A Practical Succubus --- Summary A translation error in an evocation summons a chatty succubus who grants the summoner their hearts desire - the fulfillment of their subconscious need to transition. Notes Based on [this tweet](https://twitter.com/SolientArt/status/1739126753174638882). The basic idea was juiced up by running it past [Rajel Aran](https://oldbytes.space/@rajelaran). Thanks to [FunWithNix](https://archiveofourown.org/users/FunWithNix/pseuds/FunWithNix) for giving this a thorough read; it caught a number of minor spelling and continuity issues that I missed, and gave me some suggestions that helped to smooth out a few bumps. Notes for me NF3 means Not Final Fantasy Fanfic. --- A flicker. A brief, weird, purplish *indentation* in the air above the circle. The faint smell of ozone. Nothing. Well, not nothing. *That* had happened. Whatever that was. The instructions - printed, with hand written corrections - said either *nothing* would happen, or a "demon" would appear. *Demon* had handwritten quotes around it. Demon could mean anything, really, depending on who you talked to, depending on what you believed. The meme, the myth, of the 'biblically accurate' angel may well have been someone seeing a peacock for the first time. In a world that bereft of stimuli, the sight must have been mind-blowing. Now? Now that was the kind of random fact that percolated through social media. Now evocation was a mess of half truths, of legends, of anecdotes - obscured, hidden away, with the kind of spelling that not even a fifth grader would find acceptable. That might be it, actually. Some of the words were scratched out, several were rewritten, in ink - with question marks. Maybe one of them was wrong. Maybe *all* of them were wrong. It wasn't Latin, or Greek, or anything anyone might recognize as a language. Phonetic guidelines, structured to produce a resonance, a *vibe*. Like Tibetan throat singing with bits of gravel and glass in some places, chewing gum and used motor oil in others. That part had worked - the apartment felt... *different.* A strange sort of tension, a firm *plasticity*, filled the living room. It was tempting to blame it on the circle - salt, chalk, paint, according to the instructions it could be anything. Anything at all, so long as it was placed by the person casting the spell. Baking soda was, at least, easy to clean up. The broom, the dustpan. A distinct, distant pop, the far-away whine of a car alarm, as the circle was broken, silenced as it disintegrated, as it became dust. Surely, a coincidence. A latex glove over the hand, to protect the bandage, the cut on the pinky finger beneath it. Dish liquid, rinsing out the stoneware bowl that had rested at the center of the circle - burnt blood, a nasty smell. No wonder the occult bookstore always reeked of incense. Hovering over the garbage can, giving the instructions a final look-through, resolving to find more reliable, more *believable* sources, to try again. A knock at the door - the outer door, the door to the street. No activity from upstairs. Their name - just loud enough to hear the syllables, the question mark. --- The hallway was cool, crisp, and smelled a lot better than the apartment. The knock repeated. They opened the door - it wasn't locked, it had no lock - and peeked out. A woman, about their age, about their height. Olive skin, athletic build. Tank top, cadet cap, cargo pants, Doc Martens - black, black, and more black. Mixed blacks - gray-black, purple-black; faded, worn, almost charcoal gray. Black lipstick, black eye shadow. Short black hair. Black nail polish, cracked and flaking and exquisitely, emphatically punk. Purple eyes? Must be contacts. Spiked bracelets, studded earrings. A messenger bag, a clipboard, loaded with paperwork. Curious - most delivery types had migrated to tablets awhile back. Their name, again, spoken as a question. They nodded. "Sign here, ma'am." She rolled several sheets of paper around, under the clipboard, circled a signature line with a pen - dark purple ink, another oddity. "Ma'am?" They raised their eyebrows in disbelief, took the pen, the clipboard, were about to sign when they noticed her eyes were the same color as that *flash*, that ripple of *weirdness* above the circle. "Yeah. That's your hearts desire, isn't it? That's what you signed up for? Sign here." She tapped the clipboard. "I didn't - I haven't - I don't remember *signing up* for *anything.*" They flipped through the curled pages - small type, legal boilerplate. They'd need three hours and a magnifying glass to unsnarl it, to get the gist of it. The first page - that weird phonetic scrip, in several places. "You uttered this about... forty minutes ago." She tapped a line, midway down the page. She made a noise - the noise they'd made, yet... higher, and lower, and much less *jagged.* "I would have been here sooner... but the bus was late." She shrugged. "C'est la vie." "...you take the bus?" Why was this so amusing to them? *They* took the bus. "...you evoke demons?" Even, unamused. "...it worked?" "Yes ma'am." Confident, bored, matter-of-fact. "Why are you -" "Hearts. Desire." She thumped the clipboard with two fingers, drew back, crossed her arms. "Sign here to accept service." They signed. She took the pen, the clipboard, tucked both into her bag. "I need you to invite me in. Vampire rules." "Vampires are real?" "More or less." She crossed her arms, nodded at them expectantly. They stepped back, opened the door fully, beckoned the strange woman inside. --- She shrugged out of her bag, dropped it on the carpet next to the door. She took off her cap, tossed it on top of the bag, and turned towards them, revealing a high hairline, slightly pointed ears... and a pair of tiny horns, the gray-white color of deer antlers... covered with badly chipped black nail polish. They felt their eyebrows shoot up, felt their face contort into shocked amazement as they stepped back, hand on the doorknob. "I'm a practical succubus -" that weird phonetic *vibe* again, from deep in her throat, a string of sounds they recognized, a string of sounds they'd butchered badly. "If you wanted an *impractical* succubus -" a different noise, one they had no idea a human - or human *apparent* - throat could make "- well... we wouldn't be having this conversation. You'd be pinned to the floor getting a handjob or head or pegged or... whatever, by whoever took the call." She stripped her tanktop off in a fluid, efficient motion - a modest bust, a black sports bra. She turned, tossed it on top of her cap, revealing a pair of small cartoon bat wings tattooed atop her shoulder blades. "I'm Cassandra. Cass. You have a weird name for a girl." She unhooked her bra, dropped it on her growing pile of clothes, dropped her bracelets on top of it, walked deeper into the apartment, surveying their bed, their workstation, the mess of their tiny apartment. "You should change it." Cass toed the pile of dirty laundry suspiciously, eyed the bag of clean laundry with even more suspicion. She made brief, piercing eye contact, smiled cryptically. "I like your eyes; they're like robin eggs. I think I'll call you Robin until you settle on something." "I... uh..." *Ma'am.* *Girl.* She swept past them, stuck her head in the bathroom, continued on, to the kitchen. By the time Robin caught up to her she had fished the evocation out of the trash, was flipping through it, squinting at it. "Ah, here's the problem. Intentional mistranslation. Classic occult fuckery. The English is 'to slake my thirst,' but the -" that weird noise again, a bit differently "- is, roughly, 'to fulfill my hearts desire.' That's what I'm here for. That's why this isn't going how you expected it to. You wanted one thing and asked for another." She turned, looked them over, dropped the stapled sheaf of pages back into the trash. "Or rather... you *need* one thing, and you think you want something else. Tell me, what do you think you want? What was your intention?" She swung her foot at the garbage can, stopped as she made contact with the plastic - a quiet thunk, followed by the rubbery squeak of her boot scraping the linoleum. Robin leaned against the refrigerator; Cass leaned against the back door of the apartment. The stove sat silently between them, a stark reminder that Robin needed to clean the place. They paused, considered, began to speak - slowly, haltingly. "I'm... lonely. It's been awhile. Since I've... been with someone. I don't... it's not that I *can't* meet people it's more like I haven't met anyone I like *that way* since I quit drinking. I thought maybe, if this worked... the *entity*... could... fill in the blanks. Be what I'm missing. Be... something that would *arouse* me, make me feel alive again." "Oh, sweetie." Cass's eyes, her bearing, her *energy* softened. "Sexual fulfillment begins with *gender*, and yours is so fucked up you can't hear your heart crying for help." She cocked her head, as if remembering something. "They're different things, they're *very* different things, but gender incongruity has sexually fucked up just about every mis-assigned person I've ever met." She swept a hand over her horns, through her short, bristly hair. "We get a lot of metadata with a call - a *spell* - when it comes in. Gender - the gender of your *soul*, if you will - is one of the data points. One that doesn't have a measurable error rate. You may not be consciously aware of it, but... the call came from a woman. A sad, lonely woman." Robin blinked. They were too dumbfounded to do anything else. Cass closed her eyes, shook her head, laughed. "Damn, you are re-*pressed.* No wonder I got the call. Come on, we're doing this." She stepped forward, grabbed Robin by the wrist, dragged them into the small living room of their apartment. "Doing what?" Robin was confused, to put it mildly. "What you summoned me for." Cass released their wrist, knelt down, grabbed something out of their bag. A small tin, covered in strange symbols. She opened it, poured a bit of dark purple powder into her hand. As Robin worked up the courage to ask her what it was, she held up her palm, made a fist, opened it, and blew the powder into their face. Blackness. --- Robin was dimly aware of the floor, of crumpling, hitting the carpet. Floating, being lowered into bed. The distant, washed-out noise of a belt being unbuckled, though six feet of water, then... nothing. Nothing blossomed into *something* - rich purples, dark blues, a skeletal, black velvet painting of their bedroom. A feeling of lightness, of clarity. Cass, her eyes glowing brightly, wearing nothing but black panties. A ghostly ribbon, a smokey black tail, fading into a heart-shaped barb, swayed idly behind her. The air was warm, almost hot. The warmth of sleep, the warmth of thick, heavy blankets. "You can move here." Her voice had a distant, unreal quality to it, a faint tonal distortion that sounded synthetic, industrial. "It's easier not to, at first. You might feel like you have sleep paralysis. Try to work through it. This is an interstice, a pocket of potential. Sit up. Look down." She smiled confidently, authoritatively. Robin struggled. The world felt thick, like eggnog or motor oil. They felt like they were swimming, flashed back to old nightmares of drowning. As they moved, the air seemed to thin, to smooth - an ocean of eggnog became an ocean of water became an ocean of dense, heavy smoke - transparent, invisible. They looked down at their hands, noticed faint trails, faint blurring as they moved their fingers. Their body seemed vague, indistinct - as they focused on their hands they became clearer. Familiar, yet... different. A bit smaller, a bit thinner. "Look further." Cass's voice blurred, smeared as Robin looked down. At their breasts. Large, round... smaller, more pointed? They seemed hazy, indistinct. Lower, between their legs - between *her* legs - an emptiness. A glorious *absence*. Robin gasped, covered her mouth with her hand. *Freedom!* "That's one way to think of it. I suppose it is - testosterone-fueled genitals are... attention seeking. Would it be accurate to say that you've always felt like a cat stuck in a dogs body?" Robin blinked, looked up at Cass as she patted herself down with her hands, exploring cautiously. She nodded. She *had* thought of herself that way - not in those exact terms, but it was an accurate comparison. Smooth, clear skin. The hazy implication of freckles - clear on her shoulders, faint, blurry on her arms. Various moles, marks, scars... still there, still clear, focused. A sudden spike of anxiety as she realized what had just transpired. "Oh. I can't *quite* read your mind. It's more like..." Her tone shifted; from relaxed and informal to stiff and academic, carefully enunciated. "I can hear the potential, the what-if - what if the little bit of gray matter that keeps your thoughts out of your mouth wasn't there, or was distracted, or what if you decided to say what you're thinking. That's why my voice probably sounds weird to you - you're hearing possible intonations, possible word choices. A dozen Cassandras talking, slightly differently, all at once. It's much more chaotic with schizophrenics and plural systems. You're... pretty quiet, all things considered." Robin cautiously reached down, cautiously approached her nethers as if she expected to find a live high-voltage cable, or possibly a steel trap. "See how some parts of your body are indistinct? What if you were heavier, lighter, what if your breasts were bigger, or smaller, your hips wider, narrower, your hair longer, shorter." The succubus grinned, her eyes flaring. "What *isn't* wobbly? What's the one part of your body that your body is *sure* about?" "My..." Her voice was wobbly like Cass's. Still a *little* like the one she knew, but... lighter, more feminine. "...*Vagina*." She made contact - cautious, careful contact - with soft flesh, with labia majora. With... She felt herself blush brilliantly, her eyes widening as the the ghost of one potential - *what if I was so embarrassed I burst into flames* - flared and flickered and faded. Her eyes welled with tears as she cautiously confirmed the existence of her clitoris, of her entrance. Her cheeks became wet, her collarbones and breasts damp with tears, as she gingerly entered herself for the first time. "This feels so... *right.*" Her voice quavered. It was *almost* right - she realized she needed to trim her fingernails. "Now then." Cass's tone was commanding, business-like, remarkably focused and clear. Robin looked up, beheld brilliantly glowing eyes, a feral grin complete with long, animal canines. "It's time to give you your hearts desire." "Wait, what? I thought..." Robin trailed off, grasping for words. The interstice echoed with a flurry of unvoiced thoughts. "Oh, your original request came through loud and clear. You wanted to get laid. What your heart knew, what your mind is still struggling to deal with, is the how of it. You need to get dicked down. *Properly.*" Cass hooked her thumbs under her panties, stretched the band slightly, lowered them, dropped them. The black fabric fell away, revealing a smooth, svelte penis - larger and substantially more *feminine* than the one Robin had possessed when she hit the floor. Beneath it - soft-looking tissue. No sign of testes. She felt her jaw drop, felt herself gasp, felt herself instinctively cover her mouth. As she stared, Cass became erect - a little larger, a little longer, visibly firmer, curving upwards and slightly to her left, glistening with slick, watery precum. "Oh my god," Robin squeaked. Cass laughed. "God had nothing to do with this, sweetie. Angelic girl dick is a completely different spell." She descended onto the bed, walked forward on her hands and knees, her penis swaying, her ghostly tail swinging, swaying above her like a scorpion's. She bumped Robin's nose with her own, poked her in the middle of her sternum with a finger, gently guided her back, down, until she was prone, lying on the bed beneath the succubus. The demoness sat up, back, precum dripping onto Robin's belly as she ran her hands over her torso, approaching her breasts - but holding back, stopping short. Concern creased her brow. Indecision, deliberation. "You asked for this. This is what you evoked, what you signed for. But... contractual obligations be damned - Robin, I'm not going to fuck you without your *express* approval. Tell me you want this." Cass covered Robin's lips with a finger. "Listen to your heart, Robin. She brought you here. She knows what you need." She withdrew her finger, sat back, rested her hands on Robin's belly, looked down at her expectantly. "I want this," Robin blurted before she could talk herself out of it. "I want this more than anything." Her voice was sharp and clear and certain. Fresh tears streamed down her face as she closed her eyes, looked away. --- She felt Cass's hand stroke her cheek, her neck. "Hey, hey..." the succubus murmured quietly, encouragingly. "It's okay, Robin. It's a lot, all at once. Feeling overwhelmed is a perfectly normal, perfectly natural response. Conventional transition takes years, you've gone from a subconscious need for change to a conscious need for birth control in, like... two hours. It's *okay.*" She leaned down, kissed Robin's neck, just below her ear. "I'm here to give you what you want. What you've *always* wanted." Her voice was clear, focused, unmarred by variations, by unrealized potentials. "Birth control?" Robin's eyebrows shot up. She reached up, cautiously touched Cass's flanks. Cass rubbed Robin's forearms, found her hands, guided them down, to her hips. "It was written all over that rigid, repressed mind of yours while you were trying to figure out if this is real or not. I assure you, it is. Your insides are just as nebulous as your tits - we won't find out what's in there until your self-image collapses the superposition. Which happens when we leave, which happens *after* I fuck you." She stroked her penis, smeared precum around her head with her thumb, stroked it a few more times while she gazed down at Robin. "We're skipping weeks or months of getting to know each other, you're saving thousands on therapy, and if we're not careful I am going to fuck you *up* in new and very exciting ways. Your reaction to me so far is so close to a trauma response that I can't help but take things at a snails pace." Cass's words came slowly; her voice was calm, even, reassuring. "Do you want me to rail you? Face fuck you? Massage your prostate? You may still have one. There's no reason not to, it makes for *amazing* anal." "I don't know what I want," Robin admitted. "I always imagined myself... where I am now. Underneath, arms and legs wrapped around my lover. *Maaaaybe* I could... give you a... blowjob?" She gulped, looked down at Cass's penis - her excitement slowly gaining dominance over her nervousness. "Dinner before dessert, kiddo." Cass grinned. "Good old missionary, on a slow boil." She smiled winsomely. "We'll do that. Then if you still want to suck me off you can go to town. How does that sound?" "That sounds... good, I think." Robin nodded, squeezed Cass's hips, rubbed the tops of her thighs. Cass's tail snaked around her right wrist, squeezed - the ghostly appendage felt like a cool breeze, like thick air. "I'm... not talking a lot, am I." "You don't have to. I'm picky about consent, I talk enough for both of us, I like to explain shit. That's partly why I take these kinds of calls - you need all the help you can get. If it's too much, well... you *do* know how to shut me up." "I do?" Robin's brow knit, confusion evident in her voice. "Let me demonstrate." Cass leaned down, her firm breasts tickling, teasing Robin's indistinct chest. She kissed her, mouth open, tongue slipping between her surprised lips, teasing her teeth, her tongue, the roof of her mouth. The succubus hummed, breathing through her nose, sharing her breath with Robin for a moment before pulling away, smiling. "Like that. Or this." Cass patted Robin's neck, placed the pads of her finger and thumb just behind her voicebox, just below her jaw. She squeezed gently, briefly, chuckling with satisfaction as Robin gasped and squirmed beneath her, confused, amazed. Cass's palm lay flat on her neck. The slight prominence of her adam's apple - gone! "I think I can do that," Robin smiled, rubbed her neck as Cass withdrew her hand. The potential of *hopefully we won't have to find out* echoed dimly, faded quickly. She wandered around Cass's hips, gripped her bottom, squeezed cautiously. "Mmm. Good." The succubus nodded approvingly. "Are you ready?" Robin nodded eagerly, rubbed her hands up and down Cass's thighs. --- "We'll start here." Cass took Robin's hands in her own, moved them upward, inward, slowing, stopping as Robin stiffened, resisted. "It's not going to bite. I'm not going to make you touch it." She guided Robin's hands back to her thighs. stretched her arms over her head, rolled her shoulders - limbering up. As she readied herself Robin reached out and gingerly, timidly, touched her penis with her left hand. "It's so... *soft.*" Her voice was quiet, awed, barely a whisper. "It's a girl penis, Robin. Girl skin, girl muscle. Some stamina enhancement, so I can perform reliably in the line of duty, but otherwise... about average for a transwoman without bottom dysphoria - one who's decided she'd rather use it than lose it." She took Robin's left hand in her right, carefully wrapped it around her shaft, guided her into a slow stroking motion. The poor girl looked confused, stricken. "Transwomen are, most commonly, women who were assigned male at birth." No, no, not professor mode. "That's you, sweetie." Cass smiled - a small, kind smile. "That's me, too." She squeezed Robin's hand slightly, drawing her attention downward. Robin's face contorted as she quickly passed through fear and confusion into curiosity, as she felt the first stirrings of lust. She squirmed, writhed beneath Cass as readiness hardened her nipples, slickened her nethers. She gripped Cass's penis more firmly, pumped faster, the succubus swaying, accommodating her as she rolled her hips, as she quickly learned how her body became aroused, how it told her what it wanted. What it *needed.* "I feel... like I need something inside me. Like I need *you* inside me." She squeezed Cass's shaft, directed her downwards. "Careful!" Cass hissed sharply. "It's not as sturdy as the one you learned on." Robin loosened her grip. "Thank you," the succubus murmured. "You can play with her more later. I'm going to draw back now, out of arm's reach, so I can position myself properly." Robin nodded, withdrew her hand, gripped the sheets nervously, excitedly. Cass did more than draw back - she guided Robin's legs open and sat between her calves, hands on her knees. She leaned back, raised her arms, closed her eyes. The world around her, around Robin, seemed to ripple, to stretch inward, as she drew the potential of the interstice *into* her body. The succubus began to blur as dozens of potential actions doubled, tripled, spiraled into hundreds of possibilities. Robin got the distinct impression that the demoness was playing some kind of chess, that she was thinking through potential moves, potential courses of action. *It might help if I relaxed.* Robin closed her eyes, breathed in deeply, breathed out slowly, willed herself to calmness, to stillness. She had some idea of what Cass was about to do - she'd mentioned the missionary position - but didn't know how things would start, or progress, or even end. As she calmed herself, as she opened her eyes, the nexus of potentials around the demoness faded, cleared - she was still blurry, especially her hands, but she was far more focused, distinct. Cass gazed down at Robin, her glowing eyes half closed. A slow grin revealed sharp canines, an eager tongue. She licked her lips, her tongue blurring, growing longer, more flexible, *forking* - blurred with the same dark energy as her tail, but more solid, more *real*. Glistening. Robin frissioned, writhed in anticipation as the succubus gripped her thighs, bent forward, downward. She screamed as the demoness licked her folds, as her forked tongue lingered around her clit - a piercing scream of surprise, relaxing into a loud, hungry moan of intense pleasure, of existential *relief*. She collapsed, like a puppet with her strings cut, too surprised, too overwhelmed to move, to do anything but shudder and moan as Cass explored her folds, her walls, as she embraced her excited clit with the fork of her tongue. A blurred moment of potential and she was squeezing the succubus's head between her thighs, was feeling her thick bristly hair between her fingers as she pulled her inwards, an unspoken *DON'T STOP!* echoing a hundred times, a thousand ways, throughout the interstice. Cass pulled up, flicked her precum-covered tongue in the air rapidly, like a snake. "You can talk as much as you want," she husked, "this is no place for propriety, or restraint." She licked her lips, cleaned her tongue, fingered Robin, found her slick, quivering. Ready. The demoness leaned forward, her weight on her left hand, her penis in her right, holding eye contact with her summoner, staring down at her intensely, piercingly, as she lowered herself, as she teased the woman's readiness with her slick, slippery tip. "You want this, don't you?" She breezed over her folds, rubbed her clit, lazily smeared her plentiful precum on Robin's labia. Robin nodded, whimpered incoherently, her eyes wide, pleading. She cautiously, timidly, placed her palms on Cass's ribs, her hands and arms blurring as she stumbled over what to do next. The succubus leaned down, nipples brushing her chest, whispered in her ear. "Tell me you want this." She teased her entrance with her tip, brushed her clit with the slick pad of her thumb. Robin stuttered, gasped, struggled to form a coherent thought. "I want this." Her voice quavered. Her legs shook as she timidly wrapped her calves around Cass's thighs, nudging her forward. "Attagirl." The succubus grinned, her forked tongue flicking, lingering, over Robin's lips as she lowered herself downward, forward. *Inward.* Robin cried out, gripped Cass tightly, instinctively rolling her hips, exploring, seeking the most favorable angle. She moaned, shouted, realized she was crying as the succubus *fucked* her, her penis throbbing slickly inside her. "It's okay," Cass whispered. "It's your first time. How does it feel? Be honest." "Good, it feels... *really* good." Robin could barely think, let alone speak. "Oh god it feels *so fucking good.*" *Wait till you try the fun positions.* Cass's potential voice doubled, tripled, the unspoken words whispering, fading as they passed Robin's ears. Robin listened to her instincts, hugging Cass, rolling her pelvis, shifting her angle, experimenting. She quickly learned how to flex, to control her muscles, eliciting a surprised "ooh!" from the succubus as she tightened around her shaft, as she briefly held her in place. Time seemed to slow, to stretch on forever. Cass varied her rhythm, her angle, enjoying herself immensely as Robin explored, learned her body, learned her desires. "I feel like I'm... close? I feel like I need you to cum inside me, but also that... ooh!" She smiled as their bodies reached a state that she found *quite* pleasurable. "...that... I won't cum until... after." "Simultaneous orgasm is a skill that requires a *lot* of practice, sweetie." Cass's body glistened with sweat; her voice sounded relaxed, unhurried. "Outies just kind of explode if you look at them funny. Innies..." She stretched forward, drove herself all the way into Robin, the root of her penis brushing her clit. "...require some *finesse.*" Robin squirmed, indicating surprised discomfort. Cass withdrew to a comfortable depth, resumed her rocking rhythm, her pace steadily increasing. "I'm gonna cum..." Cass was panting now, "then I'm gonna finish you with my hand. Do you want it on your tits? Your belly? Face?" A moment, then "...inside?" "Oh god yes." Robin rocked forward, following Cass as her rhythm drew her backward. "*Please* cum inside me." A potential chorus of yeses, of moans, of screams of pleasure rippled around them, faded, collapsed into the summoner's simple request. "As you wish." Cass slid her arms under Robin's back, hooked her hands over her shoulders, kissed her deeply as she pulled her towards her penis, as she thrust herself into her. She was *so* close - a few more strokes and she was pulsing, shuddering, catching Robin's gasp in her mouth, her summoner's potential scream of pleasure washing over her in waves as she tensed, tensed, filling the woman with ejaculate. A river of hot viscous cum splurted out, around Cass's penis, soaked her neatly trimmed pubic hair, Robin's thighs, the sheets. "Hah!" The succubus panted, blushed. "A... uh..." she caught her breath. "A side effect... of demonic viagra." She sighed, amused and embarrassed. "I can get hard almost whenever I want for almost as long as I want, but..." She withdrew, her flaccid, cum-soaked penis trailing thick ropes of sticky fluid. "...I cum *buckets.* Sorry about that. I hope I didn't break anything." She sat up, sat back, patted Robin's belly. She flicked at the ropes of cum that connected their bodies, slowly separating them. Two distinct entities, sharing a puddle of demon semen. Robin sighed, relaxed, her thighs quivering, shaking. She was flush, sweating. "I don't see the problem," she smiled. "I felt empty. You filled me. Oh, you *filled* me. *Fuck,* I had no idea that would feel so *amazing.*" "Oh we're not done yet," Cass's eyes flared. She grinned, cracked her knuckles - the potential chorus of cracks and pops echoing like a bony xylophone. "Now it's *your* turn." *This won't take long.* She dipped her first and second fingers in the slowly drying pool of her ejaculate, slowly slid them in and out of Robin, smiled with professional satisfaction as the woman moaned, writhed, tried to figure out what to do with her hands. She had read her body accurately - she was close. Cass could see the shimmering, shuddering blurriness of her potential orgasm, could see tantalizing whispers of potential post-coital suggestibility. The potential whisper of *One of us! One of us!* echoed briefly, enthusiastically - to Cass's relief Robin missed it, or didn't register it. The newly realized woman was shouting, screaming, crying out - a cacophonous chaos of potential utterances, struggling to find her voice, desperate to reign in her joy, to direct it into meaningful communication. "I know you like it," Cass purred. "You're telling me you like it with your tone, with the way you're arching your back." The potential realized as she spoke the words - Robin arched, fisting the sheets, moaning in ecstasy. "Enjoy this. Don't worry about telling me how you feel about it." She pulled her fingers out, teased her clit, slowly slid them back in. "You're communicating juuuust fine." The succubus twisted her hand, spread her fingers apart like a pair of scissors, approximating the potential motion of her forked tongue. She wanted to be down there, wanted Robin to be crushing her skull with her thighs, but that didn't feel like an appropriate thing to do for her first time. No, she needed something more... *intimate.* Cass leaned over Robin, straddled her right leg, continued to stroke her clit, speeding up steadily as she brought her face close to hers - so close that the glow of her eyes lit her cheeks, reflected in her pupils - a bright, fierce purple. Almost magenta. The succubus made eye contact, held it as her hand sped into a blur. She *felt* that blur, the flow of potential directions, actions, intensities. She mentally dove into it, swam through it, found the current she was looking for - the blur of their bodies began to stabilize, potential collapsing into one single thread, one inevitability. With her final stroke she kissed Robin, curled her forked tongue against the roof of her mouth. She inhaled the woman's breath, absorbed her quavering, panting moan, as she contracted around her fingers. Tightly at first, relaxing slowly, steadily as her first real orgasm rushed over her, through her. Robin shuddered, blurred, the thick air of the interstice filling with a dozen shouts, a hundred moans, potential variations of long, quavering screams that would put even the most talented heavy metal vocalist to shame. The sexual tsunami crested, receded... calmed. Robin slowly drifted into focus - panting, quivering. She slid her fingers out, patted Robin's folds appreciatively, broke contact with her mouth, continued to hold her gaze. "The first of many," she smiled, lay down - her right half on top of Robin, her left on the bed. She rested her head on her right shoulder, her right knee between her thighs, grimacing as the wet noise of her leg sliding into her own puddle of cum reached her ears. Robin rubbed Cass's right shoulder with her left hand, closed her eyes, slowly asserted control of her breath, of her body. "That..." She trailed off, her voice curious, amazed. "Are they... *always* like that?" "Professional driver, closed course." Cass grinned proudly. She rolled her hips, found a more favorable position for her legs, her penis stiffening slightly as it rubbed against Robin's thigh. "Oooh... you're ready again?" Cass could will herself to readiness, if she felt like it. A mostly natural approach made for better theater, better service, kept summoners from developing unrealistic expectations of human partners. "Almost," she whispered. "If you still want to play with it... I'll be ready in a few minutes." "I think I do." Robin pulled away, pulled back, sat up, pulled her knees up. She made a *yuck* face, wiggled her toes as her feet touched Cass's puddle of cum. "I... when..." Whispers, echoes, a dozen different false starts. "How long can we stay here? Like this?" Cass rolled on her back, stared at the ceiling, absently rubbed Robin's right heel with her left hand. "Per the terms of your contract we're here until you're satisfied. After that condition is fulfilled, we either will ourselves to leave or the interstice collapses when we fall asleep - when our conscious minds release it, basically." She sat up, turned, touched a finger to Robin's lips. "*Don't* try to leave just to see if you can. It's not a door you can open and close. Don't try to leave until you're good and ready, until you know for sure it's what you *want* to do." "Am I... satisfied, then?" *I came. It felt GREAT! That counts... doesn't it?* The potentially vocalized thought lingered in the thick air of the interstice for a moment, dissipating slowly. Cass's eyes lost focus. Her body blurred as she reached out with her mind, as she checked the condition of the interstice. "Oddly enough you're not." She seemed bemused, surprised. "I guess you must *really* want to suck my dick." She hissed in surprise as the thought prompted an immediate erection. Robin's eyes widened as Cass's penis sprang up, filled out. She leaned forward, looked at her, touched her gently. She gripped her shaft lightly, stroked her cautiously, almost tenderly. The succubus relaxed, let her summoner play, allowed her body to react naturally. Her penis softened slightly; her tip began to glisten with precum. Robin touched the end of her penis, ran a finger over her urethra, smearing her precum around her tip, around the far end of her shaft. She sniffed her finger, licked it, curiosity evident on her face, in her potential. "It's so... *thin*. And clear. And... I want to say it's not sticky at all but I guess it is, a bit. But... uh... a guy's precum is like clam chowder by comparison." She languidly stroked the underside of Cass's shaft, smiled with a low simmering heat as precum drizzled into her palm. "There's not much of a taste, either." Robin licked her palm clean. "It's... *airy* isn't the right word, but... it's lighter, fainter." "Girl penis." Cass gently took Robin's hand, guided her down, guided her fingers into the copious precum slickening her tip. "Girl fluids. More than average, honestly, but... I'm medically enhanced for work." *Work I really enjoy.* "If you're ever with a human transwoman who's okay with her assigned bits you'll have a similar experience... though they don't have demon dicks. They can't do *this.*" The succubus had gone flaccid, her self-lubricated length soft, wilted, her tip stuck to the bed. On command her penis filled out, firmed up, became erect again - blurring, wobbling slightly as blood surged into her tissue, engorging her. Her tip darkened, took on a reddish hue. Precum flowed out of her as if her penis was a leaking sink - a constant drip, drip, drip pattering onto the bed. Cass squelched a grimace, relaxed her erection slightly - she'd nearly overdone it. She grinned confidently at Robin, rolled her hips, wagged her penis, throwing precum onto the sheets, her thighs. Droplets landed on Robin's fingers as she reached out, as she touched her again, her blue eyes wide with wonder. "With human girldick you might have to seize the moment. Here you can take your time, engage with me when you're ready to. There's no rush, no pressure." Robin's ghostly tail thrashed and curled excitedly, indicating otherwise. She wrapped it around her left thigh, willed it to stillness. "No pressure..." Robin whispered dreamily. A tension deep within her eased, relaxed, loosened up. It was still there, still evident in her caution - a deep trauma. Something old, something horrible. Something that had twisted her sexuality, broken it. Finally, she was beginning to heal. "Nope. Not unless you *want* pressure. And then it'll be only the pressure that you *want*." Cass combed her fingers through Robin's hair - dark, yet impressively indistinct in length, in style. She kept her strokes short, let her summoner's coiffure stay in superposition. "It's your contract, sweetie. It's the dick your heart desires." She smiled encouragingly. "I'd..." Robin swallowed loudly, looked down at Cass's penis, looked up, into her eyes. "I think I'd like... a *little* pressure." Conflicted. Imploring. *Who hurt you?* "Okay," Cass squared her shoulders, ran a hand through her stubbly hair, thought for a moment. "Okay. You want this, right? You want me to guide you into giving me a blowjob?" Robin nodded meekly. "I'm going to *guide* you, not *pressure* you. It's not quite what you're asking for, but I feel this might be a matter of semantics. If I feel you balk, if I feel resistance, I will stop immediately. You didn't contract for noncon, it's..." The succubus paused, placed a hand on Robin's shoulder, considered her words. "You're *safe*, sweetie. I don't want to hurt you. I'm not here to force my will on you." Therapy wasn't in the job description, but it had turned out to be so central to the her work that Cass often felt she should probably take a few classes on the subject, maybe get a degree. She stroked her penis, willed it to stay ready. They both glanced at the puddle of cum on the bed, looked at each other, blurred with potential courses of action. *I'm not kneeling in that,* unspoken by Robin. *You won't have to,* unspoken by Cass. The succubus stood, stretched. Robin stayed on the bed, pulled at the sheet, moved around it. Cass wadded it up, tossed it aside - it faded, became a hint, a suggestion, an indistinct lump in the background as it receded from their immediacy. Some quick teamwork to replace the bedspread with another sheet - one with only a light splattering of cum on it - and Cass was back on the bed, sitting where Robin had sat, legs spread open, her penis wobbling slightly. Her summoner sat on her knees in front of her, trying to figure out what to do with her hands. Her body blurred to a fog in places - everywhere but her mouth and eyes, it seemed. Her gaze was steady, following the tip of the succubus's penis as it wobbled and swayed. Cass languidly licked her lips, prodded at her long canines with her forked tongue. She leaned forward, took Robin's hands, placed them on her thighs. She massaged her shoulders, her neck, rubbed behind her ears with her thumbs as she kissed her, her summoner's eyes widening as she teased her teeth with her tongue. The succubus leaned backward, gently pulling Robin with her - forward, downward, easing, stopping some distance from her penis. Robin seemed hypnotized - Cass placed two fingers under her chin, guided her gaze upwards, made eye contact. Her pale blue eyes held cautious happiness, deep relief. A heartbreaking vulnerability that Cass had sensed from the bus, on her way to the apartment. A vulnerability that Robin seemed to think she was hiding. On a clear day it would be visible from orbit. Cass smiled gently, reassuringly, as she broke eye contact, as she leaned back. She placed her hands on the back of Robin's neck, applied gentile, minute pressure downwards. She closed her eyes, felt her penis throb with anticipation as Robin took the initiative, moved downward, touched her tongue to her tip, followed by her lips, her teeth. Uh-oh. Just once, fortunately - she opened her mouth wider, took her inside, instinctively tightening her lips, keeping her away from her teeth. *Good girl.* Robin flushed and squirmed as the unspoken words whispered, faded. Precum and saliva mixed together into a slick river that flowed out of Robin's mouth, down Cass's shaft, drizzling onto her pubic mound, dripping onto the sheets. Robin enthusiastically lapped at it, exploring the succubus's member with her tongue. Cass stifled a laugh as the sucking noises of an enthusiastic amateur reached her ears, as a fog of potential licks and slurps radiated through the interstice. She focused on the sensation, let the performance slide into the background - it was her first time, after all. Results were what mattered; technique would develop over time. Probably not *much* time, actually - it felt like the woman had been pining for dick her entire life. "You're a natural," Cass husked encouragingly. "Do what feels right." She placed her hands on Robin's shoulders, squeezed gently, reassuringly. Firmly, a loud "oh!" filling the air as Robin deep throated her, swallowing her down to her hilt with a contented "mmm." She lingered there for a long moment, stroking Cass's shaft with her tongue, humming tunelessly, contentedly. Cass rolled her hips, rocked into a thrusting motion, blood pulsing through her penis in waves. Robin reacted naturally, enthusiastically, leaning into the movement, complementing it. The succubus felt herself building rapidly towards orgasm. She knew she could draw it out, that this was unusually quick for her, but... oh, her mouth felt *so good*, and Robin was clearly enjoying herself. She deserved a reward. Her instinct was to grip her head in her hands, to force her downward, to hold her in place as she thrust, as she came into her mouth. But that wasn't what she had promised; that wasn't what Robin needed to feel. She closed her eyes, fisted the sheets, moaned loudly, encouragingly, as her summoner found just the right angle, just the right rhythm, just the right shape of her mouth. Just the right pressure with her tongue. Robin snorted in surprise as Cass arched her back, as she came, pulsing once, twice, three times... four... again and again, every pulse a fresh jet of cum, quickly filling Robin's mouth. She was still cumming as her summoner slid her out of her mouth, sat up, sat back. Demon semen covered her mouth, dripped from her chin. Thin ropes of it connected her surprised, satisfied mouth to Cass's twitching penis. Her enhanced member pulsed once, twice more, squirts of semen landing on Robin's chest, dripping between her breasts. Robin sighed, a mixture of deep satisfaction and relief. She licked her lips, drew a finger up the length of Cass's shaft as it wilted, licked her finger clean as the succubus closed her eyes, exhaled, relaxed. "Thank you," Robin whispered. "Mmm," Cass murmured. A moment, then - "You said this space will go away when we fall asleep? That we'll wake up back in the real world?" "We'll wake up where we entered - on your bed. You'll... probably want to do laundry. Some stickiness will probably transfer with us." "Can we do that? Go to sleep here, I mean? Do you... would you..." Cass opened her eyes, looked to Robin - pleading, imploring. A kitten, asking for comfort. The succubus thought for a moment - her schedule, the nature of the summoning, the plasticity of her obligations. After a moment she nodded, rolled onto her right side, patted the bed in front of her with her left hand. Robin lay down, curled into Cass, drew a sheet over their bodies. The little spoon. "Will I... how will I... exit?" "The superposition will collapse; your possibilities will reduce to a single actuality. Some folks insist it's random, but the fact is that your subconscious self-image exerts almost total control over the process. You'll wake up in a body that you - the woman that made the call - will recognize as your own, as the body you've always wanted... or a physically feasible version of it, anyway. It may seem strange to your conscious mind, but it's going to feel *right* for you the same way sucking dick felt *right* for you." The succubus chuckled. "I have no idea what you'll look like when we wake up, honestly. From what I've seen in here... same hair color, similar height, similar skin tone. Freckles." Cass kissed Robin's shoulder. "Very." Peck. "Kissable." Smooch. "Freckles." Kiss. She rubbed her nose against Robin's neck, kissed her tenderly. "You're a beautiful woman, Robin. In here, and out there. Rest, and see what your heart has in store for you when you wake up." She wrapped her left arm around Robin's torso, rubbed her belly. Robin covered her left hand with her own, squeezed gently, lovingly. They lay together for a long while, breathing slowly, evenly, the thick air of the interstice slowing, the details of the bed, of their bodies, solidifying. The demoness grinned as it became evident that Robin had fallen asleep. She yawned, forked tongue flicking the air, and willed herself to join her. --- Robin awoke in the bedroom of her apartment, It took her a moment to realize where she was, another moment to realize that she was sharing her bed. Someone - *Cass, her name is Cass -* was sleeping next to her. *Her.* She sat up, frissoning as she felt her breasts wobble. A loud gasp as the semen-encrusted sheet fell away, as she looked down at herself. *Herself.* "Holy *shit.*" Addressing her new reality. "Holy *SHIT!"* Surprised by her voice - it felt smoother, *sounded* smoother. Higher. She looked down at her body, stunned at first, amazement and appreciation blossoming as she beheld wide hips, generous thighs, Breasts that seemed large from her vantage point - more than a handful, with large, puffy areolae and thick, firm nipples. Hair, in her face. Falling around her shoulders - the same rich chestnut brown, the same subtle wave - now longer. *Much* longer. She still had body hair - a lot less of it, fortunately. A few dark strands at her wrists, a faint, thin line from just below her navel to her pubic hair - excessive, unruly... and probably a lot easier to shave than her face had been. The bandage on her pinky finger was gone. The cut had disappeared with it - part of the spell, maybe? "Eee!" She squeaked, pressing her hand to her chest, her heart hammering with excitement. She swallowed, murmured a "huh?" as she felt something around her neck. She brought her hand - smaller, thinner! - up, felt around, found... a... collar? A choker? A leather band, about as wide as her finger. Some sort of metal, some kind of stone, above her jugular notch. No clasp. There was *no clasp.* "Yeah... about that." Cass sat up, yawned lazily - her tongue had returned to normal; her canines looked thick, imposing. Like a big, sleepy black cat. "Remember yesterday, when I said 'sign here to accept service,' and you signed that contract without reading it?" She rubbed Robin's back, considered her next words carefully, tried to look less conniving, more innocent as the woman turned to her, horrified. "Well... you accepted service. My service, to fulfill the terms of your contract - the summoning you conducted yesterday. And... *your* service, to the organization that employs me, for no less than five years. I'll leave you their card. HR does orientations on Tuesdays; expect a welcome packet in the mail later this week and - I'm sorry about this, I truly am - an absolute *torrent* of spam about the company health plan." Cass shifted her tone, her voice becoming less authoritative, more commiserative. "It's all gonna be in your deadname, though they're queer positive and really good about cleaning things up whenever you get your name changed." Robin stared at Cass. Her jaw worked, her larynx didn't - words failed to come out. Finally, she found her voice. "Five *years?!* " "You start in two weeks. Think of it as a continuing mission to explore a strange new world. Or guaranteed job stability. There's a paycheck; it's kinda shit but it's enough to live on... and it looks like it's more than you've been bringing in doing..." She glanced into the living room, at the slow explosion of Robin's workstation. "...whatever it is you do. *Did.* You work for us now." "Illustration," Robin mumbled numbly. "I'm an illustrator. A digital artist." "Well, you may end up in the art department. Or..." Cass looked Robin over approvingly "... you could be an *impractical* succubus. Damn, girl. Save me a slice of that *cake.*" She slid her hand between Robin's bottom and the mattress, gave her rump an appreciative squeeze. Robin blushed brilliantly - so bright, so *red*, that Cass worried that something might be wrong with her cardiovascular system. "You've always been a voluptuous woman, sweetheart." The succubus rubbed the summoner's shoulders. The tone of her voice was soothing, reassuring. "Now your outside fits your inside. How does it feel?" Robin calmed, considered. "It's like you said, in the... interstice, you called it? It feels... like I'm me. Like I'm finally *me.*" "No surgery, no HRT, no fucking around with blockers until you finally say fuck it and crowdfund an orchi. No GCS recovery time, no revisions. Wait a month and you'll know if you got the full package. Though they'll probably figure that out during your intake physical." Cass squeezed her shoulders, patted her back. "You got all that done *overnight.* What's that worth to you?" "...My life." *And so much more.* Robin sighed, smiled sadly. "And we're only taking five years of it. During which you'll get to help people, while living whatever life you can live on a non-profit salary." Robin grinned, her purple eyes catching the light, glinting. "The on-paper benefits are shit, but the job comes with a practical succubus who'll show you some of the ropes. A practical succubus who will gladly fuck you senseless when her schedule allows for it... if you'd like." Robin's eyes glittered happily; she nodded vigorously. "I'd like." Her stomach growled. "I.. should get out of bed. Get breakfast. Get to work." She cast a tired, unenthusiastic glance at her workstation. "Yes, yes, and no. You work for us now. Honor your contracts, but don't take any new ones. HR will know if you do. Now stand up and turn around. Let me get a better look at you. Let *you* get a better look at you." Cass nudged Robin towards the edge of the bed, made a lifting motion with her left hand - *up, up!* Robin swung her legs over the side of the mattress - her feet looked like they might be a *little* smaller - and stood. She stretched, arms over her head. "Damn," Cass whistled. "Baby got *back.*" "Huh?" Robin's hands went to her hips, patted around back, down, gripped her bottom - it felt.. full. Healthy. Like she'd filled out, like it was wider and rounder than it had been yesterday. "And *front* too, I see." Cass was up, walking around Robin, grinning lasciviously. "With that body and those dick sucking skills... Impractical is gonna want you, for sure." The succubus picked up her panties, stepped into them. Her penis seemed to vanish. "Tucking underwear," Cass answered Robin's unspoken question. "Cheaper than a spatial mask, and there's no upkeep." "I'd love to invite myself to breakfast, but there's an all hands about the goddamned health plan in..." Cass glanced at the clock on Robin's desk "...like an *hour.* Fuck." She shook her head as she leaned against the wall, pulled on her socks, pulled up her cargo pants. She slipped a hand into a cargo pocket, withdrew a business card, tossed it in Robin's direction. She slid her feet into her boots, pulled her tank top over her head, slung her bag over her shoulder, donned her cap, slid her bracelets over her wrists, kissed a stunned Robin on the cheek and left, the front door of the apartment building slamming a few seconds later. Robin blinked, looked down at Cass's forgotten bra, looked at the card on the floor, traced the top of the choker with her finger, and wondered what she should do next.