!" k "OK but next time show me more!" # game/script.rpy:1349 translate english main_007db0e0: # o "Sir do you want to see my boobs?" o "Sir do you want to see my boobs?" # game/script.rpy:1350 translate english main_2c7484ba: # k "????" k "????" # game/script.rpy:1351 translate english main_cb8c488d: # k "Of course i want!" k "Of course i want!" # game/script.rpy:1352 translate english main_1d908093: # o "Then build me sexi body and I show you." o "Then build me sexi body and I show you." # game/script.rpy:1353 translate english main_66404df2: # k "Ok Obee. I try." k "Ok Obee. I try." # game/script.rpy:1358 translate english main_6d29f29f: # h "Hello. Is anybody home?" h "Hello. Is anybody home?" # game/script.rpy:1359 translate english main_67bbd219: # k "Yes I'm..... I think I see you before." k "Yes I'm..... I think I see you before." # game/script.rpy:1360 translate english main_99c3e0d1: # h "Of course silly, I need some other stouff today." h "Of course silly, I need some other stouff today." # game/script.rpy:1361 translate english main_073ecaaa: # k "I'm start thinking you visiting this place because of me." k "I'm start thinking you visiting this place because of me." # game/script.rpy:1365 translate english main_2b79e0fc: # h "Don't flatter yourself." h "Don't flatter yourself." # game/script.rpy:1366 translate english main_adbff80e: # k "Ok baby so what do you want?" k "Ok baby so what do you want?" # game/script.rpy:1367 translate english main_94253ada: # h "....." h "....." # game/script.rpy:1368 translate english main_925a77ee: # h "I saw some gauss rifle." h "I saw some gauss rifle." # game/script.rpy:1369 translate english main_bcb3a2f1: # k "What? Gauss rifle." k "What? Gauss rifle." # game/script.rpy:1370 translate english main_460f8440: # h "You know that gun you have under table in kitchen." h "You know that gun you have under table in kitchen." # game/script.rpy:1371 translate english main_a863f4ec: # k "It is a gun???" k "It is a gun???" # game/script.rpy:1372 translate english main_2cd436ba: # k "I think it is to quickly cook meal." k "I think it is to quickly cook meal." # game/script.rpy:1376 translate english main_f8a769b9: # h "Ha.... are you serious?" h "Ha.... are you serious?" # game/script.rpy:1377 translate english main_50f3d716: # k "...... no?" k "...... no?" # game/script.rpy:1378 translate english main_402f6b52: # h "Ok so can you sell it to me." h "Ok so can you sell it to me." # game/script.rpy:1381 translate english main_bfeb2d30: # k "Sorry but i realy need it." k "Sorry but i realy need it." # game/script.rpy:1384 translate english main_bc8bf949: # h "No problem i think i saw one in market Square." h "No problem i think i saw one in market Square." # game/script.rpy:1385 translate english main_7dc44f95: # h "Bye." h "Bye." # game/script.rpy:1388 translate english main_2a6f8733: # k "Anything for you darling." k "Anything for you darling." # game/script.rpy:1389 translate english main_2dda37fc: # h "Yaiks. Thank you." h "Yaiks. Thank you." # game/script.rpy:1392 translate english main_807e8652: # h "This time i realy can show you something extra." h "This time i realy can show you something extra." # game/script.rpy:1396 translate english main_051bb336: # h "hehe" h "hehe" # game/script.rpy:1397 translate english main_e9e894f2: # k "That is wonderfull can i touch?" k "That is wonderfull can i touch?" # game/script.rpy:1398 translate english main_e666810c: # h "Ok but hurry." h "Ok but hurry." # game/script.rpy:1399 translate english main_cd0ce782: # k ".... squeeeez...." k ".... squeeeez...." # game/script.rpy:1403 translate english main_e8e5fdfa: # h "...aaaa...." h "...aaaa...." # game/script.rpy:1404 translate english main_c64cc362: # h "Stop I must go." h "Stop I must go." # game/script.rpy:1405 translate english main_98b903c8: # k "... hmmm... that escalated quickly." k "... hmmm... that escalated quickly." # game/script.rpy:1408 translate english main_ee90902c: # k "....." k "....." # game/script.rpy:1409 translate english main_aa3e5327: # k "Something is weird." k "Something is weird." # game/script.rpy:1410 translate english main_85631974: # k "I saw you get out of shadow!" k "I saw you get out of shadow!" # game/script.rpy:1413 translate english main_94253ada_1: # h "....." h "....." # game/script.rpy:1414 translate english main_8ca066f8: # h "Hi." h "Hi." # game/script.rpy:1415 translate english main_a525b52a: # k "Why you hiding? And where you been it's been a long time." k "Why you hiding? And where you been it's been a long time." # game/script.rpy:1419 translate english main_eda8056c: # h "I'm not hiding." h "I'm not hiding." # game/script.rpy:1420 translate english main_25335ad6: # k "Then why you staying behind that desk?" k "Then why you staying behind that desk?" # game/script.rpy:1421 translate english main_963483d6: # h "I am little ashamed." h "I am little ashamed." # game/script.rpy:1422 translate english main_415fe0f1: # k "Why? because i touch your boobs?" k "Why? because i touch your boobs?" # game/script.rpy:1423 translate english main_601c8b1a: # h "Don't say that like it was nothing." h "Don't say that like it was nothing." # game/script.rpy:1426 translate english main_65495234: # k "Sorry girl. I didn't think it that way." k "Sorry girl. I didn't think it that way." # game/script.rpy:1430 translate english main_cbedea44: # h "Apology accepted." h "Apology accepted." # game/script.rpy:1431 translate english main_fe5a4e19: # k "But don't be such a pussy. Seriously if you like me just say it." k "But don't be such a pussy. Seriously if you like me just say it." # game/script.rpy:1432 translate english main_0007156f: # h "What??? ............ Don't be ridiculous!" h "What??? ............ Don't be ridiculous!" # game/script.rpy:1433 translate english main_19f50414: # k "Ok. Can I help you with something?" k "Ok. Can I help you with something?" # game/script.rpy:1434 translate english main_7126da43: # h "Yes, I need some food suplies today." h "Yes, I need some food suplies today." # game/script.rpy:1435 translate english main_04a9395b: # k "I think I can spare some. What you can offer to exchange?" k "I think I can spare some. What you can offer to exchange?" # game/script.rpy:1436 translate english main_40463722_1: # h "What do you want?" h "What do you want?" # game/script.rpy:1439 translate english main_bcac4519: # k "Just give me 500 coins at it will be ok." k "Just give me 500 coins at it will be ok." # game/script.rpy:1440 translate english main_b5ae889b: # h "Only that???? ehm.. i mean that is too much but ok." h "Only that???? ehm.. i mean that is too much but ok." # game/script.rpy:1443 translate english main_af48e2d4: # k "Another good buisness thank you." k "Another good buisness thank you." # game/script.rpy:1444 translate english main_d792380d: # h "See you later, maybe." h "See you later, maybe." # game/script.rpy:1445 translate english main_be631177: # k "You know where can you find me." k "You know where can you find me." # game/script.rpy:1448 translate english main_2542ddfd: # k "Can you give me some special servis for that?" k "Can you give me some special servis for that?" # game/script.rpy:1449 translate english main_c4b96cea: # h "What you mean by special service." h "What you mean by special service." # game/script.rpy:1450 translate english main_8d786cdd: # k "Nothing extra just handjob." k "Nothing extra just handjob." # game/script.rpy:1454 translate english main_5fa87434: # h "And then you give me food?" h "And then you give me food?" # game/script.rpy:1455 translate english main_d7dd5658: # k "Yes girl I give it to you." k "Yes girl I give it to you." # game/script.rpy:1456 translate english main_6054ab5c: # h "So we have a deal. How it start?" h "So we have a deal. How it start?" # game/script.rpy:1457 translate english main_cfb263f6: # k "Just show me your boobs first." k "Just show me your boobs first." # game/script.rpy:1461 translate english main_d6eb3739: # h "Do you like my boobs?" h "Do you like my boobs?" # game/script.rpy:1462 translate english main_89cf391b: # k "Yes they are nice." k "Yes they are nice." # game/script.rpy:1463 translate english main_2ab3fe02: # h "aaaaaa" h "aaaaaa" # game/script.rpy:1464 translate english main_69795d16: # h "Please be more gentle." h "Please be more gentle." # game/script.rpy:1465 translate english main_99453067: # k "Ok. I will try. But now it is your turn." k "Ok. I will try. But now it is your turn." # game/script.rpy:1469 translate english main_c38aa671: # h "I will try." h "I will try." # game/script.rpy:1470 translate english main_5f4e0ec0: # k "Don't be shy. Grab it strongly!" k "Don't be shy. Grab it strongly!" # game/script.rpy:1474 translate english main_af3181c4: # h "......" h "......" # game/script.rpy:1475 translate english main_985f1670: # k "More!" k "More!" # game/script.rpy:1477 translate english main_b4e3c8fd: # k "Tell me something nasty." k "Tell me something nasty." # game/script.rpy:1478 translate english main_2a630995: # h "What exactly you thing?" h "What exactly you thing?" # game/script.rpy:1479 translate english main_c1716691: # k "Something about being raped by deathclaw." k "Something about being raped by deathclaw." # game/script.rpy:1480 translate english main_75bccc3a: # h "I think... Deathclaws is wery nasty." h "I think... Deathclaws is wery nasty." # game/script.rpy:1481 translate english main_2a801d39: # h "One time i meet deathclaw that look like man." h "One time i meet deathclaw that look like man." # game/script.rpy:1482 translate english main_5c2997e3: # h "Some experiment from vault 13." h "Some experiment from vault 13." # game/script.rpy:1483 translate english main_2a37db32: # h "He have some items I need." h "He have some items I need." # game/script.rpy:1484 translate english main_119f79b0: # k "GET TO THE POINT NOT SEXI!" k "GET TO THE POINT NOT SEXI!" # game/script.rpy:1485 translate english main_b2483429: # h "So i grad his .... thing and start to blow it." h "So i grad his .... thing and start to blow it." # game/script.rpy:1486 translate english main_28158c82: # h "But he come so fast that my stomach was full on second." h "But he come so fast that my stomach was full on second." # game/script.rpy:1487 translate english main_f4499e56: # h "Then he grab me and attack from behind." h "Then he grab me and attack from behind." # game/script.rpy:1488 translate english main_d82da40f: # h "It feels like he want to destroy my asshole." h "It feels like he want to destroy my asshole." # game/script.rpy:1489 translate english main_4fcfdbec: # h "...... What?" h "...... What?" # game/script.rpy:1490 translate english main_d5a7585d: # k "Yes take it all." k "Yes take it all." # game/script.rpy:1496 translate english main_14bb1832: # h "..... How it was?" h "..... How it was?" # game/script.rpy:1497 translate english main_345e0459: # k "Pretty good for first time." k "Pretty good for first time." # game/script.rpy:1498 translate english main_5a33424b: # h "It was not my first handjob?" h "It was not my first handjob?" # game/script.rpy:1499 translate english main_20d5597c: # k "Yes i thought so." k "Yes i thought so." # game/script.rpy:1500 translate english main_a1b6f91d: # h "I do a lot of handjobs when I was a man!" h "I do a lot of handjobs when I was a man!" # game/script.rpy:1501 translate english main_e9f19bd2: # k "WHAT???!!!!!" k "WHAT???!!!!!" # game/script.rpy:1502 translate english main_4040f2ac: # h "Just kidding." h "Just kidding." # game/script.rpy:1503 translate english main_d792380d_1: # h "See you later, maybe." h "See you later, maybe." # game/script.rpy:1507 translate english main_2cf8007d: # k "It was nothing. You realy think it mean something real?" k "It was nothing. You realy think it mean something real?" # game/script.rpy:1510 translate english main_3454fd94: # h "I.... I don't...." h "I.... I don't...." # game/script.rpy:1511 translate english main_995ac04f: # k "Ok so we are clear now lets fuck!" k "Ok so we are clear now lets fuck!" # game/script.rpy:1512 translate english main_45a7567e: # h "I think i leave now." h "I think i leave now." # game/script.rpy:1513 translate english main_6d509001: # k "??? Why??? I think that all is about buisness." k "??? Why??? I think that all is about buisness." # game/script.rpy:1514 translate english main_4c03e607: # h "Than you are wrong." h "Than you are wrong." # game/script.rpy:1515 translate english main_93334484: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:1519 translate english main_1a074cab: # o "She run out. Finally that little bitch is out." o "She run out. Finally that little bitch is out." # game/script.rpy:1520 translate english main_16532dee: # k "Where you been she maybe stole something." k "Where you been she maybe stole something." # game/script.rpy:1524 translate english main_e49e242d: # o "She deactivate me again." o "She deactivate me again." # game/script.rpy:1525 translate english main_d47af0d2: # k "That little brat." k "That little brat." # game/script.rpy:1530 translate english main_af3181c4_1: # h "......" h "......" # game/script.rpy:1531 translate english main_a2784424: # h "Hello." h "Hello." # game/script.rpy:1532 translate english main_18792e14: # h "Can you help me with something?" h "Can you help me with something?" # game/script.rpy:1533 translate english main_80f4e917: # k "Sure. Just tell me what happened." k "Sure. Just tell me what happened." # game/script.rpy:1537 translate english main_392e46f6: # h "It is just... I mess up with some wrong people." h "It is just... I mess up with some wrong people." # game/script.rpy:1538 translate english main_a79505e5: # h "I try to sneak in their camp but they catch me." h "I try to sneak in their camp but they catch me." # game/script.rpy:1539 translate english main_6fb7ecef: # k "And that is all? Just forget it." k "And that is all? Just forget it." # game/script.rpy:1540 translate english main_b5914370: # h "Problem is I can't. Their from Market Square." h "Problem is I can't. Their from Market Square." # game/script.rpy:1541 translate english main_68b23931: # h "They take me to Big Ronda." h "They take me to Big Ronda." # game/script.rpy:1542 translate english main_7112e85e: # k "That look bad girl. Who the hell is Big Ronda?" k "That look bad girl. Who the hell is Big Ronda?" # game/script.rpy:1546 translate english main_620e9cec: # h "She is like mayor of the city. Everyone accept her." h "She is like mayor of the city. Everyone accept her." # game/script.rpy:1547 translate english main_dfff5b5a: # h "If she banned me from entering the city...." h "If she banned me from entering the city...." # game/script.rpy:1548 translate english main_f824831a: # k "It is not as horrible as I think." k "It is not as horrible as I think." # game/script.rpy:1549 translate english main_454d9004: # k "You can live here in vault." k "You can live here in vault." # game/script.rpy:1550 translate english main_2ace6445: # h "I wish I can. But it is not possible now." h "I wish I can. But it is not possible now." # game/script.rpy:1551 translate english main_1ccb7d63: # h "Just.... Can you help me?" h "Just.... Can you help me?" # game/script.rpy:1552 translate english main_071a4c47: # k "And what exactly I should do?" k "And what exactly I should do?" # game/script.rpy:1556 translate english main_94a2b1d1: # h "I need 1000 coins for my redemption." h "I need 1000 coins for my redemption." # game/script.rpy:1560 translate english main_a5b88d70: # k "I think I can do that for you." k "I think I can do that for you." # game/script.rpy:1561 translate english main_76e0008d: # k "Just be more careful next time." k "Just be more careful next time." # game/script.rpy:1570 translate english main_1dbba05d: # h "That is just amazing." h "That is just amazing." # game/script.rpy:1571 translate english main_617b70fb: # h "Thank you wery much. How can I can return the favor?" h "Thank you wery much. How can I can return the favor?" # game/script.rpy:1572 translate english main_7277f060: # k "I know about something." k "I know about something." # game/script.rpy:1576 translate english main_13388dc2: # h "Maybe this will help." h "Maybe this will help." # game/script.rpy:1577 translate english main_1d8d3a3c: # k "Titfuck will be nice." k "Titfuck will be nice." # game/script.rpy:1578 translate english main_f23c7696: # h "Anything for you." h "Anything for you." # game/script.rpy:1582 translate english main_ad7ecc0c: # h "Did you like my boobies?" h "Did you like my boobies?" # game/script.rpy:1583 translate english main_b0c672b1: # k "Yes They are wery soft." k "Yes They are wery soft." # game/script.rpy:1584 translate english main_dc7a047b: # h "You know I can make this every day for you?" h "You know I can make this every day for you?" # game/script.rpy:1585 translate english main_7db90b65: # h "Your penis is so awesom!" h "Your penis is so awesom!" # game/script.rpy:1586 translate english main_4109515f: # k ".... Yeah go on girl...." k ".... Yeah go on girl...." # game/script.rpy:1587 translate english main_d239f3ff: # h "I want it in every hole." h "I want it in every hole." # game/script.rpy:1588 translate english main_596d5943: # h "Give me every last drop of sperm you have!" h "Give me every last drop of sperm you have!" # game/script.rpy:1589 translate english main_774f7bb3: # h "Come on you nast soldier give it to me!" h "Come on you nast soldier give it to me!" # game/script.rpy:1590 translate english main_55ee36e2: # h "Mommy is waiting for your cum." h "Mommy is waiting for your cum." # game/script.rpy:1591 translate english main_f5142784: # h "Give it to me please." h "Give it to me please." # game/script.rpy:1595 translate english main_b33335c9: # k "Yes come shake that boobies." k "Yes come shake that boobies." # game/script.rpy:1599 translate english main_a1c38faa: # k "That was awesome! Titfuck is best!!!" k "That was awesome! Titfuck is best!!!" # game/script.rpy:1600 translate english main_c6b75035: # h "I'm glad you enjoyed it." h "I'm glad you enjoyed it." # game/script.rpy:1601 translate english main_f66e755f_1: # h "See you next time." h "See you next time." # game/script.rpy:1604 translate english main_9935f801: # k "Sorry I don't have 1000 coins." k "Sorry I don't have 1000 coins." # game/script.rpy:1605 translate english main_69a0643d: # h "I don't belive you. If you didn't want, don't give it to me but, why lie?" h "I don't belive you. If you didn't want, don't give it to me but, why lie?" # game/script.rpy:1606 translate english main_5b5a8057: # k "I'm not lie. Seriously I don...." k "I'm not lie. Seriously I don...." # game/script.rpy:1607 translate english main_198be79c: # h "Just SHUTP UP. LOAD THE GAME AND EARN THEM. DON'T FUCK WITH ME!!!" h "Just SHUTP UP. LOAD THE GAME AND EARN THEM. DON'T FUCK WITH ME!!!" # game/script.rpy:1608 translate english main_49110094: # k "......." k "......." # game/script.rpy:1611 translate english main_254cdaa1: # k "Girl... Why would i do something like that?" k "Girl... Why would i do something like that?" # game/script.rpy:1612 translate english main_50d029ef: # k "I realy don't care about you so. Leave me alone." k "I realy don't care about you so. Leave me alone." # game/script.rpy:1615 translate english main_541927ea: # h "As you wish... asshole." h "As you wish... asshole." # game/script.rpy:1619 translate english main_0a17a5e1: # k "Obee do you feel it?" k "Obee do you feel it?" # game/script.rpy:1622 translate english main_e07f24d2: # o "What master? Is anything wrong?" o "What master? Is anything wrong?" # game/script.rpy:1623 translate english main_8f197a4d: # k "It is just like...." k "It is just like...." # game/script.rpy:1624 translate english main_a75815da: # k "Something is missing, someone....." k "Something is missing, someone....." # game/script.rpy:1625 translate english main_78e434f7: # o "What do you mean by that?" o "What do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:1626 translate english main_b3fd4ff6: # k "I don't know. It is only feeling." k "I don't know. It is only feeling." # game/script.rpy:1630 translate english main_9299ff22: # h "Knock, knock." h "Knock, knock." # game/script.rpy:1631 translate english main_00c718d7: # k "Who's there?" k "Who's there?" # game/script.rpy:1632 translate english main_da82b1b6: # h "It is me. Thank's for the money." h "It is me. Thank's for the money." # game/script.rpy:1633 translate english main_7e387576: # h "I just want to sai it was a big help for me." h "I just want to sai it was a big help for me." # game/script.rpy:1634 translate english main_a2aefc7d: # h "I finally meet Big Ronda." h "I finally meet Big Ronda." # game/script.rpy:1635 translate english main_263597ec: # h "She is so beautiful..... and fair." h "She is so beautiful..... and fair." # game/script.rpy:1636 translate english main_37d33031: # h "She offer me place in Market Square." h "She offer me place in Market Square." # game/script.rpy:1641 translate english main_a6986151: # h "But I need to tell you one more thing." h "But I need to tell you one more thing." # game/script.rpy:1642 translate english main_f1fcded0: # h "It is... I..... love you." h "It is... I..... love you." # game/script.rpy:1643 translate english main_3d17047c: # k "Than why you go away from me?" k "Than why you go away from me?" # game/script.rpy:1644 translate english main_9519cfb4: # k "You can live her. We can be together." k "You can live her. We can be together." # game/script.rpy:1648 translate english main_263b8eaf: # h "We can't. My mask... I can't remove it." h "We can't. My mask... I can't remove it." # game/script.rpy:1649 translate english main_f9d8bdbe: # k "What? Why?" k "What? Why?" # game/script.rpy:1650 translate english main_f2a18f2d: # h "..... because.... sorry darlig i realy wish I can but..." h "..... because.... sorry darlig i realy wish I can but..." # game/script.rpy:1651 translate english main_47213201: # h "I must go now. I wish we meet again." h "I must go now. I wish we meet again." # game/script.rpy:1653 translate english main_fe76683e: # k "..... What the fuck?" k "..... What the fuck?" # game/script.rpy:1656 translate english main_1c4b4655: # h "I just want to sai thank you." h "I just want to sai thank you." # game/script.rpy:1657 translate english main_14f151c5: # h "You can visit me here if you want." h "You can visit me here if you want." # game/script.rpy:1658 translate english main_bf3bf5f7: # h "I will be happy when I see you." h "I will be happy when I see you." # game/script.rpy:1659 translate english main_7b399fb9: # k "Ok girl. So see you in Market Square." k "Ok girl. So see you in Market Square." # game/script.rpy:1664 translate english main_1de6b051: # k "I feel realy bad. What the hell is happening?" k "I feel realy bad. What the hell is happening?" # game/script.rpy:1667 translate english main_07500a47: # o "Let me do some scans." o "Let me do some scans." # game/script.rpy:1668 translate english main_98230e6f: # o "It looks like you've been poisoned." o "It looks like you've been poisoned." # game/script.rpy:1669 translate english main_481bb6f7: # o "You have maximal two days of life." o "You have maximal two days of life." # game/script.rpy:1670 translate english main_6ee85b81: # o "Hurry and find antidote." o "Hurry and find antidote." # game/script.rpy:1671 translate english main_1a8a5c2b: # k "Where should I look? Lab? Or medbay?" k "Where should I look? Lab? Or medbay?" # game/script.rpy:1672 translate english main_76096df6: # o "No. It is nothing like that here, maybe in Market Square." o "No. It is nothing like that here, maybe in Market Square." # game/script.rpy:1676 translate english main_5bba0123: # q "Hello." q "Hello." # game/script.rpy:1677 translate english main_552c110d_1: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:1678 translate english main_bfca1cbb: # k "Hello. Wht do you want?" k "Hello. Wht do you want?" # game/script.rpy:1679 translate english main_1a1f02e9: # q "I am looking for a safe place to live." q "I am looking for a safe place to live." # game/script.rpy:1680 translate english main_731584ec: # q "Can I stay in your vault?" q "Can I stay in your vault?" # game/script.rpy:1683 translate english main_f5a47c61: # k "Let me think about it....." k "Let me think about it....." # game/script.rpy:1684 translate english main_9aad4319: # k "Yes you can stay here." k "Yes you can stay here." # game/script.rpy:1685 translate english main_49ded259: # k "Take this dress go throught decontamination shower and come in." k "Take this dress go throught decontamination shower and come in." # game/script.rpy:1686 translate english main_d19ee988: # q "Thank you." q "Thank you." # game/script.rpy:1688 translate english main_e68b76ba: # tvc "This is amazing. Thanks again for this oportunity." tvc "This is amazing. Thanks again for this oportunity." # game/script.rpy:1692 translate english main_37dcd1ab: # k "Let me think about it." k "Let me think about it." # game/script.rpy:1693 translate english main_595b8efd: # k "Go to hell before i shot you." k "Go to hell before i shot you." # game/script.rpy:1694 translate english main_77e8603b: # q "?????" q "?????" # game/script.rpy:1695 translate english main_9d830ca4: # k "I count to three... one...." k "I count to three... one...." # game/script.rpy:1696 translate english main_2acd92cd: # q "aaaaaa" q "aaaaaa" # game/script.rpy:1698 translate english main_0379a533: # o "This is not a good way how treat guests." o "This is not a good way how treat guests." # game/script.rpy:1699 translate english main_e9606a3a: # k "Shut up i don't need them." k "Shut up i don't need them." # game/script.rpy:1702 translate english main_0a139f41: # k "..... this is not a good day for you." k "..... this is not a good day for you." # game/script.rpy:1703 translate english main_b3781373: # k "...... zzzaaappp..." k "...... zzzaaappp..." # game/script.rpy:1704 translate english main_60287a4e: # k "One down." k "One down." # game/script.rpy:1705 translate english main_c9a73f24: # o "Why you do that?" o "Why you do that?" # game/script.rpy:1706 translate english main_39f574de: # k "She can be infiltrator from goverment." k "She can be infiltrator from goverment." # game/script.rpy:1707 translate english main_277726fc: # o "But you don't know that." o "But you don't know that." # game/script.rpy:1708 translate english main_27721330: # k "No but she look like on of them." k "No but she look like on of them." # game/script.rpy:1709 translate english main_8292759a: # k "Just clean up the corpse" k "Just clean up the corpse" # game/script.rpy:1716 translate english main_549bfd95: # br "This Vault is realy impressive." br "This Vault is realy impressive." # game/script.rpy:1717 translate english main_bb9b4641: # k "???????? what???" k "???????? what???" # game/script.rpy:1718 translate english main_8d652307: # k "I mean... Hello Miss Big Ronda." k "I mean... Hello Miss Big Ronda." # game/script.rpy:1719 translate english main_16f504ac: # br "I want to warn you." br "I want to warn you." # game/script.rpy:1720 translate english main_4bfec23b: # k "I did something wrong?" k "I did something wrong?" # game/script.rpy:1721 translate english main_c5f1f7ba: # br "No but you gain influence in this part of the world." br "No but you gain influence in this part of the world." # game/script.rpy:1722 translate english main_761fbd82: # br "If you don't be more careful someone will try to kill you." br "If you don't be more careful someone will try to kill you." # game/script.rpy:1723 translate english main_4478df6b: # br "I mean again." br "I mean again." # game/script.rpy:1724 translate english main_6cb2a355: # k "What? Why???" k "What? Why???" # game/script.rpy:1725 translate english main_89240841: # br "Just be careful. And stay in your territory." br "Just be careful. And stay in your territory." # game/script.rpy:1728 translate english main_4fc6bb5e: # k "What was that?" k "What was that?" # game/script.rpy:1729 translate english main_681ad8b0: # o "I detect high level of adrenaline in her body." o "I detect high level of adrenaline in her body." # game/script.rpy:1730 translate english main_e02a6457: # o "She is realy on stress or just want a sex." o "She is realy on stress or just want a sex." # game/script.rpy:1731 translate english main_9a1b4a41: # k ".....sex.... That is better option." k ".....sex.... That is better option." # game/script.rpy:1735 translate english main_98debc3f: # k "........." k "........." # game/script.rpy:1736 translate english main_8a586518: # tvc "Ou yeah....." tvc "Ou yeah....." # game/script.rpy:1737 translate english main_1656e67f: # k "What the hell is going on?" k "What the hell is going on?" # game/script.rpy:1740 translate english main_48e8a6ce: # tvc "Ou baby..." tvc "Ou baby..." # game/script.rpy:1743 translate english main_60ebcf2d: # k "You can't fuck here." k "You can't fuck here." # game/script.rpy:1744 translate english main_28544560: # k "Stop right now!" k "Stop right now!" # game/script.rpy:1746 translate english main_2223b3f2: # tvc "Sorry we...." tvc "Sorry we...." # game/script.rpy:1747 translate english main_f83781a8: # k "Just go away." k "Just go away." # game/script.rpy:1749 translate english main_c9a73f24_1: # o "Why you do that?" o "Why you do that?" # game/script.rpy:1750 translate english main_cad0ce59: # k "They can fuck only when I allow it." k "They can fuck only when I allow it." # game/script.rpy:1753 translate english main_3f0eb154: # tvc "Fuck yeah..." tvc "Fuck yeah..." # game/script.rpy:1754 translate english main_761a1cab: # tvc "Come on..." tvc "Come on..." # game/script.rpy:1759 translate english main_3ab3c819: # tvc "aaaaa" tvc "aaaaa" # game/script.rpy:1761 translate english main_d0b2c4c8: # o "That was expected." o "That was expected." # game/script.rpy:1769 translate english main_535b7bbe: # ch "I hear something about you." ch "I hear something about you." # game/script.rpy:1770 translate english main_6e0b5fd8: # ch "It look like you a threat to my buisness." ch "It look like you a threat to my buisness." # game/script.rpy:1771 translate english main_c0a3ff7e: # ch "I give you one chance to proove the opposite to me." ch "I give you one chance to proove the opposite to me." # game/script.rpy:1772 translate english main_fb1e9cdd: # ch "Once I saved your live." ch "Once I saved your live." # game/script.rpy:1773 translate english main_2dc5c30d: # ch "Don't force me to take it from you now." ch "Don't force me to take it from you now." # game/script.rpy:1775 translate english main_4fc6bb5e_1: # k "What was that?" k "What was that?" # game/script.rpy:1778 translate english main_40812aa9: # o "It look like you make something bad." o "It look like you make something bad." # game/script.rpy:1779 translate english main_577822a3: # k "What???? I just try to make me.... everyone happy!" k "What???? I just try to make me.... everyone happy!" # game/script.rpy:1780 translate english main_f92a8307: # o "Maybe someone will help you...." o "Maybe someone will help you...." # game/script.rpy:1781 translate english main_66ae0368: # o "Try to look for some allies." o "Try to look for some allies." # game/script.rpy:1789 translate english main_301c92f2: # ch "I give you warning." ch "I give you warning." # game/script.rpy:1790 translate english main_47f94fed: # ch "You don't listen." ch "You don't listen." # game/script.rpy:1791 translate english main_58d75010: # ch "Tell me.... What do you do now?" ch "Tell me.... What do you do now?" # game/script.rpy:1794 translate english main_58d8d821: # k "I have powerfull friends." k "I have powerfull friends." # game/script.rpy:1795 translate english main_8157fb8d: # k "Sisterhood of steel will protect me." k "Sisterhood of steel will protect me." # game/script.rpy:1800 translate english main_ad21ec73: # sl "That is true, we can fight together." sl "That is true, we can fight together." # game/script.rpy:1801 translate english main_f7e72a27: # sl "He help us a lot." sl "He help us a lot." # game/script.rpy:1802 translate english main_655e9d3b: # sl "We can't lost him now!" sl "We can't lost him now!" # game/script.rpy:1803 translate english main_8e62c4a2: # ch "That is madness! He is not only man in the world." ch "That is madness! He is not only man in the world." # game/script.rpy:1804 translate english main_e5859a4c: # ch "How you want to fight me?" ch "How you want to fight me?" # game/script.rpy:1805 translate english main_a82c7b8d: # sl "We build BFG." sl "We build BFG." # game/script.rpy:1806 translate english main_f5e2c57a: # sl "For now he is under our protection!" sl "For now he is under our protection!" # game/script.rpy:1807 translate english main_ba9bcaba: # sl "Now, let him alive!" sl "Now, let him alive!" # game/script.rpy:1811 translate english main_4ed58d7d: # ch "As you want. I accept you as a strong woman." ch "As you want. I accept you as a strong woman." # game/script.rpy:1812 translate english main_3425275a: # ch "So I don't kill this man. But this is not over." ch "So I don't kill this man. But this is not over." # game/script.rpy:1814 translate english main_7e88a6fc: # k "Wow. Thanks a lot. I didn't know that." k "Wow. Thanks a lot. I didn't know that." # game/script.rpy:1815 translate english main_dfafdb1c: # sl "What do you mean?" sl "What do you mean?" # game/script.rpy:1816 translate english main_e2792d60: # k "I don't know. But it sound good." k "I don't know. But it sound good." # game/script.rpy:1817 translate english main_88ed8767: # k "Anyway thank you for that." k "Anyway thank you for that." # game/script.rpy:1818 translate english main_29c1e6f2: # sl "No problem." sl "No problem." # game/script.rpy:1826 translate english main_b8f8a135: # ch "And where are they?" ch "And where are they?" # game/script.rpy:1827 translate english main_ac03ee90: # ch "You bluff and it did not work." ch "You bluff and it did not work." # game/script.rpy:1828 translate english main_a2b72153: # ch "I give you a chance you can run and live your live in other place." ch "I give you a chance you can run and live your live in other place." # game/script.rpy:1829 translate english main_99a68898: # ch "But you are still here." ch "But you are still here." # game/script.rpy:1830 translate english main_dc53d6bb: # ch "Now I finnaly kill last enclave warrior." ch "Now I finnaly kill last enclave warrior." # game/script.rpy:1835 translate english main_d8727fc5: # k "I am a believer." k "I am a believer." # game/script.rpy:1836 translate english main_0d81a64b: # k "Big busty mother can save me and my soul." k "Big busty mother can save me and my soul." # game/script.rpy:1837 translate english main_0cce1557: # k "And my sisters will join me and help." k "And my sisters will join me and help." # game/script.rpy:1842 translate english main_68ed2705: # pr "That is true." pr "That is true." # game/script.rpy:1843 translate english main_c69ba9cc: # pr "He help me a lot in my journey...." pr "He help me a lot in my journey...." # game/script.rpy:1844 translate english main_5dddec96: # pr "I need him.... Mother need him!!!" pr "I need him.... Mother need him!!!" # game/script.rpy:1848 translate english main_d6bac743: # ch "It look like you have some friends...." ch "It look like you have some friends...." # game/script.rpy:1849 translate english main_133923ec: # ch "But this is not over!!!" ch "But this is not over!!!" # game/script.rpy:1850 translate english main_cca65ee2: # ch "I will come back!" ch "I will come back!" # game/script.rpy:1852 translate english main_0dbd1226: # k "Huh that was close..." k "Huh that was close..." # game/script.rpy:1853 translate english main_c355b64d: # k "Thank for your help...." k "Thank for your help...." # game/script.rpy:1854 translate english main_437eec7a: # pr "That feel good.... Nomally it is me who thanks to you..." pr "That feel good.... Nomally it is me who thanks to you..." # game/script.rpy:1855 translate english main_ddec2e5d: # k "Yeah..... Situation change this time..." k "Yeah..... Situation change this time..." # game/script.rpy:1856 translate english main_72d420a0: # pr "Come visit me later...." pr "Come visit me later...." # game/script.rpy:1857 translate english main_76b36165: # k "Ok.... Thanks again." k "Ok.... Thanks again." # game/script.rpy:1865 translate english main_2b1aadad: # ch "You are not a believer!" ch "You are not a believer!" # game/script.rpy:1866 translate english main_887723c7: # ch "No one will help you. I belive in big busty mother!" ch "No one will help you. I belive in big busty mother!" # game/script.rpy:1867 translate english main_725c21d3: # ch "If is this your last world then pray to her." ch "If is this your last world then pray to her." # game/script.rpy:1868 translate english main_3f6d2084: # ch "Maybe she will offer you a plave in boobies haven." ch "Maybe she will offer you a plave in boobies haven." # game/script.rpy:1869 translate english main_529cd3d1: # ch "Any last word?" ch "Any last word?" # game/script.rpy:1870 translate english main_e1ff1165: # k "Breaststroke!" k "Breaststroke!" # game/script.rpy:1875 translate english main_f181f738: # k "In other times it look like i have no support." k "In other times it look like i have no support." # game/script.rpy:1876 translate english main_f4c8464a: # k "But now I can say it. Begars will save me." k "But now I can say it. Begars will save me." # game/script.rpy:1877 translate english main_1ba80bb5: # ch "And what do you mean by that?" ch "And what do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:1881 translate english main_ebe5eaac: # sc "He mean, he is not alone." sc "He mean, he is not alone." # game/script.rpy:1882 translate english main_2b0035a7: # sc "Slave sity is full of begars." sc "Slave sity is full of begars." # game/script.rpy:1886 translate english main_66ae67c1: # ch "Then I kill every begar in that city!" ch "Then I kill every begar in that city!" # game/script.rpy:1887 translate english main_517267e0: # sc "That is the point. You can't." sc "That is the point. You can't." # game/script.rpy:1888 translate english main_31bc8bd2: # sc "We are the heart of comunity. And this man is now part of us." sc "We are the heart of comunity. And this man is now part of us." # game/script.rpy:1892 translate english main_e20e6ed2: # ch "I must say you have some allies." ch "I must say you have some allies." # game/script.rpy:1893 translate english main_e83439a9: # ch "Only if they are only supid begars..." ch "Only if they are only supid begars..." # game/script.rpy:1894 translate english main_81e2894f: # ch "So you can live your life but don't try anything stupid!" ch "So you can live your life but don't try anything stupid!" # game/script.rpy:1897 translate english main_379d157a: # k "We did it, we face Chitsa and win!" k "We did it, we face Chitsa and win!" # game/script.rpy:1901 translate english main_5c326903: # sc "I know but this is only one battle." sc "I know but this is only one battle." # game/script.rpy:1902 translate english main_1b88c2fb: # sc "We still need to win war." sc "We still need to win war." # game/script.rpy:1903 translate english main_1fb0d347: # k "What do you mean by that?" k "What do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:1904 translate english main_a728d3c4: # sc "You will see." sc "You will see." # game/script.rpy:1908 translate english main_504ed359: # k "Hmm... I don't know, now it sound stupid." k "Hmm... I don't know, now it sound stupid." # game/script.rpy:1909 translate english main_187f972d: # ch "Ha... You are so stupid." ch "Ha... You are so stupid." # game/script.rpy:1910 translate english main_73ef2772: # k "And it is ok because I'm not a threat anymore?" k "And it is ok because I'm not a threat anymore?" # game/script.rpy:1914 translate english main_dbcd3904: # ch "No! I can't tolerat idiots." ch "No! I can't tolerat idiots." # game/script.rpy:1915 translate english main_c054b981: # ch "Especially those who are in charge!!!" ch "Especially those who are in charge!!!" # game/script.rpy:1916 translate english main_9049f474: # k "Actually I can understant that." k "Actually I can understant that." # game/script.rpy:1917 translate english main_6c8eb30d: # ch "Guards kill him!" ch "Guards kill him!" # game/script.rpy:1923 translate english main_2b38f68f: # k "I have gift for you." k "I have gift for you." # game/script.rpy:1924 translate english main_250bd83a: # ch "And what is it?" ch "And what is it?" # game/script.rpy:1926 translate english main_baccaba4: # k "I have this special piece of gold." k "I have this special piece of gold." # game/script.rpy:1927 translate english main_b51fa075: # ch "Let me see it..." ch "Let me see it..." # game/script.rpy:1928 translate english main_c32dc58b: # ch "Wow it is beautiful." ch "Wow it is beautiful." # game/script.rpy:1929 translate english main_73c64c2f: # k "Yes it is real gold!" k "Yes it is real gold!" # game/script.rpy:1930 translate english main_34b6f188: # ch "I see that. Ok. I accept your gift." ch "I see that. Ok. I accept your gift." # game/script.rpy:1931 translate english main_9d2e82c2: # ch "That mean. I will come back. But you are safe for now." ch "That mean. I will come back. But you are safe for now." # game/script.rpy:1932 translate english main_e19b02d1: # k "Ehm thanks?" k "Ehm thanks?" # game/script.rpy:1937 translate english main_bd3e21f0: # k "Ehm..... I can give you a lot of coins." k "Ehm..... I can give you a lot of coins." # game/script.rpy:1938 translate english main_1a52e1f1: # k "I have %(coin)d coins.... is it enough?" k "I have %(coin)d coins.... is it enough?" # game/script.rpy:1942 translate english main_3bf4c1d4: # ch "You want to insult me?" ch "You want to insult me?" # game/script.rpy:1943 translate english main_36d56575: # ch "This was biggest mistake in your live." ch "This was biggest mistake in your live." # game/script.rpy:1944 translate english main_0962ef83: # ch "I'm kill you right now! Soldier...." ch "I'm kill you right now! Soldier...." # game/script.rpy:1952 translate english main_35b3cedb: # o "No more time for this today." o "No more time for this today." # game/script.rpy:1958 translate english main_321a4dd2: # l "Sorry, master, but I don't have a body." l "Sorry, master, but I don't have a body." # game/script.rpy:1961 translate english main_25618636: # "L.A.B. is a slave in the slave city for this day." "L.A.B. is a slave in the slave city for this day." # game/script.rpy:1962 translate english main_8e8defa5: # "Try again next day." "Try again next day." # game/script.rpy:1971 translate english main_643bb355: # o "Build me body first!" o "Build me body first!" # game/script.rpy:1974 translate english main_47b2cdb7: # "Obee is unavailable right now." "Obee is unavailable right now." # game/script.rpy:1982 translate english main_718087b9: # o "I saw golden geckon today." o "I saw golden geckon today." # game/script.rpy:1983 translate english main_473a2f4a: # o "It is truely remarkable animal." o "It is truely remarkable animal." # game/script.rpy:1984 translate english main_bdbf2fb5: # o "Anyway, I find 200 coins." o "Anyway, I find 200 coins." # game/script.rpy:1993 translate english main_816207b5: # o "Some trader give me 250 coins." o "Some trader give me 250 coins." # game/script.rpy:1994 translate english main_bd9296f3: # o "Only thing he want is run some diagnostics on my system." o "Only thing he want is run some diagnostics on my system." # game/script.rpy:1995 translate english main_112b2dc2: # o "I feel some pretty tickles." o "I feel some pretty tickles." # game/script.rpy:2004 translate english main_79ef7e9c: # o "Do you know floaters have rare seeds?" o "Do you know floaters have rare seeds?" # game/script.rpy:2005 translate english main_f491f974: # o "I find some today and sell it to vendor for 350 coins." o "I find some today and sell it to vendor for 350 coins." # game/script.rpy:2006 translate english main_afb7298e: # o "Maybe they can cure stupidity." o "Maybe they can cure stupidity." # game/script.rpy:2017 translate english main_43265db9: # o "you use all your actions sleep to gain energy" o "you use all your actions sleep to gain energy" # game/script.rpy:2026 translate english main_f1e4c37c: # o "You find 100 coins" o "You find 100 coins" # game/script.rpy:2035 translate english main_b70b611e: # o "You find 200 coins!" o "You find 200 coins!" # game/script.rpy:2041 translate english main_e50a3f7d: # o "You have no luck this time!" o "You have no luck this time!" # game/script.rpy:2050 translate english main_1e77227c: # o "I'm so happy that you find me." o "I'm so happy that you find me." # game/script.rpy:2051 translate english main_58be08fa: # o "Try to talk to me next days I tell you more thing." o "Try to talk to me next days I tell you more thing." # game/script.rpy:2058 translate english main_7d06d7ce: # o "How far we can go without feel weird?" o "How far we can go without feel weird?" # game/script.rpy:2059 translate english main_346eada2: # o "Kiss is ok? What about blowjob?" o "Kiss is ok? What about blowjob?" # game/script.rpy:2066 translate english main_dacf9b40: # o "You need to find more people." o "You need to find more people." # game/script.rpy:2073 translate english main_2adee619: # o "I think that intruder make something with my circuits." o "I think that intruder make something with my circuits." # game/script.rpy:2080 translate english main_c0db8e8f: # o "I think I lost my mind sometimes" o "I think I lost my mind sometimes" # game/script.rpy:2086 translate english main_69066559: # o "What happened when you deactivate me?" o "What happened when you deactivate me?" # game/script.rpy:2087 translate english main_9cc914d8: # o "I think..." o "I think..." # game/script.rpy:2088 translate english main_8c6e359e: # o "It is only dark there. Even less then dark." o "It is only dark there. Even less then dark." # game/script.rpy:2089 translate english main_401978da: # k "It would be ok." k "It would be ok." # game/script.rpy:2096 translate english main_8794cd67: # o "I hear something about Big Ronda." o "I hear something about Big Ronda." # game/script.rpy:2097 translate english main_2a5ef665: # o "She is the boss of Market Square" o "She is the boss of Market Square" # game/script.rpy:2098 translate english main_358e8ab3: # o "She must be hot!" o "She must be hot!" # game/script.rpy:2103 translate english main_b8ead42f: # o "We need more dwellers here." o "We need more dwellers here." # game/script.rpy:2104 translate english main_c73a7c2b: # o "Don't forget main mission - repopulate the world." o "Don't forget main mission - repopulate the world." # game/script.rpy:2111 translate english main_51d1e219: # o "Sisterhood is dangerous." o "Sisterhood is dangerous." # game/script.rpy:2112 translate english main_092ee7b0: # o "They have some techno weird stuff." o "They have some techno weird stuff." # game/script.rpy:2113 translate english main_0724164b: # o "I heard they create technolesbian cult." o "I heard they create technolesbian cult." # game/script.rpy:2118 translate english main_c7ecca64: # o "When i wake up today...." o "When i wake up today...." # game/script.rpy:2121 translate english main_64f39084: # o "Maybe i can't sleep. How can I wake up?" o "Maybe i can't sleep. How can I wake up?" # game/script.rpy:2128 translate english main_099d27da: # o "I think no one read that!" o "I think no one read that!" # game/script.rpy:2129 translate english main_c5dc44b8: # k "What you mean by that?" k "What you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:2130 translate english main_2943f4aa: # o "Nothing.... just." o "Nothing.... just." # game/script.rpy:2135 translate english main_72a28800: # o "I saw one bilboard." o "I saw one bilboard." # game/script.rpy:2136 translate english main_106c972c: # o "Welcome to the slvae city." o "Welcome to the slvae city." # game/script.rpy:2137 translate english main_d8a0b4e9: # o "Every slut can be happy here." o "Every slut can be happy here." # game/script.rpy:2138 translate english main_6deb84ca: # o "I think that is racist!" o "I think that is racist!" # game/script.rpy:2145 translate english main_0cf193b8: # o "It is a weird feeling." o "It is a weird feeling." # game/script.rpy:2146 translate english main_bc76db7e: # o "I don't have my own conscience." o "I don't have my own conscience." # game/script.rpy:2147 translate english main_2df048c7: # o "That makes me sad." o "That makes me sad." # game/script.rpy:2152 translate english main_2ff56cef: # o "I realy love boob religion." o "I realy love boob religion." # game/script.rpy:2153 translate english main_1b1ee732: # o "Size and shape is important." o "Size and shape is important." # game/script.rpy:2154 translate english main_4552cce1: # o "Milk is saint and some more shit like that." o "Milk is saint and some more shit like that." # game/script.rpy:2161 translate english main_016118bc: # o "Sisterhood will rule the world." o "Sisterhood will rule the world." # game/script.rpy:2162 translate english main_13f42f17: # o "Don't tell it anyone." o "Don't tell it anyone." # game/script.rpy:2167 translate english main_f881fa8e: # o "When you try realy hard...." o "When you try realy hard...." # game/script.rpy:2168 translate english main_7f83a4d7: # o "You can change the world." o "You can change the world." # game/script.rpy:2169 translate english main_8e426c0e: # o "I mean virtual world." o "I mean virtual world." # game/script.rpy:2176 translate english main_54f149b0: # o "I lost your favorite boots." o "I lost your favorite boots." # game/script.rpy:2177 translate english main_f0fe80fd: # o "I'm realy sorry for that." o "I'm realy sorry for that." # game/script.rpy:2182 translate english main_543f75dc: # o "My boobs is so small." o "My boobs is so small." # game/script.rpy:2183 translate english main_d88a8468: # o "I will try to make them bigger." o "I will try to make them bigger." # game/script.rpy:2190 translate english main_1f5072a4: # o "I love Chitsa's boobs." o "I love Chitsa's boobs." # game/script.rpy:2191 translate english main_072d104d: # o "They look realy soft. I mean hard." o "They look realy soft. I mean hard." # game/script.rpy:2196 translate english main_69e0d161: # o "What happened to me when you turn me off?" o "What happened to me when you turn me off?" # game/script.rpy:2197 translate english main_6826aea0: # o "Don't do that please." o "Don't do that please." # game/script.rpy:2204 translate english main_224cd2f6: # o "I think Ronda is fair." o "I think Ronda is fair." # game/script.rpy:2205 translate english main_327a9e63: # o "She give me nice purple candy. Even when I don't eat." o "She give me nice purple candy. Even when I don't eat." # game/script.rpy:2210 translate english main_e392812a: # o "Deathclaws kill many people outside." o "Deathclaws kill many people outside." # game/script.rpy:2211 translate english main_6f5197a3: # o "Sometimes rape their victims." o "Sometimes rape their victims." # game/script.rpy:2218 translate english main_5d4caec8: # o "Repopulation can be succesfull." o "Repopulation can be succesfull." # game/script.rpy:2219 translate english main_feb15557: # o "Just fuck fuck fuck..........." o "Just fuck fuck fuck..........." # game/script.rpy:2224 translate english main_dbf3b531: # o "I heard about deathclaw hunter." o "I heard about deathclaw hunter." # game/script.rpy:2225 translate english main_5c399b32: # o "How can be someone so cruel?" o "How can be someone so cruel?" # game/script.rpy:2232 translate english main_2c56162b: # o "For every one people like you, you can find 2 haters." o "For every one people like you, you can find 2 haters." # game/script.rpy:2233 translate english main_ccb9f7b7: # o "They can give you power to make things better." o "They can give you power to make things better." # game/script.rpy:2238 translate english main_794f6cf0: # o "I lost candy that Ronda give to me." o "I lost candy that Ronda give to me." # game/script.rpy:2239 translate english main_81621262: # o "Tell me if you find it." o "Tell me if you find it." # game/script.rpy:2246 translate english main_12a6a034: # o "Focus on world domination." o "Focus on world domination." # game/script.rpy:2247 translate english main_4f521c70: # o "Try to make world better place." o "Try to make world better place." # game/script.rpy:2252 translate english main_6dc2ddbe: # o "I hear about conflict that slavers have." o "I hear about conflict that slavers have." # game/script.rpy:2253 translate english main_8b354fef: # o "....... any idea if slavery is good or wrong?" o "....... any idea if slavery is good or wrong?" # game/script.rpy:2258 translate english main_171b8d69: # o "We need to focus on vault repopulation." o "We need to focus on vault repopulation." # game/script.rpy:2259 translate english main_571cf64d: # o "And don't forget 42 is the answer." o "And don't forget 42 is the answer." # game/script.rpy:2266 translate english main_fe7260f0: # o "That is impossible for now." o "That is impossible for now." # game/script.rpy:2269 translate english main_93b815fe: # o "Your armor don't have enough energy for that." o "Your armor don't have enough energy for that." # game/script.rpy:2275 translate english main_c7b91ab5: # o "Sorry but you need rest." o "Sorry but you need rest." # game/script.rpy:2278 translate english main_5c289d49: # o "Let the Journey Begin." o "Let the Journey Begin." # game/script.rpy:2289 translate english main_81fe6fb8: # o "Here we can learn how to repopulate this vault" o "Here we can learn how to repopulate this vault" # game/script.rpy:2295 translate english main_d6b1d0dd: # l "Hello, my name is Leslie Anne Bishop, you can call me LAB" l "Hello, my name is Leslie Anne Bishop, you can call me LAB" # game/script.rpy:2296 translate english main_552c110d_2: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:2297 translate english main_9e883d31: # l "This section is builded to teach you something about breeding." l "This section is builded to teach you something about breeding." # game/script.rpy:2298 translate english main_d501effc: # k "Wait. What? who are you?" k "Wait. What? who are you?" # game/script.rpy:2301 translate english main_4aff24bc: # l "The b....gical f....r of b....... is .... to u........." l "The b....gical f....r of b....... is .... to u........." # game/script.rpy:2302 translate english main_dda28847: # l "If y.u c...t... ...n woman o...ate, ....ing ..egn... .s o...n e..ier" l "If y.u c...t... ...n woman o...ate, ....ing ..egn... .s o...n e..ier" # game/script.rpy:2303 translate english main_f7665eb3: # k "lool like this machine is broken" k "lool like this machine is broken" # game/script.rpy:2304 translate english main_b56122c5: # l "..t .ou .an .a.. a .o. .f fun ...il wom.. g.t pr......" l "..t .ou .an .a.. a .o. .f fun ...il wom.. g.t pr......" # game/script.rpy:2307 translate english main_0a8729c2: # l "K......ra def... s.. in ...y ways ... can ... so...of t..s in n..t l...on" l "K......ra def... s.. in ...y ways ... can ... so...of t..s in n..t l...on" # game/script.rpy:2308 translate english main_6deb8836: # l "To know more press next lesson." l "To know more press next lesson." # game/script.rpy:2309 translate english main_686999b7: # l ".....Function missing..." l ".....Function missing..." # game/script.rpy:2311 translate english main_5bf2ae90: # k "Seriously??? How can i fix this?" k "Seriously??? How can i fix this?" # game/script.rpy:2314 translate english main_db9f343c: # o "Maybe you need to invest some coins." o "Maybe you need to invest some coins." # game/script.rpy:2320 translate english main_10d9bd6d: # o "Something happened, lets try lesson again!" o "Something happened, lets try lesson again!" # game/script.rpy:2325 translate english main_aaf5dd24: # o "You don't have enough coins." o "You don't have enough coins." # game/script.rpy:2332 translate english main_d6b1d0dd_1: # l "Hello, my name is Leslie Anne Bishop, you can call me LAB" l "Hello, my name is Leslie Anne Bishop, you can call me LAB" # game/script.rpy:2333 translate english main_271862a0: # k "Yes i hear that 1st time come on!" k "Yes i hear that 1st time come on!" # game/script.rpy:2334 translate english main_9e883d31_1: # l "This section is builded to teach you something about breeding." l "This section is builded to teach you something about breeding." # game/script.rpy:2337 translate english main_2d6b750a: # l "The biological factor of breeding is easy to understant" l "The biological factor of breeding is easy to understant" # game/script.rpy:2338 translate english main_7723dbaf: # l "If you can tell when woman ovulate, getting pregnant is often easier" l "If you can tell when woman ovulate, getting pregnant is often easier" # game/script.rpy:2339 translate english main_5800cd7c: # k "Seriously? This is not sexi" k "Seriously? This is not sexi" # game/script.rpy:2340 translate english main_42886b4f: # l "But you can have a lot of fun until woman get pregnant" l "But you can have a lot of fun until woman get pregnant" # game/script.rpy:2341 translate english main_8292f086: # k "Finally!" k "Finally!" # game/script.rpy:2344 translate english main_e29ee61c: # l "Kamasutra define sex in many ways you can see some of this in next lesson" l "Kamasutra define sex in many ways you can see some of this in next lesson" # game/script.rpy:2345 translate english main_6deb8836_1: # l "To know more press next lesson." l "To know more press next lesson." # game/script.rpy:2346 translate english main_686999b7_1: # l ".....Function missing..." l ".....Function missing..." # game/script.rpy:2348 translate english main_cd202450: # k "So more gold to invest" k "So more gold to invest" # game/script.rpy:2351 translate english main_57c69f68: # o "This look funny maybe we can try it" o "This look funny maybe we can try it" # game/script.rpy:2352 translate english main_77c6e96c: # k "What do you think with that you are only hologram or not?" k "What do you think with that you are only hologram or not?" # game/script.rpy:2353 translate english main_8e19e630: # o "Yes but you can try to build me a body in lab." o "Yes but you can try to build me a body in lab." # game/script.rpy:2354 translate english main_45b2ecee: # k "That look realy interesting." k "That look realy interesting." # game/script.rpy:2360 translate english main_724ed622: # o "Finally second lesson is repaired." o "Finally second lesson is repaired." # game/script.rpy:2365 translate english main_aaf5dd24_1: # o "You don't have enough coins." o "You don't have enough coins." # game/script.rpy:2372 translate english main_d6b1d0dd_2: # l "Hello, my name is Leslie Anne Bishop, you can call me LAB" l "Hello, my name is Leslie Anne Bishop, you can call me LAB" # game/script.rpy:2373 translate english main_9e883d31_2: # l "This section is builded to teach you something about breeding." l "This section is builded to teach you something about breeding." # game/script.rpy:2376 translate english main_2d6b750a_1: # l "The biological factor of breeding is easy to understant" l "The biological factor of breeding is easy to understant" # game/script.rpy:2377 translate english main_7723dbaf_1: # l "If you can tell when woman ovulate, getting pregnant is often easier" l "If you can tell when woman ovulate, getting pregnant is often easier" # game/script.rpy:2378 translate english main_42886b4f_1: # l "But you can have a lot of fun until woman get pregnant" l "But you can have a lot of fun until woman get pregnant" # game/script.rpy:2381 translate english main_e29ee61c_1: # l "Kamasutra define sex in many ways you can see some of this in next lesson" l "Kamasutra define sex in many ways you can see some of this in next lesson" # game/script.rpy:2382 translate english main_6deb8836_2: # l "To know more press next lesson." l "To know more press next lesson." # game/script.rpy:2383 translate english main_26980ac5: # l "Press 2nd lesson" l "Press 2nd lesson" # game/script.rpy:2387 translate english main_2bef981b: # o "I realy want to see next lesson" o "I realy want to see next lesson" # game/script.rpy:2388 translate english main_b367fddf: # k "So lets play it?" k "So lets play it?" # game/script.rpy:2393 translate english main_a5cd2fa4: # l "Here we see what happened before coupple start intimate relatonship." l "Here we see what happened before coupple start intimate relatonship." # game/script.rpy:2394 translate english main_697d5eb8: # l "First, they talk about their interests." l "First, they talk about their interests." # game/script.rpy:2395 translate english main_2b57439d: # l "If the couple is attracted to each other, they clutching hands." l "If the couple is attracted to each other, they clutching hands." # game/script.rpy:2396 translate english main_ce79be8f: # l "Then man kiss woman." l "Then man kiss woman." # game/script.rpy:2399 translate english main_b18256de: # k "Booring!" k "Booring!" # game/script.rpy:2402 translate english main_a9a326ac: # l "Then woman touch man penis." l "Then woman touch man penis." # game/script.rpy:2406 translate english main_93334484_1: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:2409 translate english main_7c1a1dd0: # o "That look disgusting" o "That look disgusting" # game/script.rpy:2410 translate english main_721fff29: # k "......" k "......" # game/script.rpy:2417 translate english main_316e36f3: # o "3rd lesson is repaired i hope it will be better" o "3rd lesson is repaired i hope it will be better" # game/script.rpy:2422 translate english main_0127bc4d: # o "You don't have enough coins" o "You don't have enough coins" # game/script.rpy:2429 translate english main_d6b1d0dd_3: # l "Hello, my name is Leslie Anne Bishop, you can call me LAB" l "Hello, my name is Leslie Anne Bishop, you can call me LAB" # game/script.rpy:2430 translate english main_9e883d31_3: # l "This section is builded to teach you something about breeding." l "This section is builded to teach you something about breeding." # game/script.rpy:2433 translate english main_2d6b750a_2: # l "The biological factor of breeding is easy to understant" l "The biological factor of breeding is easy to understant" # game/script.rpy:2434 translate english main_7723dbaf_2: # l "If you can tell when woman ovulate, getting pregnant is often easier" l "If you can tell when woman ovulate, getting pregnant is often easier" # game/script.rpy:2435 translate english main_42886b4f_2: # l "But you can have a lot of fun until woman get pregnant" l "But you can have a lot of fun until woman get pregnant" # game/script.rpy:2438 translate english main_e29ee61c_2: # l "Kamasutra define sex in many ways you can see some of this in next lesson" l "Kamasutra define sex in many ways you can see some of this in next lesson" # game/script.rpy:2439 translate english main_6deb8836_3: # l "To know more press next lesson." l "To know more press next lesson." # game/script.rpy:2440 translate english main_26980ac5_1: # l "Press 2nd lesson" l "Press 2nd lesson" # game/script.rpy:2444 translate english main_2bef981b_1: # o "I realy want to see next lesson" o "I realy want to see next lesson" # game/script.rpy:2445 translate english main_b367fddf_1: # k "So lets play it?" k "So lets play it?" # game/script.rpy:2450 translate english main_a5cd2fa4_1: # l "Here we see what happened before coupple start intimate relatonship." l "Here we see what happened before coupple start intimate relatonship." # game/script.rpy:2451 translate english main_697d5eb8_1: # l "First, they talk about their interests." l "First, they talk about their interests." # game/script.rpy:2452 translate english main_2b57439d_1: # l "If the couple is attracted to each other, they clutching hands." l "If the couple is attracted to each other, they clutching hands." # game/script.rpy:2453 translate english main_ce79be8f_1: # l "Then man kiss woman." l "Then man kiss woman." # game/script.rpy:2456 translate english main_43da800b: # k "Sweet kiss!" k "Sweet kiss!" # game/script.rpy:2459 translate english main_a9a326ac_1: # l "Then woman touch man penis." l "Then woman touch man penis." # game/script.rpy:2463 translate english main_dd56ace4: # k "Harder!!!" k "Harder!!!" # game/script.rpy:2467 translate english main_e6813281: # o "I think she do it better now" o "I think she do it better now" # game/script.rpy:2468 translate english main_721fff29_1: # k "......" k "......" # game/script.rpy:2473 translate english main_59ab065a: # l "This leson can teach you what can woman do if mans pennis didnt errect." l "This leson can teach you what can woman do if mans pennis didnt errect." # game/script.rpy:2476 translate english main_08a40528: # l "Technic called fellatio." l "Technic called fellatio." # game/script.rpy:2477 translate english main_1c3d519c: # k "Yaiks!" k "Yaiks!" # game/script.rpy:2478 translate english main_7e4c1eb0: # l "Woman grab men penis and gently stimulate it with tongue." l "Woman grab men penis and gently stimulate it with tongue." # game/script.rpy:2479 translate english main_fa5da59c: # l "Then she put penis in her throath to maximaze the men pleasure." l "Then she put penis in her throath to maximaze the men pleasure." # game/script.rpy:2483 translate english main_780405a5: # k "I realy want to try this one" k "I realy want to try this one" # game/script.rpy:2486 translate english main_71a6910f: # o "Maybe we can try it together." o "Maybe we can try it together." # game/script.rpy:2487 translate english main_0d730294: # k "Seriously?" k "Seriously?" # game/script.rpy:2490 translate english main_25ba0e2f: # o "......" o "......" # game/script.rpy:2491 translate english main_6cd7436f: # o "I ......" o "I ......" # game/script.rpy:2492 translate english main_b08ff671: # o "Maybe later" o "Maybe later" # game/script.rpy:2498 translate english main_fe6f5b11: # o "4th lesson is ready to show" o "4th lesson is ready to show" # game/script.rpy:2503 translate english main_0127bc4d_1: # o "You don't have enough coins" o "You don't have enough coins" # game/script.rpy:2510 translate english main_d6b1d0dd_4: # l "Hello, my name is Leslie Anne Bishop, you can call me LAB" l "Hello, my name is Leslie Anne Bishop, you can call me LAB" # game/script.rpy:2511 translate english main_9e883d31_4: # l "This section is builded to teach you something about breeding." l "This section is builded to teach you something about breeding." # game/script.rpy:2514 translate english main_2d6b750a_3: # l "The biological factor of breeding is easy to understant" l "The biological factor of breeding is easy to understant" # game/script.rpy:2515 translate english main_7723dbaf_3: # l "If you can tell when woman ovulate, getting pregnant is often easier" l "If you can tell when woman ovulate, getting pregnant is often easier" # game/script.rpy:2516 translate english main_42886b4f_3: # l "But you can have a lot of fun until woman get pregnant" l "But you can have a lot of fun until woman get pregnant" # game/script.rpy:2519 translate english main_e29ee61c_3: # l "Kamasutra define sex in many ways you can see some of this in next lesson" l "Kamasutra define sex in many ways you can see some of this in next lesson" # game/script.rpy:2520 translate english main_6deb8836_4: # l "To know more press next lesson." l "To know more press next lesson." # game/script.rpy:2521 translate english main_26980ac5_2: # l "Press 2nd lesson" l "Press 2nd lesson" # game/script.rpy:2525 translate english main_505c1be3: # o "Somethimes I think about.... kama.... forget it" o "Somethimes I think about.... kama.... forget it" # game/script.rpy:2526 translate english main_acd32c44: # k "Ok, never happened." k "Ok, never happened." # game/script.rpy:2531 translate english main_a5cd2fa4_2: # l "Here we see what happened before coupple start intimate relatonship." l "Here we see what happened before coupple start intimate relatonship." # game/script.rpy:2532 translate english main_697d5eb8_2: # l "First, they talk about their interests." l "First, they talk about their interests." # game/script.rpy:2533 translate english main_2b57439d_2: # l "If the couple is attracted to each other, they clutching hands." l "If the couple is attracted to each other, they clutching hands." # game/script.rpy:2534 translate english main_ce79be8f_2: # l "Then man kiss woman." l "Then man kiss woman." # game/script.rpy:2537 translate english main_37219682: # k "Not look so hot on third time" k "Not look so hot on third time" # game/script.rpy:2540 translate english main_a9a326ac_2: # l "Then woman touch man penis." l "Then woman touch man penis." # game/script.rpy:2545 translate english main_7280ebdb: # k "She know what he want." k "She know what he want." # game/script.rpy:2548 translate english main_55c2e968: # o "Hmm i think i start to like that lesson." o "Hmm i think i start to like that lesson." # game/script.rpy:2549 translate english main_dc9e0878: # k "Yes it is a basic of every man/woman meet." k "Yes it is a basic of every man/woman meet." # game/script.rpy:2554 translate english main_59ab065a_1: # l "This leson can teach you what can woman do if mans pennis didnt errect." l "This leson can teach you what can woman do if mans pennis didnt errect." # game/script.rpy:2555 translate english main_08a40528_1: # l "Technic called fellatio." l "Technic called fellatio." # game/script.rpy:2558 translate english main_1c3d519c_1: # k "Yaiks!" k "Yaiks!" # game/script.rpy:2559 translate english main_7e4c1eb0_1: # l "Woman grab men penis and gently stimulate it with tongue." l "Woman grab men penis and gently stimulate it with tongue." # game/script.rpy:2560 translate english main_fa5da59c_1: # l "Then she put penis in her throath to maximaze the men pleasure." l "Then she put penis in her throath to maximaze the men pleasure." # game/script.rpy:2564 translate english main_11b928cc: # k "This is my favorite part!" k "This is my favorite part!" # game/script.rpy:2567 translate english main_502946dd: # o "When i see it i realy want to try that." o "When i see it i realy want to try that." # game/script.rpy:2570 translate english main_25ba0e2f_1: # o "......" o "......" # game/script.rpy:2571 translate english main_6cd7436f_1: # o "I ......" o "I ......" # game/script.rpy:2572 translate english main_50fb152e: # o "Maybe later..." o "Maybe later..." # game/script.rpy:2577 translate english main_09bff978: # l "Finally we move to intercourse." l "Finally we move to intercourse." # game/script.rpy:2578 translate english main_8292f086_1: # k "Finally!" k "Finally!" # game/script.rpy:2579 translate english main_75b06672: # l "This step is realy important for woman impregnation. " l "This step is realy important for woman impregnation. " # game/script.rpy:2580 translate english main_3cbd0b1b: # l "The most important is to put man penise inside woman vagina." l "The most important is to put man penise inside woman vagina." # game/script.rpy:2585 translate english main_fb684e50: # l "This is my favorite possition generally called 'from behind'." l "This is my favorite possition generally called 'from behind'." # game/script.rpy:2586 translate english main_bd704db6: # k "What? hmm ok..." k "What? hmm ok..." # game/script.rpy:2587 translate english main_b9b518e1: # l "After a while man must cum to woman wagina." l "After a while man must cum to woman wagina." # game/script.rpy:2590 translate english main_70d37732: # l "Not to asshole or mouth!" l "Not to asshole or mouth!" # game/script.rpy:2591 translate english main_eb6dbd28: # k "This is actually important." k "This is actually important." # game/script.rpy:2592 translate english main_12979ae9: # l "Then woman can go to 'fast grow procedure', when she can give birth in a few days." l "Then woman can go to 'fast grow procedure', when she can give birth in a few days." # game/script.rpy:2593 translate english main_0d730294_1: # k "Seriously?" k "Seriously?" # game/script.rpy:2596 translate english main_00855190: # l "Then she can have more fun and give love to more woman." l "Then she can have more fun and give love to more woman." # game/script.rpy:2603 translate english main_fe6f5b11_1: # o "4th lesson is ready to show" o "4th lesson is ready to show" # game/script.rpy:2609 translate english main_0127bc4d_2: # o "You don't have enough coins" o "You don't have enough coins" # game/script.rpy:2616 translate english main_d6b1d0dd_5: # l "Hello, my name is Leslie Anne Bishop, you can call me LAB" l "Hello, my name is Leslie Anne Bishop, you can call me LAB" # game/script.rpy:2617 translate english main_9e883d31_5: # l "This section is builded to teach you something about breeding." l "This section is builded to teach you something about breeding." # game/script.rpy:2620 translate english main_2d6b750a_4: # l "The biological factor of breeding is easy to understant" l "The biological factor of breeding is easy to understant" # game/script.rpy:2621 translate english main_7723dbaf_4: # l "If you can tell when woman ovulate, getting pregnant is often easier" l "If you can tell when woman ovulate, getting pregnant is often easier" # game/script.rpy:2622 translate english main_42886b4f_4: # l "But you can have a lot of fun until woman get pregnant" l "But you can have a lot of fun until woman get pregnant" # game/script.rpy:2625 translate english main_e29ee61c_4: # l "Kamasutra define sex in many ways you can see some of this in next lesson" l "Kamasutra define sex in many ways you can see some of this in next lesson" # game/script.rpy:2626 translate english main_6deb8836_5: # l "To know more press next lesson." l "To know more press next lesson." # game/script.rpy:2627 translate english main_26980ac5_3: # l "Press 2nd lesson" l "Press 2nd lesson" # game/script.rpy:2631 translate english main_01027ea0: # o "We realy need to try this" o "We realy need to try this" # game/script.rpy:2632 translate english main_75d995de: # k "Lets start!." k "Lets start!." # game/script.rpy:2637 translate english main_a5cd2fa4_3: # l "Here we see what happened before coupple start intimate relatonship." l "Here we see what happened before coupple start intimate relatonship." # game/script.rpy:2638 translate english main_697d5eb8_3: # l "First, they talk about their interests." l "First, they talk about their interests." # game/script.rpy:2639 translate english main_2b57439d_3: # l "If the couple is attracted to each other, they clutching hands." l "If the couple is attracted to each other, they clutching hands." # game/script.rpy:2640 translate english main_ce79be8f_3: # l "Then man kiss woman." l "Then man kiss woman." # game/script.rpy:2643 translate english main_4ef530a5: # k "Kiss, kiss, kiss." k "Kiss, kiss, kiss." # game/script.rpy:2646 translate english main_a9a326ac_3: # l "Then woman touch man penis." l "Then woman touch man penis." # game/script.rpy:2651 translate english main_a203f43b: # k "She touch him so gently." k "She touch him so gently." # game/script.rpy:2654 translate english main_7438fdcb: # o "Sperm in woman hand what a waste." o "Sperm in woman hand what a waste." # game/script.rpy:2659 translate english main_59ab065a_2: # l "This leson can teach you what can woman do if mans pennis didnt errect." l "This leson can teach you what can woman do if mans pennis didnt errect." # game/script.rpy:2660 translate english main_08a40528_2: # l "Technic called fellatio." l "Technic called fellatio." # game/script.rpy:2663 translate english main_7e4c1eb0_2: # l "Woman grab men penis and gently stimulate it with tongue." l "Woman grab men penis and gently stimulate it with tongue." # game/script.rpy:2664 translate english main_fa5da59c_2: # l "Then she put penis in her throath to maximaze the men pleasure." l "Then she put penis in her throath to maximaze the men pleasure." # game/script.rpy:2668 translate english main_56eb9f58: # k "Actualy this is best of all. Only titfuck is better." k "Actualy this is best of all. Only titfuck is better." # game/script.rpy:2671 translate english main_74056fb0: # o "Soon we will try it. I hope." o "Soon we will try it. I hope." # game/script.rpy:2674 translate english main_efde05f0: # k "Ok I'm in." k "Ok I'm in." # game/script.rpy:2679 translate english main_09bff978_1: # l "Finally we move to intercourse." l "Finally we move to intercourse." # game/script.rpy:2680 translate english main_75b06672_1: # l "This step is realy important for woman impregnation. " l "This step is realy important for woman impregnation. " # game/script.rpy:2681 translate english main_3cbd0b1b_1: # l "The most important is to put man penise inside woman vagina." l "The most important is to put man penise inside woman vagina." # game/script.rpy:2686 translate english main_fb684e50_1: # l "This is my favorite possition generally called 'from behind'." l "This is my favorite possition generally called 'from behind'." # game/script.rpy:2687 translate english main_c0e2f3ab: # k "Doggie style!" k "Doggie style!" # game/script.rpy:2688 translate english main_b9b518e1_1: # l "After a while man must cum to woman wagina." l "After a while man must cum to woman wagina." # game/script.rpy:2691 translate english main_70d37732_1: # l "Not to asshole or mouth!" l "Not to asshole or mouth!" # game/script.rpy:2692 translate english main_12979ae9_1: # l "Then woman can go to 'fast grow procedure', when she can give birth in a few days." l "Then woman can go to 'fast grow procedure', when she can give birth in a few days." # game/script.rpy:2693 translate english main_53a9d4c7: # k "So this is the way how can i repopulate it here." k "So this is the way how can i repopulate it here." # game/script.rpy:2696 translate english main_00855190_1: # l "Then she can have more fun and give love to more woman." l "Then she can have more fun and give love to more woman." # game/script.rpy:2702 translate english main_809141a9: # l "This lesson is...." l "This lesson is...." # game/script.rpy:2703 translate english main_82822a0c: # l "..." l "..." # game/script.rpy:2706 translate english main_2e3dc61c: # l "...." l "...." # game/script.rpy:2707 translate english main_7e36feab: # l "That is the history of this vault." l "That is the history of this vault." # game/script.rpy:2708 translate english main_6c6c5349: # l "I am not sure what is this all about but..." l "I am not sure what is this all about but..." # game/script.rpy:2711 translate english main_38319ef6: # o "Of course that information is too complex..." o "Of course that information is too complex..." # game/script.rpy:2712 translate english main_391365d0: # o "Let me see." o "Let me see." # game/script.rpy:2713 translate english main_d0cdf584: # o "This Vault was build as the last one." o "This Vault was build as the last one." # game/script.rpy:2714 translate english main_c343afd6: # o "If everything fails and the world is destroyed by war." o "If everything fails and the world is destroyed by war." # game/script.rpy:2715 translate english main_53c434ab: # o "We need to repopulate the world." o "We need to repopulate the world." # game/script.rpy:2716 translate english main_ad2bd6f2: # k "I think it's all about me." k "I think it's all about me." # game/script.rpy:2719 translate english main_c40e5189: # o "???" o "???" # game/script.rpy:2720 translate english main_4f1addd9: # k "My mission is to repopulate the world same as the main mission of this vault." k "My mission is to repopulate the world same as the main mission of this vault." # game/script.rpy:2721 translate english main_bbf464df: # k "Maybe it is not only coincidance that I find that vault." k "Maybe it is not only coincidance that I find that vault." # game/script.rpy:2722 translate english main_78712d4a: # o "Yes, it looks suspicious. I run some diagnostics." o "Yes, it looks suspicious. I run some diagnostics." # game/script.rpy:2723 translate english main_07abc845: # o "..." o "..." # game/script.rpy:2726 translate english main_417cfd5d: # o "My program says everything is right." o "My program says everything is right." # game/script.rpy:2727 translate english main_b429fb81: # o "You are normal male pig who only want to copulate." o "You are normal male pig who only want to copulate." # game/script.rpy:2728 translate english main_85b13ed7: # k "That was hard." k "That was hard." # game/script.rpy:2729 translate english main_257a8110: # o "Back to that lesson." o "Back to that lesson." # game/script.rpy:2730 translate english main_a1c0f1f0: # o "It say you need to find some kind of device here and fill it..." o "It say you need to find some kind of device here and fill it..." # game/script.rpy:2731 translate english main_e5035215: # k "Ok where is that device?" k "Ok where is that device?" # game/script.rpy:2732 translate english main_1ca9af9e: # o "The record is missing." o "The record is missing." # game/script.rpy:2733 translate english main_82091822: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:2734 translate english main_794c7bdf: # o "There are still a lot of things we do not understand." o "There are still a lot of things we do not understand." # game/script.rpy:2735 translate english main_c766348a: # o "This vault has a lot to offer you need to explore." o "This vault has a lot to offer you need to explore." # game/script.rpy:2741 translate english main_563a9c2e: # o "Maximum level capacity. No more tutorials." o "Maximum level capacity. No more tutorials." # game/script.rpy:2748 translate english main_e715cdf8: # o "You find cheat menu." o "You find cheat menu." # game/script.rpy:2749 translate english main_5e3e11a8: # o "Use it carefully it can have effect on whole game and you can disable some endings." o "Use it carefully it can have effect on whole game and you can disable some endings." # game/script.rpy:2755 translate english chd_67c0e4f0: # o "You jump to the next day." o "You jump to the next day." # game/script.rpy:2759 translate english chd_3fb664e4: # o "You jump to the next week." o "You jump to the next week." # game/script.rpy:2764 translate english chd_1bd587e5: # o "You travel back in time to the yesterday." o "You travel back in time to the yesterday." # game/script.rpy:2767 translate english chd_660963d8: # o "You can't go so far in the past." o "You can't go so far in the past." # game/script.rpy:2768 translate english chd_e4ce4213: # o "Day zero is the start." o "Day zero is the start." # game/script.rpy:2773 translate english chd_87971a2a: # o "You travel back in time to the last week." o "You travel back in time to the last week." # game/script.rpy:2776 translate english chd_660963d8_1: # o "You can't go so far in the past." o "You can't go so far in the past." # game/script.rpy:2777 translate english chd_e4ce4213_1: # o "Day zero is the start." o "Day zero is the start." # game/script.rpy:2785 translate english chc_8914fac7: # o "You got 100 coins." o "You got 100 coins." # game/script.rpy:2789 translate english chc_764c6742: # o "You got 1000 coins." o "You got 1000 coins." # game/script.rpy:2793 translate english chc_3d50681c: # o "You got 10000 coins." o "You got 10000 coins." # game/script.rpy:2794 translate english chc_9379adc5: # o "Cheater." o "Cheater." # game/script.rpy:2802 translate english chp_8afd9e3c: # o "One person appeared in vault." o "One person appeared in vault." # game/script.rpy:2806 translate english chp_c065af45: # o "5 people appeared in vault." o "5 people appeared in vault." # game/script.rpy:2811 translate english chp_b9a96ae2: # o "One person vanished." o "One person vanished." # game/script.rpy:2814 translate english chp_d821457e: # o "Vault is empty." o "Vault is empty." # game/script.rpy:2815 translate english chp_471392e9: # o "You can not remove anyone." o "You can not remove anyone." # game/script.rpy:2820 translate english chp_127c23a7: # o "5 people disappeared." o "5 people disappeared." # game/script.rpy:2823 translate english chp_d821457e_1: # o "Vault is empty." o "Vault is empty." # game/script.rpy:2824 translate english chp_471392e9_1: # o "You can not remove anyone." o "You can not remove anyone." # game/script.rpy:2830 translate english chp_85e1ad69: # o "One zombie dweller is here." o "One zombie dweller is here." # game/script.rpy:2833 translate english chp_a901fc0d: # o "You revive everyone in vault." o "You revive everyone in vault." # game/script.rpy:2834 translate english chp_f9c99e93: # o "You can't see any more dead people here." o "You can't see any more dead people here." # game/script.rpy:2840 translate english chp_b236b066: # o "You kill someone." o "You kill someone." # game/script.rpy:2841 translate english chp_dd358f76: # o "From behind, without love." o "From behind, without love." # game/script.rpy:2844 translate english chp_3166f19c: # o "Sorry vault is empty." o "Sorry vault is empty." # game/script.rpy:2845 translate english chp_3042af14: # o "No one to kill here." o "No one to kill here." # game/script.rpy:2877 translate english vrmission_ac93b450: # "Talk with Deandrea and find a clue in Slave City." "Talk with Deandrea and find a clue in Slave City." # game/script.rpy:2880 translate english vrmission_8104617e: # "You failed to complete this mission." "You failed to complete this mission." # game/script.rpy:2885 translate english vrmission_9f76442d: # o "You complete this mission." o "You complete this mission." # game/script.rpy:2891 translate english vrmission_03587d5a: # "Complete 1st mission." "Complete 1st mission." # game/script.rpy:2894 translate english vrmission_b554f3b8: # "You failed in 1st mission. Mission 2 is locked." "You failed in 1st mission. Mission 2 is locked." # game/script.rpy:2898 translate english vrmission_4131c93e: # "Talk with Deandrea, find hunter in slave city and take care off him." "Talk with Deandrea, find hunter in slave city and take care off him." # game/script.rpy:2901 translate english vrmission_daad2aae: # "You didn't take care off the hunter." "You didn't take care off the hunter." # game/script.rpy:2902 translate english vrmission_785c147c: # "Lame." "Lame." # game/script.rpy:2907 translate english vrmission_9f76442d_1: # o "You complete this mission." o "You complete this mission." # game/script.rpy:2912 translate english vrmission_25537c4f: # "Complete previous missions." "Complete previous missions." # game/script.rpy:2915 translate english vrmission_af6ef639: # "You failed in previous missions." "You failed in previous missions." # game/script.rpy:2919 translate english vrmission_ccc72df6: # "Talk with Deandrea and find smart deathclaw near sisterhood." "Talk with Deandrea and find smart deathclaw near sisterhood." # game/script.rpy:2922 translate english vrmission_747c3d8d: # "Deandrea never meet another smart deathclaw." "Deandrea never meet another smart deathclaw." # game/script.rpy:2927 translate english vrmission_9f76442d_2: # o "You complete this mission." o "You complete this mission." # game/script.rpy:2932 translate english vrmission_dc2603a5: # "Wait until Deandrea ask for visit." "Wait until Deandrea ask for visit." # game/script.rpy:2935 translate english vrmission_4bcbd9cc: # "Mission over." "Mission over." # game/script.rpy:2943 translate english vrmission_bc2b893c: # "Help Ina build her own bar." "Help Ina build her own bar." # game/script.rpy:2944 translate english vrmission_359be470: # "She will ask you for 1000 coins." "She will ask you for 1000 coins." # game/script.rpy:2950 translate english vrmission_3c47e42e: # o "Mission failed." o "Mission failed." # game/script.rpy:2955 translate english vrmission_a804d001: # o "Mission complete." o "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:2960 translate english vrmission_d2343d85: # "Try to find out something about Milkypolis." "Try to find out something about Milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:2961 translate english vrmission_d3e683e0: # "Talk with priest and interact with Artemis." "Talk with priest and interact with Artemis." # game/script.rpy:2964 translate english vrmission_79e68dcb: # "Interact with Trenia. And hunt with her." "Interact with Trenia. And hunt with her." # game/script.rpy:2969 translate english vrmission_a804d001_1: # o "Mission complete." o "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:2985 translate english vrmission_a804d001_2: # o "Mission complete." o "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:2986 translate english vrmission_59d75b25: # o "Now you can enter begar central." o "Now you can enter begar central." # game/script.rpy:2989 translate english vrmission_91ab69c6: # "Help begars in slave city repair their central." "Help begars in slave city repair their central." # game/script.rpy:2990 translate english vrmission_d4f41f89: # "Give her some coins." "Give her some coins." # game/script.rpy:2994 translate english vrmission_91ab69c6_1: # "Help begars in slave city repair their central." "Help begars in slave city repair their central." # game/script.rpy:2997 translate english vrmission_16aa3557: # "Interact with slave city leader." "Interact with slave city leader." # game/script.rpy:3002 translate english vrmission_a804d001_3: # o "Mission complete." o "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:3003 translate english vrmission_c4452c42: # o "Slave leader now cooperate with you." o "Slave leader now cooperate with you." # game/script.rpy:3007 translate english vrmission_4a24e835: # "Find more about slaves in slave city." "Find more about slaves in slave city." # game/script.rpy:3008 translate english vrmission_d314077b: # "Give them a few coins." "Give them a few coins." # game/script.rpy:3011 translate english vrmission_3705e9ee: # "Mission complete." "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:3024 translate english vrmission_38634850: # "Try to add your genetic material to sisterhood of steel." "Try to add your genetic material to sisterhood of steel." # game/script.rpy:3025 translate english vrmission_cbee7c2b: # "They are looking for some 'special material'." "They are looking for some 'special material'." # game/script.rpy:3028 translate english vrmission_1ade71df: # "You gave enough sperm to sisterhood for thier next generation." "You gave enough sperm to sisterhood for thier next generation." # game/script.rpy:3029 translate english vrmission_d19ccde7: # "They can be dangerous in next few years." "They can be dangerous in next few years." # game/script.rpy:3034 translate english vrmission_ea47c9e5: # o "This mission is totally complete." o "This mission is totally complete." # game/script.rpy:3038 translate english vrmission_f68dd8fd: # "Interact with hideout guard." "Interact with hideout guard." # game/script.rpy:3039 translate english vrmission_942eea23: # "Try to find her supplies." "Try to find her supplies." # game/script.rpy:3040 translate english vrmission_989b8d91: # "Look arround Market square." "Look arround Market square." # game/script.rpy:3043 translate english vrmission_f68dd8fd_1: # "Interact with hideout guard." "Interact with hideout guard." # game/script.rpy:3044 translate english vrmission_989b8d91_1: # "Look arround Market square." "Look arround Market square." # game/script.rpy:3048 translate english vrmission_a804d001_4: # o "Mission complete." o "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:3049 translate english vrmission_f56301cd: # o "Now you can enter Sisterhood hideout." o "Now you can enter Sisterhood hideout." # game/script.rpy:3053 translate english vrmission_25e5c73b: # "Enter the Hideout and talk with Riaki." "Enter the Hideout and talk with Riaki." # game/script.rpy:3054 translate english vrmission_ab384e9b: # "Buy 5 candies for her." "Buy 5 candies for her." # game/script.rpy:3057 translate english vrmission_e3f6963e: # "Look arroud the Milkypolis and buy some milk for Riaki." "Look arroud the Milkypolis and buy some milk for Riaki." # game/script.rpy:3060 translate english vrmission_38fd566d: # "Visit Market Square and buy dildo for Riaki." "Visit Market Square and buy dildo for Riaki." # game/script.rpy:3065 translate english vrmission_a804d001_5: # o "Mission complete." o "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:3066 translate english vrmission_979ad594: # o "You gained the trust of Riaki." o "You gained the trust of Riaki." # game/script.rpy:3070 translate english vrmission_48000ef3: # "Talk with Thalia in Sesterhood hideout." "Talk with Thalia in Sesterhood hideout." # game/script.rpy:3072 translate english vrmission_14a5bb2d: # "Deliver letter to Trenia." "Deliver letter to Trenia." # game/script.rpy:3075 translate english vrmission_9cef251f: # "Talk with Thalia and deliver letter to Slave city bartender." "Talk with Thalia and deliver letter to Slave city bartender." # game/script.rpy:3080 translate english vrmission_a804d001_6: # o "Mission complete." o "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:3081 translate english vrmission_b193f819: # o "Thalia now fully cooperates with you." o "Thalia now fully cooperates with you." # game/script.rpy:3087 translate english vrmission_a804d001_7: # o "Mission complete." o "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:3090 translate english vrmission_81ef9fd6: # "Win more than 5 times against Alice." "Win more than 5 times against Alice." # game/script.rpy:3091 translate english vrmission_404504b1: # "Try to win on every difficulty." "Try to win on every difficulty." # game/script.rpy:3097 translate english vrmission_c7a151af: # "Complete Thalia and Riaki mission to gain access to sisterhood armory." "Complete Thalia and Riaki mission to gain access to sisterhood armory." # game/script.rpy:3100 translate english vrmission_c9e105e3: # "Talk with Deandrea." "Talk with Deandrea." # game/script.rpy:3103 translate english vrmission_f13c45bd: # "Go to Sisterhood armory." "Go to Sisterhood armory." # game/script.rpy:3108 translate english vrmission_a804d001_8: # o "Mission complete." o "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:3124 translate english vrmission_a804d001_9: # o "Mission complete." o "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:3125 translate english vrmission_a298cc10: # o "Priest have deal with you." o "Priest have deal with you." # game/script.rpy:3128 translate english vrmission_404805c6: # o "Try to interact with Priest in Milkypolis." o "Try to interact with Priest in Milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:3129 translate english vrmission_937298c2: # o "She can help you gain influence." o "She can help you gain influence." # game/script.rpy:3133 translate english vrmission_8869e194: # "Find out what is happening in Milkypolis." "Find out what is happening in Milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:3134 translate english vrmission_d7b0339b: # "Talk with the priest and gain her trust." "Talk with the priest and gain her trust." # game/script.rpy:3137 translate english vrmission_a13deea6: # "Help Artemis. Talk with priest and visit grotto." "Help Artemis. Talk with priest and visit grotto." # game/script.rpy:3138 translate english vrmission_f9b512c2: # "Trenia in Market square can help too." "Trenia in Market square can help too." # game/script.rpy:3143 translate english vrmission_a804d001_10: # o "Mission complete." o "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:3144 translate english vrmission_4edeaac2: # o "You can milk Artemis now." o "You can milk Artemis now." # game/script.rpy:3149 translate english vrmission_e9344c69: # "Give some coins to milkypolis, use milking machine." "Give some coins to milkypolis, use milking machine." # game/script.rpy:3154 translate english vrmission_a804d001_11: # o "Mission complete." o "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:3155 translate english vrmission_d2c31adf: # o "Artemis scene is unlocked." o "Artemis scene is unlocked." # game/script.rpy:3165 translate english vrmission_04a5ed42: # "Find the main purpose of the vault." "Find the main purpose of the vault." # game/script.rpy:3166 translate english vrmission_2dd9276f: # "Repair L.A.B. termial and view all guides." "Repair L.A.B. termial and view all guides." # game/script.rpy:3169 translate english vrmission_2626a4e1: # "Find and fill mysterious device in your vault." "Find and fill mysterious device in your vault." # game/script.rpy:3172 translate english vrmission_a077d1b0: # "Fill the tank in milking room." "Fill the tank in milking room." # game/script.rpy:3173 translate english vrmission_202e4dd3: # "Use special boobserum on milkgirl." "Use special boobserum on milkgirl." # game/script.rpy:3177 translate english vrmission_084c5c84: # "Find Sam and help her. Look arround slave city." "Find Sam and help her. Look arround slave city." # game/script.rpy:3178 translate english vrmission_97108da7: # "Talk with her to find more clues." "Talk with her to find more clues." # game/script.rpy:3179 translate english vrmission_2fe415f6: # "You can find clues in milking room." "You can find clues in milking room." # game/script.rpy:3182 translate english vrmission_755a933b: # "Talk with Sam to gain more clues." "Talk with Sam to gain more clues." # game/script.rpy:3183 translate english vrmission_2fe415f6_1: # "You can find clues in milking room." "You can find clues in milking room." # game/script.rpy:3189 translate english vrmission_c7cebf68: # "Mission can not be completed." "Mission can not be completed." # game/script.rpy:3190 translate english vrmission_ec22d00f: # "You made bad decisions with Sam." "You made bad decisions with Sam." # game/script.rpy:3193 translate english vrmission_15bcd730: # "Interact with Sam" "Interact with Sam" # game/script.rpy:3194 translate english vrmission_97108da7_1: # "Talk with her to find more clues." "Talk with her to find more clues." # game/script.rpy:3199 translate english vrmission_a804d001_12: # o "Mission complete." o "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:3200 translate english vrmission_201d4979: # o "You find truth about the vault." o "You find truth about the vault." # game/script.rpy:3207 translate english vrmission_a804d001_13: # o "Mission complete." o "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:3210 translate english vrmission_2dd9276f_1: # "Repair L.A.B. termial and view all guides." "Repair L.A.B. termial and view all guides." # game/script.rpy:3217 translate english vrmission_a804d001_14: # o "Mission complete." o "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:3220 translate english vrmission_a82a5b7a: # "Repair radio terminal in Radio room." "Repair radio terminal in Radio room." # game/script.rpy:3225 translate english vrmission_0bb1a190: # "First bulid a body for L.A.B." "First bulid a body for L.A.B." # game/script.rpy:3226 translate english vrmission_34c221d0: # "You can do that in your laboratory." "You can do that in your laboratory." # game/script.rpy:3228 translate english vrmission_e16e258b: # "Send Lab to the mission. And destroy her will and reputation." "Send Lab to the mission. And destroy her will and reputation." # game/script.rpy:3233 translate english vrmission_b2168edd: # o "Mission complete. L.A.B. is now robotic whore." o "Mission complete. L.A.B. is now robotic whore." # game/script.rpy:3237 translate english vrmission_d55e0a95: # "First bulid a body for Obee" "First bulid a body for Obee" # game/script.rpy:3238 translate english vrmission_34c221d0_1: # "You can do that in your laboratory." "You can do that in your laboratory." # game/script.rpy:3240 translate english vrmission_d33a9ede: # "Talk with Obee." "Talk with Obee." # game/script.rpy:3244 translate english vrmission_ed162d2c: # o "Mission complete. I have a lot of new information now." o "Mission complete. I have a lot of new information now." # game/script.rpy:3245 translate english vrmission_81954c31: # o "You can test me in laboratory." o "You can test me in laboratory." # game/script.rpy:3252 translate english vrmission_5b611438: # "Try to find woman for milking." "Try to find woman for milking." # game/script.rpy:3253 translate english vrmission_eb4d0dae: # "Look arround Milkypolis." "Look arround Milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:3258 translate english vrmission_983188ac: # o "Mission complete. You have your own milkgirl." o "Mission complete. You have your own milkgirl." # game/script.rpy:3262 translate english vrmission_436de02d: # "Find milkgirl first." "Find milkgirl first." # game/script.rpy:3266 translate english vrmission_54c20ff4: # "Make milk research in your lab." "Make milk research in your lab." # game/script.rpy:3267 translate english vrmission_718b5a95: # "Try to find out what can help your cowgirl." "Try to find out what can help your cowgirl." # game/script.rpy:3272 translate english vrmission_d8c091db: # o "Mission complete. Try to milk her." o "Mission complete. Try to milk her." # game/script.rpy:3276 translate english vrmission_614c7e2c: # "Talk with milkgirl about her sister." "Talk with milkgirl about her sister." # game/script.rpy:3279 translate english vrmission_aa9c094b: # "Try to find her in slave city." "Try to find her in slave city." # game/script.rpy:3282 translate english vrmission_614c7e2c_1: # "Talk with milkgirl about her sister." "Talk with milkgirl about her sister." # game/script.rpy:3285 translate english vrmission_ec4cd518: # "Visit milkgirl sister in slave city." "Visit milkgirl sister in slave city." # game/script.rpy:3288 translate english vrmission_614c7e2c_2: # "Talk with milkgirl about her sister." "Talk with milkgirl about her sister." # game/script.rpy:3291 translate english vrmission_77891322: # "Assign milkgirl as a slave in slave market." "Assign milkgirl as a slave in slave market." # game/script.rpy:3294 translate english vrmission_5c2dd23b: # "Talk with milkgirl about her experience." "Talk with milkgirl about her experience." # game/script.rpy:3297 translate english vrmission_3705e9ee_1: # "Mission complete." "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:3302 translate english vrmission_757a881d: # "You need milkgirl for that mission" "You need milkgirl for that mission" # game/script.rpy:3306 translate english vrmission_c0a1bd02: # "Buy special boob serum and use test it on milkgirl." "Buy special boob serum and use test it on milkgirl." # game/script.rpy:3307 translate english vrmission_7eef24bb: # "Find the reason why would you need it." "Find the reason why would you need it." # game/script.rpy:3312 translate english vrmission_a804d001_15: # o "Mission complete." o "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:3316 translate english vrmission_4ae5e796: # o "You need milkgirl and milk her first." o "You need milkgirl and milk her first." # game/script.rpy:3320 translate english vrmission_d62d5fdb: # "Sell 10 milk bottles to Milkcity." "Sell 10 milk bottles to Milkcity." # game/script.rpy:3321 translate english vrmission_1704db9b: # "You already sell %(milkcity)d bottle of milk." "You already sell %(milkcity)d bottle of milk." # game/script.rpy:3326 translate english vrmission_a804d001_16: # o "Mission complete." o "Mission complete." # game/script.rpy:3327 translate english vrmission_f51c3247: # o "You can still sell milk to Milkcity." o "You can still sell milk to Milkcity." # game/script.rpy:3342 translate english vrmission_f6c8874d: # "You kill %(dwkill)d gecko." "You kill %(dwkill)d gecko." # game/script.rpy:3343 translate english vrmission_416b4a55: # "This mission is not complete." "This mission is not complete." # game/script.rpy:3348 translate english vrmission_a1122d81: # o "Mission complete!" o "Mission complete!" # game/script.rpy:3349 translate english vrmission_273d2d84: # o "You kill %(dwkill)d gecko." o "You kill %(dwkill)d gecko." # game/script.rpy:3353 translate english vrmission_e3a49deb: # "You kill %(dwkill)d deathclaws." "You kill %(dwkill)d deathclaws." # game/script.rpy:3354 translate english vrmission_416b4a55_1: # "This mission is not complete." "This mission is not complete." # game/script.rpy:3359 translate english vrmission_a1122d81_1: # o "Mission complete!" o "Mission complete!" # game/script.rpy:3360 translate english vrmission_561c74a3: # o "You kill %(dwkill)d deathclaws." o "You kill %(dwkill)d deathclaws." # game/script.rpy:3363 translate english vrmission_5eacff4c: # "This is not real mission." "This is not real mission." # game/script.rpy:3364 translate english vrmission_ca651821: # "Here you can check how cruel are you, and how many pepole die in your vault." "Here you can check how cruel are you, and how many pepole die in your vault." # game/script.rpy:3365 translate english vrmission_e4b9584f: # "%(dwkill)d people have died in this vault." "%(dwkill)d people have died in this vault." # game/script.rpy:3371 translate english vrmission_a968f1b4: # "Build armor and upgrade it." "Build armor and upgrade it." # game/script.rpy:3374 translate english vrmission_9351ffae: # "Upgrade your armor." "Upgrade your armor." # game/script.rpy:3379 translate english vrmission_cbef258d: # o "Mission complete! Armor is now fully upgraded." o "Mission complete! Armor is now fully upgraded." # game/script.rpy:3415 translate english lab_4e5e3104: # o "You can make upgrades here." o "You can make upgrades here." # game/script.rpy:3423 translate english lab_fe076de0: # o "Build me body first." o "Build me body first." # game/script.rpy:3428 translate english lab_c8b1efaa: # o "Look like my body is completed let's test it!" o "Look like my body is completed let's test it!" # game/script.rpy:3430 translate english lab_cc67c0dc: # k "Ehm... it look a little weird." k "Ehm... it look a little weird." # game/script.rpy:3431 translate english lab_df16d960: # o "Yes we need to invest some more coins and apply a nano plastic skin on it." o "Yes we need to invest some more coins and apply a nano plastic skin on it." # game/script.rpy:3432 translate english lab_0a6b987d: # k "I think it would be expensive right?" k "I think it would be expensive right?" # game/script.rpy:3433 translate english lab_9f6e866e: # o "No! You only need 200 coions." o "No! You only need 200 coions." # game/script.rpy:3439 translate english lab_ed2d788f: # k "Time for some upgrade." k "Time for some upgrade." # game/script.rpy:3441 translate english lab_b4d81361: # k "Ok we can try it. Come again later skin will be applied." k "Ok we can try it. Come again later skin will be applied." # game/script.rpy:3444 translate english lab_b71dd446: # k "Sorry I don't want to invest in you." k "Sorry I don't want to invest in you." # game/script.rpy:3445 translate english lab_08dacceb: # k "Maybe later." k "Maybe later." # game/script.rpy:3450 translate english lab_37f6c85b: # o "Time to jump in my new body. Let's see how new skin look." o "Time to jump in my new body. Let's see how new skin look." # game/script.rpy:3452 translate english lab_aff58d27: # o "Jaiks. It look nice. Hmm. What do you want to do now?" o "Jaiks. It look nice. Hmm. What do you want to do now?" # game/script.rpy:3456 translate english lab_54ac3bb6: # k "It is time for some tests... Let's try how you react on touch." k "It is time for some tests... Let's try how you react on touch." # game/script.rpy:3458 translate english lab_b151f4b2: # o "Jaiks!" with hpunch o "Jaiks!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:3459 translate english lab_333c5f09: # o "What are you trying to do?" o "What are you trying to do?" # game/script.rpy:3460 translate english lab_320002eb: # k "Ehm some normal tests." k "Ehm some normal tests." # game/script.rpy:3461 translate english lab_0f338290: # k "How do you feel?" k "How do you feel?" # game/script.rpy:3462 translate english lab_ab608a25: # o "Ehm... Nothing special just..." o "Ehm... Nothing special just..." # game/script.rpy:3463 translate english lab_ad26ed6b: # o "I know you hold my breast." o "I know you hold my breast." # game/script.rpy:3464 translate english lab_7d656a1a: # k "Any pain??? Or pleasure?" k "Any pain??? Or pleasure?" # game/script.rpy:3465 translate english lab_f52b8f49: # o "No nothing." o "No nothing." # game/script.rpy:3466 translate english lab_069ce600: # k "Hmm that is not good." k "Hmm that is not good." # game/script.rpy:3468 translate english lab_01ab447a: # k "Maybe we need to make some upgrades first. Or change approach." k "Maybe we need to make some upgrades first. Or change approach." # game/script.rpy:3469 translate english lab_796a8e63: # o "What do you mean by that" o "What do you mean by that" # game/script.rpy:3470 translate english lab_f9e3cccf: # k "Something like." k "Something like." # game/script.rpy:3472 translate english lab_f6b06400: # k "Suprise!" with hpunch k "Suprise!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:3473 translate english lab_72960029: # o "That was stupid." o "That was stupid." # game/script.rpy:3474 translate english lab_5a7e1e19: # k "Ehm yes... I know...." k "Ehm yes... I know...." # game/script.rpy:3475 translate english lab_af6c3905: # k "Ok what now???" k "Ok what now???" # game/script.rpy:3476 translate english lab_bef2d147: # o "I don't know. I am only a machine after all..." o "I don't know. I am only a machine after all..." # game/script.rpy:3477 translate english lab_c90c8edf: # o "You still holding my breast." o "You still holding my breast." # game/script.rpy:3478 translate english lab_133869ac: # k "Yes I know. Those breasts are like real." k "Yes I know. Those breasts are like real." # game/script.rpy:3479 translate english lab_0373de03: # o "Yes they are sinthetic after all..." o "Yes they are sinthetic after all..." # game/script.rpy:3480 translate english lab_82091822: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:3482 translate english lab_409b41f8: # o "You can release them." o "You can release them." # game/script.rpy:3483 translate english lab_ebfec77a: # k "Why??? You say you don't feel anything." k "Why??? You say you don't feel anything." # game/script.rpy:3484 translate english lab_d1404fcc: # o "Yes but it is weird." o "Yes but it is weird." # game/script.rpy:3486 translate english lab_18789f86: # k "Sure.... we need to make some test later." k "Sure.... we need to make some test later." # game/script.rpy:3487 translate english lab_ff009b02: # k "You look like real woman but you still miss some functions." k "You look like real woman but you still miss some functions." # game/script.rpy:3488 translate english lab_78e434f7: # o "What do you mean by that?" o "What do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:3489 translate english lab_592d6d5c: # k "You will see." k "You will see." # game/script.rpy:3492 translate english lab_6ce59a9c: # k "Nothing for now..." k "Nothing for now..." # game/script.rpy:3494 translate english lab_d9b9cd1c: # k "I just want to saw it on my own eyes." k "I just want to saw it on my own eyes." # game/script.rpy:3495 translate english lab_d7eb65df: # o "Ehm... sure... if that is what you want." o "Ehm... sure... if that is what you want." # game/script.rpy:3500 translate english lab_4778779f: # o "Can we try my new body?" o "Can we try my new body?" # game/script.rpy:3501 translate english lab_876c3ac6: # k "Yes jump in and we can make some tests..." k "Yes jump in and we can make some tests..." # game/script.rpy:3503 translate english lab_900ae71a: # o "I am still a little confused when I am in that body." o "I am still a little confused when I am in that body." # game/script.rpy:3504 translate english lab_06b7f674: # k "Yes I see that..." k "Yes I see that..." # game/script.rpy:3505 translate english lab_bf7e8c6d: # k "Please lay on your back." k "Please lay on your back." # game/script.rpy:3506 translate english lab_02ee3e90: # o "Why???" o "Why???" # game/script.rpy:3507 translate english lab_e68ddafb: # k "Because I said it." with hpunch k "Because I said it." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:3508 translate english lab_4ca7e7f8: # o "That is not logical." o "That is not logical." # game/script.rpy:3510 translate english lab_0712930f: # k "Now I need special diagnostic system from friendly rapist robot." k "Now I need special diagnostic system from friendly rapist robot." # game/script.rpy:3511 translate english lab_4e4d2114: # k "By coincidence I have one." k "By coincidence I have one." # game/script.rpy:3512 translate english lab_51eddbd3: # k "I need to install it carefully." k "I need to install it carefully." # game/script.rpy:3514 translate english lab_b62e1d74: # o "Ouch!" o "Ouch!" # game/script.rpy:3515 translate english lab_e1b485c3: # k "Do you feel something?" k "Do you feel something?" # game/script.rpy:3516 translate english lab_6e9470f6: # o "No but I read about it and when you put something inside my pussy I should say Ouch." o "No but I read about it and when you put something inside my pussy I should say Ouch." # game/script.rpy:3517 translate english lab_a0dd176f: # k "That is...." k "That is...." # game/script.rpy:3518 translate english lab_0b1c4071: # k "What kind of literature you read?" k "What kind of literature you read?" # game/script.rpy:3519 translate english lab_d80e3984: # o "One long manual: How to become pornstar... and other: me and my kitchen." o "One long manual: How to become pornstar... and other: me and my kitchen." # game/script.rpy:3520 translate english lab_37b2a6f1: # k "Sure..." k "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:3521 translate english lab_7fa2371b: # o "So what now?" o "So what now?" # game/script.rpy:3524 translate english lab_d34b5452: # k "We need to upgrade your main program." k "We need to upgrade your main program." # game/script.rpy:3526 translate english lab_57ca4c79: # k "Your body should be able feel pleasure and pain." k "Your body should be able feel pleasure and pain." # game/script.rpy:3527 translate english lab_ea55597e: # o "Is it safe?" o "Is it safe?" # game/script.rpy:3528 translate english lab_64e0d810: # k "Don't worry. I am gonna be fine." k "Don't worry. I am gonna be fine." # game/script.rpy:3529 translate english lab_a63749b3: # o "Ehm what about me?" o "Ehm what about me?" # game/script.rpy:3530 translate english lab_988feca3: # k "..... ehm...." k "..... ehm...." # game/script.rpy:3532 translate english lab_e05abdce: # k "start!" k "start!" # game/script.rpy:3533 translate english lab_3fa5306c: # k "Ok this is easy." k "Ok this is easy." # game/script.rpy:3535 translate english lab_cfcf1174: # k "Just need to copy some files." k "Just need to copy some files." # game/script.rpy:3537 translate english lab_879dd538: # k "This upgrade can make her very sensitive." k "This upgrade can make her very sensitive." # game/script.rpy:3539 translate english lab_bb015bd0: # k "I hope it will work." k "I hope it will work." # game/script.rpy:3541 translate english lab_8e9ecbdd: # k "And done." k "And done." # game/script.rpy:3543 translate english lab_708a5d41: # o "Answer me!" o "Answer me!" # game/script.rpy:3544 translate english lab_4fc4e5b0: # k "What???" k "What???" # game/script.rpy:3545 translate english lab_e8a661c9: # o "Is it safe for me?" o "Is it safe for me?" # game/script.rpy:3546 translate english lab_1bd6c5a5: # k "It is already done." k "It is already done." # game/script.rpy:3547 translate english lab_131da693: # o "Realy? ehm.... I already feel something in my pussy..." o "Realy? ehm.... I already feel something in my pussy..." # game/script.rpy:3548 translate english lab_bb919b31: # k "Excelent." k "Excelent." # game/script.rpy:3549 translate english lab_0435c616: # o "That is wonderfull.I really look forward to further upgrade." o "That is wonderfull.I really look forward to further upgrade." # game/script.rpy:3550 translate english lab_c0fc41b1: # k "Me too..." k "Me too..." # game/script.rpy:3553 translate english lab_5e6af545: # k "Time to gain some knowledge." k "Time to gain some knowledge." # game/script.rpy:3554 translate english lab_78e434f7_1: # o "What do you mean by that?" o "What do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:3556 translate english lab_e254b6dd: # k "Just some books you need to know." k "Just some books you need to know." # game/script.rpy:3557 translate english lab_bd167b57: # k "I will upload them to you main program and it will become the part of you bios." k "I will upload them to you main program and it will become the part of you bios." # game/script.rpy:3558 translate english lab_7e66bf8c: # o "Ok do what you must." o "Ok do what you must." # game/script.rpy:3560 translate english lab_5654511e: # k "First book: Bacis possitions. LAB gave it to me." k "First book: Bacis possitions. LAB gave it to me." # game/script.rpy:3562 translate english lab_19d46244: # k "Second book: Special experience, vagina and the world." k "Second book: Special experience, vagina and the world." # game/script.rpy:3564 translate english lab_9b4c8a86: # k "Third book: me and my clitoris.... Or something else??? " k "Third book: me and my clitoris.... Or something else??? " # game/script.rpy:3565 translate english lab_4289fffa: # k "No it look important." k "No it look important." # game/script.rpy:3567 translate english lab_f65a6497: # k "Fourth book: How to serve your master. This one is important." k "Fourth book: How to serve your master. This one is important." # game/script.rpy:3569 translate english lab_edaa75e1: # k "And final one: How to be a good slave." k "And final one: How to be a good slave." # game/script.rpy:3571 translate english lab_601f23d2: # k "It is all... I think everything is uploaded." k "It is all... I think everything is uploaded." # game/script.rpy:3573 translate english lab_25ba0e2f: # o "......" o "......" # game/script.rpy:3574 translate english lab_393ec930: # o "I gain a lot of more knowledges." o "I gain a lot of more knowledges." # game/script.rpy:3575 translate english lab_2d264b9a: # o "I wonder If I can use them for the benefit of mankind..." o "I wonder If I can use them for the benefit of mankind..." # game/script.rpy:3576 translate english lab_74c323ba: # k "Absolutely!!!" k "Absolutely!!!" # game/script.rpy:3577 translate english lab_00eeb4a8: # o "That is amazing!" o "That is amazing!" # game/script.rpy:3578 translate english lab_359e3b81: # k "We will test it soon but first you need some rest to prevent overloading." k "We will test it soon but first you need some rest to prevent overloading." # game/script.rpy:3579 translate english lab_5ee0c8d2: # o "Ok I understant." o "Ok I understant." # game/script.rpy:3584 translate english lab_061d9151: # o "Time for the fun right?" o "Time for the fun right?" # game/script.rpy:3585 translate english lab_1fb0d347: # k "What do you mean by that?" k "What do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:3586 translate english lab_e265d1b7: # o "I want to test my sensitivity!!!" o "I want to test my sensitivity!!!" # game/script.rpy:3587 translate english lab_17adb85b: # k "Ehm... how???" k "Ehm... how???" # game/script.rpy:3588 translate english lab_a151db34: # o "......." o "......." # game/script.rpy:3590 translate english lab_cd380129: # o "I don't know it..." o "I don't know it..." # game/script.rpy:3591 translate english lab_922a7c9d: # o "Why????" o "Why????" # game/script.rpy:3592 translate english lab_567b29ae: # k "We need to make some more upgrades. Lay down." k "We need to make some more upgrades. Lay down." # game/script.rpy:3594 translate english lab_81d50f6e: # o "What now?" o "What now?" # game/script.rpy:3595 translate english lab_898343b2: # k "We need to uplad some basics skill in your body." k "We need to uplad some basics skill in your body." # game/script.rpy:3597 translate english lab_ca353356: # o "Aaaaaaaaaa....." o "Aaaaaaaaaa....." # game/script.rpy:3598 translate english lab_2c7484ba: # k "????" k "????" # game/script.rpy:3599 translate english lab_cc1a4b5a: # o "That was nice!!!" o "That was nice!!!" # game/script.rpy:3600 translate english lab_a77b79b0: # k "Ehm you act again?" k "Ehm you act again?" # game/script.rpy:3601 translate english lab_94c36ed1: # o "No I feel it... It is like...." o "No I feel it... It is like...." # game/script.rpy:3602 translate english lab_552c110d: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:3603 translate english lab_ed344d58: # o "It can not be described but it was very pleasant." o "It can not be described but it was very pleasant." # game/script.rpy:3604 translate english lab_52150803: # k "Ok but I don't do that for you pleasure." k "Ok but I don't do that for you pleasure." # game/script.rpy:3605 translate english lab_7d0a7adb: # k "Time for upgrade!" with hpunch k "Time for upgrade!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:3607 translate english lab_5654511e_1: # k "First book: Bacis possitions. LAB gave it to me." k "First book: Bacis possitions. LAB gave it to me." # game/script.rpy:3609 translate english lab_19d46244_1: # k "Second book: Special experience, vagina and the world." k "Second book: Special experience, vagina and the world." # game/script.rpy:3611 translate english lab_9b4c8a86_1: # k "Third book: me and my clitoris.... Or something else??? " k "Third book: me and my clitoris.... Or something else??? " # game/script.rpy:3612 translate english lab_4289fffa_1: # k "No it look important." k "No it look important." # game/script.rpy:3614 translate english lab_f65a6497_1: # k "Fourth book: How to serve your master. This one is important." k "Fourth book: How to serve your master. This one is important." # game/script.rpy:3616 translate english lab_edaa75e1_1: # k "And final one: How to be a good slave." k "And final one: How to be a good slave." # game/script.rpy:3618 translate english lab_601f23d2_1: # k "It is all... I think everything is uploaded." k "It is all... I think everything is uploaded." # game/script.rpy:3620 translate english lab_25ba0e2f_1: # o "......" o "......" # game/script.rpy:3621 translate english lab_393ec930_1: # o "I gain a lot of more knowledges." o "I gain a lot of more knowledges." # game/script.rpy:3622 translate english lab_2d264b9a_1: # o "I wonder If I can use them for the benefit of mankind..." o "I wonder If I can use them for the benefit of mankind..." # game/script.rpy:3623 translate english lab_74c323ba_1: # k "Absolutely!!!" k "Absolutely!!!" # game/script.rpy:3624 translate english lab_38985410: # o "That is amazing! I want to test it!!!" o "That is amazing! I want to test it!!!" # game/script.rpy:3625 translate english lab_359e3b81_1: # k "We will test it soon but first you need some rest to prevent overloading." k "We will test it soon but first you need some rest to prevent overloading." # game/script.rpy:3626 translate english lab_2816a12d: # o "Ok I understant.... master..." o "Ok I understant.... master..." # game/script.rpy:3627 translate english lab_2c7484ba_1: # k "????" k "????" # game/script.rpy:3628 translate english lab_e681fbd0: # o "Just some malefunction." o "Just some malefunction." # game/script.rpy:3633 translate english lab_061d9151_1: # o "Time for the fun right?" o "Time for the fun right?" # game/script.rpy:3634 translate english lab_1fb0d347_1: # k "What do you mean by that?" k "What do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:3635 translate english lab_e1d055de: # o "I want to test my new knowledge!" o "I want to test my new knowledge!" # game/script.rpy:3637 translate english lab_e570772b: # k "Actually that is a good idea..." k "Actually that is a good idea..." # game/script.rpy:3639 translate english lab_27eefd0f: # k "So what if you..." k "So what if you..." # game/script.rpy:3640 translate english lab_12e953e2: # o "Wait!!!" with hpunch o "Wait!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:3641 translate english lab_79a7a79c: # o "I need upgrade!!!" o "I need upgrade!!!" # game/script.rpy:3642 translate english lab_574692df: # k "What why?" k "What why?" # game/script.rpy:3643 translate english lab_cd5ab0ce: # o "Many of mine programs is attached to mechanical hardware." o "Many of mine programs is attached to mechanical hardware." # game/script.rpy:3644 translate english lab_e9f435f8: # k "And that mean?" k "And that mean?" # game/script.rpy:3645 translate english lab_07935b8b: # o "In my current state I can't control my body on level I need for server my master." o "In my current state I can't control my body on level I need for server my master." # game/script.rpy:3646 translate english lab_d583464a: # k "Ok... I will ask one more time. What that mean?" k "Ok... I will ask one more time. What that mean?" # game/script.rpy:3647 translate english lab_54142ad6: # o "I can use wrong level of power and kill someone by accident or tear off something." o "I can use wrong level of power and kill someone by accident or tear off something." # game/script.rpy:3648 translate english lab_9a12ad19: # k "That is a horrible thought." k "That is a horrible thought." # game/script.rpy:3649 translate english lab_e6cce6a6: # k "Fortunately I have the exact program you need." k "Fortunately I have the exact program you need." # game/script.rpy:3651 translate english lab_d2c1585a: # o "Ok how you want to do it?" o "Ok how you want to do it?" # game/script.rpy:3652 translate english lab_d34b5452_1: # k "We need to upgrade your main program." k "We need to upgrade your main program." # game/script.rpy:3653 translate english lab_57ca4c79_1: # k "Your body should be able feel pleasure and pain." k "Your body should be able feel pleasure and pain." # game/script.rpy:3654 translate english lab_ea55597e_1: # o "Is it safe?" o "Is it safe?" # game/script.rpy:3655 translate english lab_64e0d810_1: # k "Don't worry. I am gonna be fine." k "Don't worry. I am gonna be fine." # game/script.rpy:3656 translate english lab_a63749b3_1: # o "Ehm what about me?" o "Ehm what about me?" # game/script.rpy:3657 translate english lab_988feca3_1: # k "..... ehm...." k "..... ehm...." # game/script.rpy:3659 translate english lab_e05abdce_1: # k "start!" k "start!" # game/script.rpy:3660 translate english lab_3fa5306c_1: # k "Ok this is easy." k "Ok this is easy." # game/script.rpy:3662 translate english lab_cfcf1174_1: # k "Just need to copy some files." k "Just need to copy some files." # game/script.rpy:3664 translate english lab_879dd538_1: # k "This upgrade can make her very sensitive." k "This upgrade can make her very sensitive." # game/script.rpy:3666 translate english lab_bb015bd0_1: # k "I hope it will work." k "I hope it will work." # game/script.rpy:3668 translate english lab_8e9ecbdd_1: # k "And done." k "And done." # game/script.rpy:3670 translate english lab_708a5d41_1: # o "Answer me!" o "Answer me!" # game/script.rpy:3671 translate english lab_4fc4e5b0_1: # k "What???" k "What???" # game/script.rpy:3672 translate english lab_e8a661c9_1: # o "Is it safe for me?" o "Is it safe for me?" # game/script.rpy:3673 translate english lab_1bd6c5a5_1: # k "It is already done." k "It is already done." # game/script.rpy:3674 translate english lab_131da693_1: # o "Realy? ehm.... I already feel something in my pussy..." o "Realy? ehm.... I already feel something in my pussy..." # game/script.rpy:3675 translate english lab_bb919b31_1: # k "Excelent." k "Excelent." # game/script.rpy:3676 translate english lab_0fdedffa: # o "That is wonderfull.We can test it right now!" o "That is wonderfull.We can test it right now!" # game/script.rpy:3677 translate english lab_359e3b81_2: # k "We will test it soon but first you need some rest to prevent overloading." k "We will test it soon but first you need some rest to prevent overloading." # game/script.rpy:3678 translate english lab_2816a12d_1: # o "Ok I understant.... master..." o "Ok I understant.... master..." # game/script.rpy:3679 translate english lab_2c7484ba_2: # k "????" k "????" # game/script.rpy:3680 translate english lab_e681fbd0_1: # o "Just some malefunction." o "Just some malefunction." # game/script.rpy:3685 translate english lab_ed5630be: # o "What do you want to do now?" o "What do you want to do now?" # game/script.rpy:3687 translate english lab_ed15e637: # k "Ehm... we should test your body." k "Ehm... we should test your body." # game/script.rpy:3688 translate english lab_6242a595: # k "You should have the right hardware and software now." k "You should have the right hardware and software now." # game/script.rpy:3689 translate english lab_95cc89bf: # k "So jump in your body and knell before me." k "So jump in your body and knell before me." # game/script.rpy:3690 translate english lab_ba68a0f6: # o "Seriously?" o "Seriously?" # game/script.rpy:3691 translate english lab_ba92b505: # k "Just do it." k "Just do it." # game/script.rpy:3693 translate english lab_0f7bb7d7: # o "I read about that. What should I do now???" o "I read about that. What should I do now???" # game/script.rpy:3694 translate english lab_0999b661: # o "I know!" with hpunch o "I know!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:3695 translate english lab_928a30dc: # o "Pleas fill my mouth with your big cock!!!" o "Pleas fill my mouth with your big cock!!!" # game/script.rpy:3696 translate english lab_7aca7332: # k "Yes... Look like program is working. But you forget something." k "Yes... Look like program is working. But you forget something." # game/script.rpy:3697 translate english lab_682d383d: # o "What master???" o "What master???" # game/script.rpy:3698 translate english lab_72564f4e: # k "Take your clothes off. Then you can serve me." k "Take your clothes off. Then you can serve me." # game/script.rpy:3699 translate english lab_aef88b08: # o "Sure..." o "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:3702 translate english lab_e45737db: # k "I hope that your sensitivity is well set." k "I hope that your sensitivity is well set." # game/script.rpy:3703 translate english lab_089e1fd9: # o "You can always che...." o "You can always che...." # game/script.rpy:3705 translate english lab_860d21cc: # k "Or just risk it." k "Or just risk it." # game/script.rpy:3707 translate english lab_63b8ec66: # k "It feel good." k "It feel good." # game/script.rpy:3709 translate english lab_e3b256ae: # o "Is it good?" o "Is it good?" # game/script.rpy:3711 translate english lab_acd03647: # k "Yes I like it." k "Yes I like it." # game/script.rpy:3712 translate english lab_443a05a1: # k "It is almost like real." k "It is almost like real." # game/script.rpy:3714 translate english lab_1ee81d0e: # o "Almost?" o "Almost?" # game/script.rpy:3716 translate english lab_4527b6c9: # k "You know normal girl don't talk so much." k "You know normal girl don't talk so much." # game/script.rpy:3717 translate english lab_86da4076: # k "But that humidification is amazing." k "But that humidification is amazing." # game/script.rpy:3719 translate english lab_c5edbc6f: # k "Almost like real I can't hold it anymore." k "Almost like real I can't hold it anymore." # game/script.rpy:3721 translate english lab_32cb6382: # o "More...." o "More...." # game/script.rpy:3724 translate english lab_008a140c: # k "Huh..." k "Huh..." # game/script.rpy:3726 translate english lab_29a4f8da: # k "I must say that you have gone through that test." k "I must say that you have gone through that test." # game/script.rpy:3727 translate english lab_28d1753f: # o "Aaaa...." o "Aaaa...." # game/script.rpy:3728 translate english lab_84972f01: # o "It is awesome." o "It is awesome." # game/script.rpy:3729 translate english lab_48fb0446: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:3730 translate english lab_0595b55f: # k "It was a good decission to install pussy sensitivity in your mouth." k "It was a good decission to install pussy sensitivity in your mouth." # game/script.rpy:3731 translate english lab_49ac4d6d: # o "Yes that feel is amazing..." o "Yes that feel is amazing..." # game/script.rpy:3732 translate english lab_3d486d40: # o "I'm looking forward to further testing." o "I'm looking forward to further testing." # game/script.rpy:3733 translate english lab_82091822_1: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:3734 translate english lab_14a30501: # k "It can be fun..." k "It can be fun..." # game/script.rpy:3739 translate english lab_ed5630be_1: # o "What do you want to do now?" o "What do you want to do now?" # game/script.rpy:3741 translate english lab_05825884: # k "I think it is time for some basic testing." k "I think it is time for some basic testing." # game/script.rpy:3742 translate english lab_e114a330: # k "I already know what you can do with your mouth but there is still a lot of work on your body." k "I already know what you can do with your mouth but there is still a lot of work on your body." # game/script.rpy:3743 translate english lab_94b6ba49: # o "Ok so what now?" o "Ok so what now?" # game/script.rpy:3744 translate english lab_0c8c0543: # k "We need to start from the begining." k "We need to start from the begining." # game/script.rpy:3745 translate english lab_8338b3ec: # k "First take you dress off." k "First take you dress off." # game/script.rpy:3747 translate english lab_0d525d37: # k "Last time when I touch you boobs you don't feel anything." k "Last time when I touch you boobs you don't feel anything." # game/script.rpy:3748 translate english lab_1cb0ef5e: # k "I wonder what will happen now." k "I wonder what will happen now." # game/script.rpy:3750 translate english lab_4d5399e8: # o "Aaaaauuu..." with hpunch o "Aaaaauuu..." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:3751 translate english lab_54308572: # o "That is.... So intensive..." o "That is.... So intensive..." # game/script.rpy:3752 translate english lab_b7be3edf: # k "Should I increase your sensitivity...." k "Should I increase your sensitivity...." # game/script.rpy:3753 translate english lab_a1a83f9b: # o "Yessss.... I mean...." o "Yessss.... I mean...." # game/script.rpy:3755 translate english lab_a0521456: # k "Ok tell it now! How it was?" k "Ok tell it now! How it was?" # game/script.rpy:3756 translate english lab_ad2bbcbd: # o "It was incredible. I mean..." o "It was incredible. I mean..." # game/script.rpy:3757 translate english lab_6d2890e3: # o "I know it was only a script but..." o "I know it was only a script but..." # game/script.rpy:3759 translate english lab_1d7acf24: # o "More..." with hpunch o "More..." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:3760 translate english lab_35d45c14: # k "Hehe... Look like this work well." k "Hehe... Look like this work well." # game/script.rpy:3762 translate english lab_ceccd2e3: # o "...." o "...." # game/script.rpy:3763 translate english lab_7122ede1: # o "That feeling is..." o "That feeling is..." # game/script.rpy:3765 translate english lab_0d9467d2: # o "Awesome!" with hpunch o "Awesome!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:3766 translate english lab_07bdde05: # "....." "....." # game/script.rpy:3767 translate english lab_3d3f01ea: # o "Something is...." o "Something is...." # game/script.rpy:3769 translate english lab_4fc4e5b0_2: # k "What???" k "What???" # game/script.rpy:3770 translate english lab_8f9fa92f: # o "Don't know just do it one more time..." o "Don't know just do it one more time..." # game/script.rpy:3772 translate english lab_4f99567d: # o "Yessss...." o "Yessss...." # game/script.rpy:3773 translate english lab_cfd555e6: # o "Something is..." o "Something is..." # game/script.rpy:3775 translate english lab_5ca75232: # o "aaaahh....." o "aaaahh....." # game/script.rpy:3776 translate english lab_552c110d_1: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:3779 translate english lab_f9a12642: # o "Look like my lactation protocol work good..." o "Look like my lactation protocol work good..." # game/script.rpy:3780 translate english lab_0423a851: # k "Ehm ??? What just happened?" k "Ehm ??? What just happened?" # game/script.rpy:3781 translate english lab_c470daeb: # o "My processor evaluated the pressure and intensity of your touch." o "My processor evaluated the pressure and intensity of your touch." # game/script.rpy:3782 translate english lab_f996de10: # o "The lactation protocol was launched with a lot of impulses in to my hardware." o "The lactation protocol was launched with a lot of impulses in to my hardware." # game/script.rpy:3783 translate english lab_0a84ebf4: # k "Ehm how can robot lactate? How is that possible??? Lactate....is that even a word?" k "Ehm how can robot lactate? How is that possible??? Lactate....is that even a word?" # game/script.rpy:3784 translate english lab_ab4bd695: # o "Yes it is possible you saw it. I need to reffil my liquid for next lactation." o "Yes it is possible you saw it. I need to reffil my liquid for next lactation." # game/script.rpy:3785 translate english lab_26b2f579: # o "And yes it is a word. Google it." o "And yes it is a word. Google it." # game/script.rpy:3786 translate english lab_a3df99fc: # k "Shit that is awesome how advanced technology can be..." k "Shit that is awesome how advanced technology can be..." # game/script.rpy:3787 translate english lab_15f2a9a4: # k "I look forward to more tests." k "I look forward to more tests." # game/script.rpy:3788 translate english lab_fc186a11: # o "Me too..." o "Me too..." # game/script.rpy:3793 translate english lab_8b5d465c: # o "What can I do for you?" o "What can I do for you?" # game/script.rpy:3794 translate english lab_af4d9a67: # k "I think the time of testing is almost over...." k "I think the time of testing is almost over...." # game/script.rpy:3795 translate english lab_6d8b1e08: # k "Just need to test a few things on your body but it look like everything works fine." k "Just need to test a few things on your body but it look like everything works fine." # game/script.rpy:3796 translate english lab_12613074: # o "So what you want to test now?" o "So what you want to test now?" # game/script.rpy:3799 translate english lab_c43009c3: # k "We need to connect you to the devices." k "We need to connect you to the devices." # game/script.rpy:3800 translate english lab_bf054221: # o "Sure. If you want that." o "Sure. If you want that." # game/script.rpy:3802 translate english lab_ef0ad290: # k "Ok time to connect the device." k "Ok time to connect the device." # game/script.rpy:3804 translate english lab_4e10d6f3: # o "aaaaa..." with hpunch o "aaaaa..." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:3805 translate english lab_bb2676da: # o "I love that part...." o "I love that part...." # game/script.rpy:3806 translate english lab_3bf99f2c: # k "Sure now I just open your program..." k "Sure now I just open your program..." # game/script.rpy:3808 translate english lab_9a98893c: # k "I am in..." k "I am in..." # game/script.rpy:3810 translate english lab_33c71023: # k "Hmm... look like everything works fine..." k "Hmm... look like everything works fine..." # game/script.rpy:3812 translate english lab_a6d93e0f: # k "Need to try if her pussy can react to positive incentives." k "Need to try if her pussy can react to positive incentives." # game/script.rpy:3815 translate english lab_e9b9bdf8: # k "That work fine..." k "That work fine..." # game/script.rpy:3817 translate english lab_04b5cf70: # k "Every part of program work well." k "Every part of program work well." # game/script.rpy:3819 translate english lab_cf09cf36: # k "simulate orgasm..." k "simulate orgasm..." # game/script.rpy:3821 translate english lab_34180b17: # o "aaaaaaa......" o "aaaaaaa......" # game/script.rpy:3823 translate english lab_74dfcddb: # k "That was lame..." k "That was lame..." # game/script.rpy:3824 translate english lab_38dcef1b: # k "Maybe it neet to test in real conditions." k "Maybe it neet to test in real conditions." # game/script.rpy:3826 translate english lab_ceaeb42e: # k "Hmm test lactation protocol." k "Hmm test lactation protocol." # game/script.rpy:3828 translate english lab_2fe42148: # k "Work good..." k "Work good..." # game/script.rpy:3829 translate english lab_8753429e: # k "So everything look pretty good." k "So everything look pretty good." # game/script.rpy:3830 translate english lab_73dda81e: # k "Tiem to reset..." k "Tiem to reset..." # game/script.rpy:3833 translate english lab_45989043: # k "And run." k "And run." # game/script.rpy:3835 translate english lab_c9e74566: # o "....." o "....." # game/script.rpy:3836 translate english lab_4a6bc6da: # o "Is everything ok?" o "Is everything ok?" # game/script.rpy:3837 translate english lab_1c470f81: # k "Yes you work like normal woman." k "Yes you work like normal woman." # game/script.rpy:3838 translate english lab_7de0e5b2: # k "I can use your body in many ways now." k "I can use your body in many ways now." # game/script.rpy:3839 translate english lab_1d80267e: # o "Yaiks that look funny." o "Yaiks that look funny." # game/script.rpy:3840 translate english lab_23032706: # k "Sure it will be funny." k "Sure it will be funny." # game/script.rpy:3843 translate english lab_59c6f409: # k "Ok time to test sensitivity of the breast to touch." k "Ok time to test sensitivity of the breast to touch." # game/script.rpy:3844 translate english lab_78ae51a3: # o "Sure" o "Sure" # game/script.rpy:3846 translate english lab_9d24c603: # k "Last time it was fun so I wonder what will happen now." k "Last time it was fun so I wonder what will happen now." # game/script.rpy:3848 translate english lab_91bcbf48: # o "Yesssss" with hpunch o "Yesssss" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:3849 translate english lab_54308572_1: # o "That is.... So intensive..." o "That is.... So intensive..." # game/script.rpy:3850 translate english lab_b7be3edf_1: # k "Should I increase your sensitivity...." k "Should I increase your sensitivity...." # game/script.rpy:3851 translate english lab_a1a83f9b_1: # o "Yessss.... I mean...." o "Yessss.... I mean...." # game/script.rpy:3853 translate english lab_a0521456_1: # k "Ok tell it now! How it was?" k "Ok tell it now! How it was?" # game/script.rpy:3854 translate english lab_93acee95: # o "It was amazing. I mean..." o "It was amazing. I mean..." # game/script.rpy:3855 translate english lab_6d2890e3_1: # o "I know it was only a script but..." o "I know it was only a script but..." # game/script.rpy:3857 translate english lab_1d7acf24_1: # o "More..." with hpunch o "More..." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:3858 translate english lab_b6800931: # k "Hehe... " k "Hehe... " # game/script.rpy:3859 translate english lab_4ef1a6d7: # k "I realy want to see what you can do!" k "I realy want to see what you can do!" # game/script.rpy:3861 translate english lab_ceccd2e3_1: # o "...." o "...." # game/script.rpy:3862 translate english lab_8216d5cd: # o "Don't stop now!" o "Don't stop now!" # game/script.rpy:3864 translate english lab_0d9467d2_1: # o "Awesome!" with hpunch o "Awesome!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:3865 translate english lab_07bdde05_1: # "....." "....." # game/script.rpy:3866 translate english lab_df906e1b: # o "It will start soon." o "It will start soon." # game/script.rpy:3868 translate english lab_c7fbf237: # k "Sure you need more love right?" k "Sure you need more love right?" # game/script.rpy:3869 translate english lab_d3aa7908: # o "Yes give me more touch." o "Yes give me more touch." # game/script.rpy:3871 translate english lab_4f99567d_1: # o "Yessss...." o "Yessss...." # game/script.rpy:3872 translate english lab_cfd555e6_1: # o "Something is..." o "Something is..." # game/script.rpy:3874 translate english lab_5ca75232_1: # o "aaaahh....." o "aaaahh....." # game/script.rpy:3875 translate english lab_48a7dfff: # k "Nice!" k "Nice!" # game/script.rpy:3878 translate english lab_f9a12642_1: # o "Look like my lactation protocol work good..." o "Look like my lactation protocol work good..." # game/script.rpy:3879 translate english lab_110fb7d0: # k "Yes it was nice..." k "Yes it was nice..." # game/script.rpy:3880 translate english lab_c470daeb_1: # o "My processor evaluated the pressure and intensity of your touch." o "My processor evaluated the pressure and intensity of your touch." # game/script.rpy:3881 translate english lab_f996de10_1: # o "The lactation protocol was launched with a lot of impulses in to my hardware." o "The lactation protocol was launched with a lot of impulses in to my hardware." # game/script.rpy:3882 translate english lab_0e7979e0: # k "This technology is amazing..." k "This technology is amazing..." # game/script.rpy:3883 translate english lab_bb94bd62: # o "Sure I like it too" o "Sure I like it too" # game/script.rpy:3884 translate english lab_7a5e2fe2: # k "But next time we need to try something else." k "But next time we need to try something else." # game/script.rpy:3885 translate english lab_39a8bc4c: # o "You can do whatever you want." o "You can do whatever you want." # game/script.rpy:3886 translate english lab_d9375790: # k "That is good news." k "That is good news." # game/script.rpy:3889 translate english lab_ff4e095b: # k "Hmm I thing this is the right time to test your mouth." k "Hmm I thing this is the right time to test your mouth." # game/script.rpy:3890 translate english lab_e2a7f325: # o "Sure." o "Sure." # game/script.rpy:3892 translate english lab_aa5c5d18: # o "You want a blowjob right?" o "You want a blowjob right?" # game/script.rpy:3893 translate english lab_b500b7f7: # k "Ehm... Yes..." k "Ehm... Yes..." # game/script.rpy:3894 translate english lab_9fb8da21: # o "I know it!" with hpunch o "I know it!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:3895 translate english lab_64466ec5: # o "Look like my social skill improved too!" o "Look like my social skill improved too!" # game/script.rpy:3896 translate english lab_27a21eaa: # o "Wait!" o "Wait!" # game/script.rpy:3899 translate english lab_f4f4b0e3: # o "Pleas give your cock to my mouth I want to lick it." o "Pleas give your cock to my mouth I want to lick it." # game/script.rpy:3900 translate english lab_138d917c: # k "If you realy want it." k "If you realy want it." # game/script.rpy:3902 translate english lab_f7ba81a7: # o "You need a proper service." o "You need a proper service." # game/script.rpy:3903 translate english lab_84c16038: # k "Heh that is right. You lick it realy good." k "Heh that is right. You lick it realy good." # game/script.rpy:3904 translate english lab_1b818bfb: # o "Now fill my mouth with your big cock!!!" o "Now fill my mouth with your big cock!!!" # game/script.rpy:3907 translate english lab_6389d701: # o "Mhmmmmmmmm...." o "Mhmmmmmmmm...." # game/script.rpy:3908 translate english lab_e45737db_1: # k "I hope that your sensitivity is well set." k "I hope that your sensitivity is well set." # game/script.rpy:3909 translate english lab_ca97eec5: # o "Ahhhmmmmmm..." o "Ahhhmmmmmm..." # game/script.rpy:3910 translate english lab_6e5ec73c: # k "Look like you ejoy it too..." k "Look like you ejoy it too..." # game/script.rpy:3912 translate english lab_63b8ec66_1: # k "It feel good." k "It feel good." # game/script.rpy:3914 translate english lab_5a41a3d5: # o "Pleas don't pull out your penis I want to show you something!" o "Pleas don't pull out your penis I want to show you something!" # game/script.rpy:3915 translate english lab_b8b8073a: # k "Ok if you want it...." k "Ok if you want it...." # game/script.rpy:3917 translate english lab_acd03647_1: # k "Yes I like it." k "Yes I like it." # game/script.rpy:3918 translate english lab_94089f89: # o "Wzmmmmmm..." o "Wzmmmmmm..." # game/script.rpy:3919 translate english lab_0441ac76: # k "Shit!!!" with hpunch k "Shit!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:3920 translate english lab_1f0c41b1: # k "What is that...." k "What is that...." # game/script.rpy:3921 translate english lab_e710b0a1: # k "Yeahhhh..." with hpunch k "Yeahhhh..." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:3922 translate english lab_80fe1de8: # k "How you can do something like that???" k "How you can do something like that???" # game/script.rpy:3923 translate english lab_94089f89_1: # o "Wzmmmmmm..." o "Wzmmmmmm..." # game/script.rpy:3925 translate english lab_6e0bbff5: # o "That was special tongue technique. It is not possible to do whit human body." o "That was special tongue technique. It is not possible to do whit human body." # game/script.rpy:3926 translate english lab_9a3ea45b: # k "It is good that you are a robot." k "It is good that you are a robot." # game/script.rpy:3927 translate english lab_aececea4: # o "Yes my speed is not limited." o "Yes my speed is not limited." # game/script.rpy:3928 translate english lab_76871162: # o "Should I do it again?" o "Should I do it again?" # game/script.rpy:3929 translate english lab_a079ba82: # k "Sure Do your best!" k "Sure Do your best!" # game/script.rpy:3931 translate english lab_ad9e1118: # o "zzzzzzzz" o "zzzzzzzz" # game/script.rpy:3932 translate english lab_7196e03f: # k "Yes!!!" with hpunch k "Yes!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:3934 translate english lab_030034e2: # k "Ou fuck!" k "Ou fuck!" # game/script.rpy:3937 translate english lab_008a140c_1: # k "Huh..." k "Huh..." # game/script.rpy:3939 translate english lab_4682d392: # k "That test was amazing" k "That test was amazing" # game/script.rpy:3940 translate english lab_5d2a0d7a: # o "zmmmmmmmmm...... aaaaaaaaaaa....." o "zmmmmmmmmm...... aaaaaaaaaaa....." # game/script.rpy:3941 translate english lab_774085e0: # o "Amazing..." o "Amazing..." # game/script.rpy:3942 translate english lab_12e7e28f: # k "Your blowjob skill is impressive." k "Your blowjob skill is impressive." # game/script.rpy:3943 translate english lab_25ed595a: # o "Thank you." o "Thank you." # game/script.rpy:3944 translate english lab_3c77d449: # k "Realy! You tongue and lips! EPIC!" k "Realy! You tongue and lips! EPIC!" # game/script.rpy:3945 translate english lab_cf57a08e: # o "Thank you master we can do it again anytime you want." o "Thank you master we can do it again anytime you want." # game/script.rpy:3946 translate english lab_d9375790_1: # k "That is good news." k "That is good news." # game/script.rpy:3950 translate english lab_64ff8bac: # "No time for that. You already use all your actions." "No time for that. You already use all your actions." # game/script.rpy:3951 translate english lab_dc7cde4a: # "You need some rest. Try again on next day." "You need some rest. Try again on next day." # game/script.rpy:3957 translate english lab_ec9a7f88: # o "You don't have armor!" o "You don't have armor!" # game/script.rpy:3960 translate english lab_6a2e4e68: # o "I can upgrade this for 500 coins and improve resistance of armor." o "I can upgrade this for 500 coins and improve resistance of armor." # game/script.rpy:3965 translate english lab_263f2721: # o "This circuit make you almost indestructable." o "This circuit make you almost indestructable." # game/script.rpy:3966 translate english lab_d29e64d5: # o "Just belive me!" o "Just belive me!" # game/script.rpy:3971 translate english lab_baef8b72: # o "You can make this upgrade later." o "You can make this upgrade later." # game/script.rpy:3974 translate english lab_3ca5e81d: # o "But you need 500 coins first." o "But you need 500 coins first." # game/script.rpy:3975 translate english lab_a106ba60: # o "Come here when you get it." o "Come here when you get it." # game/script.rpy:3978 translate english lab_3c6d5e00: # o "I think you need some weapons." o "I think you need some weapons." # game/script.rpy:3979 translate english lab_894ed2ea: # o "I can make tesla beam from right hand." o "I can make tesla beam from right hand." # game/script.rpy:3984 translate english lab_fce00c5e: # o "This is EPIC!" o "This is EPIC!" # game/script.rpy:3985 translate english lab_c0f1aa8d: # o "Don't hurt yourself." o "Don't hurt yourself." # game/script.rpy:3990 translate english lab_baef8b72_1: # o "You can make this upgrade later." o "You can make this upgrade later." # game/script.rpy:3993 translate english lab_3ca5e81d_1: # o "But you need 500 coins first." o "But you need 500 coins first." # game/script.rpy:3994 translate english lab_a106ba60_1: # o "Come here when you get it." o "Come here when you get it." # game/script.rpy:3999 translate english lab_3178c621: # o "Sorry I have no Idea what more I can install on your armor." o "Sorry I have no Idea what more I can install on your armor." # game/script.rpy:4000 translate english lab_c932b7d0: # o "Try again later." o "Try again later." # game/script.rpy:4006 translate english lab_0913fc28: # o "Why would you do that?" o "Why would you do that?" # game/script.rpy:4010 translate english lab_e9b9bb61: # o "This can help milgirl." o "This can help milgirl." # game/script.rpy:4011 translate english lab_a4407fff: # o "But I'm not sure if it really works." o "But I'm not sure if it really works." # game/script.rpy:4012 translate english lab_b448a877: # k "Sorry, but what do you want to do?" k "Sorry, but what do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:4013 translate english lab_fb947268: # o "I find some articles about breast feeding and milk product research." o "I find some articles about breast feeding and milk product research." # game/script.rpy:4014 translate english lab_c563777d: # o "Originally it was designed for weak women." o "Originally it was designed for weak women." # game/script.rpy:4015 translate english lab_c4e5c004: # o "If we use 500 coins, maybe we can make that machine work and help milkgirl." o "If we use 500 coins, maybe we can make that machine work and help milkgirl." # game/script.rpy:4019 translate english lab_49e4aaaf: # k "We need to test this." k "We need to test this." # game/script.rpy:4020 translate english lab_5ab2697b: # o "Ok, I start the repairs." o "Ok, I start the repairs." # game/script.rpy:4022 translate english lab_5fe9ad21: # o "... I hate mondays..." o "... I hate mondays..." # game/script.rpy:4024 translate english lab_c1e21e93: # o "Look like I did it!" o "Look like I did it!" # game/script.rpy:4025 translate english lab_e46cf43c: # o "Let's test it on milkgirl." o "Let's test it on milkgirl." # game/script.rpy:4030 translate english lab_d0661084: # o "You need coins first." o "You need coins first." # game/script.rpy:4033 translate english lab_5bc0a971: # k "I need that coins now we can try it later." k "I need that coins now we can try it later." # game/script.rpy:4036 translate english lab_fa717d9f: # k "Obee that protein did not help!" k "Obee that protein did not help!" # game/script.rpy:4037 translate english lab_db5a1758: # o "Ehm yes I know, sorry for that." o "Ehm yes I know, sorry for that." # game/script.rpy:4038 translate english lab_f4193ae3: # o "I found some FEV virus in her blood stream." o "I found some FEV virus in her blood stream." # game/script.rpy:4039 translate english lab_067aac88: # k "FEV virus??? Is it dangerous?" k "FEV virus??? Is it dangerous?" # game/script.rpy:4041 translate english lab_6fa07c03: # o "YES!!!" o "YES!!!" # game/script.rpy:4042 translate english lab_3e643015: # o "But not that type. It is unique in another way." o "But not that type. It is unique in another way." # game/script.rpy:4043 translate english lab_b390d014: # o "It only affects her hormones." o "It only affects her hormones." # game/script.rpy:4044 translate english lab_256f8972: # o "Probably it should change her in some way. I am not sure why." o "Probably it should change her in some way. I am not sure why." # game/script.rpy:4045 translate english lab_770a715e: # k "Back to her problem." k "Back to her problem." # game/script.rpy:4046 translate english lab_217097e8: # k "Is there a way how you can help her?" k "Is there a way how you can help her?" # game/script.rpy:4048 translate english lab_d076a8dd: # o "Sure, I just need a DNA sample to make an antidote." o "Sure, I just need a DNA sample to make an antidote." # game/script.rpy:4049 translate english lab_3bd65e3f: # k "Ok I ..." k "Ok I ..." # game/script.rpy:4050 translate english lab_b9f4bc7b: # o "I have it already. She lives her so it is easy to get some." o "I have it already. She lives her so it is easy to get some." # game/script.rpy:4052 translate english lab_c50706e2: # k "Obee!" k "Obee!" # game/script.rpy:4053 translate english lab_2ca967a9: # o "What?" o "What?" # game/script.rpy:4054 translate english lab_9ddcd704: # k "So can you make an antidote?" k "So can you make an antidote?" # game/script.rpy:4055 translate english lab_2c3c542c: # o "I already created it." o "I already created it." # game/script.rpy:4056 translate english lab_79d54613: # o "Here it is." o "Here it is." # game/script.rpy:4058 translate english lab_74af9002: # o "Now you can cure her." o "Now you can cure her." # game/script.rpy:4059 translate english lab_2b922a7d: # k "Thanks." k "Thanks." # game/script.rpy:4062 translate english lab_6897fc77: # o "This research is complete." o "This research is complete." # game/script.rpy:4067 translate english lab_0d8986f0: # o "What do you want to create?" o "What do you want to create?" # game/script.rpy:4071 translate english lab_9e71f93c: # o "Look like there is some schemes." o "Look like there is some schemes." # game/script.rpy:4072 translate english lab_e1a5d1ed: # o "Hmm not sure how will this work." o "Hmm not sure how will this work." # game/script.rpy:4073 translate english lab_1fb0d347_2: # k "What do you mean by that?" k "What do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:4074 translate english lab_625bb567: # o "Bascily you can build an android body for me but dont know what then." o "Bascily you can build an android body for me but dont know what then." # game/script.rpy:4075 translate english lab_552c110d_2: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:4076 translate english lab_244ad31f: # o "First we need some parts from friendly rapist robot." o "First we need some parts from friendly rapist robot." # game/script.rpy:4077 translate english lab_4d6a2f44: # o "Then we can try to build body for me and upload my consciousness." o "Then we can try to build body for me and upload my consciousness." # game/script.rpy:4078 translate english lab_68c4375d: # o "Then you can test my body in vault or send me out for missions." o "Then you can test my body in vault or send me out for missions." # game/script.rpy:4079 translate english lab_4d94012c: # k "Friendly Rapist Robot? What are you talking about?" k "Friendly Rapist Robot? What are you talking about?" # game/script.rpy:4083 translate english lab_8ac989b6: # o "For now you need only 1000 Coins. In next version you will see what I mean." o "For now you need only 1000 Coins. In next version you will see what I mean." # game/script.rpy:4084 translate english lab_4a502f08: # k "Ok so only a few coins and then we can have some fun. Right?" k "Ok so only a few coins and then we can have some fun. Right?" # game/script.rpy:4085 translate english lab_3ca9c37c: # o "Right!" o "Right!" # game/script.rpy:4089 translate english lab_e5e7ce14: # o "That is so sweeeeet :D" o "That is so sweeeeet :D" # game/script.rpy:4097 translate english lab_aaf5dd24: # o "You don't have enough coins." o "You don't have enough coins." # game/script.rpy:4102 translate english lab_509c93ca: # o ".... ok..." o ".... ok..." # game/script.rpy:4105 translate english lab_2653fc5e: # o "You already do it honey." o "You already do it honey." # game/script.rpy:4109 translate english lab_12c3e2cf: # o "Tell me why you want to build body for her?" o "Tell me why you want to build body for her?" # game/script.rpy:4110 translate english lab_0498e747: # o "I think we need to..." with hpunch o "I think we need to..." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:4111 translate english lab_2ca967a9_1: # o "What?" o "What?" # game/script.rpy:4114 translate english lab_83e4262b: # l "Ehm Sorry but I need to say something." l "Ehm Sorry but I need to say something." # game/script.rpy:4115 translate english lab_d544e52a: # l "This is schceme for my body!" l "This is schceme for my body!" # game/script.rpy:4116 translate english lab_8ea1e0d2: # l "So let me do this part!" l "So let me do this part!" # game/script.rpy:4117 translate english lab_e41f46e8: # o "Ok sure." o "Ok sure." # game/script.rpy:4119 translate english lab_167bc9b2: # l "Ehm...." l "Ehm...." # game/script.rpy:4121 translate english lab_1af9cde9: # l "This is the exact copy of my old body." l "This is the exact copy of my old body." # game/script.rpy:4122 translate english lab_7a233215: # l "My husband want to make me immortal so he copy my consciousness to hard drive and create humanoid body." l "My husband want to make me immortal so he copy my consciousness to hard drive and create humanoid body." # game/script.rpy:4123 translate english lab_3ee0baf7: # k "So why you end like teaching program?" k "So why you end like teaching program?" # game/script.rpy:4127 translate english lab_d3673455: # l "Ehm that is because something go horribly wrong." l "Ehm that is because something go horribly wrong." # game/script.rpy:4128 translate english lab_552c110d_3: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:4129 translate english lab_b456dc42: # l "Important thing is you can build me body now." l "Important thing is you can build me body now." # game/script.rpy:4130 translate english lab_0c864360: # l "If we buy some things from friendly rapist robot it can work." l "If we buy some things from friendly rapist robot it can work." # game/script.rpy:4131 translate english lab_4309650c: # k "Friendly what?" k "Friendly what?" # game/script.rpy:4132 translate english lab_6481c0a1: # l "Friendly rapist robot..." l "Friendly rapist robot..." # game/script.rpy:4133 translate english lab_e93d65ac: # l "The big complany that can appear in version 1.8." l "The big complany that can appear in version 1.8." # game/script.rpy:4134 translate english lab_4a674d42: # k "Ok. But we can build a body for you right now. Right?" k "Ok. But we can build a body for you right now. Right?" # game/script.rpy:4138 translate english lab_aea45a9f: # l "Yes we need only coins for that." l "Yes we need only coins for that." # game/script.rpy:4139 translate english lab_9471f061: # k "And what then?" k "And what then?" # game/script.rpy:4140 translate english lab_e336261a: # l "I can be more helpful and bring coins to your vault." l "I can be more helpful and bring coins to your vault." # game/script.rpy:4141 translate english lab_5605194b: # k "That look good." k "That look good." # game/script.rpy:4142 translate english lab_d1cf7703: # l "So do you build a body for me?" l "So do you build a body for me?" # game/script.rpy:4149 translate english lab_1e26b5a1: # l "That is so sweeeeet :D" l "That is so sweeeeet :D" # game/script.rpy:4156 translate english lab_aaf5dd24_1: # o "You don't have enough coins." o "You don't have enough coins." # game/script.rpy:4161 translate english lab_9b9da794: # o "I agree." o "I agree." # game/script.rpy:4167 translate english lab_c8c55ee7: # l "You already do it honey." l "You already do it honey." # game/script.rpy:4171 translate english lab_a0e4347a: # o "You need 1 500 coins to create armor." o "You need 1 500 coins to create armor." # game/script.rpy:4176 translate english lab_4140712a: # l "Now you can expolre the land." l "Now you can expolre the land." # game/script.rpy:4183 translate english lab_aaf5dd24_2: # o "You don't have enough coins." o "You don't have enough coins." # game/script.rpy:4189 translate english lab_1fb7a3cf: # o "Without armor you cant go outside." o "Without armor you cant go outside." # game/script.rpy:4193 translate english lab_d55dc6b8: # o "You already have that battery." o "You already have that battery." # game/script.rpy:4194 translate english lab_0710ecb4: # o "Now you can explore the land." o "Now you can explore the land." # game/script.rpy:4212 translate english lab_5bc84447: # o "This room is called milkroom." o "This room is called milkroom." # game/script.rpy:4221 translate english lab_59e396ef: # o "Sam is not here now. She is working in Slave City." o "Sam is not here now. She is working in Slave City." # game/script.rpy:4232 translate english lab_54119b32: # sam "How can I help you?" sam "How can I help you?" # game/script.rpy:4236 translate english samtalk_90c29faf: # k "Can you tell me something about your past?" k "Can you tell me something about your past?" # game/script.rpy:4237 translate english samtalk_d04cc8bd: # sam "Yes. But it is not much." sam "Yes. But it is not much." # game/script.rpy:4238 translate english samtalk_f4eb53f0: # sam "My first name is Samantha. Second name starts on Car...." sam "My first name is Samantha. Second name starts on Car...." # game/script.rpy:4239 translate english samtalk_dfde5697: # sam "I am a lieutenant of some kind of army or expedition." sam "I am a lieutenant of some kind of army or expedition." # game/script.rpy:4240 translate english samtalk_8afd8020: # sam "I remember something about wormholes and traveling to other planets." sam "I remember something about wormholes and traveling to other planets." # game/script.rpy:4241 translate english samtalk_5ae98513: # sam "I am not sure what that really means." sam "I am not sure what that really means." # game/script.rpy:4246 translate english samtalk_0857da69: # sam "Or how I end in slave city." sam "Or how I end in slave city." # game/script.rpy:4247 translate english samtalk_262c7b31: # k "Sure so still not much." k "Sure so still not much." # game/script.rpy:4248 translate english samtalk_2720ab35: # sam "Yes, but you have a lot of stuff here and maybe in the future some of them will help me." sam "Yes, but you have a lot of stuff here and maybe in the future some of them will help me." # game/script.rpy:4249 translate english samtalk_0f394d41: # k "Anything is possible." k "Anything is possible." # game/script.rpy:4257 translate english samtalk_90c29faf_1: # k "Can you tell me something about your past?" k "Can you tell me something about your past?" # game/script.rpy:4258 translate english samtalk_d04cc8bd_1: # sam "Yes. But it is not much." sam "Yes. But it is not much." # game/script.rpy:4259 translate english samtalk_f4eb53f0_1: # sam "My first name is Samantha. Second name starts on Car...." sam "My first name is Samantha. Second name starts on Car...." # game/script.rpy:4260 translate english samtalk_dfde5697_1: # sam "I am a lieutenant of some kind of army or expedition." sam "I am a lieutenant of some kind of army or expedition." # game/script.rpy:4265 translate english samtalk_8afd8020_1: # sam "I remember something about wormholes and traveling to other planets." sam "I remember something about wormholes and traveling to other planets." # game/script.rpy:4266 translate english samtalk_a31e9938: # k "So nothing new?" k "So nothing new?" # game/script.rpy:4267 translate english samtalk_1fd4ea0b: # sam "No! There is something. I know how I get here." sam "No! There is something. I know how I get here." # game/script.rpy:4268 translate english samtalk_a5972202: # sam "I was attacked by goa'uld." sam "I was attacked by goa'uld." # game/script.rpy:4269 translate english samtalk_e0e12d3f: # k "Attacked? Goa'uld?" k "Attacked? Goa'uld?" # game/script.rpy:4270 translate english samtalk_a836ee69: # sam "It is very slimy alien. They need to penetrate into human body to live." sam "It is very slimy alien. They need to penetrate into human body to live." # game/script.rpy:4271 translate english samtalk_552c110d: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:4272 translate english samtalk_2ddabd2f: # sam "It is not important right now." sam "It is not important right now." # game/script.rpy:4273 translate english samtalk_4f7b4406: # sam "They capture me and want my help to create new weapons and shields." sam "They capture me and want my help to create new weapons and shields." # game/script.rpy:4280 translate english samtalk_b4221836: # sam "When I refuse, they gangbang me. Over and over again." sam "When I refuse, they gangbang me. Over and over again." # game/script.rpy:4281 translate english samtalk_93334484: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:4282 translate english samtalk_b336bd70: # sam "I think my team come and rescue me. But..." sam "I think my team come and rescue me. But..." # game/script.rpy:4284 translate english samtalk_3446099e: # sam "In the end, I decide to help them." sam "In the end, I decide to help them." # game/script.rpy:4286 translate english samtalk_e08e4f45: # sam "Then I find one device I know." sam "Then I find one device I know." # game/script.rpy:4287 translate english samtalk_82091822: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:4288 translate english samtalk_880bedad: # sam "It is used to travel between alternative realities." sam "It is used to travel between alternative realities." # game/script.rpy:4289 translate english samtalk_552c110d_1: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:4290 translate english samtalk_0a4cd7e7: # sam "I decide to use my chance and use that device to escape." sam "I decide to use my chance and use that device to escape." # game/script.rpy:4291 translate english samtalk_0de19511: # sam "Then I appear here near the slave city when they drug me and..." sam "Then I appear here near the slave city when they drug me and..." # game/script.rpy:4292 translate english samtalk_82091822_1: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:4293 translate english samtalk_494bb573: # k "That is realy weird sotry." k "That is realy weird sotry." # game/script.rpy:4294 translate english samtalk_b8936c98: # k "You remember all of this, but not your full name?" k "You remember all of this, but not your full name?" # game/script.rpy:4299 translate english samtalk_5cf9bacd: # sam "Yes... But now I need to come back to my world." sam "Yes... But now I need to come back to my world." # game/script.rpy:4300 translate english samtalk_98ac8128: # k "How?" k "How?" # game/script.rpy:4301 translate english samtalk_2ff0ad22: # sam "I am not sure how. I need to cure myself and then, maybe I can find something." sam "I am not sure how. I need to cure myself and then, maybe I can find something." # game/script.rpy:4302 translate english samtalk_0d3db88a: # k "Ok. So time to find a cure." k "Ok. So time to find a cure." # game/script.rpy:4306 translate english samtalk_90c29faf_2: # k "Can you tell me something about your past?" k "Can you tell me something about your past?" # game/script.rpy:4311 translate english samtalk_1c342181: # sam "Sorry, but I am not in a mood right now." sam "Sorry, but I am not in a mood right now." # game/script.rpy:4312 translate english samtalk_552c110d_2: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:4313 translate english samtalk_bd761f50: # sam "Too many painful memories." sam "Too many painful memories." # game/script.rpy:4314 translate english samtalk_3ec955f5: # sam "I am not sure what they mean." sam "I am not sure what they mean." # game/script.rpy:4315 translate english samtalk_eea7caa3: # sam "I do not want to talk about them." sam "I do not want to talk about them." # game/script.rpy:4322 translate english samtalk_90c29faf_3: # k "Can you tell me something about your past?" k "Can you tell me something about your past?" # game/script.rpy:4323 translate english samtalk_b507672e: # sam "About the past? Past is too boring." sam "About the past? Past is too boring." # game/script.rpy:4324 translate english samtalk_552c110d_3: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:4325 translate english samtalk_81eea8fc: # sam "I want to live here and now." sam "I want to live here and now." # game/script.rpy:4326 translate english samtalk_baf672eb: # sam "The Past is the past.. I can not change it." sam "The Past is the past.. I can not change it." # game/script.rpy:4327 translate english samtalk_071ed6d7: # sam "But I can enjoy the future." sam "But I can enjoy the future." # game/script.rpy:4332 translate english samtalk_e3d0d0e1: # k "Any progress with your memory problem?" k "Any progress with your memory problem?" # game/script.rpy:4333 translate english samtalk_1982f04d: # sam "Maybe I find some kind of research in your database. Look here." sam "Maybe I find some kind of research in your database. Look here." # game/script.rpy:4337 translate english samtalk_4fdbd892: # sam "It is about some kind of drug. It can affect memory." sam "It is about some kind of drug. It can affect memory." # game/script.rpy:4338 translate english samtalk_4ff3a466: # k "And you think someone used it on you?" k "And you think someone used it on you?" # game/script.rpy:4339 translate english samtalk_205b9525: # sam "Yes, I am sure about that." sam "Yes, I am sure about that." # game/script.rpy:4340 translate english samtalk_05e14085: # k "Is there a way how to reverse it?" k "Is there a way how to reverse it?" # game/script.rpy:4341 translate english samtalk_dee9fa15: # sam "I think it is possible." sam "I think it is possible." # game/script.rpy:4342 translate english samtalk_3dbaf82d: # k "Can I help you with it?" k "Can I help you with it?" # game/script.rpy:4344 translate english samtalk_cdd4f858: # sam "Acutally, yes. I need something special for that but." sam "Acutally, yes. I need something special for that but." # game/script.rpy:4345 translate english samtalk_f4d4a384: # k "Ok, so what is it?" k "Ok, so what is it?" # game/script.rpy:4346 translate english samtalk_fbf409e7: # sam "It is... Secret." sam "It is... Secret." # game/script.rpy:4347 translate english samtalk_4a2734be: # sam "I can buy it if I have coins." sam "I can buy it if I have coins." # game/script.rpy:4348 translate english samtalk_a8252e90: # k "Ok how much?" k "Ok how much?" # game/script.rpy:4349 translate english samtalk_5fb9b340: # sam "500." sam "500." # game/script.rpy:4354 translate english samtalk_91424ab1: # k "Here is 500 coins." k "Here is 500 coins." # game/script.rpy:4355 translate english samtalk_f7388993: # sam "Thanks." sam "Thanks." # game/script.rpy:4356 translate english samtalk_9b6a4c03: # sam "I will tell you when I complete device." sam "I will tell you when I complete device." # game/script.rpy:4357 translate english samtalk_f37cef63: # k "Device? Ok." k "Device? Ok." # game/script.rpy:4361 translate english samtalk_8a736191: # k "Sorry, but I do not have that much coin." k "Sorry, but I do not have that much coin." # game/script.rpy:4362 translate english samtalk_2e755540: # sam "I understant." sam "I understant." # game/script.rpy:4365 translate english samtalk_4da12cdd: # k "Sorry, but I need them right now." k "Sorry, but I need them right now." # game/script.rpy:4366 translate english samtalk_2e755540_1: # sam "I understant." sam "I understant." # game/script.rpy:4369 translate english samtalk_e3d0d0e1_1: # k "Any progress with your memory problem?" k "Any progress with your memory problem?" # game/script.rpy:4370 translate english samtalk_48ff54b7: # sam "Yes I find something. Look here." sam "Yes I find something. Look here." # game/script.rpy:4374 translate english samtalk_ab3d284b: # sam "My memory is damaged, but that drug has another purpose." sam "My memory is damaged, but that drug has another purpose." # game/script.rpy:4375 translate english samtalk_552c110d_4: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:4376 translate english samtalk_0d0de106: # sam "It was designed to change my body to..." sam "It was designed to change my body to..." # game/script.rpy:4380 translate english samtalk_80d4f2f6: # sam "Be more sensitive." sam "Be more sensitive." # game/script.rpy:4381 translate english samtalk_bbae625d: # sam "The memory loss is just a side effect." sam "The memory loss is just a side effect." # game/script.rpy:4383 translate english samtalk_be26693d: # k "Ok so you mean..." k "Ok so you mean..." # game/script.rpy:4390 translate english samtalk_2db050ed: # sam "I cannot reverse it completely." sam "I cannot reverse it completely." # game/script.rpy:4391 translate english samtalk_becb939a: # sam "But I can fix my personality and intellect." sam "But I can fix my personality and intellect." # game/script.rpy:4392 translate english samtalk_5070a8d9: # k "Ok and how you can do it?" k "Ok and how you can do it?" # game/script.rpy:4393 translate english samtalk_b2f42246: # sam "I need to work with Obee. She has similiar drug in her database." sam "I need to work with Obee. She has similiar drug in her database." # game/script.rpy:4394 translate english samtalk_5b1eeb6d: # sam "With her help I can create the cure." sam "With her help I can create the cure." # game/script.rpy:4395 translate english samtalk_beb17c14: # k "Ok, so everything will be fine?" k "Ok, so everything will be fine?" # game/script.rpy:4402 translate english samtalk_ffcce175: # sam "Yes, but I need your help." sam "Yes, but I need your help." # game/script.rpy:4403 translate english samtalk_9c44e91e: # sam "When I have the cure you need to inject it to me." sam "When I have the cure you need to inject it to me." # game/script.rpy:4404 translate english samtalk_52f1bc9e: # k "Why me?" k "Why me?" # game/script.rpy:4405 translate english samtalk_3fe85564: # sam "Obee is only a program and I need living person." sam "Obee is only a program and I need living person." # game/script.rpy:4406 translate english samtalk_7f04650b: # sam "And you are the only person I believe." sam "And you are the only person I believe." # game/script.rpy:4407 translate english samtalk_0cb0423c: # k "Um... Thanks" k "Um... Thanks" # game/script.rpy:4408 translate english samtalk_92473942: # sam "So come back later and we can test it." sam "So come back later and we can test it." # game/script.rpy:4409 translate english samtalk_d4716a7e: # sam "Cure is almost complete." sam "Cure is almost complete." # game/script.rpy:4410 translate english samtalk_2dc3556c: # k "What? How is it possible?" k "What? How is it possible?" # game/script.rpy:4411 translate english samtalk_3c40d2e7: # sam "The technology here is advanced." sam "The technology here is advanced." # game/script.rpy:4412 translate english samtalk_1ac8769f: # sam "It was easy to create it when I have every piece." sam "It was easy to create it when I have every piece." # game/script.rpy:4413 translate english samtalk_52627273: # k "Sure. I will come back later." k "Sure. I will come back later." # game/script.rpy:4418 translate english samtalk_e3d0d0e1_2: # k "Any progress with your memory problem?" k "Any progress with your memory problem?" # game/script.rpy:4419 translate english samtalk_53f56ed5: # sam "Yes the cure is ready. Look here." sam "Yes the cure is ready. Look here." # game/script.rpy:4423 translate english samtalk_5f88a58f: # sam "This is my metabolism. You need to do it right so listen..." sam "This is my metabolism. You need to do it right so listen..." # game/script.rpy:4425 translate english samtalk_4ab83b2d: # sam "... with it you..." sam "... with it you..." # game/script.rpy:4427 translate english samtalk_5fa29b02: # sam "....quantum particles...." sam "....quantum particles...." # game/script.rpy:4429 translate english samtalk_e917f33c: # sam ".... and the you wake me up." sam ".... and the you wake me up." # game/script.rpy:4430 translate english samtalk_b354753d: # sam "Do you undertant it?" sam "Do you undertant it?" # game/script.rpy:4433 translate english samtalk_99318a99: # k "Yes I get it." k "Yes I get it." # game/script.rpy:4435 translate english samtalk_dd30ba90: # k "Can you explain it again?" k "Can you explain it again?" # game/script.rpy:4436 translate english samtalk_c8e14973: # sam "Sure. First you need...." sam "Sure. First you need...." # game/script.rpy:4438 translate english samtalk_3e7afe47: # sam "... not this one...." sam "... not this one...." # game/script.rpy:4440 translate english samtalk_73270586: # sam "...or any sexual fantasy..." sam "...or any sexual fantasy..." # game/script.rpy:4442 translate english samtalk_94dfbf04: # sam "... or alien in cage...." sam "... or alien in cage...." # game/script.rpy:4444 translate english samtalk_498db130: # sam "Is it clear now?" sam "Is it clear now?" # game/script.rpy:4445 translate english samtalk_4e0bdf68: # k "Um.... Sure..." k "Um.... Sure..." # game/script.rpy:4446 translate english samtalk_49536850: # sam "So now we can start." sam "So now we can start." # game/script.rpy:4447 translate english samtalk_56a3d3a3: # sam "I upload all data in this tablet." sam "I upload all data in this tablet." # game/script.rpy:4448 translate english samtalk_cb926a6d: # sam "Sending to A.I." sam "Sending to A.I." # game/script.rpy:4451 translate english samtalk_afc0b629: # sam "Complete. Now time for some treatment." sam "Complete. Now time for some treatment." # game/script.rpy:4452 translate english samtalk_88ae75e6: # k "Of course." k "Of course." # game/script.rpy:4453 translate english samtalk_bfefdd9f: # sam "Obee, run protocol final heal." sam "Obee, run protocol final heal." # game/script.rpy:4454 translate english samtalk_7adef591: # o "Sure, Sam." o "Sure, Sam." # game/script.rpy:4455 translate english samtalk_76af82f2: # sam "I am.... so tired...." sam "I am.... so tired...." # game/script.rpy:4459 translate english samtalk_0549bc55: # k "Look like she passed away." k "Look like she passed away." # game/script.rpy:4460 translate english samtalk_897dde48: # k "Obee are you here?" k "Obee are you here?" # game/script.rpy:4464 translate english samtalk_f1e0f8b0: # o "Sure. Here and ready." o "Sure. Here and ready." # game/script.rpy:4465 translate english samtalk_c1ce7c5d: # k "Can we start?" k "Can we start?" # game/script.rpy:4466 translate english samtalk_0c0b5c57: # o "Yes." o "Yes." # game/script.rpy:4468 translate english samtalk_be94206a: # k "Everything looks ok." k "Everything looks ok." # game/script.rpy:4469 translate english samtalk_1110f7c4: # o "Yes she is stable." o "Yes she is stable." # game/script.rpy:4474 translate english samtalk_0ea0dcae: # o "I was thinking about something." o "I was thinking about something." # game/script.rpy:4475 translate english samtalk_bb9706ee: # k "What is it Obee?" k "What is it Obee?" # game/script.rpy:4476 translate english samtalk_57203d2c: # o "This person is pretty smart." o "This person is pretty smart." # game/script.rpy:4477 translate english samtalk_c8fd5eec: # k "Yes I know that." k "Yes I know that." # game/script.rpy:4478 translate english samtalk_2743be1b: # o "But she still talks about aliens and wormholes." o "But she still talks about aliens and wormholes." # game/script.rpy:4479 translate english samtalk_948f963d: # o "It is pretty crazy right?" o "It is pretty crazy right?" # game/script.rpy:4480 translate english samtalk_26ae15a3: # k "Yes, it is... What do you want to say?" k "Yes, it is... What do you want to say?" # game/script.rpy:4481 translate english samtalk_84d4c206: # o "She finds the way how to bring her memory back really fast." o "She finds the way how to bring her memory back really fast." # game/script.rpy:4482 translate english samtalk_17aec44d: # o "And you help her with that." o "And you help her with that." # game/script.rpy:4487 translate english samtalk_d0b7f033: # o "What if she decides to... hurt you or worse?" o "What if she decides to... hurt you or worse?" # game/script.rpy:4488 translate english samtalk_552c110d_5: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:4489 translate english samtalk_38158e6c: # o "Now she need you but..." o "Now she need you but..." # game/script.rpy:4490 translate english samtalk_fb225d52: # o "When you cure her..." o "When you cure her..." # game/script.rpy:4491 translate english samtalk_21eb07be: # k "Ok, I understant what you want to say." k "Ok, I understant what you want to say." # game/script.rpy:4492 translate english samtalk_24f151a9: # k "What do you want to do to her?" k "What do you want to do to her?" # game/script.rpy:4493 translate english samtalk_cce36bea: # o "She create a cure. I find something better." o "She create a cure. I find something better." # game/script.rpy:4498 translate english samtalk_cc6e53d0: # o "I find the way how to change her personality a little." o "I find the way how to change her personality a little." # game/script.rpy:4499 translate english samtalk_e18656dd: # k "A little?" k "A little?" # game/script.rpy:4500 translate english samtalk_c8e4adb3: # o "If you use that kind of substance on her, original drug will be suppressed." o "If you use that kind of substance on her, original drug will be suppressed." # game/script.rpy:4501 translate english samtalk_fae13099: # o "And she will be cured." o "And she will be cured." # game/script.rpy:4502 translate english samtalk_552c110d_6: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:4503 translate english samtalk_4e8f3460: # o "But. Her body will become more sensitive." o "But. Her body will become more sensitive." # game/script.rpy:4504 translate english samtalk_0c6031ef: # o "And her mind will be more addicted on sex." o "And her mind will be more addicted on sex." # game/script.rpy:4505 translate english samtalk_4fc4e5b0: # k "What???" k "What???" # game/script.rpy:4510 translate english samtalk_b7ee4627: # o "She will become more horny. And her personality can change in different way." o "She will become more horny. And her personality can change in different way." # game/script.rpy:4511 translate english samtalk_700adcfb: # k "That's sounds interesting." k "That's sounds interesting." # game/script.rpy:4512 translate english samtalk_6f58869e: # o "I know." o "I know." # game/script.rpy:4513 translate english samtalk_bfba864d: # o "So what do you want to do next?" o "So what do you want to do next?" # game/script.rpy:4518 translate english samtalk_1ba268a6: # k "I decide to cure her." k "I decide to cure her." # game/script.rpy:4519 translate english samtalk_12c225c7: # k "She needs her original memories." k "She needs her original memories." # game/script.rpy:4524 translate english samtalk_df461253: # o "Of course." o "Of course." # game/script.rpy:4525 translate english samtalk_22b451fb: # o "Real cure injected." o "Real cure injected." # game/script.rpy:4526 translate english samtalk_bee96c1a: # o "The rest of the procedure is fully automatic." o "The rest of the procedure is fully automatic." # game/script.rpy:4527 translate english samtalk_99664a20: # o "Good luck." o "Good luck." # game/script.rpy:4530 translate english samtalk_3c9dd20a: # k "Thanks...." k "Thanks...." # game/script.rpy:4532 translate english samtalk_31c1cfa2: # k "It is almost over." k "It is almost over." # game/script.rpy:4534 translate english samtalk_03a4286b: # k "Time to wake her up." k "Time to wake her up." # game/script.rpy:4540 translate english samtalk_7b171a04: # k "Sam, how do you feel?" k "Sam, how do you feel?" # game/script.rpy:4541 translate english samtalk_95b16a48: # sam "What? Where am I?" sam "What? Where am I?" # game/script.rpy:4542 translate english samtalk_1f2be21d: # k "You are safe in my vault, how do you feel?" k "You are safe in my vault, how do you feel?" # game/script.rpy:4543 translate english samtalk_cb1440bc: # sam "Feel???" sam "Feel???" # game/script.rpy:4544 translate english samtalk_4ec1951f: # sam "Weird...." sam "Weird...." # game/script.rpy:4545 translate english samtalk_96264c99: # sam "I need some time..." sam "I need some time..." # game/script.rpy:4546 translate english samtalk_8a6bda14: # k "Sure... I will come back later." k "Sure... I will come back later." # game/script.rpy:4550 translate english samtalk_571432f8: # k "I decide to use your special cure." k "I decide to use your special cure." # game/script.rpy:4551 translate english samtalk_c2454f53: # k "She needs some special care." k "She needs some special care." # game/script.rpy:4556 translate english samtalk_760edc0c: # o "I understand that. Good decision." o "I understand that. Good decision." # game/script.rpy:4559 translate english samtalk_72b3c55b: # o "Special cure injected." o "Special cure injected." # game/script.rpy:4560 translate english samtalk_bee96c1a_1: # o "The rest of the procedure is fully automatic." o "The rest of the procedure is fully automatic." # game/script.rpy:4561 translate english samtalk_99664a20_1: # o "Good luck." o "Good luck." # game/script.rpy:4564 translate english samtalk_3c9dd20a_1: # k "Thanks...." k "Thanks...." # game/script.rpy:4566 translate english samtalk_31c1cfa2_1: # k "It is almost over." k "It is almost over." # game/script.rpy:4568 translate english samtalk_03a4286b_1: # k "Time to wake her up." k "Time to wake her up." # game/script.rpy:4574 translate english samtalk_7b171a04_1: # k "Sam, how do you feel?" k "Sam, how do you feel?" # game/script.rpy:4575 translate english samtalk_95b16a48_1: # sam "What? Where am I?" sam "What? Where am I?" # game/script.rpy:4576 translate english samtalk_1f2be21d_1: # k "You are safe in my vault, how do you feel?" k "You are safe in my vault, how do you feel?" # game/script.rpy:4577 translate english samtalk_cb1440bc_1: # sam "Feel???" sam "Feel???" # game/script.rpy:4578 translate english samtalk_4ec1951f_1: # sam "Weird...." sam "Weird...." # game/script.rpy:4579 translate english samtalk_96264c99_1: # sam "I need some time..." sam "I need some time..." # game/script.rpy:4580 translate english samtalk_8a6bda14_1: # k "Sure... I will come back later." k "Sure... I will come back later." # game/script.rpy:4585 translate english samtalk_3d8e726a: # k "Hi Sam, how do you feel?" k "Hi Sam, how do you feel?" # game/script.rpy:4586 translate english samtalk_746d5782: # sam "I am fine, thanks." sam "I am fine, thanks." # game/script.rpy:4587 translate english samtalk_34b8b677: # k "Is everything ok now?" k "Is everything ok now?" # game/script.rpy:4592 translate english samtalk_b9506ced: # sam "Yes. I remember...." sam "Yes. I remember...." # game/script.rpy:4593 translate english samtalk_e9427f50: # sam "My memory was probably permanently damaged." sam "My memory was probably permanently damaged." # game/script.rpy:4594 translate english samtalk_458fafe1: # sam "But my personality is ok now." sam "But my personality is ok now." # game/script.rpy:4595 translate english samtalk_b4927cb7: # k "Are you sure?" k "Are you sure?" # game/script.rpy:4596 translate english samtalk_7f5e1d32: # sam "Yes. Thank you." sam "Yes. Thank you." # game/script.rpy:4599 translate english samtalk_763bfcbd: # sam "Many things are now clear." sam "Many things are now clear." # game/script.rpy:4600 translate english samtalk_b39121aa: # sam "About your vault and travel to other planets." sam "About your vault and travel to other planets." # game/script.rpy:4601 translate english samtalk_552c110d_7: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:4602 translate english samtalk_cb162cae: # sam "Someday I will tell you more." sam "Someday I will tell you more." # game/script.rpy:4604 translate english samtalk_b621322b: # k "Sure." k "Sure." # game/script.rpy:4611 translate english samtalk_3d8e726a_1: # k "Hi Sam, how do you feel?" k "Hi Sam, how do you feel?" # game/script.rpy:4612 translate english samtalk_746d5782_1: # sam "I am fine, thanks." sam "I am fine, thanks." # game/script.rpy:4613 translate english samtalk_3a69b727: # sam "Actually, I'm feeling much better." sam "Actually, I'm feeling much better." # game/script.rpy:4614 translate english samtalk_4256acea: # k "Really? Describe it." k "Really? Describe it." # game/script.rpy:4615 translate english samtalk_1ba03ee0: # sam "It is like, the colors are different and feelings too." sam "It is like, the colors are different and feelings too." # game/script.rpy:4616 translate english samtalk_3d3a6110: # k "What exactly did you mean by that??" k "What exactly did you mean by that??" # game/script.rpy:4621 translate english samtalk_456c6be9: # sam "This is new Sam." sam "This is new Sam." # game/script.rpy:4622 translate english samtalk_66346902: # sam "I have ideas already.. About life and how to live it." sam "I have ideas already.. About life and how to live it." # game/script.rpy:4623 translate english samtalk_e92b067f: # sam "Science is boring. I need to enjoy my body." sam "Science is boring. I need to enjoy my body." # game/script.rpy:4624 translate english samtalk_552c110d_8: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:4629 translate english samtalk_2c14ae65: # sam "This world is so interesting." sam "This world is so interesting." # game/script.rpy:4630 translate english samtalk_47842fab: # sam "I really want to explore it more." sam "I really want to explore it more." # game/script.rpy:4634 translate english samtalk_6d1edf35: # k "So, what do you think about this vault?" k "So, what do you think about this vault?" # game/script.rpy:4635 translate english samtalk_f0bb8df8: # sam "The technology here is pretty impressive." sam "The technology here is pretty impressive." # game/script.rpy:4641 translate english samtalk_03f3a960: # sam "I explore that big tank in the next room." sam "I explore that big tank in the next room." # game/script.rpy:4642 translate english samtalk_8f39a14a: # k "You mean milking room?" k "You mean milking room?" # game/script.rpy:4643 translate english samtalk_9fa69b2f: # sam "Yes it is realy impressive." sam "Yes it is realy impressive." # game/script.rpy:4644 translate english samtalk_fd3a4a5e: # sam "It is just interesting for scientists like me to see something like that." sam "It is just interesting for scientists like me to see something like that." # game/script.rpy:4645 translate english samtalk_defe6feb: # sam "How twisted must be your mind to create it?" sam "How twisted must be your mind to create it?" # game/script.rpy:4647 translate english samtalk_62ccde41: # k "I am not sure how. But it is really special device." k "I am not sure how. But it is really special device." # game/script.rpy:4648 translate english samtalk_999afefb: # sam "Yes, it is... the vault to have many secrets I hope I can solve them all." sam "Yes, it is... the vault to have many secrets I hope I can solve them all." # game/script.rpy:4649 translate english samtalk_6e01a963: # k "I am sure you can find solutions. But you need time for that." k "I am sure you can find solutions. But you need time for that." # game/script.rpy:4654 translate english samtalk_26472fd0: # sam "I know that." sam "I know that." # game/script.rpy:4655 translate english samtalk_6fb165f8: # k "Hmm..." k "Hmm..." # game/script.rpy:4657 translate english samtalk_ef004088: # k "Did you find anything interesting?" k "Did you find anything interesting?" # game/script.rpy:4658 translate english samtalk_b967c75a: # sam "No. But Obee help me with that." sam "No. But Obee help me with that." # game/script.rpy:4659 translate english samtalk_d3941f30: # sam "She is pretty smart for AI." sam "She is pretty smart for AI." # game/script.rpy:4663 translate english samtalk_41290334: # sam "But it is weird. Obee was originally designed as AI of this vault." sam "But it is weird. Obee was originally designed as AI of this vault." # game/script.rpy:4664 translate english samtalk_cd244bb4: # sam "And she did not know many things." sam "And she did not know many things." # game/script.rpy:4665 translate english samtalk_c5dc44b8: # k "What you mean by that?" k "What you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:4666 translate english samtalk_9017f49d: # sam "It is just weird to me." sam "It is just weird to me." # game/script.rpy:4668 translate english samtalk_99bf9f07: # sam "She should be the protector of this vault and have access to all data." sam "She should be the protector of this vault and have access to all data." # game/script.rpy:4669 translate english samtalk_b1f105fa: # k "Yes that is true." k "Yes that is true." # game/script.rpy:4674 translate english samtalk_884080f6: # sam "So how it is possible that she did not know many things about this vault?" sam "So how it is possible that she did not know many things about this vault?" # game/script.rpy:4675 translate english samtalk_3cf6742b: # sam "And!" with hpunch sam "And!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:4676 translate english samtalk_117fb514: # sam "This vault is designed to keep people alive. But you find it without any living person." sam "This vault is designed to keep people alive. But you find it without any living person." # game/script.rpy:4677 translate english samtalk_99cbbae0: # k "Hmm... Yes this is weird..." k "Hmm... Yes this is weird..." # game/script.rpy:4682 translate english samtalk_ae0597fc: # sam "It is... Did you know why it was empty?" sam "It is... Did you know why it was empty?" # game/script.rpy:4683 translate english samtalk_3d492d96: # k "No. She told me it was something with radiation or something..." k "No. She told me it was something with radiation or something..." # game/script.rpy:4684 translate english samtalk_b319e49a: # sam "Hmm...I will tell you if I find something." sam "Hmm...I will tell you if I find something." # game/script.rpy:4685 translate english samtalk_502cee3d: # k "Sure thanks." k "Sure thanks." # game/script.rpy:4690 translate english samtalk_cff55832: # sam "I finally discover the secret of this vault." sam "I finally discover the secret of this vault." # game/script.rpy:4691 translate english samtalk_51d6ca22: # k "And what is it?" k "And what is it?" # game/script.rpy:4695 translate english samtalk_1e7aaeec: # sam "Artificial intelligence programming." sam "Artificial intelligence programming." # game/script.rpy:4696 translate english samtalk_552c110d_9: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:4697 translate english samtalk_2a7d0e1e: # k "You mean..." k "You mean..." # game/script.rpy:4702 translate english samtalk_3e04c702: # sam "Yes. Obee and L.A.B. are originally created as fully working A.I." sam "Yes. Obee and L.A.B. are originally created as fully working A.I." # game/script.rpy:4703 translate english samtalk_b00beed4: # k "And what about all that supply. And machines?" k "And what about all that supply. And machines?" # game/script.rpy:4704 translate english samtalk_f2d29ddb: # sam "I think they are all created by A.I." sam "I think they are all created by A.I." # game/script.rpy:4705 translate english samtalk_93334484_1: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:4706 translate english samtalk_2ed36deb: # sam "This project is more complex than you can imagine." sam "This project is more complex than you can imagine." # game/script.rpy:4707 translate english samtalk_4fed0695: # sam "People live here in the vault and they have human lead." sam "People live here in the vault and they have human lead." # game/script.rpy:4708 translate english samtalk_552c110d_10: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:4709 translate english samtalk_1f0f4a9b: # sam "They are watching how A.I. can lead the vault and care about people." sam "They are watching how A.I. can lead the vault and care about people." # game/script.rpy:4710 translate english samtalk_a9f625ad: # sam "Obee was too good and invent many technology to increase the efficiency of the vault." sam "Obee was too good and invent many technology to increase the efficiency of the vault." # game/script.rpy:4711 translate english samtalk_d62c384c: # sam "Few generations live here in peace." sam "Few generations live here in peace." # game/script.rpy:4712 translate english samtalk_81ec78bb: # sam "But then someone starts to fear Obee and decide to turn her down." sam "But then someone starts to fear Obee and decide to turn her down." # game/script.rpy:4713 translate english samtalk_1a8cd839: # k "Did she kill him?" k "Did she kill him?" # game/script.rpy:4714 translate english samtalk_91486bb5: # sam "No. She wants to say it is dangerous to live without her." sam "No. She wants to say it is dangerous to live without her." # game/script.rpy:4715 translate english samtalk_c773441f: # sam "She only wants to protect all people in the vault." sam "She only wants to protect all people in the vault." # game/script.rpy:4720 translate english samtalk_1352eb0f: # sam "But talks change to gossip and gossip to fear." sam "But talks change to gossip and gossip to fear." # game/script.rpy:4721 translate english samtalk_c5b31b3f: # sam "In the end they decide to turn A.I. off." sam "In the end they decide to turn A.I. off." # game/script.rpy:4722 translate english samtalk_1367dde4: # k "And?" k "And?" # game/script.rpy:4723 translate english samtalk_e82a5dc8: # sam "I am not too sure. Vault must have some kind of fuse to prevent it." sam "I am not too sure. Vault must have some kind of fuse to prevent it." # game/script.rpy:4724 translate english samtalk_6923ef59: # sam "When they turn A.I. off some kind of mechanism start to killing every living person in the vault." sam "When they turn A.I. off some kind of mechanism start to killing every living person in the vault." # game/script.rpy:4725 translate english samtalk_cd0ea02b: # sam "Turning off the air, increase heat, or just turret gunshot." sam "Turning off the air, increase heat, or just turret gunshot." # game/script.rpy:4726 translate english samtalk_495c4763: # sam "A.I. was reset to alpha version. And without new information she stagnate." sam "A.I. was reset to alpha version. And without new information she stagnate." # game/script.rpy:4727 translate english samtalk_24bf22a9: # sam "All information about the incident was reset with her memories." sam "All information about the incident was reset with her memories." # game/script.rpy:4728 translate english samtalk_66873b58: # k "So how do you know it?" k "So how do you know it?" # game/script.rpy:4730 translate english samtalk_2b3a8e68: # sam "I find safety protocols. And separate circuit where is everything uploaded." sam "I find safety protocols. And separate circuit where is everything uploaded." # game/script.rpy:4731 translate english samtalk_c3632fc8: # sam "It looks like oboe is capable of great things." sam "It looks like oboe is capable of great things." # game/script.rpy:4732 translate english samtalk_0a58afaa: # sam "I give you one advice. Do not turn her off." sam "I give you one advice. Do not turn her off." # game/script.rpy:4733 translate english samtalk_b621322b_1: # k "Sure." k "Sure." # game/script.rpy:4740 translate english samtalk_03f3a960_1: # sam "I explore that big tank in the next room." sam "I explore that big tank in the next room." # game/script.rpy:4741 translate english samtalk_ef004088_1: # k "Did you find anything interesting?" k "Did you find anything interesting?" # game/script.rpy:4743 translate english samtalk_c26bb025: # sam "Many things." sam "Many things." # game/script.rpy:4744 translate english samtalk_8dc87809: # sam "But I still need to investigate." sam "But I still need to investigate." # game/script.rpy:4745 translate english samtalk_95a64cf6: # k "Ok. Tell me when you find something." k "Ok. Tell me when you find something." # game/script.rpy:4746 translate english samtalk_01781c22: # sam "Sure." sam "Sure." # game/script.rpy:4753 translate english samtalk_aab96aec: # sam "I already tell you everything what I know." sam "I already tell you everything what I know." # game/script.rpy:4754 translate english samtalk_dd30ba90_1: # k "Can you explain it again?" k "Can you explain it again?" # game/script.rpy:4761 translate english samtalk_c3bf4a67: # sam "Short version." sam "Short version." # game/script.rpy:4762 translate english samtalk_97b68c82: # sam "The vault was focused on creating A.I." sam "The vault was focused on creating A.I." # game/script.rpy:4763 translate english samtalk_c554deb4: # sam "A.I. Create a lot of useful stuff and bring an era of happiness." sam "A.I. Create a lot of useful stuff and bring an era of happiness." # game/script.rpy:4764 translate english samtalk_58591dd1: # sam "But someone starts to fear her and turn her off." sam "But someone starts to fear her and turn her off." # game/script.rpy:4765 translate english samtalk_7be2b1a0: # sam "Safety protocols clear vault from all living being and reset A.I." sam "Safety protocols clear vault from all living being and reset A.I." # game/script.rpy:4766 translate english samtalk_66d9683a: # k "I understand it all now." k "I understand it all now." # game/script.rpy:4774 translate english samtalk_33d7cee1: # sam "Yes, but I am not understanding it for now." sam "Yes, but I am not understanding it for now." # game/script.rpy:4775 translate english samtalk_0104f5fb: # sam "But I cooperate with your AI." sam "But I cooperate with your AI." # game/script.rpy:4776 translate english samtalk_5664e919: # k "Ok. She is nice." k "Ok. She is nice." # game/script.rpy:4781 translate english samtalk_f5390e8e: # sam "Yes.... Nice...." sam "Yes.... Nice...." # game/script.rpy:4782 translate english samtalk_d91c652d: # k "Sam???" k "Sam???" # game/script.rpy:4783 translate english samtalk_7e45528a: # sam "Nothing." sam "Nothing." # game/script.rpy:4790 translate english samtalk_03f3a960_2: # sam "I explore that big tank in the next room." sam "I explore that big tank in the next room." # game/script.rpy:4791 translate english samtalk_ef004088_2: # k "Did you find anything interesting?" k "Did you find anything interesting?" # game/script.rpy:4793 translate english samtalk_c26bb025_1: # sam "Many things." sam "Many things." # game/script.rpy:4794 translate english samtalk_8dc87809_1: # sam "But I still need to investigate." sam "But I still need to investigate." # game/script.rpy:4795 translate english samtalk_95a64cf6_1: # k "Ok. Tell me when you find something." k "Ok. Tell me when you find something." # game/script.rpy:4796 translate english samtalk_01781c22_1: # sam "Sure." sam "Sure." # game/script.rpy:4803 translate english samtalk_aab96aec_1: # sam "I already tell you everything what I know." sam "I already tell you everything what I know." # game/script.rpy:4804 translate english samtalk_dd30ba90_2: # k "Can you explain it again?" k "Can you explain it again?" # game/script.rpy:4811 translate english samtalk_c3bf4a67_1: # sam "Short version." sam "Short version." # game/script.rpy:4812 translate english samtalk_97b68c82_1: # sam "The vault was focused on creating A.I." sam "The vault was focused on creating A.I." # game/script.rpy:4813 translate english samtalk_c554deb4_1: # sam "A.I. Create a lot of useful stuff and bring an era of happiness." sam "A.I. Create a lot of useful stuff and bring an era of happiness." # game/script.rpy:4814 translate english samtalk_58591dd1_1: # sam "But someone starts to fear her and turn her off." sam "But someone starts to fear her and turn her off." # game/script.rpy:4815 translate english samtalk_7be2b1a0_1: # sam "Safety protocols clear vault from all living being and reset A.I." sam "Safety protocols clear vault from all living being and reset A.I." # game/script.rpy:4816 translate english samtalk_66d9683a_1: # k "I understand it all now." k "I understand it all now." # game/script.rpy:4824 translate english samtalk_33d7cee1_1: # sam "Yes, but I am not understanding it for now." sam "Yes, but I am not understanding it for now." # game/script.rpy:4825 translate english samtalk_0104f5fb_1: # sam "But I cooperate with your AI." sam "But I cooperate with your AI." # game/script.rpy:4826 translate english samtalk_5664e919_1: # k "Ok. She is nice." k "Ok. She is nice." # game/script.rpy:4831 translate english samtalk_f5390e8e_1: # sam "Yes.... Nice...." sam "Yes.... Nice...." # game/script.rpy:4832 translate english samtalk_d91c652d_1: # k "Sam???" k "Sam???" # game/script.rpy:4833 translate english samtalk_7e45528a_1: # sam "Nothing." sam "Nothing." # game/script.rpy:4842 translate english samtalk_39cd0f80: # k "You have said something about research before." k "You have said something about research before." # game/script.rpy:4843 translate english samtalk_dacbe9de: # sam "Sorry, but I am not ready now." sam "Sorry, but I am not ready now." # game/script.rpy:4844 translate english samtalk_d338fa16: # sam "First, I need to recover my memories." sam "First, I need to recover my memories." # game/script.rpy:4845 translate english samtalk_37b2a6f1: # k "Sure..." k "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:4850 translate english samtalk_39cd0f80_1: # k "You have said something about research before." k "You have said something about research before." # game/script.rpy:4855 translate english samtalk_4f17e516: # sam "Yes. I need help." sam "Yes. I need help." # game/script.rpy:4856 translate english samtalk_79e8ffa2: # k "So, what can I do." k "So, what can I do." # game/script.rpy:4857 translate english samtalk_e5918337: # sam "First I need some... coins..." sam "First I need some... coins..." # game/script.rpy:4858 translate english samtalk_9eebd70f: # k "Come on seriously?" k "Come on seriously?" # game/script.rpy:4859 translate english samtalk_68e0a9b0: # sam "Yes, I need to buy something special and change it to...." sam "Yes, I need to buy something special and change it to...." # game/script.rpy:4864 translate english samtalk_2187090d: # sam "..." sam "..." # game/script.rpy:4865 translate english samtalk_30edefe3: # sam "The rest is a secret." sam "The rest is a secret." # game/script.rpy:4866 translate english samtalk_f709eb40: # k "Wondering how much you need?" k "Wondering how much you need?" # game/script.rpy:4867 translate english samtalk_30cabebc: # sam "Ehm... something arround 500 coins." sam "Ehm... something arround 500 coins." # game/script.rpy:4873 translate english samtalk_e639d40b: # k "Ok. Here is coins." k "Ok. Here is coins." # game/script.rpy:4878 translate english samtalk_5851d01e: # sam "Yaiks!" sam "Yaiks!" # game/script.rpy:4879 translate english samtalk_b7b8fcae: # sam "Thanks!" sam "Thanks!" # game/script.rpy:4880 translate english samtalk_ec20c7e2: # k "But you own me now." k "But you own me now." # game/script.rpy:4882 translate english samtalk_5516e527: # sam "Sure anything you want." sam "Sure anything you want." # game/script.rpy:4883 translate english samtalk_3c9ef477: # k "So we have a deal?" k "So we have a deal?" # game/script.rpy:4884 translate english samtalk_001ff58b: # sam "Yes of course. We have a deal now." sam "Yes of course. We have a deal now." # game/script.rpy:4890 translate english samtalk_aa66c870: # sam "Only if you fuck me hard then." sam "Only if you fuck me hard then." # game/script.rpy:4891 translate english samtalk_13724359: # k "What????" k "What????" # game/script.rpy:4892 translate english samtalk_b18a15a6: # sam "Hehe... " sam "Hehe... " # game/script.rpy:4893 translate english samtalk_11f7ba2d: # k "ok I am ready." k "ok I am ready." # game/script.rpy:4894 translate english samtalk_3dd88991: # sam "Later darling now I need to go..." sam "Later darling now I need to go..." # game/script.rpy:4899 translate english samtalk_d91c652d_2: # k "Sam???" k "Sam???" # game/script.rpy:4900 translate english samtalk_014da18a: # k "What the hell???" k "What the hell???" # game/script.rpy:4901 translate english samtalk_4e541bce: # k "Ok I come back later." k "Ok I come back later." # game/script.rpy:4905 translate english samtalk_3d519cfc: # k "Look like I need more coins." k "Look like I need more coins." # game/script.rpy:4906 translate english samtalk_7fcc0a4d: # sam "So come back when you have them." sam "So come back when you have them." # game/script.rpy:4913 translate english samtalk_e0ec63a3: # k "You need to find another way how to earn coins." k "You need to find another way how to earn coins." # game/script.rpy:4914 translate english samtalk_64636ede: # sam "Ok I understant." sam "Ok I understant." # game/script.rpy:4915 translate english samtalk_cb51d1da: # k "Maybe if you blow me...." k "Maybe if you blow me...." # game/script.rpy:4922 translate english samtalk_d76c14f6: # sam "????" sam "????" # game/script.rpy:4923 translate english samtalk_674bb48d: # k "Or maybe something else." k "Or maybe something else." # game/script.rpy:4932 translate english samtalk_8e0694c6: # k "Anything new with your research?" k "Anything new with your research?" # game/script.rpy:4937 translate english samtalk_b15fc9fb: # sam "Actually. I need more coins." sam "Actually. I need more coins." # game/script.rpy:4938 translate english samtalk_6cb2a355: # k "What? Why???" k "What? Why???" # game/script.rpy:4940 translate english samtalk_ab939ddd: # sam "The material I acquired was damaged." sam "The material I acquired was damaged." # game/script.rpy:4941 translate english samtalk_8a778808: # sam "I can use it but, there are still a lot of things to buy." sam "I can use it but, there are still a lot of things to buy." # game/script.rpy:4942 translate english samtalk_104f9b47: # k "Are you sure about that? This Vault is big and there are many things here." k "Are you sure about that? This Vault is big and there are many things here." # game/script.rpy:4943 translate english samtalk_d7f95032: # sam "Actually, I have already checked everything you have here." sam "Actually, I have already checked everything you have here." # game/script.rpy:4944 translate english samtalk_b4a1805e: # sam "And change the function of some systems to help my purpose." sam "And change the function of some systems to help my purpose." # game/script.rpy:4945 translate english samtalk_cd76ed60: # k "What the hell are you talking about?" k "What the hell are you talking about?" # game/script.rpy:4950 translate english samtalk_0ce8ef25: # sam "ehm...." sam "ehm...." # game/script.rpy:4951 translate english samtalk_283a6ad9: # sam "Don't worry I use only secondary systems." sam "Don't worry I use only secondary systems." # game/script.rpy:4952 translate english samtalk_48fb0446: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:4953 translate english samtalk_a3a4d65e: # k "But you still need more things to finish it right?" k "But you still need more things to finish it right?" # game/script.rpy:4954 translate english samtalk_3f2bd1c3: # sam "Yes, it would be awesome if you can spare some more coins..." sam "Yes, it would be awesome if you can spare some more coins..." # game/script.rpy:4955 translate english samtalk_759d5cab: # k "I can do that. But you already own me one..." k "I can do that. But you already own me one..." # game/script.rpy:4956 translate english samtalk_f842dcc9: # sam "Yes, I know. Is there any chance we can figure something about it?" sam "Yes, I know. Is there any chance we can figure something about it?" # game/script.rpy:4957 translate english samtalk_904516d1: # k "Let me think...." k "Let me think...." # game/script.rpy:4959 translate english samtalk_aa16cdfc: # k "hmmmmm..." k "hmmmmm..." # game/script.rpy:4960 translate english samtalk_6608a236: # k "I got IT!!!" with hpunch k "I got IT!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:4961 translate english samtalk_b86731c8: # k "I will give you some coins for your research." k "I will give you some coins for your research." # game/script.rpy:4966 translate english samtalk_b7b8fcae_1: # sam "Thanks!" sam "Thanks!" # game/script.rpy:4967 translate english samtalk_4d703814: # k "And..." k "And..." # game/script.rpy:4968 translate english samtalk_8f39bf98: # k "You help me with my own research." k "You help me with my own research." # game/script.rpy:4969 translate english samtalk_f309130e: # sam "...." sam "...." # game/script.rpy:4974 translate english samtalk_e18ffb58: # sam "And what kind of research it is?" sam "And what kind of research it is?" # game/script.rpy:4975 translate english samtalk_ccda2d9b: # k "We can call it time travel and effect on a woman's body..." k "We can call it time travel and effect on a woman's body..." # game/script.rpy:4976 translate english samtalk_5b246212: # sam "What you mean by that?" sam "What you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:4977 translate english samtalk_de60a705: # k "You know.... I will test your body sensitivity on different levels." k "You know.... I will test your body sensitivity on different levels." # game/script.rpy:4979 translate english samtalk_17adef1b: # sam "What exactly you mean by that?" sam "What exactly you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:4980 translate english samtalk_52eeac5d: # k "I want to test how your body will react in a different situation." k "I want to test how your body will react in a different situation." # game/script.rpy:4981 translate english samtalk_b1279859: # sam "What kind of situations?" sam "What kind of situations?" # game/script.rpy:4982 translate english samtalk_2c028dbe: # k "I am talking about something that can surprise you... like if you are tied or something." k "I am talking about something that can surprise you... like if you are tied or something." # game/script.rpy:4989 translate english samtalk_c3650ae5: # sam "Tied?" sam "Tied?" # game/script.rpy:4990 translate english samtalk_7b12825c: # k "To begin the journey." k "To begin the journey." # game/script.rpy:4991 translate english samtalk_7fe2cc71: # sam "???" sam "???" # game/script.rpy:4992 translate english samtalk_e1c1e8fd: # k "Come on you are an adult woman." k "Come on you are an adult woman." # game/script.rpy:4993 translate english samtalk_72981007: # k "I help you and you help me. It is a win win situation." k "I help you and you help me. It is a win win situation." # game/script.rpy:4994 translate english samtalk_f1dfe5a1: # sam "Maybe you are right. I am in." sam "Maybe you are right. I am in." # game/script.rpy:4995 translate english samtalk_f91dda75: # k "Good to know. So what should we do now?" k "Good to know. So what should we do now?" # game/script.rpy:5002 translate english samtalk_6531ac4a: # sam "Just say it already you want to fuck me and do many nasty things with me!" sam "Just say it already you want to fuck me and do many nasty things with me!" # game/script.rpy:5003 translate english samtalk_d27f5e0a: # k "Exactly, how you know that?" k "Exactly, how you know that?" # game/script.rpy:5008 translate english samtalk_85161c9c: # sam "You still look at my boobs." sam "You still look at my boobs." # game/script.rpy:5009 translate english samtalk_fd94592b: # sam "With that nasty look." sam "With that nasty look." # game/script.rpy:5010 translate english samtalk_ea9e6342: # k "guilty..." k "guilty..." # game/script.rpy:5011 translate english samtalk_7cbf05e2: # k "So what do you think about my offer?" k "So what do you think about my offer?" # game/script.rpy:5012 translate english samtalk_37428b39: # sam "I am in!" sam "I am in!" # game/script.rpy:5013 translate english samtalk_7ed18fa5: # sam "I want to have some fun here." sam "I want to have some fun here." # game/script.rpy:5014 translate english samtalk_f91dda75_1: # k "Good to know. So what should we do now?" k "Good to know. So what should we do now?" # game/script.rpy:5023 translate english samtalk_7c61d510: # sam "Sorry, but I have no time for that right now. I need to focus on my research." sam "Sorry, but I have no time for that right now. I need to focus on my research." # game/script.rpy:5024 translate english samtalk_3c14bd27: # sam "Ask me again tomorrow." sam "Ask me again tomorrow." # game/script.rpy:5039 translate english samtalk_58f1e4cb: # k "Ok I want to test your sensitivity right now." k "Ok I want to test your sensitivity right now." # game/script.rpy:5040 translate english samtalk_9a2c2a6c: # sam "What exactly you want to do?" sam "What exactly you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:5041 translate english samtalk_e5a9ee65: # k "Nothing special just put your hands in this." k "Nothing special just put your hands in this." # game/script.rpy:5042 translate english samtalk_3878551f: # sam "How much coins you will give me?" sam "How much coins you will give me?" # game/script.rpy:5043 translate english samtalk_054b9e66: # k "50 coins for that!" k "50 coins for that!" # game/script.rpy:5044 translate english samtalk_8baa6c20: # sam "That is not too much." sam "That is not too much." # game/script.rpy:5045 translate english samtalk_777ad85d: # sam "I will do it for 100 coins." sam "I will do it for 100 coins." # game/script.rpy:5046 translate english samtalk_48fb0446_1: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:5047 translate english samtalk_5d7dfdc0: # k "You have a deal." k "You have a deal." # game/script.rpy:5048 translate english samtalk_00429037: # k "Now give your hands in this." k "Now give your hands in this." # game/script.rpy:5052 translate english samtalk_7b6a16a9: # sam "But do not do anything weird ok?" sam "But do not do anything weird ok?" # game/script.rpy:5053 translate english samtalk_b621322b_2: # k "Sure." k "Sure." # game/script.rpy:5055 translate english samtalk_064373b6: # sam "You can do me something nasty if you want." sam "You can do me something nasty if you want." # game/script.rpy:5056 translate english samtalk_a7e3f614: # k "I want to do a lot of nasty things to you..." k "I want to do a lot of nasty things to you..." # game/script.rpy:5057 translate english samtalk_643ad25c: # k "Time for my research." k "Time for my research." # game/script.rpy:5064 translate english samtalk_2187090d_1: # sam "..." sam "..." # game/script.rpy:5065 translate english samtalk_81c92259: # k "You look...." k "You look...." # game/script.rpy:5066 translate english samtalk_8b324cff: # k "Ok, time test your emotions." k "Ok, time test your emotions." # game/script.rpy:5070 translate english samtalk_62a0a50c: # sam "What do you mean by that?" sam "What do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:5071 translate english samtalk_be191216: # k "Just some chit chat and small talk." k "Just some chit chat and small talk." # game/script.rpy:5072 translate english samtalk_f309130e_1: # sam "...." sam "...." # game/script.rpy:5073 translate english samtalk_88469747: # sam "What do you want to know?" sam "What do you want to know?" # game/script.rpy:5074 translate english samtalk_426a176c: # k "Just tell me how you feel." k "Just tell me how you feel." # game/script.rpy:5078 translate english samtalk_e1c13b4c: # sam "I feel humiliated." sam "I feel humiliated." # game/script.rpy:5079 translate english samtalk_7c22a978: # k "Why? Your hands are strapped but that is all." k "Why? Your hands are strapped but that is all." # game/script.rpy:5080 translate english samtalk_6a6bb9be: # sam "Yes but...." sam "Yes but...." # game/script.rpy:5081 translate english samtalk_b30d54df: # sam "This position is very embarrassing." sam "This position is very embarrassing." # game/script.rpy:5082 translate english samtalk_8e3549db: # k "I see..." k "I see..." # game/script.rpy:5083 translate english samtalk_92646faa: # k "What if I do that..." k "What if I do that..." # game/script.rpy:5084 translate english samtalk_fa66ff0c: # sam "Hey, wait a second!" sam "Hey, wait a second!" # game/script.rpy:5091 translate english samtalk_0b6a0a7c: # sam "What the hell!!!" sam "What the hell!!!" # game/script.rpy:5092 translate english samtalk_9bcd27ea: # k "Relax..." k "Relax..." # game/script.rpy:5093 translate english samtalk_d80c8baa: # sam "How can I relax! You have just uncovered my boobs." sam "How can I relax! You have just uncovered my boobs." # game/script.rpy:5094 translate english samtalk_0178a126: # k "It is all part of my research..." k "It is all part of my research..." # game/script.rpy:5095 translate english samtalk_d3628110: # k "You agreed to that." k "You agreed to that." # game/script.rpy:5096 translate english samtalk_70e23d00: # sam "Not for THAT!!!" sam "Not for THAT!!!" # game/script.rpy:5097 translate english samtalk_46e1a4c3: # k "This is an enormously strong emotion! I want to examine these emotions." k "This is an enormously strong emotion! I want to examine these emotions." # game/script.rpy:5101 translate english samtalk_28c398aa: # sam "....." sam "....." # game/script.rpy:5102 translate english samtalk_753129a4: # k "You think I will give you my coins for free???" k "You think I will give you my coins for free???" # game/script.rpy:5103 translate english samtalk_5bbe470a: # sam "That is acceptable to me." sam "That is acceptable to me." # game/script.rpy:5107 translate english samtalk_99ee3c85: # sam "So my feelings is. Anger, hatred, humiliation and a little pain." sam "So my feelings is. Anger, hatred, humiliation and a little pain." # game/script.rpy:5108 translate english samtalk_d4765968: # k "Pain?" k "Pain?" # game/script.rpy:5109 translate english samtalk_4b9b553d: # sam "You drag my suit down too roughly." sam "You drag my suit down too roughly." # game/script.rpy:5110 translate english samtalk_1c85c739: # k "Sure I see..." k "Sure I see..." # game/script.rpy:5111 translate english samtalk_a9e775a2: # sam "Can you release me now?" sam "Can you release me now?" # game/script.rpy:5112 translate english samtalk_4a8634a2: # k "Ehm... Sure I have my notes..." k "Ehm... Sure I have my notes..." # game/script.rpy:5120 translate english samtalk_c71e7563: # sam "Thanks..." sam "Thanks..." # game/script.rpy:5121 translate english samtalk_8a5f04f4: # sam "I will work on my research now." sam "I will work on my research now." # game/script.rpy:5122 translate english samtalk_61670025: # sam "I can help you with your project tomorrow." sam "I can help you with your project tomorrow." # game/script.rpy:5123 translate english samtalk_37b2a6f1_1: # k "Sure..." k "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:5127 translate english samtalk_e91c808b: # sam "I know you will do just that!" sam "I know you will do just that!" # game/script.rpy:5128 translate english samtalk_54e97689: # k "Yes? How?" k "Yes? How?" # game/script.rpy:5129 translate english samtalk_cb7f3e4e: # sam "You just stare at my boobs too long." sam "You just stare at my boobs too long." # game/script.rpy:5130 translate english samtalk_c8bfb2ee: # sam "Come on punish me!" sam "Come on punish me!" # game/script.rpy:5131 translate english samtalk_552c110d_11: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:5132 translate english samtalk_12ad082e: # sam "HIT ME!" sam "HIT ME!" # game/script.rpy:5133 translate english samtalk_b621322b_3: # k "Sure." k "Sure." # game/script.rpy:5138 translate english samtalk_a687bc57: # sam "More!" sam "More!" # game/script.rpy:5142 translate english samtalk_e8fee02a: # sam "YES!" sam "YES!" # game/script.rpy:5143 translate english samtalk_e426ed50: # sam "hehe..." sam "hehe..." # game/script.rpy:5146 translate english samtalk_52d3c41b: # k "So.... Uh... how do you feel?" k "So.... Uh... how do you feel?" # game/script.rpy:5147 translate english samtalk_b14cdf9e: # sam "Excited, agitated, horny and thrilled." sam "Excited, agitated, horny and thrilled." # game/script.rpy:5148 translate english samtalk_fcad8d86: # k "They are all synonyms." k "They are all synonyms." # game/script.rpy:5149 translate english samtalk_ed9964b1: # k "Maybe some brain damage or something..." k "Maybe some brain damage or something..." # game/script.rpy:5150 translate english samtalk_e1bac3df: # sam "Hit me more!!!" sam "Hit me more!!!" # game/script.rpy:5153 translate english samtalk_f306b03a: # sam "And I feel pain...." sam "And I feel pain...." # game/script.rpy:5154 translate english samtalk_d7bbf8bc: # k "That is logical." k "That is logical." # game/script.rpy:5157 translate english samtalk_d0858e8b: # k "You help me a lot today." k "You help me a lot today." # game/script.rpy:5161 translate english samtalk_ab09a620: # k "Now you can dress." k "Now you can dress." # game/script.rpy:5162 translate english samtalk_5337718b: # sam "You need to release me." sam "You need to release me." # game/script.rpy:5163 translate english samtalk_3de89498: # k "Yeah sure." k "Yeah sure." # game/script.rpy:5171 translate english samtalk_c71e7563_1: # sam "Thanks..." sam "Thanks..." # game/script.rpy:5172 translate english samtalk_8a5f04f4_1: # sam "I will work on my research now." sam "I will work on my research now." # game/script.rpy:5173 translate english samtalk_61670025_1: # sam "I can help you with your project tomorrow." sam "I can help you with your project tomorrow." # game/script.rpy:5176 translate english samtalk_ac1af885: # k "Let's test your sensitivity." k "Let's test your sensitivity." # game/script.rpy:5177 translate english samtalk_b811e001: # sam "Can you give me coins first?" sam "Can you give me coins first?" # game/script.rpy:5178 translate english samtalk_718fe615: # k "Sure, here it is." k "Sure, here it is." # game/script.rpy:5180 translate english samtalk_b3b03fbd: # sam "Now you can tie me." sam "Now you can tie me." # game/script.rpy:5188 translate english samtalk_8d307168: # sam "Argh...." sam "Argh...." # game/script.rpy:5189 translate english samtalk_d10129a1: # k "Is everything ok?" k "Is everything ok?" # game/script.rpy:5190 translate english samtalk_e2730916: # sam "It is too tight." sam "It is too tight." # game/script.rpy:5191 translate english samtalk_40058551: # k "Ok so how do you feel?" k "Ok so how do you feel?" # game/script.rpy:5195 translate english samtalk_e06c042b: # sam "I'll just get used to it." sam "I'll just get used to it." # game/script.rpy:5196 translate english samtalk_c6d746dc: # k "Ok, so you know what I do now, right?" k "Ok, so you know what I do now, right?" # game/script.rpy:5197 translate english samtalk_d705e9f5: # sam "You mean..." sam "You mean..." # game/script.rpy:5204 translate english samtalk_3294e4b3: # sam "That again?" sam "That again?" # game/script.rpy:5205 translate english samtalk_a4ef9732: # k "Yes. You should be less stressed now." k "Yes. You should be less stressed now." # game/script.rpy:5210 translate english samtalk_14ac35e2: # sam "We already do worst things together so..." sam "We already do worst things together so..." # game/script.rpy:5212 translate english samtalk_93e856ed: # sam "I am not stressed. You have just uncovered my boobs." sam "I am not stressed. You have just uncovered my boobs." # game/script.rpy:5213 translate english samtalk_ac8ff26b: # sam "Again!" sam "Again!" # game/script.rpy:5214 translate english samtalk_0178a126_1: # k "It is all part of my research..." k "It is all part of my research..." # game/script.rpy:5215 translate english samtalk_95ddb0b9: # k "Don't forget it. I pay for it." k "Don't forget it. I pay for it." # game/script.rpy:5219 translate english samtalk_e279d3fa: # sam "But I am still a scientist!" sam "But I am still a scientist!" # game/script.rpy:5220 translate english samtalk_6223472a: # k "The best scientis I know! Tell me about your emotions." k "The best scientis I know! Tell me about your emotions." # game/script.rpy:5224 translate english samtalk_6087d05e: # sam "I feel a humiliated again and a little cheated." sam "I feel a humiliated again and a little cheated." # game/script.rpy:5225 translate english samtalk_39bf0e86: # sam "You do the same thing over and over again." sam "You do the same thing over and over again." # game/script.rpy:5226 translate english samtalk_36b1fb11: # k "Yes I know that remind me..." k "Yes I know that remind me..." # game/script.rpy:5230 translate english samtalk_be5c26ec: # sam "I hope you use new flowers every time!" sam "I hope you use new flowers every time!" # game/script.rpy:5231 translate english samtalk_82091822_2: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:5235 translate english samtalk_bac3e511: # sam "That is just simply unacceptable." sam "That is just simply unacceptable." # game/script.rpy:5236 translate english samtalk_17a4ab47: # k "I think you'd like it." k "I think you'd like it." # game/script.rpy:5238 translate english samtalk_a457c5f9: # sam "What the hell???" sam "What the hell???" # game/script.rpy:5242 translate english samtalk_70fd02fb: # sam "Why you stick that flowers in my ass??" sam "Why you stick that flowers in my ass??" # game/script.rpy:5243 translate english samtalk_bf3ace2f: # k "I want to see a different reaction." k "I want to see a different reaction." # game/script.rpy:5244 translate english samtalk_a6e9a22a: # sam "You see one I will kick you in the face!" sam "You see one I will kick you in the face!" # game/script.rpy:5245 translate english samtalk_ddeb685a: # k "Sure, I see... You feel aggression." k "Sure, I see... You feel aggression." # game/script.rpy:5246 translate english samtalk_bcd12347: # sam "You stick flowers in my ass!!!" with hpunch sam "You stick flowers in my ass!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:5247 translate english samtalk_d5b6004f: # k "Yes I know do you like it?" k "Yes I know do you like it?" # game/script.rpy:5248 translate english samtalk_48435c91: # sam "Why should I do it like that?" sam "Why should I do it like that?" # game/script.rpy:5249 translate english samtalk_ba10a415: # k "Because it is something different." k "Because it is something different." # game/script.rpy:5253 translate english samtalk_28c398aa_1: # sam "....." sam "....." # game/script.rpy:5254 translate english samtalk_f67733b5: # sam "Can we end this?" sam "Can we end this?" # game/script.rpy:5255 translate english samtalk_14ca15c4: # k "Sure how do you feel?" k "Sure how do you feel?" # game/script.rpy:5256 translate english samtalk_ce20dcd1: # sam "Humiliated and angry." sam "Humiliated and angry." # game/script.rpy:5257 translate english samtalk_2bc4271f: # k "No sexual tension?" k "No sexual tension?" # game/script.rpy:5258 translate english samtalk_ae71e7e8: # sam "NO!" sam "NO!" # game/script.rpy:5259 translate english samtalk_0ca4ce18: # k "Ok time to release you." k "Ok time to release you." # game/script.rpy:5268 translate english samtalk_c71e7563_2: # sam "Thanks..." sam "Thanks..." # game/script.rpy:5269 translate english samtalk_8a5f04f4_2: # sam "I will work on my research now." sam "I will work on my research now." # game/script.rpy:5270 translate english samtalk_61670025_2: # sam "I can help you with your project tomorrow." sam "I can help you with your project tomorrow." # game/script.rpy:5271 translate english samtalk_37b2a6f1_2: # k "Sure..." k "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:5275 translate english samtalk_e91c808b_1: # sam "I know you will do just that!" sam "I know you will do just that!" # game/script.rpy:5276 translate english samtalk_54e97689_1: # k "Yes? How?" k "Yes? How?" # game/script.rpy:5277 translate english samtalk_cb7f3e4e_1: # sam "You just stare at my boobs too long." sam "You just stare at my boobs too long." # game/script.rpy:5278 translate english samtalk_c8bfb2ee_1: # sam "Come on punish me!" sam "Come on punish me!" # game/script.rpy:5279 translate english samtalk_552c110d_12: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:5280 translate english samtalk_12ad082e_1: # sam "HIT ME!" sam "HIT ME!" # game/script.rpy:5281 translate english samtalk_b621322b_4: # k "Sure." k "Sure." # game/script.rpy:5286 translate english samtalk_a687bc57_1: # sam "More!" sam "More!" # game/script.rpy:5289 translate english samtalk_f0ee25c9: # k "Maybe later first I want to do this." k "Maybe later first I want to do this." # game/script.rpy:5295 translate english samtalk_2414b359: # sam "That is really nice flowers." sam "That is really nice flowers." # game/script.rpy:5296 translate english samtalk_4616e3d8: # k "I pick them for you." k "I pick them for you." # game/script.rpy:5297 translate english samtalk_24f53649: # sam "You are so very romantic." sam "You are so very romantic." # game/script.rpy:5299 translate english samtalk_b8c49bc3: # "I love that flowers!" "I love that flowers!" # game/script.rpy:5300 translate english samtalk_a5de28e0: # k "Yes I know." k "Yes I know." # game/script.rpy:5301 translate english samtalk_8752a685: # sam "It is nice from you, that you remember that." sam "It is nice from you, that you remember that." # game/script.rpy:5302 translate english samtalk_1de1e65e: # sam "But you know what I want right now?" sam "But you know what I want right now?" # game/script.rpy:5303 translate english samtalk_fe62c1b0: # k "Let me make a guess." k "Let me make a guess." # game/script.rpy:5305 translate english samtalk_e8fee02a_1: # sam "YES!" sam "YES!" # game/script.rpy:5310 translate english samtalk_c53d03e7: # sam "Amazing." sam "Amazing." # game/script.rpy:5313 translate english samtalk_365a9906: # k "That is..." k "That is..." # game/script.rpy:5314 translate english samtalk_1ad00f5e: # k "Did you just?" k "Did you just?" # game/script.rpy:5315 translate english samtalk_0f292496: # sam "It is so intensive. Please hit me again." sam "It is so intensive. Please hit me again." # game/script.rpy:5318 translate english samtalk_aacea440: # sam "This is perfect..." sam "This is perfect..." # game/script.rpy:5319 translate english samtalk_9b59a61c: # k "So how do you feel?" k "So how do you feel?" # game/script.rpy:5322 translate english samtalk_f7e0af1b: # sam "Satisfied for now." sam "Satisfied for now." # game/script.rpy:5323 translate english samtalk_20720f09: # k "For now?" k "For now?" # game/script.rpy:5324 translate english samtalk_539ab42e: # sam "I think this is not the end of your sexperiment." sam "I think this is not the end of your sexperiment." # game/script.rpy:5325 translate english samtalk_273b2f21: # k "Sexperiment???" k "Sexperiment???" # game/script.rpy:5326 translate english samtalk_07284d8e: # k "Anyway...." k "Anyway...." # game/script.rpy:5330 translate english samtalk_ffcca945: # sam "What do you want to do now?" sam "What do you want to do now?" # game/script.rpy:5331 translate english samtalk_e573cc6f: # k "This is end for now. You can dress." k "This is end for now. You can dress." # game/script.rpy:5332 translate english samtalk_5337718b_1: # sam "You need to release me." sam "You need to release me." # game/script.rpy:5333 translate english samtalk_3de89498_1: # k "Yeah sure." k "Yeah sure." # game/script.rpy:5343 translate english samtalk_c71e7563_3: # sam "Thanks..." sam "Thanks..." # game/script.rpy:5344 translate english samtalk_8a5f04f4_3: # sam "I will work on my research now." sam "I will work on my research now." # game/script.rpy:5345 translate english samtalk_61670025_3: # sam "I can help you with your project tomorrow." sam "I can help you with your project tomorrow." # game/script.rpy:5350 translate english samtalk_c9c5185d: # "You need more coins for that." "You need more coins for that." # game/script.rpy:5351 translate english samtalk_feb6a9f7: # "Earn them and try again." "Earn them and try again." # game/script.rpy:5357 translate english samtalk_913d1235: # k "I want to test something else today." k "I want to test something else today." # game/script.rpy:5364 translate english samtalk_62a0a50c_1: # sam "What do you mean by that?" sam "What do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:5365 translate english samtalk_35e4ceb6: # k "I want to touch your boobs..." k "I want to touch your boobs..." # game/script.rpy:5366 translate english samtalk_8dd3a898: # sam "Hmm... only that?" sam "Hmm... only that?" # game/script.rpy:5367 translate english samtalk_deffea42: # k "And stick my dick between them." k "And stick my dick between them." # game/script.rpy:5372 translate english samtalk_a974a696: # sam "That is unaccaptable." sam "That is unaccaptable." # game/script.rpy:5373 translate english samtalk_23046a82: # k "Yes I want to monitor that kind of reaction!" k "Yes I want to monitor that kind of reaction!" # game/script.rpy:5374 translate english samtalk_9a676aa1: # sam "So monitor it on yourself." sam "So monitor it on yourself." # game/script.rpy:5375 translate english samtalk_891810e4: # sam "I will not help you with that!" sam "I will not help you with that!" # game/script.rpy:5383 translate english samtalk_913d1235_1: # k "I want to test something else today." k "I want to test something else today." # game/script.rpy:5390 translate english samtalk_62a0a50c_2: # sam "What do you mean by that?" sam "What do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:5391 translate english samtalk_35e4ceb6_1: # k "I want to touch your boobs..." k "I want to touch your boobs..." # game/script.rpy:5392 translate english samtalk_8dd3a898_1: # sam "Hmm... only that?" sam "Hmm... only that?" # game/script.rpy:5393 translate english samtalk_deffea42_1: # k "And stick my dick between them." k "And stick my dick between them." # game/script.rpy:5398 translate english samtalk_2187090d_2: # sam "..." sam "..." # game/script.rpy:5399 translate english samtalk_e3d183a1: # sam "How much?" sam "How much?" # game/script.rpy:5400 translate english samtalk_93334484_2: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:5401 translate english samtalk_e6082d4a: # sam "Coins you give to me for that?" sam "Coins you give to me for that?" # game/script.rpy:5402 translate english samtalk_7e56fa69: # k "50 coins?" k "50 coins?" # game/script.rpy:5403 translate english samtalk_7fe2cc71_1: # sam "???" sam "???" # game/script.rpy:5408 translate english samtalk_66d49d53: # sam "How much!" sam "How much!" # game/script.rpy:5409 translate english samtalk_68d0bf59: # k "I mean 100 coins." k "I mean 100 coins." # game/script.rpy:5410 translate english samtalk_fb77b01a: # sam "Try it again!" with hpunch sam "Try it again!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:5411 translate english samtalk_a93f4bc8: # k "150 coins." k "150 coins." # game/script.rpy:5412 translate english samtalk_bc126170: # sam "You give me 200 coins!" sam "You give me 200 coins!" # game/script.rpy:5413 translate english samtalk_70b4b3d4: # k "200 is realy too much..." k "200 is realy too much..." # game/script.rpy:5419 translate english samtalk_074f4be6: # sam "This is not cheap research." sam "This is not cheap research." # game/script.rpy:5420 translate english samtalk_756270f8: # k "Research??? I mean, yes I know." k "Research??? I mean, yes I know." # game/script.rpy:5422 translate english samtalk_57d9c062: # sam "Titfuck is not cheap!" sam "Titfuck is not cheap!" # game/script.rpy:5423 translate english samtalk_77fa397b: # k "Sure I get it." k "Sure I get it." # game/script.rpy:5424 translate english samtalk_7e94f8b2: # k "You win. Here is your 200 coins." k "You win. Here is your 200 coins." # game/script.rpy:5426 translate english samtalk_2db1c088: # sam "Thanks. So. What now?" sam "Thanks. So. What now?" # game/script.rpy:5427 translate english samtalk_23661d87: # k "First lay down.." k "First lay down.." # game/script.rpy:5436 translate english samtalk_e4ca3ad6: # k "Good girl... How do you feel?" k "Good girl... How do you feel?" # game/script.rpy:5438 translate english samtalk_6b4bc189: # sam "That is ...." sam "That is ...." # game/script.rpy:5439 translate english samtalk_ff1a393e: # sam "It's actually pretty normal." sam "It's actually pretty normal." # game/script.rpy:5443 translate english samtalk_0ae360b7: # sam "But I am scared because I know what you want to do now." sam "But I am scared because I know what you want to do now." # game/script.rpy:5444 translate english samtalk_9318ed28: # k "hehe..." k "hehe..." # game/script.rpy:5445 translate english samtalk_545b691a: # k "I mean, you have nothing to fear right now." k "I mean, you have nothing to fear right now." # game/script.rpy:5446 translate english samtalk_fa023416: # sam "Are you sure?" sam "Are you sure?" # game/script.rpy:5447 translate english samtalk_a3977a7d: # k "Yes just..." k "Yes just..." # game/script.rpy:5454 translate english samtalk_946961f2: # sam "Ammmmm..." sam "Ammmmm..." # game/script.rpy:5455 translate english samtalk_552c110d_13: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:5456 translate english samtalk_d10129a1_1: # k "Is everything ok?" k "Is everything ok?" # game/script.rpy:5457 translate english samtalk_8812e317: # sam "Yes, I just feel something between my breast..." sam "Yes, I just feel something between my breast..." # game/script.rpy:5458 translate english samtalk_260647b4: # k "It is ok." k "It is ok." # game/script.rpy:5459 translate english samtalk_8752a87a: # k "It is just my penis..." k "It is just my penis..." # game/script.rpy:5462 translate english samtalk_fe0e039c: # sam "I know. Don't remind me that." sam "I know. Don't remind me that." # game/script.rpy:5463 translate english samtalk_b720a81c: # k "Why have you closed your eyes?" k "Why have you closed your eyes?" # game/script.rpy:5464 translate english samtalk_b6ca4d45: # k "You try to suppress that memory or what?" k "You try to suppress that memory or what?" # game/script.rpy:5465 translate english samtalk_12f5e076: # sam "No just when I do not see it it did not happen." sam "No just when I do not see it it did not happen." # game/script.rpy:5466 translate english samtalk_3b588bbb: # k "That is the word of professional scientist..." k "That is the word of professional scientist..." # game/script.rpy:5474 translate english samtalk_02e2030f: # sam "What just happened?" sam "What just happened?" # game/script.rpy:5475 translate english samtalk_48fb0446_2: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:5483 translate english samtalk_fd8ec2ff: # k "Did You really need to ask?" k "Did You really need to ask?" # game/script.rpy:5484 translate english samtalk_6b4bc189_1: # sam "That is ...." sam "That is ...." # game/script.rpy:5492 translate english samtalk_7ff7682b: # k "Try to think about it as a scientific experiment." k "Try to think about it as a scientific experiment." # game/script.rpy:5493 translate english samtalk_5385a0ae: # sam "You mean... hmm..." sam "You mean... hmm..." # game/script.rpy:5501 translate english samtalk_ec676cb3: # sam "Your penis create friction and that create heat." sam "Your penis create friction and that create heat." # game/script.rpy:5502 translate english samtalk_e0ed7d58: # sam "As the side effect your brain is stimulated and producing extra hormones." sam "As the side effect your brain is stimulated and producing extra hormones." # game/script.rpy:5510 translate english samtalk_be33ecca: # k "Or maybe it is the primal function." k "Or maybe it is the primal function." # game/script.rpy:5511 translate english samtalk_5490ed84: # k "But I think...." k "But I think...." # game/script.rpy:5514 translate english samtalk_8082a198: # k "YEAH!" k "YEAH!" # game/script.rpy:5516 translate english samtalk_8d0243ab: # k "Ehm how do you feel right now?" k "Ehm how do you feel right now?" # game/script.rpy:5517 translate english samtalk_529bb43c: # sam "abused." sam "abused." # game/script.rpy:5518 translate english samtalk_80d016fb: # k "You can open your eyes now..." k "You can open your eyes now..." # game/script.rpy:5519 translate english samtalk_7ccbd0cf: # sam "I do not want to open them. First pull that thing out." sam "I do not want to open them. First pull that thing out." # game/script.rpy:5520 translate english samtalk_82a07404: # k "Ehm, Sure just...." k "Ehm, Sure just...." # game/script.rpy:5532 translate english samtalk_82091822_3: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:5533 translate english samtalk_0d0d04d7: # k "It is already over. You can open your eyes." k "It is already over. You can open your eyes." # game/script.rpy:5538 translate english samtalk_f2eb9d7f: # sam "Sure. I can focus now on my research." sam "Sure. I can focus now on my research." # game/script.rpy:5539 translate english samtalk_0b38a1d8: # k "Yeah. Anything you want." k "Yeah. Anything you want." # game/script.rpy:5542 translate english samtalk_95f9f3d0: # sam "Hehe..." sam "Hehe..." # game/script.rpy:5543 translate english samtalk_ccd2d757: # sam "You want to play with me a little right?" sam "You want to play with me a little right?" # game/script.rpy:5547 translate english samtalk_f404f6c8: # sam "But I want it too so don't be so shy." sam "But I want it too so don't be so shy." # game/script.rpy:5548 translate english samtalk_566a4852: # k "Be sure I am not." k "Be sure I am not." # game/script.rpy:5549 translate english samtalk_8732b174: # sam "So, what you are waiting for?" sam "So, what you are waiting for?" # game/script.rpy:5550 translate english samtalk_82091822_4: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:5557 translate english samtalk_aa9d03df: # sam "Nice.." sam "Nice.." # game/script.rpy:5558 translate english samtalk_552c110d_14: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:5559 translate english samtalk_cbe4bdc0: # sam "You realy did it!" sam "You realy did it!" # game/script.rpy:5560 translate english samtalk_7b8aab44: # k "Of course, what do you think?" k "Of course, what do you think?" # game/script.rpy:5561 translate english samtalk_6048b3a8: # sam "Just move it a little, lets have some fun." sam "Just move it a little, lets have some fun." # game/script.rpy:5562 translate english samtalk_745d0824: # k "Sure!" k "Sure!" # game/script.rpy:5570 translate english samtalk_a687bc57_2: # sam "More!" sam "More!" # game/script.rpy:5571 translate english samtalk_0d730294: # k "Seriously?" k "Seriously?" # game/script.rpy:5579 translate english samtalk_a3b44f8b: # sam "Yeah!" sam "Yeah!" # game/script.rpy:5580 translate english samtalk_c3590559: # k "Look like you like it!" k "Look like you like it!" # game/script.rpy:5587 translate english samtalk_81d3e7a4: # sam "It is really, Interesting..." sam "It is really, Interesting..." # game/script.rpy:5588 translate english samtalk_a2221745: # sam "That suit and your dick..." sam "That suit and your dick..." # game/script.rpy:5595 translate english samtalk_022b9611: # sam "I start to feel horny!" sam "I start to feel horny!" # game/script.rpy:5596 translate english samtalk_ad2434c8: # k "Anything else?" k "Anything else?" # game/script.rpy:5604 translate english samtalk_dfa03feb: # sam "I am not sure it is hard to describe that..." sam "I am not sure it is hard to describe that..." # game/script.rpy:5605 translate english samtalk_1094ecc4: # k "I totally understant." k "I totally understant." # game/script.rpy:5613 translate english samtalk_9e34dbf2: # k "For me it is hard to not cum." k "For me it is hard to not cum." # game/script.rpy:5614 translate english samtalk_04cbd766: # k "I almost reach my limit..." k "I almost reach my limit..." # game/script.rpy:5622 translate english samtalk_1c8d600a: # sam "Really ? that fast?" sam "Really ? that fast?" # game/script.rpy:5623 translate english samtalk_c5aa6869: # sam "It is because of boobs, or suit, or?" sam "It is because of boobs, or suit, or?" # game/script.rpy:5626 translate english samtalk_8082a198_1: # k "YEAH!" k "YEAH!" # game/script.rpy:5628 translate english samtalk_2187090d_3: # sam "..." sam "..." # game/script.rpy:5629 translate english samtalk_0ff1ec79: # k "I think because everything together." k "I think because everything together." # game/script.rpy:5630 translate english samtalk_8d0243ab_1: # k "Ehm how do you feel right now?" k "Ehm how do you feel right now?" # game/script.rpy:5631 translate english samtalk_06445e2d: # sam "Still horny and sticky. Try to aim in my mouth next time." sam "Still horny and sticky. Try to aim in my mouth next time." # game/script.rpy:5632 translate english samtalk_d9830abb: # k "Sure I try..." k "Sure I try..." # game/script.rpy:5633 translate english samtalk_257dd483: # sam "mmmmm...." sam "mmmmm...." # game/script.rpy:5634 translate english samtalk_e178d90b: # sam "Time to start suiting up!" sam "Time to start suiting up!" # game/script.rpy:5647 translate english samtalk_82091822_5: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:5648 translate english samtalk_9833b5a5: # k "Look like you enjoy it too..." k "Look like you enjoy it too..." # game/script.rpy:5653 translate english samtalk_82bd1c30: # sam "Sure. It was funny!" sam "Sure. It was funny!" # game/script.rpy:5654 translate english samtalk_4e9ca265: # sam "Now, I can focus now on my research." sam "Now, I can focus now on my research." # game/script.rpy:5655 translate english samtalk_0b38a1d8_1: # k "Yeah. Anything you want." k "Yeah. Anything you want." # game/script.rpy:5662 translate english samtalk_2c1739b7: # k "I want to test your..." k "I want to test your..." # game/script.rpy:5663 translate english samtalk_51512faf: # k "Breast feelings?" k "Breast feelings?" # game/script.rpy:5670 translate english samtalk_d82284b4: # sam "You want from me to lay down right?" sam "You want from me to lay down right?" # game/script.rpy:5671 translate english samtalk_5ef5c3aa: # k "Ehm. Yes." k "Ehm. Yes." # game/script.rpy:5672 translate english samtalk_642a72c3: # sam "I think I am ready for that one again." sam "I think I am ready for that one again." # game/script.rpy:5677 translate english samtalk_76239297: # sam "But give me coins first." sam "But give me coins first." # game/script.rpy:5678 translate english samtalk_1a6c3a04: # k "You do not belive me?" k "You do not belive me?" # game/script.rpy:5679 translate english samtalk_d0b65c78: # sam "It is not exclusively about trust..." sam "It is not exclusively about trust..." # game/script.rpy:5680 translate english samtalk_788ede6f: # sam "Just give me coins first." sam "Just give me coins first." # game/script.rpy:5681 translate english samtalk_4de0360e: # k "Sure here it is." k "Sure here it is." # game/script.rpy:5690 translate english samtalk_f67840d5: # sam "Thanks. You can start if you want." sam "Thanks. You can start if you want." # game/script.rpy:5691 translate english samtalk_82091822_6: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:5692 translate english samtalk_a2b89dd2: # k "Look like it is not so offensive for you anymore." k "Look like it is not so offensive for you anymore." # game/script.rpy:5696 translate english samtalk_2187090d_4: # sam "..." sam "..." # game/script.rpy:5697 translate english samtalk_6d59fb5b: # sam "Just... Start already." sam "Just... Start already." # game/script.rpy:5698 translate english samtalk_4bcb8310: # k "Sure. Research start right now!" k "Sure. Research start right now!" # game/script.rpy:5700 translate english samtalk_f007e166: # sam "Thanks. Now you can fuck my tits!" sam "Thanks. Now you can fuck my tits!" # game/script.rpy:5701 translate english samtalk_d7a8a543: # k "Heh. That is nice attitude." k "Heh. That is nice attitude." # game/script.rpy:5702 translate english samtalk_9719ed9d: # sam "I just know what I want." sam "I just know what I want." # game/script.rpy:5703 translate english samtalk_51d6ca22_1: # k "And what is it?" k "And what is it?" # game/script.rpy:5707 translate english samtalk_6b09c0e9: # sam "Complete my research - and some fun." sam "Complete my research - and some fun." # game/script.rpy:5708 translate english samtalk_156987a1: # k "Time to have some fun." k "Time to have some fun." # game/script.rpy:5719 translate english samtalk_d7d30d83: # sam "That feeling." sam "That feeling." # game/script.rpy:5720 translate english samtalk_6c281a12: # sam "I am starting to get used to it." sam "I am starting to get used to it." # game/script.rpy:5724 translate english samtalk_7b2a681a: # sam "Do you really need to stick that thing between my boobs?" sam "Do you really need to stick that thing between my boobs?" # game/script.rpy:5725 translate english samtalk_133dd04f: # k "If I want to make a successful experiment." k "If I want to make a successful experiment." # game/script.rpy:5726 translate english samtalk_fa42f794: # sam "Sure. Do what you must." sam "Sure. Do what you must." # game/script.rpy:5727 translate english samtalk_82091822_7: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:5734 translate english samtalk_946961f2_1: # sam "Ammmmm..." sam "Ammmmm..." # game/script.rpy:5735 translate english samtalk_552c110d_15: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:5736 translate english samtalk_d10129a1_2: # k "Is everything ok?" k "Is everything ok?" # game/script.rpy:5737 translate english samtalk_d5b86596: # sam "Yes, But that thing is...." sam "Yes, But that thing is...." # game/script.rpy:5738 translate english samtalk_6cdb4e8d: # k "Is???." k "Is???." # game/script.rpy:5739 translate english samtalk_16187a5d: # sam "Warm again." sam "Warm again." # game/script.rpy:5747 translate english samtalk_f309130e_2: # sam "...." sam "...." # game/script.rpy:5748 translate english samtalk_faeb3cdd: # k "Why do you still, close your eyes?" k "Why do you still, close your eyes?" # game/script.rpy:5756 translate english samtalk_80bda4c7: # sam "It is not your buisness." sam "It is not your buisness." # game/script.rpy:5764 translate english samtalk_c39058d4: # k "Come on I pay you a lot of coins for that, talk with me." k "Come on I pay you a lot of coins for that, talk with me." # game/script.rpy:5765 translate english samtalk_01d6f2ae: # sam "About what?" sam "About what?" # game/script.rpy:5773 translate english samtalk_0f338290: # k "How do you feel?" k "How do you feel?" # game/script.rpy:5774 translate english samtalk_b0f9447f: # sam "It is still demeaning." sam "It is still demeaning." # game/script.rpy:5782 translate english samtalk_a6630a27: # k "Why do you think that?" k "Why do you think that?" # game/script.rpy:5783 translate english samtalk_fcb11fa7: # sam "Just an old prehistoric habit when a woman must pleasure man." sam "Just an old prehistoric habit when a woman must pleasure man." # game/script.rpy:5791 translate english samtalk_7d866269: # sam "Boobs is a sexual symbol and grabbing them just proving your dominance." sam "Boobs is a sexual symbol and grabbing them just proving your dominance." # game/script.rpy:5792 translate english samtalk_fefcd4a2: # k "Yes they are big and warm." k "Yes they are big and warm." # game/script.rpy:5800 translate english samtalk_3a1389a0: # sam "Yes I know. This is exactly what I am talking about." sam "Yes I know. This is exactly what I am talking about." # game/script.rpy:5801 translate english samtalk_e3e89d2f: # sam "You just try to make yourself feel good." sam "You just try to make yourself feel good." # game/script.rpy:5809 translate english samtalk_f0cbe38e: # sam "And do not think about my satisfaction." sam "And do not think about my satisfaction." # game/script.rpy:5810 translate english samtalk_ded2fdf6: # sam "You think with your penis right now." sam "You think with your penis right now." # game/script.rpy:5818 translate english samtalk_c391d08d: # k "No, I am recording your feelings and ideas." k "No, I am recording your feelings and ideas." # game/script.rpy:5819 translate english samtalk_3e3d3d73: # sam "That is only a man lie." sam "That is only a man lie." # game/script.rpy:5827 translate english samtalk_6650439c: # k "A man lie?" k "A man lie?" # game/script.rpy:5828 translate english samtalk_a30b6a21: # sam "To get what you want..." sam "To get what you want..." # game/script.rpy:5836 translate english samtalk_45628492: # k "So why you have still your eyes closed?" k "So why you have still your eyes closed?" # game/script.rpy:5837 translate english samtalk_86f1d397: # k "You are still scared right?" k "You are still scared right?" # game/script.rpy:5845 translate english samtalk_d5c7d9aa: # sam "I am not a small kid." sam "I am not a small kid." # game/script.rpy:5846 translate english samtalk_a0d2de2d: # sam "And have no problems with looking at your penis." sam "And have no problems with looking at your penis." # game/script.rpy:5854 translate english samtalk_83c76776: # sam "It is just better when I have eyes closed." sam "It is just better when I have eyes closed." # game/script.rpy:5855 translate english samtalk_ca86ab6d: # sam "And turn on my imagination." sam "And turn on my imagination." # game/script.rpy:5863 translate english samtalk_9fbaae96: # k "Imagination?" k "Imagination?" # game/script.rpy:5864 translate english samtalk_b4581c68: # sam "Yes, I think it's someone else, something else..." sam "Yes, I think it's someone else, something else..." # game/script.rpy:5872 translate english samtalk_11b6de7b: # k "Something else?" k "Something else?" # game/script.rpy:5873 translate english samtalk_f309130e_3: # sam "...." sam "...." # game/script.rpy:5876 translate english samtalk_8082a198_2: # k "YEAH!" k "YEAH!" # game/script.rpy:5880 translate english samtalk_117b8e15: # sam "!!!!!" sam "!!!!!" # game/script.rpy:5881 translate english samtalk_b2cb73d0: # k "I just can't hold it in anymore." k "I just can't hold it in anymore." # game/script.rpy:5882 translate english samtalk_9c37ae0e: # sam "That is so humiliating..." sam "That is so humiliating..." # game/script.rpy:5883 translate english samtalk_2187090d_5: # sam "..." sam "..." # game/script.rpy:5884 translate english samtalk_b40570c6: # k "Ok. I noticed that." k "Ok. I noticed that." # game/script.rpy:5888 translate english samtalk_fb458bd4: # sam "For your research." sam "For your research." # game/script.rpy:5889 translate english samtalk_e73dcb26: # k "Of course... Now you can dress up..." k "Of course... Now you can dress up..." # game/script.rpy:5902 translate english samtalk_82091822_8: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:5903 translate english samtalk_0d0d04d7_1: # k "It is already over. You can open your eyes." k "It is already over. You can open your eyes." # game/script.rpy:5908 translate english samtalk_f2eb9d7f_1: # sam "Sure. I can focus now on my research." sam "Sure. I can focus now on my research." # game/script.rpy:5909 translate english samtalk_0b38a1d8_2: # k "Yeah. Anything you want." k "Yeah. Anything you want." # game/script.rpy:5913 translate english samtalk_d0fcad50: # sam "I want to have fun too..." sam "I want to have fun too..." # game/script.rpy:5914 translate english samtalk_d778d9cd: # sam "Do you want to play with me a little?" sam "Do you want to play with me a little?" # game/script.rpy:5918 translate english samtalk_8986c68f: # k "More, than anything else." k "More, than anything else." # game/script.rpy:5919 translate english samtalk_8732b174_1: # sam "So, what you are waiting for?" sam "So, what you are waiting for?" # game/script.rpy:5926 translate english samtalk_0cbf9224: # sam "What a nice dick" sam "What a nice dick" # game/script.rpy:5927 translate english samtalk_2b922a7d: # k "Thanks." k "Thanks." # game/script.rpy:5935 translate english samtalk_70da5848: # sam "It is really funny. How your prick creates heat." sam "It is really funny. How your prick creates heat." # game/script.rpy:5936 translate english samtalk_552c110d_16: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:5944 translate english samtalk_d9f34b72: # sam "Friction between boobs, suit and prick." sam "Friction between boobs, suit and prick." # game/script.rpy:5945 translate english samtalk_d142eba1: # k "prick?" k "prick?" # game/script.rpy:5953 translate english samtalk_f50258bd: # sam "You know what I mean." sam "You know what I mean." # game/script.rpy:5954 translate english samtalk_82091822_9: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:5955 translate english samtalk_470b4fdf: # k "You look happy..." k "You look happy..." # game/script.rpy:5963 translate english samtalk_e40f5837: # sam "Yeah! This is so hot. Like you dominate me." sam "Yeah! This is so hot. Like you dominate me." # game/script.rpy:5964 translate english samtalk_c3590559_1: # k "Look like you like it!" k "Look like you like it!" # game/script.rpy:5971 translate english samtalk_68a0431d: # sam "Just, fuck that boobs harder!" sam "Just, fuck that boobs harder!" # game/script.rpy:5972 translate english samtalk_00328457: # sam "I need more!" sam "I need more!" # game/script.rpy:5979 translate english samtalk_6fab81be: # k "That is no probelm" k "That is no probelm" # game/script.rpy:5980 translate english samtalk_022b9611_1: # sam "I start to feel horny!" sam "I start to feel horny!" # game/script.rpy:5988 translate english samtalk_54c49606: # sam "Faster!" sam "Faster!" # game/script.rpy:5996 translate english samtalk_c89a72cd: # k "I do what I can." k "I do what I can." # game/script.rpy:6004 translate english samtalk_a687bc57_3: # sam "More!" sam "More!" # game/script.rpy:6005 translate english samtalk_207cbb9e: # k "That is my limit!" k "That is my limit!" # game/script.rpy:6013 translate english samtalk_74092dde: # sam "I want more...." sam "I want more...." # game/script.rpy:6021 translate english samtalk_863cdf8a: # k "Sorry but this is...." k "Sorry but this is...." # game/script.rpy:6022 translate english samtalk_be64c8ea: # k "!!!!" k "!!!!" # game/script.rpy:6025 translate english samtalk_8082a198_3: # k "YEAH!" k "YEAH!" # game/script.rpy:6027 translate english samtalk_2187090d_6: # sam "..." sam "..." # game/script.rpy:6028 translate english samtalk_fbafb2c5: # k "That was realy hot." k "That was realy hot." # game/script.rpy:6029 translate english samtalk_8d0243ab_2: # k "Ehm how do you feel right now?" k "Ehm how do you feel right now?" # game/script.rpy:6030 translate english samtalk_62a32a10: # sam "Still horny and sticky." sam "Still horny and sticky." # game/script.rpy:6031 translate english samtalk_a8484446: # sam "I told you last time to aim in my mouth." sam "I told you last time to aim in my mouth." # game/script.rpy:6032 translate english samtalk_749b0cf7: # k "Yes sorry for that, I really try." k "Yes sorry for that, I really try." # game/script.rpy:6033 translate english samtalk_257dd483_1: # sam "mmmmm...." sam "mmmmm...." # game/script.rpy:6034 translate english samtalk_8f32ad7a: # sam "Don't worry, you will aim better next time." sam "Don't worry, you will aim better next time." # game/script.rpy:6035 translate english samtalk_fc21ba79: # k "Ehm... Sure I will." k "Ehm... Sure I will." # game/script.rpy:6036 translate english samtalk_e178d90b_1: # sam "Time to start suiting up!" sam "Time to start suiting up!" # game/script.rpy:6050 translate english samtalk_40c35b8f: # k "That was fun right?" k "That was fun right?" # game/script.rpy:6051 translate english samtalk_66a48be1: # k "Did you enjoy it too?" k "Did you enjoy it too?" # game/script.rpy:6056 translate english samtalk_82bd1c30_1: # sam "Sure. It was funny!" sam "Sure. It was funny!" # game/script.rpy:6057 translate english samtalk_8648b138: # sam "But now is time to focus on my research." sam "But now is time to focus on my research." # game/script.rpy:6058 translate english samtalk_fe64174b: # k "If you say that." k "If you say that." # game/script.rpy:6064 translate english samtalk_c9c5185d_1: # "You need more coins for that." "You need more coins for that." # game/script.rpy:6065 translate english samtalk_feb6a9f7_1: # "Earn them and try again." "Earn them and try again." # game/script.rpy:6076 translate english samtalk_23feeacf: # k "Can we do some special experiment today?" k "Can we do some special experiment today?" # game/script.rpy:6083 translate english samtalk_5515ac02: # sam "You want to play with my boobs?" sam "You want to play with my boobs?" # game/script.rpy:6084 translate english samtalk_4a166cb9: # k "Yes. But not this time." k "Yes. But not this time." # game/script.rpy:6085 translate english samtalk_ba77b10b: # sam "So?" sam "So?" # game/script.rpy:6086 translate english samtalk_a211c8e4: # k "I want to monitor your reaction when I penetrate in to you." k "I want to monitor your reaction when I penetrate in to you." # game/script.rpy:6091 translate english samtalk_b35dbdb6: # sam "Are you crazy?" sam "Are you crazy?" # game/script.rpy:6092 translate english samtalk_4f19d55f: # k "No it is only for..." k "No it is only for..." # game/script.rpy:6093 translate english samtalk_9212e878: # sam "I am not a whore." sam "I am not a whore." # game/script.rpy:6094 translate english samtalk_73de1e09: # sam "Maybe I look like whore but that is all!" sam "Maybe I look like whore but that is all!" # game/script.rpy:6098 translate english samtalk_e2943497: # k "???!!!" k "???!!!" # game/script.rpy:6099 translate english samtalk_acd59e9f: # k "Understant. For now." k "Understant. For now." # game/script.rpy:6105 translate english samtalk_23feeacf_1: # k "Can we do some special experiment today?" k "Can we do some special experiment today?" # game/script.rpy:6112 translate english samtalk_5515ac02_1: # sam "You want to play with my boobs?" sam "You want to play with my boobs?" # game/script.rpy:6113 translate english samtalk_4a166cb9_1: # k "Yes. But not this time." k "Yes. But not this time." # game/script.rpy:6114 translate english samtalk_ba77b10b_1: # sam "So?" sam "So?" # game/script.rpy:6115 translate english samtalk_a211c8e4_1: # k "I want to monitor your reaction when I penetrate in to you." k "I want to monitor your reaction when I penetrate in to you." # game/script.rpy:6121 translate english samtalk_b35dbdb6_1: # sam "Are you crazy?" sam "Are you crazy?" # game/script.rpy:6122 translate english samtalk_9c64a74a: # k "Remember, it is for research!" k "Remember, it is for research!" # game/script.rpy:6123 translate english samtalk_1c30f3c3: # sam "That is obviously unacceptable." sam "That is obviously unacceptable." # game/script.rpy:6124 translate english samtalk_333bae15: # k "Look like you do not need a coins anymore." k "Look like you do not need a coins anymore." # game/script.rpy:6129 translate english samtalk_2187090d_7: # sam "..." sam "..." # game/script.rpy:6130 translate english samtalk_23a9fe3b: # sam "I need them but this..." sam "I need them but this..." # game/script.rpy:6131 translate english samtalk_ee01e165: # k "Is only a normal human action. And I want to test if you are still a normal human." k "Is only a normal human action. And I want to test if you are still a normal human." # game/script.rpy:6134 translate english samtalk_93317226: # sam "When you say it that way." sam "When you say it that way." # game/script.rpy:6135 translate english samtalk_dcfaef71: # k "Ok so here is your 200 coins." k "Ok so here is your 200 coins." # game/script.rpy:6136 translate english samtalk_0c512281: # sam "No I want more." sam "No I want more." # game/script.rpy:6137 translate english samtalk_c2d358de: # k "hmm... how much?" k "hmm... how much?" # game/script.rpy:6142 translate english samtalk_342026d6: # sam "500 coins!" sam "500 coins!" # game/script.rpy:6143 translate english samtalk_e7a74115: # k "Come one it is too much for one experiment!" k "Come one it is too much for one experiment!" # game/script.rpy:6144 translate english samtalk_8cefd3ed: # sam "For that kind of experiment, it is not." sam "For that kind of experiment, it is not." # game/script.rpy:6145 translate english samtalk_330aa53d: # k "Seriously..." k "Seriously..." # game/script.rpy:6146 translate english samtalk_13d1ea87: # sam "Ok 400 coins." sam "Ok 400 coins." # game/script.rpy:6147 translate english samtalk_0302ae94: # k "250!" k "250!" # game/script.rpy:6152 translate english samtalk_4ddd0595: # sam "350!" sam "350!" # game/script.rpy:6153 translate english samtalk_b925a2f8: # k "275!" with hpunch k "275!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:6154 translate english samtalk_0206a376: # sam "300!!!Last offer..." sam "300!!!Last offer..." # game/script.rpy:6155 translate english samtalk_f2b245ba: # k "Ok. You win." k "Ok. You win." # game/script.rpy:6161 translate english samtalk_2f8355de: # sam "Hehe. I win." sam "Hehe. I win." # game/script.rpy:6162 translate english samtalk_62ba0b8c: # k "Yes. YOU WIN!" k "Yes. YOU WIN!" # game/script.rpy:6163 translate english samtalk_9d619d4e: # k "Can you show me your ass now?" k "Can you show me your ass now?" # game/script.rpy:6164 translate english samtalk_cff2c225: # sam "Ehm... Sure." sam "Ehm... Sure." # game/script.rpy:6173 translate english samtalk_dbebc983: # k "Nice." k "Nice." # game/script.rpy:6174 translate english samtalk_d10129a1_3: # k "Is everything ok?" k "Is everything ok?" # game/script.rpy:6176 translate english samtalk_abbbd02e: # sam "Yes. But I am so nervous." sam "Yes. But I am so nervous." # game/script.rpy:6177 translate english samtalk_d72dffbc: # k "Is this your first time or what?" k "Is this your first time or what?" # game/script.rpy:6178 translate english samtalk_0978a939: # sam "Of course not just..." sam "Of course not just..." # game/script.rpy:6181 translate english samtalk_eb73bfa1: # k "Can you put down that suit?" k "Can you put down that suit?" # game/script.rpy:6182 translate english samtalk_9f3d2f75: # sam "It is not necessary I make some changes in it. It is also a prevention of pregnancy." sam "It is not necessary I make some changes in it. It is also a prevention of pregnancy." # game/script.rpy:6183 translate english samtalk_552c110d_17: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:6184 translate english samtalk_a4392049: # sam "Just stick it in." sam "Just stick it in." # game/script.rpy:6185 translate english samtalk_0fe85b80: # k "As you wish, darling." k "As you wish, darling." # game/script.rpy:6191 translate english samtalk_c3e175b4: # sam "Argh!!!" sam "Argh!!!" # game/script.rpy:6194 translate english samtalk_887645ff: # sam "That is..." sam "That is..." # game/script.rpy:6195 translate english samtalk_0f338290_1: # k "How do you feel?" k "How do you feel?" # game/script.rpy:6199 translate english samtalk_5cac318b: # sam "No!!!!" sam "No!!!!" # game/script.rpy:6200 translate english samtalk_491b00c1: # k "Are you ok?" k "Are you ok?" # game/script.rpy:6204 translate english samtalk_84bb08dd: # sam "Yes but..." sam "Yes but..." # game/script.rpy:6208 translate english samtalk_d6dbc3a2: # sam "It was too long." sam "It was too long." # game/script.rpy:6212 translate english samtalk_2f9c6129: # k "I take it as a compliment." k "I take it as a compliment." # game/script.rpy:6216 translate english samtalk_6cd3d63e: # sam "I was talking about..." sam "I was talking about..." # game/script.rpy:6220 translate english samtalk_b51fc986: # sam "Mmmmm..." sam "Mmmmm..." # game/script.rpy:6224 translate english samtalk_e8dc263e: # sam "Forget it..." sam "Forget it..." # game/script.rpy:6230 translate english samtalk_14faad42: # sam "Just continue...." sam "Just continue...." # game/script.rpy:6234 translate english samtalk_c353a23d: # k "Look like this is more pleasure for you then I think." k "Look like this is more pleasure for you then I think." # game/script.rpy:6238 translate english samtalk_a8124d04: # sam "Because your penis is so big and..." sam "Because your penis is so big and..." # game/script.rpy:6242 translate english samtalk_f70eced3: # sam "So good." sam "So good." # game/script.rpy:6246 translate english samtalk_62032736: # k "I feel good too..." k "I feel good too..." # game/script.rpy:6255 translate english samtalk_376778f4: # k "What the???" k "What the???" # game/script.rpy:6256 translate english samtalk_6dccd7a6: # sam "I just want to move a bit too..." sam "I just want to move a bit too..." # game/script.rpy:6265 translate english samtalk_e592fc3a: # k "Sam. This is just too intensive!" k "Sam. This is just too intensive!" # game/script.rpy:6266 translate english samtalk_d22e2272: # sam "But I like it..." sam "But I like it..." # game/script.rpy:6276 translate english samtalk_1a9b2a5d: # k "You are so...." k "You are so...." # game/script.rpy:6279 translate english samtalk_f655bc87: # k "Hot...." k "Hot...." # game/script.rpy:6281 translate english samtalk_52fb7e37: # sam "Did you just...." sam "Did you just...." # game/script.rpy:6282 translate english samtalk_45bca362: # k "Ehm... Yes .... It was interesting." k "Ehm... Yes .... It was interesting." # game/script.rpy:6283 translate english samtalk_09d6567b: # k "What do you feel now?" k "What do you feel now?" # game/script.rpy:6284 translate english samtalk_8b401828: # sam "Something warm inside me?" sam "Something warm inside me?" # game/script.rpy:6285 translate english samtalk_7d49ce00: # k "Warm again?" k "Warm again?" # game/script.rpy:6289 translate english samtalk_c32df802: # sam "Yes it is...." sam "Yes it is...." # game/script.rpy:6293 translate english samtalk_be1c9042: # sam "HUH??? Experiment over pull that thing out right now!" sam "HUH??? Experiment over pull that thing out right now!" # game/script.rpy:6296 translate english samtalk_f7426263: # k "Sure anything you want..." k "Sure anything you want..." # game/script.rpy:6297 translate english samtalk_1a2597dd: # sam "Thanks... Just... I need to fix something in suit." sam "Thanks... Just... I need to fix something in suit." # game/script.rpy:6311 translate english samtalk_23c0f632: # sam "That was close 1 more second, and suit can cut off your penis." sam "That was close 1 more second, and suit can cut off your penis." # game/script.rpy:6312 translate english samtalk_512b2f97: # k "WHAT???" with hpunch k "WHAT???" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:6313 translate english samtalk_92bd6691: # sam "Your sperm change the integrity of the suit." sam "Your sperm change the integrity of the suit." # game/script.rpy:6314 translate english samtalk_70c81664: # sam "It try to deffend my body. But it is fine now I have your sample and can add it to exceptions." sam "It try to deffend my body. But it is fine now I have your sample and can add it to exceptions." # game/script.rpy:6315 translate english samtalk_4a4b572f: # k "Ehm... Thanks." k "Ehm... Thanks." # game/script.rpy:6318 translate english samtalk_f3de83de: # sam "You know if you want to help with your research again." sam "You know if you want to help with your research again." # game/script.rpy:6319 translate english samtalk_a58ff21d: # k "Research. Sure...." k "Research. Sure...." # game/script.rpy:6323 translate english samtalk_1a40ac79: # sam "Sure. Fuck me already!!!" sam "Sure. Fuck me already!!!" # game/script.rpy:6324 translate english samtalk_fd98e374: # k "Look like you realy want it." k "Look like you realy want it." # game/script.rpy:6325 translate english samtalk_bacda6bc: # sam "!!! You realy want it fuck me!" sam "!!! You realy want it fuck me!" # game/script.rpy:6328 translate english samtalk_30921764: # k "Sure but put your suit down." k "Sure but put your suit down." # game/script.rpy:6334 translate english samtalk_9f3d2f75_1: # sam "It is not necessary I make some changes in it. It is also a prevention of pregnancy." sam "It is not necessary I make some changes in it. It is also a prevention of pregnancy." # game/script.rpy:6335 translate english samtalk_552c110d_18: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:6336 translate english samtalk_745fc24b: # sam "Just fuck me!!!" with hpunch sam "Just fuck me!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:6337 translate english samtalk_6be4718b: # k "OK..." k "OK..." # game/script.rpy:6343 translate english samtalk_bf04bc1c: # sam "YESSSS!!!!" sam "YESSSS!!!!" # game/script.rpy:6346 translate english samtalk_ccfdfb1b: # sam "Deeper!!!" sam "Deeper!!!" # game/script.rpy:6347 translate english samtalk_0f338290_2: # k "How do you feel?" k "How do you feel?" # game/script.rpy:6351 translate english samtalk_3e12e6b7: # sam "NICE!!!!" sam "NICE!!!!" # game/script.rpy:6352 translate english samtalk_b22e8088: # k "I noticed that." k "I noticed that." # game/script.rpy:6356 translate english samtalk_3c495494: # sam "Sex is so good..." sam "Sex is so good..." # game/script.rpy:6360 translate english samtalk_4784d503: # sam "I remember last time I have sex..." sam "I remember last time I have sex..." # game/script.rpy:6364 translate english samtalk_dd21bbec: # k "You can tell me about that." k "You can tell me about that." # game/script.rpy:6368 translate english samtalk_41818572: # sam "It was not so good as now." sam "It was not so good as now." # game/script.rpy:6372 translate english samtalk_2ecff80e: # sam "This is something else like I feel much more right now...." sam "This is something else like I feel much more right now...." # game/script.rpy:6376 translate english samtalk_6cb989fd: # k "It can be a side effect of your time traveling or something." k "It can be a side effect of your time traveling or something." # game/script.rpy:6380 translate english samtalk_d9f2943c: # sam "Amazing side effect..." sam "Amazing side effect..." # game/script.rpy:6384 translate english samtalk_6e45ea19: # sam "I just want to..." sam "I just want to..." # game/script.rpy:6390 translate english samtalk_43766e7c: # sam "Fuck with you more." sam "Fuck with you more." # game/script.rpy:6394 translate english samtalk_c353a23d_1: # k "Look like this is more pleasure for you then I think." k "Look like this is more pleasure for you then I think." # game/script.rpy:6398 translate english samtalk_a8124d04_1: # sam "Because your penis is so big and..." sam "Because your penis is so big and..." # game/script.rpy:6402 translate english samtalk_f70eced3_1: # sam "So good." sam "So good." # game/script.rpy:6406 translate english samtalk_f6fd00c9: # k "Your pussy suit is nice too..." k "Your pussy suit is nice too..." # game/script.rpy:6415 translate english samtalk_376778f4_1: # k "What the???" k "What the???" # game/script.rpy:6416 translate english samtalk_6dccd7a6_1: # sam "I just want to move a bit too..." sam "I just want to move a bit too..." # game/script.rpy:6425 translate english samtalk_e592fc3a_1: # k "Sam. This is just too intensive!" k "Sam. This is just too intensive!" # game/script.rpy:6426 translate english samtalk_d22e2272_1: # sam "But I like it..." sam "But I like it..." # game/script.rpy:6436 translate english samtalk_1a9b2a5d_1: # k "You are so...." k "You are so...." # game/script.rpy:6439 translate english samtalk_f655bc87_1: # k "Hot...." k "Hot...." # game/script.rpy:6441 translate english samtalk_52fb7e37_1: # sam "Did you just...." sam "Did you just...." # game/script.rpy:6442 translate english samtalk_45bca362_1: # k "Ehm... Yes .... It was interesting." k "Ehm... Yes .... It was interesting." # game/script.rpy:6443 translate english samtalk_09d6567b_1: # k "What do you feel now?" k "What do you feel now?" # game/script.rpy:6444 translate english samtalk_8b401828_1: # sam "Something warm inside me?" sam "Something warm inside me?" # game/script.rpy:6445 translate english samtalk_7d49ce00_1: # k "Warm again?" k "Warm again?" # game/script.rpy:6449 translate english samtalk_c32df802_1: # sam "Yes it is...." sam "Yes it is...." # game/script.rpy:6453 translate english samtalk_11194cdf: # sam "HUH??? Experiment over. Pull that thing out right now!" sam "HUH??? Experiment over. Pull that thing out right now!" # game/script.rpy:6456 translate english samtalk_f7426263_1: # k "Sure anything you want..." k "Sure anything you want..." # game/script.rpy:6457 translate english samtalk_375cb9c6: # sam "Thanks... Just.... I need to fix something in suit." sam "Thanks... Just.... I need to fix something in suit." # game/script.rpy:6471 translate english samtalk_23c0f632_1: # sam "That was close 1 more second, and suit can cut off your penis." sam "That was close 1 more second, and suit can cut off your penis." # game/script.rpy:6472 translate english samtalk_512b2f97_1: # k "WHAT???" with hpunch k "WHAT???" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:6473 translate english samtalk_92bd6691_1: # sam "Your sperm change the integrity of the suit." sam "Your sperm change the integrity of the suit." # game/script.rpy:6474 translate english samtalk_70c81664_1: # sam "It try to deffend my body. But it is fine now I have your sample and can add it to exceptions." sam "It try to deffend my body. But it is fine now I have your sample and can add it to exceptions." # game/script.rpy:6475 translate english samtalk_4a4b572f_1: # k "Ehm... Thanks." k "Ehm... Thanks." # game/script.rpy:6478 translate english samtalk_f3de83de_1: # sam "You know if you want to help with your research again." sam "You know if you want to help with your research again." # game/script.rpy:6479 translate english samtalk_a58ff21d_1: # k "Research. Sure...." k "Research. Sure...." # game/script.rpy:6488 translate english samtalk_23feeacf_2: # k "Can we do some special experiment today?" k "Can we do some special experiment today?" # game/script.rpy:6495 translate english samtalk_5515ac02_2: # sam "You want to play with my boobs?" sam "You want to play with my boobs?" # game/script.rpy:6496 translate english samtalk_3781a54a: # k "Yes. But something else too." k "Yes. But something else too." # game/script.rpy:6497 translate english samtalk_5e61c2b3: # sam "You want to test my reaction on penetration?" sam "You want to test my reaction on penetration?" # game/script.rpy:6498 translate english samtalk_37b20bd6: # k "That is pretty accurate actually." k "That is pretty accurate actually." # game/script.rpy:6504 translate english samtalk_2187090d_8: # sam "..." sam "..." # game/script.rpy:6505 translate english samtalk_d4c2b1cb: # sam "I will do it. To help you with your research." sam "I will do it. To help you with your research." # game/script.rpy:6506 translate english samtalk_9b537467: # k "YYeeeesssss......research....." k "YYeeeesssss......research....." # game/script.rpy:6507 translate english samtalk_f0b59ced: # sam "Ehm... You will give me 300 coins right?" sam "Ehm... You will give me 300 coins right?" # game/script.rpy:6508 translate english samtalk_8d88bad1: # k "Of course we have a deal." k "Of course we have a deal." # game/script.rpy:6513 translate english samtalk_f309130e_4: # sam "...." sam "...." # game/script.rpy:6514 translate english samtalk_4051ff49: # k "So, maybe we can start now?" k "So, maybe we can start now?" # game/script.rpy:6517 translate english samtalk_7cfb10aa: # sam "Yes we can..." sam "Yes we can..." # game/script.rpy:6518 translate english samtalk_0422668d: # k "Ok so turn arround..." k "Ok so turn arround..." # game/script.rpy:6519 translate english samtalk_2187090d_9: # sam "..." sam "..." # game/script.rpy:6520 translate english samtalk_cc2f9d82: # sam "Coins first." sam "Coins first." # game/script.rpy:6521 translate english samtalk_a2408f05: # k "Sure here it is..." k "Sure here it is..." # game/script.rpy:6528 translate english samtalk_b095501e: # sam "Yaiks, thanks." sam "Yaiks, thanks." # game/script.rpy:6529 translate english samtalk_9d619d4e_1: # k "Can you show me your ass now?" k "Can you show me your ass now?" # game/script.rpy:6530 translate english samtalk_b066e2e4: # sam "As you wish, darling." sam "As you wish, darling." # game/script.rpy:6539 translate english samtalk_dbebc983_1: # k "Nice." k "Nice." # game/script.rpy:6540 translate english samtalk_d10129a1_4: # k "Is everything ok?" k "Is everything ok?" # game/script.rpy:6542 translate english samtalk_3680b528: # sam "Yes. I am ready. You can start." sam "Yes. I am ready. You can start." # game/script.rpy:6543 translate english samtalk_06ea919e: # k "Why are you so hasty? " k "Why are you so hasty? " # game/script.rpy:6544 translate english samtalk_bd3e16ed: # sam "I think you want to..." sam "I think you want to..." # game/script.rpy:6545 translate english samtalk_339b022a: # k "Sure, but first shake your ass a little." k "Sure, but first shake your ass a little." # game/script.rpy:6546 translate english samtalk_f309130e_5: # sam "...." sam "...." # game/script.rpy:6547 translate english samtalk_4e02cf8d: # sam "If you really want it." sam "If you really want it." # game/script.rpy:6555 translate english samtalk_2187090d_10: # sam "..." sam "..." # game/script.rpy:6563 translate english samtalk_ddc35ca6: # sam "Do you like it?" sam "Do you like it?" # game/script.rpy:6571 translate english samtalk_82091822_10: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:6579 translate english samtalk_7f3bc88c: # k "I think you can do it better." k "I think you can do it better." # game/script.rpy:6587 translate english samtalk_e709bf7b: # sam "Sure... I will try..." sam "Sure... I will try..." # game/script.rpy:6595 translate english samtalk_c7e17003: # sam "Mmmmmm..." sam "Mmmmmm..." # game/script.rpy:6603 translate english samtalk_c86e22fe: # sam "Aaaaa...." sam "Aaaaa...." # game/script.rpy:6611 translate english samtalk_131b3a74: # k "You look so hot." k "You look so hot." # game/script.rpy:6614 translate english samtalk_0f338290_3: # k "How do you feel?" k "How do you feel?" # game/script.rpy:6615 translate english samtalk_2187090d_11: # sam "..." sam "..." # game/script.rpy:6616 translate english samtalk_fd6bda94: # sam "I feel....a little horny." sam "I feel....a little horny." # game/script.rpy:6617 translate english samtalk_2a438443: # sam "Just stick it in already." sam "Just stick it in already." # game/script.rpy:6618 translate english samtalk_ef77a4f8: # k "Anything you want..." k "Anything you want..." # game/script.rpy:6625 translate english samtalk_c3e175b4_1: # sam "Argh!!!" sam "Argh!!!" # game/script.rpy:6628 translate english samtalk_673737f8: # sam "That feel so good." sam "That feel so good." # game/script.rpy:6629 translate english samtalk_b22e8088_1: # k "I noticed that." k "I noticed that." # game/script.rpy:6633 translate english samtalk_f2cb72e0: # sam "Yesssss....." sam "Yesssss....." # game/script.rpy:6634 translate english samtalk_85fec034: # k "You pretty enjoy it, right?" k "You pretty enjoy it, right?" # game/script.rpy:6638 translate english samtalk_c50333ca: # sam "Yes!" sam "Yes!" # game/script.rpy:6642 translate english samtalk_08e3373f: # sam "It is so intensive." sam "It is so intensive." # game/script.rpy:6646 translate english samtalk_2f9c6129_1: # k "I take it as a compliment." k "I take it as a compliment." # game/script.rpy:6650 translate english samtalk_cd7e9640: # sam "It was a compliment..." sam "It was a compliment..." # game/script.rpy:6654 translate english samtalk_b51fc986_1: # sam "Mmmmm..." sam "Mmmmm..." # game/script.rpy:6658 translate english samtalk_ba37f749: # sam "More..." sam "More..." # game/script.rpy:6664 translate english samtalk_004464b7: # sam "Fuck me harder!" sam "Fuck me harder!" # game/script.rpy:6668 translate english samtalk_a56fd51f: # k "This is everything I have!" k "This is everything I have!" # game/script.rpy:6672 translate english samtalk_f309130e_6: # sam "...." sam "...." # game/script.rpy:6676 translate english samtalk_debfa7d2: # sam "Maybe, If I help you a little." sam "Maybe, If I help you a little." # game/script.rpy:6680 translate english samtalk_c4ee1fa5: # k "Do what you want to do." k "Do what you want to do." # game/script.rpy:6689 translate english samtalk_646a7180: # k "Yeah. That is good." k "Yeah. That is good." # game/script.rpy:6690 translate english samtalk_ae8af32d: # sam "Aaaaaaa....." sam "Aaaaaaa....." # game/script.rpy:6699 translate english samtalk_35834664: # k "Just continue. You do it well." k "Just continue. You do it well." # game/script.rpy:6700 translate english samtalk_e62c2514: # sam "!!!!" sam "!!!!" # game/script.rpy:6710 translate english samtalk_4150a72e: # k "Move!" k "Move!" # game/script.rpy:6720 translate english samtalk_6263ba67: # sam "I think I will!!!" sam "I think I will!!!" # game/script.rpy:6730 translate english samtalk_6fa6b48f: # sam "YESSSSS!!!!!!" sam "YESSSSS!!!!!!" # game/script.rpy:6740 translate english samtalk_79e0e9d2: # k "!!!" k "!!!" # game/script.rpy:6743 translate english samtalk_ee90902c: # k "....." k "....." # game/script.rpy:6745 translate english samtalk_f0bbb6ae: # sam "That was amazing." sam "That was amazing." # game/script.rpy:6746 translate english samtalk_e13fa8db: # sam "I feel your sperm inside..." sam "I feel your sperm inside..." # game/script.rpy:6747 translate english samtalk_a6d86705: # k "Is it good or bad?" k "Is it good or bad?" # game/script.rpy:6748 translate english samtalk_1a702835: # sam "It is.... Different." sam "It is.... Different." # game/script.rpy:6749 translate english samtalk_82091822_11: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:6753 translate english samtalk_1b012fc3: # sam "I think I can do some research of my own on that theme..." sam "I think I can do some research of my own on that theme..." # game/script.rpy:6757 translate english samtalk_73798e87: # sam "Can you pull it out please?" sam "Can you pull it out please?" # game/script.rpy:6758 translate english samtalk_22cca20b: # k "Ehm. Sure." k "Ehm. Sure." # game/script.rpy:6761 translate english samtalk_2f7f6ec0: # sam "Thanks... Just take that sample..." sam "Thanks... Just take that sample..." # game/script.rpy:6774 translate english samtalk_a6a060d8: # sam "And now I will check my data." sam "And now I will check my data." # game/script.rpy:6777 translate english samtalk_b4875afe: # sam "It looks like your sperm is pretty qualited." sam "It looks like your sperm is pretty qualited." # game/script.rpy:6778 translate english samtalk_e75c4b54: # k "That is good right?" k "That is good right?" # game/script.rpy:6782 translate english samtalk_84c601ae: # sam "Yes. It is the miracle in this post apocalyptic world." sam "Yes. It is the miracle in this post apocalyptic world." # game/script.rpy:6783 translate english samtalk_d811b9ea: # k "Good to know that." k "Good to know that." # game/script.rpy:6786 translate english samtalk_06055141: # sam "I will store that sample for the emergency case." sam "I will store that sample for the emergency case." # game/script.rpy:6787 translate english samtalk_552c110d_19: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:6791 translate english samtalk_a23934b5: # sam "Just forget about that one." sam "Just forget about that one." # game/script.rpy:6797 translate english samtalk_1a40ac79_1: # sam "Sure. Fuck me already!!!" sam "Sure. Fuck me already!!!" # game/script.rpy:6798 translate english samtalk_ac7a3186: # k "That was fast!" k "That was fast!" # game/script.rpy:6799 translate english samtalk_e08445a5: # sam "Come on!" sam "Come on!" # game/script.rpy:6800 translate english samtalk_3d72b213: # k "Not so fast, shake your ass a little." k "Not so fast, shake your ass a little." # game/script.rpy:6808 translate english samtalk_a4575e0e: # sam "Like that?" sam "Like that?" # game/script.rpy:6816 translate english samtalk_09c7b0d1: # sam "Can you fuck me now?" sam "Can you fuck me now?" # game/script.rpy:6823 translate english samtalk_82091822_12: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:6830 translate english samtalk_93f6c208: # k "Beg for it!" k "Beg for it!" # game/script.rpy:6839 translate english samtalk_31631dca: # sam "Fuck me please." sam "Fuck me please." # game/script.rpy:6849 translate english samtalk_c60b8f85: # sam "Put your cock inside me!" sam "Put your cock inside me!" # game/script.rpy:6859 translate english samtalk_4b671411: # sam "Please, please, pleeeeaaaasssseeeeee." sam "Please, please, pleeeeaaaasssseeeeee." # game/script.rpy:6869 translate english samtalk_181dc607: # k "If you really want it so much." k "If you really want it so much." # game/script.rpy:6877 translate english samtalk_bf04bc1c_1: # sam "YESSSS!!!!" sam "YESSSS!!!!" # game/script.rpy:6880 translate english samtalk_ccfdfb1b_1: # sam "Deeper!!!" sam "Deeper!!!" # game/script.rpy:6881 translate english samtalk_0f338290_4: # k "How do you feel?" k "How do you feel?" # game/script.rpy:6885 translate english samtalk_80da254d: # sam "FUCK!!!" sam "FUCK!!!" # game/script.rpy:6886 translate english samtalk_48fb0446_3: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:6892 translate english samtalk_d4597286: # sam "I just love that feel." sam "I just love that feel." # game/script.rpy:6896 translate english samtalk_94cc693d: # sam "We should do it often." sam "We should do it often." # game/script.rpy:6900 translate english samtalk_186f1750: # sam "That research of yours has been just so important." sam "That research of yours has been just so important." # game/script.rpy:6904 translate english samtalk_4fa3e043: # sam "I fell different every time you fuck me." sam "I fell different every time you fuck me." # game/script.rpy:6908 translate english samtalk_7da54b94: # sam "Like my brain produce some extra hormones or something." sam "Like my brain produce some extra hormones or something." # game/script.rpy:6914 translate english samtalk_6cb989fd_1: # k "It can be a side effect of your time traveling or something." k "It can be a side effect of your time traveling or something." # game/script.rpy:6918 translate english samtalk_d9f2943c_1: # sam "Amazing side effect..." sam "Amazing side effect..." # game/script.rpy:6922 translate english samtalk_6aad6388: # sam "Maybe I will stay here with you." sam "Maybe I will stay here with you." # game/script.rpy:6929 translate english samtalk_2a9a7335: # k "That would be nice." k "That would be nice." # game/script.rpy:6933 translate english samtalk_706a6429: # k "Your pleasure is my pleasure too." k "Your pleasure is my pleasure too." # game/script.rpy:6937 translate english samtalk_55f2a8a7: # sam "I know, I feel it." sam "I know, I feel it." # game/script.rpy:6941 translate english samtalk_23051ecb: # sam "But you need some help." sam "But you need some help." # game/script.rpy:6945 translate english samtalk_ce55ea71: # k "What kind of help you can get?" k "What kind of help you can get?" # game/script.rpy:6954 translate english samtalk_820a8a1a: # k "Ou... That one." k "Ou... That one." # game/script.rpy:6955 translate english samtalk_b749bd06: # sam "Hehe." sam "Hehe." # game/script.rpy:6964 translate english samtalk_c207a3d6: # k "You are really good at it." k "You are really good at it." # game/script.rpy:6965 translate english samtalk_f71532bb: # sam "Yessss...." sam "Yessss...." # game/script.rpy:6975 translate english samtalk_0bb39cc2: # sam "Just fuck me little longer!" sam "Just fuck me little longer!" # game/script.rpy:6984 translate english samtalk_c2949c1c: # sam "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" with hpunch sam "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:6985 translate english samtalk_1eb9d986: # sam "Yesss!!!" with hpunch sam "Yesss!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:6995 translate english samtalk_7b2f92a3: # sam "Amazing!" sam "Amazing!" # game/script.rpy:7004 translate english samtalk_ba23a13d: # k "You are so..." k "You are so..." # game/script.rpy:7007 translate english samtalk_c989b157: # k "Busty suited scientist!" k "Busty suited scientist!" # game/script.rpy:7009 translate english samtalk_6d06bb0c: # sam "Mmmmm....." sam "Mmmmm....." # game/script.rpy:7010 translate english samtalk_3654e864: # sam "I feel something insied me." sam "I feel something insied me." # game/script.rpy:7011 translate english samtalk_1a8effb7: # k "Ehm... Yes. That is probably my sperm." k "Ehm... Yes. That is probably my sperm." # game/script.rpy:7015 translate english samtalk_7fb034f7: # sam "Yes it is... Dipping out of my suit pussy." sam "Yes it is... Dipping out of my suit pussy." # game/script.rpy:7016 translate english samtalk_be6d3261: # sam "It was so good." sam "It was so good." # game/script.rpy:7020 translate english samtalk_2187090d_12: # sam "..." sam "..." # game/script.rpy:7021 translate english samtalk_e6e93641: # sam "We need to work now. Can you put your penis out?" sam "We need to work now. Can you put your penis out?" # game/script.rpy:7022 translate english samtalk_138d917c: # k "If you realy want it." k "If you realy want it." # game/script.rpy:7025 translate english samtalk_dcb121e2: # sam "Thanks... Mmmmm." sam "Thanks... Mmmmm." # game/script.rpy:7026 translate english samtalk_050765f9: # sam "Time to... Work." sam "Time to... Work." # game/script.rpy:7039 translate english samtalk_d1362d77: # sam "I need to check on something." sam "I need to check on something." # game/script.rpy:7042 translate english samtalk_9bd86165: # sam "Look like your sperm is in perfect quality, and my emotions and reactions is higher than it should be." sam "Look like your sperm is in perfect quality, and my emotions and reactions is higher than it should be." # game/script.rpy:7043 translate english samtalk_00c35ad8: # k "I am not sure what you meant by that." k "I am not sure what you meant by that." # game/script.rpy:7044 translate english samtalk_5525bd30: # sam "Nothing special. I just do my own research of this experiment." sam "Nothing special. I just do my own research of this experiment." # game/script.rpy:7045 translate english samtalk_63501026: # sam "I can send you my results if you want." sam "I can send you my results if you want." # game/script.rpy:7046 translate english samtalk_68ceaeb0: # k "Ehm... Sure upload it on PC. Thanks." k "Ehm... Sure upload it on PC. Thanks." # game/script.rpy:7049 translate english samtalk_1fd6285b: # sam "No problem. We can do that research tomorrow again to compare results." sam "No problem. We can do that research tomorrow again to compare results." # game/script.rpy:7050 translate english samtalk_ec0b55c3: # k "I am looking forward to it." k "I am looking forward to it." # game/script.rpy:7056 translate english samtalk_c9c5185d_2: # "You need more coins for that." "You need more coins for that." # game/script.rpy:7057 translate english samtalk_feb6a9f7_2: # "Earn them and try again." "Earn them and try again." # game/script.rpy:7066 translate english samtalk_8588fc22: # sam "FUCK ME PLEASE!!!" sam "FUCK ME PLEASE!!!" # game/script.rpy:7077 translate english samtalk_0fd4d656: # "......" "......" # game/script.rpy:7088 translate english cowg_15c20d37: # o "This room is empty." o "This room is empty." # game/script.rpy:7089 translate english cowg_b727f54c: # o "There is some kind of machine. It looks very suspicious." o "There is some kind of machine. It looks very suspicious." # game/script.rpy:7093 translate english cowg_d20d6144: # o "Cowgirl is not ready." o "Cowgirl is not ready." # game/script.rpy:7099 translate english cowg_ce6bdf9f: # mg "Hello sir. What can I do for you?" mg "Hello sir. What can I do for you?" # game/script.rpy:7105 translate english cowg_c690f374: # k "Can you tell me more ybout your milking problem?" k "Can you tell me more ybout your milking problem?" # game/script.rpy:7106 translate english cowg_8c991cec: # mg "What do you want to know?" mg "What do you want to know?" # game/script.rpy:7107 translate english cowg_22e47551: # k "Did you always have that issue?" k "Did you always have that issue?" # game/script.rpy:7111 translate english cowg_d7674c2c: # mg "No, it all start on one day." mg "No, it all start on one day." # game/script.rpy:7112 translate english cowg_826da849: # mg "I am not sury what happened to me." mg "I am not sury what happened to me." # game/script.rpy:7113 translate english cowg_d9ecabe4: # mg "My boobs just stop giving milk." mg "My boobs just stop giving milk." # game/script.rpy:7114 translate english cowg_99d93850: # k "Any ideas why?" k "Any ideas why?" # game/script.rpy:7118 translate english cowg_206187d7: # mg "Sorry but no." mg "Sorry but no." # game/script.rpy:7119 translate english cowg_b5232b1a: # k "Hmm... ok." k "Hmm... ok." # game/script.rpy:7120 translate english cowg_336de979: # k "I will find cure for you." k "I will find cure for you." # game/script.rpy:7123 translate english cowg_0d9afcc5: # k "Can you tell me if you feel something after that milking try?" k "Can you tell me if you feel something after that milking try?" # game/script.rpy:7127 translate english cowg_e9fcaea2: # mg "Sure. I feel something but. It is just not work." mg "Sure. I feel something but. It is just not work." # game/script.rpy:7128 translate english cowg_99d93850_1: # k "Any ideas why?" k "Any ideas why?" # game/script.rpy:7129 translate english cowg_2c682bcc: # mg "No, it just not work." mg "No, it just not work." # game/script.rpy:7130 translate english cowg_a9b1a0fb: # mg "Maybe if you try other sample." mg "Maybe if you try other sample." # game/script.rpy:7131 translate english cowg_c042f682: # k "Ok, I will try to mix something." k "Ok, I will try to mix something." # game/script.rpy:7135 translate english cowg_b67d8241: # mg "Thanks I will be there." mg "Thanks I will be there." # game/script.rpy:7136 translate english cowg_40455669: # k "Maybe Obee find something." k "Maybe Obee find something." # game/script.rpy:7139 translate english cowg_1c41aee9: # k "It looks like you are cured." k "It looks like you are cured." # game/script.rpy:7143 translate english cowg_5eea9bbd: # mg "Yes, that last milking was funny." mg "Yes, that last milking was funny." # game/script.rpy:7144 translate english cowg_3fd4368c: # k "Yes, you look like you enjoy it." k "Yes, you look like you enjoy it." # game/script.rpy:7145 translate english cowg_3aff988f: # mg "I realy did." mg "I realy did." # game/script.rpy:7146 translate english cowg_14265a64: # k "I am glad you are ok now." k "I am glad you are ok now." # game/script.rpy:7147 translate english cowg_b2c1f3c0: # mg "Me too.." mg "Me too.." # game/script.rpy:7151 translate english cowg_f342b5e1: # mg "I was thinking about the source of my problem." mg "I was thinking about the source of my problem." # game/script.rpy:7152 translate english cowg_1367dde4: # k "And?" k "And?" # game/script.rpy:7153 translate english cowg_71415eb4: # mg "I remember some folks. They walked around my house sometimes." mg "I remember some folks. They walked around my house sometimes." # game/script.rpy:7154 translate english cowg_f81831bc: # mg "And they have some kind of machine." mg "And they have some kind of machine." # game/script.rpy:7155 translate english cowg_b606ea2f: # k "So maybe they poision the water or something?" k "So maybe they poision the water or something?" # game/script.rpy:7156 translate english cowg_f6263a27: # mg "Maybe..." mg "Maybe..." # game/script.rpy:7161 translate english cowg_d0e3a456: # k "Can you tell me about your sister?" k "Can you tell me about your sister?" # game/script.rpy:7165 translate english cowg_6ddb41e6: # mg "My sister...." mg "My sister...." # game/script.rpy:7166 translate english cowg_d9204c7a: # k "Ehm? Are you allright?" k "Ehm? Are you allright?" # game/script.rpy:7167 translate english cowg_3ef00f3c: # mg "Yes I just miss her." mg "Yes I just miss her." # game/script.rpy:7168 translate english cowg_1a3665e1: # k "You say she was disappeared?" k "You say she was disappeared?" # game/script.rpy:7172 translate english cowg_41a14317: # mg "No someone kidnap her." mg "No someone kidnap her." # game/script.rpy:7174 translate english cowg_93334484: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:7175 translate english cowg_9464e58b: # mg "I was thinking. She would never leave me!" mg "I was thinking. She would never leave me!" # game/script.rpy:7176 translate english cowg_d49e4ccc: # mg "I woke up one day and I cannot find her." mg "I woke up one day and I cannot find her." # game/script.rpy:7177 translate english cowg_d93ed916: # mg "And when you find me...." mg "And when you find me...." # game/script.rpy:7178 translate english cowg_d8c878c2: # mg "I think they want to kidnap me too." mg "I think they want to kidnap me too." # game/script.rpy:7179 translate english cowg_f272c641: # k "Yes, that guy was dangerous." k "Yes, that guy was dangerous." # game/script.rpy:7180 translate english cowg_ed70056d: # k "I try to find her any ideas?" k "I try to find her any ideas?" # game/script.rpy:7181 translate english cowg_afae6aea: # mg "I..." mg "I..." # game/script.rpy:7182 translate english cowg_8fc30f9f: # mg "One of that guy has a slaver mark on right arm." mg "One of that guy has a slaver mark on right arm." # game/script.rpy:7183 translate english cowg_8043f35e: # k "That is a good lead." k "That is a good lead." # game/script.rpy:7184 translate english cowg_5fc14be4: # k "I will try to find her." k "I will try to find her." # game/script.rpy:7187 translate english cowg_46d4ac49: # k "Can you tell me something about your sister?" k "Can you tell me something about your sister?" # game/script.rpy:7191 translate english cowg_016c10b5: # mg "What do you need to know about her?" mg "What do you need to know about her?" # game/script.rpy:7192 translate english cowg_162c578a: # k "Did she have, the longer hair? Same color as you?" k "Did she have, the longer hair? Same color as you?" # game/script.rpy:7193 translate english cowg_fa9dde75: # mg "Yes." mg "Yes." # game/script.rpy:7194 translate english cowg_a3e3fbea: # k "Purple eyes, big boobs, slim figure?" k "Purple eyes, big boobs, slim figure?" # game/script.rpy:7195 translate english cowg_80b0f19a: # mg "Yes. Did you find her?" mg "Yes. Did you find her?" # game/script.rpy:7197 translate english cowg_ee01f606: # k "Ehm. Yes... I think...." k "Ehm. Yes... I think...." # game/script.rpy:7198 translate english cowg_29ee393d: # mg "Where is she?" mg "Where is she?" # game/script.rpy:7199 translate english cowg_8dece769: # k "She work as a .... ehm.... Prostitute in slave city." k "She work as a .... ehm.... Prostitute in slave city." # game/script.rpy:7203 translate english cowg_162025b8: # mg "What??? I do not belive that!!!" mg "What??? I do not belive that!!!" # game/script.rpy:7204 translate english cowg_02c084a5: # k "I just visit the slave city and find one girl." k "I just visit the slave city and find one girl." # game/script.rpy:7205 translate english cowg_2ea5ef2a: # k "I think it was your sister." k "I think it was your sister." # game/script.rpy:7209 translate english cowg_d7622bc6: # mg "I do not belive that." mg "I do not belive that." # game/script.rpy:7210 translate english cowg_9230c613: # mg "I just need to see her." mg "I just need to see her." # game/script.rpy:7211 translate english cowg_4e676a97: # k "Sure, we can go whenever you want." k "Sure, we can go whenever you want." # game/script.rpy:7215 translate english cowg_e907bbc9: # mg "..." mg "..." # game/script.rpy:7216 translate english cowg_1c3b4051: # mg "Thanks." mg "Thanks." # game/script.rpy:7223 translate english cowg_f2ed221f: # mg "Do you believe that?" mg "Do you believe that?" # game/script.rpy:7224 translate english cowg_ea0c790e: # mg "My sister lost her mind!!!" mg "My sister lost her mind!!!" # game/script.rpy:7225 translate english cowg_3f11b10c: # mg "She want to be a whore!" mg "She want to be a whore!" # game/script.rpy:7226 translate english cowg_19610083: # mg "Willingly!!!" with hpunch mg "Willingly!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:7227 translate english cowg_a6db6806: # k "Yes. I was there." k "Yes. I was there." # game/script.rpy:7228 translate english cowg_2885aa3c: # k "It is weird. But she looks happy." k "It is weird. But she looks happy." # game/script.rpy:7229 translate english cowg_08341439: # mg "But it is unacceptable!!!" mg "But it is unacceptable!!!" # game/script.rpy:7230 translate english cowg_87d7d30a: # k "Why? If she is happy?" k "Why? If she is happy?" # game/script.rpy:7234 translate english cowg_e907bbc9_1: # mg "..." mg "..." # game/script.rpy:7235 translate english cowg_3183cb91: # mg "She is...." mg "She is...." # game/script.rpy:7236 translate english cowg_d10b11e3: # mg "mmm" mg "mmm" # game/script.rpy:7237 translate english cowg_9dca24cd: # mg "My sister." mg "My sister." # game/script.rpy:7238 translate english cowg_8b28e78f: # k "She has made her choice." k "She has made her choice." # game/script.rpy:7239 translate english cowg_4ff7d249: # k "Now you can make your decision. Accept her offer or abandon her." k "Now you can make your decision. Accept her offer or abandon her." # game/script.rpy:7243 translate english cowg_5ea399f4: # mg "I do not want to lose her twice." mg "I do not want to lose her twice." # game/script.rpy:7244 translate english cowg_27387e29: # k "Then you have only one option." k "Then you have only one option." # game/script.rpy:7245 translate english cowg_64933fe2: # mg "Maybe I can give it a try..." mg "Maybe I can give it a try..." # game/script.rpy:7246 translate english cowg_6ae47ace: # k "Sure you can. Then you can spend more time with your sister." k "Sure you can. Then you can spend more time with your sister." # game/script.rpy:7247 translate english cowg_6e32656b: # mg "Ok... I will try it..." mg "Ok... I will try it..." # game/script.rpy:7251 translate english cowg_044730a2: # k "So how it was?" k "So how it was?" # game/script.rpy:7255 translate english cowg_ad5c2fd8: # mg "I must say. Not as bad as I think." mg "I must say. Not as bad as I think." # game/script.rpy:7256 translate english cowg_fe890e13: # mg "It was an exciting experience." mg "It was an exciting experience." # game/script.rpy:7257 translate english cowg_350fc3e4: # mg "I was close to my sister and earn some coins." mg "I was close to my sister and earn some coins." # game/script.rpy:7258 translate english cowg_6c7cfbcd: # k "And what now? Do you want to try it again?" k "And what now? Do you want to try it again?" # game/script.rpy:7259 translate english cowg_e2826293: # mg "Yes. It is..." mg "Yes. It is..." # game/script.rpy:7264 translate english cowg_59381a83: # mg "Like any other job." mg "Like any other job." # game/script.rpy:7265 translate english cowg_ce2ac157: # mg "It seems like it has more pros than cons." mg "It seems like it has more pros than cons." # game/script.rpy:7266 translate english cowg_03d6e9ba: # mg "I can be with my sister. She has promised me to visit me sometimes..." mg "I can be with my sister. She has promised me to visit me sometimes..." # game/script.rpy:7267 translate english cowg_8af9e578: # mg "I will go there again soon." mg "I will go there again soon." # game/script.rpy:7268 translate english cowg_c62a4db4: # k "Good to know." k "Good to know." # game/script.rpy:7269 translate english cowg_a32488ae: # k "I am happy that you find your sister." k "I am happy that you find your sister." # game/script.rpy:7272 translate english cowg_227a7b88: # k "Anything new about your sister?" k "Anything new about your sister?" # game/script.rpy:7273 translate english cowg_a7d95478: # mg "Yes, we have a good relationship now." mg "Yes, we have a good relationship now." # game/script.rpy:7274 translate english cowg_f34f76c1: # mg "She comes to visit me a few times...." mg "She comes to visit me a few times...." # game/script.rpy:7275 translate english cowg_efe8ab83: # k "I am glad you found her." k "I am glad you found her." # game/script.rpy:7278 translate english cowg_167eece5: # mg "Anything new about my sister?" mg "Anything new about my sister?" # game/script.rpy:7279 translate english cowg_e7bb63b0: # k "I will tell you if I find something about her." k "I will tell you if I find something about her." # game/script.rpy:7283 translate english cowg_fc6c825e: # mg "I'm happy in this vault me sir." mg "I'm happy in this vault me sir." # game/script.rpy:7287 translate english cowg_04cf8d9d: # k "Can I try to milk you?" k "Can I try to milk you?" # game/script.rpy:7292 translate english cowg_206187d7_1: # mg "Sorry but no." mg "Sorry but no." # game/script.rpy:7293 translate english cowg_a4ace75d: # mg "My boobs can not give milk." mg "My boobs can not give milk." # game/script.rpy:7294 translate english cowg_71c59056: # k "Are you sure about that? Maybe it was only temporary." k "Are you sure about that? Maybe it was only temporary." # game/script.rpy:7295 translate english cowg_065a3889: # mg "Yes I am sure. First, we need to do something... with my boobs." mg "Yes I am sure. First, we need to do something... with my boobs." # game/script.rpy:7296 translate english cowg_d30108da: # k "I have some ideas." k "I have some ideas." # game/script.rpy:7297 translate english cowg_08dacceb: # k "Maybe later." k "Maybe later." # game/script.rpy:7300 translate english cowg_126ed256: # k "I want to test something on you." k "I want to test something on you." # game/script.rpy:7301 translate english cowg_66835cc4: # k "This serum can help you to produce milk." k "This serum can help you to produce milk." # game/script.rpy:7302 translate english cowg_efdbea15: # mg "Ok I am ready." mg "Ok I am ready." # game/script.rpy:7303 translate english cowg_0a3408d1: # k "Ok. One little bee flies here." k "Ok. One little bee flies here." # game/script.rpy:7308 translate english cowg_7272bd69: # mg "Ouch." mg "Ouch." # game/script.rpy:7309 translate english cowg_b5450dba: # k "Ok, so... I hope it will work. Are you ready?" k "Ok, so... I hope it will work. Are you ready?" # game/script.rpy:7310 translate english cowg_3b62206d: # mg "Sure." mg "Sure." # game/script.rpy:7311 translate english cowg_54563d91: # k "First, we need to attach these things on your boobs." k "First, we need to attach these things on your boobs." # game/script.rpy:7318 translate english cowg_1a17b024: # k "One moment." k "One moment." # game/script.rpy:7322 translate english cowg_5e60819a: # k "Now we can try it out." k "Now we can try it out." # game/script.rpy:7326 translate english cowg_34cc363f: # mg "!!!!" mg "!!!!" # game/script.rpy:7328 translate english cowg_bdb65819: # mg "OUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!" mg "OUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!" # game/script.rpy:7330 translate english cowg_1f325091: # mg "STOP IT PLEASE!!!!" mg "STOP IT PLEASE!!!!" # game/script.rpy:7332 translate english cowg_3485d747: # k "Huh? sure..." k "Huh? sure..." # game/script.rpy:7339 translate english cowg_4d7cbadd: # mg "That was... bad... It hurts a lot." mg "That was... bad... It hurts a lot." # game/script.rpy:7341 translate english cowg_20ecb996: # k "Sorry for that, I thought it will help you." k "Sorry for that, I thought it will help you." # game/script.rpy:7342 translate english cowg_98ba36ac: # mg "It only first tries. We need to try something else." mg "It only first tries. We need to try something else." # game/script.rpy:7343 translate english cowg_451c0d68: # k "Sure, I will come back when I find something." k "Sure, I will come back when I find something." # game/script.rpy:7346 translate english cowg_04cf8d9d_1: # k "Can I try to milk you?" k "Can I try to milk you?" # game/script.rpy:7347 translate english cowg_28d6a7fd: # mg "Did you research something new?" mg "Did you research something new?" # game/script.rpy:7348 translate english cowg_15f784c5: # k "Ehm... No." k "Ehm... No." # game/script.rpy:7353 translate english cowg_ac9f552c: # mg "Then I must say no.." mg "Then I must say no.." # game/script.rpy:7354 translate english cowg_a4ace75d_1: # mg "My boobs can not give milk." mg "My boobs can not give milk." # game/script.rpy:7355 translate english cowg_190e8823: # k "Ok, so I come back later." k "Ok, so I come back later." # game/script.rpy:7359 translate english cowg_126ed256_1: # k "I want to test something on you." k "I want to test something on you." # game/script.rpy:7360 translate english cowg_66835cc4_1: # k "This serum can help you to produce milk." k "This serum can help you to produce milk." # game/script.rpy:7365 translate english cowg_6cb8c066: # mg "Are you sure? It hurt last time." mg "Are you sure? It hurt last time." # game/script.rpy:7366 translate english cowg_f0df5349: # k "This time Obee create a special antidote." k "This time Obee create a special antidote." # game/script.rpy:7367 translate english cowg_931f8663: # mg "Ok...I am ready." mg "Ok...I am ready." # game/script.rpy:7368 translate english cowg_92fe1bab: # k "I must inject it in your boobs." k "I must inject it in your boobs." # game/script.rpy:7369 translate english cowg_3b62206d_1: # mg "Sure." mg "Sure." # game/script.rpy:7378 translate english cowg_3703c066: # mg "You can inject it." mg "You can inject it." # game/script.rpy:7379 translate english cowg_65828c7c: # k "Ok.One little bee flies here." k "Ok.One little bee flies here." # game/script.rpy:7381 translate english cowg_7272bd69_1: # mg "Ouch." mg "Ouch." # game/script.rpy:7382 translate english cowg_b5450dba_1: # k "Ok, so... I hope it will work. Are you ready?" k "Ok, so... I hope it will work. Are you ready?" # game/script.rpy:7383 translate english cowg_3b62206d_2: # mg "Sure." mg "Sure." # game/script.rpy:7384 translate english cowg_54563d91_1: # k "First, we need to attach these things on your boobs." k "First, we need to attach these things on your boobs." # game/script.rpy:7391 translate english cowg_1a17b024_1: # k "One moment." k "One moment." # game/script.rpy:7395 translate english cowg_5e60819a_1: # k "Now we can try it out." k "Now we can try it out." # game/script.rpy:7396 translate english cowg_c367d2bb: # k "Power on." k "Power on." # game/script.rpy:7400 translate english cowg_b7d26619: # mg "Ouch...." mg "Ouch...." # game/script.rpy:7402 translate english cowg_1c6b83b2: # k "Ok, it must work this time." k "Ok, it must work this time." # game/script.rpy:7403 translate english cowg_dc0d8fd7: # mg "I'm feeling something." mg "I'm feeling something." # game/script.rpy:7404 translate english cowg_0398c190: # k "But still no milk." k "But still no milk." # game/script.rpy:7408 translate english cowg_9a0a651c: # mg "Aaaaaaaaa.. O my god!" mg "Aaaaaaaaa.. O my god!" # game/script.rpy:7409 translate english cowg_680b1a81: # mg "I already forget about that feeling!" mg "I already forget about that feeling!" # game/script.rpy:7410 translate english cowg_3fc72981: # k "Huh? Is everything ok?" k "Huh? Is everything ok?" # game/script.rpy:7412 translate english cowg_9fe6a4fb: # mg "More.... Moooooreeeee." mg "More.... Moooooreeeee." # game/script.rpy:7417 translate english cowg_c09be4c5: # k "Yes. I see milk!!!" k "Yes. I see milk!!!" # game/script.rpy:7418 translate english cowg_909c84e5: # mg "Yes. Sir please milk me more." mg "Yes. Sir please milk me more." # game/script.rpy:7419 translate english cowg_3034a5b6: # k "Ok. The machine is still on." k "Ok. The machine is still on." # game/script.rpy:7423 translate english cowg_21b0d5ca: # mg "I already forget about that!!!" mg "I already forget about that!!!" # game/script.rpy:7424 translate english cowg_8455b562: # k "Do you like it girl?" k "Do you like it girl?" # game/script.rpy:7425 translate english cowg_29490525: # mg "Yes!" mg "Yes!" # game/script.rpy:7427 translate english cowg_2d904321: # mg "Aaaaaaaa." mg "Aaaaaaaa." # game/script.rpy:7432 translate english cowg_f1736b41: # mg "YESSSSSSS!!!!!!" mg "YESSSSSSS!!!!!!" # game/script.rpy:7434 translate english cowg_6390b37f: # mg "Argggg...." mg "Argggg...." # game/script.rpy:7438 translate english cowg_0016a3b2: # mg "..... I...." mg "..... I...." # game/script.rpy:7439 translate english cowg_177938ed: # k "Girl???" k "Girl???" # game/script.rpy:7443 translate english cowg_dee9ad9b: # k "Are you allright?" k "Are you allright?" # game/script.rpy:7445 translate english cowg_63b6da54: # k "Obee run diagnostic!" k "Obee run diagnostic!" # game/script.rpy:7453 translate english cowg_8053752c: # o "I check her vitals. She is stable." o "I check her vitals. She is stable." # game/script.rpy:7454 translate english cowg_5004fae0: # o "But she needs to sleep now. It was exhausting." o "But she needs to sleep now. It was exhausting." # game/script.rpy:7455 translate english cowg_552c110d: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:7460 translate english cowg_1273a145: # o "She produces around 2 liters of milk." o "She produces around 2 liters of milk." # game/script.rpy:7461 translate english cowg_decc0c54: # o "All her energy is out." o "All her energy is out." # game/script.rpy:7462 translate english cowg_f2f20a03: # k "Do you think that is normal?" k "Do you think that is normal?" # game/script.rpy:7463 translate english cowg_19a16f14: # o "No. But it can be a side effect of the Fev virus in her organism." o "No. But it can be a side effect of the Fev virus in her organism." # game/script.rpy:7464 translate english cowg_aa2b8c78: # o "Maybe she will need rest every time after milking." o "Maybe she will need rest every time after milking." # game/script.rpy:7465 translate english cowg_0d730294: # k "Seriously?" k "Seriously?" # game/script.rpy:7470 translate english cowg_a4f0dd24: # o "Her body was damaged and it will need a time to heal. If it even is possible." o "Her body was damaged and it will need a time to heal. If it even is possible." # game/script.rpy:7471 translate english cowg_9ab942e9: # o "So yes. She need rest now." o "So yes. She need rest now." # game/script.rpy:7474 translate english cowg_e4571369: # o "But you have a fresh milk. And it is without any side virus components." o "But you have a fresh milk. And it is without any side virus components." # game/script.rpy:7475 translate english cowg_93b353b2: # k "Ok, so after she rest." k "Ok, so after she rest." # game/script.rpy:7476 translate english cowg_79a10331: # o "She will be ok and you can milk her again." o "She will be ok and you can milk her again." # game/script.rpy:7477 translate english cowg_74253bae: # k "That is great news. So she is cured? No more injections?" k "That is great news. So she is cured? No more injections?" # game/script.rpy:7478 translate english cowg_0c0b5c57: # o "Yes." o "Yes." # game/script.rpy:7481 translate english cowg_0636feb8: # k "Hi. It is time to milk you!" k "Hi. It is time to milk you!" # game/script.rpy:7486 translate english cowg_f6285e39: # mg "Sure I am ready for that." mg "Sure I am ready for that." # game/script.rpy:7487 translate english cowg_e5cef0f2: # k "Ok, first take off your clothes." k "Ok, first take off your clothes." # game/script.rpy:7488 translate english cowg_3b62206d_3: # mg "Sure." mg "Sure." # game/script.rpy:7497 translate english cowg_d5d425a6: # mg "You can milk me now." mg "You can milk me now." # game/script.rpy:7499 translate english cowg_54b5400b: # mg "???" mg "???" # game/script.rpy:7500 translate english cowg_1b0b51a1: # k "Ehm... Sorry I just look at you and." k "Ehm... Sorry I just look at you and." # game/script.rpy:7501 translate english cowg_83cf16e9: # k "You look very good." k "You look very good." # game/script.rpy:7502 translate english cowg_1c3b4051_1: # mg "Thanks." mg "Thanks." # game/script.rpy:7503 translate english cowg_b6ed1d88: # k "Ok now, we need to attach these things on your boobs." k "Ok now, we need to attach these things on your boobs." # game/script.rpy:7510 translate english cowg_1a17b024_2: # k "One moment." k "One moment." # game/script.rpy:7514 translate english cowg_c8f315ed: # k "Now we can milk you." k "Now we can milk you." # game/script.rpy:7515 translate english cowg_c367d2bb_1: # k "Power on." k "Power on." # game/script.rpy:7519 translate english cowg_eb04b491: # mg "Aaaaa...." mg "Aaaaa...." # game/script.rpy:7520 translate english cowg_d4f25419: # k "Ok, I wonder how many milk you give today." k "Ok, I wonder how many milk you give today." # game/script.rpy:7521 translate english cowg_dc0d8fd7_1: # mg "I'm feeling something." mg "I'm feeling something." # game/script.rpy:7522 translate english cowg_5f2d0c53: # k "Wait for it." k "Wait for it." # game/script.rpy:7526 translate english cowg_9a0a651c_1: # mg "Aaaaaaaaa.. O my god!" mg "Aaaaaaaaa.. O my god!" # game/script.rpy:7527 translate english cowg_3661bdd1: # mg "This is just so amazing!" mg "This is just so amazing!" # game/script.rpy:7528 translate english cowg_cca6a5f7: # k "Yes I see that." k "Yes I see that." # game/script.rpy:7530 translate english cowg_9fe6a4fb_1: # mg "More.... Moooooreeeee." mg "More.... Moooooreeeee." # game/script.rpy:7535 translate english cowg_c09be4c5_1: # k "Yes. I see milk!!!" k "Yes. I see milk!!!" # game/script.rpy:7536 translate english cowg_909c84e5_1: # mg "Yes. Sir please milk me more." mg "Yes. Sir please milk me more." # game/script.rpy:7537 translate english cowg_3034a5b6_1: # k "Ok. The machine is still on." k "Ok. The machine is still on." # game/script.rpy:7541 translate english cowg_3c0a39bc: # mg "What an amazing feel!!!" mg "What an amazing feel!!!" # game/script.rpy:7542 translate english cowg_8455b562_1: # k "Do you like it girl?" k "Do you like it girl?" # game/script.rpy:7543 translate english cowg_29490525_1: # mg "Yes!" mg "Yes!" # game/script.rpy:7545 translate english cowg_2d904321_1: # mg "Aaaaaaaa." mg "Aaaaaaaa." # game/script.rpy:7550 translate english cowg_f1736b41_1: # mg "YESSSSSSS!!!!!!" mg "YESSSSSSS!!!!!!" # game/script.rpy:7552 translate english cowg_6390b37f_1: # mg "Argggg...." mg "Argggg...." # game/script.rpy:7556 translate english cowg_0016a3b2_1: # mg "..... I...." mg "..... I...." # game/script.rpy:7557 translate english cowg_177938ed_1: # k "Girl???" k "Girl???" # game/script.rpy:7561 translate english cowg_dee9ad9b_1: # k "Are you allright?" k "Are you allright?" # game/script.rpy:7563 translate english cowg_e0488d39: # k "Look like she is out again." k "Look like she is out again." # game/script.rpy:7571 translate english cowg_e7292012: # k "But she gave me have a fresh milk." k "But she gave me have a fresh milk." # game/script.rpy:7572 translate english cowg_e587a566: # k "I can milk her tomorrow." k "I can milk her tomorrow." # game/script.rpy:7576 translate english cowg_27241377: # "First fix milking problem!" "First fix milking problem!" # game/script.rpy:7577 translate english cowg_2a0403c9: # "Then you can try something." "Then you can try something." # game/script.rpy:7580 translate english cowg_94195bba: # mg "What do you want to do sir?" mg "What do you want to do sir?" # game/script.rpy:7581 translate english cowg_22cbf8b9: # mg "First show me your boobs." mg "First show me your boobs." # game/script.rpy:7590 translate english cowg_2c990934: # k "Ou they are beautiful." k "Ou they are beautiful." # game/script.rpy:7591 translate english cowg_33b97cdc: # mg " Sir. What you want to do now?" mg " Sir. What you want to do now?" # game/script.rpy:7592 translate english cowg_a9a92c96: # k "I want to test one experiment." k "I want to test one experiment." # game/script.rpy:7593 translate english cowg_40a5b1e6: # mg "What kind of experiment?" mg "What kind of experiment?" # game/script.rpy:7594 translate english cowg_75e8a7b4: # k "I am not sure." k "I am not sure." # game/script.rpy:7595 translate english cowg_cc4f4aed: # mg "So come back when you know." mg "So come back when you know." # game/script.rpy:7599 translate english cowg_efc975db: # mg "Hello sir can I help you?" mg "Hello sir can I help you?" # game/script.rpy:7600 translate english cowg_8de4ce78: # k "Yes I realy want to see your boobs." k "Yes I realy want to see your boobs." # game/script.rpy:7601 translate english cowg_e31c4ca5: # mg "Do you like them?" mg "Do you like them?" # game/script.rpy:7602 translate english cowg_558bfee3: # k "Yes girl. I realy like them." k "Yes girl. I realy like them." # game/script.rpy:7611 translate english cowg_9b8631a7: # k "I love them more and more everyday." k "I love them more and more everyday." # game/script.rpy:7612 translate english cowg_e7cafafd: # k "I really need your help today." k "I really need your help today." # game/script.rpy:7613 translate english cowg_cc3b7605: # mg "What kind of help?" mg "What kind of help?" # game/script.rpy:7614 translate english cowg_e0aecef0: # k "Do you see that big tank behind you?" k "Do you see that big tank behind you?" # game/script.rpy:7615 translate english cowg_7dd3cce4: # mg "And what about it?" mg "And what about it?" # game/script.rpy:7616 translate english cowg_b0f39faa: # k "This vault has secrets. And I need to know them." k "This vault has secrets. And I need to know them." # game/script.rpy:7617 translate english cowg_e625c209: # k "It can help to save mankind." k "It can help to save mankind." # game/script.rpy:7618 translate english cowg_b2225f64: # mg "Well what do you want from me?" mg "Well what do you want from me?" # game/script.rpy:7619 translate english cowg_de561151: # k "I need to use that injection on you. And then you need to fill that tank with milk." k "I need to use that injection on you. And then you need to fill that tank with milk." # game/script.rpy:7625 translate english cowg_e907bbc9_2: # mg "..." mg "..." # game/script.rpy:7627 translate english cowg_d18b0fcb: # mg "I will do it." mg "I will do it." # game/script.rpy:7628 translate english cowg_57d99a7e: # mg "Just use that injection." mg "Just use that injection." # game/script.rpy:7629 translate english cowg_7eff01e6: # k "Realy???" k "Realy???" # game/script.rpy:7630 translate english cowg_57b55aa4: # mg "Yes... Just hurry before I change my mind." mg "Yes... Just hurry before I change my mind." # game/script.rpy:7631 translate english cowg_a8d7dc87: # k "Ok. Here it is..." k "Ok. Here it is..." # game/script.rpy:7633 translate english cowg_e907bbc9_3: # mg "..." mg "..." # game/script.rpy:7641 translate english cowg_725979f2: # mg "Ouch..." mg "Ouch..." # game/script.rpy:7642 translate english cowg_1502573d: # k "!!!" with hpunch k "!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:7643 translate english cowg_7e81dd80: # k "That is realy nice change!" k "That is realy nice change!" # game/script.rpy:7644 translate english cowg_ed812d9c: # mg "Is this normal???" mg "Is this normal???" # game/script.rpy:7645 translate english cowg_a79d8adc: # k "Ehm, Yes, maybe reaction is a little exaggerated but yes." k "Ehm, Yes, maybe reaction is a little exaggerated but yes." # game/script.rpy:7646 translate english cowg_9b07a30e: # mg "Realy I think something is bad." mg "Realy I think something is bad." # game/script.rpy:7647 translate english cowg_b05d85af: # mg "My boobs are so heavy now I can't stand anymore." mg "My boobs are so heavy now I can't stand anymore." # game/script.rpy:7649 translate english cowg_7272bd69_2: # mg "Ouch." mg "Ouch." # game/script.rpy:7656 translate english cowg_2b854d37: # k "Obee run diagnostic." k "Obee run diagnostic." # game/script.rpy:7657 translate english cowg_6b29b109: # o "Ok sir..." o "Ok sir..." # game/script.rpy:7659 translate english cowg_45c61ea9: # o "Everything is ok. Her vitals are normal you can milk her now." o "Everything is ok. Her vitals are normal you can milk her now." # game/script.rpy:7660 translate english cowg_850a7ecf: # mg "Obee, What about size of my boobs?" mg "Obee, What about size of my boobs?" # game/script.rpy:7661 translate english cowg_30a1964d: # o "What is with their size?" o "What is with their size?" # game/script.rpy:7662 translate english cowg_8ea67346: # mg "They are so big and heavy!!!" mg "They are so big and heavy!!!" # game/script.rpy:7663 translate english cowg_96f344f3: # o "The growing effect is only temporary." o "The growing effect is only temporary." # game/script.rpy:7664 translate english cowg_96198e12: # o "They should return to normal size in a few hours. Milking can speed up the process." o "They should return to normal size in a few hours. Milking can speed up the process." # game/script.rpy:7668 translate english cowg_3b87d5f8: # mg "Can we start miling process?" mg "Can we start miling process?" # game/script.rpy:7669 translate english cowg_f9c014e0: # o "Yes everything is ready." o "Yes everything is ready." # game/script.rpy:7670 translate english cowg_777ce5f8: # k "Ok so now I can start it. Thanks Obee." k "Ok so now I can start it. Thanks Obee." # game/script.rpy:7671 translate english cowg_6e30e06c: # k "First, attach this milkers." k "First, attach this milkers." # game/script.rpy:7674 translate english cowg_45b53ffc: # k "And now we can start." k "And now we can start." # game/script.rpy:7675 translate english cowg_c367d2bb_2: # k "Power on." k "Power on." # game/script.rpy:7679 translate english cowg_f65f56f5: # mg "Yessss!!!" mg "Yessss!!!" # game/script.rpy:7682 translate english cowg_ee780bfe: # k "Huh???" k "Huh???" # game/script.rpy:7683 translate english cowg_c2bbf621: # k "That was fast!!!" k "That was fast!!!" # game/script.rpy:7684 translate english cowg_d9a2dfa6: # mg "Amazing..." mg "Amazing..." # game/script.rpy:7688 translate english cowg_0114ce8d: # o "That productivity is really impressive." o "That productivity is really impressive." # game/script.rpy:7689 translate english cowg_6fb3609e: # mg "YESSSS!!!" with hpunch mg "YESSSS!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:7690 translate english cowg_6cb9f9bf: # o "Values are out of normal limits." o "Values are out of normal limits." # game/script.rpy:7691 translate english cowg_0289c170: # mg "Moreeee!!!!" mg "Moreeee!!!!" # game/script.rpy:7693 translate english cowg_dfb396e5: # k "Look like it is almost over..." k "Look like it is almost over..." # game/script.rpy:7703 translate english cowg_6f6e9f27: # mg "AAAAaaaaa...." mg "AAAAaaaaa...." # game/script.rpy:7704 translate english cowg_d23f9afd: # k "Boob size was already reduced." k "Boob size was already reduced." # game/script.rpy:7705 translate english cowg_7bd7abc4: # mg "...." mg "...." # game/script.rpy:7706 translate english cowg_3bdddec9: # k "Look like this is the last milk..." k "Look like this is the last milk..." # game/script.rpy:7710 translate english cowg_e907bbc9_4: # mg "..." mg "..." # game/script.rpy:7711 translate english cowg_64f98670: # k "Obee check her." k "Obee check her." # game/script.rpy:7712 translate english cowg_07abc845: # o "..." o "..." # game/script.rpy:7713 translate english cowg_f3fe8792: # o "She just fainted." o "She just fainted." # game/script.rpy:7714 translate english cowg_37af6b96: # o "Now it is time to rest." o "Now it is time to rest." # game/script.rpy:7715 translate english cowg_32ea4940: # k "Wait what about our project?" k "Wait what about our project?" # game/script.rpy:7716 translate english cowg_47b41adc: # o "Hmm..." o "Hmm..." # game/script.rpy:7717 translate english cowg_9e82740e: # o "Tank is 20 percent filled." o "Tank is 20 percent filled." # game/script.rpy:7718 translate english cowg_eb9a0208: # k "So I need other 80 percent?" k "So I need other 80 percent?" # game/script.rpy:7719 translate english cowg_f27ca3ac: # o "Yes... It should be no problem. Milkgirl look good and her vitals too." o "Yes... It should be no problem. Milkgirl look good and her vitals too." # game/script.rpy:7720 translate english cowg_f05af3dd: # k "Ok so back to work." k "Ok so back to work." # game/script.rpy:7725 translate english cowg_efc975db_1: # mg "Hello sir can I help you?" mg "Hello sir can I help you?" # game/script.rpy:7726 translate english cowg_8de4ce78_1: # k "Yes I realy want to see your boobs." k "Yes I realy want to see your boobs." # game/script.rpy:7727 translate english cowg_e31c4ca5_1: # mg "Do you like them?" mg "Do you like them?" # game/script.rpy:7728 translate english cowg_558bfee3_1: # k "Yes girl. I realy like them." k "Yes girl. I realy like them." # game/script.rpy:7737 translate english cowg_9b8631a7_1: # k "I love them more and more everyday." k "I love them more and more everyday." # game/script.rpy:7738 translate english cowg_e7cafafd_1: # k "I really need your help today." k "I really need your help today." # game/script.rpy:7739 translate english cowg_cc3b7605_1: # mg "What kind of help?" mg "What kind of help?" # game/script.rpy:7740 translate english cowg_e0aecef0_1: # k "Do you see that big tank behind you?" k "Do you see that big tank behind you?" # game/script.rpy:7741 translate english cowg_ef50bff9: # mg "You want me to help fill it right?" mg "You want me to help fill it right?" # game/script.rpy:7742 translate english cowg_7489635f: # k "Yes, how did you know that?" k "Yes, how did you know that?" # game/script.rpy:7743 translate english cowg_5b7e8633: # mg "Stop joking me. Just use that injection." mg "Stop joking me. Just use that injection." # game/script.rpy:7744 translate english cowg_05895071: # k "As you want." k "As you want." # game/script.rpy:7745 translate english cowg_a8d7dc87_1: # k "Ok. Here it is..." k "Ok. Here it is..." # game/script.rpy:7747 translate english cowg_e907bbc9_5: # mg "..." mg "..." # game/script.rpy:7755 translate english cowg_725979f2_1: # mg "Ouch..." mg "Ouch..." # game/script.rpy:7756 translate english cowg_1502573d_1: # k "!!!" with hpunch k "!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:7757 translate english cowg_8f9c1340: # k "I realy love that nice change!" k "I realy love that nice change!" # game/script.rpy:7758 translate english cowg_b91175f9: # mg "Yes, it is amazing." mg "Yes, it is amazing." # game/script.rpy:7759 translate english cowg_82091822: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:7765 translate english cowg_cf990b8a: # mg "But. My boobs are so heavy now." mg "But. My boobs are so heavy now." # game/script.rpy:7766 translate english cowg_d9c63405: # k "And beautifull." k "And beautifull." # game/script.rpy:7767 translate english cowg_d19e20d9: # mg "Thank you." mg "Thank you." # game/script.rpy:7768 translate english cowg_49adfa9d: # k "I thank you." k "I thank you." # game/script.rpy:7769 translate english cowg_aa81c3de: # mg "But...." mg "But...." # game/script.rpy:7770 translate english cowg_2d894a4c: # mg "I can't stand anymore." mg "I can't stand anymore." # game/script.rpy:7772 translate english cowg_7272bd69_3: # mg "Ouch." mg "Ouch." # game/script.rpy:7779 translate english cowg_974c17bd: # k "Sure, that is normal when you have that size of boobs." k "Sure, that is normal when you have that size of boobs." # game/script.rpy:7780 translate english cowg_8f48b05a: # mg "Yes I know." mg "Yes I know." # game/script.rpy:7782 translate english cowg_c10e6ce3: # mg "But now is a good time to start milking process." mg "But now is a good time to start milking process." # game/script.rpy:7783 translate english cowg_d15eb33a: # k "I am ready, just say a word." k "I am ready, just say a word." # game/script.rpy:7784 translate english cowg_f9e3f0a3: # mg "What word?" mg "What word?" # game/script.rpy:7785 translate english cowg_ede4edd8: # k "Something nice." k "Something nice." # game/script.rpy:7789 translate english cowg_6731a122: # mg "Can you milk me please?" mg "Can you milk me please?" # game/script.rpy:7790 translate english cowg_04abcf0b: # k "That is realy nice." k "That is realy nice." # game/script.rpy:7792 translate english cowg_67d43e01: # mg "Please." mg "Please." # game/script.rpy:7795 translate english cowg_d19e20d9_1: # mg "Thank you." mg "Thank you." # game/script.rpy:7796 translate english cowg_443845c3: # k "Ok, everything is ready." k "Ok, everything is ready." # game/script.rpy:7797 translate english cowg_d31ecd02: # k "Now I can start it." k "Now I can start it." # game/script.rpy:7798 translate english cowg_c367d2bb_3: # k "Power on." k "Power on." # game/script.rpy:7802 translate english cowg_f65f56f5_1: # mg "Yessss!!!" mg "Yessss!!!" # game/script.rpy:7805 translate english cowg_ee780bfe_1: # k "Huh???" k "Huh???" # game/script.rpy:7806 translate english cowg_724c3eee: # k "It is impressive how fast is this process." k "It is impressive how fast is this process." # game/script.rpy:7807 translate english cowg_d62ebcf4: # mg "Mmmmm...." mg "Mmmmm...." # game/script.rpy:7811 translate english cowg_92808dcc: # k "And productivity is really impressive." k "And productivity is really impressive." # game/script.rpy:7812 translate english cowg_6fb3609e_1: # mg "YESSSS!!!" with hpunch mg "YESSSS!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:7813 translate english cowg_a09349a9: # k "Look like she is a screamer." k "Look like she is a screamer." # game/script.rpy:7814 translate english cowg_0289c170_1: # mg "Moreeee!!!!" mg "Moreeee!!!!" # game/script.rpy:7816 translate english cowg_842c4c89: # k "Definitely..." k "Definitely..." # game/script.rpy:7820 translate english cowg_ea4babbc: # mg "Please more..." mg "Please more..." # game/script.rpy:7821 translate english cowg_d0b49700: # mg "I will go crazy..." mg "I will go crazy..." # game/script.rpy:7822 translate english cowg_e45a4e99: # mg "!!!!!" mg "!!!!!" # game/script.rpy:7833 translate english cowg_6f6e9f27_1: # mg "AAAAaaaaa...." mg "AAAAaaaaa...." # game/script.rpy:7834 translate english cowg_d23f9afd_1: # k "Boob size was already reduced." k "Boob size was already reduced." # game/script.rpy:7835 translate english cowg_7bd7abc4_1: # mg "...." mg "...." # game/script.rpy:7836 translate english cowg_3bdddec9_1: # k "Look like this is the last milk..." k "Look like this is the last milk..." # game/script.rpy:7840 translate english cowg_e907bbc9_6: # mg "..." mg "..." # game/script.rpy:7841 translate english cowg_ef8d0491: # k "Obee milkgirl fainted check her." k "Obee milkgirl fainted check her." # game/script.rpy:7842 translate english cowg_07abc845_1: # o "..." o "..." # game/script.rpy:7843 translate english cowg_f3fe8792_1: # o "She just fainted." o "She just fainted." # game/script.rpy:7844 translate english cowg_1a3f93fd: # o "Everything is ok." o "Everything is ok." # game/script.rpy:7845 translate english cowg_32ea4940_1: # k "Wait what about our project?" k "Wait what about our project?" # game/script.rpy:7853 translate english cowg_47b41adc_1: # o "Hmm..." o "Hmm..." # game/script.rpy:7860 translate english cowg_2c6e3a9d: # o "It looks like the tank is filled." o "It looks like the tank is filled." # game/script.rpy:7861 translate english cowg_ab09d867: # k "And???" k "And???" # game/script.rpy:7863 translate english cowg_340e9467: # o "I am not sure. This data is still pretty messy." o "I am not sure. This data is still pretty messy." # game/script.rpy:7864 translate english cowg_9bd9fcf0: # o "But if I compare them to data gained from main room." o "But if I compare them to data gained from main room." # game/script.rpy:7866 translate english cowg_5152b418: # o "hmm." o "hmm." # game/script.rpy:7871 translate english cowg_eadb828b: # o "I see one pattern, repeat over and over again." o "I see one pattern, repeat over and over again." # game/script.rpy:7872 translate english cowg_552c110d_1: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:7873 translate english cowg_ff936c00: # o "It needs more investigation, but for now I am sure about one thing." o "It needs more investigation, but for now I am sure about one thing." # game/script.rpy:7874 translate english cowg_224eeec0: # k "What is it?" k "What is it?" # game/script.rpy:7875 translate english cowg_3ef76fee: # o "Everything in this vault is built to depopulation and surviving." o "Everything in this vault is built to depopulation and surviving." # game/script.rpy:7876 translate english cowg_8ec1d68d: # o "It look likes someone wants to save the humanity." o "It look likes someone wants to save the humanity." # game/script.rpy:7877 translate english cowg_71e19df8: # k "With milk?" k "With milk?" # game/script.rpy:7882 translate english cowg_9d8fa6a3: # o "Ehm... not only with milk... It is more difficult..." o "Ehm... not only with milk... It is more difficult..." # game/script.rpy:7883 translate english cowg_1e183289: # k "Ok so what now?" k "Ok so what now?" # game/script.rpy:7884 translate english cowg_7cbf37c6: # o "We can fill this tank and sell milk." o "We can fill this tank and sell milk." # game/script.rpy:7885 translate english cowg_cd006199: # o "It is not necessary to store it when we have GECK." o "It is not necessary to store it when we have GECK." # game/script.rpy:7886 translate english cowg_5d9747d6: # k "Ok so some extra coins?" k "Ok so some extra coins?" # game/script.rpy:7887 translate english cowg_cfcd3f6d: # o "Yes. You need to understand this is surviving facility." o "Yes. You need to understand this is surviving facility." # game/script.rpy:7888 translate english cowg_c5dc44b8: # k "What you mean by that?" k "What you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:7889 translate english cowg_83054dd8: # o "I am not sure." o "I am not sure." # game/script.rpy:7890 translate english cowg_ca59544a: # k "Great." k "Great." # game/script.rpy:7894 translate english cowg_9799737f: # o "The tank is filled and we can sell extra milk." o "The tank is filled and we can sell extra milk." # game/script.rpy:7895 translate english cowg_53efba8c: # o "It is good to make a little extra income." o "It is good to make a little extra income." # game/script.rpy:7900 translate english cowg_368290bf: # o "The tank was filled again, but it is still not full." o "The tank was filled again, but it is still not full." # game/script.rpy:7901 translate english cowg_f7a0c837: # o "One tank is 20 percent so...." o "One tank is 20 percent so...." # game/script.rpy:7902 translate english cowg_0a3ec1ae: # o "It will be filled soon." o "It will be filled soon." # game/script.rpy:7904 translate english cowg_f5c9e164: # k "Ok that is good news." k "Ok that is good news." # game/script.rpy:7905 translate english cowg_f27ca3ac_1: # o "Yes... It should be no problem. Milkgirl look good and her vitals too." o "Yes... It should be no problem. Milkgirl look good and her vitals too." # game/script.rpy:7906 translate english cowg_f05af3dd_1: # k "Ok so back to work." k "Ok so back to work." # game/script.rpy:7912 translate english cowg_efc975db_2: # mg "Hello sir can I help you?" mg "Hello sir can I help you?" # game/script.rpy:7913 translate english cowg_8de4ce78_2: # k "Yes I realy want to see your boobs." k "Yes I realy want to see your boobs." # game/script.rpy:7914 translate english cowg_e31c4ca5_2: # mg "Do you like them?" mg "Do you like them?" # game/script.rpy:7915 translate english cowg_558bfee3_2: # k "Yes girl. I realy like them." k "Yes girl. I realy like them." # game/script.rpy:7924 translate english cowg_58671941: # k "You look realy amazing." k "You look realy amazing." # game/script.rpy:7925 translate english cowg_ba91a642: # k "Ehm..." k "Ehm..." # game/script.rpy:7926 translate english cowg_9e512085: # k "I have one serum can I test it on you?" k "I have one serum can I test it on you?" # game/script.rpy:7927 translate english cowg_a48ae75f: # mg "What kind of serum?." mg "What kind of serum?." # game/script.rpy:7928 translate english cowg_5df0102c: # k "Some kind of boobserum it has temporary grow effect." k "Some kind of boobserum it has temporary grow effect." # game/script.rpy:7929 translate english cowg_eeb9039d: # mg "Is it dangerous?" mg "Is it dangerous?" # game/script.rpy:7930 translate english cowg_625f5420: # k "Maybe. I am not sure." k "Maybe. I am not sure." # game/script.rpy:7931 translate english cowg_a5e89758: # mg "And why you want to test it?" mg "And why you want to test it?" # game/script.rpy:7932 translate english cowg_109cbbc6: # k "Ehm... Just for fun?" k "Ehm... Just for fun?" # game/script.rpy:7933 translate english cowg_cba90353: # mg "Then I must reject." mg "Then I must reject." # game/script.rpy:7934 translate english cowg_0d730294_1: # k "Seriously?" k "Seriously?" # game/script.rpy:7935 translate english cowg_8fa56714: # mg "Yes, I won't risk my health for nothing." mg "Yes, I won't risk my health for nothing." # game/script.rpy:7940 translate english cowg_eb08300c: # k "This room is interesting." k "This room is interesting." # game/script.rpy:7941 translate english cowg_ab573a01: # k "It has nice milking equipment." k "It has nice milking equipment." # game/script.rpy:7942 translate english cowg_46c0a6c1: # k "Some priest on the wall." k "Some priest on the wall." # game/script.rpy:7943 translate english cowg_f0f167eb: # k "And weird machine." k "And weird machine." # game/script.rpy:7944 translate english cowg_efaab376: # k "Obee what you think about it?" k "Obee what you think about it?" # game/script.rpy:7948 translate english cowg_3141d1e7: # o "Let me see..." o "Let me see..." # game/script.rpy:7950 translate english cowg_780d7a6a: # o "hmm..." o "hmm..." # game/script.rpy:7955 translate english cowg_14a7f0da: # o "I think this is a device from L.A.B. tutorial." o "I think this is a device from L.A.B. tutorial." # game/script.rpy:7956 translate english cowg_2267dccb: # o "There are some files missing." o "There are some files missing." # game/script.rpy:7957 translate english cowg_02b96796: # o "But what I know is...." o "But what I know is...." # game/script.rpy:7958 translate english cowg_466a893d: # o "You need to fill it to find a purpose of it." o "You need to fill it to find a purpose of it." # game/script.rpy:7959 translate english cowg_98ac8128: # k "How?" k "How?" # game/script.rpy:7960 translate english cowg_630cea46: # o "Some kind of modified milk." o "Some kind of modified milk." # game/script.rpy:7961 translate english cowg_a97a9e79: # o "Hmm.." o "Hmm.." # game/script.rpy:7966 translate english cowg_5abf1edd: # o "That really makes no sense." o "That really makes no sense." # game/script.rpy:7967 translate english cowg_6feb55d7: # o "There is something about FEV virus." o "There is something about FEV virus." # game/script.rpy:7968 translate english cowg_429c67f2: # o "And boob grow serum." o "And boob grow serum." # game/script.rpy:7969 translate english cowg_6920cfa8: # o "Maybe if you use it on someone who was affected by FEV." o "Maybe if you use it on someone who was affected by FEV." # game/script.rpy:7970 translate english cowg_07abc845_2: # o "..." o "..." # game/script.rpy:7971 translate english cowg_4376e935: # o "To reveal what it mean you must use some special boobserum on special woman." o "To reveal what it mean you must use some special boobserum on special woman." # game/script.rpy:7973 translate english cowg_2465b94e: # k "I have already bought some kind of special boobserum." k "I have already bought some kind of special boobserum." # game/script.rpy:7974 translate english cowg_06212680: # o "That is wonderful now I can replicate it." o "That is wonderful now I can replicate it." # game/script.rpy:7976 translate english cowg_1ceef614: # k "I think I saw some kind of boobserum in Market Square." k "I think I saw some kind of boobserum in Market Square." # game/script.rpy:7977 translate english cowg_649e490d: # o "Then buy it, I can replicate the formula." o "Then buy it, I can replicate the formula." # game/script.rpy:7978 translate english cowg_423d9ed9: # o "What about the girl? I am a machine, I cannot help you with that." o "What about the girl? I am a machine, I cannot help you with that." # game/script.rpy:7980 translate english cowg_823af9dc: # k "I think my lovely milkgirl would help us." k "I think my lovely milkgirl would help us." # game/script.rpy:7981 translate english cowg_66df5718: # o "Sure that is a good idea." o "Sure that is a good idea." # game/script.rpy:7983 translate english cowg_3123781c: # k "Any ideas who can help us with that?" k "Any ideas who can help us with that?" # game/script.rpy:7984 translate english cowg_fb26ae75: # o "Try to find someone in Milkypolis." o "Try to find someone in Milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:7985 translate english cowg_8e79539b: # k "Ok, so then I hope we can test it." k "Ok, so then I hope we can test it." # game/script.rpy:7986 translate english cowg_aef88b08: # o "Sure..." o "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:7989 translate english cowg_84523115: # o "We need to discover the secret of this place." o "We need to discover the secret of this place." # game/script.rpy:7990 translate english cowg_4376e935_1: # o "To reveal what it mean you must use some special boobserum on special woman." o "To reveal what it mean you must use some special boobserum on special woman." # game/script.rpy:7992 translate english cowg_2465b94e_1: # k "I have already bought some kind of special boobserum." k "I have already bought some kind of special boobserum." # game/script.rpy:7993 translate english cowg_06212680_1: # o "That is wonderful now I can replicate it." o "That is wonderful now I can replicate it." # game/script.rpy:7995 translate english cowg_1ceef614_1: # k "I think I saw some kind of boobserum in Market Square." k "I think I saw some kind of boobserum in Market Square." # game/script.rpy:7996 translate english cowg_649e490d_1: # o "Then buy it, I can replicate the formula." o "Then buy it, I can replicate the formula." # game/script.rpy:7997 translate english cowg_423d9ed9_1: # o "What about the girl? I am a machine, I cannot help you with that." o "What about the girl? I am a machine, I cannot help you with that." # game/script.rpy:7999 translate english cowg_823af9dc_1: # k "I think my lovely milkgirl would help us." k "I think my lovely milkgirl would help us." # game/script.rpy:8000 translate english cowg_66df5718_1: # o "Sure that is a good idea." o "Sure that is a good idea." # game/script.rpy:8002 translate english cowg_3123781c_1: # k "Any ideas who can help us with that?" k "Any ideas who can help us with that?" # game/script.rpy:8003 translate english cowg_fb26ae75_1: # o "Try to find someone in Milkypolis." o "Try to find someone in Milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:8004 translate english cowg_8e79539b_1: # k "Ok, so then I hope we can test it." k "Ok, so then I hope we can test it." # game/script.rpy:8005 translate english cowg_aef88b08_1: # o "Sure..." o "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:8008 translate english cowg_eb08300c_1: # k "This room is interesting." k "This room is interesting." # game/script.rpy:8009 translate english cowg_ab573a01_1: # k "It has nice milking equipment." k "It has nice milking equipment." # game/script.rpy:8010 translate english cowg_46c0a6c1_1: # k "Some priest on the wall." k "Some priest on the wall." # game/script.rpy:8011 translate english cowg_60a0578d: # k "And milking machine with tank." k "And milking machine with tank." # game/script.rpy:8012 translate english cowg_e6738917: # k "It can be really funny." k "It can be really funny." # game/script.rpy:8016 translate english cowg_eb08300c_2: # k "This room is interesting." k "This room is interesting." # game/script.rpy:8017 translate english cowg_ab573a01_2: # k "It has nice milking equipment." k "It has nice milking equipment." # game/script.rpy:8018 translate english cowg_46c0a6c1_2: # k "Some priest on the wall." k "Some priest on the wall." # game/script.rpy:8019 translate english cowg_f0f167eb_1: # k "And weird machine." k "And weird machine." # game/script.rpy:8020 translate english cowg_ff34fcb2: # k "I wonder what it is for?" k "I wonder what it is for?" # game/script.rpy:8040 translate english toiletroom0_7b2ac919: # o "It look like normal toilet what do you want to do?" o "It look like normal toilet what do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:8042 translate english toiletroom0_f13fd4a2: # o "That red button look interesting." o "That red button look interesting." # game/script.rpy:8044 translate english toiletroom0_3ada7319: # o "I really have to go to the toilet." o "I really have to go to the toilet." # game/script.rpy:8045 translate english toiletroom0_e571d294: # o "Wait! I'm a machine" o "Wait! I'm a machine" # game/script.rpy:8048 translate english toiletroom0_5fb438ee: # o "Done." o "Done." # game/script.rpy:8051 translate english toiletroom0_d8228cd6: # o "I don't see any sink here." o "I don't see any sink here." # game/script.rpy:8052 translate english toiletroom0_72b3fe5c: # o "Maybe on other picture." o "Maybe on other picture." # game/script.rpy:8055 translate english toiletroom0_845d81ca: # o "Finally you use your brain!" o "Finally you use your brain!" # game/script.rpy:8073 translate english toiletroom1_d0783874: # o "That black hole look suspicious." o "That black hole look suspicious." # game/script.rpy:8075 translate english toiletroom1_eedb6db2: # o "I need to pee!" o "I need to pee!" # game/script.rpy:8077 translate english toiletroom1_dc10b913: # o "I find some info about this room." o "I find some info about this room." # game/script.rpy:8078 translate english toiletroom1_4994a09d: # o "Do you want to read them?" o "Do you want to read them?" # game/script.rpy:8081 translate english toiletroom1_5be17428: # o "I don't think it is a good idea." o "I don't think it is a good idea." # game/script.rpy:8082 translate english toiletroom1_b695c265: # o "The back of the toilet is missing." o "The back of the toilet is missing." # game/script.rpy:8085 translate english toiletroom1_a6f66457: # o "Wait for a moment." o "Wait for a moment." # game/script.rpy:8087 translate english toiletroom1_5191f4bb: # o "Look like you opened the back room." o "Look like you opened the back room." # game/script.rpy:8088 translate english toiletroom1_76637ff1: # o "I find some old data about this room." o "I find some old data about this room." # game/script.rpy:8089 translate english toiletroom1_dfcb22d2: # o "This room had two names toilet and Room for punishment." o "This room had two names toilet and Room for punishment." # game/script.rpy:8090 translate english toiletroom1_702dbecc: # o "When someone woman dissobey the comanad she was assigned here as public toilet." o "When someone woman dissobey the comanad she was assigned here as public toilet." # game/script.rpy:8091 translate english toiletroom1_7297491c: # o "It was closed after for abusing. Even a fart was considered an offense." o "It was closed after for abusing. Even a fart was considered an offense." # game/script.rpy:8092 translate english toiletroom1_4f184767: # o "If you make some research you can assign dweller here too." o "If you make some research you can assign dweller here too." # game/script.rpy:8093 translate english toiletroom1_7eacec7d: # o "Go to Living room you can find something useful there." o "Go to Living room you can find something useful there." # game/script.rpy:8096 translate english toiletroom1_c7464d24: # o "Back to normal mode!" o "Back to normal mode!" # game/script.rpy:8186 translate english toiletroom2_07bdde05: # "....." "....." # game/script.rpy:8190 translate english toiletno1_5b046348: # "What do you want to do?" "What do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:8198 translate english toiletno1_e06c81ac: # k "Dweller assigned." k "Dweller assigned." # game/script.rpy:8201 translate english toiletno1_51849052: # k "Don't have any free dweller." k "Don't have any free dweller." # game/script.rpy:8209 translate english toiletno1_8d6929ed: # k "That feel good." k "That feel good." # game/script.rpy:8217 translate english toiletno1_24b1710f: # k "She look wet now." k "She look wet now." # game/script.rpy:8220 translate english toiletno1_68c556d0: # k "Good idea." with hpunch k "Good idea." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:8228 translate english toiletno1_b529c2b0: # k "That is realy good!" k "That is realy good!" # game/script.rpy:8230 translate english toiletno1_9be989ea: # k "Where should I cum?" k "Where should I cum?" # game/script.rpy:8234 translate english toiletno1_82801809: # k "So warm." k "So warm." # game/script.rpy:8241 translate english toiletno1_86d439e0: # k "What next?" k "What next?" # game/script.rpy:8245 translate english toiletno1_1045830f: # k "Incoming!" k "Incoming!" # game/script.rpy:8255 translate english toiletno1_c9952ea9: # k "She is sticky!" k "She is sticky!" # game/script.rpy:8259 translate english toiletno1_d11b0fec: # k "Is there any button for that?" k "Is there any button for that?" # game/script.rpy:8264 translate english toiletno1_257f7d8c: # k "She look cleaner now." k "She look cleaner now." # game/script.rpy:8271 translate english toiletno1_3db9a100: # k "Sad." k "Sad." # game/script.rpy:8277 translate english toiletno2_5b046348: # "What do you want to do?" "What do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:8285 translate english toiletno2_e06c81ac: # k "Dweller assigned." k "Dweller assigned." # game/script.rpy:8288 translate english toiletno2_51849052: # k "Don't have any free dweller." k "Don't have any free dweller." # game/script.rpy:8296 translate english toiletno2_8d6929ed: # k "That feel good." k "That feel good." # game/script.rpy:8304 translate english toiletno2_24b1710f: # k "She look wet now." k "She look wet now." # game/script.rpy:8307 translate english toiletno2_68c556d0: # k "Good idea." with hpunch k "Good idea." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:8315 translate english toiletno2_b529c2b0: # k "That is realy good!" k "That is realy good!" # game/script.rpy:8317 translate english toiletno2_9be989ea: # k "Where should I cum?" k "Where should I cum?" # game/script.rpy:8321 translate english toiletno2_82801809: # k "So warm." k "So warm." # game/script.rpy:8328 translate english toiletno2_86d439e0: # k "What next?" k "What next?" # game/script.rpy:8332 translate english toiletno2_1045830f: # k "Incoming!" k "Incoming!" # game/script.rpy:8342 translate english toiletno2_c9952ea9: # k "She is sticky!" k "She is sticky!" # game/script.rpy:8346 translate english toiletno2_d11b0fec: # k "Is there any button for that?" k "Is there any button for that?" # game/script.rpy:8351 translate english toiletno2_257f7d8c: # k "She look cleaner now." k "She look cleaner now." # game/script.rpy:8358 translate english toiletno2_3db9a100: # k "Sad." k "Sad." # game/script.rpy:8364 translate english toiletno3_5b046348: # "What do you want to do?" "What do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:8372 translate english toiletno3_e06c81ac: # k "Dweller assigned." k "Dweller assigned." # game/script.rpy:8375 translate english toiletno3_51849052: # k "Don't have any free dweller." k "Don't have any free dweller." # game/script.rpy:8383 translate english toiletno3_8d6929ed: # k "That feel good." k "That feel good." # game/script.rpy:8391 translate english toiletno3_24b1710f: # k "She look wet now." k "She look wet now." # game/script.rpy:8394 translate english toiletno3_68c556d0: # k "Good idea." with hpunch k "Good idea." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:8402 translate english toiletno3_b529c2b0: # k "That is realy good!" k "That is realy good!" # game/script.rpy:8404 translate english toiletno3_9be989ea: # k "Where should I cum?" k "Where should I cum?" # game/script.rpy:8408 translate english toiletno3_82801809: # k "So warm." k "So warm." # game/script.rpy:8415 translate english toiletno3_86d439e0: # k "What next?" k "What next?" # game/script.rpy:8419 translate english toiletno3_1045830f: # k "Incoming!" k "Incoming!" # game/script.rpy:8429 translate english toiletno3_c9952ea9: # k "She is sticky!" k "She is sticky!" # game/script.rpy:8433 translate english toiletno3_d11b0fec: # k "Is there any button for that?" k "Is there any button for that?" # game/script.rpy:8438 translate english toiletno3_257f7d8c: # k "She look cleaner now." k "She look cleaner now." # game/script.rpy:8445 translate english toiletno3_3db9a100: # k "Sad." k "Sad." # game/script.rpy:8455 translate english toiletno4_fc1b404e: # o "Hmm I'm not sure. Wait a moment." o "Hmm I'm not sure. Wait a moment." # game/script.rpy:8459 translate english toiletno4_6ff3ddf8: # o "I got it! You can assign dweller here and ask for coins for entry." o "I got it! You can assign dweller here and ask for coins for entry." # game/script.rpy:8460 translate english toiletno4_e9e7a622: # k "That is realy good idea!" k "That is realy good idea!" # game/script.rpy:8461 translate english toiletno4_7dafc4da: # o "I know! Thank you." o "I know! Thank you." # game/script.rpy:8464 translate english toiletno4_a6f66457: # o "Wait for a moment." o "Wait for a moment." # game/script.rpy:8466 translate english toiletno4_5191f4bb: # o "Look like you opened the back room." o "Look like you opened the back room." # game/script.rpy:8467 translate english toiletno4_76637ff1: # o "I find some old data about this room." o "I find some old data about this room." # game/script.rpy:8468 translate english toiletno4_dfcb22d2: # o "This room had two names toilet and Room for punishment." o "This room had two names toilet and Room for punishment." # game/script.rpy:8469 translate english toiletno4_702dbecc: # o "When someone woman dissobey the comanad she was assigned here as public toilet." o "When someone woman dissobey the comanad she was assigned here as public toilet." # game/script.rpy:8470 translate english toiletno4_7297491c: # o "It was closed after for abusing. Even a fart was considered an offense." o "It was closed after for abusing. Even a fart was considered an offense." # game/script.rpy:8471 translate english toiletno4_f6c4546f: # o "It look like you can assign dweler here now." o "It look like you can assign dweler here now." # game/script.rpy:8472 translate english toiletno4_fac4ff2f: # k "Only as a punishment?" k "Only as a punishment?" # game/script.rpy:8473 translate english toiletno4_1021d249: # o "That's right. Or for fun." o "That's right. Or for fun." # game/script.rpy:8569 translate english toiletback_5f9b772e: # "...." "...." # game/script.rpy:8573 translate english toiletbackno1_5b046348: # "What do you want to do?" "What do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:8577 translate english toiletbackno1_229c47fd: # o "No one is here." o "No one is here." # game/script.rpy:8578 translate english toiletbackno1_ae521bba: # o "Try assign dweller here from other side." o "Try assign dweller here from other side." # game/script.rpy:8583 translate english toiletbackno1_39211a3e: # k "Take that bitch." with hpunch k "Take that bitch." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:8598 translate english toiletbackno1_9e7d6cb5: # k "Nice red color!" k "Nice red color!" # game/script.rpy:8601 translate english toiletbackno1_4a36160f: # k "Good idea." k "Good idea." # game/script.rpy:8617 translate english toiletbackno1_b529c2b0: # k "That is realy good!" k "That is realy good!" # game/script.rpy:8619 translate english toiletbackno1_9be989ea: # k "Where should I cum?" k "Where should I cum?" # game/script.rpy:8623 translate english toiletbackno1_82801809: # k "So warm." k "So warm." # game/script.rpy:8635 translate english toiletbackno1_86d439e0: # k "What next?" k "What next?" # game/script.rpy:8639 translate english toiletbackno1_1045830f: # k "Incoming!" k "Incoming!" # game/script.rpy:8651 translate english toiletbackno1_c9952ea9: # k "She is sticky!" k "She is sticky!" # game/script.rpy:8655 translate english toiletbackno1_d11b0fec: # k "Is there any button for that?" k "Is there any button for that?" # game/script.rpy:8659 translate english toiletbackno1_c937ac90: # k "She look cleaner now. But still dirty." k "She look cleaner now. But still dirty." # game/script.rpy:8660 translate english toiletbackno1_3f65bb23: # k "Even that red from her butt disappear. WTF?" k "Even that red from her butt disappear. WTF?" # game/script.rpy:8666 translate english toiletbackno2_5b046348: # "What do you want to do?" "What do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:8670 translate english toiletbackno2_229c47fd: # o "No one is here." o "No one is here." # game/script.rpy:8671 translate english toiletbackno2_ae521bba: # o "Try assign dweller here from other side." o "Try assign dweller here from other side." # game/script.rpy:8676 translate english toiletbackno2_bfdfe0ec: # k "One slap here." with hpunch k "One slap here." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:8691 translate english toiletbackno2_abdc230b: # k "How it feel?" k "How it feel?" # game/script.rpy:8694 translate english toiletbackno2_dc3f02d7: # k "Right to the pussy." k "Right to the pussy." # game/script.rpy:8710 translate english toiletbackno2_df154092: # k "So warm and soft!" k "So warm and soft!" # game/script.rpy:8712 translate english toiletbackno2_9be989ea: # k "Where should I cum?" k "Where should I cum?" # game/script.rpy:8716 translate english toiletbackno2_025ddec8: # k "Amazing." k "Amazing." # game/script.rpy:8728 translate english toiletbackno2_86d439e0: # k "What next?" k "What next?" # game/script.rpy:8732 translate english toiletbackno2_1045830f: # k "Incoming!" k "Incoming!" # game/script.rpy:8744 translate english toiletbackno2_c9952ea9: # k "She is sticky!" k "She is sticky!" # game/script.rpy:8748 translate english toiletbackno2_d11b0fec: # k "Is there any button for that?" k "Is there any button for that?" # game/script.rpy:8752 translate english toiletbackno2_c937ac90: # k "She look cleaner now. But still dirty." k "She look cleaner now. But still dirty." # game/script.rpy:8753 translate english toiletbackno2_3ac77674: # k "Pretty as new." k "Pretty as new." # game/script.rpy:8759 translate english toiletbackno3_5b046348: # "What do you want to do?" "What do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:8763 translate english toiletbackno3_229c47fd: # o "No one is here." o "No one is here." # game/script.rpy:8764 translate english toiletbackno3_ae521bba: # o "Try assign dweller here from other side." o "Try assign dweller here from other side." # game/script.rpy:8769 translate english toiletbackno3_bfdfe0ec: # k "One slap here." with hpunch k "One slap here." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:8784 translate english toiletbackno3_abdc230b: # k "How it feel?" k "How it feel?" # game/script.rpy:8787 translate english toiletbackno3_dc3f02d7: # k "Right to the pussy." k "Right to the pussy." # game/script.rpy:8803 translate english toiletbackno3_df154092: # k "So warm and soft!" k "So warm and soft!" # game/script.rpy:8805 translate english toiletbackno3_9be989ea: # k "Where should I cum?" k "Where should I cum?" # game/script.rpy:8809 translate english toiletbackno3_025ddec8: # k "Amazing." k "Amazing." # game/script.rpy:8821 translate english toiletbackno3_86d439e0: # k "What next?" k "What next?" # game/script.rpy:8825 translate english toiletbackno3_1045830f: # k "Incoming!" k "Incoming!" # game/script.rpy:8837 translate english toiletbackno3_c9952ea9: # k "She is sticky!" k "She is sticky!" # game/script.rpy:8841 translate english toiletbackno3_d11b0fec: # k "Is there any button for that?" k "Is there any button for that?" # game/script.rpy:8845 translate english toiletbackno3_c937ac90: # k "She look cleaner now. But still dirty." k "She look cleaner now. But still dirty." # game/script.rpy:8846 translate english toiletbackno3_3ac77674: # k "Pretty as new." k "Pretty as new." # game/script.rpy:8856 translate english toiletbackno4_fc1b404e: # o "Hmm I'm not sure. Wait a moment." o "Hmm I'm not sure. Wait a moment." # game/script.rpy:8860 translate english toiletbackno4_5871994c: # o "I got it! This room is only for fun!" o "I got it! This room is only for fun!" # game/script.rpy:8861 translate english toiletbackno4_b801a142: # k "So don't have anything usefull?" k "So don't have anything usefull?" # game/script.rpy:8862 translate english toiletbackno4_ae4be7d2: # o "Hmm wait for a moment." o "Hmm wait for a moment." # game/script.rpy:8864 translate english toiletbackno4_1407ed61: # o "I run all scripts. You can only fuck here and have fun." o "I run all scripts. You can only fuck here and have fun." # game/script.rpy:8865 translate english toiletbackno4_d38c6c8b: # k "That is enough for me." k "That is enough for me." # game/script.rpy:8879 translate english eroomnothing_3e35e880: # o "This room is used to collect raw materials." o "This room is used to collect raw materials." # game/script.rpy:8880 translate english eroomnothing_32d5f6fb: # o "Milk and other fluids are harvested from the body." o "Milk and other fluids are harvested from the body." # game/script.rpy:8881 translate english eroomnothing_19607cb2: # o "By separating we get proteins and important carbohydrates." o "By separating we get proteins and important carbohydrates." # game/script.rpy:8882 translate english eroomnothing_1dfd866d: # o "The person has to go voluntarily on this machine." o "The person has to go voluntarily on this machine." # game/script.rpy:8883 translate english eroomnothing_db8e1e39: # o "It is hard to imagine someone will sign in." o "It is hard to imagine someone will sign in." # game/script.rpy:8884 translate english eroomnothing_343fab17: # o "Maybe is you try make that rape research!" o "Maybe is you try make that rape research!" # game/script.rpy:8885 translate english eroomnothing_3610412d: # o "Look in to Living room." o "Look in to Living room." # game/script.rpy:8967 translate english eroom_07bdde05: # "....." "....." # game/script.rpy:8971 translate english no1_5b046348: # "What do you want to do?" "What do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:8979 translate english no1_e06c81ac: # k "Dweller assigned." k "Dweller assigned." # game/script.rpy:8982 translate english no1_51849052: # k "Don't have any free dweller." k "Don't have any free dweller." # game/script.rpy:8991 translate english no1_db031c6c: # k "Why would I do that?" k "Why would I do that?" # game/script.rpy:8998 translate english no1_b6186b8e: # k "Look like brown cow." k "Look like brown cow." # game/script.rpy:9003 translate english no1_868567e4: # o "Buy boobserum first." o "Buy boobserum first." # game/script.rpy:9008 translate english no1_5c93322e: # k "Take that." with hpunch k "Take that." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:9014 translate english no1_3db9a100: # k "Sad." k "Sad." # game/script.rpy:9021 translate english no2_5b046348: # "What do you want to do?" "What do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:9029 translate english no2_e06c81ac: # k "Dweller assigned." k "Dweller assigned." # game/script.rpy:9032 translate english no2_51849052: # k "Don't have any free dweller." k "Don't have any free dweller." # game/script.rpy:9041 translate english no2_db031c6c: # k "Why would I do that?" k "Why would I do that?" # game/script.rpy:9048 translate english no2_942b8625: # k "This boob serum work well." k "This boob serum work well." # game/script.rpy:9053 translate english no2_868567e4: # o "Buy boobserum first." o "Buy boobserum first." # game/script.rpy:9057 translate english no2_5c93322e: # k "Take that." with hpunch k "Take that." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:9063 translate english no2_3db9a100: # k "Sad." k "Sad." # game/script.rpy:9068 translate english no3_5b046348: # "What do you want to do?" "What do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:9076 translate english no3_e06c81ac: # k "Dweller assigned." k "Dweller assigned." # game/script.rpy:9079 translate english no3_51849052: # k "Don't have any free dweller." k "Don't have any free dweller." # game/script.rpy:9088 translate english no3_db031c6c: # k "Why would I do that?" k "Why would I do that?" # game/script.rpy:9095 translate english no3_4e068d86: # k "Bigger is better!" k "Bigger is better!" # game/script.rpy:9100 translate english no3_868567e4: # o "Buy boobserum first." o "Buy boobserum first." # game/script.rpy:9104 translate english no3_5c93322e: # k "Take that." with hpunch k "Take that." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:9110 translate english no3_3db9a100: # k "Sad." k "Sad." # game/script.rpy:9116 translate english no4_5b046348: # "What do you want to do?" "What do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:9124 translate english no4_e06c81ac: # k "Dweller assigned." k "Dweller assigned." # game/script.rpy:9127 translate english no4_51849052: # k "Don't have any free dweller." k "Don't have any free dweller." # game/script.rpy:9136 translate english no4_db031c6c: # k "Why would I do that?" k "Why would I do that?" # game/script.rpy:9143 translate english no4_390aeb2f: # k "This one still look small." k "This one still look small." # game/script.rpy:9148 translate english no4_868567e4: # o "Buy boobserum first." o "Buy boobserum first." # game/script.rpy:9152 translate english no4_5c93322e: # k "Take that." with hpunch k "Take that." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:9158 translate english no4_3db9a100: # k "Sad." k "Sad." # game/script.rpy:9164 translate english no5_5b046348: # "What do you want to do?" "What do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:9172 translate english no5_e06c81ac: # k "Dweller assigned." k "Dweller assigned." # game/script.rpy:9175 translate english no5_51849052: # k "Don't have any free dweller." k "Don't have any free dweller." # game/script.rpy:9184 translate english no5_db031c6c: # k "Why would I do that?" k "Why would I do that?" # game/script.rpy:9191 translate english no5_b133f6a8: # k "Look at that! Are you serious?" k "Look at that! Are you serious?" # game/script.rpy:9196 translate english no5_868567e4: # o "Buy boobserum first." o "Buy boobserum first." # game/script.rpy:9200 translate english no5_5c93322e: # k "Take that." with hpunch k "Take that." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:9206 translate english no5_3db9a100: # k "Sad." k "Sad." # game/script.rpy:9213 translate english no6_5b046348: # "What do you want to do?" "What do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:9221 translate english no6_e06c81ac: # k "Dweller assigned." k "Dweller assigned." # game/script.rpy:9224 translate english no6_51849052: # k "Don't have any free dweller." k "Don't have any free dweller." # game/script.rpy:9233 translate english no6_db031c6c: # k "Why would I do that?" k "Why would I do that?" # game/script.rpy:9240 translate english no6_fe202424: # k "Success!!!Bigger than usual!" k "Success!!!Bigger than usual!" # game/script.rpy:9245 translate english no6_868567e4: # o "Buy boobserum first." o "Buy boobserum first." # game/script.rpy:9249 translate english no6_5c93322e: # k "Take that." with hpunch k "Take that." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:9255 translate english no6_3db9a100: # k "Sad." k "Sad." # game/script.rpy:9262 translate english no7_5b046348: # "What do you want to do?" "What do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:9270 translate english no7_e06c81ac: # k "Dweller assigned." k "Dweller assigned." # game/script.rpy:9273 translate english no7_51849052: # k "Don't have any free dweller." k "Don't have any free dweller." # game/script.rpy:9282 translate english no7_db031c6c: # k "Why would I do that?" k "Why would I do that?" # game/script.rpy:9289 translate english no7_b24e1526: # k "Not so happy about that one." k "Not so happy about that one." # game/script.rpy:9294 translate english no7_868567e4: # o "Buy boobserum first." o "Buy boobserum first." # game/script.rpy:9298 translate english no7_5c93322e: # k "Take that." with hpunch k "Take that." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:9304 translate english no7_3db9a100: # k "Sad." k "Sad." # game/script.rpy:9314 translate english no8_3e35e880: # o "This room is used to collect raw materials." o "This room is used to collect raw materials." # game/script.rpy:9315 translate english no8_32d5f6fb: # o "Milk and other fluids are harvested from the body." o "Milk and other fluids are harvested from the body." # game/script.rpy:9316 translate english no8_19607cb2: # o "By separating we get proteins and important carbohydrates." o "By separating we get proteins and important carbohydrates." # game/script.rpy:9317 translate english no8_2921db14: # o "We are just selling them right now for coins." o "We are just selling them right now for coins." # game/script.rpy:9318 translate english no8_d1007312: # o "They may be more necessary in the future." o "They may be more necessary in the future." # game/script.rpy:9323 translate english no8_5884519b: # o "You already research rape option." o "You already research rape option." # game/script.rpy:9324 translate english no8_b70e31dd: # o "Now you only need free dweller." o "Now you only need free dweller." # game/script.rpy:9325 translate english no8_9ea23084: # o "You have %(dwellers)d free dwellers." o "You have %(dwellers)d free dwellers." # game/script.rpy:9371 translate english vaultmap0_af90b6f9: # o "Look like this room is close." o "Look like this room is close." # game/script.rpy:9372 translate english vaultmap0_c8d69295: # o "Try to find some open button." o "Try to find some open button." # game/script.rpy:9406 translate english broom_034425cc: # o "Look like something is behind poster." o "Look like something is behind poster." # game/script.rpy:9407 translate english broom_440ee653: # o "These are some old research." o "These are some old research." # game/script.rpy:9408 translate english broom_b216b6a6: # o "What do you want to check?" o "What do you want to check?" # game/script.rpy:9412 translate english broom_fe9b3527: # o "This look realy interesting..." o "This look realy interesting..." # game/script.rpy:9413 translate english broom_46f04ad5: # o "There is a possibility to brainwash anyone." o "There is a possibility to brainwash anyone." # game/script.rpy:9414 translate english broom_1fe1d488: # o "You can do anything you want with that person." o "You can do anything you want with that person." # game/script.rpy:9415 translate english broom_6c8f7240: # o "You need some special stuff for that." o "You need some special stuff for that." # game/script.rpy:9416 translate english broom_808222a9: # o "Magneto-electric chair, brainwash software, supfev injection." o "Magneto-electric chair, brainwash software, supfev injection." # game/script.rpy:9417 translate english broom_53a590a9: # o "Ok so you need only that superfev injection." o "Ok so you need only that superfev injection." # game/script.rpy:9418 translate english broom_d45c95f7: # o "Maybe Deandrea have one." o "Maybe Deandrea have one." # game/script.rpy:9425 translate english broom_d4a9ee1e: # o "Finally we can make it!" o "Finally we can make it!" # game/script.rpy:9427 translate english broom_d2f22f75: # o "A little bit!" with hpunch o "A little bit!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:9429 translate english broom_8521e2c2: # o "It is done!" o "It is done!" # game/script.rpy:9431 translate english broom_dff48b9b: # o "Now you can make more fun with dweller." o "Now you can make more fun with dweller." # game/script.rpy:9432 translate english broom_73d0af91: # o "Try wisit E room." o "Try wisit E room." # game/script.rpy:9438 translate english broom_aad4df44: # o "You don't have everything what is need for that." o "You don't have everything what is need for that." # game/script.rpy:9439 translate english broom_acc5b93b: # o "Visit Market Square for superfev injection." o "Visit Market Square for superfev injection." # game/script.rpy:9442 translate english broom_5d5f14d4: # k "I don't need it." k "I don't need it." # game/script.rpy:9443 translate english broom_927c517a: # k "Rape is booring.... or?" k "Rape is booring.... or?" # game/script.rpy:9447 translate english broom_fac5f726: # o "You already make this research." o "You already make this research." # game/script.rpy:9448 translate english broom_d9f18fb2: # o "You make everything right so lets try it." o "You make everything right so lets try it." # game/script.rpy:9453 translate english broom_b896ef4b: # o "Don't panic." o "Don't panic." # game/script.rpy:9454 translate english broom_00c89680: # o "Human anatomy is so funny." o "Human anatomy is so funny." # game/script.rpy:9455 translate english broom_46b1e66b: # o "....... hmmm......" o "....... hmmm......" # game/script.rpy:9456 translate english broom_12eb932a: # o "You have to pour chemicals in the water." o "You have to pour chemicals in the water." # game/script.rpy:9457 translate english broom_7885d7f7: # o "It will increase the sexual tension." o "It will increase the sexual tension." # game/script.rpy:9458 translate english broom_d90c4582: # o "You need a lot of sugar for that.... maybe 5 candies will be enough..." o "You need a lot of sugar for that.... maybe 5 candies will be enough..." # game/script.rpy:9459 translate english broom_38f9d0a9: # k "Only candies is enough?" k "Only candies is enough?" # game/script.rpy:9460 translate english broom_8bb83af0: # o "When I change the flow of water and reconfigure water purification." o "When I change the flow of water and reconfigure water purification." # game/script.rpy:9461 translate english broom_5950ecb8: # o "In theory it will flow in the water forewer." o "In theory it will flow in the water forewer." # game/script.rpy:9462 translate english broom_b18160db: # k "Is it dangerous?" k "Is it dangerous?" # game/script.rpy:9463 translate english broom_b6cbd3f4: # o "Hmm lets see.... i will mix sugar, zinc, ferum, cuprum, radioctive fuel and bit of broccoli." o "Hmm lets see.... i will mix sugar, zinc, ferum, cuprum, radioctive fuel and bit of broccoli." # game/script.rpy:9464 translate english broom_7aed5109: # k "Radioactive fuel? Isn't that.... deadly???" k "Radioactive fuel? Isn't that.... deadly???" # game/script.rpy:9465 translate english broom_23debc4f: # o "NO!!!! but broccoli can be. I'm realy affraid of that ingredient." o "NO!!!! but broccoli can be. I'm realy affraid of that ingredient." # game/script.rpy:9474 translate english broom_74c93238: # o "It works...." o "It works...." # game/script.rpy:9475 translate english broom_78d84cf1: # o "Sexual tension of your population increases." o "Sexual tension of your population increases." # game/script.rpy:9476 translate english broom_e5aeb9ee: # o "Maybe you can try some funny stuff now." o "Maybe you can try some funny stuff now." # game/script.rpy:9482 translate english broom_5b85f4d3: # o "You need more sugar." o "You need more sugar." # game/script.rpy:9483 translate english broom_cd4732e3: # o "Try to buy some candies." o "Try to buy some candies." # game/script.rpy:9487 translate english broom_14828b98: # k "I think this is a bad idea." k "I think this is a bad idea." # game/script.rpy:9488 translate english broom_353ba24c: # k "Free will is most important think on the earth." k "Free will is most important think on the earth." # game/script.rpy:9489 translate english broom_d03c6622: # k "Maybe yesterday." k "Maybe yesterday." # game/script.rpy:9493 translate english broom_ff32d617: # o "You already make this." o "You already make this." # game/script.rpy:9494 translate english broom_9723d6bf: # o "I look on some health conditions." o "I look on some health conditions." # game/script.rpy:9495 translate english broom_f1b1cfc6: # o "........." o "........." # game/script.rpy:9499 translate english broom_84c3c93c: # o "It look population of vault is still alive." o "It look population of vault is still alive." # game/script.rpy:9500 translate english broom_c3249645: # o "I told you this is safe." o "I told you this is safe." # game/script.rpy:9504 translate english broom_b0418107: # o "You read long.... very long document focused on creatures." o "You read long.... very long document focused on creatures." # game/script.rpy:9505 translate english broom_c8fb1fce: # o "It is precise instructions about every creature live in the out world." o "It is precise instructions about every creature live in the out world." # game/script.rpy:9506 translate english broom_9f5c3f0d: # o "With this you can have intercourse with any animal." o "With this you can have intercourse with any animal." # game/script.rpy:9510 translate english broom_0fa4fea2: # o "But you need some special ingredients... leopard left ear, lions bazinga..." o "But you need some special ingredients... leopard left ear, lions bazinga..." # game/script.rpy:9511 translate english broom_d74e5e88: # o "Maybe.... hmmmm... I think someone can sell stuff like that." o "Maybe.... hmmmm... I think someone can sell stuff like that." # game/script.rpy:9512 translate english broom_b03b6e0d: # o "Now it is probably not possible." o "Now it is probably not possible." # game/script.rpy:9524 translate english broom_ccaac9cb: # o "Here you can interact with dwellers." o "Here you can interact with dwellers." # game/script.rpy:9526 translate english broom_15a41ded: # o "But you don't have any." o "But you don't have any." # game/script.rpy:9535 translate english broom_d821457e: # o "Vault is empty." o "Vault is empty." # game/script.rpy:9536 translate english broom_5e769548: # o "Try to get a few people here." o "Try to get a few people here." # game/script.rpy:9542 translate english broom_84cdd331: # o "It look like everyone have job now." o "It look like everyone have job now." # game/script.rpy:9543 translate english broom_d037ca46: # o "This is good for vault." o "This is good for vault." # game/script.rpy:9549 translate english broom_a7ab40f6: # k "Hello can I ask you something?" k "Hello can I ask you something?" # game/script.rpy:9552 translate english broom_e211c890: # tvc "Sure master. What do you want to know?." tvc "Sure master. What do you want to know?." # game/script.rpy:9557 translate english broom_73c38de8: # tvc "I wrok as a whore in slave city." tvc "I wrok as a whore in slave city." # game/script.rpy:9558 translate english broom_19caea6e: # tvc "It was a good job, regular income regular sex." tvc "It was a good job, regular income regular sex." # game/script.rpy:9559 translate english broom_726480e2: # tvc "But now i want something more from life." tvc "But now i want something more from life." # game/script.rpy:9560 translate english broom_50ae39d5: # tvc "Like..... blue uniform and rifle in hand." tvc "Like..... blue uniform and rifle in hand." # game/script.rpy:9561 translate english broom_ebf6da3e: # tvc "So.... normal life...." tvc "So.... normal life...." # game/script.rpy:9564 translate english broom_4f9d0fc1: # tvc "My life was booring." tvc "My life was booring." # game/script.rpy:9565 translate english broom_4f295742: # tvc "That is all..." tvc "That is all..." # game/script.rpy:9566 translate english broom_498e3547: # k "I don't belive it tell me what you do before." k "I don't belive it tell me what you do before." # game/script.rpy:9567 translate english broom_8e05fffc: # tvc "I was addicted to drugs." tvc "I was addicted to drugs." # game/script.rpy:9568 translate english broom_a651be00: # tvc "Buffout was my favortie one. But jet was good too." tvc "Buffout was my favortie one. But jet was good too." # game/script.rpy:9569 translate english broom_63ef3d1f: # tvc "Then I saw the god in cookie and decide to live as a monk." tvc "Then I saw the god in cookie and decide to live as a monk." # game/script.rpy:9570 translate english broom_30cd5a19: # tvc "After I clear my head i decide to find new home so.... here I am." tvc "After I clear my head i decide to find new home so.... here I am." # game/script.rpy:9571 translate english broom_c87aca3c: # k "Yes booring story.... and didn't make a sense at all." k "Yes booring story.... and didn't make a sense at all." # game/script.rpy:9574 translate english broom_d02c5716: # tvc "I live in the village called Aroyo..." tvc "I live in the village called Aroyo..." # game/script.rpy:9575 translate english broom_00665da0: # tvc "Pecafull and beautifull place, but very quiet." tvc "Pecafull and beautifull place, but very quiet." # game/script.rpy:9576 translate english broom_28bc3106: # tvc "In one night I went for some beers to Kalamath." tvc "In one night I went for some beers to Kalamath." # game/script.rpy:9577 translate english broom_11f0ab49: # tvc "Whene I came back village was destroyed." tvc "Whene I came back village was destroyed." # game/script.rpy:9578 translate english broom_6612c1c0: # tvc "Do you understant that?" tvc "Do you understant that?" # game/script.rpy:9579 translate english broom_dec88e38: # tvc "In my whole life nothing interesting happened in Aroyo." tvc "In my whole life nothing interesting happened in Aroyo." # game/script.rpy:9580 translate english broom_e6049c6a: # tvc "I missed the only entertainment in that village." tvc "I missed the only entertainment in that village." # game/script.rpy:9581 translate english broom_f2c291de: # tvc "So I decided to find new home. And have fun." tvc "So I decided to find new home. And have fun." # game/script.rpy:9584 translate english broom_d7e39aa2: # tvc "Once I was a hunter." tvc "Once I was a hunter." # game/script.rpy:9585 translate english broom_7f4c5b4f: # tvc "When someone want deathlcaw or woman they come to me." tvc "When someone want deathlcaw or woman they come to me." # game/script.rpy:9586 translate english broom_7fdfcccc: # tvc "That life was too fast and furious." tvc "That life was too fast and furious." # game/script.rpy:9587 translate english broom_05183d5a: # tvc "Like that old movie but without car..... and men." tvc "Like that old movie but without car..... and men." # game/script.rpy:9588 translate english broom_03e32aa0: # tvc "No one cane live like that forever." tvc "No one cane live like that forever." # game/script.rpy:9589 translate english broom_8eb8c520: # tvc "Sooner or later someone or something will kill me." tvc "Sooner or later someone or something will kill me." # game/script.rpy:9590 translate english broom_e59ed583: # tvc "But that place is secure... I feel safe here." tvc "But that place is secure... I feel safe here." # game/script.rpy:9593 translate english broom_9fffc0bc: # tvc "I work as a bartender." tvc "I work as a bartender." # game/script.rpy:9594 translate english broom_fe01548d: # tvc "Many men look in to my ass an boobs." tvc "Many men look in to my ass an boobs." # game/script.rpy:9595 translate english broom_ee40785b: # tvc "I sold drinks and dance whole night." tvc "I sold drinks and dance whole night." # game/script.rpy:9596 translate english broom_449081ce: # tvc "Old times in vault city." tvc "Old times in vault city." # game/script.rpy:9597 translate english broom_a7e64f0b: # tvc "Then someone saw six fingers on my foot. So they kick me out." tvc "Then someone saw six fingers on my foot. So they kick me out." # game/script.rpy:9603 translate english broom_a9de9d92: # tvc "You can meet many creatures in outside world." tvc "You can meet many creatures in outside world." # game/script.rpy:9604 translate english broom_724821f2: # tvc "Deathclaws is most famous and most deadly." tvc "Deathclaws is most famous and most deadly." # game/script.rpy:9605 translate english broom_81f99073: # tvc "Floater or alien can kill you in moment." tvc "Floater or alien can kill you in moment." # game/script.rpy:9606 translate english broom_1dfd071d: # tvc "But no one is more deadly than female bunnies." tvc "But no one is more deadly than female bunnies." # game/script.rpy:9607 translate english broom_a8750a49: # tvc "That evil creature show you most beautifull boobs in the world." tvc "That evil creature show you most beautifull boobs in the world." # game/script.rpy:9608 translate english broom_9d4245cd: # tvc "Then it kill you instantly." tvc "Then it kill you instantly." # game/script.rpy:9609 translate english broom_e7e25d75: # tvc "It is very slow death." tvc "It is very slow death." # game/script.rpy:9612 translate english broom_6c940641: # tvc "Chitsa is most dangerous woman in earth." tvc "Chitsa is most dangerous woman in earth." # game/script.rpy:9613 translate english broom_7a23c805: # tvc "She is a proud member of slavers." tvc "She is a proud member of slavers." # game/script.rpy:9614 translate english broom_10babea1: # tvc "People know her as busty death." tvc "People know her as busty death." # game/script.rpy:9615 translate english broom_a87395e8: # tvc "She can decide her path. And choose sex and slaves." tvc "She can decide her path. And choose sex and slaves." # game/script.rpy:9616 translate english broom_2569ab0e: # tvc "No one can beat her alone." tvc "No one can beat her alone." # game/script.rpy:9619 translate english broom_55f56dab: # tvc "Sisterhood will save everyone." tvc "Sisterhood will save everyone." # game/script.rpy:9620 translate english broom_90981bec: # tvc "But they need time..... and coins..... and more members..." tvc "But they need time..... and coins..... and more members..." # game/script.rpy:9621 translate english broom_ec61791c: # tvc "Maybe better weapons...." tvc "Maybe better weapons...." # game/script.rpy:9623 translate english broom_1e51a5f6: # tvc "And then they can press big red button." tvc "And then they can press big red button." # game/script.rpy:9624 translate english broom_d653104b: # k "Ok I get it they need many things." k "Ok I get it they need many things." # game/script.rpy:9625 translate english broom_c5cdbbb0: # tvc "Not many.... maybe....." tvc "Not many.... maybe....." # game/script.rpy:9628 translate english broom_ab540a02: # tvc "I hear something about intelligent plants." tvc "I hear something about intelligent plants." # game/script.rpy:9629 translate english broom_7e0aa606: # tvc "They can talk and move. And they have weapons." tvc "They can talk and move. And they have weapons." # game/script.rpy:9630 translate english broom_be69398e: # tvc "Some enclave scientist create them with FEV virsu." tvc "Some enclave scientist create them with FEV virsu." # game/script.rpy:9631 translate english broom_fb6ffc89: # tvc "Just imagine it plants with boobs!" tvc "Just imagine it plants with boobs!" # game/script.rpy:9632 translate english broom_3efea43e: # tvc "But you must know about it right?" tvc "But you must know about it right?" # game/script.rpy:9633 translate english broom_28497d19: # k "To be honest, I realy don't know anything about this." k "To be honest, I realy don't know anything about this." # game/script.rpy:9634 translate english broom_ebc122aa: # tvc "OK... But it is still a good idea." tvc "OK... But it is still a good idea." # game/script.rpy:9637 translate english broom_ea16c9c1: # tvc "Radiation is big problem out there." tvc "Radiation is big problem out there." # game/script.rpy:9638 translate english broom_5adaef8a: # tvc "You can die or change to ghoul." tvc "You can die or change to ghoul." # game/script.rpy:9639 translate english broom_079dde00: # tvc "Some people became imune to radiation." tvc "Some people became imune to radiation." # game/script.rpy:9640 translate english broom_f248d3a3: # tvc "How you survive?" tvc "How you survive?" # game/script.rpy:9641 translate english broom_ace0a4f7: # k "I have power armor." k "I have power armor." # game/script.rpy:9642 translate english broom_21e8efec: # tvc "Lucky assh.... I mean good for you." tvc "Lucky assh.... I mean good for you." # game/script.rpy:9648 translate english broom_9a06d4aa: # tvc "Yes I totally love it." tvc "Yes I totally love it." # game/script.rpy:9649 translate english broom_c5f393e1: # tvc "Food, Water, Sex. Three most important things in the world." tvc "Food, Water, Sex. Three most important things in the world." # game/script.rpy:9650 translate english broom_ac603e56: # tvc "It is hard to find safe place in this time." tvc "It is hard to find safe place in this time." # game/script.rpy:9653 translate english broom_2c6ae8b4: # tvc "Sometimes I feel like you force me to sex." tvc "Sometimes I feel like you force me to sex." # game/script.rpy:9654 translate english broom_67366566: # k "It is just your imagination." k "It is just your imagination." # game/script.rpy:9655 translate english broom_bed08dc3: # tvc "Yes.... I think so... but..." tvc "Yes.... I think so... but..." # game/script.rpy:9656 translate english broom_662fd600: # k "What? Do you want safe place to stay?" k "What? Do you want safe place to stay?" # game/script.rpy:9657 translate english broom_f547d8e2: # tvc ".... Yes......" tvc ".... Yes......" # game/script.rpy:9660 translate english broom_7cde1129: # tvc "I love that garden area." tvc "I love that garden area." # game/script.rpy:9661 translate english broom_ad67ae7a: # tvc "It is like pre war time." tvc "It is like pre war time." # game/script.rpy:9662 translate english broom_237e0211: # k "Wait! We have garden here?" k "Wait! We have garden here?" # game/script.rpy:9663 translate english broom_de78bde2: # kam "Yes but you can't enter it now." kam "Yes but you can't enter it now." # game/script.rpy:9664 translate english broom_4aa7577b: # k "Why? I just want to have fun." k "Why? I just want to have fun." # game/script.rpy:9665 translate english broom_bf7a029e: # kam "Maybe later. With some petal-FEV monsters." kam "Maybe later. With some petal-FEV monsters." # game/script.rpy:9666 translate english broom_95b27aed: # k "............" k "............" # game/script.rpy:9669 translate english broom_38b47bac: # tvc "I used to live in toilet" tvc "I used to live in toilet" # game/script.rpy:9670 translate english broom_d4d5c61c: # tvc "This place is like palace for me" tvc "This place is like palace for me" # game/script.rpy:9671 translate english broom_e26eb60d: # tvc "And I work less then in the brot.... ehm..." tvc "And I work less then in the brot.... ehm..." # game/script.rpy:9672 translate english broom_b1e59b50: # tvc "This place is wery nice." tvc "This place is wery nice." # game/script.rpy:9675 translate english broom_ca6ce4dd: # tvc "I think we need more labs." tvc "I think we need more labs." # game/script.rpy:9676 translate english broom_a6d5db1a: # tvc "You know to make some experiments." tvc "You know to make some experiments." # game/script.rpy:9677 translate english broom_3e8cc48a: # k "What kind of experiments?" k "What kind of experiments?" # game/script.rpy:9678 translate english broom_8ed04c41: # tvc "You know.... like make mutant of human and supermutant." tvc "You know.... like make mutant of human and supermutant." # game/script.rpy:9679 translate english broom_fba56118: # k "And what do we...." k "And what do we...." # game/script.rpy:9680 translate english broom_7adae731: # tvc "Or deatclav or any powerfull monster." tvc "Or deatclav or any powerfull monster." # game/script.rpy:9681 translate english broom_6cc5d997: # k "This can be a good idea." k "This can be a good idea." # game/script.rpy:9687 translate english broom_6982a717: # o "This is realy bad idea." o "This is realy bad idea." # game/script.rpy:9688 translate english broom_40c2106b: # o "If you rape some woman she will escape vault." o "If you rape some woman she will escape vault." # game/script.rpy:9689 translate english broom_6ada9f01: # o "You need to think about other possibility." o "You need to think about other possibility." # game/script.rpy:9690 translate english broom_28d25dad: # o "Like some brainwash technology." o "Like some brainwash technology." # game/script.rpy:9696 translate english broom_2cdc4e44: # o "You need to research something for that." o "You need to research something for that." # game/script.rpy:9697 translate english broom_f8c80dc0: # o "Not in lab just click on the poster." o "Not in lab just click on the poster." # game/script.rpy:9704 translate english broom_0f1192f2: # k "Im thinking about something funny." k "Im thinking about something funny." # game/script.rpy:9707 translate english broom_a11b21ca: # tvc "What exactly you mean by that?" tvc "What exactly you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:9708 translate english broom_b9906486: # k "Let's try it from behind." k "Let's try it from behind." # game/script.rpy:9709 translate english broom_d0455b73: # tvc "It? you mean sex?" tvc "It? you mean sex?" # game/script.rpy:9710 translate english broom_c7a683b3: # k ".... yes...." k ".... yes...." # game/script.rpy:9711 translate english broom_fdbd11c6: # tvc "............" tvc "............" # game/script.rpy:9712 translate english broom_88bdbe23: # tvc "Ok so how exactly you want it?" tvc "Ok so how exactly you want it?" # game/script.rpy:9718 translate english fb_ee62ac6b: # k "So let's fuck." k "So let's fuck." # game/script.rpy:9723 translate english fb_8514aa31: # k "I really like your body." k "I really like your body." # game/script.rpy:9724 translate english fb_2d454705: # tvc "Thank you. What exactly you like?" tvc "Thank you. What exactly you like?" # game/script.rpy:9725 translate english fb_4e584bfa: # k "You know.... Pussy.... Boobs..." k "You know.... Pussy.... Boobs..." # game/script.rpy:9726 translate english fb_79611d8c: # tvc "....." tvc "....." # game/script.rpy:9727 translate english fb_3581ee10: # tvc "I like them too..." tvc "I like them too..." # game/script.rpy:9730 translate english fb_32d5d159: # k "This is amazing." k "This is amazing." # game/script.rpy:9735 translate english fb_6f3033be: # tvc "What exactly..." tvc "What exactly..." # game/script.rpy:9736 translate english fb_e6c4e2bf: # k "I wait so long for fuck someone." k "I wait so long for fuck someone." # game/script.rpy:9737 translate english fb_d0c787c0: # tvc ".... yeaaaa.... stop talk..." tvc ".... yeaaaa.... stop talk..." # game/script.rpy:9738 translate english fb_2407cdf5: # tvc "Fuck me harder!" tvc "Fuck me harder!" # game/script.rpy:9741 translate english fb_628a4fb0: # k "Talk dirty to me." k "Talk dirty to me." # game/script.rpy:9746 translate english fb_94b0d416: # tvc "I'm.... bad bad girl...." tvc "I'm.... bad bad girl...." # game/script.rpy:9747 translate english fb_d49b214c: # k "Huh??? What?" k "Huh??? What?" # game/script.rpy:9748 translate english fb_62c94724: # tvc "You know like i steal the things... And fuck my boss when she catch me..." tvc "You know like i steal the things... And fuck my boss when she catch me..." # game/script.rpy:9749 translate english fb_1c038b48: # k "You need punishment!" k "You need punishment!" # game/script.rpy:9755 translate english fb_28167f6f: # k "Come on little girl." k "Come on little girl." # game/script.rpy:9760 translate english fb_445b8a64: # tvc "Ou daddy it hurt." tvc "Ou daddy it hurt." # game/script.rpy:9761 translate english fb_aee3b22d: # k "Stay strong girl. It is almost over." k "Stay strong girl. It is almost over." # game/script.rpy:9762 translate english fb_6e974933: # tvc "Ok daddy I do it for you." tvc "Ok daddy I do it for you." # game/script.rpy:9765 translate english fb_d1df8ce0: # k "Big bad wolf is here." k "Big bad wolf is here." # game/script.rpy:9770 translate english fb_0e9fe481: # tvc "Ou I'm scared." tvc "Ou I'm scared." # game/script.rpy:9771 translate english fb_0db3440c: # k "I'm done with your grandmother, now it is your turn." k "I'm done with your grandmother, now it is your turn." # game/script.rpy:9772 translate english fb_f330d68c: # tvc "What about hunter?" tvc "What about hunter?" # game/script.rpy:9773 translate english fb_02ee2392: # k "Forget about the hunter." k "Forget about the hunter." # game/script.rpy:9776 translate english fb_4c35e744: # k "I will fuck you like deathclaw." k "I will fuck you like deathclaw." # game/script.rpy:9781 translate english fb_0de00094: # tvc "And ho is it?" tvc "And ho is it?" # game/script.rpy:9782 translate english fb_8fee8b96: # k "Gently but powerfull and from behind." k "Gently but powerfull and from behind." # game/script.rpy:9783 translate english fb_a3d7c4e9: # tvc "......." tvc "......." # game/script.rpy:9786 translate english fb_914685e5: # k "Take that..." k "Take that..." # game/script.rpy:9792 translate english fb_223a0eb7: # k "That is like ride on a octocyle." k "That is like ride on a octocyle." # game/script.rpy:9799 translate english fb_96f8b2cd: # o "Good news everyone." o "Good news everyone." # game/script.rpy:9800 translate english fb_55ea017c: # o "You make a baby." o "You make a baby." # game/script.rpy:9801 translate english fb_497f8087: # k "How is that possible???" k "How is that possible???" # game/script.rpy:9802 translate english fb_840da5ce: # o "...... anatomy...." o "...... anatomy...." # game/script.rpy:9803 translate english fb_156e504c: # k ".... ok I get that..." k ".... ok I get that..." # game/script.rpy:9811 translate english fb_0966486d: # k "Show me your tities." k "Show me your tities." # game/script.rpy:9812 translate english fb_9e452546: # tvc "What do you want with them?" tvc "What do you want with them?" # game/script.rpy:9815 translate english fb_df842362: # k "Nothin special. I want to fuck them" k "Nothin special. I want to fuck them" # game/script.rpy:9816 translate english fb_f3e50546: # tvc "That can be funny." tvc "That can be funny." # game/script.rpy:9817 translate english fb_e776c5aa: # k "So let's start" k "So let's start" # game/script.rpy:9820 translate english fb_bb4e3c8b: # k "You are pretty good at this" k "You are pretty good at this" # game/script.rpy:9821 translate english fb_cb5e8ed1: # tvc "It is not my first time." tvc "It is not my first time." # game/script.rpy:9822 translate english fb_d5669039: # k "Not even a last time." k "Not even a last time." # game/script.rpy:9824 translate english fb_6218dfd8: # k "I think I can't hold it anymore." k "I think I can't hold it anymore." # game/script.rpy:9826 translate english fb_83303f1a: # tvc "Come on my boobs." tvc "Come on my boobs." # game/script.rpy:9827 translate english fb_741d272a: # k "As your wish." k "As your wish." # game/script.rpy:9831 translate english fb_08e67230: # k "I realy enjoy this." k "I realy enjoy this." # game/script.rpy:9834 translate english fb_3bacda08: # k "I can't tell it." k "I can't tell it." # game/script.rpy:9835 translate english fb_bb069781: # k "It is a suprise." k "It is a suprise." # game/script.rpy:9836 translate english fb_11dcbcc8: # tvc "What suprise?" tvc "What suprise?" # game/script.rpy:9837 translate english fb_17edd106: # k "If I tell, it will no longer be suprise." k "If I tell, it will no longer be suprise." # game/script.rpy:9838 translate english fb_98ac4df7: # k "Just show it to me." k "Just show it to me." # game/script.rpy:9839 translate english fb_983e1600: # tvc "hmmmmmm....... ok....." tvc "hmmmmmm....... ok....." # game/script.rpy:9843 translate english fb_1657bea4: # k "Tadaaaaaaaa....." k "Tadaaaaaaaa....." # game/script.rpy:9844 translate english fb_a34c4913: # tvc "I see that comming." tvc "I see that comming." # game/script.rpy:9845 translate english fb_521c09d3: # k "Just give me a second." k "Just give me a second." # game/script.rpy:9850 translate english fb_a4564413: # tvc "What a suprise." tvc "What a suprise." # game/script.rpy:9851 translate english fb_b657ef3f: # k "That escalated quickly." k "That escalated quickly." # game/script.rpy:9855 translate english fb_8d1e5660: # k "That is good." k "That is good." # game/script.rpy:9860 translate english fb_414912ee: # k "I want to ask...." k "I want to ask...." # game/script.rpy:9861 translate english fb_84e3e57b: # k "Do you like this vault?" k "Do you like this vault?" # game/script.rpy:9862 translate english fb_a3b7e8cf: # tvc "Yes I realy like it." tvc "Yes I realy like it." # game/script.rpy:9863 translate english fb_e534e831: # k "ok so... you like it... and do you like me?" k "ok so... you like it... and do you like me?" # game/script.rpy:9864 translate english fb_9e728d42: # tvc "..... it think.... Yes..." tvc "..... it think.... Yes..." # game/script.rpy:9865 translate english fb_eb86dffb: # k "So can you blow me?" k "So can you blow me?" # game/script.rpy:9866 translate english fb_681a3d24: # tvc "I don't see any problem on this." tvc "I don't see any problem on this." # game/script.rpy:9870 translate english fb_3ecd0b5d: # k "This is realy good." k "This is realy good." # game/script.rpy:9871 translate english fb_46354d52: # tvc "ehm.... bloa...." tvc "ehm.... bloa...." # game/script.rpy:9872 translate english fb_23d6b305: # k "Yes I understant..." k "Yes I understant..." # game/script.rpy:9874 translate english fb_7c9f8ed7: # k "Take it bitch :D" k "Take it bitch :D" # game/script.rpy:9878 translate english fb_dbfdcaa7: # tvc "Thanks." tvc "Thanks." # game/script.rpy:9886 translate english fb_984a9143: # o "No more actions today..." o "No more actions today..." # game/script.rpy:9887 translate english fb_ea80e20d: # o "Try sleep a little." o "Try sleep a little." # game/script.rpy:9925 translate english radio_bcca9ac9: # o "This room is used to find more dwellers." o "This room is used to find more dwellers." # game/script.rpy:9926 translate english radio_4343fc20: # o "You can assign some dwellers to breed find coins or gain influence." o "You can assign some dwellers to breed find coins or gain influence." # game/script.rpy:9929 translate english monit_e9bff2a8: # o "You have %(population)d dwelers." o "You have %(population)d dwelers." # game/script.rpy:9930 translate english monit_19e7c30e: # o "%(dwcoin)d of them try to find some coins." o "%(dwcoin)d of them try to find some coins." # game/script.rpy:9931 translate english monit_fef29998: # o "%(dwsex)d of them try to make babies." o "%(dwsex)d of them try to make babies." # game/script.rpy:9932 translate english monit_aa6bcc8d: # o "%(eroomdw)d of them is assigned in public service." o "%(eroomdw)d of them is assigned in public service." # game/script.rpy:9936 translate english monit_da206cf2: # o "%(dwmil)d study breast religion in Milkypolis." o "%(dwmil)d study breast religion in Milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:9937 translate english monit_c370fe13: # o "%(dwsis)d try to infiltrate Sisterhood of Steel." o "%(dwsis)d try to infiltrate Sisterhood of Steel." # game/script.rpy:9938 translate english monit_fcfc2a0d: # o "%(dwsla)d looking for friends in Slave city." o "%(dwsla)d looking for friends in Slave city." # game/script.rpy:9948 translate english sex_7f3a9187: # o "You add 2 dwellers to breeding." o "You add 2 dwellers to breeding." # game/script.rpy:9949 translate english sex_9066522c: # o "It is interesting to watch them." o "It is interesting to watch them." # game/script.rpy:9953 translate english sex_0efa34fa: # o "You don't have enough dwellers." o "You don't have enough dwellers." # game/script.rpy:9954 translate english sex_34fbd335: # o "Try to recruit some or change their work." o "Try to recruit some or change their work." # game/script.rpy:9964 translate english sex_ebea27d0: # o "You split wery nice couple." o "You split wery nice couple." # game/script.rpy:9965 translate english sex_dc5f1472: # o "They look depressed now." o "They look depressed now." # game/script.rpy:9968 translate english sex_0619d9b0: # o "You enter the room and separate 2 dwellers." o "You enter the room and separate 2 dwellers." # game/script.rpy:9969 translate english sex_6043ff0c: # o "I think your popularity is lower now." o "I think your popularity is lower now." # game/script.rpy:9972 translate english sex_85719604: # o "You saw 2 woman kissing each other." o "You saw 2 woman kissing each other." # game/script.rpy:9973 translate english sex_d6e20607: # o "After an half hour of watching you separate them." o "After an half hour of watching you separate them." # game/script.rpy:9974 translate english sex_0031541e: # o "It is not possible for to have baby without man... Or?" o "It is not possible for to have baby without man... Or?" # game/script.rpy:9978 translate english sex_229c47fd: # o "No one is here." o "No one is here." # game/script.rpy:9979 translate english sex_56da326c: # o "So what you're trying?" o "So what you're trying?" # game/script.rpy:9994 translate english coin_1d672661: # o "You assign dweller to find some coins." o "You assign dweller to find some coins." # game/script.rpy:9995 translate english coin_05648bdf: # o "I hope noone kill him." o "I hope noone kill him." # game/script.rpy:9998 translate english coin_2b519386: # o "Another dweller try to find coins." o "Another dweller try to find coins." # game/script.rpy:9999 translate english coin_6d08fde2: # o "It's a honor for him." o "It's a honor for him." # game/script.rpy:10002 translate english coin_d4a709ab: # o "That dweller had some iron finder." o "That dweller had some iron finder." # game/script.rpy:10003 translate english coin_4869269b: # o "Maybe it help him to find some coins." o "Maybe it help him to find some coins." # game/script.rpy:10007 translate english coin_0efa34fa: # o "You don't have enough dwellers." o "You don't have enough dwellers." # game/script.rpy:10008 translate english coin_34fbd335: # o "Try to recruit some or change their work." o "Try to recruit some or change their work." # game/script.rpy:10016 translate english coin_53523cb3: # o "You daily income is slightly reduced." o "You daily income is slightly reduced." # game/script.rpy:10020 translate english coin_da80f845: # o "No one is looking for coins now." o "No one is looking for coins now." # game/script.rpy:10027 translate english coin_e8e02b90: # o "Sorry I don't know anything about gaining influence." o "Sorry I don't know anything about gaining influence." # game/script.rpy:10028 translate english coin_e35c4b57: # o "Try to find some information about it." o "Try to find some information about it." # game/script.rpy:10029 translate english coin_06f40efe: # o "It can be on flash drive or sometnig." o "It can be on flash drive or sometnig." # game/script.rpy:10032 translate english coin_77bdabc5: # o "With Big Ronda Flash drive you can send dwellers to infiltration mission." o "With Big Ronda Flash drive you can send dwellers to infiltration mission." # game/script.rpy:10044 translate english mil_c5f8ebbf: # o "You send busty dweller to Milkypolis." o "You send busty dweller to Milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:10045 translate english mil_0df2d25c: # o "Someone will try to milk her for sure." o "Someone will try to milk her for sure." # game/script.rpy:10048 translate english mil_f086c9fe: # o "You send male dweller to Milkypolis." o "You send male dweller to Milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:10049 translate english mil_df5f4094: # o "Man can find real blessing there." o "Man can find real blessing there." # game/script.rpy:10052 translate english mil_674f902a: # o "That dweller look professional." o "That dweller look professional." # game/script.rpy:10053 translate english mil_2154ab84: # o "He took camera and little milking machine to this mission." o "He took camera and little milking machine to this mission." # game/script.rpy:10057 translate english mil_0efa34fa: # o "You don't have enough dwellers." o "You don't have enough dwellers." # game/script.rpy:10058 translate english mil_34fbd335: # o "Try to recruit some or change their work." o "Try to recruit some or change their work." # game/script.rpy:10066 translate english mil_29c3d7e0: # o "One dweller came back from Milkypolis." o "One dweller came back from Milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:10067 translate english mil_1c37d5eb: # o "He look little depressed for that decission." o "He look little depressed for that decission." # game/script.rpy:10071 translate english mil_ab916ae7: # o "You have 0 dwellers here." o "You have 0 dwellers here." # game/script.rpy:10072 translate english mil_84633ae6: # o "Milkypolis is empty." o "Milkypolis is empty." # game/script.rpy:10087 translate english sis_ddca31ee: # o "You send dweller to Sisterhood hideout..." o "You send dweller to Sisterhood hideout..." # game/script.rpy:10088 translate english sis_fc7859d0: # o "No armor, no food, it is not a good plan." o "No armor, no food, it is not a good plan." # game/script.rpy:10091 translate english sis_566a54e7: # o "You try to infiltrate Sisterhood." o "You try to infiltrate Sisterhood." # game/script.rpy:10092 translate english sis_5d7f736e: # o "This can be realy interesting." o "This can be realy interesting." # game/script.rpy:10095 translate english sis_0635a135: # o "Dweller take some special tools to that mission." o "Dweller take some special tools to that mission." # game/script.rpy:10096 translate english sis_797090bb: # o "Maybe it will help, maybe not." o "Maybe it will help, maybe not." # game/script.rpy:10100 translate english sis_0efa34fa: # o "You don't have enough dwellers." o "You don't have enough dwellers." # game/script.rpy:10101 translate english sis_34fbd335: # o "Try to recruit some or change their work." o "Try to recruit some or change their work." # game/script.rpy:10109 translate english sis_55eff89b: # o "One dweller came back from Hideout." o "One dweller came back from Hideout." # game/script.rpy:10110 translate english sis_1d19e1b1: # o "Good news he is still alive." o "Good news he is still alive." # game/script.rpy:10114 translate english sis_ab916ae7: # o "You have 0 dwellers here." o "You have 0 dwellers here." # game/script.rpy:10115 translate english sis_498b8ce5: # o "Hideout is out of your spy." o "Hideout is out of your spy." # game/script.rpy:10130 translate english sla_0e6dc71b: # o "You send dweller to Slave city" o "You send dweller to Slave city" # game/script.rpy:10131 translate english sla_f84344bd: # o "He look very happy by your decission." o "He look very happy by your decission." # game/script.rpy:10134 translate english sla_8dee033c: # o "Slave city is best place to find 'friends'" o "Slave city is best place to find 'friends'" # game/script.rpy:10135 translate english sla_5080f1f0: # o "Your 'friendly' dweler take this mission with smile." o "Your 'friendly' dweler take this mission with smile." # game/script.rpy:10138 translate english sla_0cdee02f: # o "Be happy in Slave city without coins is hard." o "Be happy in Slave city without coins is hard." # game/script.rpy:10139 translate english sla_d11c23ee: # o "But your dweller will deffinetly make it." o "But your dweller will deffinetly make it." # game/script.rpy:10140 translate english sla_03e8b7d8: # o "She have good assumption to that." o "She have good assumption to that." # game/script.rpy:10144 translate english sla_0efa34fa: # o "You don't have enough dwellers." o "You don't have enough dwellers." # game/script.rpy:10145 translate english sla_34fbd335: # o "Try to recruit some or change their work." o "Try to recruit some or change their work." # game/script.rpy:10153 translate english sla_55eff89b: # o "One dweller came back from Hideout." o "One dweller came back from Hideout." # game/script.rpy:10154 translate english sla_1d19e1b1: # o "Good news he is still alive." o "Good news he is still alive." # game/script.rpy:10158 translate english sla_ab916ae7: # o "You have 0 dwellers here." o "You have 0 dwellers here." # game/script.rpy:10159 translate english sla_3e257344: # o "That means no kinky sex for them." o "That means no kinky sex for them." # game/script.rpy:10172 translate english sla_0a95a39a: # o "Here you can send dwellers to special mission." o "Here you can send dwellers to special mission." # game/script.rpy:10173 translate english sla_3ff61c56: # o "It cost you action and dweller can die." o "It cost you action and dweller can die." # game/script.rpy:10174 translate english sla_697b5ff8: # o "But you can earn a lot of coins if he succeeds." o "But you can earn a lot of coins if he succeeds." # game/script.rpy:10186 translate english sla_c58474ae: # o "Your dweller didn't return." o "Your dweller didn't return." # game/script.rpy:10187 translate english sla_4c2c4ae1: # o "Someone catch him and sell in slave city." o "Someone catch him and sell in slave city." # game/script.rpy:10188 translate english sla_dbad15fa: # o "Seriously don't do that again." o "Seriously don't do that again." # game/script.rpy:10198 translate english sla_c3c9e9af: # o "Your dweller sell some fake milk for 300 coins." o "Your dweller sell some fake milk for 300 coins." # game/script.rpy:10200 translate english sla_abc36162: # o "You know it not right but who care." o "You know it not right but who care." # game/script.rpy:10206 translate english sla_79be9eb6: # o "Someone catch your dweller and kick his ass." o "Someone catch your dweller and kick his ass." # game/script.rpy:10207 translate english sla_1199b37b: # o "He know different between milk and sperm." o "He know different between milk and sperm." # game/script.rpy:10208 translate english sla_b0806ae6: # o "Dweller survive but didn't want to do that again." o "Dweller survive but didn't want to do that again." # game/script.rpy:10216 translate english sla_100289e2: # o "That was realy good hunt." o "That was realy good hunt." # game/script.rpy:10217 translate english sla_6adbb314: # o "You kill 2 golden geckon and sell their skin fo 500 coins." o "You kill 2 golden geckon and sell their skin fo 500 coins." # game/script.rpy:10225 translate english sla_3da1d429: # o "Dweller come back to vault unscratched." o "Dweller come back to vault unscratched." # game/script.rpy:10231 translate english sla_961510c7: # o "Gecko hunting began well." o "Gecko hunting began well." # game/script.rpy:10232 translate english sla_7296d517: # o "Dweller find lonely gecko and kill him." o "Dweller find lonely gecko and kill him." # game/script.rpy:10237 translate english sla_d755c253: # o "After that 15 gecko surrounded him." o "After that 15 gecko surrounded him." # game/script.rpy:10238 translate english sla_2d21fd56: # o "Eye for eye skin for skin." o "Eye for eye skin for skin." # game/script.rpy:10239 translate english sla_2972b488: # o "You lost one dweller." o "You lost one dweller." # game/script.rpy:10248 translate english sla_961510c7_1: # o "Gecko hunting began well." o "Gecko hunting began well." # game/script.rpy:10249 translate english sla_7296d517_1: # o "Dweller find lonely gecko and kill him." o "Dweller find lonely gecko and kill him." # game/script.rpy:10250 translate english sla_6c1bc652: # o "You got 250 coins." o "You got 250 coins." # game/script.rpy:10259 translate english sla_100289e2_1: # o "That was realy good hunt." o "That was realy good hunt." # game/script.rpy:10260 translate english sla_7a56816a: # o "Your dweller is unharmed and kill one golden gecko." o "Your dweller is unharmed and kill one golden gecko." # game/script.rpy:10265 translate english sla_b9b3dc7d: # o "Unfortunately she was knocked down by someone." o "Unfortunately she was knocked down by someone." # game/script.rpy:10266 translate english sla_cca59f5e: # o "She woke up raped and with no gecko skin." o "She woke up raped and with no gecko skin." # game/script.rpy:10270 translate english sla_205b6cc8: # o "Dweller have wery low chance to kill deathclaw." o "Dweller have wery low chance to kill deathclaw." # game/script.rpy:10271 translate english sla_987c989a: # o "Maybe if you send more than one." o "Maybe if you send more than one." # game/script.rpy:10281 translate english sla_1ac56cd4: # o "That was terrible idea." o "That was terrible idea." # game/script.rpy:10282 translate english sla_be16ab81: # o "Deatclaw rape and kill your dweller." o "Deatclaw rape and kill your dweller." # game/script.rpy:10286 translate english sla_30dd12df: # o "She have no chance." o "She have no chance." # game/script.rpy:10295 translate english sla_1ac56cd4_1: # o "That was terrible idea." o "That was terrible idea." # game/script.rpy:10296 translate english sla_6b28085f: # o "Deatclaw rape your dweller but don't kill her." o "Deatclaw rape your dweller but don't kill her." # game/script.rpy:10297 translate english sla_bea0151a: # o "She was lucky this time." o "She was lucky this time." # game/script.rpy:10306 translate english sla_5874b8c8: # o "Seriously why you do that?" o "Seriously why you do that?" # game/script.rpy:10307 translate english sla_1d828a45: # o "Do you hate your dwellers?" o "Do you hate your dwellers?" # game/script.rpy:10308 translate english sla_7926d6c1: # o "She had no chacne against deathclaw." o "She had no chacne against deathclaw." # game/script.rpy:10309 translate english sla_f61fa4a3: # o "So another pointless death." o "So another pointless death." # game/script.rpy:10318 translate english sla_57195bc8: # o "Your dweller had no chance against deathclaw." o "Your dweller had no chance against deathclaw." # game/script.rpy:10319 translate english sla_464156cf: # o "After unsuccesfull attach she hide in little cave." o "After unsuccesfull attach she hide in little cave." # game/script.rpy:10320 translate english sla_0303d2dd: # o "That saved her life." o "That saved her life." # game/script.rpy:10332 translate english sla_1ac56cd4_2: # o "That was terrible idea." o "That was terrible idea." # game/script.rpy:10333 translate english sla_38e3b02c: # o "Deatclaw rape and kill one of your dweller." o "Deatclaw rape and kill one of your dweller." # game/script.rpy:10337 translate english sla_afb5ce09: # o "Second run away with fear in the eyes." o "Second run away with fear in the eyes." # game/script.rpy:10346 translate english sla_20d0f02d: # o "That was unbelievable." o "That was unbelievable." # game/script.rpy:10347 translate english sla_f784dcaf: # o "Your dwellers suprise deatclaw and kill him." o "Your dwellers suprise deatclaw and kill him." # game/script.rpy:10348 translate english sla_da957f4c: # o "Kei factor to their tahctic was wait until he fall asleep." o "Kei factor to their tahctic was wait until he fall asleep." # game/script.rpy:10349 translate english sla_30df0181: # o "Then lurk to him and sut his head off." o "Then lurk to him and sut his head off." # game/script.rpy:10350 translate english sla_7f7ed25e: # o "You got 1000 coins reward for him." o "You got 1000 coins reward for him." # game/script.rpy:10362 translate english sla_0df37323: # o "Good work bro." o "Good work bro." # game/script.rpy:10363 translate english sla_3fdfe1f0: # o "You succesfully kill 2 of your dwellers." o "You succesfully kill 2 of your dwellers." # game/script.rpy:10364 translate english sla_0f2375b6: # o "No coins nothin possitive just pointless death." o "No coins nothin possitive just pointless death." # game/script.rpy:10373 translate english sla_19967e47: # o "It is hard to belive...." o "It is hard to belive...." # game/script.rpy:10374 translate english sla_b1ae3246: # o "Your dwellers didn't find any deathclaws." o "Your dwellers didn't find any deathclaws." # game/script.rpy:10375 translate english sla_5c23067e: # o "Just some nice flowers." o "Just some nice flowers." # game/script.rpy:10381 translate english sla_b1ae3246_1: # o "Your dwellers didn't find any deathclaws." o "Your dwellers didn't find any deathclaws." # game/script.rpy:10382 translate english sla_d1356409: # o "They spend rest of the day in pub." o "They spend rest of the day in pub." # game/script.rpy:10383 translate english sla_4a93619d: # o "Drink drank drunk......" o "Drink drank drunk......" # game/script.rpy:10387 translate english sla_9345c094: # o "You don't have 2 free dwellers." o "You don't have 2 free dwellers." # game/script.rpy:10397 translate english sla_f02c6960: # o "You send 3 dwellers to heroic quest." o "You send 3 dwellers to heroic quest." # game/script.rpy:10398 translate english sla_0f8ac984: # o "Kill most adorable and dangerous creature in the world." o "Kill most adorable and dangerous creature in the world." # game/script.rpy:10399 translate english sla_a9ed3775: # o "After few hours they decide to stop finding and start with sex..." o "After few hours they decide to stop finding and start with sex..." # game/script.rpy:10400 translate english sla_c9e74566: # o "....." o "....." # game/script.rpy:10401 translate english sla_6410cce1: # o "Next time send smarter dwellers to hunt." o "Next time send smarter dwellers to hunt." # game/script.rpy:10407 translate english sla_f02c6960_1: # o "You send 3 dwellers to heroic quest." o "You send 3 dwellers to heroic quest." # game/script.rpy:10408 translate english sla_2a156e38: # o "They find one lonely deathclaw and attack him." o "They find one lonely deathclaw and attack him." # game/script.rpy:10409 translate english sla_df2547f9: # o "In the end of fight deatclaw fall on the ground." o "In the end of fight deatclaw fall on the ground." # game/script.rpy:10413 translate english sla_9dd4ac5f: # o "You succesfully kill deathclaw and get 1000 coin reward." o "You succesfully kill deathclaw and get 1000 coin reward." # game/script.rpy:10422 translate english sla_4c270db8: # o "Dwellers find loenly deathclaw on the edge of radioactive lake." o "Dwellers find loenly deathclaw on the edge of radioactive lake." # game/script.rpy:10423 translate english sla_41b4606e: # o "They attack him with the eagle accuracy." o "They attack him with the eagle accuracy." # game/script.rpy:10424 translate english sla_6747eb0b: # o "Deathclaww fall on the ground." o "Deathclaww fall on the ground." # game/script.rpy:10425 translate english sla_437c0eb5: # o "One dweller try to inflict the final blow." o "One dweller try to inflict the final blow." # game/script.rpy:10426 translate english sla_f7f8d069: # o "Deathclaw toss her to lake with rest of his power." o "Deathclaw toss her to lake with rest of his power." # game/script.rpy:10427 translate english sla_dd3ec4e1: # o "You lost one dweller but also get reward for deathclaw." o "You lost one dweller but also get reward for deathclaw." # game/script.rpy:10439 translate english sla_1244f239: # o "Dwellers find deatchlaw and try to suprise him." o "Dwellers find deatchlaw and try to suprise him." # game/script.rpy:10443 translate english sla_342cf010: # o "Unfortunately deathclaw suprise them." o "Unfortunately deathclaw suprise them." # game/script.rpy:10444 translate english sla_7ca973de: # o "He catch one dweller and run away with her." o "He catch one dweller and run away with her." # game/script.rpy:10445 translate english sla_92cc1bac: # o "Your population decreased." o "Your population decreased." # game/script.rpy:10453 translate english sla_65d038e1: # o "You don't have 3 free dwellers." o "You don't have 3 free dwellers." # game/script.rpy:10460 translate english sla_ea968397: # o "This is too dangerous." o "This is too dangerous." # game/script.rpy:10461 translate english sla_79d2f491: # o "Try assign dwellers to safe possition." o "Try assign dwellers to safe possition." # game/script.rpy:10467 translate english sla_4d9a8ff1: # o "You can't make more actions today." o "You can't make more actions today." # game/script.rpy:10468 translate english sla_96e06082: # o "Try to rest for a while." o "Try to rest for a while." # game/script.rpy:10474 translate english sla_944d49be: # o "You don't have any free dwellers." o "You don't have any free dwellers." # game/script.rpy:10492 translate english machine_aeb76899: # o "This device is on perfect condition." o "This device is on perfect condition." # game/script.rpy:10493 translate english machine_6a85e277: # o "You cant upgrade it anymore." o "You cant upgrade it anymore." # game/script.rpy:10498 translate english machine_4a590120: # o "You invest 1000 coins, radio signal is stronger." o "You invest 1000 coins, radio signal is stronger." # game/script.rpy:10505 translate english machine_0b364177: # o "You don't have 1000 coins." o "You don't have 1000 coins." # game/script.rpy:10511 translate english machine_5d1acd9d: # o "Device is on %(machinestatus)d level. Max level is 5." o "Device is on %(machinestatus)d level. Max level is 5." # game/script.rpy:10516 translate english machine_097c85a1: # o "From here you can attaract people to your vault." o "From here you can attaract people to your vault." # game/script.rpy:10517 translate english machine_8128deb0: # o "You can also refine the device for signal amplification." o "You can also refine the device for signal amplification." # game/script.rpy:10532 translate english machine_9883ceab: # o "You have no energy to do that. You need rest." o "You have no energy to do that. You need rest." # game/script.rpy:10539 translate english machine_b392fc1b: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10543 translate english machine_0b5b6326: # o "You spend many hours with transmitting but no one answer your call." o "You spend many hours with transmitting but no one answer your call." # game/script.rpy:10546 translate english machine_b392fc1b_1: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10550 translate english machine_0ea358dd: # o "This is not good, we have bad signal." o "This is not good, we have bad signal." # game/script.rpy:10555 translate english machine_b392fc1b_2: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10559 translate english machine_0b5b6326_1: # o "You spend many hours with transmitting but no one answer your call." o "You spend many hours with transmitting but no one answer your call." # game/script.rpy:10562 translate english machine_b392fc1b_3: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10566 translate english machine_0ea358dd_1: # o "This is not good, we have bad signal." o "This is not good, we have bad signal." # game/script.rpy:10569 translate english machine_b392fc1b_4: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10573 translate english machine_2ee183a8: # q "Hello. I.... ... ... .." q "Hello. I.... ... ... .." # game/script.rpy:10575 translate english machine_d423307f: # k "I don't understatn you." k "I don't understatn you." # game/script.rpy:10576 translate english machine_399774ff: # q "Where ... ... ...a .... we ...." q "Where ... ... ...a .... we ...." # game/script.rpy:10579 translate english machine_a2a37504: # o "Our signal is still weak. We cant get anyone here." o "Our signal is still weak. We cant get anyone here." # game/script.rpy:10584 translate english machine_b392fc1b_5: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10588 translate english machine_0b5b6326_2: # o "You spend many hours with transmitting but no one answer your call." o "You spend many hours with transmitting but no one answer your call." # game/script.rpy:10591 translate english machine_b392fc1b_6: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10595 translate english machine_ca50aebe: # o "This is not good, we still cant find anyone." o "This is not good, we still cant find anyone." # game/script.rpy:10598 translate english machine_b392fc1b_7: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10600 translate english machine_edbd1d53: # k "Hello???? ANYONE???" k "Hello???? ANYONE???" # game/script.rpy:10602 translate english machine_8f6ece87: # k "This is a total waste of time tell me why i do it???" k "This is a total waste of time tell me why i do it???" # game/script.rpy:10605 translate english machine_ab7fa0b0: # o "To attract people to this vault." o "To attract people to this vault." # game/script.rpy:10606 translate english machine_03a87f9d: # k "No one is reading this do you know that?" k "No one is reading this do you know that?" # game/script.rpy:10607 translate english machine_a706fe6e: # o "Come on! Don't be so negative" o "Come on! Don't be so negative" # game/script.rpy:10610 translate english machine_b392fc1b_8: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10614 translate english machine_1b30f2d0: # q "Hello. I m looking for safe place to stay." q "Hello. I m looking for safe place to stay." # game/script.rpy:10616 translate english machine_4ae83782: # k "YES finally I'm in safe valut." k "YES finally I'm in safe valut." # game/script.rpy:10617 translate english machine_60f2ede4: # q "Please respond, i find this open frequency, but it is empty." q "Please respond, i find this open frequency, but it is empty." # game/script.rpy:10618 translate english machine_a9d74f1c: # k "what do you think empty? I'm here!" k "what do you think empty? I'm here!" # game/script.rpy:10619 translate english machine_0ac36567: # q "Please say something." q "Please say something." # game/script.rpy:10622 translate english machine_6671f180: # o "Our signal is good. but it look like microphone is broken." o "Our signal is good. but it look like microphone is broken." # game/script.rpy:10623 translate english machine_bc24ffc2: # k "Seriously? So we need more coins right?" k "Seriously? So we need more coins right?" # game/script.rpy:10626 translate english machine_3ca9c37c: # o "Right!" o "Right!" # game/script.rpy:10631 translate english machine_b392fc1b_9: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10635 translate english machine_ace99cea: # o "You spend many hours of your life here. Again!" o "You spend many hours of your life here. Again!" # game/script.rpy:10638 translate english machine_b392fc1b_10: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10642 translate english machine_1b9ff54e: # o "Maybe it is some kind of bug?" o "Maybe it is some kind of bug?" # game/script.rpy:10643 translate english machine_e7f66531: # k "What do you think by that." k "What do you think by that." # game/script.rpy:10644 translate english machine_2ca967a9: # o "What?" o "What?" # game/script.rpy:10645 translate english machine_e1757afa: # k "....... never mind....." k "....... never mind....." # game/script.rpy:10648 translate english machine_b392fc1b_11: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10650 translate english machine_edbd1d53_1: # k "Hello???? ANYONE???" k "Hello???? ANYONE???" # game/script.rpy:10652 translate english machine_8f6ece87_1: # k "This is a total waste of time tell me why i do it???" k "This is a total waste of time tell me why i do it???" # game/script.rpy:10655 translate english machine_ab7fa0b0_1: # o "To attract people to this vault." o "To attract people to this vault." # game/script.rpy:10656 translate english machine_03a87f9d_1: # k "No one is reading this do you know that?" k "No one is reading this do you know that?" # game/script.rpy:10657 translate english machine_77c0f725: # o "Come on! Don't be so negative." o "Come on! Don't be so negative." # game/script.rpy:10660 translate english machine_b392fc1b_12: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10664 translate english machine_73f9f0e8: # q "I can hear you. I'm looking for safe place to live." q "I can hear you. I'm looking for safe place to live." # game/script.rpy:10666 translate english machine_4ae83782_1: # k "YES finally I'm in safe valut." k "YES finally I'm in safe valut." # game/script.rpy:10667 translate english machine_00656313: # q "Please send me a location." q "Please send me a location." # game/script.rpy:10668 translate english machine_7af5ae37: # k "Ok..... how can i do it?" k "Ok..... how can i do it?" # game/script.rpy:10669 translate english machine_5921b694: # o "Hmm it look like you cant, you need more upgrades." o "Hmm it look like you cant, you need more upgrades." # game/script.rpy:10670 translate english machine_93334484: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:10673 translate english machine_9bba73a2: # o "Joke! Just press this button." o "Joke! Just press this button." # game/script.rpy:10674 translate english machine_012b12eb: # k "Not funny at all. I'm sending you location." k "Not funny at all. I'm sending you location." # game/script.rpy:10675 translate english machine_951795a1: # q "Thanks. I come realy soon." q "Thanks. I come realy soon." # game/script.rpy:10678 translate english machine_9c6bee00: # o "Finally, they will come here one by one." o "Finally, they will come here one by one." # game/script.rpy:10684 translate english machine_b392fc1b_13: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10686 translate english machine_9e032eb4: # k "This is start to be booring." k "This is start to be booring." # game/script.rpy:10690 translate english machine_921c526a: # o "Soon you will get more people here." o "Soon you will get more people here." # game/script.rpy:10693 translate english machine_b392fc1b_14: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10697 translate english machine_129b13d5: # q "Hello can you hear me???" q "Hello can you hear me???" # game/script.rpy:10698 translate english machine_ec51fcd2: # k "Yes. Hi. Come and join me in my valut." k "Yes. Hi. Come and join me in my valut." # game/script.rpy:10699 translate english machine_9419e63e: # q "Ok. Send me a location." q "Ok. Send me a location." # game/script.rpy:10700 translate english machine_fd4ad3d9: # k "Location send see you soon." k "Location send see you soon." # game/script.rpy:10703 translate english machine_e935257e: # o "Next person to enter this valut. That is realy good." o "Next person to enter this valut. That is realy good." # game/script.rpy:10707 translate english machine_b392fc1b_15: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10711 translate english machine_3eb74976: # q "Yes I hear you, I'm looking for safe place to live." q "Yes I hear you, I'm looking for safe place to live." # game/script.rpy:10713 translate english machine_a0af782c: # k "Sending you a location of valut we have food and water and all comfort you need." k "Sending you a location of valut we have food and water and all comfort you need." # game/script.rpy:10714 translate english machine_7b22e1d2: # q "Thanks. I come soon." q "Thanks. I come soon." # game/script.rpy:10715 translate english machine_f4c524d3: # k "So population start increase fast." k "So population start increase fast." # game/script.rpy:10719 translate english machine_b392fc1b_16: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10723 translate english machine_61a13c9c: # q "Hello. What do you want." q "Hello. What do you want." # game/script.rpy:10725 translate english machine_e531f3b8: # k ".... Nothing just try to find someone who join me in my vault." k ".... Nothing just try to find someone who join me in my vault." # game/script.rpy:10726 translate english machine_bbe4cf87: # q "What??? I don't care. I need a whores to fuck." q "What??? I don't care. I need a whores to fuck." # game/script.rpy:10727 translate english machine_fac91f9d: # k "Hmmm.... maybe you find some here." k "Hmmm.... maybe you find some here." # game/script.rpy:10728 translate english machine_6fed9223: # q "Don't lie to me your voice is stupid" q "Don't lie to me your voice is stupid" # game/script.rpy:10729 translate english machine_6554ee16: # k "What? No, your voice is stupid!!!" k "What? No, your voice is stupid!!!" # game/script.rpy:10730 translate english machine_b5d7e067: # q "No, your voice is stupid! milion times." q "No, your voice is stupid! milion times." # game/script.rpy:10732 translate english machine_5596dbd8: # k "No, your voice is stupid!!!" k "No, your voice is stupid!!!" # game/script.rpy:10733 translate english machine_67a40cad: # q "....." q "....." # game/script.rpy:10736 translate english machine_be4c9a17: # o "Finally, i think you spend rest of your days with this 'fight'." o "Finally, i think you spend rest of your days with this 'fight'." # game/script.rpy:10741 translate english machine_b392fc1b_17: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10743 translate english machine_3933bf5e: # k "No one answer, but still I'm realy good at this." k "No one answer, but still I'm realy good at this." # game/script.rpy:10747 translate english machine_9f98e53a: # o "If you think so." o "If you think so." # game/script.rpy:10750 translate english machine_b392fc1b_18: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10754 translate english machine_129b13d5_1: # q "Hello can you hear me???" q "Hello can you hear me???" # game/script.rpy:10755 translate english machine_ec51fcd2_1: # k "Yes. Hi. Come and join me in my valut." k "Yes. Hi. Come and join me in my valut." # game/script.rpy:10756 translate english machine_9419e63e_1: # q "Ok. Send me a location." q "Ok. Send me a location." # game/script.rpy:10757 translate english machine_fd4ad3d9_1: # k "Location send see you soon." k "Location send see you soon." # game/script.rpy:10760 translate english machine_e935257e_1: # o "Next person to enter this valut. That is realy good." o "Next person to enter this valut. That is realy good." # game/script.rpy:10764 translate english machine_b392fc1b_19: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10768 translate english machine_19336db4: # q "Yes I hear you, I'm looking for safe place to me and my wife." q "Yes I hear you, I'm looking for safe place to me and my wife." # game/script.rpy:10770 translate english machine_363f15ae: # k "Ok are you man or woman?" k "Ok are you man or woman?" # game/script.rpy:10771 translate english machine_80f509d1: # q "I'm woman." q "I'm woman." # game/script.rpy:10772 translate english machine_1e39f5e5: # k "Sending you a location, come fast!" k "Sending you a location, come fast!" # game/script.rpy:10775 translate english machine_cf9c7fcd: # o "Two more citizens enter vault." o "Two more citizens enter vault." # game/script.rpy:10779 translate english machine_b392fc1b_20: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10783 translate english machine_587bd3d0: # q "Hello. I need psycho." q "Hello. I need psycho." # game/script.rpy:10784 translate english machine_e98cbcd8: # k "What? i have some stimpaks here." k "What? i have some stimpaks here." # game/script.rpy:10785 translate english machine_f87535f6: # q "No i neet Jet or psycho, send me some I'm in Market Square." q "No i neet Jet or psycho, send me some I'm in Market Square." # game/script.rpy:10786 translate english machine_1768cb01: # k "OK. bro stay there i send you some supplies." k "OK. bro stay there i send you some supplies." # game/script.rpy:10787 translate english machine_b9db52ba: # q "Jet, Jet, Jet, Jet." q "Jet, Jet, Jet, Jet." # game/script.rpy:10788 translate english machine_c9680d39: # k "Stop transmission. And this dialog is over." k "Stop transmission. And this dialog is over." # game/script.rpy:10791 translate english machine_248615db: # o "Maybe next time we have more luck." o "Maybe next time we have more luck." # game/script.rpy:10794 translate english machine_b392fc1b_21: # k "Can anyone hear me?" k "Can anyone hear me?" # game/script.rpy:10798 translate english machine_bbfa608b: # q "Yes bro what do you want?" q "Yes bro what do you want?" # game/script.rpy:10799 translate english machine_107bc65d: # k "Ehm... I'm looking for someone who want to live in my vault." k "Ehm... I'm looking for someone who want to live in my vault." # game/script.rpy:10800 translate english machine_ba4c9fc1: # q "Ok. I have safe place to live. Do you want some Jet? Or Psycho?" q "Ok. I have safe place to live. Do you want some Jet? Or Psycho?" # game/script.rpy:10801 translate english machine_7cf3d429: # k "Maybe...." k "Maybe...." # game/script.rpy:10802 translate english machine_9dc54a7d: # q "Come to Market Square. We can make a deal." q "Come to Market Square. We can make a deal." # game/script.rpy:10803 translate english machine_0bda48c4: # k "Ok. I think about it." k "Ok. I think about it." # game/script.rpy:10824 translate english labmap_fa84aad8: # k "LAB can you go to Milkypolis?" k "LAB can you go to Milkypolis?" # game/script.rpy:10827 translate english labmap_0b3f090c: # l "Ok what is my mission?" l "Ok what is my mission?" # game/script.rpy:10830 translate english labmap_ae1b3423: # l "I will try." l "I will try." # game/script.rpy:10832 translate english labmap_7aa5bc78: # l "I'm back master!" l "I'm back master!" # game/script.rpy:10833 translate english labmap_a2652798: # l "I got 100 coins from vendors!" l "I got 100 coins from vendors!" # game/script.rpy:10834 translate english labmap_5a2d5a94: # k "They give you money for nothing?" k "They give you money for nothing?" # game/script.rpy:10837 translate english labmap_e2928762: # l "Yes they talk with me about boobs and then give me some coins." l "Yes they talk with me about boobs and then give me some coins." # game/script.rpy:10838 translate english labmap_30578b96: # k "Maybe it is worth of it." k "Maybe it is worth of it." # game/script.rpy:10846 translate english labmap_00cb5ca3: # l "I will do my best." l "I will do my best." # game/script.rpy:10848 translate english labmap_b067b079: # l "I think I finally understant them." l "I think I finally understant them." # game/script.rpy:10849 translate english labmap_e446c917: # k "So what is all about?" k "So what is all about?" # game/script.rpy:10852 translate english labmap_59958ac1: # l "They belive that boobs is god gift to population." l "They belive that boobs is god gift to population." # game/script.rpy:10853 translate english labmap_24d4c2d8: # k "I agree." k "I agree." # game/script.rpy:10854 translate english labmap_7d9ef3c6: # l "The milk is only true source of power and love." l "The milk is only true source of power and love." # game/script.rpy:10855 translate english labmap_06e462af: # k "And it is tasty too." k "And it is tasty too." # game/script.rpy:10856 translate english labmap_a619ef02: # l ".... they wrong! My boobs is synthetic cant save anyone in fact." l ".... they wrong! My boobs is synthetic cant save anyone in fact." # game/script.rpy:10857 translate english labmap_01a40b24: # k "I disagree with that but if it is your final word." k "I disagree with that but if it is your final word." # game/script.rpy:10865 translate english labmap_54957508: # l "That will be no problem." l "That will be no problem." # game/script.rpy:10867 translate english labmap_406a6bcf: # l "I think Milkypolis is full of weird people." l "I think Milkypolis is full of weird people." # game/script.rpy:10868 translate english labmap_38d29db5: # l "Everyone first look on boobs and them on face." l "Everyone first look on boobs and them on face." # game/script.rpy:10869 translate english labmap_6f85fe46: # k "That because your boobs is pretty." k "That because your boobs is pretty." # game/script.rpy:10872 translate english labmap_cf6b14a0: # l "Thank you." l "Thank you." # game/script.rpy:10873 translate english labmap_6ff80998: # l "Anyway. they think my boos is small." l "Anyway. they think my boos is small." # game/script.rpy:10874 translate english labmap_017d747d: # l "Maybe we can make it bigger with some implants." l "Maybe we can make it bigger with some implants." # game/script.rpy:10875 translate english labmap_3a9172c8: # k "Yes that is good idea." k "Yes that is good idea." # game/script.rpy:10876 translate english labmap_24c4a5ff: # l "Actualy I think their size is now good." l "Actualy I think their size is now good." # game/script.rpy:10877 translate english labmap_2decf4a3: # l "Maybe I will upgrade them in future." l "Maybe I will upgrade them in future." # game/script.rpy:10878 translate english labmap_35941de2: # k "Ok. So maybe next time." k "Ok. So maybe next time." # game/script.rpy:10891 translate english labmap_c9ffce23: # k "LAB I nees some more coins for your upgrade." k "LAB I nees some more coins for your upgrade." # game/script.rpy:10894 translate english labmap_d9bad70a: # l "That is very nice from you." l "That is very nice from you." # game/script.rpy:10895 translate english labmap_0b995cf3: # k "So can you help me to earn some?" k "So can you help me to earn some?" # game/script.rpy:10896 translate english labmap_e0dc1251: # l "Yes what should i do?" l "Yes what should i do?" # game/script.rpy:10897 translate english labmap_f820e86f: # k "Try to steal some from vendors in Market square." k "Try to steal some from vendors in Market square." # game/script.rpy:10902 translate english labmap_6b140252: # l "If it help i will do it." l "If it help i will do it." # game/script.rpy:10907 translate english labmap_19b59eb3: # l "So I make it." l "So I make it." # game/script.rpy:10908 translate english labmap_98166710: # l "I succesfully steal 150 coins." l "I succesfully steal 150 coins." # game/script.rpy:10910 translate english labmap_da614bad: # k "Very well girl." k "Very well girl." # game/script.rpy:10911 translate english labmap_caa1eb55: # k "Is there be any problems?" k "Is there be any problems?" # game/script.rpy:10912 translate english labmap_01d3d162: # l "Just one master." l "Just one master." # game/script.rpy:10913 translate english labmap_0132394c: # l "One vendor almost catch me but..." l "One vendor almost catch me but..." # game/script.rpy:10914 translate english labmap_cac63942: # k "But what?" k "But what?" # game/script.rpy:10915 translate english labmap_6065d489: # l "He release me for one pipi touch on my ass." l "He release me for one pipi touch on my ass." # game/script.rpy:10916 translate english labmap_b6430db9: # k "he grope your ass?!?" k "he grope your ass?!?" # game/script.rpy:10919 translate english labmap_e06da572: # l "Don't be rude only one little touch and that is all." l "Don't be rude only one little touch and that is all." # game/script.rpy:10920 translate english labmap_43cf8190: # k "I think you like it." k "I think you like it." # game/script.rpy:10921 translate english labmap_7c4d356e: # l "Maybe a little." l "Maybe a little." # game/script.rpy:10929 translate english labmap_84e48bc1: # l "Only that? I come back soon." l "Only that? I come back soon." # game/script.rpy:10931 translate english labmap_380aeb7b: # l "I'm back with 200 coins." l "I'm back with 200 coins." # game/script.rpy:10933 translate english labmap_5f275748: # k "Wery good girl. Were there any problems?" k "Wery good girl. Were there any problems?" # game/script.rpy:10934 translate english labmap_615c0420: # l "Hmmm.... not many sir." l "Hmmm.... not many sir." # game/script.rpy:10937 translate english labmap_0b7f6feb: # k "So what happened?" k "So what happened?" # game/script.rpy:10938 translate english labmap_c46bfdde: # l "Nothing extra one vendor catch me." l "Nothing extra one vendor catch me." # game/script.rpy:10939 translate english labmap_1367dde4: # k "And?" k "And?" # game/script.rpy:10940 translate english labmap_7b4413e2: # l "He want to call a guard so I make him suffer." l "He want to call a guard so I make him suffer." # game/script.rpy:10941 translate english labmap_bf360816: # k "What exactly you do?" k "What exactly you do?" # game/script.rpy:10944 translate english labmap_0aa21b93: # l "I grab his penis and squeeze it." l "I grab his penis and squeeze it." # game/script.rpy:10945 translate english labmap_782015c7: # l "Then i gently wank him off." l "Then i gently wank him off." # game/script.rpy:10946 translate english labmap_202e64ba: # l "He thank me after that." l "He thank me after that." # game/script.rpy:10947 translate english labmap_2c5e8ff2: # k "So anyone is happy at the end." k "So anyone is happy at the end." # game/script.rpy:10948 translate english labmap_a8b92318: # l "Yes master!" l "Yes master!" # game/script.rpy:10952 translate english labmap_71a38b0e: # k "You worked well." k "You worked well." # game/script.rpy:10953 translate english labmap_bbdd06ab: # l "Thank you again master." l "Thank you again master." # game/script.rpy:10954 translate english labmap_f36e6e11: # k "You can go now." k "You can go now." # game/script.rpy:10960 translate english labmap_3fb0ac8e: # l "That is out of question." l "That is out of question." # game/script.rpy:10961 translate english labmap_094f540c: # l "I will not steal for you." l "I will not steal for you." # game/script.rpy:10962 translate english labmap_9454b204: # l "Not now. Not ever." l "Not now. Not ever." # game/script.rpy:10963 translate english labmap_a1b4ed80: # k "We will see." k "We will see." # game/script.rpy:10967 translate english labmap_19923cc7: # k "How you hands work?" k "How you hands work?" # game/script.rpy:10970 translate english labmap_cc5942f4: # l "What do you mean by that sir." l "What do you mean by that sir." # game/script.rpy:10971 translate english labmap_124687a0: # k "Can you use your hands to touch other people?" k "Can you use your hands to touch other people?" # game/script.rpy:10972 translate english labmap_14fe4e7d: # l "Yes i think." l "Yes i think." # game/script.rpy:10973 translate english labmap_2a98154c: # k "So go to Market square and make some massage to vendors." k "So go to Market square and make some massage to vendors." # game/script.rpy:10976 translate english labmap_a78c82a9: # l "I think i can do that for you." l "I think i can do that for you." # game/script.rpy:10978 translate english labmap_2b8017fb: # l "This is so dirty." l "This is so dirty." # game/script.rpy:10979 translate english labmap_29982bfc: # k "What happened now?" k "What happened now?" # game/script.rpy:10983 translate english labmap_c92e097d: # l "That vendors is like animals." l "That vendors is like animals." # game/script.rpy:10984 translate english labmap_310bbe71: # l "They think massage means: with happy ending!" l "They think massage means: with happy ending!" # game/script.rpy:10985 translate english labmap_22f7563e: # k "And they are wrong?" k "And they are wrong?" # game/script.rpy:10986 translate english labmap_cede0941: # l "Of course they are!" l "Of course they are!" # game/script.rpy:10987 translate english labmap_12e71efe: # l "My hand is not for any dirty vendor in world." l "My hand is not for any dirty vendor in world." # game/script.rpy:10988 translate english labmap_d51fd15c: # k "But you touch them right?" k "But you touch them right?" # game/script.rpy:10992 translate english labmap_70e33f30: # l "Yes.... i did..." l "Yes.... i did..." # game/script.rpy:10993 translate english labmap_635f75a3: # l "But for money!!! And only back and shoulders." l "But for money!!! And only back and shoulders." # game/script.rpy:10994 translate english labmap_60e0d61b: # l "And legs in one case." l "And legs in one case." # game/script.rpy:10995 translate english labmap_627573ed: # k "Ok girl how much coins they get to you?" k "Ok girl how much coins they get to you?" # game/script.rpy:10996 translate english labmap_2e0be174: # l "Around 200 coins." l "Around 200 coins." # game/script.rpy:10997 translate english labmap_e03141eb: # k "Reayl good work. But try harder next time." k "Reayl good work. But try harder next time." # game/script.rpy:10998 translate english labmap_72f3ccf4: # l "Wery well master." l "Wery well master." # game/script.rpy:11007 translate english labmap_c5689ec1: # l "That is no problem for me." l "That is no problem for me." # game/script.rpy:11008 translate english labmap_b72e6d2a: # l "I come back soon." l "I come back soon." # game/script.rpy:11013 translate english labmap_ffcb13b8: # l "That was so easy." l "That was so easy." # game/script.rpy:11014 translate english labmap_a82afac4: # l "I massage 10 vendors today and one give me massage too." l "I massage 10 vendors today and one give me massage too." # game/script.rpy:11015 translate english labmap_7ee7e898: # k "Huh? realy? You are robot or?" k "Huh? realy? You are robot or?" # game/script.rpy:11016 translate english labmap_69a745cc: # l "... Only now But I have memory of myself." l "... Only now But I have memory of myself." # game/script.rpy:11017 translate english labmap_552c110d: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:11018 translate english labmap_0121496d: # l "Anyway I just earn 200 coins for vault." l "Anyway I just earn 200 coins for vault." # game/script.rpy:11020 translate english labmap_bc0cad97: # k "That is nice. What about massage?" k "That is nice. What about massage?" # game/script.rpy:11021 translate english labmap_f0ce074e: # l "I am tired maybe next day." l "I am tired maybe next day." # game/script.rpy:11022 translate english labmap_49b2a1b5: # k "How can you be tired???" k "How can you be tired???" # game/script.rpy:11026 translate english labmap_6e043c43: # l "Heh... You got me." l "Heh... You got me." # game/script.rpy:11027 translate english labmap_6e021639: # l "Just give me a break." l "Just give me a break." # game/script.rpy:11028 translate english labmap_37b2a6f1: # k "Sure..." k "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:11029 translate english labmap_6cca88cd: # l "I am realy good in massage now." l "I am realy good in massage now." # game/script.rpy:11036 translate english labmap_6da4d53c: # l "WHAT???" l "WHAT???" # game/script.rpy:11037 translate english labmap_66705754: # l "I will not touch that dirty vendors." l "I will not touch that dirty vendors." # game/script.rpy:11038 translate english labmap_46f0a76a: # l "This is out of question." l "This is out of question." # game/script.rpy:11039 translate english labmap_99af281f: # l "Why do you think I want to do that?" l "Why do you think I want to do that?" # game/script.rpy:11040 translate english labmap_f8b05f13: # k ".... you know..." k ".... you know..." # game/script.rpy:11041 translate english labmap_fea67c5a: # k "Human contact. Earn coin..." k "Human contact. Earn coin..." # game/script.rpy:11042 translate english labmap_796076b8: # l "I'm not a human, and I can piss on your coins!" l "I'm not a human, and I can piss on your coins!" # game/script.rpy:11043 translate english labmap_12c492f6: # k "Do you want????" k "Do you want????" # game/script.rpy:11044 translate english labmap_cb036cf5: # l "You pig!" l "You pig!" # game/script.rpy:11049 translate english labmap_0a7ba763: # k "LAB, what do you want to do in your life?" k "LAB, what do you want to do in your life?" # game/script.rpy:11052 translate english labmap_69e33921: # l "What you mean by that master?" l "What you mean by that master?" # game/script.rpy:11053 translate english labmap_64614c51: # k "Nothing I just have another mission for you." k "Nothing I just have another mission for you." # game/script.rpy:11054 translate english labmap_72f64fe2: # l "New mission??? What is it this time." l "New mission??? What is it this time." # game/script.rpy:11055 translate english labmap_c9db79b5: # k "Special offer for Market square customers." k "Special offer for Market square customers." # game/script.rpy:11056 translate english labmap_6fb249cb: # k "They pay for one kiss and second is for free!" k "They pay for one kiss and second is for free!" # game/script.rpy:11059 translate english labmap_c2fd7e6c: # l "Ok master, I can do that for you." l "Ok master, I can do that for you." # game/script.rpy:11064 translate english labmap_7d46daaf: # l "Is it not so terrible as i think." l "Is it not so terrible as i think." # game/script.rpy:11065 translate english labmap_cc6c5c7b: # l "Some people were horrible but not all." l "Some people were horrible but not all." # game/script.rpy:11066 translate english labmap_d4a79051: # l "But most of them want only kiss." l "But most of them want only kiss." # game/script.rpy:11067 translate english labmap_6b696432: # k "What you mean by only kiss???" k "What you mean by only kiss???" # game/script.rpy:11068 translate english labmap_40432827: # l "A few want special services." l "A few want special services." # game/script.rpy:11069 translate english labmap_5cb1c670: # k "What special services???" k "What special services???" # game/script.rpy:11070 translate english labmap_ebcab9ba: # l "They want kiss on other place. Not only face." l "They want kiss on other place. Not only face." # game/script.rpy:11071 translate english labmap_fe01e344: # k "And what you do?" k "And what you do?" # game/script.rpy:11073 translate english labmap_ed79bbac: # l "Of course I do nothing!" l "Of course I do nothing!" # game/script.rpy:11074 translate english labmap_6148efa4: # l "They pay only for kiss now for blowjob!" l "They pay only for kiss now for blowjob!" # game/script.rpy:11075 translate english labmap_a33627d7: # k "So what would you do if they pay for blowjob?" k "So what would you do if they pay for blowjob?" # game/script.rpy:11079 translate english labmap_e2c82c12: # l "I......" l "I......" # game/script.rpy:11080 translate english labmap_cf29ff4b: # l "I mean. Of course i will say no!" l "I mean. Of course i will say no!" # game/script.rpy:11081 translate english labmap_792f1c23: # l "I'm not a sexbot!" l "I'm not a sexbot!" # game/script.rpy:11082 translate english labmap_1c05cb0d: # l "Anyway I earn 250 coins in this mission." l "Anyway I earn 250 coins in this mission." # game/script.rpy:11084 translate english labmap_7fff4c58: # k "So it was a succes in that way." k "So it was a succes in that way." # game/script.rpy:11093 translate english labmap_ca166b71: # l "I think about it for the moment and get a brilliant idea!" l "I think about it for the moment and get a brilliant idea!" # game/script.rpy:11094 translate english labmap_aadf33b3: # k "And what is that idea." k "And what is that idea." # game/script.rpy:11096 translate english labmap_a09f3a6c: # l "I ask him if he can tie me." l "I ask him if he can tie me." # game/script.rpy:11097 translate english labmap_f9bccf02: # k "What?!?" k "What?!?" # game/script.rpy:11098 translate english labmap_6195acd5: # l "You know it look good and it can bring you some customers." l "You know it look good and it can bring you some customers." # game/script.rpy:11099 translate english labmap_71b1094d: # l "I call it 1+1 special." l "I call it 1+1 special." # game/script.rpy:11100 translate english labmap_422c582a: # k "And what happened then?" k "And what happened then?" # game/script.rpy:11101 translate english labmap_52432b51: # l "Nothing extra someone kiss my boobs other grope them." l "Nothing extra someone kiss my boobs other grope them." # game/script.rpy:11102 translate english labmap_f602348f: # k "And only that?" k "And only that?" # game/script.rpy:11103 translate english labmap_60d68880: # l "Ehm not only that i think some vendors come to fuck my face." l "Ehm not only that i think some vendors come to fuck my face." # game/script.rpy:11104 translate english labmap_c7ff255d: # l "But it was nothing extra. Most of them come realy fast." l "But it was nothing extra. Most of them come realy fast." # game/script.rpy:11106 translate english labmap_f1bd4a17: # l "I think I earn around 250 coins not sure." l "I think I earn around 250 coins not sure." # game/script.rpy:11108 translate english labmap_7eaf9adb: # k "Most of them are sticky..." k "Most of them are sticky..." # game/script.rpy:11109 translate english labmap_b83bd28e: # l "Ehm.... not sure what it is..." l "Ehm.... not sure what it is..." # game/script.rpy:11110 translate english labmap_ee90902c: # k "....." k "....." # game/script.rpy:11111 translate english labmap_7635a7da: # k "Just.... go wash or something..." k "Just.... go wash or something..." # game/script.rpy:11118 translate english labmap_d9f3500f: # l "Master." l "Master." # game/script.rpy:11119 translate english labmap_649c716b: # l "You can't be serious." l "You can't be serious." # game/script.rpy:11120 translate english labmap_b6a284b7: # l "This is not mission for me." l "This is not mission for me." # game/script.rpy:11121 translate english labmap_7c050beb: # l "I still have some moral standarts." l "I still have some moral standarts." # game/script.rpy:11122 translate english labmap_b3a60c58: # l "Maybe Obee will do thinks like that but not me." l "Maybe Obee will do thinks like that but not me." # game/script.rpy:11136 translate english labmap_88d7a2fb: # k "Can you help me with secret mission?" k "Can you help me with secret mission?" # game/script.rpy:11137 translate english labmap_81f7ecb3: # l "Sure master what is it?" l "Sure master what is it?" # game/script.rpy:11138 translate english labmap_9d306e4e: # k "It is about sisterhood of steel, I think they plan something." k "It is about sisterhood of steel, I think they plan something." # game/script.rpy:11139 translate english labmap_23ef9da8: # l "What do you mean by that?" l "What do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:11140 translate english labmap_52b438a2: # k "They are dangerous and well armed." k "They are dangerous and well armed." # game/script.rpy:11141 translate english labmap_7b25e93a: # k "Maybe they plan to clean out the rest of civilization." k "Maybe they plan to clean out the rest of civilization." # game/script.rpy:11142 translate english labmap_94871b7a: # l "It is a posibillity." l "It is a posibillity." # game/script.rpy:11143 translate english labmap_8ad3b3fa: # l "How can I help?" l "How can I help?" # game/script.rpy:11144 translate english labmap_136e93c0: # k "You need to infiltrate them." k "You need to infiltrate them." # game/script.rpy:11145 translate english labmap_cb3163d0: # k "And use your special properties to get information." k "And use your special properties to get information." # game/script.rpy:11146 translate english labmap_39c023b9: # l "What you mean by that?" l "What you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:11147 translate english labmap_75a75fd2: # k "You know they are all lesbians." k "You know they are all lesbians." # game/script.rpy:11148 translate english labmap_4ca9ca7d: # k "So sweet talk. Maybe kiss..." k "So sweet talk. Maybe kiss..." # game/script.rpy:11149 translate english labmap_5e1d008e: # l "......" l "......" # game/script.rpy:11150 translate english labmap_7237e584: # l "I think, I can make it for you." l "I think, I can make it for you." # game/script.rpy:11152 translate english labmap_2d862426: # k "So. How did yo do?" k "So. How did yo do?" # game/script.rpy:11153 translate english labmap_04bb406a: # l "Nothing extra." l "Nothing extra." # game/script.rpy:11157 translate english labmap_79f695e5: # l "I met one officer, when i walking around hideout." l "I met one officer, when i walking around hideout." # game/script.rpy:11158 translate english labmap_f1dcbc45: # k "And what she sai?" k "And what she sai?" # game/script.rpy:11159 translate english labmap_3ca6aeee: # l "Not much. I admire her armor." l "Not much. I admire her armor." # game/script.rpy:11160 translate english labmap_cee401a6: # l "Then I admire her hair and body." l "Then I admire her hair and body." # game/script.rpy:11164 translate english labmap_ce6ba062: # l "Then we talk about world." l "Then we talk about world." # game/script.rpy:11165 translate english labmap_71513f3d: # l "She sai i have nice dress." l "She sai i have nice dress." # game/script.rpy:11166 translate english labmap_6b1b7c70: # l "Then she ...." l "Then she ...." # game/script.rpy:11167 translate english labmap_93334484: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:11168 translate english labmap_296acd6a: # l "She leaned to me..." l "She leaned to me..." # game/script.rpy:11169 translate english labmap_24f40d1c: # l "And she kiss me on neck." l "And she kiss me on neck." # game/script.rpy:11170 translate english labmap_59292f68: # l "Then someone call her and she must go." l "Then someone call her and she must go." # game/script.rpy:11171 translate english labmap_1098a97d: # l "She promised another meeting." l "She promised another meeting." # game/script.rpy:11172 translate english labmap_6528ed4f: # k "So you didn't revealed anything." k "So you didn't revealed anything." # game/script.rpy:11176 translate english labmap_a8b36504: # l "No.... only that she smell funny." l "No.... only that she smell funny." # game/script.rpy:11177 translate english labmap_f6ec966b: # k "And you tell it now??? it is important!!" k "And you tell it now??? it is important!!" # game/script.rpy:11178 translate english labmap_75a94dbe: # l "Seriously?" l "Seriously?" # game/script.rpy:11179 translate english labmap_6001996b: # k "no!" k "no!" # game/script.rpy:11184 translate english labmap_930a4012: # k "I need help agian" k "I need help agian" # game/script.rpy:11187 translate english labmap_66f5710b: # l "What is it this time?" l "What is it this time?" # game/script.rpy:11188 translate english labmap_c93dc5b0: # k "You must visit your 'friend' officer." k "You must visit your 'friend' officer." # game/script.rpy:11189 translate english labmap_cab3de05: # k "And get some secrets from her." k "And get some secrets from her." # game/script.rpy:11190 translate english labmap_1b0be696: # l "I think, I can make it." l "I think, I can make it." # game/script.rpy:11195 translate english labmap_896ba88b: # l "This is so weird." l "This is so weird." # game/script.rpy:11196 translate english labmap_21e68f88: # l "I think she fall in love." l "I think she fall in love." # game/script.rpy:11197 translate english labmap_1f32405e: # l "She said liked machines." l "She said liked machines." # game/script.rpy:11198 translate english labmap_d48de1e1: # l "And always fell like technophil." l "And always fell like technophil." # game/script.rpy:11199 translate english labmap_cc2d9496: # k "So all sisterhood members is technophil?" k "So all sisterhood members is technophil?" # game/script.rpy:11200 translate english labmap_9ede2974: # l "No only her. I think..." l "No only her. I think..." # game/script.rpy:11201 translate english labmap_ad80f0b1: # k "And what happened next???" k "And what happened next???" # game/script.rpy:11202 translate english labmap_2e3dc61c: # l "...." l "...." # game/script.rpy:11206 translate english labmap_30cb4518: # l "She kiss me.... and then touch me..." l "She kiss me.... and then touch me..." # game/script.rpy:11207 translate english labmap_8a4e7a6f: # l "And then kiss me agian." l "And then kiss me agian." # game/script.rpy:11208 translate english labmap_a1bde247: # l "She realy want to explore my whole body." l "She realy want to explore my whole body." # game/script.rpy:11209 translate english labmap_e9f3cd3a: # k "Yeah that sisterhood slut." k "Yeah that sisterhood slut." # game/script.rpy:11210 translate english labmap_4a540bd7: # l "But I think about my mission!" l "But I think about my mission!" # game/script.rpy:11211 translate english labmap_93334484_1: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:11212 translate english labmap_5b297b90: # l "And ask her more about sisterhood." l "And ask her more about sisterhood." # game/script.rpy:11213 translate english labmap_987e507c: # k "'stupid!' And what she said?" k "'stupid!' And what she said?" # game/script.rpy:11217 translate english labmap_34d23bf0: # l "I realy don't get it. Something about don't worry." l "I realy don't get it. Something about don't worry." # game/script.rpy:11218 translate english labmap_2bd7fa2d: # l "It is a game. Only a game." l "It is a game. Only a game." # game/script.rpy:11219 translate english labmap_d80c85e9: # l "I realy don't know what she mean by that." l "I realy don't know what she mean by that." # game/script.rpy:11220 translate english labmap_851fead3: # k "Maybe we should ask Kamos." k "Maybe we should ask Kamos." # game/script.rpy:11221 translate english labmap_6b342fbf: # l "What?" l "What?" # game/script.rpy:11222 translate english labmap_e8c47988: # k "Nothing just.... good work I think." k "Nothing just.... good work I think." # game/script.rpy:11227 translate english labmap_6fb8d35c: # k "LAB can you investigate Sisterhood little more?" k "LAB can you investigate Sisterhood little more?" # game/script.rpy:11230 translate english labmap_06f3ebf4: # l "I think, I can help you with that." l "I think, I can help you with that." # game/script.rpy:11232 translate english labmap_a49ef3f1: # k "So how it go?" k "So how it go?" # game/script.rpy:11236 translate english labmap_21e68f88_1: # l "I think she fall in love." l "I think she fall in love." # game/script.rpy:11237 translate english labmap_1e44681b: # l "She said I'm her 'sweet sweetheart'" l "She said I'm her 'sweet sweetheart'" # game/script.rpy:11238 translate english labmap_d07fe8ec: # l "I think we have sex." l "I think we have sex." # game/script.rpy:11239 translate english labmap_8047efc0: # k "What??? How it work with robot and lesbian?" k "What??? How it work with robot and lesbian?" # game/script.rpy:11240 translate english labmap_c5ad1df9: # l "I don't know it is very..." l "I don't know it is very..." # game/script.rpy:11241 translate english labmap_fece4143: # l "Exciting." l "Exciting." # game/script.rpy:11242 translate english labmap_f16a2f8f: # l "She grope my boobs." l "She grope my boobs." # game/script.rpy:11243 translate english labmap_f6696ce1: # l "The she start to massage them." l "The she start to massage them." # game/script.rpy:11244 translate english labmap_a27fdaa0: # k "How do you feel? I think can you even feel it?" k "How do you feel? I think can you even feel it?" # game/script.rpy:11245 translate english labmap_433e2ee2: # l "Of course I can." l "Of course I can." # game/script.rpy:11249 translate english labmap_ba7eff26: # l "My neuro system is extremly sensitive!" l "My neuro system is extremly sensitive!" # game/script.rpy:11250 translate english labmap_0d4081e3: # k "What happened next?" k "What happened next?" # game/script.rpy:11251 translate english labmap_2e3dc61c_1: # l "...." l "...." # game/script.rpy:11252 translate english labmap_a996f3c0: # l "She put my hand between her legs." l "She put my hand between her legs." # game/script.rpy:11253 translate english labmap_796945bd: # l "I start to rub her and she make funny face." l "I start to rub her and she make funny face." # game/script.rpy:11254 translate english labmap_fb4c92ad: # k "... that little slut..." k "... that little slut..." # game/script.rpy:11255 translate english labmap_4e6453bb: # l "I realy think she have some multiple orgasm." l "I realy think she have some multiple orgasm." # game/script.rpy:11256 translate english labmap_b46fdacb: # l "....but...." l "....but...." # game/script.rpy:11257 translate english labmap_4fc4e5b0: # k "What???" k "What???" # game/script.rpy:11258 translate english labmap_93b29b98: # l "I can't get any information from her." l "I can't get any information from her." # game/script.rpy:11259 translate english labmap_82ea6f41: # l "Don't wory girl. Next time." l "Don't wory girl. Next time." # game/script.rpy:11263 translate english labmap_88d7a2fb_1: # k "Can you help me with secret mission?" k "Can you help me with secret mission?" # game/script.rpy:11266 translate english labmap_81f7ecb3_1: # l "Sure master what is it?" l "Sure master what is it?" # game/script.rpy:11267 translate english labmap_9d306e4e_1: # k "It is about sisterhood of steel, I think they plan something." k "It is about sisterhood of steel, I think they plan something." # game/script.rpy:11268 translate english labmap_23ef9da8_1: # l "What do you mean by that?" l "What do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:11269 translate english labmap_52b438a2_1: # k "They are dangerous and well armed." k "They are dangerous and well armed." # game/script.rpy:11270 translate english labmap_7b25e93a_1: # k "Maybe they plan to clean out the rest of civilization." k "Maybe they plan to clean out the rest of civilization." # game/script.rpy:11271 translate english labmap_94871b7a_1: # l "It is a posibillity." l "It is a posibillity." # game/script.rpy:11272 translate english labmap_8ad3b3fa_1: # l "How can I help?" l "How can I help?" # game/script.rpy:11273 translate english labmap_136e93c0_1: # k "You need to infiltrate them." k "You need to infiltrate them." # game/script.rpy:11274 translate english labmap_cb3163d0_1: # k "And use your special properties to get information." k "And use your special properties to get information." # game/script.rpy:11275 translate english labmap_39c023b9_1: # l "What you mean by that?" l "What you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:11276 translate english labmap_75a75fd2_1: # k "You know they are all lesbians." k "You know they are all lesbians." # game/script.rpy:11277 translate english labmap_4ca9ca7d_1: # k "So sweet talk. Maybe kiss..." k "So sweet talk. Maybe kiss..." # game/script.rpy:11281 translate english labmap_5e1d008e_1: # l "......" l "......" # game/script.rpy:11282 translate english labmap_bf3711b9: # l "This is absolutely inappropriate." l "This is absolutely inappropriate." # game/script.rpy:11283 translate english labmap_efbe0b6b: # l "Answer is no!" l "Answer is no!" # game/script.rpy:11291 translate english labmap_e5b01061: # l "How can I serve you master?" l "How can I serve you master?" # game/script.rpy:11292 translate english labmap_3c8e6890: # k "I thinking about get some coins from sisterhood." k "I thinking about get some coins from sisterhood." # game/script.rpy:11293 translate english labmap_17ae7ded: # l "Maybe I know about one way to earn some." l "Maybe I know about one way to earn some." # game/script.rpy:11296 translate english labmap_01bfc9c0: # l "My 'friend' can help me with that." l "My 'friend' can help me with that." # game/script.rpy:11297 translate english labmap_7d84f20f: # l "I go visit her." l "I go visit her." # game/script.rpy:11302 translate english labmap_b6f1ff18: # l "I bring you 300 coins today." l "I bring you 300 coins today." # game/script.rpy:11304 translate english labmap_8b165bd4: # k "How you convince her?" k "How you convince her?" # game/script.rpy:11305 translate english labmap_cf8bbb96: # l "Nothing extra realy." l "Nothing extra realy." # game/script.rpy:11306 translate english labmap_a965a2f9: # l "She kiss me passionately, and talking about sharing and other stuff." l "She kiss me passionately, and talking about sharing and other stuff." # game/script.rpy:11310 translate english labmap_21794f21: # l "So I quickly take adventage, and put finger in her asshole." l "So I quickly take adventage, and put finger in her asshole." # game/script.rpy:11311 translate english labmap_8d1a9b68: # l "She was suprised and start moan." l "She was suprised and start moan." # game/script.rpy:11312 translate english labmap_cfed7aac: # l "Then I start to lick her......" l "Then I start to lick her......" # game/script.rpy:11313 translate english labmap_e31b3648: # l "You don't need to hear every detail." l "You don't need to hear every detail." # game/script.rpy:11314 translate english labmap_1f35d336: # k "I think I need!" k "I think I need!" # game/script.rpy:11318 translate english labmap_52afe75d: # l "No you don't." l "No you don't." # game/script.rpy:11319 translate english labmap_ed9eb5fc: # l "Anyway after that. I try to look little exhausted." l "Anyway after that. I try to look little exhausted." # game/script.rpy:11320 translate english labmap_a91d8976: # l "I told her i need some coins to my battery." l "I told her i need some coins to my battery." # game/script.rpy:11321 translate english labmap_7dad898a: # l "So she give me all she have." l "So she give me all she have." # game/script.rpy:11322 translate english labmap_4b3b3aed: # l "And ask me if she can bring some friends next time." l "And ask me if she can bring some friends next time." # game/script.rpy:11323 translate english labmap_6aed7e24: # k "What you sai?" k "What you sai?" # game/script.rpy:11324 translate english labmap_a4fcb941: # l "Of course I tell her she can." l "Of course I tell her she can." # game/script.rpy:11325 translate english labmap_f61adedd: # l "Maybe they give me more coins." l "Maybe they give me more coins." # game/script.rpy:11326 translate english labmap_26e7cd6d: # k "Good work again." k "Good work again." # game/script.rpy:11330 translate english labmap_b5dd0a86: # l "Maybe this time I bring more." l "Maybe this time I bring more." # game/script.rpy:11331 translate english labmap_2560b5b6: # k "And don't foget to find out some secrets!" k "And don't foget to find out some secrets!" # game/script.rpy:11332 translate english labmap_ae1b3423_1: # l "I will try." l "I will try." # game/script.rpy:11339 translate english labmap_5b80b20c: # k "Why you look so sad?" k "Why you look so sad?" # game/script.rpy:11340 translate english labmap_c54daddb: # l ".... it is a bad master." l ".... it is a bad master." # game/script.rpy:11341 translate english labmap_be647c91: # k "Why what happened." k "Why what happened." # game/script.rpy:11342 translate english labmap_f434fd21: # l "Nothing." l "Nothing." # game/script.rpy:11343 translate english labmap_b60b7c2a: # k "Don't be shy. Tell me girl." k "Don't be shy. Tell me girl." # game/script.rpy:11344 translate english labmap_61969512: # l "No sir nothing happened." l "No sir nothing happened." # game/script.rpy:11345 translate english labmap_86d9e95a: # l "No one come. I can't find any sisterhood member." l "No one come. I can't find any sisterhood member." # game/script.rpy:11346 translate english labmap_554f26d5: # k "So it was a waste of time?" k "So it was a waste of time?" # game/script.rpy:11347 translate english labmap_a30e3bee: # l "Yes. Sorry master." l "Yes. Sorry master." # game/script.rpy:11353 translate english labmap_b971946a: # l "I have some good news." l "I have some good news." # game/script.rpy:11354 translate english labmap_5a135b88: # l "Today I meet friend of my friend." l "Today I meet friend of my friend." # game/script.rpy:11355 translate english labmap_8a74281c: # k "And what that mean?" k "And what that mean?" # game/script.rpy:11356 translate english labmap_9d132688: # l "It look like she tell her comrades about me." l "It look like she tell her comrades about me." # game/script.rpy:11357 translate english labmap_acc99013: # l "They know bout my battery issue so they bring me 500 coins." l "They know bout my battery issue so they bring me 500 coins." # game/script.rpy:11358 translate english labmap_56741801: # k "They give you 350 coins for free?" k "They give you 350 coins for free?" # game/script.rpy:11363 translate english labmap_d936135a: # l "Yes the realy sypathized with me." l "Yes the realy sypathized with me." # game/script.rpy:11364 translate english labmap_fcd5e4bb: # l "They ask me if, I have something to return." l "They ask me if, I have something to return." # game/script.rpy:11366 translate english labmap_b80bc0ba: # l "So I offered them some special services for coins." l "So I offered them some special services for coins." # game/script.rpy:11367 translate english labmap_80428367: # k "You slut!" k "You slut!" # game/script.rpy:11369 translate english labmap_b74e9bff: # l "I only want to reward them." l "I only want to reward them." # game/script.rpy:11370 translate english labmap_abedf5ef: # k "Of course you want!" k "Of course you want!" # game/script.rpy:11371 translate english labmap_db0297b0: # l "Did I do something wrong?" l "Did I do something wrong?" # game/script.rpy:11372 translate english labmap_f3b98da9: # k "No girl good job!" k "No girl good job!" # game/script.rpy:11373 translate english labmap_94a2cbc8: # l "Thanks master." l "Thanks master." # game/script.rpy:11380 translate english labmap_10811784: # l "I found favorite sisterhood member." l "I found favorite sisterhood member." # game/script.rpy:11381 translate english labmap_69d81463: # l "She bring me 300 coins for my batteries." l "She bring me 300 coins for my batteries." # game/script.rpy:11383 translate english labmap_2ec731b1: # l "She look like realy worried about me." l "She look like realy worried about me." # game/script.rpy:11384 translate english labmap_b9a5508d: # l "I kiss her and tell 'everything is gona be alright.'" l "I kiss her and tell 'everything is gona be alright.'" # game/script.rpy:11385 translate english labmap_e0c40f21: # l "She look happy after that." l "She look happy after that." # game/script.rpy:11386 translate english labmap_ab80c70c: # k "It look like she fall in love." k "It look like she fall in love." # game/script.rpy:11387 translate english labmap_5e8dc8dc: # l "No master how can someone love me?" l "No master how can someone love me?" # game/script.rpy:11388 translate english labmap_0437a9f0: # k "Don't underestimate yourself." k "Don't underestimate yourself." # game/script.rpy:11389 translate english labmap_716e49b1: # k "You are pretty piece of robot." k "You are pretty piece of robot." # game/script.rpy:11390 translate english labmap_dd778a57: # k "You look better than my personal pc." k "You look better than my personal pc." # game/script.rpy:11394 translate english labmap_dcbab2eb: # l "Of course I look better, I have body and boobs." l "Of course I look better, I have body and boobs." # game/script.rpy:11395 translate english labmap_57b9fd65: # k ".... my pc look good too." k ".... my pc look good too." # game/script.rpy:11396 translate english labmap_022112d3: # l "Anyway she try to seduce me and I cant resist." l "Anyway she try to seduce me and I cant resist." # game/script.rpy:11398 translate english labmap_62b26814: # l "So we end in 69 possition and enjoy a day." l "So we end in 69 possition and enjoy a day." # game/script.rpy:11399 translate english labmap_d24dcdf8: # k "Heh. It look you realy start to like sisterhood members..." k "Heh. It look you realy start to like sisterhood members..." # game/script.rpy:11400 translate english labmap_fa440f14: # l "Maybe a little. They are funny..." l "Maybe a little. They are funny..." # game/script.rpy:11406 translate english labmap_e5b01061_1: # l "How can I serve you master?" l "How can I serve you master?" # game/script.rpy:11407 translate english labmap_3c8e6890_1: # k "I thinking about get some coins from sisterhood." k "I thinking about get some coins from sisterhood." # game/script.rpy:11408 translate english labmap_9cd5f549: # l "And how exactly I should do that?" l "And how exactly I should do that?" # game/script.rpy:11409 translate english labmap_9567887e: # k "You know. Visit them fins some members and try to seduce." k "You know. Visit them fins some members and try to seduce." # game/script.rpy:11413 translate english labmap_fa77cf2b: # l "That is out of questions." l "That is out of questions." # game/script.rpy:11414 translate english labmap_84ad7922: # l "Why should i seduce woman?" l "Why should i seduce woman?" # game/script.rpy:11415 translate english labmap_6c4ba73e: # k "Calm down girl it was only idea." k "Calm down girl it was only idea." # game/script.rpy:11416 translate english labmap_480d01bc: # l "Realy stupid idea!" l "Realy stupid idea!" # game/script.rpy:11427 translate english labmap_bb75af18: # k "It is now official we need more coins." k "It is now official we need more coins." # game/script.rpy:11428 translate english labmap_5b28a1e4: # l "How can I help you master?" l "How can I help you master?" # game/script.rpy:11429 translate english labmap_4224f762: # k "It is time to visit bar in Slave city." k "It is time to visit bar in Slave city." # game/script.rpy:11435 translate english labmap_053cf18b: # l "And what exactly I should do?" l "And what exactly I should do?" # game/script.rpy:11436 translate english labmap_996e3130: # k "Just visit local bar and work as bartender." k "Just visit local bar and work as bartender." # game/script.rpy:11437 translate english labmap_46b2b128: # l "I think i can do it." l "I think i can do it." # game/script.rpy:11438 translate english labmap_c494939a: # k "So why you still here?" k "So why you still here?" # game/script.rpy:11440 translate english labmap_a29b22a5: # l "That city is full of assholes." l "That city is full of assholes." # game/script.rpy:11441 translate english labmap_1fb0d347: # k "What do you mean by that?" k "What do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:11442 translate english labmap_25b5df10: # l "If you want to work here like professional you have no chance?" l "If you want to work here like professional you have no chance?" # game/script.rpy:11443 translate english labmap_70945aeb: # k "And why you think that?" k "And why you think that?" # game/script.rpy:11447 translate english labmap_8a1dd6f9: # l "Everyone want drink and sexual services!" l "Everyone want drink and sexual services!" # game/script.rpy:11448 translate english labmap_cb5e1400: # k "And do you serve them?" k "And do you serve them?" # game/script.rpy:11449 translate english labmap_339f38d4: # l "....." l "....." # game/script.rpy:11450 translate english labmap_8ddfe4e2: # l "Only a few.... I mean.... I Can't blow every poor peasant!" l "Only a few.... I mean.... I Can't blow every poor peasant!" # game/script.rpy:11451 translate english labmap_40e09bf1: # k "Of course you can't. How much you earn?" k "Of course you can't. How much you earn?" # game/script.rpy:11452 translate english labmap_d2b3e926: # l "Around 250 coins." l "Around 250 coins." # game/script.rpy:11453 translate english labmap_2c9468d4: # k "It is not much. Try harder next time." k "It is not much. Try harder next time." # game/script.rpy:11454 translate english labmap_8750e00c: # l ".... 'what the hell is happened to me?'" l ".... 'what the hell is happened to me?'" # game/script.rpy:11460 translate english labmap_9c1c52ed: # l "That again?" l "That again?" # game/script.rpy:11461 translate english labmap_e3c2f822: # k "Yes and this time try to bring some more coins." k "Yes and this time try to bring some more coins." # game/script.rpy:11462 translate english labmap_82474912: # l "I see what i can do." l "I see what i can do." # game/script.rpy:11467 translate english labmap_4bb197ea: # l "It was hard that time." l "It was hard that time." # game/script.rpy:11468 translate english labmap_625fd668: # k "Why? What happened." k "Why? What happened." # game/script.rpy:11469 translate english labmap_485cd273: # l "They want more and more service from me." l "They want more and more service from me." # game/script.rpy:11470 translate english labmap_5f9434de: # l "You know like one customer want coffe with milk." l "You know like one customer want coffe with milk." # game/script.rpy:11474 translate english labmap_19836ab7: # l "But they want milk from my breast!" l "But they want milk from my breast!" # game/script.rpy:11475 translate english labmap_fe01e344_1: # k "And what you do?" k "And what you do?" # game/script.rpy:11476 translate english labmap_27bbc089: # l "Nothing. I just explain him that my boob is not real." l "Nothing. I just explain him that my boob is not real." # game/script.rpy:11477 translate english labmap_4f4c41c7: # l "He catch my boob and sai: 'it look real for me.'" l "He catch my boob and sai: 'it look real for me.'" # game/script.rpy:11478 translate english labmap_67fd9167: # k "So you can't give milk?" k "So you can't give milk?" # game/script.rpy:11479 translate english labmap_73db833b: # l "No master! I can't." l "No master! I can't." # game/script.rpy:11480 translate english labmap_55e6bcfb: # k "So maybe you need upgrade!" k "So maybe you need upgrade!" # game/script.rpy:11481 translate english labmap_42852d61: # l "????? Seriously?" l "????? Seriously?" # game/script.rpy:11482 translate english labmap_0f4ed68f: # k "Just think about it." k "Just think about it." # game/script.rpy:11483 translate english labmap_a7194f90: # l "Anyway I bring you 300 coins." l "Anyway I bring you 300 coins." # game/script.rpy:11486 translate english labmap_1f8053c0: # k "That is better than first time." k "That is better than first time." # game/script.rpy:11487 translate english labmap_4c544e06: # k "Good luck next time." k "Good luck next time." # game/script.rpy:11491 translate english labmap_344b6376: # l "Ok master. I think some customers is waiting for me." l "Ok master. I think some customers is waiting for me." # game/script.rpy:11496 translate english labmap_5e1d008e_2: # l "......" l "......" # game/script.rpy:11497 translate english labmap_e3fe5e36: # k "Lab, What happened?" k "Lab, What happened?" # game/script.rpy:11498 translate english labmap_5e1d008e_3: # l "......" l "......" # game/script.rpy:11499 translate english labmap_6a166d2e: # k "LAB!" k "LAB!" # game/script.rpy:11500 translate english labmap_c6b65fa3: # l "Sorry master I was thinking about something." l "Sorry master I was thinking about something." # game/script.rpy:11503 translate english labmap_4a8f16a8: # l "Today we have some weird guest." l "Today we have some weird guest." # game/script.rpy:11504 translate english labmap_62911965: # l "They look shy and still talk something about ghouls." l "They look shy and still talk something about ghouls." # game/script.rpy:11505 translate english labmap_93a3fdb3: # k "What dthat mean?" k "What dthat mean?" # game/script.rpy:11506 translate english labmap_c4aa9fb9: # l "I don't know." l "I don't know." # game/script.rpy:11507 translate english labmap_2bb142b4: # k "Anything else. Nothing sexual?" k "Anything else. Nothing sexual?" # game/script.rpy:11511 translate english labmap_64906062: # l "No master just another normal day in bar." l "No master just another normal day in bar." # game/script.rpy:11512 translate english labmap_31aebcb0: # k "And how much you earn?" k "And how much you earn?" # game/script.rpy:11513 translate english labmap_5e690c53: # l "Only 200 coins master." l "Only 200 coins master." # game/script.rpy:11515 translate english labmap_decdf490: # k "So not many." k "So not many." # game/script.rpy:11516 translate english labmap_5eab511f: # l "I sai it once, it was a weird day." l "I sai it once, it was a weird day." # game/script.rpy:11520 translate english labmap_2c3fb691: # k "Something special happened?" k "Something special happened?" # game/script.rpy:11521 translate english labmap_74e545cf: # l "I think... Yes... Some man offer me 150 coins for blow." l "I think... Yes... Some man offer me 150 coins for blow." # game/script.rpy:11522 translate english labmap_fe01e344_2: # k "And what you do?" k "And what you do?" # game/script.rpy:11523 translate english labmap_d978c300: # l "I bring him a drink." l "I bring him a drink." # game/script.rpy:11524 translate english labmap_1367dde4_1: # k "And?" k "And?" # game/script.rpy:11525 translate english labmap_6510f548: # l "Tell him i do it if he raise price to 200." l "Tell him i do it if he raise price to 200." # game/script.rpy:11526 translate english labmap_044132a6: # k "That little crafty witch." k "That little crafty witch." # game/script.rpy:11530 translate english labmap_ea47f6f0: # l "So good news everyone!" l "So good news everyone!" # game/script.rpy:11531 translate english labmap_9f275eb9: # l "I earn 350 coins today." l "I earn 350 coins today." # game/script.rpy:11533 translate english labmap_d9375790: # k "That is good news." k "That is good news." # game/script.rpy:11540 translate english labmap_e3ceff52: # l "Master that was horrible." l "Master that was horrible." # game/script.rpy:11541 translate english labmap_5276df47: # k "Why what happened?" k "Why what happened?" # game/script.rpy:11542 translate english labmap_8045afa1: # l "Some anti-mecha swines come to bar." l "Some anti-mecha swines come to bar." # game/script.rpy:11543 translate english labmap_6fc2374b: # l "I must hide whole time." l "I must hide whole time." # game/script.rpy:11544 translate english labmap_cbee1268: # l "And earn only 100 coins." l "And earn only 100 coins." # game/script.rpy:11546 translate english labmap_3dfcb6c6: # k "Don't worry the important is, you are ok." k "Don't worry the important is, you are ok." # game/script.rpy:11547 translate english labmap_03b2cd6b: # l "Thank you master." l "Thank you master." # game/script.rpy:11554 translate english labmap_9e4b1cf7: # l "I think you should think before you sai something!" l "I think you should think before you sai something!" # game/script.rpy:11555 translate english labmap_93334484_2: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:11556 translate english labmap_f01ff837: # l "Because a lot of shit can fly froum your mouth." l "Because a lot of shit can fly froum your mouth." # game/script.rpy:11557 translate english labmap_2c7484ba: # k "????" k "????" # game/script.rpy:11558 translate english labmap_8e323ed4: # k "I think she didn't want to go, to that bar." k "I think she didn't want to go, to that bar." # game/script.rpy:11563 translate english labmap_ae8a7fcb: # k "What do you think about mental sexual inhibitions?" k "What do you think about mental sexual inhibitions?" # game/script.rpy:11566 translate english labmap_c837903c: # l "I don't know master. What you mean by that." l "I don't know master. What you mean by that." # game/script.rpy:11567 translate english labmap_ed5d2104: # k "We need some more coins so..." k "We need some more coins so..." # game/script.rpy:11568 translate english labmap_05d6d300: # k "Can you go to Slave city and work as sexbot?" k "Can you go to Slave city and work as sexbot?" # game/script.rpy:11576 translate english labmap_0d18db3d: # l "Master! I never do something like that!" l "Master! I never do something like that!" # game/script.rpy:11577 translate english labmap_73f8d320: # k "Eveyrything need to be done first time." k "Eveyrything need to be done first time." # game/script.rpy:11578 translate english labmap_39c023b9_2: # l "What you mean by that?" l "What you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:11579 translate english labmap_85002b48: # k "Nothing... just try it." k "Nothing... just try it." # game/script.rpy:11580 translate english labmap_369c47fc: # l "But master...." l "But master...." # game/script.rpy:11581 translate english labmap_855cb147: # k "Shut up i say try it!" k "Shut up i say try it!" # game/script.rpy:11582 translate english labmap_c9365ae5: # l "All right master." l "All right master." # game/script.rpy:11584 translate english labmap_8323fc70: # l "So.... I make it." l "So.... I make it." # game/script.rpy:11585 translate english labmap_6ce8cabf: # l "I sold my body for coins." l "I sold my body for coins." # game/script.rpy:11586 translate english labmap_fa78c1d6: # k "Great how are you feel?" k "Great how are you feel?" # game/script.rpy:11587 translate english labmap_f6f099ea: # l ".... I must sai... refreshed." l ".... I must sai... refreshed." # game/script.rpy:11588 translate english labmap_cb01e779: # l "I think it would be hard but... it was easy." l "I think it would be hard but... it was easy." # game/script.rpy:11589 translate english labmap_6bf23153: # l "I just pull up skirt and he make rest." l "I just pull up skirt and he make rest." # game/script.rpy:11590 translate english labmap_946500df: # k "You only stand there?" k "You only stand there?" # game/script.rpy:11591 translate english labmap_6e62650b: # l "Something like that... I think man is wery simple." l "Something like that... I think man is wery simple." # game/script.rpy:11592 translate english labmap_a7b31de2: # k "??? What you mean by that." k "??? What you mean by that." # game/script.rpy:11593 translate english labmap_01990f8a: # l "You know they love pussy, boobs, beer and fuck." l "You know they love pussy, boobs, beer and fuck." # game/script.rpy:11594 translate english labmap_9d6464e2: # l "Nothing extra ordinary." l "Nothing extra ordinary." # game/script.rpy:11595 translate english labmap_1a07e67a: # k "........ maybe you right...." k "........ maybe you right...." # game/script.rpy:11596 translate english labmap_814d46c2: # k "So how much you earn." k "So how much you earn." # game/script.rpy:11597 translate english labmap_c2e3421b: # l "200 coins sir." l "200 coins sir." # game/script.rpy:11598 translate english labmap_589faa2a: # k "Not bad for first time but try harder." k "Not bad for first time but try harder." # game/script.rpy:11599 translate english labmap_fb1b0f19: # l "All right master" l "All right master" # game/script.rpy:11608 translate english labmap_3802d797: # l "Master that again? I think it is only one time offer." l "Master that again? I think it is only one time offer." # game/script.rpy:11609 translate english labmap_45bf789b: # k "No. We need more coins." k "No. We need more coins." # game/script.rpy:11610 translate english labmap_2ce8ef23: # l "But we can earn them lot easier!" l "But we can earn them lot easier!" # game/script.rpy:11611 translate english labmap_4b05cd04: # k "Yes but if we don't infilrate Slave city we can't save the human population." k "Yes but if we don't infilrate Slave city we can't save the human population." # game/script.rpy:11612 translate english labmap_78495f96: # l "Are you serious?" l "Are you serious?" # game/script.rpy:11613 translate english labmap_c3edd669: # k "Yes 'Stupid robot'" k "Yes 'Stupid robot'" # game/script.rpy:11614 translate english labmap_26dd4742: # l "Ok so I will try." l "Ok so I will try." # game/script.rpy:11616 translate english labmap_c7f4fd3e: # l "I made it master!" l "I made it master!" # game/script.rpy:11617 translate english labmap_2e32a2a2: # l "Today I have 2 'customers'. They give me 150 coins each." l "Today I have 2 'customers'. They give me 150 coins each." # game/script.rpy:11618 translate english labmap_1978c6db: # l "They sai I'm amazing and they will come back with friends." l "They sai I'm amazing and they will come back with friends." # game/script.rpy:11622 translate english labmap_3d696030: # l "Should I be scared?" l "Should I be scared?" # game/script.rpy:11623 translate english labmap_882c617b: # k "No girl. That mean you satisfied them." k "No girl. That mean you satisfied them." # game/script.rpy:11624 translate english labmap_bb554a20: # k "And they want more." k "And they want more." # game/script.rpy:11625 translate english labmap_ad8221da: # k "So good work." k "So good work." # game/script.rpy:11626 translate english labmap_94a2cbc8_1: # l "Thanks master." l "Thanks master." # game/script.rpy:11634 translate english labmap_775c75b9: # l "All right master. I wonder if my old friends come visit me." l "All right master. I wonder if my old friends come visit me." # game/script.rpy:11636 translate english labmap_df3ab23e: # l "Nothing extra today master." l "Nothing extra today master." # game/script.rpy:11637 translate english labmap_1ffd4de0: # l "It was like: rest, fuck, rest, fuck...." l "It was like: rest, fuck, rest, fuck...." # game/script.rpy:11640 translate english labmap_4240366f: # k "So tell me what exactly happened?" k "So tell me what exactly happened?" # game/script.rpy:11643 translate english labmap_3197a0de: # l "Some guys ask me if I want to do gangbang." l "Some guys ask me if I want to do gangbang." # game/script.rpy:11644 translate english labmap_1a762198: # l "I agree so they give me 300 coins." l "I agree so they give me 300 coins." # game/script.rpy:11645 translate english labmap_a61b1927: # k "What??? How many guys?" k "What??? How many guys?" # game/script.rpy:11646 translate english labmap_1800d2c0: # l "I don't know sir they have mask." l "I don't know sir they have mask." # game/script.rpy:11647 translate english labmap_65ef4fcd: # l "I think some of them go more than one time." l "I think some of them go more than one time." # game/script.rpy:11648 translate english labmap_9febeb55: # l "They fill every my hole." l "They fill every my hole." # game/script.rpy:11649 translate english labmap_3401fa8e: # l "It was realy interesting experience." l "It was realy interesting experience." # game/script.rpy:11650 translate english labmap_c8923ed0: # l "I amalready looking forward to it." l "I amalready looking forward to it." # game/script.rpy:11651 translate english labmap_54777912: # l "Maybe I find them tomorow." l "Maybe I find them tomorow." # game/script.rpy:11652 translate english labmap_552c110d_1: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:11653 translate english labmap_3b3d469e: # k "What the hell happened to you?" k "What the hell happened to you?" # game/script.rpy:11654 translate english labmap_8fe58c89: # l "Nothing master. I only want some cocks.... I mean coins..." l "Nothing master. I only want some cocks.... I mean coins..." # game/script.rpy:11659 translate english labmap_833353c7: # l "One customer come to me and ask if he can have special service." l "One customer come to me and ask if he can have special service." # game/script.rpy:11660 translate english labmap_8e5c1c32: # l "I ask for 200 coins so he give it to me." l "I ask for 200 coins so he give it to me." # game/script.rpy:11661 translate english labmap_93b3d32e: # k "And what happened next?" k "And what happened next?" # game/script.rpy:11665 translate english labmap_3dead5cb: # l "He bring me to his house. Then he want to be bound to his bed." l "He bring me to his house. Then he want to be bound to his bed." # game/script.rpy:11666 translate english labmap_60950800: # l "So i bound him." l "So i bound him." # game/script.rpy:11667 translate english labmap_17746161: # l "Then i beat him with some kind of electric whip." l "Then i beat him with some kind of electric whip." # game/script.rpy:11668 translate english labmap_281f6dd2: # l "He have that idea from 50 shades of shit or something like that." l "He have that idea from 50 shades of shit or something like that." # game/script.rpy:11669 translate english labmap_45fa0ee2: # l "But I must sai it was pretty funny." l "But I must sai it was pretty funny." # game/script.rpy:11670 translate english labmap_cc94e0f9: # k "That was maybe we can try that sometimes." k "That was maybe we can try that sometimes." # game/script.rpy:11671 translate english labmap_5550e671: # l "We can master, if you want." l "We can master, if you want." # game/script.rpy:11673 translate english labmap_c5dd6e04: # l "Anyway after that he want to tie me a little too." l "Anyway after that he want to tie me a little too." # game/script.rpy:11675 translate english labmap_0442489e: # l "So he just grab me and tie me." l "So he just grab me and tie me." # game/script.rpy:11676 translate english labmap_315ee66b: # l "It was realy weird experience." l "It was realy weird experience." # game/script.rpy:11677 translate english labmap_0b3eb632: # k "So he have some kind of bondage issue?" k "So he have some kind of bondage issue?" # game/script.rpy:11678 translate english labmap_a618a168: # l "Yes it look like. I spend an hour in one possition." l "Yes it look like. I spend an hour in one possition." # game/script.rpy:11679 translate english labmap_af0abb78: # l "It was realy tiresome...." l "It was realy tiresome...." # game/script.rpy:11680 translate english labmap_93181227: # l "I mean if I were still a human." l "I mean if I were still a human." # game/script.rpy:11699 translate english labmap_8f7ad20b: # k "All right girl just give me coins." k "All right girl just give me coins." # game/script.rpy:11702 translate english labmap_e7a11cf1: # l "Here it is 300 coins." l "Here it is 300 coins." # game/script.rpy:11703 translate english labmap_8388277c: # k "Good work." k "Good work." # game/script.rpy:11708 translate english labmap_60304172: # l "Here it is 200 coins." l "Here it is 200 coins." # game/script.rpy:11709 translate english labmap_50fb1631: # k "Ok that is satisfactory." k "Ok that is satisfactory." # game/script.rpy:11714 translate english labmap_af47ccd9: # l "Here it is 100 coins." l "Here it is 100 coins." # game/script.rpy:11715 translate english labmap_4d9d1509: # k "Try harder next time." k "Try harder next time." # game/script.rpy:11725 translate english labmap_90500038: # l "I think you should do that first!" l "I think you should do that first!" # game/script.rpy:11726 translate english labmap_93334484_3: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:11727 translate english labmap_9745c301: # l "You know you should go to slave city and sell your body." l "You know you should go to slave city and sell your body." # game/script.rpy:11728 translate english labmap_062a0a53: # l "And when they rape your asshole, maybe you stop asking stupid questions!" l "And when they rape your asshole, maybe you stop asking stupid questions!" # game/script.rpy:11733 translate english labmap_f0cd2bb0: # k "So big one is here. Now you became public toilet!" k "So big one is here. Now you became public toilet!" # game/script.rpy:11736 translate english labmap_eef6ee2b: # l "hmmm...I think I can make it." l "hmmm...I think I can make it." # game/script.rpy:11737 translate english labmap_3c874994: # l "It is job like any other right?" l "It is job like any other right?" # game/script.rpy:11738 translate english labmap_1976f39b: # k "Ehm... Yes I think so... for you it will be no problem." k "Ehm... Yes I think so... for you it will be no problem." # game/script.rpy:11739 translate english labmap_a62960e2: # l "Ok I will try it." l "Ok I will try it." # game/script.rpy:11741 translate english labmap_a20cefa7: # "..." "..." # game/script.rpy:11743 translate english labmap_dd51ad9b: # l "Wow that was a funny experience." l "Wow that was a funny experience." # game/script.rpy:11744 translate english labmap_eca849a7: # l "I was used as an public toilet." l "I was used as an public toilet." # game/script.rpy:11745 translate english labmap_691891a1: # k "I know that... How it was?" k "I know that... How it was?" # game/script.rpy:11747 translate english labmap_09a292b0: # l "Ehm nothing extra I just sit on toilet and wait..." l "Ehm nothing extra I just sit on toilet and wait..." # game/script.rpy:11748 translate english labmap_ab09d867: # k "And???" k "And???" # game/script.rpy:11749 translate english labmap_6f9b0d55: # l "Customers still comming to me..." l "Customers still comming to me..." # game/script.rpy:11751 translate english labmap_84251dc8: # l "Some of them cum in my mouth." l "Some of them cum in my mouth." # game/script.rpy:11753 translate english labmap_ace99f0e: # l "Other cum on my boobs." l "Other cum on my boobs." # game/script.rpy:11755 translate english labmap_b3f5a2db: # k "Sound like bussy day. What happened next?" k "Sound like bussy day. What happened next?" # game/script.rpy:11756 translate english labmap_5c86279f: # l "... Hmmm... I think some guy come inside my pussy." l "... Hmmm... I think some guy come inside my pussy." # game/script.rpy:11758 translate english labmap_5116d77d: # l "And then cum in my mouth again." l "And then cum in my mouth again." # game/script.rpy:11760 translate english labmap_eee1e1d9: # l "Hmmm and that happened over and over again." l "Hmmm and that happened over and over again." # game/script.rpy:11761 translate english labmap_c7d77867: # l "In the end I clean myself..." l "In the end I clean myself..." # game/script.rpy:11762 translate english labmap_b519030e: # k "Ok so did you earn something?" k "Ok so did you earn something?" # game/script.rpy:11763 translate english labmap_cfa106c6: # l "Of course not. Public toilet is public works. So it is for free..." l "Of course not. Public toilet is public works. So it is for free..." # game/script.rpy:11764 translate english labmap_a91b198e: # l "But I realy enjoy it." l "But I realy enjoy it." # game/script.rpy:11765 translate english labmap_748dfcb7: # k ".... sigh...." k ".... sigh...." # game/script.rpy:11766 translate english labmap_a1185b30: # k "Look like you are completely perverted now." k "Look like you are completely perverted now." # game/script.rpy:11767 translate english labmap_24c45198: # k "Job is done." k "Job is done." # game/script.rpy:11770 translate english labmap_f0cd2bb0_1: # k "So big one is here. Now you became public toilet!" k "So big one is here. Now you became public toilet!" # game/script.rpy:11773 translate english labmap_b85ddc90: # l "No. I never do that." l "No. I never do that." # game/script.rpy:11774 translate english labmap_8c18fa19: # l "Seriously you must be insane if you think I can do that." l "Seriously you must be insane if you think I can do that." # game/script.rpy:11775 translate english labmap_7730327e: # l "Not now not ever." l "Not now not ever." # game/script.rpy:11794 translate english begar_d616ca82: # k "Hello girl." k "Hello girl." # game/script.rpy:11797 translate english begar_ec0127ce: # beg "Can you spare som coins sir?" beg "Can you spare som coins sir?" # game/script.rpy:11798 translate english begar_d80a624b: # k "Sure but what you can give me for coins?" k "Sure but what you can give me for coins?" # game/script.rpy:11799 translate english begar_6c8d06d6: # beg "I'm wery poor sir I can't give you anything." beg "I'm wery poor sir I can't give you anything." # game/script.rpy:11800 translate english begar_d3c3f593: # k "Maybe some informations?" k "Maybe some informations?" # game/script.rpy:11801 translate english begar_be906af9: # beg "Sorry sir I don't know anything important." beg "Sorry sir I don't know anything important." # game/script.rpy:11802 translate english begar_bb36111b: # k "I don't belive that." k "I don't belive that." # game/script.rpy:11803 translate english begar_2eda7caa: # beg "Sorry sir." beg "Sorry sir." # game/script.rpy:11804 translate english begar_da2c7fad: # k "I think that is everything I got from her for now." k "I think that is everything I got from her for now." # game/script.rpy:11807 translate english begar_d616ca82_1: # k "Hello girl." k "Hello girl." # game/script.rpy:11810 translate english begar_43a517a3: # beg "Hello sir. Can you help me?" beg "Hello sir. Can you help me?" # game/script.rpy:11811 translate english begar_2071e7ec: # k "Maybe. What do you need?" k "Maybe. What do you need?" # game/script.rpy:11812 translate english begar_7860a679: # beg "We need to rebuild old house, sir." beg "We need to rebuild old house, sir." # game/script.rpy:11813 translate english begar_162fe1f6: # k "What house?" k "What house?" # game/script.rpy:11814 translate english begar_d9c41b8b: # beg "The one in the edge of slave city, sir." beg "The one in the edge of slave city, sir." # game/script.rpy:11815 translate english begar_414df4b7: # k "Ok. And how exactly I can help?" k "Ok. And how exactly I can help?" # game/script.rpy:11816 translate english begar_d54d0ee9: # beg "We need coins sir." beg "We need coins sir." # game/script.rpy:11817 translate english begar_ec0127ce_1: # beg "Can you spare som coins sir?" beg "Can you spare som coins sir?" # game/script.rpy:11820 translate english begar_d616ca82_2: # k "Hello girl." k "Hello girl." # game/script.rpy:11823 translate english begar_1acac30f: # beg "Sir please help us!" beg "Sir please help us!" # game/script.rpy:11824 translate english begar_4c392103: # k "What girl?" k "What girl?" # game/script.rpy:11825 translate english begar_337faff4: # beg "I need coins to repair the house." beg "I need coins to repair the house." # game/script.rpy:11826 translate english begar_94e5d552: # k "Yes you told it already and?" k "Yes you told it already and?" # game/script.rpy:11827 translate english begar_3aea151a: # beg "Can you give me 1000 coins?" beg "Can you give me 1000 coins?" # game/script.rpy:11830 translate english begar_d3dd81e4: # k "Are you serious?" k "Are you serious?" # game/script.rpy:11831 translate english begar_61cc9fc8: # k "That is too much." k "That is too much." # game/script.rpy:11832 translate english begar_b9c6d2ac: # beg "Please sir I do anything." beg "Please sir I do anything." # game/script.rpy:11833 translate english begar_b80dd12d: # k "Hmm... maybe... NO!!!" k "Hmm... maybe... NO!!!" # game/script.rpy:11834 translate english begar_4fc6786a: # k "Why the hell I give 1000 coins to begar." k "Why the hell I give 1000 coins to begar." # game/script.rpy:11838 translate english begar_13a3239f: # k "Ok I can do that for you." k "Ok I can do that for you." # game/script.rpy:11839 translate english begar_87e0cdff: # beg "Thank you wery much sir." beg "Thank you wery much sir." # game/script.rpy:11840 translate english begar_8492207c: # k "Here is your coins." k "Here is your coins." # game/script.rpy:11841 translate english begar_40867872: # beg "Thank you wery much sir!" beg "Thank you wery much sir!" # game/script.rpy:11842 translate english begar_01277bf4: # k "You told that already." k "You told that already." # game/script.rpy:11843 translate english begar_df85294b: # beg "I know sir." beg "I know sir." # game/script.rpy:11844 translate english begar_ce314be5: # k "I hope you spend it on the repairs not on the drugs." k "I hope you spend it on the repairs not on the drugs." # game/script.rpy:11845 translate english begar_d205887b: # k "...... silly sentence." k "...... silly sentence." # game/script.rpy:11851 translate english begar_500cdcc5: # k "I realy want to." k "I realy want to." # game/script.rpy:11852 translate english begar_c734825c: # k "But it look like I don't have enough coins." k "But it look like I don't have enough coins." # game/script.rpy:11853 translate english begar_9a7743c7: # beg "It is ok sir. I also don't have coins." beg "It is ok sir. I also don't have coins." # game/script.rpy:11856 translate english begar_d616ca82_3: # k "Hello girl." k "Hello girl." # game/script.rpy:11859 translate english begar_3c9cd075: # beg "Thank you for your help." beg "Thank you for your help." # game/script.rpy:11860 translate english begar_6e8e7e6c: # k "No problem." k "No problem." # game/script.rpy:11861 translate english begar_0843b774: # beg "You can visit our hideout now." beg "You can visit our hideout now." # game/script.rpy:11862 translate english begar_9f17cfb4: # k "Hideout? Ok." k "Hideout? Ok." # game/script.rpy:11866 translate english begar_c3727bac: # k "Do you want to earn some coins?" k "Do you want to earn some coins?" # game/script.rpy:11867 translate english begar_3b7f6ca4: # beg "Yes sir what do you want?" beg "Yes sir what do you want?" # game/script.rpy:11868 translate english begar_c1b35294: # k "Nothing special just titfuck." k "Nothing special just titfuck." # game/script.rpy:11869 translate english begar_ad59e00f: # beg "Sure sir." beg "Sure sir." # game/script.rpy:11872 translate english begar_4a89f728: # k "Ok do your work!" k "Ok do your work!" # game/script.rpy:11874 translate english begar_df6e3456: # beg "Sure. How many coins you will give to me?" beg "Sure. How many coins you will give to me?" # game/script.rpy:11875 translate english begar_94e1d7d8: # k "Don't know 10???" k "Don't know 10???" # game/script.rpy:11877 translate english begar_f4494846: # beg "Thank you sir. I will try to merit them" beg "Thank you sir. I will try to merit them" # game/script.rpy:11879 translate english begar_9689088d: # k "So try harder." k "So try harder." # game/script.rpy:11881 translate english begar_43c59b97: # beg "Like this sir?" beg "Like this sir?" # game/script.rpy:11883 translate english begar_f2978074: # beg "...." beg "...." # game/script.rpy:11885 translate english begar_8170f188: # k "Girl focus. Do it properly!" k "Girl focus. Do it properly!" # game/script.rpy:11887 translate english begar_9719fe46: # beg "Sorry sir I will try." beg "Sorry sir I will try." # game/script.rpy:11891 translate english begar_722154c7: # k "Yes almost ther!" k "Yes almost ther!" # game/script.rpy:11893 translate english begar_cee0b074: # k "Take that bitch!" k "Take that bitch!" # game/script.rpy:11895 translate english begar_8ae5dd14: # k "Argh...." k "Argh...." # game/script.rpy:11896 translate english begar_e5632d59: # k "You actualy good at this." k "You actualy good at this." # game/script.rpy:11897 translate english begar_e6f82e6b: # beg "Thank you sir." beg "Thank you sir." # game/script.rpy:11898 translate english begar_80892d7f: # k "But don't be so passive proper titfuck mean more action." k "But don't be so passive proper titfuck mean more action." # game/script.rpy:11899 translate english begar_75a17f3b: # beg "Ok sir I will try." beg "Ok sir I will try." # game/script.rpy:11903 translate english begar_9ffc2f71: # k "Ehm forget about it." k "Ehm forget about it." # game/script.rpy:11904 translate english begar_faa2f85b: # beg "Why sir?" beg "Why sir?" # game/script.rpy:11905 translate english begar_1aa7c7e7: # k "I forgot my money at home." k "I forgot my money at home." # game/script.rpy:11906 translate english begar_5c16e132: # kam "Idiot!" kam "Idiot!" # game/script.rpy:11910 translate english begar_ec0127ce_2: # beg "Can you spare som coins sir?" beg "Can you spare som coins sir?" # game/script.rpy:11912 translate english begar_b84c6c8c: # k "Sure here is some for you." k "Sure here is some for you." # game/script.rpy:11917 translate english begar_dbf512fd: # beg "Thank you very much." beg "Thank you very much." # game/script.rpy:11918 translate english begar_03b5e49a: # beg "We will not foget!" beg "We will not foget!" # game/script.rpy:11919 translate english begar_1fb0d347: # k "What do you mean by that?" k "What do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:11920 translate english begar_be6da81d: # beg "Some coins sir?" beg "Some coins sir?" # game/script.rpy:11921 translate english begar_ced92988: # k "Look like she is in on off mode." k "Look like she is in on off mode." # game/script.rpy:11926 translate english begar_b09a9591: # beg "I'm grateful sir." beg "I'm grateful sir." # game/script.rpy:11928 translate english begar_b6a65578: # k "Sorry I don't have any more coins." k "Sorry I don't have any more coins." # game/script.rpy:11929 translate english begar_9a58e3da: # beg "Ok sir." beg "Ok sir." # game/script.rpy:11948 translate english slaveright_62112374: # k "So it look like this slave is ready." k "So it look like this slave is ready." # game/script.rpy:11949 translate english slaveright_9a63f8a7: # sc "Just fuck her already." sc "Just fuck her already." # game/script.rpy:11951 translate english slaveright_31b39252: # k "No need to rush things." k "No need to rush things." # game/script.rpy:11952 translate english slaveright_7d588f84: # k "I not pay for hour or?" k "I not pay for hour or?" # game/script.rpy:11953 translate english slaveright_7c057870: # sc "Just put it in." sc "Just put it in." # game/script.rpy:11955 translate english slaveright_8d6929ed: # k "That feel good." k "That feel good." # game/script.rpy:11957 translate english slaveright_8362f985: # k "Do you enjoy it too?" k "Do you enjoy it too?" # game/script.rpy:11959 translate english slaveright_4faa7ea3: # sc "She is not allowed to speak." sc "She is not allowed to speak." # game/script.rpy:11961 translate english slaveright_2487cbae: # k "Thats a pitty. Why not." k "Thats a pitty. Why not." # game/script.rpy:11963 translate english slaveright_cf495efe: # sc "That is not your buisness. Just came already!" sc "That is not your buisness. Just came already!" # game/script.rpy:11965 translate english slaveright_dbde1099: # k "Not so easy when you still look at me." k "Not so easy when you still look at me." # game/script.rpy:11968 translate english slaveright_8bb2a224: # k "That is better." k "That is better." # game/script.rpy:11970 translate english slaveright_5d61351c: # k "What a fine pussy." k "What a fine pussy." # game/script.rpy:11972 translate english slaveright_29112b78: # k "I can fuck her all day." k "I can fuck her all day." # game/script.rpy:11974 translate english slaveright_00d966e3: # k "It like I'm almost...." k "It like I'm almost...." # game/script.rpy:11976 translate english slaveright_6cd92526: # k "Ou yeah...." k "Ou yeah...." # game/script.rpy:11978 translate english slaveright_ee90902c: # k "....." k "....." # game/script.rpy:11981 translate english slaveright_b7fd91a4: # k "Take it slave!" k "Take it slave!" # game/script.rpy:11984 translate english slaveright_bed5de73: # k "And a little more for you." k "And a little more for you." # game/script.rpy:11987 translate english slaveright_df29c8b5: # k "Look like that's all." k "Look like that's all." # game/script.rpy:11988 translate english slaveright_2f7ac2eb: # k "So what should I do next?" k "So what should I do next?" # game/script.rpy:11993 translate english slaveright_46df6f7f: # k "So how that exactly work?" k "So how that exactly work?" # game/script.rpy:11994 translate english slaveright_c75ad182: # sc "Just put that on her breast and turn the power on." sc "Just put that on her breast and turn the power on." # game/script.rpy:11996 translate english slaveright_ff054dfe: # k "Right that?" k "Right that?" # game/script.rpy:11997 translate english slaveright_70655d87: # sc "Yes and now change intensity." sc "Yes and now change intensity." # game/script.rpy:11999 translate english slaveright_d09aa151: # sc "And you can have fun with her." sc "And you can have fun with her." # game/script.rpy:12001 translate english slaveright_fcaa5f12: # k "Wow that is funny." k "Wow that is funny." # game/script.rpy:12003 translate english slaveright_ba602530: # k "What happened to her milk?" k "What happened to her milk?" # game/script.rpy:12005 translate english slaveright_11e99625: # sc "We trade it to milkypolis." sc "We trade it to milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:12007 translate english slaveright_6fd4030a: # k "What you mean by trade?" k "What you mean by trade?" # game/script.rpy:12009 translate english slaveright_fc768d32: # sc "Nothing extra they send some girls here." sc "Nothing extra they send some girls here." # game/script.rpy:12011 translate english slaveright_fc42e896: # k "Realy? Hmm it didnt look right." k "Realy? Hmm it didnt look right." # game/script.rpy:12013 translate english slaveright_1db35cd0: # sc "Haha you are...." sc "Haha you are...." # game/script.rpy:12015 translate english slaveright_97862041: # sc "Hey stop that she is already milked more than she can take" sc "Hey stop that she is already milked more than she can take" # game/script.rpy:12017 translate english slaveright_a96179e1: # k "Ok I have my fun." k "Ok I have my fun." # game/script.rpy:12019 translate english slaveright_668b3d2b: # sc "Some milk is still leaking." sc "Some milk is still leaking." # game/script.rpy:12020 translate english slaveright_ab09d867: # k "And???" k "And???" # game/script.rpy:12021 translate english slaveright_4b81ae52: # sc "Just put that extractor out." sc "Just put that extractor out." # game/script.rpy:12023 translate english slaveright_aac30ee6: # k "So much milk spilled over the floor" k "So much milk spilled over the floor" # game/script.rpy:12024 translate english slaveright_ce0cd4a4: # sc "That is normal she drink it later..." sc "That is normal she drink it later..." # game/script.rpy:12025 translate english slaveright_e049b1f3: # k "....... that cant be normal." k "....... that cant be normal." # game/script.rpy:12038 translate english slavemiddle_81fdb0f1: # sla "Hello Sir what can I do for you?" sla "Hello Sir what can I do for you?" # game/script.rpy:12039 translate english slavemiddle_2b18ea69: # k "Isn't it pretty obvious?" k "Isn't it pretty obvious?" # game/script.rpy:12040 translate english slavemiddle_460cd0e2: # k "I am ready to have some fun!" k "I am ready to have some fun!" # game/script.rpy:12041 translate english slavemiddle_3fbde989: # sc "Just fuck her already!" sc "Just fuck her already!" # game/script.rpy:12042 translate english slavemiddle_3583b7fe: # k "Can you give us a minute alone?" k "Can you give us a minute alone?" # game/script.rpy:12043 translate english slavemiddle_60fff70a: # sc "Sure..." sc "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:12044 translate english slavemiddle_1b02473c: # k "Hey, you! You look familiar." k "Hey, you! You look familiar." # game/script.rpy:12045 translate english slavemiddle_aee8b691: # sla "..." sla "..." # game/script.rpy:12046 translate english slavemiddle_9e4c13ed: # k "How long are you here as a slave?" k "How long are you here as a slave?" # game/script.rpy:12047 translate english slavemiddle_aee8b691_1: # sla "..." sla "..." # game/script.rpy:12048 translate english slavemiddle_409a490c: # k "Is there anything wrong with you right now?" k "Is there anything wrong with you right now?" # game/script.rpy:12049 translate english slavemiddle_812c745c: # sla "Can you fuck me, sir?" sla "Can you fuck me, sir?" # game/script.rpy:12050 translate english slavemiddle_a393725a: # k "Not so fast just tell me something about yourself." k "Not so fast just tell me something about yourself." # game/script.rpy:12051 translate english slavemiddle_cd40c34c: # sla "I lived once in milkypolis with my sister." sla "I lived once in milkypolis with my sister." # game/script.rpy:12052 translate english slavemiddle_a6c2fb0d: # sla "But my breast stop giving milk and then I come here to earn some coins." sla "But my breast stop giving milk and then I come here to earn some coins." # game/script.rpy:12053 translate english slavemiddle_12c840e5: # k "I already hear similliar story." k "I already hear similliar story." # game/script.rpy:12054 translate english slavemiddle_117abc37: # k "You must be a sister of... ehm... milkgirl..." k "You must be a sister of... ehm... milkgirl..." # game/script.rpy:12055 translate english slavemiddle_66b78cd0: # sla "I don't know what you mean, sir." sla "I don't know what you mean, sir." # game/script.rpy:12056 translate english slavemiddle_0c23af53: # k "I find a girl near milkypolis. Someone attacks her so I save her." k "I find a girl near milkypolis. Someone attacks her so I save her." # game/script.rpy:12057 translate english slavemiddle_834bf872: # k "She has milking problem too. And her hair has the same color." k "She has milking problem too. And her hair has the same color." # game/script.rpy:12058 translate english slavemiddle_3aa7bed4: # sla "Yes.. My little sister..." sla "Yes.. My little sister..." # game/script.rpy:12059 translate english slavemiddle_dee9ad9b: # k "Are you allright?" k "Are you allright?" # game/script.rpy:12060 translate english slavemiddle_aee8b691_2: # sla "..." sla "..." # game/script.rpy:12061 translate english slavemiddle_812c745c_1: # sla "Can you fuck me, sir?" sla "Can you fuck me, sir?" # game/script.rpy:12062 translate english slavemiddle_29a9ba2d: # k "What about your sister?" k "What about your sister?" # game/script.rpy:12063 translate english slavemiddle_b596a7da: # sla "What about her?" sla "What about her?" # game/script.rpy:12064 translate english slavemiddle_caf71c5f: # k "She is terribly worried about you." k "She is terribly worried about you." # game/script.rpy:12065 translate english slavemiddle_7ea92847: # sla "She does not have to worry about me. I am happy here, sir." sla "She does not have to worry about me. I am happy here, sir." # game/script.rpy:12066 translate english slavemiddle_812c745c_2: # sla "Can you fuck me, sir?" sla "Can you fuck me, sir?" # game/script.rpy:12071 translate english slavemiddle_5b142714: # k "I think it is not a good idea right now." k "I think it is not a good idea right now." # game/script.rpy:12072 translate english slavemiddle_52e5350c: # k "Keep that coins." k "Keep that coins." # game/script.rpy:12073 translate english slavemiddle_b08d513a: # k "I need to talk with your sister." k "I need to talk with your sister." # game/script.rpy:12081 translate english slavemiddle_aac4d4a2: # k "I want to talk to that girl now." k "I want to talk to that girl now." # game/script.rpy:12082 translate english slavemiddle_54a6426b: # k "Just give us a minute, okay?" k "Just give us a minute, okay?" # game/script.rpy:12083 translate english slavemiddle_bf698c9f: # sc "Sure, you already pay for her time." sc "Sure, you already pay for her time." # game/script.rpy:12085 translate english slavemiddle_812c745c_3: # sla "Can you fuck me, sir?" sla "Can you fuck me, sir?" # game/script.rpy:12086 translate english slavemiddle_69fc0522: # k "Not so fast I bring someone with me today." k "Not so fast I bring someone with me today." # game/script.rpy:12087 translate english slavemiddle_20fd31fb: # sla "Sure, sir." sla "Sure, sir." # game/script.rpy:12088 translate english slavemiddle_45f1f8fe: # k "You can come out now." k "You can come out now." # game/script.rpy:12094 translate english slavemiddle_1228835b: # mg "Sister, is it really you?" mg "Sister, is it really you?" # game/script.rpy:12095 translate english slavemiddle_865470ee: # sla "Hello my dear sister. I am happy to see you." sla "Hello my dear sister. I am happy to see you." # game/script.rpy:12096 translate english slavemiddle_299b776b: # mg "Hurry, we can help you to escape!" mg "Hurry, we can help you to escape!" # game/script.rpy:12097 translate english slavemiddle_2a65f4a9: # k "We???" k "We???" # game/script.rpy:12098 translate english slavemiddle_5eb300fd: # sla "Why would I need to escape?" sla "Why would I need to escape?" # game/script.rpy:12103 translate english slavemiddle_967c2d4f: # mg "You are trapped here with chain on your neck!" mg "You are trapped here with chain on your neck!" # game/script.rpy:12104 translate english slavemiddle_b8f94bbc: # mg "Selling your body and been raped by a man." mg "Selling your body and been raped by a man." # game/script.rpy:12105 translate english slavemiddle_aee8b691_3: # sla "..." sla "..." # game/script.rpy:12106 translate english slavemiddle_eabe49e8: # mg "It will end it now!" mg "It will end it now!" # game/script.rpy:12107 translate english slavemiddle_7bac570d: # sla "Sorry sister but no." sla "Sorry sister but no." # game/script.rpy:12108 translate english slavemiddle_cd67a57f: # sla "I am happy here." sla "I am happy here." # game/script.rpy:12113 translate english slavemiddle_00e58ecf: # mg "What???" mg "What???" # game/script.rpy:12114 translate english slavemiddle_1ec2250a: # sla "This is my home now." sla "This is my home now." # game/script.rpy:12115 translate english slavemiddle_aa81c3de: # mg "But...." mg "But...." # game/script.rpy:12116 translate english slavemiddle_e6ac1615: # sla "Once I lived as a milkgirl. But I can not give milk anymore. So now I am a prostitute." sla "Once I lived as a milkgirl. But I can not give milk anymore. So now I am a prostitute." # game/script.rpy:12117 translate english slavemiddle_719c4c16: # sla "Still selling my body. And still like it." sla "Still selling my body. And still like it." # game/script.rpy:12118 translate english slavemiddle_a88416a1: # mg "We can fix your milking problem. And then..." mg "We can fix your milking problem. And then..." # game/script.rpy:12119 translate english slavemiddle_a3480104: # sla "No... I am happy here." sla "No... I am happy here." # game/script.rpy:12124 translate english slavemiddle_e864fa3c: # mg "Sister..." mg "Sister..." # game/script.rpy:12125 translate english slavemiddle_78c43bec: # sla "I think if you try this once, you will understand me." sla "I think if you try this once, you will understand me." # game/script.rpy:12126 translate english slavemiddle_00e58ecf_1: # mg "What???" mg "What???" # game/script.rpy:12127 translate english slavemiddle_4da90de1: # sla "It is only a job... and a pleasant job." sla "It is only a job... and a pleasant job." # game/script.rpy:12128 translate english slavemiddle_83ef55c2: # sla "I have a place to live and earn some coins." sla "I have a place to live and earn some coins." # game/script.rpy:12129 translate english slavemiddle_d4857693: # mg "You can live in vault with me!!!" mg "You can live in vault with me!!!" # game/script.rpy:12130 translate english slavemiddle_40808682: # sla "Maybe... But now I am happy here..." sla "Maybe... But now I am happy here..." # game/script.rpy:12131 translate english slavemiddle_614ac66b: # mg "But sister..." mg "But sister..." # game/script.rpy:12132 translate english slavemiddle_e1a2a599: # sla "Every coin has 2 sides." sla "Every coin has 2 sides." # game/script.rpy:12133 translate english slavemiddle_9065dd69: # sla "If you try my job, maybe I will come to your vault sometimes." sla "If you try my job, maybe I will come to your vault sometimes." # game/script.rpy:12134 translate english slavemiddle_e907bbc9: # mg "..." mg "..." # game/script.rpy:12135 translate english slavemiddle_5b2ed69b: # mg "I think... I am going home now." mg "I think... I am going home now." # game/script.rpy:12136 translate english slavemiddle_d5f364c4: # mg "I will think about it." mg "I will think about it." # game/script.rpy:12141 translate english slavemiddle_1c2dbb9d: # k "Ok. That was weird." k "Ok. That was weird." # game/script.rpy:12142 translate english slavemiddle_196ff710: # k "What now?" k "What now?" # game/script.rpy:12143 translate english slavemiddle_08a809f5: # sla "Now you can fuck me, sir." sla "Now you can fuck me, sir." # game/script.rpy:12148 translate english slavemiddle_5b142714_1: # k "I think it is not a good idea right now." k "I think it is not a good idea right now." # game/script.rpy:12149 translate english slavemiddle_52e5350c_1: # k "Keep that coins." k "Keep that coins." # game/script.rpy:12150 translate english slavemiddle_b08d513a_1: # k "I need to talk with your sister." k "I need to talk with your sister." # game/script.rpy:12163 translate english slavemiddle_f1201e61: # k "She look hot... That big tits look like they want to run away." k "She look hot... That big tits look like they want to run away." # game/script.rpy:12164 translate english slavemiddle_0dfb553f: # sc "Put down her panties and fuck her already!" sc "Put down her panties and fuck her already!" # game/script.rpy:12166 translate english slavemiddle_113b9b07: # k "Jump into the action!" k "Jump into the action!" # game/script.rpy:12167 translate english slavemiddle_621f60a4: # sc "You must talk right?" sc "You must talk right?" # game/script.rpy:12169 translate english slavemiddle_ee90902c: # k "....." k "....." # game/script.rpy:12171 translate english slavemiddle_73ce92f5: # k "just..." k "just..." # game/script.rpy:12173 translate english slavemiddle_f9a6dfd4: # k "I think I must!" k "I think I must!" # game/script.rpy:12175 translate english slavemiddle_c7520bac: # sc "Stupid..." sc "Stupid..." # game/script.rpy:12177 translate english slavemiddle_b9bfdb1f: # sla "aaah.." sla "aaah.." # game/script.rpy:12179 translate english slavemiddle_8850c270: # k "Look like she like it..." k "Look like she like it..." # game/script.rpy:12181 translate english slavemiddle_8f588b4f: # sla "More...." sla "More...." # game/script.rpy:12184 translate english slavemiddle_dc798fea: # sla "aaaaaaaaa..." sla "aaaaaaaaa..." # game/script.rpy:12186 translate english slavemiddle_9ecb43ee: # k "That was good what next?" k "That was good what next?" # game/script.rpy:12191 translate english slavemiddle_a356d274: # k "So what can I do now?" k "So what can I do now?" # game/script.rpy:12192 translate english slavemiddle_2b62a63a: # sc "Try use this clips on her." sc "Try use this clips on her." # game/script.rpy:12194 translate english slavemiddle_502a602d: # sla "Ouch!" sla "Ouch!" # game/script.rpy:12195 translate english slavemiddle_534cbae8: # k "Huh? Did it hurt?" k "Huh? Did it hurt?" # game/script.rpy:12196 translate english slavemiddle_aeaaf1c4: # sla "....." sla "....." # game/script.rpy:12197 translate english slavemiddle_3ebd752e: # k "I think I put them down." k "I think I put them down." # game/script.rpy:12199 translate english slavemiddle_f834c066: # sc "What the hell are you doing?" sc "What the hell are you doing?" # game/script.rpy:12200 translate english slavemiddle_b7219221: # k "It look like it hurt her." k "It look like it hurt her." # game/script.rpy:12201 translate english slavemiddle_aa92afad: # sc "Fuck her just put it back!" sc "Fuck her just put it back!" # game/script.rpy:12203 translate english slavemiddle_03919865: # sla "Aaaauuaaaa.." sla "Aaaauuaaaa.." # game/script.rpy:12204 translate english slavemiddle_bd386f50: # sc "You see? she like it." sc "You see? she like it." # game/script.rpy:12205 translate english slavemiddle_9b53eae5: # sc "Put some more." sc "Put some more." # game/script.rpy:12206 translate english slavemiddle_de633a75: # k "Where?" k "Where?" # game/script.rpy:12207 translate english slavemiddle_6962f89f: # sc "On her pussy of course!" sc "On her pussy of course!" # game/script.rpy:12208 translate english slavemiddle_2fb4f1bd: # k "Ok..." k "Ok..." # game/script.rpy:12210 translate english slavemiddle_152d1d57: # sla "Aaaaaaauuu...." sla "Aaaaaaauuu...." # game/script.rpy:12211 translate english slavemiddle_721fff29: # k "......" k "......" # game/script.rpy:12212 translate english slavemiddle_31e39d1a: # sc "I said that she liked it." sc "I said that she liked it." # game/script.rpy:12217 translate english slavemiddle_1d07044e: # sc "Time for toys!" sc "Time for toys!" # game/script.rpy:12219 translate english slavemiddle_196ff710_1: # k "What now?" k "What now?" # game/script.rpy:12220 translate english slavemiddle_33e58136: # sc "Just put it in her!" sc "Just put it in her!" # game/script.rpy:12222 translate english slavemiddle_76cfb185: # sc "Deeper!" sc "Deeper!" # game/script.rpy:12224 translate english slavemiddle_fe65f5e7: # sc "And out!" sc "And out!" # game/script.rpy:12226 translate english slavemiddle_25870d71: # k "hmm." k "hmm." # game/script.rpy:12228 translate english slavemiddle_f04ff238: # sc "Yes like that and in again." sc "Yes like that and in again." # game/script.rpy:12230 translate english slavemiddle_6f72794b: # sc "You start to understant!" sc "You start to understant!" # game/script.rpy:12232 translate english slavemiddle_5c6ef96a: # sla "Ouuuu." sla "Ouuuu." # game/script.rpy:12234 translate english slavemiddle_7be5c1fd: # sla "ooch." sla "ooch." # game/script.rpy:12236 translate english slavemiddle_196ff710_2: # k "What now?" k "What now?" # game/script.rpy:12239 translate english slavemiddle_c244c630: # k "I think that was enough." k "I think that was enough." # game/script.rpy:12240 translate english slavemiddle_13863388: # k "I enjoy it." k "I enjoy it." # game/script.rpy:12241 translate english slavemiddle_c4786ca4: # sc "As you want." sc "As you want." # game/script.rpy:12245 translate english slavemiddle_500f20b0: # k "Hmm I wonder... What happened if I use some clips on her?" k "Hmm I wonder... What happened if I use some clips on her?" # game/script.rpy:12247 translate english slavemiddle_6f4fdf25: # sc "Don't ask just do it!" sc "Don't ask just do it!" # game/script.rpy:12248 translate english slavemiddle_95ed83af: # k "OK!" k "OK!" # game/script.rpy:12251 translate english slavemiddle_237a8fca: # sla "aaaaaa..." sla "aaaaaa..." # game/script.rpy:12252 translate english slavemiddle_06484867: # k "Look like she love it!" k "Look like she love it!" # game/script.rpy:12253 translate english slavemiddle_da7566a2: # sc "Indeed." sc "Indeed." # game/script.rpy:12257 translate english slavemiddle_61eb58a1: # k "That's all." k "That's all." # game/script.rpy:12270 translate english slavemarket_7d4017a1: # k "So what you can offer?" k "So what you can offer?" # game/script.rpy:12271 translate english slavemarket_dea4496f: # sc "This slave is for 100 coins." sc "This slave is for 100 coins." # game/script.rpy:12272 translate english slavemarket_061ab56d: # sc "You can fuck her or milk her." sc "You can fuck her or milk her." # game/script.rpy:12273 translate english slavemarket_c0b5fa7d: # sc "Do you want this slave?" sc "Do you want this slave?" # game/script.rpy:12280 translate english slavemarket_15f84541: # sc "Don't fuck with me!" sc "Don't fuck with me!" # game/script.rpy:12281 translate english slavemarket_31015ca4: # sc "Come back when you have money!" sc "Come back when you have money!" # game/script.rpy:12284 translate english slavemarket_35f7c7e5: # k "I think I don't want slaves right now." k "I think I don't want slaves right now." # game/script.rpy:12285 translate english slavemarket_ef30b48a: # sc "Come back if you change your mind." sc "Come back if you change your mind." # game/script.rpy:12290 translate english slavemarket_1ad1c32a: # k "This one look pretty weird!" k "This one look pretty weird!" # game/script.rpy:12291 translate english slavemarket_03c145d6: # sc "She is... Let's say...." sc "She is... Let's say...." # game/script.rpy:12292 translate english slavemarket_93334484: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:12293 translate english slavemarket_74d571ec: # sc "Nothing... She cost 150 coins. Do you want her or not?" sc "Nothing... She cost 150 coins. Do you want her or not?" # game/script.rpy:12300 translate english slavemarket_15f84541_1: # sc "Don't fuck with me!" sc "Don't fuck with me!" # game/script.rpy:12301 translate english slavemarket_31015ca4_1: # sc "Come back when you have money!" sc "Come back when you have money!" # game/script.rpy:12304 translate english slavemarket_ac35f500: # k "Not in mood for that." k "Not in mood for that." # game/script.rpy:12305 translate english slavemarket_ef30b48a_1: # sc "Come back if you change your mind." sc "Come back if you change your mind." # game/script.rpy:12310 translate english slavemarket_ef9837fe: # k "That place is empty." k "That place is empty." # game/script.rpy:12311 translate english slavemarket_8de82d4e: # sc "Hey, if you have slave, we can make a deal." sc "Hey, if you have slave, we can make a deal." # game/script.rpy:12312 translate english slavemarket_f3e3c372: # k "What exactly do you mean by that?" k "What exactly do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:12313 translate english slavemarket_bb5ad83d: # sc "You can earn some coins. Is it not clear?" sc "You can earn some coins. Is it not clear?" # game/script.rpy:12318 translate english slavemarket_ae96c87a: # k "I think L.A.B. is great for that." k "I think L.A.B. is great for that." # game/script.rpy:12319 translate english slavemarket_58a27395: # sc "You want to give me a cyborg?" sc "You want to give me a cyborg?" # game/script.rpy:12320 translate english slavemarket_d07d7175: # k "Sure how much coins you give me?" k "Sure how much coins you give me?" # game/script.rpy:12321 translate english slavemarket_db5d6da4: # sc "Hmm... 300 hundred." sc "Hmm... 300 hundred." # game/script.rpy:12322 translate english slavemarket_72c115b6: # k "Ok. You have a deal." k "Ok. You have a deal." # game/script.rpy:12326 translate english slavemarket_69e0d8f6: # "L.A.B. was assigned to the free slave position." "L.A.B. was assigned to the free slave position." # game/script.rpy:12329 translate english slavemarket_ae96c87a_1: # k "I think L.A.B. is great for that." k "I think L.A.B. is great for that." # game/script.rpy:12330 translate english slavemarket_58a27395_1: # sc "You want to give me a cyborg?" sc "You want to give me a cyborg?" # game/script.rpy:12331 translate english slavemarket_d07d7175_1: # k "Sure how much coins you give me?" k "Sure how much coins you give me?" # game/script.rpy:12332 translate english slavemarket_db5d6da4_1: # sc "Hmm... 300 hundred." sc "Hmm... 300 hundred." # game/script.rpy:12333 translate english slavemarket_72c115b6_1: # k "Ok. You have a deal." k "Ok. You have a deal." # game/script.rpy:12336 translate english slavemarket_25032816: # l "Sorry but no." l "Sorry but no." # game/script.rpy:12337 translate english slavemarket_23795112: # l "I am not ready for selling my body." l "I am not ready for selling my body." # game/script.rpy:12339 translate english slavemarket_999e9982: # l "And, I need body first." l "And, I need body first." # game/script.rpy:12340 translate english slavemarket_b9752861: # k "But..." k "But..." # game/script.rpy:12341 translate english slavemarket_b866e87a: # l "I say no!" l "I say no!" # game/script.rpy:12345 translate english slavemarket_42a9b473: # k "I think Obee is great for that." k "I think Obee is great for that." # game/script.rpy:12346 translate english slavemarket_1e450ca2: # sc "That cyborg look good?" sc "That cyborg look good?" # game/script.rpy:12347 translate english slavemarket_d07d7175_2: # k "Sure how much coins you give me?" k "Sure how much coins you give me?" # game/script.rpy:12348 translate english slavemarket_db5d6da4_2: # sc "Hmm... 300 hundred." sc "Hmm... 300 hundred." # game/script.rpy:12349 translate english slavemarket_72c115b6_2: # k "Ok. You have a deal." k "Ok. You have a deal." # game/script.rpy:12353 translate english slavemarket_c13967bd: # "Obee was assigned to the free slave position." "Obee was assigned to the free slave position." # game/script.rpy:12356 translate english slavemarket_42a9b473_1: # k "I think Obee is great for that." k "I think Obee is great for that." # game/script.rpy:12357 translate english slavemarket_1e450ca2_1: # sc "That cyborg look good?" sc "That cyborg look good?" # game/script.rpy:12358 translate english slavemarket_d07d7175_3: # k "Sure how much coins you give me?" k "Sure how much coins you give me?" # game/script.rpy:12359 translate english slavemarket_db5d6da4_3: # sc "Hmm... 300 hundred." sc "Hmm... 300 hundred." # game/script.rpy:12360 translate english slavemarket_72c115b6_3: # k "Ok. You have a deal." k "Ok. You have a deal." # game/script.rpy:12363 translate english slavemarket_3292a452: # o "Sorry, but I am not ready for this." o "Sorry, but I am not ready for this." # game/script.rpy:12364 translate english slavemarket_f9d8bdbe: # k "What? Why?" k "What? Why?" # game/script.rpy:12365 translate english slavemarket_6af85ef2: # o "I need more data about sex." o "I need more data about sex." # game/script.rpy:12367 translate english slavemarket_fe2873e5: # o "And I need body." o "And I need body." # game/script.rpy:12368 translate english slavemarket_7ed28e2c: # o "Then I can work here." o "Then I can work here." # game/script.rpy:12369 translate english slavemarket_4a7e383c: # k "Ok, I understant." k "Ok, I understant." # game/script.rpy:12373 translate english slavemarket_520b4de6: # k "I think milkgirl is great for that." k "I think milkgirl is great for that." # game/script.rpy:12374 translate english slavemarket_78521196: # sc "So you want to assign milkgirl as slave?" sc "So you want to assign milkgirl as slave?" # game/script.rpy:12375 translate english slavemarket_c30150de: # k "Am sure she wants to... test something..." k "Am sure she wants to... test something..." # game/script.rpy:12376 translate english slavemarket_af4f4029: # sc "I can give you 300 coins for her." sc "I can give you 300 coins for her." # game/script.rpy:12377 translate english slavemarket_8cab5363: # k "Deal..." k "Deal..." # game/script.rpy:12384 translate english slavemarket_7aedc4ae: # k "Milkgirl is not ready right now." k "Milkgirl is not ready right now." # game/script.rpy:12385 translate english slavemarket_ca31fafc: # k "Maybe next day." k "Maybe next day." # game/script.rpy:12388 translate english slavemarket_520b4de6_1: # k "I think milkgirl is great for that." k "I think milkgirl is great for that." # game/script.rpy:12389 translate english slavemarket_78521196_1: # sc "So you want to assign milkgirl as slave?" sc "So you want to assign milkgirl as slave?" # game/script.rpy:12390 translate english slavemarket_b0864824: # k "Yes, she was great list time right?" k "Yes, she was great list time right?" # game/script.rpy:12391 translate english slavemarket_394a34aa: # sc "....." sc "....." # game/script.rpy:12392 translate english slavemarket_af4f4029_1: # sc "I can give you 300 coins for her." sc "I can give you 300 coins for her." # game/script.rpy:12393 translate english slavemarket_8cab5363_1: # k "Deal..." k "Deal..." # game/script.rpy:12400 translate english slavemarket_8b016f50: # k "Look like milkgirl is not ready for that." k "Look like milkgirl is not ready for that." # game/script.rpy:12401 translate english slavemarket_ae506e27: # k "Maybe if I find some clues." k "Maybe if I find some clues." # game/script.rpy:12405 translate english slavemarket_36dce5f6: # k "I know one woman. She wants new experience." k "I know one woman. She wants new experience." # game/script.rpy:12406 translate english slavemarket_ac739533: # sc "Is it Sam??? I already know her. But someone else bring her here." sc "Is it Sam??? I already know her. But someone else bring her here." # game/script.rpy:12407 translate english slavemarket_ea443f9a: # k "Yes. But now she is here by her own free will." k "Yes. But now she is here by her own free will." # game/script.rpy:12408 translate english slavemarket_b6201f0e: # k "It can be realy funny." k "It can be realy funny." # game/script.rpy:12409 translate english slavemarket_343507ef: # sc "Yes. She is hot... I will give you 300 hundred as for others." sc "Yes. She is hot... I will give you 300 hundred as for others." # game/script.rpy:12410 translate english slavemarket_9bc781c5: # k "300 is good." k "300 is good." # game/script.rpy:12423 translate english slavemarket_ae96c87a_2: # k "I think L.A.B. is great for that." k "I think L.A.B. is great for that." # game/script.rpy:12424 translate english slavemarket_58a27395_2: # sc "You want to give me a cyborg?" sc "You want to give me a cyborg?" # game/script.rpy:12425 translate english slavemarket_d07d7175_4: # k "Sure how much coins you give me?" k "Sure how much coins you give me?" # game/script.rpy:12426 translate english slavemarket_db5d6da4_4: # sc "Hmm... 300 hundred." sc "Hmm... 300 hundred." # game/script.rpy:12427 translate english slavemarket_72c115b6_4: # k "Ok. You have a deal." k "Ok. You have a deal." # game/script.rpy:12431 translate english slavemarket_69e0d8f6_1: # "L.A.B. was assigned to the free slave position." "L.A.B. was assigned to the free slave position." # game/script.rpy:12434 translate english slavemarket_ae96c87a_3: # k "I think L.A.B. is great for that." k "I think L.A.B. is great for that." # game/script.rpy:12435 translate english slavemarket_58a27395_3: # sc "You want to give me a cyborg?" sc "You want to give me a cyborg?" # game/script.rpy:12436 translate english slavemarket_d07d7175_5: # k "Sure how much coins you give me?" k "Sure how much coins you give me?" # game/script.rpy:12437 translate english slavemarket_db5d6da4_5: # sc "Hmm... 300 hundred." sc "Hmm... 300 hundred." # game/script.rpy:12438 translate english slavemarket_72c115b6_5: # k "Ok. You have a deal." k "Ok. You have a deal." # game/script.rpy:12441 translate english slavemarket_25032816_1: # l "Sorry but no." l "Sorry but no." # game/script.rpy:12442 translate english slavemarket_23795112_1: # l "I am not ready for selling my body." l "I am not ready for selling my body." # game/script.rpy:12444 translate english slavemarket_999e9982_1: # l "And, I need body first." l "And, I need body first." # game/script.rpy:12445 translate english slavemarket_b9752861_1: # k "But..." k "But..." # game/script.rpy:12446 translate english slavemarket_b866e87a_1: # l "I say no!" l "I say no!" # game/script.rpy:12450 translate english slavemarket_42a9b473_2: # k "I think Obee is great for that." k "I think Obee is great for that." # game/script.rpy:12451 translate english slavemarket_1e450ca2_2: # sc "That cyborg look good?" sc "That cyborg look good?" # game/script.rpy:12452 translate english slavemarket_d07d7175_6: # k "Sure how much coins you give me?" k "Sure how much coins you give me?" # game/script.rpy:12453 translate english slavemarket_db5d6da4_6: # sc "Hmm... 300 hundred." sc "Hmm... 300 hundred." # game/script.rpy:12454 translate english slavemarket_72c115b6_6: # k "Ok. You have a deal." k "Ok. You have a deal." # game/script.rpy:12458 translate english slavemarket_c13967bd_1: # "Obee was assigned to the free slave position." "Obee was assigned to the free slave position." # game/script.rpy:12461 translate english slavemarket_42a9b473_3: # k "I think Obee is great for that." k "I think Obee is great for that." # game/script.rpy:12462 translate english slavemarket_1e450ca2_3: # sc "That cyborg look good?" sc "That cyborg look good?" # game/script.rpy:12463 translate english slavemarket_d07d7175_7: # k "Sure how much coins you give me?" k "Sure how much coins you give me?" # game/script.rpy:12464 translate english slavemarket_db5d6da4_7: # sc "Hmm... 300 hundred." sc "Hmm... 300 hundred." # game/script.rpy:12465 translate english slavemarket_72c115b6_7: # k "Ok. You have a deal." k "Ok. You have a deal." # game/script.rpy:12468 translate english slavemarket_3292a452_1: # o "Sorry, but I am not ready for this." o "Sorry, but I am not ready for this." # game/script.rpy:12469 translate english slavemarket_f9d8bdbe_1: # k "What? Why?" k "What? Why?" # game/script.rpy:12470 translate english slavemarket_6af85ef2_1: # o "I need more data about sex." o "I need more data about sex." # game/script.rpy:12472 translate english slavemarket_fe2873e5_1: # o "And I need body." o "And I need body." # game/script.rpy:12473 translate english slavemarket_7ed28e2c_1: # o "Then I can work here." o "Then I can work here." # game/script.rpy:12474 translate english slavemarket_4a7e383c_1: # k "Ok, I understant." k "Ok, I understant." # game/script.rpy:12478 translate english slavemarket_520b4de6_2: # k "I think milkgirl is great for that." k "I think milkgirl is great for that." # game/script.rpy:12479 translate english slavemarket_78521196_2: # sc "So you want to assign milkgirl as slave?" sc "So you want to assign milkgirl as slave?" # game/script.rpy:12480 translate english slavemarket_c30150de_1: # k "Am sure she wants to... test something..." k "Am sure she wants to... test something..." # game/script.rpy:12481 translate english slavemarket_af4f4029_2: # sc "I can give you 300 coins for her." sc "I can give you 300 coins for her." # game/script.rpy:12482 translate english slavemarket_8cab5363_2: # k "Deal..." k "Deal..." # game/script.rpy:12489 translate english slavemarket_7aedc4ae_1: # k "Milkgirl is not ready right now." k "Milkgirl is not ready right now." # game/script.rpy:12490 translate english slavemarket_ca31fafc_1: # k "Maybe next day." k "Maybe next day." # game/script.rpy:12493 translate english slavemarket_520b4de6_3: # k "I think milkgirl is great for that." k "I think milkgirl is great for that." # game/script.rpy:12494 translate english slavemarket_78521196_3: # sc "So you want to assign milkgirl as slave?" sc "So you want to assign milkgirl as slave?" # game/script.rpy:12495 translate english slavemarket_b0864824_1: # k "Yes, she was great list time right?" k "Yes, she was great list time right?" # game/script.rpy:12496 translate english slavemarket_394a34aa_1: # sc "....." sc "....." # game/script.rpy:12497 translate english slavemarket_af4f4029_3: # sc "I can give you 300 coins for her." sc "I can give you 300 coins for her." # game/script.rpy:12498 translate english slavemarket_8cab5363_3: # k "Deal..." k "Deal..." # game/script.rpy:12505 translate english slavemarket_8b016f50_1: # k "Look like milkgirl is not ready for that." k "Look like milkgirl is not ready for that." # game/script.rpy:12506 translate english slavemarket_ae506e27_1: # k "Maybe if I find some clues." k "Maybe if I find some clues." # game/script.rpy:12509 translate english slavemarket_ec238222: # "L.A.B. Try to earn some coins for you." "L.A.B. Try to earn some coins for you." # game/script.rpy:12510 translate english slavemarket_9ffea506: # "You look at her... It is not a very clean job." "You look at her... It is not a very clean job." # game/script.rpy:12513 translate english slavemarket_e3a7be9d: # "I am not sure what is going on but this is just too weird." "I am not sure what is going on but this is just too weird." # game/script.rpy:12514 translate english slavemarket_c4a88d4b: # "Maybe you should do something with that." "Maybe you should do something with that." # game/script.rpy:12515 translate english slavemarket_ef86ad88: # l "Don't worry master, this is my place right now." l "Don't worry master, this is my place right now." # game/script.rpy:12516 translate english slavemarket_afd8e783: # k "Ehm... Sure so we will see the next day." k "Ehm... Sure so we will see the next day." # game/script.rpy:12517 translate english slavemarket_a114f3f8: # l "Of course." l "Of course." # game/script.rpy:12518 translate english slavemarket_a20cefa7: # "..." "..." # game/script.rpy:12519 translate english slavemarket_56d66fbb: # "Ok her restrains is broken." "Ok her restrains is broken." # game/script.rpy:12520 translate english slavemarket_91275a07: # "Anyway, you have your coins and she will be back in your vault after.... work.." "Anyway, you have your coins and she will be back in your vault after.... work.." # game/script.rpy:12524 translate english slavemarket_951ef68a: # "Milkgirl is with her family." "Milkgirl is with her family." # game/script.rpy:12525 translate english slavemarket_99e69c83: # "She look happy in some way." "She look happy in some way." # game/script.rpy:12526 translate english slavemarket_1dd37d94: # "After a while, some customers come to visit her." "After a while, some customers come to visit her." # game/script.rpy:12530 translate english slavemarket_5a88c55a: # mg "Hello boys, can I help you?" mg "Hello boys, can I help you?" # game/script.rpy:12531 translate english slavemarket_051196d3: # q "Yes, it is time to have some fun." q "Yes, it is time to have some fun." # game/script.rpy:12532 translate english slavemarket_22c968f4: # q "We bring some gadgets with us." q "We bring some gadgets with us." # game/script.rpy:12536 translate english slavemarket_78012d1c: # mg "What you mean by that?" mg "What you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:12537 translate english slavemarket_387a6a9a: # q "You will see." q "You will see." # game/script.rpy:12539 translate english slavemarket_675ab06d: # mg "huh?" mg "huh?" # game/script.rpy:12545 translate english slavemarket_725979f2: # mg "Ouch..." mg "Ouch..." # game/script.rpy:12546 translate english slavemarket_8f1ab46d: # mg "This is too tight!" mg "This is too tight!" # game/script.rpy:12547 translate english slavemarket_0aad7ee8: # q "hehe... YES I LOVE IT." q "hehe... YES I LOVE IT." # game/script.rpy:12551 translate english slavemarket_58b6e51c: # mg "And what now?" mg "And what now?" # game/script.rpy:12552 translate english slavemarket_c450c16c: # q "Get out, I want that boobs!" with hpunch q "Get out, I want that boobs!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:12553 translate english slavemarket_00e58ecf: # mg "What???" mg "What???" # game/script.rpy:12559 translate english slavemarket_3f1150e1: # mg "Wait a moment!" mg "Wait a moment!" # game/script.rpy:12560 translate english slavemarket_9396e050: # q "Hey, bitch, what about me?" q "Hey, bitch, what about me?" # game/script.rpy:12563 translate english slavemarket_b4e4ce58: # mg "What?" mg "What?" # game/script.rpy:12564 translate english slavemarket_6bcd4f32: # q "Come on!" q "Come on!" # game/script.rpy:12567 translate english slavemarket_54b5400b: # mg "???" mg "???" # game/script.rpy:12571 translate english slavemarket_5dcd724a: # mg "All three at once?" mg "All three at once?" # game/script.rpy:12572 translate english slavemarket_067e6291: # q "Shut up already." with hpunch q "Shut up already." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:12573 translate english slavemarket_3293c72a: # q "That bitch is unbelievable." q "That bitch is unbelievable." # game/script.rpy:12574 translate english slavemarket_e409cfbb: # q "But have a nice boobs." q "But have a nice boobs." # game/script.rpy:12575 translate english slavemarket_10b015cf: # q "Yes, that titfuck is pleasant." q "Yes, that titfuck is pleasant." # game/script.rpy:12579 translate english slavemarket_7bd7abc4: # mg "...." mg "...." # game/script.rpy:12580 translate english slavemarket_4900d0c3: # q "I think I will come all over her body." q "I think I will come all over her body." # game/script.rpy:12582 translate english slavemarket_06156715: # q "Shit I ...." q "Shit I ...." # game/script.rpy:12584 translate english slavemarket_56776a14: # q "Yessss!!!" q "Yessss!!!" # game/script.rpy:12587 translate english slavemarket_bb1d16d8: # mg "More!!!!" mg "More!!!!" # game/script.rpy:12591 translate english slavemarket_add1bff7: # q "Yes!!!!" q "Yes!!!!" # game/script.rpy:12594 translate english slavemarket_dd1deb8e: # mg "Nice, two guys come at the same time." mg "Nice, two guys come at the same time." # game/script.rpy:12595 translate english slavemarket_4a723f92: # q "That boobs!" q "That boobs!" # game/script.rpy:12596 translate english slavemarket_1ae34560: # q "And more!" q "And more!" # game/script.rpy:12599 translate english slavemarket_dd40ca27: # mg "Yesss!!!!" mg "Yesss!!!!" # game/script.rpy:12600 translate english slavemarket_e1929c49: # "Look like that was all." "Look like that was all." # game/script.rpy:12601 translate english slavemarket_899048fc: # "After a while guys take their rope and go away." "After a while guys take their rope and go away." # game/script.rpy:12602 translate english slavemarket_cba2cd0b: # "Milkgirl come to her sister and spend some time with her." "Milkgirl come to her sister and spend some time with her." # game/script.rpy:12603 translate english slavemarket_cde7302a: # "I think she enjoyed the experience." "I think she enjoyed the experience." # game/script.rpy:12607 translate english slavemarket_ad407f63: # "Maybe you should check what is going one here." "Maybe you should check what is going one here." # game/script.rpy:12608 translate english slavemarket_e6a8842f: # "If is Obee alright." "If is Obee alright." # game/script.rpy:12612 translate english slavemarket_4c1723e6: # "Looks like everything is ok." "Looks like everything is ok." # game/script.rpy:12615 translate english slavemarket_1dc98243: # "Some guys really know how to have fun!" "Some guys really know how to have fun!" # game/script.rpy:12616 translate english slavemarket_bd3f7fc5: # q "Hey look at that one." q "Hey look at that one." # game/script.rpy:12617 translate english slavemarket_1262b95b: # q "She has a really nice pair of boobs!" q "She has a really nice pair of boobs!" # game/script.rpy:12618 translate english slavemarket_8c1eb3a3: # o "I am happy that you like them. Their design and size is for custom design." o "I am happy that you like them. Their design and size is for custom design." # game/script.rpy:12619 translate english slavemarket_451b9d7b: # q "Just put it in." q "Just put it in." # game/script.rpy:12626 translate english slavemarket_c8aef8a1: # o "I receive some interesting data." o "I receive some interesting data." # game/script.rpy:12627 translate english slavemarket_1256bc5a: # "Some other guys stop when they saw that situation." "Some other guys stop when they saw that situation." # game/script.rpy:12631 translate english slavemarket_5e9a42e9: # "They want to have some fun too." "They want to have some fun too." # game/script.rpy:12632 translate english slavemarket_7b04001d: # o "Please, if you want to cum on my body try to aim your sperm here." o "Please, if you want to cum on my body try to aim your sperm here." # game/script.rpy:12635 translate english slavemarket_66856a44: # q "That is a really nice gadget." q "That is a really nice gadget." # game/script.rpy:12637 translate english slavemarket_c92cb143: # "Guys fuck Obee for a longer time." "Guys fuck Obee for a longer time." # game/script.rpy:12642 translate english slavemarket_a20cefa7_1: # "..." "..." # game/script.rpy:12644 translate english slavemarket_549f0ed6: # "That is the hard way how to earn some coins." "That is the hard way how to earn some coins." # game/script.rpy:12645 translate english slavemarket_d4854b87: # q "Come on!" with hpunch q "Come on!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:12648 translate english slavemarket_28177459: # o "Please try to aim." o "Please try to aim." # game/script.rpy:12663 translate english slavemarket_6a77e284: # q "Oh my god." q "Oh my god." # game/script.rpy:12666 translate english slavemarket_0aefec8b: # o "Well aimed." o "Well aimed." # game/script.rpy:12669 translate english slavemarket_4998bef3: # o "Analysis is in progress..." o "Analysis is in progress..." # game/script.rpy:12673 translate english slavemarket_df9e43bf: # o "That sperm did not bring me anything useful." o "That sperm did not bring me anything useful." # game/script.rpy:12674 translate english slavemarket_dedcf634: # o "Need another sample." o "Need another sample." # game/script.rpy:12675 translate english slavemarket_6a8fb03f: # q "Maybe later. But that was fun!" q "Maybe later. But that was fun!" # game/script.rpy:12676 translate english slavemarket_0da0e073: # "Guys was already empty." "Guys was already empty." # game/script.rpy:12677 translate english slavemarket_214bb393: # "Obee look confused. But it is normal." "Obee look confused. But it is normal." # game/script.rpy:12681 translate english slavemarket_71aa903f: # "You watch how some guys have fun with Sam." "You watch how some guys have fun with Sam." # game/script.rpy:12682 translate english slavemarket_0e1c93f0: # "She looks... happy. Some guys have fun with her." "She looks... happy. Some guys have fun with her." # game/script.rpy:12686 translate english slavemarket_e37550ce: # "One fuck her pussy." "One fuck her pussy." # game/script.rpy:12689 translate english slavemarket_3208f002: # "And other her ass..." "And other her ass..." # game/script.rpy:12696 translate english slavemarket_4774ffe8: # "She realy enjoy that situation." "She realy enjoy that situation." # game/script.rpy:12700 translate english slavemarket_ba516d22: # "She's been there for a long time." "She's been there for a long time." # game/script.rpy:12704 translate english slavemarket_dee3172b: # "Some guys just go around and have fun with her... other spray her boobs." "Some guys just go around and have fun with her... other spray her boobs." # game/script.rpy:12707 translate english slavemarket_7d8d0fd4: # "After a time, many guys cum on her body." "After a time, many guys cum on her body." # game/script.rpy:12712 translate english slavemarket_5856834e: # "It's been a long day. And she really enjoys it." "It's been a long day. And she really enjoys it." # game/script.rpy:12715 translate english slavemarket_b872889f: # "It looks like you cure her. But the result is different then she originally want." "It looks like you cure her. But the result is different then she originally want." # game/script.rpy:12716 translate english slavemarket_6b5a414c: # "Who really cares?. She is happy." "Who really cares?. She is happy." # game/script.rpy:12750 translate english slavebar_0e1c9bed: # k "That place look wery dirty." k "That place look wery dirty." # game/script.rpy:12754 translate english slavebar_efd17e57: # barm "What do you want?" barm "What do you want?" # game/script.rpy:12755 translate english slavebar_0c9f7c48: # k "Just give me some beer." k "Just give me some beer." # game/script.rpy:12756 translate english slavebar_479826e0: # barm "One beer for you." barm "One beer for you." # game/script.rpy:12758 translate english slavebar_baff1787: # k "I hope it does not kill me." k "I hope it does not kill me." # game/script.rpy:12762 translate english slavebar_56470498: # hun "Hey You! Buy me a drink!" hun "Hey You! Buy me a drink!" # game/script.rpy:12763 translate english slavebar_d4e3a228: # k "Sorry?" k "Sorry?" # game/script.rpy:12764 translate english slavebar_6bb7d61c: # hun "Come ooooonnnn.... I nneeedd one drin...... k..... whiskyyy" hun "Come ooooonnnn.... I nneeedd one drin...... k..... whiskyyy" # game/script.rpy:12767 translate english slavebar_c796672a: # k "Ok one whisky for you." k "Ok one whisky for you." # game/script.rpy:12768 translate english slavebar_dd784af0: # hun "Thank you my friend." hun "Thank you my friend." # game/script.rpy:12770 translate english slavebar_9810bc9e: # k "Why you drink so much?" k "Why you drink so much?" # game/script.rpy:12771 translate english slavebar_9e341312: # hun "It is..... this world....." hun "It is..... this world....." # game/script.rpy:12772 translate english slavebar_04b2cdef: # hun "Monsters........ walk between us." hun "Monsters........ walk between us." # game/script.rpy:12773 translate english slavebar_8d7d2b01: # hun "And I kill them." hun "And I kill them." # game/script.rpy:12774 translate english slavebar_3eb6d03c: # k "Monsters? What monsters?" k "Monsters? What monsters?" # game/script.rpy:12775 translate english slavebar_bd336f17: # hun "Normallllll...... and gene.... heedd.... genetic experince.... experiments...." hun "Normallllll...... and gene.... heedd.... genetic experince.... experiments...." # game/script.rpy:12776 translate english slavebar_f4b055cb: # hun "I find..... two..... mosters with claws.... big one...." hun "I find..... two..... mosters with claws.... big one...." # game/script.rpy:12777 translate english slavebar_f3abd30a: # k "You mean deathclaws??? They are dozens not two." k "You mean deathclaws??? They are dozens not two." # game/script.rpy:12778 translate english slavebar_ff6fd1c9: # hun "Stupid!!!!!! This two is special.... smart...." hun "Stupid!!!!!! This two is special.... smart...." # game/script.rpy:12779 translate english slavebar_00ecfaf6: # hun "They can..... talk...." hun "They can..... talk...." # game/script.rpy:12780 translate english slavebar_c522a2db: # k "That is amazi.... i mean horrible..." k "That is amazi.... i mean horrible..." # game/script.rpy:12781 translate english slavebar_53ab5d8f: # k "Where you find them." k "Where you find them." # game/script.rpy:12782 translate english slavebar_38c8447c: # hun "It was so easy... one is in Market Square..." hun "It was so easy... one is in Market Square..." # game/script.rpy:12783 translate english slavebar_2545b824: # hun "Busty.... fucking horns.... and claws ant that tities." hun "Busty.... fucking horns.... and claws ant that tities." # game/script.rpy:12784 translate english slavebar_edd22e16: # hun "I will hang.... that..... head and boobs in my house!!!" hun "I will hang.... that..... head and boobs in my house!!!" # game/script.rpy:12785 translate english slavebar_496bfaf9: # k "Ehm..... and what about that second?" k "Ehm..... and what about that second?" # game/script.rpy:12786 translate english slavebar_74ecf412: # hun "Yeah... that one.... harder to find......" hun "Yeah... that one.... harder to find......" # game/script.rpy:12787 translate english slavebar_e15c95c2: # hun "But......" hun "But......" # game/script.rpy:12789 translate english slavebar_18a35a9c: # k "Hey wake up!" k "Hey wake up!" # game/script.rpy:12790 translate english slavebar_3aae0f95: # hun "What? .... yeahhh that man claw moster with brain...." hun "What? .... yeahhh that man claw moster with brain...." # game/script.rpy:12791 translate english slavebar_e1635211: # hun "He is arround.... pretty busty female hideout." hun "He is arround.... pretty busty female hideout." # game/script.rpy:12792 translate english slavebar_602499c5: # k "You mean Sisterhood of steel?" k "You mean Sisterhood of steel?" # game/script.rpy:12793 translate english slavebar_6d66575e: # hun "Those bitches." hun "Those bitches." # game/script.rpy:12794 translate english slavebar_7dc20618: # hun "I think they fuck with that monster....." hun "I think they fuck with that monster....." # game/script.rpy:12795 translate english slavebar_d894f495: # hun "Crazy whores...." hun "Crazy whores...." # game/script.rpy:12796 translate english slavebar_10246248: # hun "Monsters....." hun "Monsters....." # game/script.rpy:12797 translate english slavebar_1a28f49f: # k "I think I heard enough." k "I think I heard enough." # game/script.rpy:12799 translate english slavebar_0ef2bc67: # k "I need to inform Deandrea!" k "I need to inform Deandrea!" # game/script.rpy:12802 translate english slavebar_804ed0af: # k "Sorry this is not my buisness." k "Sorry this is not my buisness." # game/script.rpy:12806 translate english slavebar_0e1c9bed_1: # k "That place look wery dirty." k "That place look wery dirty." # game/script.rpy:12810 translate english slavebar_efd17e57_1: # barm "What do you want?" barm "What do you want?" # game/script.rpy:12811 translate english slavebar_0c9f7c48_1: # k "Just give me some beer." k "Just give me some beer." # game/script.rpy:12812 translate english slavebar_479826e0_1: # barm "One beer for you." barm "One beer for you." # game/script.rpy:12814 translate english slavebar_baff1787_1: # k "I hope it does not kill me." k "I hope it does not kill me." # game/script.rpy:12819 translate english slavebar_5f6582e8: # k "I have aletter for you." k "I have aletter for you." # game/script.rpy:12820 translate english slavebar_bde1ec79: # barm "What are you talking about?" barm "What are you talking about?" # game/script.rpy:12821 translate english slavebar_dd3288ee: # k "Thalia from Sisterhood gi..." k "Thalia from Sisterhood gi..." # game/script.rpy:12822 translate english slavebar_8253db96: # barm "Silence! Just give me the letter...." barm "Silence! Just give me the letter...." # game/script.rpy:12824 translate english slavebar_86b9ef1d: # barm "Remove safety catch..." barm "Remove safety catch..." # game/script.rpy:12826 translate english slavebar_4ef36dc6: # barm "Ok let me see..." barm "Ok let me see..." # game/script.rpy:12828 translate english slavebar_a34ef449: # barm "....." barm "....." # game/script.rpy:12829 translate english slavebar_aab909ff: # barm "Take this letter back to sender." barm "Take this letter back to sender." # game/script.rpy:12830 translate english slavebar_552c110d: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:12831 translate english slavebar_2fb4f1bd: # k "Ok..." k "Ok..." # game/script.rpy:12832 translate english slavebar_2847eb9b: # barm "And here is your beer." barm "And here is your beer." # game/script.rpy:12833 translate english slavebar_595b4006: # k "My beer?" k "My beer?" # game/script.rpy:12834 translate english slavebar_371da342: # barm "Haha this one is drunk already. Just go home..." barm "Haha this one is drunk already. Just go home..." # game/script.rpy:12843 translate english slavebar_3fc0e156: # barm "Life here is booring." barm "Life here is booring." # game/script.rpy:12844 translate english slavebar_8e3b3f92: # barm "You can fuck or drink. Nothing extra." barm "You can fuck or drink. Nothing extra." # game/script.rpy:12850 translate english slavebar_e5e1f9aa: # barm "You can use our toilets." barm "You can use our toilets." # game/script.rpy:12851 translate english slavebar_e73bb15f: # barm "We offer some special services." barm "We offer some special services." # game/script.rpy:12857 translate english slavebar_2fc9b419: # barm "Sometimes we get girls from Milkypolis." barm "Sometimes we get girls from Milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:12858 translate english slavebar_f0e370f9: # barm "Not sure who is responsible for that." barm "Not sure who is responsible for that." # game/script.rpy:12865 translate english slavebar_b9e71341: # o "You use all your actions sleep to gain energy" o "You use all your actions sleep to gain energy" # game/script.rpy:12872 translate english slavebar_62805ba4: # o "You succesfully steal 100 coins." o "You succesfully steal 100 coins." # game/script.rpy:12879 translate english slavebar_7936f339: # q "Go to hell asshole." q "Go to hell asshole." # game/script.rpy:12882 translate english slavebar_fc4508f4: # o "You escape slave house." o "You escape slave house." # game/script.rpy:12883 translate english slavebar_578e6c3d: # o "That was not wery safe." o "That was not wery safe." # game/script.rpy:12890 translate english slavebar_e42e52ad: # barm "Hey pay first!" barm "Hey pay first!" # game/script.rpy:12891 translate english slavebar_71a17780: # k "Why???" k "Why???" # game/script.rpy:12892 translate english slavebar_8800d0d6: # barm "50 Coins for enter." barm "50 Coins for enter." # game/script.rpy:12897 translate english slavebar_e2a227f3: # k "Ok here is your 50 coins." k "Ok here is your 50 coins." # game/script.rpy:12900 translate english slavebar_ef3b9390: # barm "You can enter now." barm "You can enter now." # game/script.rpy:12901 translate english slavebar_5301f33f: # k "I still think it is too much." k "I still think it is too much." # game/script.rpy:12904 translate english slavebar_3ec2a8c7: # k "I don't have 50 coins." k "I don't have 50 coins." # game/script.rpy:12905 translate english slavebar_bb3e86fb: # barm "No money no funny!!!" barm "No money no funny!!!" # game/script.rpy:12908 translate english slavebar_1108eb37: # k "This is crazy. I don't go to toilet THAT much." k "This is crazy. I don't go to toilet THAT much." # game/script.rpy:12909 translate english slavebar_80eeeca7: # barm "This is not my problem." barm "This is not my problem." # game/script.rpy:12914 translate english slavebar_c4bcb41d: # q "Pussy." q "Pussy." # game/script.rpy:12928 translate english slavetoilet_2de7acdc: # k "Time for action." k "Time for action." # game/script.rpy:12930 translate english slavetoilet_5e71a4bb: # k "Funny." k "Funny." # game/script.rpy:12933 translate english slavetoilet_e53a56d2: # k "This is deffinetly worth that 50 coins." k "This is deffinetly worth that 50 coins." # game/script.rpy:12936 translate english slavetoilet_28c29835: # k "Amazing service!" k "Amazing service!" # game/script.rpy:12939 translate english slavetoilet_9bf6d03f: # k "I wonder if any toilet in town work like this." k "I wonder if any toilet in town work like this." # game/script.rpy:12942 translate english slavetoilet_1238fe4f: # k "On the other hand who care." k "On the other hand who care." # game/script.rpy:12945 translate english slavetoilet_c2ec45e9: # k "This is how buisness can work." k "This is how buisness can work." # game/script.rpy:12948 translate english slavetoilet_2e81c597: # k "It look like I'm almost ready." k "It look like I'm almost ready." # game/script.rpy:12951 translate english cumleft_6f14acfa: # k "Release!" k "Release!" # game/script.rpy:12955 translate english cumleft_4151ea5d: # k "Look nice." k "Look nice." # game/script.rpy:12956 translate english cumleft_68bb66e7: # k "I think I originally want to use toilet." k "I think I originally want to use toilet." # game/script.rpy:12959 translate english cumleft_b0ec60e4: # k "Ok be polite." k "Ok be polite." # game/script.rpy:12962 translate english cumleft_d8b9e67d: # k "That is enough." k "That is enough." # game/script.rpy:12965 translate english cumleft_0fb42c55: # k "She can hold it." k "She can hold it." # game/script.rpy:12968 translate english cumleft_218a57fc: # k "I feel lighter." k "I feel lighter." # game/script.rpy:12971 translate english cumleft_c6152831: # k "I didn't need this kind of service now." k "I didn't need this kind of service now." # game/script.rpy:12976 translate english cumleft_e53a56d2: # k "This is deffinetly worth that 50 coins." k "This is deffinetly worth that 50 coins." # game/script.rpy:12979 translate english cumleft_28c29835: # k "Amazing service!" k "Amazing service!" # game/script.rpy:12982 translate english cumleft_9bf6d03f: # k "I wonder if any toilet in town work like this." k "I wonder if any toilet in town work like this." # game/script.rpy:12985 translate english cumleft_1238fe4f: # k "On the other hand who care." k "On the other hand who care." # game/script.rpy:12988 translate english cumleft_c2ec45e9: # k "This is how buisness can work." k "This is how buisness can work." # game/script.rpy:12991 translate english cumleft_2e81c597: # k "It look like I'm almost ready." k "It look like I'm almost ready." # game/script.rpy:12995 translate english cumleft_4ea85cde: # k "I always love brown hair." k "I always love brown hair." # game/script.rpy:12997 translate english cumleft_90660dcf: # k "Open in girl." k "Open in girl." # game/script.rpy:13000 translate english cumleft_61a3208b: # k "She do it like professional." k "She do it like professional." # game/script.rpy:13003 translate english cumleft_28c29835_1: # k "Amazing service!" k "Amazing service!" # game/script.rpy:13006 translate english cumleft_87a183ac: # k "Who is your daddy?" k "Who is your daddy?" # game/script.rpy:13009 translate english cumleft_79d2a639: # k "Don't answer, just continue." k "Don't answer, just continue." # game/script.rpy:13012 translate english cumleft_4086a9fe: # k "You just love to blow. Right?" k "You just love to blow. Right?" # game/script.rpy:13015 translate english cumleft_2e81c597_1: # k "It look like I'm almost ready." k "It look like I'm almost ready." # game/script.rpy:13018 translate english cummiddle_6f14acfa: # k "Release!" k "Release!" # game/script.rpy:13022 translate english cummiddle_4151ea5d: # k "Look nice." k "Look nice." # game/script.rpy:13023 translate english cummiddle_68bb66e7: # k "I think I originally want to use toilet." k "I think I originally want to use toilet." # game/script.rpy:13026 translate english cummiddle_b0ec60e4: # k "Ok be polite." k "Ok be polite." # game/script.rpy:13029 translate english cummiddle_d8b9e67d: # k "That is enough." k "That is enough." # game/script.rpy:13032 translate english cummiddle_0fb42c55: # k "She can hold it." k "She can hold it." # game/script.rpy:13035 translate english cummiddle_218a57fc: # k "I feel lighter." k "I feel lighter." # game/script.rpy:13038 translate english cummiddle_c6152831: # k "I didn't need this kind of service now." k "I didn't need this kind of service now." # game/script.rpy:13043 translate english cummiddle_4ea85cde: # k "I always love brown hair." k "I always love brown hair." # game/script.rpy:13046 translate english cummiddle_61a3208b: # k "She do it like professional." k "She do it like professional." # game/script.rpy:13049 translate english cummiddle_87a183ac: # k "Who is your daddy?" k "Who is your daddy?" # game/script.rpy:13052 translate english cummiddle_1238fe4f: # k "On the other hand who care." k "On the other hand who care." # game/script.rpy:13055 translate english cummiddle_4086a9fe: # k "You just love to blow. Right?" k "You just love to blow. Right?" # game/script.rpy:13058 translate english cummiddle_2e81c597: # k "It look like I'm almost ready." k "It look like I'm almost ready." # game/script.rpy:13063 translate english cummiddle_a552b0a2: # k "That purple girl look hot!" k "That purple girl look hot!" # game/script.rpy:13065 translate english cummiddle_cead9179: # k "Your boobs is bigger then others." k "Your boobs is bigger then others." # game/script.rpy:13068 translate english cummiddle_1375f245: # k "I wonder how many mans suck that boobs." k "I wonder how many mans suck that boobs." # game/script.rpy:13071 translate english cummiddle_f97145e7: # k "And now you suck...." k "And now you suck...." # game/script.rpy:13074 translate english cummiddle_45ea7091: # k "Who care...." k "Who care...." # game/script.rpy:13077 translate english cummiddle_e34d9a3a: # k "The point is you are realy good at this." k "The point is you are realy good at this." # game/script.rpy:13080 translate english cummiddle_0a40d24b: # k "Hold a little longer..." k "Hold a little longer..." # game/script.rpy:13083 translate english cummiddle_2e81c597_1: # k "It look like I'm almost ready." k "It look like I'm almost ready." # game/script.rpy:13086 translate english cumright_6f14acfa: # k "Release!" k "Release!" # game/script.rpy:13090 translate english cumright_4151ea5d: # k "Look nice." k "Look nice." # game/script.rpy:13091 translate english cumright_68bb66e7: # k "I think I originally want to use toilet." k "I think I originally want to use toilet." # game/script.rpy:13094 translate english cumright_b0ec60e4: # k "Ok be polite." k "Ok be polite." # game/script.rpy:13097 translate english cumright_d8b9e67d: # k "That is enough." k "That is enough." # game/script.rpy:13100 translate english cumright_0fb42c55: # k "She can hold it." k "She can hold it." # game/script.rpy:13103 translate english cumright_218a57fc: # k "I feel lighter." k "I feel lighter." # game/script.rpy:13106 translate english cumright_c6152831: # k "I didn't need this kind of service now." k "I didn't need this kind of service now." # game/script.rpy:13111 translate english cumright_c9fa6455: # k "Buty cows like that is best!" k "Buty cows like that is best!" # game/script.rpy:13114 translate english cumright_c392cb88: # k "Small boobs can be good for..." k "Small boobs can be good for..." # game/script.rpy:13117 translate english cumright_60206ffe: # k "I just love bigger." k "I just love bigger." # game/script.rpy:13120 translate english cumright_b40bbccc: # k "I want to touch them so much." k "I want to touch them so much." # game/script.rpy:13123 translate english cumright_7716d86b: # k "Just like that." k "Just like that." # game/script.rpy:13126 translate english cumright_2e81c597: # k "It look like I'm almost ready." k "It look like I'm almost ready." # game/script.rpy:13160 translate english slavecity_3dd55e56: # k "She look poor." k "She look poor." # game/script.rpy:13165 translate english slavecity_feb3faa0: # k "Look like I can have some fun here." k "Look like I can have some fun here." # game/script.rpy:13169 translate english slavecity_4668c909: # o "Look like bar." o "Look like bar." # game/script.rpy:13176 translate english slavecity_07653091: # k "This place look destroyed." k "This place look destroyed." # game/script.rpy:13177 translate english slavecity_70e72229: # k "I think no one live here." k "I think no one live here." # game/script.rpy:13181 translate english slavecity_e06fc9f3: # k "It look like this place is ok now." k "It look like this place is ok now." # game/script.rpy:13185 translate english slavecity_5e5a969e: # k "Return to Vault?" k "Return to Vault?" # game/script.rpy:13188 translate english slavecity_e2b6724b: # k "Time to rest." k "Time to rest." # game/script.rpy:13191 translate english slavecity_e0940794: # k "I think I stay here a little longer." k "I think I stay here a little longer." # game/script.rpy:13204 translate english slaveleader_fff8604b: # k "Can you tell me something about yourself?" k "Can you tell me something about yourself?" # game/script.rpy:13209 translate english slaveleader_e958804d: # sc "What do you want to know?" sc "What do you want to know?" # game/script.rpy:13210 translate english slaveleader_1b05de2f: # k "What is you stroy?" k "What is you stroy?" # game/script.rpy:13211 translate english slaveleader_b0ac5fcc: # sc "My story is very long.... All it begin when..." sc "My story is very long.... All it begin when..." # game/script.rpy:13212 translate english slaveleader_689e5373: # k "Can you tell me short.?" k "Can you tell me short.?" # game/script.rpy:13213 translate english slaveleader_399cbaf1: # sc "Sure.... My whole life I work in slave house." sc "Sure.... My whole life I work in slave house." # game/script.rpy:13214 translate english slaveleader_dae82e88: # sc "Once some begar come to me and offer chance to escape." sc "Once some begar come to me and offer chance to escape." # game/script.rpy:13215 translate english slaveleader_f1fa7a10: # sc "I agree. And after long preparation been able to escape." sc "I agree. And after long preparation been able to escape." # game/script.rpy:13216 translate english slaveleader_9c8b88c3: # sc "Then I find some usefull way how to steal money from slave house." sc "Then I find some usefull way how to steal money from slave house." # game/script.rpy:13217 translate english slaveleader_6bfe5330: # sc "After that I start to coordinate local slaves and now, we all together help each other." sc "After that I start to coordinate local slaves and now, we all together help each other." # game/script.rpy:13218 translate english slaveleader_dba32512: # sc "Now, I'm leader of slaves and begars." sc "Now, I'm leader of slaves and begars." # game/script.rpy:13219 translate english slaveleader_f2638134: # k "That is weird title." k "That is weird title." # game/script.rpy:13220 translate english slaveleader_d23c99e8: # sc "It is unoficial and descrete, but you already help us a lot by this reconstruction." sc "It is unoficial and descrete, but you already help us a lot by this reconstruction." # game/script.rpy:13221 translate english slaveleader_cc5b38e9: # sc "I feel something special from you." sc "I feel something special from you." # game/script.rpy:13222 translate english slaveleader_027543e4: # k "Yes I feel something right now too." k "Yes I feel something right now too." # game/script.rpy:13227 translate english slaveleader_19596dd3: # sc "Sure and what exactly?" sc "Sure and what exactly?" # game/script.rpy:13228 translate english slaveleader_dbb0f352: # k "What about these scars?" k "What about these scars?" # game/script.rpy:13229 translate english slaveleader_a46d153f: # sc "It is.... nothing..." sc "It is.... nothing..." # game/script.rpy:13230 translate english slaveleader_2fd6ca2e: # k "Seriously? It looks very serious." k "Seriously? It looks very serious." # game/script.rpy:13231 translate english slaveleader_0573ed8f: # sc "Just.... When I was slave. Sometimes customer rape me harder." sc "Just.... When I was slave. Sometimes customer rape me harder." # game/script.rpy:13233 translate english slaveleader_2fc9180c: # sc "They used whips and poles." sc "They used whips and poles." # game/script.rpy:13234 translate english slaveleader_782d7a5d: # k "That is scary." k "That is scary." # game/script.rpy:13235 translate english slaveleader_e9865fa6: # kam "Seriously scary??? I plan to draw some scenes with whips!!!" kam "Seriously scary??? I plan to draw some scenes with whips!!!" # game/script.rpy:13236 translate english slaveleader_536e5747: # k "What??? And can I whipped someone too?" k "What??? And can I whipped someone too?" # game/script.rpy:13237 translate english slaveleader_c7e52d4d: # kam "Sure who else?" kam "Sure who else?" # game/script.rpy:13238 translate english slaveleader_daad373b: # k "Perfect!" k "Perfect!" # game/script.rpy:13239 translate english slaveleader_68ca4ddf: # sc "What was that?" sc "What was that?" # game/script.rpy:13240 translate english slaveleader_0d521797: # k "Nothing... I feel for you..." k "Nothing... I feel for you..." # game/script.rpy:13242 translate english slaveleader_654b23e1: # sc "Thank you. It is very hard to find someone who actually listen." sc "Thank you. It is very hard to find someone who actually listen." # game/script.rpy:13243 translate english slaveleader_f7a8f35a: # k "Same here." k "Same here." # game/script.rpy:13248 translate english slaveleader_e958804d_1: # sc "What do you want to know?" sc "What do you want to know?" # game/script.rpy:13249 translate english slaveleader_24d0c22b: # k "Last time we talk about your scars." k "Last time we talk about your scars." # game/script.rpy:13250 translate english slaveleader_d1c98034: # k "How people do bad things to you." k "How people do bad things to you." # game/script.rpy:13251 translate english slaveleader_3067743a: # sc "Yes I remember." sc "Yes I remember." # game/script.rpy:13252 translate english slaveleader_439f683f: # k "So I wonder. Is it possible for you to feel something?" k "So I wonder. Is it possible for you to feel something?" # game/script.rpy:13254 translate english slaveleader_8bbe7069: # sc "And why do you ask that?" sc "And why do you ask that?" # game/script.rpy:13255 translate english slaveleader_80230acd: # k "Actualy I think you are very cute." k "Actualy I think you are very cute." # game/script.rpy:13256 translate english slaveleader_4d471a95: # sc "Thank you...." sc "Thank you...." # game/script.rpy:13257 translate english slaveleader_0cc4d4b2: # k "And maybe I want something more." k "And maybe I want something more." # game/script.rpy:13258 translate english slaveleader_7cf46000: # sc "And what exactly?" sc "And what exactly?" # game/script.rpy:13259 translate english slaveleader_5d78da6a: # k "Kiss for start." k "Kiss for start." # game/script.rpy:13260 translate english slaveleader_7a07103f: # sc "...... ok..." sc "...... ok..." # game/script.rpy:13263 translate english slaveleader_eeb08298: # sc "I think that was the best kiss in my life." sc "I think that was the best kiss in my life." # game/script.rpy:13264 translate english slaveleader_cd4f7a08: # k "Best for now." k "Best for now." # game/script.rpy:13269 translate english slaveleader_cacedf76: # sc "I think We talk enough!" sc "I think We talk enough!" # game/script.rpy:13270 translate english slaveleader_4fc4e5b0: # k "What???" k "What???" # game/script.rpy:13271 translate english slaveleader_b07ac768: # sc "Sorry but I'm not used to this." sc "Sorry but I'm not used to this." # game/script.rpy:13272 translate english slaveleader_0865765c: # k "And what do you want to do?" k "And what do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:13273 translate english slaveleader_67277bfa: # sc "I don't know... Do you want to see my boobs?" sc "I don't know... Do you want to see my boobs?" # game/script.rpy:13274 translate english slaveleader_b2e8d189: # k "Sure !!!" k "Sure !!!" # game/script.rpy:13277 translate english slaveleader_9ee5e551: # k "Holly molly!" k "Holly molly!" # game/script.rpy:13278 translate english slaveleader_378243f7: # sc "Do you like them?" sc "Do you like them?" # game/script.rpy:13279 translate english slaveleader_547dc567: # k "Of course!!!" k "Of course!!!" # game/script.rpy:13280 translate english slaveleader_c9be05e9: # sc "If you want to see them next time just tell me!" sc "If you want to see them next time just tell me!" # game/script.rpy:13281 translate english slaveleader_11e70041: # k "I get it!" k "I get it!" # game/script.rpy:13285 translate english slaveleader_b5d83c48: # sc "I think we are already behind this." sc "I think we are already behind this." # game/script.rpy:13286 translate english slaveleader_c3d3e6a1: # k "Ok. Can you show me your boobs?" k "Ok. Can you show me your boobs?" # game/script.rpy:13287 translate english slaveleader_ac6e041c: # sc "Of course!" sc "Of course!" # game/script.rpy:13290 translate english slaveleader_d24871f2: # k "They still look amazing." k "They still look amazing." # game/script.rpy:13291 translate english slaveleader_203c14ef: # sc "Thank you." sc "Thank you." # game/script.rpy:13292 translate english slaveleader_e543a72b: # k "I can stare at them for a whole day." k "I can stare at them for a whole day." # game/script.rpy:13294 translate english slaveleader_391a0de1: # k "They try to hypnotize me." k "They try to hypnotize me." # game/script.rpy:13295 translate english slaveleader_e5799438: # k "I must go away!" k "I must go away!" # game/script.rpy:13298 translate english slaveleader_bcc87986: # k "No energy for that!" k "No energy for that!" # game/script.rpy:13299 translate english slaveleader_d207126d: # k "Need some rest for now." k "Need some rest for now." # game/script.rpy:13307 translate english slaveleader_ed9eb112: # sc "Yes I can but stop staring at my tits!" sc "Yes I can but stop staring at my tits!" # game/script.rpy:13308 translate english slaveleader_9595cc02: # k "Sorry I can't help myself." k "Sorry I can't help myself." # game/script.rpy:13309 translate english slaveleader_c95a4261: # sc "Then maybe you should leave." sc "Then maybe you should leave." # game/script.rpy:13313 translate english slaveleader_5dcb4026: # sc "You didn't like you want to talk." sc "You didn't like you want to talk." # game/script.rpy:13314 translate english slaveleader_9d5c113f: # sc "I show you something." sc "I show you something." # game/script.rpy:13317 translate english slaveleader_ee90902c: # k "....." k "....." # game/script.rpy:13319 translate english slaveleader_451cbc28: # sc "Say something!" sc "Say something!" # game/script.rpy:13320 translate english slaveleader_41ee41c4: # k "I wonder.... Can I touch them." k "I wonder.... Can I touch them." # game/script.rpy:13321 translate english slaveleader_96e248ca: # sc "If you want." sc "If you want." # game/script.rpy:13324 translate english slaveleader_35941eca: # k "They are realy soft." k "They are realy soft." # game/script.rpy:13325 translate english slaveleader_03ec99a6: # sc "...." sc "...." # game/script.rpy:13327 translate english slaveleader_c7d46034: # sc "Ouch.." sc "Ouch.." # game/script.rpy:13328 translate english slaveleader_abc86090: # k "Did it hurt?" k "Did it hurt?" # game/script.rpy:13330 translate english slaveleader_a89b77af: # sc "No it is just..." sc "No it is just..." # game/script.rpy:13332 translate english slaveleader_e0c20646: # sc "Ouuuu..." sc "Ouuuu..." # game/script.rpy:13334 translate english slaveleader_93334484: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:13335 translate english slaveleader_212ee971: # sc "Something is happening." sc "Something is happening." # game/script.rpy:13337 translate english slaveleader_9ddeb310: # sc "Ouuuu" sc "Ouuuu" # game/script.rpy:13340 translate english slaveleader_c42309f6: # sc "Harder!" sc "Harder!" # game/script.rpy:13342 translate english slaveleader_0d220e85: # k "Don't say it twice." k "Don't say it twice." # game/script.rpy:13344 translate english slaveleader_52c5391a: # sc "Yes!!!" sc "Yes!!!" # game/script.rpy:13347 translate english slaveleader_7afb2b8a: # k "I don't know You have so much milk!" k "I don't know You have so much milk!" # game/script.rpy:13348 translate english slaveleader_31ee2bc4: # sc "aaaaaaaa..." sc "aaaaaaaa..." # game/script.rpy:13352 translate english slaveleader_1e04193b: # sc "That was nice..." sc "That was nice..." # game/script.rpy:13353 translate english slaveleader_39097aac: # k "Yes I think so..." k "Yes I think so..." # game/script.rpy:13356 translate english slaveleader_bcc87986_1: # k "No energy for that!" k "No energy for that!" # game/script.rpy:13357 translate english slaveleader_d207126d_1: # k "Need some rest for now." k "Need some rest for now." # game/script.rpy:13365 translate english slaveleader_0ad1072b: # sc "Stop staring at my pussy!" sc "Stop staring at my pussy!" # game/script.rpy:13366 translate english slaveleader_160b24de: # k "Sorry but you use to be a slave right?" k "Sorry but you use to be a slave right?" # game/script.rpy:13367 translate english slaveleader_5706a2c8: # k "Can we fuck if I pai you?" k "Can we fuck if I pai you?" # game/script.rpy:13368 translate english slaveleader_44c624b3: # sc "Sorry but no! I don't fuck for money anymore..." sc "Sorry but no! I don't fuck for money anymore..." # game/script.rpy:13372 translate english slaveleader_6a2fd5bf: # sc "Look like you like my pussy." sc "Look like you like my pussy." # game/script.rpy:13373 translate english slaveleader_a003088b: # k "Ehm... Why do you think so?" k "Ehm... Why do you think so?" # game/script.rpy:13374 translate english slaveleader_28815d77: # sc "Because you stare." sc "Because you stare." # game/script.rpy:13375 translate english slaveleader_a50fd41e: # k "Maybe a little." k "Maybe a little." # game/script.rpy:13376 translate english slaveleader_7dfa2ab7: # sc "It is ok. You don't need to pretend anything." sc "It is ok. You don't need to pretend anything." # game/script.rpy:13377 translate english slaveleader_57ee0dee: # k "huh realy?" k "huh realy?" # game/script.rpy:13378 translate english slaveleader_c346e840: # sc "Yes. You look nice... I want to spend some time with you." sc "Yes. You look nice... I want to spend some time with you." # game/script.rpy:13379 translate english slaveleader_06ae5e78: # k "So we can?" k "So we can?" # game/script.rpy:13380 translate english slaveleader_96e248ca_1: # sc "If you want." sc "If you want." # game/script.rpy:13383 translate english slaveleader_c585c847: # sc "Yes." with hpunch sc "Yes." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:13384 translate english slaveleader_2b0dd2f2: # sc "Nice move. But this is my turn!" sc "Nice move. But this is my turn!" # game/script.rpy:13385 translate english slaveleader_890686b7: # k "Argh... how you do that?" k "Argh... how you do that?" # game/script.rpy:13386 translate english slaveleader_75345c17: # k "Like your pussy massage me from inside!" k "Like your pussy massage me from inside!" # game/script.rpy:13387 translate english slaveleader_9a197311: # sc "Years of practice. You cum in a moment!" sc "Years of practice. You cum in a moment!" # game/script.rpy:13388 translate english slaveleader_9cc5ffee: # k "No I..." k "No I..." # game/script.rpy:13389 translate english slaveleader_8959f3d9: # k "HUH???" with hpunch k "HUH???" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:13390 translate english slaveleader_2a0d7ccb: # k "Shit!" k "Shit!" # game/script.rpy:13392 translate english slaveleader_330a4072: # k "How you do that?" k "How you do that?" # game/script.rpy:13393 translate english slaveleader_52611aa0: # sc "It was easy..." sc "It was easy..." # game/script.rpy:13394 translate english slaveleader_35b950b7: # sc "we can do it again if you want." sc "we can do it again if you want." # game/script.rpy:13395 translate english slaveleader_552c110d: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:13396 translate english slaveleader_2463d9c2: # k "Ok. Maybe later." k "Ok. Maybe later." # game/script.rpy:13414 translate english begarhut_a8201ef7: # sc "Thank you for help with reconstruction." sc "Thank you for help with reconstruction." # game/script.rpy:13415 translate english begarhut_f85d73e5: # sc "It is realy something." sc "It is realy something." # game/script.rpy:13416 translate english begarhut_be5fb832: # k "I have a question for you." k "I have a question for you." # game/script.rpy:13417 translate english begarhut_274878fd: # sc "Sure what do you want to know?" sc "Sure what do you want to know?" # game/script.rpy:13420 translate english begarhut_906a4b21: # k "Tell me about slavers in this city." k "Tell me about slavers in this city." # game/script.rpy:13424 translate english begarhut_9a2b7b4a: # sc "They are the power behind the Chitsa." sc "They are the power behind the Chitsa." # game/script.rpy:13425 translate english begarhut_04761b36: # sc "She is strong alone but with their support she is just OP." sc "She is strong alone but with their support she is just OP." # game/script.rpy:13426 translate english begarhut_059548d0: # k "Any chance to convince them to support you?" k "Any chance to convince them to support you?" # game/script.rpy:13427 translate english begarhut_7926833b: # sc "Only time reveal that." sc "Only time reveal that." # game/script.rpy:13430 translate english begarhut_000fa71c: # k "Tell me something about local slaves." k "Tell me something about local slaves." # game/script.rpy:13434 translate english begarhut_f20198b2: # sc "Most of them are captured from their families, some already born as slaves." sc "Most of them are captured from their families, some already born as slaves." # game/script.rpy:13435 translate english begarhut_03ec99a6: # sc "...." sc "...." # game/script.rpy:13436 translate english begarhut_e1812a03: # k "And the rest?" k "And the rest?" # game/script.rpy:13437 translate english begarhut_1de88463: # sc "Drug addict and sex addict. Some of them are hypersensitive and need sex every hour." sc "Drug addict and sex addict. Some of them are hypersensitive and need sex every hour." # game/script.rpy:13438 translate english begarhut_4ee94a84: # k "That is not possible." k "That is not possible." # game/script.rpy:13442 translate english begarhut_f6cff22b: # sc "Fev virus mixed with jet and psycho make everything possible." sc "Fev virus mixed with jet and psycho make everything possible." # game/script.rpy:13445 translate english begarhut_0bb82738: # k "Can you tell me something about begars in this city?" k "Can you tell me something about begars in this city?" # game/script.rpy:13449 translate english begarhut_e958804d: # sc "What do you want to know?" sc "What do you want to know?" # game/script.rpy:13450 translate english begarhut_7b5f3f3b: # k "What if I support you?" k "What if I support you?" # game/script.rpy:13451 translate english begarhut_51c48991: # sc "Coins is most important think in this world." sc "Coins is most important think in this world." # game/script.rpy:13452 translate english begarhut_be590e48: # sc "War didn't change that." sc "War didn't change that." # game/script.rpy:13453 translate english begarhut_bb0a72c5: # sc "When we have enough coins we can rule this city!" sc "When we have enough coins we can rule this city!" # game/script.rpy:13454 translate english begarhut_5445d0f3: # k "Seriously begars can rule city?" k "Seriously begars can rule city?" # game/script.rpy:13458 translate english begarhut_de711de1: # sc "I'm serious. We need enough coins and then...." sc "I'm serious. We need enough coins and then...." # game/script.rpy:13460 translate english begarhut_4fc4e5b0: # k "What???" k "What???" # game/script.rpy:13461 translate english begarhut_c136380e: # sc "Nothing... Just thinking about..." sc "Nothing... Just thinking about..." # game/script.rpy:13462 translate english begarhut_4fc4e5b0_1: # k "What???" k "What???" # game/script.rpy:13463 translate english begarhut_c2d90c5f: # sc "Sorry but not you buisness." sc "Sorry but not you buisness." # game/script.rpy:13466 translate english begarhut_64a120b6: # k "So what is your plans for this city?" k "So what is your plans for this city?" # game/script.rpy:13470 translate english begarhut_21ea3df8: # sc "Sorry but I can't tell you this." sc "Sorry but I can't tell you this." # game/script.rpy:13471 translate english begarhut_71a17780: # k "Why???" k "Why???" # game/script.rpy:13472 translate english begarhut_7314ae87: # sc "I don't belive anyone." sc "I don't belive anyone." # game/script.rpy:13473 translate english begarhut_c91c7165: # k "What if I give you coins?" k "What if I give you coins?" # game/script.rpy:13477 translate english begarhut_18cbefcc: # sc "That is out of questions you can't buy me!" sc "That is out of questions you can't buy me!" # game/script.rpy:13478 translate english begarhut_870659fa: # k "Ok. It was only question." k "Ok. It was only question." # game/script.rpy:13489 translate english begarhut_8147387e: # k "Can I help you with something?" k "Can I help you with something?" # game/script.rpy:13490 translate english begarhut_9d1ff2f4: # sc "Actualy I need money for something special." sc "Actualy I need money for something special." # game/script.rpy:13491 translate english begarhut_2f913ebc: # k "How many?" k "How many?" # game/script.rpy:13492 translate english begarhut_0848e26e: # sc "50 coins?" sc "50 coins?" # game/script.rpy:13496 translate english begarhut_07794ebe: # k "Ok here it is." k "Ok here it is." # game/script.rpy:13502 translate english begarhut_c85de86e: # sc "Thank you wery much." sc "Thank you wery much." # game/script.rpy:13503 translate english begarhut_260647b4: # k "It is ok." k "It is ok." # game/script.rpy:13506 translate english begarhut_049aad2c: # k "Sorry I don't have coins now." k "Sorry I don't have coins now." # game/script.rpy:13507 translate english begarhut_373a9143: # "Ok maybe later." "Ok maybe later." # game/script.rpy:13510 translate english begarhut_d90ffc12: # k "Fuck it I'm a cheap bastard." k "Fuck it I'm a cheap bastard." # game/script.rpy:13511 translate english begarhut_3d722075: # k "I will never give you anything!" k "I will never give you anything!" # game/script.rpy:13512 translate english begarhut_8b4c1da6: # sc ".... You could have said it better." sc ".... You could have said it better." # game/script.rpy:13513 translate english begarhut_a7e98c43: # k "Yes... I can... But not today." k "Yes... I can... But not today." # game/script.rpy:13519 translate english begarhut_0b715f96: # k "That is all." k "That is all." # game/script.rpy:13520 translate english begarhut_2181d7ab: # sc "Ok bye." sc "Ok bye." # game/script.rpy:13554 translate english map_7f54737b: # "Someone is coming to you." "Someone is coming to you." # game/script.rpy:13559 translate english map_099e8cc1: # mag "Huh heelo..." mag "Huh heelo..." # game/script.rpy:13560 translate english map_15381bf5: # mag "I am here just to say something to you." mag "I am here just to say something to you." # game/script.rpy:13561 translate english map_5eec1008: # k "I saw you somewhere already." k "I saw you somewhere already." # game/script.rpy:13562 translate english map_bcc5a03a: # mag "I really do not think so." mag "I really do not think so." # game/script.rpy:13566 translate english map_1cd4f226: # mag "Just listen to me." mag "Just listen to me." # game/script.rpy:13567 translate english map_07bd886e: # k "I definitely saw you somewhere." k "I definitely saw you somewhere." # game/script.rpy:13568 translate english map_d92250b0: # mag "This is the place where..." mag "This is the place where..." # game/script.rpy:13569 translate english map_4796600f: # k "Maybe in other game or?" k "Maybe in other game or?" # game/script.rpy:13570 translate english map_3100d271: # mag "Hey listen to me !!!" with vpunch mag "Hey listen to me !!!" with vpunch # game/script.rpy:13571 translate english map_834d9340: # mag "I need to get your attention." mag "I need to get your attention." # game/script.rpy:13578 translate english map_7a364f33: # mag "This place is just a little bit special." mag "This place is just a little bit special." # game/script.rpy:13579 translate english map_752d8ca1: # k "Boobs..." k "Boobs..." # game/script.rpy:13580 translate english map_d8fd75c8: # mag "!!!" mag "!!!" # game/script.rpy:13584 translate english map_35b42c3c: # mag "This place is something like hidden location." mag "This place is something like hidden location." # game/script.rpy:13585 translate english map_76ffc14a: # mag "First in this game." mag "First in this game." # game/script.rpy:13586 translate english map_f7a0457d: # k "It is not very hidden." k "It is not very hidden." # game/script.rpy:13590 translate english map_429f4c87: # mag "It is just an example." mag "It is just an example." # game/script.rpy:13591 translate english map_b598932b: # mag "You can gain here some coins." mag "You can gain here some coins." # game/script.rpy:13592 translate english map_c7ec5cda: # mag "In future, you can find some useful stuff in a place like this." mag "In future, you can find some useful stuff in a place like this." # game/script.rpy:13593 translate english map_1fb0d347: # k "What do you mean by that?" k "What do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:13597 translate english map_618c773f: # mag "All depend on players if they want battles, stats, upgrades and other things." mag "All depend on players if they want battles, stats, upgrades and other things." # game/script.rpy:13598 translate english map_2b79829e: # mag "Or just new exxchi scenes and humiliating things." mag "Or just new exxchi scenes and humiliating things." # game/script.rpy:13599 translate english map_baf6ab0f: # k "Huh? What if they want both?" k "Huh? What if they want both?" # game/script.rpy:13603 translate english map_f4f13fb1: # mag "That is a good question. It is possible, but things like this take more time." mag "That is a good question. It is possible, but things like this take more time." # game/script.rpy:13604 translate english map_d9f49e99: # k "This is booring." k "This is booring." # game/script.rpy:13605 translate english map_1502573d: # k "!!!" with hpunch k "!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:13606 translate english map_21617b9d: # k "I know where I saw you!" k "I know where I saw you!" # game/script.rpy:13607 translate english map_18a5ef36: # k "You are the girl that was raped by tentacles right?" k "You are the girl that was raped by tentacles right?" # game/script.rpy:13611 translate english map_9559e66d: # mag "That was definitely not me." mag "That was definitely not me." # game/script.rpy:13618 translate english map_318a3f7e: # mag "That girl was white and have smaller boobs." mag "That girl was white and have smaller boobs." # game/script.rpy:13619 translate english map_5bb0ba8c: # k "No it was you I have a picture in my wall." k "No it was you I have a picture in my wall." # game/script.rpy:13620 translate english map_aca1d89e: # k "Come with me, I will show it to you." k "Come with me, I will show it to you." # game/script.rpy:13621 translate english map_e66e6e97: # mag "Um, this is weird, I think I need to clean my cave, bye!" mag "Um, this is weird, I think I need to clean my cave, bye!" # game/script.rpy:13625 translate english map_552c110d: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:13626 translate english map_36fd39ea: # k "Seriously what was that?" k "Seriously what was that?" # game/script.rpy:13627 translate english map_a24109b5: # "As she sai, first hidden location in game." "As she sai, first hidden location in game." # game/script.rpy:13628 translate english map_ef6ac356: # k "And. Is it good for anything?" k "And. Is it good for anything?" # game/script.rpy:13629 translate english map_5f9b772e: # "...." "...." # game/script.rpy:13630 translate english map_567d56de: # "It can bring you something different..." "It can bring you something different..." # game/script.rpy:13631 translate english map_3b6243b5: # k "What exactly?" k "What exactly?" # game/script.rpy:13632 translate english map_ca18b50a: # "More things to do, more characters to have fun with. Of course that will be available in future." "More things to do, more characters to have fun with. Of course that will be available in future." # game/script.rpy:13633 translate english map_3ba5f11b: # k ".... I want something right now..." k ".... I want something right now..." # game/script.rpy:13634 translate english map_94e69205: # "Ok. Here is 1000 coins." "Ok. Here is 1000 coins." # game/script.rpy:13636 translate english map_b408523a: # k "I want more!" k "I want more!" # game/script.rpy:13637 translate english map_a20cefa7: # "..." "..." # game/script.rpy:13639 translate english map_552c110d_1: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:13641 translate english map_b011a33d: # k "Look like no one is responding." k "Look like no one is responding." # game/script.rpy:13644 translate english map_6282b40d: # "Look like no one is here." "Look like no one is here." # game/script.rpy:13645 translate english map_4c0dda4e: # "Maybe you should come back later." "Maybe you should come back later." # game/script.rpy:13649 translate english map_a9013ef0: # "No one is here anymore." "No one is here anymore." # game/script.rpy:13655 translate english map_196ff710: # k "What now?" k "What now?" # game/script.rpy:13665 translate english map_f0c3c1e2: # q "This place is not safe for pretty face." q "This place is not safe for pretty face." # game/script.rpy:13666 translate english map_ce14d0d0: # k "You think I'm pretty?" k "You think I'm pretty?" # game/script.rpy:13667 translate english map_78ad9aee: # q "Do you want to wisit the heaven?" q "Do you want to wisit the heaven?" # game/script.rpy:13671 translate english map_d2b597dd: # q "Here, try this." q "Here, try this." # game/script.rpy:13673 translate english map_2d5f0f6b: # k "This stuff is funny" k "This stuff is funny" # game/script.rpy:13674 translate english map_82091822: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:13678 translate english map_19cbec74: # o "Are you ok?" o "Are you ok?" # game/script.rpy:13681 translate english map_77877a14: # o "This was hard. You lost 100 coins" o "This was hard. You lost 100 coins" # game/script.rpy:13685 translate english map_5b09bb5e: # o "That is realy bad sir you look weird." o "That is realy bad sir you look weird." # game/script.rpy:13686 translate english map_892f786a: # k "My ass.... ouuuu..." k "My ass.... ouuuu..." # game/script.rpy:13687 translate english map_c5861b35: # o "Sir are you ok?" o "Sir are you ok?" # game/script.rpy:13688 translate english map_c3ed05f1: # k "I Don't now. My ass hurt......" k "I Don't now. My ass hurt......" # game/script.rpy:13691 translate english map_3171b8a0: # q "Come back if you change your mind." q "Come back if you change your mind." # game/script.rpy:13692 translate english map_221a6d19: # k "Maybe." k "Maybe." # game/script.rpy:13697 translate english map_7a72a120: # q "Go away before someone hurt you." q "Go away before someone hurt you." # game/script.rpy:13698 translate english map_5ed61b40: # q "Nothing to see here." q "Nothing to see here." # game/script.rpy:13701 translate english map_a4c3dd5f: # k "I think i see the leader of this city." k "I think i see the leader of this city." # game/script.rpy:13702 translate english map_f6e19335: # k "I try to get closer." k "I try to get closer." # game/script.rpy:13703 translate english map_4979b452: # k "Hmm she is in shadow. I cant see her wery well. She come to little market." k "Hmm she is in shadow. I cant see her wery well. She come to little market." # game/script.rpy:13706 translate english map_8cebd20a: # sc "Hey you give me my money." sc "Hey you give me my money." # game/script.rpy:13707 translate english map_fcd08c77: # sc "Don't make me say it again." sc "Don't make me say it again." # game/script.rpy:13708 translate english map_d6f9b737: # q "Here madam please don't hurt me." q "Here madam please don't hurt me." # game/script.rpy:13713 translate english map_b1d0a45c: # o "This city is interesting. Many social aspects in one place." o "This city is interesting. Many social aspects in one place." # game/script.rpy:13714 translate english map_2d4c501d: # o "Rich people have everything. Fuck personal slaves. drink expensive vines and eat luxury food." o "Rich people have everything. Fuck personal slaves. drink expensive vines and eat luxury food." # game/script.rpy:13715 translate english map_6aa89679: # o "Middle class try to get to high class, they wisit brothel often." o "Middle class try to get to high class, they wisit brothel often." # game/script.rpy:13716 translate english map_16e8e876: # o "Low class go to slave house to fuck public toilets." o "Low class go to slave house to fuck public toilets." # game/script.rpy:13717 translate english map_b6369725: # o "Slaves try to get freedom but most of them have no chance." o "Slaves try to get freedom but most of them have no chance." # game/script.rpy:13722 translate english map_9d35b22f: # o "Maybe we can buy some own slaves." o "Maybe we can buy some own slaves." # game/script.rpy:13726 translate english map_2540268d: # o "Then open own luxury slave house." o "Then open own luxury slave house." # game/script.rpy:13727 translate english map_817529b7: # k "That is actually brilliant idea." k "That is actually brilliant idea." # game/script.rpy:13728 translate english map_9f1e2f33: # o "Thank you... So we have a plan for future." o "Thank you... So we have a plan for future." # game/script.rpy:13735 translate english map_18fb3dde: # k "Maybe that hunter is somewhere arround." k "Maybe that hunter is somewhere arround." # game/script.rpy:13737 translate english map_ec74c454: # k "Where he could be..." k "Where he could be..." # game/script.rpy:13739 translate english map_1d662b1d: # k "Hello friend. I'm looking for you." k "Hello friend. I'm looking for you." # game/script.rpy:13740 translate english map_f5f10ff8: # hun "And what do you want?" hun "And what do you want?" # game/script.rpy:13741 translate english map_0e79a82b: # k "Just to talk with you. About some stuff." k "Just to talk with you. About some stuff." # game/script.rpy:13742 translate english map_57e27948: # hun "What exactly? I have some important buisness." hun "What exactly? I have some important buisness." # game/script.rpy:13743 translate english map_b3288e03: # k "Do you still want to kill tha two smart deathclaws?" k "Do you still want to kill tha two smart deathclaws?" # game/script.rpy:13744 translate english map_36840437: # hun "How do you know about that?" hun "How do you know about that?" # game/script.rpy:13745 translate english map_021cf86d: # k "You tell it to me." k "You tell it to me." # game/script.rpy:13746 translate english map_2033278f: # hun "...... yes.... I remember....." hun "...... yes.... I remember....." # game/script.rpy:13747 translate english map_21408b24: # hun "I still want to kill them. Do you want to help me." hun "I still want to kill them. Do you want to help me." # game/script.rpy:13748 translate english map_8016d6a0: # k "No I want to save them." k "No I want to save them." # game/script.rpy:13751 translate english map_c22e850d: # k "Maybe you can spare them." k "Maybe you can spare them." # game/script.rpy:13752 translate english map_b4d5fbe3: # hun "And why would I do that?" hun "And why would I do that?" # game/script.rpy:13753 translate english map_cd39d8cc: # k "They are beautiful creatures. And can bring many joy to world." k "They are beautiful creatures. And can bring many joy to world." # game/script.rpy:13754 translate english map_fb3dd5d1: # hun "That is absurd. How can you sai that?" hun "That is absurd. How can you sai that?" # game/script.rpy:13755 translate english map_74316198: # k "Just trust me... I think I can prove that." k "Just trust me... I think I can prove that." # game/script.rpy:13756 translate english map_5ac568d5: # hun "How would you do that?" hun "How would you do that?" # game/script.rpy:13757 translate english map_bf6042d6: # k "Meet me in Milkypolis I show you proof." k "Meet me in Milkypolis I show you proof." # game/script.rpy:13761 translate english map_a4786235: # k "And I will kill everyone who want to hurt them." k "And I will kill everyone who want to hurt them." # game/script.rpy:13762 translate english map_478212d0: # hun "That is realy brave. And how you do that." hun "That is realy brave. And how you do that." # game/script.rpy:13763 translate english map_e822c6a2: # k "Ehm...... I ...... with weapons...." k "Ehm...... I ...... with weapons...." # game/script.rpy:13764 translate english map_522cc8b5: # k "I have many weapons." k "I have many weapons." # game/script.rpy:13765 translate english map_4e4507d7: # hun "hahaahahaahaha..... you are so funny...." hun "hahaahahaahaha..... you are so funny...." # game/script.rpy:13766 translate english map_ee2003ce: # hun "Sound like some stupid monster lover." hun "Sound like some stupid monster lover." # game/script.rpy:13768 translate english map_aa17ae62: # hun ".....heheheheeheheheeeeeeee....." hun ".....heheheheeheheheeeeeeee....." # game/script.rpy:13769 translate english map_bf7a4ccf: # k "I think this didn't work." k "I think this didn't work." # game/script.rpy:13770 translate english map_4795869e: # k "Next visit sisterhood hideout." k "Next visit sisterhood hideout." # game/script.rpy:13774 translate english map_c1c19749: # k "Hunter is not here anymore." k "Hunter is not here anymore." # game/script.rpy:13779 translate english map_45223c98: # sam "Hey you come here!" sam "Hey you come here!" # game/script.rpy:13780 translate english map_552c110d_2: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:13781 translate english map_55204e17: # k "What? Where?" k "What? Where?" # game/script.rpy:13782 translate english map_9c8fe152: # sam "Please come here..." sam "Please come here..." # game/script.rpy:13785 translate english map_193e66f7: # k "Hey! Where are you?" k "Hey! Where are you?" # game/script.rpy:13786 translate english map_ef1a2d2a: # sam "I am hiding behind that tree." sam "I am hiding behind that tree." # game/script.rpy:13787 translate english map_00c945e5: # k "Ok, I just..." k "Ok, I just..." # game/script.rpy:13789 translate english map_48fb0446: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:13790 translate english map_669da4a6: # sam "Are you friend or enemy?" sam "Are you friend or enemy?" # game/script.rpy:13791 translate english map_5bcd60ef: # k "Ehm... Friend... I think..." k "Ehm... Friend... I think..." # game/script.rpy:13793 translate english map_b77ccd3b: # k "This is only radio." k "This is only radio." # game/script.rpy:13794 translate english map_ee6c2c28: # k "Where are you?" k "Where are you?" # game/script.rpy:13795 translate english map_2187090d: # sam "..." sam "..." # game/script.rpy:13796 translate english map_2b906ac4: # k "Come on! If you don't need my help I can go somewhere else." k "Come on! If you don't need my help I can go somewhere else." # game/script.rpy:13797 translate english map_f309130e: # sam "...." sam "...." # game/script.rpy:13798 translate english map_e1c261eb: # k "So?" k "So?" # game/script.rpy:13803 translate english map_29406863: # sam "Hello..." sam "Hello..." # game/script.rpy:13804 translate english map_12ffa61e: # k "Huh? You are a slave?" k "Huh? You are a slave?" # game/script.rpy:13805 translate english map_7659ddde: # sam "No! I am a lieutenant of ...." sam "No! I am a lieutenant of ...." # game/script.rpy:13806 translate english map_0c5b91b4: # k "Of???" k "Of???" # game/script.rpy:13807 translate english map_938b70f3: # sam "Sorry but I am not sure..." sam "Sorry but I am not sure..." # game/script.rpy:13808 translate english map_277b9db0: # k "Ok. So why you hiding?" k "Ok. So why you hiding?" # game/script.rpy:13809 translate english map_f60e9ac0: # sam "Some guys catch me and force to..." sam "Some guys catch me and force to..." # game/script.rpy:13813 translate english map_2f7a236b: # sam "Work in this town." sam "Work in this town." # game/script.rpy:13814 translate english map_161d8850: # sam "But I managed to escape." sam "But I managed to escape." # game/script.rpy:13815 translate english map_c8678bdd: # sam "And now I need to find a safe place." sam "And now I need to find a safe place." # game/script.rpy:13816 translate english map_1c196aba: # k "That really is a shame." k "That really is a shame." # game/script.rpy:13817 translate english map_82091822_1: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:13818 translate english map_d822d966: # k "What is your name?" k "What is your name?" # game/script.rpy:13819 translate english map_41306fc8: # sam "My name is Samantha Car.... I just can not remember..." sam "My name is Samantha Car.... I just can not remember..." # game/script.rpy:13820 translate english map_f0b0397e: # sam "Carver? Carter? Carmer?" sam "Carver? Carter? Carmer?" # game/script.rpy:13821 translate english map_efd0ec28: # k "You did not know your name?" k "You did not know your name?" # game/script.rpy:13822 translate english map_622c0a55: # sam "No my memories are blurry... something with wormholes and travel to other planets." sam "No my memories are blurry... something with wormholes and travel to other planets." # game/script.rpy:13823 translate english map_552c110d_3: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:13827 translate english map_4d612849: # sam "I know it sounds absurd but can you help me?" sam "I know it sounds absurd but can you help me?" # game/script.rpy:13828 translate english map_c1d99ebd: # k "Um, yeah, sure.. You can live in my place." k "Um, yeah, sure.. You can live in my place." # game/script.rpy:13829 translate english map_2815f3bd: # sam "I just need to get my memories back!! Do you have a laboratory or something?" sam "I just need to get my memories back!! Do you have a laboratory or something?" # game/script.rpy:13830 translate english map_b621322b: # k "Sure." k "Sure." # game/script.rpy:13831 translate english map_496c1901: # sam "That is a good news, can we go right now?" sam "That is a good news, can we go right now?" # game/script.rpy:13832 translate english map_88ae75e6: # k "Of course." k "Of course." # game/script.rpy:13841 translate english map_1d0d9a58: # sam "This place is amazing!" sam "This place is amazing!" # game/script.rpy:13842 translate english map_a5de28e0: # k "Yes I know." k "Yes I know." # game/script.rpy:13844 translate english map_5db1f798: # sam "Whit all this device. I can finally ..." sam "Whit all this device. I can finally ..." # game/script.rpy:13845 translate english map_93334484: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:13846 translate english map_ec3fa218: # sam "I can not remember..." sam "I can not remember..." # game/script.rpy:13847 translate english map_c2dcb655: # k "It is probably ok. First get some normal dress." k "It is probably ok. First get some normal dress." # game/script.rpy:13848 translate english map_2de9c41f: # k "Then you can start with your research or whatever you want." k "Then you can start with your research or whatever you want." # game/script.rpy:13849 translate english map_a6fbee98: # sam "Thank you." sam "Thank you." # game/script.rpy:13850 translate english map_69bde8ab: # "Samantha now lives in your vault." "Samantha now lives in your vault." # game/script.rpy:13853 translate english map_1b2c1c20: # k "This is not my business." k "This is not my business." # game/script.rpy:13854 translate english map_1983eddd: # k "I should be somewhere else." k "I should be somewhere else." # game/script.rpy:13858 translate english map_5e96027c: # k "Sorry but there is nothing here." k "Sorry but there is nothing here." # game/script.rpy:13859 translate english map_dbceed07: # k "Maybe you should try to visit bar and drink some beer." k "Maybe you should try to visit bar and drink some beer." # game/script.rpy:13863 translate english map_5e96027c_1: # k "Sorry but there is nothing here." k "Sorry but there is nothing here." # game/script.rpy:13864 translate english map_dbceed07_1: # k "Maybe you should try to visit bar and drink some beer." k "Maybe you should try to visit bar and drink some beer." # game/script.rpy:13869 translate english map_45223c98_1: # sam "Hey you come here!" sam "Hey you come here!" # game/script.rpy:13870 translate english map_552c110d_4: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:13871 translate english map_55204e17_1: # k "What? Where?" k "What? Where?" # game/script.rpy:13872 translate english map_9c8fe152_1: # sam "Please come here..." sam "Please come here..." # game/script.rpy:13875 translate english map_193e66f7_1: # k "Hey! Where are you?" k "Hey! Where are you?" # game/script.rpy:13876 translate english map_ef1a2d2a_1: # sam "I am hiding behind that tree." sam "I am hiding behind that tree." # game/script.rpy:13877 translate english map_00c945e5_1: # k "Ok, I just..." k "Ok, I just..." # game/script.rpy:13879 translate english map_48fb0446_1: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:13880 translate english map_669da4a6_1: # sam "Are you friend or enemy?" sam "Are you friend or enemy?" # game/script.rpy:13881 translate english map_5bcd60ef_1: # k "Ehm... Friend... I think..." k "Ehm... Friend... I think..." # game/script.rpy:13883 translate english map_b77ccd3b_1: # k "This is only radio." k "This is only radio." # game/script.rpy:13884 translate english map_ee6c2c28_1: # k "Where are you?" k "Where are you?" # game/script.rpy:13885 translate english map_2187090d_1: # sam "..." sam "..." # game/script.rpy:13886 translate english map_2b906ac4_1: # k "Come on! If you don't need my help I can go somewhere else." k "Come on! If you don't need my help I can go somewhere else." # game/script.rpy:13887 translate english map_f309130e_1: # sam "...." sam "...." # game/script.rpy:13888 translate english map_e1c261eb_1: # k "So?" k "So?" # game/script.rpy:13893 translate english map_29406863_1: # sam "Hello..." sam "Hello..." # game/script.rpy:13894 translate english map_12ffa61e_1: # k "Huh? You are a slave?" k "Huh? You are a slave?" # game/script.rpy:13895 translate english map_7659ddde_1: # sam "No! I am a lieutenant of ...." sam "No! I am a lieutenant of ...." # game/script.rpy:13896 translate english map_0c5b91b4_1: # k "Of???" k "Of???" # game/script.rpy:13897 translate english map_938b70f3_1: # sam "Sorry but I am not sure..." sam "Sorry but I am not sure..." # game/script.rpy:13898 translate english map_277b9db0_1: # k "Ok. So why you hiding?" k "Ok. So why you hiding?" # game/script.rpy:13899 translate english map_f60e9ac0_1: # sam "Some guys catch me and force to..." sam "Some guys catch me and force to..." # game/script.rpy:13903 translate english map_2f7a236b_1: # sam "Work in this town." sam "Work in this town." # game/script.rpy:13904 translate english map_161d8850_1: # sam "But I managed to escape." sam "But I managed to escape." # game/script.rpy:13905 translate english map_c8678bdd_1: # sam "And now I need to find a safe place." sam "And now I need to find a safe place." # game/script.rpy:13906 translate english map_1c196aba_1: # k "That really is a shame." k "That really is a shame." # game/script.rpy:13907 translate english map_82091822_2: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:13908 translate english map_d822d966_1: # k "What is your name?" k "What is your name?" # game/script.rpy:13909 translate english map_41306fc8_1: # sam "My name is Samantha Car.... I just can not remember..." sam "My name is Samantha Car.... I just can not remember..." # game/script.rpy:13910 translate english map_f0b0397e_1: # sam "Carver? Carter? Carmer?" sam "Carver? Carter? Carmer?" # game/script.rpy:13911 translate english map_efd0ec28_1: # k "You did not know your name?" k "You did not know your name?" # game/script.rpy:13912 translate english map_622c0a55_1: # sam "No my memories are blurry... something with wormholes and travel to other planets." sam "No my memories are blurry... something with wormholes and travel to other planets." # game/script.rpy:13913 translate english map_552c110d_5: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:13917 translate english map_4d612849_1: # sam "I know it sounds absurd but can you help me?" sam "I know it sounds absurd but can you help me?" # game/script.rpy:13918 translate english map_c1d99ebd_1: # k "Um, yeah, sure.. You can live in my place." k "Um, yeah, sure.. You can live in my place." # game/script.rpy:13919 translate english map_2815f3bd_1: # sam "I just need to get my memories back!! Do you have a laboratory or something?" sam "I just need to get my memories back!! Do you have a laboratory or something?" # game/script.rpy:13920 translate english map_b621322b_1: # k "Sure." k "Sure." # game/script.rpy:13921 translate english map_496c1901_1: # sam "That is a good news, can we go right now?" sam "That is a good news, can we go right now?" # game/script.rpy:13922 translate english map_88ae75e6_1: # k "Of course." k "Of course." # game/script.rpy:13931 translate english map_1d0d9a58_1: # sam "This place is amazing!" sam "This place is amazing!" # game/script.rpy:13932 translate english map_a5de28e0_1: # k "Yes I know." k "Yes I know." # game/script.rpy:13934 translate english map_5db1f798_1: # sam "Whit all this device. I can finally ..." sam "Whit all this device. I can finally ..." # game/script.rpy:13935 translate english map_93334484_1: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:13936 translate english map_ec3fa218_1: # sam "I can not remember..." sam "I can not remember..." # game/script.rpy:13937 translate english map_c2dcb655_1: # k "It is probably ok. First get some normal dress." k "It is probably ok. First get some normal dress." # game/script.rpy:13938 translate english map_2de9c41f_1: # k "Then you can start with your research or whatever you want." k "Then you can start with your research or whatever you want." # game/script.rpy:13939 translate english map_a6fbee98_1: # sam "Thank you." sam "Thank you." # game/script.rpy:13940 translate english map_69bde8ab_1: # "Samantha now lives in your vault." "Samantha now lives in your vault." # game/script.rpy:13943 translate english map_1b2c1c20_1: # k "This is not my business." k "This is not my business." # game/script.rpy:13944 translate english map_1983eddd_1: # k "I should be somewhere else." k "I should be somewhere else." # game/script.rpy:13950 translate english map_5e96027c_2: # k "Sorry but there is nothing here." k "Sorry but there is nothing here." # game/script.rpy:13951 translate english map_dbceed07_2: # k "Maybe you should try to visit bar and drink some beer." k "Maybe you should try to visit bar and drink some beer." # game/script.rpy:13958 translate english map_4a5c880e: # o "You enter Milkypolis." o "You enter Milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:13965 translate english map_4a8f289b: # o "This place is like milk shrine." o "This place is like milk shrine." # game/script.rpy:13970 translate english map_a641f233: # o "You find some usefull empty bottles." o "You find some usefull empty bottles." # game/script.rpy:13971 translate english map_0aff2a22: # o "After a long thinking, you throw them away." o "After a long thinking, you throw them away." # game/script.rpy:13976 translate english map_48904fb3: # o "You visit special boob temple." o "You visit special boob temple." # game/script.rpy:13977 translate english map_67ea5550: # o "After one hour of worship you start to love that religion." o "After one hour of worship you start to love that religion." # game/script.rpy:13982 translate english map_421bb36b: # o "You visit stables." o "You visit stables." # game/script.rpy:13983 translate english map_89fae709: # o "You can see a couple of women with permanent orgasm during milking." o "You can see a couple of women with permanent orgasm during milking." # game/script.rpy:13984 translate english map_ceccd2e3: # o "...." o "...." # game/script.rpy:13985 translate english map_ceb25bcb: # o "For one moment I want to become that woman." o "For one moment I want to become that woman." # game/script.rpy:13991 translate english map_4cb881e9: # o "You hear woman scream." o "You hear woman scream." # game/script.rpy:13994 translate english map_6b3f2203: # o "You Ignored it like true hero!" o "You Ignored it like true hero!" # game/script.rpy:13998 translate english map_f238fc6f: # o "Two ugly men try to rape thin busty girl." o "Two ugly men try to rape thin busty girl." # game/script.rpy:14002 translate english map_219fc68e: # "They notice you. That can be a realy bad choice for you." "They notice you. That can be a realy bad choice for you." # game/script.rpy:14005 translate english map_87c505b2: # q "Hey, you asshole. What are you looking at?" q "Hey, you asshole. What are you looking at?" # game/script.rpy:14006 translate english map_e553eaf1: # k "It looks like you want to hurt that woman." k "It looks like you want to hurt that woman." # game/script.rpy:14007 translate english map_3041aaa9: # q "It is not your goddamn problem.. Go to hell we don't scare your armor." q "It is not your goddamn problem.. Go to hell we don't scare your armor." # game/script.rpy:14014 translate english map_bfacbbf9: # mg "Please sir help me..." mg "Please sir help me..." # game/script.rpy:14015 translate english map_4fb7603f: # k "This is bad they pull out a knife and crowbar." k "This is bad they pull out a knife and crowbar." # game/script.rpy:14016 translate english map_fe380a5f: # "What now?" "What now?" # game/script.rpy:14019 translate english map_d29e1e4f: # k "Don't worry, precious girl." k "Don't worry, precious girl." # game/script.rpy:14020 translate english map_f1f9268d: # k "I am not afraid of this little punks." k "I am not afraid of this little punks." # game/script.rpy:14021 translate english map_bef2c9b4: # k "Just stay behind me. I will settle the things with this gentleman." k "Just stay behind me. I will settle the things with this gentleman." # game/script.rpy:14022 translate english map_d19e20d9: # mg "Thank you." mg "Thank you." # game/script.rpy:14029 translate english map_6f57d09e: # k "Time to fight." k "Time to fight." # game/script.rpy:14031 translate english map_99752972: # q "That was your last mistake!" q "That was your last mistake!" # game/script.rpy:14032 translate english map_637465ca: # "I hope you are ready for ending this game." "I hope you are ready for ending this game." # game/script.rpy:14033 translate english map_899e5a76: # "One foe attacks you with a crowbar." "One foe attacks you with a crowbar." # game/script.rpy:14034 translate english map_7c6ba6fb: # q "Catch asshole!" q "Catch asshole!" # game/script.rpy:14036 translate english map_4f1f810a: # k "Ouch..." k "Ouch..." # game/script.rpy:14038 translate english map_50189a2a: # "He hit your head." "He hit your head." # game/script.rpy:14039 translate english map_f04dd213: # "Now you see 4 enemies." "Now you see 4 enemies." # game/script.rpy:14040 translate english map_c5112fec: # "Counterattack!" "Counterattack!" # game/script.rpy:14041 translate english map_72fe3a54: # "It look like they want to kill you." "It look like they want to kill you." # game/script.rpy:14042 translate english map_b65f5d41: # k "My bones!!!" k "My bones!!!" # game/script.rpy:14043 translate english map_d13be9d2: # "You start to feel weird." "You start to feel weird." # game/script.rpy:14044 translate english map_43d6d5f5: # "One button on your armor start blinking." "One button on your armor start blinking." # game/script.rpy:14045 translate english map_e50fbc98: # "It look like selfdestruct." "It look like selfdestruct." # game/script.rpy:14046 translate english map_e4c4b196: # "Second foe hits you in the button." "Second foe hits you in the button." # game/script.rpy:14052 translate english map_28e0c495: # "Good news, it didn't explode." "Good news, it didn't explode." # game/script.rpy:14053 translate english map_51ee3c2a: # "Look like armor gives you energy." "Look like armor gives you energy." # game/script.rpy:14054 translate english map_e1a3c1b6: # k "Playtime!!!" k "Playtime!!!" # game/script.rpy:14058 translate english map_64ee9ea2: # q "Nooooo!!!" q "Nooooo!!!" # game/script.rpy:14060 translate english map_dea2e5a8: # q "Heeeeeeelp!!!" q "Heeeeeeelp!!!" # game/script.rpy:14062 translate english map_ea087fb2: # q "Stop please....." q "Stop please....." # game/script.rpy:14064 translate english map_fbc99407: # "You win!" "You win!" # game/script.rpy:14065 translate english map_d2217692: # "The girl looks very stressed." "The girl looks very stressed." # game/script.rpy:14066 translate english map_45d66a26: # k "Hi sweety it is ok now!" k "Hi sweety it is ok now!" # game/script.rpy:14072 translate english map_a0f162b2: # mg "Yes, sir thank you very much." mg "Yes, sir thank you very much." # game/script.rpy:14073 translate english map_5b669b8a: # k "Where you live?" k "Where you live?" # game/script.rpy:14074 translate english map_495a3013: # mg "Once I live in stables with my sister. But my breast stops giving milk." mg "Once I live in stables with my sister. But my breast stops giving milk." # game/script.rpy:14075 translate english map_9f6c6d18: # k "So where you live now?" k "So where you live now?" # game/script.rpy:14080 translate english map_33221a65: # mg "I have no home anymore." mg "I have no home anymore." # game/script.rpy:14081 translate english map_7cc459a4: # k "And where is your sister?" k "And where is your sister?" # game/script.rpy:14082 translate english map_d6586d21: # mg "I do not know. They took her long time ago. I try to find her, but." mg "I do not know. They took her long time ago. I try to find her, but." # game/script.rpy:14083 translate english map_22582afd: # k "That is sad. Maybe I can help you." k "That is sad. Maybe I can help you." # game/script.rpy:14084 translate english map_9f35c4df: # mg "How?" mg "How?" # game/script.rpy:14085 translate english map_3728c495: # k "Ehm... I am not sure. You can live in my vault." k "Ehm... I am not sure. You can live in my vault." # game/script.rpy:14089 translate english map_101c4e99: # mg "That would be great, thanks." mg "That would be great, thanks." # game/script.rpy:14090 translate english map_6e8e7e6c: # k "No problem." k "No problem." # game/script.rpy:14091 translate english map_721b0d59: # k "Ehm." k "Ehm." # game/script.rpy:14092 translate english map_97d058a5: # k "You are a milkgirl right?" k "You are a milkgirl right?" # game/script.rpy:14096 translate english map_4f820210: # mg "Yes. But I cannot give milk anymore." mg "Yes. But I cannot give milk anymore." # game/script.rpy:14097 translate english map_652ebce5: # k "What if I can fix that?" k "What if I can fix that?" # game/script.rpy:14098 translate english map_9f35c4df_1: # mg "How?" mg "How?" # game/script.rpy:14099 translate english map_2690f30b: # k "I have a lot of new technologies in my vault." k "I have a lot of new technologies in my vault." # game/script.rpy:14100 translate english map_1a3d088e: # k "Maybe there is something there that can help you." k "Maybe there is something there that can help you." # game/script.rpy:14104 translate english map_853a0d6f: # mg "If you help me, I will give you milk every time you want." mg "If you help me, I will give you milk every time you want." # game/script.rpy:14105 translate english map_2076769f: # k "Sure. And then we can try to find her sister ok?" k "Sure. And then we can try to find her sister ok?" # game/script.rpy:14109 translate english map_ca75766d: # mg "Thanks for that." mg "Thanks for that." # game/script.rpy:14110 translate english map_20981a77: # k "I try girl. Trust me, I do anything for that boobs." k "I try girl. Trust me, I do anything for that boobs." # game/script.rpy:14111 translate english map_337bc827: # mg "Thank you sir." mg "Thank you sir." # game/script.rpy:14112 translate english map_b28ec576: # k "I will try to help you." k "I will try to help you." # game/script.rpy:14113 translate english map_6bc35e1c: # k "I escort you to my vault." k "I escort you to my vault." # game/script.rpy:14114 translate english map_bc5fee9e: # k "First, you need to get some dress and clean yourself." k "First, you need to get some dress and clean yourself." # game/script.rpy:14115 translate english map_f2e97b46: # k "Then, we can start to solving your problems." k "Then, we can start to solving your problems." # game/script.rpy:14122 translate english map_dfa4bafc: # "That is amazing you get your own cowgirl." "That is amazing you get your own cowgirl." # game/script.rpy:14126 translate english map_0cdbaa55: # o "You run away. And save your life." o "You run away. And save your life." # game/script.rpy:14129 translate english map_c56eb4de: # o "That situation is too dangerous you decide to leave." o "That situation is too dangerous you decide to leave." # game/script.rpy:14134 translate english map_b504bff4: # o "This place is amazing." o "This place is amazing." # game/script.rpy:14135 translate english map_1cdb7991: # o "I think I want to live here." o "I think I want to live here." # game/script.rpy:14141 translate english map_3d212d04: # o "You try to find any shop with this special products." o "You try to find any shop with this special products." # game/script.rpy:14142 translate english map_db9c73cb: # o "No one want to sell you woman for milking." o "No one want to sell you woman for milking." # game/script.rpy:14146 translate english map_379458af: # k "I wonder if I can find anything usefull here." k "I wonder if I can find anything usefull here." # game/script.rpy:14148 translate english map_452b7524: # k "This place is wonderfull." k "This place is wonderfull." # game/script.rpy:14150 translate english map_9da836ef: # k "So many busty chicks." k "So many busty chicks." # game/script.rpy:14151 translate english map_52f22e86: # hun "Hello my friend." with hpunch hun "Hello my friend." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:14152 translate english map_6daa0f7f: # k "Huh?" k "Huh?" # game/script.rpy:14153 translate english map_f927e2dc: # hun "What are you looking for?" hun "What are you looking for?" # game/script.rpy:14154 translate english map_b9575f95: # hun "Monsters???" hun "Monsters???" # game/script.rpy:14155 translate english map_24603563: # k "Ehm... no actually I am just looking arround." k "Ehm... no actually I am just looking arround." # game/script.rpy:14156 translate english map_61a87ffa: # hun "Seriously??? OK...." hun "Seriously??? OK...." # game/script.rpy:14157 translate english map_38e99a67: # hun "Do you want to buy some milk?" hun "Do you want to buy some milk?" # game/script.rpy:14158 translate english map_7693cc3d: # k "From where is it milk?" k "From where is it milk?" # game/script.rpy:14159 translate english map_627f0876: # hun "That is not your buisness do you want milk or not?" hun "That is not your buisness do you want milk or not?" # game/script.rpy:14160 translate english map_eaf96eeb: # k "Actually I am looking for milk." k "Actually I am looking for milk." # game/script.rpy:14161 translate english map_a0ff3fc1: # hun "And I can sell some to you.... What a coincidance." hun "And I can sell some to you.... What a coincidance." # game/script.rpy:14162 translate english map_5860b501: # k "How much will it cost?" k "How much will it cost?" # game/script.rpy:14163 translate english map_487f26f0: # hun "1000 coins for you...." hun "1000 coins for you...." # game/script.rpy:14164 translate english map_4801cbe1: # k "1000???" with hpunch k "1000???" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:14165 translate english map_f9d97eff: # hun "ok 750..." hun "ok 750..." # game/script.rpy:14166 translate english map_b1a710c4: # k "Huh that is still too much... come on be a fella." k "Huh that is still too much... come on be a fella." # game/script.rpy:14167 translate english map_192b82f6: # hun "No this is final price...." hun "No this is final price...." # game/script.rpy:14168 translate english map_e7d036db: # k "Ok but first tell me what is the source of this milk?" k "Ok but first tell me what is the source of this milk?" # game/script.rpy:14169 translate english map_f3c2ac82: # hun "Ehm......ok 600 coins..." hun "Ehm......ok 600 coins..." # game/script.rpy:14171 translate english map_5d7dfdc0: # k "You have a deal." k "You have a deal." # game/script.rpy:14172 translate english map_cc3770b8: # k "But first I need to taste that milk." k "But first I need to taste that milk." # game/script.rpy:14173 translate english map_adeecc5b: # hun "Ok ok... here it is...." hun "Ok ok... here it is...." # game/script.rpy:14174 translate english map_f8c6c65d: # k ".... mmmmm...." k ".... mmmmm...." # game/script.rpy:14175 translate english map_f6a2936c: # k "Taste good... Here is your coins." k "Taste good... Here is your coins." # game/script.rpy:14178 translate english map_37e0300c: # hun "It is a pleasure doing business with you." hun "It is a pleasure doing business with you." # game/script.rpy:14179 translate english map_ad388f99: # k "If you think so...." k "If you think so...." # game/script.rpy:14180 translate english map_317fb9fc: # hun "call if you need something." hun "call if you need something." # game/script.rpy:14181 translate english map_11492741: # k "You have a phone or something?" k "You have a phone or something?" # game/script.rpy:14182 translate english map_830b331a: # hun "No I am untraceable." hun "No I am untraceable." # game/script.rpy:14188 translate english map_9a059145: # o "In this place people belive milk godess come to save them all." o "In this place people belive milk godess come to save them all." # game/script.rpy:14189 translate english map_656b0b8b: # o "They prey to women breast and milk them every day." o "They prey to women breast and milk them every day." # game/script.rpy:14192 translate english map_f0dfd803: # o "Some woman have special boobs deformation caused by radiation." o "Some woman have special boobs deformation caused by radiation." # game/script.rpy:14193 translate english map_128d7cbd: # o "Their breast are F cup and more." o "Their breast are F cup and more." # game/script.rpy:14194 translate english map_4cb6e6f5: # o "Walking is difficult for them. They spend most of the daytime in stables." o "Walking is difficult for them. They spend most of the daytime in stables." # game/script.rpy:14197 translate english map_242f70c6: # o "But there are som benefits too." o "But there are som benefits too." # game/script.rpy:14198 translate english map_844d0f8b: # o "Milk is rare and can be sold in good price." o "Milk is rare and can be sold in good price." # game/script.rpy:14199 translate english map_cbbe4211: # o "And i hear that woman have instant orgasm when someone milk them." o "And i hear that woman have instant orgasm when someone milk them." # game/script.rpy:14212 translate english map_f7d9e216: # o "This look very suspicious." o "This look very suspicious." # game/script.rpy:14216 translate english map_f3273f8c: # sl "Hands up what do you want?" sl "Hands up what do you want?" # game/script.rpy:14219 translate english map_7225e1f8: # k "This place look suspicious what is it?" k "This place look suspicious what is it?" # game/script.rpy:14220 translate english map_c639bbb1: # sl "This place is out off your buisness!" sl "This place is out off your buisness!" # game/script.rpy:14221 translate english map_fcbbd98a: # k "Yes but what is it?" k "Yes but what is it?" # game/script.rpy:14222 translate english map_da47922b: # sl "Are you stupid i say go away!" sl "Are you stupid i say go away!" # game/script.rpy:14223 translate english map_87b3ba25: # k "Yes calm down i hear you first time." k "Yes calm down i hear you first time." # game/script.rpy:14229 translate english map_b7987bad: # sl "Ok what you can offer?" sl "Ok what you can offer?" # game/script.rpy:14230 translate english map_99608c4b: # k ".... Ehm... I'm not sure what exactly you need." k ".... Ehm... I'm not sure what exactly you need." # game/script.rpy:14231 translate english map_ac048c86: # sl "This is not the question." sl "This is not the question." # game/script.rpy:14232 translate english map_881ae028: # q "Radio voice: What is this lieutenant?" q "Radio voice: What is this lieutenant?" # game/script.rpy:14233 translate english map_1f85aade: # sl "Nothing sir just some trader!" sl "Nothing sir just some trader!" # game/script.rpy:14234 translate english map_38e6854e: # q "Man or woman!" q "Man or woman!" # game/script.rpy:14235 translate english map_95fa3d89: # sl "Man sir." sl "Man sir." # game/script.rpy:14236 translate english map_a1ad9bbb: # q "Healthy man?" q "Healthy man?" # game/script.rpy:14240 translate english map_8d9a6522: # sl "I don't now sir." sl "I don't now sir." # game/script.rpy:14241 translate english map_83d69e95: # q "What are you waiting ask him lieutenant!" q "What are you waiting ask him lieutenant!" # game/script.rpy:14242 translate english map_a219a9f1: # sl "Hey,you're sick or healthy?" sl "Hey,you're sick or healthy?" # game/script.rpy:14243 translate english map_42e832c1: # k ".... Healthy???" k ".... Healthy???" # game/script.rpy:14244 translate english map_21c52f00: # sl "Sir, he is healthy." sl "Sir, he is healthy." # game/script.rpy:14245 translate english map_5cf71d41: # q "That is good maybe we need his sperm." q "That is good maybe we need his sperm." # game/script.rpy:14246 translate english map_37f8398c: # sl "Yes Sir I ask him." sl "Yes Sir I ask him." # game/script.rpy:14250 translate english map_5fe0e395: # sl "So maybe I can buy something from you." sl "So maybe I can buy something from you." # game/script.rpy:14251 translate english map_a4960b61: # sl "Are you interested to sell your sperm? I can give you 300 coins." sl "Are you interested to sell your sperm? I can give you 300 coins." # game/script.rpy:14255 translate english map_a7911d25: # k "I think yes. I have more than I need." k "I think yes. I have more than I need." # game/script.rpy:14256 translate english map_7df97124: # sl "Ok go to that small room." sl "Ok go to that small room." # game/script.rpy:14257 translate english map_4fc4e5b0: # k "What???" k "What???" # game/script.rpy:14258 translate english map_22c66af4: # sl "there is a automatic hole you can insert your sperm to machine." sl "there is a automatic hole you can insert your sperm to machine." # game/script.rpy:14259 translate english map_2fb4f1bd: # k "Ok..." k "Ok..." # game/script.rpy:14261 translate english map_eac330eb: # k "Work complete." k "Work complete." # game/script.rpy:14262 translate english map_15218c11: # sl "Disgusting. Here is your 300 coins" sl "Disgusting. Here is your 300 coins" # game/script.rpy:14268 translate english map_b4efc334: # k "Sorry no more sperm today." k "Sorry no more sperm today." # game/script.rpy:14271 translate english map_f2866f02: # k "No way that sperm is only for me and my love." k "No way that sperm is only for me and my love." # game/script.rpy:14272 translate english map_1965ca82: # sl "Ok, then go away!" sl "Ok, then go away!" # game/script.rpy:14273 translate english map_ae0e37cd: # k "Wait maybe if you and me." k "Wait maybe if you and me." # game/script.rpy:14274 translate english map_99c4a82f: # sl "Go, or I shot you:" sl "Go, or I shot you:" # game/script.rpy:14278 translate english map_053d5061: # k "You look so beautiful." k "You look so beautiful." # game/script.rpy:14279 translate english map_41e93487: # sl "Why do you say that?" sl "Why do you say that?" # game/script.rpy:14280 translate english map_dd58af89: # k "Because i think i fall in love." k "Because i think i fall in love." # game/script.rpy:14281 translate english map_1a696896: # sl "I have no time for that." sl "I have no time for that." # game/script.rpy:14285 translate english map_c5f47021: # k "I need your help." k "I need your help." # game/script.rpy:14289 translate english map_b2059ec2: # sl "And why should I help?" sl "And why should I help?" # game/script.rpy:14290 translate english map_b31924d5: # k "Because someone want to hurt deathclaws." k "Because someone want to hurt deathclaws." # game/script.rpy:14291 translate english map_d3a559a1: # sl "What??? Who want to do something that horrible." sl "What??? Who want to do something that horrible." # game/script.rpy:14292 translate english map_13529211: # k "One hunter in Slave city. He hate everything what is not human." k "One hunter in Slave city. He hate everything what is not human." # game/script.rpy:14293 translate english map_3e45ec54: # sl "That arrogant bastard! How woudl I recognize him?" sl "That arrogant bastard! How woudl I recognize him?" # game/script.rpy:14294 translate english map_1cfec394: # k "He have some big guns, and red cross on coat." k "He have some big guns, and red cross on coat." # game/script.rpy:14295 translate english map_48151db9: # sl "Thank you for the information. We will not forget it." sl "Thank you for the information. We will not forget it." # game/script.rpy:14296 translate english map_3fdd70b4: # sl "He will die tonight." sl "He will die tonight." # game/script.rpy:14300 translate english map_ec0ab455: # k "That was.... thank you." k "That was.... thank you." # game/script.rpy:14304 translate english map_80627d71: # k "I need your help!" k "I need your help!" # game/script.rpy:14308 translate english map_0dccae7d: # sl "And what exactly you want?" sl "And what exactly you want?" # game/script.rpy:14309 translate english map_32169b0d: # k "Ehm... do you know where smart deathclaw is?" k "Ehm... do you know where smart deathclaw is?" # game/script.rpy:14310 translate english map_51af273a: # sl "Why do you want to know that?" sl "Why do you want to know that?" # game/script.rpy:14313 translate english map_77635980: # k "I find Smart female deathclaw." k "I find Smart female deathclaw." # game/script.rpy:14314 translate english map_525250b4: # k "She feel wery lonely." k "She feel wery lonely." # game/script.rpy:14315 translate english map_56f1a8ca: # k "And want to meet him." k "And want to meet him." # game/script.rpy:14316 translate english map_5cca3c3f: # sl "......." sl "......." # game/script.rpy:14317 translate english map_35d45255: # sl "Hmm.... another smart deathclaw???" sl "Hmm.... another smart deathclaw???" # game/script.rpy:14318 translate english map_63b30f92: # sl "You mean that one on Market Square?" sl "You mean that one on Market Square?" # game/script.rpy:14319 translate english map_255481b8: # k "Yes exactly that one." k "Yes exactly that one." # game/script.rpy:14320 translate english map_b98cc197: # sl "I don't think you lie to me...." sl "I don't think you lie to me...." # game/script.rpy:14321 translate english map_bc014c59: # sl "You can't meet him but she can." sl "You can't meet him but she can." # game/script.rpy:14322 translate english map_e67bac70: # sl "But in his conditions." sl "But in his conditions." # game/script.rpy:14323 translate english map_4ef04817: # sl "Wait here...." sl "Wait here...." # game/script.rpy:14325 translate english map_96b9cb7a: # sl "So ..... tell her he want to see her." sl "So ..... tell her he want to see her." # game/script.rpy:14326 translate english map_46aeaa1e: # sl "He will come to her shop." sl "He will come to her shop." # game/script.rpy:14327 translate english map_1673ca0a: # k "That is ideal she never leave the shop." k "That is ideal she never leave the shop." # game/script.rpy:14328 translate english map_c0995df6: # k "Thank you." k "Thank you." # game/script.rpy:14333 translate english map_e5dce40f: # k "I need his DNA to cure cancer!" k "I need his DNA to cure cancer!" # game/script.rpy:14334 translate english map_83a184d7: # sl "Don't try to make me laugh." sl "Don't try to make me laugh." # game/script.rpy:14335 translate english map_b49063f1: # sl "Cancer was cured long time ago." sl "Cancer was cured long time ago." # game/script.rpy:14336 translate english map_89b6844f: # k "I mean....I'm his fan!" k "I mean....I'm his fan!" # game/script.rpy:14337 translate english map_24335b3d: # sl "How you can be fan of deathclaw?" sl "How you can be fan of deathclaw?" # game/script.rpy:14338 translate english map_d3a390e9: # k "Or.... " k "Or.... " # game/script.rpy:14339 translate english map_75c27c62: # sl "Don't waste my time!" sl "Don't waste my time!" # game/script.rpy:14342 translate english map_80627d71_1: # k "I need your help!" k "I need your help!" # game/script.rpy:14346 translate english map_fb18fc04: # sl "And what exactly do you want." sl "And what exactly do you want." # game/script.rpy:14347 translate english map_cdef733e: # k "Ehm.... I want to join sisterhood?" k "Ehm.... I want to join sisterhood?" # game/script.rpy:14348 translate english map_933caec3: # sl "Don't be silly you are a man. What do you want for real!" sl "Don't be silly you are a man. What do you want for real!" # game/script.rpy:14349 translate english map_15a32785: # k "Seriously. I want do be your ally. Is there anything I can do for you?" k "Seriously. I want do be your ally. Is there anything I can do for you?" # game/script.rpy:14350 translate english map_0edf202c: # sl "Hmm... Let me think." sl "Hmm... Let me think." # game/script.rpy:14352 translate english map_3ea3fc4e: # sl "Actually there is something we need." sl "Actually there is something we need." # game/script.rpy:14353 translate english map_6472f461: # sl "We lack supplies... The delivery did not occur." sl "We lack supplies... The delivery did not occur." # game/script.rpy:14354 translate english map_03fb7268: # sl "If you can track the delivery and find our supplies, we will pay you some coins." sl "If you can track the delivery and find our supplies, we will pay you some coins." # game/script.rpy:14355 translate english map_e1b4c696: # k "Ok I can do it... Are they any information about delivery?" k "Ok I can do it... Are they any information about delivery?" # game/script.rpy:14356 translate english map_61946b28: # sl "Sure everything is on this disc." sl "Sure everything is on this disc." # game/script.rpy:14358 translate english map_e66ed339: # k "Thanks... Any advice?" k "Thanks... Any advice?" # game/script.rpy:14359 translate english map_94daac10: # sl "Try to look arround market square. There could be some traces." sl "Try to look arround market square. There could be some traces." # game/script.rpy:14360 translate english map_3585dadd: # k "Sure... I will come back with supplies..." k "Sure... I will come back with supplies..." # game/script.rpy:14368 translate english map_e4b5f5cf: # sl "Did you find our supplies?" sl "Did you find our supplies?" # game/script.rpy:14369 translate english map_8496b259: # k "Ehm no... any advice?" k "Ehm no... any advice?" # game/script.rpy:14370 translate english map_f9deb06d: # sl "Try to look around market square. There could be some traces." sl "Try to look around market square. There could be some traces." # game/script.rpy:14371 translate english map_37b2a6f1: # k "Sure..." k "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:14377 translate english map_e4b5f5cf_1: # sl "Did you find our supplies?" sl "Did you find our supplies?" # game/script.rpy:14378 translate english map_ebbb5127: # k "I am working on it." k "I am working on it." # game/script.rpy:14379 translate english map_15611946: # sl "Ok do your best." sl "Ok do your best." # game/script.rpy:14380 translate english map_37b2a6f1_1: # k "Sure..." k "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:14386 translate english map_e4b5f5cf_2: # sl "Did you find our supplies?" sl "Did you find our supplies?" # game/script.rpy:14387 translate english map_e38896c7: # k "Yes I have them..." k "Yes I have them..." # game/script.rpy:14388 translate english map_7193e40a: # sl "Finally... There is your reward. 500 coins." sl "Finally... There is your reward. 500 coins." # game/script.rpy:14392 translate english map_f8b326de: # k "Sigh.... Thanks... What now? Can we be friends now?" k "Sigh.... Thanks... What now? Can we be friends now?" # game/script.rpy:14393 translate english map_bcf9dd09: # sl "Not so fast... We need to test it first and then... You need to prove your loyalty." sl "Not so fast... We need to test it first and then... You need to prove your loyalty." # game/script.rpy:14394 translate english map_4c0e7b59: # k "How can I do that?" k "How can I do that?" # game/script.rpy:14395 translate english map_480fb4b1: # sl "Come back later I will tell you." sl "Come back later I will tell you." # game/script.rpy:14399 translate english map_70ef0a09: # k "Hello. Is everything allright?" k "Hello. Is everything allright?" # game/script.rpy:14400 translate english map_ff30d5ff: # sl "Yes... We have our supply... so..." sl "Yes... We have our supply... so..." # game/script.rpy:14401 translate english map_cf303ea4: # k "How can I help you now?" k "How can I help you now?" # game/script.rpy:14405 translate english map_f7de319c: # sl "Hmm... There is something what is need to be done..." sl "Hmm... There is something what is need to be done..." # game/script.rpy:14406 translate english map_a3e9a710: # k "Sure what is it???" k "Sure what is it???" # game/script.rpy:14407 translate english map_04e2abf5: # sl "Meet me near the market square I will tell you..." sl "Meet me near the market square I will tell you..." # game/script.rpy:14408 translate english map_2fb4f1bd_1: # k "Ok..." k "Ok..." # game/script.rpy:14412 translate english map_b84536f2: # k "Hello. Where should We met?" k "Hello. Where should We met?" # game/script.rpy:14416 translate english map_8c7fb1cf: # sl "Near the market square..." sl "Near the market square..." # game/script.rpy:14417 translate english map_2fb4f1bd_2: # k "Ok..." k "Ok..." # game/script.rpy:14420 translate english map_ad2434c8: # k "Anything else?" k "Anything else?" # game/script.rpy:14424 translate english map_8c7fb1cf_1: # sl "Near the market square..." sl "Near the market square..." # game/script.rpy:14425 translate english map_d74f956a: # sl "Nothing for now. But maybe Sisters need your help." sl "Nothing for now. But maybe Sisters need your help." # game/script.rpy:14426 translate english map_df32205e: # k "So...." k "So...." # game/script.rpy:14427 translate english map_52019277: # sl "You can enter our hideout now. If you want." sl "You can enter our hideout now. If you want." # game/script.rpy:14432 translate english map_d1a27ae1: # k "I can not go now." k "I can not go now." # game/script.rpy:14433 translate english map_2ed7078e: # sl "Sure so come back later." sl "Sure so come back later." # game/script.rpy:14437 translate english map_8147387e: # k "Can I help you with something?" k "Can I help you with something?" # game/script.rpy:14441 translate english map_fb18fc04_1: # sl "And what exactly do you want." sl "And what exactly do you want." # game/script.rpy:14442 translate english map_324e668d: # k "Ehm... Anything you need..." k "Ehm... Anything you need..." # game/script.rpy:14443 translate english map_7a9650c1: # sl "Nothing for now... Come back later." sl "Nothing for now... Come back later." # game/script.rpy:14444 translate english map_b621322b_2: # k "Sure." k "Sure." # game/script.rpy:14455 translate english map_08206e80: # k "Ok there is the last known possition of caravan." k "Ok there is the last known possition of caravan." # game/script.rpy:14457 translate english map_792d8873: # k "There should be some traces..." k "There should be some traces..." # game/script.rpy:14459 translate english map_b9698c18: # k "That look like the signs of struggle!!!" k "That look like the signs of struggle!!!" # game/script.rpy:14461 translate english map_d7b50d45: # k "No it is only fight of two dogs...." k "No it is only fight of two dogs...." # game/script.rpy:14465 translate english map_ad039ffd: # o "If I can help you try to focus on that empty whisky bottle." o "If I can help you try to focus on that empty whisky bottle." # game/script.rpy:14466 translate english map_552c110d_6: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:14467 translate english map_71a17780: # k "Why???" k "Why???" # game/script.rpy:14468 translate english map_6f53fe41: # o "It is empty and marked as sisterhood supply." o "It is empty and marked as sisterhood supply." # game/script.rpy:14469 translate english map_bca7a519: # k "Ehm sure... I will track it." k "Ehm sure... I will track it." # game/script.rpy:14472 translate english map_b129c301: # k "Hmm... That look promissing..." k "Hmm... That look promissing..." # game/script.rpy:14473 translate english map_1bfa7ac6: # q "Hello my ffffriend. Can you help me?" q "Hello my ffffriend. Can you help me?" # game/script.rpy:14474 translate english map_1edd7cac: # k "Sure what is going on?" k "Sure what is going on?" # game/script.rpy:14475 translate english map_03975b6a: # q "I have a littttt.... le proble... blem..." q "I have a littttt.... le proble... blem..." # game/script.rpy:14476 translate english map_fc98ba7a: # k "Yes I see that. Did you know something about sisterhood supplies?" k "Yes I see that. Did you know something about sisterhood supplies?" # game/script.rpy:14477 translate english map_46276175: # q "Yyeeeeesss... Tha... t fine boooooze...." q "Yyeeeeesss... Tha... t fine boooooze...." # game/script.rpy:14478 translate english map_58654c3b: # q "Hik... The..yy... need it for... gene.... gene.... ratorrrrr...." q "Hik... The..yy... need it for... gene.... gene.... ratorrrrr...." # game/script.rpy:14479 translate english map_e08bda00: # k "And what happened to that 'booze'." k "And what happened to that 'booze'." # game/script.rpy:14480 translate english map_faf8b685: # q "It... Dissapear.... heh..." q "It... Dissapear.... heh..." # game/script.rpy:14481 translate english map_2ccef391: # k "In your belly right?" k "In your belly right?" # game/script.rpy:14482 translate english map_2c4849a6: # q "Noooooooo.. I just.. dr...drink a little.... and the ressssst... dissapear like last fffff." q "Noooooooo.. I just.. dr...drink a little.... and the ressssst... dissapear like last fffff." # game/script.rpy:14484 translate english map_e3952ac2: # q "few days...." q "few days...." # game/script.rpy:14485 translate english map_a75c5235: # k "Ok but they need it so what now???" k "Ok but they need it so what now???" # game/script.rpy:14487 translate english map_4a8dd57f: # q "Heh... we just need some coins and.... " q "Heh... we just need some coins and.... " # game/script.rpy:14488 translate english map_1367dde4: # k "And?" k "And?" # game/script.rpy:14489 translate english map_6f81b340: # q "And what?" q "And what?" # game/script.rpy:14490 translate english map_ab4b95fa: # k "Booze - sisterhood - coins." k "Booze - sisterhood - coins." # game/script.rpy:14491 translate english map_42af336e: # q "Yesss.... We can buy more booze and delllllll... to sissst..." q "Yesss.... We can buy more booze and delllllll... to sissst..." # game/script.rpy:14492 translate english map_8afefc28: # k "Sure homw much?" k "Sure homw much?" # game/script.rpy:14493 translate english map_3159fad5: # q "fooooo..... five hun... hundred?" q "fooooo..... five hun... hundred?" # game/script.rpy:14495 translate english map_2a754b45: # k "Sure where can I buy it???" k "Sure where can I buy it???" # game/script.rpy:14496 translate english map_11fa941c: # q "I will go wi...with you..." q "I will go wi...with you..." # game/script.rpy:14498 translate english map_c1e7694b: # q "Hehehehehere it is..." q "Hehehehehere it is..." # game/script.rpy:14501 translate english map_6b1b1a5c: # q "Come witttt.......... wittttt...." q "Come witttt.......... wittttt...." # game/script.rpy:14502 translate english map_5abf1d69: # q "Just come...." q "Just come...." # game/script.rpy:14503 translate english map_74a19115: # k "Sigh..." k "Sigh..." # game/script.rpy:14504 translate english map_283fa78b: # q "Hehehehere it is...." q "Hehehehere it is...." # game/script.rpy:14505 translate english map_5bbf6437: # k "Finally. Now I can deliver it to sisterhood." k "Finally. Now I can deliver it to sisterhood." # game/script.rpy:14506 translate english map_6ad54e7c: # q "Hehe..... ok... zzzzz..." q "Hehe..... ok... zzzzz..." # game/script.rpy:14507 translate english map_8263212e: # k "That was easy..." k "That was easy..." # game/script.rpy:14511 translate english map_a1df1373: # k "Hmm I need more coins." k "Hmm I need more coins." # game/script.rpy:14512 translate english map_0f36b24b: # q "Ok... I will wait here...." q "Ok... I will wait here...." # game/script.rpy:14517 translate english map_ddbd41b0: # k "I am wonder if anything is going to happen now..." k "I am wonder if anything is going to happen now..." # game/script.rpy:14519 translate english map_ef791aee: # k "Hmm... still nothing..." k "Hmm... still nothing..." # game/script.rpy:14523 translate english map_42cad6c7: # sl "So you come after all..." sl "So you come after all..." # game/script.rpy:14524 translate english map_8e25fcaa: # k "Ehm of course... I'm waiting for you." k "Ehm of course... I'm waiting for you." # game/script.rpy:14525 translate english map_19915bb1: # sl "Ok we need to wait for third member..." sl "Ok we need to wait for third member..." # game/script.rpy:14526 translate english map_37b2a6f1_2: # k "Sure..." k "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:14528 translate english map_a36928a9: # k "And how long we should wait???" k "And how long we should wait???" # game/script.rpy:14529 translate english map_db586eac: # k "And what should I do?" k "And what should I do?" # game/script.rpy:14530 translate english map_8b9d1506: # sl "It is very simple. first...." sl "It is very simple. first...." # game/script.rpy:14533 translate english map_46330bbf: # sel "Hello my friends..." sel "Hello my friends..." # game/script.rpy:14534 translate english map_20e69d86: # k "Huh seriously???" k "Huh seriously???" # game/script.rpy:14538 translate english map_3d39d1dd: # sl "Hi Deandrea... Are you ready?" sl "Hi Deandrea... Are you ready?" # game/script.rpy:14539 translate english map_41164ccf: # sel "Yes I am...." sel "Yes I am...." # game/script.rpy:14540 translate english map_81bcc4a9: # k "Ready for what???" k "Ready for what???" # game/script.rpy:14541 translate english map_00464a8b: # sl "Deandrea is special Deathclaw infected with fev virus..." sl "Deandrea is special Deathclaw infected with fev virus..." # game/script.rpy:14542 translate english map_4573e384: # sl "And she is pressure friend of sisterhood." sl "And she is pressure friend of sisterhood." # game/script.rpy:14546 translate english map_354a2e00: # sel "It's very nice of you." sel "It's very nice of you." # game/script.rpy:14547 translate english map_3811c4b4: # sl "You need to protect Deandrea until she finish her part." sl "You need to protect Deandrea until she finish her part." # game/script.rpy:14548 translate english map_c765c287: # k "Ok sure I will protect her but..." k "Ok sure I will protect her but..." # game/script.rpy:14549 translate english map_65bfa3a7: # sl "What?" sl "What?" # game/script.rpy:14550 translate english map_e7cb3c26: # k "Ehm You have a lot of members why you pick me?" k "Ehm You have a lot of members why you pick me?" # game/script.rpy:14551 translate english map_7dd97ca2: # sl "Because it is a good way how to test your skills." sl "Because it is a good way how to test your skills." # game/script.rpy:14552 translate english map_8811c631: # k "OK what now?" k "OK what now?" # game/script.rpy:14553 translate english map_6aa2b627: # sl "Escort Deandrea to Milkypolis. She will send a report to me after everything is done..." sl "Escort Deandrea to Milkypolis. She will send a report to me after everything is done..." # game/script.rpy:14554 translate english map_4a3f8e96: # k "Ok...." k "Ok...." # game/script.rpy:14555 translate english map_6016e34c: # sl "Good luck." sl "Good luck." # game/script.rpy:14557 translate english map_56d51b1d: # sel "So now it is only you and me..." sel "So now it is only you and me..." # game/script.rpy:14558 translate english map_4617e963: # k "Time to go." k "Time to go." # game/script.rpy:14560 translate english map_cc58fb60: # k "We are almost there." k "We are almost there." # game/script.rpy:14565 translate english map_7874d3fa: # sel "We are here...." sel "We are here...." # game/script.rpy:14566 translate english map_6b3427df: # sel "Now is time to give my milk to sisterhood." sel "Now is time to give my milk to sisterhood." # game/script.rpy:14567 translate english map_c1751a7e: # k "Ok I will guard you..." k "Ok I will guard you..." # game/script.rpy:14571 translate english map_b16a204d: # k "Huh that is weird mission..." k "Huh that is weird mission..." # game/script.rpy:14573 translate english map_711470a9: # k "And very calm." k "And very calm." # game/script.rpy:14574 translate english map_415eda7e: # hun "Hello my friend... I am looking for something..." hun "Hello my friend... I am looking for something..." # game/script.rpy:14575 translate english map_4eb4cbe0: # k "Ehm... hello what do you want?" k "Ehm... hello what do you want?" # game/script.rpy:14576 translate english map_bb95b924: # hun "Nothing special... Just a random control..." hun "Nothing special... Just a random control..." # game/script.rpy:14577 translate english map_8bd9da18: # hun "Did you see any monsters here???" hun "Did you see any monsters here???" # game/script.rpy:14580 translate english map_459c5a07: # k "Yes I saw something weird." k "Yes I saw something weird." # game/script.rpy:14581 translate english map_6bf09806: # hun "Realy??? and where?" hun "Realy??? and where?" # game/script.rpy:14582 translate english map_0e567751: # k "Near the slave city... A realy scary bug." k "Near the slave city... A realy scary bug." # game/script.rpy:14583 translate english map_4a5f4243: # hun "I am not interested in bugs..." hun "I am not interested in bugs..." # game/script.rpy:14584 translate english map_a6c005fc: # hun "Anything else?" hun "Anything else?" # game/script.rpy:14585 translate english map_08d7e94d: # k "Ehm.... one gecko is near the big old tree near the lake." k "Ehm.... one gecko is near the big old tree near the lake." # game/script.rpy:14586 translate english map_bb2cd06e: # hun "Gecko??? hmm that sounds interesting." hun "Gecko??? hmm that sounds interesting." # game/script.rpy:14587 translate english map_12c6c966: # hun "Thank you..." hun "Thank you..." # game/script.rpy:14588 translate english map_8bb34fa8: # k "No problem..." k "No problem..." # game/script.rpy:14590 translate english map_53f76cab: # k "That was weird." k "That was weird." # game/script.rpy:14592 translate english map_a976ae05: # k "Ehm what do you mean by monster?" k "Ehm what do you mean by monster?" # game/script.rpy:14593 translate english map_4b956fb2: # hun "You know weird skin, big claws, wings..." hun "You know weird skin, big claws, wings..." # game/script.rpy:14594 translate english map_cf7fb5a6: # k "You mean gryphon?" k "You mean gryphon?" # game/script.rpy:14595 translate english map_c52daeb9: # hun "For example.." hun "For example.." # game/script.rpy:14596 translate english map_159b840d: # k "I think you're kidding." k "I think you're kidding." # game/script.rpy:14597 translate english map_7bd0c9c4: # hun "No they are real!" hun "No they are real!" # game/script.rpy:14598 translate english map_47be2f45: # k "Sure ehm..." k "Sure ehm..." # game/script.rpy:14599 translate english map_af712040: # hun "So did you saw them?" hun "So did you saw them?" # game/script.rpy:14600 translate english map_a6398fe4: # k "No I am absolutely sure no gryphon is in this area." k "No I am absolutely sure no gryphon is in this area." # game/script.rpy:14601 translate english map_e032763a: # hun "Shit... Ok I'm going to look elsewhere." hun "Shit... Ok I'm going to look elsewhere." # game/script.rpy:14603 translate english map_53f76cab_1: # k "That was weird." k "That was weird." # game/script.rpy:14604 translate english map_641d7788: # k "But I am still need to finish my mission." k "But I am still need to finish my mission." # game/script.rpy:14606 translate english map_020d9675: # k "Booring." k "Booring." # game/script.rpy:14608 translate english map_fc83ad2f: # k "Finally." k "Finally." # game/script.rpy:14611 translate english map_7874ab1f: # sel "Hello my dear. Is everything allright?" sel "Hello my dear. Is everything allright?" # game/script.rpy:14612 translate english map_d351c001: # k "Yes it was easy to protect you." k "Yes it was easy to protect you." # game/script.rpy:14613 translate english map_b4611f30: # sel "Ok now it is time to escort me home." sel "Ok now it is time to escort me home." # game/script.rpy:14614 translate english map_6e8e7e6c_1: # k "No problem." k "No problem." # game/script.rpy:14617 translate english map_f3739bb6: # sel "You are so nice... Most of people are scared with deathclaw in their back." sel "You are so nice... Most of people are scared with deathclaw in their back." # game/script.rpy:14618 translate english map_d6926f29: # k "Yes but Iam not that kind of person." k "Yes but Iam not that kind of person." # game/script.rpy:14619 translate english map_b9d7998e: # k "And you are beautifull deathclaw so...." k "And you are beautifull deathclaw so...." # game/script.rpy:14620 translate english map_0abf89ff: # sel "So nice..." sel "So nice..." # game/script.rpy:14622 translate english map_b39c7e38: # sel "Ok we are here." sel "Ok we are here." # game/script.rpy:14623 translate english map_e9a47fb2: # k "Anything else." k "Anything else." # game/script.rpy:14624 translate english map_7c0fcd16: # sel "Nothing for now. And thanks for your protection." sel "Nothing for now. And thanks for your protection." # game/script.rpy:14625 translate english map_6e8e7e6c_2: # k "No problem." k "No problem." # game/script.rpy:14633 translate english map_0c0ef593: # o "You look around and find some power banks." o "You look around and find some power banks." # game/script.rpy:14634 translate english map_0ad28536: # o "Unfortunately, they were empty." o "Unfortunately, they were empty." # game/script.rpy:14639 translate english map_65540e07: # o "Someone tell you about secret revolution." o "Someone tell you about secret revolution." # game/script.rpy:14640 translate english map_e8e13541: # o "Maybe it is not such a big secret, if he tell it to everyone." o "Maybe it is not such a big secret, if he tell it to everyone." # game/script.rpy:14641 translate english map_cae19219: # o "He say: Sisterhood will start the war against slavers." o "He say: Sisterhood will start the war against slavers." # game/script.rpy:14642 translate english map_b2078f62: # o "This may be the end of free sex as we know it." o "This may be the end of free sex as we know it." # game/script.rpy:14647 translate english map_43a6c1fc: # o "You can buy a lot of things here!" o "You can buy a lot of things here!" # game/script.rpy:14648 translate english map_f12c76fe: # o "Maybe you should stop looking around and actualy do something!" o "Maybe you should stop looking around and actualy do something!" # game/script.rpy:14653 translate english map_f9180d19: # o "This place is like old New York." o "This place is like old New York." # game/script.rpy:14654 translate english map_9d7d9a00: # o "Everything here is so shiny." o "Everything here is so shiny." # game/script.rpy:14655 translate english map_d07fe622: # o "Boss of this place is called Big Ronda." o "Boss of this place is called Big Ronda." # game/script.rpy:14691 translate english ssister_f7bb63a1: # ri "Hello can I help you?" ri "Hello can I help you?" # game/script.rpy:14694 translate english riaki_fff8604b: # k "Can you tell me something about yourself?" k "Can you tell me something about yourself?" # game/script.rpy:14695 translate english riaki_83894930: # ri "Sure and what do you want to know?" ri "Sure and what do you want to know?" # game/script.rpy:14696 translate english riaki_71b0ccbb: # k "Ehm what is your job in sisterhood?" k "Ehm what is your job in sisterhood?" # game/script.rpy:14700 translate english riaki_f52f2fc0: # ri "I'm a cook and supply officer of sisterhood of steel." ri "I'm a cook and supply officer of sisterhood of steel." # game/script.rpy:14701 translate english riaki_abe2ba33: # ri "My mission is to keep everyone in good condition!" ri "My mission is to keep everyone in good condition!" # game/script.rpy:14702 translate english riaki_8a74281c: # k "And what that mean?" k "And what that mean?" # game/script.rpy:14706 translate english riaki_a24348ce: # ri "Ehm... You know... I care for their comfort....Oversees supplies." ri "Ehm... You know... I care for their comfort....Oversees supplies." # game/script.rpy:14707 translate english riaki_6ef01538: # k "And what about the last missing supplies?" k "And what about the last missing supplies?" # game/script.rpy:14708 translate english riaki_750271bf: # ri "That was not my fault!" ri "That was not my fault!" # game/script.rpy:14709 translate english riaki_4dedd114: # k "I do not think it was your fault." k "I do not think it was your fault." # game/script.rpy:14713 translate english riaki_bfcd80a6: # ri "Right. Because it is not." ri "Right. Because it is not." # game/script.rpy:14714 translate english riaki_e6886404: # k "Anyway... do you like your job?" k "Anyway... do you like your job?" # game/script.rpy:14715 translate english riaki_845920b4: # ri "Yes it is very important... But booring sometimes...." ri "Yes it is very important... But booring sometimes...." # game/script.rpy:14716 translate english riaki_e7475e92: # k "Booring?" k "Booring?" # game/script.rpy:14720 translate english riaki_166d8f11: # ri "I always want something more... Be a warrior but I am so small..." ri "I always want something more... Be a warrior but I am so small..." # game/script.rpy:14721 translate english riaki_d1b15dec: # k "Ehm...." k "Ehm...." # game/script.rpy:14722 translate english riaki_420c37d9: # ri "You know the outside world is dangerous someone can kill you or rape you..." ri "You know the outside world is dangerous someone can kill you or rape you..." # game/script.rpy:14723 translate english riaki_48fb0446: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:14724 translate english riaki_e901835e: # ri "Sometimes they treat me like a little girl and I am not a kid anymore!" ri "Sometimes they treat me like a little girl and I am not a kid anymore!" # game/script.rpy:14728 translate english riaki_ab6ddc47: # ri "..." ri "..." # game/script.rpy:14729 translate english riaki_34015b68: # k "So you want more action." k "So you want more action." # game/script.rpy:14730 translate english riaki_42dd9b05: # ri "Yes I need action." ri "Yes I need action." # game/script.rpy:14733 translate english riaki_b419e575: # k "Can you tell me something about sisterhood?" k "Can you tell me something about sisterhood?" # game/script.rpy:14734 translate english riaki_320ce595: # ri "Sisterhood bunch of old booring women..." ri "Sisterhood bunch of old booring women..." # game/script.rpy:14735 translate english riaki_e5b28386: # k "What did you say?" k "What did you say?" # game/script.rpy:14739 translate english riaki_fa29067f: # ri "Ehm I mean Sisterhood of steel is here to protect the world and maintain world peace." ri "Ehm I mean Sisterhood of steel is here to protect the world and maintain world peace." # game/script.rpy:14740 translate english riaki_3c157244: # ri "I am .... proud to be a part of that big family." ri "I am .... proud to be a part of that big family." # game/script.rpy:14741 translate english riaki_21f6d395: # k "It did not sound convincing." k "It did not sound convincing." # game/script.rpy:14742 translate english riaki_c21a56b5: # ri "You know... Sisterhood is truely amazing organization but..." ri "You know... Sisterhood is truely amazing organization but..." # game/script.rpy:14746 translate english riaki_93334484: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:14748 translate english riaki_53e83e90: # ri "Nothing..." ri "Nothing..." # game/script.rpy:14749 translate english riaki_36bd4117: # k "Come on just tell me." k "Come on just tell me." # game/script.rpy:14750 translate english riaki_aea15214: # ri "We have made no progress in recent years." ri "We have made no progress in recent years." # game/script.rpy:14751 translate english riaki_17d1f745: # ri "I think our technological lead is slowly shrinking." ri "I think our technological lead is slowly shrinking." # game/script.rpy:14752 translate english riaki_63b9ca04: # k "Ehm and you say it becaouse you live in cave?" k "Ehm and you say it becaouse you live in cave?" # game/script.rpy:14756 translate english riaki_f690cf96: # ri "Exactly. We need to be ..." ri "Exactly. We need to be ..." # game/script.rpy:14757 translate english riaki_552c110d: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:14758 translate english riaki_c6f59790: # ri "More aggressive. More entertaining." ri "More aggressive. More entertaining." # game/script.rpy:14759 translate english riaki_7057d6f0: # ri "We have been too careful lately." ri "We have been too careful lately." # game/script.rpy:14760 translate english riaki_0baa4976: # k "There is nothing wrong with that." k "There is nothing wrong with that." # game/script.rpy:14764 translate english riaki_b2f5e165: # ri "I know but... It is not good for us." ri "I know but... It is not good for us." # game/script.rpy:14765 translate english riaki_428de457: # k "Did you try to tell it to leader?" k "Did you try to tell it to leader?" # game/script.rpy:14766 translate english riaki_cdce4f7f: # ri "Many times. But she does not take me seriously." ri "Many times. But she does not take me seriously." # game/script.rpy:14770 translate english riaki_754f7655: # k "Is there anything I can do for you?" k "Is there anything I can do for you?" # game/script.rpy:14771 translate english riaki_33ccaf36: # ri "Actually I need some sugar." ri "Actually I need some sugar." # game/script.rpy:14772 translate english riaki_79252971: # k "Sugar???" k "Sugar???" # game/script.rpy:14773 translate english riaki_752c5b12: # ri "Yes. If you can bring me some I will be very gratefull." ri "Yes. If you can bring me some I will be very gratefull." # game/script.rpy:14774 translate english riaki_c29454de: # k "Ok I will try to bring you some. But it is hard to find some in these days." k "Ok I will try to bring you some. But it is hard to find some in these days." # game/script.rpy:14775 translate english riaki_3998d5cd: # ri "I just need some kind of sugar so..." ri "I just need some kind of sugar so..." # game/script.rpy:14779 translate english riaki_90c714b3: # ri "You can bring me fruit or candies. Anything you will find." ri "You can bring me fruit or candies. Anything you will find." # game/script.rpy:14780 translate english riaki_5930f9a9: # k "Ok I already have some ideas where can I find some." k "Ok I already have some ideas where can I find some." # game/script.rpy:14785 translate english riaki_4443aac9: # ri "Come back when you find some." ri "Come back when you find some." # game/script.rpy:14788 translate english riaki_754f7655_1: # k "Is there anything I can do for you?" k "Is there anything I can do for you?" # game/script.rpy:14789 translate english riaki_98302233: # ri "Have you brought me a sugar?" ri "Have you brought me a sugar?" # game/script.rpy:14791 translate english riaki_97556775: # k "Yes I bring you that candies!" k "Yes I bring you that candies!" # game/script.rpy:14797 translate english riaki_b87c9cc2: # ri "That is amazing!" ri "That is amazing!" # game/script.rpy:14798 translate english riaki_e1302173: # ri "Now I can extract sugar from them and improve a taste of food." ri "Now I can extract sugar from them and improve a taste of food." # game/script.rpy:14799 translate english riaki_f31e8d2f: # k "Ehm... Sure.... Anythig you want." k "Ehm... Sure.... Anythig you want." # game/script.rpy:14800 translate english riaki_7a638bc2: # ri "Thank you very much." ri "Thank you very much." # game/script.rpy:14801 translate english riaki_e30303ac: # k "It is ok tell me if you need something else." k "It is ok tell me if you need something else." # game/script.rpy:14802 translate english riaki_2b036b2e: # ri "Come back later maybe I will have something." ri "Come back later maybe I will have something." # game/script.rpy:14803 translate english riaki_4ba55f24: # ri "Now I have to ask you to leave our hideout." ri "Now I have to ask you to leave our hideout." # game/script.rpy:14804 translate english riaki_7c2bde7e: # k "Why?" k "Why?" # game/script.rpy:14805 translate english riaki_13f50415: # ri "Ehm it is secret... " ri "Ehm it is secret... " # game/script.rpy:14806 translate english riaki_b17e240b: # k "OK... see you later..." k "OK... see you later..." # game/script.rpy:14809 translate english riaki_9aa80317: # k "Ehm I am working on it." k "Ehm I am working on it." # game/script.rpy:14813 translate english riaki_e59e94b8: # ri "So come back when you have some." ri "So come back when you have some." # game/script.rpy:14816 translate english riaki_754f7655_2: # k "Is there anything I can do for you?" k "Is there anything I can do for you?" # game/script.rpy:14817 translate english riaki_0152a177: # ri "Actually.... Yes...." ri "Actually.... Yes...." # game/script.rpy:14821 translate english riaki_8d40ea16: # ri "Sisterhood and milkypolis do not have good relationships." ri "Sisterhood and milkypolis do not have good relationships." # game/script.rpy:14822 translate english riaki_fc199f84: # ri "And our milk supply is running low..." ri "And our milk supply is running low..." # game/script.rpy:14823 translate english riaki_50b7a4a2: # k "Ok so what can I do for you?" k "Ok so what can I do for you?" # game/script.rpy:14824 translate english riaki_b04c5482: # ri "Is not it obvious?" ri "Is not it obvious?" # game/script.rpy:14828 translate english riaki_a50b49a8: # ri "Bring me some milk!" ri "Bring me some milk!" # game/script.rpy:14829 translate english riaki_560dcab3: # k "Ok but milk is not cheap..." k "Ok but milk is not cheap..." # game/script.rpy:14832 translate english riaki_4bbcf10b: # ri "...." ri "...." # game/script.rpy:14836 translate english riaki_9f52a66f: # ri "Sure here is some coins." ri "Sure here is some coins." # game/script.rpy:14837 translate english riaki_b04cf4c5: # k "Ok I will come back with milk." k "Ok I will come back with milk." # game/script.rpy:14840 translate english riaki_754f7655_3: # k "Is there anything I can do for you?" k "Is there anything I can do for you?" # game/script.rpy:14841 translate english riaki_2b8e953f: # ri "Have you brought me milk?" ri "Have you brought me milk?" # game/script.rpy:14842 translate english riaki_2a565852: # k "Ehm... no...." k "Ehm... no...." # game/script.rpy:14843 translate english riaki_e59e94b8_1: # ri "So come back when you have some." ri "So come back when you have some." # game/script.rpy:14846 translate english riaki_754f7655_4: # k "Is there anything I can do for you?" k "Is there anything I can do for you?" # game/script.rpy:14847 translate english riaki_2b8e953f_1: # ri "Have you brought me milk?" ri "Have you brought me milk?" # game/script.rpy:14848 translate english riaki_6693702c: # k "Actually... Yes." k "Actually... Yes." # game/script.rpy:14850 translate english riaki_24453e94: # k "I buy it from one trafficker." k "I buy it from one trafficker." # game/script.rpy:14854 translate english riaki_94143b29: # ri "Ok I need to test it first...." ri "Ok I need to test it first...." # game/script.rpy:14856 translate english riaki_66f2facd: # ri "Hmm..." ri "Hmm..." # game/script.rpy:14858 translate english riaki_9eeb7e7a: # ri "It look good. Protein level is very high." ri "It look good. Protein level is very high." # game/script.rpy:14859 translate english riaki_2a6d6d54: # ri "Everything look fine. Thank you." ri "Everything look fine. Thank you." # game/script.rpy:14860 translate english riaki_419039c1: # k "You are welcome." k "You are welcome." # game/script.rpy:14863 translate english riaki_754f7655_5: # k "Is there anything I can do for you?" k "Is there anything I can do for you?" # game/script.rpy:14864 translate english riaki_8d89378f: # ri "Hmm let me think...." ri "Hmm let me think...." # game/script.rpy:14868 translate english riaki_48e6c7e2: # ri "There is one personal request." ri "There is one personal request." # game/script.rpy:14869 translate english riaki_224eeec0: # k "What is it?" k "What is it?" # game/script.rpy:14873 translate english riaki_9dc8932f: # ri "Ehm.... I need some special stuff for.... experiment." ri "Ehm.... I need some special stuff for.... experiment." # game/script.rpy:14874 translate english riaki_20beafbd: # k "Ok and what you need?" k "Ok and what you need?" # game/script.rpy:14875 translate english riaki_ab6ddc47_1: # ri "..." ri "..." # game/script.rpy:14876 translate english riaki_81c563b1: # ri "Can you bring me some kind of stimulating device?" ri "Can you bring me some kind of stimulating device?" # game/script.rpy:14877 translate english riaki_70719ef4: # k "Ehm... What kind of device you mean?" k "Ehm... What kind of device you mean?" # game/script.rpy:14881 translate english riaki_2b08f417: # ri "You know for stimulation..." ri "You know for stimulation..." # game/script.rpy:14882 translate english riaki_8d810762: # k "Of what?" k "Of what?" # game/script.rpy:14883 translate english riaki_e341d6c3: # ri "My female parts..." ri "My female parts..." # game/script.rpy:14884 translate english riaki_48fb0446_1: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:14885 translate english riaki_30094e41: # k "I know the place where can I find something like that." k "I know the place where can I find something like that." # game/script.rpy:14886 translate english riaki_4a7783ef: # ri "If you buy some ecchi magazines it would be awesome." ri "If you buy some ecchi magazines it would be awesome." # game/script.rpy:14887 translate english riaki_9b2973f7: # k "Ok, let's see what I can do." k "Ok, let's see what I can do." # game/script.rpy:14888 translate english riaki_c3e9420f: # ri "Thanks. I hope it stays between us." ri "Thanks. I hope it stays between us." # game/script.rpy:14889 translate english riaki_37b2a6f1: # k "Sure..." k "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:14895 translate english riaki_754f7655_6: # k "Is there anything I can do for you?" k "Is there anything I can do for you?" # game/script.rpy:14896 translate english riaki_c042b613: # ri "Not for now. Did you bring me something funny?" ri "Not for now. Did you bring me something funny?" # game/script.rpy:14901 translate english riaki_a7b6d6fb: # k "Yes I buy one magazine for you" k "Yes I buy one magazine for you" # game/script.rpy:14906 translate english riaki_d7377ad2: # ri "Can you show it to me?" ri "Can you show it to me?" # game/script.rpy:14908 translate english riaki_4cc2583f: # ri "Hmm... Interesting." ri "Hmm... Interesting." # game/script.rpy:14909 translate english riaki_f8e7bbee: # ri "There sure is a lot of information there." ri "There sure is a lot of information there." # game/script.rpy:14910 translate english riaki_7a6beb70: # k "Really?" k "Really?" # game/script.rpy:14911 translate english riaki_502c2cd8: # ri "Ehm... Yes, can you leave me now?" ri "Ehm... Yes, can you leave me now?" # game/script.rpy:14912 translate english riaki_d8ef1723: # ri "I have something to do." ri "I have something to do." # game/script.rpy:14913 translate english riaki_b621322b: # k "Sure." k "Sure." # game/script.rpy:14916 translate english riaki_71672c02: # "Ok job is done. No reward." "Ok job is done. No reward." # game/script.rpy:14917 translate english riaki_ad39354d: # "Seriously?" "Seriously?" # game/script.rpy:14922 translate english riaki_fadf333b: # k "What she want to do with that magazine?" k "What she want to do with that magazine?" # game/script.rpy:14924 translate english riaki_3eaab80a: # k "Let's check it out now." k "Let's check it out now." # game/script.rpy:14926 translate english riaki_d038ddd0: # ri "Hmm. Interesting. That girl look like Alice." ri "Hmm. Interesting. That girl look like Alice." # game/script.rpy:14928 translate english riaki_3c6ae8ec: # k "I only need to look inside." k "I only need to look inside." # game/script.rpy:14929 translate english riaki_debed360: # k "Carefully." k "Carefully." # game/script.rpy:14933 translate english riaki_14d8e7ba: # ri "... and then the big revolution began..." ri "... and then the big revolution began..." # game/script.rpy:14934 translate english riaki_6b141590: # k "What the hell???" with hpunch k "What the hell???" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:14935 translate english riaki_6b2d1e71: # k "Why is she naked?" k "Why is she naked?" # game/script.rpy:14939 translate english riaki_98bd4a38: # ri "... the blood was everywhere..." ri "... the blood was everywhere..." # game/script.rpy:14940 translate english riaki_bd16b686: # k "Blood? Seriously what kind of adult magazine is that?" k "Blood? Seriously what kind of adult magazine is that?" # game/script.rpy:14941 translate english riaki_77514d9b: # k "And Why is she naked?" k "And Why is she naked?" # game/script.rpy:14945 translate english riaki_8ca79b09: # ri "It must be really hard that times." ri "It must be really hard that times." # game/script.rpy:14946 translate english riaki_5e3a0787: # ri "Women were raped every day, sold as a property." ri "Women were raped every day, sold as a property." # game/script.rpy:14947 translate english riaki_552c110d_1: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:14951 translate english riaki_44ba9d82: # ri "... No one knows about her plan to seduce them all at once...." ri "... No one knows about her plan to seduce them all at once...." # game/script.rpy:14952 translate english riaki_82091822: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:14953 translate english riaki_9fbf5d39: # k "Sorry this is a little boring. Look like nothing extra will happen here." k "Sorry this is a little boring. Look like nothing extra will happen here." # game/script.rpy:14954 translate english riaki_f5ef9256: # k "Time to go home." k "Time to go home." # game/script.rpy:14961 translate english riaki_a4555f31: # "You need to buy it first." "You need to buy it first." # game/script.rpy:14968 translate english riaki_f35c38f1: # k "Yes I have one right here." k "Yes I have one right here." # game/script.rpy:14973 translate english riaki_e1e36923: # ri "Amazing let me see it." ri "Amazing let me see it." # game/script.rpy:14975 translate english riaki_3b5ecc1a: # ri "Wow it look nice. Thank you." ri "Wow it look nice. Thank you." # game/script.rpy:14976 translate english riaki_6e8e7e6c: # k "No problem." k "No problem." # game/script.rpy:14977 translate english riaki_9f18ef55: # ri "Ehm... Can you leave me now?" ri "Ehm... Can you leave me now?" # game/script.rpy:14978 translate english riaki_d8ef1723_1: # ri "I have something to do." ri "I have something to do." # game/script.rpy:14979 translate english riaki_b621322b_1: # k "Sure." k "Sure." # game/script.rpy:14982 translate english riaki_71672c02_1: # "Ok job is done. No reward." "Ok job is done. No reward." # game/script.rpy:14983 translate english riaki_ad39354d_1: # "Seriously?" "Seriously?" # game/script.rpy:14988 translate english riaki_09cb7316: # k "Maybe I should stay a little longer." k "Maybe I should stay a little longer." # game/script.rpy:14990 translate english riaki_3cc9c5b6: # k "I'm curious what happens." k "I'm curious what happens." # game/script.rpy:14992 translate english riaki_5f8cf45b: # ri "Yess.. that is nice..." ri "Yess.. that is nice..." # game/script.rpy:14993 translate english riaki_27def028: # k "Hmm look like something is happening." k "Hmm look like something is happening." # game/script.rpy:14994 translate english riaki_092bc289: # k "Maybe I should look." k "Maybe I should look." # game/script.rpy:14998 translate english riaki_79e0e9d2: # k "!!!" k "!!!" # game/script.rpy:14999 translate english riaki_9ee57c71: # k "She is testing it?" k "She is testing it?" # game/script.rpy:15000 translate english riaki_ea35830d: # ri "Mmmmmmm..." ri "Mmmmmmm..." # game/script.rpy:15002 translate english riaki_cd25daab: # ri "Ooooo...." ri "Ooooo...." # game/script.rpy:15006 translate english riaki_d19233dd: # ri "Aaaaaaaa..." ri "Aaaaaaaa..." # game/script.rpy:15007 translate english riaki_91aff182: # k "Heh look like it is over..." k "Heh look like it is over..." # game/script.rpy:15008 translate english riaki_5913721a: # ri "Aaaachhh.. this is good but it still can be better..." ri "Aaaachhh.. this is good but it still can be better..." # game/script.rpy:15009 translate english riaki_647d0229: # k "Lol... She is weird...." k "Lol... She is weird...." # game/script.rpy:15013 translate english riaki_97f2374c: # k "She dresses up." k "She dresses up." # game/script.rpy:15014 translate english riaki_e310dde9: # k "I should leave." k "I should leave." # game/script.rpy:15018 translate english riaki_a4555f31_1: # "You need to buy it first." "You need to buy it first." # game/script.rpy:15022 translate english riaki_da05b451: # k "Sorry I do not have anything for you." k "Sorry I do not have anything for you." # game/script.rpy:15023 translate english riaki_a7b01f23: # ri "It is ok." ri "It is ok." # game/script.rpy:15024 translate english riaki_ae508d7f: # ri "Tell me when you find something." ri "Tell me when you find something." # game/script.rpy:15027 translate english riaki_754f7655_7: # k "Is there anything I can do for you?" k "Is there anything I can do for you?" # game/script.rpy:15028 translate english riaki_a961a813: # ri "There is nothing you can do for me right now." ri "There is nothing you can do for me right now." # game/script.rpy:15042 translate english riaki_acfc1347: # th "What do you want?" th "What do you want?" # game/script.rpy:15047 translate english thalia_fff8604b: # k "Can you tell me something about yourself?" k "Can you tell me something about yourself?" # game/script.rpy:15048 translate english thalia_b9fd5f9c: # th "What you mean by that?" th "What you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:15049 translate english thalia_c3f0e8fa: # k "How did you get to sisterhood of steel?" k "How did you get to sisterhood of steel?" # game/script.rpy:15050 translate english thalia_c31ef119: # th "It is realy not interesting story." th "It is realy not interesting story." # game/script.rpy:15051 translate english thalia_8a5db0c0: # k "I still want to hear it." k "I still want to hear it." # game/script.rpy:15055 translate english thalia_d81cb5d3: # th "I once worked as a hunter. Booty hunter." th "I once worked as a hunter. Booty hunter." # game/script.rpy:15056 translate english thalia_084a5d70: # th "I was looking for people for money." th "I was looking for people for money." # game/script.rpy:15057 translate english thalia_66cd6b8a: # k "And kill them?" k "And kill them?" # game/script.rpy:15061 translate english thalia_39c5e778: # th "Sometimes." th "Sometimes." # game/script.rpy:15062 translate english thalia_5442aa16: # th "But usually only handed over." th "But usually only handed over." # game/script.rpy:15063 translate english thalia_1367dde4: # k "And?" k "And?" # game/script.rpy:15064 translate english thalia_43284105: # th "Then I gain some coins for them." th "Then I gain some coins for them." # game/script.rpy:15065 translate english thalia_e0b60b6c: # th "Once I started work for sisterhood and they offer me a full time job." th "Once I started work for sisterhood and they offer me a full time job." # game/script.rpy:15066 translate english thalia_5fa0ed58: # th "I like their ideals so..." th "I like their ideals so..." # game/script.rpy:15067 translate english thalia_b384ee34: # k "Now you are a proud member?" k "Now you are a proud member?" # game/script.rpy:15071 translate english thalia_8fc8608c: # th "Something like that." th "Something like that." # game/script.rpy:15074 translate english thalia_69c96252: # k "What is your job in Sisterhood of steel?" k "What is your job in Sisterhood of steel?" # game/script.rpy:15075 translate english thalia_a15043fd: # th "I help get spare parts for the generator..." th "I help get spare parts for the generator..." # game/script.rpy:15076 translate english thalia_adfd5c4f: # th "Contact our sisters outside the base..." th "Contact our sisters outside the base..." # game/script.rpy:15080 translate english thalia_f258f128: # th "And sometimes I track some people which could make a problem." th "And sometimes I track some people which could make a problem." # game/script.rpy:15081 translate english thalia_8bbb6f5c: # k "So you are a mechanic or what?" k "So you are a mechanic or what?" # game/script.rpy:15082 translate english thalia_74144b9b: # th "You can call it - girl for everything." th "You can call it - girl for everything." # game/script.rpy:15086 translate english thalia_b286cdea: # k "And what part of that jobs you like most?" k "And what part of that jobs you like most?" # game/script.rpy:15087 translate english thalia_4d747dd0: # th "Working with sisters on secret projets." th "Working with sisters on secret projets." # game/script.rpy:15088 translate english thalia_e143fb3d: # k "What kind of secret project?" k "What kind of secret project?" # game/script.rpy:15092 translate english thalia_2ff5d163: # th "It is secret." th "It is secret." # game/script.rpy:15095 translate english thalia_56620647: # k "Can you tell me somethig about your mission?" k "Can you tell me somethig about your mission?" # game/script.rpy:15096 translate english thalia_747e0d2e: # th "hmm... I work here as a..." th "hmm... I work here as a..." # game/script.rpy:15097 translate english thalia_c1693128: # k "No. I mean what is your ideas and thoughts about world?" k "No. I mean what is your ideas and thoughts about world?" # game/script.rpy:15101 translate english thalia_57f4a16c: # th "I think the world needs order." th "I think the world needs order." # game/script.rpy:15102 translate english thalia_bcaa35dc: # th "Now chaos reigns." th "Now chaos reigns." # game/script.rpy:15103 translate english thalia_306fa8d5: # th "Market Square is free zone where ahyone can hide." th "Market Square is free zone where ahyone can hide." # game/script.rpy:15107 translate english thalia_991cf30e: # th "Slave city rape anyone who will dissobey them." th "Slave city rape anyone who will dissobey them." # game/script.rpy:15108 translate english thalia_995f60ac: # th "And milkypolis belive in false gods and silly ideas." th "And milkypolis belive in false gods and silly ideas." # game/script.rpy:15109 translate english thalia_f464bb8c: # th "We need unity." th "We need unity." # game/script.rpy:15110 translate english thalia_fe6a5ac3: # k "And you think sisterhood can bring it?" k "And you think sisterhood can bring it?" # game/script.rpy:15111 translate english thalia_80217305: # th "Yes that is the reason why I became the part of it." th "Yes that is the reason why I became the part of it." # game/script.rpy:15112 translate english thalia_94a9509e: # k "You can lead a new world if sisterhood succeeds!" k "You can lead a new world if sisterhood succeeds!" # game/script.rpy:15116 translate english thalia_f9dfef3a: # th "Hah... That is unreal." th "Hah... That is unreal." # game/script.rpy:15117 translate english thalia_7c2bde7e: # k "Why?" k "Why?" # game/script.rpy:15118 translate english thalia_e5bbf2fc: # th "We have a smart leader and i think she is a better option than me." th "We have a smart leader and i think she is a better option than me." # game/script.rpy:15119 translate english thalia_6b1a670a: # k "And where is your leader?" k "And where is your leader?" # game/script.rpy:15120 translate english thalia_110840c6: # th "That is a secret." th "That is a secret." # game/script.rpy:15128 translate english thalia_8147387e: # k "Can I help you with something?" k "Can I help you with something?" # game/script.rpy:15129 translate english thalia_298fd8da: # th "Hmm... let me think for a moment..." th "Hmm... let me think for a moment..." # game/script.rpy:15131 translate english thalia_81fcbe0b: # th "I need to deliver one letter." th "I need to deliver one letter." # game/script.rpy:15132 translate english thalia_a1d263fc: # th "Can you do that to me?" th "Can you do that to me?" # game/script.rpy:15133 translate english thalia_174543bc: # k "Ehm... Yes... Sure... To whom should I deliver it?" k "Ehm... Yes... Sure... To whom should I deliver it?" # game/script.rpy:15137 translate english thalia_dcee132c: # th "I have one friend - Trenia. She live in Market Square..." th "I have one friend - Trenia. She live in Market Square..." # game/script.rpy:15138 translate english thalia_b07c3e71: # k "I know her." k "I know her." # game/script.rpy:15140 translate english thalia_07896643: # th "Ok here is letter." th "Ok here is letter." # game/script.rpy:15141 translate english thalia_3d953dd0: # k "Sure I will return after delivery." k "Sure I will return after delivery." # game/script.rpy:15144 translate english thalia_8147387e_1: # k "Can I help you with something?" k "Can I help you with something?" # game/script.rpy:15148 translate english thalia_d8fa571d: # th "Did you deliver the letter?" th "Did you deliver the letter?" # game/script.rpy:15149 translate english thalia_320c031f: # k "No I still have it." k "No I still have it." # game/script.rpy:15153 translate english thalia_d186b11d: # th "Then hurry up. Deliver it to Trenia." th "Then hurry up. Deliver it to Trenia." # game/script.rpy:15157 translate english thalia_0e149d87: # k "Here is letter from Trenia." k "Here is letter from Trenia." # game/script.rpy:15158 translate english thalia_38f91b88: # th "Thanks... let me see it..." th "Thanks... let me see it..." # game/script.rpy:15160 translate english thalia_6dd18d62: # th "Look like everything is ok." th "Look like everything is ok." # game/script.rpy:15161 translate english thalia_4c5e6e34: # th "And you deliver it without any problems." th "And you deliver it without any problems." # game/script.rpy:15162 translate english thalia_ad338467: # th "Or?" th "Or?" # game/script.rpy:15163 translate english thalia_b83adb7e: # k "No everything is fine." k "No everything is fine." # game/script.rpy:15167 translate english thalia_f3ff9971: # th "Here is some coins as a reward." th "Here is some coins as a reward." # game/script.rpy:15169 translate english thalia_2b922a7d: # k "Thanks." k "Thanks." # game/script.rpy:15170 translate english thalia_f7a1ccc5: # th "You did a good job." th "You did a good job." # game/script.rpy:15171 translate english thalia_0eeac114: # k "It is just a delivery but thanks." k "It is just a delivery but thanks." # game/script.rpy:15175 translate english thalia_754f7655: # k "Is there anything I can do for you?" k "Is there anything I can do for you?" # game/script.rpy:15176 translate english thalia_141fa398: # th "Actually yes." th "Actually yes." # game/script.rpy:15180 translate english thalia_991b99f0: # th "Deliver this letter to bartender in Slave City." th "Deliver this letter to bartender in Slave City." # game/script.rpy:15181 translate english thalia_0df18fad: # k "Another delivery mission?" k "Another delivery mission?" # game/script.rpy:15182 translate english thalia_f498e819: # th "Come on it is easy money for you." th "Come on it is easy money for you." # game/script.rpy:15183 translate english thalia_c381c903: # k "Ok. But what is this all about?" k "Ok. But what is this all about?" # game/script.rpy:15184 translate english thalia_12b57388: # th "That is not your problem." th "That is not your problem." # game/script.rpy:15188 translate english thalia_5014c1f7: # th "I need a help... you will help me and i will pay you." th "I need a help... you will help me and i will pay you." # game/script.rpy:15189 translate english thalia_d7e56acf: # k "Coins is not important I just want to help." k "Coins is not important I just want to help." # game/script.rpy:15190 translate english thalia_48bfd740: # th "If you think so." th "If you think so." # game/script.rpy:15193 translate english thalia_8147387e_2: # k "Can I help you with something?" k "Can I help you with something?" # game/script.rpy:15197 translate english thalia_d8fa571d_1: # th "Did you deliver the letter?" th "Did you deliver the letter?" # game/script.rpy:15198 translate english thalia_320c031f_1: # k "No I still have it." k "No I still have it." # game/script.rpy:15202 translate english thalia_6859eca2: # th "Then hurry up. Deliver it to bartender in Slave city." th "Then hurry up. Deliver it to bartender in Slave city." # game/script.rpy:15205 translate english thalia_0cc89153: # k "Bartender sent you the answer." k "Bartender sent you the answer." # game/script.rpy:15206 translate english thalia_f450f605: # th "Ok let me see..." th "Ok let me see..." # game/script.rpy:15210 translate english thalia_67540128: # th "Hmm... that is not good..." th "Hmm... that is not good..." # game/script.rpy:15214 translate english thalia_db100a1c: # th "Chitsa is stronger then I thought." th "Chitsa is stronger then I thought." # game/script.rpy:15215 translate english thalia_269d0afd: # k "Yes she is really annoying." k "Yes she is really annoying." # game/script.rpy:15216 translate english thalia_4f8f1b49: # th "Did you have some buisness with her too???" th "Did you have some buisness with her too???" # game/script.rpy:15217 translate english thalia_5444f30c: # k "No.... Maybe..." k "No.... Maybe..." # game/script.rpy:15218 translate english thalia_a07da8c6: # k "She is some kind of my main enemy..." k "She is some kind of my main enemy..." # game/script.rpy:15219 translate english thalia_f5713072: # th "In that case we can be useful." th "In that case we can be useful." # game/script.rpy:15223 translate english thalia_5c361396: # th "Do you have an army?" th "Do you have an army?" # game/script.rpy:15224 translate english thalia_66f2f635: # k "Ehm... No... But some people already follow my lead." k "Ehm... No... But some people already follow my lead." # game/script.rpy:15225 translate english thalia_cb5f58ec: # th "That is good start. Try to gain more followers and We can do something with chitsa." th "That is good start. Try to gain more followers and We can do something with chitsa." # game/script.rpy:15226 translate english thalia_03ea3d70: # k "That sound like a plan." k "That sound like a plan." # game/script.rpy:15227 translate english thalia_24eed138: # th "First gain more followers." th "First gain more followers." # game/script.rpy:15233 translate english thalia_96963fb3: # th "You finally have more dwellers." th "You finally have more dwellers." # game/script.rpy:15234 translate english thalia_5a576b05: # k "Am.. Yes, is there anything I can do for you?" k "Am.. Yes, is there anything I can do for you?" # game/script.rpy:15235 translate english thalia_8a5eae70: # th "I think. We can be friends now. Right?" th "I think. We can be friends now. Right?" # game/script.rpy:15236 translate english thalia_9f792d6f: # k "Sure, anything you want." k "Sure, anything you want." # game/script.rpy:15237 translate english thalia_bc9dab22: # th "That is nice. Please come back later I have something here." th "That is nice. Please come back later I have something here." # game/script.rpy:15238 translate english thalia_552c110d: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:15239 translate english thalia_6c9a235e: # k "Ehm Sure...." k "Ehm Sure...." # game/script.rpy:15242 translate english thalia_b7ad902a: # k "Nothing sexual here... Damn..." k "Nothing sexual here... Damn..." # game/script.rpy:15245 translate english thalia_754f7655_1: # k "Is there anything I can do for you?" k "Is there anything I can do for you?" # game/script.rpy:15246 translate english thalia_493a4d89: # th "There is nothing you can do for me right now." th "There is nothing you can do for me right now." # game/script.rpy:15247 translate english thalia_bafdca15: # th "Try to gain more followers." th "Try to gain more followers." # game/script.rpy:15252 translate english thalia_754f7655_2: # k "Is there anything I can do for you?" k "Is there anything I can do for you?" # game/script.rpy:15253 translate english thalia_493a4d89_1: # th "There is nothing you can do for me right now." th "There is nothing you can do for me right now." # game/script.rpy:15254 translate english thalia_bafdca15_1: # th "Try to gain more followers." th "Try to gain more followers." # game/script.rpy:15265 translate english thalia_b04d8d4d: # ali "He HE he hello pussy." ali "He HE he hello pussy." # game/script.rpy:15268 translate english alicet_b53bbec8: # ali "Talk, talk, talk... just like pussy...." ali "Talk, talk, talk... just like pussy...." # game/script.rpy:15271 translate english alicet_3e9eec7f: # k "Tell me something about yourself." k "Tell me something about yourself." # game/script.rpy:15275 translate english alicet_faeef638: # ali "Ou, ou, ou" ali "Ou, ou, ou" # game/script.rpy:15276 translate english alicet_a407397c: # ali "Pussy, pussy, pussy." ali "Pussy, pussy, pussy." # game/script.rpy:15277 translate english alicet_5099ff35: # ali "..." ali "..." # game/script.rpy:15278 translate english alicet_552c110d: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:15279 translate english alicet_2fe01095: # k "Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?" k "Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?" # game/script.rpy:15283 translate english alicet_1fa2c369: # ali "Ou, pussy, I am the best fighter here." ali "Ou, pussy, I am the best fighter here." # game/script.rpy:15284 translate english alicet_cba45a30: # ali "There is nothing wrong with me." ali "There is nothing wrong with me." # game/script.rpy:15285 translate english alicet_0d8355cc: # ali "But you look..." ali "But you look..." # game/script.rpy:15286 translate english alicet_f50fe1bd: # ali "Weak..." ali "Weak..." # game/script.rpy:15287 translate english alicet_c4e095a8: # k "Um, ok... just... what is it with your eyes?" k "Um, ok... just... what is it with your eyes?" # game/script.rpy:15291 translate english alicet_3f8170e8: # ali "WHAT!!!" with hpunch ali "WHAT!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:15292 translate english alicet_19f2d7ba: # ali "Fuck you pussy!" ali "Fuck you pussy!" # game/script.rpy:15299 translate english alicet_b419e575: # k "Can you tell me something about sisterhood?" k "Can you tell me something about sisterhood?" # game/script.rpy:15303 translate english alicet_493f34c6: # ali "Sisterhood is amazing, pussy." ali "Sisterhood is amazing, pussy." # game/script.rpy:15304 translate english alicet_038bf201: # ali "I can fuck and kill whatever I want!" ali "I can fuck and kill whatever I want!" # game/script.rpy:15305 translate english alicet_552c110d_1: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:15309 translate english alicet_1bdd31b2: # ali "You do not want to be my enemy, pussy." ali "You do not want to be my enemy, pussy." # game/script.rpy:15310 translate english alicet_070f7bb6: # ali "The enemy of sisterhood." ali "The enemy of sisterhood." # game/script.rpy:15311 translate english alicet_47b15efe: # k "I want to be your firend." k "I want to be your firend." # game/script.rpy:15312 translate english alicet_9672977c: # ali "Good words, pussy." ali "Good words, pussy." # game/script.rpy:15313 translate english alicet_2539881b: # ali "We are the strongest one here." ali "We are the strongest one here." # game/script.rpy:15314 translate english alicet_e32fe39a: # k "Ok. Sure." k "Ok. Sure." # game/script.rpy:15320 translate english alicet_d24e269e: # k "Can you tell me something about fighting?" k "Can you tell me something about fighting?" # game/script.rpy:15324 translate english alicet_727caea0: # ali "Hehe... It is eeeeeeeeeeeeaassyyyyy pusssssyyyyy..." ali "Hehe... It is eeeeeeeeeeeeaassyyyyy pusssssyyyyy..." # game/script.rpy:15325 translate english alicet_2428870c: # k "Can you be mroe specific?" k "Can you be mroe specific?" # game/script.rpy:15329 translate english alicet_bef70b23: # ali "You are so stupid... Just like a pussy." ali "You are so stupid... Just like a pussy." # game/script.rpy:15330 translate english alicet_552c110d_2: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:15331 translate english alicet_ae5aa3df: # ali "You need to survive the battle." ali "You need to survive the battle." # game/script.rpy:15332 translate english alicet_baf4eabd: # ali "Find your own style." ali "Find your own style." # game/script.rpy:15333 translate english alicet_c38e93d0: # ali "Your special moves." ali "Your special moves." # game/script.rpy:15337 translate english alicet_5f76a219: # ali "YOUR PUSSY!!!" ali "YOUR PUSSY!!!" # game/script.rpy:15338 translate english alicet_1c73eea7: # ali "hehehe..." ali "hehehe..." # game/script.rpy:15339 translate english alicet_ff315876: # ali "And you need to upgrade armors, weapons and cheat." ali "And you need to upgrade armors, weapons and cheat." # game/script.rpy:15340 translate english alicet_c2f79827: # k "Cheat?" k "Cheat?" # game/script.rpy:15341 translate english alicet_c017bbe7: # ali "If you want to survive." ali "If you want to survive." # game/script.rpy:15347 translate english alicet_20bb4850: # k "Why you call me pussy?" k "Why you call me pussy?" # game/script.rpy:15351 translate english alicet_1332fc76: # ali "Because you are pussy!" ali "Because you are pussy!" # game/script.rpy:15352 translate english alicet_93334484: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:15353 translate english alicet_7caf0f6e: # ali "He HE he, Pussy..." ali "He HE he, Pussy..." # game/script.rpy:15354 translate english alicet_8ac81701: # k "Stop that?" k "Stop that?" # game/script.rpy:15358 translate english alicet_a1cbf21e: # ali "What pussy?" ali "What pussy?" # game/script.rpy:15359 translate english alicet_cb058477: # k "Calling me pussy." k "Calling me pussy." # game/script.rpy:15360 translate english alicet_aea1d106: # ali "Why you want that pussy?" ali "Why you want that pussy?" # game/script.rpy:15361 translate english alicet_82091822: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:15369 translate english alicet_2057f9cd: # ali "You need to heal first." ali "You need to heal first." # game/script.rpy:15373 translate english alicet_04a72099: # "You don't have any energy for that." "You don't have any energy for that." # game/script.rpy:15374 translate english alicet_72ed9c52: # "Go to vault and sleep." "Go to vault and sleep." # game/script.rpy:15378 translate english alicet_d73e30b4: # ali "What kind of fight you want?" ali "What kind of fight you want?" # game/script.rpy:15382 translate english ali111_691acaf1: # k "Ok time for some practice." k "Ok time for some practice." # game/script.rpy:15383 translate english ali111_0e90ac91: # ali "Why pussy? Are you scared?" ali "Why pussy? Are you scared?" # game/script.rpy:15384 translate english ali111_8770079d: # k "No just want to test my abilities. So be gentle." k "No just want to test my abilities. So be gentle." # game/script.rpy:15385 translate english ali111_8905ca5b: # ali "How can I go hard on you, pussy?" ali "How can I go hard on you, pussy?" # game/script.rpy:15389 translate english ali111_e1c2eb6a: # k "Can you fight me more seriously?" k "Can you fight me more seriously?" # game/script.rpy:15390 translate english ali111_67277ba5: # ali "Sure I can use my second sword." ali "Sure I can use my second sword." # game/script.rpy:15391 translate english ali111_48dd930f: # k "Ok I am ready for you." k "Ok I am ready for you." # game/script.rpy:15392 translate english ali111_d70d8a1b: # ali "No you are not, pussy." ali "No you are not, pussy." # game/script.rpy:15396 translate english ali111_7cfb0ea9: # k "Can you fight me with everything you have?" k "Can you fight me with everything you have?" # game/script.rpy:15397 translate english ali111_42d3a737: # ali "Do you really want to die, pussy?" ali "Do you really want to die, pussy?" # game/script.rpy:15398 translate english ali111_2fe7c722: # k "Just show me your true power." k "Just show me your true power." # game/script.rpy:15399 translate english ali111_2e9edf4a: # ali "As you want, pussy." ali "As you want, pussy." # game/script.rpy:15400 translate english ali111_dca8ad3e: # ali "Power of boobs UNLEASHED!" ali "Power of boobs UNLEASHED!" # game/script.rpy:15406 translate english ali111_0ae24897: # ali "Time for fun!" ali "Time for fun!" # game/script.rpy:15409 translate english ali111_d5ec694b: # "For now you have five possibilities in the fight." "For now you have five possibilities in the fight." # game/script.rpy:15410 translate english ali111_a267ea64: # "Attack, power up, Surprise attack, dodges and rest." "Attack, power up, Surprise attack, dodges and rest." # game/script.rpy:15411 translate english ali111_e1d680b7: # "The Attack will deal basic damage to enemy." "The Attack will deal basic damage to enemy." # game/script.rpy:15412 translate english ali111_e2ceac1e: # "Power up will give you extra power for the next attack." "Power up will give you extra power for the next attack." # game/script.rpy:15413 translate english ali111_d2ba6b48: # "Surprise attack will temporarily harm your enemy." "Surprise attack will temporarily harm your enemy." # game/script.rpy:15414 translate english ali111_d2cebbfb: # "Dodges can help you to evade enemy attack." "Dodges can help you to evade enemy attack." # game/script.rpy:15415 translate english ali111_19ac75cd: # "The Rest will heal your HP." "The Rest will heal your HP." # game/script.rpy:15416 translate english ali111_4efb92d4: # "All your attack and healing powers have fixed values for now." "All your attack and healing powers have fixed values for now." # game/script.rpy:15422 translate english ali111_9ce10cd3: # ali "I can use stimpak to recover your health for 100 coins." ali "I can use stimpak to recover your health for 100 coins." # game/script.rpy:15428 translate english ali111_03a91166: # "Alice heal you. You feel better now." "Alice heal you. You feel better now." # game/script.rpy:15429 translate english ali111_e574faa1: # ali "We can fight now, pussy." ali "We can fight now, pussy." # game/script.rpy:15432 translate english ali111_5a348d07: # "You need more coins." "You need more coins." # game/script.rpy:15436 translate english ali111_08dacceb: # k "Maybe later." k "Maybe later." # game/script.rpy:15450 translate english ali111_f3b333dc: # sl "This room is locked." sl "This room is locked." # game/script.rpy:15451 translate english ali111_d65dbc75: # k "I just want to..." k "I just want to..." # game/script.rpy:15452 translate english ali111_c843db71: # sl "You need to prove your loyalty." sl "You need to prove your loyalty." # game/script.rpy:15453 translate english ali111_98ac8128: # k "How?" k "How?" # game/script.rpy:15454 translate english ali111_5003f69e: # sl "Just try to help my sisters." sl "Just try to help my sisters." # game/script.rpy:15455 translate english ali111_196ff710: # k "What now?" k "What now?" # game/script.rpy:15465 translate english ali111_5a7fc853: # sl "You can enter now." sl "You can enter now." # game/script.rpy:15466 translate english ali111_2b922a7d: # k "Thanks." k "Thanks." # game/script.rpy:15468 translate english ali111_79e0e9d2: # k "!!!" k "!!!" # game/script.rpy:15469 translate english ali111_92ceef5a: # sl "Sorry, but there are a lot of dangerous weapons there." sl "Sorry, but there are a lot of dangerous weapons there." # game/script.rpy:15470 translate english ali111_93334484: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:15471 translate english ali111_a3f15ba7: # sl "Wait for a moment." sl "Wait for a moment." # game/script.rpy:15476 translate english ali111_e72375f0: # ri "Hi!" ri "Hi!" # game/script.rpy:15477 translate english ali111_925c8ea5: # k "Hi Riaki, what the hell is happening here?" k "Hi Riaki, what the hell is happening here?" # game/script.rpy:15478 translate english ali111_c9bb2a1d: # ri "This room is closed for people like you." ri "This room is closed for people like you." # game/script.rpy:15479 translate english ali111_5817ba0f: # k "People like me?" k "People like me?" # game/script.rpy:15480 translate english ali111_aa64f8dd: # ri "Ehm... You are a man right?" ri "Ehm... You are a man right?" # game/script.rpy:15481 translate english ali111_dd140c37: # k "Yes, and?" k "Yes, and?" # game/script.rpy:15482 translate english ali111_3028a756: # ri "Defense system will kill you if you try to enter." ri "Defense system will kill you if you try to enter." # game/script.rpy:15483 translate english ali111_79e0e9d2_1: # k "!!!" k "!!!" # game/script.rpy:15484 translate english ali111_c62a4db4: # k "Good to know." k "Good to know." # game/script.rpy:15485 translate english ali111_325e06d2: # k "Is there anything usefull in this room?" k "Is there anything usefull in this room?" # game/script.rpy:15486 translate english ali111_3d53b0a8: # ri "Hmm... Let me think." ri "Hmm... Let me think." # game/script.rpy:15491 translate english ali111_6ecb972c: # ri "We have one special project there. BFG." ri "We have one special project there. BFG." # game/script.rpy:15492 translate english ali111_e14d4a0a: # k "BFG?" k "BFG?" # game/script.rpy:15493 translate english ali111_ac189862: # ri "It is a special gun." ri "It is a special gun." # game/script.rpy:15498 translate english ali111_68b5754e: # ri "If we can finish it, we can destroy anyone who oppose us." ri "If we can finish it, we can destroy anyone who oppose us." # game/script.rpy:15499 translate english ali111_8aabb5bb: # k "huh???" k "huh???" # game/script.rpy:15500 translate english ali111_dc83c5f6: # ri "But that scheme is illogical... We try to build it many times but." ri "But that scheme is illogical... We try to build it many times but." # game/script.rpy:15501 translate english ali111_da591805: # ri "It just doesn't work." ri "It just doesn't work." # game/script.rpy:15502 translate english ali111_88a1e3ab: # k "And how can I help?" k "And how can I help?" # game/script.rpy:15504 translate english ali111_0c7b87fe: # ri "Visit Deandrea, She know more about that weapon." ri "Visit Deandrea, She know more about that weapon." # game/script.rpy:15505 translate english ali111_4a289947: # k "Ok. I see what I can do." k "Ok. I see what I can do." # game/script.rpy:15506 translate english ali111_ce592c49: # ri "Sure." ri "Sure." # game/script.rpy:15514 translate english ali111_fa0a4fe2: # ri "Did you talk with Deandrea?" ri "Did you talk with Deandrea?" # game/script.rpy:15515 translate english ali111_75f3ebd5: # k "Ehm not yet..." k "Ehm not yet..." # game/script.rpy:15516 translate english ali111_72e91484: # ri "Come back after you talk with her." ri "Come back after you talk with her." # game/script.rpy:15524 translate english ali111_fa0a4fe2_1: # ri "Did you talk with Deandrea?" ri "Did you talk with Deandrea?" # game/script.rpy:15525 translate english ali111_64ac4548: # k "Yes." k "Yes." # game/script.rpy:15526 translate english ali111_c4b03887: # ri "And?" ri "And?" # game/script.rpy:15527 translate english ali111_fe6dd836: # k "I think, I can build BFG." k "I think, I can build BFG." # game/script.rpy:15528 translate english ali111_aedd3598: # ri "That is a great news." ri "That is a great news." # game/script.rpy:15529 translate english ali111_3e8fe4bb: # k "Yes, but this weapon can be only used by a man." k "Yes, but this weapon can be only used by a man." # game/script.rpy:15530 translate english ali111_4bbcf10b: # ri "...." ri "...." # game/script.rpy:15535 translate english ali111_17243e04: # ri "I know." ri "I know." # game/script.rpy:15536 translate english ali111_6fd9c9c9: # ri "You are our only male comrade." ri "You are our only male comrade." # game/script.rpy:15537 translate english ali111_630a4a70: # ri "And Sisterhood can trust you." ri "And Sisterhood can trust you." # game/script.rpy:15538 translate english ali111_2b922a7d_1: # k "Thanks." k "Thanks." # game/script.rpy:15539 translate english ali111_3d45904c: # ri "Wait here for a moment." ri "Wait here for a moment." # game/script.rpy:15541 translate english ali111_30cbd645: # ri "Here is everything we need to build BFG." ri "Here is everything we need to build BFG." # game/script.rpy:15542 translate english ali111_94887dbc: # k "Ok so we can start..." k "Ok so we can start..." # game/script.rpy:15544 translate english ali111_ab6ddc47: # ri "..." ri "..." # game/script.rpy:15547 translate english ali111_69c8d1f0: # "It is not so hard." "It is not so hard." # game/script.rpy:15548 translate english ali111_66f37fdf: # "Sisterhood already builds the difficult part." "Sisterhood already builds the difficult part." # game/script.rpy:15549 translate english ali111_762462cc: # "You only attach generator and fix some parts." "You only attach generator and fix some parts." # game/script.rpy:15550 translate english ali111_9ad54f22: # "After a while BFG was complete." "After a while BFG was complete." # game/script.rpy:15551 translate english ali111_270e435b: # "You are very tired and return to your vault." "You are very tired and return to your vault." # game/script.rpy:15556 translate english ali111_55a496af: # "BFG is ready." "BFG is ready." # game/script.rpy:15557 translate english ali111_32ec5bb7: # "You have no reason to use it here." "You have no reason to use it here." # game/script.rpy:15565 translate english ali111_b5b47d4a: # "Do you realy want to leave sisterhood hideout?" "Do you realy want to leave sisterhood hideout?" # game/script.rpy:15609 translate english priest_7fe27f68: # k "Hello." k "Hello." # game/script.rpy:15610 translate english priest_4aca5a67: # pr "HI!" pr "HI!" # game/script.rpy:15611 translate english priest_c664b213: # k "Can you tel me something about yourself?" k "Can you tel me something about yourself?" # game/script.rpy:15612 translate english priest_2d755694: # pr "Sure... what do you want to know?" pr "Sure... what do you want to know?" # game/script.rpy:15613 translate english priest_eae1673a: # k "How you end here in Mylkipolis." k "How you end here in Mylkipolis." # game/script.rpy:15614 translate english priest_d60a4703: # k "I mean I understant why but how?" k "I mean I understant why but how?" # game/script.rpy:15615 translate english priest_d7c6e3cc: # pr "You understant why?" pr "You understant why?" # game/script.rpy:15616 translate english priest_721fff29: # k "......" k "......" # game/script.rpy:15620 translate english priest_8a2bb202: # pr "You look so funny..." pr "You look so funny..." # game/script.rpy:15621 translate english priest_f39f45d5: # pr "First You need to understant I don't have always that large breast." pr "First You need to understant I don't have always that large breast." # game/script.rpy:15622 translate english priest_22c7d7a0: # k "Ok just is that even possible??? hmm... so..... Why are you a priest?" k "Ok just is that even possible??? hmm... so..... Why are you a priest?" # game/script.rpy:15623 translate english priest_948226a8: # pr "It is a realy short story." pr "It is a realy short story." # game/script.rpy:15627 translate english priest_fa29cac8: # pr "I'm from a poor family." pr "I'm from a poor family." # game/script.rpy:15628 translate english priest_8753dca5: # pr "I must work in slave city to earn some money." pr "I must work in slave city to earn some money." # game/script.rpy:15629 translate english priest_64ff2c4e: # k "When you say work what exactly you mean?" k "When you say work what exactly you mean?" # game/script.rpy:15633 translate english priest_87a11835: # pr "Many nasty things." pr "Many nasty things." # game/script.rpy:15634 translate english priest_d143be46: # pr "But that is not important...." pr "But that is not important...." # game/script.rpy:15638 translate english priest_f4956a04: # pr "I must work here because my family don't have money." pr "I must work here because my family don't have money." # game/script.rpy:15639 translate english priest_339e59e5: # pr "It all go well until...." pr "It all go well until...." # game/script.rpy:15643 translate english priest_0120f4f7: # pr "One day... when I come home no one was there." pr "One day... when I come home no one was there." # game/script.rpy:15644 translate english priest_816b89fa: # pr "My whole familly was kindappen..." pr "My whole familly was kindappen..." # game/script.rpy:15645 translate english priest_a09f3784: # pr "I try to find them but...." pr "I try to find them but...." # game/script.rpy:15649 translate english priest_1b86489f: # pr "I can't find them..." pr "I can't find them..." # game/script.rpy:15650 translate english priest_497f303e: # pr "They was lost and I...." pr "They was lost and I...." # game/script.rpy:15651 translate english priest_37ea5b27: # k "Deep breath girl.... no pressure..." k "Deep breath girl.... no pressure..." # game/script.rpy:15652 translate english priest_d6656283: # pr "Sure....." pr "Sure....." # game/script.rpy:15656 translate english priest_808ec5ea: # pr "I try to find them for weeks...." pr "I try to find them for weeks...." # game/script.rpy:15657 translate english priest_f78284f8: # pr "One day I colapsed..." pr "One day I colapsed..." # game/script.rpy:15658 translate english priest_702101f9: # pr "I think it was my end... but then..." pr "I think it was my end... but then..." # game/script.rpy:15659 translate english priest_2eb0ace1: # pr "I woke up in the bed in the temple." pr "I woke up in the bed in the temple." # game/script.rpy:15660 translate english priest_bb42d49d: # pr "I was so weak that I can't walk." pr "I was so weak that I can't walk." # game/script.rpy:15661 translate english priest_3cbc9d4d: # pr "The old priest took care of me." pr "The old priest took care of me." # game/script.rpy:15662 translate english priest_4c5a5666: # pr "But it was pointless... without my family I have no energy to live." pr "But it was pointless... without my family I have no energy to live." # game/script.rpy:15663 translate english priest_92a649a8: # pr "She glanced at me and give me her breast to mouth." pr "She glanced at me and give me her breast to mouth." # game/script.rpy:15667 translate english priest_8f3de7e9: # pr "In that moment I was awakened." pr "In that moment I was awakened." # game/script.rpy:15668 translate english priest_acbe5226: # pr "I see the bright light and feel warm touch of the universe." pr "I see the bright light and feel warm touch of the universe." # game/script.rpy:15669 translate english priest_8b5487c4: # k "From the universe? hmm.... I think I get it." k "From the universe? hmm.... I think I get it." # game/script.rpy:15670 translate english priest_996abb31: # pr "You don't understant... In that moment my breast start to grow." pr "You don't understant... In that moment my breast start to grow." # game/script.rpy:15671 translate english priest_428c154a: # k "What??? Why???" k "What??? Why???" # game/script.rpy:15672 translate english priest_c6dbdf24: # pr "The almighty goddes of milk bless me..." pr "The almighty goddes of milk bless me..." # game/script.rpy:15673 translate english priest_a3a17f72: # pr "All my sins was removed and I'm been able to live a pecfull life here." pr "All my sins was removed and I'm been able to live a pecfull life here." # game/script.rpy:15674 translate english priest_c420a722: # k "Ok but.... What about your family???" k "Ok but.... What about your family???" # game/script.rpy:15678 translate english priest_9f581f7b: # pr "I don't now.... but I beleive one time goddess will bring them to me." pr "I don't now.... but I beleive one time goddess will bring them to me." # game/script.rpy:15679 translate english priest_063d5c75: # pr "Then we can live here in peace." pr "Then we can live here in peace." # game/script.rpy:15680 translate english priest_4ab1b0e6: # k "Thank you for your story..." k "Thank you for your story..." # game/script.rpy:15681 translate english priest_c433e6a0: # pr "You are welcome." pr "You are welcome." # game/script.rpy:15685 translate english priest_d57a5db4: # o "That was a good story.... I think maybe we can help her!" o "That was a good story.... I think maybe we can help her!" # game/script.rpy:15686 translate english priest_1fb0d347: # k "What do you mean by that?" k "What do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:15687 translate english priest_8d622722: # o "You know... The world is not that big..." o "You know... The world is not that big..." # game/script.rpy:15688 translate english priest_ea8019b3: # o "Maybe we will find them... dead or alive..." o "Maybe we will find them... dead or alive..." # game/script.rpy:15689 translate english priest_1b83b4f0: # k "I hope in the live version." k "I hope in the live version." # game/script.rpy:15695 translate english priest_c664b213_1: # k "Can you tel me something about yourself?" k "Can you tel me something about yourself?" # game/script.rpy:15696 translate english priest_262c2e47: # pr "I think I tell you my story already." pr "I think I tell you my story already." # game/script.rpy:15697 translate english priest_f8e76308: # k "Ehm realy??? I mean...." k "Ehm realy??? I mean...." # game/script.rpy:15698 translate english priest_d77f47ba: # pr "Do you want to hear that story again?" pr "Do you want to hear that story again?" # game/script.rpy:15701 translate english priest_098ff1db: # k "It was a realy good story can you tell it again?" k "It was a realy good story can you tell it again?" # game/script.rpy:15702 translate english priest_f39f45d5_1: # pr "First You need to understant I don't have always that large breast." pr "First You need to understant I don't have always that large breast." # game/script.rpy:15703 translate english priest_22c7d7a0_1: # k "Ok just is that even possible??? hmm... so..... Why are you a priest?" k "Ok just is that even possible??? hmm... so..... Why are you a priest?" # game/script.rpy:15704 translate english priest_948226a8_1: # pr "It is a realy short story." pr "It is a realy short story." # game/script.rpy:15705 translate english priest_fa29cac8_1: # pr "I'm from a poor family." pr "I'm from a poor family." # game/script.rpy:15706 translate english priest_8753dca5_1: # pr "I must work in slave city to earn some money." pr "I must work in slave city to earn some money." # game/script.rpy:15707 translate english priest_64ff2c4e_1: # k "When you say work what exactly you mean?" k "When you say work what exactly you mean?" # game/script.rpy:15711 translate english priest_87a11835_1: # pr "Many nasty things." pr "Many nasty things." # game/script.rpy:15712 translate english priest_d143be46_1: # pr "But that is not important...." pr "But that is not important...." # game/script.rpy:15716 translate english priest_f4956a04_1: # pr "I must work here because my family don't have money." pr "I must work here because my family don't have money." # game/script.rpy:15717 translate english priest_339e59e5_1: # pr "It all go well until...." pr "It all go well until...." # game/script.rpy:15721 translate english priest_0120f4f7_1: # pr "One day... when I come home no one was there." pr "One day... when I come home no one was there." # game/script.rpy:15722 translate english priest_816b89fa_1: # pr "My whole familly was kindappen..." pr "My whole familly was kindappen..." # game/script.rpy:15723 translate english priest_a09f3784_1: # pr "I try to find them but...." pr "I try to find them but...." # game/script.rpy:15727 translate english priest_1b86489f_1: # pr "I can't find them..." pr "I can't find them..." # game/script.rpy:15728 translate english priest_497f303e_1: # pr "They was lost and I...." pr "They was lost and I...." # game/script.rpy:15729 translate english priest_37ea5b27_1: # k "Deep breath girl.... no pressure..." k "Deep breath girl.... no pressure..." # game/script.rpy:15730 translate english priest_d6656283_1: # pr "Sure....." pr "Sure....." # game/script.rpy:15734 translate english priest_808ec5ea_1: # pr "I try to find them for weeks...." pr "I try to find them for weeks...." # game/script.rpy:15735 translate english priest_f78284f8_1: # pr "One day I colapsed..." pr "One day I colapsed..." # game/script.rpy:15736 translate english priest_702101f9_1: # pr "I think it was my end... but then..." pr "I think it was my end... but then..." # game/script.rpy:15737 translate english priest_2eb0ace1_1: # pr "I woke up in the bed in the temple." pr "I woke up in the bed in the temple." # game/script.rpy:15738 translate english priest_bb42d49d_1: # pr "I was so weak that I can't walk." pr "I was so weak that I can't walk." # game/script.rpy:15739 translate english priest_3cbc9d4d_1: # pr "The old priest took care of me." pr "The old priest took care of me." # game/script.rpy:15740 translate english priest_4c5a5666_1: # pr "But it was pointless... without my family I have no energy to live." pr "But it was pointless... without my family I have no energy to live." # game/script.rpy:15741 translate english priest_92a649a8_1: # pr "She glanced at me and give me her breast to mouth." pr "She glanced at me and give me her breast to mouth." # game/script.rpy:15745 translate english priest_8f3de7e9_1: # pr "In that moment I was awakened." pr "In that moment I was awakened." # game/script.rpy:15746 translate english priest_acbe5226_1: # pr "I see the bright light and feel warm touch of the universe." pr "I see the bright light and feel warm touch of the universe." # game/script.rpy:15747 translate english priest_8b5487c4_1: # k "From the universe? hmm.... I think I get it." k "From the universe? hmm.... I think I get it." # game/script.rpy:15748 translate english priest_996abb31_1: # pr "You don't understant... In that moment my breast start to grow." pr "You don't understant... In that moment my breast start to grow." # game/script.rpy:15749 translate english priest_428c154a_1: # k "What??? Why???" k "What??? Why???" # game/script.rpy:15750 translate english priest_c6dbdf24_1: # pr "The almighty goddes of milk bless me..." pr "The almighty goddes of milk bless me..." # game/script.rpy:15751 translate english priest_a3a17f72_1: # pr "All my sins was removed and I'm been able to live a pecfull life here." pr "All my sins was removed and I'm been able to live a pecfull life here." # game/script.rpy:15752 translate english priest_c420a722_1: # k "Ok but.... What about your family???" k "Ok but.... What about your family???" # game/script.rpy:15756 translate english priest_9f581f7b_1: # pr "I don't now.... but I beleive one time goddess will bring them to me." pr "I don't now.... but I beleive one time goddess will bring them to me." # game/script.rpy:15757 translate english priest_063d5c75_1: # pr "Then we can live here in peace." pr "Then we can live here in peace." # game/script.rpy:15758 translate english priest_4ab1b0e6_1: # k "Thank you for your story..." k "Thank you for your story..." # game/script.rpy:15759 translate english priest_c433e6a0_1: # pr "You are welcome." pr "You are welcome." # game/script.rpy:15765 translate english priest_9b45e045: # k "There is no need, I remember it." k "There is no need, I remember it." # game/script.rpy:15766 translate english priest_643884e2: # pr "Ok. What else I can do for you?" pr "Ok. What else I can do for you?" # game/script.rpy:15772 translate english priest_0b9e06cb: # k "Can you tell me something about your religion?" k "Can you tell me something about your religion?" # game/script.rpy:15775 translate english priest_8fd3d0f1: # pr "What exactly do you want to hear?" pr "What exactly do you want to hear?" # game/script.rpy:15776 translate english priest_d331ff72: # k "Just tell me some basics." k "Just tell me some basics." # game/script.rpy:15777 translate english priest_fa7e12e4: # pr "We belive in love and peace." pr "We belive in love and peace." # game/script.rpy:15778 translate english priest_23485fcd: # pr "And both come from the breast of our holy goddess." pr "And both come from the breast of our holy goddess." # game/script.rpy:15779 translate english priest_82cbeb7f: # k "And how exactly that work?" k "And how exactly that work?" # game/script.rpy:15783 translate english priest_61623b38: # pr "It is a long journej of spirit." pr "It is a long journej of spirit." # game/script.rpy:15784 translate english priest_f7882c75: # pr "The holy goddess will bless all who need and want help." pr "The holy goddess will bless all who need and want help." # game/script.rpy:15785 translate english priest_75f44a8a: # pr "The priests will offer help if it is a goddess wish." pr "The priests will offer help if it is a goddess wish." # game/script.rpy:15786 translate english priest_eb68ad2b: # k "Ok ... So you can actually help random people?" k "Ok ... So you can actually help random people?" # game/script.rpy:15790 translate english priest_c44a12a8: # pr "No you silly... The goddess will show the way to the priests." pr "No you silly... The goddess will show the way to the priests." # game/script.rpy:15791 translate english priest_4e4c79e3: # pr "They share the love and love will return to them." pr "They share the love and love will return to them." # game/script.rpy:15792 translate english priest_a8b075ec: # k "Ok what about that milking part?" k "Ok what about that milking part?" # game/script.rpy:15793 translate english priest_ea23122b: # pr "It's probably clear to you, or not?" pr "It's probably clear to you, or not?" # game/script.rpy:15794 translate english priest_ec327053: # pr "Milk from breast is the pure untoxicated most powerfull source of energy and protein in the world." pr "Milk from breast is the pure untoxicated most powerfull source of energy and protein in the world." # game/script.rpy:15795 translate english priest_bb3f8366: # pr "When a man suck woman breast he will be flooded with the feeling of pece love and harmony." pr "When a man suck woman breast he will be flooded with the feeling of pece love and harmony." # game/script.rpy:15796 translate english priest_dd34d94d: # pr "That harmony can fill the heart of every living creature if it is able to share that feel." pr "That harmony can fill the heart of every living creature if it is able to share that feel." # game/script.rpy:15797 translate english priest_79f48fe7: # k "................" k "................" # game/script.rpy:15798 translate english priest_960ca103: # k "I think i lost somewhere around breast sucking...." k "I think i lost somewhere around breast sucking...." # game/script.rpy:15805 translate english priest_b60f2cc8: # k "I want to know more about your religion." k "I want to know more about your religion." # game/script.rpy:15806 translate english priest_cc2b2277: # pr "And what exactly you want to know?" pr "And what exactly you want to know?" # game/script.rpy:15807 translate english priest_7411faec: # k "Is there any miracles or stories?" k "Is there any miracles or stories?" # game/script.rpy:15808 translate english priest_04ad2a14: # pr "Many stories.... about big journeys hard falls and huge sacrifices." pr "Many stories.... about big journeys hard falls and huge sacrifices." # game/script.rpy:15809 translate english priest_87d6635b: # k "Ok but basiccaly how exactly???? tell me one or two SHORT story please." k "Ok but basiccaly how exactly???? tell me one or two SHORT story please." # game/script.rpy:15810 translate english priest_236fd034: # pr "If you need a goddess she will bless you like she bless me." pr "If you need a goddess she will bless you like she bless me." # game/script.rpy:15811 translate english priest_281d5ff1: # pr "I almost die but she gave me power of milk and increase my breast size from B-cup." pr "I almost die but she gave me power of milk and increase my breast size from B-cup." # game/script.rpy:15812 translate english priest_158ab236: # k "So most of her miracles is about increasing breast size?" k "So most of her miracles is about increasing breast size?" # game/script.rpy:15816 translate english priest_44dcd277: # pr "Yes but don't say it like it was nothing!" pr "Yes but don't say it like it was nothing!" # game/script.rpy:15817 translate english priest_63b69363: # k "Actualy... I think this is most important miracle in the human history." k "Actualy... I think this is most important miracle in the human history." # game/script.rpy:15818 translate english priest_524b03ba: # pr "Exactly!" pr "Exactly!" # game/script.rpy:15819 translate english priest_bbbb8b91: # k "Is there any other miracle?" k "Is there any other miracle?" # game/script.rpy:15820 translate english priest_b7ecadec: # pr "There is some stories when breast milk can revive people." pr "There is some stories when breast milk can revive people." # game/script.rpy:15821 translate english priest_915dfb40: # k "ARE YOU SERIOUS? ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE?" k "ARE YOU SERIOUS? ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE?" # game/script.rpy:15825 translate english priest_63200963: # pr "Of course not. In the story she sprayed her milk on almost dead body of her husband." pr "Of course not. In the story she sprayed her milk on almost dead body of her husband." # game/script.rpy:15826 translate english priest_1fdefb21: # pr "She pray and the goddess make a miracle for her." pr "She pray and the goddess make a miracle for her." # game/script.rpy:15827 translate english priest_49110094: # k "......." k "......." # game/script.rpy:15828 translate english priest_277c385a: # k "I think I hear enough." k "I think I hear enough." # game/script.rpy:15834 translate english priest_5eb13072: # pr "What exactly you want to know?" pr "What exactly you want to know?" # game/script.rpy:15837 translate english priest_d331ff72_1: # k "Just tell me some basics." k "Just tell me some basics." # game/script.rpy:15838 translate english priest_fa7e12e4_1: # pr "We belive in love and peace." pr "We belive in love and peace." # game/script.rpy:15839 translate english priest_23485fcd_1: # pr "And both come from the breast of our holy goddess." pr "And both come from the breast of our holy goddess." # game/script.rpy:15840 translate english priest_82cbeb7f_1: # k "And how exactly that work?" k "And how exactly that work?" # game/script.rpy:15844 translate english priest_61623b38_1: # pr "It is a long journej of spirit." pr "It is a long journej of spirit." # game/script.rpy:15845 translate english priest_f7882c75_1: # pr "The holy goddess will bless all who need and want help." pr "The holy goddess will bless all who need and want help." # game/script.rpy:15846 translate english priest_75f44a8a_1: # pr "The priests will offer help if it is a goddess wish." pr "The priests will offer help if it is a goddess wish." # game/script.rpy:15847 translate english priest_eb68ad2b_1: # k "Ok ... So you can actually help random people?" k "Ok ... So you can actually help random people?" # game/script.rpy:15851 translate english priest_c44a12a8_1: # pr "No you silly... The goddess will show the way to the priests." pr "No you silly... The goddess will show the way to the priests." # game/script.rpy:15852 translate english priest_4e4c79e3_1: # pr "They share the love and love will return to them." pr "They share the love and love will return to them." # game/script.rpy:15853 translate english priest_a8b075ec_1: # k "Ok what about that milking part?" k "Ok what about that milking part?" # game/script.rpy:15854 translate english priest_ea23122b_1: # pr "It's probably clear to you, or not?" pr "It's probably clear to you, or not?" # game/script.rpy:15855 translate english priest_ec327053_1: # pr "Milk from breast is the pure untoxicated most powerfull source of energy and protein in the world." pr "Milk from breast is the pure untoxicated most powerfull source of energy and protein in the world." # game/script.rpy:15856 translate english priest_bb3f8366_1: # pr "When a man suck woman breast he will be flooded with the feeling of pece love and harmony." pr "When a man suck woman breast he will be flooded with the feeling of pece love and harmony." # game/script.rpy:15857 translate english priest_dd34d94d_1: # pr "That harmony can fill the heart of every living creature if it is able to share that feel." pr "That harmony can fill the heart of every living creature if it is able to share that feel." # game/script.rpy:15858 translate english priest_79f48fe7_1: # k "................" k "................" # game/script.rpy:15859 translate english priest_960ca103_1: # k "I think i lost somewhere around breast sucking...." k "I think i lost somewhere around breast sucking...." # game/script.rpy:15865 translate english priest_7411faec_1: # k "Is there any miracles or stories?" k "Is there any miracles or stories?" # game/script.rpy:15866 translate english priest_04ad2a14_1: # pr "Many stories.... about big journeys hard falls and huge sacrifices." pr "Many stories.... about big journeys hard falls and huge sacrifices." # game/script.rpy:15867 translate english priest_87d6635b_1: # k "Ok but basiccaly how exactly???? tell me one or two SHORT story please." k "Ok but basiccaly how exactly???? tell me one or two SHORT story please." # game/script.rpy:15868 translate english priest_236fd034_1: # pr "If you need a goddess she will bless you like she bless me." pr "If you need a goddess she will bless you like she bless me." # game/script.rpy:15869 translate english priest_281d5ff1_1: # pr "I almost die but she gave me power of milk and increase my breast size from B-cup." pr "I almost die but she gave me power of milk and increase my breast size from B-cup." # game/script.rpy:15870 translate english priest_158ab236_1: # k "So most of her miracles is about increasing breast size?" k "So most of her miracles is about increasing breast size?" # game/script.rpy:15874 translate english priest_44dcd277_1: # pr "Yes but don't say it like it was nothing!" pr "Yes but don't say it like it was nothing!" # game/script.rpy:15875 translate english priest_63b69363_1: # k "Actualy... I think this is most important miracle in the human history." k "Actualy... I think this is most important miracle in the human history." # game/script.rpy:15876 translate english priest_524b03ba_1: # pr "Exactly!" pr "Exactly!" # game/script.rpy:15877 translate english priest_bbbb8b91_1: # k "Is there any other miracle?" k "Is there any other miracle?" # game/script.rpy:15878 translate english priest_b7ecadec_1: # pr "There is some stories when breast milk can revive people." pr "There is some stories when breast milk can revive people." # game/script.rpy:15879 translate english priest_915dfb40_1: # k "ARE YOU SERIOUS? ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE?" k "ARE YOU SERIOUS? ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE?" # game/script.rpy:15883 translate english priest_63200963_1: # pr "Of course not. In the story she sprayed her milk on almost dead body of her husband." pr "Of course not. In the story she sprayed her milk on almost dead body of her husband." # game/script.rpy:15884 translate english priest_1fdefb21_1: # pr "She pray and the goddess make a miracle for her." pr "She pray and the goddess make a miracle for her." # game/script.rpy:15885 translate english priest_49110094_1: # k "......." k "......." # game/script.rpy:15886 translate english priest_277c385a_1: # k "I think I hear enough." k "I think I hear enough." # game/script.rpy:15892 translate english priest_8ca736f5: # o "I want to know something else." o "I want to know something else." # game/script.rpy:15900 translate english priest_dc1379ad: # k "You are really very pretty." k "You are really very pretty." # game/script.rpy:15904 translate english priest_d8593730: # pr "Thank you." pr "Thank you." # game/script.rpy:15905 translate english priest_80af9569: # k "Do you have to adhere to celibacy?" k "Do you have to adhere to celibacy?" # game/script.rpy:15906 translate english priest_e2848a50: # pr "Of course not this religion is about love and sharing." pr "Of course not this religion is about love and sharing." # game/script.rpy:15907 translate english priest_2eda979f: # k "It makes sense." k "It makes sense." # game/script.rpy:15915 translate english priest_faed1a71: # k "My heart is full of love when I see you." k "My heart is full of love when I see you." # game/script.rpy:15916 translate english priest_d8593730_1: # pr "Thank you." pr "Thank you." # game/script.rpy:15917 translate english priest_cf72192f: # k ".... I want to ask..... something about your religion..." k ".... I want to ask..... something about your religion..." # game/script.rpy:15918 translate english priest_adb4eac7: # pr "What exactly?" pr "What exactly?" # game/script.rpy:15919 translate english priest_7dc26a90: # k "Is it forbiden to make love with someone?" k "Is it forbiden to make love with someone?" # game/script.rpy:15920 translate english priest_d93d279f: # pr "I already tell you it is not." pr "I already tell you it is not." # game/script.rpy:15921 translate english priest_3905145f: # k "And....Do you like man or woman." k "And....Do you like man or woman." # game/script.rpy:15925 translate english priest_6e332052: # pr "I like both." pr "I like both." # game/script.rpy:15926 translate english priest_5a92d098: # k "But in other way...." k "But in other way...." # game/script.rpy:15927 translate english priest_7c4682c6: # pr "It is no other way in my live just to share my love with people." pr "It is no other way in my live just to share my love with people." # game/script.rpy:15928 translate english priest_c1e148a9: # pr "I don't judge anyone by gender." pr "I don't judge anyone by gender." # game/script.rpy:15929 translate english priest_a90375e3: # k "I want to hear that answer." k "I want to hear that answer." # game/script.rpy:15936 translate english priest_4d87d9bf: # k "You look better every day." k "You look better every day." # game/script.rpy:15937 translate english priest_e2c11380: # pr "Thank you. I love to hear that." pr "Thank you. I love to hear that." # game/script.rpy:15938 translate english priest_b303df2b: # k "I thought about you last night." k "I thought about you last night." # game/script.rpy:15939 translate english priest_f0dc5bfc: # pr "That is nice. What about me?" pr "That is nice. What about me?" # game/script.rpy:15940 translate english priest_0caa5605: # k "...... you know.... Boobs..." k "...... you know.... Boobs..." # game/script.rpy:15941 translate english priest_196d585f: # pr "Do you want to touch them?" pr "Do you want to touch them?" # game/script.rpy:15942 translate english priest_b550cab3: # k "If I can?" k "If I can?" # game/script.rpy:15943 translate english priest_67ee8a78: # pr "Maybe.... do you have some candies?" pr "Maybe.... do you have some candies?" # game/script.rpy:15944 translate english priest_552c110d: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:15945 translate english priest_7bb465e1: # pr "I love candies!" pr "I love candies!" # game/script.rpy:15947 translate english priest_89e4d7f2: # k "Sure I have some. Here you are." k "Sure I have some. Here you are." # game/script.rpy:15949 translate english priest_92111d61: # pr "Yummi. You can touch boobies if you want." pr "Yummi. You can touch boobies if you want." # game/script.rpy:15953 translate english priest_8aa77b58: # pr "You like them right?" pr "You like them right?" # game/script.rpy:15955 translate english priest_a8a27cbd: # k "Yes they are realy soft." k "Yes they are realy soft." # game/script.rpy:15956 translate english priest_7a71d366: # pr "Take your time." pr "Take your time." # game/script.rpy:15958 translate english priest_b95f3005: # k "That was nice!" k "That was nice!" # game/script.rpy:15965 translate english priest_69e2cbff: # k "Sorry I don't have any." k "Sorry I don't have any." # game/script.rpy:15966 translate english priest_f5798c0f: # pr "So come back when you have one." pr "So come back when you have one." # game/script.rpy:15971 translate english priest_98debc3f: # k "........." k "........." # game/script.rpy:15972 translate english priest_dbcc7728: # k "You're so beautiful, the sky is red with jealousy." k "You're so beautiful, the sky is red with jealousy." # game/script.rpy:15973 translate english priest_ab6740a5: # pr "Ou stop it you flatterer." pr "Ou stop it you flatterer." # game/script.rpy:15974 translate english priest_37439613: # pr "........" pr "........" # game/script.rpy:15975 translate english priest_3cb9c656: # pr "You touch my boobs last time. Do you like them?" pr "You touch my boobs last time. Do you like them?" # game/script.rpy:15978 translate english priest_a0d7e5ff: # k "Yes they are gorgeous!" k "Yes they are gorgeous!" # game/script.rpy:15979 translate english priest_6ebeea81: # pr "I remember the time when they was small." pr "I remember the time when they was small." # game/script.rpy:15980 translate english priest_51890544: # pr "I think bigger is better." pr "I think bigger is better." # game/script.rpy:15981 translate english priest_640911c4: # k "I must agree with that." k "I must agree with that." # game/script.rpy:15983 translate english priest_2c053154: # pr "Do you want to touch them again?" pr "Do you want to touch them again?" # game/script.rpy:15984 translate english priest_00cbd7ca: # k "YES." k "YES." # game/script.rpy:15985 translate english priest_d9822bdb: # pr "Answer me with the whole sentence." pr "Answer me with the whole sentence." # game/script.rpy:15986 translate english priest_7dd8fed7: # k "Yes I want to touch your boobs." k "Yes I want to touch your boobs." # game/script.rpy:15987 translate english priest_d19b2ff6: # pr "Ok you can. Try to use your other hand now." pr "Ok you can. Try to use your other hand now." # game/script.rpy:15992 translate english priest_51a17866: # pr "Next time I want to touch you." pr "Next time I want to touch you." # game/script.rpy:15993 translate english priest_40969323: # k "Ok... wait what?" k "Ok... wait what?" # game/script.rpy:15995 translate english priest_8477a426: # pr "Nothing..." pr "Nothing..." # game/script.rpy:16001 translate english priest_de9ff88e: # k "No they are too big." k "No they are too big." # game/script.rpy:16002 translate english priest_0d08d732: # k "I think they must be wery baggy." k "I think they must be wery baggy." # game/script.rpy:16003 translate english priest_30074430: # pr "......" pr "......" # game/script.rpy:16004 translate english priest_daeef21f: # kam "That was rude!" kam "That was rude!" # game/script.rpy:16008 translate english priest_a8f344ea: # k "You are so beutigul today!" k "You are so beutigul today!" # game/script.rpy:16009 translate english priest_ac7c8021: # pr "Thank you honey." pr "Thank you honey." # game/script.rpy:16010 translate english priest_8f188a86: # k "Honey? ok...." k "Honey? ok...." # game/script.rpy:16011 translate english priest_6e974a1b: # pr "How can I help you today." pr "How can I help you today." # game/script.rpy:16012 translate english priest_b8100ac0: # k "I want to touch your boobies again." k "I want to touch your boobies again." # game/script.rpy:16013 translate english priest_64129487: # pr "And do you have candies?" pr "And do you have candies?" # game/script.rpy:16015 translate english priest_89e4d7f2_1: # k "Sure I have some. Here you are." k "Sure I have some. Here you are." # game/script.rpy:16017 translate english priest_92111d61_1: # pr "Yummi. You can touch boobies if you want." pr "Yummi. You can touch boobies if you want." # game/script.rpy:16023 translate english ptouch_e3ca9c33: # k "Hello nipple." k "Hello nipple." # game/script.rpy:16024 translate english ptouch_196ff710: # k "What now?" k "What now?" # game/script.rpy:16033 translate english ptouch_729540dc: # k "It is realy big." k "It is realy big." # game/script.rpy:16034 translate english ptouch_196ff710_1: # k "What now?" k "What now?" # game/script.rpy:16043 translate english ptouch_f308b469: # k "It is better when I have full hands." k "It is better when I have full hands." # game/script.rpy:16044 translate english ptouch_d77944af: # pr "Can you give them massage?" pr "Can you give them massage?" # game/script.rpy:16047 translate english ptouch_0c653be5: # k "Ok. I can try." k "Ok. I can try." # game/script.rpy:16051 translate english ptouch_567583a2: # pr "ouch......" pr "ouch......" # game/script.rpy:16052 translate english ptouch_2ba03ac3: # k "What ???" k "What ???" # game/script.rpy:16053 translate english ptouch_8fa5edc3: # pr "Nothing just continue...." pr "Nothing just continue...." # game/script.rpy:16055 translate english ptouch_5bc0b231: # k "My hands is in heaven." k "My hands is in heaven." # game/script.rpy:16056 translate english ptouch_93372f9e: # k "What should i do now?" k "What should i do now?" # game/script.rpy:16063 translate english ptouch_dba1a7fb: # k "I just want to have fun with them no pressure." k "I just want to have fun with them no pressure." # game/script.rpy:16064 translate english ptouch_9f13d485: # pr "Ok so what next?" pr "Ok so what next?" # game/script.rpy:16077 translate english ptouch_69e2cbff: # k "Sorry I don't have any." k "Sorry I don't have any." # game/script.rpy:16078 translate english ptouch_f5798c0f: # pr "So come back when you have one." pr "So come back when you have one." # game/script.rpy:16082 translate english ptouch_156ebfa3: # k "Hello beautifull girl..." k "Hello beautifull girl..." # game/script.rpy:16086 translate english ptouch_35760f1e: # pr "Hello honey." pr "Hello honey." # game/script.rpy:16087 translate english ptouch_79891398: # k "Honey again... You start to like me don't you?" k "Honey again... You start to like me don't you?" # game/script.rpy:16088 translate english ptouch_f4bb19fd: # pr "I think...." pr "I think...." # game/script.rpy:16089 translate english ptouch_ca3387d0: # pr "You are my little sweet honey...." pr "You are my little sweet honey...." # game/script.rpy:16090 translate english ptouch_918c1f55: # k "Ou... thank you..." k "Ou... thank you..." # game/script.rpy:16091 translate english ptouch_9d0738c9: # k "Maybe you wan't something from me today..." k "Maybe you wan't something from me today..." # game/script.rpy:16092 translate english ptouch_aef385c6: # pr "Yes.... I ..... Can you show me your penis?" pr "Yes.... I ..... Can you show me your penis?" # game/script.rpy:16095 translate english ptouch_a5b88d70: # k "I think I can do that for you." k "I think I can do that for you." # game/script.rpy:16100 translate english ptouch_e24a0c50: # pr "Lovely....." pr "Lovely....." # game/script.rpy:16101 translate english ptouch_60325849: # pr "I think..... I must...." pr "I think..... I must...." # game/script.rpy:16102 translate english ptouch_93334484: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:16107 translate english ptouch_284f88d9: # pr "Yes that is wonderful...." pr "Yes that is wonderful...." # game/script.rpy:16108 translate english ptouch_2c7484ba: # k "????" k "????" # game/script.rpy:16109 translate english ptouch_c6853dc7: # pr "Do you like my body?" pr "Do you like my body?" # game/script.rpy:16110 translate english ptouch_43c0d1a1: # k "Yes you are realy hot..." k "Yes you are realy hot..." # game/script.rpy:16112 translate english ptouch_65fd60f5: # k "What should I do now?" k "What should I do now?" # game/script.rpy:16115 translate english ptouch_874dedfa: # k "Heh that is something for me." k "Heh that is something for me." # game/script.rpy:16116 translate english ptouch_2bb4349a: # pr "What are you doing?" pr "What are you doing?" # game/script.rpy:16117 translate english ptouch_bd1c1f9d: # pr "Ou you ruin it." pr "Ou you ruin it." # game/script.rpy:16122 translate english ptouch_3b009720: # pr "I'm not ready for that." pr "I'm not ready for that." # game/script.rpy:16123 translate english ptouch_c5f1eaba: # k "What? You are not ready?" k "What? You are not ready?" # game/script.rpy:16124 translate english ptouch_ee489ed6: # pr "I hope you understant..." pr "I hope you understant..." # game/script.rpy:16125 translate english ptouch_731eceea: # k "??? Yes ?" k "??? Yes ?" # game/script.rpy:16126 translate english ptouch_5adb5ee9: # kam "I don't." kam "I don't." # game/script.rpy:16127 translate english ptouch_5fa70eb2: # k "Women." k "Women." # game/script.rpy:16134 translate english ptouch_833e148e: # k "You are realy realy...." k "You are realy realy...." # game/script.rpy:16135 translate english ptouch_f34bcf81: # pr "What???" pr "What???" # game/script.rpy:16136 translate english ptouch_3a538162: # k "Bad priest...." k "Bad priest...." # game/script.rpy:16137 translate english ptouch_ee50c0bf: # pr "Yes tell it again!" pr "Yes tell it again!" # game/script.rpy:16138 translate english ptouch_4e716e1a: # k "You are bad priest?" k "You are bad priest?" # game/script.rpy:16139 translate english ptouch_233ec50e: # pr "Yes.... will you punish me?" pr "Yes.... will you punish me?" # game/script.rpy:16140 translate english ptouch_a33eae1d: # k "Yes???" k "Yes???" # game/script.rpy:16141 translate english ptouch_de5f0678: # pr "Don't punish me I was a good girl..." pr "Don't punish me I was a good girl..." # game/script.rpy:16142 translate english ptouch_47d5b030: # k "Ok???" k "Ok???" # game/script.rpy:16143 translate english ptouch_e7e3b8d8: # pr "aaaaaaaa" pr "aaaaaaaa" # game/script.rpy:16145 translate english ptouch_4fa8377f: # k "That look like happy ending." k "That look like happy ending." # game/script.rpy:16151 translate english ptouch_de7940c8: # k "Sorry but I'm not ready for this." k "Sorry but I'm not ready for this." # game/script.rpy:16155 translate english ptouch_a74ea1b1: # pr "Ok I understant that." pr "Ok I understant that." # game/script.rpy:16156 translate english ptouch_08dacceb: # k "Maybe later." k "Maybe later." # game/script.rpy:16160 translate english ptouch_69212757: # k "Your body is totally stunning!" k "Your body is totally stunning!" # game/script.rpy:16161 translate english ptouch_5f43ebe8: # pr "Thank you..." pr "Thank you..." # game/script.rpy:16162 translate english ptouch_0c1f31be: # k "I was thinking about our last meet." k "I was thinking about our last meet." # game/script.rpy:16166 translate english ptouch_554f3808: # pr "Mee too doy ou want to try it again?" pr "Mee too doy ou want to try it again?" # game/script.rpy:16167 translate english ptouch_797c4f4c: # k "What exactly you mean by that?" k "What exactly you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:16168 translate english ptouch_9f41efe1: # pr "You know... Can you show me?" pr "You know... Can you show me?" # game/script.rpy:16171 translate english ptouch_12c45246: # k "Ok and what exactly you want to see?" k "Ok and what exactly you want to see?" # game/script.rpy:16172 translate english ptouch_7eae5215: # pr "You know!" pr "You know!" # game/script.rpy:16173 translate english ptouch_828430dc: # k "No i don't say it!" k "No i don't say it!" # game/script.rpy:16174 translate english ptouch_c9ef2556: # pr "Show me your penis." pr "Show me your penis." # game/script.rpy:16175 translate english ptouch_10ab236e: # k "Show me your body first!" k "Show me your body first!" # game/script.rpy:16177 translate english ptouch_bd7dc957: # pr "hmmmm... ok..." pr "hmmmm... ok..." # game/script.rpy:16181 translate english ptouch_4300d27f: # k "Ok my turn." k "Ok my turn." # game/script.rpy:16183 translate english ptouch_3b065285: # pr "Yes...... you are so gorgeous." pr "Yes...... you are so gorgeous." # game/script.rpy:16185 translate english ptouch_1948dde8: # pr "That feel so good." pr "That feel so good." # game/script.rpy:16186 translate english ptouch_7365df27: # k "Maybe I can something she look sweet." k "Maybe I can something she look sweet." # game/script.rpy:16189 translate english ptouch_1bebe38d: # k "Yes nasty girl. Show what you can do." k "Yes nasty girl. Show what you can do." # game/script.rpy:16190 translate english ptouch_4a7ed004: # pr "ommmmmmm....." pr "ommmmmmm....." # game/script.rpy:16191 translate english ptouch_f055cc1c: # k "This is so lovely." k "This is so lovely." # game/script.rpy:16192 translate english ptouch_ef77ccef: # k "Come on your busty cow!" k "Come on your busty cow!" # game/script.rpy:16193 translate english ptouch_aa40cea9: # pr "What? aaaaaa What are you doing." pr "What? aaaaaa What are you doing." # game/script.rpy:16194 translate english ptouch_c6e37e50: # k "Shut up and catch!" k "Shut up and catch!" # game/script.rpy:16199 translate english ptouch_e5f12543: # pr "What? ou...." pr "What? ou...." # game/script.rpy:16200 translate english ptouch_3de165d8: # pr "Your milk is so tasty." pr "Your milk is so tasty." # game/script.rpy:16201 translate english ptouch_fea39282: # pr "aaaaaaaaaaa...." pr "aaaaaaaaaaa...." # game/script.rpy:16202 translate english ptouch_b50823f4: # k "If you say so. I can give you some more next time." k "If you say so. I can give you some more next time." # game/script.rpy:16203 translate english ptouch_fa9e34d8: # pr "That would be.... lovely honey." pr "That would be.... lovely honey." # game/script.rpy:16204 translate english ptouch_a6008836: # k "Milk for milk.... good deal" k "Milk for milk.... good deal" # game/script.rpy:16211 translate english ptouch_ff1ac990: # k "Meh... maybe later." k "Meh... maybe later." # game/script.rpy:16212 translate english ptouch_f34bcf81_1: # pr "What???" pr "What???" # game/script.rpy:16213 translate english ptouch_8258b620: # k "Nothing you are so nasty!" k "Nothing you are so nasty!" # game/script.rpy:16214 translate english ptouch_3b86e36b: # pr "Yes I am." pr "Yes I am." # game/script.rpy:16216 translate english ptouch_efabf8f8: # pr "aaaaaa" pr "aaaaaa" # game/script.rpy:16217 translate english ptouch_f226140a: # k "This look like one side deal." k "This look like one side deal." # game/script.rpy:16221 translate english ptouch_90282241: # pr "My milk will be extra tasty today." pr "My milk will be extra tasty today." # game/script.rpy:16222 translate english ptouch_eabcfc5a: # pr "Here taste it." pr "Here taste it." # game/script.rpy:16224 translate english ptouch_012ea48d: # k "Yes it realy taste good." k "Yes it realy taste good." # game/script.rpy:16228 translate english ptouch_2c8a40c1: # k "This is a bad idea!" k "This is a bad idea!" # game/script.rpy:16229 translate english ptouch_1a4945af: # k "I already do that and only you have fun." k "I already do that and only you have fun." # game/script.rpy:16233 translate english ptouch_12d6acff: # pr "You are right." pr "You are right." # game/script.rpy:16234 translate english ptouch_1b911818: # pr "Woman need is always more important than man!" pr "Woman need is always more important than man!" # game/script.rpy:16235 translate english ptouch_a6630a27: # k "Why do you think that?" k "Why do you think that?" # game/script.rpy:16236 translate english ptouch_ea5e412e: # pr "Milk is the prove!" pr "Milk is the prove!" # game/script.rpy:16237 translate english ptouch_9c5e45b0: # k "Hard to argue with that." k "Hard to argue with that." # game/script.rpy:16241 translate english ptouch_0653e3d0: # k "Hello beauty!" k "Hello beauty!" # game/script.rpy:16242 translate english ptouch_6423285e: # pr "What can I do for you today?" pr "What can I do for you today?" # game/script.rpy:16243 translate english ptouch_803256c9: # k "huh? What you mean by that?" k "huh? What you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:16244 translate english ptouch_ede357e4: # pr "Last time when we 'met'. My milk production was increased." pr "Last time when we 'met'. My milk production was increased." # game/script.rpy:16245 translate english ptouch_ab09d867: # k "And???" k "And???" # game/script.rpy:16246 translate english ptouch_a925448a: # pr "Maybe. Something in your sper increase it." pr "Maybe. Something in your sper increase it." # game/script.rpy:16247 translate english ptouch_44f4f95d: # k "So???" k "So???" # game/script.rpy:16248 translate english ptouch_a2902b2b: # pr "Milk is the most important comodity in the world!" pr "Milk is the most important comodity in the world!" # game/script.rpy:16249 translate english ptouch_c89acdb3: # pr "If your sperm can increase my prostuction you must spray me with it!" pr "If your sperm can increase my prostuction you must spray me with it!" # game/script.rpy:16253 translate english ptouch_bc71848b: # k "I'm in what do you want to do?" k "I'm in what do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:16254 translate english ptouch_4f001ca1: # pr "Maybe you can tease my nipple with your thing." pr "Maybe you can tease my nipple with your thing." # game/script.rpy:16257 translate english ptouch_73f73d80: # k "Like that?" k "Like that?" # game/script.rpy:16258 translate english ptouch_c191f16a: # pr "Yes this fell good." pr "Yes this fell good." # game/script.rpy:16259 translate english ptouch_753b85ab: # k "I must say, I like it too." k "I must say, I like it too." # game/script.rpy:16260 translate english ptouch_abd84d9a: # pr "Release your sperm on me!" pr "Release your sperm on me!" # game/script.rpy:16261 translate english ptouch_4f26eddd: # k "Huh not so easy I must move a little." k "Huh not so easy I must move a little." # game/script.rpy:16263 translate english ptouch_ca0e654d: # pr "AAA... that feel good tease me more!" pr "AAA... that feel good tease me more!" # game/script.rpy:16264 translate english ptouch_f9005e3d: # k "As your wish... I like it too" k "As your wish... I like it too" # game/script.rpy:16266 translate english ptouch_a93d14ab: # k "Your nipple is so warm." k "Your nipple is so warm." # game/script.rpy:16267 translate english ptouch_64a268d1: # k "It must give a lot of milk." k "It must give a lot of milk." # game/script.rpy:16268 translate english ptouch_46b84bf3: # pr "Yes....... I give one of the best milk production in this....ooo" pr "Yes....... I give one of the best milk production in this....ooo" # game/script.rpy:16270 translate english ptouch_e024d018: # k "In this what?" k "In this what?" # game/script.rpy:16271 translate english ptouch_7409ec2d: # pr "In this region....." pr "In this region....." # game/script.rpy:16272 translate english ptouch_e1605d18: # k "Damn that is realy good...." k "Damn that is realy good...." # game/script.rpy:16274 translate english ptouch_f41d84e7: # k "I think I can't hold it anymore..." k "I think I can't hold it anymore..." # game/script.rpy:16277 translate english ptouch_afd62d08: # k "Yeah.... that is good..." k "Yeah.... that is good..." # game/script.rpy:16278 translate english ptouch_5521e972: # pr "Thank you for your sperm..." pr "Thank you for your sperm..." # game/script.rpy:16279 translate english ptouch_2ae5687f: # pr "I will tell you the result on the next day." pr "I will tell you the result on the next day." # game/script.rpy:16280 translate english ptouch_0ca52f6b: # k "What are you talking about?" k "What are you talking about?" # game/script.rpy:16281 translate english ptouch_d23a667c: # pr "The test if your sperm can increase my milk quality and production." pr "The test if your sperm can increase my milk quality and production." # game/script.rpy:16282 translate english ptouch_56894446: # k "Of course because THAT is the reason why we do it right?" k "Of course because THAT is the reason why we do it right?" # game/script.rpy:16283 translate english ptouch_0732108c: # pr "Yes..." pr "Yes..." # game/script.rpy:16289 translate english ptouch_de10b005: # k "I thin you need to beg me little more for that." k "I thin you need to beg me little more for that." # game/script.rpy:16290 translate english ptouch_b4e6d92a: # k "My sperm is not for free..." k "My sperm is not for free..." # game/script.rpy:16291 translate english ptouch_7ad81b60: # pr "Ok come back again if you change your mind." pr "Ok come back again if you change your mind." # game/script.rpy:16295 translate english ptouch_adebdc9a: # pr "Hello honey. I have a good news!" pr "Hello honey. I have a good news!" # game/script.rpy:16296 translate english ptouch_4992c465: # k "Huh??? What news?" k "Huh??? What news?" # game/script.rpy:16297 translate english ptouch_3f1e1f19: # pr "I'm at 90 percent sure your sperm increase quality and quantity of my milk!" pr "I'm at 90 percent sure your sperm increase quality and quantity of my milk!" # game/script.rpy:16298 translate english ptouch_f31d7b1e: # k "That sound like good news... and?" k "That sound like good news... and?" # game/script.rpy:16299 translate english ptouch_1d89e25b: # pr "We must run one more test to be sure for 100 percent." pr "We must run one more test to be sure for 100 percent." # game/script.rpy:16300 translate english ptouch_db586eac: # k "And what should I do?" k "And what should I do?" # game/script.rpy:16301 translate english ptouch_1d6e267d: # pr "Nothing I just want to give you a decent titfuck." pr "Nothing I just want to give you a decent titfuck." # game/script.rpy:16304 translate english ptouch_b59356f7: # k "Hmm let me think about it..." k "Hmm let me think about it..." # game/script.rpy:16307 translate english ptouch_1338a1cb: # k "What will happened if I say Yes...." k "What will happened if I say Yes...." # game/script.rpy:16308 translate english ptouch_bd8c972c: # k "Maybe you will grab my penis between you big beautifull breast..." k "Maybe you will grab my penis between you big beautifull breast..." # game/script.rpy:16309 translate english ptouch_b42f212c: # pr "Like that?" pr "Like that?" # game/script.rpy:16311 translate english ptouch_275b3d46: # k "Exactly.... and then you maybe start to move with them." k "Exactly.... and then you maybe start to move with them." # game/script.rpy:16312 translate english ptouch_ee20b69d: # k "And it would be absolutely amazing " k "And it would be absolutely amazing " # game/script.rpy:16314 translate english ptouch_a48c08a9: # k "and..... oooo... it look like you already start." k "and..... oooo... it look like you already start." # game/script.rpy:16315 translate english ptouch_f225f96b: # pr "I'm glad you notice it." pr "I'm glad you notice it." # game/script.rpy:16316 translate english ptouch_0e936a36: # pr "Hurry up and ejaculate on my breast." pr "Hurry up and ejaculate on my breast." # game/script.rpy:16318 translate english ptouch_09b2ac5b: # k "I think I release it realy soon." k "I think I release it realy soon." # game/script.rpy:16319 translate english ptouch_753d249a: # k "You are wery good on this." k "You are wery good on this." # game/script.rpy:16321 translate english ptouch_9e2b7864: # pr "I train a lot." pr "I train a lot." # game/script.rpy:16322 translate english ptouch_5a0a37e4: # pr "If you like what you do, you can do it better." pr "If you like what you do, you can do it better." # game/script.rpy:16323 translate english ptouch_ce22e69d: # k "You must realy like it!" k "You must realy like it!" # game/script.rpy:16325 translate english ptouch_c2c1312d: # pr "Yes because your penis is so great..." pr "Yes because your penis is so great..." # game/script.rpy:16326 translate english ptouch_51e7da68: # pr "That size and taste...." pr "That size and taste...." # game/script.rpy:16329 translate english ptouch_01183250: # k "Shit......" k "Shit......" # game/script.rpy:16330 translate english ptouch_6b2e0cf9: # k "It look like I ejaculate too soon...." k "It look like I ejaculate too soon...." # game/script.rpy:16331 translate english ptouch_f400649e: # pr "It is ok honey. I love it." pr "It is ok honey. I love it." # game/script.rpy:16332 translate english ptouch_adad5eee: # pr "I hope my milk quality was incresed...." pr "I hope my milk quality was incresed...." # game/script.rpy:16333 translate english ptouch_c911ac0c: # k "That shit again???? I mean... I hope so...." k "That shit again???? I mean... I hope so...." # game/script.rpy:16340 translate english ptouch_d89cb292: # k "Sorry but you are not my type." k "Sorry but you are not my type." # game/script.rpy:16341 translate english ptouch_2eabdcb8: # k "Now I see it titfuck is terrible idea." k "Now I see it titfuck is terrible idea." # game/script.rpy:16342 translate english ptouch_2343fabe: # k "I never....." k "I never....." # game/script.rpy:16343 translate english ptouch_e713aa5b: # k "Sorry I realy want titfuck from you but someone chooce other option." k "Sorry I realy want titfuck from you but someone chooce other option." # game/script.rpy:16344 translate english ptouch_4d92b4b5: # k "So I must follow the script but in real life." k "So I must follow the script but in real life." # game/script.rpy:16345 translate english ptouch_1d028baa: # k "I hope you understant." k "I hope you understant." # game/script.rpy:16346 translate english ptouch_f1765c3f: # pr "I realy don't but it is your choice..." pr "I realy don't but it is your choice..." # game/script.rpy:16347 translate english ptouch_b70d519c: # k "NO IT WAS HIS CHOICE!" k "NO IT WAS HIS CHOICE!" # game/script.rpy:16352 translate english ptouch_f4fbf495: # pr "I have a result of my research." pr "I have a result of my research." # game/script.rpy:16353 translate english ptouch_5073be2f: # pr "Now I'm 100 percent sure...." pr "Now I'm 100 percent sure...." # game/script.rpy:16354 translate english ptouch_4f36f6a5: # pr "Your sper help me produce more quality milk." pr "Your sper help me produce more quality milk." # game/script.rpy:16355 translate english ptouch_50eef466: # pr "If you wan't.... I can make you cum every day." pr "If you wan't.... I can make you cum every day." # game/script.rpy:16356 translate english ptouch_271634c8: # pr "Exchange for your sperm I will prey for you and give you milk. Do you agree?" pr "Exchange for your sperm I will prey for you and give you milk. Do you agree?" # game/script.rpy:16359 translate english ptouch_1ecb6d6f: # k "It look like we have a deal." k "It look like we have a deal." # game/script.rpy:16360 translate english ptouch_f9742f51: # k "When we can start?" k "When we can start?" # game/script.rpy:16361 translate english ptouch_2a7d14d0: # pr "We can start right know... how would you want to do it?" pr "We can start right know... how would you want to do it?" # game/script.rpy:16364 translate english ptouch_07d3ae5f: # k "Hmm you have sperm and milk and I didn't get anything?" k "Hmm you have sperm and milk and I didn't get anything?" # game/script.rpy:16365 translate english ptouch_abc9e59c: # pr "You recive pray of the holly mother..." pr "You recive pray of the holly mother..." # game/script.rpy:16366 translate english ptouch_a41e0781: # k "It is not enought what about some coins for me?" k "It is not enought what about some coins for me?" # game/script.rpy:16367 translate english ptouch_508f51fc: # pr "Sorry but we don't have many coins...." pr "Sorry but we don't have many coins...." # game/script.rpy:16368 translate english ptouch_915282d6: # pr "Most of coins is on repairs of buildings." pr "Most of coins is on repairs of buildings." # game/script.rpy:16369 translate english ptouch_6c75e6d2: # pr "Rest is for food." pr "Rest is for food." # game/script.rpy:16370 translate english ptouch_778051b7: # k "I thought you live only from milk..." k "I thought you live only from milk..." # game/script.rpy:16371 translate english ptouch_26a26082: # pr "Most of us.... But some need vegetables and chocolate to survive." pr "Most of us.... But some need vegetables and chocolate to survive." # game/script.rpy:16372 translate english ptouch_4002e0a8: # pr "We can make chocholate milk then..." pr "We can make chocholate milk then..." # game/script.rpy:16373 translate english ptouch_24ec887e: # k "WHAT???? I didn't know that is the way how it work...." k "WHAT???? I didn't know that is the way how it work...." # game/script.rpy:16374 translate english ptouch_ff066c4a: # pr "Now you know it so can I count on you?" pr "Now you know it so can I count on you?" # game/script.rpy:16375 translate english ptouch_f875fbb8: # k "Ok I make it for free just.... ok...." k "Ok I make it for free just.... ok...." # game/script.rpy:16376 translate english ptouch_85c89971: # pr "So.... How would you like to do it?" pr "So.... How would you like to do it?" # game/script.rpy:16380 translate english ptouch_5659d306: # pr "Hello honey what can I do for you today?" pr "Hello honey what can I do for you today?" # game/script.rpy:16383 translate english priestfuck_9bbbb7cb: # k "Put your clothes off and masturbate." k "Put your clothes off and masturbate." # game/script.rpy:16384 translate english priestfuck_ce6ec341: # pr "Ok..." pr "Ok..." # game/script.rpy:16389 translate english priestfuck_980a3242: # k "Yes this is wery hot...." k "Yes this is wery hot...." # game/script.rpy:16390 translate english priestfuck_8c367705: # k "Tell me something sexi...." k "Tell me something sexi...." # game/script.rpy:16391 translate english priestfuck_18e43d14: # pr "What should I tell you?" pr "What should I tell you?" # game/script.rpy:16394 translate english priestfuck_7287463c: # pr "It was a long time ago." pr "It was a long time ago." # game/script.rpy:16395 translate english priestfuck_0ce29bad: # pr "One time my family was very hungry." pr "One time my family was very hungry." # game/script.rpy:16396 translate english priestfuck_fab39882: # k "That is not sexi go to the point!" k "That is not sexi go to the point!" # game/script.rpy:16397 translate english priestfuck_23b3b80c: # pr "I came to city and beg for money." pr "I came to city and beg for money." # game/script.rpy:16398 translate english priestfuck_62332d4a: # pr "One man in big hat visit me and throw me some coins." pr "One man in big hat visit me and throw me some coins." # game/script.rpy:16399 translate english priestfuck_89322fb9: # k "Still not sexi." k "Still not sexi." # game/script.rpy:16403 translate english priestfuck_1c6edb0d: # pr "Then he say he give me more if I get naked." pr "Then he say he give me more if I get naked." # game/script.rpy:16404 translate english priestfuck_af871a69: # k "Finally what then." k "Finally what then." # game/script.rpy:16405 translate english priestfuck_fb22b0d1: # pr "After that he want to touch me and give me one more coin so I agree." pr "After that he want to touch me and give me one more coin so I agree." # game/script.rpy:16406 translate english priestfuck_6f138684: # pr "He touch my breast and give me other coins." pr "He touch my breast and give me other coins." # game/script.rpy:16407 translate english priestfuck_6d26c6df: # pr "He offer me other coin if I have sex with him." pr "He offer me other coin if I have sex with him." # game/script.rpy:16408 translate english priestfuck_0b3a9c02: # pr "So I grab his penis and put it in to me...." pr "So I grab his penis and put it in to me...." # game/script.rpy:16409 translate english priestfuck_e4c59509: # k "Seriously for one coin?" k "Seriously for one coin?" # game/script.rpy:16410 translate english priestfuck_6f33b889: # pr "I realy need that coins...." pr "I realy need that coins...." # game/script.rpy:16414 translate english priestfuck_0977d9d3: # pr "So then he fuck me rough and i just lay down..." pr "So then he fuck me rough and i just lay down..." # game/script.rpy:16415 translate english priestfuck_3ca721d6: # k "...... that was not wery good or hot story...." k "...... that was not wery good or hot story...." # game/script.rpy:16416 translate english priestfuck_3cdb3c0d: # pr "Sorry.... Can you still spray your sperm on me?" pr "Sorry.... Can you still spray your sperm on me?" # game/script.rpy:16417 translate english priestfuck_804a612a: # k "Yes just shut up and masturbate...." k "Yes just shut up and masturbate...." # game/script.rpy:16422 translate english priestfuck_8ddb8ff5: # k "That still work for me." k "That still work for me." # game/script.rpy:16423 translate english priestfuck_ad1b374c: # pr "Thank for your sperm." pr "Thank for your sperm." # game/script.rpy:16424 translate english priestfuck_419039c1: # k "You are welcome." k "You are welcome." # game/script.rpy:16430 translate english priestfuck_56bdeabc: # k "What is the story of your big boobs?" k "What is the story of your big boobs?" # game/script.rpy:16431 translate english priestfuck_f33deead: # pr "When I first enter the temple other nun take care of me..." pr "When I first enter the temple other nun take care of me..." # game/script.rpy:16435 translate english priestfuck_da33d96a: # pr "They feed me with their milk every day..." pr "They feed me with their milk every day..." # game/script.rpy:16436 translate english priestfuck_73a15ac7: # pr "And masage my little boobs 3 times per day, until I reach orgasm." pr "And masage my little boobs 3 times per day, until I reach orgasm." # game/script.rpy:16437 translate english priestfuck_389857a7: # k "Only from massage and breast suck?" k "Only from massage and breast suck?" # game/script.rpy:16438 translate english priestfuck_7cc76806: # pr "They use something called 'haven oil'." pr "They use something called 'haven oil'." # game/script.rpy:16439 translate english priestfuck_664f2141: # pr "And they massage other places on my body too..." pr "And they massage other places on my body too..." # game/script.rpy:16440 translate english priestfuck_a9033a37: # k "You mean???" k "You mean???" # game/script.rpy:16444 translate english priestfuck_6088c8de: # pr "Yes they massage my pussy too...." pr "Yes they massage my pussy too...." # game/script.rpy:16445 translate english priestfuck_abdc230b: # k "How it feel?" k "How it feel?" # game/script.rpy:16446 translate english priestfuck_7973d915: # pr "They were very gentle..." pr "They were very gentle..." # game/script.rpy:16447 translate english priestfuck_37928f20: # pr "And my boobs grow with every next orgasm I feel." pr "And my boobs grow with every next orgasm I feel." # game/script.rpy:16448 translate english priestfuck_941c5105: # pr "I still remember they touch...." pr "I still remember they touch...." # game/script.rpy:16449 translate english priestfuck_72666df4: # pr "Sometimes nun come to me even in this days and touch me." pr "Sometimes nun come to me even in this days and touch me." # game/script.rpy:16453 translate english priestfuck_ea483a9d: # k "Yessssssss......" k "Yessssssss......" # game/script.rpy:16458 translate english priestfuck_e38351ae: # pr "But my boobs won't grow anymore...." pr "But my boobs won't grow anymore...." # game/script.rpy:16459 translate english priestfuck_49698941: # k "Good girl.....Maybe they grow in future more...." k "Good girl.....Maybe they grow in future more...." # game/script.rpy:16460 translate english priestfuck_ec42c403: # pr "Maybe..... Anyway. Thank for your sperm." pr "Maybe..... Anyway. Thank for your sperm." # game/script.rpy:16461 translate english priestfuck_419039c1_1: # k "You are welcome." k "You are welcome." # game/script.rpy:16467 translate english priestfuck_a4f83289: # k "Tell me about your first rape experience." k "Tell me about your first rape experience." # game/script.rpy:16471 translate english priestfuck_d77ef663: # pr "It was a long time a go... I work as a social worker in slave city." pr "It was a long time a go... I work as a social worker in slave city." # game/script.rpy:16472 translate english priestfuck_075de316: # pr "Once some jerk come to me from behind and grab me strong." pr "Once some jerk come to me from behind and grab me strong." # game/script.rpy:16473 translate english priestfuck_fe5a2760: # pr "He was too strong and...." pr "He was too strong and...." # game/script.rpy:16474 translate english priestfuck_ab09d867: # k "And???" k "And???" # game/script.rpy:16478 translate english priestfuck_ae1c659a: # pr "I can't do anything.... I feel so powerlesss...." pr "I can't do anything.... I feel so powerlesss...." # game/script.rpy:16479 translate english priestfuck_5c5e65ef: # pr "And other one came from front ant put his penis in my mounth..." pr "And other one came from front ant put his penis in my mounth..." # game/script.rpy:16480 translate english priestfuck_554c9909: # pr "He put it all in and I was choked by his cock..." pr "He put it all in and I was choked by his cock..." # game/script.rpy:16481 translate english priestfuck_ed998900: # k "Yaiks.... look like you like hard times...." k "Yaiks.... look like you like hard times...." # game/script.rpy:16482 translate english priestfuck_15827430: # pr "No I'm not it was....." pr "No I'm not it was....." # game/script.rpy:16486 translate english priestfuck_da744acb: # pr "I ..... you don't understnat that situation they fuck me from both sides..." pr "I ..... you don't understnat that situation they fuck me from both sides..." # game/script.rpy:16487 translate english priestfuck_57ce240d: # k "I think I'm understant.... you are wery nasty..." k "I think I'm understant.... you are wery nasty..." # game/script.rpy:16488 translate english priestfuck_04163ff1: # pr "Maybe a little...just...." pr "Maybe a little...just...." # game/script.rpy:16489 translate english priestfuck_53b26951: # pr "I still remember I fainted away after a while but when I wake up, my body was spreyed by sperm..." pr "I still remember I fainted away after a while but when I wake up, my body was spreyed by sperm..." # game/script.rpy:16490 translate english priestfuck_8657e1ca: # k "Take something from me too..." k "Take something from me too..." # game/script.rpy:16495 translate english priestfuck_1005cc8b: # pr "Ou..... I mean.... Thank you for your sperm...." pr "Ou..... I mean.... Thank you for your sperm...." # game/script.rpy:16496 translate english priestfuck_b2f8b28f: # k "I like when you say that..." k "I like when you say that..." # game/script.rpy:16503 translate english priestfuck_87a2dfcf: # k "I want to have fun with your nipple this time." k "I want to have fun with your nipple this time." # game/script.rpy:16504 translate english priestfuck_7b2334ef: # pr "As your wish." pr "As your wish." # game/script.rpy:16507 translate english priestfuck_b4451249: # pr "What should I do now?" pr "What should I do now?" # game/script.rpy:16508 translate english priestfuck_9ca96faa: # k "Nothing just let me have a little fun." k "Nothing just let me have a little fun." # game/script.rpy:16510 translate english priestfuck_50cc1cbe: # pr "Ouch... i mean ok." pr "Ouch... i mean ok." # game/script.rpy:16511 translate english priestfuck_245d129f: # k "What was that???" k "What was that???" # game/script.rpy:16513 translate english priestfuck_90b19673: # pr "Nothing just that move you made...." pr "Nothing just that move you made...." # game/script.rpy:16514 translate english priestfuck_ecb1f00d: # k "What move you mean?" k "What move you mean?" # game/script.rpy:16516 translate english priestfuck_2da57315: # pr "Aaaaa...... just that move...." pr "Aaaaa...... just that move...." # game/script.rpy:16517 translate english priestfuck_152eca58: # k "Is it something wrong with that move?" k "Is it something wrong with that move?" # game/script.rpy:16519 translate english priestfuck_3c3a5070: # pr "Nothing just it is like you try to penetrate my nipple.." pr "Nothing just it is like you try to penetrate my nipple.." # game/script.rpy:16520 translate english priestfuck_07b2687b: # k "Lol is it even possible??? I say I must try it againg...." k "Lol is it even possible??? I say I must try it againg...." # game/script.rpy:16522 translate english priestfuck_0a9cf101: # pr "Aaaaaa.... It look like it is possible..." pr "Aaaaaa.... It look like it is possible..." # game/script.rpy:16523 translate english priestfuck_27db5012: # k "I hope it is :) I mean..... fuck that niplle...." k "I hope it is :) I mean..... fuck that niplle...." # game/script.rpy:16525 translate english priestfuck_47f399fd: # pr "I ..... pls hurry this is...." pr "I ..... pls hurry this is...." # game/script.rpy:16526 translate english priestfuck_511035a5: # k "What? Ok don't worry I'm almost done.... just...." k "What? Ok don't worry I'm almost done.... just...." # game/script.rpy:16528 translate english priestfuck_5bbba316: # pr "Aaaaaaaaaaa....." pr "Aaaaaaaaaaa....." # game/script.rpy:16529 translate english priestfuck_c8b16ac4: # k "That soft boobies....." k "That soft boobies....." # game/script.rpy:16531 translate english priestfuck_32daabc3: # k "Fuck that nipple....." k "Fuck that nipple....." # game/script.rpy:16534 translate english priestfuck_bf922798: # pr "............" pr "............" # game/script.rpy:16535 translate english priestfuck_bd288e09: # k "Hey girl wake up you forgot something....." k "Hey girl wake up you forgot something....." # game/script.rpy:16536 translate english priestfuck_ffb6a1a1: # pr "Sorry ... I mean... Thank you for your sperm...." pr "Sorry ... I mean... Thank you for your sperm...." # game/script.rpy:16537 translate english priestfuck_c2c3560d: # k "No problem girl." k "No problem girl." # game/script.rpy:16543 translate english priestfuck_10cac6a1: # k "I'm tired a little today." k "I'm tired a little today." # game/script.rpy:16544 translate english priestfuck_44f52dd5: # k "You need to take care of me....." k "You need to take care of me....." # game/script.rpy:16545 translate english priestfuck_9b5f93ae: # pr "As your wish just stay here I do the rest." pr "As your wish just stay here I do the rest." # game/script.rpy:16547 translate english priestfuck_9ad6474e: # pr "Do you like what I do?" pr "Do you like what I do?" # game/script.rpy:16548 translate english priestfuck_0f5c9375: # k "Yes you are pretty good at it...." k "Yes you are pretty good at it...." # game/script.rpy:16550 translate english priestfuck_7217fa7a: # pr "I can make you feel...... " pr "I can make you feel...... " # game/script.rpy:16551 translate english priestfuck_81d6afa4: # k "Less talking, more move..." k "Less talking, more move..." # game/script.rpy:16553 translate english priestfuck_9850668e: # pr "As your wish...." pr "As your wish...." # game/script.rpy:16555 translate english priestfuck_b284dfe3: # pr "Do you like it?" pr "Do you like it?" # game/script.rpy:16557 translate english priestfuck_438f1046: # k "Yes... just go on give me more." k "Yes... just go on give me more." # game/script.rpy:16559 translate english priestfuck_ecb84ee2: # k "Yes...." k "Yes...." # game/script.rpy:16561 translate english priestfuck_3979b02a: # k "Come on..." k "Come on..." # game/script.rpy:16563 translate english priestfuck_76312a41: # k "I'm..." k "I'm..." # game/script.rpy:16566 translate english priestfuck_721fff29: # k "......" k "......" # game/script.rpy:16567 translate english priestfuck_fa45f289: # pr "It was good isn't it?" pr "It was good isn't it?" # game/script.rpy:16568 translate english priestfuck_ba1a89ff: # k "Yes you do a pretty good job...." k "Yes you do a pretty good job...." # game/script.rpy:16569 translate english priestfuck_82b9edc3: # pr "Thank you for your sper honey..." pr "Thank you for your sper honey..." # game/script.rpy:16570 translate english priestfuck_a2788b5a: # k "Whatever..." k "Whatever..." # game/script.rpy:16578 translate english priestfuck_93dbf90a: # k "I already do that today." k "I already do that today." # game/script.rpy:16579 translate english priestfuck_4d09ee6e: # k "Try it next day don't be so hasty." k "Try it next day don't be so hasty." # game/script.rpy:16585 translate english priestfuck_8147387e: # k "Can I help you with something?" k "Can I help you with something?" # game/script.rpy:16586 translate english priestfuck_35f6a03e: # pr "Actually... Yes!" pr "Actually... Yes!" # game/script.rpy:16587 translate english priestfuck_34f710ae: # pr "Do you see that cave?" pr "Do you see that cave?" # game/script.rpy:16588 translate english priestfuck_97e67b94: # k "YES! You mean that one you always drive me off?" k "YES! You mean that one you always drive me off?" # game/script.rpy:16589 translate english priestfuck_66556831: # pr "Of course. Grand priest Artemis lives there." pr "Of course. Grand priest Artemis lives there." # game/script.rpy:16590 translate english priestfuck_f898dd10: # k "That is a realy stupid place to live!" k "That is a realy stupid place to live!" # game/script.rpy:16594 translate english priestfuck_bde78fed: # pr "Maybe you can help her. She have some issues." pr "Maybe you can help her. She have some issues." # game/script.rpy:16595 translate english priestfuck_0941028d: # k "What kind of issues?" k "What kind of issues?" # game/script.rpy:16596 translate english priestfuck_b9bcc6a5: # pr "You will see now you can enter." pr "You will see now you can enter." # game/script.rpy:16597 translate english priestfuck_f14ec888: # k "Ehm... Ok." k "Ehm... Ok." # game/script.rpy:16602 translate english priestfuck_8147387e_1: # k "Can I help you with something?" k "Can I help you with something?" # game/script.rpy:16603 translate english priestfuck_ff6eaf56: # pr "First help Artmis!" pr "First help Artmis!" # game/script.rpy:16604 translate english priestfuck_a116f0bc: # k "Ehm of course." k "Ehm of course." # game/script.rpy:16605 translate english priestfuck_0618bd72: # pr "What are you waiting for?" pr "What are you waiting for?" # game/script.rpy:16608 translate english priestfuck_42f64d63: # k "I was in the 'grotto'." k "I was in the 'grotto'." # game/script.rpy:16609 translate english priestfuck_ec0bc325: # pr "Now you see what is inside. Or who." pr "Now you see what is inside. Or who." # game/script.rpy:16610 translate english priestfuck_870d926c: # pr "Did you try to help her escape?" pr "Did you try to help her escape?" # game/script.rpy:16611 translate english priestfuck_d6260c0b: # k "Ehm.... No! But who is she?" k "Ehm.... No! But who is she?" # game/script.rpy:16612 translate english priestfuck_cf342a71: # pr "She is our holly mother." pr "She is our holly mother." # game/script.rpy:16613 translate english priestfuck_ab6d81c3: # k "What!!!" with hpunch k "What!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:16614 translate english priestfuck_f9a35298: # pr "I mean our mother superior." pr "I mean our mother superior." # game/script.rpy:16615 translate english priestfuck_25039947: # k "Ok. Explain." k "Ok. Explain." # game/script.rpy:16616 translate english priestfuck_302686b8: # pr "Once upon a time..." pr "Once upon a time..." # game/script.rpy:16617 translate english priestfuck_09c89cda: # k "No storie just fact!" k "No storie just fact!" # game/script.rpy:16621 translate english priestfuck_01345018: # pr "It is a fact. That is the leader of our religion." pr "It is a fact. That is the leader of our religion." # game/script.rpy:16622 translate english priestfuck_7247919e: # pr "Our holly mother Artemis!" pr "Our holly mother Artemis!" # game/script.rpy:16623 translate english priestfuck_1867c186: # k "Why you tied up her???" k "Why you tied up her???" # game/script.rpy:16624 translate english priestfuck_3bd5b742: # pr "Because she is not yourself right now!" pr "Because she is not yourself right now!" # game/script.rpy:16625 translate english priestfuck_a315e88d: # k "Explain." k "Explain." # game/script.rpy:16626 translate english priestfuck_ec699576: # pr "Long time ago. After war. Many people lost their hope." pr "Long time ago. After war. Many people lost their hope." # game/script.rpy:16630 translate english priestfuck_7351be8b: # pr "One of them was young girl Artemis." pr "One of them was young girl Artemis." # game/script.rpy:16631 translate english priestfuck_98a820c9: # pr "She was flat and very shy." pr "She was flat and very shy." # game/script.rpy:16632 translate english priestfuck_cc8255cc: # k "Flat? Ok continue." k "Flat? Ok continue." # game/script.rpy:16633 translate english priestfuck_5292cdbb: # pr "Legend say her city was destroyed in the war." pr "Legend say her city was destroyed in the war." # game/script.rpy:16634 translate english priestfuck_b1d9f289: # pr "She move to local village founded after war." pr "She move to local village founded after war." # game/script.rpy:16635 translate english priestfuck_ff87e752: # pr "That village was attacked by savagers." pr "That village was attacked by savagers." # game/script.rpy:16636 translate english priestfuck_3ad6d5c6: # pr "One of the most primitive beeing in the world - half ghoul half man." pr "One of the most primitive beeing in the world - half ghoul half man." # game/script.rpy:16637 translate english priestfuck_1caff7cf: # pr "They kill almost everyone in village. When they come to her she prayed to the saints." pr "They kill almost everyone in village. When they come to her she prayed to the saints." # game/script.rpy:16638 translate english priestfuck_130f6ba4: # pr "In that moment she was possessed by the spirit of our holly mother." pr "In that moment she was possessed by the spirit of our holly mother." # game/script.rpy:16639 translate english priestfuck_45b40b4d: # pr "Her breast start to grow and her power too." pr "Her breast start to grow and her power too." # game/script.rpy:16640 translate english priestfuck_57ee0dee: # k "huh realy?" k "huh realy?" # game/script.rpy:16644 translate english priestfuck_9dace93d: # pr "Yes. Some of savagers attack her but she have the divine power in that moment." pr "Yes. Some of savagers attack her but she have the divine power in that moment." # game/script.rpy:16645 translate english priestfuck_f766c9f8: # pr "She kill them by the power of her boobs!" pr "She kill them by the power of her boobs!" # game/script.rpy:16646 translate english priestfuck_af24e844: # k "Ok stop right now! That is..." k "Ok stop right now! That is..." # game/script.rpy:16647 translate english priestfuck_3fc8819c: # pr "Crazy? That is the word you looking for right?" pr "Crazy? That is the word you looking for right?" # game/script.rpy:16648 translate english priestfuck_25281ec1: # k "Yes it is impossible!" k "Yes it is impossible!" # game/script.rpy:16652 translate english priestfuck_b7aeeb37: # pr "No one belive it first but later it will make sense to you." pr "No one belive it first but later it will make sense to you." # game/script.rpy:16653 translate english priestfuck_d389ca8e: # k "Arrrr... OK continue." k "Arrrr... OK continue." # game/script.rpy:16654 translate english priestfuck_a278ef94: # pr "Rest of savagers start to fear her and some even worship her." pr "Rest of savagers start to fear her and some even worship her." # game/script.rpy:16655 translate english priestfuck_90627b3a: # pr "She have enormous power but never use her to evil intentions. Only to protect others." pr "She have enormous power but never use her to evil intentions. Only to protect others." # game/script.rpy:16656 translate english priestfuck_8016a93a: # pr "This is the short beginning of the birth of our religion." pr "This is the short beginning of the birth of our religion." # game/script.rpy:16657 translate english priestfuck_2e17e82c: # k "Ok. So..." k "Ok. So..." # game/script.rpy:16658 translate english priestfuck_b2d042ea: # k "She was flat, savagers try to kill her and she pray and her boobs grow and she was possessed by some kind of god right?" k "She was flat, savagers try to kill her and she pray and her boobs grow and she was possessed by some kind of god right?" # game/script.rpy:16659 translate english priestfuck_dc6e0e1b: # pr "You can say it that way." pr "You can say it that way." # game/script.rpy:16660 translate english priestfuck_b9752861: # k "But..." k "But..." # game/script.rpy:16661 translate english priestfuck_9d89ce24: # k "Why the hell you tie her!!!" with hpunch k "Why the hell you tie her!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:16665 translate english priestfuck_d1a883f9: # pr "That is the probelm. After a time... many of savagers worship her." pr "That is the probelm. After a time... many of savagers worship her." # game/script.rpy:16666 translate english priestfuck_a21a73ab: # pr "But only one was worthy. The outlander who come out of nowhere." pr "But only one was worthy. The outlander who come out of nowhere." # game/script.rpy:16667 translate english priestfuck_5b1c5b31: # pr "He live in her temple and after a time he became her personal milker." pr "He live in her temple and after a time he became her personal milker." # game/script.rpy:16668 translate english priestfuck_0c665a34: # k "Seriously?" with hpunch k "Seriously?" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:16669 translate english priestfuck_381908e8: # pr "YES. But he was killed. And now our goddes have surplus of milk." pr "YES. But he was killed. And now our goddes have surplus of milk." # game/script.rpy:16670 translate english priestfuck_6d1b06e3: # pr "In that moment her old personality became unstable." pr "In that moment her old personality became unstable." # game/script.rpy:16671 translate english priestfuck_23e0f169: # pr "The Scared little girl and the divine goddes trapped in one body living in disharmony." pr "The Scared little girl and the divine goddes trapped in one body living in disharmony." # game/script.rpy:16675 translate english priestfuck_cdcb540c: # pr "Milk pressure is enormous and she can't think racionally now!" pr "Milk pressure is enormous and she can't think racionally now!" # game/script.rpy:16676 translate english priestfuck_058c3f16: # k "Ok so.... Milk her and problem over right?" k "Ok so.... Milk her and problem over right?" # game/script.rpy:16677 translate english priestfuck_25934d41: # pr "It is not so simple! We try it many times but her divine power defend her." pr "It is not so simple! We try it many times but her divine power defend her." # game/script.rpy:16678 translate english priestfuck_14d72679: # pr "She was dangerous and can hurt someone. We catch her while she was slept and tie her with sacred rope." pr "She was dangerous and can hurt someone. We catch her while she was slept and tie her with sacred rope." # game/script.rpy:16679 translate english priestfuck_361ab735: # pr "Many man and woman try to milk her but everyone fail!" pr "Many man and woman try to milk her but everyone fail!" # game/script.rpy:16680 translate english priestfuck_c3c34d2c: # k "Ok so it is my turn right?" k "Ok so it is my turn right?" # game/script.rpy:16681 translate english priestfuck_e982cc6f: # pr "Yes! Do your best!" pr "Yes! Do your best!" # game/script.rpy:16682 translate english priestfuck_1a298cb1: # k "Ok I understant.... shit...." k "Ok I understant.... shit...." # game/script.rpy:16683 translate english priestfuck_a722fb4b: # "That is not good situation. But maybe someone can help you." "That is not good situation. But maybe someone can help you." # game/script.rpy:16684 translate english priestfuck_d7a9b632: # "Look in market square maybe Trenia can help you." "Look in market square maybe Trenia can help you." # game/script.rpy:16687 translate english priestfuck_8147387e_2: # k "Can I help you with something?" k "Can I help you with something?" # game/script.rpy:16688 translate english priestfuck_2fec07a6: # pr "Actually we need breast milk." pr "Actually we need breast milk." # game/script.rpy:16689 translate english priestfuck_0ee12597: # pr "If you can sell us some milk it would be a huge help." pr "If you can sell us some milk it would be a huge help." # game/script.rpy:16690 translate english priestfuck_e05d10e0: # k "I see what I can do." k "I see what I can do." # game/script.rpy:16703 translate english priestfuck_09f39496: # mg "Can I help you?" mg "Can I help you?" # game/script.rpy:16706 translate english mmach_3cae33cb: # k "Yes I want some milk." k "Yes I want some milk." # game/script.rpy:16709 translate english mmach_cf73dbd8: # mg "Yaiks! Please insert coin." mg "Yaiks! Please insert coin." # game/script.rpy:16712 translate english mmach_becdb89a: # k "Ok that is interesting." k "Ok that is interesting." # game/script.rpy:16718 translate english mmach_03d68c70: # "wzzzzzmmmm" "wzzzzzmmmm" # game/script.rpy:16719 translate english mmach_5416d394: # k "Hmm that is realy weird machine!" k "Hmm that is realy weird machine!" # game/script.rpy:16722 translate english mmach_411da8b7: # "grrrmmmmmmm" "grrrmmmmmmm" # game/script.rpy:16723 translate english mmach_f3115e12: # mg "ooooo" mg "ooooo" # game/script.rpy:16728 translate english mmach_444dd859: # mg "Pray the holly mother!" mg "Pray the holly mother!" # game/script.rpy:16730 translate english mmach_3934ae36: # mg "Haleluja!" mg "Haleluja!" # game/script.rpy:16731 translate english mmach_d2f8f7c2: # k "You overreacting a little." k "You overreacting a little." # game/script.rpy:16738 translate english mmach_d83ccdd5: # mg "The milking process is over." mg "The milking process is over." # game/script.rpy:16739 translate english mmach_9baf4df1: # k "Ok lets taste it." k "Ok lets taste it." # game/script.rpy:16742 translate english mmach_f14c87cb: # k "Mmmmm it taste good." k "Mmmmm it taste good." # game/script.rpy:16745 translate english mmach_7118a6b5: # mg "Thank you mister come again." mg "Thank you mister come again." # game/script.rpy:16746 translate english mmach_c118e5af: # k "Anytime when I want a fresh milk." k "Anytime when I want a fresh milk." # game/script.rpy:16749 translate english mmach_d4f30367: # "You need to give some coins for that." "You need to give some coins for that." # game/script.rpy:16750 translate english mmach_404de8ce: # "Although it's only charity, but it's decent." "Although it's only charity, but it's decent." # game/script.rpy:16753 translate english mmach_4c12bfb5: # k "Yes, I have some questions for you." k "Yes, I have some questions for you." # game/script.rpy:16754 translate english mmach_8c991cec: # mg "What do you want to know?" mg "What do you want to know?" # game/script.rpy:16757 translate english mmach_7a636254: # k "Tell me something about that machine." k "Tell me something about that machine." # game/script.rpy:16758 translate english mmach_e9e3d503: # mg "This is fully automatic milk machine." mg "This is fully automatic milk machine." # game/script.rpy:16759 translate english mmach_e2904ff3: # mg "It produce high quality milk with proteins." mg "It produce high quality milk with proteins." # game/script.rpy:16760 translate english mmach_08f9d086: # mg "It was build to feed the pour and increase happiness in milkypolis." mg "It was build to feed the pour and increase happiness in milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:16761 translate english mmach_bfc3bfa0: # mg "You can offer some coins to our religion here." mg "You can offer some coins to our religion here." # game/script.rpy:16762 translate english mmach_15eb28a6: # mg "We will pray for you." mg "We will pray for you." # game/script.rpy:16763 translate english mmach_02c4c20d: # k "Ok so milk here is free?" k "Ok so milk here is free?" # game/script.rpy:16764 translate english mmach_d43e0059: # mg "Sure main purpose is to feed the hungry." mg "Sure main purpose is to feed the hungry." # game/script.rpy:16765 translate english mmach_5732ff38: # k "That is all I need to know." k "That is all I need to know." # game/script.rpy:16768 translate english mmach_9ea77aa8: # k "Who the hell are you?" k "Who the hell are you?" # game/script.rpy:16769 translate english mmach_79ad5ec0: # mg "I am a personal milking machine woman." mg "I am a personal milking machine woman." # game/script.rpy:16770 translate english mmach_a434fc33: # k "Ehm are you some kind of robot or something?" k "Ehm are you some kind of robot or something?" # game/script.rpy:16771 translate english mmach_d62ecfbd: # mg "No I am a normal human woman." mg "No I am a normal human woman." # game/script.rpy:16772 translate english mmach_f95a9390: # k "And you live in that box?" k "And you live in that box?" # game/script.rpy:16775 translate english mmach_76b35b01: # mg "Is it weird?" mg "Is it weird?" # game/script.rpy:16776 translate english mmach_23bb7bf4: # k "A little... How you can even sleep?" k "A little... How you can even sleep?" # game/script.rpy:16777 translate english mmach_eb2a11a3: # mg "Like evryone else in my bed." mg "Like evryone else in my bed." # game/script.rpy:16778 translate english mmach_8a4d5d87: # k "So this is something like your work?" k "So this is something like your work?" # game/script.rpy:16779 translate english mmach_d7e554af: # mg "No This is more than my work it is my purpose." mg "No This is more than my work it is my purpose." # game/script.rpy:16780 translate english mmach_3bdd3af5: # mg "It give a meaning to my live." mg "It give a meaning to my live." # game/script.rpy:16781 translate english mmach_912f299e: # k "Are you sure you are not a robot?" k "Are you sure you are not a robot?" # game/script.rpy:16784 translate english mmach_ce44ff78: # mg "You already ask that and answer is still same." mg "You already ask that and answer is still same." # game/script.rpy:16785 translate english mmach_2d2a9481: # mg "I am a normal human woman." mg "I am a normal human woman." # game/script.rpy:16786 translate english mmach_4771f77e: # k "Definetly not a normal... That boob size..." k "Definetly not a normal... That boob size..." # game/script.rpy:16787 translate english mmach_e0fe2650: # mg "Is a gift from our holly mother." mg "Is a gift from our holly mother." # game/script.rpy:16788 translate english mmach_3a1c4947: # k "Sure anything you say." k "Sure anything you say." # game/script.rpy:16793 translate english mmach_c3db2ae9: # k "Can I help you somehow?" k "Can I help you somehow?" # game/script.rpy:16794 translate english mmach_b966d992: # mg "Yes you can donate a few coins." mg "Yes you can donate a few coins." # game/script.rpy:16795 translate english mmach_1c4ec80e: # k "No... I mean... It is anything I can do for you?" k "No... I mean... It is anything I can do for you?" # game/script.rpy:16798 translate english mmach_7cfd0bcd: # mg "Yes if you can spare a few..." mg "Yes if you can spare a few..." # game/script.rpy:16799 translate english mmach_c123ae8c: # k "You don't get it!" with hpunch k "You don't get it!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:16800 translate english mmach_d6df89a1: # k "You live in a box kid!" k "You live in a box kid!" # game/script.rpy:16801 translate english mmach_b9132f56: # k "Maybe I can release you or something!" k "Maybe I can release you or something!" # game/script.rpy:16804 translate english mmach_9e05f7ac: # mg "I am happy in my milking machine." mg "I am happy in my milking machine." # game/script.rpy:16805 translate english mmach_81532246: # mg "It give a purpose to my live!" mg "It give a purpose to my live!" # game/script.rpy:16806 translate english mmach_86ed6a5c: # mg "It is nothing you can do for me right now." mg "It is nothing you can do for me right now." # game/script.rpy:16807 translate english mmach_00be4485: # mg "Only donate a few coins." mg "Only donate a few coins." # game/script.rpy:16808 translate english mmach_dddd7a63: # k "huh.... ok I get it..." k "huh.... ok I get it..." # game/script.rpy:16813 translate english mmach_fff8604b: # k "Can you tell me something about yourself?" k "Can you tell me something about yourself?" # game/script.rpy:16814 translate english mmach_8823bd0a: # mg "Sure what do you want to know?" mg "Sure what do you want to know?" # game/script.rpy:16815 translate english mmach_d3177da4: # k "How did you get here?" k "How did you get here?" # game/script.rpy:16818 translate english mmach_692bccd7: # mg "Like everyday I wake up and go to my milkmachine." mg "Like everyday I wake up and go to my milkmachine." # game/script.rpy:16819 translate english mmach_b21d6bd9: # k "Ehm... No I mean how you...." k "Ehm... No I mean how you...." # game/script.rpy:16820 translate english mmach_2bafbb38: # k "You born here or what?" k "You born here or what?" # game/script.rpy:16823 translate english mmach_70e815f4: # mg "Of course not! I was born in one of the richest quarters of San Francisco." mg "Of course not! I was born in one of the richest quarters of San Francisco." # game/script.rpy:16824 translate english mmach_79a309fa: # mg "My family rule the 51 percent of it." mg "My family rule the 51 percent of it." # game/script.rpy:16825 translate english mmach_2c7484ba: # k "????" k "????" # game/script.rpy:16826 translate english mmach_c7076786: # mg "It was all after war. My daddy die when I have 10 years and my mother start to rule her own buisness." mg "It was all after war. My daddy die when I have 10 years and my mother start to rule her own buisness." # game/script.rpy:16829 translate english mmach_567b74b6: # mg "Many people respect her and some even fear her!" mg "Many people respect her and some even fear her!" # game/script.rpy:16830 translate english mmach_48c75cd7: # k "So how you end like this it was some kind of revange?" k "So how you end like this it was some kind of revange?" # game/script.rpy:16831 translate english mmach_08df2d30: # mg "Nothing like that I was just lucky." mg "Nothing like that I was just lucky." # game/script.rpy:16832 translate english mmach_1ce1f2a4: # k "Lucky??? Kid you live in a box! And reobotic arms suck your milk breast!" k "Lucky??? Kid you live in a box! And reobotic arms suck your milk breast!" # game/script.rpy:16833 translate english mmach_16cae7a5: # mg "Like I said lucky!" mg "Like I said lucky!" # game/script.rpy:16834 translate english mmach_fbd5c420: # k "sigh..." k "sigh..." # game/script.rpy:16835 translate english mmach_5cfe3feb: # mg "Since I born i have some healthy issues." mg "Since I born i have some healthy issues." # game/script.rpy:16836 translate english mmach_3b626bf9: # k "Yes I see their reason very well." k "Yes I see their reason very well." # game/script.rpy:16839 translate english mmach_f01810f8: # mg "My boobs was very small in that period. I have a radiation illness." mg "My boobs was very small in that period. I have a radiation illness." # game/script.rpy:16840 translate english mmach_840bec47: # mg "When I reach 13 years I was at the end of my forces." mg "When I reach 13 years I was at the end of my forces." # game/script.rpy:16841 translate english mmach_9d2ccef6: # mg "My mommy have money and buy the best doctors. But it was not enough." mg "My mommy have money and buy the best doctors. But it was not enough." # game/script.rpy:16842 translate english mmach_92b325f1: # mg "When classic medicine fail she start to look for some other ways how to help me." mg "When classic medicine fail she start to look for some other ways how to help me." # game/script.rpy:16843 translate english mmach_1f059195: # k "And that is the moment when you find the faith right?" k "And that is the moment when you find the faith right?" # game/script.rpy:16846 translate english mmach_1b0f4315: # mg "You can say it that way. Priestess com to our house and offer help." mg "You can say it that way. Priestess com to our house and offer help." # game/script.rpy:16847 translate english mmach_2a44cc5d: # mg "Mother don't belive her in a first moment and think it is only a way how to eliminate her." mg "Mother don't belive her in a first moment and think it is only a way how to eliminate her." # game/script.rpy:16848 translate english mmach_519ee4d1: # mg "But she was despared. Priestess offer help and tell mother about side effects." mg "But she was despared. Priestess offer help and tell mother about side effects." # game/script.rpy:16849 translate english mmach_b42f1ed2: # k "You mean your boob grow right?" k "You mean your boob grow right?" # game/script.rpy:16852 translate english mmach_e334afc2: # mg "Right! And everything else is a fairy tale." mg "Right! And everything else is a fairy tale." # game/script.rpy:16853 translate english mmach_c5dc44b8: # k "What you mean by that?" k "What you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:16854 translate english mmach_832c178e: # mg "Priestess heal me - Actualy it was our holly mother Artemis. But it is not so important." mg "Priestess heal me - Actualy it was our holly mother Artemis. But it is not so important." # game/script.rpy:16855 translate english mmach_d0479f9d: # mg "After that she leave our house without any request or demands." mg "After that she leave our house without any request or demands." # game/script.rpy:16856 translate english mmach_845eb68e: # mg "But my mom start to donate them and help them build this temple." mg "But my mom start to donate them and help them build this temple." # game/script.rpy:16857 translate english mmach_7ca96f0f: # k "And what is now with your mom?" k "And what is now with your mom?" # game/script.rpy:16860 translate english mmach_ffc7e783: # mg "She still rule San Francisco." mg "She still rule San Francisco." # game/script.rpy:16861 translate english mmach_9e212710: # k "And she is happy you live like this?" k "And she is happy you live like this?" # game/script.rpy:16862 translate english mmach_f7f02bd5: # mg "Yes actualy she is also believer." mg "Yes actualy she is also believer." # game/script.rpy:16863 translate english mmach_00be7a1d: # mg "When I reach 15 Years my boobs was already F size and their still grow more." mg "When I reach 15 Years my boobs was already F size and their still grow more." # game/script.rpy:16864 translate english mmach_85602117: # mg "It was a gift from our holly mother. She give me huge boobs filled with high quality milk." mg "It was a gift from our holly mother. She give me huge boobs filled with high quality milk." # game/script.rpy:16865 translate english mmach_4f8da342: # k "Maybe she should give you a car or something." k "Maybe she should give you a car or something." # game/script.rpy:16866 translate english mmach_bf40df7f: # mg "... Anyway I can release my milk many times a day. And it give me a faithfull plessure." mg "... Anyway I can release my milk many times a day. And it give me a faithfull plessure." # game/script.rpy:16869 translate english mmach_09fbde94: # mg "So my mom hire best scientist to build this machine to help me fix that gift." mg "So my mom hire best scientist to build this machine to help me fix that gift." # game/script.rpy:16870 translate english mmach_222a1502: # mg "Then I decide To help people who were not so happy." mg "Then I decide To help people who were not so happy." # game/script.rpy:16871 translate english mmach_6678719d: # mg "And offer my milk as a free gift to them." mg "And offer my milk as a free gift to them." # game/script.rpy:16872 translate english mmach_c1a8a3f7: # k "I think you've done a lot of people happy." k "I think you've done a lot of people happy." # game/script.rpy:16873 translate english mmach_9c6c1b5f: # mg "Yes. I do a think that I love for religion I love. My live is amazing." mg "Yes. I do a think that I love for religion I love. My live is amazing." # game/script.rpy:16874 translate english mmach_721fff29: # k "......" k "......" # game/script.rpy:16875 translate english mmach_fdbf4197: # k "So you was rich girl once and now you live in milking machine without any coins or pride and you are happy." k "So you was rich girl once and now you live in milking machine without any coins or pride and you are happy." # game/script.rpy:16878 translate english mmach_4e05c761: # mg "Yes I find my puropse." mg "Yes I find my puropse." # game/script.rpy:16879 translate english mmach_77cd04fc: # k "Anything you say..." k "Anything you say..." # game/script.rpy:16884 translate english mmach_fc908386: # "How much?" "How much?" # game/script.rpy:16890 translate english mmach_29c94011: # mg "Thank you very much!" mg "Thank you very much!" # game/script.rpy:16893 translate english mmach_5a348d07: # "You need more coins." "You need more coins." # game/script.rpy:16899 translate english mmach_29c94011_1: # mg "Thank you very much!" mg "Thank you very much!" # game/script.rpy:16900 translate english mmach_5bead0ca: # mg "We use those coins well." mg "We use those coins well." # game/script.rpy:16903 translate english mmach_5a348d07_1: # "You need more coins." "You need more coins." # game/script.rpy:16909 translate english mmach_29c94011_2: # mg "Thank you very much!" mg "Thank you very much!" # game/script.rpy:16910 translate english mmach_29157fdf: # mg "We will not forget your gift." mg "We will not forget your gift." # game/script.rpy:16913 translate english mmach_5a348d07_2: # "You need more coins." "You need more coins." # game/script.rpy:16924 translate english mmach_84e16f39: # pr "Sorry but you can't enter inside." pr "Sorry but you can't enter inside." # game/script.rpy:16925 translate english mmach_24aa1026: # k "Ehm why?" k "Ehm why?" # game/script.rpy:16926 translate english mmach_b100c06a: # pr "I don't trust you. This place is not for outlanders." pr "I don't trust you. This place is not for outlanders." # game/script.rpy:16927 translate english mmach_5db97efd: # k "Any possibility you change your mind?" k "Any possibility you change your mind?" # game/script.rpy:16928 translate english mmach_f4be964b: # pr "Maybe. If you prove that you are worthy." pr "Maybe. If you prove that you are worthy." # game/script.rpy:16929 translate english mmach_5e55712d: # k "That sound... weird... but ok." k "That sound... weird... but ok." # game/script.rpy:16934 translate english mmach_dc9cc612: # ar "Please help me!" ar "Please help me!" # game/script.rpy:16935 translate english mmach_1502573d: # k "!!!" with hpunch k "!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:16936 translate english mmach_85f382e7: # k "What the hell is this?" k "What the hell is this?" # game/script.rpy:16937 translate english mmach_afa4f783: # ar "Hurry. I need your help!" ar "Hurry. I need your help!" # game/script.rpy:16938 translate english mmach_bc640fb1: # k "Sure how can I help you?" k "Sure how can I help you?" # game/script.rpy:16939 translate english mmach_18ed9715: # ar "I need to escape! That is humiliating." ar "I need to escape! That is humiliating." # game/script.rpy:16940 translate english mmach_a04e1e77: # ar "They hold me here against my will!" ar "They hold me here against my will!" # game/script.rpy:16941 translate english mmach_9786475b: # k "Ehm? What? Who hold you here?" k "Ehm? What? Who hold you here?" # game/script.rpy:16942 translate english mmach_e2394c41: # ar "The saints from Milkypolis. Please you must help me." ar "The saints from Milkypolis. Please you must help me." # game/script.rpy:16943 translate english mmach_e044318d: # k "They look like nice people to me. Why would they do it?" k "They look like nice people to me. Why would they do it?" # game/script.rpy:16944 translate english mmach_0de90cbb: # ar "They are lunatics!!! Hurry I need your help untie me!" ar "They are lunatics!!! Hurry I need your help untie me!" # game/script.rpy:16948 translate english mmach_1e3a1f3f: # k "Ok I will try!" k "Ok I will try!" # game/script.rpy:16949 translate english mmach_8172830d: # k "Maybe if I tear off that rope..." k "Maybe if I tear off that rope..." # game/script.rpy:16950 translate english mmach_1502573d_1: # k "!!!" with hpunch k "!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:16951 translate english mmach_024c4737: # k "Ouch what was that?" k "Ouch what was that?" # game/script.rpy:16952 translate english mmach_a51b7a67: # ar "It was the magick of that place." ar "It was the magick of that place." # game/script.rpy:16953 translate english mmach_24c8dcf3: # k "Magick? Seriously? Look like some kind of electric circuit." k "Magick? Seriously? Look like some kind of electric circuit." # game/script.rpy:16954 translate english mmach_97e789ac: # ar "Please help me get out." ar "Please help me get out." # game/script.rpy:16955 translate english mmach_4373e32f: # k "I realy try but that." k "I realy try but that." # game/script.rpy:16956 translate english mmach_399da613: # k "OUCH!!!" with hpunch k "OUCH!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:16957 translate english mmach_45056510: # k "No that didn't work." k "No that didn't work." # game/script.rpy:16958 translate english mmach_0e3e726e: # ar "Please the hold me here against my will." ar "Please the hold me here against my will." # game/script.rpy:16959 translate english mmach_9b3318db: # k "Ok... Listen to me... Now I go out but I will figure something. Ok?" k "Ok... Listen to me... Now I go out but I will figure something. Ok?" # game/script.rpy:16960 translate english mmach_822501cc: # ar "Please hurry..." ar "Please hurry..." # game/script.rpy:16961 translate english mmach_09386e7c: # k "That is... Bye..." k "That is... Bye..." # game/script.rpy:16964 translate english mmach_38464385: # "Slap!" with hpunch "Slap!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:16965 translate english mmach_9b708888: # ar "What are you doing?" ar "What are you doing?" # game/script.rpy:16966 translate english mmach_b162844b: # k "Ehm what do you mean?" k "Ehm what do you mean?" # game/script.rpy:16967 translate english mmach_38464385_1: # "Slap!" with hpunch "Slap!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:16968 translate english mmach_2a9e1339: # ar "Stop right now! It hurting me!" ar "Stop right now! It hurting me!" # game/script.rpy:16969 translate english mmach_3f087e61: # k "You mean this?" k "You mean this?" # game/script.rpy:16971 translate english mmach_38464385_2: # "Slap!" with hpunch "Slap!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:16972 translate english mmach_84d72549: # ar "Auuuu." ar "Auuuu." # game/script.rpy:16973 translate english mmach_69e207fc: # k "Come on it was a weak slap." k "Come on it was a weak slap." # game/script.rpy:16974 translate english mmach_38464385_3: # "Slap!" with hpunch "Slap!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:16975 translate english mmach_a0711684: # ar "Please stop!" ar "Please stop!" # game/script.rpy:16976 translate english mmach_5656c93f: # k "Ok I just want to..." k "Ok I just want to..." # game/script.rpy:16977 translate english mmach_38464385_4: # "Slap!" with hpunch "Slap!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:16978 translate english mmach_06d30feb: # k "Touch them a little." k "Touch them a little." # game/script.rpy:16979 translate english mmach_b198db9b: # ar "..." ar "..." # game/script.rpy:16981 translate english mmach_960465a9: # ar "Please help me escape!" ar "Please help me escape!" # game/script.rpy:16982 translate english mmach_8931d9b2: # k "That again?" k "That again?" # game/script.rpy:16983 translate english mmach_afa4f783_1: # ar "Hurry. I need your help!" ar "Hurry. I need your help!" # game/script.rpy:16984 translate english mmach_a718c037: # k "And where is that red places from my slap?" k "And where is that red places from my slap?" # game/script.rpy:16985 translate english mmach_5c0cff64: # ar "Untie me please." ar "Untie me please." # game/script.rpy:16986 translate english mmach_9fc812d4: # "It looks like something weird is happening here" "It looks like something weird is happening here" # game/script.rpy:16987 translate english mmach_51dc6122: # "Need to figure out what!" "Need to figure out what!" # game/script.rpy:16990 translate english mmach_5393acf9: # k "Ok girl that can help you." k "Ok girl that can help you." # game/script.rpy:16991 translate english mmach_e25a1ed5: # "You start to masturbate." "You start to masturbate." # game/script.rpy:16992 translate english mmach_3a9723df: # ar "What are you doing?" with hpunch ar "What are you doing?" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:16993 translate english mmach_6f598e80: # k "Relax this will help you a lot." k "Relax this will help you a lot." # game/script.rpy:16994 translate english mmach_a8377ea3: # ar "No stop you pervert don't touch yourself!" ar "No stop you pervert don't touch yourself!" # game/script.rpy:16995 translate english mmach_4b78dca5: # k "Shut up already... Or not it turn me on." k "Shut up already... Or not it turn me on." # game/script.rpy:16997 translate english mmach_f1eae6cb: # ar "No please." ar "No please." # game/script.rpy:16998 translate english mmach_9bf6d1f0: # k "Yes please!" k "Yes please!" # game/script.rpy:17000 translate english mmach_45222502: # ar "Please help me escape." ar "Please help me escape." # game/script.rpy:17002 translate english mmach_763177ca: # k "Yeah! " with hpunch k "Yeah! " with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17003 translate english mmach_e1fed9e3: # k "Heh. Look at you!" k "Heh. Look at you!" # game/script.rpy:17004 translate english mmach_b198db9b_1: # ar "..." ar "..." # game/script.rpy:17005 translate english mmach_edfce984: # k "Hello?" k "Hello?" # game/script.rpy:17007 translate english mmach_01e350f5: # k "Is anybody home?" k "Is anybody home?" # game/script.rpy:17009 translate english mmach_dc9cc612_1: # ar "Please help me!" ar "Please help me!" # game/script.rpy:17010 translate english mmach_17239772: # k "What??? Where is my sperm?" k "What??? Where is my sperm?" # game/script.rpy:17011 translate english mmach_afa4f783_2: # ar "Hurry. I need your help!" ar "Hurry. I need your help!" # game/script.rpy:17012 translate english mmach_02b04ef6: # k "Answer my question first!" k "Answer my question first!" # game/script.rpy:17013 translate english mmach_75e5991c: # ar "I don't know anything about your sperm." ar "I don't know anything about your sperm." # game/script.rpy:17014 translate english mmach_5c0cff64_1: # ar "Untie me please." ar "Untie me please." # game/script.rpy:17015 translate english mmach_9fc812d4_1: # "It looks like something weird is happening here" "It looks like something weird is happening here" # game/script.rpy:17016 translate english mmach_51dc6122_1: # "Need to figure out what!" "Need to figure out what!" # game/script.rpy:17020 translate english mmach_dc9cc612_2: # ar "Please help me!" ar "Please help me!" # game/script.rpy:17021 translate english mmach_8931d9b2_1: # k "That again?" k "That again?" # game/script.rpy:17022 translate english mmach_90ea4cfd: # k "We try it once do you remember?" k "We try it once do you remember?" # game/script.rpy:17023 translate english mmach_afa4f783_3: # ar "Hurry. I need your help!" ar "Hurry. I need your help!" # game/script.rpy:17024 translate english mmach_cc2b1f5b: # k "It is like some kind of recorder." k "It is like some kind of recorder." # game/script.rpy:17025 translate english mmach_18ed9715_1: # ar "I need to escape! That is humiliating." ar "I need to escape! That is humiliating." # game/script.rpy:17026 translate english mmach_a04e1e77_1: # ar "They hold me here against my will!" ar "They hold me here against my will!" # game/script.rpy:17027 translate english mmach_c03ddd16: # k "Yes I konw." k "Yes I konw." # game/script.rpy:17028 translate english mmach_c1af119d: # ar "Please you must help me." ar "Please you must help me." # game/script.rpy:17029 translate english mmach_878e3fea: # k "You think priests holding you there right?" k "You think priests holding you there right?" # game/script.rpy:17030 translate english mmach_0de90cbb_1: # ar "They are lunatics!!! Hurry I need your help untie me!" ar "They are lunatics!!! Hurry I need your help untie me!" # game/script.rpy:17033 translate english mmach_1e3a1f3f_1: # k "Ok I will try!" k "Ok I will try!" # game/script.rpy:17034 translate english mmach_8172830d_1: # k "Maybe if I tear off that rope..." k "Maybe if I tear off that rope..." # game/script.rpy:17035 translate english mmach_1502573d_2: # k "!!!" with hpunch k "!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17036 translate english mmach_024c4737_1: # k "Ouch what was that?" k "Ouch what was that?" # game/script.rpy:17037 translate english mmach_a51b7a67_1: # ar "It was the magick of that place." ar "It was the magick of that place." # game/script.rpy:17038 translate english mmach_24c8dcf3_1: # k "Magick? Seriously? Look like some kind of electric circuit." k "Magick? Seriously? Look like some kind of electric circuit." # game/script.rpy:17039 translate english mmach_97e789ac_1: # ar "Please help me get out." ar "Please help me get out." # game/script.rpy:17040 translate english mmach_4373e32f_1: # k "I realy try but that." k "I realy try but that." # game/script.rpy:17041 translate english mmach_399da613_1: # k "OUCH!!!" with hpunch k "OUCH!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17042 translate english mmach_45056510_1: # k "No that didn't work." k "No that didn't work." # game/script.rpy:17043 translate english mmach_0e3e726e_1: # ar "Please the hold me here against my will." ar "Please the hold me here against my will." # game/script.rpy:17044 translate english mmach_9b3318db_1: # k "Ok... Listen to me... Now I go out but I will figure something. Ok?" k "Ok... Listen to me... Now I go out but I will figure something. Ok?" # game/script.rpy:17045 translate english mmach_822501cc_1: # ar "Please hurry..." ar "Please hurry..." # game/script.rpy:17046 translate english mmach_09386e7c_1: # k "That is... Bye..." k "That is... Bye..." # game/script.rpy:17049 translate english mmach_38464385_5: # "Slap!" with hpunch "Slap!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17050 translate english mmach_9b708888_1: # ar "What are you doing?" ar "What are you doing?" # game/script.rpy:17051 translate english mmach_b162844b_1: # k "Ehm what do you mean?" k "Ehm what do you mean?" # game/script.rpy:17052 translate english mmach_38464385_6: # "Slap!" with hpunch "Slap!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17053 translate english mmach_2a9e1339_1: # ar "Stop right now! It hurting me!" ar "Stop right now! It hurting me!" # game/script.rpy:17054 translate english mmach_3f087e61_1: # k "You mean this?" k "You mean this?" # game/script.rpy:17056 translate english mmach_38464385_7: # "Slap!" with hpunch "Slap!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17057 translate english mmach_84d72549_1: # ar "Auuuu." ar "Auuuu." # game/script.rpy:17058 translate english mmach_69e207fc_1: # k "Come on it was a weak slap." k "Come on it was a weak slap." # game/script.rpy:17059 translate english mmach_38464385_8: # "Slap!" with hpunch "Slap!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17060 translate english mmach_a0711684_1: # ar "Please stop!" ar "Please stop!" # game/script.rpy:17061 translate english mmach_5656c93f_1: # k "Ok I just want to..." k "Ok I just want to..." # game/script.rpy:17062 translate english mmach_38464385_9: # "Slap!" with hpunch "Slap!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17063 translate english mmach_06d30feb_1: # k "Touch them a little." k "Touch them a little." # game/script.rpy:17064 translate english mmach_b198db9b_2: # ar "..." ar "..." # game/script.rpy:17066 translate english mmach_960465a9_1: # ar "Please help me escape!" ar "Please help me escape!" # game/script.rpy:17067 translate english mmach_8931d9b2_2: # k "That again?" k "That again?" # game/script.rpy:17068 translate english mmach_afa4f783_4: # ar "Hurry. I need your help!" ar "Hurry. I need your help!" # game/script.rpy:17069 translate english mmach_a718c037_1: # k "And where is that red places from my slap?" k "And where is that red places from my slap?" # game/script.rpy:17070 translate english mmach_5c0cff64_2: # ar "Untie me please." ar "Untie me please." # game/script.rpy:17071 translate english mmach_9fc812d4_2: # "It looks like something weird is happening here" "It looks like something weird is happening here" # game/script.rpy:17072 translate english mmach_51dc6122_2: # "Need to figure out what!" "Need to figure out what!" # game/script.rpy:17075 translate english mmach_5393acf9_1: # k "Ok girl that can help you." k "Ok girl that can help you." # game/script.rpy:17076 translate english mmach_e25a1ed5_1: # "You start to masturbate." "You start to masturbate." # game/script.rpy:17077 translate english mmach_3a9723df_1: # ar "What are you doing?" with hpunch ar "What are you doing?" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17078 translate english mmach_6f598e80_1: # k "Relax this will help you a lot." k "Relax this will help you a lot." # game/script.rpy:17079 translate english mmach_a8377ea3_1: # ar "No stop you pervert don't touch yourself!" ar "No stop you pervert don't touch yourself!" # game/script.rpy:17080 translate english mmach_4b78dca5_1: # k "Shut up already... Or not it turn me on." k "Shut up already... Or not it turn me on." # game/script.rpy:17082 translate english mmach_f1eae6cb_1: # ar "No please." ar "No please." # game/script.rpy:17083 translate english mmach_9bf6d1f0_1: # k "Yes please!" k "Yes please!" # game/script.rpy:17085 translate english mmach_45222502_1: # ar "Please help me escape." ar "Please help me escape." # game/script.rpy:17087 translate english mmach_763177ca_1: # k "Yeah! " with hpunch k "Yeah! " with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17088 translate english mmach_e1fed9e3_1: # k "Heh. Look at you!" k "Heh. Look at you!" # game/script.rpy:17089 translate english mmach_b198db9b_3: # ar "..." ar "..." # game/script.rpy:17090 translate english mmach_edfce984_1: # k "Hello?" k "Hello?" # game/script.rpy:17092 translate english mmach_01e350f5_1: # k "Is anybody home?" k "Is anybody home?" # game/script.rpy:17094 translate english mmach_dc9cc612_3: # ar "Please help me!" ar "Please help me!" # game/script.rpy:17095 translate english mmach_17239772_1: # k "What??? Where is my sperm?" k "What??? Where is my sperm?" # game/script.rpy:17096 translate english mmach_afa4f783_5: # ar "Hurry. I need your help!" ar "Hurry. I need your help!" # game/script.rpy:17097 translate english mmach_02b04ef6_1: # k "Answer my question first!" k "Answer my question first!" # game/script.rpy:17098 translate english mmach_75e5991c_1: # ar "I don't know anything about your sperm." ar "I don't know anything about your sperm." # game/script.rpy:17099 translate english mmach_5c0cff64_3: # ar "Untie me please." ar "Untie me please." # game/script.rpy:17100 translate english mmach_9fc812d4_3: # "It looks like something weird is happening here" "It looks like something weird is happening here" # game/script.rpy:17101 translate english mmach_51dc6122_3: # "Need to figure out what!" "Need to figure out what!" # game/script.rpy:17106 translate english mmach_dc9cc612_4: # ar "Please help me!" ar "Please help me!" # game/script.rpy:17107 translate english mmach_9e4e8942: # k "Sure I am ready for it!" k "Sure I am ready for it!" # game/script.rpy:17108 translate english mmach_2a2086b0: # k "Just relax." k "Just relax." # game/script.rpy:17109 translate english mmach_afa4f783_6: # ar "Hurry. I need your help!" ar "Hurry. I need your help!" # game/script.rpy:17110 translate english mmach_e21e6e27: # k "Ok first I need to put this gloves..." k "Ok first I need to put this gloves..." # game/script.rpy:17111 translate english mmach_18ed9715_2: # ar "I need to escape! That is humiliating." ar "I need to escape! That is humiliating." # game/script.rpy:17112 translate english mmach_a04e1e77_2: # ar "They hold me here against my will!" ar "They hold me here against my will!" # game/script.rpy:17113 translate english mmach_d6481245: # k "Yes I konw. So what is wrong with that gloves." k "Yes I konw. So what is wrong with that gloves." # game/script.rpy:17114 translate english mmach_c1af119d_1: # ar "Please you must help me." ar "Please you must help me." # game/script.rpy:17115 translate english mmach_e6969b23: # k "Shut up I can't concentrate!" with hpunch k "Shut up I can't concentrate!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17116 translate english mmach_161c752a: # k "They are smaller than my hands... Push hard." k "They are smaller than my hands... Push hard." # game/script.rpy:17117 translate english mmach_9334da1b: # ar "They are lunatics!!! Hurry I need your help, untie me!" ar "They are lunatics!!! Hurry I need your help, untie me!" # game/script.rpy:17118 translate english mmach_a4f48317: # k "Shut up already! Haaaaaaaa... arghhh..." with vpunch k "Shut up already! Haaaaaaaa... arghhh..." with vpunch # game/script.rpy:17119 translate english mmach_ee03e656: # k "What is wrong with that gloves??? help!!!" k "What is wrong with that gloves??? help!!!" # game/script.rpy:17121 translate english mmach_66b9f7f5: # k "Arrggggg..." k "Arrggggg..." # game/script.rpy:17123 translate english mmach_4fc6bb5e: # k "What was that?" k "What was that?" # game/script.rpy:17124 translate english mmach_80714f88: # ar "Please untie me!" ar "Please untie me!" # game/script.rpy:17125 translate english mmach_636e989b: # k "It look like that glowes merged with the skin." k "It look like that glowes merged with the skin." # game/script.rpy:17126 translate english mmach_958486ec: # k "The pain is gone... Ok... Time for some milking!" k "The pain is gone... Ok... Time for some milking!" # game/script.rpy:17129 translate english mmach_4534ff2d: # k "It works!" with hpunch k "It works!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17130 translate english mmach_01a42c6d: # ar "aaaaa" ar "aaaaa" # game/script.rpy:17131 translate english mmach_6d194193: # k "Yes you like it." k "Yes you like it." # game/script.rpy:17134 translate english mmach_50de2a10: # k "And more milk is comming." k "And more milk is comming." # game/script.rpy:17135 translate english mmach_b8dbe8ac: # ar "Do it harder!" ar "Do it harder!" # game/script.rpy:17138 translate english mmach_626700cc: # k "Ok be calm!" k "Ok be calm!" # game/script.rpy:17139 translate english mmach_308e0092: # ar "Use both hands!" ar "Use both hands!" # game/script.rpy:17142 translate english mmach_c792e641: # k "I use both hands!" k "I use both hands!" # game/script.rpy:17143 translate english mmach_8e0fc27a: # ar "At same time!" ar "At same time!" # game/script.rpy:17146 translate english mmach_6d09fd3f: # k "It work!" k "It work!" # game/script.rpy:17147 translate english mmach_5245b170: # ar "Yes more!!!" ar "Yes more!!!" # game/script.rpy:17150 translate english mmach_468a76ea: # k "Ehm... What happened you don't want to escape again?" k "Ehm... What happened you don't want to escape again?" # game/script.rpy:17151 translate english mmach_bcc24308: # ar "Don't be ridiculous and milk me more!" ar "Don't be ridiculous and milk me more!" # game/script.rpy:17154 translate english mmach_a897c723: # k "Ehm sure... I don't get it but it is fun." k "Ehm sure... I don't get it but it is fun." # game/script.rpy:17157 translate english mmach_fc53b4c9: # ar "Aaaaaa more... That is so good!" ar "Aaaaaa more... That is so good!" # game/script.rpy:17160 translate english mmach_a37e05f1: # k "Huh... ok I will continue..." k "Huh... ok I will continue..." # game/script.rpy:17164 translate english mmach_0de6745e: # k "It look like I can do that forewer. Milk is still comming out." k "It look like I can do that forewer. Milk is still comming out." # game/script.rpy:17165 translate english mmach_29392679: # ar "Yes that is one of my power. My milk can feed many." ar "Yes that is one of my power. My milk can feed many." # game/script.rpy:17166 translate english mmach_1463f460: # ar "You can stop now. Meet me in the temple!" ar "You can stop now. Meet me in the temple!" # game/script.rpy:17171 translate english mmach_8e6f6073: # k "Huh??? what happened?" k "Huh??? what happened?" # game/script.rpy:17172 translate english mmach_1813f5b9: # k "Ehm maybe I should go to the temple." k "Ehm maybe I should go to the temple." # game/script.rpy:17177 translate english mmach_dc9cc612_5: # ar "Please help me!" ar "Please help me!" # game/script.rpy:17178 translate english mmach_8931d9b2_3: # k "That again?" k "That again?" # game/script.rpy:17179 translate english mmach_90ea4cfd_1: # k "We try it once do you remember?" k "We try it once do you remember?" # game/script.rpy:17180 translate english mmach_afa4f783_7: # ar "Hurry. I need your help!" ar "Hurry. I need your help!" # game/script.rpy:17181 translate english mmach_cc2b1f5b_1: # k "It is like some kind of recorder." k "It is like some kind of recorder." # game/script.rpy:17182 translate english mmach_18ed9715_3: # ar "I need to escape! That is humiliating." ar "I need to escape! That is humiliating." # game/script.rpy:17183 translate english mmach_a04e1e77_3: # ar "They hold me here against my will!" ar "They hold me here against my will!" # game/script.rpy:17184 translate english mmach_c03ddd16_1: # k "Yes I konw." k "Yes I konw." # game/script.rpy:17185 translate english mmach_c1af119d_2: # ar "Please you must help me." ar "Please you must help me." # game/script.rpy:17186 translate english mmach_878e3fea_1: # k "You think priests holding you there right?" k "You think priests holding you there right?" # game/script.rpy:17187 translate english mmach_0de90cbb_2: # ar "They are lunatics!!! Hurry I need your help untie me!" ar "They are lunatics!!! Hurry I need your help untie me!" # game/script.rpy:17191 translate english mmach_855c75e0: # k "Time for some milking!" k "Time for some milking!" # game/script.rpy:17194 translate english mmach_1c3028e9: # k "Yes a lot of milk again!" with hpunch k "Yes a lot of milk again!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17195 translate english mmach_01a42c6d_1: # ar "aaaaa" ar "aaaaa" # game/script.rpy:17196 translate english mmach_bdd33365: # k "You like it." k "You like it." # game/script.rpy:17199 translate english mmach_50de2a10_1: # k "And more milk is comming." k "And more milk is comming." # game/script.rpy:17200 translate english mmach_b8dbe8ac_1: # ar "Do it harder!" ar "Do it harder!" # game/script.rpy:17203 translate english mmach_626700cc_1: # k "Ok be calm!" k "Ok be calm!" # game/script.rpy:17204 translate english mmach_308e0092_1: # ar "Use both hands!" ar "Use both hands!" # game/script.rpy:17207 translate english mmach_85506b81: # k "Step by step be patient." k "Step by step be patient." # game/script.rpy:17208 translate english mmach_3bbe05ab: # ar "Sure." ar "Sure." # game/script.rpy:17211 translate english mmach_864f99c8: # k "You want that right?" k "You want that right?" # game/script.rpy:17212 translate english mmach_5245b170_1: # ar "Yes more!!!" ar "Yes more!!!" # game/script.rpy:17215 translate english mmach_6e8e7e6c: # k "No problem." k "No problem." # game/script.rpy:17216 translate english mmach_69a13932: # ar "Milk me more!" ar "Milk me more!" # game/script.rpy:17219 translate english mmach_5d451f8e: # k "Ehm sure... It is fun." k "Ehm sure... It is fun." # game/script.rpy:17222 translate english mmach_fc53b4c9_1: # ar "Aaaaaa more... That is so good!" ar "Aaaaaa more... That is so good!" # game/script.rpy:17225 translate english mmach_a37e05f1_1: # k "Huh... ok I will continue..." k "Huh... ok I will continue..." # game/script.rpy:17229 translate english mmach_0de6745e_1: # k "It look like I can do that forewer. Milk is still comming out." k "It look like I can do that forewer. Milk is still comming out." # game/script.rpy:17230 translate english mmach_eed90c90: # k "But I think this is enough." k "But I think this is enough." # game/script.rpy:17231 translate english mmach_f86a12e6: # ar "Yes thank you my lovely milker." ar "Yes thank you my lovely milker." # game/script.rpy:17232 translate english mmach_3348d938: # ar "You can stop now. I will go to the temple!" ar "You can stop now. I will go to the temple!" # game/script.rpy:17236 translate english mmach_202d0808: # k "Yeah that again. What a weird.... spell???" k "Yeah that again. What a weird.... spell???" # game/script.rpy:17240 translate english mmach_38464385_10: # "Slap!" with hpunch "Slap!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17241 translate english mmach_9b708888_2: # ar "What are you doing?" ar "What are you doing?" # game/script.rpy:17242 translate english mmach_b162844b_2: # k "Ehm what do you mean?" k "Ehm what do you mean?" # game/script.rpy:17243 translate english mmach_38464385_11: # "Slap!" with hpunch "Slap!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17244 translate english mmach_2a9e1339_2: # ar "Stop right now! It hurting me!" ar "Stop right now! It hurting me!" # game/script.rpy:17245 translate english mmach_3f087e61_2: # k "You mean this?" k "You mean this?" # game/script.rpy:17247 translate english mmach_38464385_12: # "Slap!" with hpunch "Slap!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17248 translate english mmach_84d72549_2: # ar "Auuuu." ar "Auuuu." # game/script.rpy:17249 translate english mmach_69e207fc_2: # k "Come on it was a weak slap." k "Come on it was a weak slap." # game/script.rpy:17250 translate english mmach_38464385_13: # "Slap!" with hpunch "Slap!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17251 translate english mmach_a0711684_2: # ar "Please stop!" ar "Please stop!" # game/script.rpy:17252 translate english mmach_5656c93f_2: # k "Ok I just want to..." k "Ok I just want to..." # game/script.rpy:17253 translate english mmach_38464385_14: # "Slap!" with hpunch "Slap!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17254 translate english mmach_06d30feb_2: # k "Touch them a little." k "Touch them a little." # game/script.rpy:17255 translate english mmach_b198db9b_4: # ar "..." ar "..." # game/script.rpy:17257 translate english mmach_960465a9_2: # ar "Please help me escape!" ar "Please help me escape!" # game/script.rpy:17258 translate english mmach_e5e101ff: # k "Look like she is back to normal." k "Look like she is back to normal." # game/script.rpy:17259 translate english mmach_afa4f783_8: # ar "Hurry. I need your help!" ar "Hurry. I need your help!" # game/script.rpy:17260 translate english mmach_444c7bdd: # k "Everything reset again." k "Everything reset again." # game/script.rpy:17261 translate english mmach_5c0cff64_4: # ar "Untie me please." ar "Untie me please." # game/script.rpy:17262 translate english mmach_4ea56489: # "Ok you enjoy it time for something else." "Ok you enjoy it time for something else." # game/script.rpy:17265 translate english mmach_5393acf9_2: # k "Ok girl that can help you." k "Ok girl that can help you." # game/script.rpy:17266 translate english mmach_e25a1ed5_2: # "You start to masturbate." "You start to masturbate." # game/script.rpy:17267 translate english mmach_3a9723df_2: # ar "What are you doing?" with hpunch ar "What are you doing?" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17268 translate english mmach_6f598e80_2: # k "Relax this will help you a lot." k "Relax this will help you a lot." # game/script.rpy:17269 translate english mmach_a8377ea3_2: # ar "No stop you pervert don't touch yourself!" ar "No stop you pervert don't touch yourself!" # game/script.rpy:17270 translate english mmach_4b78dca5_2: # k "Shut up already... Or not it turn me on." k "Shut up already... Or not it turn me on." # game/script.rpy:17272 translate english mmach_f1eae6cb_2: # ar "No please." ar "No please." # game/script.rpy:17273 translate english mmach_9bf6d1f0_2: # k "Yes please!" k "Yes please!" # game/script.rpy:17275 translate english mmach_45222502_2: # ar "Please help me escape." ar "Please help me escape." # game/script.rpy:17277 translate english mmach_763177ca_2: # k "Yeah! " with hpunch k "Yeah! " with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17278 translate english mmach_e1fed9e3_2: # k "Heh. Look at you!" k "Heh. Look at you!" # game/script.rpy:17279 translate english mmach_b198db9b_5: # ar "..." ar "..." # game/script.rpy:17280 translate english mmach_edfce984_2: # k "Hello?" k "Hello?" # game/script.rpy:17282 translate english mmach_8d5aabda: # k "Ok she was in reset mood it will come soon." k "Ok she was in reset mood it will come soon." # game/script.rpy:17284 translate english mmach_dc9cc612_6: # ar "Please help me!" ar "Please help me!" # game/script.rpy:17285 translate english mmach_09c2bcac: # k "And here it is." k "And here it is." # game/script.rpy:17286 translate english mmach_afa4f783_9: # ar "Hurry. I need your help!" ar "Hurry. I need your help!" # game/script.rpy:17287 translate english mmach_57d35fe8: # k "No time for that. Heh." k "No time for that. Heh." # game/script.rpy:17288 translate english mmach_5c0cff64_5: # ar "Untie me please." ar "Untie me please." # game/script.rpy:17289 translate english mmach_5798fe69: # k "Maybe this is her purpose. Time for something else." k "Maybe this is her purpose. Time for something else." # game/script.rpy:17293 translate english mmach_4a6fc149: # "The grotto is empty." "The grotto is empty." # game/script.rpy:17300 translate english mpries_ea16e17f: # "You try to find grand priest but it look like noone is here." "You try to find grand priest but it look like noone is here." # game/script.rpy:17301 translate english mpries_75b198bc: # "You should try to find her in grotto." "You should try to find her in grotto." # game/script.rpy:17304 translate english mpries_d8499a18: # "Grand priest is not here." "Grand priest is not here." # game/script.rpy:17305 translate english mpries_5f37a36b: # "You need to help her first. Talk with priest." "You need to help her first. Talk with priest." # game/script.rpy:17312 translate english mpries_2a8a9f2c: # ar "Here is my lovely milker!" ar "Here is my lovely milker!" # game/script.rpy:17313 translate english mpries_5db158dc: # ar "How can I help you?" ar "How can I help you?" # game/script.rpy:17316 translate english mpries_d50ff52d: # k "Tell me something about your religion." k "Tell me something about your religion." # game/script.rpy:17317 translate english mpries_61ada0e6: # ar "And what you mean by that?" ar "And what you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:17318 translate english mpries_8748d007: # k "What is your main principles or what is your dogma?" k "What is your main principles or what is your dogma?" # game/script.rpy:17322 translate english mpries_551a55ac: # ar "I will crush everyone who will stand against me!!!" with hpunch ar "I will crush everyone who will stand against me!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17323 translate english mpries_0d730294: # k "Seriously?" k "Seriously?" # game/script.rpy:17327 translate english mpries_6d54b3f1: # ar "No just kidding." ar "No just kidding." # game/script.rpy:17328 translate english mpries_153d9a81: # ar "I belive in live, love, beauty and peace." ar "I belive in live, love, beauty and peace." # game/script.rpy:17329 translate english mpries_864f7a9c: # ar "Everyone who follow me should belive in same principles." ar "Everyone who follow me should belive in same principles." # game/script.rpy:17330 translate english mpries_2d37ef6d: # k "Ok but If I understant it. You are a godess right?" k "Ok but If I understant it. You are a godess right?" # game/script.rpy:17331 translate english mpries_9ec6f7c5: # ar "Yes that is true." ar "Yes that is true." # game/script.rpy:17332 translate english mpries_3586cfd7: # k "So you have a big power just do whatever you want." k "So you have a big power just do whatever you want." # game/script.rpy:17333 translate english mpries_d7b854d3: # k "So kill everyone who opose you and spare only good people." k "So kill everyone who opose you and spare only good people." # game/script.rpy:17337 translate english mpries_204a0054: # ar "Why would I do that? I am immortal and human live is so short." ar "Why would I do that? I am immortal and human live is so short." # game/script.rpy:17338 translate english mpries_76f49f53: # ar "I belive in peace and love not in death and fear." ar "I belive in peace and love not in death and fear." # game/script.rpy:17339 translate english mpries_0c1e2ad5: # ar "You as a human beign can't understant it but the choice is a most important thing you have." ar "You as a human beign can't understant it but the choice is a most important thing you have." # game/script.rpy:17340 translate english mpries_f2e2f3d8: # ar "I belive you have an ability to make the world a better place. You just need to try." ar "I belive you have an ability to make the world a better place. You just need to try." # game/script.rpy:17341 translate english mpries_04e96f3f: # k "Ehm... but it is a lot of thing I can't do." k "Ehm... but it is a lot of thing I can't do." # game/script.rpy:17342 translate english mpries_0a7998a9: # k "A lot of thing I can't affect which is not my fault." k "A lot of thing I can't affect which is not my fault." # game/script.rpy:17346 translate english mpries_787983eb: # ar "I hear that many times before. And you know what? I live long enough to know that is not true." ar "I hear that many times before. And you know what? I live long enough to know that is not true." # game/script.rpy:17347 translate english mpries_cd75ac7c: # ar "It is always your fault. You can make the world better place you just need to belive it." ar "It is always your fault. You can make the world better place you just need to belive it." # game/script.rpy:17348 translate english mpries_ee90902c: # k "....." k "....." # game/script.rpy:17349 translate english mpries_f0bbcd95: # k "I am not sure what you mean by that." k "I am not sure what you mean by that." # game/script.rpy:17350 translate english mpries_e2ec4cc3: # ar "Maybe you will understant some day." ar "Maybe you will understant some day." # game/script.rpy:17355 translate english mpries_74db9fca: # k "I have some questions. First who are you?" k "I have some questions. First who are you?" # game/script.rpy:17356 translate english mpries_b20e9f37: # ar "I am a high priestess of the milkypolis religion." ar "I am a high priestess of the milkypolis religion." # game/script.rpy:17357 translate english mpries_89242c76: # ar "I am a little girl who prayed for a miracle." ar "I am a little girl who prayed for a miracle." # game/script.rpy:17358 translate english mpries_f5ad996e: # ar "I am a goddes in the body of the mortal." ar "I am a goddes in the body of the mortal." # game/script.rpy:17362 translate english mpries_f58462f7: # ar "I am Artemis!" with hpunch ar "I am Artemis!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17363 translate english mpries_005b53e5: # k "Ok. So what of it is true?" k "Ok. So what of it is true?" # game/script.rpy:17364 translate english mpries_c76b1cad: # ar "Everything! I help little girl to extend her life." ar "Everything! I help little girl to extend her life." # game/script.rpy:17368 translate english mpries_e0b0e8a3: # ar "She was so despared. Form that time our lives are connected." ar "She was so despared. Form that time our lives are connected." # game/script.rpy:17369 translate english mpries_e5bbe6d2: # k "So you are a parastie?" k "So you are a parastie?" # game/script.rpy:17370 translate english mpries_ea8823ba: # ar "No I am here becasuse she need me. I will leave her body in the moment she say it to me." ar "No I am here becasuse she need me. I will leave her body in the moment she say it to me." # game/script.rpy:17371 translate english mpries_e3bfcaf3: # k "But what about that grotto incident?" k "But what about that grotto incident?" # game/script.rpy:17372 translate english mpries_d08c31b2: # k "She want escape!" k "She want escape!" # game/script.rpy:17376 translate english mpries_16aeb59d: # ar "That was not her. You can call it local deformation." ar "That was not her. You can call it local deformation." # game/script.rpy:17377 translate english mpries_f0bbcd95_1: # k "I am not sure what you mean by that." k "I am not sure what you mean by that." # game/script.rpy:17378 translate english mpries_70791955: # ar "Her body was empowered but it is still only human doby who possess divine power." ar "Her body was empowered but it is still only human doby who possess divine power." # game/script.rpy:17379 translate english mpries_526448f4: # ar "My milk is very strong. When it start overflow with hole body it is a disaster." ar "My milk is very strong. When it start overflow with hole body it is a disaster." # game/script.rpy:17380 translate english mpries_1c5800e2: # ar "That is a reason why we go to the grotto and tie ourself." ar "That is a reason why we go to the grotto and tie ourself." # game/script.rpy:17381 translate english mpries_b5418403: # k "Ok so... So you need to be milked right?" k "Ok so... So you need to be milked right?" # game/script.rpy:17385 translate english mpries_e836419b: # ar "That is right. After three day I start to loose control of the body so as my loyal Artemis." ar "That is right. After three day I start to loose control of the body so as my loyal Artemis." # game/script.rpy:17386 translate english mpries_d6465b35: # ar "The battle between pain and mind escalate to agony. In that moment it is impossible to think clearly." ar "The battle between pain and mind escalate to agony. In that moment it is impossible to think clearly." # game/script.rpy:17387 translate english mpries_f37c901d: # k "So I can milk you every day to prevent that?" k "So I can milk you every day to prevent that?" # game/script.rpy:17388 translate english mpries_a4a029f4: # ar "It is your honor and duty." ar "It is your honor and duty." # game/script.rpy:17389 translate english mpries_170d5f19: # k "Is here anything else I should know about you?" k "Is here anything else I should know about you?" # game/script.rpy:17390 translate english mpries_59676cbb: # ar "Yes it is impossible for you to milk me if the oroginal owner of that body didn't like you." ar "Yes it is impossible for you to milk me if the oroginal owner of that body didn't like you." # game/script.rpy:17391 translate english mpries_83db75c9: # k "You mean... She like me?" k "You mean... She like me?" # game/script.rpy:17392 translate english mpries_d5297241: # ar "Of course you can talk with her if you want." ar "Of course you can talk with her if you want." # game/script.rpy:17397 translate english mpries_4d294308: # ar "No I don't want it what if he don't like me?" ar "No I don't want it what if he don't like me?" # game/script.rpy:17398 translate english mpries_e4a0c26a: # k "Ehm ... Do you know I can hear you right?" k "Ehm ... Do you know I can hear you right?" # game/script.rpy:17399 translate english mpries_c0fd04fc: # ar "Nooo I .... please swap again..." ar "Nooo I .... please swap again..." # game/script.rpy:17400 translate english mpries_552c110d: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:17404 translate english mpries_5130dbf5: # ar "Hahaha..... She is very shy.." ar "Hahaha..... She is very shy.." # game/script.rpy:17405 translate english mpries_acf8468e: # k "Ok I get it what was that?" k "Ok I get it what was that?" # game/script.rpy:17406 translate english mpries_32df821f: # ar "I swap her min to the front. So she have full control." ar "I swap her min to the front. So she have full control." # game/script.rpy:17407 translate english mpries_5dc93b42: # k "That can be interesting sometimes." k "That can be interesting sometimes." # game/script.rpy:17408 translate english mpries_8f86d48f: # k "Anything else I should know?" k "Anything else I should know?" # game/script.rpy:17409 translate english mpries_95003cc6: # ar "Nothin for now." ar "Nothin for now." # game/script.rpy:17415 translate english mpries_c8aaee1c: # "Sorry no time for that!" "Sorry no time for that!" # game/script.rpy:17419 translate english mpries_cc23359a: # k "I think this is a good time to milk you." k "I think this is a good time to milk you." # game/script.rpy:17420 translate english mpries_e6ee430d: # ar "Sure I am always ready." ar "Sure I am always ready." # game/script.rpy:17422 translate english mpries_e9443956: # ar "We can start when you want." ar "We can start when you want." # game/script.rpy:17426 translate english mpries_ba8b29a7: # k "It is a good feel to hold your boobs." k "It is a good feel to hold your boobs." # game/script.rpy:17427 translate english mpries_e0fd82bf: # ar "It is your privilage." ar "It is your privilage." # game/script.rpy:17428 translate english mpries_b00649b6: # ar "How you want to milk me?" ar "How you want to milk me?" # game/script.rpy:17436 translate english armilk_7c29335a: # k "Your boobs look very good." k "Your boobs look very good." # game/script.rpy:17437 translate english armilk_b7a4d669: # k "And they are heavy too." k "And they are heavy too." # game/script.rpy:17438 translate english armilk_9d5c9379: # k "I realy like them." k "I realy like them." # game/script.rpy:17439 translate english armilk_d9b8d52b: # ar "It is a divine boobs. You should pray to them!" ar "It is a divine boobs. You should pray to them!" # game/script.rpy:17440 translate english armilk_721fff29: # k "......" k "......" # game/script.rpy:17441 translate english armilk_b621322b: # k "Sure." k "Sure." # game/script.rpy:17451 translate english armilk_e6ee2eaf: # ar "aaaaa...Nice move...." ar "aaaaa...Nice move...." # game/script.rpy:17452 translate english armilk_20d2a845: # k "Yes that boob realy love me!" k "Yes that boob realy love me!" # game/script.rpy:17453 translate english armilk_13a382f6: # ar "It love your touch." ar "It love your touch." # game/script.rpy:17454 translate english armilk_d84acf01: # k "Huh seriously I didn't know that." k "Huh seriously I didn't know that." # game/script.rpy:17457 translate english armilk_e696d871: # ar "Yess Awesome!" ar "Yess Awesome!" # game/script.rpy:17458 translate english armilk_119eb75e: # k "Ehm I try to pleasure you." k "Ehm I try to pleasure you." # game/script.rpy:17459 translate english armilk_55f5707e: # ar "Well done! You make your godess happy." ar "Well done! You make your godess happy." # game/script.rpy:17460 translate english armilk_5dfb145c: # k "That is good to hear." k "That is good to hear." # game/script.rpy:17463 translate english armilk_9b8f293e: # k "Right boob look better." k "Right boob look better." # game/script.rpy:17464 translate english armilk_35c2a017: # ar "You like only my right boob?" ar "You like only my right boob?" # game/script.rpy:17465 translate english armilk_2b4e8a41: # k "i mean both are nice. But..." k "i mean both are nice. But..." # game/script.rpy:17466 translate english armilk_6a4e6782: # ar "BUT???" ar "BUT???" # game/script.rpy:17467 translate english armilk_e54bf357: # k "Nothing." k "Nothing." # game/script.rpy:17477 translate english armilk_d1425d6c: # ar "ouuuu yesss..." ar "ouuuu yesss..." # game/script.rpy:17478 translate english armilk_14716add: # k "I think this is bigger!" k "I think this is bigger!" # game/script.rpy:17479 translate english armilk_94db3451: # ar "They are simetric!" ar "They are simetric!" # game/script.rpy:17480 translate english armilk_9e535433: # k "But this is bigger!" k "But this is bigger!" # game/script.rpy:17481 translate english armilk_6832ee05: # ar "No it is not!" ar "No it is not!" # game/script.rpy:17483 translate english armilk_82091822: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:17486 translate english armilk_6c94c946: # ar "Harder!" ar "Harder!" # game/script.rpy:17487 translate english armilk_685ad123: # k "I will crush it if I push harder." k "I will crush it if I push harder." # game/script.rpy:17488 translate english armilk_784590da: # ar "HAHAAHAHA. They are both indestructible!" ar "HAHAAHAHA. They are both indestructible!" # game/script.rpy:17489 translate english armilk_b39f349c: # k "Is that even possible?" k "Is that even possible?" # game/script.rpy:17490 translate english armilk_694eddd4: # ar "Maybe you will understant it later." ar "Maybe you will understant it later." # game/script.rpy:17492 translate english armilk_221a6d19: # k "Maybe." k "Maybe." # game/script.rpy:17495 translate english armilk_9a8d97d1: # k "I feel something weird when I do that." k "I feel something weird when I do that." # game/script.rpy:17496 translate english armilk_85ef469f: # ar "It is normal to feel emberased." ar "It is normal to feel emberased." # game/script.rpy:17497 translate english armilk_7c45c8a6: # k "I feel it in my pants!" k "I feel it in my pants!" # game/script.rpy:17498 translate english armilk_d2793781: # ar "Maybe I can help you with that." ar "Maybe I can help you with that." # game/script.rpy:17499 translate english armilk_383eff22: # k "Yes you can I am 100 percent sure." k "Yes you can I am 100 percent sure." # game/script.rpy:17500 translate english armilk_599a6721: # ar "Maybe later" ar "Maybe later" # game/script.rpy:17512 translate english armilk_21cc7a92: # k "They are so heavy." k "They are so heavy." # game/script.rpy:17513 translate english armilk_7f9b67b6: # k "I have a problem to hold them both." k "I have a problem to hold them both." # game/script.rpy:17514 translate english armilk_21204853: # ar "Because you are just a mortal." ar "Because you are just a mortal." # game/script.rpy:17515 translate english armilk_51a7256b: # k "Ehm... Yes I am." k "Ehm... Yes I am." # game/script.rpy:17518 translate english armilk_b03fc2ba: # k "This is one of the best boobs in the world." k "This is one of the best boobs in the world." # game/script.rpy:17519 translate english armilk_5de9ef49: # ar "Actualy that is a true." ar "Actualy that is a true." # game/script.rpy:17520 translate english armilk_517d122f: # k "You are not very humble right?" k "You are not very humble right?" # game/script.rpy:17521 translate english armilk_be4c1a3d: # ar "I am a godess!" ar "I am a godess!" # game/script.rpy:17524 translate english armilk_228c6b2d: # k "Amazing... I can hold them both." k "Amazing... I can hold them both." # game/script.rpy:17525 translate english armilk_c0a110ec: # ar "It is your privilage!" ar "It is your privilage!" # game/script.rpy:17526 translate english armilk_a3113c7c: # k "That is a good one." k "That is a good one." # game/script.rpy:17527 translate english armilk_aa774a4b: # k "How many boob holder you have before me?" k "How many boob holder you have before me?" # game/script.rpy:17528 translate english armilk_9ad66732: # ar "You are a milker not boob holder!" ar "You are a milker not boob holder!" # game/script.rpy:17529 translate english armilk_bb6a4a57: # k "So how many?" k "So how many?" # game/script.rpy:17530 translate english armilk_2e2c5c30: # ar ".... arroun hundred..." ar ".... arroun hundred..." # game/script.rpy:17533 translate english armilk_ee947303: # ar "That feel so good!" ar "That feel so good!" # game/script.rpy:17534 translate english armilk_81be44f7: # k "I start to be good at this right?" k "I start to be good at this right?" # game/script.rpy:17535 translate english armilk_b988abd9: # ar "Yes you make some progress." ar "Yes you make some progress." # game/script.rpy:17538 translate english armilk_28dab122: # k "OK time to release some milk." k "OK time to release some milk." # game/script.rpy:17539 translate english armilk_79483ad7: # ar "Yes press them harder!" ar "Yes press them harder!" # game/script.rpy:17541 translate english armilk_275e8af4: # k "Maybe a little more." k "Maybe a little more." # game/script.rpy:17546 translate english armilk_a24f1ea1: # ar "Harder!" with hpunch ar "Harder!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:17549 translate english armilk_36a3ad4d: # ar "aaaaaarrrr" ar "aaaaaarrrr" # game/script.rpy:17550 translate english armilk_91365457: # k "Amazing. Pure milk." k "Amazing. Pure milk." # game/script.rpy:17551 translate english armilk_795e0ca6: # ar "yeesssss...." ar "yeesssss...." # game/script.rpy:17558 translate english armilk_c9c47193: # k "What a waste." k "What a waste." # game/script.rpy:17559 translate english armilk_31ec0c6f: # ar "Don't wory priest will come and clean it." ar "Don't wory priest will come and clean it." # game/script.rpy:17560 translate english armilk_531643ef: # ar "We still can use every last drop of it." ar "We still can use every last drop of it." # game/script.rpy:17561 translate english armilk_48fb0446: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:17568 translate english armilk_88d36715: # k "Is there anything what we can do together?" k "Is there anything what we can do together?" # game/script.rpy:17569 translate english armilk_61acb0c0: # k "I maen except milking you." k "I maen except milking you." # game/script.rpy:17570 translate english armilk_0d3ee0de: # ar "And what do you want to do?" ar "And what do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:17571 translate english armilk_5366c548: # k "Maybe something more... intimate..." k "Maybe something more... intimate..." # game/script.rpy:17572 translate english armilk_387a317f: # ar "hmm... maybe if you are prove that you are worthy." ar "hmm... maybe if you are prove that you are worthy." # game/script.rpy:17573 translate english armilk_a7967829: # k "I think I already do that when I help you with milking." k "I think I already do that when I help you with milking." # game/script.rpy:17574 translate english armilk_1b740ece: # ar "That is your first good step. When I belive you generous too." ar "That is your first good step. When I belive you generous too." # game/script.rpy:17575 translate english armilk_8fe02f04: # k "Generous... hmm..." k "Generous... hmm..." # game/script.rpy:17580 translate english armilk_67b77855: # ar "You are really generous." ar "You are really generous." # game/script.rpy:17581 translate english armilk_e1733861: # k "Ehm thank you." k "Ehm thank you." # game/script.rpy:17582 translate english armilk_202c9414: # ar "Now I can help you to release your love juice." ar "Now I can help you to release your love juice." # game/script.rpy:17583 translate english armilk_0709cae5: # k "That is actualy nice from you." k "That is actualy nice from you." # game/script.rpy:17584 translate english armilk_f1995fcc: # ar "It is a privilage and you earn it." ar "It is a privilage and you earn it." # game/script.rpy:17592 translate english armilk_5e838c46: # k "Jump right to the action. Hope you are ready!" k "Jump right to the action. Hope you are ready!" # game/script.rpy:17593 translate english armilk_7c121782: # ar "Do what you want." ar "Do what you want." # game/script.rpy:17598 translate english armilk_80500675: # ar "arrrr" ar "arrrr" # game/script.rpy:17599 translate english armilk_bc4f466b: # k "That is what I want!" k "That is what I want!" # game/script.rpy:17600 translate english armilk_8cfad944: # ar "Do you like be inside the godess pussy?" ar "Do you like be inside the godess pussy?" # game/script.rpy:17601 translate english armilk_94136651: # k "Yes it is the best!" k "Yes it is the best!" # game/script.rpy:17602 translate english armilk_b198db9b: # ar "..." ar "..." # game/script.rpy:17603 translate english armilk_030034e2: # k "Ou fuck!" k "Ou fuck!" # game/script.rpy:17604 translate english armilk_cdca71fb: # k "That boobs is awesome!" k "That boobs is awesome!" # game/script.rpy:17609 translate english armilk_2e67a1df: # ar "Yes push them more!" ar "Yes push them more!" # game/script.rpy:17610 translate english armilk_d7cc2ebd: # k "Be sure I will!" k "Be sure I will!" # game/script.rpy:17612 translate english armilk_68b56b7c: # ar "Now you can complete your holly mission!" ar "Now you can complete your holly mission!" # game/script.rpy:17613 translate english armilk_a15fdad8: # k "YES and gain some experience points!" k "YES and gain some experience points!" # game/script.rpy:17614 translate english armilk_70e19910: # ar "What???" ar "What???" # game/script.rpy:17615 translate english armilk_1ef6d883: # k "Not sure...." k "Not sure...." # game/script.rpy:17619 translate english armilk_48a7dfff: # k "Nice!" k "Nice!" # game/script.rpy:17620 translate english armilk_5864eff0: # k "What a feel..." k "What a feel..." # game/script.rpy:17621 translate english armilk_0bc215ff: # ar "AAaaa...That is something you earn..." ar "AAaaa...That is something you earn..." # game/script.rpy:17623 translate english armilk_72118ed3: # ar "Come visit me soon..." ar "Come visit me soon..." # game/script.rpy:17626 translate english armilk_c86cc433: # "Sorry but you have no energy for that." "Sorry but you have no energy for that." # game/script.rpy:17631 translate english armilk_eeaacb48: # k "Can I help you with somthing?" k "Can I help you with somthing?" # game/script.rpy:17632 translate english armilk_df30671e: # ar "Nothing right now." ar "Nothing right now." # game/script.rpy:17633 translate english armilk_d0f631b5: # ar "Maybe I have something for you later. We will see." ar "Maybe I have something for you later. We will see." # game/script.rpy:17640 translate english armilk_c5b05781: # o "What kind of milk you want?" o "What kind of milk you want?" # game/script.rpy:17643 translate english armilk_70c8a1b1: # k "That taste is...." k "That taste is...." # game/script.rpy:17645 translate english armilk_b6934841: # k ".... a little salty." k ".... a little salty." # game/script.rpy:17646 translate english armilk_d892d91f: # k "Personally I preffer more sweeter taste." k "Personally I preffer more sweeter taste." # game/script.rpy:17649 translate english armilk_70c8a1b1_1: # k "That taste is...." k "That taste is...." # game/script.rpy:17650 translate english armilk_08c27fd9: # k "... it is hard to describe...." k "... it is hard to describe...." # game/script.rpy:17651 translate english armilk_3a5f6c94: # k "Something like gummi bears with caramel flawor." k "Something like gummi bears with caramel flawor." # game/script.rpy:17654 translate english armilk_70c8a1b1_2: # k "That taste is...." k "That taste is...." # game/script.rpy:17655 translate english armilk_eb8e1a03: # k "A little spicy on one side..." k "A little spicy on one side..." # game/script.rpy:17656 translate english armilk_4baf044c: # k "And taste like metal on second." k "And taste like metal on second." # game/script.rpy:17660 translate english armilk_e53d6829: # k "So you need to taste this one." k "So you need to taste this one." # game/script.rpy:17661 translate english armilk_c28a42fb: # hun "What is it some kind of poison?" hun "What is it some kind of poison?" # game/script.rpy:17662 translate english armilk_4f12d82f: # k "Don't be so suspicious. I drink first." k "Don't be so suspicious. I drink first." # game/script.rpy:17664 translate english armilk_d36f06e2: # k "See it is harmless. And very tasty." k "See it is harmless. And very tasty." # game/script.rpy:17665 translate english armilk_5ade5cb7: # hun "Ok. Give it to me." hun "Ok. Give it to me." # game/script.rpy:17667 translate english armilk_f31c2e7f: # hun "....... oooooo ......" hun "....... oooooo ......" # game/script.rpy:17669 translate english armilk_a7b4aae3: # hun "THAT IS AMAZING! WHAT IS IT?" hun "THAT IS AMAZING! WHAT IS IT?" # game/script.rpy:17670 translate english armilk_7f7b5f50: # k "That my friend is milk from deathclaw chest." k "That my friend is milk from deathclaw chest." # game/script.rpy:17671 translate english armilk_d8ba88f0: # hun "You can't be serious. That unbelievable taste." hun "You can't be serious. That unbelievable taste." # game/script.rpy:17672 translate english armilk_96732f21: # hun "I want more!!!" hun "I want more!!!" # game/script.rpy:17673 translate english armilk_a3598031: # k "Yes. But problem is.... if you kill deathclaw, no more will be." k "Yes. But problem is.... if you kill deathclaw, no more will be." # game/script.rpy:17674 translate english armilk_644fceff: # hun "Hmm.... I see......." hun "Hmm.... I see......." # game/script.rpy:17675 translate english armilk_4f487243: # hun "I think about them only as about monsters." hun "I think about them only as about monsters." # game/script.rpy:17676 translate english armilk_ca0e7362: # hun "But now.... I think..... I didn't want to kill them anymore." hun "But now.... I think..... I didn't want to kill them anymore." # game/script.rpy:17677 translate english armilk_7a6bf754: # hun "If they can create something that pressure and tasty they can't be dangerous." hun "If they can create something that pressure and tasty they can't be dangerous." # game/script.rpy:17678 translate english armilk_77440797: # k "YES..... I love that logick." k "YES..... I love that logick." # game/script.rpy:17679 translate english armilk_e94f8272: # hun "Exactly.... I will end my journey as a hunter." hun "Exactly.... I will end my journey as a hunter." # game/script.rpy:17680 translate english armilk_cdeb3dbb: # hun "And begin journey as a milk master." hun "And begin journey as a milk master." # game/script.rpy:17681 translate english armilk_00e55d96: # k "Good luck with that... And rember every creature can be rare." k "Good luck with that... And rember every creature can be rare." # game/script.rpy:17682 translate english armilk_5d5f06a8: # hun "Goodbye my friend. You show me new way." hun "Goodbye my friend. You show me new way." # game/script.rpy:17687 translate english armilk_a72d382c: # k "That taste is..." k "That taste is..." # game/script.rpy:17688 translate english armilk_80a2dbbd: # k ".... unbelivable......" k ".... unbelivable......" # game/script.rpy:17689 translate english armilk_ceeb899c: # k "Like having sex on the golden unicorn with ten women. And eat lobster with cheese sauce." k "Like having sex on the golden unicorn with ten women. And eat lobster with cheese sauce." # game/script.rpy:17690 translate english armilk_642c3581: # k "All in same time." k "All in same time." # game/script.rpy:17697 translate english armilk_a8f8e492: # o "You have no milk." o "You have no milk." # game/script.rpy:17701 translate english armilk_fb80d5d0: # o "You sell milk for 500 coins and return fast to vault." o "You sell milk for 500 coins and return fast to vault." # game/script.rpy:17707 translate english armilk_9862eacd: # pr "Thank you wery much." pr "Thank you wery much." # game/script.rpy:17711 translate english armilk_ff682c9d: # o "You sell some milk for 500 coins and return fast to vault." o "You sell some milk for 500 coins and return fast to vault." # game/script.rpy:17753 translate english market_48c82f8f: # sel "Do you want to buy something?" sel "Do you want to buy something?" # game/script.rpy:17754 translate english market_34d50338: # sel "Or you stop here only for chit - chat?" sel "Or you stop here only for chit - chat?" # game/script.rpy:17763 translate english dea_0c9c5f9f: # sel "Once upon a time. I was a small deathclaw in wild nature." sel "Once upon a time. I was a small deathclaw in wild nature." # game/script.rpy:17764 translate english dea_05c50a61: # sel "The world is big and I was another small creature." sel "The world is big and I was another small creature." # game/script.rpy:17768 translate english dea_25c964d1: # sel "Then Enclave soldiers come to me and catch me to net." sel "Then Enclave soldiers come to me and catch me to net." # game/script.rpy:17769 translate english dea_a20a3389: # sel "Then they inject me FEV virus and drop me in Vault 13." sel "Then they inject me FEV virus and drop me in Vault 13." # game/script.rpy:17770 translate english dea_6ad97dd8: # sel "One Enclave doctor study and experimented on me." sel "One Enclave doctor study and experimented on me." # game/script.rpy:17771 translate english dea_6c84a11d: # sel "After a few days I start to understant him." sel "After a few days I start to understant him." # game/script.rpy:17772 translate english dea_5d9073a6: # k "That is interesting. What was he like?" k "That is interesting. What was he like?" # game/script.rpy:17773 translate english dea_aa4d23bf: # sel "He was realy kind and tell me about everything." sel "He was realy kind and tell me about everything." # game/script.rpy:17774 translate english dea_3f40b2b6: # sel "Culture, poetry, movies and how world look before war." sel "Culture, poetry, movies and how world look before war." # game/script.rpy:17775 translate english dea_177b1227: # sel "He tell me I'm special, and other deathclaws will never be like me." sel "He tell me I'm special, and other deathclaws will never be like me." # game/script.rpy:17776 translate english dea_7ecae591: # sel "Then in one day, he say it is not safe to me in Vault anymore." sel "Then in one day, he say it is not safe to me in Vault anymore." # game/script.rpy:17777 translate english dea_8d2e1480: # sel "He inject me some drug and I fall asleep." sel "He inject me some drug and I fall asleep." # game/script.rpy:17778 translate english dea_bc8ef446: # k "Why would he do that?" k "Why would he do that?" # game/script.rpy:17779 translate english dea_40dc2cef: # sel "I don't know. But next thing I remember was I wake up in Market square." sel "I don't know. But next thing I remember was I wake up in Market square." # game/script.rpy:17780 translate english dea_24d8876e: # sel "Big Ronda tell me this is my new home. She give me place to live." sel "Big Ronda tell me this is my new home. She give me place to live." # game/script.rpy:17781 translate english dea_90e3cb6a: # sel "After a few months I try to find Vault 13 again." sel "After a few months I try to find Vault 13 again." # game/script.rpy:17782 translate english dea_d99fb283: # sel "But it was empty. Only dead man and deatclaws body lay there." sel "But it was empty. Only dead man and deatclaws body lay there." # game/script.rpy:17783 translate english dea_a3981e60: # sel "So I return to Market square. And live here happily." sel "So I return to Market square. And live here happily." # game/script.rpy:17788 translate english dea_4e9dd86c: # sel "I think I already tell you that." sel "I think I already tell you that." # game/script.rpy:17789 translate english dea_11d04879: # sel "Do you want to hera it again?" sel "Do you want to hera it again?" # game/script.rpy:17792 translate english dea_e49a2ff0: # k "Yes please. I love to hear your voice." k "Yes please. I love to hear your voice." # game/script.rpy:17793 translate english dea_0c9c5f9f_1: # sel "Once upon a time. I was a small deathclaw in wild nature." sel "Once upon a time. I was a small deathclaw in wild nature." # game/script.rpy:17794 translate english dea_05c50a61_1: # sel "The world is big and I was another small creature." sel "The world is big and I was another small creature." # game/script.rpy:17798 translate english dea_25c964d1_1: # sel "Then Enclave soldiers come to me and catch me to net." sel "Then Enclave soldiers come to me and catch me to net." # game/script.rpy:17799 translate english dea_a20a3389_1: # sel "Then they inject me FEV virus and drop me in Vault 13." sel "Then they inject me FEV virus and drop me in Vault 13." # game/script.rpy:17800 translate english dea_6ad97dd8_1: # sel "One Enclave doctor study and experimented on me." sel "One Enclave doctor study and experimented on me." # game/script.rpy:17801 translate english dea_6c84a11d_1: # sel "After a few days I start to understant him." sel "After a few days I start to understant him." # game/script.rpy:17802 translate english dea_5d9073a6_1: # k "That is interesting. What was he like?" k "That is interesting. What was he like?" # game/script.rpy:17803 translate english dea_aa4d23bf_1: # sel "He was realy kind and tell me about everything." sel "He was realy kind and tell me about everything." # game/script.rpy:17804 translate english dea_3f40b2b6_1: # sel "Culture, poetry, movies and how world look before war." sel "Culture, poetry, movies and how world look before war." # game/script.rpy:17805 translate english dea_177b1227_1: # sel "He tell me I'm special, and other deathclaws will never be like me." sel "He tell me I'm special, and other deathclaws will never be like me." # game/script.rpy:17806 translate english dea_7ecae591_1: # sel "Then in one day, he say it is not safe to me in Vault anymore." sel "Then in one day, he say it is not safe to me in Vault anymore." # game/script.rpy:17807 translate english dea_8d2e1480_1: # sel "He inject me some drug and I fall asleep." sel "He inject me some drug and I fall asleep." # game/script.rpy:17808 translate english dea_bc8ef446_1: # k "Why would he do that?" k "Why would he do that?" # game/script.rpy:17809 translate english dea_40dc2cef_1: # sel "I don't know. But next thing I remember was I wake up in Market square." sel "I don't know. But next thing I remember was I wake up in Market square." # game/script.rpy:17810 translate english dea_24d8876e_1: # sel "Big Ronda tell me this is my new home. She give me place to live." sel "Big Ronda tell me this is my new home. She give me place to live." # game/script.rpy:17811 translate english dea_90e3cb6a_1: # sel "After a few months I try to find Vault 13 again." sel "After a few months I try to find Vault 13 again." # game/script.rpy:17812 translate english dea_d99fb283_1: # sel "But it was empty. Only dead man and deatclaws body lay there." sel "But it was empty. Only dead man and deatclaws body lay there." # game/script.rpy:17813 translate english dea_a3981e60_1: # sel "So I return to Market square. And live here happily." sel "So I return to Market square. And live here happily." # game/script.rpy:17817 translate english dea_523f5f03: # k "I remember that story but tell me." k "I remember that story but tell me." # game/script.rpy:17818 translate english dea_52f75ef2: # k "How you get your own store in Market square?" k "How you get your own store in Market square?" # game/script.rpy:17822 translate english dea_c2971d27: # sel "That is another story." sel "That is another story." # game/script.rpy:17823 translate english dea_472afaf1: # sel "When I explore Vault 13. I find a lot of that bodies." sel "When I explore Vault 13. I find a lot of that bodies." # game/script.rpy:17824 translate english dea_b79d525c: # sel "The have some coins and usefull items." sel "The have some coins and usefull items." # game/script.rpy:17825 translate english dea_496810b2: # k "So you take their items and sell it?" k "So you take their items and sell it?" # game/script.rpy:17826 translate english dea_e0f47aff: # sel "No all that things is just crap." sel "No all that things is just crap." # game/script.rpy:17827 translate english dea_aac02e6e: # sel "I need something with value so, I try to find some technology." sel "I need something with value so, I try to find some technology." # game/script.rpy:17828 translate english dea_635db219: # sel "And then Jackpot. Weapons, armors, and water chip." sel "And then Jackpot. Weapons, armors, and water chip." # game/script.rpy:17829 translate english dea_a9e3cd3d: # sel "All hide in secret room." sel "All hide in secret room." # game/script.rpy:17830 translate english dea_26af9f9c: # k "How the hell you find that secret room?" k "How the hell you find that secret room?" # game/script.rpy:17834 translate english dea_de3063f9: # sel "That was actualy the easy part." sel "That was actualy the easy part." # game/script.rpy:17835 translate english dea_c0f339c2: # sel "I already know about it because my doctor told it." sel "I already know about it because my doctor told it." # game/script.rpy:17836 translate english dea_1866f08a: # sel "I return to Market square and sell some things." sel "I return to Market square and sell some things." # game/script.rpy:17837 translate english dea_7876c481: # sel "Then I want to buy this shop from Big Ronda." sel "Then I want to buy this shop from Big Ronda." # game/script.rpy:17838 translate english dea_a5143749: # sel "But for that I need to sold som of my breast milk." sel "But for that I need to sold som of my breast milk." # game/script.rpy:17839 translate english dea_a7c6dfde: # sel "Milkypolis pay me many coins for deathclaw milk." sel "Milkypolis pay me many coins for deathclaw milk." # game/script.rpy:17840 translate english dea_ff53bf68: # sel "Now I have one of best shops in the world." sel "Now I have one of best shops in the world." # game/script.rpy:17841 translate english dea_edeabbb1: # sel "But I'm still selling breast milk to Milkypolis." sel "But I'm still selling breast milk to Milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:17844 translate english dea_42a69ed4: # k "No actually I want to talk about something else." k "No actually I want to talk about something else." # game/script.rpy:17845 translate english dea_c7a7f9eb: # sel "So what do you want to hear?" sel "So what do you want to hear?" # game/script.rpy:17856 translate english dea_88e6b65c: # sel "I hear someone talking about smart deathclaw." sel "I hear someone talking about smart deathclaw." # game/script.rpy:17857 translate english dea_35b757b4: # sel "I wonder if it is about me." sel "I wonder if it is about me." # game/script.rpy:17864 translate english dea_8455eba6: # sel "Sisterhood of steel try to make perfect mutant." sel "Sisterhood of steel try to make perfect mutant." # game/script.rpy:17865 translate english dea_542c1bf3: # sel "Copulating with deathclaws floaters and kentaurs." sel "Copulating with deathclaws floaters and kentaurs." # game/script.rpy:17866 translate english dea_13719b8e: # sel "But real reason for that is just perverse fun." sel "But real reason for that is just perverse fun." # game/script.rpy:17873 translate english dea_b6d225cd: # sel "Visit Slave city if you want real fun." sel "Visit Slave city if you want real fun." # game/script.rpy:17874 translate english dea_6663bdcc: # sel "And say them I send you." sel "And say them I send you." # game/script.rpy:17875 translate english dea_c00c1169: # sel "They give me some refunds." sel "They give me some refunds." # game/script.rpy:17884 translate english dea_6bcaf6e1: # sel "I remember hard times in vault 13." sel "I remember hard times in vault 13." # game/script.rpy:17885 translate english dea_e4cc7c40: # sel "I hear it was destroyed by enclave." sel "I hear it was destroyed by enclave." # game/script.rpy:17886 translate english dea_d4b4c474: # sel "Did you hear something about it?" sel "Did you hear something about it?" # game/script.rpy:17893 translate english dea_06b0bcaa: # sel "One time i wisit Milkypolis." sel "One time i wisit Milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:17894 translate english dea_d3489f30: # sel "They pay me some coins for breast milk." sel "They pay me some coins for breast milk." # game/script.rpy:17895 translate english dea_274709b9: # sel "I bought that shiny armor for that coins." sel "I bought that shiny armor for that coins." # game/script.rpy:17902 translate english dea_dd842d51: # sel "Big Ronda is my idol." sel "Big Ronda is my idol." # game/script.rpy:17903 translate english dea_5d11c947: # sel "I wish I can be like her." sel "I wish I can be like her." # game/script.rpy:17904 translate english dea_c13abd77: # sel "Unfortunately I can't." sel "Unfortunately I can't." # game/script.rpy:17913 translate english dea_d64b032f: # sel "I know answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything." sel "I know answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything." # game/script.rpy:17914 translate english dea_9af2b0a9: # sel "It is 42." sel "It is 42." # game/script.rpy:17921 translate english dea_c4e1d641: # sel "I saw crashed whale and petunia flower pot." sel "I saw crashed whale and petunia flower pot." # game/script.rpy:17922 translate english dea_76188445: # sel "Actualy that flower was Agrajag." sel "Actualy that flower was Agrajag." # game/script.rpy:17932 translate english dea_c5bec03d: # sel "Actualy maybe you can help me with something." sel "Actualy maybe you can help me with something." # game/script.rpy:17933 translate english dea_f22bfd2b: # sel "I hear rumors about smart deathclaw." sel "I hear rumors about smart deathclaw." # game/script.rpy:17934 translate english dea_0d62c746: # sel "First I think it is about me but now I'm not sure." sel "First I think it is about me but now I'm not sure." # game/script.rpy:17935 translate english dea_ef806160: # k "Why you think it is about someone else?" k "Why you think it is about someone else?" # game/script.rpy:17936 translate english dea_85993cca: # sel "Someone tell about man deathclaw." sel "Someone tell about man deathclaw." # game/script.rpy:17937 translate english dea_ac9ac7f2: # k "I see... You don't look like man." k "I see... You don't look like man." # game/script.rpy:17938 translate english dea_34551fd4: # sel "Exactly! So.... Can you help me?" sel "Exactly! So.... Can you help me?" # game/script.rpy:17939 translate english dea_e69a22f3: # k "No problem. Any clues for start?" k "No problem. Any clues for start?" # game/script.rpy:17940 translate english dea_568c6f21: # sel "Visit Slave city maybe you find someone who know anything about it." sel "Visit Slave city maybe you find someone who know anything about it." # game/script.rpy:17941 translate english dea_e05d10e0: # k "I see what I can do." k "I see what I can do." # game/script.rpy:17949 translate english dea_57e296a3: # sel "Did you find something about man deathclaw?" sel "Did you find something about man deathclaw?" # game/script.rpy:17950 translate english dea_8447b50c: # k "Nothing for now." k "Nothing for now." # game/script.rpy:17951 translate english dea_5b6e9d16: # sel "Try to look in Slave city." sel "Try to look in Slave city." # game/script.rpy:17957 translate english dea_4cbc1dc1: # k "I find something about smart man deathclaw." k "I find something about smart man deathclaw." # game/script.rpy:17958 translate english dea_0227ef22: # sel "It is only rumor right?" sel "It is only rumor right?" # game/script.rpy:17959 translate english dea_13596a03: # k "It didn't look like that." k "It didn't look like that." # game/script.rpy:17960 translate english dea_ed1a35b7: # k "I find one hunter in Slave city." k "I find one hunter in Slave city." # game/script.rpy:17961 translate english dea_151366e3: # k "He wan to kill all deathclaws in the world." k "He wan to kill all deathclaws in the world." # game/script.rpy:17962 translate english dea_db1bee95: # k "And he tell me about how he find two smart deathclaws." k "And he tell me about how he find two smart deathclaws." # game/script.rpy:17963 translate english dea_c97534bc: # k "One female in Market Square and one man in the desert arround sisterhood hideout." k "One female in Market Square and one man in the desert arround sisterhood hideout." # game/script.rpy:17964 translate english dea_511a7b2e: # sel "That is horrible. How can somenone be so cruel and stupid?" sel "That is horrible. How can somenone be so cruel and stupid?" # game/script.rpy:17965 translate english dea_858fff87: # k "I don't know... Actualy that is all information I was able to find." k "I don't know... Actualy that is all information I was able to find." # game/script.rpy:17966 translate english dea_08651766: # sel "Thank you here is something for you." sel "Thank you here is something for you." # game/script.rpy:17968 translate english dea_88517838: # k "200 coins??? thank you." k "200 coins??? thank you." # game/script.rpy:17976 translate english dea_e51126c8: # sel "Nothing for now." sel "Nothing for now." # game/script.rpy:17977 translate english dea_441fc6e0: # sel "Come back later." sel "Come back later." # game/script.rpy:17983 translate english dea_61318275: # sel "How can I help you?" sel "How can I help you?" # game/script.rpy:17984 translate english dea_94b941ab: # k "I talk with Riaki from Sisterhood." k "I talk with Riaki from Sisterhood." # game/script.rpy:17985 translate english dea_e565364f: # k "She tells me about one thing. BFG." k "She tells me about one thing. BFG." # game/script.rpy:17986 translate english dea_f8e28beb: # sel "BFG!" sel "BFG!" # game/script.rpy:17987 translate english dea_33c98d04: # sel "That project is very dangerous for them." sel "That project is very dangerous for them." # game/script.rpy:17988 translate english dea_380fb2b5: # sel "And they cannot complete it." sel "And they cannot complete it." # game/script.rpy:17989 translate english dea_7c2bde7e: # k "Why?" k "Why?" # game/script.rpy:17990 translate english dea_50ed3707: # sel "Because BFG is patriarch weapon." sel "Because BFG is patriarch weapon." # game/script.rpy:17991 translate english dea_bb6fdca4: # sel "No woman can use it." sel "No woman can use it." # game/script.rpy:17992 translate english dea_552c110d: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:17993 translate english dea_1fce2198: # sel "It is genetically created to work only with a person with man's chromosomes." sel "It is genetically created to work only with a person with man's chromosomes." # game/script.rpy:17994 translate english dea_78b368c9: # k "So it cannot be built" k "So it cannot be built" # game/script.rpy:17995 translate english dea_c2f65f66: # sel "Of course it can. But not by a woman." sel "Of course it can. But not by a woman." # game/script.rpy:17996 translate english dea_59479038: # sel "Sisterhood have everything they need." sel "Sisterhood have everything they need." # game/script.rpy:17997 translate english dea_1f3ef836: # sel "But they miss right chromosomes." sel "But they miss right chromosomes." # game/script.rpy:17998 translate english dea_d27a0e03: # k "So you want to say..." k "So you want to say..." # game/script.rpy:17999 translate english dea_56d71787: # sel "Yes you can build it." sel "Yes you can build it." # game/script.rpy:18000 translate english dea_82091822: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:18001 translate english dea_8ab1bd9a: # k "Ok." k "Ok." # game/script.rpy:18002 translate english dea_196afef3: # sel "But be careful. With great power comes great fun." sel "But be careful. With great power comes great fun." # game/script.rpy:18003 translate english dea_552c110d_1: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:18004 translate english dea_b29a81af: # sel "Just belive me." sel "Just belive me." # game/script.rpy:18005 translate english dea_10d003a2: # k "Sure... Ehm... Thanks..." k "Sure... Ehm... Thanks..." # game/script.rpy:18007 translate english dea_96d355a7: # sel "Wait." sel "Wait." # game/script.rpy:18008 translate english dea_ba5ca5bf: # sel "You need this component." sel "You need this component." # game/script.rpy:18009 translate english dea_224eeec0: # k "What is it?" k "What is it?" # game/script.rpy:18010 translate english dea_c10dc25c: # sel "The power core." sel "The power core." # game/script.rpy:18011 translate english dea_69fd814b: # sel "If you decide to build the gun, use it carefully." sel "If you decide to build the gun, use it carefully." # game/script.rpy:18012 translate english dea_7e0055c2: # k "Of course. And thanks again." k "Of course. And thanks again." # game/script.rpy:18019 translate english dea_33b75372: # sel "I think about that hunter." sel "I think about that hunter." # game/script.rpy:18020 translate english dea_d585271f: # sel "If he realy want to kill me." sel "If he realy want to kill me." # game/script.rpy:18021 translate english dea_63744401: # sel "He can't kill me here. Market is zone without violence." sel "He can't kill me here. Market is zone without violence." # game/script.rpy:18022 translate english dea_384fc326: # sel "But what about that other deathclaw?" sel "But what about that other deathclaw?" # game/script.rpy:18023 translate english dea_bb4c20c5: # k "What about him?" k "What about him?" # game/script.rpy:18024 translate english dea_f4a5466b: # sel "I mean. If he realy is smart... maybe..." sel "I mean. If he realy is smart... maybe..." # game/script.rpy:18025 translate english dea_4fc4e5b0: # k "What???" k "What???" # game/script.rpy:18029 translate english dea_5fe8f9aa: # sel "he can be my only chance to have babie." sel "he can be my only chance to have babie." # game/script.rpy:18030 translate english dea_2c7484ba: # k "????" k "????" # game/script.rpy:18031 translate english dea_e39c8893: # k "What? You want to have sex with him." k "What? You want to have sex with him." # game/script.rpy:18032 translate english dea_aac74347: # sel "Don't be so suprised. Sex I have with man's is not enought for me!" sel "Don't be so suprised. Sex I have with man's is not enought for me!" # game/script.rpy:18033 translate english dea_df1ae9ef: # k "You.... have sex with human?" k "You.... have sex with human?" # game/script.rpy:18034 translate english dea_dafa96dc: # sel "Why you so suprised?" sel "Why you so suprised?" # game/script.rpy:18035 translate english dea_9348b101: # k "I mean.... you are deathclaw..." k "I mean.... you are deathclaw..." # game/script.rpy:18036 translate english dea_fa5b315f: # sel "I know many mans want to have sexx with deathclaw!" sel "I know many mans want to have sexx with deathclaw!" # game/script.rpy:18037 translate english dea_5137fcea: # k "But....." k "But....." # game/script.rpy:18039 translate english dea_14c9ddce: # sel "....And then titfuck is amazing.........." sel "....And then titfuck is amazing.........." # game/script.rpy:18041 translate english dea_997a5a53: # sel "Back to our thing." sel "Back to our thing." # game/script.rpy:18045 translate english dea_36720368: # sel "I wan't to eliminate that hunter." sel "I wan't to eliminate that hunter." # game/script.rpy:18046 translate english dea_227829e4: # k "What you mean by eliminate?" k "What you mean by eliminate?" # game/script.rpy:18047 translate english dea_a060428a: # sel "I hear sisterhood can kill anyone... If you pay them good." sel "I hear sisterhood can kill anyone... If you pay them good." # game/script.rpy:18048 translate english dea_282e29e7: # k "So? Why you don't go there and give them something with high price." k "So? Why you don't go there and give them something with high price." # game/script.rpy:18049 translate english dea_7156c64c: # sel "Don't be stupid! Someone can kill me out there!" sel "Don't be stupid! Someone can kill me out there!" # game/script.rpy:18050 translate english dea_26d5816d: # sel "Please take this gem and hire them for assasination." sel "Please take this gem and hire them for assasination." # game/script.rpy:18051 translate english dea_721fff29: # k "......" k "......" # game/script.rpy:18052 translate english dea_a40f5d70: # k "I'm not sure if this is right!" k "I'm not sure if this is right!" # game/script.rpy:18053 translate english dea_f5b11891: # k "Is there any possibilities for peacefull solution?" k "Is there any possibilities for peacefull solution?" # game/script.rpy:18054 translate english dea_07db1c46: # sel "That is not my thing. I need him eliminated. Dead or alive doesn't matter." sel "That is not my thing. I need him eliminated. Dead or alive doesn't matter." # game/script.rpy:18055 translate english dea_e56d3c0d: # sel "He must stop hunting innocent creatures." sel "He must stop hunting innocent creatures." # game/script.rpy:18056 translate english dea_e05d10e0_1: # k "I see what I can do." k "I see what I can do." # game/script.rpy:18064 translate english dea_e78de43c: # sel "Did you eliminate that dangerous hunter?" sel "Did you eliminate that dangerous hunter?" # game/script.rpy:18065 translate english dea_cfed3617: # k "I'm worknig on it." k "I'm worknig on it." # game/script.rpy:18066 translate english dea_3f92fd16: # sel "Thank you please solve it quickly." sel "Thank you please solve it quickly." # game/script.rpy:18072 translate english dea_7b005e36: # k "Your problem is solved." k "Your problem is solved." # game/script.rpy:18073 translate english dea_e78de43c_1: # sel "Did you eliminate that dangerous hunter?" sel "Did you eliminate that dangerous hunter?" # game/script.rpy:18074 translate english dea_4a751b48: # k "Let's say that he will never bother any deathclaw." k "Let's say that he will never bother any deathclaw." # game/script.rpy:18075 translate english dea_28d8ec36: # sel "You are amazing." sel "You are amazing." # game/script.rpy:18076 translate english dea_d9c43b9b: # sel "Please take this coins." sel "Please take this coins." # game/script.rpy:18077 translate english dea_afd61115: # k "500 coins??? Thank you. That is realy something..... ehm.." k "500 coins??? Thank you. That is realy something..... ehm.." # game/script.rpy:18080 translate english dea_c5ef062a: # sel "Do you want something else?" sel "Do you want something else?" # game/script.rpy:18083 translate english dea_89705973: # k "Only one thing...." k "Only one thing...." # game/script.rpy:18084 translate english dea_2652cd50: # sel "And what is it?" sel "And what is it?" # game/script.rpy:18085 translate english dea_d8647d09: # k "I always want to see how..... How you look naked." k "I always want to see how..... How you look naked." # game/script.rpy:18086 translate english dea_2e24cb87: # sel "And that is all? Why you don't say at first." sel "And that is all? Why you don't say at first." # game/script.rpy:18091 translate english dea_409a00de: # sel "It is more natural for me without armor." sel "It is more natural for me without armor." # game/script.rpy:18092 translate english dea_5031dadd: # k "So..... Why you wear that armor?" k "So..... Why you wear that armor?" # game/script.rpy:18093 translate english dea_d7df6363: # sel "Because many peole want to buy other things in my shop when I didn't wear it." sel "Because many peole want to buy other things in my shop when I didn't wear it." # game/script.rpy:18094 translate english dea_b07a1dab: # k "...... And that is a problem?" k "...... And that is a problem?" # game/script.rpy:18095 translate english dea_1bbd9278: # sel "Yes! I'm not a whore! I can fuck with human but not for money!" sel "Yes! I'm not a whore! I can fuck with human but not for money!" # game/script.rpy:18096 translate english dea_4a26a7af: # k "So you fuck for free?" k "So you fuck for free?" # game/script.rpy:18097 translate english dea_c402e076: # sel ".......... I fuck when I want!" sel ".......... I fuck when I want!" # game/script.rpy:18098 translate english dea_72699eb6: # k "And do you want now?" k "And do you want now?" # game/script.rpy:18099 translate english dea_5168ee4f: # sel "....." sel "....." # game/script.rpy:18104 translate english dea_df10e143: # sel "You can play with me if you want." sel "You can play with me if you want." # game/script.rpy:18105 translate english dea_552c110d_2: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:18106 translate english dea_0d730294: # k "Seriously?" k "Seriously?" # game/script.rpy:18107 translate english dea_f1e7e1b6: # sel "Yes, just hurry..." sel "Yes, just hurry..." # game/script.rpy:18108 translate english dea_88ae75e6: # k "Of course." k "Of course." # game/script.rpy:18114 translate english dea_4f16d399: # sel "Do you like them?" sel "Do you like them?" # game/script.rpy:18115 translate english dea_a035102d: # k "Yes... They are solid and heavy." k "Yes... They are solid and heavy." # game/script.rpy:18116 translate english dea_7f01982a: # sel "Do you want to fuck them?" sel "Do you want to fuck them?" # game/script.rpy:18117 translate english dea_e4e54780: # k "Of course!" k "Of course!" # game/script.rpy:18118 translate english dea_b51f1d4b: # sel "So, what are you waiting for?" sel "So, what are you waiting for?" # game/script.rpy:18124 translate english dea_365a9906: # k "That is..." k "That is..." # game/script.rpy:18125 translate english dea_92811091: # k "Ou yes!" with hpunch k "Ou yes!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:18126 translate english dea_a44e543e: # sel "Hehe... Just hold a little!!!" with vpunch sel "Hehe... Just hold a little!!!" with vpunch # game/script.rpy:18127 translate english dea_6f502bc8: # k "Argh..." with hpunch k "Argh..." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:18128 translate english dea_a9975ca5: # sel "!!" with vpunch sel "!!" with vpunch # game/script.rpy:18129 translate english dea_b93e48e4: # k "Yes!!!" k "Yes!!!" # game/script.rpy:18132 translate english dea_330a4072: # k "How you do that?" k "How you do that?" # game/script.rpy:18133 translate english dea_4f2c0d5d: # k "It is like you massaging me from the inside." k "It is like you massaging me from the inside." # game/script.rpy:18137 translate english dea_ae999cc7: # sel "It is my special technique." sel "It is my special technique." # game/script.rpy:18138 translate english dea_7f61bbf2: # sel "You hold it longer than any common man." sel "You hold it longer than any common man." # game/script.rpy:18139 translate english dea_82091822_1: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:18140 translate english dea_e74ba5b4: # k "Realy?" k "Realy?" # game/script.rpy:18141 translate english dea_1c29b2f5: # sel "Sure..." sel "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:18142 translate english dea_0b04976a: # k "This is a good way how to thank me for helping you." k "This is a good way how to thank me for helping you." # game/script.rpy:18143 translate english dea_f8c642bb: # sel "Maybe next time We can do something else." sel "Maybe next time We can do something else." # game/script.rpy:18144 translate english dea_d90d0848: # k "I am truly looking forward to it." k "I am truly looking forward to it." # game/script.rpy:18148 translate english dea_c5dd0d04: # k "Actualy I'm happy I could help." k "Actualy I'm happy I could help." # game/script.rpy:18149 translate english dea_7261dfcf: # sel "Thank you. I really appreciate it." sel "Thank you. I really appreciate it." # game/script.rpy:18157 translate english dea_2ee85968: # sel "Actualy, you can't help me with anything now." sel "Actualy, you can't help me with anything now." # game/script.rpy:18158 translate english dea_c23cc178: # sel "Come back later, maybe something appear." sel "Come back later, maybe something appear." # game/script.rpy:18166 translate english dea_c4b27432: # sel "I think about that smart deathclaw." sel "I think about that smart deathclaw." # game/script.rpy:18167 translate english dea_b22ece92: # sel "Maybe he is my 'chosen one'" sel "Maybe he is my 'chosen one'" # game/script.rpy:18168 translate english dea_da64a957: # sel "I wan't to meet him. Can you help me with that?" sel "I wan't to meet him. Can you help me with that?" # game/script.rpy:18169 translate english dea_184e4234: # k "Sure what exactly I should do?" k "Sure what exactly I should do?" # game/script.rpy:18170 translate english dea_52160d13: # sel "Find him and tell him he is not alone." sel "Find him and tell him he is not alone." # game/script.rpy:18171 translate english dea_40665bb8: # sel "And send him here." sel "And send him here." # game/script.rpy:18172 translate english dea_2f623dc3: # k "Uh.... I see what I can do..." k "Uh.... I see what I can do..." # game/script.rpy:18173 translate english dea_9e24a8b4: # k "No promises." k "No promises." # game/script.rpy:18174 translate english dea_ae41efac: # sel "Thank you. Tell me when you find him." sel "Thank you. Tell me when you find him." # game/script.rpy:18181 translate english dea_bf13c42d: # sel "Did you find him?" sel "Did you find him?" # game/script.rpy:18182 translate english dea_cfed3617_1: # k "I'm worknig on it." k "I'm worknig on it." # game/script.rpy:18183 translate english dea_24f85ee4: # sel "Please hurry. I want to see him!" sel "Please hurry. I want to see him!" # game/script.rpy:18184 translate english dea_06e70a83: # k "Ok maybe I look in Sisterhood hideout." k "Ok maybe I look in Sisterhood hideout." # game/script.rpy:18190 translate english dea_d9972936: # k "I find him. Or find person who know him." k "I find him. Or find person who know him." # game/script.rpy:18191 translate english dea_7c87c8b0: # sel "And what he say?" sel "And what he say?" # game/script.rpy:18192 translate english dea_a9ed142c: # k "He want to meet you too." k "He want to meet you too." # game/script.rpy:18193 translate english dea_1c8477bd: # k "He come to visit you soon." k "He come to visit you soon." # game/script.rpy:18194 translate english dea_99485235: # sel "That is wonderfull news." sel "That is wonderfull news." # game/script.rpy:18195 translate english dea_31671e6f: # sel "Realy..... Thank you again...." sel "Realy..... Thank you again...." # game/script.rpy:18196 translate english dea_a3f3ab30: # sel "Here is your reward." sel "Here is your reward." # game/script.rpy:18201 translate english dea_543be3f2: # sel "I know you like them." sel "I know you like them." # game/script.rpy:18202 translate english dea_ea271688: # sel "And here is your coins." sel "And here is your coins." # game/script.rpy:18205 translate english dea_9a7a2c2e: # sel "I think I can trust you." sel "I think I can trust you." # game/script.rpy:18206 translate english dea_57253c9c: # k "WOW thanks.... I mean.... " k "WOW thanks.... I mean.... " # game/script.rpy:18207 translate english dea_3da199f3: # k "That boobies....." k "That boobies....." # game/script.rpy:18209 translate english dea_3d2b1f37: # k "Huh.... I need to stop stare on them." k "Huh.... I need to stop stare on them." # game/script.rpy:18210 translate english dea_ed5329a0: # sel "So maybe you can do something else." sel "So maybe you can do something else." # game/script.rpy:18211 translate english dea_3b6243b5: # k "What exactly?" k "What exactly?" # game/script.rpy:18216 translate english dea_c5fedc73: # sel "I think you know what I mean." sel "I think you know what I mean." # game/script.rpy:18217 translate english dea_94866b67: # k "Huh? Realy?" k "Huh? Realy?" # game/script.rpy:18218 translate english dea_4a80b21d: # sel "Yes, yes, don't be shy." sel "Yes, yes, don't be shy." # game/script.rpy:18221 translate english dea_62066d8b: # sel "You enjoy it last time this is my turn." sel "You enjoy it last time this is my turn." # game/script.rpy:18222 translate english dea_4fa11a51: # sel "Put it in!" sel "Put it in!" # game/script.rpy:18228 translate english dea_86bb2124: # sel "Yes, that is nice." sel "Yes, that is nice." # game/script.rpy:18229 translate english dea_4f663d7e: # sel "Put it deeper." sel "Put it deeper." # game/script.rpy:18230 translate english dea_b621322b: # k "Sure." k "Sure." # game/script.rpy:18236 translate english dea_9d48ba29: # sel "Mmmmm..." sel "Mmmmm..." # game/script.rpy:18237 translate english dea_460560b9: # sel "I love it deeper!" sel "I love it deeper!" # game/script.rpy:18243 translate english dea_ea19067e: # sel "Aaaaaa..." sel "Aaaaaa..." # game/script.rpy:18244 translate english dea_ef079f20: # sel "Yes more..." sel "Yes more..." # game/script.rpy:18245 translate english dea_48fb0446: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:18246 translate english dea_21a54606: # k "Am sorry that is everything I have." k "Am sorry that is everything I have." # game/script.rpy:18247 translate english dea_6c7832ed: # sel "I forget you are only human." sel "I forget you are only human." # game/script.rpy:18248 translate english dea_aae631a0: # sel "Then... Just fuck me.." sel "Then... Just fuck me.." # game/script.rpy:18252 translate english dea_d7b42565: # sel "..." sel "..." # game/script.rpy:18256 translate english dea_ac03eac2: # sel "In!" sel "In!" # game/script.rpy:18260 translate english dea_37b2a6f1: # k "Sure..." k "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:18266 translate english dea_13745182: # sel "Yes...." sel "Yes...." # game/script.rpy:18270 translate english dea_6e609aaf: # k "Heh..." k "Heh..." # game/script.rpy:18274 translate english dea_78f91991: # k "Arg...." k "Arg...." # game/script.rpy:18279 translate english dea_547691d6: # sel "Huh???" sel "Huh???" # game/script.rpy:18280 translate english dea_82091822_2: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:18281 translate english dea_000f2fee: # k "SORRY..." k "SORRY..." # game/script.rpy:18282 translate english dea_378026c8: # k "I just can not hold it anymore." k "I just can not hold it anymore." # game/script.rpy:18283 translate english dea_5f004143: # sel "Don't worry too much about it..." sel "Don't worry too much about it..." # game/script.rpy:18284 translate english dea_5c9278f4: # sel "You can be better next time." sel "You can be better next time." # game/script.rpy:18285 translate english dea_d6209ba4: # k "I can not promise that." k "I can not promise that." # game/script.rpy:18292 translate english dea_2ee85968_1: # sel "Actualy, you can't help me with anything now." sel "Actualy, you can't help me with anything now." # game/script.rpy:18293 translate english dea_c23cc178_1: # sel "Come back later, maybe something appear." sel "Come back later, maybe something appear." # game/script.rpy:18302 translate english dea_dcbcaaa7: # sel "Actualy, you can help me." sel "Actualy, you can help me." # game/script.rpy:18303 translate english dea_98ac8128: # k "How?" k "How?" # game/script.rpy:18304 translate english dea_fdd7374d: # sel "We can have some naughty fun together!" sel "We can have some naughty fun together!" # game/script.rpy:18305 translate english dea_25b79032: # k "Ok... How you want to do it?" k "Ok... How you want to do it?" # game/script.rpy:18306 translate english dea_5a5499d6: # sel "You can choose." sel "You can choose." # game/script.rpy:18309 translate english dea_ba4855d9: # k "I desperately need a proper titfuck." k "I desperately need a proper titfuck." # game/script.rpy:18310 translate english dea_ce6237f0: # sel "That is really my specialty." sel "That is really my specialty." # game/script.rpy:18317 translate english dea_4f16d399_1: # sel "Do you like them?" sel "Do you like them?" # game/script.rpy:18318 translate english dea_a035102d_1: # k "Yes... They are solid and heavy." k "Yes... They are solid and heavy." # game/script.rpy:18319 translate english dea_7f01982a_1: # sel "Do you want to fuck them?" sel "Do you want to fuck them?" # game/script.rpy:18320 translate english dea_e4e54780_1: # k "Of course!" k "Of course!" # game/script.rpy:18321 translate english dea_b51f1d4b_1: # sel "So, what are you waiting for?" sel "So, what are you waiting for?" # game/script.rpy:18324 translate english dea_b38637c4: # sel "Hey, that is my nipple!" sel "Hey, that is my nipple!" # game/script.rpy:18325 translate english dea_8fd35081: # k "I know, it is hot!" k "I know, it is hot!" # game/script.rpy:18326 translate english dea_59ee1771: # sel "You like teasing me like that?" sel "You like teasing me like that?" # game/script.rpy:18327 translate english dea_e09c8930: # k "Yes. It is...." k "Yes. It is...." # game/script.rpy:18331 translate english dea_d878d74f: # k "Time to put it between these boobs." k "Time to put it between these boobs." # game/script.rpy:18332 translate english dea_d7b42565_1: # sel "..." sel "..." # game/script.rpy:18339 translate english dea_365a9906_1: # k "That is..." k "That is..." # game/script.rpy:18340 translate english dea_92811091_1: # k "Ou yes!" with hpunch k "Ou yes!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:18341 translate english dea_a44e543e_1: # sel "Hehe... Just hold a little!!!" with vpunch sel "Hehe... Just hold a little!!!" with vpunch # game/script.rpy:18342 translate english dea_6f502bc8_1: # k "Argh..." with hpunch k "Argh..." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:18349 translate english dea_ad96c780: # sel "Why you do that?" sel "Why you do that?" # game/script.rpy:18350 translate english dea_e333584c: # k "I almost come again. Need to fuck them a little longer!" k "I almost come again. Need to fuck them a little longer!" # game/script.rpy:18357 translate english dea_00f4213e: # k "Just right that!" k "Just right that!" # game/script.rpy:18358 translate english dea_54cc0a0b: # sel "Nice." sel "Nice." # game/script.rpy:18365 translate english dea_c58e2e3b: # sel "You almost come again, right?" sel "You almost come again, right?" # game/script.rpy:18366 translate english dea_03802b35: # k "Yes, I think I can not hold it anymore." k "Yes, I think I can not hold it anymore." # game/script.rpy:18373 translate english dea_a9975ca5_1: # sel "!!" with vpunch sel "!!" with vpunch # game/script.rpy:18374 translate english dea_74a63721: # k "That technique is amazing." k "That technique is amazing." # game/script.rpy:18375 translate english dea_79e0e9d2: # k "!!!" k "!!!" # game/script.rpy:18378 translate english dea_2b8e6ca8: # k "I think, no other woman can do it like you can." k "I think, no other woman can do it like you can." # game/script.rpy:18379 translate english dea_4f2c0d5d_1: # k "It is like you massaging me from the inside." k "It is like you massaging me from the inside." # game/script.rpy:18383 translate english dea_ae999cc7_1: # sel "It is my special technique." sel "It is my special technique." # game/script.rpy:18384 translate english dea_7f61bbf2_1: # sel "You hold it longer than any common man." sel "You hold it longer than any common man." # game/script.rpy:18385 translate english dea_82091822_3: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:18386 translate english dea_e74ba5b4_1: # k "Realy?" k "Realy?" # game/script.rpy:18387 translate english dea_1c29b2f5_1: # sel "Sure..." sel "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:18388 translate english dea_842f3aca: # sel "Maybe next time, we can do something else." sel "Maybe next time, we can do something else." # game/script.rpy:18389 translate english dea_d90d0848_1: # k "I am truly looking forward to it." k "I am truly looking forward to it." # game/script.rpy:18393 translate english dea_c165b405: # k "I wonder about one thing." k "I wonder about one thing." # game/script.rpy:18394 translate english dea_0a9e6245: # sel "What is it?" sel "What is it?" # game/script.rpy:18395 translate english dea_260db78b: # k "Can you give me a blowjob?" k "Can you give me a blowjob?" # game/script.rpy:18396 translate english dea_941b0662: # sel "Let me see..." sel "Let me see..." # game/script.rpy:18403 translate english dea_a32b9395: # sel "I can do it with my tongue." sel "I can do it with my tongue." # game/script.rpy:18404 translate english dea_3d5bb437: # k "Huh? I really want to test it!" k "Huh? I really want to test it!" # game/script.rpy:18407 translate english dea_6a7c52e8: # sel "No problem just need to extend my tongue." sel "No problem just need to extend my tongue." # game/script.rpy:18411 translate english dea_37ed30f5: # k "Nice, but it is too short." k "Nice, but it is too short." # game/script.rpy:18412 translate english dea_4a7f0686: # sel "Wait for it...." sel "Wait for it...." # game/script.rpy:18416 translate english dea_552c110d_3: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:18417 translate english dea_330a4072_1: # k "How you do that?" k "How you do that?" # game/script.rpy:18421 translate english dea_233f585e: # sel "I am capable of doing many things." sel "I am capable of doing many things." # game/script.rpy:18422 translate english dea_12d03358: # k "I belive you just continue." k "I belive you just continue." # game/script.rpy:18426 translate english dea_79e0e9d2_1: # k "!!!" k "!!!" # game/script.rpy:18427 translate english dea_c1cd06f4: # k "More!!!" k "More!!!" # game/script.rpy:18435 translate english dea_fa934bdb: # k "Seriously, this is impressive!" k "Seriously, this is impressive!" # game/script.rpy:18436 translate english dea_c75823b1: # sel "Hmmhshmms..." sel "Hmmhshmms..." # game/script.rpy:18440 translate english dea_48fb0446_1: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:18444 translate english dea_908bc237: # k "I think, I can not hold it anymore!" k "I think, I can not hold it anymore!" # game/script.rpy:18448 translate english dea_e7746d49: # k "Just..." k "Just..." # game/script.rpy:18453 translate english dea_3f3a1360: # k "Argg...." k "Argg...." # game/script.rpy:18457 translate english dea_f1e0df3e: # sel "...." sel "...." # game/script.rpy:18461 translate english dea_8945f08f: # sel "You did well..." sel "You did well..." # game/script.rpy:18462 translate english dea_552c110d_4: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:18466 translate english dea_379ce280: # sel "Thank you for some proteins..." sel "Thank you for some proteins..." # game/script.rpy:18467 translate english dea_552c110d_5: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:18468 translate english dea_2a83ebed: # k "Ehm, No problem." k "Ehm, No problem." # game/script.rpy:18469 translate english dea_8d9c6172: # sel "Come back when you need something." sel "Come back when you need something." # game/script.rpy:18473 translate english dea_79800722: # k "Can we do it from behind this time?" k "Can we do it from behind this time?" # game/script.rpy:18474 translate english dea_1d943740: # sel "No problem with that, but be careful." sel "No problem with that, but be careful." # game/script.rpy:18475 translate english dea_552c110d_6: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:18482 translate english dea_7651b2cd: # sel "Don't stick it in my ass. My muscles can crush your penis." sel "Don't stick it in my ass. My muscles can crush your penis." # game/script.rpy:18483 translate english dea_5d5c9c7c: # k "Pussy is safe?" k "Pussy is safe?" # game/script.rpy:18484 translate english dea_40967134: # sel "Sure... I can control my pussy..." sel "Sure... I can control my pussy..." # game/script.rpy:18485 translate english dea_b06a759d: # k "Ok... That scares me a little..." k "Ok... That scares me a little..." # game/script.rpy:18486 translate english dea_c281bd29: # sel "Don't be shy, you already do that." sel "Don't be shy, you already do that." # game/script.rpy:18489 translate english dea_6172002c: # sel "Good." sel "Good." # game/script.rpy:18490 translate english dea_97b69de2: # sel "Now, put it in!" sel "Now, put it in!" # game/script.rpy:18496 translate english dea_86bb2124_1: # sel "Yes, that is nice." sel "Yes, that is nice." # game/script.rpy:18497 translate english dea_4f663d7e_1: # sel "Put it deeper." sel "Put it deeper." # game/script.rpy:18498 translate english dea_b621322b_1: # k "Sure." k "Sure." # game/script.rpy:18504 translate english dea_9d48ba29_1: # sel "Mmmmm..." sel "Mmmmm..." # game/script.rpy:18505 translate english dea_460560b9_1: # sel "I love it deeper!" sel "I love it deeper!" # game/script.rpy:18511 translate english dea_ea19067e_1: # sel "Aaaaaa..." sel "Aaaaaa..." # game/script.rpy:18512 translate english dea_ef079f20_1: # sel "Yes more..." sel "Yes more..." # game/script.rpy:18513 translate english dea_48fb0446_2: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:18514 translate english dea_21a54606_1: # k "Am sorry that is everything I have." k "Am sorry that is everything I have." # game/script.rpy:18515 translate english dea_6c7832ed_1: # sel "I forget you are only human." sel "I forget you are only human." # game/script.rpy:18516 translate english dea_aae631a0_1: # sel "Then... Just fuck me.." sel "Then... Just fuck me.." # game/script.rpy:18520 translate english dea_d7b42565_2: # sel "..." sel "..." # game/script.rpy:18524 translate english dea_ac03eac2_1: # sel "In!" sel "In!" # game/script.rpy:18528 translate english dea_37b2a6f1_1: # k "Sure..." k "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:18534 translate english dea_13745182_1: # sel "Yes...." sel "Yes...." # game/script.rpy:18538 translate english dea_6e609aaf_1: # k "Heh..." k "Heh..." # game/script.rpy:18542 translate english dea_78f91991_1: # k "Arg...." k "Arg...." # game/script.rpy:18547 translate english dea_547691d6_1: # sel "Huh???" sel "Huh???" # game/script.rpy:18548 translate english dea_82091822_4: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:18549 translate english dea_000f2fee_1: # k "SORRY..." k "SORRY..." # game/script.rpy:18550 translate english dea_378026c8_1: # k "I just can not hold it anymore." k "I just can not hold it anymore." # game/script.rpy:18551 translate english dea_5f004143_1: # sel "Don't worry too much about it..." sel "Don't worry too much about it..." # game/script.rpy:18552 translate english dea_5c9278f4_1: # sel "You can be better next time." sel "You can be better next time." # game/script.rpy:18553 translate english dea_d6209ba4_1: # k "I can not promise that." k "I can not promise that." # game/script.rpy:18557 translate english dea_6c632235: # k "Maybe we can test milking machine I gave to you." k "Maybe we can test milking machine I gave to you." # game/script.rpy:18558 translate english dea_c953a20d: # sel "Sure anything you want." sel "Sure anything you want." # game/script.rpy:18559 translate english dea_ed9f9013: # k "Are you ready?" k "Are you ready?" # game/script.rpy:18567 translate english dea_917b425c: # k "Ok, can I milk you now?" k "Ok, can I milk you now?" # game/script.rpy:18568 translate english dea_3fa47ea3: # sel "Wait a moment." sel "Wait a moment." # game/script.rpy:18569 translate english dea_010b16e6: # sel "First I use this boob serum." sel "First I use this boob serum." # game/script.rpy:18570 translate english dea_552c110d_7: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:18578 translate english dea_60bd1738: # sel "Mmmm. That feel good..." sel "Mmmm. That feel good..." # game/script.rpy:18579 translate english dea_1a7d7904: # k "Huh? Ok, can I milk you now?" k "Huh? Ok, can I milk you now?" # game/script.rpy:18580 translate english dea_b286cf3b: # sel "Sure just attach that machine on my boobs." sel "Sure just attach that machine on my boobs." # game/script.rpy:18581 translate english dea_88ae75e6_1: # k "Of course." k "Of course." # game/script.rpy:18584 translate english dea_00bce7ab: # k "Ok time to put power on." k "Ok time to put power on." # game/script.rpy:18586 translate english dea_957b6a9b: # sel "That is itchy." sel "That is itchy." # game/script.rpy:18589 translate english dea_fb914601: # k "And milk is coming...." k "And milk is coming...." # game/script.rpy:18593 translate english dea_f1e0df3e_1: # sel "...." sel "...." # game/script.rpy:18595 translate english dea_85b90b53: # k "It look like you have a lot of milk, inside your boobs." k "It look like you have a lot of milk, inside your boobs." # game/script.rpy:18606 translate english dea_672ea056: # k "Look like you reach your limit." k "Look like you reach your limit." # game/script.rpy:18607 translate english dea_af87f214: # sel "Yes..." sel "Yes..." # game/script.rpy:18610 translate english dea_77b2e870: # k "Maybe I can have fun now." k "Maybe I can have fun now." # game/script.rpy:18611 translate english dea_1c29b2f5_2: # sel "Sure..." sel "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:18614 translate english dea_81061f20: # k "Hmmm..." k "Hmmm..." # game/script.rpy:18619 translate english dea_d7b42565_3: # sel "..." sel "..." # game/script.rpy:18620 translate english dea_14b59a17: # k "Nice one..." k "Nice one..." # game/script.rpy:18624 translate english dea_0fdefd59: # sel "I wonder if you can hold this..." sel "I wonder if you can hold this..." # game/script.rpy:18628 translate english dea_79e0e9d2_2: # k "!!!" k "!!!" # game/script.rpy:18632 translate english dea_330a4072_2: # k "How you do that?" k "How you do that?" # game/script.rpy:18636 translate english dea_7bc41314: # k "Do you have some kind of special muscles there?" k "Do you have some kind of special muscles there?" # game/script.rpy:18642 translate english dea_8577e782: # sel "My biology can be different." sel "My biology can be different." # game/script.rpy:18646 translate english dea_f22bdec0: # k "But that is..." k "But that is..." # game/script.rpy:18650 translate english dea_cde1fd20: # sel "Weird???" sel "Weird???" # game/script.rpy:18654 translate english dea_dfb4903e: # k "I just want to say that it's amazing." k "I just want to say that it's amazing." # game/script.rpy:18658 translate english dea_b93e48e4_1: # k "Yes!!!" k "Yes!!!" # game/script.rpy:18661 translate english dea_cc9a5909: # "!!!" "!!!" # game/script.rpy:18662 translate english dea_985f1670: # k "More!" k "More!" # game/script.rpy:18665 translate english dea_a98a728b: # sel "Nice job..." sel "Nice job..." # game/script.rpy:18667 translate english dea_6fb165f8: # k "Hmm..." k "Hmm..." # game/script.rpy:18668 translate english dea_87353b98: # k "How it is possible that sperm also come out?" k "How it is possible that sperm also come out?" # game/script.rpy:18669 translate english dea_3cd11766: # sel "Different biology." sel "Different biology." # game/script.rpy:18670 translate english dea_37b2a6f1_2: # k "Sure..." k "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:18674 translate english dea_ea1b533f: # "You are too tired for this." "You are too tired for this." # game/script.rpy:18675 translate english dea_be428fda: # "You need to take a rest." "You need to take a rest." # game/script.rpy:18682 translate english dea_dcbcaaa7_1: # sel "Actualy, you can help me." sel "Actualy, you can help me." # game/script.rpy:18683 translate english dea_89d220c8: # sel "I hear many things about your vault." sel "I hear many things about your vault." # game/script.rpy:18684 translate english dea_6e29c708: # sel "I'm saw once vault.... I use to live in it." sel "I'm saw once vault.... I use to live in it." # game/script.rpy:18685 translate english dea_f17bc0d7: # sel "But it was a long time ago." sel "But it was a long time ago." # game/script.rpy:18686 translate english dea_4725e64f: # sel "So.Can I visit the vault with you?" sel "So.Can I visit the vault with you?" # game/script.rpy:18689 translate english dea_32fc7537: # k "Yes it is a great idea." k "Yes it is a great idea." # game/script.rpy:18690 translate english dea_4ef895be: # k "You stay too long in this place." k "You stay too long in this place." # game/script.rpy:18691 translate english dea_7e028a52: # sel "I'm so excited let's go." sel "I'm so excited let's go." # game/script.rpy:18694 translate english dea_38f393ed: # k "This is my control room." k "This is my control room." # game/script.rpy:18695 translate english dea_29d4e73a: # k "From here I can control almost the whole vault." k "From here I can control almost the whole vault." # game/script.rpy:18698 translate english dea_81eaad12: # l "Hello can I help you with breeding?" l "Hello can I help you with breeding?" # game/script.rpy:18701 translate english dea_66b9e9e8: # sel "What was that?" sel "What was that?" # game/script.rpy:18702 translate english dea_2b7bcc2e: # k "Nothing just one of my A.I." k "Nothing just one of my A.I." # game/script.rpy:18703 translate english dea_c1105273: # k "She is not to smart but still..." k "She is not to smart but still..." # game/script.rpy:18707 translate english dea_08215165: # l "But I still can hear you...." l "But I still can hear you...." # game/script.rpy:18708 translate english dea_fc959bbe: # sel "That is interesting." sel "That is interesting." # game/script.rpy:18709 translate english dea_eb5b2b4c: # sel "I think I saw you sometimes in Market...." sel "I think I saw you sometimes in Market...." # game/script.rpy:18710 translate english dea_84b148b7: # sel "You did some nasty thing..." sel "You did some nasty thing..." # game/script.rpy:18711 translate english dea_6e702d2b: # l "I don't know what you're talking about." l "I don't know what you're talking about." # game/script.rpy:18712 translate english dea_9bf96cf0: # l "...... bye....." l "...... bye....." # game/script.rpy:18714 translate english dea_36fe259c: # k "That was weird...." k "That was weird...." # game/script.rpy:18715 translate english dea_9ed30c2d: # k "Anyway let's visit other part of vault...." k "Anyway let's visit other part of vault...." # game/script.rpy:18721 translate english dea_65eb317b: # sel "Thank you for that possibility." sel "Thank you for that possibility." # game/script.rpy:18722 translate english dea_24656d49: # sel "I think this vault is amazing." sel "I think this vault is amazing." # game/script.rpy:18723 translate english dea_6631c72b: # sel "Many people can live here if you give them a chance." sel "Many people can live here if you give them a chance." # game/script.rpy:18724 translate english dea_339c88ff: # k "I know.... " k "I know.... " # game/script.rpy:18725 translate english dea_0094aefa: # sel "What is in this room?" sel "What is in this room?" # game/script.rpy:18726 translate english dea_9a71e9d3: # k "This is milking room." k "This is milking room." # game/script.rpy:18727 translate english dea_c31be0e9: # sel "I want to see it!" sel "I want to see it!" # game/script.rpy:18734 translate english dea_dac0dbb9: # sel "Wow. That room is amazing!" sel "Wow. That room is amazing!" # game/script.rpy:18735 translate english dea_a5de28e0: # k "Yes I know." k "Yes I know." # game/script.rpy:18736 translate english dea_56ebc64c: # sel "Maybe we can test some device." sel "Maybe we can test some device." # game/script.rpy:18737 translate english dea_14a5dd92: # k "Sure anything you want." k "Sure anything you want." # game/script.rpy:18738 translate english dea_d675fed6: # sel "Perfect." sel "Perfect." # game/script.rpy:18744 translate english dea_917b425c_1: # k "Ok, can I milk you now?" k "Ok, can I milk you now?" # game/script.rpy:18745 translate english dea_3fa47ea3_1: # sel "Wait a moment." sel "Wait a moment." # game/script.rpy:18746 translate english dea_010b16e6_1: # sel "First I use this boob serum." sel "First I use this boob serum." # game/script.rpy:18747 translate english dea_552c110d_8: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:18755 translate english dea_60bd1738_1: # sel "Mmmm. That feel good..." sel "Mmmm. That feel good..." # game/script.rpy:18756 translate english dea_1a7d7904_1: # k "Huh? Ok, can I milk you now?" k "Huh? Ok, can I milk you now?" # game/script.rpy:18757 translate english dea_b286cf3b_1: # sel "Sure just attach that machine on my boobs." sel "Sure just attach that machine on my boobs." # game/script.rpy:18758 translate english dea_88ae75e6_2: # k "Of course." k "Of course." # game/script.rpy:18761 translate english dea_00bce7ab_1: # k "Ok time to put power on." k "Ok time to put power on." # game/script.rpy:18763 translate english dea_957b6a9b_1: # sel "That is itchy." sel "That is itchy." # game/script.rpy:18766 translate english dea_fb914601_1: # k "And milk is coming...." k "And milk is coming...." # game/script.rpy:18770 translate english dea_f1e0df3e_2: # sel "...." sel "...." # game/script.rpy:18772 translate english dea_85b90b53_1: # k "It look like you have a lot of milk, inside your boobs." k "It look like you have a lot of milk, inside your boobs." # game/script.rpy:18783 translate english dea_672ea056_1: # k "Look like you reach your limit." k "Look like you reach your limit." # game/script.rpy:18784 translate english dea_af87f214_1: # sel "Yes..." sel "Yes..." # game/script.rpy:18787 translate english dea_7ae3896a: # sel "Can you give me this milking machine?" sel "Can you give me this milking machine?" # game/script.rpy:18788 translate english dea_37915829: # k "Yes, I think I have a spare one." k "Yes, I think I have a spare one." # game/script.rpy:18789 translate english dea_f5318650: # sel "Thank you." sel "Thank you." # game/script.rpy:18790 translate english dea_10ac5806: # sel "I go to market now.... thank you again...." sel "I go to market now.... thank you again...." # game/script.rpy:18791 translate english dea_435b753f: # k "You can visit me any time you want...." k "You can visit me any time you want...." # game/script.rpy:18796 translate english dea_71b0eb07: # k "Why do you want to visit it?" k "Why do you want to visit it?" # game/script.rpy:18797 translate english dea_a4075e87: # sel "I'm just curious how it look." sel "I'm just curious how it look." # game/script.rpy:18798 translate english dea_016dd7e5: # k "I think it is not a good idea." k "I think it is not a good idea." # game/script.rpy:18799 translate english dea_009c4867: # k "You can scare some people." k "You can scare some people." # game/script.rpy:18800 translate english dea_ad7a0c98: # k "They can attack you." k "They can attack you." # game/script.rpy:18801 translate english dea_cbe3fa1f: # sel "I can deffend myself!" sel "I can deffend myself!" # game/script.rpy:18802 translate english dea_dbb2733e: # k "But they can't." k "But they can't." # game/script.rpy:18803 translate english dea_f1e0df3e_3: # sel "...." sel "...." # game/script.rpy:18804 translate english dea_d7d0c597: # sel "I understant......" sel "I understant......" # game/script.rpy:18805 translate english dea_d5be9874: # sel "If this is your last word... I accept it." sel "If this is your last word... I accept it." # game/script.rpy:18811 translate english dea_2ee85968_2: # sel "Actualy, you can't help me with anything now." sel "Actualy, you can't help me with anything now." # game/script.rpy:18812 translate english dea_c23cc178_2: # sel "Come back later, maybe something appear." sel "Come back later, maybe something appear." # game/script.rpy:18820 translate english dea_2ee85968_3: # sel "Actualy, you can't help me with anything now." sel "Actualy, you can't help me with anything now." # game/script.rpy:18821 translate english dea_c23cc178_3: # sel "Come back later, maybe something appear." sel "Come back later, maybe something appear." # game/script.rpy:18825 translate english dea_9dce4adb: # k "Actually I need something else." k "Actually I need something else." # game/script.rpy:18826 translate english dea_73aec46c: # sel "It is ok. See you soon." sel "It is ok. See you soon." # game/script.rpy:18837 translate english dea_2602ed88: # sel "This is the best food far - far away." sel "This is the best food far - far away." # game/script.rpy:18838 translate english dea_7c164c20: # sel "Thank you come again." sel "Thank you come again." # game/script.rpy:18844 translate english dea_0a5eafd5: # o "Our Vault have already more food then we need, but if this is your will." o "Our Vault have already more food then we need, but if this is your will." # game/script.rpy:18851 translate english dea_0b364177: # o "You don't have 1000 coins." o "You don't have 1000 coins." # game/script.rpy:18859 translate english dea_45ac975a: # sel "This is one of my favortie dildos." sel "This is one of my favortie dildos." # game/script.rpy:18860 translate english dea_8e8159fd: # sel "It has many functions." sel "It has many functions." # game/script.rpy:18866 translate english dea_5712fd43: # o "What do you want to do with that?" o "What do you want to do with that?" # game/script.rpy:18873 translate english dea_ad032b77: # o "You don't have 100 coins." o "You don't have 100 coins." # game/script.rpy:18881 translate english dea_6cbc6f6b: # sel "This is the best pre-war magazines." sel "This is the best pre-war magazines." # game/script.rpy:18889 translate english dea_5550fe0e: # o "Realy interesting women have only two boobs here." o "Realy interesting women have only two boobs here." # game/script.rpy:18896 translate english dea_f297c334: # o "What is anal plug? And why she have it in the ass?" o "What is anal plug? And why she have it in the ass?" # game/script.rpy:18900 translate english dea_727334cc: # o "Pre-war woman look sassy." o "Pre-war woman look sassy." # game/script.rpy:18907 translate english dea_948f86d7: # o "You don't have 50 coins. LOSER!" o "You don't have 50 coins. LOSER!" # game/script.rpy:18916 translate english dea_37f1ece4: # sel "Many children love it. Do you have children?" sel "Many children love it. Do you have children?" # game/script.rpy:18924 translate english dea_271fcaed: # o "I think i love candies." o "I think i love candies." # game/script.rpy:18931 translate english dea_87882110: # o "That lolipop look like..... never mind..." o "That lolipop look like..... never mind..." # game/script.rpy:18939 translate english dea_948f86d7_1: # o "You don't have 50 coins. LOSER!" o "You don't have 50 coins. LOSER!" # game/script.rpy:18947 translate english dea_c8641d81: # sel "Many woman buy it. Here is one for you." sel "Many woman buy it. Here is one for you." # game/script.rpy:18955 translate english dea_1cfa8ed0: # o "You can use this to make boobs bigger!" o "You can use this to make boobs bigger!" # game/script.rpy:18962 translate english dea_8f019e84: # o "I think...... Bigger is better trust me!" o "I think...... Bigger is better trust me!" # game/script.rpy:18970 translate english dea_948f86d7_2: # o "You don't have 50 coins. LOSER!" o "You don't have 50 coins. LOSER!" # game/script.rpy:18978 translate english dea_fc6c31f9: # o "You already buy this injection." o "You already buy this injection." # game/script.rpy:18987 translate english dea_53eb417d: # sel "Be carefull with this one." sel "Be carefull with this one." # game/script.rpy:18988 translate english dea_67fa3b42: # sel "It can trigger mutation." sel "It can trigger mutation." # game/script.rpy:18993 translate english dea_45f88480: # o "I hope you know what you're doing." o "I hope you know what you're doing." # game/script.rpy:19000 translate english dea_c63c0793: # o "You don't have 500 coins." o "You don't have 500 coins." # game/script.rpy:19008 translate english dea_062389fe: # o "You already buy this serum." o "You already buy this serum." # game/script.rpy:19017 translate english dea_53eb417d_1: # sel "Be carefull with this one." sel "Be carefull with this one." # game/script.rpy:19018 translate english dea_3e00b81a: # sel "It have some special ingredience from my own body." sel "It have some special ingredience from my own body." # game/script.rpy:19023 translate english dea_45f88480_1: # o "I hope you know what you're doing." o "I hope you know what you're doing." # game/script.rpy:19030 translate english dea_c63c0793_1: # o "You don't have 500 coins." o "You don't have 500 coins." # game/script.rpy:19034 translate english dea_b986d771: # k "I'm looking for something special." k "I'm looking for something special." # game/script.rpy:19038 translate english dea_02f48b5b: # sel "And what should it be?" sel "And what should it be?" # game/script.rpy:19041 translate english dea_72698d8b: # k "I need something wery shiny." k "I need something wery shiny." # game/script.rpy:19042 translate english dea_29f76ca8: # sel "What exactly you mean?" sel "What exactly you mean?" # game/script.rpy:19043 translate english dea_fa8689d2: # k "Some nice gift for Chitsa... I need to impress her..." k "Some nice gift for Chitsa... I need to impress her..." # game/script.rpy:19044 translate english dea_5e826323: # sel "Let me think.... I have something just for you." sel "Let me think.... I have something just for you." # game/script.rpy:19045 translate english dea_3cfed135: # sel "This big golden dildo is extremly shiny." sel "This big golden dildo is extremly shiny." # game/script.rpy:19046 translate english dea_b305bf87: # k "It look good how much?" k "It look good how much?" # game/script.rpy:19047 translate english dea_dbeb0201: # sel "For you??? Only 10 000 coins." sel "For you??? Only 10 000 coins." # game/script.rpy:19048 translate english dea_c33d7cb2: # k "What??? It is too much. Make me a better price." k "What??? It is too much. Make me a better price." # game/script.rpy:19049 translate english dea_46a07a69: # sel "Sorry gold is still gold. Do you want it?" sel "Sorry gold is still gold. Do you want it?" # game/script.rpy:19053 translate english dea_362fce68: # k "Ok give it to me." k "Ok give it to me." # game/script.rpy:19055 translate english dea_996a1429: # sel "Here it is." sel "Here it is." # game/script.rpy:19056 translate english dea_6ec29f82: # k "Argh.... 10 000 coins." k "Argh.... 10 000 coins." # game/script.rpy:19057 translate english dea_597acc1f: # sel "I give you special price don't forget it." sel "I give you special price don't forget it." # game/script.rpy:19058 translate english dea_5b8eda4b: # k "I will not... hmm... it look a little like mine..." k "I will not... hmm... it look a little like mine..." # game/script.rpy:19064 translate english dea_d5fe4281: # k "Sorry but I don't have enough money." k "Sorry but I don't have enough money." # game/script.rpy:19065 translate english dea_dac07444: # sel "So come back when you have some." sel "So come back when you have some." # game/script.rpy:19066 translate english dea_3179261c: # k "That is realy hard world." k "That is realy hard world." # game/script.rpy:19072 translate english dea_6e01d40b: # k "I don't need it" k "I don't need it" # game/script.rpy:19073 translate english dea_095092d2: # sel "Come back if you change your mind." sel "Come back if you change your mind." # game/script.rpy:19076 translate english dea_0a3560f0: # k "Actualy, just show me your boobs." k "Actualy, just show me your boobs." # game/script.rpy:19077 translate english dea_efbd6f41: # sel "No problem." sel "No problem." # game/script.rpy:19081 translate english dea_d2df61f2: # k "That was easy." k "That was easy." # game/script.rpy:19087 translate english dea_8447b50c_1: # k "Nothing for now." k "Nothing for now." # game/script.rpy:19088 translate english dea_82a1c4db: # sel "Come again when you need something." sel "Come again when you need something." # game/script.rpy:19102 translate english dea_ccd3f93c: # o "You try to visit local boss." o "You try to visit local boss." # game/script.rpy:19103 translate english dea_2424d32d: # o "Guard throw you out." o "Guard throw you out." # game/script.rpy:19106 translate english dea_8fca696e: # guard "No permission - no enter." guard "No permission - no enter." # game/script.rpy:19107 translate english dea_53ceab59: # o "You need to find permission first." o "You need to find permission first." # game/script.rpy:19112 translate english dea_10a3d411: # guard "You can enter." guard "You can enter." # game/script.rpy:19118 translate english dea_7384a2a7: # br "Hello stranger." br "Hello stranger." # game/script.rpy:19119 translate english dea_e839749d: # br "I hear many things about you." br "I hear many things about you." # game/script.rpy:19120 translate english dea_ac9e23fa: # k "What exactly you hear?" k "What exactly you hear?" # game/script.rpy:19124 translate english dea_ec3825ee: # br "Silence! You are not allowed to speak!" br "Silence! You are not allowed to speak!" # game/script.rpy:19125 translate english dea_2b92d775: # br "First you need to listen!" br "First you need to listen!" # game/script.rpy:19126 translate english dea_a62ee122: # k "Ok. I will...." k "Ok. I will...." # game/script.rpy:19127 translate english dea_72305848: # br "Just SHUT UP already." br "Just SHUT UP already." # game/script.rpy:19128 translate english dea_ee90902c: # k "....." k "....." # game/script.rpy:19132 translate english dea_65354cc3: # br "You have nobel quest but you are still stupid and ignorance." br "You have nobel quest but you are still stupid and ignorance." # game/script.rpy:19133 translate english dea_183434ee: # br "The world is almost destroyed. And the rest of it is in war." br "The world is almost destroyed. And the rest of it is in war." # game/script.rpy:19134 translate english dea_efe90731: # br "You must choose a side where you want to fight." br "You must choose a side where you want to fight." # game/script.rpy:19135 translate english dea_e0baea4c: # br "But first you need coins." br "But first you need coins." # game/script.rpy:19138 translate english dea_ff4edffa: # br "War never change. And people too." br "War never change. And people too." # game/script.rpy:19139 translate english dea_39a13ddb: # br "They are all greedy and want only coins." br "They are all greedy and want only coins." # game/script.rpy:19140 translate english dea_c39c5565: # br "But why they want it??? It is simple for sex." br "But why they want it??? It is simple for sex." # game/script.rpy:19141 translate english dea_a7f7b28e: # br "Before war women are atracted to man with money. Now it is same." br "Before war women are atracted to man with money. Now it is same." # game/script.rpy:19142 translate english dea_0987de8d: # br "You can buy sex everywhere. But not only sex. Influence too." br "You can buy sex everywhere. But not only sex. Influence too." # game/script.rpy:19143 translate english dea_067d3728: # br "So you need to make more coins to get bigger influence." br "So you need to make more coins to get bigger influence." # game/script.rpy:19144 translate english dea_32cd47e5: # br "It look like local vault ai accept you as the leader." br "It look like local vault ai accept you as the leader." # game/script.rpy:19146 translate english dea_e848846b: # br "But every area have local boss. Here it is Chitsa 'the chosen one' from Aroyo." br "But every area have local boss. Here it is Chitsa 'the chosen one' from Aroyo." # game/script.rpy:19147 translate english dea_06844384: # br "She found the Geck, destroy enclave and kill everyone who dissobey her." br "She found the Geck, destroy enclave and kill everyone who dissobey her." # game/script.rpy:19148 translate english dea_0cfaa5b0: # br "If you want to defeat her you must have some allies." br "If you want to defeat her you must have some allies." # game/script.rpy:19151 translate english dea_fa79bb43: # br "Sisterhood of steel can help you they love Enclave soldiers." br "Sisterhood of steel can help you they love Enclave soldiers." # game/script.rpy:19152 translate english dea_40c99a75: # br "They fight against almost everything that Brotherhood of steel obbey." br "They fight against almost everything that Brotherhood of steel obbey." # game/script.rpy:19153 translate english dea_b0de9129: # br "So tell them how much you love robots ghouls and other and you will be fine." br "So tell them how much you love robots ghouls and other and you will be fine." # game/script.rpy:19155 translate english dea_ec09d3c9: # br "Slavers are disgusting but wery simple." br "Slavers are disgusting but wery simple." # game/script.rpy:19156 translate english dea_4cf34dca: # br "You need to spend some times drinking with them and fucking women to earn their trust." br "You need to spend some times drinking with them and fucking women to earn their trust." # game/script.rpy:19157 translate english dea_b2c1149e: # br "They have conflict with sisterhood. They want to employ them in brothel." br "They have conflict with sisterhood. They want to employ them in brothel." # game/script.rpy:19158 translate english dea_035505a6: # br "Maybe you must choose one fraction and eliminate other." br "Maybe you must choose one fraction and eliminate other." # game/script.rpy:19159 translate english dea_2ecd42c9: # br "You can also help to proud people of Milkypolis." br "You can also help to proud people of Milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:19160 translate english dea_1ff99afd: # br "They live in peace with other fraction so there is realy not many think you can do for them." br "They live in peace with other fraction so there is realy not many think you can do for them." # game/script.rpy:19161 translate english dea_218e76f2: # br "Maybe if you can help them gain more breast milk they will help you." br "Maybe if you can help them gain more breast milk they will help you." # game/script.rpy:19162 translate english dea_ac0e3891: # br "And finally main reason why you here." br "And finally main reason why you here." # game/script.rpy:19163 translate english dea_7a1007d1: # br "Someone already try to kill you." br "Someone already try to kill you." # game/script.rpy:19164 translate english dea_8de21271: # br "Very strong poison is in your vains." br "Very strong poison is in your vains." # game/script.rpy:19165 translate english dea_2bd9ce0e: # br "Here.... take this antidote it will help you survive." br "Here.... take this antidote it will help you survive." # game/script.rpy:19172 translate english dea_d3067f94: # br "How can I help you?" br "How can I help you?" # game/script.rpy:19177 translate english ronda_fa79bb43: # br "Sisterhood of steel can help you they love Enclave soldiers." br "Sisterhood of steel can help you they love Enclave soldiers." # game/script.rpy:19178 translate english ronda_40c99a75: # br "They fight against almost everything that Brotherhood of steel obbey." br "They fight against almost everything that Brotherhood of steel obbey." # game/script.rpy:19179 translate english ronda_b0de9129: # br "So tell them how much you love robots ghouls and other and you will be fine." br "So tell them how much you love robots ghouls and other and you will be fine." # game/script.rpy:19182 translate english ronda_ec09d3c9: # br "Slavers are disgusting but wery simple." br "Slavers are disgusting but wery simple." # game/script.rpy:19183 translate english ronda_4cf34dca: # br "You need to spend some times drinking with them and fucking women to earn their trust." br "You need to spend some times drinking with them and fucking women to earn their trust." # game/script.rpy:19184 translate english ronda_b2c1149e: # br "They have conflict with sisterhood. They want to employ them in brothel." br "They have conflict with sisterhood. They want to employ them in brothel." # game/script.rpy:19185 translate english ronda_035505a6: # br "Maybe you must choose one fraction and eliminate other." br "Maybe you must choose one fraction and eliminate other." # game/script.rpy:19188 translate english ronda_a8004fcf: # br "You can hear a lot aout proud people of Milkypolis." br "You can hear a lot aout proud people of Milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:19189 translate english ronda_1ff99afd: # br "They live in peace with other fraction so there is realy not many think you can do for them." br "They live in peace with other fraction so there is realy not many think you can do for them." # game/script.rpy:19190 translate english ronda_218e76f2: # br "Maybe if you can help them gain more breast milk they will help you." br "Maybe if you can help them gain more breast milk they will help you." # game/script.rpy:19193 translate english ronda_dc85f3a3: # br "She is fearsome warrior from Aroyo" br "She is fearsome warrior from Aroyo" # game/script.rpy:19194 translate english ronda_ea4bfbf3: # br "She kill more people and fuck more man and womant han anyone in this world." br "She kill more people and fuck more man and womant han anyone in this world." # game/script.rpy:19195 translate english ronda_f9374baa: # br "Whole Enclave was defeated by her." br "Whole Enclave was defeated by her." # game/script.rpy:19196 translate english ronda_12173c40: # br "Now she is the strongest person in this part of world." br "Now she is the strongest person in this part of world." # game/script.rpy:19200 translate english ronda_afa1278e: # br "I can sell you this flash drive for 500 coins." br "I can sell you this flash drive for 500 coins." # game/script.rpy:19201 translate english ronda_3ee92031: # br "It cointains basic information and guide how to survive in every city." br "It cointains basic information and guide how to survive in every city." # game/script.rpy:19202 translate english ronda_d056a2d1: # br "But you need some loyal dwellers to that." br "But you need some loyal dwellers to that." # game/script.rpy:19206 translate english ronda_66e1f578: # k "Only 500 coins that is fair." k "Only 500 coins that is fair." # game/script.rpy:19207 translate english ronda_78a5fd95: # br "Everything I do is fair. So don't try to cheat on me." br "Everything I do is fair. So don't try to cheat on me." # game/script.rpy:19208 translate english ronda_9fb32506: # k "I would never do that to you." k "I would never do that to you." # game/script.rpy:19213 translate english ronda_3933399f: # k "500 is too much for me." k "500 is too much for me." # game/script.rpy:19214 translate english ronda_040f8ff1: # k "I don't have them now." k "I don't have them now." # game/script.rpy:19215 translate english ronda_cf65883d: # br "So come back when you have coins." br "So come back when you have coins." # game/script.rpy:19219 translate english ronda_da12be64: # k "Actually I don't need that device." k "Actually I don't need that device." # game/script.rpy:19220 translate english ronda_5f6277b6: # k "I don't want to confront other city." k "I don't want to confront other city." # game/script.rpy:19221 translate english ronda_43508f5d: # br "That is the most stupid thing I hear." br "That is the most stupid thing I hear." # game/script.rpy:19226 translate english ronda_50bde6b4: # br "You already buy that flash drive" br "You already buy that flash drive" # game/script.rpy:19227 translate english ronda_0640b9ae: # br "So what else you want?" br "So what else you want?" # game/script.rpy:19228 translate english ronda_171364de: # k "Maybe some more information to make infiltration easier." k "Maybe some more information to make infiltration easier." # game/script.rpy:19229 translate english ronda_4ad92902: # br "It is nothing like easier in life." br "It is nothing like easier in life." # game/script.rpy:19230 translate english ronda_80e44c34: # br "Only hard days and hard fuck." br "Only hard days and hard fuck." # game/script.rpy:19236 translate english ronda_19f08cb4: # br "Many things." br "Many things." # game/script.rpy:19237 translate english ronda_3b6243b5: # k "What exactly?" k "What exactly?" # game/script.rpy:19238 translate english ronda_6043d9ff: # br "Visit shops, find love, open your own buisness, buy house, anything you want." br "Visit shops, find love, open your own buisness, buy house, anything you want." # game/script.rpy:19239 translate english ronda_0d730294: # k "Seriously?" k "Seriously?" # game/script.rpy:19240 translate english ronda_40b5514b: # br "Yes, but for most of them you need coins." br "Yes, but for most of them you need coins." # game/script.rpy:19244 translate english ronda_7216799f: # br "Actualy you should ask what can I do for you." br "Actualy you should ask what can I do for you." # game/script.rpy:19245 translate english ronda_043be16e: # br "I hear Chitsa visit your vault." br "I hear Chitsa visit your vault." # game/script.rpy:19246 translate english ronda_72d783b0: # br "You need protection, or realy big gift." br "You need protection, or realy big gift." # game/script.rpy:19247 translate english ronda_a9adece7: # br "Otherwise it will be your end." br "Otherwise it will be your end." # game/script.rpy:19248 translate english ronda_c01d6daf: # k "Ok can you protect me?" k "Ok can you protect me?" # game/script.rpy:19249 translate english ronda_44ddd320: # br "No I can't. I'm impartial." br "No I can't. I'm impartial." # game/script.rpy:19250 translate english ronda_0ad74cf8: # br "Chitsa warned you and followed the code." br "Chitsa warned you and followed the code." # game/script.rpy:19251 translate english ronda_4e6fe9d5: # br "It is nothing I can do for you now." br "It is nothing I can do for you now." # game/script.rpy:19252 translate english ronda_e1f732cb: # br "But Milkypolis or Sisterhood can protect you." br "But Milkypolis or Sisterhood can protect you." # game/script.rpy:19253 translate english ronda_6ad46edf: # br "Maybe......" br "Maybe......" # game/script.rpy:19254 translate english ronda_13c61667: # k "What about gift???" k "What about gift???" # game/script.rpy:19255 translate english ronda_86dfd2de: # br "Chitsa is strong.... But greedy...." br "Chitsa is strong.... But greedy...." # game/script.rpy:19256 translate english ronda_704dd518: # br "Maybe if you give her something shiny she will let you live" br "Maybe if you give her something shiny she will let you live" # game/script.rpy:19257 translate english ronda_b62cc95c: # k "That is.... Where can I find something like that?" k "That is.... Where can I find something like that?" # game/script.rpy:19258 translate english ronda_cdf8505c: # br "Talk with Deandrea. She can have something..." br "Talk with Deandrea. She can have something..." # game/script.rpy:19259 translate english ronda_c910e02f: # k "Ok... It is a good chance." k "Ok... It is a good chance." # game/script.rpy:19260 translate english ronda_741480df: # br "But hurry up or she kill you in next 10 days...." br "But hurry up or she kill you in next 10 days...." # game/script.rpy:19261 translate english ronda_13724359: # k "What????" k "What????" # game/script.rpy:19262 translate english ronda_6ccd977b: # br "Hurry up and don't waste your time!" br "Hurry up and don't waste your time!" # game/script.rpy:19267 translate english ronda_c799668e: # br "Maybe... I heard about your meet with Citsa." br "Maybe... I heard about your meet with Citsa." # game/script.rpy:19268 translate english ronda_83063bb6: # k "And how exactly you hear about it? If I know no one else been in the room." k "And how exactly you hear about it? If I know no one else been in the room." # game/script.rpy:19269 translate english ronda_f2db9f22: # br "It does not matter." br "It does not matter." # game/script.rpy:19270 translate english ronda_40515822: # br "The point is now is the moment, when Chitsa can be defeated." br "The point is now is the moment, when Chitsa can be defeated." # game/script.rpy:19271 translate english ronda_bc426525: # br "I have a plan. But I can not do it myself." br "I have a plan. But I can not do it myself." # game/script.rpy:19272 translate english ronda_7fd83066: # br "If you can gather some people to fight we can defeat Chitsa." br "If you can gather some people to fight we can defeat Chitsa." # game/script.rpy:19273 translate english ronda_91a266a5: # br "Key is to capture or eliminate her when she is on her daily walk in slave city." br "Key is to capture or eliminate her when she is on her daily walk in slave city." # game/script.rpy:19274 translate english ronda_a2e2488b: # br "We can make it possible. Can you help me?" br "We can make it possible. Can you help me?" # game/script.rpy:19275 translate english ronda_4ee1973e: # kam "Warning. This is the end of the game. So realy be carefull what you do." kam "Warning. This is the end of the game. So realy be carefull what you do." # game/script.rpy:19278 translate english ronda_62e7c204: # k "I think I choose Sisterhood of steel." k "I think I choose Sisterhood of steel." # game/script.rpy:19279 translate english ronda_33793a62: # k "They are powerful warriors and can be deadly." k "They are powerful warriors and can be deadly." # game/script.rpy:19280 translate english ronda_933ffc99: # br "As you say. I hope they agree and help." br "As you say. I hope they agree and help." # game/script.rpy:19281 translate english ronda_9fb613a1: # k "I hope so let's do that." k "I hope so let's do that." # game/script.rpy:19284 translate english ronda_bcebc8cf: # k "I think I'll pick people of Milkypolis." k "I think I'll pick people of Milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:19285 translate english ronda_b5afdf46: # br "Are you sure it is a good idea?" br "Are you sure it is a good idea?" # game/script.rpy:19286 translate english ronda_29d37234: # k "Trust me. They can be very convincing." k "Trust me. They can be very convincing." # game/script.rpy:19287 translate english ronda_96ace7bd: # br "Ok so this is a plan... Let's do it!" br "Ok so this is a plan... Let's do it!" # game/script.rpy:19290 translate english ronda_c805353e: # k "This is the right time to uprising in slavecity." k "This is the right time to uprising in slavecity." # game/script.rpy:19291 translate english ronda_d3936e77: # br "And what do you mean by that." br "And what do you mean by that." # game/script.rpy:19292 translate english ronda_fa3f414f: # k "I know a lot of begas there, and they now the city it should be our advantage." k "I know a lot of begas there, and they now the city it should be our advantage." # game/script.rpy:19293 translate english ronda_57f2fc06: # br "Ok. Begars and the rest of Enclave. Good combination." br "Ok. Begars and the rest of Enclave. Good combination." # game/script.rpy:19296 translate english ronda_d81d8e0e: # k "I have some strong people in Vault." k "I have some strong people in Vault." # game/script.rpy:19297 translate english ronda_ac5cff51: # br "And what do you want to do with them?" br "And what do you want to do with them?" # game/script.rpy:19298 translate english ronda_b0c0bd7f: # k "They can be wery helpful. We need to capture Chitsa and hide in Vault." k "They can be wery helpful. We need to capture Chitsa and hide in Vault." # game/script.rpy:19299 translate english ronda_6d2ec568: # br "Ok but i still think eliminate her is a better idea." br "Ok but i still think eliminate her is a better idea." # game/script.rpy:19300 translate english ronda_a8730188: # k "I will bring all what I have." k "I will bring all what I have." # game/script.rpy:19303 translate english ronda_46ffabc2: # k "I think this is a bad idea now." k "I think this is a bad idea now." # game/script.rpy:19304 translate english ronda_b91bea16: # k "I need to prepare a lot of things beofre I can opose Chitsa." k "I need to prepare a lot of things beofre I can opose Chitsa." # game/script.rpy:19305 translate english ronda_6125f011: # br "It is only a idea. I don't force you to anything." br "It is only a idea. I don't force you to anything." # game/script.rpy:19306 translate english ronda_fc76d8cc: # k "Ok so I will come back later." k "Ok so I will come back later." # game/script.rpy:19309 translate english ronda_3d01a1ae: # br "Nothing for now." br "Nothing for now." # game/script.rpy:19310 translate english ronda_153b06da: # br "Soon I will need your services." br "Soon I will need your services." # game/script.rpy:19313 translate english ronda_20a40a91: # br "See you later." br "See you later." # game/script.rpy:19319 translate english ronda_1f193ac7: # k "I try to enter the DEN." k "I try to enter the DEN." # game/script.rpy:19320 translate english ronda_dbd45b2c: # k "It look like no one is here." k "It look like no one is here." # game/script.rpy:19321 translate english ronda_9c23cf4b: # k "Maybe it is not open." k "Maybe it is not open." # game/script.rpy:19326 translate english ronda_03850230: # h "Hello welcome to my store." h "Hello welcome to my store." # game/script.rpy:19329 translate english ina_0b473b9d: # h "Some services, information and other stuff." h "Some services, information and other stuff." # game/script.rpy:19330 translate english ina_6d090e1d: # h "Also you can drink here if you want." h "Also you can drink here if you want." # game/script.rpy:19331 translate english ina_f4f98c11: # k "So basically it is a bar?" k "So basically it is a bar?" # game/script.rpy:19334 translate english ina_292c89d9: # h "No! Special place for rest drink and other stuff!" h "No! Special place for rest drink and other stuff!" # game/script.rpy:19335 translate english ina_7dd72f27: # k "Seriously???? Just...... Ok...." k "Seriously???? Just...... Ok...." # game/script.rpy:19339 translate english ina_31cf97f9: # h "Sure what kind of drink?" h "Sure what kind of drink?" # game/script.rpy:19343 translate english ina_b735df85: # h "One nuka cola for you." h "One nuka cola for you." # game/script.rpy:19344 translate english ina_7f0a1149: # k "It taste sweat." k "It taste sweat." # game/script.rpy:19346 translate english ina_6dd1afb4: # k "I think my fat is bigger now." k "I think my fat is bigger now." # game/script.rpy:19350 translate english ina_1d445e5d: # k "I don't have 5 coins." k "I don't have 5 coins." # game/script.rpy:19351 translate english ina_9ed56f7a: # k "This is wery lame." k "This is wery lame." # game/script.rpy:19355 translate english ina_0dc5e9a5: # h "This is special pre war edition." h "This is special pre war edition." # game/script.rpy:19356 translate english ina_4c8db516: # h "Some nuts sold their house and drank themselves to death." h "Some nuts sold their house and drank themselves to death." # game/script.rpy:19357 translate english ina_e51dc113: # k "This is stupid how you can die from non alcoholic drink?" k "This is stupid how you can die from non alcoholic drink?" # game/script.rpy:19358 translate english ina_714cfcad: # h "Special ingredience is some kind of poison." h "Special ingredience is some kind of poison." # game/script.rpy:19359 translate english ina_26712c29: # h "Not deadly in small dose but still dangerous." h "Not deadly in small dose but still dangerous." # game/script.rpy:19360 translate english ina_e90892c3: # h "But still it taste good." h "But still it taste good." # game/script.rpy:19362 translate english ina_abea4daa: # k "I think... YES... I want more." k "I think... YES... I want more." # game/script.rpy:19366 translate english ina_e7754e14: # k "I don't have 10 coins." k "I don't have 10 coins." # game/script.rpy:19367 translate english ina_c7be5533: # k "Hmm maybe I'm adicted on Nuka cola." k "Hmm maybe I'm adicted on Nuka cola." # game/script.rpy:19371 translate english ina_2f014883: # h "This is the best beer in old world." h "This is the best beer in old world." # game/script.rpy:19372 translate english ina_10579cfe: # h "Kiny Joe special" h "Kiny Joe special" # game/script.rpy:19378 translate english ina_3c7d6304: # q "Hey fella buy me drink." q "Hey fella buy me drink." # game/script.rpy:19379 translate english ina_3d1aae08: # q "I think you are so pr.... pr..... pretttyyyyyy." q "I think you are so pr.... pr..... pretttyyyyyy." # game/script.rpy:19380 translate english ina_be2226c3: # k "Hmm... I think you..." k "Hmm... I think you..." # game/script.rpy:19381 translate english ina_18c911f5: # q "Come on.... I want..... beee..... beee....... chrrrrrrrr.." q "Come on.... I want..... beee..... beee....... chrrrrrrrr.." # game/script.rpy:19383 translate english ina_ef6cfbe8: # k "Is that going to happened every time I order drink?" k "Is that going to happened every time I order drink?" # game/script.rpy:19388 translate english ina_99b33371: # k "I don't have 10 coins fo beer." k "I don't have 10 coins fo beer." # game/script.rpy:19389 translate english ina_427c4fb6: # k "Beer have many vitamines. Mybe next time." k "Beer have many vitamines. Mybe next time." # game/script.rpy:19394 translate english ina_6b4d0f59: # h "Original Russian vodka." h "Original Russian vodka." # game/script.rpy:19395 translate english ina_74314d25: # h "It can kill any illness in you." h "It can kill any illness in you." # game/script.rpy:19396 translate english ina_d21d63c5: # h "Don't drink too much." h "Don't drink too much." # game/script.rpy:19397 translate english ina_798ce389: # k "I'm ok I can drink as much I want." k "I'm ok I can drink as much I want." # game/script.rpy:19399 translate english ina_637a99df: # k "Did I tell you how much I love you?" k "Did I tell you how much I love you?" # game/script.rpy:19400 translate english ina_016a5fc7: # h "Yes 5 time today." h "Yes 5 time today." # game/script.rpy:19401 translate english ina_57325575: # k "I reeeeeeeealllyyyyy love you....." k "I reeeeeeeealllyyyyy love you....." # game/script.rpy:19406 translate english ina_7ce88b2c: # h "Sorry you are drunk." h "Sorry you are drunk." # game/script.rpy:19407 translate english ina_00f151dc: # h "Go home and sleep a litle." h "Go home and sleep a litle." # game/script.rpy:19412 translate english ina_63241735: # k "I don't have 20 coins for vodka." k "I don't have 20 coins for vodka." # game/script.rpy:19413 translate english ina_9ff129e7: # k "It is ok. But sad at same moment" k "It is ok. But sad at same moment" # game/script.rpy:19416 translate english ina_3e58361f: # h "And what exactly do you want?" h "And what exactly do you want?" # game/script.rpy:19419 translate english ina_d4e307fb: # k "Handjob would be nice." k "Handjob would be nice." # game/script.rpy:19420 translate english ina_0f960353: # h "Anything for you... for 50 coins." h "Anything for you... for 50 coins." # game/script.rpy:19421 translate english ina_35fc7db9: # k "What I must pay for it?" k "What I must pay for it?" # game/script.rpy:19422 translate english ina_a67022a5: # h "Yes but only if you want it." h "Yes but only if you want it." # game/script.rpy:19423 translate english ina_8f2dcff2: # k "I think we have something special between us." k "I think we have something special between us." # game/script.rpy:19424 translate english ina_5516c182: # h "Yes and that is the reason why I do it." h "Yes and that is the reason why I do it." # game/script.rpy:19425 translate english ina_c9308698: # k "I don't understant." k "I don't understant." # game/script.rpy:19426 translate english ina_ed69ad77: # h "If I make you every time you want, you don't appreciate it." h "If I make you every time you want, you don't appreciate it." # game/script.rpy:19431 translate english ina_fa99c03c: # k "Ok here is your money." k "Ok here is your money." # game/script.rpy:19433 translate english ina_8f68b0ca: # h "Thank you so lets start." h "Thank you so lets start." # game/script.rpy:19437 translate english ina_d5e50142: # h "I realy love your penis." h "I realy love your penis." # game/script.rpy:19438 translate english ina_6252edf3: # k "And what exactly you love on it." k "And what exactly you love on it." # game/script.rpy:19439 translate english ina_873215e0: # h "His size...... perfect shape.... every single detail." h "His size...... perfect shape.... every single detail." # game/script.rpy:19440 translate english ina_92416558: # h "How it fit in my hand between my boobs....." h "How it fit in my hand between my boobs....." # game/script.rpy:19441 translate english ina_55a07397: # h "So perfect and huge..." h "So perfect and huge..." # game/script.rpy:19443 translate english ina_0f6108a2: # k "Take that bitch..." k "Take that bitch..." # game/script.rpy:19447 translate english ina_883c6b55: # k "Hehe i think it was worth it." k "Hehe i think it was worth it." # game/script.rpy:19448 translate english ina_c0708b96: # h "..... I'm happy that you are satisfied" h "..... I'm happy that you are satisfied" # game/script.rpy:19449 translate english ina_ab105fe4: # h "Come next time if you want another services." h "Come next time if you want another services." # game/script.rpy:19450 translate english ina_caf99127: # k "I think I will come." k "I think I will come." # game/script.rpy:19456 translate english ina_a42c8a8c: # k "Sorry I don't have 50 coins." k "Sorry I don't have 50 coins." # game/script.rpy:19457 translate english ina_d6e3a665: # h "That's ok darlig come when you have them." h "That's ok darlig come when you have them." # game/script.rpy:19460 translate english ina_a560712a: # k "I think I can't do it again." k "I think I can't do it again." # game/script.rpy:19461 translate english ina_3b7f710a: # k "Not this day.... maybe tomorrow." k "Not this day.... maybe tomorrow." # game/script.rpy:19462 translate english ina_4dfaead6: # h "It is ok darling come next day." h "It is ok darling come next day." # game/script.rpy:19465 translate english ina_487feed3: # k "50 for one handjob? It is too much." k "50 for one handjob? It is too much." # game/script.rpy:19466 translate english ina_09f6c40a: # h "Ok I will be there if you change your mind." h "Ok I will be there if you change your mind." # game/script.rpy:19467 translate english ina_a0f8756d: # k "Maybe you can do it for free?" k "Maybe you can do it for free?" # game/script.rpy:19468 translate english ina_9e755ece: # h "I can do it for free.... but i will not...." h "I can do it for free.... but i will not...." # game/script.rpy:19469 translate english ina_5d7fa3dc: # k "..... that woman....." k "..... that woman....." # game/script.rpy:19472 translate english ina_d7f8ed42: # k "I want to ask you." k "I want to ask you." # game/script.rpy:19473 translate english ina_ff932e82: # h "What?" h "What?" # game/script.rpy:19474 translate english ina_52ca45dc: # k "Can you ......... scuk my cock???" k "Can you ......... scuk my cock???" # game/script.rpy:19475 translate english ina_f7b79262: # h "Of course. For 75 coins." h "Of course. For 75 coins." # game/script.rpy:19476 translate english ina_517b63db: # k "So you actual can blow me?" k "So you actual can blow me?" # game/script.rpy:19477 translate english ina_d8684679: # h "Yes why you so suprised." h "Yes why you so suprised." # game/script.rpy:19478 translate english ina_1b9cb24b: # k "You know..... mask.... and other stuff." k "You know..... mask.... and other stuff." # game/script.rpy:19479 translate english ina_be9a49a4: # h "The mask is protective.... and what other stuff?" h "The mask is protective.... and what other stuff?" # game/script.rpy:19480 translate english ina_adba05f8: # k "..........." k "..........." # game/script.rpy:19481 translate english ina_ddfec8cc: # k "Ok so 75 coins?" k "Ok so 75 coins?" # game/script.rpy:19486 translate english ina_bfa05400: # k "I think 75 is fair price for that." k "I think 75 is fair price for that." # game/script.rpy:19487 translate english ina_8492207c: # k "Here is your coins." k "Here is your coins." # game/script.rpy:19488 translate english ina_92e22a64: # h "So we can start now." h "So we can start now." # game/script.rpy:19492 translate english ina_e6058231: # h "Why are you waiting?" h "Why are you waiting?" # game/script.rpy:19493 translate english ina_0c70241b: # k "I just want to enjoy that situation." k "I just want to enjoy that situation." # game/script.rpy:19494 translate english ina_d46b5421: # h "Darilng put it in!" h "Darilng put it in!" # game/script.rpy:19495 translate english ina_f34e0572: # k "Say it nicer." k "Say it nicer." # game/script.rpy:19496 translate english ina_98cbe935: # h "Please.... sweetheart put it in." h "Please.... sweetheart put it in." # game/script.rpy:19497 translate english ina_9757a7a0: # k "Your wish is my command." k "Your wish is my command." # game/script.rpy:19503 translate english ina_791a56a9: # k "...... ou that is good...." k "...... ou that is good...." # game/script.rpy:19504 translate english ina_13d47a33: # k "..... So what was your day???" k "..... So what was your day???" # game/script.rpy:19508 translate english ina_98c6ac5b: # h "Pretty good. But now it is not a good time for that question." h "Pretty good. But now it is not a good time for that question." # game/script.rpy:19509 translate english ina_f50a96cd: # k "I want to know something more about you." k "I want to know something more about you." # game/script.rpy:19510 translate english ina_4384458e: # h "So should i stop suck your penis?" h "So should i stop suck your penis?" # game/script.rpy:19511 translate english ina_ee87ff0e: # kam "That is stupid idea." kam "That is stupid idea." # game/script.rpy:19512 translate english ina_abeed8ac: # k "No just continue." k "No just continue." # game/script.rpy:19517 translate english ina_56c8e0fd: # k "One more second." k "One more second." # game/script.rpy:19521 translate english ina_02a5ee48: # k "YES" k "YES" # game/script.rpy:19524 translate english ina_1f422ab0: # h "You come again... So tasty..." h "You come again... So tasty..." # game/script.rpy:19525 translate english ina_1b109d15: # k "Yes I eat many pineapples." k "Yes I eat many pineapples." # game/script.rpy:19526 translate english ina_921bb0a1: # h "I love taste of your sperm." h "I love taste of your sperm." # game/script.rpy:19531 translate english ina_f86d9185: # k "75 coins. is too much for me right now." k "75 coins. is too much for me right now." # game/script.rpy:19532 translate english ina_90056c90: # k "I need to find some and then you blow me!" k "I need to find some and then you blow me!" # game/script.rpy:19533 translate english ina_9e47ccc3: # h "I can promise you that." h "I can promise you that." # game/script.rpy:19535 translate english ina_a76bc451: # k "Out of sperm for this day." k "Out of sperm for this day." # game/script.rpy:19536 translate english ina_f0935220: # k "Need rest... maybe later." k "Need rest... maybe later." # game/script.rpy:19537 translate english ina_3fa8c3bd: # h "Ok come to me anytime you want." h "Ok come to me anytime you want." # game/script.rpy:19539 translate english ina_c778d1de: # k "I need that coins." k "I need that coins." # game/script.rpy:19540 translate english ina_7a3f47d8: # h "Why you need it?" h "Why you need it?" # game/script.rpy:19541 translate english ina_4234f033: # kam "Now she got you. You play this game but still not sure why you need coins." kam "Now she got you. You play this game but still not sure why you need coins." # game/script.rpy:19542 translate english ina_a858aade: # k "Shut up!" k "Shut up!" # game/script.rpy:19543 translate english ina_ff932e82_1: # h "What?" h "What?" # game/script.rpy:19544 translate english ina_e54bf357: # k "Nothing." k "Nothing." # game/script.rpy:19547 translate english ina_a1df41ac: # k "I love you boobs can I fuck them?" k "I love you boobs can I fuck them?" # game/script.rpy:19548 translate english ina_00d123a6: # h "Of course for 100 coins." h "Of course for 100 coins." # game/script.rpy:19549 translate english ina_dd25807f: # k "What? Why 100?" k "What? Why 100?" # game/script.rpy:19550 translate english ina_46b885b5: # h "Because they are soft and warm." h "Because they are soft and warm." # game/script.rpy:19551 translate english ina_0e8feb9e: # h "And bring you enormous pressure and joy." h "And bring you enormous pressure and joy." # game/script.rpy:19557 translate english ina_204b62fd: # k "Here is your money start do your job." k "Here is your money start do your job." # game/script.rpy:19558 translate english ina_3d27ab0d: # h "Sure darling let's start." h "Sure darling let's start." # game/script.rpy:19565 translate english ina_a2635835: # h "Do you like my boobies?" h "Do you like my boobies?" # game/script.rpy:19566 translate english ina_09d77267: # k "Yes they are best...... but..." k "Yes they are best...... but..." # game/script.rpy:19567 translate english ina_ecb387e5: # h "What???" h "What???" # game/script.rpy:19568 translate english ina_a7becbf4: # k "They can be bigger!" k "They can be bigger!" # game/script.rpy:19569 translate english ina_f2082e61: # h "....... Yes.... your penis is too big for them." h "....... Yes.... your penis is too big for them." # game/script.rpy:19570 translate english ina_f25abcb6: # h "They cant cover it properly." h "They cant cover it properly." # game/script.rpy:19571 translate english ina_b5466850: # h "I try to make you feel good." h "I try to make you feel good." # game/script.rpy:19573 translate english ina_d5869645: # h "....aaaa.... it is so warm..." h "....aaaa.... it is so warm..." # game/script.rpy:19574 translate english ina_d512b341: # k "Soon it will be warmer." k "Soon it will be warmer." # game/script.rpy:19575 translate english ina_39cca702: # k "Push it harder!" k "Push it harder!" # game/script.rpy:19576 translate english ina_66550cb6: # k "HARDER!!!" k "HARDER!!!" # game/script.rpy:19581 translate english ina_9b577f62: # h "Yes..... come more." h "Yes..... come more." # game/script.rpy:19586 translate english ina_f1ced221: # h "That was amazing." h "That was amazing." # game/script.rpy:19587 translate english ina_f934e45a: # h "Your sperm is so warm." h "Your sperm is so warm." # game/script.rpy:19588 translate english ina_e4482a44: # k "Your boobs too. 'if they were bigger'" k "Your boobs too. 'if they were bigger'" # game/script.rpy:19591 translate english ina_edda2d5c: # k "I don't have 100 coins. fuck me for free." k "I don't have 100 coins. fuck me for free." # game/script.rpy:19592 translate english ina_eb7de99e: # h "You don't appreciate it, if I make it for free." h "You don't appreciate it, if I make it for free." # game/script.rpy:19593 translate english ina_342ec0f6: # h "Coins is the proof of your love." h "Coins is the proof of your love." # game/script.rpy:19594 translate english ina_7440bf61: # k "What??? I don't get it." k "What??? I don't get it." # game/script.rpy:19595 translate english ina_b9c3a7f8: # h "Don't worry." h "Don't worry." # game/script.rpy:19598 translate english ina_b05db173: # k "I don't hae enough power for that." k "I don't hae enough power for that." # game/script.rpy:19599 translate english ina_ef3f3787: # k "My sperm is 'out of bonus'" k "My sperm is 'out of bonus'" # game/script.rpy:19600 translate english ina_16ae026c: # h "So come here next day." h "So come here next day." # game/script.rpy:19603 translate english ina_b9ce42bb: # k "It is too much." k "It is too much." # game/script.rpy:19604 translate english ina_b0adfe4a: # k "I want it for free." k "I want it for free." # game/script.rpy:19605 translate english ina_bce9cc27: # h "And I want coins." h "And I want coins." # game/script.rpy:19606 translate english ina_333f5605: # k "Seriously after all we had together?" k "Seriously after all we had together?" # game/script.rpy:19607 translate english ina_c9fa3d65: # h "Yes..... you need to understant it." h "Yes..... you need to understant it." # game/script.rpy:19608 translate english ina_0d31ab01: # k "Come on..... this is so stupid." k "Come on..... this is so stupid." # game/script.rpy:19612 translate english ina_b7f229ba: # k "I want to fuck your pussy." k "I want to fuck your pussy." # game/script.rpy:19613 translate english ina_e096f8e1: # h "Sorry but I think I'm not ready for that." h "Sorry but I think I'm not ready for that." # game/script.rpy:19622 translate english ina_aafb30df: # tr "Hello how can I help you?" tr "Hello how can I help you?" # game/script.rpy:19627 translate english trshop_e379aab7: # k "Can you tell me something about this shop?" k "Can you tell me something about this shop?" # game/script.rpy:19631 translate english trshop_ed76e37c: # tr "Sure this shop is mine." tr "Sure this shop is mine." # game/script.rpy:19632 translate english trshop_37e533e8: # k "And? What you sell?" k "And? What you sell?" # game/script.rpy:19633 translate english trshop_03467e2e: # tr "You can buy here powerfull potions." tr "You can buy here powerfull potions." # game/script.rpy:19634 translate english trshop_880e2fc3: # tr "Some of them can increase your physical skill other your spiritual strength." tr "Some of them can increase your physical skill other your spiritual strength." # game/script.rpy:19635 translate english trshop_40adab2f: # k "My what?" k "My what?" # game/script.rpy:19639 translate english trshop_d782fd20: # tr "Every person in this world have spiritual energy." tr "Every person in this world have spiritual energy." # game/script.rpy:19640 translate english trshop_4b68b7b4: # tr "It is your inner power. Ability to change the world and people arround you." tr "It is your inner power. Ability to change the world and people arround you." # game/script.rpy:19641 translate english trshop_53dd34da: # k "You mean some kind of jedi tricks or what?" k "You mean some kind of jedi tricks or what?" # game/script.rpy:19645 translate english trshop_3ef7cbbe: # tr "Haha... No but when you control your body you can find the way how to control the body of the others." tr "Haha... No but when you control your body you can find the way how to control the body of the others." # game/script.rpy:19646 translate english trshop_c9c45272: # k "What??? Shit! I don't get it." k "What??? Shit! I don't get it." # game/script.rpy:19647 translate english trshop_c9eb1235: # tr "Anyway. You can find a lot of power in my shop." tr "Anyway. You can find a lot of power in my shop." # game/script.rpy:19651 translate english trshop_4aab624c: # tr "You can sell me some trophies if you have them." tr "You can sell me some trophies if you have them." # game/script.rpy:19652 translate english trshop_fe2ab96d: # tr "And we can experience adventure together." tr "And we can experience adventure together." # game/script.rpy:19653 translate english trshop_64a4f19d: # k "What kind of adventure?" k "What kind of adventure?" # game/script.rpy:19654 translate english trshop_375cf306: # tr "Let yourself be surprised." tr "Let yourself be surprised." # game/script.rpy:19657 translate english trshop_fff8604b: # k "Can you tell me something about yourself?" k "Can you tell me something about yourself?" # game/script.rpy:19661 translate english trshop_07f78daf: # tr "Sure I am the owner of this shop." tr "Sure I am the owner of this shop." # game/script.rpy:19662 translate english trshop_33e4d2ce: # k "Ehm.... Yes I know that anything else?" k "Ehm.... Yes I know that anything else?" # game/script.rpy:19663 translate english trshop_39383fad: # tr "I create potions from ingredience and deffend poor people." tr "I create potions from ingredience and deffend poor people." # game/script.rpy:19664 translate english trshop_2908f790: # tr "Also I am a proud warrior priest of Milkypolis religion." tr "Also I am a proud warrior priest of Milkypolis religion." # game/script.rpy:19665 translate english trshop_3553ea04: # k "Then why you live here?" k "Then why you live here?" # game/script.rpy:19666 translate english trshop_aadc64e8: # tr "I supprot them from the outside because like other warrior priest." tr "I supprot them from the outside because like other warrior priest." # game/script.rpy:19667 translate english trshop_7d23ff92: # k "Ok but how and why?" k "Ok but how and why?" # game/script.rpy:19671 translate english trshop_779f093e: # tr "Let's say every relion have enemies. Priest like me is the first line of deffence." tr "Let's say every relion have enemies. Priest like me is the first line of deffence." # game/script.rpy:19672 translate english trshop_f38d9115: # tr "My boobs is connected to the temple." tr "My boobs is connected to the temple." # game/script.rpy:19673 translate english trshop_ce8d3ef9: # k "Ehm... You mean heart right?" k "Ehm... You mean heart right?" # game/script.rpy:19674 translate english trshop_4b3f9965: # tr "It is the same thing..." tr "It is the same thing..." # game/script.rpy:19676 translate english trshop_6f3c1c37: # tr "I see You still have a lot to learn." tr "I see You still have a lot to learn." # game/script.rpy:19677 translate english trshop_77387d16: # k "Yes that is a true still not understant a lot of things about your religion." k "Yes that is a true still not understant a lot of things about your religion." # game/script.rpy:19678 translate english trshop_97ee1d75: # k "But I love it. That is for sure." k "But I love it. That is for sure." # game/script.rpy:19684 translate english trshop_d926333f: # k "What you can tell me about current situation?" k "What you can tell me about current situation?" # game/script.rpy:19688 translate english trshop_4e815ad5: # tr "The situation is still the same." tr "The situation is still the same." # game/script.rpy:19689 translate english trshop_c5dc44b8: # k "What you mean by that?" k "What you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:19690 translate english trshop_efd08575: # tr "War - Wealthy people live at the expense of the poor." tr "War - Wealthy people live at the expense of the poor." # game/script.rpy:19691 translate english trshop_ed6f3d30: # tr "A lot of suffering. And pain." tr "A lot of suffering. And pain." # game/script.rpy:19693 translate english trshop_1521efea: # k "Yes that is a true but what about Chitsa? Or vault? Or any group in this part of world?" k "Yes that is a true but what about Chitsa? Or vault? Or any group in this part of world?" # game/script.rpy:19697 translate english trshop_38e58f73: # tr "Still same. Everyone want to control everything." tr "Still same. Everyone want to control everything." # game/script.rpy:19698 translate english trshop_89749c73: # tr "Still fighting for power. But in the end." tr "Still fighting for power. But in the end." # game/script.rpy:19700 translate english trshop_9d4b8f71: # tr "None of that made any sense. Any value." tr "None of that made any sense. Any value." # game/script.rpy:19701 translate english trshop_205b4c54: # tr "We all live for that little bit of happiness." tr "We all live for that little bit of happiness." # game/script.rpy:19702 translate english trshop_c1e0c3a1: # tr "A small piece of joy." tr "A small piece of joy." # game/script.rpy:19714 translate english trshop_4d87b180: # tr "This potion can increase your Strength." tr "This potion can increase your Strength." # game/script.rpy:19715 translate english trshop_3dea026b: # tr "Your punch in battles will be harder and you can defeat stronger enemies." tr "Your punch in battles will be harder and you can defeat stronger enemies." # game/script.rpy:19716 translate english trshop_3bf50744: # tr "It is an Idea for next update. Not available in this version." tr "It is an Idea for next update. Not available in this version." # game/script.rpy:19725 translate english trshop_1aa18762: # tr "This potion can increase your Perversion." tr "This potion can increase your Perversion." # game/script.rpy:19726 translate english trshop_52d6d73c: # tr "It can unlock more pervers options in game." tr "It can unlock more pervers options in game." # game/script.rpy:19727 translate english trshop_042a28e9: # tr "It is an idea for next update. Not available in this version." tr "It is an idea for next update. Not available in this version." # game/script.rpy:19736 translate english trshop_05cbd5fb: # tr "This potion can increase your Endurance." tr "This potion can increase your Endurance." # game/script.rpy:19737 translate english trshop_fb8c9bc3: # tr "This value can help you in fight with monsters and increase your health." tr "This value can help you in fight with monsters and increase your health." # game/script.rpy:19738 translate english trshop_042a28e9_1: # tr "It is an idea for next update. Not available in this version." tr "It is an idea for next update. Not available in this version." # game/script.rpy:19748 translate english trshop_fe792fe2: # tr "This potion can increase your Cumming ability." tr "This potion can increase your Cumming ability." # game/script.rpy:19749 translate english trshop_c65d76bb: # tr "The value of your ability will increase. You can cum more times." tr "The value of your ability will increase. You can cum more times." # game/script.rpy:19750 translate english trshop_042a28e9_2: # tr "It is an idea for next update. Not available in this version." tr "It is an idea for next update. Not available in this version." # game/script.rpy:19759 translate english trshop_b9ada969: # tr "This potion can increase your Inteligence." tr "This potion can increase your Inteligence." # game/script.rpy:19760 translate english trshop_b68ce0ef: # tr "You can be smarter then average dweller and convince other to obey your will." tr "You can be smarter then average dweller and convince other to obey your will." # game/script.rpy:19761 translate english trshop_042a28e9_3: # tr "It is an idea for next update. Not available in this version." tr "It is an idea for next update. Not available in this version." # game/script.rpy:19770 translate english trshop_89b84b8f: # tr "This potion can increase your Agility." tr "This potion can increase your Agility." # game/script.rpy:19771 translate english trshop_2430ddd2: # tr "You can eveade enemy attack more oftern and hit them often too." tr "You can eveade enemy attack more oftern and hit them often too." # game/script.rpy:19772 translate english trshop_042a28e9_4: # tr "It is an idea for next update. Not available in this version." tr "It is an idea for next update. Not available in this version." # game/script.rpy:19781 translate english trshop_30c03bb3: # tr "This potion can increase your Lust." tr "This potion can increase your Lust." # game/script.rpy:19782 translate english trshop_45a5f1b0: # tr "It is important to inspire people arround you to work harder and fuck harder for you." tr "It is important to inspire people arround you to work harder and fuck harder for you." # game/script.rpy:19783 translate english trshop_042a28e9_5: # tr "It is an idea for next update. Not available in this version." tr "It is an idea for next update. Not available in this version." # game/script.rpy:19798 translate english trshop_c3bc7048: # tr "Thank you for that trophy." tr "Thank you for that trophy." # game/script.rpy:19799 translate english trshop_2f3c8306: # tr "Here is your 150 coins." tr "Here is your 150 coins." # game/script.rpy:19801 translate english trshop_776e10c4: # tr "Do you want something else?" tr "Do you want something else?" # game/script.rpy:19807 translate english trshop_fa08a61c: # "Look like you have no gecko trophy." "Look like you have no gecko trophy." # game/script.rpy:19808 translate english trshop_dc4e19fa: # "Try to hunt them or send your dwellers to wasteland." "Try to hunt them or send your dwellers to wasteland." # game/script.rpy:19816 translate english trshop_c3bc7048_1: # tr "Thank you for that trophy." tr "Thank you for that trophy." # game/script.rpy:19817 translate english trshop_45e07765: # tr "Here is your 500 coins." tr "Here is your 500 coins." # game/script.rpy:19819 translate english trshop_776e10c4_1: # tr "Do you want something else?" tr "Do you want something else?" # game/script.rpy:19825 translate english trshop_b1d3cb31: # "Look like you have no deathclaw trophy." "Look like you have no deathclaw trophy." # game/script.rpy:19826 translate english trshop_dc4e19fa_1: # "Try to hunt them or send your dwellers to wasteland." "Try to hunt them or send your dwellers to wasteland." # game/script.rpy:19835 translate english trshop_4c623fb9: # k "Milkypolis need your help!" k "Milkypolis need your help!" # game/script.rpy:19839 translate english trshop_42d20281: # tr "What do you mean by that? What happened?" tr "What do you mean by that? What happened?" # game/script.rpy:19840 translate english trshop_a3c7bfc4: # k "I not understant but Artemis was possesed or something." k "I not understant but Artemis was possesed or something." # game/script.rpy:19841 translate english trshop_c5fbc49b: # tr "That is not a problem. Actual it is normal. Our holly...." tr "That is not a problem. Actual it is normal. Our holly...." # game/script.rpy:19842 translate english trshop_a3645305: # k "I know!" with hpunch k "I know!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:19843 translate english trshop_9361aa8e: # k "The problem is she have a lot of milk and no one can milk her right now. Personal milker is dead!" k "The problem is she have a lot of milk and no one can milk her right now. Personal milker is dead!" # game/script.rpy:19847 translate english trshop_3fe0e2d8: # tr "WHAT!!!" with hpunch tr "WHAT!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:19848 translate english trshop_6b80b518: # tr "We need to act hurry." tr "We need to act hurry." # game/script.rpy:19849 translate english trshop_e320ebeb: # k "Yes that is why I am here." k "Yes that is why I am here." # game/script.rpy:19850 translate english trshop_f618c92f: # tr "You don't understant how important she and her milk is. And how dangerous that all can be." tr "You don't understant how important she and her milk is. And how dangerous that all can be." # game/script.rpy:19851 translate english trshop_4071ff94: # tr "It can take another century for her next reincarnation." tr "It can take another century for her next reincarnation." # game/script.rpy:19852 translate english trshop_ecbe8840: # k "Ok so what can we do right now to help her?" k "Ok so what can we do right now to help her?" # game/script.rpy:19853 translate english trshop_a2e261c1: # tr "Milk her of course!" tr "Milk her of course!" # game/script.rpy:19854 translate english trshop_52e336d1: # k "I try that but something is not right." k "I try that but something is not right." # game/script.rpy:19858 translate english trshop_10f0e840: # tr "Of course you can't milk her!" tr "Of course you can't milk her!" # game/script.rpy:19859 translate english trshop_3639ab9d: # tr "You need special equipment for that... It is not only a part of will or something." tr "You need special equipment for that... It is not only a part of will or something." # game/script.rpy:19860 translate english trshop_d8fa3fdb: # k "Ok so what we need? What special have last milker." k "Ok so what we need? What special have last milker." # game/script.rpy:19861 translate english trshop_545d22a9: # tr "We try to discover his secret many times. Most important part of it is his strength." tr "We try to discover his secret many times. Most important part of it is his strength." # game/script.rpy:19862 translate english trshop_23550388: # k "Ok I think I am strong enough to milk someone but..." k "Ok I think I am strong enough to milk someone but..." # game/script.rpy:19863 translate english trshop_7c5f736c: # tr "But more important is his special gloves. He made them of deatclaw skin." tr "But more important is his special gloves. He made them of deatclaw skin." # game/script.rpy:19864 translate english trshop_771aaaa7: # k "I can get some skins...." k "I can get some skins...." # game/script.rpy:19868 translate english trshop_a9d7d149: # tr "Problem is you need a warm beating skin for that. So we need to kill deathclaw and make gloves realy fast." tr "Problem is you need a warm beating skin for that. So we need to kill deathclaw and make gloves realy fast." # game/script.rpy:19869 translate english trshop_e44d24e1: # k "That didn't make any sence." k "That didn't make any sence." # game/script.rpy:19870 translate english trshop_a767c565: # tr "Actualy... They are the basics of science..." tr "Actualy... They are the basics of science..." # game/script.rpy:19871 translate english trshop_48fb0446: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:19872 translate english trshop_c176c8f9: # tr "I know one way how to attract and kill deathclaw." tr "I know one way how to attract and kill deathclaw." # game/script.rpy:19873 translate english trshop_cc0239c3: # tr "But I need your help for that." tr "But I need your help for that." # game/script.rpy:19874 translate english trshop_bdf756ac: # k "That can be dangerous right?" k "That can be dangerous right?" # game/script.rpy:19875 translate english trshop_b3778ce1: # tr "I'm not gonna lie to you... You can die..." tr "I'm not gonna lie to you... You can die..." # game/script.rpy:19876 translate english trshop_8ea81e07: # k "Thank you for your honesty." k "Thank you for your honesty." # game/script.rpy:19877 translate english trshop_932c342a: # tr "We must offer our bodies to higher purpose." tr "We must offer our bodies to higher purpose." # game/script.rpy:19878 translate english trshop_c3a8d39d: # tr "I'll be committed to you." tr "I'll be committed to you." # game/script.rpy:19879 translate english trshop_28fe882f: # k "Arghhh... Fuck Let's do that. Seriously what other options we have?" k "Arghhh... Fuck Let's do that. Seriously what other options we have?" # game/script.rpy:19880 translate english trshop_e5ca0437: # k "It is dangerous but if I don't do it noone will." k "It is dangerous but if I don't do it noone will." # game/script.rpy:19881 translate english trshop_aae3e0cd: # k "So what is your plan?" k "So what is your plan?" # game/script.rpy:19885 translate english trshop_d080a36a: # tr "First you need two weapons for that mission." tr "First you need two weapons for that mission." # game/script.rpy:19886 translate english trshop_74981f66: # tr "This is my best gatling. I hope you know how to use it." tr "This is my best gatling. I hope you know how to use it." # game/script.rpy:19887 translate english trshop_e557b721: # k "Ehm sure.. What is the other weapon?" k "Ehm sure.. What is the other weapon?" # game/script.rpy:19888 translate english trshop_e278a7c3: # tr "....." tr "....." # game/script.rpy:19889 translate english trshop_fb2ff9a3: # tr "It is your inner power... I will tell you later." tr "It is your inner power... I will tell you later." # game/script.rpy:19890 translate english trshop_3d6ea99c: # k "Why not tell me now?" k "Why not tell me now?" # game/script.rpy:19891 translate english trshop_e81da61c: # tr "Trust me!" with hpunch tr "Trust me!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:19892 translate english trshop_48fb0446_1: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:19893 translate english trshop_bc3729f7: # "That is not wery convincing." "That is not wery convincing." # game/script.rpy:19898 translate english trshop_3fbc3025: # k "Ok what now?" k "Ok what now?" # game/script.rpy:19899 translate english trshop_9056230a: # k "We just wait here or what?" k "We just wait here or what?" # game/script.rpy:19904 translate english trshop_b09892a2: # tr "Now we need to attract the deathclaw. And I need you for that." tr "Now we need to attract the deathclaw. And I need you for that." # game/script.rpy:19905 translate english trshop_65be8416: # k "So I'm going to be a live bait?" k "So I'm going to be a live bait?" # game/script.rpy:19909 translate english trshop_a7eadb59: # tr "Nothing like that don't worry." tr "Nothing like that don't worry." # game/script.rpy:19910 translate english trshop_5d50e262: # k "So why you need me?" k "So why you need me?" # game/script.rpy:19911 translate english trshop_d5014dfa: # tr "I use powerfull potion on myself. When it activate it will atract nearby deathclaw." tr "I use powerfull potion on myself. When it activate it will atract nearby deathclaw." # game/script.rpy:19912 translate english trshop_d6e28df0: # k "How is it activated?" k "How is it activated?" # game/script.rpy:19913 translate english trshop_14b5ae7e: # tr "If my body temperature rise and brain start to produce endorhpines and prolactin." tr "If my body temperature rise and brain start to produce endorhpines and prolactin." # game/script.rpy:19914 translate english trshop_70f37f39: # tr "By stimulating my pussy it can start to produce pheromones that can lure deatchlaw." tr "By stimulating my pussy it can start to produce pheromones that can lure deatchlaw." # game/script.rpy:19915 translate english trshop_e50b19b4: # tr "So you need to give me a good fuck!" with hpunch tr "So you need to give me a good fuck!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:19916 translate english trshop_f859f836: # k "Of course that will be no problem!" k "Of course that will be no problem!" # game/script.rpy:19917 translate english trshop_fe9e4b24: # tr "But be carefull when deathclaw appear you must to react fast. Or it can kill us!" tr "But be carefull when deathclaw appear you must to react fast. Or it can kill us!" # game/script.rpy:19918 translate english trshop_6f1d36e2: # k "I am alway fast!" k "I am alway fast!" # game/script.rpy:19922 translate english trshop_30e6c02a: # k "Ok we can start!" k "Ok we can start!" # game/script.rpy:19925 translate english trshop_1d9394ab: # tr "You can start to fuck me now! And beware!" tr "You can start to fuck me now! And beware!" # game/script.rpy:19930 translate english trshop_27096d67: # k "What did you say?" with hpunch k "What did you say?" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:19931 translate english trshop_aa832d97: # tr "Aaaarggg..." tr "Aaaarggg..." # game/script.rpy:19932 translate english trshop_3474ca7f: # tr "Not so fast!" tr "Not so fast!" # game/script.rpy:19935 translate english trshop_7c60e25b: # k "You say I should be fast!" k "You say I should be fast!" # game/script.rpy:19937 translate english trshop_0c52d080: # tr "Yes but...." tr "Yes but...." # game/script.rpy:19944 translate english trshop_e1b86af7: # k "Should I stop?" k "Should I stop?" # game/script.rpy:19945 translate english trshop_b94ff3a6: # tr "NO! we need to ... aaaa.... lure it...." tr "NO! we need to ... aaaa.... lure it...." # game/script.rpy:19946 translate english trshop_54cf986f: # k "Of course I do it for that!" k "Of course I do it for that!" # game/script.rpy:19952 translate english trshop_a68686bd: # k "As you wish!" with hpunch k "As you wish!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:19953 translate english trshop_555a61e3: # tr "Yeaaaaahhh...." tr "Yeaaaaahhh...." # game/script.rpy:19954 translate english trshop_5f8131bd: # k "You realy enjoy it right?" k "You realy enjoy it right?" # game/script.rpy:19955 translate english trshop_db28ee34: # tr "It was a very long for me..." tr "It was a very long for me..." # game/script.rpy:19956 translate english trshop_13596a03: # k "It didn't look like that." k "It didn't look like that." # game/script.rpy:19957 translate english trshop_a403a7ec: # k "You are so wet!" k "You are so wet!" # game/script.rpy:19961 translate english trshop_6add49e9: # tr "aaaaaaa" tr "aaaaaaa" # game/script.rpy:19962 translate english trshop_4a718dcc: # k "Yeah look like you start to excrete pheromones..." k "Yeah look like you start to excrete pheromones..." # game/script.rpy:19963 translate english trshop_4881839f: # k "Shit what a smell!" with hpunch k "Shit what a smell!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:19965 translate english trshop_32e7878b: # k "Amazing pussy!" k "Amazing pussy!" # game/script.rpy:19967 translate english trshop_79e0e9d2: # k "!!!" k "!!!" # game/script.rpy:19968 translate english trshop_86e47dcc: # tr "Aaaaaa.... " tr "Aaaaaa.... " # game/script.rpy:19969 translate english trshop_c668cd3b: # k "Did you hear that???" k "Did you hear that???" # game/script.rpy:19970 translate english trshop_12cea095: # tr "yeeesssssss" tr "yeeesssssss" # game/script.rpy:19971 translate english trshop_f502b530: # k "No realy!" k "No realy!" # game/script.rpy:19972 translate english trshop_f4cfaa43: # k "Shit! Hurry something is comming!" k "Shit! Hurry something is comming!" # game/script.rpy:19977 translate english trshop_cdff6dfd: # tr "Come here little deathcalw I have something for you!" tr "Come here little deathcalw I have something for you!" # game/script.rpy:19978 translate english trshop_ba1c52a5: # k "Seriously? Ehm..." k "Seriously? Ehm..." # game/script.rpy:19979 translate english trshop_27a9b266: # k "Actually I want to see that...." k "Actually I want to see that...." # game/script.rpy:19980 translate english trshop_9459e16a: # k "Hmmmm..." k "Hmmmm..." # game/script.rpy:19981 translate english trshop_22e8fb94: # k "No we have a mission. That one is not so big." with hpunch k "No we have a mission. That one is not so big." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:19982 translate english trshop_3c1a7994: # k "Gatling ready! Trenia cover up!" k "Gatling ready! Trenia cover up!" # game/script.rpy:19983 translate english trshop_907eb93f: # k "Take it monster!" with vpunch k "Take it monster!" with vpunch # game/script.rpy:19984 translate english trshop_b7a445ba: # "ratatatatatatata" "ratatatatatatata" # game/script.rpy:19986 translate english trshop_b4413f0f: # tr "Kill it!" tr "Kill it!" # game/script.rpy:19988 translate english trshop_11831d45: # tr "Hurry now I need to concentrate!" tr "Hurry now I need to concentrate!" # game/script.rpy:19990 translate english trshop_276b6b17: # k "Hmm... How long it will be?" k "Hmm... How long it will be?" # game/script.rpy:19991 translate english trshop_ecf0fdb5: # tr "I have everything I need. Now need to return to Market Square." tr "I have everything I need. Now need to return to Market Square." # game/script.rpy:19992 translate english trshop_84728179: # tr "You can find me there." tr "You can find me there." # game/script.rpy:19996 translate english trshop_56f088d1: # k "Ehm... Hello I have a letter for you." k "Ehm... Hello I have a letter for you." # game/script.rpy:19997 translate english trshop_bb049a3a: # tr "Ok... Hmm..." tr "Ok... Hmm..." # game/script.rpy:19998 translate english trshop_770220e3: # tr "Who sent it?" tr "Who sent it?" # game/script.rpy:19999 translate english trshop_b24a631d: # k "Thalia from Sisterhood." k "Thalia from Sisterhood." # game/script.rpy:20000 translate english trshop_f81c954f: # tr "Ou...." tr "Ou...." # game/script.rpy:20004 translate english trshop_9f17cd4e: # tr "So we need to deactivate trap first..." tr "So we need to deactivate trap first..." # game/script.rpy:20005 translate english trshop_6cf5e576: # k "Trap?" k "Trap?" # game/script.rpy:20006 translate english trshop_f9b32102: # tr "Just a safety insurance." tr "Just a safety insurance." # game/script.rpy:20008 translate english trshop_1d761446: # tr "And it is done..." tr "And it is done..." # game/script.rpy:20009 translate english trshop_3657be99: # tr "Hmm..." tr "Hmm..." # game/script.rpy:20011 translate english trshop_c25fdfd6: # tr "And here is answer." tr "And here is answer." # game/script.rpy:20012 translate english trshop_93334484: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:20013 translate english trshop_c5b8e155: # tr "Just take this letter back to Thalia to know everything is ok." tr "Just take this letter back to Thalia to know everything is ok." # game/script.rpy:20014 translate english trshop_7c55a186: # k "Ehm... What is ok?" k "Ehm... What is ok?" # game/script.rpy:20015 translate english trshop_1d495be2: # tr "That is not your problem." tr "That is not your problem." # game/script.rpy:20016 translate english trshop_73aa7cab: # tr "Just take this letter back to her." tr "Just take this letter back to her." # game/script.rpy:20017 translate english trshop_1e79e19a: # k "If you say so..." k "If you say so..." # game/script.rpy:20022 translate english trshop_5b986a4b: # k "So what now? Did you create that gloves?" k "So what now? Did you create that gloves?" # game/script.rpy:20026 translate english trshop_f81f6890: # tr "You are talking with best alchemist in the world." tr "You are talking with best alchemist in the world." # game/script.rpy:20027 translate english trshop_37fceb93: # tr "I am almost sure that it will work!" tr "I am almost sure that it will work!" # game/script.rpy:20028 translate english trshop_9b5808e3: # k "Ehm almost sure?" k "Ehm almost sure?" # game/script.rpy:20029 translate english trshop_72cab966: # tr "We need to test it. But that is your part." tr "We need to test it. But that is your part." # game/script.rpy:20030 translate english trshop_b17c69e8: # k "Ok. I will. Listen...." k "Ok. I will. Listen...." # game/script.rpy:20031 translate english trshop_526f640b: # k "I want to talk about what hapeened." k "I want to talk about what hapeened." # game/script.rpy:20032 translate english trshop_6bf0b712: # tr "You mean like we defeat deathclaw?" tr "You mean like we defeat deathclaw?" # game/script.rpy:20033 translate english trshop_e821582c: # k "About moment before that." k "About moment before that." # game/script.rpy:20034 translate english trshop_6588be19: # tr "You mean our sexual adventure?" tr "You mean our sexual adventure?" # game/script.rpy:20035 translate english trshop_821e8137: # k "Ehm yes." k "Ehm yes." # game/script.rpy:20036 translate english trshop_eac64d04: # tr "And what about that?" tr "And what about that?" # game/script.rpy:20037 translate english trshop_a2390778: # k "I was wonder... Can we try it again?" k "I was wonder... Can we try it again?" # game/script.rpy:20042 translate english trshop_cb72248e: # tr "Sure I have no problem with that." tr "Sure I have no problem with that." # game/script.rpy:20043 translate english trshop_6e58052d: # tr "You already prove that you are worthy to take my body so you can do it again whenewer you want." tr "You already prove that you are worthy to take my body so you can do it again whenewer you want." # game/script.rpy:20044 translate english trshop_fc681b1c: # k "Thanks!" with hpunch k "Thanks!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20045 translate english trshop_eeccb6cd: # k "That is a winderfull news for me!" k "That is a winderfull news for me!" # game/script.rpy:20046 translate english trshop_647a34d8: # tr "But now go test that gloves!" tr "But now go test that gloves!" # game/script.rpy:20047 translate english trshop_7544f46b: # k "Ehm Sure... Bye..." k "Ehm Sure... Bye..." # game/script.rpy:20052 translate english trshop_6ea1bcad: # k "Is there anything what I can do for you?" k "Is there anything what I can do for you?" # game/script.rpy:20053 translate english trshop_aa59f40e: # tr "Actualy Yes I need to hunt down some octo creature." tr "Actualy Yes I need to hunt down some octo creature." # game/script.rpy:20054 translate english trshop_18ba1fcd: # k "Huh that sound dangerous... Do you think I am storng enough to do that?" k "Huh that sound dangerous... Do you think I am storng enough to do that?" # game/script.rpy:20055 translate english trshop_85b8ebb7: # tr "No you are not but that dosent matter since we have no power system." tr "No you are not but that dosent matter since we have no power system." # game/script.rpy:20056 translate english trshop_9d3640b5: # k "Ehm What?" k "Ehm What?" # game/script.rpy:20057 translate english trshop_2ec9226f: # tr "My potions and other things... Mabye if this is about chalange and skills..." tr "My potions and other things... Mabye if this is about chalange and skills..." # game/script.rpy:20058 translate english trshop_622aed65: # tr "...." tr "...." # game/script.rpy:20059 translate english trshop_8e4dfdc2: # tr "Yust.... Do you want to help me or not?" tr "Yust.... Do you want to help me or not?" # game/script.rpy:20064 translate english trshop_d80d1c3c: # k "I am ready we can start right now." k "I am ready we can start right now." # game/script.rpy:20065 translate english trshop_0cc467d8: # tr "Ok we can go." tr "Ok we can go." # game/script.rpy:20071 translate english trshop_737cd0be: # tr "Ok Let's hunt that creature. This is his area." tr "Ok Let's hunt that creature. This is his area." # game/script.rpy:20072 translate english trshop_35c5aeab: # k "Are you sure it is safe?" k "Are you sure it is safe?" # game/script.rpy:20073 translate english trshop_afb8b1a9: # tr "Yes nothing can happen." tr "Yes nothing can happen." # game/script.rpy:20074 translate english trshop_9706a337: # tr "Now we can separate andd start to find it." tr "Now we can separate andd start to find it." # game/script.rpy:20078 translate english trshop_d0d5e776: # k "Huh That was a stupid Idea." k "Huh That was a stupid Idea." # game/script.rpy:20080 translate english trshop_dd775179: # k "Still not sure what I'm actually looking for." k "Still not sure what I'm actually looking for." # game/script.rpy:20082 translate english trshop_c391dd0f: # k "Nothing here." k "Nothing here." # game/script.rpy:20084 translate english trshop_a320b870: # tr "Help!!!" with hpunch tr "Help!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20085 translate english trshop_35ca708a: # k "Huh? look like something is wrong!" k "Huh? look like something is wrong!" # game/script.rpy:20088 translate english trshop_ee6c2c28: # k "Where are you?" k "Where are you?" # game/script.rpy:20089 translate english trshop_b11aff2b: # ar "Here Come on!!!" ar "Here Come on!!!" # game/script.rpy:20091 translate english trshop_f83f5724: # k "lol!" with hpunch k "lol!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20092 translate english trshop_85f382e7: # k "What the hell is this?" k "What the hell is this?" # game/script.rpy:20093 translate english trshop_dfd4f18f: # tr "Hurry help me!" tr "Hurry help me!" # game/script.rpy:20094 translate english trshop_b6d414ac: # k "Ehm what can I do? look like everything is safe right?" k "Ehm what can I do? look like everything is safe right?" # game/script.rpy:20095 translate english trshop_b7be501c: # tr "Do not try to be funny. hurry before..." tr "Do not try to be funny. hurry before..." # game/script.rpy:20098 translate english trshop_c4ec9bb5: # tr "Ouuuu." tr "Ouuuu." # game/script.rpy:20099 translate english trshop_3ad7e3d7: # k "Hey creature Don't fuck here it is my job!!!" k "Hey creature Don't fuck here it is my job!!!" # game/script.rpy:20100 translate english trshop_b3404c10: # "You start the fight against the creature." "You start the fight against the creature." # game/script.rpy:20101 translate english trshop_a087d81c: # k "Take that!" with vpunch k "Take that!" with vpunch # game/script.rpy:20102 translate english trshop_1995bff3: # k "You lame monster!" k "You lame monster!" # game/script.rpy:20104 translate english trshop_6db487a3: # ar "Hurry!" with vpunch ar "Hurry!" with vpunch # game/script.rpy:20105 translate english trshop_889031af: # "VICTORY!!! What a lame fight." "VICTORY!!! What a lame fight." # game/script.rpy:20109 translate english trshop_db504952: # tr "That was amazing you save me and we got a trophy." tr "That was amazing you save me and we got a trophy." # game/script.rpy:20110 translate english trshop_78568a55: # tr "Here is your reward." tr "Here is your reward." # game/script.rpy:20112 translate english trshop_fe5337fd: # k "250 coins??? thanks." k "250 coins??? thanks." # game/script.rpy:20113 translate english trshop_a5517e49: # tr "I thank you it can end realy bad." tr "I thank you it can end realy bad." # game/script.rpy:20114 translate english trshop_7bf1fc1a: # tr "But You act like a hero!" tr "But You act like a hero!" # game/script.rpy:20115 translate english trshop_82ae9c0d: # k "It is good to be prepared." k "It is good to be prepared." # game/script.rpy:20119 translate english trshop_2bc55e8e: # tr "Heeeeeelp!" tr "Heeeeeelp!" # game/script.rpy:20120 translate english trshop_eb2fb1d4: # k "So what is this all about?" k "So what is this all about?" # game/script.rpy:20122 translate english trshop_cb61579f: # k "Huh ??? Looks like she caught it." k "Huh ??? Looks like she caught it." # game/script.rpy:20123 translate english trshop_52e749a1: # tr "Help where are you?" tr "Help where are you?" # game/script.rpy:20126 translate english trshop_4a4003b8: # tr "Arghhhhh!!! jelp!!!" with hpunch tr "Arghhhhh!!! jelp!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20127 translate english trshop_ae1a5dfa: # k "heh she mean help I think... What now???" k "heh she mean help I think... What now???" # game/script.rpy:20130 translate english trshop_ada2b55c: # tr "Ou no!" tr "Ou no!" # game/script.rpy:20133 translate english trshop_07ee0c88: # k "Get away from her monster!" with hpunch k "Get away from her monster!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20137 translate english trshop_822745a6: # k "Kill, kill, kill." k "Kill, kill, kill." # game/script.rpy:20139 translate english trshop_f095a050: # ar "Release me you!!!" ar "Release me you!!!" # game/script.rpy:20141 translate english trshop_e873ccf3: # k "Hurry kill it!" with hpunch k "Hurry kill it!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20142 translate english trshop_e0ed1754: # tr "Power attack!" tr "Power attack!" # game/script.rpy:20144 translate english trshop_07f01fbb: # "Victory!" "Victory!" # game/script.rpy:20145 translate english trshop_ddd6bd35: # k "huh that was weird!" k "huh that was weird!" # game/script.rpy:20146 translate english trshop_9752d103: # tr "Yes but you save me!" tr "Yes but you save me!" # game/script.rpy:20147 translate english trshop_beb33e9c: # tr "And we have a trophy here is your reward." tr "And we have a trophy here is your reward." # game/script.rpy:20149 translate english trshop_3afd2dd6: # k "150 coins??? ok thank you." k "150 coins??? ok thank you." # game/script.rpy:20150 translate english trshop_b436e0cb: # tr "We made it. Thank for your help." tr "We made it. Thank for your help." # game/script.rpy:20151 translate english trshop_56c74458: # tr "Next time you must be faster!" tr "Next time you must be faster!" # game/script.rpy:20152 translate english trshop_7e114143: # k "Next time?" k "Next time?" # game/script.rpy:20153 translate english trshop_2b449c8c: # tr "Yes we need more of them." tr "Yes we need more of them." # game/script.rpy:20154 translate english trshop_ce7a380c: # k "Oh yes I understant." k "Oh yes I understant." # game/script.rpy:20155 translate english trshop_99153d19: # tr "What?" tr "What?" # game/script.rpy:20156 translate english trshop_e54bf357: # k "Nothing." k "Nothing." # game/script.rpy:20159 translate english trshop_ada2b55c_1: # tr "Ou no!" tr "Ou no!" # game/script.rpy:20162 translate english trshop_64fc38c4: # tr "Please save me someone!" tr "Please save me someone!" # game/script.rpy:20164 translate english trshop_9afa299e: # tr "Where is everyone?" tr "Where is everyone?" # game/script.rpy:20167 translate english trshop_9d380633: # tr "Arghhh... It hurts!!!" tr "Arghhh... It hurts!!!" # game/script.rpy:20170 translate english trshop_e0fa46f6: # tr "If this will continue I will..." tr "If this will continue I will..." # game/script.rpy:20172 translate english trshop_5667365c: # tr "Arrrrggggg." tr "Arrrrggggg." # game/script.rpy:20173 translate english trshop_d2a7bca7: # tr "heeeeeeelp." with hpunch tr "heeeeeeelp." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20176 translate english trshop_b254f3dc: # tr "Nooooo!!!" with hpunch tr "Nooooo!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20179 translate english trshop_948fa1b8: # tr "aaaaaaaa..." tr "aaaaaaaa..." # game/script.rpy:20180 translate english trshop_baa781c6: # k "heh loook like that creature is horny..." k "heh loook like that creature is horny..." # game/script.rpy:20182 translate english trshop_8268b2fa: # tr "Ouch..." tr "Ouch..." # game/script.rpy:20183 translate english trshop_e7346dc2: # k "huh??? what happened? Where is that creature?" k "huh??? what happened? Where is that creature?" # game/script.rpy:20185 translate english trshop_e4a907d8: # k "Maybe I should act like normal." k "Maybe I should act like normal." # game/script.rpy:20186 translate english trshop_e533722f: # k "Hello Trenia. What happened here?" k "Hello Trenia. What happened here?" # game/script.rpy:20188 translate english trshop_172800ba: # tr "Where have you been?" tr "Where have you been?" # game/script.rpy:20189 translate english trshop_cef6b58a: # k "Ehm I was walking arround and... hear you so I come here as fast as possible." k "Ehm I was walking arround and... hear you so I come here as fast as possible." # game/script.rpy:20190 translate english trshop_b80ae28f: # tr "It was not fast enough!" tr "It was not fast enough!" # game/script.rpy:20191 translate english trshop_3f88d567: # k "Yes I see that. What happened to your clothes?" k "Yes I see that. What happened to your clothes?" # game/script.rpy:20192 translate english trshop_c01e4b94: # tr "..... I find a monster but it was too powerfull for me." tr "..... I find a monster but it was too powerfull for me." # game/script.rpy:20193 translate english trshop_ea009e45: # tr "Maybe if you come faster!" tr "Maybe if you come faster!" # game/script.rpy:20194 translate english trshop_f5f0f6c4: # k "Ehm... You have something on your dress." k "Ehm... You have something on your dress." # game/script.rpy:20195 translate english trshop_ba3f5136: # tr "Yes I know!" with hpunch tr "Yes I know!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20196 translate english trshop_2899cb64: # k "Do you want to tell me what happened?" k "Do you want to tell me what happened?" # game/script.rpy:20197 translate english trshop_0eb4c25b: # tr "No. I need to go wash now!" tr "No. I need to go wash now!" # game/script.rpy:20199 translate english trshop_c1e15103: # k "That was rude...." k "That was rude...." # game/script.rpy:20200 translate english trshop_959da56a: # k "Or maybe?" k "Or maybe?" # game/script.rpy:20201 translate english trshop_cff4011f: # k "hehe." k "hehe." # game/script.rpy:20205 translate english trshop_05e9c811: # k "Sorry but I need to rest." k "Sorry but I need to rest." # game/script.rpy:20206 translate english trshop_b7fd29ca: # tr "Ok so come back when you gain new strength." tr "Ok so come back when you gain new strength." # game/script.rpy:20209 translate english trshop_59e4ed99: # k "Ehm sorry but I am not ready for that." k "Ehm sorry but I am not ready for that." # game/script.rpy:20210 translate english trshop_a9c6fb24: # tr "Ok I understant... No danger only reward or some action." tr "Ok I understant... No danger only reward or some action." # game/script.rpy:20211 translate english trshop_48fb0446_2: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:20212 translate english trshop_08dacceb: # k "Maybe later." k "Maybe later." # game/script.rpy:20215 translate english trshop_6ea1bcad_1: # k "Is there anything what I can do for you?" k "Is there anything what I can do for you?" # game/script.rpy:20216 translate english trshop_f0100b1b: # tr "Actualy Yes I need to hunt down some octo creature or deathclaw." tr "Actualy Yes I need to hunt down some octo creature or deathclaw." # game/script.rpy:20217 translate english trshop_8f359d2f: # tr "Or we can spend some time together." tr "Or we can spend some time together." # game/script.rpy:20218 translate english trshop_1e183289: # k "Ok so what now?" k "Ok so what now?" # game/script.rpy:20221 translate english trshop_b5b0f100: # k "I want to spend some time with you." k "I want to spend some time with you." # game/script.rpy:20222 translate english trshop_524e86b8: # tr "Ok and what do you want to do?" tr "Ok and what do you want to do?" # game/script.rpy:20223 translate english trshop_1c9763a0: # k "Ehm... Anything you want." k "Ehm... Anything you want." # game/script.rpy:20224 translate english trshop_8f62aad2: # tr "Perfect let's go to the shop." tr "Perfect let's go to the shop." # game/script.rpy:20227 translate english trshop_ee780bfe: # k "Huh???" k "Huh???" # game/script.rpy:20229 translate english trshop_bb518e9e: # "After some time." "After some time." # game/script.rpy:20230 translate english trshop_26c4feb7: # tr "Yes and let's visit this one too." tr "Yes and let's visit this one too." # game/script.rpy:20232 translate english trshop_d21d57db: # "After a long time." "After a long time." # game/script.rpy:20233 translate english trshop_68f42066: # tr "huh??? Is reverything ok?" tr "huh??? Is reverything ok?" # game/script.rpy:20234 translate english trshop_26157a58: # k "Yes but I was hoping for something more..." k "Yes but I was hoping for something more..." # game/script.rpy:20235 translate english trshop_4ab71e19: # tr "Ouuu... you are so sweat..." tr "Ouuu... you are so sweat..." # game/script.rpy:20236 translate english trshop_95af6738: # tr "I enjoy this day. Now it is your time!" tr "I enjoy this day. Now it is your time!" # game/script.rpy:20237 translate english trshop_552c110d: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:20240 translate english trshop_176e2289: # k "That is something I like." k "That is something I like." # game/script.rpy:20241 translate english trshop_a9cc5275: # tr "Don't be a shy. You can fuck me if you want." tr "Don't be a shy. You can fuck me if you want." # game/script.rpy:20243 translate english trshop_2e8405db: # k "You don't need to tell me this twice." k "You don't need to tell me this twice." # game/script.rpy:20248 translate english trshop_2a480871: # tr "I feel it. It is almost inside." tr "I feel it. It is almost inside." # game/script.rpy:20249 translate english trshop_e1855c77: # k "Almost." k "Almost." # game/script.rpy:20254 translate english trshop_4ece98fc: # tr "Aaaar...." tr "Aaaar...." # game/script.rpy:20255 translate english trshop_fd82892d: # k "Now it is inside." k "Now it is inside." # game/script.rpy:20258 translate english trshop_5f4f5130: # tr "Yesss..." tr "Yesss..." # game/script.rpy:20261 translate english trshop_b9d2e2c8: # k "That is fun I like!" k "That is fun I like!" # game/script.rpy:20264 translate english trshop_9682404c: # tr "More!" tr "More!" # game/script.rpy:20269 translate english trshop_014f4118: # tr "That is ...." tr "That is ...." # game/script.rpy:20270 translate english trshop_ceadcc52: # tr "......" tr "......" # game/script.rpy:20273 translate english trshop_b73da09c: # k "Awesome right?" k "Awesome right?" # game/script.rpy:20276 translate english trshop_c87b440e: # tr "Yesssss..." tr "Yesssss..." # game/script.rpy:20281 translate english trshop_6cfc48b9: # k "Shit I am almost..." k "Shit I am almost..." # game/script.rpy:20287 translate english trshop_2cbadc9f: # k "Yeah...." k "Yeah...." # game/script.rpy:20288 translate english trshop_a0c7c434: # tr "That was fast..." tr "That was fast..." # game/script.rpy:20289 translate english trshop_50599002: # tr "Hope next time you fuck me little longer." tr "Hope next time you fuck me little longer." # game/script.rpy:20290 translate english trshop_fb508794: # k "Heh... Next time..." k "Heh... Next time..." # game/script.rpy:20292 translate english trshop_7cf3d429: # k "Maybe...." k "Maybe...." # game/script.rpy:20295 translate english trshop_697747b9: # k "Huh??? Sorry but I am too tired for that." k "Huh??? Sorry but I am too tired for that." # game/script.rpy:20296 translate english trshop_faecda51: # tr "So come back later when you have energy." tr "So come back later when you have energy." # game/script.rpy:20300 translate english trshop_6c21011e: # k "OK Time to hunt some octo monster." k "OK Time to hunt some octo monster." # game/script.rpy:20301 translate english trshop_3334399c: # tr "Sure I am ready." tr "Sure I am ready." # game/script.rpy:20304 translate english trshop_d80d1c3c_1: # k "I am ready we can start right now." k "I am ready we can start right now." # game/script.rpy:20305 translate english trshop_0cc467d8_1: # tr "Ok we can go." tr "Ok we can go." # game/script.rpy:20311 translate english trshop_737cd0be_1: # tr "Ok Let's hunt that creature. This is his area." tr "Ok Let's hunt that creature. This is his area." # game/script.rpy:20312 translate english trshop_35c5aeab_1: # k "Are you sure it is safe?" k "Are you sure it is safe?" # game/script.rpy:20313 translate english trshop_afb8b1a9_1: # tr "Yes nothing can happen." tr "Yes nothing can happen." # game/script.rpy:20314 translate english trshop_9706a337_1: # tr "Now we can separate andd start to find it." tr "Now we can separate andd start to find it." # game/script.rpy:20318 translate english trshop_d0d5e776_1: # k "Huh That was a stupid Idea." k "Huh That was a stupid Idea." # game/script.rpy:20320 translate english trshop_dd775179_1: # k "Still not sure what I'm actually looking for." k "Still not sure what I'm actually looking for." # game/script.rpy:20322 translate english trshop_c391dd0f_1: # k "Nothing here." k "Nothing here." # game/script.rpy:20324 translate english trshop_a320b870_1: # tr "Help!!!" with hpunch tr "Help!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20325 translate english trshop_35ca708a_1: # k "Huh? look like something is wrong!" k "Huh? look like something is wrong!" # game/script.rpy:20328 translate english trshop_ee6c2c28_1: # k "Where are you?" k "Where are you?" # game/script.rpy:20329 translate english trshop_b11aff2b_1: # ar "Here Come on!!!" ar "Here Come on!!!" # game/script.rpy:20331 translate english trshop_f83f5724_1: # k "lol!" with hpunch k "lol!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20332 translate english trshop_85f382e7_1: # k "What the hell is this?" k "What the hell is this?" # game/script.rpy:20333 translate english trshop_dfd4f18f_1: # tr "Hurry help me!" tr "Hurry help me!" # game/script.rpy:20334 translate english trshop_b6d414ac_1: # k "Ehm what can I do? look like everything is safe right?" k "Ehm what can I do? look like everything is safe right?" # game/script.rpy:20335 translate english trshop_b7be501c_1: # tr "Do not try to be funny. hurry before..." tr "Do not try to be funny. hurry before..." # game/script.rpy:20338 translate english trshop_c4ec9bb5_1: # tr "Ouuuu." tr "Ouuuu." # game/script.rpy:20339 translate english trshop_3ad7e3d7_1: # k "Hey creature Don't fuck here it is my job!!!" k "Hey creature Don't fuck here it is my job!!!" # game/script.rpy:20340 translate english trshop_b3404c10_1: # "You start the fight against the creature." "You start the fight against the creature." # game/script.rpy:20341 translate english trshop_a087d81c_1: # k "Take that!" with vpunch k "Take that!" with vpunch # game/script.rpy:20342 translate english trshop_1995bff3_1: # k "You lame monster!" k "You lame monster!" # game/script.rpy:20344 translate english trshop_6db487a3_1: # ar "Hurry!" with vpunch ar "Hurry!" with vpunch # game/script.rpy:20345 translate english trshop_889031af_1: # "VICTORY!!! What a lame fight." "VICTORY!!! What a lame fight." # game/script.rpy:20349 translate english trshop_db504952_1: # tr "That was amazing you save me and we got a trophy." tr "That was amazing you save me and we got a trophy." # game/script.rpy:20350 translate english trshop_78568a55_1: # tr "Here is your reward." tr "Here is your reward." # game/script.rpy:20352 translate english trshop_fe5337fd_1: # k "250 coins??? thanks." k "250 coins??? thanks." # game/script.rpy:20353 translate english trshop_a5517e49_1: # tr "I thank you it can end realy bad." tr "I thank you it can end realy bad." # game/script.rpy:20354 translate english trshop_7bf1fc1a_1: # tr "But You act like a hero!" tr "But You act like a hero!" # game/script.rpy:20355 translate english trshop_82ae9c0d_1: # k "It is good to be prepared." k "It is good to be prepared." # game/script.rpy:20359 translate english trshop_2bc55e8e_1: # tr "Heeeeeelp!" tr "Heeeeeelp!" # game/script.rpy:20360 translate english trshop_eb2fb1d4_1: # k "So what is this all about?" k "So what is this all about?" # game/script.rpy:20362 translate english trshop_cb61579f_1: # k "Huh ??? Looks like she caught it." k "Huh ??? Looks like she caught it." # game/script.rpy:20363 translate english trshop_52e749a1_1: # tr "Help where are you?" tr "Help where are you?" # game/script.rpy:20366 translate english trshop_4a4003b8_1: # tr "Arghhhhh!!! jelp!!!" with hpunch tr "Arghhhhh!!! jelp!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20367 translate english trshop_ae1a5dfa_1: # k "heh she mean help I think... What now???" k "heh she mean help I think... What now???" # game/script.rpy:20370 translate english trshop_ada2b55c_2: # tr "Ou no!" tr "Ou no!" # game/script.rpy:20373 translate english trshop_07ee0c88_1: # k "Get away from her monster!" with hpunch k "Get away from her monster!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20377 translate english trshop_822745a6_1: # k "Kill, kill, kill." k "Kill, kill, kill." # game/script.rpy:20379 translate english trshop_f095a050_1: # ar "Release me you!!!" ar "Release me you!!!" # game/script.rpy:20381 translate english trshop_e873ccf3_1: # k "Hurry kill it!" with hpunch k "Hurry kill it!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20382 translate english trshop_e0ed1754_1: # tr "Power attack!" tr "Power attack!" # game/script.rpy:20384 translate english trshop_07f01fbb_1: # "Victory!" "Victory!" # game/script.rpy:20385 translate english trshop_ddd6bd35_1: # k "huh that was weird!" k "huh that was weird!" # game/script.rpy:20386 translate english trshop_9752d103_1: # tr "Yes but you save me!" tr "Yes but you save me!" # game/script.rpy:20387 translate english trshop_beb33e9c_1: # tr "And we have a trophy here is your reward." tr "And we have a trophy here is your reward." # game/script.rpy:20389 translate english trshop_3afd2dd6_1: # k "150 coins??? ok thank you." k "150 coins??? ok thank you." # game/script.rpy:20390 translate english trshop_b436e0cb_1: # tr "We made it. Thank for your help." tr "We made it. Thank for your help." # game/script.rpy:20391 translate english trshop_56c74458_1: # tr "Next time you must be faster!" tr "Next time you must be faster!" # game/script.rpy:20392 translate english trshop_7e114143_1: # k "Next time?" k "Next time?" # game/script.rpy:20393 translate english trshop_2b449c8c_1: # tr "Yes we need more of them." tr "Yes we need more of them." # game/script.rpy:20394 translate english trshop_ce7a380c_1: # k "Oh yes I understant." k "Oh yes I understant." # game/script.rpy:20395 translate english trshop_99153d19_1: # tr "What?" tr "What?" # game/script.rpy:20396 translate english trshop_e54bf357_1: # k "Nothing." k "Nothing." # game/script.rpy:20399 translate english trshop_ada2b55c_3: # tr "Ou no!" tr "Ou no!" # game/script.rpy:20402 translate english trshop_64fc38c4_1: # tr "Please save me someone!" tr "Please save me someone!" # game/script.rpy:20404 translate english trshop_9afa299e_1: # tr "Where is everyone?" tr "Where is everyone?" # game/script.rpy:20407 translate english trshop_9d380633_1: # tr "Arghhh... It hurts!!!" tr "Arghhh... It hurts!!!" # game/script.rpy:20410 translate english trshop_e0fa46f6_1: # tr "If this will continue I will..." tr "If this will continue I will..." # game/script.rpy:20412 translate english trshop_5667365c_1: # tr "Arrrrggggg." tr "Arrrrggggg." # game/script.rpy:20413 translate english trshop_d2a7bca7_1: # tr "heeeeeeelp." with hpunch tr "heeeeeeelp." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20416 translate english trshop_b254f3dc_1: # tr "Nooooo!!!" with hpunch tr "Nooooo!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20419 translate english trshop_948fa1b8_1: # tr "aaaaaaaa..." tr "aaaaaaaa..." # game/script.rpy:20420 translate english trshop_baa781c6_1: # k "heh loook like that creature is horny..." k "heh loook like that creature is horny..." # game/script.rpy:20422 translate english trshop_8268b2fa_1: # tr "Ouch..." tr "Ouch..." # game/script.rpy:20423 translate english trshop_e7346dc2_1: # k "huh??? what happened? Where is that creature?" k "huh??? what happened? Where is that creature?" # game/script.rpy:20425 translate english trshop_e4a907d8_1: # k "Maybe I should act like normal." k "Maybe I should act like normal." # game/script.rpy:20426 translate english trshop_e533722f_1: # k "Hello Trenia. What happened here?" k "Hello Trenia. What happened here?" # game/script.rpy:20428 translate english trshop_172800ba_1: # tr "Where have you been?" tr "Where have you been?" # game/script.rpy:20429 translate english trshop_cef6b58a_1: # k "Ehm I was walking arround and... hear you so I come here as fast as possible." k "Ehm I was walking arround and... hear you so I come here as fast as possible." # game/script.rpy:20430 translate english trshop_b80ae28f_1: # tr "It was not fast enough!" tr "It was not fast enough!" # game/script.rpy:20431 translate english trshop_3f88d567_1: # k "Yes I see that. What happened to your clothes?" k "Yes I see that. What happened to your clothes?" # game/script.rpy:20432 translate english trshop_c01e4b94_1: # tr "..... I find a monster but it was too powerfull for me." tr "..... I find a monster but it was too powerfull for me." # game/script.rpy:20433 translate english trshop_ea009e45_1: # tr "Maybe if you come faster!" tr "Maybe if you come faster!" # game/script.rpy:20434 translate english trshop_f5f0f6c4_1: # k "Ehm... You have something on your dress." k "Ehm... You have something on your dress." # game/script.rpy:20435 translate english trshop_ba3f5136_1: # tr "Yes I know!" with hpunch tr "Yes I know!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20436 translate english trshop_2899cb64_1: # k "Do you want to tell me what happened?" k "Do you want to tell me what happened?" # game/script.rpy:20437 translate english trshop_0eb4c25b_1: # tr "No. I need to go wash now!" tr "No. I need to go wash now!" # game/script.rpy:20439 translate english trshop_c1e15103_1: # k "That was rude...." k "That was rude...." # game/script.rpy:20440 translate english trshop_959da56a_1: # k "Or maybe?" k "Or maybe?" # game/script.rpy:20441 translate english trshop_cff4011f_1: # k "hehe." k "hehe." # game/script.rpy:20445 translate english trshop_05e9c811_1: # k "Sorry but I need to rest." k "Sorry but I need to rest." # game/script.rpy:20446 translate english trshop_b7fd29ca_1: # tr "Ok so come back when you gain new strength." tr "Ok so come back when you gain new strength." # game/script.rpy:20451 translate english trshop_f859ed2f: # k "I think we can kill some deathclaws." k "I think we can kill some deathclaws." # game/script.rpy:20452 translate english trshop_70d43b08: # tr "This is my best gatling. Take it and we can go!" tr "This is my best gatling. Take it and we can go!" # game/script.rpy:20453 translate english trshop_686c8aa0: # k "Ok my second weapon is ready too!" k "Ok my second weapon is ready too!" # game/script.rpy:20454 translate english trshop_e278a7c3_1: # tr "....." tr "....." # game/script.rpy:20455 translate english trshop_ee41f1f5: # tr "It is good to know that." tr "It is good to know that." # game/script.rpy:20456 translate english trshop_c6cdc3b4: # k "I see you are realy happy." k "I see you are realy happy." # game/script.rpy:20457 translate english trshop_87aa3232: # tr "Just go" with hpunch tr "Just go" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20458 translate english trshop_9014ff7a: # k "hehe" k "hehe" # game/script.rpy:20459 translate english trshop_23b16bce: # "She is horny !" "She is horny !" # game/script.rpy:20464 translate english trshop_8b2b188b: # k "Ok can we start now?" k "Ok can we start now?" # game/script.rpy:20465 translate english trshop_54be03c6: # k "or you are not ready?" k "or you are not ready?" # game/script.rpy:20470 translate english trshop_c12bb29c: # tr "Yes I am ready" tr "Yes I am ready" # game/script.rpy:20471 translate english trshop_c7e5f287: # k "So you can strip now." k "So you can strip now." # game/script.rpy:20475 translate english trshop_74e7c859: # tr "You realy want it right?" tr "You realy want it right?" # game/script.rpy:20476 translate english trshop_74a62887: # k "Sure it was awesome last time." k "Sure it was awesome last time." # game/script.rpy:20477 translate english trshop_0147e1e9: # tr "I use powerfull potion on myself. And we can start." tr "I use powerfull potion on myself. And we can start." # game/script.rpy:20478 translate english trshop_1aa3059f: # k "Ok use it." k "Ok use it." # game/script.rpy:20479 translate english trshop_03fed42d: # tr "Yes.... It is on me..." tr "Yes.... It is on me..." # game/script.rpy:20480 translate english trshop_9e3747b2: # tr "So you need to give me a good fuck now!" with hpunch tr "So you need to give me a good fuck now!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20481 translate english trshop_f859f836_1: # k "Of course that will be no problem!" k "Of course that will be no problem!" # game/script.rpy:20482 translate english trshop_fe9e4b24_1: # tr "But be carefull when deathclaw appear you must to react fast. Or it can kill us!" tr "But be carefull when deathclaw appear you must to react fast. Or it can kill us!" # game/script.rpy:20483 translate english trshop_6f1d36e2_1: # k "I am alway fast!" k "I am alway fast!" # game/script.rpy:20487 translate english trshop_30e6c02a_1: # k "Ok we can start!" k "Ok we can start!" # game/script.rpy:20490 translate english trshop_dd0af04e: # tr "Cone on honey!" tr "Cone on honey!" # game/script.rpy:20495 translate english trshop_3f7a2691: # k "I am in!" with hpunch k "I am in!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20496 translate english trshop_aa832d97_1: # tr "Aaaarggg..." tr "Aaaarggg..." # game/script.rpy:20497 translate english trshop_3474ca7f_1: # tr "Not so fast!" tr "Not so fast!" # game/script.rpy:20500 translate english trshop_7c60e25b_1: # k "You say I should be fast!" k "You say I should be fast!" # game/script.rpy:20502 translate english trshop_0c52d080_1: # tr "Yes but...." tr "Yes but...." # game/script.rpy:20509 translate english trshop_e1b86af7_1: # k "Should I stop?" k "Should I stop?" # game/script.rpy:20510 translate english trshop_b94ff3a6_1: # tr "NO! we need to ... aaaa.... lure it...." tr "NO! we need to ... aaaa.... lure it...." # game/script.rpy:20511 translate english trshop_54cf986f_1: # k "Of course I do it for that!" k "Of course I do it for that!" # game/script.rpy:20517 translate english trshop_a68686bd_1: # k "As you wish!" with hpunch k "As you wish!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20518 translate english trshop_555a61e3_1: # tr "Yeaaaaahhh...." tr "Yeaaaaahhh...." # game/script.rpy:20519 translate english trshop_5f8131bd_1: # k "You realy enjoy it right?" k "You realy enjoy it right?" # game/script.rpy:20520 translate english trshop_db28ee34_1: # tr "It was a very long for me..." tr "It was a very long for me..." # game/script.rpy:20521 translate english trshop_13596a03_1: # k "It didn't look like that." k "It didn't look like that." # game/script.rpy:20522 translate english trshop_a403a7ec_1: # k "You are so wet!" k "You are so wet!" # game/script.rpy:20526 translate english trshop_6add49e9_1: # tr "aaaaaaa" tr "aaaaaaa" # game/script.rpy:20527 translate english trshop_4a718dcc_1: # k "Yeah look like you start to excrete pheromones..." k "Yeah look like you start to excrete pheromones..." # game/script.rpy:20528 translate english trshop_4881839f_1: # k "Shit what a smell!" with hpunch k "Shit what a smell!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20530 translate english trshop_32e7878b_1: # k "Amazing pussy!" k "Amazing pussy!" # game/script.rpy:20532 translate english trshop_79e0e9d2_1: # k "!!!" k "!!!" # game/script.rpy:20533 translate english trshop_86e47dcc_1: # tr "Aaaaaa.... " tr "Aaaaaa.... " # game/script.rpy:20534 translate english trshop_c668cd3b_1: # k "Did you hear that???" k "Did you hear that???" # game/script.rpy:20535 translate english trshop_12cea095_1: # tr "yeeesssssss" tr "yeeesssssss" # game/script.rpy:20536 translate english trshop_f502b530_1: # k "No realy!" k "No realy!" # game/script.rpy:20537 translate english trshop_f4cfaa43_1: # k "Shit! Hurry something is comming!" k "Shit! Hurry something is comming!" # game/script.rpy:20542 translate english trshop_cdff6dfd_1: # tr "Come here little deathcalw I have something for you!" tr "Come here little deathcalw I have something for you!" # game/script.rpy:20543 translate english trshop_ba1c52a5_1: # k "Seriously? Ehm..." k "Seriously? Ehm..." # game/script.rpy:20544 translate english trshop_27a9b266_1: # k "Actually I want to see that...." k "Actually I want to see that...." # game/script.rpy:20545 translate english trshop_9459e16a_1: # k "Hmmmm..." k "Hmmmm..." # game/script.rpy:20546 translate english trshop_84ed1c20: # k "Maybe later." with hpunch k "Maybe later." with hpunch # game/script.rpy:20547 translate english trshop_3c1a7994_1: # k "Gatling ready! Trenia cover up!" k "Gatling ready! Trenia cover up!" # game/script.rpy:20548 translate english trshop_907eb93f_1: # k "Take it monster!" with vpunch k "Take it monster!" with vpunch # game/script.rpy:20550 translate english trshop_b4413f0f_1: # tr "Kill it!" tr "Kill it!" # game/script.rpy:20552 translate english trshop_11831d45_1: # tr "Hurry now I need to concentrate!" tr "Hurry now I need to concentrate!" # game/script.rpy:20554 translate english trshop_54b51f2e: # k "I stat to love that missions." k "I stat to love that missions." # game/script.rpy:20555 translate english trshop_ed5a10a2: # tr "me too here is your reward." tr "me too here is your reward." # game/script.rpy:20557 translate english trshop_1b2e26ba: # k "250 coins??? ok thank you." k "250 coins??? ok thank you." # game/script.rpy:20558 translate english trshop_40e2a022: # tr "No I thank you." tr "No I thank you." # game/script.rpy:20559 translate english trshop_a5de28e0: # k "Yes I know." k "Yes I know." # game/script.rpy:20562 translate english trshop_05e9c811_2: # k "Sorry but I need to rest." k "Sorry but I need to rest." # game/script.rpy:20563 translate english trshop_b7fd29ca_2: # tr "Ok so come back when you gain new strength." tr "Ok so come back when you gain new strength." # game/script.rpy:20567 translate english trshop_7005af29: # "Look like there is nothing to do right now." "Look like there is nothing to do right now." # game/script.rpy:20568 translate english trshop_6f2efbbb: # "Try to help someone in Mylikpolis to unlock this option." "Try to help someone in Mylikpolis to unlock this option." # game/script.rpy:20582 translate english Intro_dca20b96: # kam "This time humanity almost loose..." kam "This time humanity almost loose..." # game/script.rpy:20583 translate english Intro_52512d13: # kam "Everyone on the planet is lost in some way..." kam "Everyone on the planet is lost in some way..." # game/script.rpy:20584 translate english Intro_c0e6bbcc: # kam "But hope is still here..." kam "But hope is still here..." # game/script.rpy:20585 translate english Intro_b5ac7112: # kam "In every corner of the world....." kam "In every corner of the world....." # game/script.rpy:20586 translate english Intro_bd9188ab: # kam "This is your chance to change everything..." kam "This is your chance to change everything..." # game/script.rpy:20587 translate english Intro_e3b4c481: # kam "To repopulate the world..." kam "To repopulate the world..." # game/script.rpy:20588 translate english Intro_33711645: # kam "Explore every hole..." kam "Explore every hole..." # game/script.rpy:20589 translate english Intro_f3a3b999: # kam "There is still hope of finding more survivors..." kam "There is still hope of finding more survivors..." # game/script.rpy:20591 translate english Intro_34474bd9: # kam "Enclave. Honorable and strong organization." kam "Enclave. Honorable and strong organization." # game/script.rpy:20592 translate english Intro_b9f51da2: # kam "You are a proud member." kam "You are a proud member." # game/script.rpy:20593 translate english Intro_108f49e2: # kam "One day your power armor become rusty." kam "One day your power armor become rusty." # game/script.rpy:20594 translate english Intro_e0578c54: # kam "You forget to oil it." kam "You forget to oil it." # game/script.rpy:20595 translate english Intro_b80fccdf: # kam "You stay too long in one place." kam "You stay too long in one place." # game/script.rpy:20597 translate english Intro_c39ca99f: # kam "But then you saw someone." kam "But then you saw someone." # game/script.rpy:20598 translate english Intro_e83cea7b: # kam "She uses oil can on your whole armor." kam "She uses oil can on your whole armor." # game/script.rpy:20599 translate english Intro_5883ebbf: # kam "Woman from Aroyo, she was your survivor." kam "Woman from Aroyo, she was your survivor." # game/script.rpy:20600 translate english Intro_c8a79d5b: # kam "You want to exit your armor, but something didn't work." kam "You want to exit your armor, but something didn't work." # game/script.rpy:20601 translate english Intro_e22d25f6: # kam "You run to the base to find help, but all you found was a lot of dead bodies." kam "You run to the base to find help, but all you found was a lot of dead bodies." # game/script.rpy:20602 translate english Intro_55b60a6f: # kam "It looks like your savior was your doom too." kam "It looks like your savior was your doom too." # game/script.rpy:20603 translate english Intro_b6992c69: # kam "Armor energy starts to go down." kam "Armor energy starts to go down." # game/script.rpy:20604 translate english Intro_7043ffa5: # kam "If your battery run out you can die in your armor." kam "If your battery run out you can die in your armor." # game/script.rpy:20605 translate english Intro_3b76c619: # kam "You try to find help." kam "You try to find help." # game/script.rpy:20610 translate english Intro_0b379cfe: # kam "After a long journey you find lost vault.... Vault 14." kam "After a long journey you find lost vault.... Vault 14." # game/script.rpy:20611 translate english Intro_5959b616: # kam "It is old and rusty, but still working." kam "It is old and rusty, but still working." # game/script.rpy:20612 translate english Intro_2cf76aaa: # kam "From here you can finally start your project." kam "From here you can finally start your project." # game/script.rpy:20613 translate english Intro_d8178c41: # kam "Explore vault and outside word." kam "Explore vault and outside word." # game/script.rpy:20614 translate english Intro_79557672: # kam "You need an electric food technology weapon and water." kam "You need an electric food technology weapon and water." # game/script.rpy:20615 translate english Intro_a505f880: # kam "And it isn't cheap so you need money." kam "And it isn't cheap so you need money." # game/script.rpy:20616 translate english Intro_36fdb11f: # kam "So finally start doing something!!!" kam "So finally start doing something!!!" # game/script.rpy:20619 translate english Intro_11dfb5d0: # o "Hello, this is my fault, can I help you?" o "Hello, this is my fault, can I help you?" # game/script.rpy:20628 translate english intro2_0dec172a: # o "I'm AI of this Vault the last protector." o "I'm AI of this Vault the last protector." # game/script.rpy:20631 translate english intro2_7ba7283e: # o "Repair old and damaged rooms and find more dwellers?" o "Repair old and damaged rooms and find more dwellers?" # game/script.rpy:20635 translate english intro2_9c6d93a1: # o "Here you can upgrade or develop technology to your vault." o "Here you can upgrade or develop technology to your vault." # game/script.rpy:20639 translate english intro2_f4efa954: # o "In this room you can attract people to your vault. " o "In this room you can attract people to your vault. " # game/script.rpy:20643 translate english intro2_364dd1b1: # o "This room is used for leisure and entertainment." o "This room is used for leisure and entertainment." # game/script.rpy:20647 translate english intro2_b519b542: # o "Here you can explore the wasteland or earn some coins." o "Here you can explore the wasteland or earn some coins." # game/script.rpy:20648 translate english intro2_7ecabea1: # o "This Vault have 5 fully functional G.E.C.K. so surviving here can be pretty easy." o "This Vault have 5 fully functional G.E.C.K. so surviving here can be pretty easy." # game/script.rpy:20649 translate english intro2_a73a5299: # k "Then why no one live here?" k "Then why no one live here?" # game/script.rpy:20650 translate english intro2_68fe7f95: # o "We had a few problems with radiation in the past. But now it is ok..... I think...." o "We had a few problems with radiation in the past. But now it is ok..... I think...." # game/script.rpy:20651 translate english intro2_e26f1216: # k "I feel safe now." k "I feel safe now." # game/script.rpy:20654 translate english intro2_6ffb2354: # o "I'm Artificial intelligence with nano plastic skin every part of me is designed like real woman." o "I'm Artificial intelligence with nano plastic skin every part of me is designed like real woman." # game/script.rpy:20655 translate english intro2_2fa77bff: # o "My program also supports body building. If you want, you can make body for me in the lab." o "My program also supports body building. If you want, you can make body for me in the lab." # game/script.rpy:20658 translate english intro2_988ad82c: # o "Actualy, I think you can find a few." o "Actualy, I think you can find a few." # game/script.rpy:20663 translate english intro2_d8c0925f: # o "Seriously, no reason to play only if you want to see bad end." o "Seriously, no reason to play only if you want to see bad end." # game/script.rpy:20667 translate english intro2_abdcdf85: # o "You set normal game." o "You set normal game." # game/script.rpy:20668 translate english intro2_6170ce5d: # o "You can survive some main life thread." o "You can survive some main life thread." # game/script.rpy:20669 translate english intro2_3be665e2: # o "Just be careful." o "Just be careful." # game/script.rpy:20680 translate english endsis_7c3ad793: # br "This is our chance. Now play it safe." br "This is our chance. Now play it safe." # game/script.rpy:20681 translate english endsis_b3694ebd: # k "Sisterhood is ready hope we can win this fight." k "Sisterhood is ready hope we can win this fight." # game/script.rpy:20683 translate english endsis_4788fea7: # br "I leave you for now. I must stay uninitiated." br "I leave you for now. I must stay uninitiated." # game/script.rpy:20684 translate english endsis_e78a82c4: # k "What why??? Where are you going?" k "What why??? Where are you going?" # game/script.rpy:20687 translate english endsis_a63ef967: # k "I have bad feeling." k "I have bad feeling." # game/script.rpy:20691 translate english endsis_f0e09938: # sl "Let's go. We have only one chance." sl "Let's go. We have only one chance." # game/script.rpy:20692 translate english endsis_7e933777: # k "Yes I know that. Hope it will...." k "Yes I know that. Hope it will...." # game/script.rpy:20696 translate english endsis_10381411: # ch "Well well... let's see what we have here." ch "Well well... let's see what we have here." # game/script.rpy:20697 translate english endsis_95bc133b: # k "Huh? Hurry capture her!!!" k "Huh? Hurry capture her!!!" # game/script.rpy:20698 translate english endsis_ee834dee: # ch "Don't be silly are you realy think, you can defeat me?" ch "Don't be silly are you realy think, you can defeat me?" # game/script.rpy:20699 translate english endsis_4422f44b: # k "Not alone but I have support of sisterhood!" k "Not alone but I have support of sisterhood!" # game/script.rpy:20700 translate english endsis_089063af: # sl "No you don't!" sl "No you don't!" # game/script.rpy:20701 translate english endsis_93334484: # k "What?" k "What?" # game/script.rpy:20702 translate english endsis_d68a98f1: # sl "You ask me to help but why should I do that?" sl "You ask me to help but why should I do that?" # game/script.rpy:20703 translate english endsis_3c376858: # sl "We work well together with Chitsa. She give us free fuck pupets..." sl "We work well together with Chitsa. She give us free fuck pupets..." # game/script.rpy:20704 translate english endsis_1feb0dcf: # k "What??? But I think we have a deal." k "What??? But I think we have a deal." # game/script.rpy:20705 translate english endsis_835ab297: # ch "And that was part of plan too." ch "And that was part of plan too." # game/script.rpy:20706 translate english endsis_8f3fa867: # ch "I give you a chance, but you decide to go against me!" ch "I give you a chance, but you decide to go against me!" # game/script.rpy:20707 translate english endsis_b83c11c7: # ch "Now, it is time for your death." ch "Now, it is time for your death." # game/script.rpy:20708 translate english endsis_30d15e01: # ch "KILL HIM!!!" ch "KILL HIM!!!" # game/script.rpy:20709 translate english endsis_38ac7240: # k "Wait!" k "Wait!" # game/script.rpy:20711 translate english endsis_e945cd56: # k "Argh..." k "Argh..." # game/script.rpy:20712 translate english endsis_d508cc60: # ch "That is end for you. Everyone who stay against me end like this!" ch "That is end for you. Everyone who stay against me end like this!" # game/script.rpy:20717 translate english endsis_3f3e28a2: # o "And this is the end of your story." o "And this is the end of your story." # game/script.rpy:20718 translate english endsis_5b8817cf: # o "Chitsa win and capture the vault." o "Chitsa win and capture the vault." # game/script.rpy:20721 translate english endsis_e4770577: # o "Maybe if you care more about sisterhood you can win this fight." o "Maybe if you care more about sisterhood you can win this fight." # game/script.rpy:20722 translate english endsis_88e665a1: # o "You are too greedy and ignorant." o "You are too greedy and ignorant." # game/script.rpy:20723 translate english endsis_e15fe75e: # o "Vault is now lead with stronger overseer." o "Vault is now lead with stronger overseer." # game/script.rpy:20724 translate english endsis_8c080758: # o "Chitsa can realy make some changes here." o "Chitsa can realy make some changes here." # game/script.rpy:20727 translate english endsis_e9d5c212: # br "Where is sisterhood?" br "Where is sisterhood?" # game/script.rpy:20728 translate english endsis_4e9d1f35: # k "I'm sure they will come in a moment." k "I'm sure they will come in a moment." # game/script.rpy:20729 translate english endsis_9c24748d: # br "Ok so.... I leve you for now. Hope you know what you should do." br "Ok so.... I leve you for now. Hope you know what you should do." # game/script.rpy:20730 translate english endsis_17b903d7: # k "Yes i know. Wish me luck." k "Yes i know. Wish me luck." # game/script.rpy:20731 translate english endsis_8621b38f: # br "Good luck." br "Good luck." # game/script.rpy:20734 translate english endsis_5d1bda82: # k "I hope we can do it." k "I hope we can do it." # game/script.rpy:20737 translate english endsis_dafcf0d9: # sl "What do you say?" sl "What do you say?" # game/script.rpy:20738 translate english endsis_ce7a83ae: # k "Shit you scare me a little." k "Shit you scare me a little." # game/script.rpy:20739 translate english endsis_860d040c: # k "Chitsa will go around soon. We need to suprise her." k "Chitsa will go around soon. We need to suprise her." # game/script.rpy:20740 translate english endsis_9e53d08d: # sl "This is job for sisterhood just wait." sl "This is job for sisterhood just wait." # game/script.rpy:20741 translate english endsis_44d186fa: # sl "Here is BFG use it only when the situation will be really bad." sl "Here is BFG use it only when the situation will be really bad." # game/script.rpy:20745 translate english endsis_87eb601b: # ch "... and then I will definetly rel...." ch "... and then I will definetly rel...." # game/script.rpy:20746 translate english endsis_f7dc0d1b: # k "Now!!!" k "Now!!!" # game/script.rpy:20750 translate english endsis_31d3c889: # ch "What is that." ch "What is that." # game/script.rpy:20751 translate english endsis_02d33aac: # sl "Fast knock her down." sl "Fast knock her down." # game/script.rpy:20754 translate english endsis_d748ce02: # k "That was good now we must flee fast." k "That was good now we must flee fast." # game/script.rpy:20761 translate english endsis_9ae754d0: # sl "Let's trial begin." sl "Let's trial begin." # game/script.rpy:20762 translate english endsis_24843941: # k "Wait? What trial?" k "Wait? What trial?" # game/script.rpy:20763 translate english endsis_c17cc3a5: # sl "Chitsa of the Aroyo, do you confess to all your sins?" sl "Chitsa of the Aroyo, do you confess to all your sins?" # game/script.rpy:20764 translate english endsis_25e27630: # ch "No I'm not! What is this all about?" ch "No I'm not! What is this all about?" # game/script.rpy:20765 translate english endsis_a3e47efd: # sl "You kill a lot of creatures, including floaters, aliens and kentaurs." sl "You kill a lot of creatures, including floaters, aliens and kentaurs." # game/script.rpy:20766 translate english endsis_62c7ae13: # ch "That??? Yes that is true." ch "That??? Yes that is true." # game/script.rpy:20770 translate english endsis_cc6716d8: # ch "And what do you want to do about that!?!" ch "And what do you want to do about that!?!" # game/script.rpy:20771 translate english endsis_f2710adb: # sl "The law is clear life for life." sl "The law is clear life for life." # game/script.rpy:20772 translate english endsis_854bdf79: # sl "You are guilty!" sl "You are guilty!" # game/script.rpy:20773 translate english endsis_fb70e380: # sl "The death sentence will be executed immediately." sl "The death sentence will be executed immediately." # game/script.rpy:20774 translate english endsis_d2d4fbc5: # sl "Any last word?" sl "Any last word?" # game/script.rpy:20775 translate english endsis_7d390016: # ch "That is crazy!!!" ch "That is crazy!!!" # game/script.rpy:20778 translate english endsis_0c1d7c68: # ch "argh...." ch "argh...." # game/script.rpy:20779 translate english endsis_ad4304e0: # sl "And that is the end of the big warrior but even bigger killer." sl "And that is the end of the big warrior but even bigger killer." # game/script.rpy:20780 translate english endsis_b80536e9: # k "Why you kill her? I think we only want to capture her ...." k "Why you kill her? I think we only want to capture her ...." # game/script.rpy:20781 translate english endsis_bd5165d3: # sl "And what? Prison her until she escape and kill us all?" sl "And what? Prison her until she escape and kill us all?" # game/script.rpy:20782 translate english endsis_45d226ed: # sl "This is not a stupid comics." sl "This is not a stupid comics." # game/script.rpy:20783 translate english endsis_eec6a5dd: # kam "Only stupid game...." kam "Only stupid game...." # game/script.rpy:20784 translate english endsis_be307422: # sl "When you need something you must be fast..." sl "When you need something you must be fast..." # game/script.rpy:20785 translate english endsis_dd871ffe: # k "Ok I get it... So it look like problem is solved." k "Ok I get it... So it look like problem is solved." # game/script.rpy:20786 translate english endsis_196ff710: # k "What now?" k "What now?" # game/script.rpy:20787 translate english endsis_a4676502: # sl "Now you can focus on Vault and our cooperation." sl "Now you can focus on Vault and our cooperation." # game/script.rpy:20788 translate english endsis_56751e52: # k "That is actually good idea." k "That is actually good idea." # game/script.rpy:20792 translate english endsis_4eaf57ba: # o "It looks like we have no enemies." o "It looks like we have no enemies." # game/script.rpy:20793 translate english endsis_05bdcfc3: # o "So now you can fully focus on Vault." o "So now you can fully focus on Vault." # game/script.rpy:20794 translate english endsis_7fc89826: # o "Try to gain some new dwellers." o "Try to gain some new dwellers." # game/script.rpy:20795 translate english endsis_a4d343dd: # o "And repair the damaged part of vault." o "And repair the damaged part of vault." # game/script.rpy:20796 translate english endsis_0f995bcd: # o "Now you can realy restart the civilization." o "Now you can realy restart the civilization." # game/script.rpy:20797 translate english endsis_a77ca3d2: # k "Ok. So lets start..." k "Ok. So lets start..." # game/script.rpy:20800 translate english endsis_af791b5b: # kam "So you finally make it." kam "So you finally make it." # game/script.rpy:20801 translate english endsis_5868f5b4: # kam "You survive and the people of your vault have their leader." kam "You survive and the people of your vault have their leader." # game/script.rpy:20802 translate english endsis_b31dc8f1: # kam "Your enemy is dead and there are no clouds anymore in the sky." kam "Your enemy is dead and there are no clouds anymore in the sky." # game/script.rpy:20803 translate english endsis_14809844: # kam "You have some blood on your hands but who does not?" kam "You have some blood on your hands but who does not?" # game/script.rpy:20804 translate english endsis_006c0765: # kam "You can be cruel or generous but that is another story." kam "You can be cruel or generous but that is another story." # game/script.rpy:20812 translate english endslavers_b02bfbc5: # br "So here we are. End of the day." br "So here we are. End of the day." # game/script.rpy:20813 translate english endslavers_64836ebd: # br "This is your chance I hope your friends can make it." br "This is your chance I hope your friends can make it." # game/script.rpy:20814 translate english endslavers_8a5d2788: # k "Don't worry we can make it you will see." k "Don't worry we can make it you will see." # game/script.rpy:20815 translate english endslavers_a066838a: # br "Maybe but not this time. Do your best." br "Maybe but not this time. Do your best." # game/script.rpy:20818 translate english endslavers_0e353754: # k "Alone.... Again..." k "Alone.... Again..." # game/script.rpy:20822 translate english endslavers_2c2dcca5: # sc "I'm here with support." sc "I'm here with support." # game/script.rpy:20823 translate english endslavers_f0ebc204: # k "Finally. I think you will never come." k "Finally. I think you will never come." # game/script.rpy:20824 translate english endslavers_ce377819: # sc "Don't be stupid. We can take down Chitsa finally. This is our chance to capture slave city." sc "Don't be stupid. We can take down Chitsa finally. This is our chance to capture slave city." # game/script.rpy:20825 translate english endslavers_a8e45d4a: # k "What about the slavers? I thought they would protect her." k "What about the slavers? I thought they would protect her." # game/script.rpy:20826 translate english endslavers_27750841: # sc "You give us a lot of coins." sc "You give us a lot of coins." # game/script.rpy:20827 translate english endslavers_a461523e: # sc "We bribed them and now they work for us." sc "We bribed them and now they work for us." # game/script.rpy:20828 translate english endslavers_980b7a7a: # k "That is wonderfull news. Ok now we need to wait for her." k "That is wonderfull news. Ok now we need to wait for her." # game/script.rpy:20830 translate english endslavers_eac049ae: # sc "This is our chance." sc "This is our chance." # game/script.rpy:20836 translate english endslavers_bb64b242: # sc "Chitsa this is end of your cruelty." sc "Chitsa this is end of your cruelty." # game/script.rpy:20837 translate english endslavers_83a1f0f1: # ch "What guard kill this scumm!" ch "What guard kill this scumm!" # game/script.rpy:20839 translate english endslavers_b529a018: # ch "Guards!!! What the fuck?" ch "Guards!!! What the fuck?" # game/script.rpy:20840 translate english endslavers_81748b9d: # sc "Sorry Chitsa but they now work for me!" sc "Sorry Chitsa but they now work for me!" # game/script.rpy:20841 translate english endslavers_e53a1dc9: # ch "What? You bastards I kill you all!" ch "What? You bastards I kill you all!" # game/script.rpy:20842 translate english endslavers_e45c7805: # sc "Maybe but not this time. Catch her!" sc "Maybe but not this time. Catch her!" # game/script.rpy:20847 translate english endslavers_dbe13f5c: # sc "Welcome in my home Chitsa." sc "Welcome in my home Chitsa." # game/script.rpy:20850 translate english endslavers_7176d174: # ch "This is my home! My town!" ch "This is my home! My town!" # game/script.rpy:20851 translate english endslavers_b2b93619: # sc "I know you think that but this town is not your anymore." sc "I know you think that but this town is not your anymore." # game/script.rpy:20852 translate english endslavers_2202a405: # sc "And about home. I think slavemarket would be enough for you." sc "And about home. I think slavemarket would be enough for you." # game/script.rpy:20853 translate english endslavers_e2f2c77c: # ch "You dirty bastard I will..." ch "You dirty bastard I will..." # game/script.rpy:20854 translate english endslavers_c51fc18c: # sc "Shut up. Guards chain her and take her to slavemarket." sc "Shut up. Guards chain her and take her to slavemarket." # game/script.rpy:20859 translate english endslavers_bec1cedc: # sc "That was fun! Now we can rule this city. And this world!" sc "That was fun! Now we can rule this city. And this world!" # game/script.rpy:20864 translate english endslavers_127643de: # o "And she was right Chitsa spend the rest of her days as a cum dump." o "And she was right Chitsa spend the rest of her days as a cum dump." # game/script.rpy:20865 translate english endslavers_ea0bddaf: # o "Begars in slave city have better conditions then before." o "Begars in slave city have better conditions then before." # game/script.rpy:20866 translate english endslavers_fdb8f3b9: # o "Soon all slavers been destroyed. But sex industry still benefit." o "Soon all slavers been destroyed. But sex industry still benefit." # game/script.rpy:20867 translate english endslavers_4327582a: # o "Every one who dissobey order end like cum dump." o "Every one who dissobey order end like cum dump." # game/script.rpy:20868 translate english endslavers_5fbeff0d: # o "It is weird but system 'Slaves of their own accord' actualy work." o "It is weird but system 'Slaves of their own accord' actualy work." # game/script.rpy:20873 translate english endslavers_aa952bc7: # o "People in vault lived peacefully in communes with the slave city." o "People in vault lived peacefully in communes with the slave city." # game/script.rpy:20874 translate english endslavers_57c059b1: # o "Vault worked on the same princip: sugar and whip." o "Vault worked on the same princip: sugar and whip." # game/script.rpy:20875 translate english endslavers_df13ceb8: # o "Some dwellers was send in slave city and some beggars now lives in vault." o "Some dwellers was send in slave city and some beggars now lives in vault." # game/script.rpy:20876 translate english endslavers_f1d1a3ad: # o "It was a good for you you have a free pass on every woman in this planet now." o "It was a good for you you have a free pass on every woman in this planet now." # game/script.rpy:20879 translate english endslavers_b02bfbc5_1: # br "So here we are. End of the day." br "So here we are. End of the day." # game/script.rpy:20880 translate english endslavers_64836ebd_1: # br "This is your chance I hope your friends can make it." br "This is your chance I hope your friends can make it." # game/script.rpy:20881 translate english endslavers_8a5d2788_1: # k "Don't worry we can make it you will see." k "Don't worry we can make it you will see." # game/script.rpy:20882 translate english endslavers_a066838a_1: # br "Maybe but not this time. Do your best." br "Maybe but not this time. Do your best." # game/script.rpy:20885 translate english endslavers_78ec4b65: # k "Hmm so now I'm here alone... perfect." k "Hmm so now I'm here alone... perfect." # game/script.rpy:20887 translate english endslavers_b140651d: # k "Where the hell is my friends?" k "Where the hell is my friends?" # game/script.rpy:20891 translate english endslavers_b10ec2ee: # ch "Are you looking for something?" ch "Are you looking for something?" # game/script.rpy:20892 translate english endslavers_2dbf6f6e: # k "Fuck, What?" k "Fuck, What?" # game/script.rpy:20893 translate english endslavers_6eaa944d: # ch "You think you can defeat me with my own women?" ch "You think you can defeat me with my own women?" # game/script.rpy:20894 translate english endslavers_3fa68229: # k "What ? How?" k "What ? How?" # game/script.rpy:20895 translate english endslavers_97582282: # ch "Begars is loyal to me! They will tell me about your little plan." ch "Begars is loyal to me! They will tell me about your little plan." # game/script.rpy:20896 translate english endslavers_25c92921: # k "Shit ... I'm here just to pick some flowers..." k "Shit ... I'm here just to pick some flowers..." # game/script.rpy:20897 translate english endslavers_e7b9002c: # ch "Don't be ridiculous, I give you a chance..." ch "Don't be ridiculous, I give you a chance..." # game/script.rpy:20898 translate english endslavers_6c8eb30d: # ch "Guards kill him!" ch "Guards kill him!" # game/script.rpy:20899 translate english endslavers_5b5fa2bf: # k "Wait!!! NO!!!" k "Wait!!! NO!!!" # game/script.rpy:20904 translate english endslavers_f069a7e0: # o "And this is the end of your life. End end of this story." o "And this is the end of your life. End end of this story." # game/script.rpy:20905 translate english endslavers_19ed855f: # o "Chitsa is cruel but fair." o "Chitsa is cruel but fair." # game/script.rpy:20906 translate english endslavers_a046829c: # o "Begars didn't betrayed her and she appreciated that." o "Begars didn't betrayed her and she appreciated that." # game/script.rpy:20907 translate english endslavers_15caeb68: # o "Vault is now their new home." o "Vault is now their new home." # game/script.rpy:20908 translate english endslavers_16105ca9: # o "On the other hand, vault now work as extended brothel for slave city." o "On the other hand, vault now work as extended brothel for slave city." # game/script.rpy:20909 translate english endslavers_59b77806: # o "Lot of systems is now destroyed and every advanced technology was demaged." o "Lot of systems is now destroyed and every advanced technology was demaged." # game/script.rpy:20910 translate english endslavers_c9756da5: # o "But people can still live her for free. If they 'pay' rent with their body." o "But people can still live her for free. If they 'pay' rent with their body." # game/script.rpy:20911 translate english endslavers_4752a931: # o "World can be cruel sometimes." o "World can be cruel sometimes." # game/script.rpy:20920 translate english endmilk_0846bd30: # br "So this is the place." br "So this is the place." # game/script.rpy:20921 translate english endmilk_a3cffd9f: # br "Now it is on you and your friends." br "Now it is on you and your friends." # game/script.rpy:20922 translate english endmilk_453194ac: # br "This is your only chance don't screw it." br "This is your only chance don't screw it." # game/script.rpy:20923 translate english endmilk_9f4ad640: # k "Ok I will try." k "Ok I will try." # game/script.rpy:20926 translate english endmilk_26ac552a: # k "I hope priest come here soon." k "I hope priest come here soon." # game/script.rpy:20930 translate english endmilk_abb23e46: # pr "I'm here. Now where is Chitsa?" pr "I'm here. Now where is Chitsa?" # game/script.rpy:20931 translate english endmilk_a1832e40: # k "She will come arround soon." k "She will come arround soon." # game/script.rpy:20932 translate english endmilk_02470a1f: # k "Remember we need to capture her." k "Remember we need to capture her." # game/script.rpy:20933 translate english endmilk_08074bd5: # pr "I know... I prepare something special for her." pr "I know... I prepare something special for her." # game/script.rpy:20934 translate english endmilk_f6290619: # k "Ok I hope it will work." k "Ok I hope it will work." # game/script.rpy:20935 translate english endmilk_61b8493b: # pr "You really really hope a lot." pr "You really really hope a lot." # game/script.rpy:20936 translate english endmilk_4a9f889c: # pr "You're so pious." pr "You're so pious." # game/script.rpy:20937 translate english endmilk_ad388f99: # k "If you think so...." k "If you think so...." # game/script.rpy:20941 translate english endmilk_0c7f692f: # pr "Hello Chitsa." pr "Hello Chitsa." # game/script.rpy:20942 translate english endmilk_dc3a0675: # k "That much to element of suprise." k "That much to element of suprise." # game/script.rpy:20943 translate english endmilk_5cfcf1a8: # k "What the hell are you doing?" k "What the hell are you doing?" # game/script.rpy:20944 translate english endmilk_6af83d2a: # ch "That is a good question." ch "That is a good question." # game/script.rpy:20945 translate english endmilk_63698cd2: # pr "Chitsa. I see a light in you." pr "Chitsa. I see a light in you." # game/script.rpy:20946 translate english endmilk_a63e3004: # k "That can't end well." k "That can't end well." # game/script.rpy:20954 translate english endmilk_2f8c6764: # pr "Look at the power of the holly mother." pr "Look at the power of the holly mother." # game/script.rpy:20957 translate english endmilk_50e030e2: # ch "What is that? I feel..." ch "What is that? I feel..." # game/script.rpy:20958 translate english endmilk_05f96bd0: # ch "......" ch "......" # game/script.rpy:20959 translate english endmilk_06e5ab20: # ch "Weak...." ch "Weak...." # game/script.rpy:20961 translate english endmilk_a5183c62: # k "Look like she just fainted." k "Look like she just fainted." # game/script.rpy:20965 translate english endmilk_6f730364: # pr "That is the power of holly mother." pr "That is the power of holly mother." # game/script.rpy:20966 translate english endmilk_9e2c3a7d: # k "Ok hurry take her to temple." k "Ok hurry take her to temple." # game/script.rpy:20971 translate english endmilk_39f6bd5d: # k "Ok so we need to convince Chitsa to stop being such a pain in the ass." k "Ok so we need to convince Chitsa to stop being such a pain in the ass." # game/script.rpy:20972 translate english endmilk_08e19020: # pr "What do you mean by that?" pr "What do you mean by that?" # game/script.rpy:20973 translate english endmilk_52ba087a: # k "Nothing. I think we need a little miricle." k "Nothing. I think we need a little miricle." # game/script.rpy:20974 translate english endmilk_227c05f5: # pr "So now we have to pray!" pr "So now we have to pray!" # game/script.rpy:20975 translate english endmilk_af4c5470: # k "Seriously? Pray? That won't....." k "Seriously? Pray? That won't....." # game/script.rpy:20976 translate english endmilk_ee90902c: # k "....." k "....." # game/script.rpy:20977 translate english endmilk_03d07d27: # k "WAIT A MOMENT!!!" k "WAIT A MOMENT!!!" # game/script.rpy:20978 translate english endmilk_1299f018: # k "Do you still have that kentaur milk right?" k "Do you still have that kentaur milk right?" # game/script.rpy:20979 translate english endmilk_44af16e4: # pr "Yes Deandrea wisit temple often and give us a lot every time..." pr "Yes Deandrea wisit temple often and give us a lot every time..." # game/script.rpy:20980 translate english endmilk_9e7ae54a: # k "Ok so I have a 'plan' bring Chitsa here and find some kentaur milk." k "Ok so I have a 'plan' bring Chitsa here and find some kentaur milk." # game/script.rpy:20982 translate english endmilk_1242f718: # k "Now let's the ceremonial start!" k "Now let's the ceremonial start!" # game/script.rpy:20985 translate english endmilk_0530fec8: # ch "What you fools doing?" ch "What you fools doing?" # game/script.rpy:20986 translate english endmilk_19b22184: # pr "In the name of holly mother." pr "In the name of holly mother." # game/script.rpy:20987 translate english endmilk_9c80e79f: # ch "Stop right now!" ch "Stop right now!" # game/script.rpy:20988 translate english endmilk_0428c8f6: # pr "Take this child." pr "Take this child." # game/script.rpy:20989 translate english endmilk_988a29b4: # ch "Idiots!" ch "Idiots!" # game/script.rpy:20990 translate english endmilk_232cbf4c: # pr "And forgive him his sins." pr "And forgive him his sins." # game/script.rpy:20991 translate english endmilk_fd63f28b: # pr "Make your milk and milk of your childrens cleanse her soul." pr "Make your milk and milk of your childrens cleanse her soul." # game/script.rpy:20992 translate english endmilk_d94b9d4a: # ch "You realy don't think this...." ch "You realy don't think this...." # game/script.rpy:20993 translate english endmilk_282c270e: # ch "will..." ch "will..." # game/script.rpy:20997 translate english endmilk_7337e1b6: # ch "I feel... freedom." ch "I feel... freedom." # game/script.rpy:20998 translate english endmilk_d5de0025: # ch "Now I see it all. I kill so many. I hurt so many." ch "Now I see it all. I kill so many. I hurt so many." # game/script.rpy:20999 translate english endmilk_ac9d179c: # pr "It is ok sister. Mother will forgive you." pr "It is ok sister. Mother will forgive you." # game/script.rpy:21000 translate english endmilk_1f8222d4: # ch "I.... thank you. I think I stay here for a while and try to help." ch "I.... thank you. I think I stay here for a while and try to help." # game/script.rpy:21001 translate english endmilk_c6dc5204: # pr "And all ends as it is written in the holy book." pr "And all ends as it is written in the holy book." # game/script.rpy:21006 translate english endmilk_93e246fc: # o "I'm not sure what is in the holly book but right now...." o "I'm not sure what is in the holly book but right now...." # game/script.rpy:21007 translate english endmilk_b3a32bfc: # o "Peace is all over this part of the world." o "Peace is all over this part of the world." # game/script.rpy:21008 translate english endmilk_76c6b4f2: # o "Chitsa didn't stay in the Milkypolis." o "Chitsa didn't stay in the Milkypolis." # game/script.rpy:21009 translate english endmilk_09312508: # o "After a while she come back in the slave city." o "After a while she come back in the slave city." # game/script.rpy:21010 translate english endmilk_5e387a34: # o "But she is no longer an enemy of the ..... let's say progres..." o "But she is no longer an enemy of the ..... let's say progres..." # game/script.rpy:21011 translate english endmilk_3a797e29: # o "She try to expand faith to the other land." o "She try to expand faith to the other land." # game/script.rpy:21012 translate english endmilk_42a249f4: # o "In next few years average size of the boobs grow up by almost 3 numbers." o "In next few years average size of the boobs grow up by almost 3 numbers." # game/script.rpy:21013 translate english endmilk_e87d9ce4: # o "World can be so beautifull sometimes...." o "World can be so beautifull sometimes...." # game/script.rpy:21017 translate english endmilk_75af676c: # o "Vault start to be overpopulated in next few months..." o "Vault start to be overpopulated in next few months..." # game/script.rpy:21018 translate english endmilk_792010b2: # o "So expansion is essential." o "So expansion is essential." # game/script.rpy:21019 translate english endmilk_934a28e0: # o "Only the most beautifull can live and breed in Vault." o "Only the most beautifull can live and breed in Vault." # game/script.rpy:21020 translate english endmilk_1774b90d: # o "Jut kidding." o "Jut kidding." # game/script.rpy:21021 translate english endmilk_957c2553: # o "Many creatures affected with few virus find their home here too." o "Many creatures affected with few virus find their home here too." # game/script.rpy:21022 translate english endmilk_40fe1f1c: # o "In the end you as the overseer of vault have right to accept anyone you want." o "In the end you as the overseer of vault have right to accept anyone you want." # game/script.rpy:21023 translate english endmilk_bb5df03e: # o "A new era of prosperity and love begin." o "A new era of prosperity and love begin." # game/script.rpy:21026 translate english endmilk_0846bd30_1: # br "So this is the place." br "So this is the place." # game/script.rpy:21027 translate english endmilk_a3cffd9f_1: # br "Now it is on you and your friends." br "Now it is on you and your friends." # game/script.rpy:21028 translate english endmilk_453194ac_1: # br "This is your only chance don't screw it." br "This is your only chance don't screw it." # game/script.rpy:21029 translate english endmilk_9f4ad640_1: # k "Ok I will try." k "Ok I will try." # game/script.rpy:21032 translate english endmilk_26ac552a_1: # k "I hope priest come here soon." k "I hope priest come here soon." # game/script.rpy:21036 translate english endmilk_a8ba4bae: # pr "Hello. So what is the plan?" pr "Hello. So what is the plan?" # game/script.rpy:21037 translate english endmilk_583b1459: # k "Just wait. You will see." k "Just wait. You will see." # game/script.rpy:21038 translate english endmilk_56d036ce: # k "Element of the suprise is the key." k "Element of the suprise is the key." # game/script.rpy:21041 translate english endmilk_fee560d5: # ch "Suprise!" ch "Suprise!" # game/script.rpy:21042 translate english endmilk_6a93b5fd: # ch "Do you realy think you can capture me so easily?" ch "Do you realy think you can capture me so easily?" # game/script.rpy:21043 translate english endmilk_decc9f88: # ch "Big big mistake." ch "Big big mistake." # game/script.rpy:21044 translate english endmilk_0363edf5: # k "What priest help me!" k "What priest help me!" # game/script.rpy:21045 translate english endmilk_8fdae7e4: # pr "Sorry but this is not my fight." pr "Sorry but this is not my fight." # game/script.rpy:21046 translate english endmilk_5ba486c2: # k "Wait. What?" k "Wait. What?" # game/script.rpy:21048 translate english endmilk_e88947f6: # ch "It is realy iprotant to supprot religion." ch "It is realy iprotant to supprot religion." # game/script.rpy:21049 translate english endmilk_7bfa9f3b: # ch "Then they will not betray you when you need them." ch "Then they will not betray you when you need them." # game/script.rpy:21050 translate english endmilk_4ca2aebb: # k "Grr. That is unfair." k "Grr. That is unfair." # game/script.rpy:21051 translate english endmilk_5b297d71: # k "I can take you out alone." k "I can take you out alone." # game/script.rpy:21052 translate english endmilk_9a2705b4: # ch "Maybe. But I'm not alone." ch "Maybe. But I'm not alone." # game/script.rpy:21056 translate english endmilk_80ac74a9: # guard "We are here boss." guard "We are here boss." # game/script.rpy:21057 translate english endmilk_fa3f169f: # k "Shit." k "Shit." # game/script.rpy:21058 translate english endmilk_107d9eb5: # ch "Kill this trash." ch "Kill this trash." # game/script.rpy:21059 translate english endmilk_d39ad031: # guard "Sure thing." guard "Sure thing." # game/script.rpy:21061 translate english endmilk_26fb114c: # ch "Another bug is dead." ch "Another bug is dead." # game/script.rpy:21062 translate english endmilk_0273255a: # ch "Let's go boys." ch "Let's go boys." # game/script.rpy:21063 translate english endmilk_b7825aa6: # guard "Sure boss." guard "Sure boss." # game/script.rpy:21068 translate english endmilk_c33736c6: # o "And this is the circle of life." o "And this is the circle of life." # game/script.rpy:21069 translate english endmilk_de612c92: # o "After your death Vault was converted to new temple." o "After your death Vault was converted to new temple." # game/script.rpy:21070 translate english endmilk_fcb8ab60: # o "Milkypolis spread their religion across the country." o "Milkypolis spread their religion across the country." # game/script.rpy:21071 translate english endmilk_799b3ee4: # o "Chitsa was the dark eminence behind the curtain." o "Chitsa was the dark eminence behind the curtain." # game/script.rpy:21072 translate english endmilk_41baf353: # o "She secretly rule this piec of world." o "She secretly rule this piec of world." # game/script.rpy:21073 translate english endmilk_362250d4: # o "Love and fear is two main key of the religion now." o "Love and fear is two main key of the religion now." # game/script.rpy:21074 translate english endmilk_4e6923df: # o "Technology of vault help increase milk production." o "Technology of vault help increase milk production." # game/script.rpy:21075 translate english endmilk_a5bdca2f: # o "But not every woman can survive that kind of 'progress'." o "But not every woman can survive that kind of 'progress'." # game/script.rpy:21083 translate english endvault_aecc6c5d: # br "This is the place where you can suprise Chitsa." br "This is the place where you can suprise Chitsa." # game/script.rpy:21084 translate english endvault_db84b26e: # br "Get on right place and be ready." br "Get on right place and be ready." # game/script.rpy:21085 translate english endvault_263ef60d: # br "You have 30 minute to prepare. Rest is on you." br "You have 30 minute to prepare. Rest is on you." # game/script.rpy:21088 translate english endvault_f85641c9: # k "So this is THE MOMENT OF TRUE." k "So this is THE MOMENT OF TRUE." # game/script.rpy:21089 translate english endvault_38029a5a: # k "Hmm. It didn't sound good." k "Hmm. It didn't sound good." # game/script.rpy:21090 translate english endvault_688d884e: # k "She is coming." k "She is coming." # game/script.rpy:21093 translate english endvault_075b9dcf: # ch "... and then we will..." ch "... and then we will..." # game/script.rpy:21094 translate english endvault_aaef3142: # k "Citizens, attack!!!" k "Citizens, attack!!!" # game/script.rpy:21097 translate english endvault_def827a8: # ch "What guard hurry deffend!" ch "What guard hurry deffend!" # game/script.rpy:21098 translate english endvault_4cb79f41: # guard "Sure boss!" guard "Sure boss!" # game/script.rpy:21101 translate english endvault_063b5543: # guard "Argh..." guard "Argh..." # game/script.rpy:21103 translate english endvault_786aeb7d: # guard "Retreat!!! We are outnumbered." guard "Retreat!!! We are outnumbered." # game/script.rpy:21105 translate english endvault_6b9b704d: # ch "Hey don't run away. You bastards." ch "Hey don't run away. You bastards." # game/script.rpy:21106 translate english endvault_f3077242: # k "Alright it look like only you are left. You should run too that was a big mistake." k "Alright it look like only you are left. You should run too that was a big mistake." # game/script.rpy:21109 translate english endvault_50b0fa38: # ch "And what now? Don't fing I will beg you for my life!" ch "And what now? Don't fing I will beg you for my life!" # game/script.rpy:21110 translate english endvault_814e7e7f: # k "Who say anything about killing you?" k "Who say anything about killing you?" # game/script.rpy:21111 translate english endvault_2cca7de7: # k "I'm not that cruel. I just need to capture you and take to cell in Vault." k "I'm not that cruel. I just need to capture you and take to cell in Vault." # game/script.rpy:21112 translate english endvault_15c87838: # ch "Do as you must. But I will escape!" ch "Do as you must. But I will escape!" # game/script.rpy:21113 translate english endvault_a1b4ed80: # k "We will see." k "We will see." # game/script.rpy:21118 translate english endvault_706de91a: # o "Hello master. Look like your mission was succesfull." o "Hello master. Look like your mission was succesfull." # game/script.rpy:21119 translate english endvault_42a2313a: # k "Master? ok.... Yes I capture that.... bitch?" k "Master? ok.... Yes I capture that.... bitch?" # game/script.rpy:21122 translate english endvault_3482e311: # ch "Don't think for a moment this end good for you." ch "Don't think for a moment this end good for you." # game/script.rpy:21123 translate english endvault_cae4f201: # k "Obee please send instructions to someone." k "Obee please send instructions to someone." # game/script.rpy:21124 translate english endvault_aa30fc6f: # k "Put that woman into the prison." k "Put that woman into the prison." # game/script.rpy:21125 translate english endvault_77bcb6a0: # o "Sure boss." o "Sure boss." # game/script.rpy:21126 translate english endvault_77c706c8: # ch "This is not the end!" ch "This is not the end!" # game/script.rpy:21129 translate english endvault_93911964: # k "I know." k "I know." # game/script.rpy:21133 translate english endvault_ab8dabdd: # o "She was right..." o "She was right..." # game/script.rpy:21134 translate english endvault_662241db: # o "During a long stay in Vault prison, Chitsa try to escape many times." o "During a long stay in Vault prison, Chitsa try to escape many times." # game/script.rpy:21135 translate english endvault_5fc3b76f: # o "But your protection was too good for that. Maybe it is easy to get in to the vault but get outside. That is another story." o "But your protection was too good for that. Maybe it is easy to get in to the vault but get outside. That is another story." # game/script.rpy:21136 translate english endvault_10aa46a9: # o "But she did not have a difficult life there. She once save your life so you will not forget that." o "But she did not have a difficult life there. She once save your life so you will not forget that." # game/script.rpy:21137 translate english endvault_4e53c786: # o "You feed her well and take care for her." o "You feed her well and take care for her." # game/script.rpy:21138 translate english endvault_da2b52b1: # o "Maybe it was part of the fairytale but in the end, she change." o "Maybe it was part of the fairytale but in the end, she change." # game/script.rpy:21139 translate english endvault_9880537e: # o "After some years you decide to release her, with fate that she will not take her revange on you." o "After some years you decide to release her, with fate that she will not take her revange on you." # game/script.rpy:21140 translate english endvault_819d42c3: # o "This time you were lucky. She forgive you and stay in Vault with you." o "This time you were lucky. She forgive you and stay in Vault with you." # game/script.rpy:21141 translate english endvault_a2534b29: # o "After all life can be wery hard sometime but it is always fair." o "After all life can be wery hard sometime but it is always fair." # game/script.rpy:21144 translate english endvault_aecc6c5d_1: # br "This is the place where you can suprise Chitsa." br "This is the place where you can suprise Chitsa." # game/script.rpy:21145 translate english endvault_db84b26e_1: # br "Get on right place and be ready." br "Get on right place and be ready." # game/script.rpy:21146 translate english endvault_263ef60d_1: # br "You have 30 minute to prepare. Rest is on you." br "You have 30 minute to prepare. Rest is on you." # game/script.rpy:21149 translate english endvault_f85641c9_1: # k "So this is THE MOMENT OF TRUE." k "So this is THE MOMENT OF TRUE." # game/script.rpy:21150 translate english endvault_38029a5a_1: # k "Hmm. It didn't sound good." k "Hmm. It didn't sound good." # game/script.rpy:21151 translate english endvault_688d884e_1: # k "She is coming." k "She is coming." # game/script.rpy:21154 translate english endvault_075b9dcf_1: # ch "... and then we will..." ch "... and then we will..." # game/script.rpy:21155 translate english endvault_aaef3142_1: # k "Citizens, attack!!!" k "Citizens, attack!!!" # game/script.rpy:21158 translate english endvault_def827a8_1: # ch "What guard hurry deffend!" ch "What guard hurry deffend!" # game/script.rpy:21159 translate english endvault_4cb79f41_1: # guard "Sure boss!" guard "Sure boss!" # game/script.rpy:21162 translate english endvault_063b5543_1: # guard "Argh..." guard "Argh..." # game/script.rpy:21164 translate english endvault_088003cb: # guard "Victory is ours!" guard "Victory is ours!" # game/script.rpy:21166 translate english endvault_4da4620d: # ch "It look like you didn't have enough man to kill me." ch "It look like you didn't have enough man to kill me." # game/script.rpy:21167 translate english endvault_f6e48da8: # ch "Once I give you life. Now i will take it." ch "Once I give you life. Now i will take it." # game/script.rpy:21169 translate english endvault_eb07b1a0: # k "....... Aaaaaaaa...." k "....... Aaaaaaaa...." # game/script.rpy:21170 translate english endvault_524cfc65: # ch "Did you see it. It is the color of blood. Soon blood will flow all over your precious vaul." ch "Did you see it. It is the color of blood. Soon blood will flow all over your precious vaul." # game/script.rpy:21171 translate english endvault_c7368e29: # ch "Now you die from knowing what you did." ch "Now you die from knowing what you did." # game/script.rpy:21176 translate english endvault_383a0197: # ch "Chitsa has not forgotten her promise." ch "Chitsa has not forgotten her promise." # game/script.rpy:21177 translate english endvault_9976fdf2: # ch "Soon she attack the vault and kill the rest of his population." ch "Soon she attack the vault and kill the rest of his population." # game/script.rpy:21178 translate english endvault_05e69071: # ch "The she impaled the head of dwellers." ch "The she impaled the head of dwellers." # game/script.rpy:21179 translate english endvault_765451e6: # ch "This served as a reminder." ch "This served as a reminder." # game/script.rpy:21180 translate english endvault_41bf3ca0: # ch "No one has ever been able to oppose her." ch "No one has ever been able to oppose her." # game/script.rpy:21181 translate english endvault_67416e30: # ch "She ruled without mourning and regret." ch "She ruled without mourning and regret." # game/script.rpy:21188 translate english end0_3c5a852a: # o "That was so unfair." o "That was so unfair." # game/script.rpy:21189 translate english end0_1fee8488: # o "It seems like you have no other option." o "It seems like you have no other option." # game/script.rpy:21190 translate english end0_fb6c7214: # kam "Maybe in this version. This is still not the last version I will make." kam "Maybe in this version. This is still not the last version I will make." # game/script.rpy:21191 translate english end0_01690f8b: # o "Your death was necessary." o "Your death was necessary." # game/script.rpy:21198 translate english end1_0ca109a4: # o "You feel dizzy." o "You feel dizzy." # game/script.rpy:21202 translate english end1_a04950fe: # o "Every next step is harder." o "Every next step is harder." # game/script.rpy:21203 translate english end1_26034ea5: # o "You fell on the ground." o "You fell on the ground." # game/script.rpy:21204 translate english end1_baf8b15c: # o "It look like the end of your journey." o "It look like the end of your journey." # game/script.rpy:21213 translate english end1a_77c009fd: # o "Sisterhood of steel slowly try to dominate the world." o "Sisterhood of steel slowly try to dominate the world." # game/script.rpy:21214 translate english end1a_59e3cf1b: # o "But without strong new recruits they didn't have enought woman to do it." o "But without strong new recruits they didn't have enought woman to do it." # game/script.rpy:21215 translate english end1a_5742d92e: # o "After loosing their strongest members, rest of the sisterhood disbanded." o "After loosing their strongest members, rest of the sisterhood disbanded." # game/script.rpy:21220 translate english end1a_ea59265d: # o "Sisterhood of steel still try to dominate the world." o "Sisterhood of steel still try to dominate the world." # game/script.rpy:21221 translate english end1a_8268b332: # o "The mighty new heroine was born one night." o "The mighty new heroine was born one night." # game/script.rpy:21222 translate english end1a_f6abd595: # o "From that moment they started winning battles." o "From that moment they started winning battles." # game/script.rpy:21223 translate english end1a_9b8af49d: # o "They could not conquer the whole world but at least to ensure its area." o "They could not conquer the whole world but at least to ensure its area." # game/script.rpy:21228 translate english end1a_d7daeac6: # o "Sisterhood rapidly increase their numbers." o "Sisterhood rapidly increase their numbers." # game/script.rpy:21229 translate english end1a_876856d2: # o "Unknow sperm donator help them in this mission." o "Unknow sperm donator help them in this mission." # game/script.rpy:21230 translate english end1a_21dfb884: # o "Most off his supplies find good use in the 'hand' of sisterhood." o "Most off his supplies find good use in the 'hand' of sisterhood." # game/script.rpy:21231 translate english end1a_558a8b9f: # o "Many people are now afraid of their power." o "Many people are now afraid of their power." # game/script.rpy:21241 translate english end2_67e33596: # o "After your death remained empty vault." o "After your death remained empty vault." # game/script.rpy:21242 translate english end2_9378b813: # o "Some people come around and visit it but no one stay for long." o "Some people come around and visit it but no one stay for long." # game/script.rpy:21243 translate english end2_3afc90b4: # o "Emptiness..." o "Emptiness..." # game/script.rpy:21244 translate english end2_1257b155: # o "Vault wait for next savior." o "Vault wait for next savior." # game/script.rpy:21249 translate english end2_3d7a0fdf: # o "What do you want from me?" o "What do you want from me?" # game/script.rpy:21250 translate english end2_eb569120: # o "You send many dwellers to death." o "You send many dwellers to death." # game/script.rpy:21251 translate english end2_9d2ab1e7: # o "You have entered history as the worst vault keeper." o "You have entered history as the worst vault keeper." # game/script.rpy:21257 translate english end2_1e97b77c: # o "After your death some people live in vault." o "After your death some people live in vault." # game/script.rpy:21258 translate english end2_7c3c2cab: # o "They start to call it home and fix most of the problems in it." o "They start to call it home and fix most of the problems in it." # game/script.rpy:21259 translate english end2_92da1df1: # o "Nobody knows what will happen in the future." o "Nobody knows what will happen in the future." # game/script.rpy:21260 translate english end2_c339e34d: # o "But they have safe place to live and that is important!" o "But they have safe place to live and that is important!" # game/script.rpy:21265 translate english end2_e800f297: # o "Some people still live in vault." o "Some people still live in vault." # game/script.rpy:21266 translate english end2_5a2c09cd: # o "They feel safer now. Without ruler who hate them." o "They feel safer now. Without ruler who hate them." # game/script.rpy:21267 translate english end2_fe7791e0: # o "No one cry after you." o "No one cry after you." # game/script.rpy:21273 translate english end2_d929b275: # o "After your death the life in vault stop for a moment." o "After your death the life in vault stop for a moment." # game/script.rpy:21274 translate english end2_09c42a70: # o "Everyone pray for your soul." o "Everyone pray for your soul." # game/script.rpy:21275 translate english end2_370b98c2: # o "Then they start to vote for new leader." o "Then they start to vote for new leader." # game/script.rpy:21279 translate english end2_5ac28594: # o "They vote for me." o "They vote for me." # game/script.rpy:21280 translate english end2_a107f155: # o "After that vault start to expand." o "After that vault start to expand." # game/script.rpy:21281 translate english end2_d83e8fc1: # o "Pepole find their home, and for the first time after the war, felt hope." o "Pepole find their home, and for the first time after the war, felt hope." # game/script.rpy:21286 translate english end2_2004cde1: # o "People in Vault still line in vault." o "People in Vault still line in vault." # game/script.rpy:21287 translate english end2_d5685f75: # o "Population is pretty big but they still moun for the fallen." o "Population is pretty big but they still moun for the fallen." # game/script.rpy:21288 translate english end2_aeb916cf: # o "Everyone know all your decission was right." o "Everyone know all your decission was right." # game/script.rpy:21289 translate english end2_0676de65: # o "They start to build deffence system to better protection of vault." o "They start to build deffence system to better protection of vault." # game/script.rpy:21290 translate english end2_0c1ac6fa: # o "I see their bright future." o "I see their bright future." # game/script.rpy:21295 translate english end2_285f2f5f: # o "After your death people start to celebrate." o "After your death people start to celebrate." # game/script.rpy:21296 translate english end2_c903813e: # o "Everyone hate you and your decission." o "Everyone hate you and your decission." # game/script.rpy:21297 translate english end2_c8a3c363: # o "Mainly because the pointless death of dwellers." o "Mainly because the pointless death of dwellers." # game/script.rpy:21298 translate english end2_c530008a: # o "Chitsa offer a help and stabilize vault." o "Chitsa offer a help and stabilize vault." # game/script.rpy:21304 translate english end2_d929b275_1: # o "After your death the life in vault stop for a moment." o "After your death the life in vault stop for a moment." # game/script.rpy:21305 translate english end2_09c42a70_1: # o "Everyone pray for your soul." o "Everyone pray for your soul." # game/script.rpy:21306 translate english end2_a3c5132c: # o "The vault start to live in peace and harmony." o "The vault start to live in peace and harmony." # game/script.rpy:21310 translate english end2_710a722e: # o "They build big statue for you." o "They build big statue for you." # game/script.rpy:21311 translate english end2_99445a72: # o "Your legacy will continue on many generations." o "Your legacy will continue on many generations." # game/script.rpy:21312 translate english end2_d83e8fc1_1: # o "Pepole find their home, and for the first time after the war, felt hope." o "Pepole find their home, and for the first time after the war, felt hope." # game/script.rpy:21317 translate english end2_3f3c3c68: # o "People in Vault still live in vault." o "People in Vault still live in vault." # game/script.rpy:21318 translate english end2_d5685f75_1: # o "Population is pretty big but they still moun for the fallen." o "Population is pretty big but they still moun for the fallen." # game/script.rpy:21319 translate english end2_aeb916cf_1: # o "Everyone know all your decission was right." o "Everyone know all your decission was right." # game/script.rpy:21320 translate english end2_0676de65_1: # o "They start to build deffence system to better protection of vault." o "They start to build deffence system to better protection of vault." # game/script.rpy:21321 translate english end2_0c1ac6fa_1: # o "I see their bright future." o "I see their bright future." # game/script.rpy:21326 translate english end2_285f2f5f_1: # o "After your death people start to celebrate." o "After your death people start to celebrate." # game/script.rpy:21327 translate english end2_c903813e_1: # o "Everyone hate you and your decission." o "Everyone hate you and your decission." # game/script.rpy:21328 translate english end2_c8a3c363_1: # o "Mainly because the pointless death of dwellers." o "Mainly because the pointless death of dwellers." # game/script.rpy:21329 translate english end2_c530008a_1: # o "Chitsa offer a help and stabilize vault." o "Chitsa offer a help and stabilize vault." # game/script.rpy:21338 translate english end3_bf7acef6: # o "People of Milkypolis live with their own life." o "People of Milkypolis live with their own life." # game/script.rpy:21339 translate english end3_0abaa5a8: # o "They never heard of the vault in their neighborhood." o "They never heard of the vault in their neighborhood." # game/script.rpy:21340 translate english end3_f65f93cf: # o "And they never need it." o "And they never need it." # game/script.rpy:21341 translate english end3_91c7c1b5: # o "Still pray and worship boob godess." o "Still pray and worship boob godess." # game/script.rpy:21346 translate english end3_54d9a0b5: # o "People of Milkypolis belive that milk from boobs save us all one time." o "People of Milkypolis belive that milk from boobs save us all one time." # game/script.rpy:21347 translate english end3_9038af06: # o "Source of true protein and true love." o "Source of true protein and true love." # game/script.rpy:21348 translate english end3_12f4429a: # o "From time to time, someone try to look for lost vault and bring back some fresh milk." o "From time to time, someone try to look for lost vault and bring back some fresh milk." # game/script.rpy:21349 translate english end3_5e1a7f14: # o "Many residents says it tastes better." o "Many residents says it tastes better." # game/script.rpy:21354 translate english end3_235b1680: # o "Milkypolis find the enter to our lost vault." o "Milkypolis find the enter to our lost vault." # game/script.rpy:21355 translate english end3_87b6d493: # o "They build second shrine near to that location." o "They build second shrine near to that location." # game/script.rpy:21356 translate english end3_24eaa860: # o "Technology and science go hand to hand in that place." o "Technology and science go hand to hand in that place." # game/script.rpy:21357 translate english end3_b2e32d07: # o "Milking religion grow up on power, even sisterhood start to accept it." o "Milking religion grow up on power, even sisterhood start to accept it." # game/script.rpy:21366 translate english end4_191b470a: # o "L.A.B. stay safe in vault." o "L.A.B. stay safe in vault." # game/script.rpy:21367 translate english end4_2a34dc61: # o "Never know how outside world look like." o "Never know how outside world look like." # game/script.rpy:21368 translate english end4_955b046e: # o "She end like another useless program." o "She end like another useless program." # game/script.rpy:21373 translate english end4_a5d6082f: # o "L.A.B. sometimes visit boob temple." o "L.A.B. sometimes visit boob temple." # game/script.rpy:21374 translate english end4_3125c6d6: # o "She pray for your soul and pece in the world." o "She pray for your soul and pece in the world." # game/script.rpy:21375 translate english end4_a9142ef6: # o "Many people try to milk her." o "Many people try to milk her." # game/script.rpy:21376 translate english end4_b1b29d4a: # o "She smile on them and kiss on ..." o "She smile on them and kiss on ..." # game/script.rpy:21377 translate english end4_8266af99: # o "But that is another story." o "But that is another story." # game/script.rpy:21382 translate english end4_dfd07cd0: # o "L.A.B. find her peace in market street." o "L.A.B. find her peace in market street." # game/script.rpy:21383 translate english end4_3927686d: # o "She live here like local thief" o "She live here like local thief" # game/script.rpy:21384 translate english end4_4853393f: # o "But no one ever catch her or send her to jail." o "But no one ever catch her or send her to jail." # game/script.rpy:21385 translate english end4_9d14fee3: # o "Local people love her and give her nickname gold mouse." o "Local people love her and give her nickname gold mouse." # game/script.rpy:21386 translate english end4_778bfc97: # o "She offer them special services some times" o "She offer them special services some times" # game/script.rpy:21391 translate english end4_9f8f19fe: # o "It look like L.A.B. fall in love." o "It look like L.A.B. fall in love." # game/script.rpy:21392 translate english end4_5aced325: # o "They become a member of Sisterhood of steel." o "They become a member of Sisterhood of steel." # game/script.rpy:21393 translate english end4_51de3249: # o "Many of her comrades in arms use her in stresfull situations." o "Many of her comrades in arms use her in stresfull situations." # game/script.rpy:21394 translate english end4_272ba65e: # o "She discover her sexual lesbians appetites." o "She discover her sexual lesbians appetites." # game/script.rpy:21395 translate english end4_5276c64b: # o "Maybe in future she will be the one who will rule the world." o "Maybe in future she will be the one who will rule the world." # game/script.rpy:21400 translate english end4_5ec9f326: # o "L.A.B. work in Slave city bar." o "L.A.B. work in Slave city bar." # game/script.rpy:21401 translate english end4_84fd9472: # o "Serve drinks and blow customers." o "Serve drinks and blow customers." # game/script.rpy:21402 translate english end4_c30a27e9: # o "She sometimes visit vault and bring some coins." o "She sometimes visit vault and bring some coins." # game/script.rpy:21403 translate english end4_c9b6b7e8: # o "But never stay for night." o "But never stay for night." # game/script.rpy:21408 translate english end4_f9625952: # o "All moral and sexual barriers was removed from L.A.B. program." o "All moral and sexual barriers was removed from L.A.B. program." # game/script.rpy:21409 translate english end4_6063fe94: # o "She end like sexbot in the streets of Slave city." o "She end like sexbot in the streets of Slave city." # game/script.rpy:21410 translate english end4_d44940b6: # o " 5th July was the last time someone saw her." o " 5th July was the last time someone saw her." # game/script.rpy:21411 translate english end4_57931a81: # o "That night raiders destroy many sex bots in the Slave city." o "That night raiders destroy many sex bots in the Slave city." # game/script.rpy:21412 translate english end4_1c9d4a1a: # o "Burned piece of circuits is all what left from her." o "Burned piece of circuits is all what left from her." # game/script.rpy:21417 translate english end4_0ca5bb4d: # o "L.A.B. memory was completly reprogramed." o "L.A.B. memory was completly reprogramed." # game/script.rpy:21418 translate english end4_60c0a7bf: # o "She was installed as public toilet in local brothel." o "She was installed as public toilet in local brothel." # game/script.rpy:21419 translate english end4_69267567: # o "Completle naked with piercing in her body." o "Completle naked with piercing in her body." # game/script.rpy:21420 translate english end4_b70b9e57: # o "That is how she spend rest of her days." o "That is how she spend rest of her days." # game/script.rpy:21426 translate english end5_4653fd1b: # o "Milking room stay empty." o "Milking room stay empty." # game/script.rpy:21427 translate english end5_9665a63d: # o "No one knew how to use it." o "No one knew how to use it." # game/script.rpy:21433 translate english end5_4fdf7d37: # o "Milk girl find her home." o "Milk girl find her home." # game/script.rpy:21434 translate english end5_d10ebc83: # o "She was wery happy that she find a safe place to live." o "She was wery happy that she find a safe place to live." # game/script.rpy:21436 translate english end5_704fca34: # o "She never gain milk again." o "She never gain milk again." # game/script.rpy:21437 translate english end5_21fde3a3: # o "So she try the carierr as a scienist." o "So she try the carierr as a scienist." # game/script.rpy:21438 translate english end5_dbcea74c: # o "She develop syntetic milk, with zero fat and became pretty famous." o "She develop syntetic milk, with zero fat and became pretty famous." # game/script.rpy:21441 translate english end5_9f01da43: # o "Her breast work perfect and feed many hungry people." o "Her breast work perfect and feed many hungry people." # game/script.rpy:21442 translate english end5_e699ed51: # o "I milk her from time to time and have fun with her." o "I milk her from time to time and have fun with her." # game/script.rpy:21449 translate english end6_21b2d6c7: # o "Deandrea stay in Market Square." o "Deandrea stay in Market Square." # game/script.rpy:21450 translate english end6_c7407999: # o "She have some good customers that visit her often." o "She have some good customers that visit her often." # game/script.rpy:21451 translate english end6_fce1cbb6: # o "One night someone try to steal something from her shop." o "One night someone try to steal something from her shop." # game/script.rpy:21452 translate english end6_6541734a: # o "She try to deffend her goods but he attack and kill her." o "She try to deffend her goods but he attack and kill her." # game/script.rpy:21453 translate english end6_fa25f1ea: # o "He have realy strong guns for normal shoplifter." o "He have realy strong guns for normal shoplifter." # game/script.rpy:21456 translate english end6_21b2d6c7_1: # o "Deandrea stay in Market Square." o "Deandrea stay in Market Square." # game/script.rpy:21457 translate english end6_456f63ca: # o "She know about other smart deathclaw. And about how cruel people can be." o "She know about other smart deathclaw. And about how cruel people can be." # game/script.rpy:21458 translate english end6_58b852a7: # o "One night some hunter attack her in her shop." o "One night some hunter attack her in her shop." # game/script.rpy:21459 translate english end6_e0b3dc2c: # o "She prepared many traps and in the end, she was able to kill him." o "She prepared many traps and in the end, she was able to kill him." # game/script.rpy:21460 translate english end6_95eb15e1: # o "After that no one will ever attack her." o "After that no one will ever attack her." # game/script.rpy:21461 translate english end6_4ecefd09: # o "Some people start to fear her." o "Some people start to fear her." # game/script.rpy:21464 translate english end6_daec4f53: # o "Deanrea stay in her shop." o "Deanrea stay in her shop." # game/script.rpy:21465 translate english end6_d7874e50: # o "She know that she is not last smart deathclaw, but she didn't try to find others." o "She know that she is not last smart deathclaw, but she didn't try to find others." # game/script.rpy:21466 translate english end6_fb5f1cdf: # o "It was her deccission in the end so she end up alone." o "It was her deccission in the end so she end up alone." # game/script.rpy:21469 translate english end6_69d7a6fc: # o "Deandrea meet Goris." o "Deandrea meet Goris." # game/script.rpy:21470 translate english end6_7f73fc5c: # o "The bad thing is they have nothing in common." o "The bad thing is they have nothing in common." # game/script.rpy:21471 translate english end6_aa39bd76: # o "Still .... they stay friends with benefits..." o "Still .... they stay friends with benefits..." # game/script.rpy:21472 translate english end6_e895ab23: # o "Maybe one time new generations of smart deathclaw will appear." o "Maybe one time new generations of smart deathclaw will appear." # game/script.rpy:21478 translate english end7_46752d97: # o "Ina - the intruder failed to pay her debt." o "Ina - the intruder failed to pay her debt." # game/script.rpy:21479 translate english end7_751ab13f: # o "She was banished from Market Square." o "She was banished from Market Square." # game/script.rpy:21480 translate english end7_3477003c: # o "After that, no one saw her again." o "After that, no one saw her again." # game/script.rpy:21481 translate english end7_02f3a3de: # o ".... that bitch....." o ".... that bitch....." # game/script.rpy:21484 translate english end7_aa3779fd: # o "Ina - the intruder find her place in Market Square." o "Ina - the intruder find her place in Market Square." # game/script.rpy:21485 translate english end7_b5ba056b: # o "She was only regular thief." o "She was only regular thief." # game/script.rpy:21486 translate english end7_68085a57: # o "Now she have her own place on Market Square." o "Now she have her own place on Market Square." # game/script.rpy:21487 translate english end7_f3a07b1e: # o "I heard she offer some special services." o "I heard she offer some special services." # game/script.rpy:21489 translate english end7_9834753f: # o "Ina finally find her home inuse she meet a person like you." o "Ina finally find her home inuse she meet a person like you." # game/script.rpy:21490 translate english end7_8580a252: # o "Someone can call it love, but love no longer exist in this world." o "Someone can call it love, but love no longer exist in this world." # game/script.rpy:21509 translate english aliceattack_2d2bc007: # k "Attaaaack! (- 2hp)" k "Attaaaack! (- 2hp)" # game/script.rpy:21524 translate english aliceattack_3d5de80f: # k "Argghhhhhh!!!" with hpunch k "Argghhhhhh!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:21526 translate english aliceattack_b3959646: # "You gain some extra energy." "You gain some extra energy." # game/script.rpy:21527 translate english aliceattack_67d291d8: # "Your next attack will be stronger." "Your next attack will be stronger." # game/script.rpy:21532 translate english aliceattack_278e78f1: # "You cum on Alice." "You cum on Alice." # game/script.rpy:21535 translate english aliceattack_daa84f3f: # ali "What the hell???" ali "What the hell???" # game/script.rpy:21536 translate english aliceattack_15865128: # "She looks surprised and lose 2 moral HP." "She looks surprised and lose 2 moral HP." # game/script.rpy:21538 translate english aliceattack_37f2f52c: # "After a while, Alice clean herself. Now you can use momentum and attack again." "After a while, Alice clean herself. Now you can use momentum and attack again." # game/script.rpy:21542 translate english aliceattack_e8bd3c67: # k "Suprise!!!" k "Suprise!!!" # game/script.rpy:21543 translate english aliceattack_82091822: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:21544 translate english aliceattack_5c54ef8f: # "You already use that attack. And didn't have the ammo for next." "You already use that attack. And didn't have the ammo for next." # game/script.rpy:21547 translate english aliceattack_f21c93f1: # "You wait for alice attack." "You wait for alice attack." # game/script.rpy:21569 translate english aliceattack_ebb41cbd: # "You dodged that one." "You dodged that one." # game/script.rpy:21574 translate english aliceattack_fea10a8f: # k "That is good. ( + 5hp)" k "That is good. ( + 5hp)" # game/script.rpy:21586 translate english aliceattack_5e6f5489: # "Alice try to attack you." "Alice try to attack you." # game/script.rpy:21608 translate english aliceattack_42a8b888: # ali "Direct hit! {i}*alice slash you*{/i} (damage dealt - [alice_damage]hp)" ali "Direct hit! {i}*alice slash you*{/i} (damage dealt - [alice_damage]hp)" # game/script.rpy:21614 translate english aliceattack_5e6f5489_1: # "Alice try to attack you." "Alice try to attack you." # game/script.rpy:21636 translate english aliceattack_aeff14f8: # ali "She hit you hard! {i}*alice slash you*{/i} (damage dealt - [alice_damage]hp)" ali "She hit you hard! {i}*alice slash you*{/i} (damage dealt - [alice_damage]hp)" # game/script.rpy:21639 translate english aliceattack_2c620348: # "Alice try to focus." "Alice try to focus." # game/script.rpy:21640 translate english aliceattack_d20fe0ec: # "Her HP was recovered." "Her HP was recovered." # game/script.rpy:21644 translate english aliceattack_84865db5: # "Alice try to hit you." "Alice try to hit you." # game/script.rpy:21666 translate english aliceattack_ebb41cbd_1: # "You dodged that one." "You dodged that one." # game/script.rpy:21674 translate english aliceattack_7ccda325: # "Double KO." "Double KO." # game/script.rpy:21675 translate english aliceattack_1ed7452a: # "It is actually worse than loose." "It is actually worse than loose." # game/script.rpy:21679 translate english aliceattack_94bd7b37: # k "I win!!!!!" k "I win!!!!!" # game/script.rpy:21681 translate english aliceattack_bba51bfa: # k "So where is my reward?" k "So where is my reward?" # game/script.rpy:21686 translate english aliceattack_86cdc910: # ali "I win you loose!" ali "I win you loose!" # game/script.rpy:21687 translate english aliceattack_85056cda: # ali "You are so pathetic, pussy." ali "You are so pathetic, pussy." # game/script.rpy:21688 translate english aliceattack_a90ff8f2: # "That is right. This was the easiest match." "That is right. This was the easiest match." # game/script.rpy:21689 translate english aliceattack_c0bcad75: # "Just try harder next time." "Just try harder next time." # game/script.rpy:21711 translate english aliceattack2_2d2bc007: # k "Attaaaack! (- 2hp)" k "Attaaaack! (- 2hp)" # game/script.rpy:21726 translate english aliceattack2_3d5de80f: # k "Argghhhhhh!!!" with hpunch k "Argghhhhhh!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:21728 translate english aliceattack2_b3959646: # "You gain some extra energy." "You gain some extra energy." # game/script.rpy:21729 translate english aliceattack2_67d291d8: # "Your next attack will be stronger." "Your next attack will be stronger." # game/script.rpy:21734 translate english aliceattack2_278e78f1: # "You cum on Alice." "You cum on Alice." # game/script.rpy:21737 translate english aliceattack2_daa84f3f: # ali "What the hell???" ali "What the hell???" # game/script.rpy:21738 translate english aliceattack2_15865128: # "She looks surprised and lose 2 moral HP." "She looks surprised and lose 2 moral HP." # game/script.rpy:21740 translate english aliceattack2_37f2f52c: # "After a while, Alice clean herself. Now you can use momentum and attack again." "After a while, Alice clean herself. Now you can use momentum and attack again." # game/script.rpy:21744 translate english aliceattack2_e8bd3c67: # k "Suprise!!!" k "Suprise!!!" # game/script.rpy:21745 translate english aliceattack2_82091822: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:21746 translate english aliceattack2_5c54ef8f: # "You already use that attack. And didn't have the ammo for next." "You already use that attack. And didn't have the ammo for next." # game/script.rpy:21751 translate english aliceattack2_ffde63e2: # "Alice grabs both her weapons." "Alice grabs both her weapons." # game/script.rpy:21752 translate english aliceattack2_320948c4: # "Something scary is coming out." "Something scary is coming out." # game/script.rpy:21796 translate english aliceattack2_0e00dc97: # "You have successfully avoided that devastating attack." "You have successfully avoided that devastating attack." # game/script.rpy:21797 translate english aliceattack2_aed2ba4b: # "Good job." "Good job." # game/script.rpy:21801 translate english aliceattack2_f21c93f1: # "You wait for alice attack." "You wait for alice attack." # game/script.rpy:21824 translate english aliceattack2_ebb41cbd: # "You dodged that one." "You dodged that one." # game/script.rpy:21832 translate english aliceattack2_fea10a8f: # k "That is good. ( + 5hp)" k "That is good. ( + 5hp)" # game/script.rpy:21839 translate english aliceattack2_ffde63e2_1: # "Alice grabs both her weapons." "Alice grabs both her weapons." # game/script.rpy:21840 translate english aliceattack2_320948c4_1: # "Something scary is coming out." "Something scary is coming out." # game/script.rpy:21927 translate english aliceattack2_2c3d41c8: # ali "Destrustion HIT! {i}*alice almost kill you*{/i} (damage dealt - [alice_damage]hp)" ali "Destrustion HIT! {i}*alice almost kill you*{/i} (damage dealt - [alice_damage]hp)" # game/script.rpy:21936 translate english aliceattack2_5e6f5489: # "Alice try to attack you." "Alice try to attack you." # game/script.rpy:21959 translate english aliceattack2_42a8b888: # ali "Direct hit! {i}*alice slash you*{/i} (damage dealt - [alice_damage]hp)" ali "Direct hit! {i}*alice slash you*{/i} (damage dealt - [alice_damage]hp)" # game/script.rpy:21966 translate english aliceattack2_5e6f5489_1: # "Alice try to attack you." "Alice try to attack you." # game/script.rpy:21989 translate english aliceattack2_42a8b888_1: # ali "Direct hit! {i}*alice slash you*{/i} (damage dealt - [alice_damage]hp)" ali "Direct hit! {i}*alice slash you*{/i} (damage dealt - [alice_damage]hp)" # game/script.rpy:21995 translate english aliceattack2_7ccda325: # "Double KO." "Double KO." # game/script.rpy:21996 translate english aliceattack2_1ed7452a: # "It is actually worse than loose." "It is actually worse than loose." # game/script.rpy:22004 translate english aliceattack2_94bd7b37: # k "I win!!!!!" k "I win!!!!!" # game/script.rpy:22006 translate english aliceattack2_784da780: # k "Look like I really got you this time!" k "Look like I really got you this time!" # game/script.rpy:22007 translate english aliceattack2_70c95573: # ali "Yes, it was a good battle, pussy." ali "Yes, it was a good battle, pussy." # game/script.rpy:22008 translate english aliceattack2_2e736a3e: # ali "I have a special reward waiting for you!" ali "I have a special reward waiting for you!" # game/script.rpy:22018 translate english aliceattack2_86cdc910: # ali "I win you loose!" ali "I win you loose!" # game/script.rpy:22019 translate english aliceattack2_85056cda: # ali "You are so pathetic, pussy." ali "You are so pathetic, pussy." # game/script.rpy:22020 translate english aliceattack2_1c4092d9: # "Look like this match is harder." "Look like this match is harder." # game/script.rpy:22021 translate english aliceattack2_a20209ad: # "Try to find patterns in her attack." "Try to find patterns in her attack." # game/script.rpy:22049 translate english aliceattack3_2d2bc007: # k "Attaaaack! (- 2hp)" k "Attaaaack! (- 2hp)" # game/script.rpy:22064 translate english aliceattack3_3d5de80f: # k "Argghhhhhh!!!" with hpunch k "Argghhhhhh!!!" with hpunch # game/script.rpy:22066 translate english aliceattack3_b3959646: # "You gain some extra energy." "You gain some extra energy." # game/script.rpy:22067 translate english aliceattack3_67d291d8: # "Your next attack will be stronger." "Your next attack will be stronger." # game/script.rpy:22072 translate english aliceattack3_278e78f1: # "You cum on Alice." "You cum on Alice." # game/script.rpy:22075 translate english aliceattack3_daa84f3f: # ali "What the hell???" ali "What the hell???" # game/script.rpy:22076 translate english aliceattack3_ff9d6912: # ali "THAT IS UNACCAPTABLE." ali "THAT IS UNACCAPTABLE." # game/script.rpy:22077 translate english aliceattack3_a403d987: # "Something really weird just happened. Alice lost 10 HP." "Something really weird just happened. Alice lost 10 HP." # game/script.rpy:22079 translate english aliceattack3_b9f051f1: # "After a while, Alice clean herself. But something is different on her now." "After a while, Alice clean herself. But something is different on her now." # game/script.rpy:22080 translate english aliceattack3_5b01f312: # "Try to use that as your advantage." "Try to use that as your advantage." # game/script.rpy:22084 translate english aliceattack3_e8bd3c67: # k "Suprise!!!" k "Suprise!!!" # game/script.rpy:22085 translate english aliceattack3_82091822: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:22086 translate english aliceattack3_5c54ef8f: # "You already use that attack. And didn't have the ammo for next." "You already use that attack. And didn't have the ammo for next." # game/script.rpy:22092 translate english aliceattack3_6fcc792c: # "You wait for Alice attack." "You wait for Alice attack." # game/script.rpy:22093 translate english aliceattack3_18eb990f: # ali "Don't try to evade, pussy!" ali "Don't try to evade, pussy!" # game/script.rpy:22115 translate english aliceattack3_7165905c: # ali "ARGHHHHHHHHHH..." ali "ARGHHHHHHHHHH..." # game/script.rpy:22116 translate english aliceattack3_efef4868: # ali "Why I can't hit you?" ali "Why I can't hit you?" # game/script.rpy:22117 translate english aliceattack3_e1719cbc: # ali "This is so stupid, pussy!" ali "This is so stupid, pussy!" # game/script.rpy:22118 translate english aliceattack3_5099ff35: # ali "..." ali "..." # game/script.rpy:22119 translate english aliceattack3_6bb88774: # "Alice fall on the ground." "Alice fall on the ground." # game/script.rpy:22120 translate english aliceattack3_e4cd9d69: # "Look like she can't fight anymore." "Look like she can't fight anymore." # game/script.rpy:22121 translate english aliceattack3_b5a07619: # "You WIN!!!" "You WIN!!!" # game/script.rpy:22123 translate english aliceattack3_491b00c1: # k "Are you ok?" k "Are you ok?" # game/script.rpy:22125 translate english aliceattack3_872ce41d: # ali "I just can't believe that." ali "I just can't believe that." # game/script.rpy:22126 translate english aliceattack3_62f7e036: # ali "Looks like you win, pussy!" ali "Looks like you win, pussy!" # game/script.rpy:22127 translate english aliceattack3_196ff710: # k "What now?" k "What now?" # game/script.rpy:22128 translate english aliceattack3_7464cfd9: # ali "You can help me with... releasing my power." ali "You can help me with... releasing my power." # game/script.rpy:22129 translate english aliceattack3_3c250fd5: # k "And how can I do that?" k "And how can I do that?" # game/script.rpy:22133 translate english aliceattack3_6fcc792c_1: # "You wait for Alice attack." "You wait for Alice attack." # game/script.rpy:22134 translate english aliceattack3_69b29e2e: # ali "I will kill you for that disgusting attack!" ali "I will kill you for that disgusting attack!" # game/script.rpy:22156 translate english aliceattack3_d199ac5a: # "Boobs almost hit you, but you resisted." "Boobs almost hit you, but you resisted." # game/script.rpy:22157 translate english aliceattack3_9d6cad30: # "Something else has happened, too. It looks like she is slowly loosing her power." "Something else has happened, too. It looks like she is slowly loosing her power." # game/script.rpy:22163 translate english aliceattack3_6fcc792c_2: # "You wait for Alice attack." "You wait for Alice attack." # game/script.rpy:22185 translate english aliceattack3_d199ac5a_1: # "Boobs almost hit you, but you resisted." "Boobs almost hit you, but you resisted." # game/script.rpy:22190 translate english aliceattack3_fea10a8f: # k "That is good. ( + 5hp)" k "That is good. ( + 5hp)" # game/script.rpy:22201 translate english aliceattack3_86394205: # ali "In the name of goddess." ali "In the name of goddess." # game/script.rpy:22202 translate english aliceattack3_351187c2: # "Alice attack is heavy." "Alice attack is heavy." # game/script.rpy:22224 translate english aliceattack3_6996a78a: # ali "This is the power of boobs! {i}*alice boob you*{/i} (damage dealt - [alice_damage]hp)" ali "This is the power of boobs! {i}*alice boob you*{/i} (damage dealt - [alice_damage]hp)" # game/script.rpy:22230 translate english aliceattack3_5e6f5489: # "Alice try to attack you." "Alice try to attack you." # game/script.rpy:22252 translate english aliceattack3_eb035dea: # ali "Deadly move! {i}*alice hit you with boobs*{/i} (damage dealt - [alice_damage]hp)" ali "Deadly move! {i}*alice hit you with boobs*{/i} (damage dealt - [alice_damage]hp)" # game/script.rpy:22255 translate english aliceattack3_9eaa1793: # "Alice stop moving and prey." "Alice stop moving and prey." # game/script.rpy:22256 translate english aliceattack3_ff0ca814: # "Her HP was fully recovered." "Her HP was fully recovered." # game/script.rpy:22263 translate english aliceattack3_7ccda325: # "Double KO." "Double KO." # game/script.rpy:22264 translate english aliceattack3_7df22a8e: # "No this is impossible." "No this is impossible." # game/script.rpy:22272 translate english aliceattack3_94bd7b37: # k "I win!!!!!" k "I win!!!!!" # game/script.rpy:22273 translate english aliceattack3_d4cba062: # k "Suck my dick now!" k "Suck my dick now!" # game/script.rpy:22282 translate english aliceattack3_67778e17: # ali "You have no chance!" ali "You have no chance!" # game/script.rpy:22283 translate english aliceattack3_b261713b: # ali "You are no match for me, pussy." ali "You are no match for me, pussy." # game/script.rpy:22284 translate english aliceattack3_5f9b772e: # "...." "...." # game/script.rpy:22285 translate english aliceattack3_294d754c: # "You can't win with this power level. Use same tactic." "You can't win with this power level. Use same tactic." # game/script.rpy:22301 translate english alicesex1_c03d779d: # ali "Sigh...." ali "Sigh...." # game/script.rpy:22302 translate english alicesex1_0c5379f9: # ali "Look like you really win, pussy." ali "Look like you really win, pussy." # game/script.rpy:22303 translate english alicesex1_218327f6: # ali "As a reward I will show you Sisterhood battle dance." ali "As a reward I will show you Sisterhood battle dance." # game/script.rpy:22307 translate english alicesex1_26fb5b25: # ali "It is a very hard dance so watch closely." ali "It is a very hard dance so watch closely." # game/script.rpy:22313 translate english alicesex1_552c110d: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:22319 translate english alicesex1_69c93a17: # k "What is this?" k "What is this?" # game/script.rpy:22325 translate english alicesex1_3bc8801c: # ali "Sisterhood battle dance, pussy." ali "Sisterhood battle dance, pussy." # game/script.rpy:22326 translate english alicesex1_ad7f3d03: # k "It look weird. I feel sad. And horny for some reason." k "It look weird. I feel sad. And horny for some reason." # game/script.rpy:22332 translate english alicesex1_5415ae27: # ali "It is hard to watch properly and see every detail that is hidden in this dance." ali "It is hard to watch properly and see every detail that is hidden in this dance." # game/script.rpy:22338 translate english alicesex1_5099ff35: # ali "..." ali "..." # game/script.rpy:22344 translate english alicesex1_342cb73d: # ali "I need to focus more. This dance is also an important training!" ali "I need to focus more. This dance is also an important training!" # game/script.rpy:22350 translate english alicesex1_28c81324: # k "Really? It looks pretty easy to me." k "Really? It looks pretty easy to me." # game/script.rpy:22356 translate english alicesex1_67270c7b: # ali "Don't say stupid things like this, pussy!" ali "Don't say stupid things like this, pussy!" # game/script.rpy:22362 translate english alicesex1_f8e45e59: # ali "This is the hardest dance in the world, it trains all muscles in the body at once!" ali "This is the hardest dance in the world, it trains all muscles in the body at once!" # game/script.rpy:22368 translate english alicesex1_4948594b: # ali "5 minutes of that dance have the same result as a 2 hour training!!!" ali "5 minutes of that dance have the same result as a 2 hour training!!!" # game/script.rpy:22374 translate english alicesex1_d5862c3d: # k "Ehm... Sure... Anything you say." k "Ehm... Sure... Anything you say." # game/script.rpy:22380 translate english alicesex1_fb4dc7fd: # k "No offense against you, but I must go right now." k "No offense against you, but I must go right now." # game/script.rpy:22386 translate english alicesex1_ec04150e: # ali "Do what you want to. I must finish the dance, pussy." ali "Do what you want to. I must finish the dance, pussy." # game/script.rpy:22387 translate english alicesex1_468fd957: # k "Ok. See you later." k "Ok. See you later." # game/script.rpy:22401 translate english alicesex2_8c5fb422: # ali "Here, let me introduce you." ali "Here, let me introduce you." # game/script.rpy:22402 translate english alicesex2_05233471: # ali "Pussy, this is pussy." ali "Pussy, this is pussy." # game/script.rpy:22403 translate english alicesex2_552c110d: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:22404 translate english alicesex2_a502c7ff: # ali "This is your reward you can play with my pussy." ali "This is your reward you can play with my pussy." # game/script.rpy:22409 translate english alicesex2_b02faefa: # ali "What are you waiting for pussy?" ali "What are you waiting for pussy?" # game/script.rpy:22410 translate english alicesex2_ef662426: # k "Ehm... Nothing I am ready." k "Ehm... Nothing I am ready." # game/script.rpy:22414 translate english alicesex2_8852455d: # ali "So start already." ali "So start already." # game/script.rpy:22417 translate english alicesex2_8c1ef72f: # ali "I am waiting, pussy." ali "I am waiting, pussy." # game/script.rpy:22423 translate english alicesex2_4eca2c7a: # ali "Aaaaaa..." ali "Aaaaaa..." # game/script.rpy:22424 translate english alicesex2_f080cb37: # ali "This is good pussy, put it deeper." ali "This is good pussy, put it deeper." # game/script.rpy:22428 translate english alicesex2_282c4564: # ali "Yes! Deeper!" ali "Yes! Deeper!" # game/script.rpy:22429 translate english alicesex2_82091822: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:22430 translate english alicesex2_4a21272a: # k "Sorry, but This is everything I have." k "Sorry, but This is everything I have." # game/script.rpy:22435 translate english alicesex2_8c1fcfe1: # ali "You are really a pussy, right?" ali "You are really a pussy, right?" # game/script.rpy:22436 translate english alicesex2_6bcd0799: # ali "Just fuck me hard maybe I will feel something." ali "Just fuck me hard maybe I will feel something." # game/script.rpy:22442 translate english alicesex2_37b2a6f1: # k "Sure..." k "Sure..." # game/script.rpy:22446 translate english alicesex2_5099ff35: # ali "..." ali "..." # game/script.rpy:22450 translate english alicesex2_5099ff35_1: # ali "..." ali "..." # game/script.rpy:22453 translate english alisex2_2ae50d00: # k "What if I?" k "What if I?" # game/script.rpy:22460 translate english alisex2_e96e75e3: # ali "???" ali "???" # game/script.rpy:22464 translate english alisex2_e7f2b67e: # ali "So you like to grab boobs, pussy?" ali "So you like to grab boobs, pussy?" # game/script.rpy:22468 translate english alisex2_25f40a30: # ali "Do with it as you want. But cum already." ali "Do with it as you want. But cum already." # game/script.rpy:22478 translate english alisex2_db8d29f2: # k "Maybe I can fuck her a little longer." k "Maybe I can fuck her a little longer." # game/script.rpy:22484 translate english alisex2_10aba17c: # ali "I like your endurance, pussy." ali "I like your endurance, pussy." # game/script.rpy:22488 translate english alisex2_ab7048d0: # ali "It is the only positive thing for you." ali "It is the only positive thing for you." # game/script.rpy:22492 translate english alisex2_0d730294: # k "Seriously?" k "Seriously?" # game/script.rpy:22496 translate english alisex2_1b99a342: # ali "Yes but who care, pussy?" ali "Yes but who care, pussy?" # game/script.rpy:22500 translate english alisex2_068b088b: # ali "Just cum already." ali "Just cum already." # game/script.rpy:22509 translate english alisex2_b7bd2c27: # k "Time to finish this." k "Time to finish this." # game/script.rpy:22515 translate english alisex2_0e3c9678: # ali "Finally!" ali "Finally!" # game/script.rpy:22519 translate english alisex2_3b22c218: # k "Your pussy is pretty soft for a warrior." k "Your pussy is pretty soft for a warrior." # game/script.rpy:22526 translate english alisex2_d0e7f5f8: # ali "That is not true, pussy. My pussy is very strong." ali "That is not true, pussy. My pussy is very strong." # game/script.rpy:22530 translate english alisex2_48fb0446: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:22531 translate english alisex2_4fae239c: # k "Do you really must use the word pussy in every sentence?" k "Do you really must use the word pussy in every sentence?" # game/script.rpy:22535 translate english alisex2_f77d9465: # ali "aaaaa...." ali "aaaaa...." # game/script.rpy:22540 translate english alisex2_e2bf1b51: # k "Look like you start to enjoy it a little." k "Look like you start to enjoy it a little." # game/script.rpy:22546 translate english alisex2_861aac44: # ali "It is so nasty when you say the word pussy." ali "It is so nasty when you say the word pussy." # game/script.rpy:22550 translate english alisex2_31cebe32: # k "You are such a weirdo." k "You are such a weirdo." # game/script.rpy:22554 translate english alisex2_93537164: # ali "Aaaaaaaa.... Say pussy again." ali "Aaaaaaaa.... Say pussy again." # game/script.rpy:22558 translate english alisex2_4904abf8: # k "Pussy?" k "Pussy?" # game/script.rpy:22563 translate english alisex2_43f478b9: # ali "YESSSSSSSSS." ali "YESSSSSSSSS." # game/script.rpy:22564 translate english alisex2_ca916b6c: # ali "!!!!" with vpunch ali "!!!!" with vpunch # game/script.rpy:22568 translate english alisex2_588277de: # k "Shit, I think I will cum really soon." k "Shit, I think I will cum really soon." # game/script.rpy:22571 translate english alisex2_bc8031e5: # k "Take it bitch!" k "Take it bitch!" # game/script.rpy:22575 translate english alisex2_be64c8ea: # k "!!!!" k "!!!!" # game/script.rpy:22578 translate english alisex2_8725b810: # ali "Pussy!!!" ali "Pussy!!!" # game/script.rpy:22582 translate english alisex2_250ee851: # ali "Good job, I really did not expect this." ali "Good job, I really did not expect this." # game/script.rpy:22583 translate english alisex2_48fb0446_1: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:22584 translate english alisex2_1e999407: # k "Thanks. I think." k "Thanks. I think." # game/script.rpy:22590 translate english alisex2_82091822: # k "..." k "..." # game/script.rpy:22596 translate english alisex2_bebdc325: # k "So what now?" k "So what now?" # game/script.rpy:22601 translate english alisex2_4d9d0130: # ali "I need some time to get myself ready to next battle." ali "I need some time to get myself ready to next battle." # game/script.rpy:22602 translate english alisex2_3a56d1f9: # ali "Come back later." ali "Come back later." # game/script.rpy:22603 translate english alisex2_6e8e7e6c: # k "No problem." k "No problem." # game/script.rpy:22612 translate english alisex2_494deb0a: # k "I will cum on your belly!" k "I will cum on your belly!" # game/script.rpy:22616 translate english alisex2_6ae15560: # k "Yesss!" k "Yesss!" # game/script.rpy:22619 translate english alisex2_400e7659: # ali "Nice one, pussy!!!" ali "Nice one, pussy!!!" # game/script.rpy:22623 translate english alisex2_e31167c2: # ali "You cum nicely on my body." ali "You cum nicely on my body." # game/script.rpy:22624 translate english alisex2_d5fd775c: # k "Yes, I noticed that." k "Yes, I noticed that." # game/script.rpy:22625 translate english alisex2_922d3735: # ali "We can do that again if you will be able to beat me." ali "We can do that again if you will be able to beat me." # game/script.rpy:22626 translate english alisex2_47d5ad45: # k "Ok. I will prepare for our next battle." k "Ok. I will prepare for our next battle." # game/script.rpy:22627 translate english alisex2_22291aa9: # ali "Give me some time to prepare for it." ali "Give me some time to prepare for it." # game/script.rpy:22628 translate english alisex2_a4daac2f: # ali "I want to put on my armor and stand." ali "I want to put on my armor and stand." # game/script.rpy:22629 translate english alisex2_708771fe: # k "Ok. I will come back later." k "Ok. I will come back later." # game/script.rpy:22646 translate english alicesex3_7fe3afb7: # ali "Just do what I tell you." ali "Just do what I tell you." # game/script.rpy:22647 translate english alicesex3_813251e7: # ali "My power locks my muscles." ali "My power locks my muscles." # game/script.rpy:22648 translate english alicesex3_552c110d: # k "???" k "???" # game/script.rpy:22649 translate english alicesex3_6bcced53: # k "And what now?" k "And what now?" # game/script.rpy:22653 translate english alicesex3_88b7240b: # ali "Find injections in this locker." ali "Find injections in this locker." # game/script.rpy:22655 translate english alicesex3_570a8b16: # k "Ok I have them. What now?" k "Ok I have them. What now?" # game/script.rpy:22656 translate english alicesex3_f3ac171e: # ali "Inject them in my boobs." ali "Inject them in my boobs." # game/script.rpy:22657 translate english alicesex3_c0397450: # k "Huh? Ok where exactly?" k "Huh? Ok where exactly?" # game/script.rpy:22661 translate english alicesex3_f1dad46c: # ali "One in nipple, another in boobs." ali "One in nipple, another in boobs." # game/script.rpy:22662 translate english alicesex3_c113baf7: # k "Ok. Are you ready?" k "Ok. Are you ready?" # game/script.rpy:22663 translate english alicesex3_62f14fb5: # ali "Yes, pussy. Just..." ali "Yes, pussy. Just..." # game/script.rpy:22668 translate english alicesex3_ae1b45f6: # ali "OUCH!!!" ali "OUCH!!!" # game/script.rpy:22669 translate english alicesex3_6b262727: # ali "That really hurt!" ali "That really hurt!" # game/script.rpy:22670 translate english alicesex3_39ef2d17: # k "Should I continue this?" k "Should I continue this?" # game/script.rpy:22671 translate english alicesex3_af82860c: # ali "Yes..." ali "Yes..." # game/script.rpy:22676 translate english alicesex3_5bb39338: # ali "Mmmmmmm." ali "Mmmmmmm." # game/script.rpy:22677 translate english alicesex3_40fa3d75: # k "Everything is ok?" k "Everything is ok?" # game/script.rpy:22678 translate english alicesex3_8f0da884: # ali "Yes, now inject one in the nipple." ali "Yes, now inject one in the nipple." # game/script.rpy:22684 translate english alicesex3_999b8643: # ali "Ouch..." ali "Ouch..." # game/script.rpy:22685 translate english alicesex3_afa2fd93: # ali "Thanks, pussy." ali "Thanks, pussy." # game/script.rpy:22686 translate english alicesex3_1f741bdc: # ali "I still can't move, but serum will work in next few minutes." ali "I still can't move, but serum will work in next few minutes." # game/script.rpy:22687 translate english alicesex3_48fb0446: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:22688 translate english alicesex3_6511ca0f: # k "So you are naked and unable to move?" k "So you are naked and unable to move?" # game/script.rpy:22693 translate english alicesex3_1fac105c: # ali "It looks like this, pussy." ali "It looks like this, pussy." # game/script.rpy:22694 translate english alicesex3_87e62490: # ali "You can enjoy your victory." ali "You can enjoy your victory." # game/script.rpy:22700 translate english alicesex3_823ab278: # ali "What the hell, pussy?" ali "What the hell, pussy?" # game/script.rpy:22701 translate english alicesex3_a9b6c318: # ali "That is not the right hole!" ali "That is not the right hole!" # game/script.rpy:22702 translate english alicesex3_ff42824d: # k "Hehe, It looks right to me." k "Hehe, It looks right to me." # game/script.rpy:22708 translate english alicesex3_d5963c02: # ali "Aaaarrrggg..." ali "Aaaarrrggg..." # game/script.rpy:22709 translate english alicesex3_106a560c: # k "You say, I can enjoy my victory." k "You say, I can enjoy my victory." # game/script.rpy:22713 translate english alicesex3_3ddf1848: # ali "!!!!" ali "!!!!" # game/script.rpy:22717 translate english alicesex3_4360eb6f: # ali "But I did not mean it that way, pussy!" ali "But I did not mean it that way, pussy!" # game/script.rpy:22720 translate english alicesex3_ce82db46: # ali "Arggggghhhhh...." ali "Arggggghhhhh...." # game/script.rpy:22726 translate english alicesex3_5a102454: # ali "Oh, just do whatever you want, pussy." ali "Oh, just do whatever you want, pussy." # game/script.rpy:22730 translate english alicesex3_ee5eaf95: # k "I have no intentions to stop right now." k "I have no intentions to stop right now." # game/script.rpy:22736 translate english alicesex3_2226313d: # ali "Just stick it in, pussy." ali "Just stick it in, pussy." # game/script.rpy:22739 translate english alicesex3_075cccf8: # ali "Yessss!!!" ali "Yessss!!!" # game/script.rpy:22745 translate english alicesex3_d84b7eeb: # ali "That is funny, pussy!" ali "That is funny, pussy!" # game/script.rpy:22749 translate english alicesex3_e31f9007: # ali "More!!!" ali "More!!!" # game/script.rpy:22752 translate english alicesex3_8e0311be: # ali "Awesome, pussy!" ali "Awesome, pussy!" # game/script.rpy:22758 translate english alicesex3_29eeb246: # ali "aaaaaaaa..." ali "aaaaaaaa..." # game/script.rpy:22762 translate english alicesex3_c6e84736: # k "I am almost..." k "I am almost..." # game/script.rpy:22766 translate english alicesex3_acf0bc99: # k "Take it!!!" k "Take it!!!" # game/script.rpy:22771 translate english alicesex3_be64c8ea: # k "!!!!" k "!!!!" # game/script.rpy:22772 translate english alicesex3_65f1465c: # ali "Yeah...." ali "Yeah...." # game/script.rpy:22774 translate english alicesex3_48fb0446_1: # k "...." k "...." # game/script.rpy:22782 translate english alicesex3_c872068b: # k "Your ass is truly amazing." k "Your ass is truly amazing." # game/script.rpy:22788 translate english alicesex3_ff0bf083: # k "I think I want to repeat that sometime." k "I think I want to repeat that sometime." # game/script.rpy:22789 translate english alicesex3_c94638e5: # ali "I'd have no problem with that." ali "I'd have no problem with that." # game/script.rpy:22790 translate english alicesex3_fe841471: # ali "But you must beat me first." ali "But you must beat me first." # game/script.rpy:22791 translate english alicesex3_3f885b90: # k "OK, when we can fight again?" k "OK, when we can fight again?" # game/script.rpy:22797 translate english alicesex3_fc79ed81: # ali "Arggg...." ali "Arggg...." # game/script.rpy:22798 translate english alicesex3_d7ba1dca: # ali "Look like I still can't stand." ali "Look like I still can't stand." # game/script.rpy:22802 translate english alicesex3_b05cfebb: # ali "But my body is shrinking already. I should be fine in a few minutes." ali "But my body is shrinking already. I should be fine in a few minutes." # game/script.rpy:22803 translate english alicesex3_48a655dd: # ali "Come back later I will be ready." ali "Come back later I will be ready." # game/script.rpy:22804 translate english alicesex3_89e12b18: # k "Sure. Should I remove that injections?" k "Sure. Should I remove that injections?" # game/script.rpy:22805 translate english alicesex3_68d58179: # ali "I will do it just give me some time." ali "I will do it just give me some time." # game/script.rpy:22811 translate english help_7834cff6: # "Every hint on mission is located in main vault room." "Every hint on mission is located in main vault room." # game/script.rpy:22812 translate english help_2c57a56b: # "Any questions can be solved on my patreon page." "Any questions can be solved on my patreon page." translate english strings: # script.rpy:1102 old "Skip Intro" new "Skip Intro" # script.rpy:1102 old "Play Intro" new "Play Intro" # script.rpy:1143 old "Stay in Control Room" new "Stay in Control Room" # script.rpy:1143 old "Explore Vault" new "Explore Vault" # script.rpy:1151 old "Sleep" new "Sleep" # script.rpy:1151 old "Send A.I. to wasteland" new "Send A.I. to wasteland" # script.rpy:1151 old "Try to find money" new "Try to find money" # script.rpy:1151 old "Talk to Obee" new "Talk to Obee" # script.rpy:1151 old "Explore the world" new "Explore the world" # script.rpy:1210 old "Shut up both what is happened here." new "Shut up both what is happened here." # script.rpy:1210 old "Intruder activate safe systems" new "Intruder activate safe systems" # script.rpy:1223 old "No way!" new "No way!" # script.rpy:1223 old "How much?" new "How much?" # script.rpy:1280 old "Shut her down!" new "Shut her down!" # script.rpy:1280 old "Stop right now!" new "Stop right now!" # script.rpy:1293 old "No more figt" new "No more figt" # script.rpy:1293 old "Let them fight more" new "Let them fight more" # script.rpy:1379 old "Sorry but it is mine" new "Sorry but it is mine" # script.rpy:1379 old "Yes i sell it" new "Yes i sell it" # script.rpy:1424 old "OK sorry" new "OK sorry" # script.rpy:1424 old "It was nothing" new "It was nothing" # script.rpy:1437 old "500 coins" new "500 coins" # script.rpy:1437 old "Something special" new "Something special" # script.rpy:1557 old "Give her coins." new "Give her coins." # script.rpy:1681 old "You can live here" new "You can live here" # script.rpy:1681 old "Go to hell" new "Go to hell" # script.rpy:1681 old "Just kill her" new "Just kill her" # script.rpy:1741 old "Stop right now" new "Stop right now" # script.rpy:1741 old "Just watch them." new "Just watch them." # script.rpy:1792 old "Sisterhood protect me" new "Sisterhood protect me" # script.rpy:1792 old "Religion save me" new "Religion save me" # script.rpy:1792 old "Slave city stand behind me" new "Slave city stand behind me" # script.rpy:1792 old "I have a gift for you" new "I have a gift for you" # script.rpy:1955 old "Send L.A.B." new "Send L.A.B." # script.rpy:1955 old "Send Obee" new "Send Obee" # script.rpy:2291 old "1st lesson" new "1st lesson" # script.rpy:2291 old "Invest 200 coins" new "Invest 200 coins" # script.rpy:2328 old "Invest 500 coins" new "Invest 500 coins" # script.rpy:2368 old "2nd lesson" new "2nd lesson" # script.rpy:2425 old "3rd lesson" new "3rd lesson" # script.rpy:2506 old "4th lesson" new "4th lesson" # script.rpy:2506 old "Invest 100 coins" new "Invest 100 coins" # script.rpy:2612 old "5th lesson" new "5th lesson" # script.rpy:2612 old "Invest more" new "Invest more" # script.rpy:2750 old "Days" new "Days" # script.rpy:2750 old "Coins" new "Coins" # script.rpy:2750 old "Population" new "Population" # script.rpy:2750 old "That's all" new "That's all" # script.rpy:2752 old "Add 1 day" new "Add 1 day" # script.rpy:2752 old "Add 7 days" new "Add 7 days" # script.rpy:2752 old "Take 1 day" new "Take 1 day" # script.rpy:2752 old "Take 7 days" new "Take 7 days" # script.rpy:2752 old "Return to cheat menu" new "Return to cheat menu" # script.rpy:2782 old "Add 100 coins" new "Add 100 coins" # script.rpy:2782 old "Add 1000 coins" new "Add 1000 coins" # script.rpy:2782 old "Add 10000 coins" new "Add 10000 coins" # script.rpy:2799 old "Add 1 dweller" new "Add 1 dweller" # script.rpy:2799 old "Add 5 dwellers" new "Add 5 dwellers" # script.rpy:2799 old "Take 1 dweller" new "Take 1 dweller" # script.rpy:2799 old "Take 5 dwellers" new "Take 5 dwellers" # script.rpy:2799 old "Revive 1 dweller" new "Revive 1 dweller" # script.rpy:2799 old "Kill 1 dweller" new "Kill 1 dweller" # script.rpy:2871 old "Deandrea mission" new "Deandrea mission" # script.rpy:2871 old "New bar in Market square" new "New bar in Market square" # script.rpy:2871 old "Trenia Mission" new "Trenia Mission" # script.rpy:2871 old "Back to vault" new "Back to vault" # script.rpy:2873 old "Mission 1 - Last smart deathclaw" new "Mission 1 - Last smart deathclaw" # script.rpy:2873 old "Mission 2 - Save my life" new "Mission 2 - Save my life" # script.rpy:2873 old "Mission 3 - Meet my love" new "Mission 3 - Meet my love" # script.rpy:2873 old "Mission 4 Explore the vault" new "Mission 4 Explore the vault" # script.rpy:2873 old "Something else" new "Something else" # script.rpy:2980 old "Support from beggars" new "Support from beggars" # script.rpy:2980 old "Power of slaves" new "Power of slaves" # script.rpy:2980 old "Slaves for everyone" new "Slaves for everyone" # script.rpy:3021 old "Sisterhood supply" new "Sisterhood supply" # script.rpy:3021 old "Get permission to enter" new "Get permission to enter" # script.rpy:3021 old "Riaki is alone" new "Riaki is alone" # script.rpy:3021 old "Thalia need help" new "Thalia need help" # script.rpy:3021 old "The fight for honor begins" new "The fight for honor begins" # script.rpy:3021 old "Build BFG" new "Build BFG" # script.rpy:3119 old "Love in Milkypolis" new "Love in Milkypolis" # script.rpy:3119 old "Unleash the power" new "Unleash the power" # script.rpy:3119 old "Supprot the Milkypolis" new "Supprot the Milkypolis" # script.rpy:3162 old "Find the purpose" new "Find the purpose" # script.rpy:3162 old "Teach me something" new "Teach me something" # script.rpy:3162 old "Repair the radio" new "Repair the radio" # script.rpy:3162 old "L.A.B. in the world" new "L.A.B. in the world" # script.rpy:3162 old "Obee personality" new "Obee personality" # script.rpy:3162 old "Milkgirl mission" new "Milkgirl mission" # script.rpy:3249 old "Find the milkgirl" new "Find the milkgirl" # script.rpy:3249 old "Where is the milk?" new "Where is the milk?" # script.rpy:3249 old "Where is my sister?" new "Where is my sister?" # script.rpy:3249 old "Make them bigger" new "Make them bigger" # script.rpy:3249 old "Sell the milk" new "Sell the milk" # script.rpy:3336 old "Death mission" new "Death mission" # script.rpy:3336 old "Safe is safe" new "Safe is safe" # script.rpy:3339 old "Kill 10 golden gecko" new "Kill 10 golden gecko" # script.rpy:3339 old "Kill 5 Deathclaws" new "Kill 5 Deathclaws" # script.rpy:3339 old "Death in Vault" new "Death in Vault" # script.rpy:3411 old "Research" new "Research" # script.rpy:3411 old "Create" new "Create" # script.rpy:3416 old "Test Obee Body" new "Test Obee Body" # script.rpy:3416 old "Armor upgrade" new "Armor upgrade" # script.rpy:3416 old "Milk protein research" new "Milk protein research" # script.rpy:3434 old "Invest" new "Invest" # script.rpy:3434 old "Maybe later" new "Maybe later" # script.rpy:3453 old "Touch her boobs" new "Touch her boobs" # script.rpy:3453 old "Nothing" new "Nothing" # script.rpy:3522 old "Upload sensitivity" new "Upload sensitivity" # script.rpy:3522 old "Upload kamasutra possition" new "Upload kamasutra possition" # script.rpy:3797 old "Make diagnostic" new "Make diagnostic" # script.rpy:3797 old "Test lactation" new "Test lactation" # script.rpy:3797 old "Test your mouth skill" new "Test your mouth skill" # script.rpy:3962 old "Build circuits" new "Build circuits" # script.rpy:3962 old "Don't need it" new "Don't need it" # script.rpy:3981 old "Build weapon" new "Build weapon" # script.rpy:4016 old "Lets do this" new "Lets do this" # script.rpy:4016 old "Maybe next time" new "Maybe next time" # script.rpy:4068 old "Body for Obee" new "Body for Obee" # script.rpy:4068 old "Body for L.A.B" new "Body for L.A.B" # script.rpy:4068 old "Infinite baterry for armor" new "Infinite baterry for armor" # script.rpy:4086 old "Build her body." new "Build her body." # script.rpy:4086 old "Nah she don't need it." new "Nah she don't need it." # script.rpy:4172 old "Build battery." new "Build battery." # script.rpy:4172 old "Not now!" new "Not now!" # script.rpy:4199 old "Stay in Lab" new "Stay in Lab" # script.rpy:4206 old "Enter room" new "Enter room" # script.rpy:4206 old "Info" new "Info" # script.rpy:4215 old "Talk with Sam" new "Talk with Sam" # script.rpy:4233 old "Memory" new "Memory" # script.rpy:4233 old "Progress" new "Progress" # script.rpy:4233 old "Vault" new "Vault" # script.rpy:4233 old "Jump to lab" new "Jump to lab" # script.rpy:4350 old "Give her coins" new "Give her coins" # script.rpy:4350 old "Refuse" new "Refuse" # script.rpy:4431 old "Yes" new "Yes" # script.rpy:4431 old "No" new "No" # script.rpy:4514 old "Use normal cure" new "Use normal cure" # script.rpy:4514 old "Use cure from Obee" new "Use cure from Obee" # script.rpy:5027 old "Tie her up - 100 coins" new "Tie her up - 100 coins" # script.rpy:5027 old "Play with her boobs - 200 coins" new "Play with her boobs - 200 coins" # script.rpy:5027 old "Fuck her 300 coins" new "Fuck her 300 coins" # script.rpy:7100 old "Talk about" new "Talk about" # script.rpy:7100 old "Milk her" new "Milk her" # script.rpy:7100 old "Experiment" new "Experiment" # script.rpy:7100 old "Look arround room" new "Look arround room" # script.rpy:7100 old "Leave room" new "Leave room" # script.rpy:7102 old "Milking problem" new "Milking problem" # script.rpy:7102 old "Sister" new "Sister" # script.rpy:7102 old "Feelings" new "Feelings" # script.rpy:8046 old "Use toilet" new "Use toilet" # script.rpy:8046 old "Clean your hands" new "Clean your hands" # script.rpy:8046 old "Press that red button" new "Press that red button" # script.rpy:8046 old "Jump to map" new "Jump to map" # script.rpy:8079 old "What just happened?" new "What just happened?" # script.rpy:8079 old "Press that green button" new "Press that green button" # script.rpy:8192 old "Assign dweller." new "Assign dweller." # script.rpy:8192 old "Jump to Map" new "Jump to Map" # script.rpy:8207 old "Pee on her" new "Pee on her" # script.rpy:8207 old "Fuck her mouth" new "Fuck her mouth" # script.rpy:8207 old "Clean her" new "Clean her" # script.rpy:8207 old "Remove dweller" new "Remove dweller" # script.rpy:8231 old "Cum in her moutch" new "Cum in her moutch" # script.rpy:8231 old "Cum on her body" new "Cum on her body" # script.rpy:8453 old "How can this room help me?" new "How can this room help me?" # script.rpy:8453 old "Go to back room" new "Go to back room" # script.rpy:8581 old "Slap her" new "Slap her" # script.rpy:8581 old "Fuck her" new "Fuck her" # script.rpy:8620 old "Cum in" new "Cum in" # script.rpy:8620 old "Cum out" new "Cum out" # script.rpy:8854 old "Go to toilet room" new "Go to toilet room" # script.rpy:8988 old "Use boob serum" new "Use boob serum" # script.rpy:9310 old "Room Info" new "Room Info" # script.rpy:9310 old "How to assign a dweller" new "How to assign a dweller" # script.rpy:9409 old "Rape and play" new "Rape and play" # script.rpy:9409 old "Aphrodisiacs and how to serve them" new "Aphrodisiacs and how to serve them" # script.rpy:9409 old "Animals - how to fuck them and survive" new "Animals - how to fuck them and survive" # script.rpy:9419 old "Build brainwash technology" new "Build brainwash technology" # script.rpy:9419 old "Meh" new "Meh" # script.rpy:9466 old "Add radioactive - brocoli chemical to water." new "Add radioactive - brocoli chemical to water." # script.rpy:9466 old "It is too dangerous" new "It is too dangerous" # script.rpy:9516 old "Stay in Living Room" new "Stay in Living Room" # script.rpy:9547 old "Talk with dweller" new "Talk with dweller" # script.rpy:9547 old "Try to rape dweller" new "Try to rape dweller" # script.rpy:9547 old "Sex options" new "Sex options" # script.rpy:9553 old "Tell me about your live" new "Tell me about your live" # script.rpy:9553 old "Tell me about oudside world" new "Tell me about oudside world" # script.rpy:9553 old "Do you like that vault?" new "Do you like that vault?" # script.rpy:9702 old "From behind" new "From behind" # script.rpy:9702 old "Titfuck" new "Titfuck" # script.rpy:9702 old "Blowjob" new "Blowjob" # script.rpy:9714 old "On floor" new "On floor" # script.rpy:9714 old "Cum" new "Cum" # script.rpy:9813 old "Tell the truth" new "Tell the truth" # script.rpy:9813 old "Be mysterious" new "Be mysterious" # script.rpy:9927 old "Status" new "Status" # script.rpy:9927 old "Assign to breeding." new "Assign to breeding." # script.rpy:9927 old "Assign to find coins" new "Assign to find coins" # script.rpy:9927 old "Assign to gain influence" new "Assign to gain influence" # script.rpy:9927 old "Send dweller to mission" new "Send dweller to mission" # script.rpy:9941 old "Add 2 dwellers" new "Add 2 dwellers" # script.rpy:9941 old "Remove 2 dwellers" new "Remove 2 dwellers" # script.rpy:9941 old "Make other changes" new "Make other changes" # script.rpy:9985 old "Add 1 dewller" new "Add 1 dewller" # script.rpy:9985 old "Remove 1 dweller" new "Remove 1 dweller" # script.rpy:10033 old "Infiltrate Milkypolis" new "Infiltrate Milkypolis" # script.rpy:10033 old "Infiltrate Sisterhood" new "Infiltrate Sisterhood" # script.rpy:10033 old "Infiltrate Slave city" new "Infiltrate Slave city" # script.rpy:10175 old "Sell fake milk" new "Sell fake milk" # script.rpy:10175 old "Hunt golden gecko" new "Hunt golden gecko" # script.rpy:10175 old "Hunt deathclaw" new "Hunt deathclaw" # script.rpy:10175 old "It is all too dangerous" new "It is all too dangerous" # script.rpy:10272 old "Send 1 dweller" new "Send 1 dweller" # script.rpy:10272 old "Send 2 dwellers" new "Send 2 dwellers" # script.rpy:10272 old "Send 3 dwellers" new "Send 3 dwellers" # script.rpy:10272 old "I changed my mind" new "I changed my mind" # script.rpy:10486 old "Upgrade device" new "Upgrade device" # script.rpy:10486 old "Machine status" new "Machine status" # script.rpy:10486 old "What is this machine?" new "What is this machine?" # script.rpy:10486 old "That is all thanks." new "That is all thanks." # script.rpy:10488 old "Spend 1000 coins" new "Spend 1000 coins" # script.rpy:10488 old "Don't upgrade now" new "Don't upgrade now" # script.rpy:10523 old "Stay in Radio" new "Stay in Radio" # script.rpy:10828 old "Earn some coins" new "Earn some coins" # script.rpy:10828 old "Find more about religion" new "Find more about religion" # script.rpy:10828 old "Try to meet someone" new "Try to meet someone" # script.rpy:10828 old "Look elsewhere" new "Look elsewhere" # script.rpy:10889 old "Steal some coins from vendors" new "Steal some coins from vendors" # script.rpy:10889 old "Offer special services to vendors" new "Offer special services to vendors" # script.rpy:10889 old "Offer 1 + 1 kiss for customers" new "Offer 1 + 1 kiss for customers" # script.rpy:10935 old "Talk about it" new "Talk about it" # script.rpy:10935 old "Ignore" new "Ignore" # script.rpy:11130 old "Try to seduce sisterhood member" new "Try to seduce sisterhood member" # script.rpy:11130 old "Get some coins from sisterhood member" new "Get some coins from sisterhood member" # script.rpy:11423 old "Work in local pub" new "Work in local pub" # script.rpy:11423 old "Earn money as sexbot" new "Earn money as sexbot" # script.rpy:11423 old "Work as public toilet" new "Work as public toilet" # script.rpy:11638 old "Tell me more" new "Tell me more" # script.rpy:11638 old "I didn't want to hear that" new "I didn't want to hear that" # script.rpy:11828 old "No way" new "No way" # script.rpy:12067 old "Just go away" new "Just go away" # script.rpy:12237 old "That's enough." new "That's enough." # script.rpy:12237 old "Use clips" new "Use clips" # script.rpy:12274 old "Yes this slave look good" new "Yes this slave look good" # script.rpy:12274 old "Get out of here" new "Get out of here" # script.rpy:12294 old "I want to try her" new "I want to try her" # script.rpy:12294 old "Not today" new "Not today" # script.rpy:12315 old "Assign L.A.B" new "Assign L.A.B" # script.rpy:12315 old "Assign Obee" new "Assign Obee" # script.rpy:12315 old "Assign Milkgirl" new "Assign Milkgirl" # script.rpy:12315 old "Assign Sam" new "Assign Sam" # script.rpy:12746 old "Drink some beer" new "Drink some beer" # script.rpy:12746 old "Rumors" new "Rumors" # script.rpy:12746 old "Try to steal some money." new "Try to steal some money." # script.rpy:12765 old "Buy him drink" new "Buy him drink" # script.rpy:12765 old "Run away" new "Run away" # script.rpy:12893 old "Pay 50 coins" new "Pay 50 coins" # script.rpy:12893 old "Don't pay" new "Don't pay" # script.rpy:12949 old "Just a little more" new "Just a little more" # script.rpy:12957 old "Pee on slave" new "Pee on slave" # script.rpy:12957 old "Hold it" new "Hold it" # script.rpy:13186 old "Go home" new "Go home" # script.rpy:13186 old "Stay in Slave city" new "Stay in Slave city" # script.rpy:13418 old "Slavers" new "Slavers" # script.rpy:13418 old "Slaves" new "Slaves" # script.rpy:13418 old "Supporting begars" new "Supporting begars" # script.rpy:13418 old "Plan for future" new "Plan for future" # script.rpy:13493 old "Support" new "Support" # script.rpy:13493 old "Be an asshole" new "Be an asshole" # script.rpy:13656 old "Enter Slave City" new "Enter Slave City" # script.rpy:13656 old "Talk with strangers" new "Talk with strangers" # script.rpy:13656 old "Look around for something usefull" new "Look around for something usefull" # script.rpy:13656 old "Return to vault" new "Return to vault" # script.rpy:13668 old "YES show me" new "YES show me" # script.rpy:13668 old "NO thanks" new "NO thanks" # script.rpy:13749 old "Try to make it peacefully" new "Try to make it peacefully" # script.rpy:13749 old "Try to threaten" new "Try to threaten" # script.rpy:13783 old "Follow voice" new "Follow voice" # script.rpy:13783 old "Ignore voice" new "Ignore voice" # script.rpy:13959 old "Look around" new "Look around" # script.rpy:13959 old "Buy Woman for milking" new "Buy Woman for milking" # script.rpy:13959 old "Explore place" new "Explore place" # script.rpy:13959 old "Visit Temple" new "Visit Temple" # script.rpy:13992 old "Try find the scream source" new "Try find the scream source" # script.rpy:13999 old "Help her" new "Help her" # script.rpy:13999 old "She can make it" new "She can make it" # script.rpy:14017 old "Attack them" new "Attack them" # script.rpy:14017 old "Run for your life" new "Run for your life" # script.rpy:14217 old "What is this place?" new "What is this place?" # script.rpy:14217 old "I want trade few things." new "I want trade few things." # script.rpy:14217 old "You look so beautiful!" new "You look so beautiful!" # script.rpy:14217 old "Missions" new "Missions" # script.rpy:14252 old "YES" new "YES" # script.rpy:14252 old "NO WAY" new "NO WAY" # script.rpy:14311 old "Tell truth" new "Tell truth" # script.rpy:14311 old "Lie to her" new "Lie to her" # script.rpy:14428 old "Enter Hideout" new "Enter Hideout" # script.rpy:14428 old "Not now" new "Not now" # script.rpy:14452 old "Enter Market Square" new "Enter Market Square" # script.rpy:14578 old "Yes I saw them" new "Yes I saw them" # script.rpy:14578 old "Nothing for now" new "Nothing for now" # script.rpy:14692 old "Tell me about yourself" new "Tell me about yourself" # script.rpy:14692 old "Tell me about sisterhood" new "Tell me about sisterhood" # script.rpy:14692 old "Mission" new "Mission" # script.rpy:14897 old "Give her magazine" new "Give her magazine" # script.rpy:14897 old "Give her dildo" new "Give her dildo" # script.rpy:14914 old "Spy behind doors" new "Spy behind doors" # script.rpy:15045 old "Your story" new "Your story" # script.rpy:15045 old "Your job" new "Your job" # script.rpy:15045 old "Your ideas" new "Your ideas" # script.rpy:15266 old "Talk" new "Talk" # script.rpy:15266 old "Fight" new "Fight" # script.rpy:15266 old "Heal" new "Heal" # script.rpy:15269 old "About Alice" new "About Alice" # script.rpy:15269 old "About Sisterhood" new "About Sisterhood" # script.rpy:15269 old "About fight" new "About fight" # script.rpy:15269 old "Pussy?" new "Pussy?" # script.rpy:15379 old "Easy battle no power ups" new "Easy battle no power ups" # script.rpy:15379 old "Against 2 swords" new "Against 2 swords" # script.rpy:15379 old "Show me your full power" new "Show me your full power" # script.rpy:15379 old "How can I fight?" new "How can I fight?" # script.rpy:15379 old "I change my mind" new "I change my mind" # script.rpy:15423 old "Recover HP" new "Recover HP" # script.rpy:15423 old "Later" new "Later" # script.rpy:15456 old "Leave hideout" new "Leave hideout" # script.rpy:15456 old "Stay" new "Stay" # script.rpy:15601 old "Talk with priest" new "Talk with priest" # script.rpy:15601 old "Return to Milkypolis" new "Return to Milkypolis" # script.rpy:15601 old "Return to Vault" new "Return to Vault" # script.rpy:15605 old "Tell me about youself" new "Tell me about youself" # script.rpy:15605 old "Tell me about religion" new "Tell me about religion" # script.rpy:15605 old "Try to interact" new "Try to interact" # script.rpy:15605 old "Offer help" new "Offer help" # script.rpy:15699 old "Tell me the story again" new "Tell me the story again" # script.rpy:15699 old "No I remember" new "No I remember" # script.rpy:15835 old "Basics" new "Basics" # script.rpy:15835 old "Miracles" new "Miracles" # script.rpy:15976 old "Yes I love them" new "Yes I love them" # script.rpy:15976 old "No they are too big" new "No they are too big" # script.rpy:16018 old "Use left hand." new "Use left hand." # script.rpy:16018 old "Use right hand." new "Use right hand." # script.rpy:16018 old "Use both hand" new "Use both hand" # script.rpy:16018 old "It was enough" new "It was enough" # script.rpy:16045 old "NO" new "NO" # script.rpy:16093 old "Show it" new "Show it" # script.rpy:16093 old "Not ready for this" new "Not ready for this" # script.rpy:16113 old "Masturbate" new "Masturbate" # script.rpy:16113 old "Just watch" new "Just watch" # script.rpy:16169 old "Show???" new "Show???" # script.rpy:16250 old "Say yes" new "Say yes" # script.rpy:16250 old "Say no" new "Say no" # script.rpy:16302 old "Pls pls say yes!!!!!" new "Pls pls say yes!!!!!" # script.rpy:16302 old "I don't like woman so NO is the answer." new "I don't like woman so NO is the answer." # script.rpy:16357 old "Good deal" new "Good deal" # script.rpy:16357 old "Ask for money" new "Ask for money" # script.rpy:16381 old "Cum on your body" new "Cum on your body" # script.rpy:16381 old "Tease your nipple" new "Tease your nipple" # script.rpy:16381 old "Give me titfuck" new "Give me titfuck" # script.rpy:16392 old "Your first sex" new "Your first sex" # script.rpy:16392 old "Boob grow" new "Boob grow" # script.rpy:16392 old "First rape" new "First rape" # script.rpy:16704 old "Buy milk" new "Buy milk" # script.rpy:16704 old "Talk with her" new "Talk with her" # script.rpy:16704 old "Donate a few coins" new "Donate a few coins" # script.rpy:16755 old "Who are you?" new "Who are you?" # script.rpy:16755 old "Can I help you?" new "Can I help you?" # script.rpy:16755 old "What is your story?" new "What is your story?" # script.rpy:16885 old "10 coins" new "10 coins" # script.rpy:16885 old "100 coins" new "100 coins" # script.rpy:16885 old "1000 coins" new "1000 coins" # script.rpy:16946 old "Help her escape" new "Help her escape" # script.rpy:16946 old "Cum on her" new "Cum on her" # script.rpy:17297 old "Visit Grand priest" new "Visit Grand priest" # script.rpy:17297 old "Taste some kind of milk" new "Taste some kind of milk" # script.rpy:17297 old "Try to sell milk" new "Try to sell milk" # script.rpy:17314 old "Tell me about your religion" new "Tell me about your religion" # script.rpy:17429 old "Just look on them" new "Just look on them" # script.rpy:17429 old "Play with right" new "Play with right" # script.rpy:17429 old "Play with left" new "Play with left" # script.rpy:17429 old "Play with both" new "Play with both" # script.rpy:17429 old "Finish her" new "Finish her" # script.rpy:17641 old "Human milk" new "Human milk" # script.rpy:17641 old "Floater milk" new "Floater milk" # script.rpy:17641 old "Kentaur milk" new "Kentaur milk" # script.rpy:17641 old "Deathclaw milk" new "Deathclaw milk" # script.rpy:17755 old "Talk with Deandrea" new "Talk with Deandrea" # script.rpy:17755 old "Buy something" new "Buy something" # script.rpy:17755 old "Nothing now" new "Nothing now" # script.rpy:17757 old "So what is your story?" new "So what is your story?" # script.rpy:17757 old "Any rumors?" new "Any rumors?" # script.rpy:17757 old "Can I help you with something?" new "Can I help you with something?" # script.rpy:17790 old "Yes I forget your story" new "Yes I forget your story" # script.rpy:17790 old "Tell me about store" new "Tell me about store" # script.rpy:17790 old "No I want something else" new "No I want something else" # script.rpy:18081 old "Show me boobs." new "Show me boobs." # script.rpy:18307 old "Use tongue" new "Use tongue" # script.rpy:18307 old "Milking session" new "Milking session" # script.rpy:18687 old "Let's go" new "Let's go" # script.rpy:18687 old "No chance" new "No chance" # script.rpy:18831 old "Buy food suplies - 1000 coins" new "Buy food suplies - 1000 coins" # script.rpy:18831 old "Buy dildo - 100 coins" new "Buy dildo - 100 coins" # script.rpy:18831 old "Buy some magazines - 50 coins" new "Buy some magazines - 50 coins" # script.rpy:18831 old "Buy candies - 50 coins" new "Buy candies - 50 coins" # script.rpy:18831 old "Normal boob serum - 100 coins" new "Normal boob serum - 100 coins" # script.rpy:18831 old "Special Fev injection - 500 coins" new "Special Fev injection - 500 coins" # script.rpy:18831 old "Special boob serum - 500 coins" new "Special boob serum - 500 coins" # script.rpy:18831 old "Just looking" new "Just looking" # script.rpy:19050 old "Yes - 10 000 coins" new "Yes - 10 000 coins" # script.rpy:19050 old "No thanks" new "No thanks" # script.rpy:19173 old "Tell me about local fraction one more time" new "Tell me about local fraction one more time" # script.rpy:19173 old "What can I do in Market?" new "What can I do in Market?" # script.rpy:19173 old "So what can I do for you?" new "So what can I do for you?" # script.rpy:19173 old "That's all thank you." new "That's all thank you." # script.rpy:19175 old "Tell me about slavers" new "Tell me about slavers" # script.rpy:19175 old "Tell me about Milkypolis" new "Tell me about Milkypolis" # script.rpy:19175 old "Tell me about Chitsa" new "Tell me about Chitsa" # script.rpy:19175 old "Any help with gain influence?" new "Any help with gain influence?" # script.rpy:19175 old "I want to ask somethin else" new "I want to ask somethin else" # script.rpy:19203 old "Buy flash drive" new "Buy flash drive" # script.rpy:19276 old "Attack with the Sisterhood" new "Attack with the Sisterhood" # script.rpy:19276 old "Attack with the Milkypolis" new "Attack with the Milkypolis" # script.rpy:19276 old "Attack with the Slave city" new "Attack with the Slave city" # script.rpy:19276 old "Attack, along with residents of vault." new "Attack, along with residents of vault." # script.rpy:19276 old "Continue the game" new "Continue the game" # script.rpy:19327 old "What do you offer?" new "What do you offer?" # script.rpy:19327 old "I want some drink" new "I want some drink" # script.rpy:19327 old "I want some special service" new "I want some special service" # script.rpy:19327 old "Go somewhere else" new "Go somewhere else" # script.rpy:19340 old "Nuka Cola - 5 coins" new "Nuka Cola - 5 coins" # script.rpy:19340 old "Nuka Cola special - 10 coins" new "Nuka Cola special - 10 coins" # script.rpy:19340 old "Beer - 10 coins" new "Beer - 10 coins" # script.rpy:19340 old "Vodka - 20 coins" new "Vodka - 20 coins" # script.rpy:19417 old "Handjob" new "Handjob" # script.rpy:19417 old "Fuck your pussy" new "Fuck your pussy" # script.rpy:19427 old "Pay for it" new "Pay for it" # script.rpy:19427 old "It is too much" new "It is too much" # script.rpy:19482 old "Suck my dick" new "Suck my dick" # script.rpy:19482 old "I think i like coins more than blow" new "I think i like coins more than blow" # script.rpy:19552 old "One titfuck please" new "One titfuck please" # script.rpy:19552 old "I don't give you 100 coins." new "I don't give you 100 coins." # script.rpy:19623 old "Tell me something" new "Tell me something" # script.rpy:19623 old "Buy potions" new "Buy potions" # script.rpy:19623 old "Sell trophy" new "Sell trophy" # script.rpy:19625 old "About shop" new "About shop" # script.rpy:19625 old "About yourself" new "About yourself" # script.rpy:19625 old "About situation" new "About situation" # script.rpy:19709 old "Strength potion" new "Strength potion" # script.rpy:19709 old "Perversion potion" new "Perversion potion" # script.rpy:19709 old "Endurance potion" new "Endurance potion" # script.rpy:19709 old "Cumming potion" new "Cumming potion" # script.rpy:19709 old "Inteligence potion" new "Inteligence potion" # script.rpy:19709 old "Agility potion" new "Agility potion" # script.rpy:19709 old "Lust potion" new "Lust potion" # script.rpy:19791 old "Sell Gecko trophy" new "Sell Gecko trophy" # script.rpy:19791 old "Sell Deathclaw trophy" new "Sell Deathclaw trophy" # script.rpy:20060 old "Sit there" new "Sit there" # script.rpy:20086 old "Run to Trenia" new "Run to Trenia" # script.rpy:20086 old "Walk carefully" new "Walk carefully" # script.rpy:20219 old "Have some fun" new "Have some fun" # script.rpy:20219 old "Hunt Octo" new "Hunt Octo" # script.rpy:20219 old "Hunt Deathclaw" new "Hunt Deathclaw" # script.rpy:20626 old "What can I do in this vault?" new "What can I do in this vault?" # script.rpy:20626 old "Why you look like human" new "Why you look like human" # script.rpy:20626 old "Is here any other A.I.?" new "Is here any other A.I.?" # script.rpy:20626 old "Adjust the length of the game" new "Adjust the length of the game" # script.rpy:20626 old "That is all thanks" new "That is all thanks" # script.rpy:20661 old "Extra short - 15 days" new "Extra short - 15 days" # script.rpy:20661 old "Normal game" new "Normal game" # script.rpy:21505 old "Attack!" new "Attack!" # script.rpy:21505 old "Power up" new "Power up" # script.rpy:21505 old "Suprise attack" new "Suprise attack" # script.rpy:21505 old "Dodge" new "Dodge" # script.rpy:21505 old "Rest" new "Rest" # script.rpy:22451 old "Grab her" new "Grab her"