Scott's come down with a rather rare strain of the Tail Virus. No animal traits have manifested yet, but he looks nine months pregnant because he has a womb full of eggs. This strain, working from inside to outside, is only just now giving those eggs an exit. It's hard to miss this change because things are getting moist and twitchy behind Scott's balls. When they realize Scott might start laying eggs anytime now, he and Felicia start rushing back to their apartment. They almost make it back without a hitch, that is until Scott starts transforming into a taur right in front of a popular coffee shop. Once they make it back into their apartment, Felicia helps him figure out how to enjoy his brand new scaly pussy despite the risks of catching the Tail Virus. Sharing the joys of rubbing pussies together is a bonding experience for them, but things get a lot more intense when Scott starts laying eggs into Felicia's transforming snatch. Soon, Scott's able to return the favor, helping Felicia enjoy her brand new cock. Tail Virus Eggschange Part 1/2 by Zmeydros (Tiliquain and Wolfleah) White tiles and black grout with lots of house plants and planters outside made this whole restaurant feel like someone's trendy fifties kitchen. Adding to this feel were lamps that looked like exploding fireworks, metal-clad counters and tables, and splashes of blocky pastel elements. It was one of those brunch places that closed at two in the afternoon. Due to its trendy location and upscale interior, there was a steep, three dollar upcharge on every item. If it hadn't been so close to Scott and Felicia's apartment, they would've avoided it. A gust of wind brought fallen leaves in from the grape-arbor-decorated seating area through the sliding door and onto the tiled floor. A server rushed to shut it as the gust got worse, but not before a clump of leaves collided with Scott and Felicia's shoes. "The leaves are attacking. Time to break out the flamethrowers!" Felicia shook some leaves off of her gray and pink running shoes. She was standing just to the side of the entryway in jeans and a pink flannel top with yellow accents that looked like it belonged in the eighties. It somehow went with her medium brown hair and golden brown eyes. "Sure, if we want to burn down the entire town along with the leaves." Scott was waiting for the guy behind the counter to finish up with a lanky, black-haired woman. The guy behind the counter looked like a Canadian lumberjack from a men's softcore calendar, complete with a long, waxed mustache that curved upwards like a pair of bull horns. He had these cute tortoise-shell-patterned, round glasses. Scott had been noticing men a lot more since the Tail Virus had created a womb inside him and impregnated it with a clutch of eggs. His belly was taut, looking nine months pregnant and he was wearing a light lavender maternity shirt along with a pair of khaki pants. "Fine, I'll settle for one of those leaf blower backpacks." Felicia adjusted her red-rimmed glasses, pushing them farther up her nubian nose to get the bows to sit more comfortably on her ears. She loved this pair, but they always slipped when she looked down. "Deal." Scott chuckled. Then he leaned in to whisper, but his blonde beard tickled her ear and she leaned away. "That beard's getting a bit long." "I'll trim it when we get back." "I hope this gal settles her check soon." He leaned in more carefully this time. "I'm suddenly getting a lot of sensation from down there." He grit his teeth as he felt the flesh of his taint churn. "Do you want me to handle the check? You're still waiting on that call from your doctor." "Nah, I can't stop doing everything just because I'm preggers and waiting for my gyno to call." Felicia laughed as the lanky woman turned and walked past them. Scott blushed the moment the lumberjack behind the counter regarded Scott's swollen belly. In that moment, a wave of contractions inside his forming vaginal canal made him press his thighs together and gasp under his breath. His chest ached for a split second after and he was suddenly far more aware of his nipples rubbing against his shirt. When the lumberjack's eyes darted to his chest, he looked down to see two lewd tents in his shirt. Oh how he wanted this guy to take off his pants and...Scott shook his head and blinked. "Ah, hi, here you go." Scott was blushing crimson as he put their check on the countertop. "I can get that for you." The lumberjack reached out with one of his thick, meaty hands and snatched the check up. Now that the guy's eyes weren't on him, Scott was able to relax a bit. His heart was still pounding and he still wanted that guy to do...things to him, but the familiar structure of checking out from a restaurant diffused most of the awkward social tension. It did nothing for the building tension between his legs and on his chest, however. Pressure was building under his nipples and spreading outwards. The rest of the transaction went pretty normally until the lumberjack handed Scott's card back and saw Scott's nipples were hard as could be. Scott's eyes widened, seeing the sheer size of his nipples. His pecs now had a rather feminine arc to them. While his nipples pushed out even further, a jolt of penetrating warmth just behind his balls made him squirm. "Thanks. Have a good day." Scott grabbed his card and spun around, his cheeks hurting from how much he was blushing. Felicia's eyes widened as she noticed how thick his nipples were. "We need to get you home." Scott took a step only to shudder as he felt his brand new labia rub against each other for the first time. "You okay?" Felicia grabbed his upper arm to steady him. "Moisture." He hoped she understood since they were in the entryway near a bunch of other people waiting on seats. Each step made his swollen belly bounce. As Felicia started tugging him toward the door, his phone started ringing and he grabbed it out of his pocket. Seeing that it was his doctor's office, he accepted the call. "Hello?" "Hello Scott, this is Dr. Bhattacharya. Did I catch you at a bad time?" The velvety feminine voice on the other end was a welcome soothing presence to contrast the chaos going on in Scott's body. "Kinda, but all I need to do is get out of this eatery and slip into the alleyway. Can you hang on for a minute or two?" "That's no problem." They made it out the door and onto the oak-tree-lined sidewalk. The street in front of them had parking spaces and a median with out of control landscaping grasses and even more oak trees growing on it. Wet acorns and fallen leaves were clogging the gutters. Scott focused on walking normal despite the new sensations in his nethers. Felicia helped him make it around the side of the white-bricked restaurant exterior and into an alleyway between it and a brown-wood-sided realtor office. The alley had a fast food cup, a burger wrapper, and a few plastic bags in it as well as the grease, recycling, and trash dumpsters for the restaurant. The smell of fall leaves mixed poorly with the smell of old grease. Scott's sense of smell was much stronger than it had been this morning and he was impatient to be done with this call. "Okay, thanks for waiting." Scott put the phone on speaker. "We got the results back. What you're experiencing is perfectly normal for the Tail Virus strain you have." "How can this be normal?!" Scott looked at his pregnant belly. "Normal for your strain, definitely not normal in the grander scheme of things. Only thirty-one cases of this strain have been reported thus far." Dr. Bhattacharya paused. "Are you feeling any pressure or twitching below your womb?" "Yeah, lots of pressure and some twitching." "Have your labia fully formed yet?" "Something's rubbing down there, but I don't have any way to check in this alley." Scott blushed. "You're probably getting close to the oviposition phase. It comes soon after your vaginal canal is fully formed. The good news is that you'll be able to relieve all that pressure." "That's good, I guess." Scott's forming cunt twitched. Laying eggs sounded way better to him right now than it ever had before. "Just be aware that the fluids that come out with your eggs are very contagious. It's recommended you lay them in a bathtub or some other easy to clean locale. Additionally, if you can get help to make sure you stay properly lubed and that none of your eggs tries to come out pointing the wrong way, that's ideal. If you can get to the clinic before you lay, we can make sure everything goes smoothly." "I don't know if he's going to get home, let alone to the clinic. You're forty minutes away and he's already getting breasts." Felicia gestured toward his chest even though it was a voice call. "Scott, this is your girlfriend, correct?" Dr. Bhattacharya asked. "Yeah, you can share anything and everything with her." Scott smiled. "Okay, breast development means that Scott's quite far along." The sound of Dr. Bhattacharya typing on her laptop keyboard occupied the next few seconds. "Do you feel comfortable helping him lay?" "Absolutely!" Felicia didn't even attempt to hide her excitement. "Love that gung ho attitude." More typing on Dr. Bhattacharya's end. "Do either of you have any questions for me?" "Was there anything else odd or notable about my results?" Scott clenched his teeth as a cramp in his new snatch was followed by it getting slick down there. "Oh yes! Thank you for reminding me. We found a taur strain as well, but--" "I have a taur strain too!" Scott nearly yelled. "Yes, but we don't know if it'll affect you. Strains of the Tail Virus are highly competitive. Sometimes their effects combine, but not always. This is why different people in a network of infections can have vastly different results." "Fucking fuck!" Scott spat out. "I'm sorry if this news upsets you. Taurs live perfectly normal lives once some adjustments are made. If you become a taur, we will immediately send out a financial aid request for adaptation of your living space." "Thank you. Is there anything else you wanted to share with us? I think we need to get Scott home ASAP." Felicia knew Scott wouldn't be able to calm down until he was off the phone. "That's all for now." Dr. Bhattacharya's fingers clicked across the keys. "One last note. Scott, due to the rarity of your herm strain, you are a top priority. Do not be afraid to call if you have any questions and call 911 immediately if anything about your transformation or egg laying is overly uncomfortable or traumatic." "Will do. Goodbye!" Felicia tapped on the call end icon. "That was rude." Scott put his phone away and then gasped as something moved in his abdomen. "Hon, I don't think your doctor realizes how urgently we need to get you home." She hooked his arm over her shoulder and started helping him down the sidewalk. "Thanks, my legs are a bit wobbly." "You look wobbly." "Help keep me steady, but don't let me lean on you too much. I don't want to screw up your back." He stood up straighter, his balance still weirdly off. "Sure, just let me know if you need to stop and rest." Scott didn't want to complain all the way home, so for the first three blocks of their walk, he toughed out the throbbing in his loins and building tightness in his spine. Three blocks later, however, he was stumbling and groaning. His shirt wasn't covering a whole six inches of his abdomen that had been added above his pregnant belly. Near the top of this new area, there were two lumps. They were now in front of an eclectic coffee shop that specialized in fancy desserts. Like their famous mango kiwi pinwheel tart where slices of mango and kiwi were arranged in a pinwheel pattern on top of a little flaky pie crust and a giant juicy raspberry was in the center. A silver-haired guy that looked like a member of a biker band was eating one just outside, one of his knobbly hands lifting the tart off the synthetic, faux marble table to his mouth. Two empty tables down, a middle-aged guy with very light red hair and gal with heavily-styled blonde hair were posing for wedding photos while sharing a chocolate dessert that looked like a volcanic island. They were giggling and doing goofy poses that the slim, fit female photographer was failing to talk them out of. "Are you oka--holy shit!" Felicia kept her voice quiet. The two lumps grew as his torso got even longer and Scott hissed through his teeth because it burned. "Can you walk just a little? We're out in the o--" "NAAAGGHH!" The two lumps on his torso reached out from him. "Fucking taur strain!" The skin on his belly near the lumps faded to a light rose color and spread until it met forming patches of wine-colored flesh. A stark line separated these colors, a line that was moving up his abdomen as the texture of his skin changed to become more rubbery. The biker band guy dropped his tart as he looked on with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. The wedding couple was whispering to each other and pointing while the photographer was recording video. People within the coffee shop just on the other side of the window were staring, unable to look away. One of them pulled a couple vines from the philodendrons that hung in front of the window out of the way to get a better look. People standing in line to get their coffee were gradually forgetting about ordering and taking steps across the pale wooden floor toward the windows. "Scott? Scott!?" Felicia had no idea what to do, so she was trying to hold him up even though his torso was thickening and expanding. "Can't stop it, have to let it happen," he said between groans. His tailbone got an alarming growth spurt which felt like someone grabbing it and pulling it aggressively outwards. With a groan, he started slumping forward, his vertebrae just above his incomplete forelegs easily flexing. His forelegs grew outwards, the front of them sectioning off into five digits as claws grew in. The wine-colored rubber flesh covered them completely and was now spreading up his back as well as over his ass. As his thick tail reached over a foot long, the seam that went down the middle of his pants started snapping. That snapping got worse as his cock suddenly throbbed to full hardness and his balls grew to two times their original human size. Precum soaked into the crotch of his pants as a surge of pleasure came from his lengthening cock. "NNNGGH! HAAAH!" He cried out as his forelimbs got close to the length of his arms, his new pussy clenched, and his balls exceeded two inches in diameter. The biker band guy grabbed his tart and backed away. The newlyweds were watching with excited smiles. With smooth, sweeping motions, the photographer recorded Scott's TF like a wannabe news anchor. Inside the shop, at least ten people were watching out the window, two of them holding up their cellphones to get footage while others snapped photos. Felicia considered begging people not to record, but there were at least four security cameras in addition to the other recordings going on and she had no confidence that the onlookers would stop when asked. It was getting hard to support Scott and she was glad his forelimbs looked ready to take his weight. As they reached out and muscle started to fill in on them, she gently guided him onto all fours. The moment all four of his feet were on the sidewalk, Scott growled. His forelegs thickened as musculature and bones clicked into place. An ache on either side of his taur torso accompanied him getting more structure in his taur shoulders. His tail pushed out hard, tearing right through his pants as his balls and dick ballooned in size. His pants and boxers fell in tatters to the concrete below, exposing his snatch and growing taur equipment to the world. Pressing up against his pregnant taur belly, his prick was leaving a streak of precum. He blushed crimson and moaned as his pussy clenched, wetness spilling down the back of his balls and dripping off. The married couple had moved closer, their cheeks pink, their eyes greedy for every little detail. Everyone else was in a state of fascinated shock or distracting themselves with documenting the transformation. "Is there anything I can do?" Felicia looked at the onlookers and then at Scott. "Can you move?" "No, my forelegs aren't listening to me yet. Just--ARGHH--hold my hand and help me ignore them." He grabbed her hand and held tight. A shiver ran up his dick as the tip tapered. Then he felt pressure along his shaft as it stretched out further, pressing against more of his pregnant belly. The thing had to be two feet long now. His length felt strange, like someone was pushing stuff around inside it. He yelped as an electric jolt ran up his dick and then his eyes went wide as it started to move. But his eyes soon softened as he started rubbing his dick against his belly. His whole body was hot, throbbing, and his balls felt so full. Knowing he needed to relieve the pressure in them, he tried to take a step forward, but his forelegs felt like concrete pillars. Onlookers' cheeks took on a pinkish hue as attention turned to his taur-sized, mobile prick. He grabbed at his chest as it swelled under his shirt, a pair of small tits meeting his hands. His nipples tingled with sensation while he gasped. Thinking better of doing this in public, he pulled his hands away, but then his balls ached even more before his prostate started burning. He moved his prick experimentally and squeaked out a moan. Rubbing his dick against his pregnant belly felt better than ever! "Hey, are you okay?" Felicia tugged gently on his elbow. "I need to--GAH!" A thick spurt of precum shot out, splashing on the sidewalk. "So much pressure." "Can you walk?" "Not yet and it hurts so much! I have to..." He spoke much quieter. "Cum." "If that's what you need, hon, I'll take care of you." Felicia got under him and started stroking his thick prehensile cock. "YES FELICIA!" He threw his head back and moaned as his beard and the hair on his head started falling out, wine-colored orca flesh covering his scalp. His ears got more pointy as rose-colored flesh spread up his neck. "This cock is incredible, dear." Felicia had to use both hands to stroke his length and feeling how muscular it was got her wet within thirty seconds. "I love it so much! Feels so-OOH good!" As Scott got fully into her hand job, his haunches bucked lewdly. The movements of his prick were clumsy, but since she was focusing on the center of its two and a half feet of length, the tip wasn't hassling her. Out of the corner of her eye, Felicia saw the married couple kneeling in front of Scott, watching the tip of his cock flail around. She didn't care what they did as long as they didn't interrupt her helping her boyfriend. So she ignored them, focusing instead on Scott's giant, five-inch-in-diameter balls as they swayed with each thrust. The pain subsided as Scott's cock started contracting along its length. Being this hung was an absolute treat: his balls were tugging on his pussy lips, his dick was wonderfully sensitive along its entire length, and it was a thrill to feel just how huge it was as it followed the curvature of his gravid taur belly. This was so wrong, so over-the-top erotic, but it felt so fucking good! A deep blush traveled down the front of his neck as he realized he was about to blow his load in public, but it was too late. Turning to the married couple, Felicia yelled, "Clear the blast zone!" They looked at each other, grinned, and then shook their heads. "Suit yourself!" Felicia stroked faster and harder, watching as her boyfriend's cock squirmed, the tip shooting those ropes of cum like a sprinkler. The married couple welcomed Scott's Tail-Virus-infected seed with open mouths while holding hands. Scott's pussy, completely unprompted, climaxed right along with his dick, fluids splashing against the underside of his tail and spilling down his sac. The rhythmic clenching back there sent waves of bliss and tingling warmth throughout his whole body. His prick was sparking sharp jolts of pleasure and he was screeching, caught between the two very different orgasms. He'd never cum from his dick like this, it just kept going, unloading a truly embarrassing amount of jizz. Throughout the whole orgasm, Felicia kept stroking his dick. She couldn't help but grin as she felt Scott's new main cannon fire over and over. His forelegs cracked and popped, the joints finishing forming while he was coming down from his release. The Onlookers gasped when he started stepping back and forth on them Seeing that his forelegs could move, Felicia grabbed a napkin off a nearby table, letting the silverware wrapped in it clatter to the tabletop before using it to wipe off her hands. As she did so, she heard groans from the newlyweds. The guy's belly was swelling outwards, about to pop the buttons on his tuxedo while the woman's face was getting covered in deep blue scales and her growing cock made a tent in her wedding dress. "Oh shit!" Scott grimaced as precum wet the front of the bride's dress, her tapered dick pulsing larger with each passing second. "They practically dove for it. Not your fault." Felicia patted his side. "They did?" Scott's brow furrowed. "Yep! Let's get home before you end up laying your eggs in public too." Felicia grabbed hand and tugged him in the direction of their apartment. END OF PART 1 I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons: AJ, Arkona Kothe, Longhauler, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!