“Gasket! Come in here, won’t you…” The small Minccino heard the voice of his Luxray friend echo throughout the halls of their shared home. The Luxray king had called him to his private quarters; an occasion that the both of them always wholeheartedly enjoyed! Gasket very much enjoyed hanging out with his much larger Luxray friend and, considering how much larger Luso was than the Minccino, Gasket was always curious of all the things Luso could do with him. The small rodent Pokemon scurried down the hallway to Luso’s room, the large, ornate door with a much smaller one imbedded inside of it quickly coming into view. Gasket knocked on the door when he got there, before realizing he was already allowed inside. “Oops…” he mumbled as he stepped inside the much larger room The royal purple carpet always felt sublime beneath his feet; but Luso was not lounging on the king-size bed in the middle of the room, where Gasket usually saw him In fact, he was standing right by the door, his shadow looming over his tiny servant as he made his way into the room! “Oh! Hey Luso...what’s up?” the Minccino squeaked as he looked up at his friend. His eyes glazed over Luso’s imposing body, noticing that the king was completely naked! It wasn’t something entirely out of the ordinary, but still caught Gasket’s eye a bit as he looked up at the much larger Luxray, curious of what exactly Luso wanted with him. The Luxray simply leaned down to his servant, Luso’s deep yellow eyes staring right through Gasket before he started to cup Gasket in one of his paws and bring him up to eye-level. The Luxray’s paw closed around Gasket a few seconds later, the darkness and movement around the Minccino giving him a little bit of vertigo - but he was pretty used to dealing with that at this point. Gasket still definitely appreciated it when Luso uncurled his paw, though! The Minccino found himself staring down the snout of his king, sprawled out across Luso's soft paw (which Gasket was roughly the size of). “Gasket! I've received something I think you would absolutely love.” the Luxray eventually said, maintaining eye contact as he walked the two of them over to a large table in the corner of the room. Sitting on it was a small, clear spray bottle, filled about halfway with a strange, purple fluid. “Oooohh…” Gasket cooed as he watched Luso pick up the bottle with his other hand. He brought the bottle towards Gasket, the Minccino soon staring down a spray canister that was about as large as he was! “What kinda stuff is that?” The Pokemon asked passively, starting to get more curious with what Luso was planning. Being a rich king, his Luxray friend had access to all sorts of crazy concoctions and technology, so it was almost impossible to guess what that stuff inside did! “Oh, you'll see in a moment.” the Luxray said nonchalantly, an inquisitive, toothy smile spreading across his snout before he pressed down on the cap and sprayed Gasket right in the face with it! It didn't hurt, but it definitely caught the Minccino off-guard, causing him to sputter and rub his eyes for a moment to get the stuff out of his face. “Agh!” he yelled, somehow not expecting to get sprayed by a spray bottle inches from his muzzle! By the time he opened his eyes up again, though, things were very different… Everything had grown! Gasket was used to pretty big size differences, but this was a new one. He went from the size of Luso's paw to barely half the size of one of his claws! He must have been a fifth, no, a tenth of his original size! The Minccino looked up in confused awe as he laid back on the Luxray’s paw; Luso’s snout covered almost all of his field of view, extending up infinitely beyond his vision as if the Luxray was infinitely tall. He could snugly fit in the crevices of his master's paw, and the fur that he was laying in was almost as tall as he was; it felt like laying in a lawn that hadn’t been cut in quite a while. “Damn, that worked even better than I thought it would.” Luso said, his voice booming and overwhelming to Gasket’s ears as one of the fingers from his free hand came down, scratching Gasket on the forehead as lightly as he possibly could. Gasket knew he was so small that Luso probably couldn't even hear him, but he responded anyway. “What...what just happened?” he managed to sputter out eventually, not sure if he had been shrunk, or if Luso had grown, or if this was all some crazy trick. He still felt a bit dizzy, maybe this was a perspective trick? Regardless, getting used to the normal size difference between the two was already something that took Gasket a little bit initially, and now with him being even smaller? It would take a while to adjust, for sure… “Heh. Seeing how small you are is giving me a little bit of an idea...how would you like the royal tour?” Luso teased, his fingers curling around the Minccino and holding him tight before Gasket could even respond. “The royal what?” he asked a few seconds later, his question going unheard or ignored by the macro luxray as Gasket felt a bit of movement around him. Luso was bringing his tiny friend to about waist level; that he had a perfect idea of where to start this tour... A few seconds later, Gasket saw the light of day once more - but he also felt gravity trying to take him for a ride! The Pokemon let out a yell as he felt himself falling, only for his body to be jerked back to the proper height a split second later. Luso had the Minccino pinched between two of his fingers, and Gasket found himself dangling right above the Luxray’s package! He was pretty close already; he could see the pink flesh hardening and starting to throb, but more importantly, he could smell it. Luso had quite the musk going on already; powerful, arousing, and so thick to the point where Gasket was having trouble breathing without getting a bunch of the stuff in his mouth. The Luxray’s shaft dwarfed Gasket in size, which was quite a perspective check when Gasket was used to being about the same size as his friend’s soft member! The strong musk emanating from the bulge in front of him was certainly making Gasket a bit light-headed and uncomfortable, but at the same time, there was a bit of curiosity about what Luso had exactly planned for him. Good thing he would get an answer in a few moments. “Take a deep breath...you'll need it~” Luso taunted, before his hand suddenly rushed forward, smothering Gasket’s whole body against his shaft! The Luxray purred immediately as he felt the tiny Minccino’s squirms against his length, Gasket coughing and sputtering as his lungs filled with that potent natural scent. “Eeeewww! What the hell are you doing, dude!?” the Minccino yelled in between breaths of Luso’s musk, even getting a little bit of the flavor in his mouth causing him to sputter as he tried to squirm out of his friend’s grasp. His face was smushed right into the sensitive flesh; it was hard after a point, but had plenty of give, at least now. Gasket could feel that starting to change, though, as his friend got more and more aroused, and his body got rubbed up against that shaft more and more. Luso kept at this pseudo masturbation for a few more minutes, delighting ain smothering his friend entirely with just his shaft as it hardened and started to throb more. Eventually, he was at full mast, and his grip changed a bit. Gasket got a few precious seconds of somewhat fresh air before he felt Luso’s grip tighten once again; but this time, he had Gasket pinned under his fingers, his thumb wrapping around the back of his shaft as he squeezed his friend against it. “Mmmmh...that's the spot, keep on squirming…” Luso said, his eyes half lidded as he enjoyed the sensation of Gasket getting squeezed against his hardening length. Luso’s hand slowly moved Gasket down that shaft, making sure his grip was as airtight as it could be so that Gasket was smelling and breathing nothing but his powerful, unwashed musk. Gasket really had nowhere to go except where Luso wanted him to; the fingers on his back kept him locked in tight, and though the shaft had a little bit of give, it was also rock hard. Absolutely no wiggle room to be had. He just had to go along with it as he felt the Luxray’s hand continue to push him down the shaft, his feet and tail feeling Luso’s crotch fluff brush past them a few minutes later. In a another few minutes, Gasket felt his head slip right past that crotch fluff, Luso sighing in the pleasure as he pressed the rodent up against something else. Gasket couldn't really tell from where he was, but his body was now nestled firmly between his friend's balls! The musk was so strong that Gasket was starting to get a bit nose blinded by it, and, as a result, he couldn't tell that it had gotten even stronger down here. Luso's hand squeezed him tight, making sure to smother every inch of his person against the Luxray's soft, musky crotch, knowing that gasket could do absolutely nothing to stop him. His other hand was occupied with stroking a lazily at the shaft he had just spent a good few minutes squeezing Gasket against. “How is it down there? Hope you don't need to breathe…” the Luxray taunted, continuing to mash and rub the Minccino all over his balls, getting in every nook and cranny of his sack before he finally pulled Gasket away. The small rodent was coughing and sputtering, his lungs and mouth full of his larger friend's strong, overpowering scent. His eyes were slammed shut, and he wasn't putting up much of a fight as Luso cradled him in one of his paws. The Luxray was far from finished, though; no, Gasket just needed a change of scenery… The next stop on the royal tour would be around the back. With one hand, Luso reached around behind himself, wrapping his grip around the Minccino and only allowing his head to stick out as he aligned the rodent with his rump. He let Gasket hover there for a few moments, the rodent forced to stare at those plush, soft, blue cheeks, completely unable to even see beyond them, before the Luxray's other hand reached back and got a firm grip of one of those cheeks. The Minccino could only watch as Luso slowly spread his cheek wide open, bringing Gasket slowly closer to his rump, Gasket’s vision quickly being swallowed up by the wide blue expanse in front of him. At the center of this ocean of blue was a small, pink pucker (well, small compared to the cheeks anyway; it was still a bit larger than Gasket!), flexing and clenching as the Pokemon was brought closer. “Oh, oh, no, don't put me in there!” the Minccino yelled, his struggles beginning to grow anew as he was brought closer and closer to Luso’s ass. Luso was definitely taking his time teasing Gasket at this point, bringing him closer to his ass at an agonizingly slow pace. He really wanted the Minccino to see it all, give him the time to really appreciate his cheeks and rump before he disappeared inside. A strong, earthy odor, somewhat of a mix between the mask from earlier and something else, was starting to envelop and overwhelm the Minccino as he found his snout hovering right outside of that clenching, teasing pucker. Gasket just tried to hold his breath as he felt his face get smashed up against the flesh a few seconds later, the musky, warm odor of Luso’s asshole getting smeared all over him, along with something slimy and musky. His head was pressed right up against the hole, and he swore he felt like Luso was going to clench him inside several times, but the Luxray never quite went through with it. He was content with rubbing Gasket right up against his ass, teasingly clenching and pulling at him for minutes and minutes on end. At this point Luso’s other hand was eagerly stroking at his length, the cheek he was holding open snapping shut and smothering Gasket from both sides with fat, soft rump flesh. To a normal person, Luso's butt would be nice and soft and squishy; but when you were a fraction of its size, it still took the breath out of you! Gradually, the Luxray's grip started to shift. He moved Gasket’s head away from his asshold, standing him upright so he could rub the Minccino's entire body along his pucker. “MMmmm, better squirm or else you'll get trapped inside~” the Luxray taunted, teasingly pushing Gasket closer into his asshole before pulling back and going back to just smothering him in it. He really wanted Gasket to feel just how hungry his asshole was, how easy it would be for him to disappear inside! The tiny Pokemon was starting to feel really really woozy from the heat and the odor filling his lungs and the constant movement around him; it was all just way too overwhelming for him! This royal tour was taking a lot out of the Pokemon, and the worst part, is that it wasn't even close to over... Eventually, the Luxray grew tired of teasing Gasket this much. He had been clenching and smothering him in his pucker for quite a few minutes now, and he was struggling to get any more reactions out of his little toy. “Suit yourself~” he said, before once again putting gasket on his belly in his grip and pointing his head right at that pucker. That definitely got Gasket squirming and yelling again, but it was far too late for Luso to reconsider. Slowly, almost painstakingly slowly, he pressed his little friend right into his asshole; one clench from that pucker swallowed up the Minccino's whole head, plunging Gasket into a hot, smelly, wet darkness. That ring of flesh around him clenched tight, so tight that it was hard to breathe, even. And even if it wasn't hard to breathe, the only thing inside of here was stale, barely breathable air. Once his head and shoulders were inside, he felt Luso's grip loosen, his hand moving away from Gasket's lower body and instead moving towards his paws. With one finger, Luso started to push the rest of Gasket inside of him. His anal walls relaxed a little to let him push the rest of Gasket inside, but that didn't make the inside of his ass any more habitable for his tiny friend! The most overwhelming part of it all was something that Luso couldn't really control, after all, and that was the smell. It wasn't even really the smell itself, it wasn't that much muskier or stronger than what it smelled like on his shaft or balls, but mixed with the musty, stale air inside of Luso’s asshole just made all those quantities even stronger. Gasket found himself holding his breath as much as he could as Luso slowly pushed him deeper inside. He was already feeling super light-headed from this tour and the constant movement, but now that he was inside this hot, fleshy, smelly cave, everything was just becoming worse for him. And he was only about halfway inside! The only indication that Luso had of how much he was smothering Gasket was the struggles that the Minccino was making. He wasn't really getting much out of the Pokemon at this point, but that was okay. In this part of his body, it was less about the squirming and more just about the feeling of having someone wedged deep within your ass! In pursuit of that quest, Luso kept pushing, his finger slowly edging closer and closer to his pucker as more of Gasket slowly, pleasurably slid inside of him. Every time he moved, his body clenched out of reaction, squeezing the poor Minccino inside and smothering him even more! This had to have been happening once every 30 seconds or so, and no matter how much Luso tried to relax himself, it just felt so nice to squeeze around Gasket inside. That powerful odor only got stronger the deeper Gasket was pushed inside, and his whole management of the situation eventually just came down to breathing as little as he could. He didn't even think about squirming or trying to get out; he just didn't want to pass out inside of his friend’s asshole and risk getting lost or something. That goal kept him quiet as well, Gasket saying absolutely nothing outside of a few gasps and exclamations of pain when the clenching got too strong for him to bear. The big Luxray’s finger eventually touched his asshole, feeling that flesh clench as the last of Gasket was ready to be put inside. At that point, the Pokemon pulled his hand away, clenching around Gasket inside of him a few times and feeling those feet weakly kick at his pucker in response. He smiled, his hand moving back to his length as he clenched one last time, this time with the goal of actually getting Gasket inside instead of just squeezing around him and being a tease. He swore he could hear his rump slurp up the last of his little friend! and then, just like that, his hungry asshole had completely gobbled up Gasket’s entire body. “Goodness, you feel even better up there than I thought you would…” the cat teased, wiggling his rump to no one in particular as he continued to stroke and play with himself. The royal luxray made a quick trip over to his bed, plopping down and laying on the plush mattress to give himself a better avenue to enjoy this whole experience with. He lazily stroked at his cock a few more times, every clench squeezing gasket tight inside of him, taking what little breath of the rodent had away. It was lovely to just be able to clench and feel something inside of there; Luso was definitely going to take his time with his little rump toy. Constantly, he clenched and teased Gasket with the prospect of going even deeper into his tight, maze like bowels...but he never intended to go all the way with it. No, his ass would not be the end of the royal tour. But for the last part, Gasket would need a little bit more preparation. The Minccino was starting to feel incredibly light-headed encased by the Luxray’s bowel walls. It felt like the tightest, most uncomfortable sauna he could have ever been in...and he already didn't like saunas that much! Every breath was so labored and heavy, like he was breathing cotton candy through a straw or something. His lungs barely had room to expand, and he knew he wouldn't have much longer before he just passed out inside of his friend’s ass. Especially if he went deeper, like the Luxray’s body was clearly teasing that he would… Just before Gasket thought he couldn't take it anymore, he felt something tug on his legs. The anal walls around him relaxed as best they could, and the Minccino could hear a rumbling moan around him as Luso slowly, pleasurably pulled him out of that dank, smothering cave. The grip was firm, but obviously caring and delicate; Gasket felt his friend’s fingers slowly work up more of his body as it was freed from the prison of his anus. Still had to measure his breaths, and he was definitely still seeing stars, but the prospect of fresh air again was keeping Gasket focused. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he felt his neck once again be squeezed by that vice grip of a pucker. Just a little bit more… The Minccino took the longest, deepest breath he possibly could as he felt his head finally get freed from Luso’s anus. He could barely tell because it was so dark inside, but his vision had almost entirely faded - he was definitely seconds away from a gray out at that pace. He was so exhausted and on the edge of fainting that he could really only watch as Luso cradled him in his hand, saying something that the Minccino really couldn't understand before slowly getting up off of his bed and walking out of the room. Gasket had to keep his eyes closed, otherwise the constant movement around him would have probably made him sick. From what he could remember of the layout of this house (everything was still really fuzzy and hard to keep track of), Luso was heading towards the kitchen. What was he up to next? A few minutes later, a splash of water right to his face answered Gasket’s question. The sudden application of freezing water all over his body almost gave the poor Pokemon a heart attack! It gradually changed from cold to warm, though, and as Luso rolled him around in his hands and gently rubbed into his fur, the Pokemon started to feel a little rejuvenated. He was already planning on taking a bath after all of this anyway...this wasn't really a bath, but it was definitely preferable to being covered in whatever the hell was inside his friend’s butt! “Uuuurrrggghhh…” the Pokemon groaned as his strength slowly returned to him while his friend continue to rinse him off. she was at least able to speak again, but his strength was not nearly enough for him to do anything else right now. Eventually, the impromptu bath finished up, Luso rubbing his friend off with a towel until he was at least drier than he was earlier. Before Gasket could do anything, though, the Luxray wrapped him up in his hand once more, carrying him back to his bedroom. The next few minutes were basically just darkness and an array of noises outside for Gasket to listen to. Just from what he remembered of the layout, and the movement he felt around him, he guessed that Luso was back lying on his bed. He had a few more moments to dry off somewhat, before the hand around him suddenly opened and he felt himself drop once more! The Pokemon squeaked as, once again, Luso had him held by his tail, Gasket now greeted by a much different site than what he had seen earlier. The Luxray’s maw was wide open, and Gasket was dangling right above it! The Minccino could look down and see all the details of his friend’s gigantic mouth. Strands of drool snapping off of those sharp, glistening teeth and a thick, undulating tongue rolling out the red carpet towards the black hole at the deep end of his mouth. It all looked so red and alive and wet...and there was something coming out of it as well. Luso was huffing his warm breath on to the rodent he held inches away from his maw! It was warm, stale, and, most importantly, utterly reeked of fish. The stench was so strong that Gasket actually gagged a little bit the first time he got a whiff of it. “What on earth did you eat…?” the Pokemon mumbled in a stupor, still not having enough energy to yell and make a huge fuss about what was happening to him. Luso’s jaws snapped shut before he gave the mouse a simple answer, slowly rotating Gasket in a circle by the tail. “Fish. Lots of it. And now, a rodent dessert~” he teased, before opening his mouth wide once more and making it a comically exaggerating “aaaaaaaahhhhhh….” sound as he slowly brought Gasket closer to his open maw. He could have just gulped down the Minccino right then and there, and he was certainly planning to, but it would be a bit anticlimactic to do so without getting to play with his food a little bit! He continued huffing his breath onto Gasket as much as he could, getting that fishy stink all over his friend, letting him know exactly what awaited him in the Luxray’s belly. His tongue rolled out and moved around, as if it couldn't wait to lick up Gasket’s taste as soon as he was dropped on to it. And, perhaps most powerfully, after the Luxray thumped his chest a couple of times, Gasket could hear something bubbling up from the back of Luso’s throat… *BWWWWWwwwwooooaaaaAAAAAAaaarrrrpp~” A thick, fragrant belch rumbled out of the Luxray’s mouth, washing over Gasket and completely inundating him with the fishy belly stink. He even got a little bit of warm spittle on his fur from just how powerful the eructation was. Luso made a show of smacking his lips afterwards, then saying “Mmmm...tasted even better on the way up. Let's see what you add to the flavor~” Luso’s jaws opened wide once more, before he casually let go of his friend’s tail. In the snap of a finger, that red wetness beneath Gasket rushed up to meet him, the Minccino thumping against the Luxray’s fat tongue with a sloppy *splt*. Instantly, those teeth shut behind Gasket with a sharp *clack*, bathing the entire chamber in darkness as Luso’s tongue undulated and rippled underneath the Pokemon. Gasket could hear Luso’s voice rumbling around him as the Luxray really got a mouthful of Gasket’s taste, his tongue pushing the Pokemon up and smothering him against the roof of his mouth as he started to suckle on his little treat. Saliva coated every inch of his body, getting his fur completely wet and matted with the sticky, fishy liquid. In the darkness, Gasket could barely tell where the cat's tongue was leading him to; he felt himself get pressed up against all sorts of fleshy walls, from the roof of Luso’s mouth, to his cheeks, to even underneath his tongue for a little bit. And all throughout, that fishy stink washed over him, forcing Gasket to once again measure out his breaths lest he start to gag on that powerful odor once more. Occasionally, that big tongue would guide Gasket towards the back of his mouth, and let the Minccino dangle and teeter over the edge of his throat for a few moments before pulling him back into the mouth for more tasting. Luso was definitely having his way with his little treat right now, and Gasket knew that he was helpless to stop what was inevitable. At any moment, the cat could casually toss his head back and swallow just once and then Gasket would never be seen again. Maybe if Gasket had a bit more energy, he would be able to get angry about it. But right now, he just didn't want to be here, smothered in wet flesh, soaking wet with warm, fishy drool, disoriented and dizzy from being tossed around like a hard candy inside. Just like when he was inside the Luxray’s asshole, any sense of time was easily distorted and lost. He could have been in the mouth for 15 minutes or an hour for all he knew. The only way he could tell the passage of time was how close he was getting to passing out… Then, Gasket felt everything around him shift. Luso had definitely enjoyed playing around with Gasket in his mouth, but it was time for the Minccino to be a good dessert and top off the fish basting in his stomach. The cat slowly tipped his head back, his tongue curling up around Gasket and making sure he couldn't make any meaningful movements as he was slowly guided to the back of Luso's mouth. The Luxray put one hand to his throat, feeling how strong his muscles were as he took a deep, long, satisfying swallow, feeling his throat grab ahold of Gasket’s upper body and tug him down into the darkness of his tight, wet gullet with ease. The Minccino was absolutely smothered and squeezed on all sides of his body by hot throat flesh as it pulled him down, down, as deep into the Luxray as he could go. It felt like the trip was squeezing every last drop of energy and flavor that he had out of him...and, meanwhile, Luso was just relaxing, tracing the bulge his dessert made in his throat as it sank and gradually it disappeared behind his collarbone. Gasket had a minute or two of relative reprise before he felt those throat walls push him out into the Luxray’s stomach. the chamber absolutely stank of fish, and as the Minccino splashed down into the soupy chyme, he instinctively used one of the moves he knew: Flash, centered on his paw, to see what was in this inky darkness. Almost instantly, he regretted it: Luso had quite a large meal of raw fish, each one bigger than the tiny shrunken rodent, or at least, they were before Luso’s stomach did its work. Chunks of fish and bones lined the stomach walls, the flesh melting off the bone and splashing down into the soup of green-red chyme that bubbled up around the fleshy floor of the stomach. At least with how much other stuff was inside the gut along with Gasket, he wasn't getting absolutely smothered by stomach walls (at least, not yet). That didn't mean that the gut was a good place to be, though; each breath of that fishy, acidic stale air almost burned the poor rodent’s lungs with how strong it was, and the semi-digested goop was getting all over his fur and covering him in that stench as well. It was absolutely disgusting, and the fact that the stomach was full of it was even worse! No matter what he tried or where in the stomach he moved to, it was always filled with fishy chyme and tingling acids - he was getting light-headed even faster than when he was inside the luxray’s asshole. Luso rubbed at his gut as he felt Gasket sink inside. “Mmh, you really were a nice dessert~” the cat teased as he licked his lips once more, making sure that he got all of his delicious friend’s flavor. His belly felt truly full now, but considering how much most of its contents were mostly digested, the Pokemon probably wasn't going to feel full for very long. It was okay though - he always had more fish, and eating Gasket was more about the experience than being full. While the Luxray relaxed back in his bed, Gasket was just trying to stay conscious. His breathing was shallow, and it was becoming difficult to even stand up inside the chamber. Once again, the rumbling of the stomach around him, the constant thumping heartbeat of his predator, the total darkness inside the chamber...it all made telling the passage of time so difficult for Gasket. Plus, the fact that he was barely conscious made everything so foggy and fuzzy. All of this skin was starting to tingle, and the difficulty of standing was becoming more and more prevalent. Eventually, the rodent couldn't take it anymore; he fell to his knees, then onto his stomach a few minutes later, his body basting in the same juices and chime that all this digested fish had barely an hour ago. The stomach claimed his body with gusto, the walls undulating and rubbing along his fur and just adding him to the soupy, bubbly mess acids and fish that was filling Luso's belly. As Gasket started to make the transition from Minccino to calories, Luso was just laying down in his bed, watching some television. He could hear and feel his stomach starting to work a little, especially as he rubbed at it, and a few minutes later, he felt something starting to bubble up inside. He simply let his fishy mouth open wide, feeling some trapped gas rush up his throat, before it exited with a satisfying *BWwwwaaaooorrrrpppp….*. The Luxray smacked his lips a few times, tasting Gasket mixed in with all the fish that he had devoured earlier. He patted his stomach proudly as he celebrated his little dessert. “Feels like he’s starting to get to work in there…” he said to himself, knowing that even if Gasket was awake he couldn't hear him over the churning and burbling of his stomach at work. He had claimed the Minccino entirely; every atom, every calorie of his body was going to be added to the figure of his king. Shaping his soft curves, however miniscule his personal addition would be. It was an honor, really. What wasn't exactly an honor is where everything that the king’s body couldn't absorb ended up...